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patanjanli yoga sutra - awaken your secret powers
Patanjanli yoga sutra - Awaken your secret powers
Awaken Your Secret Powers - Patanjali Yoga Sutras 94 - Nithyananda Morning Satsang 9 Jan 2011. In this sutra, Patanjali answers how to handle the secret powers hidden in your bio memory. SPH JGM Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam describes in detail the word tapasaha as the practices through which your bio-memory falls in tune with all-knowing (sat), all-powerful (chit) and always blissful (Ananda). Any practice that allows the biomemory to know its innate nature - sachitananda is tapasaha. It is not just mortification as translated by others. It is not always austerity. It is not always painful. Tapas sometimes is a very joyful, happy doing which you always wanted to do.
Kayendra siddhi is not just power but it is the ripening of bio memory.
When the senses are ripened through the purification process of the body and bio memory, extraordinary powers are expressed through the body and bio memory.
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==Link to Video: ==  
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=av_x5RvlpnE&list=PLPuYU12YRPyB91APqgwBZajuWdSysAFtN&index=59&t=0s |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2011-jan-08-awaken-your-secret"/>
Sadāshiva samārambhām Shankarāchārya madhyamām |
asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||
I welcome you all with My love and respects. I welcome all the devotees from around the world who are sitting live with us at this moment; especially from Toronto, Canada. So devotees all over the world including Toronto My blessings.
Sit in a completely relaxed unclutched way. Not only you will listen to My words you will have the eN effect on you all now. You will all experience the levitation, the eN effect, the awakening of the kundalini and spiritual healing in you all. So sit in a very relaxed way with open eyes; but don’t be stressed. Don’t even have the stress of trying to understand all the words I am uttering. Not only you, even I can’t understand what all I am uttering. Relax. So relax from the tension, stress of understanding or following it after the discourse. Just decide you are here, whatever your intelligence catches let it catch, whatever it converts into experience let it convert, whatever it is going to express as life let it express. You sit in a relaxed way in an unclutched way with a deep awareness; awareness which does not create stress in you - restful awareness. Sit, you will have the eN effect on you.
Before entering into the today’s sutra I will answer the questions. Diana Bello is asking: “How can I keep contentment at work. I work in the medical profession. It is a tough place to be. In the ABCs of medical profession are Accuse Blame Criticize. The ABCs of medical profession is Accuse Blame Criticize. I have to be on guard constantly. I would love to say I am on strike today. Don’t bother me. That would not go over well when a baby is coming into the world. How can I be in contentment at work? I love my job. Some days it is very trying very stressful. I would love to hold up a sign to a doctor. I am on strike. I am in discontentment. Do it yourself. Thank you.”
Diana, understand I am not asking you to hold that strike board to the doctor. Put it in your house and don’t even go. And you are saying when a baby is coming into the world, what can be done? So much is happening but nothing can be done unless once in a while you create a chaos in your bio memory and say NO. Unless you put your bio memory into the pressure that it has to get back to the contentment I think you will not be able to achieve it.
So two thing I want to make it clear. When you say the medical profession ABCs are accuse blame criticize, then naturally you are in the right situation where you have the heavy peer pressure. This is the right spot to do strike. Then your bio memory has no other way except to survive. When the survival threat comes naturally it learns how to be content. I tell you really when the survival threat comes you just learn how to be content.
There are some shows in US, in some TVs, the show title is ‘I should not be alive’. The people who got caught in the worst accidents, dangerous situations, like trekking or air crash, airplane crash and escaped from those accidents, they are interviewed. Their experiences are shown. Actually dramatically recreated and shown. I saw some of those shows. When you see their experiences they have so much of gratitude for simple air which they breathe or little water they drink, the very life they have; because they were in a position experientially. What they have now may not be with them forever; almost taken away, but given back. So the gratitude they have is from experience. I tell you after seeing that show, listening from some of their experiences, listening to some of their experiences and learning from some of their experiences, I tell you, chaos teaches you how to be content. Especially the chaos which can create the survival threat really teaches you how to be content.
So only one thing; have this understanding how to be content should be the main theme of all the chaos which happens outside you, inside you, because of you, in spite of you. Chaos is of four variety - inside you, outside you, outside you because of you, outside you in spite of you, inside you because of you, inside you in spite of you. All this four variety of chaos have this as a center theme. How can I be content? You will see your bio memory is intelligent enough to catch the truth.
Next question Arvind N: “How does one practice detachment of body and make our body aligned to the cosmos? Can you provide a technique or is this supposed to be visualized?”
Let Me give you the technique. “How does one practice detachment of body and make our body align to the cosmos? Can you provide technique or is this supposed to be visualized?”
Understand this is the technique. When you are seeing, remember you are seeing through the eyes. Eyes are not seeing. You, which is something away from the eyes are seeing through the eyes. When you are hearing, ears are not hearing. You, who is something different from the ears are hearing. When you are smelling, nose is not smelling. You, who is something different from the nose is smelling. When you are touching, you are not touching, skin is not touching. You, who is something different from skin is touching through the skin. Just remember this only one thing during all your actions. You will get solidified into that something which is different from the body. I tell you, an intense spiritual experience that you are beyond body will happen in you and aligning to the cosmos will happen in you.
