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Awaken your supernatural powers Patanjali Yoga Sutras 143
==Link to Video: ==  
==Link to Video: ==  
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQJK17VCZz4&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2011-04apr-04_awaken-your-supernatural-powers-patanjali-yoga-sutras-143"/>
Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām
Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām
I welcome all with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samaji’s, satsangi’s sitting with us at this moment around the world in 543 places in 118 cities in 27 countries. Apart from that 6 cities are sitting in video conferencing, 2 way connection with us, having Nayana Deeksha - Ohio, Malaysia, Phoenix, San Jose, Los Angeles, Seattle. I welcome you all with my love and blessing.
Los Angeles has Vibhoothi on the Padukas and more Vibhoodhi will come now; Blessings.
I am seeing everyday at least two three places vibhoothi has started materializing. Yesterday I was trying some 9, 8 places at a time. I think when the internet is overloaded how it crashes, like that it got overloaded. 😀That is why it was little struggling. I will pick up some three four, three four, three four and train.
Actually it is just a science. You see, it’s like a receiver; preparing those receivers is a big job. It’s like a, any amount I can send, but the receivers needed to be prepared. It’s almost like a, they need to upgrade their whole system. So I will have to work with every receiver; to upgrade them, remove all the virus and make them compatible for the high speed internet connection; almost all these things needs to be done. The same just like the internet only, this also.
Alright, we will pick up few. It is very easy to send to Padukas because they don’t have logic; it is just a matter you see. It is just a matter, which doesn’t have logic and which doesn’t resist. And especially when it is energized, it is a, simply like my representative; My representative is there and it’s very easy. But to a person who has a logic, sending it will be little… means his whole logic has to be purified and made to receive, receptive. That is why it takes little time but I have decided before this Guru Purnima, July 25th, at least 25 people will be initiated into receiving all the teleported materials like vibhoothi or lingam or any material and July 25th- Guru Purnima we will have a public demonstration to the media on the science of teleportation. We will have a full fledged public demonstration, to international media, under the controlled conditions.
All the people who are going to receive vibhoothi, will be monitored by the scientists and person who is going to send - ME, I also will be monitored by the scientist and we will prove it scientifically this science of teleportation. And not only that, I will make this science available to the world as a clear curriculum, as a syllabus. Like now I have made the levitation as a clear science, curriculum… I can assure anybody comes and sits in the Inner Awakening for 21 days will levitate. Guarantee. This time onwards you will see it is a guaranteed experience. It is not like a, you may - may not, No! We have mastered the science. We have mastered the science of reproducing that experience. Not only few people can experience, anybody who sits that 21 days, goes through, will experience levitation, we have mastered the science.
Same way, I will make this, I think by December Inner Awakening I will make this teleporting as a clear science which anybody will be able to receive it. Anybody will be able to receive it, and already I am training some 15, 20 of the ashramites, I am sitting with them, training them not only to receive and teleport; even to send, even to send. I just wanted some yogis, some at least few thousand yogis to learn this science in a very systematic way and share it with the world. And it is all just to inspire you, make you have shraddha for shastra pramana.
Understand, I wanted all of you to know, especially people who receive vibhoothi in their hands or in their house padukas, or who are part of this teleporting science or who are experiencing levitation, do not allow this to lead to ego. NO! Don’t allow this to expand or make you arrogant, expand your ego or make you arrogant. Then it becomes like a, elephant goes to take bath in the river but finally that fool gets into some mud and dumps the mud on his own head and comes out more dirty than he went inside the water. He went inside the water to clean himself but finally instead of pouring water on his head he poured sludge and dust on his head and came out. Don’t become like that, be clear. Do not use your spiritual experiences, to improve your or to expand your Ego, NO. Talk always about your spiritual experiences with lot of humbleness and respect to that experience and the transformation it created on you.
Understand, share this with the world to tell, because of this vibhoothi materializing in your hand you have more shraddha, more sincerity to the shastra pramana and apta pramana. You have more sincerity towards the science of enlightenment. Otherwise what is the use?
Padukas Vibhoothi is coming, True. If it inspires you to become more sincere to the ideology of enlightenment, it is great. Otherwise what is the use? Nothing! I can give you vibhoodhi from here, packet after packet. What is the use? Or so much can be given from the bag; that is not a big thing. That is not something big. So understand, all these things should be used to inspire you and others towards the shastra pramana and apta pramana for transformation of your life, for the sake of enlightenment, otherwise it becomes more or less like a magician shop. No, I am not interested in it.
Again and again I wanted to remind, if I materialize once I wanted to remind you twice; so that we don’t lose track of my avataric mission. My avataric mission is not making Vibhoothi come everywhere. Then I can sit in the akshardham itself, or the place where I reside and ‘Alright, come on vibhoothi shower’. Then there can be big cyclone and everywhere vibhoothi will come, what is the use? Just send one cyclone that will make vibhoothi appear everywhere. So that is not my Avataric mission. My Avataric mission is to transform you and make you enlightened. So understand it’s for enlightenment, this whole thing and not for anything else. Once in a while ok, kind of a proof for what we are talking.
