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<!-- SCANNER_START_VIDEO speech -->
===Catch the thread of Existence - Shiva Sutras===
This is a video taken from the live discourses by living enlightened master Paramahamsa Nithyananda, who has spoken over thousands of hours of public discourses related to various topics ranging from life solutions to corporate talks to enlightenment. These include:
Life Solutions like stress-free living, freedom from depression, conflict-free living, holistic living etc.
Corporate Talks on leadership, intuitive management etc.
Scriptures like Bhagavad Gita, Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Jain Sutras, Brahma Sutras, Ashtavakra Gita, Shiva Sutras
In addition to the enlightening discourses, Paramahamsa Nithyananda conducts various meditation and yoga programs and retreats. One of his flagship programs is Inner Awakening (www.innerawakening.org) - a 21-day meditation workshop where Paramahamsa Nithyananda takes the participants through various deep meditative and yogic processes and wide ranging topics including wealth, health, relationships, past life regression and of course enlightenment itself.
===Link To Video Audio===
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c06CTQJfC74 |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/catch-the-thread-of-existence?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/shiva-sutras-playlist"/>
before I'm taking about the Sutra just few
understandings few words about the
scripture Shiva Sutra
this book is not even just a manual for
enlightenment it is a manual to create
spiritual traditions the technical
theater today is the base of whole
Buddhist tradition each technique each
meditation technique which is described
in this book is the base for one
religious tradition one spiritual
philosophy out of this one meditation
technique holy Buddhist tradition is one
fortunately this book is order that is
why we are able to say from this book it
the blast how can you keep booth also
along with God's because Buddha did not
accept very God's if you really deeply
Buddha never said there's no God our God
does not exist whenever he was asked the
question he just avoided just not to
miss the time because whenever you say
yes I've known you have enough arguments
you come and ask me somebody is there
God atheism with a decent cultured
responsible is straight path to
there are many masters who let people to
enlightenment through atheism very
rational logical responsible there are
many masters who never accepted God but
let people towards godliness people ask
me is there God attentive God is not the
thing to argue by saying yes or no the
moment I say is I'll have thousand more
question the moment I said no again
there was more question
both I'm not going to help you neither
yes nor no is going to help you just
give a technique through which he will
realize he even soluble but single to
Buddha did the same job he never said
yes never said no he just give the
method he just gave a technique and let
people to achieve enlightenment achieve
the truth
in a very beautiful way without
accepting the authority of the radar he
contributed to Vedic tradition see
there'll always be 50% of the people
saying no but everything see when you
say no it is very juicy saying no is
really very juicy that is I know it's
where do you think constantly it said
over anything and everything because it
used on the feeling that they are drawn
up now only when you say no you feel you
have freedom there's something called
positive freedom freedom of acceptance
and saying yes they activate freedom but
unfortunately neither we have thought
about Navi experienced you can tell
actually this moment you can liberate
yourself all you need to do is accept
you as you are in the outer world of
inner world suddenly you will see you
are touched you are clutched by only one
friend non-acceptance Sucre bennigan IVA
Krishna says I am the thread running
through the whole existence there's one
trend in you which is running through
the whole suffering of your life non
acceptance this liquor Lord is the
thread Krishna is the thread running can
I take the whole existence you are non
acceptance is the thread running and
connecting your whole sufferings what
you tell us some sorrow the power
suffering of disease
it's one moment they're simple
acceptance people ask me I am NOT able
to accept that I mean I am NOT even
except means always the mallet at least
except that you are not able to accept
you that's all
even that is an acceptance that you are
not acceptance can suddenly unclutch you
there is no need for not flowing in you
there were one group of people who are
very simple were able to straightaway
connect and accept and realize the truth
so that grew the Vedic tradition was
helping but slowly slowly
unfortunately the kind of a negative
wave a negative group started developing
because the spiritual techniques of the
transmission of the spiritual
enlightenment was not happening at one
point this transmission of enlightenment
was not happening
so that I'm Tecna stick of a crowd which
started saying no to everything if you
say no logically there won't be any
problem same or just I don't want just
for the sake of feeling strong for that
troop there is nobody to guide them it
is not that just because they were
honest trade they can be dropped and
they can be completely thrown out no
somebody has to take care of them so
then demand dissonance as Buddha who get
us all the trouble
yes all the people who suppose say or
say constantly no he he also get at all
of them and said yes he played the same
tune he played the same tomb but I can
say the month the Masters Buddha is the
master who contributed maximum number of
enlightened beings to the planet death
maximum number of enlightened beings are
contributed to character from the
Buddhist tradition they are actually
from Buddha vening us-ally fortunately
was in the body for more than 80 years
he became enlightened around 40 40 years
enlightened public missions he created
at least 10,000 enlightened beings I
think even now it's a achievement I
don't think anybody else's than much
more than that he contributed so much
without directly saying yes or no to the
question whether God exists or not
he's trained today given a technique and
that technique is from this Sutra this
is the Sutra which forms the whole
center of the Buddhist tradition let me
read the Sutra then we will understand
and minding the mind keep in the middle
and take it drops
a very big problem
shusui process it is too simple it's too
only an integrated person will be able
to use these techniques these are like a
fire only a person is ready
they straightaway explode by the touch
of a fire when a touch of the shooter
there's a beautiful opposition story one
disciple goes to the master a mass must
give me enlightenment this master
requires toqtamish is where the gave the
earth Optima see that Thomas is very
decayed or that Thomas see that art thou
that art thou nine times eight bits and
the safe isn't like story it's not
nighttime I don't know how many times I
have to repeat why it is not happening
the reason is the spell again was fully
integrated burning burning to receive
the truth it's a beautiful example
Ramakrishna gives the mother pearl we'll
be waiting for the rain water the mother
pearl makes the full with rainwater when
the rain water falls he just carries the
great martyr into his room and goes down
into the ocean and whatever process is
just on the great what rate monitor only
becomes a whirl so just like wonderful
lady with a wide open mouth and the
ocean about the water
she'll be just waiting for rainwater she
cannot take the salt water make world
seeing it's pure rainwater the moment
won't drop rainwater falls on the pole
mother called immediately she'll go into
the ocean deep muscly
and she'll start doing the classes
she'll come out with the birth one year
personal is seeking intensely make a
mother pearl for initiation waiting with
open being the moment master uttered
some words those words straight to enter
setting if any carries the poet goes and
sits inside his inner space starts doing
the process comes out with the pearl of
enlightenment opens himself with that
well of enlightened only that intense
speaker even a few words are enough even
few words are enough you will see
suddenly the being blossoming expanding
and expressing itself
it's a simple world just like diplomacy
diplomacy is there
it's called as muhammediye that are down
is called as muhammediye means the word
which straightaway cues enlightenment
vodka which straightaway leads you to
the experience of a Mahad the cosmos is
Muhammadiyah in this book every line is
every word is a Maharajah he just says
not minding the mind keep in the middlee
until it drops the capacitor so much
depth on the middle path
let's must understand how our life flows
either it flows based on their greed non
acceptance of your present state non
acceptance of your present state that
becomes a driving force and starts
that's called lodges we call this as a
Rajas restlessness the next thing now is
non acceptance of the inevitability of
the life and death fear when you don't
accept the present moment you start
aspiring for more and there comes green
Rajas restlessness when you are not
ready to accept the future moments that
becomes fear
Thomas understand non acceptance of the
present moment leads to create non
acceptance of the future moments which
may come leads to fear when we can't
understand when we are not ready to
relate the inevitability of the life you
need to understand that word
inevitability a very deep way that's a
beautiful commentator Varsha some
lakshman Jew he was the one Swami whom
we really wanted to meet but he passed
away just to meet him I walked more than
nine months but by the time I reached
the place I got you see pastor he was
the one great soul
I always repented but we're not taking
the right decision
time whoever I wanted to meet in my
wandering journey I never missed I heard
about him I read one of his books I had
a very strong feeling to meet and
started unfortunately I had that foolish
of not touching the money at that time
so I had to walk all the way I felt that
how he is supposed to help me towards
enlightenment that reversal has finally
disturbed me it was the given practical
power by the time he was very worried
that he was sick I also heard hi I know
that they were seeking I know you even
possibly at any time but somehow was
walking by the time I reached he passed
away is he beautifully comments I wanted
to remind and give the credit for this
great treasure which is shared with the
world and offer my gratitude there's a
reason I remember it now he very
beautifully explains the inevitability
for example now I am sitting here and
you are sitting here next moment if you
want you can go from this hall to the
target this hall to the outside room
this is a kind of a freedom second thing
you can only go but you can't fly you
have certain freedom and you have
certain bondage understand there are few
things which you can do if you want you
can go the right hand if you want you
can go the left hand if you want you can
stand up and walk but you cannot fly
the inevitability means this moment
whatever power you have you will be able
to handle those power whatever you don't
have you don't have a simple thing where
do I need to contemplate about it if you
look into your thinking system you are
constantly struggling to do something
which you very clearly know you can't do
it many times you are constantly hitting
them all hitting the ball gives you ego
satisfaction understand and not only
that many times you are struggling
actually corruption which is which
happens in your Innerspace the
corruption which happens in your
programming what I call worry comes from
the this very root non acceptance of the
inevitability of the moment maybe few
more words do you'll be able to
understand deeply let me explain in two
ways one
now next moment if you want you can go
out or you can stand or you can be here
but this moment you are already here
so this moment what is is inevitable it
is there you can't avoid next moment you
may be able to change based on the
availability of the power and freedom
you have that also in a very restricted
way there's a beautiful example from the
Amish now that we throw more different
clear light on this concept
actually this inevitability concern this
truth can straightaway lead to
psychological revolution in you that is
why it's very subtle very subtle but if
you can put your attention and
understand every line I'm trying to
express another difficulty is I read his
books in sanskrit and my internal and
expression the whole thing happens in
science but I have to translate the
whole thing into English that is further
difficulty comes some more old English
does not have such a rich words tell you
honestly English is a beautiful word for
outer science not for inner science
which is not the word to transmit the
science of enlightenment to transmit the
technical things are ventilated
somebody asks Ramakrishna is everything
in the life is Safed our individual
freedom do we have individual freedom or
everything is predestined Ramakrishna
says beautifully if a cow is tied on a
wall or a pole five feet rope is there
the covers of freedom to sit or stand a
walk around inside that five feet radius
but not more than that so there is a
political part which the co can do that
beyond the given it cannot be under
everything is failed the cow has freedom
to eat whatever is available inside the
five feet it has got some freedom but if
a lion comes on attacks it is a faith
how cannot save itself if the cow
behaves properly with that freedom the
owner may extend the rope if he is not
bullying around if he's not eating
people he's not doing nonsensical things
to disturb others the owner may extend
the hope I may even completely leave it
free liberated so the freedom the
individual freedom our faith free
comes based on our lifestyle we do have
a certain kind of freedom these be
properly use it use it for right purpose
for not hurting others living properly
the freedom can be extended or
completely given to
accepting the inevitability now this is
the freedom we have next moment we may
have may not have and this moment
whatever is happening is inevitable that
is the way it is happening you cannot
bring the moment which is lost back and
corrected or iterated there is no time
machine inevitability means accepting
all these three ideas first thing you
cannot bring things back an orator
second thing this moment is this moment
nothing can be added to it if you want
you can only add in the next moment
third thing even the adding in the next
moment is not completely under your
control these three understandings when
it settles in you it brings a tremendous
psychological revolution understand
