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==Photos From The Day: ==
==Video and Audio - Listening to Yourself for Completion || Part 1 || NDY ==
In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam explained to delegates the importance of Listening. The first principle of growth and transformation is Shravana, listening. Incompletions will mess up your listening. All sufferings, suffocations, inadequacy, powerlessness in your life started from your incompletions. Whatever you are constantly talking to yourself about is your incompletion. If you start listening to yourself, you will complete. Swamiji went on to introduce to delegates the four images, namely inner image, outer image, others image and life image. The gaps between images result in self doubt, self hatred and self denial, or what Swamiji call as SDHD. All SDHD are incompletions. Swamiji then guided delegates into the completion process.
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGTqnnNOwmQ&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2015-01jan-17_listening-to-yourself-for-completion-part-1-ndy"/>
Program does not start when I start speaking, it starts when you start listening. So the first thing I want to share with all of you; the first thing I want to share with all of you is listening, listening - first and foremost important thing in the life.
Please understand all the great things in the life starts with listening. You acquiring the mechanism of cognition in you itself happens through listening.
What is unique thing you have other than animals?
The mechanism of cognition; the ability to cognize right, wrong, good, bad, fear, greed.
The depth of cognition; your ability to cognize, your ability to think, your ability to decide, your ability to move further, everything.
Please understand everything starts getting developed in you from listening.
From your childhood it is the words you listened got settled in your system. The words which got settled in your system became your cognition, that decides how you perceive your life, how you perceive yourself, how you perceive the world and how you act, react and what you cognize as good, bad, pain, pleasure, everything.
Please understand, everything is decided from your listening. If you feel your life is a blessing, your listening is responsible. If you feel your life is a mess, your listening is responsible. If you feel your life is a mess in all corners of your life; health is mess, relationships are mess, everything is a mess, whatever you think as mess, everything, everything your listening is responsible.
What kind of words you listen and what kind of words you store inside; and understand, the words you listen with less intensity does not get stored inside, the words you listen with greater intensity gets stored inside.
Your whole inner programming, your whole software gets developed only based on your listening. Imagine if your body is a hardware, brain is a memory chip and there is a software running you, that software is programmed based on listening. So if you want to transform any part of your software, if you feel any part of your software is affected by some virus you want to clean them up, transform or completely reboot and restart; whatever you may want to do, the work has to start from listening.
In Vedic tradition, the first principle for a person who want to grow or transform, grow means now only you are starting your life, kid; transform means you already messed, now you want to transform, grown-up kid; whether you want to grow or transform, the first principle you need to know; in Sanskrit the word is “Sharvana” means listening.
“Shravana” means listening. Listening is the first foremost principle you have to start. Listening is the first and foremost principle you have to start living, start radiating, start experiencing, start enjoying.
So understand, please understand, in Vedic tradition words and sounds are not just used to transmit an idea or a concept or a theology. In Vedic tradition words are used to transmit the vibrations. Sounds are used to transmit the energy. Sounds are used to transmit the experience.
So understand, transmitting the experience, energy is the first priority that is why I always insist, in Vedic tradition the phonetic importance comes first than the linguistic importance.
So please understand; listen, listen, listen. Throughout this next three days, bring yourself to the space of listening, not just hearing. Hearing means you will hear the word before you cognize, some incompletions, interpretations, mis-interpretations everything will be going on inside. Here, no, no.
Authentic listening means hearing, cognizing it purely without the interference and interpretations of your incompletions and that’s the most important thing, listen, and responding to it purely from the space without the interference and interpolations of incompletions.
So understand, do not, do not allow incompletions to mess up your listening. I have introduced a new word, “Incompletion”. Let Me explain that word. Incompletion means thought, emotion, feeling, hangover of the past sitting in your present and not letting you live your future is Incompletion.
Listen; hangover, feeling, emotion, thoughts, patterns of your past sitting in your present and not letting you live your future is Incompletion. I can give you tons of examples. Yesterday if you have fought with your boss or your spouse and came to this program now, you will be sitting and planning how to sort it out when you go back. It can be as simple as this or if I have to give a little complicated example - at the age of ten, when you go for a beach walk, you see a murder in the beach; you run away from that scene, after that you never go for a beach walk and anytime, anytime even if you drive through the beach, you will have that same panic attack.
So understand, the past sitting in your present not letting you live your future is Incompletion.
Authentic listening means listening, means hearing and cognizing without incompletions, without allowing the interference of the incompletions. It’s like a binary code, 01010101. Hearing and cognizing, hearing and cognizing, hearing and cognizing. Hearing is 0 and cognizing is 1; 0101.
If the binary goes smoothly, that is authentic listening. Sometimes, the binary doesn’t go so smoothly 00000000111111111111111 then, 101011000. This confusion is what I call interpolations’ interference with incompletions.
