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Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam
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==Link to Audio==
==='Description: Miracle of nithyananda by HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 07 apr 2011'===
Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām
Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām
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I welcome you all with My love and respects. Today, auspicious day of the beginning of the Chittirai Brahmotsavam - the divine ceremony of Meenakshi’s marriage and coronation; Meenakshi goes for digvijaya, wins; destroys all the negative enemies and gets coronated and conquers the world; destroys all the negativity and gets coronated and marries Sundareshwara chokkanatha Mahadeva kalyaanaikku karumbootti, karunaaraikku ubadhesithu, karukuruvikku jnanam thandhu, pittukku man sumandhu, viragu vitru, dharumikku porkizhi thandhu, baananai vaadhil vendru, panrikuttikku paal koduthu, vaigai aatrai adaithu, nariellaam pariyaakki, kizhadugalai ilasaaki, ellaam valla siddharaai eesane vandhirangi maduraiyil seidha leelaiellam indrum ivvudalaai velippadattum.
Let’s enter into today’s sutras. I am continuing on yesterday’s sutra ‘Out of body experience’.
Bandha-kaarana-shaithilyat prachara-samvedanat cha chittasya para-shariraveshah.
Today I will add some of the references from Hatha yoga’s, hatha yoga literatures. Hatha yoga literatures are vast. Hatha yoga sutra forms... hatha yoga pradipika forms a base but there are lot of methods and techniques talking on the different process to unclutch from the body. One of the unique contribution of hatha yoga to the humanity is, they infuse right ideas into your system about your body. When the right ideas are infused, handling all your diseases, creating health, maintaining the health and awakening extraordinary powers of your body becomes very easy. Please understand, having right idea really means a lot.
Just few days before some wrote a abusive email to us saying “you are a swami an enlightened person. Why are talking about wealth. You are not supposed to conduct programs on wealth”. We have a research study. I wanted to present to you. Maybe on the eN wealth program, in the eN wealth program I will present in a very detailed way. The research and study done in U.S - your religion and wealth is very closely associated... so many studies. But finally they end with a question mark ‘still we are not able to demystify exact reasons and ideas why this community continuously creates and maintains wealth.’ I thought that is where I am coming. I will demystify in this eN wealth program.
First thing, the mental setup you carry plays a major role in your wealth and health. That is why an enlightened Master is needed to speak about wealth. Many of these researches are giving a deep understanding that religion and your faith plays a major role in your wealth; whether you being wealthy or poor. In these two days the main theme, core, is going to be creating a mental setup to attract and maintain wealth. See basically all Indian kids, whether inside India or outside India; if you are a middle aged Indian you are infused with a fanaticism about education. You give up everything. He is fanatic about education. But a middle aged Indian is not fanatic about wealth. I want you guys to know another one important thing. A middle aged Indian living in India, wealth is more or less like a fluke or a fortune. They don’t believe it is a science. That is the biggest flaw. We don’t believe it is a science. You go through this kind of systems, you will create. NO. It is just fluke. Either become a assistant of some corrupt politician and become benaami to him; you will become wealthy. Or grab somebody’s property. It is more or less like a fluke. Or sit and pray for some lottery to fall on your head. It’s almost like a fluke. That’s a big problem.
I will give you the exact mental setup necessary to create and celebrate wealth. I don’t even want to use the word maintain. Maintenance word is almost loaded, kind of a weight, heavy. Celebrate wealth! Create and celebrate wealth! Anyhow let us understand the mental setup for wealth in eN Wealth program. Now let me come to the eN Health. You need to know your body is a mechanism which you can make it alive, you can increase the speed, reduce the speed, even switch it off; but keep your body alive. You have the freedom to increase the speed, decrease the speed, maintain the speed or switch it off; means switch off the vehicle but body will be alive. You have the tremendous freedom. There are some techniques created, installed. When I use the word installed, kind of a belief system or understanding need to be installed in your system before these techniques work on you.
See yesterday I was talking about how to completely un-clutch from your nervous system and use it. When Raghupati yogi taught this to me, just like that it brought results in me. But when I am teaching you it takes time, days. Why? The problem is, the basic ideas about the body and mind is installed into me by Raghupati yogi. It’s almost like a giving a satellite connection, set top box and everything. After that opening certain channels and closing certain channels is a easy job. So, hatha yoga is able to do the job of installing right understanding about your body in you; about your nervous system in you.
I think in the education system of new man this should be a complete syllabus. ‘Understanding your body, understanding your mind’ - It should be one subject completely. If I am allowed to design a syllabus for new man, one subject, first subject will be ‘Understanding your body and mind’. This will be the basic theory. In that, the second selective, you can select ‘Extraordinary experiences’ or ‘Extraordinary powers’. That will be elective; you can choose. And the second subject will be ‘Understanding society and family’. Please understand, this will be second subject: ‘Understanding society and family’ - people with whom you work. When I say the word ‘family’ I mean the blood family or the team with which you work in your office, in your profession. This is what I call family; group with which you live, you spend your time. So this should be another one subject. In that elective will be ‘Wealth’ or ‘Power’.
If you are interested in working on the line of wealth you need certain kind of a mental setup and understanding to handle the people who are around you and the society. You need to create people who have respect for wealth so that they will be loyal to you. You can keep them loyal to you by sharing the wealth. Same way if you are interested in power you should create people who are interested in power and you should go on sharing power with them so that they will be loyal to you. And you should understand the segment of the society which works on power. Along with power certain responsibilities come. You should be able to be honest about the responsibility and commitment so that you can create power and cherish power and the family you gather around you also enjoys power. You share power with them.
