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Prayer. Welcome. Today’s subject is Omni Potence & Omni Presence!
Sadāshiva samārambhām Shankarāchārya madhyamām |
156th Patanjali Yoga Sutras, 3rd Chapter 50th verse  
asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||
Satva Purusha anyata khyati maatrasya sarvabaan anishtaatrutvam sarva nyaatrutvam
Vivekananda: Through samyama on the discrimination between the satva and the purusha come omni potence and omniscience
Prabhavananda: by making samyama on the distinction between the satva guna and atma one gains omni potence and omniscience
Satchitananda: by recognizing of distinction between satva and self supreme over all states and forms is gained as is omniscient and omni potence
I welcome you all with my love and respects. Today's subject: ‘Omnipotence and omnipresence’. 156th sutra of Patanjali’s yoga sutra, in the 3rd chapter 50th verse
Osho: ony after the awareness of the distance between the satva and purusha does supremacy arise over all states of existence
Sattva-pursha anyata-khyati-matrasya sarva-bhava adhisthatrtvam sarvajnatrtvam cha.
During the morning Pancha tapas time I was just feeling about the yesterday’s samyama I was feeling. Even I am not able to make all these samyamas as practical and universal people can practice wherever they want as straight forward techniques. I felt I am just putting it on record. If I am also not able to make them as practical science, are these sutras outdated? Suddenly I had the revelation for what should be the technique which will be directly practical, workable, helping and enlightening people and giving the power and benefits of this sutra directly. It was really a joyful moment for me too. The moment I had this question immediately the answer appeared. I can say maybe when I said yesterday all this cannot be practiced, I am just put it on record. Then many seekers may have felt then where to go for practical applications. Maybe all those seekers wish brought the answer in me to bring out a practical solution.
Singapore center also has joined in 2 way connection having nayana deeksha. I welcome Singapore center also, blessings.
Today’s sutra Omni Potence & Omni Presence the technique I am giving is workable, you can practice wherever you are and you can directly practice Omni Potence & Omni Presence. I always say all answers happen in me as a response to questions by you. so always all my books and discourses are co-authored and co-delivered by you along with me! all the questions, doubts, craving, prayers you have gets responded through me. that is the reason I always tell people all my books are co-authored by you along with me. all my discourses are co-delivered by you and me. Let me enter into the sacred secret embedded in this sutra. This sutra says do samyama on satva and purusha – intelligence & awareness. A very subtle difference. Let me give you the technique. How to sharpen yourself to do samyama in the gap of intelligence and awareness. It is very tricky by doable! Sit in a silent place. Have some words, letters written on a paper. When your eyes see that letter, the sound of the letter is created in your brain do samyama on that sound. For example there are some 5 letters – w h e r e – the moment you see those letters, inside your system the sound automatically appears where) do samyama how the black lines on the white board is getting created as a sound in your inner space.  
This samyama will work especially if you are in need of intuition in your profession like real estate, share market. I can say these are businesses established in intuition. You need to know whether to invest in this land or not, whether to invest in this share or not. Even if you are a doctor you need to know whether to do this surgery or not, whether this diagnosis is right or not. If you are in the business based on intuition this samyama is for you. Please understand, this was the morning revelation for me today morning in Pancha Tapas.  
When you see black lines on the white board or white lines on the black board. When you see some lines, see how your awareness gets converted into intelligence and recognizes those lines as a sound. For example, if you don’t know Chinese and you see a Chinese letter no sound gets created. If you know English and if you see a English letter, the sound gets created. The awareness become converted into intelligence. Purusha becomes sat, the cotton becomes thread. Do samyama on the exact space  - how these lines create sound in me. you should do different words. First when you try at least 100 times you cannot catch it. because it is the subtlest experience. You don’t bring your awareness at all to that part where just some lines create some sound in you, becomes certain meaning and action, reaction in you. the subtlest conversion – the cotton becoming thread, then the thread becomes colored cloth it gets stitched and you wear it. I am asking you to do samyama on the exact spot where the cotton is getting into thread mode, where the satva – the intelligence is getting created into