Understand, it’s My commitment to all of you. It’s not just My promise or empty word. It’s My commitment to all of you. Please listen; whatever you want, whether it’s health or wealth or joy, good relationships, whatever you want, have the science to make into reality, which really works.
My only requirement from you is listening. Please listen so that this system is imbibed by you, internalized by you and it becomes reality in you. Just decide to authentically listen for this next three days. After that also I request you to be in the space of listening forever but now first start in this three days.
How many of you are ready? Ready for authentic listening? Shall we take a oath?
Please raise your hand.
Repeat, repeat the oath with the raised hands, “With integrity…”
Please repeat, “With integrity…”
“With Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching, I declare I am in the space of authentic listening. I decide to be in the space of authentic listening”.
==Video and Audio - Listening to Yourself for Completion || Part 2 || NDY==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kS7CXA0jRjA&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2015-01jan-17_listening-to-yourself-for-completion-part-2-ndy"/>
Listen. Please listen. All the sufferings in your life, all the powerlessness in your life, all the feeling of inadequacy in your life, all the feeling of suffocation in your life starts from your incompletions. All powerlessness, all inadequacy, all suffocation everything starts in your life, everything starts in your life with incompletions. Listen. Listen intensely. Sometime you will have a problem in your mind constantly, you will be thinking about it. Suddenly some click, some of My satsang teaching, something you will remember and the problem will feel settled. You will feel  relaxed. The problem is solved. Two days you will be free. Third day again morning you will forget the solution and the same problem you will be sitting and thinking, thinking, thinking. After two days again you will find the same solution and you will be settled down. And after two days again you will forget the same solution and about the same problem you will be brooding over to end up in the same solution. How many of you have faced this problem in your life? Raise your hand.
Same problem you will again and again find solution and forget the solution and brood over about the same problem. Understand. This is what exactly I call incompletion. This is exactly, I call incompletion. Constantly whatever you are talking to yourself is incompletion. If you start listening to you, you will know your incompletions, you will be able to start completing it. Constantly whatever you are repeating to yourself,  talking to yourself,  is incompletion. And if you start listening to yourself you will complete it.
First step for transformation is, you should know what are the incompletions constantly you are talking to you; all the incompletions you are entertaining with yourself, engaging with yourself. If you pick up the main questions about your life; “What am I looking for in my life? What is really making me move my life? What is it that really I want in my life? What is it that really I am looking for in my life? What is it that really inspires me in my life?”
Understand. Few minutes I want all of you to sit with yourself. Dig deep, contemplate, meditate, ask yourself what are the incompletions you are constantly cherishing, entertaining, engaging, repeating? What is it? What is the purpose of your life? What do you aspire to? What is it that keeps you alive? What motivates you to wake up every day? What do you most value in your life? How do you plan to achieve what do you aspire to? Or all your… are all your actions in life align to this? What’s your reason to attend this program? What do you hope to get from it? Start looking. Start digging deep. Class coordinators please distribute the worksheet, assignment sheet. Few minutes, only few minutes listen to yourself and pen down answers for these questions. You will understand many of the incompletions you are carrying. First let’s introduce the incompletions you are having with you. Let’s start.
Please get the worksheet and start penning down answers by listening to you.
How many of you are still writing? Quick few more minutes finish it. Then I will move to the next session. Let’s move to the next step.
Now I am going to introduce you to you. Listen. You spent little time with yourself, finding out your incompletions, what is really bothering you, running inside you.  Now I am going to introduce you to you completely in a comprehensive way.
Listen. Please listen. Whatever you think about you inside you; you will have a various ideas about you inside you. Like “I am happy, I am blissful, I am weak, I am strong”, sometimes you will feel “healthwise I am strong but relationship wise I am weak.” Sometimes you feel because you are too strong you are not able to do things, because you are too mild you are not able to do, whatever. All the ideas you carry about you is inner image. 
I am just introducing four words to you guys. Not four letter word, four word. Inner image. This is the first part of you. Second what, however you show you to others; these are all others like a, your mother, father, brother, sisters, spouse, kids all of them. How you show yourself to others? To each one you will show yourself as a different. How you show you to others, that is outer image. All put together how you show you to others is, outer image. Mostly you will show through your speaking words.
How others perceive you, others experience you, feel you; you may show yourself to others very humble person. But others may perceive “Hey this fellow is acting, acting, overacting.” How others perceive you? That is other’s image.
How you perceive others and life? That is life image.
Understand these four words.
How you perceive you, inside you is inner image. How you perceive you, inside you is inner image.
And how you show you to others is outer image.
How others perceive you is other’s image.
How you perceive life and others is life image.
If all these four are in sync you feel complete, blissful, joyful, fulfilled. If there is a conflict between these four the way you feel is different and way you project is different, the problem is you start doubting yourself. You start doubting yourself is termites eating you. You will feel weak internally.