This Patanjali goes on talking about different, different, different samyamas; today is a very powerful samyama. I will enter into the sutra. He goes on talking. Sometime mind tends to think, ‘Who knows! Patanjali also may be one more crazy guy; wrote something and left it and who even knows whether Patanjali existed at all or not. some 10, 12 people… Ahh…they would have written some nonsense and it  all got compiled and became a book, later on somebody picked it up and translating it, spreading , who knows!’ People can have doubts.
And another one thing, ‘May be Patanjali is true and what he wrote is true, but it will work only 5000 years before in those days, may not be now’. All these kind of doubts can be there. So, to remove that only these few miracles, these few siddhi’s. Through this I wanted to give 4, 5 statement. One: Patanjali is true. Second: his teachings are practical. Third: I am experienced his teachings in my life through my mentors and acharyas and gurus. Fourth: I can reproduce that experience in you. Fifth: I am doing it. That’s all. 😀 Understand; these are the 5 statements I want to give through this teleporting, materialization, levitation, kundalini awakening and all that. So that’s it.
Let me enter into today’s sutra.
Subject, today’s subject is ‘Awaken your supernatural powers’.
Sutra… let me enter into the sutra
It is the 143rd sutra of Patanjali yoga sutras and chapter 3rd 37th sutra.
Tatah pratibha-sravana-vedana adarsha asvada-vaartha jaayante.
Please understand let me repeat the sutra once more
Tatah pratibha-sravana-vedana adarsha asvada-vaartha jaayante.
Swami Vivekananda translates as: from that arises the knowledge of supernatural hearing, touching,  seeing,  tasting and smelling which belong to pratibha.
Swami Prabhavananda translates as: hence one gains the knowledge due to spontaneous enlightenment and obtains supernatural powers of hearing, touch, sight and smell.
Swami Sachithananda translates as: from this knowledge arises the supernatural hearing, touching, seeing, tasting and smelling through spontaneous intuition.
Bhagwan Osho translates this as: from this follows intuitional hearing, touching, seeing, tasting and smelling.
Let me enter into the sutra. Patanjali takes us one step deeper. He is giving us the technique to achieve the extraordinary powers like a, able to see anything, able to hear anything, able to taste anything, able to touch anything, able to smell anything; at any time, existed at any space and time. Understand, it’s almost like making you as Eshvara. This sutra is a direct technique for Eeshitva. Please understand, Patanjali is now taking us to the last siddhi, 8th siddhi. He has spoken about all different samyamas. He is almost leading us to the enlightenment; But almost, not exactly. He is taking us to the last siddhi. It’s called Eeshitva.
You need to understand the technicality of the Eeshitva. Eeshitva is a last step from where you can decide to become one with the cosmos and be enlightened or sit in the, it’s almost like a door step, you can sit there and play with all the powers and do some show to the world and disappear into enlightenment. But usually there is no danger of falling down from that place; Means like a again becoming a bound personality - Bandha Jeeva - Ordinary bound jeeva. There is no possibility; it’s almost like a non return zone, non return zone.
Understand, if you can understand the technicality of the Eeshitva, it will really help you to experience this extraordinary powers to take conscious decision about right or wrong when these powers are happening to you. Please understand, if you are with a normal guru who only goes on talks about all these things, you don’t need to worry about these too technical subjects. You can think, ‘ahh when am I going to reach the Eeshitva and all, forget about it. Why should I bother about all these things?’. You can just forget about it. But you are with a Master who shows you the experiences, so you need to know the technicality.
If you are with a master who is only going to talk, talk, talk about USA and never going to lead you there, give you the experience of that country, you don’t need to bother about the GPS of USA. ‘Hey Indian GPS is more than enough. He is only going to talk about USA GPS. He himself has not gone, when is he going to take me? Why should I bother about US GPS?’ You don’t need to bother. But you are with a Man not only who knows the country he is talking, who knows the space he is talking, who has a private jet to take you any number at any time by will. So you need to know the technicalities of that space's GPS; the technicality of the Eeshwaratva. You will not fall down and become a normal man. But you will not merge into samadhi if you are stuck in eeshwaratva.
Understand, a person who has merged into Samadhi, cosmos chooses his body and plays the drama; then he is an incarnation. But if he himself retains the will, the last trace of will, he can play with all these powers but will not fall into Samadhi, ultimate Samadhi. Next sutra is about that. When I come to next sutra I will explain very detailed way, how it does not let you fall into Samadhi. So now you have the conscious choice.
One more thing, you don’t need to be afraid of being Eeshwaratva, same way you don’t need to be greedy of  being in Eeshwaratva. For example, if you are afraid of being in Eeshwaratva, one big problem is you never work to achieve those higher powers or towards enlightenment.  I have seen some people, being afraid of this extraordinary powers, thinking that it will not allow them to become enlightened, they do not do any practice. They will do any one or two practice, when they see some extraordinary happening, like a power or experience they will get frightened and say ‘Oh God these all not required for me. Forget about it, no enlightenment, no God, relax and let me eat my fish, mach mishit, tamak’; that’s a Bengal’s normal life. Mach mishti tamak means the fish, sweet and tobacco. It is like a phrase for a normal life. Come on let me hold on to my fish and sweet and tobacco. Let me live with my mundane life, no need for higher experiences. People get stuck like that. That is also wrong.
Same way if you are greedy of this Eeshwaratva, the problem is you will not fall into enlightenment. That is the another one problem. Then you may ask what we should do then? Practice all these things, when Eeshwaratva comes surrender that to eeshvara himself. Surrender that power to the eeshvara himself, to the cosmos itself. Say that, alright these all are happening in me, I am neither afraid of it nor greedy about it, I am putting it at your feet. If you want, do it through my body; otherwise it's ok. Relax into samadhi. Understand, taking it lightly, that is the right attitude. Neither fear, nor greed about this Eeshwaratva should be maintained.