A third subject should be ‘Understanding cosmos and celebrating its presence’. I can say this three subject should be the basic curriculum for new man. Fortunately the right ideas have been put inside me. Still I remember, every year next day to Maha Shivarathri in my native place there used to be a ceremony for the Devi. They call it ‘angalamman’ a incarnation of Devi Annapoorani. People will pray to her and perform certain kind of a penance like poking the needles in their cheek, in their back. I used to wonder how they don’t have any pain. I asked Raghupathi yogi. He taught me very beautifully the whole science.
He was explaining which points of your body will have sensitive pain experiences, which points of your body does not have pains. Understand, you never remember your back whole day. Only rarely you remember your back. You always remember your face. So the back becomes insensitive to all your pains. It is there, it is just running with you because it cannot become independent; like a connected train bogies. It is not that they want to be with you. Because they are already hooked they have to be with you, they are with you. But consciously because you don’t live with them continuously they do not feel the pain. I realized all the poking; majority is done in the back only. They will tie the lemon fruit in the back.
And another one important knack he taught me. When the high sound is created rhythmically by beating the skin, understand skin, any animal skin if you beat and a high rhythmic sound is created your skin experiences the same vibration and becomes insensitive to pain and it opens up. I was shocked. Whatever he said exactly was true because the place where they poke the back they beat only the animal skin drums. They create sound only on the animal skin. He revealed a secret: the animal skin and your skin vibrates in same frequency. When that skin is beaten strongly your skin feels that blow, feels that vibration and it becomes insensitive to pain. So easily and not only that, a kind of a chemical happens below the skin, you don’t feel the pain. Just casually, like acupuncture they make holes in the skin and hang the lemon.
And one more important thing, when you are doing this kind of penance for some purpose, your whole system gets centered to that purpose. Not only you don’t experience pain and suffering, you achieve that purpose for which you are doing the penance, because your kundalini gets awakened for the self protection to protect yourself from the pain. But because your mind is centered on that one subject the whole kundalini rushes towards that subject - that purpose. For example if you are doing this penance for you to get well from a disease, your whole kundalini rushes towards healing that disease and you get healed. If you are doing it for the sake of wealth, your whole kundalini rushes towards that idea of wealth and you get wealth.
Another one strange penance is done in a place in Tamil Nadu called Valangaiman, that ceremony is called Paadakkavadi. Means if somebody dies in Indian villages they will create a special stretcher. It’s called paadai. They will make it out of bamboo and coconut leaf and tie it with coconut fiber ritualistically and the dead body will be put on that, garlands will be put. Four people or eight people - certain relatives, cousins, they all will carry that body from house to the burial ground. It is supposed to be very inauspicious. You will be surprised, but during the festival in that temple, Devi temple, all the people who prayed to the Devi will enact the same ritual. They will lie down like a dead body and the stretcher, traditional stretcher will be created. People will carry them all around the temple, even inside the temple and after that they will get up and do all the prayers and offerings to the Devi, rituals. And you will be surprised every year 1000s of people do this ritual. It’s a traditional way of doing death meditation. Only once if you sincerely do the death meditation, one strand of your DNA gets awakened. What will happen? Majority of the diseases you have will be healed and cured.
Our masters are so intelligent! If they ask you to do this death meditation as a meditation process you will not do. You will say ‘No, no, no, I am busy with this work, that work.’ They made it like a ritual. Pray to the Devi, do this process, you will become all right. I myself have seen with my own eyes, people walked out of the cancer after doing this ceremony. The Devi is called Valangaiman Paadakatti Maariyamman; very powerful deity. If you unclutch from your body once completely and connect again, it is almost like a rebooting. Many things which did not open will open up. In computer if you are… if it is stuck or hung, how you do… just switch off and reboot. The same thing! If you unclutch and connect with the body again, the whole nervous system, suddenly in that half an hour, so many diseases which you had will disappear, will be cured, healed. This is the basic science on which this sutra is functioning. That’s the same science in Valangaiman they use.
Even I suggest to many people who come to me with cancer. I tell them ‘do this Paadakatti ritual, you will come out’ and I have seen people getting healed; coming out. But the big problem is this so called cultured people are afraid. They thing ‘Ehh it is such a cheap ritual.’ It is not cheap. It is a high intelligent penance. Lying down as a dead body and literally they will do the ceremony. All the relatives will sit around and cry and lift that stretcher and go round the temple with all the fire pot and the traditional village death drums and they will tie your mouth just like how the dead body’s legs are tied, legs and hands are tied, mouth is tied. Same way. But they will allow you to breathe, that is different. But for that one hour you almost feel you are a dead body. I have seen many people really switch off and on - experience outer body experience and recover from many diseases become healthy.
This Inner Awakening I am going to prove, just only one process of death meditation, one process of death meditation, one strand of DNA will be awakened in them - just one process. That is based on this sutra only. If you know how to unclutch and reboot, your whole system and energy will be awakened; that’s all.
I wanted to give you a technique based on hatha yoga sutras but you have to be very careful while you perform this technique. Take the needle, the edge of your finger where the skin is very thick… please understand it is a very sensitive technique. I will at least put it on record. Maybe I am warning you… don’t do it without my direct attention. See, edge of your finger’s the skin will be thick. Poke the needle in that skin without bleeding, very slowly, not inside the nail. Please understand, not inside the nail; not between nail and the skin. The thick skin which is on the tip of the finger, very slowly poke, and with closed eyes feel from which point to which point you feel the pain and fear. Please understand there will be two experience. One - pain because of poking, fear - you may have bleeding or other problems.