When you have a different image about you and show different image to others you are not cheating others, you are cheating yourself. Same way the gap between how you show and how others feel, that will create kind of a hatred towards you to you; disrespect. All the suffering in your life - this gap is responsible. First let us find out what is the inner image you have, outer image you have, others image you have, life image you have and then you will find out how to align them, remove the gap between them, incompletions between them; how to align all the four and make your life whole and holy.
The first step I want everyone of you to do spend little time listening to yourself, what is the inner image you have about you, outer image you project about you to others, other’s image you carry, how others feel about you and how you feel about life and others. All the class coordinators please distribute the next worksheet. Few minutes sit and listen to yourself and pen down. Then I will lead you to, how to do the completion? How to integrate yourself? How to make yourself more authentic? We will move to the next step.
Now I will explain to you from My experience. My four images. The inner image I have about Me. Once I tried to check what exactly I feel about Me? When I looked inside I saw that shoonyatva means everything... everything IS, that ISNESS is what I feel as Me. Listen. The vast ISNESS that is what I feel as Me inside Me. That is My inner image. How I project Myself to others, all of you, the person who is here is to transmit that experience to all of you. You can call Me as a Teacher, Guru, Incarnation, Enlightened Being, that is up to you as per your experience. If you experience My teachings you can consider as teacher, if you have experienced My initiation you can consider as guru, you can.. if you have experienced My energy you can consider as Enlightened Being, if you experienced My miracle powers with.. in your life you can consider as incarnation. It is up to you.
But I project Myself as a Being  who is here to transmit this experience to you. This ISNESS, vastness, we can call as atma, paramatma, soul, consciousness, god whatever. Whatever,  whatever word you want to use. This is My outer image. How others perceive Me, some people perceive Me as teacher. Some people say, “You may want to give enlightenment but we want only our headache healing. Heal my headache. Solve my problem between my, me and my spouse. Heal my son. Give me wealth.”
Understand. Anything you ask is within the purview of the energy of enlightenment, even though I have not told directly that I will give you, see I declare I am here to give you that enlightenment that ISNESS experience. Even though I have not told directly that I will heal your headache, back pain, relationship problems, even though I have not told directly, if you expect I am responsible for it, because if somebody can give enlightenment, surely he can heal your headache. Because for enlightenment if I have to give you 1000 volt energy, spiritual energy, to remove your headache I have to give only 0.5 volt energy. To bless you with wealth I have to give you only 0.1 % energy. To heal your relationship problems I have to give you only 0.1% energy.
So anything within the purview of the energy, within the purview of My declaration, if you expect Me to do I am responsible. Please listen. If you expect Me to play cricket like Sachin Tendulkar and have 100 centuries, I am not responsible. Because that is mot, not My declared purview. Understand. If you expect Me I should play in the FIFA world cup and get the world cup for India, I am not responsible. Because that is not My declared purview. If you expect Me I should enter into politics and become a chief minister, prime minister I am not responsible. I won’t be fulfilling it. Because that is not My declared purview. But if you expect I should heal you or your son, your relationship issues, I should bless you with wealth, I should bless you with fulfillment, I should bless you with enlightenment, I am responsible.  I have to give you that; even if you are not qualified to receive, I have to make you qualified and transfer that to you, transmit that to you. Till the end I am responsible. Because that is within My declared purview.
How many of you understand what I am saying? For what I am responsible, for what I am not responsible. So now you need to sit and think through in your life, if you declare yourself as a husband to somebody, wife to somebody, all the expectation that person has from a wife or a husband you are responsible. You can’t say no, you can’t say no. I take the responsibility for others image about Me constantly. Whatever others expect I go on fulfilling, fulfilling, fulfilling, committing, more and more expanding. This is My other’s image.
And My image about life and others everyone is here to celebrate life with Me, the bliss with Me. That’s all is My image about  others and life. That is why how many people try to attack Me, cheat Me, exploit Me, blackmail Me, I don’t give up on people. I continue to radiate. Yes, do, we do have a security safety systems. But we don’t stop sharing, enriching, working for people. Because I feel people are here, human beings are here to celebrate with Me, live with Me, radiate with Me, enjoy with Me.
== Video and Audio - Listening To Yourself For Completion || Part 3 || NDY ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Pj8WKcmLfI&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2015-01jan-17_listening-to-yourself-for-completion-part-3-ndy"/>
Now look inside, in your four inner image, what all the gap you have, what all the major incompletions you feel. For example: You want to be yogi, you want to wake up and do yoga, pranayama everyday. You want to project yourself as yogi but you are not doing it, because inside you, you feel you can’t break the sleeping pattern. Inside you, you feel you are lazy, but outside you want to project you as a yogi. So what is the incompletion? Laziness pattern. Inside you, you feel empty, poor. Outside you want to be very graceful, giving. What is the incompletion? Feeling inadequate, not having the confidence that you will be able to generate for yourself and enrich others. That is the incompletion. Now sit and find out all the incompletions you have. Few minutes, think through all the incompletions you have.