If you have greed for Eeshwaratva, it will be such a big obstacle for enlightenment; you will be bandha jeeva, bound person. If you are afraid of Eeshwaratva, again you will not go into the depth and become enlightened. It is like a doorstep. If you are afraid of doorstep you will never go there. So you will never go out and be enlightened; be in the open space. If you are greedy of doorstep again you will be sitting in door step. You will not go out and experience the free space. Neither be greedy nor be afraid of this Eeshwaratva. These all happens during the process. Understand the technical term in this sutra is again Pratibha.
Patanjali uses the same samyama second time, only in this sutra. No other sutra speaks of same samyama again. Patanjali is a highly intelligent guy; he doesn’t waste words. He is a straight forward guy. He doesn’t waste words, he doesn’t mince words.
Sacred secret in this sutra is, use Pratibha to awaken the extraordinary powers like, able to see anything you want anywhere, able to smell anything you are …you want anywhere; happened at any time and space. I can exactly tell you when the Meenakshi’s marriage happened, how the smell of the room was! How the havan was happening, what was the smell of all those herbs, and what was the smell of the flowers, what was the smell of the flower she was wearing, I can tell you exactly, the whole scene. I will describe on chitra purnima day; we are going to have the Meenakshi marriage here, festival.
Like how I described the Vyasa and Shankara’s debate on Brahma sutra, same way I will describe. This time chitra purnima we are going to celebrate in Tiruvannamalai as the 4th anniversary of Tiruvannamalai Dhyanapeetam inauguration. We will have the Brahmostsavam in Bidadi. All of you should be aware especially all the temples, this year onwards we will have one more additional Brahmotsavam for Meenakshi. Especially San Jose should celebrate this Brahmotsavam; it's a Meenakshi thirukalyanam, Meenakshis Bramotsavam, for marriage festival. So during this Bramotsavam all 10 days kumkum will come from the Padukas. Meenakshi’s presence will be there.
So I can exactly describe how the room smelled, the hall smelled, when the Meenakshi’s marriage happened. The ability to smell anything happened at any time, any space, and ability to touch anything anywhere. Ability to see anything from anywhere happened at any time and space, Ability to hear anything from anywhere, ability to touch anything from anywhere, ability to smell anything from anywhere, ability to taste anything from anywhere. These extraordinary capabilities can be happening in you with this Pratibha samyama. I will give you the exact secret, sacred secret; the technique.
The same technique which I gave you last time on mirroring, do it on every sense individually. For example, if you want the prathiba samyama on the eyes, feel eyes are the mirror; anything you are seeing is just mirroring. If you want to feel, if you want to do the samyama on the smelling, just feel your nose is the mirror. Any smell you experience is just mirroring. If you want to experience the samyama of the touch, just feel your whole touch experience is mirror and any touch you experience is just mirrored. The touch, loving touch or touch with anger, being beaten, pain or anything, just see you are mirroring it. Taste, for next 11days feel your tongue is like a mirror. All the taste you experience in your tongue is mirroring. It’s all just coming and going. You are mirroring. If the salt is put in your mouth…’ohh, salt quality is being mirrored’, the sugar is put in the mouth ‘oh, sugar quality is being mirrored’, if the sour is put in your mouth ‘oh sour quality is being mirrored’. If the neem is put in your mouth, ‘oh neem quality is being mirrored’. Be a witness for anything happening in your tongue.
I tell you, 11 days, actually 11 days is enough for any samyama for you to win. A normal man who has so much of mood swings and diversions, 11 days is enough. You are not that bad as you think. No really. You are constantly being depressed, put into depression, by these so called yogi's saying 12 years you have to practice any samyama only then you will have result. Who wants 12 years; by the time you will even forget what for you started the samyama. 11 days is enough and understand I am giving you the sacred secret, exact key. So, 11 days is more than enough for you. Just do it sincerely, that's all, nothing else.
But don’t try to practice all 5 samyama at a time. NO. Take one set of 11 days and do one samyama, like pratibha with eyes, pratibatva with tongue pratibatva with your nose, pratibatva with your ears, mirroring with eyes, mirroring with ears, mirroring with nose, mirroring with tongue, mirroring with touch; but only one. Take up any one and practice that samyama for 11 days. You will see the new door opens and you start experiencing the extraordinary powers and capabilities.
I can describe the scene exactly, when the siddha, the Ellam Valla siddar, when Chokkanathar, Shiva came down as Ellam valla siddhar in madurai, and fed sugar cane to the stone elephant. I can tell you exactly where the elephant was, and where the siddhar was standing and where the king was standing, what dress he was wearing. You may think, ‘ohh there is no reference so anything he says we have to believe.’ Alright, I will train some of you guys into this samyama, into this pratibha and I will pen down the whole scene and seal it in cover and  make some of you guys also experience that samyama and ask you guys to pen down, it will match. This way I will prove. I will work on this way. No, through this way you can understand, once the pratibha of eyes happens, you can see anything anywhere happened at any time and any space.
Shiva himself does some siddhi’s like this just to inspire people towards the enlightenment science; just a casual leela. There is a beautiful description how the siddha comes and…. Shiva comes and plays different leela's. It is all just to tell the world the power of samyama and inspire you all to have more and more, deeper and deeper trust, shraddha towards the shastra, towards the science of enlightenment.
“Kalyaanaiku karumbootti, karunkurivikku upadesithu, naaraiku jnanam thanthu, pandrikuttiku pal koduthu, pittuku man sumanthu, pira pala leelai ellam seivathum, sutha shiva thejomayathin sugananda porulai, sithamariyaa moodarkum, siddhiyaai vilakkavae.”
If I translate it’s a poetic… it’s not even a verse it is a prose only written in a poetic way, the explanations of the leela's Shiva did in Madura, in the south Madurai. North Madura is place of Krishna, south Madura is the place of Shiva and Devi. Now the few lines which I repeated is a prose from a book which describes all the Shiva’s leela. He comes down and does so many leela's just to make people understand, who has the chitta, ordinary chitta, ordinary mind, that siddhi is possible. The extraordinary siddhi is possible.
