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Cosmic principle of Physics, Chemistry and Biology of Universe explained || Day 7 of Rajarajeshwari Brahmotsavam celebrated at Nithyananda Aadheenam ||
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, expounded on the Cosmic Principle [[Physics Chemistry, Biology Of The Cosmos]] in today’s live public address - [[Nithyananda Satsang]]. His Divine Holiness (HDH) revealed that the landing on the [[Moon]] is a lie. He revealed the [[Blind Spots]] of modern science and referred to [[Vedas]], [[Agamas]] and [[Hiranyagarbha]], further describing the qualities of a [[Vegetarian]] brain and a method to [[Detox]] using [[Ghee]] and [[Nirahara Samyama]]. His Divine Holiness als shared [[Infinity]] theories, describing the connection between [[Ganga]] and [[Sadashiva]] and explained the [[Gayatri]] [[Initiation]].
Today, celebrations were held for Day 7 of [[Rajarajeshwari Brahmotsavam]] at [[Nithyananda Peetham]], Bengaluru Aadheenam.
==Link to Video: ==  
==Link to Video: ==  
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4iYzgGKmNw |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2018-02feb-26_revelations-about-biology-chemistry-physics-from-the-vedic-tradition"/>
nithyānandeśvara mahāsadāshiva samārambhām
nithyānandeśvari ādishakti madhyamām |
asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||
I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangis, sitting with us all over the world.
Yesterday I open up few statements about what is happening in last few days. The physics circuits, chemistry circuits, biology circuits - these are the three words I used yesterday. Circuit means, that energy current which makes some unique happening as reality which can be produced on any living consciousness including sthavara and jangama. Listen. In Hindu tradition, plants which does not move but grow, stones which do not move or grow, even all of them considered to be conscious. Please understand, frequency of the consciousness is different but all of them are also considered to be conscious. So the circuit, means a energy map which makes certain happenings, which can be reproduced in any living consciousness.
Now let me come to the word physics, chemistry, biology. Listen. When I use the word “physics,” I mean reality, means which is happening. Biology means a resource from which this is happening. Chemistry means action or reaction which makes this to happen. Listen. Physics is happening. Biology is the resource from which it is happening. Chemistry is the action or reaction which is responsible for this happening. Physics means you are manifesting a power. The power is manifesting. That is physics. Biology means the resource, the consciousness from which you manifest the powerful cognition. That resource is biology - you. Chemistry means when that powerful cognition manifest in you, the action and reaction which makes this power manifestation happen. Chemistry is the bridge between biology and physics. Physics circuit, chemistry circuit, biology circuit, all these three ... listen carefully. Physics circuit, chemistry circuit, biology circuit, all these three fields have been explored by our ancient Masters, our great Visionaries. Science of all these circuits only is our Vedas and Agamas.
Actually I did not expect you guys to understand even one statement. And I am also very clear, I will be understood more and more only in course of time. I am way ahead of my time. Of course, all Visionaries have to be way ahead of their time. That is what is the definition of Visionary. And, all Visionaries have to be way ahead of their time. No other way. Because, it is vision that becomes mission. Much of my satsangs are neither news reading nor movie. It is just getting documented for the purpose of future. I am putting it in record, getting documented for the purpose of future research and development. Understand now, maybe this definition of physics, this definition of chemistry, this definition of biology is going to be analysed, researched for years. This is the definition of physics, chemistry, biology from the Cosmic perspective. From the perspective of the Cosmos. All happening is physics. All karana, reason, action and reaction for the happening is chemistry. The base in which both are happening, the resource, is biology.
Why it is call resource you know? It is the source which can be replenished. The source which need not be replenished will be called as source which is consciousness. The source, but not in its pure form which is replenished again and again is resource. Biology, biology is not pure consciousness. It is like source which need to be replenished again and again, which is replenished again and again. That is why I am using the word resource for biology. Now let me define exactly what is happening. I am seeing many circuits related to physics like how our Masters used aircrafts for interplanetary travel and interspace travel. And I wanted to tell, maybe sooner or later, science will prove nobody has, no human being has gone to moon. No one has gone to moon. It’s all story. No one has walk on moon. There is no air station outside the vali mandala, the breathing space of planet earth. Man as of now have not move out of the breathing space of planet earth. Let it be on record. Time, time will prove I am right.
The happening call physics, like battery of Agastya (अगस्त्य, Agastya), aircraft circuits of Bharadvaja (भरद्वाज, Bharadvāja) - all these are opening up, getting downloaded. One of the first thing I saw - many of the blind spots, the so-called modern science is not able to solve, all those questions and that answers are coming up. I am seeing like a conscious bubble - how that water bubbles come and open up. Like that the conscious bubbles coming up and opening up. I saw one unique circuit. It just like popped up in the brain and started moving all over the body. Understand when I am using this word, you should not understand as this brain and this body. You should understand as Cosmic brain, the Brahma, Hiranyagarbha (हिरण्यगर्भ, Hiraṇyagarbha), and moving in the whole Cosmos. The revelation when that movement was happening was, human beings do not know to store the electricity without reducing its intensity. Understand still human beings don’t know, to store electricity without reducing its intensity. It is still a blind spot for human beings. Because from the ancient text when they translated and try to grasped and grabbed, these guys who were trying to grab and grasp their brain was not that evolved. The brain groves were not that evolved, understand.
Only a brain grown in vegetarian body, when I say vegetarian body, at least last three-four generations the body should have been vegetarian. Understand. I am not trying to create any conflict. As a scientist I have to tell you the truth, if you are born from a family where hereditary vegetarians, you are the most blessed body. You have the best body for these kind of experiments. I am telling you, I am not trying to put others into depression and, I am not trying to put others into low mood and all that. When I need to reveal the truth, I have to reveal the truth. If you are born from a vegetarian family, at least where few generations they were all vegetarians and you are also a vegetarian; I tell you, if the Vedas are inserted into your system, the Agamic circuits are inserted into your system, without any blind spots it becomes reality.
These so-called grabbers, they did not have a patience to take few Brahmanas and make them teach; how, how our Brahmanas are such a sweet people, you give them food, they will teach you. I tell you, they would not have asked for royalty, but these dogs want to grasp and kill us, does not want to give the credit to us. That is where the whole problem is. If these dogs were just giving food, we would have taught everything. Cheap fellows. Cheap fellows. Stealing the knowledge and not giving water to that mouth. That is the way our knowledge has been stolen. Once a Brahmana has taught everything, he was just killed. You don’t know what our ancestors went through in the hands of knowledge thieves, and women thieves. The lusty dogs one side killing our Kshatriyas for our women, beautiful women and DNA. Knowledge thirsty thieves were literally killing our men Brahmins after taking the knowledge. But the fools did not have patience to grasp the whole thing.
If they had little patience ... our Brahmanas was so intelligent, even if somebody is non-vegetarian body, they would have trained that body, purify it with the pure ghee. I tell you, ghee smoke if you inhale, all the parasites of the non-vegetarian will leave your system. Ghee smoke. Burn ghee and rice and inhale that smoke, all the parasites built in your system due to non-vegetarian lifestyle will leave your system. We had amazing methodologies to cleanse the body, and anybody who burns the ghee and rice everyday and inhales that smoke will have the brain cleansed by all the non-vegetarian toxins and parasites. Their brain will become capable of developing subtle groves which can understand all these Cosmic circuits. These fools are not … I tell you ... all the royalty money and all the pride of being the source of education was snatched by our poor Brahmins, snatched from our poor Brahmins.
It is actually how you know? When a mother delivered a baby, she’s still in that ecstasy. Understand one more thing, the whole science of delivery - Sadashiva very clearly says, during delivery no organic body goes into coma. It is a lie taught to you. She actually becomes alive because she’s Devi at that time! Devi in action! Understand, biology, chemistry, physics of Devi - all three are act, at act action when she is delivering a baby! She can’t go into coma. It’s lies taught to us. When she is delivering a baby, she’s in ecstasy, and, thieves come and steal the baby before even letting her get down from her ecstasy and defend. That is the way knowledge was stolen from our simple naive Brahmanas. And, just we should not question them, that is the reason so much of atrocities against Brahmanas. This whole untouchability. What are they talking? Not a single documentation is there where Brahmana-Shudra war! Tell me a single documentation Brahmana-Shudra war! You can’t suppress a group forever and all!
Understand, the Para, the Ultimate ... of course, Vaidics call it Parabrahman. Vaishnavites call it Paramapada. Shaivites call it Parashiva. The Para! Para is the space from which all these ultimate is revealed, constantly released for downloading. Anybody which replenishes itself with the consciousness of Para - downloads; it is like a ... if you just pump the water from the ocean, you get the pearls, fishes, everything from the ocean. If you take your conscious inspiration from the Para ... understand, purpose of your existence, whatever you believe is purpose of your existence, that is Para for you. If you believe money is the purpose of your existence, you will sleep in that mood. That is your Para. That is what replenishes you. It’s called karana, Para Karana. For somebody, if the Cosmic consciousness is the Para for their existence, they get replenish eh … everyday when they sleep or fall into that space, they get replenished from that Para.
When that Para replenishing happens, the pearls, diamonds, everything which comes along with that is what the circuits I am revealing to all of you. Understand. If you suck the water from ocean, you will get pearls even sharks coming in that water. Same way, constantly when I replenish myself into that Para, the circuits of physics reality and circuits of chemistry reality and circuits of biology reality getting downloaded is what I am sitting and sharing with you all. I’ll first explains this whole happening, because this precise details I am giving are recorded in many of the puranas, in the shastras. Especially in the Naimisharanya (नैमिषारण्य, Naimiṣāraṇya), if you read the intimate conversations between Rishis - the questions-answers, Rishis asking questions and the senior Rishis answering, Acharyas answering; if you listen to all that, whatever now I am talking you will understand very precisely. 
