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==Video -  Decide to Stop Supressing Your Emotions || Part 1 || Initiation into Powerful Cognitions==  
==Video -  Decide to Stop Supressing Your Emotions || Part 1 || Initiation into Powerful Cognitions==  
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||Nithyanandam Parama Sukhdam kevalam jnana murtim
dvanvatitam gagan sadrasham tattva masya di lakshyam
ekam nithyam vimalam achalam sarvadhi sakshi bhutam
bhavatitam triguna rahitam sadgurum tam namami||
Meditation: Unloading of the suppressions.
First we should understand what is suppression. Then we can understand how to unload, how meditation can unload it. Suppression is the greatest suffering which has happened to the humanity. Humanity has suffered many diseases. From the time immemorial, from the small fever, headache to the so many kinds of diseases, so many kinds of problems, so many kinds of challenges has been faced by humanity. But a worst problem, the worst thing humanity can have is suppression. Basically man, whether we accept or not, we are nothing but educated chimpanzees. We are nothing more than educated chimpanzees. Physically almost we are animals. Only mentally we are someway different from the animals.
In one of his books, a western philosopher, he writes ‘we are nothing more than dressed buffaloes.’ That’s true. We are nothing more than a educated chimpanzees. Physically how animals live, we do live in the same way. The same way they eat, reproduce, die. Our life also physically same. Only mentally we have evolved. No, I can’t even say we have evolved. We had some change whether it is evolution or we have gone down, we do not know because no buffalo takes depression medicines. No chimpanzee gets the schizophrenic problems. No animal has got any need for undergoing psychotherapy. Human beings are the only people who need psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, so many healing system to heal the mind, to heal their being.
Understand how system of animals work. They don’t have the layer called suppression, because whether it is their sex or their anger or voilence, they just express it. If a monkey gets angry, what will it do? Jump on the other monkey. If he feels violent, immediately he has got all the ways and methods to express his violence. He will jump here, there. He will express till he feels he has calmed down. He is not going to sit. He is not going to behave polite. His being continuously expresses itself through the body. When he feels sexual, immediately he goes and expresses. He has no religion. He has no moral codes to conduct himself how to do or when to avoid, what is the way to behave, no! But human beings are the only animals on this planet earth who has gone away from the nature, who don’t have the strong, alive connection with their origin, with their roots, with their nature.
A small story. Once a man aged forty years, he hates his wife and the wife’s cat. He somehow wants to get rid of the both. Anyhow, he can’t do anything about the wife. At least he wants to drive the cat out. He took the cat early morning in the car, went for ten miles drive, left it in the free way, came back to the house. As soon as he entered the house, he saw the cat is standing in the house. Cat is back! Cats has got a special capacity. By smell, they will come back. They will find the root. Next day, he took the cat, drove down to more than twenty miles, left the cat there and came back. He saw, in half an hour, a sound in his door. He went and opened the door, saw the cat is standing! Third day, he went right, left, this way, that way, almost reached a forest. Then he thought, ‘Yes, now there is no more possibility because I myself new to this place. Surely the cat will not know the way. There is no possibility.’ So he left the cat there and came back. On the way back, he got a doubt, gave a ring to wife and asked her, “Dear, is the cat in the house?” She said, “Yes, it is there right here in front of me. It has already reached.” Man said, “Please find out the way from the cat. I have forgotten the way!”
Human being is the only animal who has missed the nature, who has forgotten the way, who has forgotten his home. No other animal has went away from the nature, forgotten the being. No animal suffers due to obesity. Human beings are the only animal who suffer due to obesity, stomach troubles, why? Suppression is the new layer. Suppression is the reason for the whole thing. We don’t live as we feel. Why we suppress? We can give two-three reasons. Let Me give you the major reasons why we suppress.
First thing, you cannot express your anger whenever you feel like. When your boss shouts at you, when you are ill-treated, misbehaved for no reason or no fault of your own, you get terribly irritated, anger, violent. You feel like just punching your boss on the nose but you can’t! If you do, not only you will lose your job, you will be in the...behind the bars, you can’t. There are so many social regulation, social systems. You need to act according to that. You need to express yourself according to those things. So many ways, so many methods to express you. And I have seen many people. They wear smile when they are irritated, when they are violent. To hide anger, they wear a big smile. Many times people have forgotten, people forget why should they smile or why they shouldn’t smile.