the basic thing needed for enlightenment
is psychological revolution clarity
about the self world and God Jeeva
Jagat issue Jeeva is the self how you
think how you are driven what is your
inspiration what makes you run in your
life what makes you move in your life
why you think how you think this
understanding is Jeeva that jagat how
the clarity which happened with me are
the desires and fears I feel in me how I
am going to connect it with the world if
I have some desires how am I going to
get it from the world if I have some
fears how am I going to avoid it am i
those things being forced upon me from
by the world that relationship is jagged
issue means the source for both the
source firm
Cinda with yourself and the world is the
issue achieving the source all these
three is what is God enlightenment first
having clear understanding about Jeeva
why you think how you think this clarity
will give you the experience about Jeeva
then how to connect with the world
through your fear our River green
achieving what you want to achieve
keeping away from what
don't want this is the realization about
that ish
Jagat world the third is Shura which is
the source of this to experiencing it
actually is a very subtle truth but very
strong truth just by understanding it
can live it deliberately just a simple
understanding it can solve so many
problems so many things the click will
straightaway happen just by
understanding this Sutra is the Nikia
Sutra is Sutra means you need to
practice it eternally actually anything
which you need to practice eternally you
don't need to practice
all you need to do is you just become
part of you you should become part each
if you can just it should be
internalized anything you need to
practice and particular time only you
need to put your effort and practice
anything which is registered on the
eternal practice you don't have to do
anything understand and internalize it
very internalizing you are thinking
structure you are way of behaving the
whole thing will be totally transformed
of the inevitability of every moment
happening in your life this moment you
are sitting over next moment if you want
you can stand but you cannot fly these
three statements if it is internalized
always your steps will be with a very
clear idea of what you can do it will
never be too big jumping
it will never be crazy things the big
problem is people come and ask me
suddenly so me everything was going well
suddenly my life was become a failure
understand failure will never be
suddenly it will never be suddenly they
always think it is suddenly because we
never understood the mornings we never
looked into ourselves what we are doing
if you don't understand what you are
doing actually failure babysitter
understand in the planet Earth created
by God only in Iraq you suffer never
accidents and problem is when you don't
have understanding in clarity even
miracles look like as accidents where I
keep some accidents actually both are
same which is not understandable by
logic which is not definable
by your logic based on how you face it
you call it as a miracle or accident if
the same thing happens to your neighbour
it is considered as accident if it
happens to you it is a miraculous
that's all nothing else how you face it
how you face it how you see it if you
have the depressions look into the life
and accepting the inevitability of the
moment everything is Marathi you are
still breathing still your heart is
beating still you're alive is summer
actually we should be Bri but right you
have if you tell me so many thoughts
many but right
but the drug is not your right there is
the personal but right if we look with
acceptance the life with a little
relaxed understanding you will see
everything is miraculous if you look
with the restlessness irritation
non-acceptance everything is an accident
everything is an accident you are a spur
to look like an accident happen in your
life which they look like accent biggest
accidents happening in your life your
house will look the worst accident
happened in your life everything will
look like a mega accidents happened in
your life actually all you need is a
simple psychological revolution
happening inside your system just this
one ideas acceptance and realizing the
inevitability of the moment the
inevitability of the moment you don't
need thoughts of whether you accept or
not it is going to be that way that's
all if you are intelligent enough enjoy
otherwise it's okay that's not
there's nothing yes
you cannot do anything about it whether
life is an accident Armour acting
depends on you that is soil the
operation says the personal is initiated
the initiated person for him
whole world is Alan industrious immortal
heaven the person is uninitiated to
understand the word initiation it means
not that doing some ceremonial ritual
initiation means that click happening in
you when a master expresses the truth
the realization if the click happens in
you if suddenly you feel Oh God right
what he says is right
I was always thinking this he put it in
the right way
if you feel whatever I am speaking
always you thought about it but I am
verbalizing it I am properly putting in
the word initiation assumption that is
the scale whether initiation has
happened or not
if the initiation happens the whole
world is seven the initiation is not
happening then whole world is help how
you need to understand is this to
quality when you do not accept this
moment starts the green when you do not
accept the moments which may come there
starts fear out of green the quality of
Rajas gets added into your system out of
fear the quality of Thomas gets added
into your system all you need to
understand the more and more time you
spend in the middle path means
accepting the inevitability and
accepting your present moment accepting
you as you are now understanding the
inevitability of the life which may
happen in you happen for you when you
have these two understanding that is
what we called sub-12 means relaxed
restful middle part neither you are
driven by the non acceptance of the
present moment now you are driven by the
non acceptance of the future moments non
acceptance of the present moment of the
future woman are the root of Rajas and
Tamas restlessness and fear restlessness
and inertia this simple understanding
the psychological revolution achieved
the moment initiation happens in you
every word which comes out of the master
rings Bell in your heart and that
becomes a strong clear programming in
you programming your life based on the
Vedic knowledge even the Vedic knowledge
seems to be too small word the right
word is the true knowledge actually get
acknowledges to knowledge but a course
of time people are started thinking
vedic knowledge is something like a
brand you know all of us need to
understand the word Veda where our means
the knowledge which comes out of your
inner space when you are unclutched when
you are unclutched and relaxed whatever
research and development happens
automatically inside you without you
contributing are you interpret
interfering that is better if you just
keep quiet weather will happen in you
that SAR is the basic truth
let's undressed inner silence relax in
yes strong visualizations without
verbalizations will happen in you those
truths suddenly conveyed us there's a
beautiful description about who is the
regime in Sanskrit monitor brushed ice
regime understand not the person who
heard the mantra but the person who sees
the mantra mantra - da - da means who
sees means if the whole knowledge and
truth will happen in you as a
visualization not as a verbalization
when you drop from verbalization and
let's remember ization mantra Krishna
laughter now we are only listening the
mantra means like a sound either from
outside or from inside it comes out only
as a verbalization then you are not
it is not we're us it is not the two
knowledge it is perverted knowledge in
sanskrit we use the word the perverted
knowledge means of truth huh whatever -
- when you unclutch from the
verbalization which is constantly
happening yes strong visualizations
beyond your vaporization will come out
all you need to do is you have all your
effort and relax from unclutching
suddenly we'll see a very strong
visualizations will start happening in
you those visualizations suddenly called
us missions mantra - top you will see
the mantras from its knowledge
dude you will see the mantras you will
see the truth that is what is gone
Plue knowledge very understand the to
knowledge you don't need any other
separate practice
you are very breathing will become ajapa
japa japa you don't need to repeat any
mantra you are very breathing will
repeat the mantra
you're very breathing will repeat the
there's a beautiful mini-cooper nation
but a mom so Phoenician it says anybody
who repeats someone price of food sorry
to say that because till yesterday they
repeated 1 million mantra
it says Only Fools repeat mantras the
psychological revolution should happen
in you such a way your breathing will
start repeating the mantra means even
your breathing sounds will be
beautifully heard by you you will be in
such a deep peace it's got a hamsa
mantra the person who is able to hear
some the inhale and exhaling sound 24
hours understand I am now opening up to
many new things many new truths I don't
want to miss this Sutra is Sutra is
there and basically in the article disc
to tell you the truth my love for you
ties sands I can say such a pure
ultimate expression such an amazing
expression this whole Sutra anybody
understands it does not need a separate
practice beautiful citrus of a deep
anthem and in one of his very famous
Sun is based on this sutra understand if
the psychological revolution happens in
you if you are Matteo Ponte if you are a
what means if you have a complete
acceptance of your present moment and
the future moments which may come you
will be able to very clearly hear the
hum sound of the inhaling and some sort
of exhaling means you will be completely
aware of the movements happening inside
your body whoever you see all of you
will be able to be aware of the hounds
sound it is you need something some
mantra which is exhaling sound if you
sit quietly and see what but not 24
if you try numb for next few moments
every other till you get the Samba smell
from a nomination
not after that
Timmy is not thinking I don't know what
happened to my car I don't know what
happened to this what happened to that
till then you will be able to either as
a quasi possum as a part of a means the
sound which is japan raja baath
reputation of the mantra which is
happening continuously in you ordinary
mantra chanting everything is only a few
minutes you do not yours you do this
mantra is being chanted 24 hours by you
by your system if you can be aware of
that mantra hum some 24 hours you are
paramahamsa that's all understand the
person who is in the middle part not
even now if just for few moment decide I
will accept my present moment as it is
and I accept all the future moments
including my death
now with this acceptance in your vomit
just sit for a few moments you will see
very clearly there you will be able to
clearly experience all the moments
happening in you that is inhaling or
exhaling ah inside your mind what are
you thoughts moving are your never sent
them coming up and going down you will
be completely a deep centered integrated
aware space this you can experience when
you have this understanding in your
heart the person who carries this
understanding in the heart 24 hours who
is able to maintain that hamsa mantra 24
hours in
cluding dream state is paramahamsa the
whole technique of Vipassana breath
watch hamsa mantra repetition everything
as only one that this technique
unwinding the mind keep in the middle
until it drops how the Raja starts
happening in you Raj is still being a
kind of a hitting you it will bring a
kind of a healed
chilli if you sit in a roller coaster
you can try it just sit in a roller
coaster don't be agitated and don't talk
to people or anything just sit and
observe your navel Center what happens
there and during the roller coaster just
close your eyes and observe what happens
here what happens inside your system is
actually I tried many of these things
they explained exactly see that just is
not even the quality which you
experience when you are angry when you
are restless when you are hmm
caught in the lust because when you are
not in the lust you don't experience few
notches you experience restlessness and
fear both together if you are unmarried
and got in the lust the fear of love if
you are married and cut in the lust the
fear of rejection you are not
experiencing pure restlessness even
during lust our anger understand the
pure lust can be experienced in roller
coaster the pure restlessness because
from the navel Center in your body goes
through a big change the pure restless
musta picked up they start working in
your life when you come down you will
see a different excitement which was not
before he said unfortunately the
societies which are addicted to this
excitement is prone to depression
because this excitement is literally
like eating your own bones if dog starts
eating its own bone but Allah same way
you are enjoying by destroying your life
force enjoyment being in the middle path
will constantly enrich you and add the
ability to enjoy more and more and will
and the ability to enjoy more and more
the intensity of the enjoyment will be
getting deeper and deeper for the
enjoyment which comes out of the
restlessness will tire your senses tire
your body and will more and more lead to
depression of course there can be no
enjoyment out of Thomas our fear you
will only restrain from something for
the sake of future all I want you to
understand is understand how our just
feels actually you can try at least once
to give you the understanding about how
our just feels because then you sit and
roller coaster and come down after that
just feel how your mouth is but you need
to be completely aware you need to have
the complete awareness how your mouth
tastes from this area only the righteous
will start racing usually not just races
through this area of the body
Thomas races through this area of the
body subdue our races
you will feel a kind of a things
happening through this area just feel
once and see how this feels
what I want you to feel it on whenever
you have that feeling
stop deciding do not make any decisions
big decision in your life do not do any
business decision do not be any
relationship position be very clear
those moments you are caught now in
grudges so just sit I am trying to come
back balance yourself to the middle part
whenever I once sitting in rollercoaster
one surprised by that I do identify the
feeling because I tried I experimented
with many things somehow I have to make
my disciples understand what is Moodle I
have to give you a very clear
explanation only then people will be