awareness. Where the purusha- awareness, consciousness is getting converted into the satva intelligence thread. Purusha awareness is the cotton. Intelligence Satva is the thread. I have seen many people unconsciously making decisions in the field of real estate or any places where intuition is the basic necessity. When intuition is basic necessity, any unconscious decision not only destroys your biz but destroys your very personality! The intuition based business is not something away from you. It is a very basic extension of you. please understand, for an engineer a building he constructs is not an extension of himself. But for an architect it is very extension of himself. Because he visualizes and creates so it is extension of his own personality. But for an engineer it is just his profession. He does not need to create. He does not need to be alive, creating and contributing. Same way for a person who is investing in real estate or share market, it is his extension. It is his personality. If you are not aware how the awareness is becoming intelligence. Not only you will clutch, that very clutching will lead you to mistakes. The extension of your own personality. Intuition is a door step between awareness and intelligence. Intelligence is Satva. Outside the boundary. Atman is consciousness inside the boundary. The boundary line is intuition. So if you do samyama on how this letters are bent lines create sound in you.  
For example here is a writing – eNkirtans (refers to a board in the room) 9 bent lines are there. The lines which are in different forms – 9 pieces are there. How the moment you see them if you know them the sound happens in you. see where the sound happens in you. it is almost like catching a small diamond in a machine and using another one to polish it. any moment the diamond can break or escape. it is such a subtle act! If you are nearer to the conversion of awareness becoming intelligence, intuition will be alive in you. if you are more closer to the space of the awareness becoming intelligence you not only have intuition of what is going to happen you can even control it – omnipotence. If you are away from the awareness of awareness becoming intelligence, you will have schizophrenia.  
Swami Vivekananda translates this sutra as: Through samyama on the discrimination between the sattva and the purusha come omnipotence and omniscience.
Sometimes it is so sad I can see very clearly people getting into the most miserable things of their life. They are causing irrepairable damage to their life. But you cannot help them because the distance between this purusha satva and their awareness is too much! One moment human beings ask me for solutions saying save me I am getting caught in engrams and destroying my life. I give certain techniques. They say okay. But behind my back, they play their own games! The most miserable thing that can happen to a man’s life is not only not having intuition and rejecting the guidance that comes from intuition. Doubting the guidance that comes from intuition. The moment you doubt the guidance that comes from intuition, in your whole life no more you get guidance from the intuition. That’s all. The guidance from intuition is not only just from me, it is from the highest frequency of the cosmos. The moment you reject, cosmos says okay be blissful if you can! People sometimes put themselves in ir-repairable situations. They cause ir-repairable damage to themselves. Unfortunately, even if I know, if I guide when they cannot take it, then it is okay.
Swami Prabhavananda translates as: By making samyama on the discrimination between the sattva guna and the atman, one gains omnipotence and omniscience.
Please understand the space where awareness becomes intelligence - that spot only I call as ground zero. If you are landed on ground zero, you will have intuition. If you are grounded on ground zero you will have Omni Potence & Omni Peresence.! Landed means you can always take off. Grounded means you are it! if you are away from ground zero., you are schizophrenic means suffering with mood swings, illogical logic leads your life. Your mind is you. when your mind is functioning illogically be very clear you are not only walking but running towards destruction! I see so many people with unawareness who run as fast as they can to jump into the ocean and die! Means irrepairable damages. The more & more distance between you and ground zero…actually if you traced in the brain it is just below this area (points to right forehead) that is where the lines are there – the purusha becoming satva. When you are grounded in that spot which I call as ground zero, a new channel of intuition and Omni Potence & Omni Presence opens in you. if you are landed in that spot you are in intuition, if you are grounded in that spot Omni Potence & Omni Presence will open up in you.
Swami Sachidhananda translates as: By making recognition of the distinction between sattva and the self, supremacy over all states and forms of existence is gained, as is omniscience.