Listen. This is very important session. All the incompletions you have will be gap between your inner image, outer image. I will draw a simple sketch and show you for you to understand. Listen. Your inner image means - how you feel about you and outer image - how you project about you to others. If there is a gap, for example, some time you know you don’t know many things. But you go to your boss and boast about you, “I can do this, this, this, that, this, that..” and you sell yourself. And your boss really believes it. That’s where the problem starts. You come back, you sit in your room and start brooding over “Oh god, I convinced him about me but I myself is not convinced. I am not convinced.” What to do? When you convince about you to others but you are not convinced, how many of you have faced this situation in your life? Raise your hand. That is when the self doubt starts arising in you. That is when the self doubt starts arising in you.
Next, outer image - how you project you to others. And how others believe you - other’s image. It’s like a, for example, you try to project yourself as a very humble person. The other says “See, see, see this fellow how he is acting.” The gap between how you show you and others perceive you, when there is a gap you start feeling you are not enough. How many of you have felt this in your life? You try to show yourself as someway and always others perceive in a different way and you feel you are inadequate. Raise your hand. At that time only you feel self hatred. The pattern of self hatred start getting developed. Anger is nothing but self hatred only. Because you hate yourself you start shouting at others. You think this fellows are responsible. How I project me and this fellows are perceiving me different way. Come on, self hatred starts developing. Self hatred expresses as anger.
Next, other’s image - how others perceive you and how you perceive others - life image. Life image, listen. Everyone wants you to change in a better way. But you think everyone has to change and understand me. This gap, how many of you have experienced this gap in your life? You want others to change, others want you to change. This gap continues to exist in the life, you continue to deny others expectations about you, that is self denial.
Self doubt, self hatred, self denial SDHD. How many of you think you have SDHD in your life? Raise your hand. All SDHD is incompletion. And if you dig out the incompletions it is easy we can do completion. How to complete them we will see in the next step. Let’s first diagnose ourself properly. Let’s first diagnose ourself properly. Let’s first diagnose our SDHD. SDHD is ego. SDHD is ego. We will take few minutes for you to sit, look inside you to dig out all the incompletions and SDHD come on.
== Video and Audio - Listening To Yourself For Completion || Part 4 || NDY ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBxRCMTrSY0&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2015-01jan-17_listening-to-yourself-for-completion-part-4-ndy"/>
Let's start. Now I am going to initiate you into a powerful meditation process.This technique is given by Mahadeva to Parvati in 22nd Shiva Sutra. Please sit and listen. Settle down - let Me read out the exact translation of the Sutra. This technique can give you whatever you want - whether you want health, money, relationships, bliss, Enlightenment; it is a all fulfilling technique. 
If you do completion, anything you want you will attract in your life. This Sutra - I will read out the translation: look at your past disidentified - let attention be at a place where you are seeing some past happening and even your form having lost its present characteristics is transformed. I will give you the explanation. Whatever incompletion you are having, for example: you have fear of going to the beach. Look when it started - at the age of ten, when you are in the - doing a beach walk you saw a murder, that time the fear started.
Is everyday a murder happening on the beach? No. One incompletion sitting in your  being and not letting you live your future as you want. 'Re-live' that incident - means, not remembering. I will give you example, listen: remembering means, now you are 37 - you will remember what happen that age of seven and think about it - that is remembering. But you forgetting you are 37, becoming seven; same age, time, space, mind, brain, intelligence. Just become that and 're-live' - visualize; that is 're-living'.
You remembering who you are now and thinking about the past is remembering. You forgetting who you are now and becoming - that is 're-living'. 'Re-living' is relieving. Any of your past incompletion - it can be as simple as you saw a murder in the beach to as complicated as sexual abuse you went through as a child. It can be anything - 're-living' is relieving. I am not asking you to remember - I am asking you to 're-live'. Remembering means you still having your identity now and thinking about it. But you forget, wipe what you are now - become that and visualize, go through that. You will see, all that pain will melt down. It may flow as tears, whatever, but finally you will see you are complete - you are complete - you are complete.
Clear? All of you are clear about the process of completion, how to do? If you are clear about it please raise your hand. Now, few minutes - sit and pen down the incompletion incidents; the incidents in your life when incompletion started. At least ten incident, pen down. After penning down, sit and start 're-living'. Do the completion - I will guide you step-by-step. First, take up a paper and pen - at least ten incidents in your life, when the incompletion started in your life. Please pen down. Start.
Please, tie the ribbon. You might have given a eyeband, please close your eyes with eyeband and let's start doing the completion process. One by one, incident by incident, 're-live' the incompletions. Forget your present, go into that past, become that, 're-live' the incompletions and relieve it.
With the grace of Mahadeva, I bless you all. Let all of you achieve, let everyone achieve, complete completion.
Yes - slowly, very slowly you can open your eyes. It's time for us to end the session. Even after going to the house, please continue to practice this today and come back tomorrow for the next session. Let's gather for next session. Thank you. Be blissful.
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=== Nithya Dhyan Yoga ===
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Latest revision as of 14:24, 27 January 2021