able to practice see I cannot just talk
in the terms which you can't practice
then useless then maybe I will be
telling you I not do much but that is
not the way you will be helped see the
philosophers work is constantly to do
that he knows too much masters work is
constantly to work the disciple should
know too much the whole purpose is
different I was experimenting how to
take exactly how you will be able to
find out whether your watches is working
our Thomas is working it's not a viewer
just gets activated in rollercoaster
when your body goes through a very mild
moments unexpected unmanageable by the
moments if you in India we do the
ceremony of firewater even during that
time there are just get selects of
course here I can't ask you to go
through fire working
try the rollercoaster that can give you
an idea but before sitting be completely
relaxed observe put your awareness near
a narrow Center and see through all the
right sub 60 seconds of 90 seconds what
is happening inside your system when you
come when you get down again
don't start parking don't start doing
anything sitting on further observe what
is happening what are the parts of your
body are restless or how is your mind
feeling just observe that energy is
Rajas once you understand internally
what is others you are safe because
whenever that feeling the repeats you
know this is the time I have to balance
me I have to get back to middle class I
have to get back to mother panda this is
not the time for me to answer any
question to my friends our family our
relative understand many of us are
upended doing one small mistake and
losing very big relationships very big
business deals very big friends very big
people in our life before taking that
kind of decision before meeting that
kind of person
before talking to the kind of person
just see you are mata panda you will
have the right word see same concept can
be expressed in a beautiful right word
you will have the right word all you
need to do is internally you should know
it's not understanding
when whether you are Rogers's awakened
Artemis is awakened all you need to do
is getting getting the blips catching
the glimpse how your grudges Optimus is
operating one more important thing
always when Rogers is operating there
will be one line of Thomas
well Thomas is operating there will be
one line of letters even if you
understand any one of the energy that
some even if you get the knack of
finding out whether you are having Rajas
are the musk is enough because you need
it to balance come to the center whether
it is Rajas Tamas we don't need that we
need to come to the center if you have
the idea how to diagnose how to find out
whether you are now caught in the Rajas
that is more than enough you don't need
to bother about Thomas then come back
coming back very simple T just for few
minutes remember I have served all the
moments which is it you come in my life
and this moment bracelet of the mala to
people I tell them remember these great
truths but that only the smaller what
you are mala mala is that each B is the
moment which is be constantly happening
in your life like a cycle like a cycling
the locket is the present moment which
is hanging except the present moment and
each moment which is going to happen in
your life remember whenever Rajas is
active in you just remember tomorrow and
Volta mala or just even remember that
you are wearing it why you are wearing
it to bring you back to the middle path
much deeper now to bring you back to
remind you to accept this moment and
every possible moment every moment which
is going to happen in your life the
moment you bring this understanding to
your heart in few seconds you will start
listening the thumbs are some houses of
the the mantra which is chanted by you
34 hours continuously I think all of you
are able to understand the idea of the
ramen shop she just sit without any word
very clearly you can see them emailing
breathing the prana which goes inside
creates a some de and the exhaling prana
the prana which is going out creates a
sound only thing because you are
creating too much noise from inside this
sound is never heard by you you have too
much noise from inside it it too many
fighting is going on too much of sound
is going on if at all some software can
come which can be fixed to your mind and
it can transcribe like a dragon software
the transliterated software's the
doctors are using for transcription I
also tried to use anyhow
if at all that you piece of software
which can be fixed to you and it starts
transcribing please never ever never
ever read if somebody else read it's
okay but not you you will have a shock
of your life because even before the
thought comes up to three since our
editing fight a pro/con everything was
true inside practically before God
reaches your upper mind at least ten
times the hiding and deleting and
editing goes on inside adding deleting
and editing goes on inside such a what
to say the torture because so much of
sound is happening inside you are not
able to hear that comes a sound even
once if you can get back to the dumps of
sound and just be in that some and start
relating only the initial level it'll be
literally difficult
how can I be in the deep peace and talk
to people also the initial level because
you are a waited to lose yourself
when you connect with the world
understand whenever you lose yourself
you are sending them the
self-remembrance that the clarity or the
idea about the Jiva when you connect
with the jaggerth jaggerth will take
over you understand if you put your
awareness on you you will be a living
spirit and world will be a dead matter
it will listen to whatever you say if
you lose yourself if you lose your
Center the middle path if you lose the
awareness about the Jiva individual self
and jump on the world out of fear are
green the world will become a
spirit that you will become matter and
worry will dictate on you whether you
want to be a spirit or a vector you
can't decide when important thing you
need to understand even are dealing
between all of your kids matter acts
value to you how many cars you have how
many houses you have what is your bank
balance that adds value to you if you go
to ramanamma cheese mushroom are
Vivekananda's ashram there's a small
coconut shell used whatever machine that
just simple chapels used to a
Vivekananda is worshipped and respected
millions of people come there just to
pay respect and touch that matter is I
added value by the spirit understand in
ordinary case matter in all of our
normal man matter the material which you
are adding your car house bungalow bank
balance is value to you in their case
spirit direct enough when you do
ordinary matter whether your Jeeva is
going to add value to jaga our select is
going to and the value Tajima is your
decision whether your self spirit is my
time value to that world our world is
going to add value to you keep yourself
alive by keeping yourself in the magic
Patna the center in the initial level
because you are trained to lose yourself
and you relate with the world
yeah that the fear are at the tree you
may lose the track again and again you
may lose the track of the magic Panda
you may lose the track of that hums
abduct the hamsa mantra for few days
don't bother come back again come
I try to relate people try to relate
that business dealings try to do we were
introduced trying to do even physical
work try to do everything including
eating even when you lie down and fall
asleep try to do everything just with
this one middle path bringing yourself
back to the balance even if you lose
your balance
lose your hamsa mantra hundred times a
day that is okay hundred times you act
the mantra that is where you are able to
do sometimes so don't bother would under
thanks losing remember and give the
trade to you that under times you
remember so hundred times you fail in
the quitting the smoking is not a big
under things you try it so under tension
you may forget comes a mantra that is
okay under tense you remember that is a
great thing
so try in the few days you will see you
are able to talk you are able to relate
to people you are able to relate with
the world you are able to relate and do
all your responsibilities from morning
till night 24 hours with the balance of
am Samantha with the balance of what
Shiva says us keep in the middle until
it drops understand whenever you come
back to the center to the balance among
Samantha let me describe once more very
clearly the gist essence of this whole
technique just carry the understanding
in your heart very clearly I accept this
moment what I have in the outer world
and the inner world as me as me and I
accept all the moments which is dead to
happen in my life
throughout the Eternity just carry this
acceptance in you in the heart and sit
in a relaxed way you will see there's no
need for any sound from inside there is
no need for any movement from inside
there is no need for any disturbance
from inside the hamsa mantra is flowing
beautifully dams mantra is moving by
itself without you repeating without you
being conscious of it without you being
aware of it
without you putting any effort to it
just stay in the damn semestre initially
start doing simple words like a
tailor close friend very don't need to
lose yourself talking to simple business
dealings talking playing with a child
moving your body in a simple way try all
these small things with the balance of
this hamsa mantra and you will see
within a few days
you are able to become instantly
centered on hamsa mantra I am able to do
all your activity understand I promise
when you are centered on someone try you
will never do a mistake because the
energy which flows in you may be subpar
the subtle energy is so intelligent it
knows exactly how to relate to the world
how to relate with a giraffe when a
Sequoia is happening
the Devi the Jaya the world the giraffe
is called Buddha she becomes your
servant she becomes your assistant she
becomes even friend she completely Falls
in tune with you simply your
intelligence will open how to relate
with every
how to relate with every relationship
your intelligence will be completely
availability it is not the film art
intelligence but when the Rajas is
our intelligence will not become
available to us will not be available to
us that is the moments we make mistakes
in relationship our business dealings
are the life all you need to do bring
yourself back to the hamsa mantra bring
yourself back to the middle bring
yourself back to the center from the
magis our Thomas
there's a beautiful story what a
drunkard goes to Ramakrishna and asked
why go on do something I am NOT able to
talk Thomas is very very funny
instruction he says before they just
remember body and African drink he comes
back in three days and says I am NOT
able to drink he just dropped me
understand if we look like interacting I
tell you it is a simple science
anybody who can bring themselves back to
the midea panda but one important thing
the drunkard was very deeply devoted to
Kyle so whenever he remembered Kearney
automatically he came back to Ma Tei
panda he came back to middle path he
came back to the hamsa mantra
so naturally the hamsa mantra is
intelligently enough to guide your body
and mind to guide your system understand
the samsu mantra can do a big
psychological revolution inside your
system Shiva says unbinding the mind
keep in the middle until it drops so
just rested AMSA mantra whenever you
say try wants to find out the see if you
understand the physical symptom of
Rogers you will never miss it do not
have the mental sector because you don't
believe your mind understand I have seen
many people keeping on
whenever I'm agitated madrassas know
these kind of scales you will never be
able to remember when you are educated
you will not remember you're agitated
when you are restless you will not
remember you are restless have some
physical symptom recorded remembered in
your system so whenever the physical
symptom happens you should remember you
are in Rogers the wrong energy is acting
if you the physical symptom you will be
catch that able to catch the giveness in
the roller-coaster when you go through
that you'll get the gifts of the
physical symptom of Rogers even during
lust are during and then what happens in
you is not a pure physical symptom of
Rogers it is the mixture symptom and
it's a mixture of the signals of Rajas
and Tamas both so don't take that as a
signal of Maja's this is the roller
coaster experience the fuel signal of
grudges of course it will be different
for every different person actually I am
NOT able to describe animal only
describe only what I went through it
will be little difficult different for
different persons but you can catch the
glimpse how your body feels when you are
caught by Rajas and whenever that starts
happening in you come back to Center
Madi Ponte middle path the part of
subtle subtle energy then you will see
naturally the holy intelligence the
sarthak energy is awakened in you and
the Holy intelligence the suffering
prove the something bliss or flows in
you whenever you come back to that
Center if a strong visualization a
person you the distribution creativity
if the strong joyful would happens in
you that is Ananda that is another if
you are completely aware of what is
going to happen in your future that is
called children if a strong
visualization comes out of you that is
suck if strong clarity about what is
going to happen in your life comes out
of you
that is tip awareness the strong joyful
experience comes out of you that is an
enough such it Ananda can be achieved
just by coming back to support coming
back to the middle path understand
whenever you come back to middle path
first day if you try you may have to
come back at least hundred times because
sometimes you will miss you one of my
drama sorry I gave this as a technique
I gave it the counter in the hand I told
him all the day just count how many
times you come back so a beautiful
experiment the first day it was almost
like hundred after one week it was
drastically reduced to ten only ten
times he missed that AMSA balancing of
the hamsa and within three months whole
day he was able to relate the same
activity same responsibilities same
Beauty same work with the balance of
hamsa mantra all I say is 90 days
I need it is here try it just for
Shirley dangerous is two months again
and again come back come back
somebody asked me so every day you are
getting one won't take me don't you want
to try see which rings bill needle in
your arm
suddenly when you hear some technique I
this is going to work first
I know for sure this is what is the
exact problem what I am having if some
techniques will melt very you take up
that technique that day and continue in
few days you will know that you are
really falling if you feeling connected
that is a technique for you that is then
part for you that is the way to
realization surely within 90 days you