Most of the time when you are angry, just to hide the anger, just to suppress the violent feelings, just not to show the anger in your eyes, you wear a big smile to show you are happy especially in front of the boss, in front of the higher authorities. If you express your anger in the office, you will lose your job; if you express it in the house, you will lose your food. Same way, in the house also you cannot express. There are so many restrictions, so many ways where you cannot be as you are. Continuously due to some reason or other, you suppress your emotions.
Same way, the sex. You cannot express whenever you want. You cannot have your freedom wherever you want. Society has got thousand-and-one restrictions. Your body never understands you are a man, you are cultured, you are in society. Your body goes on reacting as it is, as it wants. Whenever you get a chance, any movie, any thought, any hoarding, your body is ready, physically you are ready. Your body is aggravated. Your body wants it but the society has got its own ways, its own rules, its own regulations. You can’t express. Then what will happen to all the suppressions?
There is a beautiful research done on this by...when anger happens to you, a type of acid, chemical is released in your system. When you suppress that anger, when you suppress that violence, the acid is also suppressed. If you express your anger that leaves your body, you are free of it. If you suppress it inside your system, it becomes like your whole body is in the acid tub-continuous suppressed acid, continuous suppressed chemicals. Finally it becomes like a your whole body is in the acid tub. What happens to all the suppressions? What happens to all those suppressed desires?
Suppressed anger, suppressed sex, suppressed voilence-they create a new layer called cerebral layer inside your body, inside your being. I can say, instead of body, inside your being. The layer is called cerebral layer. Cerebral layer is the reason for all modern day psychiatric troubles. All psychosomatic disease originates from the cerebral layer. Cerebral layer is the layer from which almost all the troubles, all the phobias, all the over doings. Cerebral layer is the reason for all the murders, for all the rapes, for all the violence activities. Long time suppression makes your whole being as a perverted. I can say, I can vouch even the HIV for the cerebral layer. I can say, even the HIV is the reason of...the HIV is because of cerebral layer.
Whenever your desires are suppressed, your anger is suppressed, not only the desire, not only the sex and the anger, even your sorrow, your sadness, everyone in our being, in everyone of our being, the tremendous amount of sorrow and suffering is there suppressed. Many times we want to cry but society never allows you to express it. You cannot cry. If you cry in the public, if you cry in some place, everybody comes near you and in the name of consoling, they make the whole thing much worse. They don’t let you cry.
==Video -  Decide to Stop Suppressing Your Emotions || Part 2 || Initiation into Powerful Cognitions || 06 Feb==  
==Video -  Decide to Stop Suppressing Your Emotions || Part 2 || Initiation into Powerful Cognitions || 06 Feb==  
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All the things which is continuously suppressed creates a cerebral layer. The cerebral layer becomes a master of your mind, master of your being. You look at the whole world only through the cerebral layer. Cerebral layer means the...whatever maybe happening in the world, but you look through only this layer: the suppressed anger and the suppressed violence and the suppressed sex. Only these three layer you look at the world. So world is understood, world is seen only these three layers by your mind. Only these three layers are the judgemental authorities who present what is happening in the world to you. Whatever you may see but you see only these three layers, the cerebral layers. That is why you always feel people are trying to cheat you. Anybody who tries to do even a small thing, immediately you feel he is going to become violent on you, he is going to cheat you.
Women always feel they are going to be sexually exploited. They have a tremendous instinct fear because they look at the world through the layer. Man always feels the fear of anger. Man feels the fear of anger and violence; woman feels the fear of sex. Continuously you feel you are going to be exploited, you are going to be cheated, you are going to be disturbed. Because of that, you feel, you feel you need to secure yourself, you need to safeguard yourself. To defend yourself, you create such a mechanisms, naturally you offend.
All the armies of all the countries is called only as a defensive. Then actually who is offending? Every country calls their army as a defensive army. Everybody says they are only defending. Then actually who is offending? In the way, in the mechanism, when you create a big mechanism to defend you, you naturally offend others. You enter into the others’ boundaries, others’ territories. Then the feeling of insecurity only makes you disturb others. Feeling of insecurity is the root, is the seed for violence.