Video and Audio - Listening to Yourself for Completion || Part 1 || NDY

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam explained to delegates the importance of Listening. The first principle of growth and transformation is Shravana, listening. Incompletions will mess up your listening. All sufferings, suffocations, inadequacy, powerlessness in your life started from your incompletions. Whatever you are constantly talking to yourself about is your incompletion. If you start listening to yourself, you will complete. Swamiji went on to introduce to delegates the four images, namely inner image, outer image, others image and life image. The gaps between images result in self doubt, self hatred and self denial, or what Swamiji call as SDHD. All SDHD are incompletions. Swamiji then guided delegates into the completion process.

Video Audio


(00:15) Program does not start when I start speaking, it starts when you start listening. So the first thing I want to share with all of you; the first thing I want to share with all of you is listening, listening - first and foremost important thing in the life. Please understand all the great things in the life starts with listening. You acquiring the mechanism of cognition in you itself happens through listening.

What is unique thing you have other than animals? The mechanism of cognition; the ability to cognize right, wrong, good, bad, fear, greed.

The depth of cognition; your ability to cognize, your ability to think, your ability to decide, your ability to move further, everything.

Please understand everything starts getting developed in you from listening.

(02:11) From your childhood it is the words you listened got settled in your system. The words which got settled in your system became your cognition, that decides how you perceive your life, how you perceive yourself, how you perceive the world and how you act, react and what you cognize as good, bad, pain, pleasure, everything.

Please understand, everything is decided from your listening. If you feel your life is a blessing, your listening is responsible. If you feel your life is a mess, your listening is responsible. If you feel your life is a mess in all corners of your life; health is mess, relationships are mess, everything is a mess, whatever you think as mess, everything, everything your listening is responsible. What kind of words you listen and what kind of words you store inside; and understand, the words you listen with less intensity does not get stored inside, the words you listen with greater intensity gets stored inside.

(04:00) Your whole inner programming, your whole software gets developed only based on your listening. Imagine if your body is a hardware, brain is a memory chip and there is a software running you, that software is programmed based on listening. So if you want to transform any part of your software, if you feel any part of your software is affected by some virus you want to clean them up, transform or completely reboot and restart; whatever you may want to do, the work has to start from listening.

In Vedic tradition, the first principle for a person who want to grow or transform, grow means now only you are starting your life, kid; transform means you already messed, now you want to transform, grown-up kid; whether you want to grow or transform, the first principle you need to know; in Sanskrit the word is “Sharvana” means listening.

(05:46) “Shravana” means listening. Listening is the first foremost principle you have to start. Listening is the first and foremost principle you have to start living, start radiating, start experiencing, start enjoying.

So understand, please understand, in Vedic tradition words and sounds are not just used to transmit an idea or a concept or a theology. In Vedic tradition words are used to transmit the vibrations. Sounds are used to transmit the energy. Sounds are used to transmit the experience.

So understand, transmitting the experience, energy is the first priority that is why I always insist, in Vedic tradition the phonetic importance comes first than the linguistic importance.

So please understand; listen, listen, listen. Throughout this next three days, bring yourself to the space of listening, not just hearing. Hearing means you will hear the word before you cognize, some incompletions, interpretations, mis-interpretations everything will be going on inside. Here, no, no.

(08:19) Authentic listening means hearing, cognizing it purely without the interference and interpretations of your incompletions and that’s the most important thing, listen, and responding to it purely from the space without the interference and interpolations of incompletions.

So understand, do not, do not allow incompletions to mess up your listening. I have introduced a new word, “Incompletion”. Let Me explain that word. Incompletion means thought, emotion, feeling, hangover of the past sitting in your present and not letting you live your future is Incompletion.

Listen; hangover, feeling, emotion, thoughts, patterns of your past sitting in your present and not letting you live your future is Incompletion. I can give you tons of examples. Yesterday if you have fought with your boss or your spouse and came to this program now, you will be sitting and planning how to sort it out when you go back. It can be as simple as this or if I have to give a little complicated example - at the age of ten, when you go for a beach walk, you see a murder in the beach; you run away from that scene, after that you never go for a beach walk and anytime, anytime even if you drive through the beach, you will have that same panic attack.

So understand, the past sitting in your present not letting you live your future is Incompletion.

(11:48) Authentic listening means listening, means hearing and cognizing without incompletions, without allowing the interference of the incompletions. It’s like a binary code, 01010101. Hearing and cognizing, hearing and cognizing, hearing and cognizing. Hearing is 0 and cognizing is 1; 0101.

If the binary goes smoothly, that is authentic listening. Sometimes, the binary doesn’t go so smoothly 00000000111111111111111 then, 101011000. This confusion is what I call interpolations’ interference with incompletions.

(13:05) Understand, it’s My commitment to all of you. It’s not just My promise or empty word. It’s My commitment to all of you. Please listen; whatever you want, whether it’s health or wealth or joy, good relationships, whatever you want, have the science to make into reality, which really works.