These circuits of, aircraft circuits of Bharadvaja, battery circuits of Agastya, all that ... See, when I was seeing the battery circuit of Agastya, one of the important thing I saw getting downloaded. Soon I will establish in physics form means already chemistry has happened. Biology, it has come into the biology system, and the chemistry opening up has happened. Now I’ll do, I’ll make into reality as a physics. I tell you, the blind spot why human beings are not able to store the electricity without reducing its intensity, because their brain is not at all capable to understand the higher intensity does not need to be reduced for continuity. Listen. Non-veg brain knows only ups and downs. It cannot be in up continuously. Listen. Only a person who knows continuous up is possible, he can grasp without reducing that intensity-continuity is possible. Never a common brain understands intensity and continuity.
Infinity and continuity: some of the major … scientists and their theories I am debunking. E equal to not mc2 (E≠mc2), cannot be mc2. What is mc2? The difference between intensity and continuity. What is energy? What is matter? Matter is continuity, energy is intensity. mc: what you call as matter? Anything continue. What you call as energy? Anything intense. The intensity and continuity is separate for a non-veg crooked brain which has seen only ups and downs. Only a vegetarian brain which can retain the experiences continuously without losing the intensity can understand m and c is not mc. It is mc! Understand, brain which cannot grasp mc, calls as m and c. mcs cannot, mc cannot be squared because it is not m and c. Listen. Any up cannot continue is the root pattern of non-veg brain. Only a vegetarian brain, organic brain, which has grown organically can understand intensity and continuity are not, not only opposites, they are not two different things.
See, this western symbol of infinity itself (Swamiji showing the shape of horizontal eight with his rudraksha bracelet) is intensity and continuity’s conflict - ups and downs. Eastern symbol of infinity is this only (Swamiji showing a round shape with his rudraksha bracelet). Eastern symbol of infinity is Linga, Bindu ... this only, no ups and downs. Western symbol of infinity is this - ups and downs, conflict. Because intensity and continuity cannot be grasped by non-veg brain. Sometimes people try to tell me, “Ooh, in Vedic time also people were non-vegetarian.” Understand, by non-availability sometimes some groups might have eaten, that is recorded in the Vedic tradition but was, that was not a recommended food for anybody who wants to explore this science. So listen carefully. Intensity and continuity: now I have clearly said intensity is energy, continuity is matter. That’s all. It means all continuity is certain intensity and all intensity is certain continuity! All mc and all c is m! All c, even while they were c - m. All m, even while they were m - c.
Brain which can grasp intensity and continuity will not be two world or two experience or two definition; brain which can perceive intensity and continuity are not two separate - that brain can draw the circuit and handle electricity, store it without reducing its intensity. One more funny thing you need to know. Agastya puts a battery circuit. The funny thing is the initial charging of that battery has to be done by the person who makes it - his body, his bio current, bio energy. Whoever first programs that body, that battery body, after that it will function forever with that programming. If I believe energy and intensity are simultaneous happening, that way that battery will be charged. If I believe in my core, energy and intensity is separate and one has to be compromised for the other, it will be charged that way. It’ll continue to function in that way. Listen. Cognitions matter in circuit of physics, because ... chemistry of the physics functions by cognition.
One of the biggest stupidity modern day education is suffering is separation of the subjects. Instead of teaching the Oneness of the Universe, separation of the subject. In Ayurvedic tradition: if you go diagnosis, medicine, making medicine, pharmacist, everything - end to end one person. Go to allopathy: right eye separate person, left eye separate person, diagnosis separate person, studying the diagnosis and reporting to you is separate person, queue deduction is separate person, pharmacy is separate person, collecting the things needed for the medicine is separate person. Separation makes things more and more complicated. The whole modern education is fundamentally separation based. Unfortunately, maybe next ten years even our gurukul has to suffer that, because till I create the alternative mechanism as a living reality and make it, give the confidence. Hope I will not take ten years. I should not take ten years. But till then, they are also suffering with the modern education. Understand, if a child is taught chemistry is separate, english is separate, sacred arts is separate, geography is separate, biology is separate - you destroyed him. After that how much ever you teach him, you destroyed him.
You need to teach him the brain which downloads and understands all the circuit, which can cut across,
भूर्भुवः स्वः ।
भर्गो॑ दे॒वस्य॑धीमहि ।
धियो॒ यो नः॑ प्रचो॒दया॑त् ॥
bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ ।
bhargo devasyadhīmahi ।
dhiyo yo naḥ prachodayāt॥
Let me meditate on that energy which sharpens my intelligence. Thee which can cut across everything and reveal its revelations to me.
That is education. Sharpening thee, not dumping memory. Whole western education is expanding chitta. Whole eastern education is sharpening buddhi. Ability to download the circuits: modern education brainwashes a man about ability to download circuits. It says very clearly, you can excel if you collect memories, concepts, past experiences of one tradition - you can excel, understand. Excellence based education is Macaulay's. Acceleration based education is Sadashiva’s. You are constantly triggered, accelerated. Both are totally different, completely different.
Ability to see through, ability to accelerate yourself, ability to be realising mc is your state - no m, no c separately. Intensity and continuity is natural. See, whenever you get high, you always believe that is not going to be natural. You feel, “Okay, satsang I heard so I am in high. Maybe by tomorrow noon I will settle down then we will talk.” Even you tell that! You are so clear that intensity is not going to be continued, you believe it so strong and you want to confirm to that belief. Intensity is energy, continuity is matter. And the brain which is made to believe both are not one - suffers forever! This is what I call bipolar disorder. This is what is Cosmic bipolar disorder. If you are made to believe intensity and continuity are separate, that’s called Cosmic bipolar disorder. Which is not understand, this (Swamiji pointing to his mic), you call this as a matter because it is continuous. Naturally it does intensity. You call this sound as energy, because it comes and goes. But, you need to know that also has a continuity.
Continuity and intensity are not guna, they are svabhava. Guna is different. Svabhava is different. Attribute and attitude is different. Natural spontaneous existence is different. Attributing attitude: see, you attribute something to somebody, that’s call judging. He carries sometimes somethings and sometimes not that same things, that’s call attitude. What he carries which is impermanent is attitude. What you dump on him which is also impermanent is attribute. Attitude and attribute is guna. What others believe you carry or what you believe you carry for some time is call guna. If you go and read the Sanskrit dictionary, definition of the word “guna,” this is the precise definition. Svabhava means, even the deep sleep somebody slaps you and wakes you up - how you express you, that is svabhava. A spontaneous natural expressions “sva” “bhava.” Continuity is the svabhava of intensity, not attribute of intensity. Intensity is the svabhava of continuity, not attribute of one and other.
We’ll build Agastya’s battery. No, we’ll have to prove this because from whom you take Shaktipata matters. See, we’ll put two Agastya’s battery. One, a common man who believes intensity and continuity are not same, he puts his hand and charges through his bio energy, bio electricity. In another one battery I put, where I have cognised intensity and ka … continuity are one and the same, I put the hand and ener … energise it. This battery need to be recharged and this battery will never be ne ... never need to be recharged. Understand, listen, listen, listen! Even these circuits, when you read this Agastya’s battery, if your brain has cognised intensity and continuity are one and the same, that circuit will be completely revealed to you. A brain which has never cognise, if he reads the same circuit he will understand only that much. 
That is what is, right persons need to decode the shastras. Who comments, who initiates matters. From whom you receive Shaktipata matters. From whom you receive Shaktipata matters. Same copper, if it is touched by the brain which believes intensity and continuity are different, it’ll hold that energy - need to be recharged again and again once in twelve years. If it is touched by the brain which realises intensity and continuity are not two different. They’re svabhava are, of, of same space, it gets energised and radiates energy forever. No pratistha (प्रतिष्ठा, pratiṣṭhā), no visarjana is required after that. It becomes alive forever.
And the most beautiful thing I am seeing ... the biology which is the body, the ground on which everything is happening, you need to understand; that is why in Hindu tradition, geography is worship as biology - Bhuma Devi. All geography is revered as biology in Hindu tradition! All rivers, all hills, earth, everything is biology! Geography is biology in Hinduism. Body, in Sanskrit if you see ... the whole thing, the whole geography where things happened is name only as biology. Hill is a biology. River is a biology. Earth is a biology - Bhuma Devi. Whether in naming or glorifying or research and analysis, in any level - west never brings biology into the fantasy of geography. In Hindu tradition, always biology is the fantasy of geography. Understand, naming and faming is fantasy. Naming and shaming is judging. Naming and faming, I, I am repeating, listen! Naming and faming is fantasy. When we see the river, we name and fame Kaveri - biology. Naming and shaming is judging. So, throughout ... in Hindu tradition, always biology was considered as the fame of geography.
No, this satsang is not for watching once. You need to watch at least five-six times. Other than how to make atom bomb, I think I have spoken. I tell you, if you had hot flush, even once while you are asleep, hot flush, sometimes the hormonal imbalance. Women may go through during their periods and menopause. Men may go through when they are too low or too high. That hot flushes. Understand, a person with jata will never go through hot flush. Try! If you have hot flushes - after jata, just see! You will not have hot flush! It’s a use of jata, note down. Understand, biology is the glory of geography, not as accidental way. We know that is the reality. And next, listen. The resource - Ganga, even though she is a geography, she’s revered as a biology, and she replenishes herself from the source - Sadashiva. That is why coming from Sadashiva’s head.