Please understand I am putting it on record. I want you to know, don’t practice unless there is a direct supervision by me. I don’t want you guys to go and poke your hands and legs here and there and come up with some bleeding and law suits. Relax! No! I am putting it on the record so that the technology is preserved. When you poke on each finger tip, certain part of your body will feel pain and the fear. For example when you poke on the index finger you will have pain and fear in the shoulder region. When you poke on the middle finger, you will have the fear and the pain during the… in the stomach region. Each finger will create pain and fear in different parts of your body. Do samyama on that. Where it is creating fear? Where it is creating pain? And with each finger poking, you will have strange emotions. That is why this massage therapy works so much, because each part of the body if you relax, that emotion that engram will be relaxed. This is the science of acupuncture also. You needed to study this with deep samyama and awareness. This will give you the right idea about the body and how unclutching from the body helps you.
Maybe I will make a clear table and present it to you all. With each finger and the emotion and clear idea about the body I can do one thing. All the basic ideas you need to have about your body, the right ideas, I will make it like a clear instruction from hatha yoga literatures and post it on the website. There are some 50 ideas. What is skin? What is blood? How your food and blood is related? How your food and skin is related? How your food and saliva is related? How your emotion and these nine pashanas of your body… body fluids are related? Because each emotion will secrete one body fluid. I will make this as a list and post it to you all so that you can understand this mental setup helps you to unclutch and reboot.
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Let me finish the… complete the technique. While you poke, just do samyama on the spot where you feel the pain and the fear and unclutch from that emotions. You will unclutch from that nerve, you will unclutch from that nerve. If you poke all over your back with a right trained person your whole kundalini will be awakened.
I can tell you, if somebody with a ideas of enlightenment for the sake of enlightenment does the ritual of that poking lemon fruits; means they will actually poke with a needle and in that needle there will be thread and lemon fruit. They will tie it. Practically 108 lemon will be hanging in your back. 108 times they will poke. If somebody does this ritual for health, they will have health. If they do it for enlightenment, I can promise your kundalini will be reaching towards enlightenment. Because it awakens a very powerful experience in you; very crude form it may look like. It is a highly sensitive scientific intelligent form of tapas. My ancestors - they are intelligent.
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Every year even now I can say at least 25000 people in Tiruvannamalai alone go through this ceremony; every amavasya sorry every Shivarathri. Next day to Shivarathri they will do this ritual. 25000 people go through this ritual. But they all go through for health, for wealth, for different reason - but they get it. Understand, they get it. That is why next year again another 25000 people go through. They get it. Maybe I will bring those people who do that ritual and train some of these guys to go through that for enlightenment. Once I went through; not 108 lemon, but 21 Vel, the weapon of Subrahmanya - Muruga. Raghupathi yogi did it for me. He did it on my kurma nadi and all other different nadis; just 25 I think. He did it to awaken certain nadis to make me free from normal pain and… to teach unclutching to me. It’s possible it helps. But only thing you should do that poking with samyama so that you can unclutch from your nervous system and experience the outer body experience, connect again and operate with your body.
==Link to Audio==
==='Description:  Out Of Body Exprience Patanjali Yoga Sutras by HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 07 apr 2011'===
Maybe within next one month I will get the right person from Tiruvannamalai and do that ceremony here in the ashram and give you guys the report. That will be helping all of you. Maybe in this Inner Awakening, 108 you guys may not be able to sustain or stand… maybe 10 or 11 lemons - I will do it. Of course if you are willing!! Don’t worry. This can be a very powerful way to teach you unclutching, to teach you unclutching. I really wanted to revive these two ceremonies - the ceremony of paadakatti means the death ritual, enacting the death ritual, and this poking the lemon in the back. These two will teach you guys the science of this sutra, make you experience this sutra - how the unclutching leads to healing and outer body experience like rebooting, leading to outer body experience.
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So the essence of the technique I want to share with you is poke the thick part of your finger tip with a small needle and feel where all you feel the pain and the fear and other emotions like anxiety or any other emotions. Do samyama on that emotions and feelings and unclutch from that emotions and feelings and that area. You will be unclutching from many nervous system. You will just click, learn the technique of how to unclutch from those nervous systems. This is the method to experience outer body experience as well as learning to unclutch from certain nervous systems and loosening your attachment to the nervous systems. Drinking orange juice during this process will help you a lot. If you take the fresh orange juice before doing this process you will have the high awareness and alertness to this pain and to do this samyama. And even if you smash orange juice on your skin and the hand before you do this process it will help you. Again I wanted to warn I am putting this technique on record but do not try on your own unless there is a direct supervision by me. If you are trying it on your own, it’s your risk; you are taking risk on your own - just wanted to put it on record.
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I bless you all. I bless you all. Let all of us experience, achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share the eternal bliss, Nithyananda.
Thank you.
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==Link to Audio==
==='Description:  Understand Your Body TO Awaken Kundalini by HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 07 apr 2011'===
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===Materialization on Ugadi day at San Jose, USA ===
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Prayer. Welcome. Today is the auspicious day of the beginning of the Chitrai Brahmotsava the divine ceremony of Meenakshi’s marriage and coronation. Meenakshi goes for DigVijaya, wins destroys all enemies and negativity. She emerges victorious! And then gets coronated and marries Sundareswara, Chokkanadha, Mahadeva! I blessed San Jose that they will get Kumkum on Meenakshi’s paadukaas and they got it! so Meenakshi’s presence is there in San Jose! Not only that I will paly as Ellamala Siddhar in San Jose! All these 10 days everyday you will have kumkum from Devi’s feet! Continuously kumkum will come. From my paaduka also kumkum will come to mark Meenakshi’s presence. So do the Brahmotsavam in San Jose. We will build a huge beautiful Meenakshi temple in San Jose. Not only that all kind of miracles will happen in San Jose. As you all may be aware, Dhyanapeetam cherishes a special connection with Meenakshi! Today 12:30 pm IST we will be having flag hoisting which you can see live on eNtv. Continuously next 10 days we will have the Brahmotsavam celebrating Devi going around all the 3 worlds, getting coronated and getting married to Mahadevi..Sundareswar coming down to earth and doing all the leelas as the omnipotent Siddha.