My only requirement from you is listening. Please listen so that this system is imbibed by you, internalized by you and it becomes reality in you. Just decide to authentically listen for this next three days. After that also I request you to be in the space of listening forever but now first start in this three days.

(14:47) How many of you are ready? Ready for authentic listening? Shall we take a oath?

Please raise your hand. Repeat, repeat the oath with the raised hands, “With integrity…” Please repeat, “With integrity…” Loudly... “With Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching, I declare I am in the space of authentic listening. I decide to be in the space of authentic listening”.

Tathastu! (15:38)

Video and Audio - Listening to Yourself for Completion || Part 2 || NDY

Video Audio


(00:14) Listen. Please listen. All the sufferings in your life, all the powerlessness in your life, all the feeling of inadequacy in your life, all the feeling of suffocation in your life starts from your incompletions. All powerlessness, all inadequacy, all suffocation everything starts in your life, everything starts in your life with incompletions. Listen. Listen intensely. Sometime you will have a problem in your mind constantly, you will be thinking about it. Suddenly some click, some of My satsang teaching, something you will remember and the problem will feel settled. You will feel relaxed. The problem is solved. Two days you will be free. Third day again morning you will forget the solution and the same problem you will be sitting and thinking, thinking, thinking. After two days again you will find the same solution and you will be settled down. And after two days again you will forget the same solution and about the same problem you will be brooding over to end up in the same solution. How many of you have faced this problem in your life? Raise your hand.

(02:32) Same problem you will again and again find solution and forget the solution and brood over about the same problem. Understand. This is what exactly I call incompletion. This is exactly, I call incompletion. Constantly whatever you are talking to yourself is incompletion. If you start listening to you, you will know your incompletions, you will be able to start completing it. Constantly whatever you are repeating to yourself, talking to yourself, is incompletion. And if you start listening to yourself you will complete it.

First step for transformation is, you should know what are the incompletions constantly you are talking to you; all the incompletions you are entertaining with yourself, engaging with yourself. If you pick up the main questions about your life; “What am I looking for in my life? What is really making me move my life? What is it that really I want in my life? What is it that really I am looking for in my life? What is it that really inspires me in my life?”

(05:20) Understand. Few minutes I want all of you to sit with yourself. Dig deep, contemplate, meditate, ask yourself what are the incompletions you are constantly cherishing, entertaining, engaging, repeating? What is it? What is the purpose of your life? What do you aspire to? What is it that keeps you alive? What motivates you to wake up every day? What do you most value in your life? How do you plan to achieve what do you aspire to? Or all your… are all your actions in life align to this? What’s your reason to attend this program? What do you hope to get from it? Start looking. Start digging deep. Class coordinators please distribute the worksheet, assignment sheet. Few minutes, only few minutes listen to yourself and pen down answers for these questions. You will understand many of the incompletions you are carrying. First let’s introduce the incompletions you are having with you. Let’s start.

(07:18) Please get the worksheet and start penning down answers by listening to you. How many of you are still writing? Quick few more minutes finish it. Then I will move to the next session. Let’s move to the next step.

Now I am going to introduce you to you. Listen. You spent little time with yourself, finding out your incompletions, what is really bothering you, running inside you. Now I am going to introduce you to you completely in a comprehensive way.

(08:13) Listen. Please listen. Whatever you think about you inside you; you will have a various ideas about you inside you. Like “I am happy, I am blissful, I am weak, I am strong”, sometimes you will feel “healthwise I am strong but relationship wise I am weak.” Sometimes you feel because you are too strong you are not able to do things, because you are too mild you are not able to do, whatever. All the ideas you carry about you is inner image.

I am just introducing four words to you guys. Not four letter word, four word. Inner image. This is the first part of you. Second what, however you show you to others; these are all others like a, your mother, father, brother, sisters, spouse, kids all of them. How you show yourself to others? To each one you will show yourself as a different. How you show you to others, that is outer image. All put together how you show you to others is, outer image. Mostly you will show through your speaking words.

How others perceive you, others experience you, feel you; you may show yourself to others very humble person. But others may perceive “Hey this fellow is acting, acting, overacting.” How others perceive you? That is other’s image. How you perceive others and life? That is life image.

(11:01) Understand these four words. How you perceive you, inside you is inner image. How you perceive you, inside you is inner image. And how you show you to others is outer image. How others perceive you is other’s image. How you perceive life and others is life image. If all these four are in sync you feel complete, blissful, joyful, fulfilled. If there is a conflict between these four the way you feel is different and way you project is different, the problem is you start doubting yourself. You start doubting yourself is termites eating you. You will feel weak internally.

(12:23) When you have a different image about you and show different image to others you are not cheating others, you are cheating yourself. Same way the gap between how you show and how others feel, that will create kind of a hatred towards you to you; disrespect. All the suffering in your life - this gap is responsible. First let us find out what is the inner image you have, outer image you have, others image you have, life image you have and then you will find out how to align them, remove the gap between them, incompletions between them; how to align all the four and make your life whole and holy.