We will create a beautiful samyama university in Bidadi. We will make a place where all yogic things are made available for people to practice and experience the different samyamas, guide them into different samyamas. So much can be done with these powers of samyama; people can experience and live these great truths. So understand this sacred secret: mirroring on any one sense continuously for 11 days awakens the capacities to see, smell, taste, touch, the extraordinary capacities of that senses, which leads you to experience Eeshwaratva, which is the experience of Eeshwaratva.
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I bless you all who are sitting with us at this moment in 728 places in 229 cities in 30 countries. Let you all achieve, experience, live, radiate, express and share the eternal bliss, Nithyananda.
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Prayer. Welcome. Basically teleportation of this Vibudhi & all happens when the mediums are ready to receive. But before that I will have to work with every receiver to upgrade them, remove all their virus make them compatible with high speed internet connection. It is very easy to send to Paadukas because they don’t have logic. It is just a matter which is especially energized, it is simply like my representative. It is very easy. But for a person who has logic, whole logic has to be purified. Before this Guru Poornima, at least 25 people will be initiated into receiving different things through teleportation – things like vibhudhi, shiva linga, etc. We will scientifically prove this science of teleportation. Not only that I will make this science available to the world as a clear curriculum as a syllabus. Like now I have created a clear curriculum for the science of levitation. We have now mastered the science of reproducing the experience. Not only few people can experience, now I can say anybody who goes through the 21 day Inner Awakening will experience this. I will make this science of teleportation also as a clear science. I am already training few of my ashramites not only to receive teleportation but also to send to the world. all this is to make you have shraddha for shaastra pramaana. I want to tell people who are part of this teleportation science or experiencing levitation, don’t allow this to expand your ego or make you arrogant – then it becomes like elephant goes to river to take bath and comes out pours mud and comes out more dirty. Don’t become like that. Be very clear, do not use your spiritual experiences to improve or expand your ego. Talk always about your spiritual experiences with lot of humbleness & respect for that experience and the transformation it created in you. don’t become arrogant because of teleportation happening to you, tell the world you now have more sincerity to shaastra pramaana and aapta pramaana. It should inspire you towards the ideology of enlightenment. Otherwise there is no use of it. so understand, all these things should be used to inspire you and others towards the shaastra pramaana and aapta pramaana for transformation of your life, for the sake of enlightenment. Otherwise it becomes more or less like a magician shop. Again & again I wanted to remind you of this. so that we don’t lose track of my avataaric mission which is not making vibhudhi go everywhere☺ my avataaric mission to transform you and make you enlightened. This whole thing is for enlightenment and not for anything else.
Patanjali goes on talking and you may think who knows if all this is true. Who knows if Patanjali existed or not, some people may have just compiled and made this text. Maybe Patanjali and what he wrote is true but it would work only 5000 yrs before in those days may not be now. To remove these doubts only is these siddhas. I wanted to tell – Patanjali is true, his teachings are practical, I have experienced his teachings in my life through my acharyas and Gurus, 4th I can make you experience these, 5th I am doing it! that’s all!
Today’s subject is Awaken your supernatural powers!
143rd Patanjali Yoga Sutras 3rd chapter 37th verse -
Tatha praateepa shravana vedana aadarsha aashvadha vaartham jaayanthe
Vivekananda: from that arises the knowledge of supernatural hearing, touching, seeing, tasting and smelling which belong to prateepa
Prabhavananda: hence one gains knowledge due to spontaneous enlightenement and obtains super natural powers of hearing, touch, sight and smell
Satchitananda: from this knowledge arises the super natural hearing, touching, seeing, tasting, smelling through spontaneous intuition
Osho: from this follows intuition of hearing, touching, seeing, tasting and smelling
Patanjali takes us one step deeper. He is giving us the technique to achieve the extraordinary powers like able to see anything, taste anything, touch anything, smell anything at anytime, existed at any space and time. Understand it is almost like making you as Ishwara. This sutra is a direct technique for Ishitwa. Patanjali is now taking us to the last siddhi – 8th siddhi. He has spoken about different samyamas. He is almost leading us to the enlightenment. He is taking us to the last siddhi called Ishitwa. You need to understand the technicality of the Ishitwa. Ishitwa is a last step from where you can decide to become one with the cosmos and be enlightened or sit there and play with all the powers and do some show to the world and disappear into enlightenment. But usually there is no danger of falling down from that place means again becoming a ordinary bound jeeva – bandha jeeva. There is no possibility it is almost like a non-returnable zone. If you understand the technicality of the Ishitwa it will really help you to take decision on the extraordinary powers and take conscious decision about the powers you have. If you have an ordinary master you need not bother about the technicality. But you are with a master who is giving you the experience of these powers, you need to know the technicality. You need to know the technicality of that space’s GPS. The technicality of the Ishwaratva. You will not fall down and become a normal man, but you will not merge into Samadhi if you are stuck into Ishwaratva. A person who has merged into Samadhi cosmos chooses and plays with his body then he is an incarnation. But if he himself uses his trace of will, he will not fall into Samadhi. The next sutra is about this. Now you have the conscious choice. You don’t need to be afraid of being in Ishwaratva same way you need not be greedy of being in Ishwaratva. For example, if you are afraid of being in Ishwaratva you will never work towards achieving these powers or towards becoming enlightened. I have seen people who are afraid and will not do any practice! Then you will say let me live with my mundane life – no need for higher experiences. Same way, if you are greedy of this Ishwaratva, the problem is you will not fall into enlightenment. That is another problem. Then what to do? Practice all these things, when Ishwaratva comes, surrender that power to Ishwara himself, to the cosmos itself. Say – I am having all these things, now I put it at your feet. Taking it lightly. That is the right attitude. Neither fear, nor greed about this Ishwaratva should be maintained. If you have greed for Ishwaratva such a big obstacle will be on your way you will be a bound jeeva. If have fear of Ishwaratva, you will never go & experience it. it is like a door step. If you are afraid you will not even go near it. if you are greedy, you will not go beyond it.