I am continuing on yesterday’s sutra - Out of Body Experience!
145th Patanjali Yoga Sutras, 3rd chapter 39th verse
Bandha karaana saitilyaath prachaara samvedanaacha chithasya para sareera aveshaha
Today I will add some of the references from Hata Yoga literatures which are vast. Hata Yoga Pradeepika forms the base but there are lot of methods & techniques talking on the different processes to unclutch from the body! one of the unique contribution of Hata Yoga to the humanity is they infuse right ideas into your system about your body. when the right ideas are infused, handling all your diseases, creating health, maintaining the health & awakening extraordinary powers of your body becomes very easy. Please understand, having right idea really means a lot. Just few days before some fools wrote an abusive emails to us saying you are a Swami and enlightened person why are you speaking on wealth? We have a research study done in the U.S. which states that your religion & wealth is very closely associated. They have given an elaborate statistics why the Jews are always wealthy, why the 7th day Adventists are always poor, why the catholics and protestants are middle class. They end with the question mark still we are not able to demystify exact reasons and ideas why some communities create & maintain wealth. I thought I will demystify in this eNwealth program.
First thing the mental set up you carry plays a major role in your wealth and health. That is why an enlightened master is needed to speak on wealth. Many of these researches speak about religion playing a major role in creating wealth. The whole eNwealth program will be all about creating the right mental set up for creating and maintaining wealth. The basic Indian mental set up is to create education. You become a beggar to accumulate education. For a person to complete M.B.B.S it takes at least one or two crore in India. After that, they will be sitting in some small town and whole month they may be making max. average 25,000/- but if they put that 2 crore in the bank, only average 2 lakh you can earn. But our mental set up is that we are fanatic about education. Of course that has positive effects also – less drug problems, almost zero gangster activities in the Western countries. But the drawback is our kids study so well and they take away all the ranks and posts and other country kids are jealous of us. A middle aged Indian is fanatic about education. A middle aged Indian is not fanatic about wealth. A middle age Indian living in India wealth is more or less by fluke or fortune. They don’t believe it is a science. That is the biggest flaw. That is the big problem. I will give you the exact mental set up necessary to create & celebrate wealth. I don’t even want to use the word maintain – this word is almost loaded and heavy. I will say create and celebrate wealth!
Now coming back to the eNhealth, you need to know your body is the mechanism which you can make it alive, you can increase the speed, reduce the speed or even switch it off but can keep your body alive. You have the freedom to increase the speed, decrease the speed, maintain the speed or switch it off but body will still be alive. You have the tremendous freedom! There are some techniques created, installed – when I use the word installed – I mean it is a kind of a belief system or understanding need to be installed in your system before these techniques work on you. Yesterday I was talking about how to completely unclutch from your nervous system and use it. when Raghupati Yogi taught me, just like that it became results. But when I am teaching you, it takes days why? The point is the ideas that Raghupati Yogi infused in me was like installing the right understanding of my body. Hata yoga can do this in you. installing right understanding about your nervous system in you. I think in the education syllabus for the new man, you should have a complete new science of understanding your body and your mind. I will design a new syllabus – understanding your body and mind as the basic. Then I will have elective subject where you can choose extraordinary body and mind. Then the 2nd subject will be understanding society and family – the blood related family or the team or people with whom you work in office or your system. The group with whom you live and spend your life. In this subject elective will be to choose wealth or power. If you choose wealth, you need to create people who will be loyal to you and you can share wealth with them so that they will be loyal to you. Same way, if you choose power, you need to create people who will be loyal to you and you can share power with them so that they will be loyal to you and you should understand the segment of society who understands power. You should also be able to be honest and responsible for the commitments which come with power so that you create and cherish power. You share power with family which gathers around you. the 3rd subject will be understanding cosmos and celebrating its presence. I can say these 3 subjects should be basic curriculum for the new man. Fortunately, the right ideas have been put inside me.
Still I remember every year, the day after Maha Shivarathri there is a ceremony called Angaalam for Devi, an incarnation of Devi – Annapurni. People will pray to her and perform a kind of a penance like poking needles in their cheek, in their back. I used to wonder how they don’t have pain. I asked Raghupati Yogi. He taught me the whole science very beautifully. He was explaining which points of your body will have sensitive pain experiences, which part of your body does not have pains. Understand you never remember your back whole day. You rarely remember it. you only remember your face. So your back is insensitive to all your pains. It is there and running because it is connected to you. it is just like train boggies. It is attached to you and that is why it is running with you. Consciously because you don’t live with them continuously they will not share the pain. I realized all the poking is done in the back only. Another important knack he taught me, when the high sound is created rhythmically by beating an animal skin, your skin experiences the same vibration and becomes insensitive to pain and your skin just opens up. When the needle is poked on the back, they beat only drums on the animal skin. He revealsed a great secret the animal skin and your skin  is at the same frequency and when that skin is beated wildly, your skin also reacts and a chemical happens below the skin and you don’t feel the pain. Like acupuncture they make holes below the skin in the back and hang the lemon.