Your suppressed anger, suppressed violence, suppressed sex naturally makes you disturb others, naturally makes you enter into others’ territory. And not only that, for a long time, when you suppress sexual emotions, what will happen? Naturally at one step, at one part, you will be just bombarding, you will be just exploding on others, you will just explode on others. It becomes a two layer: the cerebral layer and the conscious mind. When the depth or thickness of the cerebral layer becomes more than the conscious mind, you are just thrown out. Your being, your cerebral layer is not ready to listen to your mind. As long as the mind, the depth of the consciousness is more than a cerebral layer, things go well. You can behave just like a human being but when the suppression, when the cerebral layer becomes more thick, more solid, whether you want it or not, whether you understand it or not, you will see that you are beyond your control. All types of perversion expresses through you.
If you work with the criminals, if you go near and spend some time with the criminals, then you will understand how much they are human. If you live around them, then you will understand they are much simple, innocent beings than us. They are actually very simple, innocent beings. It is not even in their control. The crimes committed or the misconduct in the sex, nothing is in their control.
Vivekananda says in one place, ‘We should look at a man or man’s behaviour with sympathy than with violence. You need to look at him with more sympathy.’ If you look little deep into the human beings, at least from My experience I can say, the criminals are much more human, much more natural, much more simple, much more innocent. The problem is, they were not able to use their mask strongly. A man who holds his mask strongly behaves exactly as the world wants. The man who is not able to hold his mask, who is not able to hold his mask, whose suppression goes beyond the thickness of the mask he expresses, what is the way to unload the suppression? What is the way to understand and go beyond it? We all know that suppression makes your life hell. Not only when you express it, even when you live with it, suppression makes your life totally imbalanced.
With the suppressed mind, you are almost sitting on a volcano. Anytime it can explode. Anytime you can be thrown out. Anytime any type of misbehaviour can happen to you or you can do it to others. You are almost sitting on a volcano, you are not sitting on a chair. You are sitting on a volcano with suppressions. What will happen at which moment, nobody knows! Anytime you may act violently or anytime you may express yourself sexually, anytime you may express your sorrow, anytime you can be in tears because so many things are inside, so much is accumulated. All your suppression when it will express, when it will act you do not know, when it will work you do not know. Almost everyone is sitting on the volcano. When, what will express nothing is known. Thighs are totally uncertain because of this cerebral layer. Things are not in your control because of this cerebral layer. You look at the world in a different way. You react with the world in a different way.
In early times, the material supplied to the cerebral layer was not much, was not much. That is the reason people come and ask Me actually, “Swamiji, if you read the meditation books or the meditation instructions given in the time of Patanjali, the instructions are very simple. They say sit quietly, chant ‘Om’, your mind will become enlightened.” There are many techniques written in the time of Patanjali. They say sit quietly, chant ‘Om’, you will become enlightened. People come and ask Me, “Swamiji, but when we do the same thing now, we are not able to silent our mind. It is more violent. Actually more thoughts are coming. If we just sit and chant ‘Om’, we could see all the movies inside the mind. More thoughts are coming. we are more violent. Why? Why the words of Patanjali is not working?” I tell them, “At those time, the mind of the human beings was simple. The cerebral layer was not existing.They do not know what is cerebral layer. In those time, those techniques have really worked. People did become enlightened just by chanting ‘Om’. People did have the bliss just by chanting simple mantras. It was possible at that time because their mind was very simple. They didn’t have cerebral layer. They didn’t have suppression but today, it is not like that.”
You know that if you use the powerful pesticides, the next generation insects, they start learn... they learn how to live with the pesticides. Now if you give one dose of pesticide, next generation of insects, they start living with one dose of pesticides. The one dose itself becomes food for them. So next time when you use pesticides, you need to use the two dose, no other way! Only then the insects will be killed. Just like that, your mind, in those time, one dose of pesticide is enough to kill your mind. Today it is not possible. Your mind has become too thick, too complicated with the cerebral layer especially the suppressions.