The technical term in this sutra is again prateebha. Patanjali uses the same samyama 2nd time only in this sutra. No other sutra speaks about the same samyama again. Patanjali is a highly intelligent and straight forward guy. He does not use or mince words. Sacred secret in this sutra is use prateebha to awaken the extraordinary powers like able to see anything you want anywhere, able to smell anything you want anywhere happened at any time & space. I can exactly tell you when the Meenakshi’s marriage happened, how the hawan was, what was the smell of the flowers she was wearing, what is the smell of the room, I can tell you exactly. I will describe it exactly on the Chitra Poornima, Meenakshi’s marriage day. This time we are celebrating it in Tiruvannamalai as the 4th anniversary of our Tiruvannamalai temple. From this year onwards we will be celebrating Meenakshi Brahmotsavam and these 10 days kumkum will come from paadukas. Meenakshi’s presence will be there.
The ability to smell anything happened anytime at any space. And the ability to touch anything anywhere. Ability to see anything from anywhere happened at any time & space, ability to hear anything from anywhere, ability to touch anything from anywhere, ability to smell anything from anywhere, ability to taste anything from anywhere. This extraordinary capabilities can happen in you with this prateebha samyama. I will give you the exact technique. The same technique which I gave you last time on mirroring, do it on every sense individually. For example if you want to do the prateebha samyama on eyes, feel eyes are mirroring – anything you are seeing is mirroring. if you want to do the prateebha samyama on the nose, feel nose is mirroring, any smell you experience is mirroring, if you want to do the prateebha samyama on the touch, feel  whole touch experience is mirror and any touch you experience is just mirrored. The loving touch, touch with anger, being beaten, pain or anything just see you are mirroring it. taste for next 11 days feel your tongue is a mirror all taste you experience you are mirroring. If salt is being put in mouth, salt quality is being mirrored, if sugar is being put in your mouth sugar quality is being mirrored, if sour is being put in your mouth, sour quality is being mirrored, if  neem is being put in your mouth, neem quality is being mirrored – be a witness for anything happening in your tongue. 11 days is enough for you to win in any samyama. A normal man who has so much of mood swings and diversion 11 days is enough. You are not that bad as you thing. you are constantly put into depression by these yogis saying 12 years you need to do a samyama.
11 days is more than enough for you. just do it sincerely. That’s all. Nothing else. Don’t try to practice all samyama at a time. No. take one set of samyama and practice 11 days – like prateebha samyama with eyes, prateebhatva with tongue, nose, ears – mirroring with eyes, ears, nose, tongue, touch – but only one – take up any one and practice that samyama for 11 days. You will see the new door opens and you will start experiencing the extraordinary powers & capabilities. I can describe the scene exactly when the siddha – ellamalla siddhar came down as Chokkanaadhar to Madhurai and fed sugar cane to the elephant. I can describe exactly where the elephant was standing, where he was standing. I will train some of you guys into this samyama. I will pen down the whole scene and put it in a cover. I will ask you guys also to see it and pen it down. Then both will exactly match. This way I will prove. Once this samyama of eyes happen, you can see anything anywhere happened in any space. Shiva himself does some siddhas like this just to inspire people towards eh enlightenment science. Just a casual leela. There is a beautiful description how the Siddha – Shiva comes & plays different leelas. It is all just to tell the world the power of samyama and inspire you all to have more & more deeper & deeper trust, shraddha towards the shaastra, towards the science of enlightenment.  (quotes a verse in Tamil) if I translate it is not even a verse it is a prose only written in a poetic way the explanations of the lilas Shiva did in the south Madhurai. North Madhura is place of Krishna, South Madhurai is place of Shiva and Devi. Now the lines I read is the prose from a book which describes all leelas of Shiva. He comes down and does all these leelas to prove to people who have ordinary mind that extraordinary siddhi is possible.
We will create a beautiful samyama university in Bidadi. We will make a place where all Yogic things are made available for people to practice & experience the different samyamas – guide them into different samyamas. So much can be done with this powers of samyama – people can experience & live these great truths. So understand this sacred secret – mirroring on any one sense continuously for 11 days awakens the capacity to see, awakens the capacity to smell, awakens the capacity to smell taste, awakens the capacity to smell, awakens the capacity to touch. The extraordinary capacities of that senses which leads you to experience Ishwaratva which is the experience of Ishwaratva. 
(Tiruvannamalai Organizers invite Swamiji to the 4th anniversary of the Tiruvannamali Ashram)
This maala is from Arunachala. That is why I put it on myself ☺ Ramana Maharshi eventhough he was such a great incarnation, whenever he would see little Vibhudhi from Arunachala, he will get down his seat and put it on his forehead! See, till this moment I was talking about Ishvaratva, this that. A little vibhudhi from Arunachaleshwara can soak my throat. That is the greatness of Arunachaleshwara. The 4th anniversary of Tiruvannamali Nithyananda Dhayanapeetam will be celebrating this event. That is why the Inner Awakening is 22 days.
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Latest revision as of 01:42, 14 August 2023