And one more imp thing, when you are doing this kind of penance for some purpose, your whole system gets centered to that purpose. Not only you don’t experience pain & suffering, you achieve the purpose for which you are doing that. But your kundalini is awakened to protect your pain but becos your mind is focused on that purpose, your whole kundalini rushes towards tghat purpose and you attain the purpose. If you are doing it for health, your whole kundalini rushes for health and you get health. If you are doing it for wealth, your whole kundalini rushes for wealth and you get wealth. There is another strange ceremony done in Tamil Nadu. If somebody dies, they will make a bamboo bed tied with coconut fiber. Dead body is put on that and 4 or 8 people family will carry that body from the house to the burial ground. It is supposed to be inauspicious. You will be surprised during the festival in the Devi temple, they will enact this scene. People will lie as if dead on the bamboo, people will carry them around the temple and even inside the temple. Then they will get up and offer special rituals to Devi. 1000s of people do this rituals. Only once if you sincerely do the death meditation, 1 strand of your DNA will be awakened and majority of your diseases will get cured. Our masters are very intelligent. If they tell straight, people will not do this practice. So they tell do this ritual to Devi you will get what you want. I have seen people walk out of cancers after doing this ceremony!
If you unclutch from your body once completely and connect again, it is almost like rebooting. Many things which did not open before, will re-open. If you unclutch and connect with the body again the whole nervous system, suddenly so many diseases you had will disappear, cured, healed. This is the basic science on which this sutra is functioning. This is the same ritual they do in that place also. I tell people who suffer with disease to that penance. But educated people think it is cheap. It is not cheap. It is a high intelligent penance. A person lying down as if dead. Literally they will do as if that person is dead. All relatives will be crying, they will go around with the fire and pot, they will tie your mouth just like how a dead body’s legs & hands are tied. They will go around. I have seen many people really switch off & on in this process! They experience outer body experience and recover from many diseases. Become healthy. This Inner Awakening I am going to prove just with one process of death meditation, one strand of DNA will be awakened in them. that is based on this sutra only. If you know how to unclutch and reboot your whole system’s energy will be awakened. That’s all!
I wanted to give you a technique based on Hata Yoga Sutras. But you have to be very careful when you perform this. It is a very sensitive technique. Don’t do it without my direct attention. Take a needle. At the edge of your finger, poke the needle into the thick skin which is on the tip of the finger not on the nail – very slowly poke and with closed eyes feel from which point to which point you feel the pain & fear. There will be 2 exp – 1. Pain because of poking, 2. Fear that you may bleed there or in other parts. Please understand do not do this without my direct attention. I am sharing this to put it on record.
When you poke on each finger tip, certain parts of your body will feel pain and fear. For example if you poke on the index finger you will have pain and fear in the shoulder region, middle finger – stomach region. Each finger will create pain & fear in diff parts of the body. do samyama on that – where is the pain happening, fear happening. And with each finger you will have strange emotions coming up. That is why this massage therapy is so relaxing. This is the science of acupuncture also. you need to study this with deep awareness. This will give you right idea of the body and how unclutching from the body helps you. may be I will create a table and present it to you all. All the basic ideas you need to have about your body the right ideas I will make it like a clear instructions from Hata Yoga and post it on the website. There are at least 50 ideas – what is skin, what is blood, how your food & skin, blood is related. How your food & saliva is related. How your emotions and the 9 pashanas are related because each emotion secretes on body fluid.
I will make this as a list and post it to you all so that we can understand this mental set up helps you to unclutch & reboot. Let me complete the technique. While you poke with the needle, just do samyama on the spot where you feel the pain & the fear and unclutch from that emotions, you will unclutch from that nerve. If you poke all over your back, with the right trained person, your whole kundalini will be awakened! I can tell you if somebody with the ideas of enlightenment for the sake of enlightenment does the ritual of poking and then hanging lemons practically 108 lemons will be poked. If somebody does this for sake of health, they will get health. If it is done for the sake of enlightenment then your kundalini will reach in the direction of enlightenment. This will awaken a very powerful way of kundalini awakening. It is a highly sensitive scientific form of tapas. Every year even now I can say at least 25K people in Tiruvannamalai alone go through this ritual after Shiva Raathri. They all go through for health & wealth and different reasons and they get it! May be I will bring those people who do those rituals and train some of these guys to go through for enlightenment. Once I went through not 108 lemons but 21. Raghupati Yogi did it on my korma naadi and all other naadis. He did it to awaken certain naadis to make me free from normal pain & to teach unclutching to me. it is possible. It helps. But only thing you should do that poking with samyama so that you can unclutch from your nervous system, experience the outer body experience, connect again and operate normally.  I will perform that ceremony in the Ashram and give you guys the report. That will help all of you. maybe in this Inner awakening we can have 10 or 11 lemons. I will do it of course if you are willing only! This can be a very powerful way to teach you unclutching. I really wanted to revive these 2 ceremonies – the ceremony of paada katti – enacting the death ritual and poking this lemon in the back. These 2 will teach you guys the science of this sutra. Make you experience this sutra. How the unclutching leads to healing and outer body experience like a rebooting.
So the essence of the technique I want to share with you is – poke the thick part of your finger tip with a small needle. Where ever you feel the pain, fear and other emotions like anxiety, do samyama on those emotions & feelings & unclutch from that emotions and feelings and pain. You will unclutch from many nervous systems. You will just learn how to unclutch from the nervous system. This will help you loosen your attachment to nervous system. Drinking orange juice during this process, it will help you a lot. If you drink fresh orange juice or smash orange juice on your skin it will help you have high awareness on the pain and other emotions during the process. Again I want to put it on record that you should not do this on your own. If you are doing it on your own, you are doing it at your own risk. Blessings!
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Latest revision as of 01:54, 14 August 2023


Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam

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Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām


I welcome you all with My love and respects. Today, auspicious day of the beginning of the Chittirai Brahmotsavam - the divine ceremony of Meenakshi’s marriage and coronation; Meenakshi goes for digvijaya, wins; destroys all the negative enemies and gets coronated and conquers the world; destroys all the negativity and gets coronated and marries Sundareshwara chokkanatha Mahadeva kalyaanaikku karumbootti, karunaaraikku ubadhesithu, karukuruvikku jnanam thandhu, pittukku man sumandhu, viragu vitru, dharumikku porkizhi thandhu, baananai vaadhil vendru, panrikuttikku paal koduthu, vaigai aatrai adaithu, nariellaam pariyaakki, kizhadugalai ilasaaki, ellaam valla siddharaai eesane vandhirangi maduraiyil seidha leelaiellam indrum ivvudalaai velippadattum.


Let’s enter into today’s sutras. I am continuing on yesterday’s sutra ‘Out of body experience’. Bandha-kaarana-shaithilyat prachara-samvedanat cha chittasya para-shariraveshah. Today I will add some of the references from Hatha yoga’s, hatha yoga literatures. Hatha yoga literatures are vast. Hatha yoga sutra forms... hatha yoga pradipika forms a base but there are lot of methods and techniques talking on the different process to unclutch from the body. One of the unique contribution of hatha yoga to the humanity is, they infuse right ideas into your system about your body. When the right ideas are infused, handling all your diseases, creating health, maintaining the health and awakening extraordinary powers of your body becomes very easy. Please understand, having right idea really means a lot.


Just few days before some wrote a abusive email to us saying “you are a swami an enlightened person. Why are talking about wealth. You are not supposed to conduct programs on wealth”. We have a research study. I wanted to present to you. Maybe on the eN wealth program, in the eN wealth program I will present in a very detailed way. The research and study done in U.S - your religion and wealth is very closely associated... so many studies. But finally they end with a question mark ‘still we are not able to demystify exact reasons and ideas why this community continuously creates and maintains wealth.’ I thought that is where I am coming. I will demystify in this eN wealth program.


First thing, the mental setup you carry plays a major role in your wealth and health. That is why an enlightened Master is needed to speak about wealth. Many of these researches are giving a deep understanding that religion and your faith plays a major role in your wealth; whether you being wealthy or poor. In these two days the main theme, core, is going to be creating a mental setup to attract and maintain wealth. See basically all Indian kids, whether inside India or outside India; if you are a middle aged Indian you are infused with a fanaticism about education. You give up everything. He is fanatic about education. But a middle aged Indian is not fanatic about wealth. I want you guys to know another one important thing. A middle aged Indian living in India, wealth is more or less like a fluke or a fortune. They don’t believe it is a science. That is the biggest flaw. We don’t believe it is a science. You go through this kind of systems, you will create. NO. It is just fluke. Either become a assistant of some corrupt politician and become benaami to him; you will become wealthy. Or grab somebody’s property. It is more or less like a fluke. Or sit and pray for some lottery to fall on your head. It’s almost like a fluke. That’s a big problem.


I will give you the exact mental setup necessary to create and celebrate wealth. I don’t even want to use the word maintain. Maintenance word is almost loaded, kind of a weight, heavy. Celebrate wealth! Create and celebrate wealth! Anyhow let us understand the mental setup for wealth in eN Wealth program. Now let me come to the eN Health. You need to know your body is a mechanism which you can make it alive, you can increase the speed, reduce the speed, even switch it off; but keep your body alive. You have the freedom to increase the speed, decrease the speed, maintain the speed or switch it off; means switch off the vehicle but body will be alive. You have the tremendous freedom. There are some techniques created, installed. When I use the word installed, kind of a belief system or understanding need to be installed in your system before these techniques work on you.


See yesterday I was talking about how to completely un-clutch from your nervous system and use it. When Raghupati yogi taught this to me, just like that it brought results in me. But when I am teaching you it takes time, days. Why? The problem is, the basic ideas about the body and mind is installed into me by Raghupati yogi. It’s almost like a giving a satellite connection, set top box and everything. After that opening certain channels and closing certain channels is a easy job. So, hatha yoga is able to do the job of installing right understanding about your body in you; about your nervous system in you.


I think in the education system of new man this should be a complete syllabus. ‘Understanding your body, understanding your mind’ - It should be one subject completely. If I am allowed to design a syllabus for new man, one subject, first subject will be ‘Understanding your body and mind’. This will be the basic theory. In that, the second selective, you can select ‘Extraordinary experiences’ or ‘Extraordinary powers’. That will be elective; you can choose. And the second subject will be ‘Understanding society and family’. Please understand, this will be second subject: ‘Understanding society and family’ - people with whom you work. When I say the word ‘family’ I mean the blood family or the team with which you work in your office, in your profession. This is what I call family; group with which you live, you spend your time. So this should be another one subject. In that elective will be ‘Wealth’ or ‘Power’.