When the TV has entered the world, when the TV was introduced, somebody asked Me, “Swamiji, when that Kali Age born? What is the date of Kali Age?” I tell them, “The day in which TV has entered the world is the day in which Kali is born.” They say, the poll survey say average at least three hours a American sees TV, at least three hours per day, am I right? Of course, I do not know the survey, pole survey says three hours, average three hours minimum three hours per day American sees TV. When your eyes are continuously bombarded with colourful lights, whatever is shown to you, it directly goes inside. You feel even you are a matured man, even if you are a man with consciousness, only first one or two minutes you feel what is shown is only a drama. After two-three minutes, you feel as if the whole thing is real, whole thing is just real.
I had been to that Universal studio in LA. What technology they are using! I felt the whole thing is just real! Nothing, nothing is missing including that fire shows. Everything is done technologically perfectly. Only for one or two minutes, you feel things are drama. Then immediately your consciousness is put aside. Directly the TV starts relating with your unconsciousness. Directly TV starts putting the datas into your unconsciousness. Then after two-three minutes, you lose the power of judging. Actually that is what happens. Your logic is just pushed aside. Your eyes can bare only the seven frames per second but TV at least 12-16 frames per second. It is changing. When the 12-16 frames per second is changing, your logic, your thinking capacity is just pushed aside. Directly the TV relates with your unconsciousness.
That is why, any advertisement shown in the TV directly goes to your heart-any advertisement. Advertisement holds such a ...advertisement does such a impact on your being. You see the advertisement of Lux soap. Without your knowledge, when you go to the mall, you ask only for Lux and especially any advertisement done with the underline of sex appeal, directly reaches you. The advertisement agencies, they know the secret. That is why almost 80% of the products are launched only with the sex appeal. The underline of sex appeal will be there. Either the female models or the sex appeal so that it can directly touch you, it can directly reach you. You are just continuously bombarded, exploited without even your knowledge, without even your protecting mechanism which is called logic. Logic is the mechanism with which you protect yourself. When you see the TV, logic is just pushed aside, logic is just pushed aside and directly they start relating with you.
That is why the cricket holds such a big importance for the foolish Indians. The fools and they think this is the...what to say? Patriotism! I heard one young...I am just totally anti-cricket. Whenever the information about the cricket match is brought to Me, I tell them, “No, they will lose.” Somebody came and asked Me, “Swamiji, why are you telling just like that everyday? Every time You tell the India loses the match. Why are You against cricket? It is a patriotism, it is a patriotism. Our country should be represented.” I told, “Fools! Are these eleven fellows are the representatives of India? How can these eleven fellows who doesn’t know anything about the culture, about the background of the country can be the representatives of India? The prestige of India, the prestige of the country is invested on the just eleven persons? It can never be! If India has to be represented, it can be represented only by the Enlightened Masters. The eleven Enlightened Masters can represent India, perfectly alright, never by the eleven ordinary people. How can eleven ordinary people represent the India’s prestige?” But we always feel cricket is a patriotism. No, just your unconscious, your logic is ruled by the advertisement agencies. Your logic is just pushed aside. They directly rule your unconsciousness.
I tell you, somebody came and asked Me, “Swamiji, why should I surrender to my God? How will he guide me? Why should I surrender? What is the need for surrendering?” I told him, “There is no need. Who told you to surrender? If you surrender it to God, perfectly alright. Otherwise you will be surrendering yourself to the TV. That is what you are doing. Directly or indirectly your whole life is just guided by the movies and the TV; because you lose your logic, your thinking capacity when you sit in front that great box which makes you idiot. Your logic is just pushed aside. Directly they relate and give the instruction to your unconsciousness. You should understand what is hypnotism. Hypnotism means putting your logic mind aside and directly relating with your unconsciousness is what is hypnotism. When it is done with proper technique, your eyes closed, it is hypnotism; when it is done with your eyes open, it is TV. TV does it when your eyes are open without even your knowledge. Unconsciously you are just guided, ruled, instructed without even your knowledge by the medias, by the TV. This is the main reason, cause for your suppression.