Awaken your supernatural powers Patanjali Yoga Sutras 143

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Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām


I welcome all with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samaji’s, satsangi’s sitting with us at this moment around the world in 543 places in 118 cities in 27 countries. Apart from that 6 cities are sitting in video conferencing, 2 way connection with us, having Nayana Deeksha - Ohio, Malaysia, Phoenix, San Jose, Los Angeles, Seattle. I welcome you all with my love and blessing. Los Angeles has Vibhoothi on the Padukas and more Vibhoodhi will come now; Blessings.


I am seeing everyday at least two three places vibhoothi has started materializing. Yesterday I was trying some 9, 8 places at a time. I think when the internet is overloaded how it crashes, like that it got overloaded. 😀That is why it was little struggling. I will pick up some three four, three four, three four and train. Actually it is just a science. You see, it’s like a receiver; preparing those receivers is a big job. It’s like a, any amount I can send, but the receivers needed to be prepared. It’s almost like a, they need to upgrade their whole system. So I will have to work with every receiver; to upgrade them, remove all the virus and make them compatible for the high speed internet connection; almost all these things needs to be done. The same just like the internet only, this also.


Alright, we will pick up few. It is very easy to send to Padukas because they don’t have logic; it is just a matter you see. It is just a matter, which doesn’t have logic and which doesn’t resist. And especially when it is energized, it is a, simply like my representative; My representative is there and it’s very easy. But to a person who has a logic, sending it will be little… means his whole logic has to be purified and made to receive, receptive. That is why it takes little time but I have decided before this Guru Purnima, July 25th, at least 25 people will be initiated into receiving all the teleported materials like vibhoothi or lingam or any material and July 25th- Guru Purnima we will have a public demonstration to the media on the science of teleportation. We will have a full fledged public demonstration, to international media, under the controlled conditions. All the people who are going to receive vibhoothi, will be monitored by the scientists and person who is going to send - ME, I also will be monitored by the scientist and we will prove it scientifically this science of teleportation. And not only that, I will make this science available to the world as a clear curriculum, as a syllabus. Like now I have made the levitation as a clear science, curriculum… I can assure anybody comes and sits in the Inner Awakening for 21 days will levitate. Guarantee. This time onwards you will see it is a guaranteed experience. It is not like a, you may - may not, No! We have mastered the science. We have mastered the science of reproducing that experience. Not only few people can experience, anybody who sits that 21 days, goes through, will experience levitation, we have mastered the science.


Same way, I will make this, I think by December Inner Awakening I will make this teleporting as a clear science which anybody will be able to receive it. Anybody will be able to receive it, and already I am training some 15, 20 of the ashramites, I am sitting with them, training them not only to receive and teleport; even to send, even to send. I just wanted some yogis, some at least few thousand yogis to learn this science in a very systematic way and share it with the world. And it is all just to inspire you, make you have shraddha for shastra pramana. Understand, I wanted all of you to know, especially people who receive vibhoothi in their hands or in their house padukas, or who are part of this teleporting science or who are experiencing levitation, do not allow this to lead to ego. NO! Don’t allow this to expand or make you arrogant, expand your ego or make you arrogant. Then it becomes like a, elephant goes to take bath in the river but finally that fool gets into some mud and dumps the mud on his own head and comes out more dirty than he went inside the water. He went inside the water to clean himself but finally instead of pouring water on his head he poured sludge and dust on his head and came out. Don’t become like that, be clear. Do not use your spiritual experiences, to improve your or to expand your Ego, NO. Talk always about your spiritual experiences with lot of humbleness and respect to that experience and the transformation it created on you.


Understand, share this with the world to tell, because of this vibhoothi materializing in your hand you have more shraddha, more sincerity to the shastra pramana and apta pramana. You have more sincerity towards the science of enlightenment. Otherwise what is the use? Padukas Vibhoothi is coming, True. If it inspires you to become more sincere to the ideology of enlightenment, it is great. Otherwise what is the use? Nothing! I can give you vibhoodhi from here, packet after packet. What is the use? Or so much can be given from the bag; that is not a big thing. That is not something big. So understand, all these things should be used to inspire you and others towards the shastra pramana and apta pramana for transformation of your life, for the sake of enlightenment, otherwise it becomes more or less like a magician shop. No, I am not interested in it.


Again and again I wanted to remind, if I materialize once I wanted to remind you twice; so that we don’t lose track of my avataric mission. My avataric mission is not making Vibhoothi come everywhere. Then I can sit in the akshardham itself, or the place where I reside and ‘Alright, come on vibhoothi shower’. Then there can be big cyclone and everywhere vibhoothi will come, what is the use? Just send one cyclone that will make vibhoothi appear everywhere. So that is not my Avataric mission. My Avataric mission is to transform you and make you enlightened. So understand it’s for enlightenment, this whole thing and not for anything else. Once in a while ok, kind of a proof for what we are talking.


This Patanjali goes on talking about different, different, different samyamas; today is a very powerful samyama. I will enter into the sutra. He goes on talking. Sometime mind tends to think, ‘Who knows! Patanjali also may be one more crazy guy; wrote something and left it and who even knows whether Patanjali existed at all or not. some 10, 12 people… Ahh…they would have written some nonsense and it all got compiled and became a book, later on somebody picked it up and translating it, spreading , who knows!’ People can have doubts. And another one thing, ‘May be Patanjali is true and what he wrote is true, but it will work only 5000 years before in those days, may not be now’. All these kind of doubts can be there. So, to remove that only these few miracles, these few siddhi’s. Through this I wanted to give 4, 5 statement. One: Patanjali is true. Second: his teachings are practical. Third: I am experienced his teachings in my life through my mentors and acharyas and gurus. Fourth: I can reproduce that experience in you. Fifth: I am doing it. That’s all. 😀 Understand; these are the 5 statements I want to give through this teleporting, materialization, levitation, kundalini awakening and all that. So that’s it.