Here is a question Josh Rain from Josh Rain. “When I meditate after one hour I like to lie down; not sleep but lie down and do nothing and then body falls asleep after thirty minute. I am not conscious but it’s a good sleep. I don’t enjoy going out of the house. I don’t enjoy people company and like to be alone. And I don’t like to listen to your discourses either as I feel I am in that what you already talked. I have no complaints, worries and enjoying life. I do only necessary things needed. How can I increase my awareness and stay awake for longer hours? How can I break this at bio memory level? What does it mean to be awake, aware during sleep? Does it mean you never sleep and you never lose conscious? Do I have to use will, force, effort for 21 days to make this change? How are you able to do it for longer periods of time? What techniques have you done during your practice? Please answer.”
Josh Rain you are in the space of asmita, peace. But you need to move to the space of bliss; a causeless excitement. How to do it? When you lie down after your meditation for resting one hour, decide to put your awareness either on the third eye or on your breathing. Then you will understand after that one hour, your sleeping also will not be unconscious. You don’t need to use your will, you don’t need to use your force. In a very relaxed way, like how you look at a rose flower, how you enjoy a garden or a valley or a forest, just relaxed way, same way put your awareness on the third eye and be relaxed. Be centered without any stress. That is enough to put you into that conscious, awake aware, the conscious sleeping state.
Now the Patanjali’s yoga sutras. The subject - ‘Awaken Your Hidden Powers’. It is the 94th sutra, in second chapter 43rd verse. The subject is ‘Awaken your secret Powers’. There are so many secret powers in you which is kept as secret even from you. Just yesterday we were having some of the intense meditation process for the ashramites to teach levitation experience for them. Actually no teaching was given, no words were exchanged, no technique. All I did is people who experience levitation, among them I made the others who don’t experience levitation to sit together. Just the people who not experience levitation, their bio memory has started catching the experience of levitation. It means what? The people who were not experiencing levitation till yesterday, it is not that they did not have power to levitate or experience. It was kept as a secret from themself by themself. Sometime the more powers, more awareness, you get confused. You don’t know what to do.
Suddenly if you are made to become a chief minister of a particular state what will happen? You will be in chaos. You don’t know what to do with so much power. So your bio memory needs to be trained step by step to assess, experience, explore and express that power. Otherwise the power itself can be a disturbance for you. You may have a heart attack and die. “Me chief minister!!” You may not be able to handle. Same way there are many secret powers inside you animadhi siddhis; anima, lahima, mahima, karima, ishitvam, vashitvam, prapti; these are the different siddhis. Biggest problem is you yourself are afraid of those siddhis. So slowly you keep those siddhis as a secret from yourself. You hide them from yourself. You just say, “It’s ok, it’s ok. You are good. I am good. You be there where you are. I will be there where I am.” Otherwise your bio memory is basically intelligent.
Just the other day I was reading some of the verses from the siddha tradition. There is a huge granite temple made in Tanjore by a great king, and a siddha Karuvurar. Karuvurar was a great siddha. He and his predecessors were the spiritual guiding force behind that temple and King Rajaraja was the physical - who was providing all the necessary things - infra structure, manpower, resource and everything. It was a monumental work, unimaginable work. 217 feet granite marvel - one of the oldest, tallest structure built in granite in the world. And it’s not like a pyramid; just a geometrically shaped stones heaped together. No. Such a deep art work, not a single inch goes uncarved. There is no geometrical carving.
See geometrical carving is easy. Just catch slaves and tell them, they will carve it. And if they don’t, beat them, then they will carve it. Geometrical carving does not need a person’s cooperation. It does not need the intelligence or art, creativity. No! If you just frighten him and “do this or you will be killed”. Then he will make the shape of geometry; triangle, rectangle, square over. But this temple is an amazing piece of art. Every inch is carved as an art piece. So you can’t build it with slaves. You have to build only with artists who can never be enslaved. You can never enslave an artist. He will have his own independence freedom. Even if you try to enslave he will make monkey and donkey. What will you do? You can’t force him to make some beautiful thing by enslaving. No.
It’s an art piece; shocking size art piece. I was reading…… not only carving, I was wondering how they would have assembled the whole thing? Whole thing happened within five years; just five years. Rajaraja built everything, assembled. So I was pondering, “how did they assemble the whole thing?” Because impossible to put one on that other top without any machineries, tools. I realized, in their song they have given very clear techniques, how they teach human beings bio memory the extra ordinary powers to lift extraordinary weight. Each human being has a hidden secret power to lift extra ordinary weight. So if that kundalini is awakened and that secret power is made to experience by the bio memory, bio memory just lifts any amount.
I tried when our disciples, when our ashramites experienced the kundalini awakening, they are able to lift three times more their weight. If they are 50kg they are able to lift 150kg just like that. Normally they can’t. Three times of their weight just like that they able to lift; so many secret powers are hidden in your own bio memory, in your own bio memory. Understand, the secret powers hidden in your bio memory should become part of your life. You should have intelligence to handle those powers in your life. How to?