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Now let us see. We all know the social, this is the social way we live either you can bust your anger to your boss nor you can express your sex when you wants. What is the way to remove the cerebral layer? What is the way you throw out your cerebral layer? What is the way to live real life? You should understand one more thing, the kirlian photography, there is a new discovery called kirlian photography. Now they use it, use the system even as a diagnostic method. You are, just like a x-ray your light body, your aura body is photographs. Each one of you got light body, just above your body, six inch to 12 inch thickness, there would be a light. By photographing your light body, before six month your cancer or T.B.or any other fatal diseases can be diagnosed. It has been proved. Now kirlian photography is being used as a diagnostic method.
They found many interesting things through kirlian photography, the chakras can be photographed. The energy center which I seat can be photographed. They photographed already chakras and proved the existence of energy centers from ages 5000 years eastern mystic are continuous talking about these energy centers. First time west has proved it, the existence of chakras, the energy centers. And not only that the man got a lot of suppression, if aura body gets very thin and dull. Man who doesn't have suppression, his aura body is thick and alive. That’s why children you can see so graceful they just jump around. The nature of children is to be in bliss. You can see a grace with them.
Around the world take the photographs of kids in all the culture, not only American, Indian, even the Uthopia which suffers the poverty, even in their culture, if you see the photographs of kids, can you find single kid who is ugly? Each kid got his own grace, beauty, not beauty, grace. Because the grace is much more than beauty. Beauty comes by make-up. Grace comes by being. Have you seen a single kid who is ugly? Have you seen a grown up man beautiful? Around the world, single kid? No. They got their own grace.
Once they grow up grace is lost. What happens actually! It’s nothing but this cerebral layer, the suppression. Suppression is the layer which makes your whole being dull and dead. What is the way, suppress...throw out the suppression. Meditation is the beautiful way, the master key to throw the suppressions out, to throw the repression out. In our meditation camp tomorrow and day after tomorrow we have meditation camp. In our meditation camp, there are kathetic techniques, many meditation techniques throughout the suppression or the dirt which you collected inside your system.
People come and ask Me Swamiji, “Why should I throw out in the meditation. In the name of meditation why are you asking us to throw all the suppressions, all the depressions?” I tell them if you don’t throw your anger in the meditation, you will be throwing out in the house. If you don’t throw here, you will be throwing in the house. People tell Me, “Why should I throw let them be there!” If it allow to be there, its just like a cancer, just like a cancer it will destroy whole joy of your being. Whole beauty of your being. The suppression and the perversion make you heavy continuously. You don’t have a freedom, wherever you go, whatever you do, you will never have a holiday.
A man with suppression can never have a weekend. Can never have a holiday. Because it will be there inside. You may go to Miami beach or Hawaii beach, but your mind will be totally suppressed, your being will be totally dull. How can you have a weekend? Unless your being is ready. Unless your being enjoys, you may change the place of where you stay but you never have a weekend. A real weekend comes only when you throw out all the suppressions. When you really understood the aliveness or vibrance of your being. As long as you carry a volcano inside you, you can never have weekend, you can never have holiday.
Of course, we have forgotten the very idea of the weekend. What we do in weekend, go to the park, bark, club or the pub, dance, drink and dance. The early morning still the hangover is there and tiredness. You think you enjoyed the whole two days. Again you get up from your bed in Monday morning, you're totally tired. You are worse than Friday. And what up the weekend, which only makes you weekend. This is what is our weekend.
You can never have real weekend till your suppression are unloaded, till your supressions are cleared, till your being become fresh and alive, just like a child, just like a baby. Till the grace happens to your eyes to hide your suppression you don't look at each other's eyes. Just think, how many times you look at each other's eyes! We never look, because when they look, they can find out what is suppressed inside.
The reason the purpose of your look can be very easily find, they can find it, it can be found, wether you giving look with anger or wether you giving look with the sex, can directly diagnose. Women got very intuitive power, just by own sight they will catch with what mood the guy is looking, with what mood the gyes is relating. That is why I have always seems we just shoot our eyes. We don't look at others' eyes directly, just for a second or two we look and immediately remove our eyes. Because eyes can show the cerebral layer. Eyes can very clearly express the cerebral layer.
What is the way to throw out the suppression? You must throw out otherwise, you must be throwing in the house. Your boss will throw on you. You will throw on your wife. Your wife will throw on kids. Kids will throw on the staff, the workers. Workers will throw on pet animals. Pet animals come and bite you…. That will be the circle. That will be the circle…. If you don’t throw on the air, you will be throwing in the house. If you don’t throw in the space you will be throwing in the place, you will be making whole house dirty, your whole house will be smelling.