will get back you will be able to be in
that software that multiple unable to do
the whole activity being in MIDI Pantha
see by being in multiple suddenly you
will see the number of thoughts coming
before the action is starts reducing
that is the period that is called living
when completely thoughts drop and you
are able to do all your activity without
thoughts you are enlightened understand
if you are able to conduct all your
activity 24 hours with the balance of
the hamsa mantra raja raja baath
repetition of mantra without repeating
your life if you are struggling but
trying to balance more and more and you
are more and more getting centered that
is living in like Sodom you are living
the Enlightenment moments when the car
stops appearing your ever interact
without any thought just the total
you are enlightened that's all this is
the gist of what Buddha says in his
great technics the persona anapanasati
my dear Papa in the whole thing the
whole thing technique and teaching she
was given in this one Sutra beautifully
unwinding mind that is actually teaching
that is the teaching which you need but
understanding which you need to carry in
your heart keep in the middle until it
drops it is a technique which you need
to practice till the enlightenment
happens so now we'll take a few moments
to enter into this meditation today also
you will stop with the one Sutra I think
most of you are aware but last 15 days
too many things are happening in the
pimple national we need little time for
the people to organize this and arrange
for the next cultural programs and
everything that's the reason plane
yesterday at grey I am doing only one on
Sutra from tomorrow evening we'll start
having two sessions do not trust so
let's enter into the Sutra now enter
into the meditation before ending this
session please sit straight
sit in a very relaxed way very
consciously with a strong decision
intensely create an intention that you
are accepting you as you are in the
outer world and in the inner world this
moment tell yourself I have enough
without word nice things I have enough
of good qualities in the inner world
nice things I am accepting myself
completely no need to develop myself in
the outer world or the inner world if I
have ego that is ok if I have guilt that
is ok if I have fear that is ok if I
have great that is ok whatever you have
with told that you have it's ok except
right or wrong decide consciously exit
please close your eyes and sit in a very
relaxed way without moving the body body
mods will create parts so if your body
is stable without moment it can take you
to the deeper silence
whatever objection your mind raises no
no I can't accept me I can't accept this
at least accept that accept that also
except the present moment except all the
future moments whatever your mind things
as the worst thing can happen to your
life except even those moments if it
happens you cannot avoid it is
inevitable understand the inevitability
and that's subject
do not try to do anything there's no
need to repeat any mantra just sit it is
acceptance automatically you will see
you are breathing flows with the deep
sound of a common sound just you become
silent you will hear that mantra which
is getting repeated constantly
not try consciously to add the sound in
an uptrend you just be silent carrying
this deep understanding of acceptance in
your being let the Thomas and registry
balance let you be in suffer
you might get subdued that was not very
but demonsaw undoubtable droppings
that's so
lift the sound of the a Jaffa unsung
I itself
right lag sound c'mon try to repeat the
mantra as relax with the be evil
Serpent's never harm
damn someone try to give itself de the
last the connection from bad
and we'd sit with the read at serpents
crying continuously actually this
technique is not supposed to be done in
a particular time continuously whenever
you feel the Registry's happening come
back even otherwise come back and be
that middle one multiple back in the
south wall let them summons to repeat
itself because you are talking
constantly beside yourself dumb savant
rise never heard by you if you relax
from talking inner chattering by that
subtends damn so mantra may be heard by
you again and again come back and beat
that am so month Rajab Rajab or the
middle path the subtle center suddenly
will see as I was telling this
vermicelli counter first day you may
need unpretentious to come back within
few weeks times within three months you
will see you don't need to come back at
all constantly there raja baath now
mantra is happening in you you are
centered in sattva but you are able to
do all your activity your profession
your business your relationships your
life anywhere you'll be able to manage
everything but you are centered on as a
part you are centered on aqua that is
what I call living enlightenment
that is what I call g1 move means even
where you are living you are liberated
because of you're centered on the supply
you will have a clear understanding
about the Jeeva means the self you will
have a clear understanding unveiled to
relate with the jaga the world because
of these two clarity naturally will fall
into the source which is
Oh God the person was realized
gibberish Vegeta the person who can play
with all these three and enjoy is the
enlightened being so understand and
carry this acceptance on the truth in
your heart and let this ajapa japa damn
Samanta repeat itself in your Innerspace
and let you live enlightenment like your
achieve and radiate the eternal bliss
Nithyanandam thank you!...
Initiation - Deeper Truths
===Initiation - Deeper Truths===
From the works of living enlightened master Paramahamsa Nithyananda.  In this clip taken from discourse titled, "Catch the thread of existence" Swamiji sheds deep insights into initiation as told never before.  
From the works of living enlightened master Paramahamsa Nithyananda.  In this clip taken from discourse titled, "Catch the thread of existence" Swamiji sheds deep insights into initiation as told never before.  
==Link to Video: ==  
===Link to Video Audio: ===
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmmb0JPh0uA |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/11nov2007initiation-deeper-truthsmp3"/>
|alignment=center }}
The Upanishad says the person who
is initiated the initiated person for
him whole world is heaven amrutasya
he monitored heaven the person is
uninitiated she understand the word
initiation it means not that doing some
ceremonial ritual initiation means that
click happening in you when a master
expresses the truth the realization if
the click happens in you if suddenly you
feel Oh God
right what he says is right I was always
thinking this he put it in a right way
if you feel whatever and speaking always
you thought about it but I am
verbalizing it I am probably putting it
in word initiation or something that is
the scale whether initiation has
happened or not
if the initiation happens the whole
world is heaven the initiation is not
happening then whole world is help all
you need to understand is this to
quality when you do not accept this
moment starts the green when you do not
accept the moments which may come there
starts fear out of green the quality of
Rajas gets added into your system out of
fear the quality of Thomas gets added
into your system all you need to
understand the more and more time you
spend in the middle form means accepting
the inevitability
and accepting your present moment
accepting you as you are now
understanding the inevitability of the
life which may happen in you happen for
you when you have these two
understanding that is what we call sub
twerk means relaxed restful middle path
neither you are driven by the non
acceptance of the present moment nor you
are driven by the non acceptance of the
future moments non acceptance of the
present moment of future woman are a
route of Rajas and Tamas restlessness
and fear restlessness and inertia this
simple understanding the psychological
revolution achieved the moment
initiation happens in you every word
which comes out of the master rings bell
in your heart and that becomes a strong
clear programming in you programming
your life based on the Vedic knowledge
even the Vedic knowledge seems to be too
small word the right word is the true
knowledge actually Vedic knowledge is
true knowledge but a course of time
people are started thinking Vedic
knowledge is something like a brandy no
all of us need to understand the word
vera vera means the knowledge which
comes out of your inner space when you
are unclutched when you are unclutched
and relaxed whatever research and
development happens automatically inside
you without you
contributing are you interpreting
interfering that is better if you just
keep quiet weather will happen in you
that'sall is the basic truth when you
and rest in a silence relaxed in science
yes strong visualizations without
verbalizations will happen in you those
truths are only called Vedas there is a
beautiful description about who is Rishi
in Sanskrit mantra crushed ice fishing
understand not the person who heard the
mantra but the person who sees the
mantra mantra - da - da means who sees
means if the whole knowledge and truth
will happen in you as a visualization
not as a verbalization when you drop
from verbalization and lets from
verbalization mantra Krishna will happen
now we are only listening the mantra
means like a sound either from outside
or from inside it comes out only as a
verbalization then you are not reaching
it is not we're us it is not the two
knowledge it is perverted knowledge in
Sanskrit you use the word the perverted
knowledge means of truth not perverted -
when you unclutch from the verbalization
which is constantly happening
you're strong visualizations beyond your
verbalization will come out all you need
to do is put your all your effort and
relax from unclutching
suddenly we see a very strong
visualizations will start happening in
you those visualizations are only called
as visions mantra - da you will see the
mantras mantra means knowledge dude you
will see the mantras you will see the
truth that is what is called veda
<!-- SCANNER_START_VIDEO speech -->
<!-- SCANNER_START_VIDEO speech -->
Hamsa Mantra Sutra
===Hamsa Mantra Sutra===
From the works of Living Enlightened Master Paramahamsa Nithyananda.  In this clip taken from the discourse titled, "Catch the Thread of Existence" Swamiji talks about the basis behind Hamsa Mantra and the deep inner transformation this mantra brings about in all of us.
From the works of Living Enlightened Master Paramahamsa Nithyananda.  In this clip taken from the discourse titled, "Catch the Thread of Existence" Swamiji talks about the basis behind Hamsa Mantra and the deep inner transformation this mantra brings about in all of us.
==Link to Video: ==  
===Link to Video Audio: ===
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ovoDRAmdLA |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/hamsa"/>
|alignment=center }}
<!-- SCANNER_START_VIDEO speech -->
Hamsa Mantra - The Core of Buddhist Tradition
===Hamsa Mantra - The Core of Buddhist Tradition===
From the works of living enlightened master Paramahamsa Nithyananda.  In this clip taken from discourse titled, "Catch the thread of existence" Swamiji tells us that the Hamsa Mantra Sutra formed the core of the Buddhist tradition.  Every sutra from this great teachings of Shiva has given rise to separate traditions.
From the works of living enlightened master Paramahamsa Nithyananda.  In this clip taken from discourse titled, "Catch the thread of existence" Swamiji tells us that the Hamsa Mantra Sutra formed the core of the Buddhist tradition.  Every sutra from this great teachings of Shiva has given rise to separate traditions.
==Link to Video: ==  
===Link to Video Audio: ===
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3TG7009xkM |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/gate-gate-para-gate-buddhist"/>
|alignment=center }}
<!-- SCANNER_START_VIDEO speech -->
<!-- SCANNER_START_VIDEO speech -->
Hamsa Mantra - Meditation Technique
===Hamsa Mantra - Meditation Technique===
From the works of Living Enlightened Master Paramahamsa Nithyananda.  In this clip taken from discourse titled "Catch the thread of existence" Swamiji takes us through a guided meditation of Hamsa Mantra.  This sutra is the bias for the entire Buddhist tradition.  
From the works of Living Enlightened Master Paramahamsa Nithyananda.  In this clip taken from discourse titled "Catch the thread of existence" Swamiji takes us through a guided meditation of Hamsa Mantra.  This sutra is the bias for the entire Buddhist tradition.  
==Link to Video: ==  
===Link to Video: ===
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dM5jpNSlnxw |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/mool-mantra-meditation?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2007-playlist"/>
|alignment=center }}
==Link to Audio==
<div align="center">
===Hamsa Mantra - Meditation Technique===
<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/mool-mantra-meditation?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2007-playlist" />
[[Category: 2007 | 20071111]]
==Photos Of The Day:==
{{#hsimg:1|200|MC12th2007 246_CMP_WM|https://zenphoto.kailasamailer.com/zp-core/i.php?a=2007-NOV-11-AFP-13399/01-SHIVA-SUTRAS-LA&i=MC12th2007 246_CMP_WM.jpg}}
{{#hsimg:1|200|MC12th2007 247_CMP_WM|https://zenphoto.kailasamailer.com/zp-core/i.php?a=2007-NOV-11-AFP-13399/01-SHIVA-SUTRAS-LA&i=MC12th2007 247_CMP_WM.jpg}}
{{#hsimg:1|200|MC12th2007 248_CMP_WM|https://zenphoto.kailasamailer.com/zp-core/i.php?a=2007-NOV-11-AFP-13399/01-SHIVA-SUTRAS-LA&i=MC12th2007 248_CMP_WM.jpg}}
{{#hsimg:1|200|MC12th2007 249_CMP_WM|https://zenphoto.kailasamailer.com/zp-core/i.php?a=2007-NOV-11-AFP-13399/01-SHIVA-SUTRAS-LA&i=MC12th2007 249_CMP_WM.jpg}}
{{#hsimg:1|200|MC12th2007 250_CMP_WM|https://zenphoto.kailasamailer.com/zp-core/i.php?a=2007-NOV-11-AFP-13399/01-SHIVA-SUTRAS-LA&i=MC12th2007 250_CMP_WM.jpg}}
{{#hsimg:1|200|MC12th2007 251_CMP_WM|https://zenphoto.kailasamailer.com/zp-core/i.php?a=2007-NOV-11-AFP-13399/01-SHIVA-SUTRAS-LA&i=MC12th2007 251_CMP_WM.jpg}}
{{#hsimg:1|200|MC12th2007 252_CMP_WM|https://zenphoto.kailasamailer.com/zp-core/i.php?a=2007-NOV-11-AFP-13399/01-SHIVA-SUTRAS-LA&i=MC12th2007 252_CMP_WM.jpg}}
{{#hsimg:1|200|MC12th2007 253_CMP_WM|https://zenphoto.kailasamailer.com/zp-core/i.php?a=2007-NOV-11-AFP-13399/01-SHIVA-SUTRAS-LA&i=MC12th2007 253_CMP_WM.jpg}}
{{#hsimg:1|200|MC12th2007 254_CMP_WM|https://zenphoto.kailasamailer.com/zp-core/i.php?a=2007-NOV-11-AFP-13399/01-SHIVA-SUTRAS-LA&i=MC12th2007 254_CMP_WM.jpg}}
{{#hsimg:1|200|MC12th2007 255_CMP_WM|https://zenphoto.kailasamailer.com/zp-core/i.php?a=2007-NOV-11-AFP-13399/01-SHIVA-SUTRAS-LA&i=MC12th2007 255_CMP_WM.jpg}}
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Latest revision as of 06:15, 16 August 2021