If you are interested in working on the line of wealth you need certain kind of a mental setup and understanding to handle the people who are around you and the society. You need to create people who have respect for wealth so that they will be loyal to you. You can keep them loyal to you by sharing the wealth. Same way if you are interested in power you should create people who are interested in power and you should go on sharing power with them so that they will be loyal to you. And you should understand the segment of the society which works on power. Along with power certain responsibilities come. You should be able to be honest about the responsibility and commitment so that you can create power and cherish power and the family you gather around you also enjoys power. You share power with them.


A third subject should be ‘Understanding cosmos and celebrating its presence’. I can say this three subject should be the basic curriculum for new man. Fortunately the right ideas have been put inside me. Still I remember, every year next day to Maha Shivarathri in my native place there used to be a ceremony for the Devi. They call it ‘angalamman’ a incarnation of Devi Annapoorani. People will pray to her and perform certain kind of a penance like poking the needles in their cheek, in their back. I used to wonder how they don’t have any pain. I asked Raghupathi yogi. He taught me very beautifully the whole science.


He was explaining which points of your body will have sensitive pain experiences, which points of your body does not have pains. Understand, you never remember your back whole day. Only rarely you remember your back. You always remember your face. So the back becomes insensitive to all your pains. It is there, it is just running with you because it cannot become independent; like a connected train bogies. It is not that they want to be with you. Because they are already hooked they have to be with you, they are with you. But consciously because you don’t live with them continuously they do not feel the pain. I realized all the poking; majority is done in the back only. They will tie the lemon fruit in the back.


And another one important knack he taught me. When the high sound is created rhythmically by beating the skin, understand skin, any animal skin if you beat and a high rhythmic sound is created your skin experiences the same vibration and becomes insensitive to pain and it opens up. I was shocked. Whatever he said exactly was true because the place where they poke the back they beat only the animal skin drums. They create sound only on the animal skin. He revealed a secret: the animal skin and your skin vibrates in same frequency. When that skin is beaten strongly your skin feels that blow, feels that vibration and it becomes insensitive to pain. So easily and not only that, a kind of a chemical happens below the skin, you don’t feel the pain. Just casually, like acupuncture they make holes in the skin and hang the lemon.


And one more important thing, when you are doing this kind of penance for some purpose, your whole system gets centered to that purpose. Not only you don’t experience pain and suffering, you achieve that purpose for which you are doing the penance, because your kundalini gets awakened for the self protection to protect yourself from the pain. But because your mind is centered on that one subject the whole kundalini rushes towards that subject - that purpose. For example if you are doing this penance for you to get well from a disease, your whole kundalini rushes towards healing that disease and you get healed. If you are doing it for the sake of wealth, your whole kundalini rushes towards that idea of wealth and you get wealth.


Another one strange penance is done in a place in Tamil Nadu called Valangaiman, that ceremony is called Paadakkavadi. Means if somebody dies in Indian villages they will create a special stretcher. It’s called paadai. They will make it out of bamboo and coconut leaf and tie it with coconut fiber ritualistically and the dead body will be put on that, garlands will be put. Four people or eight people - certain relatives, cousins, they all will carry that body from house to the burial ground. It is supposed to be very inauspicious. You will be surprised, but during the festival in that temple, Devi temple, all the people who prayed to the Devi will enact the same ritual. They will lie down like a dead body and the stretcher, traditional stretcher will be created. People will carry them all around the temple, even inside the temple and after that they will get up and do all the prayers and offerings to the Devi, rituals. And you will be surprised every year 1000s of people do this ritual. It’s a traditional way of doing death meditation. Only once if you sincerely do the death meditation, one strand of your DNA gets awakened. What will happen? Majority of the diseases you have will be healed and cured.


Our masters are so intelligent! If they ask you to do this death meditation as a meditation process you will not do. You will say ‘No, no, no, I am busy with this work, that work.’ They made it like a ritual. Pray to the Devi, do this process, you will become all right. I myself have seen with my own eyes, people walked out of the cancer after doing this ceremony. The Devi is called Valangaiman Paadakatti Maariyamman; very powerful deity. If you unclutch from your body once completely and connect again, it is almost like a rebooting. Many things which did not open will open up. In computer if you are… if it is stuck or hung, how you do… just switch off and reboot. The same thing! If you unclutch and connect with the body again, the whole nervous system, suddenly in that half an hour, so many diseases which you had will disappear, will be cured, healed. This is the basic science on which this sutra is functioning. That’s the same science in Valangaiman they use.


Even I suggest to many people who come to me with cancer. I tell them ‘do this Paadakatti ritual, you will come out’ and I have seen people getting healed; coming out. But the big problem is this so called cultured people are afraid. They thing ‘Ehh it is such a cheap ritual.’ It is not cheap. It is a high intelligent penance. Lying down as a dead body and literally they will do the ceremony. All the relatives will sit around and cry and lift that stretcher and go round the temple with all the fire pot and the traditional village death drums and they will tie your mouth just like how the dead body’s legs are tied, legs and hands are tied, mouth is tied. Same way. But they will allow you to breathe, that is different. But for that one hour you almost feel you are a dead body. I have seen many people really switch off and on - experience outer body experience and recover from many diseases become healthy.