So the meditation will be the beautiful way to vomit, to catharsis, to throw out your suppression without disturbing the others, without disturbing, without creating the karma chain. If you throw it on somebody, then he will throw it again on you. The karma chain will be created. The link will be created which never ends. Which is never going to end. If you throw it in the air you will see, you are being totally get settled. You don’t create karma the chain, the link of action and reaction.
So Today we have a small meditation technique through which we can throw the things out, suppression and repressions…. Before the meditation few minutes for question answer. You can be seated.
Delegate: By watching TV, instrumentally, it me and friend…..?
Swamiji: It is perfectly alright, but only you what about other 99.999. Only you, what about the other 99.999. Of course if you really watch only Ramayan perfectly alrights. You say about Ramayan but how many things you can’t says and just skip it in your mind, look at yourself. Because it is public place you can say only about Ramayan…. You see mostly I can say 99.999% it is used only too spread the violence and the sex, directly and indirectly both.
Delegate: Swamiji, other day you said that a...meditation path of the ecstasy, then you also mention that we are on the path in ecstasy. Does the meditation part help us to realize that?
Swamiji: sure of course, meditation is just to make you realize you are in the path of ecstasy. That’s true. When the insanity is brought out, pulled out of your body, from your being, you will see that sanity is blossom. Sanity is what I call Bliss, Ecstasy. Hu…….yes.
Delegate: Swamiji, I have been listening to you whole week or two…. use your words, which we never did! Question
Swamiji: Which word? Tell Me that word!
Delegate:… Swami Vivekanand all through his carrier turn on his hand, and RamaKrishna, and including I don’t know whether Ramana Maharshi or not ……., but Swami Vivekanand all through his life exercise only one word, and that is concentration. He said learn that and everything else you can pick it up. All through your meditation techniques, which are many……….., none of the word use or the process of concentration. Can you comment on that, why the difference!
Swamiji: One thing as soon as I utter the word concentration, what happens what word comes in your mind, tell Me honestly. As soon as I utter the word concentration, immediately your mind says, no,no,no I can not do. That is not for me! Learning concentration, no, no I can not do. I think that is for somebody else, for the people who live in the forest, for the people who live in a different way.
The word concentration, as we understood by the people as complicated thing, shell I finish!... Word concentration as when understood as something which is impossible by the people, not only the word concentration, many times I never use the word Atman. I never use the word Parmatman. All those big terms I try My best to avoid. I try to use the word Bhraman. You can never hear the word Bhraman from My mouth. Actually I’m putting you all into that experience but I never use the word Bhraman. I never use the word Atman. I never use the word concentration. I never use the word Bhakti. All these words you are listening to Me so many days, you will never listen all these great words, but I’m making you all to do the things. The words got tremendous power, either it can create enthusiasm in you or depression in you. These great words again, again, again we heard but somehow our mind has created an idea it is not for me. I’m not cut out for that. Then immediately half of your energy just…. just it moves away. Half of your things just says, no, no, no, it is not for me. Because my wife has called just how I entered into this hall, I don’t know when I'll be able to leave? When I can leave this, Swami’s not leaving. When he’ll be finished I do not know.
Most of the time when we listen these words, we feel frightened. We feel just it is not for me. I’m not cut for that. So when you listen that simple words, more like a love, more like a suppression. The words which you use everyday, you feel oh! This Swami is talking with me. Always we feel, whenever we go to spiritual discourse we feel that person is talking to neighbor. I tell you when you go to medical discourse, what you do? If that professor says, if you have a small pain in a chest, it may be the symptoms for the heart trouble. If you have a knee pain continuous, it may be symptom of arthritis. What you do immediately, even though you are healthy you just touch it and check it. You just touch and feel. May not be physically but mentality you just feel.