This samyama will really help you take major decisions in your life. All kids should be taught this samyama. They can learn this very easily because the lines becoming sounds has not still become automatic in them. they are still taking conscious decisions. When you are automated, slowly many parts of you are not needed. Pl und most accidents happen when you are operating from the automatic mode because many parts of you are not required. then you slowly slowly retire. Kids are not tuned to the automatic system. They are still taking every decision. Whenever they see a letter the words are happening in them. so grounding them into ground zero is very easy. Especially when kids learn a new language you can teach them this samyama. Each joints of the body when you move, one syllable of Sanskrit is created – Lum, Yum, Rum – each joint movement creates a syllable that sound in you. if you teach kids to listen to that very intensely they will be able to tell you exactly all the 51 syllables of Sanskrti. How each syllable is created in each joint movement. Only we become insensitive because our movements are so violent. Even the sound is not heard. Only if the bone is fractured or dislocation of the bone happens then we hear the sound of pain! ☺ if you can hear the sound of every joint movement in you, you are completely in tune with the flow of the body. you will radiate extraordinary grace. The rituals the pujaris do – maatruganyasa – is directly the sound of that joints. That only they do it as a nyaasa. If you can listen to that sound little, this samyama which I am talking directly, landing on ground zero where purusha becomes satva – awareness becomes intelligence.
Bhagawan osho translates as: Only after the awareness of the distinction between the sattva and purusha, the supremacy and knowledge arise over all states of existence.
This is a practical doable samyama. Try this samyama. Blessings!
During the morning pancha tapas time, I was just feeling, ‘arey’… about the yesterdays samyama I was feeling, ‘even I am not able to make all these samyamas as practical and universal, people can practice wherever they want as a straight forward techniques.I was really feeling this, felt, I am just putting it on record, even if I am not able to make it as a practical workable science then is this sutras are outdated? That’s all? Are their life over?
Suddenly I had a revelation about today’s sutra...actually I am reading this sutra only now, means just before the pada pooja I looked into the sutra. But I had the revelation what should be the technique, which would be directly practical, workable, helping and enlightening people and giving the power and benefits of this sutra directly. It was really a joyful moment even for me because it is such a, I felt wow....compassion of the Existence is expressing. The moment I had this question immediately answer appeared.  
I can say, maybe yesterday when I said, these all you may not be able to practice just I am putting it on record, many seekers would have felt ‘Ohh then where to go? How to make it all practical?’ Maybe all those seeking only created that thought in me to find its answer, solution. Morning panchatapas itself I had the revelation, when I came and read the sutra ‘oh god exactly for this sutra.’
So I want to tell you all, the today’s sutra ‘Omnipotence and omnipresence’, the technique I am giving is workable. You can do it wherever you are and directly you will have the power of the omnipotence and omnipresence.
I always tell people all answers are happening in Me as a response to your question. So all my books are co-authored by me and you. All my discourses are delivered, co delivered by you and me, understand. It is the expression of response to the doubt or the question or the craving you have it. So all the question, all the doubt, all the craving, all the prayer you have, gets responded through me. That's the reason I always tell people all my books are co-authored by you and me, all my discourses are co delivered by you and me.
Let me enter in to the sacred secret embedded in this sutra.
Sutra says do samyama on sattva and purusha; Intelligence and awareness; a very subtle difference.
Let me give you the technique how to sharpen yourself to do samyama in the gap of intelligence and awareness. It's very tricky but doable.
Sit in a silent place, have some words written, letters written on a paper. When your eyes sees that letter the sound of the letter is created in your brain. Do samyama on the sound. Please understand you don’t create sound. For example there are some 5 letter W H E R E. The moment you see that letters inside your system automatically the word appears ‘where’.
See, do samyama how the black lines on the white board is getting created as a sound in your inner space. This samyama will work especially if you are in need of intuition, for your profession. See there are some profession like real estate, share market. I can say these are the businesses established on intuition. You need to know whether to invest your money in this land or not, whether to invest in this share or not. I can say there are some more professions, even doctor, whether to do this surgery or not, whether this diagnosis is right or not; even doctors need intution. If you are in business which is based on intuition this samyama is for you.  