Description - circuits of biology, circuits of chemistry, circuits of physics. Resource, action, reaction which causes the happening - physics. See, source means resource, biology. The action and reaction is chemistry. It’s manifestation happening is physics. If you want to fly the Vedic aircraft, all these three, listen. The aircraft, the biology, the body, is kept in the right temperature needed for your body by the support of your body only. There is no separate circuit. And that same circuit only generates the energy of accelerating the equipment, and, the same energy only moves physically in physical reality. No three separate mechanism. Tsk! To keep the air pressure inside the flight, one separate mechanism is used in aircraft. And to create the pressure, the engine - separate fuel is used, separate energy is generated to push the separate circuit. The third, this movement happening is balanced and kept up and dows err ... up and low or increasing or lowering the speed based on what the way we want. The physics, chemistry, biology of aircraft is separate separate because it is conceived by the brain which believes intensity and continuity is separate separate.
But Bharadvaja, his brain does not believe intensity and continuity is separate. He knows both are one and the same. So, you use the same hand to keep that temperature, and the air pressure of the cabin, and the same hand only as the fuel to move, and the same hand only as the physical manipulation of increasing or lowering the speed or the height or the landing and taking off and everything. If any of you are from the field of these aircrafts, you will understand this whole aircraft is only these three circuit. That’s all. After that this air hostess giving you brandy, beer, whisky and that is separate. No, I am not talking about that. Fundamentally the aircraft is only these three circuit. These three are not separated in Bharadvaja's circuits. Because, chemistry and biology of the physics, physics and chemistry of biology, biology physicality of the chemistry - is one and the same. Physicality of biology and chemistry, chemistry of biology and physics, and … alchemy of biology and physics. See physics, chemistry and biology; chemistry, physics and biology; biology, chemistry and physics - is one and the same.
Shiva, Shakti, Kumara - Soma, Asi, Skandha. Soma is biology. Asi - chemistry. Skandha - physics. The whole Soma-Skandha is one and the same. All you need is only one person who knows little bit of this aeronautic science and my cognition of what I am saying, with this context if you read the Bharadvaja’s circuits, over. Done. We have, I don’t want Nobel prize, I am not interested in that. Anybody who knows little aeronautic, in that field little knowledge, if you listen to this satsang from this context, read the Bharadvaja’s verses - you can get Nobel prizes. Fundamentally you need to look at the aircraft the physics, chemistry and biology is separated by the conspired, constipated brain. You see, if somebody disturbs you, it is conspiracy. If you disturb you, it is constipation. Understand. If you see, all the three circuits as Oneness, from that understanding if you see Bharadvaja’s verses and sutras, you will simply create something extraordinary which does not need any energy from sun. Hey, all these stupid things solar empowered, solar powered, all these stupid! Ah I am telling you, I am going to outdate all these solar powered, lunar powered, everything, that what do you call air powered, whatever, whatever! It is all going to be now conscious powered. If you are, you are empowering it, that’s all. Get into the aircraft, it’ll fly, it’ll listen to you, that’s it.
I tell you, let this be on record. If the Silicon Valley decides to use the Ganga muddy means twenty deeper than that water level in Ganga. Ganga where the water stops and mud starts. Twenty feet down, take that silicon and program, you can create in the artificial intelligence silicon which listens and manifest thousand times more intensely than the silicon you are using now. The silicon you are using, its ability to receive command and manifest it, understand, most of you would have seen our guys who were moving the matter on the tablet. Some people are even commenting, “Ooh, that err … tablet gets switched on and that vibration.” No! It’s lie! You can easily move on the tablet, why you know? That silicon listens and gives the instruction. That silicon receives your instruction, amplifies and tells the matter - it moves. Easy. And now I am telling you, get that plate made by Ganga muddy and keep it on that and move, it’ll move hundred times more speed.
Only thing around ten feet mud has been destroyed already by the leather industry, so go twenty feet. That’s all. Twenty feet below is still organic. Ten feet has been destroyed by these leather industries and all the non-organic abusal. If you go above the Gangotri, then even on the floor, means, on the bed what you get also is enough because there, there is no abusal, there is no non-organic, there is no disrespect done to Mother. She is pure as she is. The Chandalas, even if you see them it is dangerous, this only. Ganga even seeing them is dangerous. Even if they see you all full, happy, blissful - they can’t, “Ahh! Ahh!” Listen. One more thing, all knowledge, instruction, length based, like a laptops, computers, iPhones, for all of that - use the chip from Ganga muddy. All the music storage apps, visual storage apps - use Yamuna muddy. Yamuna is the stream of art - Krishna. Ganga is the stream of knowledge - Shiva.
All kind of these robo, where it needs to process information and need to take decision - use Saraswati’s. It is independent intelligence. In Brahmana’s house, Saraswati is the decider. In Vaishnava’s house, the lady keeps the whole wealth under her control. In Shaivite’s house, half half energy. It’s a thought current and lifestyle. Saraswati, the silicon of Saraswati - if you take and make, filtered the silicon and make the chips for wherever you need artificial intelligence, it’ll help you thousand times. Let these all be record, in record. I’ll, I’ll prove all these. You will see. Because, these are all chemically awakened, physically manifesting proven biology. It is already, this biology is already used for alchemy and it’s already been established, it is success for all these, these kind of activities, for all these kind of happenings.
I tell you, all the Hindu Gods and Goddesses their forms are nothing but the circuits seen by our Rishis when they manifest those powers. The light circuit appears in the brain. For example, the knowledge - the light circuit appears in their brain is Maha Saraswati. So the same Dhyana Sloka which they delivered if you meditate, that same light circuit will be awakened in you. That is why that dhyana should be done with the Dhyana Sloka, not some Sunya.
>>>01:08:20 - Tamil<<<
All dhyana should be done with the Dhyana Sloka. Anybody who does dhyana without Dhyana Sloka falls into Sunya - depression. These Sunya meditations are the most dangerous. Never get into that. As if already you are not depressed. It is like a pig feels too dirty smell and puts the nose into the drainage. Only if you take the face out, head out, then nose can smell that dirty smell. So put the nose into the drainage, no smelly smell is. That is what is depressed people putting themself into Sunya meditation.
Understand, what I will call an organic brain you know? When you read the Dhyana Sloka and understand just if that form you are able to carve it in your brain without missing a leg or a hand or a neck or a web or ayudar or a any part - you are an organic brain. Just you recite the Dhyana Sloka and you are able to just visualise and keep the visualisation alive - your brain is organic brain. This the definition of an organic brain.
I tell you ... somebody wrote coffee is banned in the sangha. No. Coffee and chocolate is not ban. I am only asking you guys to do it organically and have it. Because, in Bhaga Shastra both are mentioned, and I have also experimented organic coffee and chocolate helps you to awaken this ability to keep that visualisation for long. So organic coffee and organic chocolate is not only accepted - encouraged. Like neem juice, organic coffee and organic chocolate, both. Unfortunately, you guys were told about neem juice by your granny, but told about that coffee and chocolate by your fanny. That is why all the time you fantasize about that and you hate this. But both are doing the same effect in the brain so I don’t have a problem, have both, what is there. I do not have anything called right-wrong, left, centre and all that. I look at only one thing, whether it supports you to do the manifest powers of Sadashivatva, that’s all. Nothing else.
Even Nirahara Samyama helps in a big way to make your brain into organic brain. If you do Nirahara, your ability to retain that energy circuit of Dhyana Sloka in your system drastically goes up. That is why Upavasa during the vratas and ask, you are asked to meditate with the Upavasa. With the less food or less job for the stomach, you will be able to, your brain is capable of retaining the energy circuits and manifesting the powers. That is why the higher the energy, more hands and more heads are discovered, because your brain needs to hold on! Your brain need to grow such subtle way. I tell you, on banana leaf apply the ghee and eat the pure Kaveri organic ponni rice. The ability of your brain to grow subtle grooves, and ability to hold the higher understandings and visualisations. Eh, it is not a joke, forty seven percent of Indian IAs is from Tamras, one organisation. You think it is an accident? And fifty percent of Microsoft is Tamil-Telugu-Kannada Brahmins. You think it is an accident? And that fifty percent also because the that country does not allow freely. If that country freely allows, Bill Gates will not have even a second person anybody other than Tamil-Telugu-Ka … Kannada Brahmins. It’s all not accident.
But unfortunately the next generation will not have the ability. That’s the most unfortunate thing. Because of abusive entertainment. Understand, any intensity if your brain is not able to keep it up as continuity, it is abusive entertainment. That’s the definition of abusive entertainment. In my days, what was my entertainment? The elders will read Mahabharata and tell the stories. That intensity, my brain can keep it as continuity for whole however long I want, my brain will not be tired, my body will not be lethargic. Intensity kept continuity is usage. Intensity not kept continuously is abusage. This is the definition in every level. Go and workout this definition in every level. Any brain grown with the entertainment of intensity-continuity. Thanks to late invention of television. If I am revealing the power manifestation science to all of you, thanks to late import of television.
Our kids should be taught by reading the Dhyana Sloka, visualising the deities. And, drawing them or carving them or making them with your own hands. Biology is you, chemistry is the Dhyana Sloka and visualisation, making them or carving them or painting them is physics. And I tell you, whenever I made deities out of clay, my body shapes will get shaped in the same way, I have seen. I have seen that happening in my life. So just reading the Dhyana Sloka or seeing the statue, imbibing it in the brain and reproducing it back - your body will get carved. These are all the ways. Basic education is this only. This is what is called primal education, not primary education. Primal education. Where a child by the simple instruction of words is capable of visualising and holding and reproducing that in the form of painting or art or a carving or anything. This is fundamentally the primary organic brain growing exercise and education. This kind of brain can cut across chemistry, biology, physics, anything, geography, anything!
Anyhow soon there will be a time where we will not have any of the so-called syllables. I will evolve a gurukul when I am able to establish and prove my science works to the world. Whatever I teach in the satsang only that will be taught to the kids. They will be made to manifest that through the acharyas. That will be the real Nithyananda Gurukul. Today I have spoken all these, kids should go and study, tomorrow whole Bharadvaja’s Vaimanika Shastra from this understanding and the modern day flying aeronautics, both will be compared and presented. Kids will just reinvent those sutras and formulas and circuits and draw them and bring them next day. This is the way Kailash will function. Soon it’ll happen.