Patanjali answers that question in this sutra; very powerful sutra:
kayendriya-siddhir-ashuddhi-ksayat tapasah ||43||
कायेन्द्रियसिद्धिरशुद्धिक्षयात् तपसः ॥४३॥
Swami Vivekananda translates this sutra as: The mortification of the organs and the body through the destruction of their impurities brings powers to them.
Swami Prabhavananda translates as: As the result of mortification impurities are removed then special powers come to the body and the sense organs.
Swami Sachidananda translates this same sutra as: By austerity impurities of body and senses are destroyed and occult powers gained.
I will read the sutra once more.
kayendriya-siddhir-ashuddhi-ksayat tapasah ||43||
कायेन्द्रियसिद्धिरशुद्धिक्षयात् तपसः ॥४३॥
The technical term in this sutra is tapasaha. That is where I am going to differ with the traditional orthodox translation. Traditional orthodox translations say mortification as the meaning of the word tapas. I wanted to translate that word tapasaha as the practices through which your bio memory falls in tune with all knowing, all powerful, all intelligent, all compassionate atman. Please understand, basically the stuff which is inside your bio memory which is responsible for your bio memory to be alive is satchidananda. Sat - all knowing, chit - all powerful, ananda - always blissful. Because of all this three always compassionate, overflowing. Basically the stuff which is responsible for your bio memory to be alive and active is satchidananda. But your bio memory is not completely aware of its own sweet truth satchidananda. So any practice makes your bio memory to understand and experience its innate nature of all knowing, all powerful, all blissful, is tapas, tapasaha.
I don’t want to translate that word tapasaha as mortification. No. Sometime just a very joyful action of eating some sweet can be tapas for you. Tapas is not always painful. It is not always mortification. It is not always austerity. Just because sometimes it is austerity it is not always austerity. Tapas sometimes is a very joyful, happy doing, which you always wanted to do; especially the tapas described in the Shiva sutras in some of the Hatha yoga, if you see, so joyful, ecstatic. It is not tapas at all, mortification at all, pain at all.
Yesterday, see yesterday the sutra contentment, sukha labaha; the ultimate joy is gained by contentment. It is not mortification to learn contentment. You are not going to poke your body with a spear or you are not going to fast, you are not going to kill yourself. No. It’s not like Ravana cutting his own head and putting it in yaga, havan. No. There are austerity sometime need to be practiced, but the word tapas itself should not be translated as austerity or mortification.
The word tapasaha should be understood or translated as the methods and techniques through which your bio memory is empowered to look into its innate nature and experience the all-knowing, all powerful, all blissful, all compassionate expression of itself. Sometime when you are feeling like falling asleep, if you just remember, “Wow!! By falling asleep I am going to experience my innate nature of eternal peace”; remember this and fall asleep. It is tapas. Whenever you fall asleep remember, “Oh I think I am tired of running around and projecting the scenes which is not me. So I wanted to return back to my home which is all peaceful all the time and waiting for me. Let me return.” Just with this memory if you fall asleep your whole sleeping time becomes tapas. You are not doing any austerity here, you are not doing any mortification here; but you are killing the wrong idea. Mortification of wrong idea is done here.
So from My experience if I have to describe the word tapas I'll describe more as - mortification of the wrong ideas. When you fall asleep just remember this one truth. “Oh I think my bio memory is tired of seeing all the things which is not there; useless. It wants to get back to its original space where all peace exists. Let me return.” It is tapas. Then your sleeping is tapas. You don’t need to do anything else like Krishna tells in the Gita,
sarva-dharmān parityajya mām ekaṁ śharaṇaṁ vraja
सर्वधर्मान्परित्यज्य मामेकं शरणं व्रज |
The devotees are sitting in Toronto I can see in their house beautiful picture of Krishna in the wall; Krishna giving Gita to Arjuna. How Krishna says,
sarva-dharmān parityajya mām ekaṁ śharaṇaṁ vraja
ahaṁ tvāṁ sarva-pāpebhyo mokṣhayiṣhyāmi mā śhuchaḥ
सर्वधर्मान्परित्यज्य मामेकं शरणं व्रज |
अहं त्वां सर्वपापेभ्यो मोक्षयिष्यामि मा शुच: ||
He says drop everything and surrender. It is not mortification. It is just pleasant, sweet, relaxed technique for falling in tune. Tapasaha is not always mortification. Tapasaha is not always austerity. So I wanted to translate the word tapasaha as the techniques, ideas which makes your bio memory in tune with the all knowing, all powerful, all compassionate experience of consciousness.
kayendriya-siddhir-ashuddhi-ksayat tapasah
The esoteric extraordinary powers are achieved by tapas. That is why I say, see yesterday, so many people, I can say at least handful of people some five six, picked up levitation without any tapas; just by sitting in the group who are already levitating. How it happened? The bio memory falls in coherence with other bio memories. So in a way I can say living in the sangha itself is tapas. Because here I am making many bio memories into the highest possible coherence highest possible conscious coherence so when you are living among those bio memories, naturally the dignity and grace they express in their body, body language, in their bio memory, in their joy.
I am really, really happy; last few months the coherence of the whole group consciousness has intensely raised. I could see the behavior of the ashramites, the character of the ashramites with others, with themself, with community has transformed so much. I am seeing the sweetness, the undercurrent of the sweetness is rising within themself and with others and with everybody. The highest possible coherence has started happening. Actually the sangha is required for that only. I am really happy.
In 2009, I am more or less like a place where satsang happens. Some loose seekers come, something is shared, they learn. Then 2010, I could see we evolving as a monastery, where a systematic transmission of the intellect and intelligence happening. Now 2011, I can see very clearly we have entered the zone of mystery school where the energy experience is getting transmitted, where the energy experience is happening; where I could see just by the presence, being inside, people are catching the energy experience, different extraordinary powers like Patanjali describes kayendriya-siddhir; the body and sense organs are getting riped.