Please understand this is what is the morning revelation for me; the sacred secret revealed during the pancha tapas. I was really feeling ‘Oh GOD what  is this, even if I am going to make all these things alive and practical and doable, then these sutras are outdated, they are no more going to be useful for the society, humanity. Then what is the use of talking about it?’ Suddenly like a joy or a compassion expression, it just bumped out saying ‘NO it’s doable, it is doable’. It’s doable, understand. When you see black lines on the white board or white lines on the black board, when you see some lines, see how your awareness gets converted into intelligence and recognizes those lines as a sound. For example if you don’t know Chinese if you see the Chinese letter no sound is getting created. But if you know English and there are English letters, sound gets created immediately. The awareness gets converted into intelligence. Purusha becomes sattva; the cotton becomes thread
Do samyama exactly on that space how this lines creates this sound in me.  
You should use different, different words, because first when you try at least 100 times you will not be able to catch it. It takes at least 100 times because it is a subtlest experience. See you don’t bring your awareness at all to that part , where just some lines creates certain sound in you, becomes certain meaning and action reaction. The subtlest conversion… see the cotton becoming thread, then thread gets colored thread and it becomes cloth and it gets stitched as dress and you wear it.
I am asking you to do samyama on the exact spot where the cotton is getting into thread mode, where the sattva, the intelligence is getting created from awareness, where the purusha, awareness, consciousness is getting converted into sattva, intelligence thread. Purusha is the cotton, awareness is the cotton. Intelligence is thread, sattva is thread.
I have seen many people unconsciously making decision in the field of real estate or any places where intuition is a basic necessity. Please understand, when the intuition is a basic necessity any unconscious decision not only destroys your business, I can say destroys your very personality because the intuition based businesses are not something away from you. It is you. It is just the very extension of you.
Please understand, for an engineer the building he constructs is not extension of himself. But for an architect that building is extension of himself. Please understand, architect is a person who visualizes, creates. It is extension of his own personality. But for an engineer it is a profession. Same way, for a person who is investing in real estate or share market, it is his extension. It is his personality.
If you are not aware how the awareness is becoming intelligence, not only you will get clutched, that very clutching will lead you to wrong decisions;  because a small mistake, you will collapse and tumble down. The extension of your own personality, a door step between awareness and intelligence. Intelligence is sattva, outside the boundary. Atman is consciousness, inside the boundary. The boundary line is intuition. So if you do samyama on how these letters or bent lines create sound in you…..for example here there is a writing eN kirtans. I can say 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9, wow I am able to count 9 😀 earlier I can do successfully only 4 to 5. So 9 bent lines are there; the lines which are bent in different shapes and forms, 9 pieces are there. How the moment we see that, if you know the language the sound happens in you, where that sound happens in you.
It’s almost like catching a small diamond and polishing it; catching a small diamond in a machine in a fixture and using another one diamond and polishing it. Any moment that small diamond may break or escape; such a subtle act. If you are nearer to that conversion of awareness becoming intelligence, intuition will be alive in you. If you are more closer to the space of the awareness becoming intelligence, you will be not only having intuition of what is going to happen, you can control it. That is what known is Omnipotence.
If you are away from the awareness becoming intelligence, that spot, you will be schizophrenia; means each moment you will be thinking in a way and acting in another way. Sometime it is so sad, I can see very clearly people getting into the miserable, most miserable things of their life. They are causing irreparable damage to their life. But you can’t help them, because the distance between this purusha sattva and their awareness is too much.
The most miserable thing can happen to a man’s life is not only not having intuition and rejecting the guidance comes from intuition, doubting the guidance comes from intuition. The moment you doubt once the guidance comes from intuition, in your whole life no more guidance from intuition will happen; that's all.