(13:30) The first step I want everyone of you to do spend little time listening to yourself, what is the inner image you have about you, outer image you project about you to others, other’s image you carry, how others feel about you and how you feel about life and others. All the class coordinators please distribute the next worksheet. Few minutes sit and listen to yourself and pen down. Then I will lead you to, how to do the completion? How to integrate yourself? How to make yourself more authentic? We will move to the next step.

(14:21) Now I will explain to you from My experience. My four images. The inner image I have about Me. Once I tried to check what exactly I feel about Me? When I looked inside I saw that shoonyatva means everything... everything IS, that ISNESS is what I feel as Me. Listen. The vast ISNESS that is what I feel as Me inside Me. That is My inner image. How I project Myself to others, all of you, the person who is here is to transmit that experience to all of you. You can call Me as a Teacher, Guru, Incarnation, Enlightened Being, that is up to you as per your experience. If you experience My teachings you can consider as teacher, if you have experienced My initiation you can consider as guru, you can.. if you have experienced My energy you can consider as Enlightened Being, if you experienced My miracle powers with.. in your life you can consider as incarnation. It is up to you.

(15:53) But I project Myself as a Being who is here to transmit this experience to you. This ISNESS, vastness, we can call as atma, paramatma, soul, consciousness, god whatever. Whatever, whatever word you want to use. This is My outer image. How others perceive Me, some people perceive Me as teacher. Some people say, “You may want to give enlightenment but we want only our headache healing. Heal my headache. Solve my problem between my, me and my spouse. Heal my son. Give me wealth.”

Understand. Anything you ask is within the purview of the energy of enlightenment, even though I have not told directly that I will give you, see I declare I am here to give you that enlightenment that ISNESS experience. Even though I have not told directly that I will heal your headache, back pain, relationship problems, even though I have not told directly, if you expect I am responsible for it, because if somebody can give enlightenment, surely he can heal your headache. Because for enlightenment if I have to give you 1000 volt energy, spiritual energy, to remove your headache I have to give only 0.5 volt energy. To bless you with wealth I have to give you only 0.1 % energy. To heal your relationship problems I have to give you only 0.1% energy.

(17:49) So anything within the purview of the energy, within the purview of My declaration, if you expect Me to do I am responsible. Please listen. If you expect Me to play cricket like Sachin Tendulkar and have 100 centuries, I am not responsible. Because that is mot, not My declared purview. Understand. If you expect Me I should play in the FIFA world cup and get the world cup for India, I am not responsible. Because that is not My declared purview. If you expect Me I should enter into politics and become a chief minister, prime minister I am not responsible. I won’t be fulfilling it. Because that is not My declared purview. But if you expect I should heal you or your son, your relationship issues, I should bless you with wealth, I should bless you with fulfillment, I should bless you with enlightenment, I am responsible. I have to give you that; even if you are not qualified to receive, I have to make you qualified and transfer that to you, transmit that to you. Till the end I am responsible. Because that is within My declared purview.

(19:17) How many of you understand what I am saying? For what I am responsible, for what I am not responsible. So now you need to sit and think through in your life, if you declare yourself as a husband to somebody, wife to somebody, all the expectation that person has from a wife or a husband you are responsible. You can’t say no, you can’t say no. I take the responsibility for others image about Me constantly. Whatever others expect I go on fulfilling, fulfilling, fulfilling, committing, more and more expanding. This is My other’s image.

And My image about life and others everyone is here to celebrate life with Me, the bliss with Me. That’s all is My image about others and life. That is why how many people try to attack Me, cheat Me, exploit Me, blackmail Me, I don’t give up on people. I continue to radiate. Yes, do, we do have a security safety systems. But we don’t stop sharing, enriching, working for people. Because I feel people are here, human beings are here to celebrate with Me, live with Me, radiate with Me, enjoy with Me. (21:08)

Video and Audio - Listening To Yourself For Completion || Part 3 || NDY

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(00:15) Now look inside, in your four inner image, what all the gap you have, what all the major incompletions you feel. For example: You want to be yogi, you want to wake up and do yoga, pranayama everyday. You want to project yourself as yogi but you are not doing it, because inside you, you feel you can’t break the sleeping pattern. Inside you, you feel you are lazy, but outside you want to project you as a yogi. So what is the incompletion? Laziness pattern. Inside you, you feel empty, poor. Outside you want to be very graceful, giving. What is the incompletion? Feeling inadequate, not having the confidence that you will be able to generate for yourself and enrich others. That is the incompletion. Now sit and find out all the incompletions you have. Few minutes, think through all the incompletions you have.