Please understand the word siddhi I do not want to translate as extraordinary powers. I want to translate that word as getting riped; that’s the right word. If your eyes are riped you can see anything. Now the Toronto, the devotees are sitting and watching. In that wall there is a poster of Krishna and Arjuna. I can read very clearly those letters கீதாசாரம். எது நடந்ததுவோ அது நன்றாகவே நடக்கிறது. I can read those letters. When your eyes are riped, you can see extraordinary things. Of course I am not trying to prove the extraordinary power.  What I am saying is when you make your senses ripe you live with it joyfully.
See this levitation is nothing but the method of ripening your senses. I could see the people who sit everyday for the levitation experience, the samana experience, first thing happened is drastic healing; long term serious sicknesses have just like that disappeared. Some of the gynecological problems these devotees had for years disappeared just like that, and ten years back pain, years of stomach problem. When your body is riped, the kaayendriya siddhi, please understand again I am translating that word siddhi as ripening of the sense organs. I don’t want to translate that word siddhi as extraordinary powers. The extraordinary powers will be the side effect.
When your senses ripen, actually when your skin ripens you will have the power to expand or contract. You can blow like a balloon or shrink it as you want. That is what is called mahima garima. The anima lahima mahima karima making yourself weightless or heavy or small or big all this happens when your skin ripens. The word siddhi even Ramakrishna translates as boiled, riped, cooked. How to cook, boil your senses? By more and more and more awareness, nothing else; Awareness is the only heat which can cook and boil your senses. No other way for boiling your senses. So, kayendriya-siddhir; when your sense organs and body is riped, automatically the extraordinary powers start expressing.
See whoever got healed of their disease by the levitation process, samana process, will be a powerful healer. Now not only your senses are riped, now your bio memory knows the science of healing the bio memory. Touch any bio memory with the disease you had, simply that bio memory will learn the healing and they will be healed. Please understand if you had a stomach problem and you got healed just by the levitation, the samana, you are now master of healing stomach problems; any stomach disorder you touch their stomach and heal their bio memory will just like that get healed. If you had gynecological problems and got healed just by the samana balancing, means the levitation, anybody who have that problem, touch them and heal, their bio memory will be healed.
Now your bio memory has not only riped; see riping is the experience, the side effect of that ripening is the siddhi, the power of healing any bio memory which has that problem. If you had a back pain and got healed by being in the samana state or levitation, anybody who has a back pain, touch them, their body, their bio memory will just learn from your bio memory and it will heal itself. Now you are specialist in back pain; specialist in healing back pain.
So kayendriya-siddhiri; the word siddhi should not be translated just as an extraordinary power; no. It should be translated as ripening of your bio memory, the part of the body When it ripens not only it heals itself, as a side effect it gets many other powers. How to know what kind of siddhi will come? What part of the body is ripened? Patanjali explains that as a huge chapter. How to infuse awareness into every part of the body and ripen that part of the body and how the extraordinary siddhi is expressed, what kind of siddhi is expressed. For each part Patanjali tells about this as a separate chapter vibhooti padam, vibhooti padaha. When I talk about that chapter, I will explain detailed way different kinds of tapas for different siddhi.
Here understand this muchkayendriya-siddhir-ashuddhi-ksayat tapasah When the body and sense organs are ripened by the tapas, the purification process, all the impurities are eliminated from the body and sense organs and bio memory and extraordinary powers express because of the ripening of the body and bio memory. Literally the Master’s presence is everyday cooking all of you intensely. Intense cooking is happening. That is why I say do not miss a single chance of allowing the eN effect on you. Allow the eN effect intensely on you whatever possible way.
Now come on let Me create the eN effect on the Toronto devotees, Canada. All the devotees in Toronto just sit straight, in a relaxed way sit straight. You don’t need to close your eyes, just sit straight. You will have the eN effect happening in you all now. Never miss even one possibility or a chance to be in the Master’s presence. Of course now in the modern day, please understand, in those days physical presence is only called as presence. Now I declare as I am the incarnation of the IT age the virtual presence is equal to the physical presence. So wherever people sit with Me virtually with this two way communication, I am able to see you all you are able to see me, the physical presence happens; the eN effect happens with the same intensity.
In the modern day the incarnations have to update the capacity and ability and the possibilities through which the experiences are shared. When your senses are ripened not only the extraordinary powers express, the tremendous transformation expresses through it. The character you show is a solid, unimaginable, amazing, divine spiritual leela. The grace you radiate, the joy with which you handle life, even the abusal done to you the grace with which you walk out, will be unimaginable. So the eN effect is the powerful experience through which tapasaha and siddhi means boiling and ripening of your body and senses happens. Apart from that the tremendous character, powerful character you express, happens through the sense organs.
I bless you all to experience tapas. I bless you all to experience, achieve, live, express, radiate, share the eternal bliss, Nithyananda
Thank you.
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Latest revision as of 17:58, 2 April 2022