See it’s like…the guidance from intuition is not only just from me, it is from the highest frequency of the cosmos. When you reject that,
cosmos says ‘ok, be blissful if you can’.😀 People sometime put themselves in irreparable situations. They cause irreparable damages to themselves. Unfortunately even if I know, if I guide, when they can’t take it, then I say ok.
Please understand, the space where awareness becomes intelligence, that spot only I call it as a ground zero. If you are landed on ground zero you will have intuition. If you are grounded on ground zero you will have omnipotence and omnipresence. Landing means you can always take off. Grounded means you are it. If you are away from ground zero you are schizophrenia, means suffering with mood swings. Illogical logic eats your life. Your mind is you. When your mind is functioning illogically, be very clear, you are not only walking, running towards destruction; not away from destruction towards destruction.
I am seeing so many people in unawareness. They run as fast as they can to jump in to the ocean and die. Arey why are you running so fast? ‘No, no, no,  time is getting wasted, I need to run and jump into the ocean and die; means irreparable damages. The more and more distance between you and ground zero is… I don’t know what all the purposes they use the word ground zero. I am giving a new interpretation don’t worry. We will give a new meaning. Maybe only for negative purposes they use. Now we will use for positive purposes.
The spot where… actually if you trace, in the brain just in this area [Swamiji gestures towards right side of the head] little deeper, that’s the area exactly it gets converted; you will exactly see. When I did samyama thats where I found; just below, may be one inch or one and half inch below this area, that is where the lines becoming sound. The purusha awareness is becoming intelligence sattva. If you do samyama, where that experience happens actually you will settle down in that spot. When you are grounded in that spot, ground zero, new channel of intuition and omnipotence and omnipresence opens in you. If you land in that spot intuition will open up. If you are grounded in that spot omnipotence and omnipresence will open up. These samyamas will really help to take major decisions in your life. All kids should be taught this samyama. Kids can learn this samyama very easily because the word… the lines becoming sound has not become an automated process in them. They are still driving by themself; there is no automatic mechanism. There is no automated driving. They are still taking decisions consciously; right, left, first gear, second gear, clutch, break. But in course of time when you are feeling bored you just put in automatic and sit, go and hit the wall and die.
See when you automated, slowly, slowly many parts of you are not needed, then slowly you decide ‘Why eyes  are needed then? My decision making is not needed for driving.’ Please understand, most of the accidents happen when you are putting, when you are driving automated way; because many parts of you are not required. When many parts of you are not required you slowly retire, retire, retire and feel ahhh now then why unnecessarily keep the eyes open, why unnecessarily keep the decision making channel open, let them also rest and go and hit the wall.
Kids have not put the automatic system; they are still taking every decision. Whenever they see a letter the words are happening. So grounding them into the ground zero is easy. Especially when kids learn a new language you can teach them this samyama. For elders it may take little time, but you can do it, it’s not impossible. For kids it is very easily possible. See each joints of the body when you move, one syllable of Sanskrit is created lum, yum, rum. Each joint movements creates a syllable, that sound in you. If you teach kids to listen to that very intensely they will be able to tell you exactly all the 51 syllables of Sanskrit; how each syllable is created in each joints movement. Only we became insensitive because our movements are so violent even the sound created outside is not heard. Only if the bone is fractured or the dislocation of the knee joints happens, then we hear the sound; not the sound of the bone, the sound AHHHHH 😀...sound of pain.
If you can hear the sound of every joint movements, you are completely in tune with the flow of the body. You will radiate extraordinary grace. The rituals, the poojaris, priests will do matruganyasa… anganyasa, karanyasa antar matruganyasa...all these are directly the sounds of that joints; the sounds of that joints only they do it as nyasa, matruganyasa. If you can listen to that sound, it will lead to this samyama which I am talking, directly - Landing on ground zero where purusha becomes sattva, awareness becomes intelligence. Try this samyama. It’s doable, practical, you can experience it. I bless you all to experience it.
I bless you all. Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share the eternal bliss, Nithyananda.
Thank you.