We are evolving, we are evolving! We just need a few brains which will mirror my circuits. The mirror neuron should happened. At least if few hundred kids evolve to that state, we can demonstrate it to the world, then people will have the guts, courage, confidence in trusting us. Like how now we establish the fundamentals of the power manifestation science as true. I’ll evolve and establish the fundamentals of the Vedic education is true. See fundamental of the Vedic education is thee. Thee means capacity to cut across and understand anything in the Universe. That is what is given to you as a initiation as Gayatri.
भूर्भुवः स्वः ।
भर्गो॑ दे॒वस्य॑धीमहि ।
धियो॒ यो नः॑ प्रचो॒दया॑त् ॥
bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ
bhargo devasyadhīmahi
dhiyo yo naḥ prachodayāt
Let me meditate on that which awakens my thee, ability to cut across everything and see.
If you are given this Gayatri by the brain which cognises the intensity and continuity is one and the same, you are blessed! Because this seed will work in you with this Shaktipata - intensity and continuity is one and the same. Understand, even if you cognise intensity and continuity is one and the same, almost ninety nine percent of your psychological mental problems will go away. All the depression will go away. See fundamentally if I am allowed to do only this downloading work, we could have, we would have created a Nithyananda Gurukul even now. Even now we would have done the work which I am suppose to do.
With this, every statement of today satsang is essence of today satsang. So the powerful cognition for today satsang is every statement of today satsang is the essence of today satsang. So listen to this satsang at least ten times.  
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With this I bless you all. Let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, Mahasadashivoham, The Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be blissful. 01:23:33
== Description: ==  
Why E=mc² is wrong - Debunking the myth!
Insights on E = mc² - Intensity is Continuity For a Vegertarian Paramhamsa Nithyananda debunks theory of major scientists by reflecting into the capability of the brain & very clearly defines how a non vegetarian diet consuming person's brain is different from that of a vegetarian person's brain and how it leads to the non-grasping ability of non-vegetarian person. A vegetarian can perceive why intensity can be continuous and how that person can create and charge a dry battery which doesn't lose intensity and can function forever without being charged. Watch, share and like the videos and Subscribe to our channel to be notified of the next upload. click http://bit.ly/20j90wr to subscribe. Website and Social Media: http://www.nithyananda.org http://www.nithyananda.tv http://www.innerawakening.org https://twitter.com/SriNithyananda https://www.facebook.com/ParamahamsaNithyananda 
== Tags: ==
Sri Nithyananda Swami Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Nithyananda, Swamiji, Sadāshiva, MahaSadāshiva, MahaSadā[[shivoham]], electricity, blind spot, root [[pattern]], Western symbol of infinity, Easstern symbol of infinity, Agasthya, battery circuit, Cognitions, Intensity & continuity explained, E = MC2
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==Transcript: ==  
Human beings do not know to store the electricity without reducing its intensity. Understand, still human beings don’t know! The blind spot - why human beings are not able to store the electricity, without reducing its intensity - because their brain is not at all capable to understand the higher intensity does not need to be reduced for continuity.
Human beings do not know to store the electricity without reducing its intensity. Understand still human beings don’t know. The blind spot why human beings have not able to store the electricity without reducing its intensity, because their brain is not at all capable to understand the higher intensity does not need to be reduced for continuity. Non-veg brain knows only ups and downs. It cannot be in up continuously. Only a person who knows continuous up is possible, he can grasp without reducing that intensity, continuity is possible. Never a common brain understands intensity and continuity, Infinity and continuity.
Non-veg brain knows only ups and downs, it cannot be in up continuously. Only a person who knows ‘continuous up is possible’, he can grasp ‘without reducing the intensity continuity is possible’. Never a common brain understands intensity and continuity, infinity and continuity.
Some of the major scientist and their theories I am debunking: E = not MC2 cannot be MC2.
Some of the major scientists and their theories I Am debunking. E equal to not mc2, cannot be mc2. What is mc2? The difference between intensity and continuity. What is energy? What is matter? Matter is continuity, energy is intensity. What you call as matter? Anything continue. What you call as energy? Anything intense. The intensity and continuity is separate for a non-veg, crooked brain which has seen only ups and downs. Only a vegetarian brain which can retain the experiences continuously without losing the intensity can understand m and c is not mc. It is mc! mc cannot be squared because it is not m and c. Any up cannot continue is the root pattern of non veg brain. Only a vegetarian brain, organic brain which has grown organically can understand intensity and continuity are not - not only opposites, they are not two different things.  
What is MC2? The difference between intensity and continuity.
What is energy?  What is matter?  Matter is continuity, Energy is intensity.
This western symbol of infinity itself (Swamiji showing the shape of horizontal eight with his rudraksha bracelet) is intensity and continuity’s conflict - ups and downs. Eastern symbol of infinity is this only (Swamiji showing a round shape with his rudraksha bracelet). Eastern symbol of infinity is Linga, Bindu - these only, no ups and downs. Western symbol of infinity is this - ups and downs, conflict. Because intensity and continuity cannot be grasped by non-veg brain. Intensity is energy, continuity is matter. That’s all. All continuity is certain intensity and all intensity is certain continuity! All m is c and all c is m! All c, even while they were c - m. All m, even while they were m - c.  
What do you call as matter? Anything continued.
What do you call as energy? Anything intense.
Brain which can grasp intensity and continuity will not be two world or two experience or two definition. Brain which can perceive intensity and continuity are not two separate. That brain can draw the circuit and handle electricity, store it without reducing its intensity. Agastya puts a battery circuit, the initial charging of that battery has to be done by the person who makes it - his body, his bio-current, bio-energy. Whoever first programs that battery body, after that it will function forever with that programming. If I believe energy and intensity are simultaneous happening, that way that battery will be charged. If I believe in My core, energy and intensity is separate and one has to be compromised for the other, it will be charged that way. It’ll continue to function in that way. Cognitions matter in circuit of physics because, chemistry of the physics functions by cognition.  
The intensity and continuity is separate for a non-veg crooked brain, which has seen only ups and downs. Only a vegetarian brain, which can retain the experiences continuously without losing the intensity, can understand M and C is not MC, it is MC. MC cannot be squared, because it is not M and C. ‘Any up cannot continue’ - is the root pattern of non-veg brain. Only a vegetarian brain, organic brain, which has grown organically can understand - intensity and continuity are not, not only opposites, they are not two different things.
Ability to be realizing mc is your state - no m, no c separately; intensity and continuity is natural. Whenever you get high, you always believe that is not going to be natural. You are so clear the intensity is not going to be continued! You believe it so strong and you want to confirm to that belief. Intensity is energy, continuity is matter. And the brain which is made to believe both are not one - suffers forever. This is what is cosmic bipolar disorder. If you are made to believe intensity and continuity are separate - which is not.  
This Western symbol of infinity [demonstrates ∞ symbol with the help of rudraksha armlet) itself is intensity and continuity’s conflict - ups and downs. Eastern symbol of infinity is this only ‘O’ [shows His rudraksh armlet]. Eastern symbol of infinity is Linga, Bindu. This only… no ups and downs. Western symbol of infinity is this ∞ - ups and downs, conflict - because intensity and continuity cannot be grasped by non-veg brain. Intensity is Energy - Continuity is Matter, that’s all.
You call this as a matter because it is continuous, naturally it does intensity. You call this sound as energy because it comes and goes. But, you need to know that also has continuity. Continuity and intensity are not guna, they are svabhava. Attribute and attitude is different. Natural spontaneous existence is different.  
All continuity is certain intensity and all intensity is certain continuity. All M is C and all C is M. All C even while they were C - M, all M even while they were M - C. Brain which can grasp intensity and continuity will not be two word or two experience or two definition… a brain which can perceive intensity and continuity are not two separate... that brain can draw the circuit and handle electricity, store it without reducing its intensity.
Agasthya puts a battery circuit. The initial charging of that battery has to be done by the person who makes it - his body, his bio-current, bio-energy. Whoever first programs that battery body… after that it will function forever with that programming. If I believe – ‘energy and intensity are simultaneous happening’, that way that battery will be charged. If I believe in My core – ‘energy and intensity is separate and one has to be compromised for the other’ - it will be charged that way. It will continue to function in that way.
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Cognitions matter in circuit of physics… because chemistry of the physics functions by cognition. Ability to be realizing MC is your state - no M, no C - separately. Intensity and continuity is natural. Whenever you get high, you always believe that is not going to be natural. You are so clear, the intensity is not going to be continued, you believe it so strong and you want to confirm to that belief.
===Nithya Satsang===
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File:20180226_Photo_189_1lezpiaa5msv8z3-W25DquQN5qbhWDuGC.jpg | Yamuna is the stream of art - Krishna
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File:20180226_Photo_221_121J5gJ73N3s89yG9C69-B_f9Cfj1fmHf.jpg | All dhyana should be done with the Dhyana Sloka
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File:20180226_Photo_232_1RC446VqZY9jFbp9oihZ9plFLAc3wjMrl.jpg | HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam abhaya hasta blessings
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Intensity is Energy - Continuity is Matter. And the brain which is made to believe both are not one - suffers forever. This is what is Cosmic bipolar disorder. If you are made to believe intensity and continuity are separate - which is not!
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You call this as a matter (shows the mic) because it is continuous. Naturally it has intensity. You call this sound as a energy because it comes and goes, but you need to know - that also has a continuity. Continuity and intensity are not Guna, they are Svabhava.  Attribute and attitude is different. Natural spontaneous existence is different.
[[Category: 2018 | 20180226]] [[Category: Satsang]][[Category: Facebook Posts]]