Patanjanli yoga sutra - Awaken your secret powers


Awaken Your Secret Powers - Patanjali Yoga Sutras 94 - Nithyananda Morning Satsang 9 Jan 2011. In this sutra, Patanjali answers how to handle the secret powers hidden in your bio memory. SPH JGM Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam describes in detail the word tapasaha as the practices through which your bio-memory falls in tune with all-knowing (sat), all-powerful (chit) and always blissful (Ananda). Any practice that allows the biomemory to know its innate nature - sachitananda is tapasaha. It is not just mortification as translated by others. It is not always austerity. It is not always painful. Tapas sometimes is a very joyful, happy doing which you always wanted to do.

Kayendra siddhi is not just power but it is the ripening of bio memory.

When the senses are ripened through the purification process of the body and bio memory, extraordinary powers are expressed through the body and bio memory.

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Video Audio


(0:28) Sadāshiva samārambhām Shankarāchārya madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome you all with My love and respects. I welcome all the devotees from around the world who are sitting live with us at this moment; especially from Toronto, Canada. So devotees all over the world including Toronto My blessings.

(01:22) Sit in a completely relaxed unclutched way. Not only you will listen to My words you will have the eN effect on you all now. You will all experience the levitation, the eN effect, the awakening of the kundalini and spiritual healing in you all. So sit in a very relaxed way with open eyes; but don’t be stressed. Don’t even have the stress of trying to understand all the words I am uttering. Not only you, even I can’t understand what all I am uttering. Relax. So relax from the tension, stress of understanding or following it after the discourse. Just decide you are here, whatever your intelligence catches let it catch, whatever it converts into experience let it convert, whatever it is going to express as life let it express. You sit in a relaxed way in an unclutched way with a deep awareness; awareness which does not create stress in you - restful awareness. Sit, you will have the eN effect on you.

(02:51) Before entering into the today’s sutra I will answer the questions. Diana Bello is asking: “How can I keep contentment at work. I work in the medical profession. It is a tough place to be. In the ABCs of medical profession are Accuse Blame Criticize. The ABCs of medical profession is Accuse Blame Criticize. I have to be on guard constantly. I would love to say I am on strike today. Don’t bother me. That would not go over well when a baby is coming into the world. How can I be in contentment at work? I love my job. Some days it is very trying very stressful. I would love to hold up a sign to a doctor. I am on strike. I am in discontentment. Do it yourself. Thank you.”

(4:03) Diana, understand I am not asking you to hold that strike board to the doctor. Put it in your house and don’t even go. And you are saying when a baby is coming into the world, what can be done? So much is happening but nothing can be done unless once in a while you create a chaos in your bio memory and say NO. Unless you put your bio memory into the pressure that it has to get back to the contentment I think you will not be able to achieve it.

So two thing I want to make it clear. When you say the medical profession ABCs are accuse blame criticize, then naturally you are in the right situation where you have the heavy peer pressure. This is the right spot to do strike. Then your bio memory has no other way except to survive. When the survival threat comes naturally it learns how to be content. I tell you really when the survival threat comes you just learn how to be content.

(5:20) There are some shows in US, in some TVs, the show title is ‘I should not be alive’. The people who got caught in the worst accidents, dangerous situations, like trekking or air crash, airplane crash and escaped from those accidents, they are interviewed. Their experiences are shown. Actually dramatically recreated and shown. I saw some of those shows. When you see their experiences they have so much of gratitude for simple air which they breathe or little water they drink, the very life they have; because they were in a position experientially. What they have now may not be with them forever; almost taken away, but given back. So the gratitude they have is from experience. I tell you after seeing that show, listening from some of their experiences, listening to some of their experiences and learning from some of their experiences, I tell you, chaos teaches you how to be content. Especially the chaos which can create the survival threat really teaches you how to be content.

(7:00) So only one thing; have this understanding how to be content should be the main theme of all the chaos which happens outside you, inside you, because of you, in spite of you. Chaos is of four variety - inside you, outside you, outside you because of you, outside you in spite of you, inside you because of you, inside you in spite of you. All this four variety of chaos have this as a center theme. How can I be content? You will see your bio memory is intelligent enough to catch the truth.

(7:56) Next question Arvind N: “How does one practice detachment of body and make our body aligned to the cosmos? Can you provide a technique or is this supposed to be visualized?”

Let Me give you the technique. “How does one practice detachment of body and make our body align to the cosmos? Can you provide technique or is this supposed to be visualized?”

Understand this is the technique. When you are seeing, remember you are seeing through the eyes. Eyes are not seeing. You, which is something away from the eyes are seeing through the eyes. When you are hearing, ears are not hearing. You, who is something different from the ears are hearing. When you are smelling, nose is not smelling. You, who is something different from the nose is smelling. When you are touching, you are not touching, skin is not touching. You, who is something different from skin is touching through the skin. Just remember this only one thing during all your actions. You will get solidified into that something which is different from the body. I tell you, an intense spiritual experience that you are beyond body will happen in you and aligning to the cosmos will happen in you.