Catch the thread of Existence - Shiva Sutras


This is a video taken from the live discourses by living enlightened master Paramahamsa Nithyananda, who has spoken over thousands of hours of public discourses related to various topics ranging from life solutions to corporate talks to enlightenment. These include: Life Solutions like stress-free living, freedom from depression, conflict-free living, holistic living etc. Corporate Talks on leadership, intuitive management etc. Scriptures like Bhagavad Gita, Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Jain Sutras, Brahma Sutras, Ashtavakra Gita, Shiva Sutras

In addition to the enlightening discourses, Paramahamsa Nithyananda conducts various meditation and yoga programs and retreats. One of his flagship programs is Inner Awakening (www.innerawakening.org) - a 21-day meditation workshop where Paramahamsa Nithyananda takes the participants through various deep meditative and yogic processes and wide ranging topics including wealth, health, relationships, past life regression and of course enlightenment itself.

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Video Audio


before I'm taking about the Sutra just few understandings few words about the scripture Shiva Sutra this book is not even just a manual for enlightenment it is a manual to create spiritual traditions the technical theater today is the base of whole Buddhist tradition each technique each meditation technique which is described in this book is the base for one religious tradition one spiritual philosophy out of this one meditation technique holy Buddhist tradition is one fortunately this book is order that is why we are able to say from this book it started the blast how can you keep booth also along with God's because Buddha did not accept very God's if you really deeply Buddha never said there's no God our God does not exist whenever he was asked the question he just avoided just not to miss the time because whenever you say yes I've known you have enough arguments you come and ask me somebody is there God atheism with a decent cultured responsible is straight path to enlightenment there are many masters who let people to enlightenment through atheism very rational logical responsible there are many masters who never accepted God but let people towards godliness people ask me is there God attentive God is not the thing to argue by saying yes or no the moment I say is I'll have thousand more question the moment I said no again there was more question both I'm not going to help you neither yes nor no is going to help you just give a technique through which he will realize he even soluble but single to Buddha did the same job he never said yes never said no he just give the method he just gave a technique and let people to achieve enlightenment achieve the truth in a very beautiful way without accepting the authority of the radar he contributed to Vedic tradition see there'll always be 50% of the people saying no but everything see when you say no it is very juicy saying no is really very juicy that is I know it's where do you think constantly it said over anything and everything because it used on the feeling that they are drawn up now only when you say no you feel you have freedom there's something called positive freedom freedom of acceptance and saying yes they activate freedom but unfortunately neither we have thought about Navi experienced you can tell actually this moment you can liberate yourself all you need to do is accept you as you are in the outer world of inner world suddenly you will see you are touched you are clutched by only one friend non-acceptance Sucre bennigan IVA Krishna says I am the thread running through the whole existence there's one trend in you which is running through the whole suffering of your life non acceptance this liquor Lord is the thread Krishna is the thread running can I take the whole existence you are non acceptance is the thread running and connecting your whole sufferings what you tell us some sorrow the power suffering of disease it's one moment they're simple acceptance people ask me I am NOT able to accept that I mean I am NOT even except means always the mallet at least except that you are not able to accept you that's all even that is an acceptance that you are not acceptance can suddenly unclutch you there is no need for not flowing in you there were one group of people who are very simple were able to straightaway connect and accept and realize the truth so that grew the Vedic tradition was helping but slowly slowly unfortunately the kind of a negative wave a negative group started developing because the spiritual techniques of the transmission of the spiritual enlightenment was not happening at one point this transmission of enlightenment was not happening so that I'm Tecna stick of a crowd which started saying no to everything if you say no logically there won't be any problem same or just I don't want just for the sake of feeling strong for that troop there is nobody to guide them it is not that just because they were honest trade they can be dropped and they can be completely thrown out no somebody has to take care of them so then demand dissonance as Buddha who get us all the trouble yes all the people who suppose say or say constantly no he he also get at all of them and said yes he played the same tune he played the same tomb but I can say the month the Masters Buddha is the master who contributed maximum number of enlightened beings to the planet death maximum number of enlightened beings are contributed to character from the Buddhist tradition they are actually from Buddha vening us-ally fortunately was in the body for more than 80 years he became enlightened around 40 40 years enlightened public missions he created at least 10,000 enlightened beings I think even now it's a achievement I don't think anybody else's than much more than that he contributed so much without directly saying yes or no to the question whether God exists or not he's trained today given a technique and that technique is from this Sutra this is the Sutra which forms the whole center of the Buddhist tradition let me read the Sutra then we will understand and minding the mind keep in the middle and take it drops a very big problem shusui process it is too simple it's too simple only an integrated person will be able to use these techniques these are like a fire only a person is ready they straightaway explode by the touch of a fire when a touch of the shooter there's a beautiful opposition story one disciple goes to the master a mass must give me enlightenment this master requires toqtamish is where the gave the earth Optima see that Thomas is very decayed or that Thomas see that art thou that art thou nine times eight bits and the safe isn't like story it's not nighttime I don't know how many times I have to repeat why it is not happening the reason is the spell again was fully integrated burning burning to receive the truth it's a beautiful example Ramakrishna gives the mother pearl we'll be waiting for the rain water the mother pearl makes the full with rainwater when the rain water falls he just carries the great martyr into his room and goes down into the ocean and whatever process is just on the great what rate monitor only becomes a whirl so just like wonderful lady with a wide open mouth and the ocean about the water she'll be just waiting for rainwater she cannot take the salt water make world seeing it's pure rainwater the moment won't drop rainwater falls on the pole mother called immediately she'll go into the ocean deep muscly and she'll start doing the classes she'll come out with the birth one year personal is seeking intensely make a mother pearl for initiation waiting with open being the moment master uttered some words those words straight to enter setting if any carries the poet goes and sits inside his inner space starts doing the process comes out with the pearl of enlightenment opens himself with that well of enlightened only that intense speaker even a few words are enough even few words are enough you will see suddenly the being blossoming expanding and expressing itself it's a simple world just like diplomacy diplomacy is there it's called as muhammediye that are down is called as muhammediye means the word which straightaway cues enlightenment vodka which straightaway leads you to the experience of a Mahad the cosmos is Muhammadiyah in this book every line is myopia every word is a Maharajah he just says not minding the mind keep in the middlee until it drops the capacitor so much depth on the middle path let's must understand how our life flows either it flows based on their greed non acceptance of your present state non acceptance of your present state that becomes a driving force and starts moving that's called lodges we call this as a Rajas restlessness the next thing now is non acceptance of the inevitability of the life and death fear when you don't accept the present moment you start aspiring for more and there comes green Rajas restlessness when you are not ready to accept the future moments that becomes fear Thomas understand non acceptance of the present moment leads to create non acceptance of the future moments which may come leads to fear when we can't understand when we are not ready to relate the inevitability of the life you need to understand that word inevitability a very deep way that's a beautiful commentator Varsha some lakshman Jew he was the one Swami whom we really wanted to meet but he passed away just to meet him I walked more than nine months but by the time I reached the place I got you see pastor he was the one great soul I always repented but we're not taking the right decision time whoever I wanted to meet in my wandering journey I never missed I heard about him I read one of his books I had a very strong feeling to meet and started unfortunately I had that foolish of not touching the money at that time so I had to walk all the way I felt that how he is supposed to help me towards enlightenment that reversal has finally disturbed me it was the given practical power by the time he was very worried that he was sick I also heard hi I know that they were seeking I know you even possibly at any time but somehow was walking by the time I reached he passed away is he beautifully comments I wanted to remind and give the credit for this great treasure which is shared with the world and offer my gratitude there's a reason I remember it now he very beautifully explains the inevitability for example now I am sitting here and you are sitting here next moment if you want you can go from this hall to the target this hall to the outside room this is a kind of a freedom second thing you can only go but you can't fly you have certain freedom and you have certain bondage understand there are few things which you can do if you want you can go the right hand if you want you can go the left hand if you want you can stand up and walk but you cannot fly the inevitability means this moment whatever power you have you will be able to handle those power whatever you don't have you don't have a simple thing where do I need to contemplate about it if you look into your thinking system you are constantly struggling to do something which you very clearly know you can't do it many times you are constantly hitting them all hitting the ball gives you ego satisfaction understand and not only that many times you are struggling actually corruption which is which happens in your Innerspace the corruption which happens in your programming what I call worry comes from the this very root non acceptance of the inevitability of the moment maybe few more words do you'll be able to understand deeply let me explain in two ways one now next moment if you want you can go out or you can stand or you can be here but this moment you are already here so this moment what is is inevitable it is there you can't avoid next moment you may be able to change based on the availability of the power and freedom you have that also in a very restricted way there's a beautiful example from the Amish now that we throw more different clear light on this concept actually this inevitability concern this truth can straightaway lead to psychological revolution in you that is why it's very subtle very subtle but if you can put your attention and understand every line I'm trying to express another difficulty is I read his books in sanskrit and my internal and expression the whole thing happens in science but I have to translate the whole thing into English that is further difficulty comes some more old English does not have such a rich words tell you honestly English is a beautiful word for outer science not for inner science which is not the word to transmit the science of enlightenment to transmit the technical things are ventilated somebody asks Ramakrishna is everything in the life is Safed our individual freedom do we have individual freedom or everything is predestined Ramakrishna says beautifully if a cow is tied on a wall or a pole five feet rope is there the covers of freedom to sit or stand a walk around inside that five feet radius but not more than that so there is a political part which the co can do that beyond the given it cannot be under limit everything is failed the cow has freedom to eat whatever is available inside the five feet it has got some freedom but if a lion comes on attacks it is a faith how cannot save itself if the cow behaves properly with that freedom the owner may extend the rope if he is not bullying around if he's not eating people he's not doing nonsensical things to disturb others the owner may extend the hope I may even completely leave it free liberated so the freedom the individual freedom our faith free distrained comes based on our lifestyle we do have a certain kind of freedom these be properly use it use it for right purpose for not hurting others living properly the freedom can be extended or completely given to accepting the inevitability now this is the freedom we have next moment we may have may not have and this moment whatever is happening is inevitable that is the way it is happening you cannot bring the moment which is lost back and corrected or iterated there is no time machine inevitability means accepting all these three ideas first thing you cannot bring things back an orator second thing this moment is this moment nothing can be added to it if you want you can only add in the next moment third thing even the adding in the next moment is not completely under your control these three understandings when it settles in you it brings a tremendous psychological revolution understand the basic thing needed for enlightenment is psychological revolution clarity about the self world and God Jeeva Jagat issue Jeeva is the self how you think how you are driven what is your inspiration what makes you run in your life what makes you move in your life why you think how you think this understanding is Jeeva that jagat how the clarity which happened with me are the desires and fears I feel in me how I am going to connect it with the world if I have some desires how am I going to get it from the world if I have some fears how am I going to avoid it am i those things being forced upon me from by the world that relationship is jagged issue means the source for both the source firm Cinda with yourself and the world is the issue achieving the source all these three is what is God enlightenment first having clear understanding about Jeeva why you think how you think this clarity will give you the experience about Jeeva then how to connect with the world through your fear our River green achieving what you want to achieve keeping away from what don't want this is the realization about that ish Jagat world the third is Shura which is the source of this to experiencing it actually is a very subtle truth but very strong truth just by understanding it can live it deliberately just a simple understanding it can solve so many problems so many things the click will straightaway happen just by understanding this Sutra is the Nikia Sutra is Sutra means you need to practice it eternally actually anything which you need to practice eternally you don't need to practice all you need to do is you just become part of you you should become part each if you can just it should be internalized anything you need to practice and particular time only you need to put your effort and practice anything which is registered on the eternal practice you don't have to do anything understand and internalize it very internalizing you are thinking structure you are way of behaving the whole thing will be totally transformed acceptance of the