Let me enter into today’s sutra. Subject, today’s subject is ‘Awaken your supernatural powers’. Sutra… let me enter into the sutra It is the 143rd sutra of Patanjali yoga sutras and chapter 3rd 37th sutra. Tatah pratibha-sravana-vedana adarsha asvada-vaartha jaayante. Please understand let me repeat the sutra once more Tatah pratibha-sravana-vedana adarsha asvada-vaartha jaayante.


Swami Vivekananda translates as: from that arises the knowledge of supernatural hearing, touching, seeing, tasting and smelling which belong to pratibha. Swami Prabhavananda translates as: hence one gains the knowledge due to spontaneous enlightenment and obtains supernatural powers of hearing, touch, sight and smell. Swami Sachithananda translates as: from this knowledge arises the supernatural hearing, touching, seeing, tasting and smelling through spontaneous intuition. Bhagwan Osho translates this as: from this follows intuitional hearing, touching, seeing, tasting and smelling.


Let me enter into the sutra. Patanjali takes us one step deeper. He is giving us the technique to achieve the extraordinary powers like a, able to see anything, able to hear anything, able to taste anything, able to touch anything, able to smell anything; at any time, existed at any space and time. Understand, it’s almost like making you as Eshvara. This sutra is a direct technique for Eeshitva. Please understand, Patanjali is now taking us to the last siddhi, 8th siddhi. He has spoken about all different samyamas. He is almost leading us to the enlightenment; But almost, not exactly. He is taking us to the last siddhi. It’s called Eeshitva.


You need to understand the technicality of the Eeshitva. Eeshitva is a last step from where you can decide to become one with the cosmos and be enlightened or sit in the, it’s almost like a door step, you can sit there and play with all the powers and do some show to the world and disappear into enlightenment. But usually there is no danger of falling down from that place; Means like a again becoming a bound personality - Bandha Jeeva - Ordinary bound jeeva. There is no possibility; it’s almost like a non return zone, non return zone.


Understand, if you can understand the technicality of the Eeshitva, it will really help you to experience this extraordinary powers to take conscious decision about right or wrong when these powers are happening to you. Please understand, if you are with a normal guru who only goes on talks about all these things, you don’t need to worry about these too technical subjects. You can think, ‘ahh when am I going to reach the Eeshitva and all, forget about it. Why should I bother about all these things?’. You can just forget about it. But you are with a Master who shows you the experiences, so you need to know the technicality. If you are with a master who is only going to talk, talk, talk about USA and never going to lead you there, give you the experience of that country, you don’t need to bother about the GPS of USA. ‘Hey Indian GPS is more than enough. He is only going to talk about USA GPS. He himself has not gone, when is he going to take me? Why should I bother about US GPS?’ You don’t need to bother. But you are with a Man not only who knows the country he is talking, who knows the space he is talking, who has a private jet to take you any number at any time by will. So you need to know the technicalities of that space's GPS; the technicality of the Eeshwaratva. You will not fall down and become a normal man. But you will not merge into samadhi if you are stuck in eeshwaratva. Understand, a person who has merged into Samadhi, cosmos chooses his body and plays the drama; then he is an incarnation. But if he himself retains the will, the last trace of will, he can play with all these powers but will not fall into Samadhi, ultimate Samadhi. Next sutra is about that. When I come to next sutra I will explain very detailed way, how it does not let you fall into Samadhi. So now you have the conscious choice.


One more thing, you don’t need to be afraid of being Eeshwaratva, same way you don’t need to be greedy of being in Eeshwaratva. For example, if you are afraid of being in Eeshwaratva, one big problem is you never work to achieve those higher powers or towards enlightenment. I have seen some people, being afraid of this extraordinary powers, thinking that it will not allow them to become enlightened, they do not do any practice. They will do any one or two practice, when they see some extraordinary happening, like a power or experience they will get frightened and say ‘Oh God these all not required for me. Forget about it, no enlightenment, no God, relax and let me eat my fish, mach mishit, tamak’; that’s a Bengal’s normal life. Mach mishti tamak means the fish, sweet and tobacco. It is like a phrase for a normal life. Come on let me hold on to my fish and sweet and tobacco. Let me live with my mundane life, no need for higher experiences. People get stuck like that. That is also wrong.


Same way if you are greedy of this Eeshwaratva, the problem is you will not fall into enlightenment. That is the another one problem. Then you may ask what we should do then? Practice all these things, when Eeshwaratva comes surrender that to eeshvara himself. Surrender that power to the eeshvara himself, to the cosmos itself. Say that, alright these all are happening in me, I am neither afraid of it nor greedy about it, I am putting it at your feet. If you want, do it through my body; otherwise it's ok. Relax into samadhi. Understand, taking it lightly, that is the right attitude. Neither fear, nor greed about this Eeshwaratva should be maintained. If you have greed for Eeshwaratva, it will be such a big obstacle for enlightenment; you will be bandha jeeva, bound person. If you are afraid of Eeshwaratva, again you will not go into the depth and become enlightened. It is like a doorstep. If you are afraid of doorstep you will never go there. So you will never go out and be enlightened; be in the open space. If you are greedy of doorstep again you will be sitting in door step. You will not go out and experience the free space. Neither be greedy nor be afraid of this Eeshwaratva. These all happens during the process. Understand the technical term in this sutra is again Pratibha. Patanjali uses the same samyama second time, only in this sutra. No other sutra speaks of same samyama again. Patanjali is a highly intelligent guy; he doesn’t waste words. He is a straight forward guy. He doesn’t waste words, he doesn’t mince words.