(9:55) Here is a question Josh Rain from Josh Rain. “When I meditate after one hour I like to lie down; not sleep but lie down and do nothing and then body falls asleep after thirty minute. I am not conscious but it’s a good sleep. I don’t enjoy going out of the house. I don’t enjoy people company and like to be alone. And I don’t like to listen to your discourses either as I feel I am in that what you already talked. I have no complaints, worries and enjoying life. I do only necessary things needed. How can I increase my awareness and stay awake for longer hours? How can I break this at bio memory level? What does it mean to be awake, aware during sleep? Does it mean you never sleep and you never lose conscious? Do I have to use will, force, effort for 21 days to make this change? How are you able to do it for longer periods of time? What techniques have you done during your practice? Please answer.”

(11:01) Josh Rain you are in the space of asmita, peace. But you need to move to the space of bliss; a causeless excitement. How to do it? When you lie down after your meditation for resting one hour, decide to put your awareness either on the third eye or on your breathing. Then you will understand after that one hour, your sleeping also will not be unconscious. You don’t need to use your will, you don’t need to use your force. In a very relaxed way, like how you look at a rose flower, how you enjoy a garden or a valley or a forest, just relaxed way, same way put your awareness on the third eye and be relaxed. Be centered without any stress. That is enough to put you into that conscious, awake aware, the conscious sleeping state.

(12:23) Now the Patanjali’s yoga sutras. The subject - ‘Awaken Your Hidden Powers’. It is the 94th sutra, in second chapter 43rd verse. The subject is ‘Awaken your secret Powers’. There are so many secret powers in you which is kept as secret even from you. Just yesterday we were having some of the intense meditation process for the ashramites to teach levitation experience for them. Actually no teaching was given, no words were exchanged, no technique. All I did is people who experience levitation, among them I made the others who don’t experience levitation to sit together. Just the people who not experience levitation, their bio memory has started catching the experience of levitation. It means what? The people who were not experiencing levitation till yesterday, it is not that they did not have power to levitate or experience. It was kept as a secret from themself by themself. Sometime the more powers, more awareness, you get confused. You don’t know what to do.

(14:32) Suddenly if you are made to become a chief minister of a particular state what will happen? You will be in chaos. You don’t know what to do with so much power. So your bio memory needs to be trained step by step to assess, experience, explore and express that power. Otherwise the power itself can be a disturbance for you. You may have a heart attack and die. “Me chief minister!!” You may not be able to handle. Same way there are many secret powers inside you animadhi siddhis; anima, lahima, mahima, karima, ishitvam, vashitvam, prapti; these are the different siddhis. Biggest problem is you yourself are afraid of those siddhis. So slowly you keep those siddhis as a secret from yourself. You hide them from yourself. You just say, “It’s ok, it’s ok. You are good. I am good. You be there where you are. I will be there where I am.” Otherwise your bio memory is basically intelligent.

(16:19) Just the other day I was reading some of the verses from the siddha tradition. There is a huge granite temple made in Tanjore by a great king, and a siddha Karuvurar. Karuvurar was a great siddha. He and his predecessors were the spiritual guiding force behind that temple and King Rajaraja was the physical - who was providing all the necessary things - infra structure, manpower, resource and everything. It was a monumental work, unimaginable work. 217 feet granite marvel - one of the oldest, tallest structure built in granite in the world. And it’s not like a pyramid; just a geometrically shaped stones heaped together. No. Such a deep art work, not a single inch goes uncarved. There is no geometrical carving.

See geometrical carving is easy. Just catch slaves and tell them, they will carve it. And if they don’t, beat them, then they will carve it. Geometrical carving does not need a person’s cooperation. It does not need the intelligence or art, creativity. No! If you just frighten him and “do this or you will be killed”. Then he will make the shape of geometry; triangle, rectangle, square over. But this temple is an amazing piece of art. Every inch is carved as an art piece. So you can’t build it with slaves. You have to build only with artists who can never be enslaved. You can never enslave an artist. He will have his own independence freedom. Even if you try to enslave he will make monkey and donkey. What will you do? You can’t force him to make some beautiful thing by enslaving. No.

(19:04) It’s an art piece; shocking size art piece. I was reading…… not only carving, I was wondering how they would have assembled the whole thing? Whole thing happened within five years; just five years. Rajaraja built everything, assembled. So I was pondering, “how did they assemble the whole thing?” Because impossible to put one on that other top without any machineries, tools. I realized, in their song they have given very clear techniques, how they teach human beings bio memory the extra ordinary powers to lift extraordinary weight. Each human being has a hidden secret power to lift extra ordinary weight. So if that kundalini is awakened and that secret power is made to experience by the bio memory, bio memory just lifts any amount.

(20:29) I tried when our disciples, when our ashramites experienced the kundalini awakening, they are able to lift three times more their weight. If they are 50kg they are able to lift 150kg just like that. Normally they can’t. Three times of their weight just like that they able to lift; so many secret powers are hidden in your own bio memory, in your own bio memory. Understand, the secret powers hidden in your bio memory should become part of your life. You should have intelligence to handle those powers in your life. How to? Patanjali answers that question in this sutra; very powerful sutra:

kayendriya-siddhir-ashuddhi-ksayat tapasah ||43|| कायेन्द्रियसिद्धिरशुद्धिक्षयात् तपसः ॥४३॥ Wow! Swami Vivekananda translates this sutra as: The mortification of the organs and the body through the destruction of their impurities brings powers to them. Swami Prabhavananda translates as: As the result of mortification impurities are removed then special powers come to the body and the sense organs. Swami Sachidananda translates this same sutra as: By austerity impurities of body and senses are destroyed and occult powers gained.