Latest revision as of 00:45, 19 April 2022


Cosmic principle of Physics, Chemistry and Biology of Universe explained || Day 7 of Rajarajeshwari Brahmotsavam celebrated at Nithyananda Aadheenam ||


The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, expounded on the Cosmic Principle Physics Chemistry, Biology Of The Cosmos in today’s live public address - Nithyananda Satsang. His Divine Holiness (HDH) revealed that the landing on the Moon is a lie. He revealed the Blind Spots of modern science and referred to Vedas, Agamas and Hiranyagarbha, further describing the qualities of a Vegetarian brain and a method to Detox using Ghee and Nirahara Samyama. His Divine Holiness als shared Infinity theories, describing the connection between Ganga and Sadashiva and explained the Gayatri Initiation.

Today, celebrations were held for Day 7 of Rajarajeshwari Brahmotsavam at Nithyananda Peetham, Bengaluru Aadheenam.

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Video Audio


00:07 nithyānandeśvara mahāsadāshiva samārambhām nithyānandeśvari ādishakti madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangis, sitting with us all over the world.

01:13 Yesterday I open up few statements about what is happening in last few days. The physics circuits, chemistry circuits, biology circuits - these are the three words I used yesterday. Circuit means, that energy current which makes some unique happening as reality which can be produced on any living consciousness including sthavara and jangama. Listen. In Hindu tradition, plants which does not move but grow, stones which do not move or grow, even all of them considered to be conscious. Please understand, frequency of the consciousness is different but all of them are also considered to be conscious. So the circuit, means a energy map which makes certain happenings, which can be reproduced in any living consciousness.

03:13 Now let me come to the word physics, chemistry, biology. Listen. When I use the word “physics,” I mean reality, means which is happening. Biology means a resource from which this is happening. Chemistry means action or reaction which makes this to happen. Listen. Physics is happening. Biology is the resource from which it is happening. Chemistry is the action or reaction which is responsible for this happening. Physics means you are manifesting a power. The power is manifesting. That is physics. Biology means the resource, the consciousness from which you manifest the powerful cognition. That resource is biology - you. Chemistry means when that powerful cognition manifest in you, the action and reaction which makes this power manifestation happen. Chemistry is the bridge between biology and physics. Physics circuit, chemistry circuit, biology circuit, all these three ... listen carefully. Physics circuit, chemistry circuit, biology circuit, all these three fields have been explored by our ancient Masters, our great Visionaries. Science of all these circuits only is our Vedas and Agamas.

06:30 Actually I did not expect you guys to understand even one statement. And I am also very clear, I will be understood more and more only in course of time. I am way ahead of my time. Of course, all Visionaries have to be way ahead of their time. That is what is the definition of Visionary. And, all Visionaries have to be way ahead of their time. No other way. Because, it is vision that becomes mission. Much of my satsangs are neither news reading nor movie. It is just getting documented for the purpose of future. I am putting it in record, getting documented for the purpose of future research and development. Understand now, maybe this definition of physics, this definition of chemistry, this definition of biology is going to be analysed, researched for years. This is the definition of physics, chemistry, biology from the Cosmic perspective. From the perspective of the Cosmos. All happening is physics. All karana, reason, action and reaction for the happening is chemistry. The base in which both are happening, the resource, is biology.

09:23 Why it is call resource you know? It is the source which can be replenished. The source which need not be replenished will be called as source which is consciousness. The source, but not in its pure form which is replenished again and again is resource. Biology, biology is not pure consciousness. It is like source which need to be replenished again and again, which is replenished again and again. That is why I am using the word resource for biology. Now let me define exactly what is happening. I am seeing many circuits related to physics like how our Masters used aircrafts for interplanetary travel and interspace travel. And I wanted to tell, maybe sooner or later, science will prove nobody has, no human being has gone to moon. No one has gone to moon. It’s all story. No one has walk on moon. There is no air station outside the vali mandala, the breathing space of planet earth. Man as of now have not move out of the breathing space of planet earth. Let it be on record. Time, time will prove I am right.

12:15 The happening call physics, like battery of Agastya (अगस्त्य, Agastya), aircraft circuits of Bharadvaja (भरद्वाज, Bharadvāja) - all these are opening up, getting downloaded. One of the first thing I saw - many of the blind spots, the so-called modern science is not able to solve, all those questions and that answers are coming up. I am seeing like a conscious bubble - how that water bubbles come and open up. Like that the conscious bubbles coming up and opening up. I saw one unique circuit. It just like popped up in the brain and started moving all over the body. Understand when I am using this word, you should not understand as this brain and this body. You should understand as Cosmic brain, the Brahma, Hiranyagarbha (हिरण्यगर्भ, Hiraṇyagarbha), and moving in the whole Cosmos. The revelation when that movement was happening was, human beings do not know to store the electricity without reducing its intensity. Understand still human beings don’t know, to store electricity without reducing its intensity. It is still a blind spot for human beings. Because from the ancient text when they translated and try to grasped and grabbed, these guys who were trying to grab and grasp their brain was not that evolved. The brain groves were not that evolved, understand.

15:07 Only a brain grown in vegetarian body, when I say vegetarian body, at least last three-four generations the body should have been vegetarian. Understand. I am not trying to create any conflict. As a scientist I have to tell you the truth, if you are born from a family where hereditary vegetarians, you are the most blessed body. You have the best body for these kind of experiments. I am telling you, I am not trying to put others into depression and, I am not trying to put others into low mood and all that. When I need to reveal the truth, I have to reveal the truth. If you are born from a vegetarian family, at least where few generations they were all vegetarians and you are also a vegetarian; I tell you, if the Vedas are inserted into your system, the Agamic circuits are inserted into your system, without any blind spots it becomes reality.

16:51 These so-called grabbers, they did not have a patience to take few Brahmanas and make them teach; how, how our Brahmanas are such a sweet people, you give them food, they will teach you. I tell you, they would not have asked for royalty, but these dogs want to grasp and kill us, does not want to give the credit to us. That is where the whole problem is. If these dogs were just giving food, we would have taught everything. Cheap fellows. Cheap fellows. Stealing the knowledge and not giving water to that mouth. That is the way our knowledge has been stolen. Once a Brahmana has taught everything, he was just killed. You don’t know what our ancestors went through in the hands of knowledge thieves, and women thieves. The lusty dogs one side killing our Kshatriyas for our women, beautiful women and DNA. Knowledge thirsty thieves were literally killing our men Brahmins after taking the knowledge. But the fools did not have patience to grasp the whole thing.

18:37 If they had little patience ... our Brahmanas was so intelligent, even if somebody is non-vegetarian body, they would have trained that body, purify it with the pure ghee. I tell you, ghee smoke if you inhale, all the parasites of the non-vegetarian will leave your system. Ghee smoke. Burn ghee and rice and inhale that smoke, all the parasites built in your system due to non-vegetarian lifestyle will leave your system. We had amazing methodologies to cleanse the body, and anybody who burns the ghee and rice everyday and inhales that smoke will have the brain cleansed by all the non-vegetarian toxins and parasites. Their brain will become capable of developing subtle groves which can understand all these Cosmic circuits. These fools are not … I tell you ... all the royalty money and all the pride of being the source of education was snatched by our poor Brahmins, snatched from our poor Brahmins.