Latest revision as of 03:49, 22 November 2024



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Sadāshiva samārambhām Shankarāchārya madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||


I welcome you all with my love and respects. Today's subject: ‘Omnipotence and omnipresence’. 156th sutra of Patanjali’s yoga sutra, in the 3rd chapter 50th verse Sattva-pursha anyata-khyati-matrasya sarva-bhava adhisthatrtvam sarvajnatrtvam cha. Singapore center also has joined in 2 way connection having nayana deeksha. I welcome Singapore center also, blessings.


Swami Vivekananda translates this sutra as: Through samyama on the discrimination between the sattva and the purusha come omnipotence and omniscience. Swami Prabhavananda translates as: By making samyama on the discrimination between the sattva guna and the atman, one gains omnipotence and omniscience. Swami Sachidhananda translates as: By making recognition of the distinction between sattva and the self, supremacy over all states and forms of existence is gained, as is omniscience. Bhagawan osho translates as: Only after the awareness of the distinction between the sattva and purusha, the supremacy and knowledge arise over all states of existence.


During the morning pancha tapas time, I was just feeling, ‘arey’… about the yesterdays samyama I was feeling, ‘even I am not able to make all these samyamas as practical and universal, people can practice wherever they want as a straight forward techniques.’ I was really feeling this, felt, I am just putting it on record, even if I am not able to make it as a practical workable science then is this sutras are outdated? That’s all? Are their life over? Suddenly I had a revelation about today’s sutra...actually I am reading this sutra only now, means just before the pada pooja I looked into the sutra. But I had the revelation what should be the technique, which would be directly practical, workable, helping and enlightening people and giving the power and benefits of this sutra directly. It was really a joyful moment even for me because it is such a, I felt wow....compassion of the Existence is expressing. The moment I had this question immediately answer appeared.


I can say, maybe yesterday when I said, these all you may not be able to practice just I am putting it on record, many seekers would have felt ‘Ohh then where to go? How to make it all practical?’ Maybe all those seeking only created that thought in me to find its answer, solution. Morning panchatapas itself I had the revelation, when I came and read the sutra ‘oh god exactly for this sutra.’ So I want to tell you all, the today’s sutra ‘Omnipotence and omnipresence’, the technique I am giving is workable. You can do it wherever you are and directly you will have the power of the omnipotence and omnipresence.


I always tell people all answers are happening in Me as a response to your question. So all my books are co-authored by me and you. All my discourses are delivered, co delivered by you and me, understand. It is the expression of response to the doubt or the question or the craving you have it. So all the question, all the doubt, all the craving, all the prayer you have, gets responded through me. That's the reason I always tell people all my books are co-authored by you and me, all my discourses are co delivered by you and me.


Let me enter in to the sacred secret embedded in this sutra. Sutra says do samyama on sattva and purusha; Intelligence and awareness; a very subtle difference. Let me give you the technique how to sharpen yourself to do samyama in the gap of intelligence and awareness. It's very tricky but doable. Sit in a silent place, have some words written, letters written on a paper. When your eyes sees that letter the sound of the letter is created in your brain. Do samyama on the sound. Please understand you don’t create sound. For example there are some 5 letter W H E R E. The moment you see that letters inside your system automatically the word appears ‘where’.


See, do samyama how the black lines on the white board is getting created as a sound in your inner space. This samyama will work especially if you are in need of intuition, for your profession. See there are some profession like real estate, share market. I can say these are the businesses established on intuition. You need to know whether to invest your money in this land or not, whether to invest in this share or not. I can say there are some more professions, even doctor, whether to do this surgery or not, whether this diagnosis is right or not; even doctors need intution. If you are in business which is based on intuition this samyama is for you.