inevitability of every moment happening in your life this moment you are sitting over next moment if you want you can stand but you cannot fly these three statements if it is internalized always your steps will be with a very clear idea of what you can do it will never be too big jumping it will never be crazy things the big problem is people come and ask me suddenly so me everything was going well suddenly my life was become a failure understand failure will never be suddenly it will never be suddenly they always think it is suddenly because we never understood the mornings we never looked into ourselves what we are doing if you don't understand what you are doing actually failure babysitter understand in the planet Earth created by God only in Iraq you suffer never accidents and problem is when you don't have understanding in clarity even miracles look like as accidents where I keep some accidents actually both are same which is not understandable by logic which is not definable by your logic based on how you face it you call it as a miracle or accident if the same thing happens to your neighbour it is considered as accident if it happens to you it is a miraculous that's all nothing else how you face it how you face it how you see it if you have the depressions look into the life and accepting the inevitability of the moment everything is Marathi you are still breathing still your heart is beating still you're alive is summer actually we should be Bri but right you have if you tell me so many thoughts many but right but the drug is not your right there is the personal but right if we look with acceptance the life with a little relaxed understanding you will see everything is miraculous if you look with the restlessness irritation non-acceptance everything is an accident everything is an accident you are a spur to look like an accident happen in your life which they look like accent biggest accidents happening in your life your house will look the worst accident happened in your life everything will look like a mega accidents happened in your life actually all you need is a simple psychological revolution happening inside your system just this one ideas acceptance and realizing the inevitability of the moment the inevitability of the moment you don't need thoughts of whether you accept or not it is going to be that way that's all if you are intelligent enough enjoy otherwise it's okay that's not there's nothing yes you cannot do anything about it whether life is an accident Armour acting depends on you that is soil the operation says the personal is initiated the initiated person for him whole world is Alan industrious immortal heaven the person is uninitiated to understand the word initiation it means not that doing some ceremonial ritual initiation means that click happening in you when a master expresses the truth the realization if the click happens in you if suddenly you feel Oh God right what he says is right I was always thinking this he put it in the right way if you feel whatever I am speaking always you thought about it but I am verbalizing it I am properly putting in the word initiation assumption that is the scale whether initiation has happened or not if the initiation happens the whole world is seven the initiation is not happening then whole world is help how you need to understand is this to quality when you do not accept this moment starts the green when you do not accept the moments which may come there starts fear out of green the quality of Rajas gets added into your system out of fear the quality of Thomas gets added into your system all you need to understand the more and more time you spend in the middle path means accepting the inevitability and accepting your present moment accepting you as you are now understanding the inevitability of the life which may happen in you happen for you when you have these two understanding that is what we called sub-12 means relaxed restful middle part neither you are driven by the non acceptance of the present moment now you are driven by the non acceptance of the future moments non acceptance of the present moment of the future woman are the root of Rajas and Tamas restlessness and fear restlessness and inertia this simple understanding the psychological revolution achieved the moment initiation happens in you every word which comes out of the master rings Bell in your heart and that becomes a strong clear programming in you programming your life based on the Vedic knowledge even the Vedic knowledge seems to be too small word the right word is the true knowledge actually get acknowledges to knowledge but a course of time people are started thinking vedic knowledge is something like a brand you know all of us need to understand the word Veda where our means the knowledge which comes out of your inner space when you are unclutched when you are unclutched and relaxed whatever research and development happens automatically inside you without you contributing are you interpret interfering that is better if you just keep quiet weather will happen in you that SAR is the basic truth let's undressed inner silence relax in silence yes strong visualizations without verbalizations will happen in you those truths suddenly conveyed us there's a beautiful description about who is the regime in Sanskrit monitor brushed ice regime understand not the person who heard the mantra but the person who sees the mantra mantra - da - da means who sees means if the whole knowledge and truth will happen in you as a visualization not as a verbalization when you drop from verbalization and let's remember ization mantra Krishna laughter now we are only listening the mantra means like a sound either from outside or from inside it comes out only as a verbalization then you are not relaxed it is not we're us it is not the two knowledge it is perverted knowledge in sanskrit we use the word the perverted knowledge means of truth huh whatever - - when you unclutch from the verbalization which is constantly happening yes strong visualizations beyond your vaporization will come out all you need to do is you have all your effort and relax from unclutching suddenly we'll see a very strong visualizations will start happening in you those visualizations suddenly called us missions mantra - top you will see the mantras from its knowledge dude you will see the mantras you will see the truth that is what is gone Plue knowledge very understand the to knowledge you don't need any other separate practice you are very breathing will become ajapa japa japa you don't need to repeat any mantra you are very breathing will repeat the mantra you're very breathing will repeat the mantra there's a beautiful mini-cooper nation but a mom so Phoenician it says anybody who repeats someone price of food sorry to say that because till yesterday they repeated 1 million mantra it says Only Fools repeat mantras the psychological revolution should happen in you such a way your breathing will start repeating the mantra means even your breathing sounds will be beautifully heard by you you will be in such a deep peace it's got a hamsa mantra the person who is able to hear some the inhale and exhaling sound 24 hours understand I am now opening up to many new things many new truths I don't want to miss this Sutra is Sutra is there and basically in the article disc to tell you the truth my love for you ties sands I can say such a pure ultimate expression such an amazing expression this whole Sutra anybody understands it does not need a separate practice beautiful citrus of a deep anthem and in one of his very famous technique Sun is based on this sutra understand if the psychological revolution happens in you if you are Matteo Ponte if you are a middle what means if you have a complete acceptance of your present moment and the future moments which may come you will be able to very clearly hear the hum sound of the inhaling and some sort of exhaling means you will be completely aware of the movements happening inside your body whoever you see all of you will be able to be aware of the hounds sound it is you need something some mantra which is exhaling sound if you sit quietly and see what but not 24 hours if you try numb for next few moments every other till you get the Samba smell from a nomination not after that Timmy is not thinking I don't know what happened to my car I don't know what happened to this what happened to that till then you will be able to either as a quasi possum as a part of a means the sound which is japan raja baath reputation of the mantra which is happening continuously in you ordinary mantra chanting everything is only a few minutes you do not yours you do this mantra is being chanted 24 hours by you by your system if you can be aware of that mantra hum some 24 hours you are paramahamsa that's all understand the person who is in the middle part not even now if just for few moment decide I will accept my present moment as it is and I accept all the future moments including my death now with this acceptance in your vomit just sit for a few moments you will see very clearly there you will be able to clearly experience all the moments happening in you that is inhaling or exhaling ah inside your mind what are you thoughts moving are your never sent them coming up and going down you will be completely a deep centered integrated aware space this you can experience when you have this understanding in your heart the person who carries this understanding in the heart 24 hours who is able to maintain that hamsa mantra 24 hours in cluding dream state is paramahamsa the whole technique of Vipassana breath watch hamsa mantra repetition everything as only one that this technique unwinding the mind keep in the middle until it drops how the Raja starts happening in you Raj is still being a kind of a hitting you it will bring a kind of a healed chilli if you sit in a roller coaster you can try it just sit in a roller coaster don't be agitated and don't talk to people or anything just sit and observe your navel Center what happens there and during the roller coaster just close your eyes and observe what happens here what happens inside your system is emerges actually I tried many of these things they explained exactly see that just is not even the quality which you experience when you are angry when you are restless when you are hmm caught in the lust because when you are not in the lust you don't experience few notches you experience restlessness and fear both together if you are unmarried and got in the lust the fear of love if you are married and cut in the lust the fear of rejection you are not experiencing pure restlessness even during lust our anger understand the pure lust can be experienced in roller coaster the pure restlessness because from the navel Center in your body goes through a big change the pure restless musta picked up they start working in your life when you come down you will see a different excitement which was not before he said unfortunately the societies which are addicted to this excitement is prone to depression because this excitement is literally like eating your own bones if dog starts eating its own bone but Allah same way you are enjoying by destroying your life force enjoyment being in the middle path will constantly enrich you and add the ability to enjoy more and more and will and the ability to enjoy more and more the intensity of the enjoyment will be getting deeper and deeper for the enjoyment which comes out of the restlessness will tire your senses tire your body and will more and more lead to depression of course there can be no enjoyment out of Thomas our fear you will only restrain from something for the sake of future all I want you to understand is understand how our just feels actually you can try at least once to give you the understanding about how our just feels because then you sit and roller coaster and come down after that just feel how your mouth is but you need to be completely aware you need to have the complete awareness how your mouth tastes from this area only the righteous will start racing usually not just races through this area of the body Thomas races through this area of the body subdue our races you will feel a kind of a things happening through this area just feel once and see how this feels what I want you to feel it on whenever you have that feeling stop deciding do not make any decisions big decision in your life do not do any business decision do not be any relationship position be very clear those moments you are caught now in grudges so just sit I am trying to come back balance yourself to the middle part whenever I once sitting in rollercoaster one surprised by that I do identify the feeling because I tried I experimented with many things somehow I have to make my disciples understand what is Moodle I have to give you a very clear explanation only then people will be able to practice see I cannot just talk in the terms which you can't practice then useless then maybe I will be telling you I not do much but that is not the way you will be helped see the philosophers work is constantly to do that he knows too much masters work is constantly to work the disciple should know too much the whole purpose is different I was experimenting how to take exactly how you will be able to find out whether your watches is working our Thomas is working it's not a viewer just gets activated in rollercoaster when your body goes through a very mild moments unexpected unmanageable by the moments if you in India we do the ceremony of firewater even during that time there are just get selects of course here I can't ask you to go through fire working try the rollercoaster that can give you an idea but before sitting be completely relaxed observe put your awareness near a narrow Center and see through all the right sub 60 seconds of 90 seconds what is happening inside your system when you come when you get down again don't start parking don't start doing anything sitting on further observe what is happening what are the parts of your body are restless or how is your mind feeling just observe that energy is Rajas once you understand internally what is others you are safe because whenever that feeling the repeats you know this is the time I have to balance me I have to get back to middle class I have to get back to mother panda this is not the time for me to answer any question to my friends our family our relative understand many of us are upended doing one small mistake and losing very big relationships very big business deals very big friends very big people in our life before taking that kind of decision before meeting that kind of person before talking to the kind of person just see you are mata panda you will have the right word see same concept can be expressed in a beautiful right word you will have the right word all you need to do is internally you should know it's not understanding when whether you are Rogers's awakened Artemis is awakened all you need to do is getting getting the blips catching the glimpse how your grudges Optimus is operating one more important thing always when Rogers is operating there will be one line of Thomas well Thomas is operating there will be one line of letters even if you understand any one of the energy that some even if you get the knack of finding out whether you are having Rajas are the musk is enough because you need it to balance come to the center whether it is Rajas Tamas we don't need that we need to come to the center if you have the idea how to diagnose how to find out whether you are now caught in the Rajas that is more than enough you don't need to bother about Thomas then come back coming back very simple T just for few minutes remember I have served all the moments which is it you come in my life and this moment bracelet of the mala to people I tell them remember these great truths but that only the smaller what you are mala mala is that each B is the moment which is be constantly happening in your life like a cycle like a cycling the locket is the present moment which is hanging except the present moment and each moment which is going to happen in your life remember whenever Rajas is active in you just remember tomorrow and Volta mala or just even remember that you are wearing it why you are wearing it to bring you back to the middle path much deeper now to bring you back to remind you to accept this moment and every possible moment every moment which is going to happen in your life the moment you bring this understanding to your heart in few seconds you will start listening the thumbs are some houses of the the mantra which is chanted by you 34 hours continuously I think all of you are