20:27 It is actually how you know? When a mother delivered a baby, she’s still in that ecstasy. Understand one more thing, the whole science of delivery - Sadashiva very clearly says, during delivery no organic body goes into coma. It is a lie taught to you. She actually becomes alive because she’s Devi at that time! Devi in action! Understand, biology, chemistry, physics of Devi - all three are act, at act action when she is delivering a baby! She can’t go into coma. It’s lies taught to us. When she is delivering a baby, she’s in ecstasy, and, thieves come and steal the baby before even letting her get down from her ecstasy and defend. That is the way knowledge was stolen from our simple naive Brahmanas. And, just we should not question them, that is the reason so much of atrocities against Brahmanas. This whole untouchability. What are they talking? Not a single documentation is there where Brahmana-Shudra war! Tell me a single documentation Brahmana-Shudra war! You can’t suppress a group forever and all!

22:56 Understand, the Para, the Ultimate ... of course, Vaidics call it Parabrahman. Vaishnavites call it Paramapada. Shaivites call it Parashiva. The Para! Para is the space from which all these ultimate is revealed, constantly released for downloading. Anybody which replenishes itself with the consciousness of Para - downloads; it is like a ... if you just pump the water from the ocean, you get the pearls, fishes, everything from the ocean. If you take your conscious inspiration from the Para ... understand, purpose of your existence, whatever you believe is purpose of your existence, that is Para for you. If you believe money is the purpose of your existence, you will sleep in that mood. That is your Para. That is what replenishes you. It’s called karana, Para Karana. For somebody, if the Cosmic consciousness is the Para for their existence, they get replenish eh … everyday when they sleep or fall into that space, they get replenished from that Para.

24:58 When that Para replenishing happens, the pearls, diamonds, everything which comes along with that is what the circuits I am revealing to all of you. Understand. If you suck the water from ocean, you will get pearls even sharks coming in that water. Same way, constantly when I replenish myself into that Para, the circuits of physics reality and circuits of chemistry reality and circuits of biology reality getting downloaded is what I am sitting and sharing with you all. I’ll first explains this whole happening, because this precise details I am giving are recorded in many of the puranas, in the shastras. Especially in the Naimisharanya (नैमिषारण्य, Naimiṣāraṇya), if you read the intimate conversations between Rishis - the questions-answers, Rishis asking questions and the senior Rishis answering, Acharyas answering; if you listen to all that, whatever now I am talking you will understand very precisely.

26:43 These circuits of, aircraft circuits of Bharadvaja, battery circuits of Agastya, all that ... See, when I was seeing the battery circuit of Agastya, one of the important thing I saw getting downloaded. Soon I will establish in physics form means already chemistry has happened. Biology, it has come into the biology system, and the chemistry opening up has happened. Now I’ll do, I’ll make into reality as a physics. I tell you, the blind spot why human beings are not able to store the electricity without reducing its intensity, because their brain is not at all capable to understand the higher intensity does not need to be reduced for continuity. Listen. Non-veg brain knows only ups and downs. It cannot be in up continuously. Listen. Only a person who knows continuous up is possible, he can grasp without reducing that intensity-continuity is possible. Never a common brain understands intensity and continuity.

28:33 Infinity and continuity: some of the major … scientists and their theories I am debunking. E equal to not mc2 (E≠mc2), cannot be mc2. What is mc2? The difference between intensity and continuity. What is energy? What is matter? Matter is continuity, energy is intensity. mc: what you call as matter? Anything continue. What you call as energy? Anything intense. The intensity and continuity is separate for a non-veg crooked brain which has seen only ups and downs. Only a vegetarian brain which can retain the experiences continuously without losing the intensity can understand m and c is not mc. It is mc! Understand, brain which cannot grasp mc, calls as m and c. mcs cannot, mc cannot be squared because it is not m and c. Listen. Any up cannot continue is the root pattern of non-veg brain. Only a vegetarian brain, organic brain, which has grown organically can understand intensity and continuity are not, not only opposites, they are not two different things.

30:57 See, this western symbol of infinity itself (Swamiji showing the shape of horizontal eight with his rudraksha bracelet) is intensity and continuity’s conflict - ups and downs. Eastern symbol of infinity is this only (Swamiji showing a round shape with his rudraksha bracelet). Eastern symbol of infinity is Linga, Bindu ... this only, no ups and downs. Western symbol of infinity is this - ups and downs, conflict. Because intensity and continuity cannot be grasped by non-veg brain. Sometimes people try to tell me, “Ooh, in Vedic time also people were non-vegetarian.” Understand, by non-availability sometimes some groups might have eaten, that is recorded in the Vedic tradition but was, that was not a recommended food for anybody who wants to explore this science. So listen carefully. Intensity and continuity: now I have clearly said intensity is energy, continuity is matter. That’s all. It means all continuity is certain intensity and all intensity is certain continuity! All mc and all c is m! All c, even while they were c - m. All m, even while they were m - c.

33:07 Brain which can grasp intensity and continuity will not be two world or two experience or two definition; brain which can perceive intensity and continuity are not two separate - that brain can draw the circuit and handle electricity, store it without reducing its intensity. One more funny thing you need to know. Agastya puts a battery circuit. The funny thing is the initial charging of that battery has to be done by the person who makes it - his body, his bio current, bio energy. Whoever first programs that body, that battery body, after that it will function forever with that programming. If I believe energy and intensity are simultaneous happening, that way that battery will be charged. If I believe in my core, energy and intensity is separate and one has to be compromised for the other, it will be charged that way. It’ll continue to function in that way. Listen. Cognitions matter in circuit of physics, because ... chemistry of the physics functions by cognition.

35:27 One of the biggest stupidity modern day education is suffering is separation of the subjects. Instead of teaching the Oneness of the Universe, separation of the subject. In Ayurvedic tradition: if you go diagnosis, medicine, making medicine, pharmacist, everything - end to end one person. Go to allopathy: right eye separate person, left eye separate person, diagnosis separate person, studying the diagnosis and reporting to you is separate person, queue deduction is separate person, pharmacy is separate person, collecting the things needed for the medicine is separate person. Separation makes things more and more complicated. The whole modern education is fundamentally separation based. Unfortunately, maybe next ten years even our gurukul has to suffer that, because till I create the alternative mechanism as a living reality and make it, give the confidence. Hope I will not take ten years. I should not take ten years. But till then, they are also suffering with the modern education. Understand, if a child is taught chemistry is separate, english is separate, sacred arts is separate, geography is separate, biology is separate - you destroyed him. After that how much ever you teach him, you destroyed him.

37:54 You need to teach him the brain which downloads and understands all the circuit, which can cut across,

भूर्भुवः स्वः । तत्स॑वि॒तुर्वरेण्यं॒ भर्गो॑ दे॒वस्य॑धीमहि । धियो॒ यो नः॑ प्रचो॒दया॑त् ॥

bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ । tatsaviturvareṇyaṃ bhargo devasyadhīmahi । dhiyo yo naḥ prachodayāt॥

Let me meditate on that energy which sharpens my intelligence. Thee which can cut across everything and reveal its revelations to me.

That is education. Sharpening thee, not dumping memory. Whole western education is expanding chitta. Whole eastern education is sharpening buddhi. Ability to download the circuits: modern education brainwashes a man about ability to download circuits. It says very clearly, you can excel if you collect memories, concepts, past experiences of one tradition - you can excel, understand. Excellence based education is Macaulay's. Acceleration based education is Sadashiva’s. You are constantly triggered, accelerated. Both are totally different, completely different.

40:12 Ability to see through, ability to accelerate yourself, ability to be realising mc is your state - no m, no c separately. Intensity and continuity is natural. See, whenever you get high, you always believe that is not going to be natural. You feel, “Okay, satsang I heard so I am in high. Maybe by tomorrow noon I will settle down then we will talk.” Even you tell that! You are so clear that intensity is not going to be continued, you believe it so strong and you want to confirm to that belief. Intensity is energy, continuity is matter. And the brain which is made to believe both are not one - suffers forever! This is what I call bipolar disorder. This is what is Cosmic bipolar disorder. If you are made to believe intensity and continuity are separate, that’s called Cosmic bipolar disorder. Which is not understand, this (Swamiji pointing to his mic), you call this as a matter because it is continuous. Naturally it does intensity. You call this sound as energy, because it comes and goes. But, you need to know that also has a continuity.

42:37 Continuity and intensity are not guna, they are svabhava. Guna is different. Svabhava is different. Attribute and attitude is different. Natural spontaneous existence is different. Attributing attitude: see, you attribute something to somebody, that’s call judging. He carries sometimes somethings and sometimes not that same things, that’s call attitude. What he carries which is impermanent is attitude. What you dump on him which is also impermanent is attribute. Attitude and attribute is guna. What others believe you carry or what you believe you carry for some time is call guna. If you go and read the Sanskrit dictionary, definition of the word “guna,” this is the precise definition. Svabhava means, even the deep sleep somebody slaps you and wakes you up - how you express you, that is svabhava. A spontaneous natural expressions “sva” “bhava.” Continuity is the svabhava of intensity, not attribute of intensity. Intensity is the svabhava of continuity, not attribute of one and other.