(01:51) Listen. This is very important session. All the incompletions you have will be gap between your inner image, outer image. I will draw a simple sketch and show you for you to understand. Listen. Your inner image means - how you feel about you and outer image - how you project about you to others. If there is a gap, for example, some time you know you don’t know many things. But you go to your boss and boast about you, “I can do this, this, this, that, this, that..” and you sell yourself. And your boss really believes it. That’s where the problem starts. You come back, you sit in your room and start brooding over “Oh god, I convinced him about me but I myself is not convinced. I am not convinced.” What to do? When you convince about you to others but you are not convinced, how many of you have faced this situation in your life? Raise your hand. That is when the self doubt starts arising in you. That is when the self doubt starts arising in you.

(03:56) Next, outer image - how you project you to others. And how others believe you - other’s image. It’s like a, for example, you try to project yourself as a very humble person. The other says “See, see, see this fellow how he is acting.” The gap between how you show you and others perceive you, when there is a gap you start feeling you are not enough. How many of you have felt this in your life? You try to show yourself as someway and always others perceive in a different way and you feel you are inadequate. Raise your hand. At that time only you feel self hatred. The pattern of self hatred start getting developed. Anger is nothing but self hatred only. Because you hate yourself you start shouting at others. You think this fellows are responsible. How I project me and this fellows are perceiving me different way. Come on, self hatred starts developing. Self hatred expresses as anger.

(05:27) Next, other’s image - how others perceive you and how you perceive others - life image. Life image, listen. Everyone wants you to change in a better way. But you think everyone has to change and understand me. This gap, how many of you have experienced this gap in your life? You want others to change, others want you to change. This gap continues to exist in the life, you continue to deny others expectations about you, that is self denial.

Self doubt, self hatred, self denial SDHD. How many of you think you have SDHD in your life? Raise your hand. All SDHD is incompletion. And if you dig out the incompletions it is easy we can do completion. How to complete them we will see in the next step. Let’s first diagnose ourself properly. Let’s first diagnose ourself properly. Let’s first diagnose our SDHD. SDHD is ego. SDHD is ego. We will take few minutes for you to sit, look inside you to dig out all the incompletions and SDHD come on. (07:44)

Video and Audio - Listening To Yourself For Completion || Part 4 || NDY

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(00:13) Let's start. Now I am going to initiate you into a powerful meditation process.This technique is given by Mahadeva to Parvati in 22nd Shiva Sutra. Please sit and listen. Settle down - let Me read out the exact translation of the Sutra. This technique can give you whatever you want - whether you want health, money, relationships, bliss, Enlightenment; it is a all fulfilling technique.

(01:30) If you do completion, anything you want you will attract in your life. This Sutra - I will read out the translation: look at your past disidentified - let attention be at a place where you are seeing some past happening and even your form having lost its present characteristics is transformed. I will give you the explanation. Whatever incompletion you are having, for example: you have fear of going to the beach. Look when it started - at the age of ten, when you are in the - doing a beach walk you saw a murder, that time the fear started.

(02:30) Is everyday a murder happening on the beach? No. One incompletion sitting in your being and not letting you live your future as you want. 'Re-live' that incident - means, not remembering. I will give you example, listen: remembering means, now you are 37 - you will remember what happen that age of seven and think about it - that is remembering. But you forgetting you are 37, becoming seven; same age, time, space, mind, brain, intelligence. Just become that and 're-live' - visualize; that is 're-living'.

(03:28) You remembering who you are now and thinking about the past is remembering. You forgetting who you are now and becoming - that is 're-living'. 'Re-living' is relieving. Any of your past incompletion - it can be as simple as you saw a murder in the beach to as complicated as sexual abuse you went through as a child. It can be anything - 're-living' is relieving. I am not asking you to remember - I am asking you to 're-live'. Remembering means you still having your identity now and thinking about it. But you forget, wipe what you are now - become that and visualize, go through that. You will see, all that pain will melt down. It may flow as tears, whatever, but finally you will see you are complete - you are complete - you are complete.

(05:15) Clear? All of you are clear about the process of completion, how to do? If you are clear about it please raise your hand. Now, few minutes - sit and pen down the incompletion incidents; the incidents in your life when incompletion started. At least ten incident, pen down. After penning down, sit and start 're-living'. Do the completion - I will guide you step-by-step. First, take up a paper and pen - at least ten incidents in your life, when the incompletion started in your life. Please pen down. Start.

(06:11) Please, tie the ribbon. You might have given a eyeband, please close your eyes with eyeband and let's start doing the completion process. One by one, incident by incident, 're-live' the incompletions. Forget your present, go into that past, become that, 're-live' the incompletions and relieve it.

(06:54) With the grace of Mahadeva, I bless you all. Let all of you achieve, let everyone achieve, complete completion.

(07:14) Shiva.

(07:27) Yes - slowly, very slowly you can open your eyes. It's time for us to end the session. Even after going to the house, please continue to practice this today and come back tomorrow for the next session. Let's gather for next session. Thank you. Be blissful. (07:58)


Nithya Dhyan Yoga

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