able to understand the idea of the ramen shop she just sit without any word very clearly you can see them emailing breathing the prana which goes inside creates a some de and the exhaling prana the prana which is going out creates a sound only thing because you are creating too much noise from inside this sound is never heard by you you have too much noise from inside it it too many fighting is going on too much of sound is going on if at all some software can come which can be fixed to your mind and it can transcribe like a dragon software the transliterated software's the doctors are using for transcription I also tried to use anyhow if at all that you piece of software which can be fixed to you and it starts transcribing please never ever never ever read if somebody else read it's okay but not you you will have a shock of your life because even before the thought comes up to three since our editing fight a pro/con everything was true inside practically before God reaches your upper mind at least ten times the hiding and deleting and editing goes on inside adding deleting and editing goes on inside such a what to say the torture because so much of sound is happening inside you are not able to hear that comes a sound even once if you can get back to the dumps of sound and just be in that some and start relating only the initial level it'll be literally difficult how can I be in the deep peace and talk to people also the initial level because you are a waited to lose yourself when you connect with the world understand whenever you lose yourself you are sending them the self-remembrance that the clarity or the idea about the Jiva when you connect with the jaggerth jaggerth will take over you understand if you put your awareness on you you will be a living spirit and world will be a dead matter it will listen to whatever you say if you lose yourself if you lose your Center the middle path if you lose the awareness about the Jiva individual self and jump on the world out of fear are green the world will become a spirit that you will become matter and worry will dictate on you whether you want to be a spirit or a vector you can't decide when important thing you need to understand even are dealing between all of your kids matter acts value to you how many cars you have how many houses you have what is your bank balance that adds value to you if you go to ramanamma cheese mushroom are Vivekananda's ashram there's a small coconut shell used whatever machine that just simple chapels used to a Vivekananda is worshipped and respected millions of people come there just to pay respect and touch that matter is I added value by the spirit understand in ordinary case matter in all of our normal man matter the material which you are adding your car house bungalow bank balance is value to you in their case spirit direct enough when you do ordinary matter whether your Jeeva is going to add value to jaga our select is going to and the value Tajima is your decision whether your self spirit is my time value to that world our world is going to add value to you keep yourself alive by keeping yourself in the magic Patna the center in the initial level because you are trained to lose yourself and you relate with the world yeah that the fear are at the tree you may lose the track again and again you may lose the track of the magic Panda you may lose the track of that hums abduct the hamsa mantra for few days don't bother come back again come I try to relate people try to relate that business dealings try to do we were introduced trying to do even physical work try to do everything including eating even when you lie down and fall asleep try to do everything just with this one middle path bringing yourself back to the balance even if you lose your balance lose your hamsa mantra hundred times a day that is okay hundred times you act the mantra that is where you are able to do sometimes so don't bother would under thanks losing remember and give the trade to you that under times you remember so hundred times you fail in the quitting the smoking is not a big deal under things you try it so under tension you may forget comes a mantra that is okay under tense you remember that is a great thing so try in the few days you will see you are able to talk you are able to relate to people you are able to relate with the world you are able to relate and do all your responsibilities from morning till night 24 hours with the balance of am Samantha with the balance of what Shiva says us keep in the middle until it drops understand whenever you come back to the center to the balance among Samantha let me describe once more very clearly the gist essence of this whole technique just carry the understanding in your heart very clearly I accept this moment what I have in the outer world and the inner world as me as me and I accept all the moments which is dead to happen in my life throughout the Eternity just carry this acceptance in you in the heart and sit in a relaxed way you will see there's no need for any sound from inside there is no need for any movement from inside there is no need for any disturbance from inside the hamsa mantra is flowing beautifully dams mantra is moving by itself without you repeating without you being conscious of it without you being aware of it without you putting any effort to it just stay in the damn semestre initially start doing simple words like a tailor close friend very don't need to lose yourself talking to simple business dealings talking playing with a child moving your body in a simple way try all these small things with the balance of this hamsa mantra and you will see within a few days you are able to become instantly centered on hamsa mantra I am able to do all your activity understand I promise when you are centered on someone try you will never do a mistake because the energy which flows in you may be subpar the subtle energy is so intelligent it knows exactly how to relate to the world how to relate with a giraffe when a Sequoia is happening the Devi the Jaya the world the giraffe is called Buddha she becomes your servant she becomes your assistant she becomes even friend she completely Falls in tune with you simply your intelligence will open how to relate with every how to relate with every relationship your intelligence will be completely availability it is not the film art intelligence but when the Rajas is active our intelligence will not become available to us will not be available to us that is the moments we make mistakes in relationship our business dealings are the life all you need to do bring yourself back to the hamsa mantra bring yourself back to the middle bring yourself back to the center from the magis our Thomas there's a beautiful story what a drunkard goes to Ramakrishna and asked why go on do something I am NOT able to talk Thomas is very very funny instruction he says before they just remember body and African drink he comes back in three days and says I am NOT able to drink he just dropped me understand if we look like interacting I tell you it is a simple science anybody who can bring themselves back to the midea panda but one important thing the drunkard was very deeply devoted to Kyle so whenever he remembered Kearney automatically he came back to Ma Tei panda he came back to middle path he came back to the hamsa mantra so naturally the hamsa mantra is intelligently enough to guide your body and mind to guide your system understand the samsu mantra can do a big psychological revolution inside your system Shiva says unbinding the mind keep in the middle until it drops so just rested AMSA mantra whenever you move say try wants to find out the see if you understand the physical symptom of Rogers you will never miss it do not have the mental sector because you don't believe your mind understand I have seen many people keeping on whenever I'm agitated madrassas know these kind of scales you will never be able to remember when you are educated you will not remember you're agitated when you are restless you will not remember you are restless have some physical symptom recorded remembered in your system so whenever the physical symptom happens you should remember you are in Rogers the wrong energy is acting if you the physical symptom you will be catch that able to catch the giveness in the roller-coaster when you go through that you'll get the gifts of the physical symptom of Rogers even during lust are during and then what happens in you is not a pure physical symptom of Rogers it is the mixture symptom and it's a mixture of the signals of Rajas and Tamas both so don't take that as a signal of Maja's this is the roller coaster experience the fuel signal of grudges of course it will be different for every different person actually I am NOT able to describe animal only describe only what I went through it will be little difficult different for different persons but you can catch the glimpse how your body feels when you are caught by Rajas and whenever that starts happening in you come back to Center Madi Ponte middle path the part of subtle subtle energy then you will see naturally the holy intelligence the sarthak energy is awakened in you and the Holy intelligence the suffering prove the something bliss or flows in you whenever you come back to that Center if a strong visualization a person you the distribution creativity if the strong joyful would happens in you that is Ananda that is another if you are completely aware of what is going to happen in your future that is called children if a strong visualization comes out of you that is suck if strong clarity about what is going to happen in your life comes out of you that is tip awareness the strong joyful experience comes out of you that is an enough such it Ananda can be achieved just by coming back to support coming back to the middle path understand whenever you come back to middle path first day if you try you may have to come back at least hundred times because sometimes you will miss you one of my drama sorry I gave this as a technique I gave it the counter in the hand I told him all the day just count how many times you come back so a beautiful experiment the first day it was almost like hundred after one week it was drastically reduced to ten only ten times he missed that AMSA balancing of the hamsa and within three months whole day he was able to relate the same activity same responsibilities same Beauty same work with the balance of hamsa mantra all I say is 90 days I need it is here try it just for Shirley dangerous is two months again and again come back come back somebody asked me so every day you are getting one won't take me don't you want to try see which rings bill needle in your arm suddenly when you hear some technique I this is going to work first I know for sure this is what is the exact problem what I am having if some techniques will melt very you take up that technique that day and continue in few days you will know that you are really falling if you feeling connected that is a technique for you that is then part for you that is the way to realization surely within 90 days you will get back you will be able to be in that software that multiple unable to do the whole activity being in MIDI Pantha see by being in multiple suddenly you will see the number of thoughts coming before the action is starts reducing that is the period that is called living enlightenment when completely thoughts drop and you are able to do all your activity without thoughts you are enlightened understand if you are able to conduct all your activity 24 hours with the balance of the hamsa mantra raja raja baath repetition of mantra without repeating your life if you are struggling but trying to balance more and more and you are more and more getting centered that is living in like Sodom you are living the Enlightenment moments when the car stops appearing your ever interact without any thought just the total balance you are enlightened that's all this is the gist of what Buddha says in his great technics the persona anapanasati my dear Papa in the whole thing the whole thing technique and teaching she was given in this one Sutra beautifully unwinding mind that is actually teaching that is the teaching which you need but understanding which you need to carry in your heart keep in the middle until it drops it is a technique which you need to practice till the enlightenment happens so now we'll take a few moments to enter into this meditation today also you will stop with the one Sutra I think most of you are aware but last 15 days too many things are happening in the pimple national we need little time for the people to organize this and arrange for the next cultural programs and everything that's the reason plane yesterday at grey I am doing only one on Sutra from tomorrow evening we'll start having two sessions do not trust so let's enter into the Sutra now enter into the meditation before ending this session please sit straight sit in a very relaxed way very consciously with a strong decision intensely create an intention that you are accepting you as you are in the outer world and in the inner world this moment tell yourself I have enough without word nice things I have enough of good qualities in the inner world nice things I am accepting myself completely no need to develop myself in the outer world or the inner world if I have ego that is ok if I have guilt that is ok if I have fear that is ok if I have great that is ok whatever you have with told that you have it's ok except right or wrong decide consciously exit please close your eyes and sit in a very relaxed way without moving the body body mods will create parts so if your body is stable without moment it can take you to the deeper silence whatever objection your mind raises no no I can't accept me I can't accept this at least accept that accept that also except the present moment except all the future moments whatever your mind things as the worst thing can happen to your life except even those moments if it happens you cannot avoid it is inevitable understand the inevitability and that's subject do not try to do anything there's no need to repeat any mantra just sit it is acceptance automatically you will see you are breathing flows with the deep sound of a common sound just you become silent you will hear that mantra which is getting repeated constantly continuously not try consciously to add the sound in an uptrend you just be silent carrying this deep understanding of acceptance in your being let the Thomas and registry balance let you be in suffer you might get subdued that was not very hard but demonsaw undoubtable droppings that's so lift the sound of the a Jaffa unsung happen I itself right lag sound c'mon try to repeat the mantra as relax with the be evil Serpent's never harm damn someone try to give itself de the last the connection from bad and we'd sit with the read at serpents crying continuously actually this technique is not supposed to be done in a particular time continuously whenever you feel the Registry's happening come back even otherwise come back and be that middle one multiple back in the south wall let them summons to repeat itself because you are talking constantly beside yourself dumb savant rise never heard by you if you relax from talking inner chattering by that subtends damn so mantra may be heard by you again and again come back and beat that am so month Rajab Rajab or the middle path the subtle center suddenly will see as I was telling this vermicelli counter first day you may need unpretentious to come back within few weeks times within three months you will see you don't need to come back at all constantly there raja baath now mantra is happening in you you are centered in sattva but you are able to do all your activity your profession your business your relationships your life anywhere you'll be able to manage everything but you are centered on as a part you are centered on aqua that is what I call living enlightenment that is what I call g1 move means even where you are living you are liberated because of you're centered on the supply you will have a clear understanding about the Jeeva means the self you will have a clear understanding unveiled to relate with the jaga the world because of these two clarity naturally will fall into the source which is Oh God the person was realized gibberish Vegeta the person who can play with all these three and enjoy is the enlightened being so understand and carry this acceptance on the truth in your heart and let this ajapa japa damn Samanta repeat itself in your Innerspace and let you live enlightenment like your achieve and radiate the eternal bliss Nithyanandam thank you!...