45:06 We’ll build Agastya’s battery. No, we’ll have to prove this because from whom you take Shaktipata matters. See, we’ll put two Agastya’s battery. One, a common man who believes intensity and continuity are not same, he puts his hand and charges through his bio energy, bio electricity. In another one battery I put, where I have cognised intensity and ka … continuity are one and the same, I put the hand and ener … energise it. This battery need to be recharged and this battery will never be ne ... never need to be recharged. Understand, listen, listen, listen! Even these circuits, when you read this Agastya’s battery, if your brain has cognised intensity and continuity are one and the same, that circuit will be completely revealed to you. A brain which has never cognise, if he reads the same circuit he will understand only that much.

46:21 That is what is, right persons need to decode the shastras. Who comments, who initiates matters. From whom you receive Shaktipata matters. From whom you receive Shaktipata matters. Same copper, if it is touched by the brain which believes intensity and continuity are different, it’ll hold that energy - need to be recharged again and again once in twelve years. If it is touched by the brain which realises intensity and continuity are not two different. They’re svabhava are, of, of same space, it gets energised and radiates energy forever. No pratistha (प्रतिष्ठा, pratiṣṭhā), no visarjana is required after that. It becomes alive forever.

47:51 And the most beautiful thing I am seeing ... the biology which is the body, the ground on which everything is happening, you need to understand; that is why in Hindu tradition, geography is worship as biology - Bhuma Devi. All geography is revered as biology in Hindu tradition! All rivers, all hills, earth, everything is biology! Geography is biology in Hinduism. Body, in Sanskrit if you see ... the whole thing, the whole geography where things happened is name only as biology. Hill is a biology. River is a biology. Earth is a biology - Bhuma Devi. Whether in naming or glorifying or research and analysis, in any level - west never brings biology into the fantasy of geography. In Hindu tradition, always biology is the fantasy of geography. Understand, naming and faming is fantasy. Naming and shaming is judging. Naming and faming, I, I am repeating, listen! Naming and faming is fantasy. When we see the river, we name and fame Kaveri - biology. Naming and shaming is judging. So, throughout ... in Hindu tradition, always biology was considered as the fame of geography.

50:37 No, this satsang is not for watching once. You need to watch at least five-six times. Other than how to make atom bomb, I think I have spoken. I tell you, if you had hot flush, even once while you are asleep, hot flush, sometimes the hormonal imbalance. Women may go through during their periods and menopause. Men may go through when they are too low or too high. That hot flushes. Understand, a person with jata will never go through hot flush. Try! If you have hot flushes - after jata, just see! You will not have hot flush! It’s a use of jata, note down. Understand, biology is the glory of geography, not as accidental way. We know that is the reality. And next, listen. The resource - Ganga, even though she is a geography, she’s revered as a biology, and she replenishes herself from the source - Sadashiva. That is why coming from Sadashiva’s head.

52:41 Description - circuits of biology, circuits of chemistry, circuits of physics. Resource, action, reaction which causes the happening - physics. See, source means resource, biology. The action and reaction is chemistry. It’s manifestation happening is physics. If you want to fly the Vedic aircraft, all these three, listen. The aircraft, the biology, the body, is kept in the right temperature needed for your body by the support of your body only. There is no separate circuit. And that same circuit only generates the energy of accelerating the equipment, and, the same energy only moves physically in physical reality. No three separate mechanism. Tsk! To keep the air pressure inside the flight, one separate mechanism is used in aircraft. And to create the pressure, the engine - separate fuel is used, separate energy is generated to push the separate circuit. The third, this movement happening is balanced and kept up and dows err ... up and low or increasing or lowering the speed based on what the way we want. The physics, chemistry, biology of aircraft is separate separate because it is conceived by the brain which believes intensity and continuity is separate separate.

55:41 But Bharadvaja, his brain does not believe intensity and continuity is separate. He knows both are one and the same. So, you use the same hand to keep that temperature, and the air pressure of the cabin, and the same hand only as the fuel to move, and the same hand only as the physical manipulation of increasing or lowering the speed or the height or the landing and taking off and everything. If any of you are from the field of these aircrafts, you will understand this whole aircraft is only these three circuit. That’s all. After that this air hostess giving you brandy, beer, whisky and that is separate. No, I am not talking about that. Fundamentally the aircraft is only these three circuit. These three are not separated in Bharadvaja's circuits. Because, chemistry and biology of the physics, physics and chemistry of biology, biology physicality of the chemistry - is one and the same. Physicality of biology and chemistry, chemistry of biology and physics, and … alchemy of biology and physics. See physics, chemistry and biology; chemistry, physics and biology; biology, chemistry and physics - is one and the same.

58:13 Shiva, Shakti, Kumara - Soma, Asi, Skandha. Soma is biology. Asi - chemistry. Skandha - physics. The whole Soma-Skandha is one and the same. All you need is only one person who knows little bit of this aeronautic science and my cognition of what I am saying, with this context if you read the Bharadvaja’s circuits, over. Done. We have, I don’t want Nobel prize, I am not interested in that. Anybody who knows little aeronautic, in that field little knowledge, if you listen to this satsang from this context, read the Bharadvaja’s verses - you can get Nobel prizes. Fundamentally you need to look at the aircraft the physics, chemistry and biology is separated by the conspired, constipated brain. You see, if somebody disturbs you, it is conspiracy. If you disturb you, it is constipation. Understand. If you see, all the three circuits as Oneness, from that understanding if you see Bharadvaja’s verses and sutras, you will simply create something extraordinary which does not need any energy from sun. Hey, all these stupid things solar empowered, solar powered, all these stupid! Ah I am telling you, I am going to outdate all these solar powered, lunar powered, everything, that what do you call air powered, whatever, whatever! It is all going to be now conscious powered. If you are, you are empowering it, that’s all. Get into the aircraft, it’ll fly, it’ll listen to you, that’s it.

01:01:20 I tell you, let this be on record. If the Silicon Valley decides to use the Ganga muddy means twenty deeper than that water level in Ganga. Ganga where the water stops and mud starts. Twenty feet down, take that silicon and program, you can create in the artificial intelligence silicon which listens and manifest thousand times more intensely than the silicon you are using now. The silicon you are using, its ability to receive command and manifest it, understand, most of you would have seen our guys who were moving the matter on the tablet. Some people are even commenting, “Ooh, that err … tablet gets switched on and that vibration.” No! It’s lie! You can easily move on the tablet, why you know? That silicon listens and gives the instruction. That silicon receives your instruction, amplifies and tells the matter - it moves. Easy. And now I am telling you, get that plate made by Ganga muddy and keep it on that and move, it’ll move hundred times more speed.

01:03:02 Only thing around ten feet mud has been destroyed already by the leather industry, so go twenty feet. That’s all. Twenty feet below is still organic. Ten feet has been destroyed by these leather industries and all the non-organic abusal. If you go above the Gangotri, then even on the floor, means, on the bed what you get also is enough because there, there is no abusal, there is no non-organic, there is no disrespect done to Mother. She is pure as she is. The Chandalas, even if you see them it is dangerous, this only. Ganga even seeing them is dangerous. Even if they see you all full, happy, blissful - they can’t, “Ahh! Ahh!” Listen. One more thing, all knowledge, instruction, length based, like a laptops, computers, iPhones, for all of that - use the chip from Ganga muddy. All the music storage apps, visual storage apps - use Yamuna muddy. Yamuna is the stream of art - Krishna. Ganga is the stream of knowledge - Shiva.

01:05:12 All kind of these robo, where it needs to process information and need to take decision - use Saraswati’s. It is independent intelligence. In Brahmana’s house, Saraswati is the decider. In Vaishnava’s house, the lady keeps the whole wealth under her control. In Shaivite’s house, half half energy. It’s a thought current and lifestyle. Saraswati, the silicon of Saraswati - if you take and make, filtered the silicon and make the chips for wherever you need artificial intelligence, it’ll help you thousand times. Let these all be record, in record. I’ll, I’ll prove all these. You will see. Because, these are all chemically awakened, physically manifesting proven biology. It is already, this biology is already used for alchemy and it’s already been established, it is success for all these, these kind of activities, for all these kind of happenings.

01:07:17 I tell you, all the Hindu Gods and Goddesses their forms are nothing but the circuits seen by our Rishis when they manifest those powers. The light circuit appears in the brain. For example, the knowledge - the light circuit appears in their brain is Maha Saraswati. So the same Dhyana Sloka which they delivered if you meditate, that same light circuit will be awakened in you. That is why that dhyana should be done with the Dhyana Sloka, not some Sunya.

>>>01:08:20 - Tamil<<<

All dhyana should be done with the Dhyana Sloka. Anybody who does dhyana without Dhyana Sloka falls into Sunya - depression. These Sunya meditations are the most dangerous. Never get into that. As if already you are not depressed. It is like a pig feels too dirty smell and puts the nose into the drainage. Only if you take the face out, head out, then nose can smell that dirty smell. So put the nose into the drainage, no smelly smell is. That is what is depressed people putting themself into Sunya meditation.

