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know you will take care you're always
know you will take care you're always
showing us compassion love is in the
showing us compassion love is in the
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Latest revision as of 16:17, 11 January 2021


Ground breaking Scientific Revelations on mystical Kundalini Awakening 8th June Morning Message


On this day Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam reveals scientific results on kundalini awakening

Link to Video:

Video Audio


I welcome you all with my love and respects I'll describe yesterday's research we have done today tomorrow ill upload the YouTube the whole thing is video recorded first we hooked one of our senior Grubman Shalini monitor Supriya and AAHA in the aeg mission machine it's a remote-controlled machine the scientist dr. who did she say 27 years experienced psychologists and neuroscientists she is working on the field of neurofeedback and psychology for 26 years the first word she said is unimaginable I have never seen anything like this in my 27 years of X 26 years of experience she is the founder member of indian chakra is and not very am a mr. kanack Pandey we are going to be doing some more experiences our credibility's for a real an international affiliate of American Psychological Association member and a certified trainer of alumni international member of Indian Psychological Association member of psycholinguistic Association member of International Society for euro neuronal regulation founder member of Indian chapter of iesson our great and the first study is normally when she's normal how the brain is sorting we found she has a brain second it's working normally third when the Kundalini was awakened at the exact moment the researcher the scientists doctor she says Swamiji the the awakened state is intensely expressed same way the deep sleep state is also intensely Express she says the gamma wave which goes down very low like a one-two and all during sleep deep sleep it has gone almost less than 1.42 she says this means there is no outer world information getting processed the cognition has completely stopped she says only during the deep sleep are the high acidity can only create this kind of state if she says if I see only the monitor I essentially sleeping but I can't say that now because I am seeing she is jumping and the other side extreme faithfulness she says that wakefulness and I let her let us see the original video of her own explanations he say she says I should not make any technical means in technical terms that I am just briefing you she says the wakeful state is something extraordinary she can't even express immediately because she has never seen anything like this she says the energy level not just thousand percent thousand times small thousand times more she was actually shocked seeing what is happening then before leaving she came near me and said I'm happy that I met you I know it's very soon you will become too popular too famous then we did once more we did some more studies another important point she says is when I gave instruction for her to for the premature and little imitate she says first the instruction is being processed in the brain means the brain is being convinced about the instruction it is not like a peanut is Amara mesmerism straight terrible dosing and it is being executed no the negotiation goes on between the instruction and the brain and brain gets convinced and then the expression starts happening she says very clearly the whole thing is expressed in the study and we had one of our staff a sham staff new staff for the normal reading and we try to ask him to levitate he is not able to do more than two three times means jumping on his own he is not able to do he's not on any meditation any spiritual things so his level also checked as a normal baseline then all of them wanted if I initiate him what happens when I went and stood near him and initiated in this on the other same energy level which was there in the limited test brain same thing happened in him also then she said a normal person should do the same action which you are doing to him like touching he Sonia touching his forehead let me see what happens she ourself came and she touched his Anya and put his hand on her and he said put her hand and he said it did exactly what I was doing during initiation nothing happened so she compared that also she said now she will send us detailed report soon he can see now we are acquiring that machine the highest level accurate you EEG machines which can record in remote at a time 10 people can be studied we can study 10 brains at a time they are occurring the machine this time inner awakening we will do a lot more researchers and one more thing she potentially describes some three four points as enlightenment first time all three four points are clearly with evidence medical evidence recorded in the human brain we have recorded in during the Esther days experiment experiment this proves two thing one accept the final touch which needed to be given see the only one small thing now our brunch and recipe analysis that she should be given this key means the key into getting into that Samadhi state on our own without my physical presence but ability to stay in that same space unable to do all the normal activities if that key is now handed over to her we can give a clear legal certificate she is enlightened all the descriptions for enlightenment by Patanjali we can prove scientifically very clearly and not only that say if you weigh in itself that experience is happening means in the mind it should have happened at least one year before because anything from mind to part became a brain it takes one year in mind if subtle happens he takes one year for that Satori to become a groove in the brain so too many wonderful new doors are opening for us now we can actually make the Enlightenment a clear reproducible experience and of course we can say clearly in the beginning your brain wave the end your brain wave machine speaks doesn't need to be faith anymore it's just life and she says she is telling Swamiji even if you can do for do this for 10 people despondent awakening and this kind of a energy level going up this kind of experience it's a great service to humanity because all psychosomatic disorders like I'll see me as depression everything can be healed just by this one process because she says whatever we are trying to do with the electrode machines medicines you are doing it without any intervention without any physical intervention just like that it's extraordinary an amazing Swamiji she was really shocked and surprised we are also happy to know these reports so today or tomorrow you will see the whole thing in YouTube video recording is done and she will write a detailed article about our holy findings in next one make it will be uploaded to the website you can all enjoy - bless you all let you all achieve experience live Express radiate and share the eternal bliss Nithyananda thank you you but UNAM addressing you you know as fast me to Lidl is a life in Iran strike I believe the things I do and a little guy with you nothing babe I know you will take care you're always showing us compassion love is in the