Initiation - Deeper Truths


From the works of living enlightened master Paramahamsa Nithyananda. In this clip taken from discourse titled, "Catch the thread of existence" Swamiji sheds deep insights into initiation as told never before.

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The Upanishad says the person who is initiated the initiated person for him whole world is heaven amrutasya he monitored heaven the person is uninitiated she understand the word initiation it means not that doing some ceremonial ritual initiation means that click happening in you when a master expresses the truth the realization if the click happens in you if suddenly you feel Oh God right what he says is right I was always thinking this he put it in a right way if you feel whatever and speaking always you thought about it but I am verbalizing it I am probably putting it in word initiation or something that is the scale whether initiation has happened or not if the initiation happens the whole world is heaven the initiation is not happening then whole world is help all you need to understand is this to quality when you do not accept this moment starts the green when you do not accept the moments which may come there starts fear out of green the quality of Rajas gets added into your system out of fear the quality of Thomas gets added into your system all you need to understand the more and more time you spend in the middle form means accepting the inevitability and accepting your present moment accepting you as you are now understanding the inevitability of the life which may happen in you happen for you when you have these two understanding that is what we call sub twerk means relaxed restful middle path neither you are driven by the non acceptance of the present moment nor you are driven by the non acceptance of the future moments non acceptance of the present moment of future woman are a route of Rajas and Tamas restlessness and fear restlessness and inertia this simple understanding the psychological revolution achieved the moment initiation happens in you every word which comes out of the master rings bell in your heart and that becomes a strong clear programming in you programming your life based on the Vedic knowledge even the Vedic knowledge seems to be too small word the right word is the true knowledge actually Vedic knowledge is true knowledge but a course of time people are started thinking Vedic knowledge is something like a brandy no all of us need to understand the word vera vera means the knowledge which comes out of your inner space when you are unclutched when you are unclutched and relaxed whatever research and development happens automatically inside you without you contributing are you interpreting interfering that is better if you just keep quiet weather will happen in you that'sall is the basic truth when you unclutch and rest in a silence relaxed in science yes strong visualizations without verbalizations will happen in you those truths are only called Vedas there is a beautiful description about who is Rishi in Sanskrit mantra crushed ice fishing understand not the person who heard the mantra but the person who sees the mantra mantra - da - da means who sees means if the whole knowledge and truth will happen in you as a visualization not as a verbalization when you drop from verbalization and lets from verbalization mantra Krishna will happen now we are only listening the mantra means like a sound either from outside or from inside it comes out only as a verbalization then you are not reaching relax it is not we're us it is not the two knowledge it is perverted knowledge in Sanskrit you use the word the perverted knowledge means of truth not perverted - when you unclutch from the verbalization which is constantly happening you're strong visualizations beyond your verbalization will come out all you need to do is put your all your effort and relax from unclutching suddenly we see a very strong visualizations will start happening in you those visualizations are only called as visions mantra - da you will see the mantras mantra means knowledge dude you will see the mantras you will see the truth that is what is called veda


Hamsa Mantra Sutra


From the works of Living Enlightened Master Paramahamsa Nithyananda. In this clip taken from the discourse titled, "Catch the Thread of Existence" Swamiji talks about the basis behind Hamsa Mantra and the deep inner transformation this mantra brings about in all of us.

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Hamsa Mantra - The Core of Buddhist Tradition


From the works of living enlightened master Paramahamsa Nithyananda. In this clip taken from discourse titled, "Catch the thread of existence" Swamiji tells us that the Hamsa Mantra Sutra formed the core of the Buddhist tradition. Every sutra from this great teachings of Shiva has given rise to separate traditions.

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Hamsa Mantra - Meditation Technique


From the works of Living Enlightened Master Paramahamsa Nithyananda. In this clip taken from discourse titled "Catch the thread of existence" Swamiji takes us through a guided meditation of Hamsa Mantra. This sutra is the bias for the entire Buddhist tradition.

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Photos Of The Day:


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