But when it comes to question of spiritual, if a Master says, you must just need adjustment in your family, then only life can go happily. Immediately you say, you looking to your wife. What do you think, (looking at wife) understand what Swami says. Actually when it comes to the physical, you check with yourself. When it comes to spiritual, you tell with your wife. Listen, how many times I told you. It always happens. If I use the same complication terms, which are complicated. I can say the outdated. That’s why I don’t use Sanskrit at all. Actually what is happening, you know many times you can see I will be asking for the words, because inside Sanskrit words are coming, I have to translate that. I got a lot of Sanskrit words, but I can’t use.
Because very mention of the Sanskrit words makes them shrink. They are not ready to listen anymore. People feel, no, no, no, it is not for me. There is no equivalent term in English. The word Bhramcherya never can be translated as a celibacy. Celibacy is too poore. It is nothing to do with Brahmacharya. Brahmacharya is a flower. The concept of the Brahmacharya is flowering of your being. When you flowered into the ecstasy, you are Brahmachari. But the celibacy the very word gives you idea of very old monk. All his cheeks inside with the stick bone. Only bones. Can’t even walk, lean, thin, dull, dead, long face, suffering eyes. The very word celibacy has got only negative connotation, avoiding something, but the Brahmacharya is just including everything.
Brahmacharya is inclusive. Celibacy is exclusive. We can’t get an equivalent term for the Sanskrit words. On the same way, Tatva, the Darshan, there is a word darshan in the Sanskrit. Darshan never can be translated as a philosophy. Philosophy means a..networks of words, web of words. Jungle of words. Darshan means the experiences, Darshana. What is seen by the seers  is Darshana.
So word philosophy never can be equivalent for the darshana. When Vedas are translated, when the Upnishad are translated, the half of the charm is lost. The concepts are lost. That’s why we, I have no other way have to use that terms. That is why I’m not using the terms God, Parmatman, concentration all these big, big words. Because as soon as you listen the words, you think it is not for me. You are finished. That is the reason I’m not using it. I’m making you to realize Bhraman without using the word Bhraman. That’s all.
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Understand, cerebral layer makes you not to live. Cerebral layer makes you dull and takes away the capacity to live in either world. Let Me explain what happened to the masters whom he mentioned? In their life, first of all they don’t accumulate the cerebral layer at all; even if the suppressions, even if the anger, violence, if the things are suppressed, they don’t suppress. There is a technique, there is a method called witnessing.
In the meditation, there’s a thing called witnessing. When you witness, you never suppress… even if you don’t react. For a man who meditates even if he sees the same advertisement, same hoarding, even if he gets the same sexual desire, he never suppresses it. He neither suppresses nor re-expresses, he just witnesses. Then you will see the desire simply gets burnt. If you read the Hindu mythology, there’s a story called Lust, the Kama, the Cupid is burnt by the Shiva by the third eye. It’s nothing but this phenomena.
When you look at the world with the third eye, with the witnessing consciousness, when you witness, you  look through the third eye; with a witnessing consciousness, the Cupid, the Manmatha is burnt. Whenever you look at the world with the third the the Manmatha is burnt. The same way, when you look at the third eye, the violence and the anger is also burnt. That is what they called ``muppuram” - the three asuras which are burnt by Shiva.The burning of three asuras and burning of Cupid, both means: witnessing consciousness in the Shiva has reached such a peak, no suppression happens to him. Neither he will express nor he will suppress. Just his being, everything just gets burnt away. That is what happens with the enlightened masters, with a man who has mastered the meditation, who has mastered the meditation. Nothing touches him, he just burns the things; neither he suppresses nor he expresses, so no cerebral layer.
With ordinary people, with ordinary people what happens let Me explain. If the cerebral layer happens, when the cerebral layer happens to you, the strange discovery they say, the strange thing - if your cerebral layer is too thick, if you have  too much of sexual suppression, you can’t actually live with a real person. When the real life comes, you are a utter failure.In the real relationship you are utter, simple failure, your cerebral layer is too thick. That is the reason, almost around the world all the cinefield people, not in one culture, in cine field almost 80 percent, their real life is a mess, failure. Why? Too thick cerebral layer. In the real life, they don’t live with the, they don’t totally enjoy their life. In the real relationship, they end up in a very bad failure because of the cerebral layer.