This Inner Awakening I am going to prove, just only one process of death meditation, one process of death meditation, one strand of DNA will be awakened in them - just one process. That is based on this sutra only. If you know how to unclutch and reboot, your whole system and energy will be awakened; that’s all.


I wanted to give you a technique based on hatha yoga sutras but you have to be very careful while you perform this technique. Take the needle, the edge of your finger where the skin is very thick… please understand it is a very sensitive technique. I will at least put it on record. Maybe I am warning you… don’t do it without my direct attention. See, edge of your finger’s the skin will be thick. Poke the needle in that skin without bleeding, very slowly, not inside the nail. Please understand, not inside the nail; not between nail and the skin. The thick skin which is on the tip of the finger, very slowly poke, and with closed eyes feel from which point to which point you feel the pain and fear. Please understand there will be two experience. One - pain because of poking, fear - you may have bleeding or other problems.


Please understand I am putting it on record. I want you to know, don’t practice unless there is a direct supervision by me. I don’t want you guys to go and poke your hands and legs here and there and come up with some bleeding and law suits. Relax! No! I am putting it on the record so that the technology is preserved. When you poke on each finger tip, certain part of your body will feel pain and the fear. For example when you poke on the index finger you will have pain and fear in the shoulder region. When you poke on the middle finger, you will have the fear and the pain during the… in the stomach region. Each finger will create pain and fear in different parts of your body. Do samyama on that. Where it is creating fear? Where it is creating pain? And with each finger poking, you will have strange emotions. That is why this massage therapy works so much, because each part of the body if you relax, that emotion that engram will be relaxed. This is the science of acupuncture also. You needed to study this with deep samyama and awareness. This will give you the right idea about the body and how unclutching from the body helps you.


Maybe I will make a clear table and present it to you all. With each finger and the emotion and clear idea about the body I can do one thing. All the basic ideas you need to have about your body, the right ideas, I will make it like a clear instruction from hatha yoga literatures and post it on the website. There are some 50 ideas. What is skin? What is blood? How your food and blood is related? How your food and skin is related? How your food and saliva is related? How your emotion and these nine pashanas of your body… body fluids are related? Because each emotion will secrete one body fluid. I will make this as a list and post it to you all so that you can understand this mental setup helps you to unclutch and reboot.


Let me finish the… complete the technique. While you poke, just do samyama on the spot where you feel the pain and the fear and unclutch from that emotions. You will unclutch from that nerve, you will unclutch from that nerve. If you poke all over your back with a right trained person your whole kundalini will be awakened. I can tell you, if somebody with a ideas of enlightenment for the sake of enlightenment does the ritual of that poking lemon fruits; means they will actually poke with a needle and in that needle there will be thread and lemon fruit. They will tie it. Practically 108 lemon will be hanging in your back. 108 times they will poke. If somebody does this ritual for health, they will have health. If they do it for enlightenment, I can promise your kundalini will be reaching towards enlightenment. Because it awakens a very powerful experience in you; very crude form it may look like. It is a highly sensitive scientific intelligent form of tapas. My ancestors - they are intelligent.


Every year even now I can say at least 25000 people in Tiruvannamalai alone go through this ceremony; every amavasya sorry every Shivarathri. Next day to Shivarathri they will do this ritual. 25000 people go through this ritual. But they all go through for health, for wealth, for different reason - but they get it. Understand, they get it. That is why next year again another 25000 people go through. They get it. Maybe I will bring those people who do that ritual and train some of these guys to go through that for enlightenment. Once I went through; not 108 lemon, but 21 Vel, the weapon of Subrahmanya - Muruga. Raghupathi yogi did it for me. He did it on my kurma nadi and all other different nadis; just 25 I think. He did it to awaken certain nadis to make me free from normal pain and… to teach unclutching to me. It’s possible it helps. But only thing you should do that poking with samyama so that you can unclutch from your nervous system and experience the outer body experience, connect again and operate with your body.


Maybe within next one month I will get the right person from Tiruvannamalai and do that ceremony here in the ashram and give you guys the report. That will be helping all of you. Maybe in this Inner Awakening, 108 you guys may not be able to sustain or stand… maybe 10 or 11 lemons - I will do it. Of course if you are willing!! Don’t worry. This can be a very powerful way to teach you unclutching, to teach you unclutching. I really wanted to revive these two ceremonies - the ceremony of paadakatti means the death ritual, enacting the death ritual, and this poking the lemon in the back. These two will teach you guys the science of this sutra, make you experience this sutra - how the unclutching leads to healing and outer body experience like rebooting, leading to outer body experience.


So the essence of the technique I want to share with you is poke the thick part of your finger tip with a small needle and feel where all you feel the pain and the fear and other emotions like anxiety or any other emotions. Do samyama on that emotions and feelings and unclutch from that emotions and feelings and that area. You will be unclutching from many nervous system. You will just click, learn the technique of how to unclutch from those nervous systems. This is the method to experience outer body experience as well as learning to unclutch from certain nervous systems and loosening your attachment to the nervous systems. Drinking orange juice during this process will help you a lot. If you take the fresh orange juice before doing this process you will have the high awareness and alertness to this pain and to do this samyama. And even if you smash orange juice on your skin and the hand before you do this process it will help you. Again I wanted to warn I am putting this technique on record but do not try on your own unless there is a direct supervision by me. If you are trying it on your own, it’s your risk; you are taking risk on your own - just wanted to put it on record.


I bless you all. I bless you all. Let all of us experience, achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share the eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you.



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Materialization on Ugadi day at San Jose, USA