Please understand this is what is the morning revelation for me; the sacred secret revealed during the pancha tapas. I was really feeling ‘Oh GOD what is this, even if I am going to make all these things alive and practical and doable, then these sutras are outdated, they are no more going to be useful for the society, humanity. Then what is the use of talking about it?’ Suddenly like a joy or a compassion expression, it just bumped out saying ‘NO it’s doable, it is doable’. It’s doable, understand. When you see black lines on the white board or white lines on the black board, when you see some lines, see how your awareness gets converted into intelligence and recognizes those lines as a sound. For example if you don’t know Chinese if you see the Chinese letter no sound is getting created. But if you know English and there are English letters, sound gets created immediately. The awareness gets converted into intelligence. Purusha becomes sattva; the cotton becomes thread Do samyama exactly on that space how this lines creates this sound in me.


You should use different, different words, because first when you try at least 100 times you will not be able to catch it. It takes at least 100 times because it is a subtlest experience. See you don’t bring your awareness at all to that part , where just some lines creates certain sound in you, becomes certain meaning and action reaction. The subtlest conversion… see the cotton becoming thread, then thread gets colored thread and it becomes cloth and it gets stitched as dress and you wear it. I am asking you to do samyama on the exact spot where the cotton is getting into thread mode, where the sattva, the intelligence is getting created from awareness, where the purusha, awareness, consciousness is getting converted into sattva, intelligence thread. Purusha is the cotton, awareness is the cotton. Intelligence is thread, sattva is thread.


I have seen many people unconsciously making decision in the field of real estate or any places where intuition is a basic necessity. Please understand, when the intuition is a basic necessity any unconscious decision not only destroys your business, I can say destroys your very personality because the intuition based businesses are not something away from you. It is you. It is just the very extension of you.


Please understand, for an engineer the building he constructs is not extension of himself. But for an architect that building is extension of himself. Please understand, architect is a person who visualizes, creates. It is extension of his own personality. But for an engineer it is a profession. Same way, for a person who is investing in real estate or share market, it is his extension. It is his personality. If you are not aware how the awareness is becoming intelligence, not only you will get clutched, that very clutching will lead you to wrong decisions; because a small mistake, you will collapse and tumble down. The extension of your own personality, a door step between awareness and intelligence. Intelligence is sattva, outside the boundary. Atman is consciousness, inside the boundary. The boundary line is intuition. So if you do samyama on how these letters or bent lines create sound in you…..for example here there is a writing eN kirtans. I can say 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9, wow I am able to count 9 😀 earlier I can do successfully only 4 to 5. So 9 bent lines are there; the lines which are bent in different shapes and forms, 9 pieces are there. How the moment we see that, if you know the language the sound happens in you, where that sound happens in you.


It’s almost like catching a small diamond and polishing it; catching a small diamond in a machine in a fixture and using another one diamond and polishing it. Any moment that small diamond may break or escape; such a subtle act. If you are nearer to that conversion of awareness becoming intelligence, intuition will be alive in you. If you are more closer to the space of the awareness becoming intelligence, you will be not only having intuition of what is going to happen, you can control it. That is what known is Omnipotence.


If you are away from the awareness becoming intelligence, that spot, you will be schizophrenia; means each moment you will be thinking in a way and acting in another way. Sometime it is so sad, I can see very clearly people getting into the miserable, most miserable things of their life. They are causing irreparable damage to their life. But you can’t help them, because the distance between this purusha sattva and their awareness is too much. The most miserable thing can happen to a man’s life is not only not having intuition and rejecting the guidance comes from intuition, doubting the guidance comes from intuition. The moment you doubt once the guidance comes from intuition, in your whole life no more guidance from intuition will happen; that's all.