Sacred secret in this sutra is, use Pratibha to awaken the extraordinary powers like, able to see anything you want anywhere, able to smell anything you are …you want anywhere; happened at any time and space. I can exactly tell you when the Meenakshi’s marriage happened, how the smell of the room was! How the havan was happening, what was the smell of all those herbs, and what was the smell of the flowers, what was the smell of the flower she was wearing, I can tell you exactly, the whole scene. I will describe on chitra purnima day; we are going to have the Meenakshi marriage here, festival.


Like how I described the Vyasa and Shankara’s debate on Brahma sutra, same way I will describe. This time chitra purnima we are going to celebrate in Tiruvannamalai as the 4th anniversary of Tiruvannamalai Dhyanapeetam inauguration. We will have the Brahmostsavam in Bidadi. All of you should be aware especially all the temples, this year onwards we will have one more additional Brahmotsavam for Meenakshi. Especially San Jose should celebrate this Brahmotsavam; it's a Meenakshi thirukalyanam, Meenakshis Bramotsavam, for marriage festival. So during this Bramotsavam all 10 days kumkum will come from the Padukas. Meenakshi’s presence will be there.


So I can exactly describe how the room smelled, the hall smelled, when the Meenakshi’s marriage happened. The ability to smell anything happened at any time, any space, and ability to touch anything anywhere. Ability to see anything from anywhere happened at any time and space, Ability to hear anything from anywhere, ability to touch anything from anywhere, ability to smell anything from anywhere, ability to taste anything from anywhere. These extraordinary capabilities can be happening in you with this Pratibha samyama. I will give you the exact secret, sacred secret; the technique.


The same technique which I gave you last time on mirroring, do it on every sense individually. For example, if you want the prathiba samyama on the eyes, feel eyes are the mirror; anything you are seeing is just mirroring. If you want to feel, if you want to do the samyama on the smelling, just feel your nose is the mirror. Any smell you experience is just mirroring. If you want to experience the samyama of the touch, just feel your whole touch experience is mirror and any touch you experience is just mirrored. The touch, loving touch or touch with anger, being beaten, pain or anything, just see you are mirroring it. Taste, for next 11days feel your tongue is like a mirror. All the taste you experience in your tongue is mirroring. It’s all just coming and going. You are mirroring. If the salt is put in your mouth…’ohh, salt quality is being mirrored’, the sugar is put in the mouth ‘oh, sugar quality is being mirrored’, if the sour is put in your mouth ‘oh sour quality is being mirrored’. If the neem is put in your mouth, ‘oh neem quality is being mirrored’. Be a witness for anything happening in your tongue. I tell you, 11 days, actually 11 days is enough for any samyama for you to win. A normal man who has so much of mood swings and diversions, 11 days is enough. You are not that bad as you think. No really. You are constantly being depressed, put into depression, by these so called yogi's saying 12 years you have to practice any samyama only then you will have result. Who wants 12 years; by the time you will even forget what for you started the samyama. 11 days is enough and understand I am giving you the sacred secret, exact key. So, 11 days is more than enough for you. Just do it sincerely, that's all, nothing else.


But don’t try to practice all 5 samyama at a time. NO. Take one set of 11 days and do one samyama, like pratibha with eyes, pratibatva with tongue pratibatva with your nose, pratibatva with your ears, mirroring with eyes, mirroring with ears, mirroring with nose, mirroring with tongue, mirroring with touch; but only one. Take up any one and practice that samyama for 11 days. You will see the new door opens and you start experiencing the extraordinary powers and capabilities.


I can describe the scene exactly, when the siddha, the Ellam Valla siddar, when Chokkanathar, Shiva came down as Ellam valla siddhar in madurai, and fed sugar cane to the stone elephant. I can tell you exactly where the elephant was, and where the siddhar was standing and where the king was standing, what dress he was wearing. You may think, ‘ohh there is no reference so anything he says we have to believe.’ Alright, I will train some of you guys into this samyama, into this pratibha and I will pen down the whole scene and seal it in cover and make some of you guys also experience that samyama and ask you guys to pen down, it will match. This way I will prove. I will work on this way. No, through this way you can understand, once the pratibha of eyes happens, you can see anything anywhere happened at any time and any space. Shiva himself does some siddhi’s like this just to inspire people towards the enlightenment science; just a casual leela. There is a beautiful description how the siddha comes and…. Shiva comes and plays different leela's. It is all just to tell the world the power of samyama and inspire you all to have more and more, deeper and deeper trust, shraddha towards the shastra, towards the science of enlightenment.


“Kalyaanaiku karumbootti, karunkurivikku upadesithu, naaraiku jnanam thanthu, pandrikuttiku pal koduthu, pittuku man sumanthu, pira pala leelai ellam seivathum, sutha shiva thejomayathin sugananda porulai, sithamariyaa moodarkum, siddhiyaai vilakkavae.” If I translate it’s a poetic… it’s not even a verse it is a prose only written in a poetic way, the explanations of the leela's Shiva did in Madura, in the south Madurai. North Madura is place of Krishna, south Madura is the place of Shiva and Devi. Now the few lines which I repeated is a prose from a book which describes all the Shiva’s leela. He comes down and does so many leela's just to make people understand, who has the chitta, ordinary chitta, ordinary mind, that siddhi is possible. The extraordinary siddhi is possible.


We will create a beautiful samyama university in Bidadi. We will make a place where all yogic things are made available for people to practice and experience the different samyamas, guide them into different samyamas. So much can be done with these powers of samyama; people can experience and live these great truths. So understand this sacred secret: mirroring on any one sense continuously for 11 days awakens the capacities to see, smell, taste, touch, the extraordinary capacities of that senses, which leads you to experience Eeshwaratva, which is the experience of Eeshwaratva.


I bless you all who are sitting with us at this moment in 728 places in 229 cities in 30 countries. Let you all achieve, experience, live, radiate, express and share the eternal bliss, Nithyananda.



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