(22:31) I will read the sutra once more.

kayendriya-siddhir-ashuddhi-ksayat tapasah ||43|| कायेन्द्रियसिद्धिरशुद्धिक्षयात् तपसः ॥४३॥

The technical term in this sutra is tapasaha. That is where I am going to differ with the traditional orthodox translation. Traditional orthodox translations say mortification as the meaning of the word tapas. I wanted to translate that word tapasaha as the practices through which your bio memory falls in tune with all knowing, all powerful, all intelligent, all compassionate atman. Please understand, basically the stuff which is inside your bio memory which is responsible for your bio memory to be alive is satchidananda. Sat - all knowing, chit - all powerful, ananda - always blissful. Because of all this three always compassionate, overflowing. Basically the stuff which is responsible for your bio memory to be alive and active is satchidananda. But your bio memory is not completely aware of its own sweet truth satchidananda. So any practice makes your bio memory to understand and experience its innate nature of all knowing, all powerful, all blissful, is tapas, tapasaha.

(25:09) I don’t want to translate that word tapasaha as mortification. No. Sometime just a very joyful action of eating some sweet can be tapas for you. Tapas is not always painful. It is not always mortification. It is not always austerity. Just because sometimes it is austerity it is not always austerity. Tapas sometimes is a very joyful, happy doing, which you always wanted to do; especially the tapas described in the Shiva sutras in some of the Hatha yoga, if you see, so joyful, ecstatic. It is not tapas at all, mortification at all, pain at all.

Yesterday, see yesterday the sutra contentment, sukha labaha; the ultimate joy is gained by contentment. It is not mortification to learn contentment. You are not going to poke your body with a spear or you are not going to fast, you are not going to kill yourself. No. It’s not like Ravana cutting his own head and putting it in yaga, havan. No. There are austerity sometime need to be practiced, but the word tapas itself should not be translated as austerity or mortification.

(27:25) The word tapasaha should be understood or translated as the methods and techniques through which your bio memory is empowered to look into its innate nature and experience the all-knowing, all powerful, all blissful, all compassionate expression of itself. Sometime when you are feeling like falling asleep, if you just remember, “Wow!! By falling asleep I am going to experience my innate nature of eternal peace”; remember this and fall asleep. It is tapas. Whenever you fall asleep remember, “Oh I think I am tired of running around and projecting the scenes which is not me. So I wanted to return back to my home which is all peaceful all the time and waiting for me. Let me return.” Just with this memory if you fall asleep your whole sleeping time becomes tapas. You are not doing any austerity here, you are not doing any mortification here; but you are killing the wrong idea. Mortification of wrong idea is done here.

29:03 So from My experience if I have to describe the word tapas I'll describe more as - mortification of the wrong ideas. When you fall asleep just remember this one truth. “Oh I think my bio memory is tired of seeing all the things which is not there; useless. It wants to get back to its original space where all peace exists. Let me return.” It is tapas. Then your sleeping is tapas. You don’t need to do anything else like Krishna tells in the Gita,

sarva-dharmān parityajya mām ekaṁ śharaṇaṁ vraja सर्वधर्मान्परित्यज्य मामेकं शरणं व्रज |

30:14 The devotees are sitting in Toronto I can see in their house beautiful picture of Krishna in the wall; Krishna giving Gita to Arjuna. How Krishna says,

sarva-dharmān parityajya mām ekaṁ śharaṇaṁ vraja ahaṁ tvāṁ sarva-pāpebhyo mokṣhayiṣhyāmi mā śhuchaḥ

सर्वधर्मान्परित्यज्य मामेकं शरणं व्रज | अहं त्वां सर्वपापेभ्यो मोक्षयिष्यामि मा शुच: ||

He says drop everything and surrender. It is not mortification. It is just pleasant, sweet, relaxed technique for falling in tune. Tapasaha is not always mortification. Tapasaha is not always austerity. So I wanted to translate the word tapasaha as the techniques, ideas which makes your bio memory in tune with the all knowing, all powerful, all compassionate experience of consciousness.

kayendriya-siddhir-ashuddhi-ksayat tapasah

(32:22) The esoteric extraordinary powers are achieved by tapas. That is why I say, see yesterday, so many people, I can say at least handful of people some five six, picked up levitation without any tapas; just by sitting in the group who are already levitating. How it happened? The bio memory falls in coherence with other bio memories. So in a way I can say living in the sangha itself is tapas. Because here I am making many bio memories into the highest possible coherence highest possible conscious coherence so when you are living among those bio memories, naturally the dignity and grace they express in their body, body language, in their bio memory, in their joy.

(33:52) I am really, really happy; last few months the coherence of the whole group consciousness has intensely raised. I could see the behavior of the ashramites, the character of the ashramites with others, with themself, with community has transformed so much. I am seeing the sweetness, the undercurrent of the sweetness is rising within themself and with others and with everybody. The highest possible coherence has started happening. Actually the sangha is required for that only. I am really happy. In 2009, I am more or less like a place where satsang happens. Some loose seekers come, something is shared, they learn. Then 2010, I could see we evolving as a monastery, where a systematic transmission of the intellect and intelligence happening. Now 2011, I can see very clearly we have entered the zone of mystery school where the energy experience is getting transmitted, where the energy experience is happening; where I could see just by the presence, being inside, people are catching the energy experience, different extraordinary powers like Patanjali describes kayendriya-siddhir; the body and sense organs are getting riped.