See it’s like…the guidance from intuition is not only just from me, it is from the highest frequency of the cosmos. When you reject that, cosmos says ‘ok, be blissful if you can’.😀 People sometime put themselves in irreparable situations. They cause irreparable damages to themselves. Unfortunately even if I know, if I guide, when they can’t take it, then I say ok. Please understand, the space where awareness becomes intelligence, that spot only I call it as a ground zero. If you are landed on ground zero you will have intuition. If you are grounded on ground zero you will have omnipotence and omnipresence. Landing means you can always take off. Grounded means you are it. If you are away from ground zero you are schizophrenia, means suffering with mood swings. Illogical logic eats your life. Your mind is you. When your mind is functioning illogically, be very clear, you are not only walking, running towards destruction; not away from destruction towards destruction.


I am seeing so many people in unawareness. They run as fast as they can to jump in to the ocean and die. Arey why are you running so fast? ‘No, no, no, time is getting wasted, I need to run and jump into the ocean and die; means irreparable damages. The more and more distance between you and ground zero is… I don’t know what all the purposes they use the word ground zero. I am giving a new interpretation don’t worry. We will give a new meaning. Maybe only for negative purposes they use. Now we will use for positive purposes.


The spot where… actually if you trace, in the brain just in this area [Swamiji gestures towards right side of the head] little deeper, that’s the area exactly it gets converted; you will exactly see. When I did samyama thats where I found; just below, may be one inch or one and half inch below this area, that is where the lines becoming sound. The purusha awareness is becoming intelligence sattva. If you do samyama, where that experience happens actually you will settle down in that spot. When you are grounded in that spot, ground zero, new channel of intuition and omnipotence and omnipresence opens in you. If you land in that spot intuition will open up. If you are grounded in that spot omnipotence and omnipresence will open up. These samyamas will really help to take major decisions in your life. All kids should be taught this samyama. Kids can learn this samyama very easily because the word… the lines becoming sound has not become an automated process in them. They are still driving by themself; there is no automatic mechanism. There is no automated driving. They are still taking decisions consciously; right, left, first gear, second gear, clutch, break. But in course of time when you are feeling bored you just put in automatic and sit, go and hit the wall and die.


See when you automated, slowly, slowly many parts of you are not needed, then slowly you decide ‘Why eyes are needed then? My decision making is not needed for driving.’ Please understand, most of the accidents happen when you are putting, when you are driving automated way; because many parts of you are not required. When many parts of you are not required you slowly retire, retire, retire and feel ahhh now then why unnecessarily keep the eyes open, why unnecessarily keep the decision making channel open, let them also rest and go and hit the wall.


Kids have not put the automatic system; they are still taking every decision. Whenever they see a letter the words are happening. So grounding them into the ground zero is easy. Especially when kids learn a new language you can teach them this samyama. For elders it may take little time, but you can do it, it’s not impossible. For kids it is very easily possible. See each joints of the body when you move, one syllable of Sanskrit is created lum, yum, rum. Each joint movements creates a syllable, that sound in you. If you teach kids to listen to that very intensely they will be able to tell you exactly all the 51 syllables of Sanskrit; how each syllable is created in each joints movement. Only we became insensitive because our movements are so violent even the sound created outside is not heard. Only if the bone is fractured or the dislocation of the knee joints happens, then we hear the sound; not the sound of the bone, the sound AHHHHH 😀...sound of pain.


If you can hear the sound of every joint movements, you are completely in tune with the flow of the body. You will radiate extraordinary grace. The rituals, the poojaris, priests will do matruganyasa… anganyasa, karanyasa antar matruganyasa...all these are directly the sounds of that joints; the sounds of that joints only they do it as nyasa, matruganyasa. If you can listen to that sound, it will lead to this samyama which I am talking, directly - Landing on ground zero where purusha becomes sattva, awareness becomes intelligence. Try this samyama. It’s doable, practical, you can experience it. I bless you all to experience it.


I bless you all. Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share the eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you.