01:09:25 Understand, what I will call an organic brain you know? When you read the Dhyana Sloka and understand just if that form you are able to carve it in your brain without missing a leg or a hand or a neck or a web or ayudar or a any part - you are an organic brain. Just you recite the Dhyana Sloka and you are able to just visualise and keep the visualisation alive - your brain is organic brain. This the definition of an organic brain.

01:10:19 I tell you ... somebody wrote coffee is banned in the sangha. No. Coffee and chocolate is not ban. I am only asking you guys to do it organically and have it. Because, in Bhaga Shastra both are mentioned, and I have also experimented organic coffee and chocolate helps you to awaken this ability to keep that visualisation for long. So organic coffee and organic chocolate is not only accepted - encouraged. Like neem juice, organic coffee and organic chocolate, both. Unfortunately, you guys were told about neem juice by your granny, but told about that coffee and chocolate by your fanny. That is why all the time you fantasize about that and you hate this. But both are doing the same effect in the brain so I don’t have a problem, have both, what is there. I do not have anything called right-wrong, left, centre and all that. I look at only one thing, whether it supports you to do the manifest powers of Sadashivatva, that’s all. Nothing else.

01:11:52 Even Nirahara Samyama helps in a big way to make your brain into organic brain. If you do Nirahara, your ability to retain that energy circuit of Dhyana Sloka in your system drastically goes up. That is why Upavasa during the vratas and ask, you are asked to meditate with the Upavasa. With the less food or less job for the stomach, you will be able to, your brain is capable of retaining the energy circuits and manifesting the powers. That is why the higher the energy, more hands and more heads are discovered, because your brain needs to hold on! Your brain need to grow such subtle way. I tell you, on banana leaf apply the ghee and eat the pure Kaveri organic ponni rice. The ability of your brain to grow subtle grooves, and ability to hold the higher understandings and visualisations. Eh, it is not a joke, forty seven percent of Indian IAs is from Tamras, one organisation. You think it is an accident? And fifty percent of Microsoft is Tamil-Telugu-Kannada Brahmins. You think it is an accident? And that fifty percent also because the that country does not allow freely. If that country freely allows, Bill Gates will not have even a second person anybody other than Tamil-Telugu-Ka … Kannada Brahmins. It’s all not accident.

01:13:59 But unfortunately the next generation will not have the ability. That’s the most unfortunate thing. Because of abusive entertainment. Understand, any intensity if your brain is not able to keep it up as continuity, it is abusive entertainment. That’s the definition of abusive entertainment. In my days, what was my entertainment? The elders will read Mahabharata and tell the stories. That intensity, my brain can keep it as continuity for whole however long I want, my brain will not be tired, my body will not be lethargic. Intensity kept continuity is usage. Intensity not kept continuously is abusage. This is the definition in every level. Go and workout this definition in every level. Any brain grown with the entertainment of intensity-continuity. Thanks to late invention of television. If I am revealing the power manifestation science to all of you, thanks to late import of television.

01:15:27 Our kids should be taught by reading the Dhyana Sloka, visualising the deities. And, drawing them or carving them or making them with your own hands. Biology is you, chemistry is the Dhyana Sloka and visualisation, making them or carving them or painting them is physics. And I tell you, whenever I made deities out of clay, my body shapes will get shaped in the same way, I have seen. I have seen that happening in my life. So just reading the Dhyana Sloka or seeing the statue, imbibing it in the brain and reproducing it back - your body will get carved. These are all the ways. Basic education is this only. This is what is called primal education, not primary education. Primal education. Where a child by the simple instruction of words is capable of visualising and holding and reproducing that in the form of painting or art or a carving or anything. This is fundamentally the primary organic brain growing exercise and education. This kind of brain can cut across chemistry, biology, physics, anything, geography, anything!

01:18:48 Anyhow soon there will be a time where we will not have any of the so-called syllables. I will evolve a gurukul when I am able to establish and prove my science works to the world. Whatever I teach in the satsang only that will be taught to the kids. They will be made to manifest that through the acharyas. That will be the real Nithyananda Gurukul. Today I have spoken all these, kids should go and study, tomorrow whole Bharadvaja’s Vaimanika Shastra from this understanding and the modern day flying aeronautics, both will be compared and presented. Kids will just reinvent those sutras and formulas and circuits and draw them and bring them next day. This is the way Kailash will function. Soon it’ll happen.

01:20:05 We are evolving, we are evolving! We just need a few brains which will mirror my circuits. The mirror neuron should happened. At least if few hundred kids evolve to that state, we can demonstrate it to the world, then people will have the guts, courage, confidence in trusting us. Like how now we establish the fundamentals of the power manifestation science as true. I’ll evolve and establish the fundamentals of the Vedic education is true. See fundamental of the Vedic education is thee. Thee means capacity to cut across and understand anything in the Universe. That is what is given to you as a initiation as Gayatri.

भूर्भुवः स्वः । तत्स॑वि॒तुर्वरेण्यं॒ भर्गो॑ दे॒वस्य॑धीमहि । धियो॒ यो नः॑ प्रचो॒दया॑त् ॥

bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ tatsaviturvareṇyaṃ bhargo devasyadhīmahi dhiyo yo naḥ prachodayāt

Let me meditate on that which awakens my thee, ability to cut across everything and see.

01:21:35 If you are given this Gayatri by the brain which cognises the intensity and continuity is one and the same, you are blessed! Because this seed will work in you with this Shaktipata - intensity and continuity is one and the same. Understand, even if you cognise intensity and continuity is one and the same, almost ninety nine percent of your psychological mental problems will go away. All the depression will go away. See fundamentally if I am allowed to do only this downloading work, we could have, we would have created a Nithyananda Gurukul even now. Even now we would have done the work which I am suppose to do.

With this, every statement of today satsang is essence of today satsang. So the powerful cognition for today satsang is every statement of today satsang is the essence of today satsang. So listen to this satsang at least ten times.

With this I bless you all. Let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, Mahasadashivoham, The Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be blissful. 01:23:33


Why E=mc² is wrong - Debunking the myth!



Human beings do not know to store the electricity without reducing its intensity. Understand still human beings don’t know. The blind spot why human beings have not able to store the electricity without reducing its intensity, because their brain is not at all capable to understand the higher intensity does not need to be reduced for continuity. Non-veg brain knows only ups and downs. It cannot be in up continuously. Only a person who knows continuous up is possible, he can grasp without reducing that intensity, continuity is possible. Never a common brain understands intensity and continuity, Infinity and continuity.


Some of the major scientists and their theories I Am debunking. E equal to not mc2, cannot be mc2. What is mc2? The difference between intensity and continuity. What is energy? What is matter? Matter is continuity, energy is intensity. What you call as matter? Anything continue. What you call as energy? Anything intense. The intensity and continuity is separate for a non-veg, crooked brain which has seen only ups and downs. Only a vegetarian brain which can retain the experiences continuously without losing the intensity can understand m and c is not mc. It is mc! mc cannot be squared because it is not m and c. Any up cannot continue is the root pattern of non veg brain. Only a vegetarian brain, organic brain which has grown organically can understand intensity and continuity are not - not only opposites, they are not two different things.


This western symbol of infinity itself (Swamiji showing the shape of horizontal eight with his rudraksha bracelet) is intensity and continuity’s conflict - ups and downs. Eastern symbol of infinity is this only (Swamiji showing a round shape with his rudraksha bracelet). Eastern symbol of infinity is Linga, Bindu - these only, no ups and downs. Western symbol of infinity is this - ups and downs, conflict. Because intensity and continuity cannot be grasped by non-veg brain. Intensity is energy, continuity is matter. That’s all. All continuity is certain intensity and all intensity is certain continuity! All m is c and all c is m! All c, even while they were c - m. All m, even while they were m - c.


Brain which can grasp intensity and continuity will not be two world or two experience or two definition. Brain which can perceive intensity and continuity are not two separate. That brain can draw the circuit and handle electricity, store it without reducing its intensity. Agastya puts a battery circuit, the initial charging of that battery has to be done by the person who makes it - his body, his bio-current, bio-energy. Whoever first programs that battery body, after that it will function forever with that programming. If I believe energy and intensity are simultaneous happening, that way that battery will be charged. If I believe in My core, energy and intensity is separate and one has to be compromised for the other, it will be charged that way. It’ll continue to function in that way. Cognitions matter in circuit of physics because, chemistry of the physics functions by cognition.


Ability to be realizing mc is your state - no m, no c separately; intensity and continuity is natural. Whenever you get high, you always believe that is not going to be natural. You are so clear the intensity is not going to be continued! You believe it so strong and you want to confirm to that belief. Intensity is energy, continuity is matter. And the brain which is made to believe both are not one - suffers forever. This is what is cosmic bipolar disorder. If you are made to believe intensity and continuity are separate - which is not.


You call this as a matter because it is continuous, naturally it does intensity. You call this sound as energy because it comes and goes. But, you need to know that also has continuity. Continuity and intensity are not guna, they are svabhava. Attribute and attitude is different. Natural spontaneous existence is different.



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