(36:37) Please understand the word siddhi I do not want to translate as extraordinary powers. I want to translate that word as getting riped; that’s the right word. If your eyes are riped you can see anything. Now the Toronto, the devotees are sitting and watching. In that wall there is a poster of Krishna and Arjuna. I can read very clearly those letters கீதாசாரம். எது நடந்ததுவோ அது நன்றாகவே நடக்கிறது. I can read those letters. When your eyes are riped, you can see extraordinary things. Of course I am not trying to prove the extraordinary power. What I am saying is when you make your senses ripe you live with it joyfully.

(38:02) See this levitation is nothing but the method of ripening your senses. I could see the people who sit everyday for the levitation experience, the samana experience, first thing happened is drastic healing; long term serious sicknesses have just like that disappeared. Some of the gynecological problems these devotees had for years disappeared just like that, and ten years back pain, years of stomach problem. When your body is riped, the kaayendriya siddhi, please understand again I am translating that word siddhi as ripening of the sense organs. I don’t want to translate that word siddhi as extraordinary powers. The extraordinary powers will be the side effect.

(39:16) When your senses ripen, actually when your skin ripens you will have the power to expand or contract. You can blow like a balloon or shrink it as you want. That is what is called mahima garima. The anima lahima mahima karima making yourself weightless or heavy or small or big all this happens when your skin ripens. The word siddhi even Ramakrishna translates as boiled, riped, cooked. How to cook, boil your senses? By more and more and more awareness, nothing else; Awareness is the only heat which can cook and boil your senses. No other way for boiling your senses. So, kayendriya-siddhir; when your sense organs and body is riped, automatically the extraordinary powers start expressing.

(40:53) See whoever got healed of their disease by the levitation process, samana process, will be a powerful healer. Now not only your senses are riped, now your bio memory knows the science of healing the bio memory. Touch any bio memory with the disease you had, simply that bio memory will learn the healing and they will be healed. Please understand if you had a stomach problem and you got healed just by the levitation, the samana, you are now master of healing stomach problems; any stomach disorder you touch their stomach and heal their bio memory will just like that get healed. If you had gynecological problems and got healed just by the samana balancing, means the levitation, anybody who have that problem, touch them and heal, their bio memory will be healed.

42:02 Now your bio memory has not only riped; see riping is the experience, the side effect of that ripening is the siddhi, the power of healing any bio memory which has that problem. If you had a back pain and got healed by being in the samana state or levitation, anybody who has a back pain, touch them, their body, their bio memory will just learn from your bio memory and it will heal itself. Now you are specialist in back pain; specialist in healing back pain.

(43:02) So kayendriya-siddhiri; the word siddhi should not be translated just as an extraordinary power; no. It should be translated as ripening of your bio memory, the part of the body When it ripens not only it heals itself, as a side effect it gets many other powers. How to know what kind of siddhi will come? What part of the body is ripened? Patanjali explains that as a huge chapter. How to infuse awareness into every part of the body and ripen that part of the body and how the extraordinary siddhi is expressed, what kind of siddhi is expressed. For each part Patanjali tells about this as a separate chapter vibhooti padam, vibhooti padaha. When I talk about that chapter, I will explain detailed way different kinds of tapas for different siddhi.

(45:07) Here understand this muchkayendriya-siddhir-ashuddhi-ksayat tapasah When the body and sense organs are ripened by the tapas, the purification process, all the impurities are eliminated from the body and sense organs and bio memory and extraordinary powers express because of the ripening of the body and bio memory. Literally the Master’s presence is everyday cooking all of you intensely. Intense cooking is happening. That is why I say do not miss a single chance of allowing the eN effect on you. Allow the eN effect intensely on you whatever possible way.

(46:40) Now come on let Me create the eN effect on the Toronto devotees, Canada. All the devotees in Toronto just sit straight, in a relaxed way sit straight. You don’t need to close your eyes, just sit straight. You will have the eN effect happening in you all now. Never miss even one possibility or a chance to be in the Master’s presence. Of course now in the modern day, please understand, in those days physical presence is only called as presence. Now I declare as I am the incarnation of the IT age the virtual presence is equal to the physical presence. So wherever people sit with Me virtually with this two way communication, I am able to see you all you are able to see me, the physical presence happens; the eN effect happens with the same intensity.

(48:08) In the modern day the incarnations have to update the capacity and ability and the possibilities through which the experiences are shared. When your senses are ripened not only the extraordinary powers express, the tremendous transformation expresses through it. The character you show is a solid, unimaginable, amazing, divine spiritual leela. The grace you radiate, the joy with which you handle life, even the abusal done to you the grace with which you walk out, will be unimaginable. So the eN effect is the powerful experience through which tapasaha and siddhi means boiling and ripening of your body and senses happens. Apart from that the tremendous character, powerful character you express, happens through the sense organs.

(50:26) I bless you all to experience tapas. I bless you all to experience, achieve, live, express, radiate, share the eternal bliss, Nithyananda Thank you. (50:52)