The cerebral layer, even the outer world, the life in the outer world becomes impossible. If you are continuously relating with your imagination in the cerebral layer, in the real life you don’t relate with your wife, your husband, with your real person. So with the master’s case - no cerebral layer. In ordinary case - the cerebral layer disturbs not only the spiritual life, even the ordinary life. You lose the capacity to live.
Participant: Can we substitute service for meditation?
HDH: “Service? How can service be substituted as meditation? Service should flower from meditation. If the service is a substitute of meditation, whenever service happens without meditation, you will see only your ego will be projected, only your ego will be projected. Whenever service comes as the outcome, or as a flowering of meditation, you will see it’ll be a expression of compassion.
Meditation should become experience. Compassion should become expression. Otherwise what you will do? I have seen in many temples, they will, they will present one tube light, in the tube light, the whole family name will be written in black paint - Ramanathan son Krishnanathan, his grand parents, in the memory of his grand parents Laxmikanthan, given to this temple on such and such a date, in the so and so occasion, in black paint. When you switch on, the whole room you will see only the black lines. No light will come out of that light. I have seen in many temples especially in India, Sri Vishnu sannidhi, the temple of Sri Vishnu, that will be the board. Below that there will be a sign: Presented  by Sri Ramanathan - that will be bigger than the Sri Vishnu sannidhi. If you look at the board, first sight you will get only the name of Ramanathan not the Vishnu.
If you do the service directly, only your ego will be projected. If the service is outcome of meditation, if it is a expression of experience, then you will see it does miracles for you and others. If it is not, it will do disturbance for you and others, both.
I think it is time for us to enter into meditation. I’ll explain the meditation technique then you can tie the ribbons, then you can do it. Let Me explain the technique. It’s a highly powerful technique. which we do it in the two days retreat. Tomorrow we are going to do the retreat. In that we are going to practice seven meditation technique. The is the one from that.. one technique for that retreat. Let Me explain the technique, then you’ll be able to do. It's a thirty minute meditation. First ten minutes, deep chaotic breathing, as deeply as possible, as chaotically as possible. It is called Dukhaharana. A little bit of addition in Dukharaarana. Dukharaarana same technique but little addition.
So understand the technique, then you can practice. First ten minutes of chaotic breathing which can melt all the suppressions in your system, which can melt the cerebral layer. Next ten minutes throw it out. How to throw it out? Three ways: verbal catharsis and catharsis through body language - catharsis  through verbal language, catharsis through body language and tensing your body.
Let Me explain, tensing your body means you know, tense the all parts of your body as much as you can. Next just kick the body, roll your head, scream as deeply as possible. You may think Swami is making us mad. I am not making you mad, I am just pulling out the insanity from inside. I am making you sane. If you scream now, you will not scream in the house; if you don't, you will see that you will be screaming continuously in the house. So better scream now. It will be released in the air.
Screaming is the verbal catharsis. Tensing is the catharsis of the body language and tense your face as much as possible; make all sorts of faces. Think of the man who took money from you and not given it back and think of the man who gave you money and continuously asking. Think these two guys then you can make all possible faces. This is second ten minutes. It’s like a let going, opening up the pandora box, open the sealed bottle of your emotions. Never say you don’t have anything. You have enough, you have enough of stuff. If you say you don’t have anything, come and sit here. This is the seat for you. You are enlightened.
Man who has nothing inside is an enlightened man. This is the seat is for you. That is why two place have reserved it. Anybody who says ‘I don’t have anything inside’, can raise their hand, come and sit here. Now you know you have much inside. So please throw it out. Allow the body to move as it wants. If you have suppressed anger you will see that you shout, if you have suppressed sex, you will see in a different way body moves. Let it move as it is, as it wants.
Allow the movements of body as it moves for ten minutes. The next ten minutes, sit silently and meditate, meditate on the muladhara - where your spinal cord ends, at the root of the spinal cord, that is the center of energy. That is the center of energy, that is where the cerebral layer is stored. If you can concentrate, if you can meditate there it will be burnt. So all of you understand the technique?
Three step: chaotic breathing [Swamiji demonstrates]  Let Me show you. You need to stand up and do. Bend your knees little bit so that your whole body receives the oxygen,  the prana.
Participant: Could you breath through the mouth or just through the nose?
HDH: No, only through the mouth, only through the mouth. Of course, better do it through the mouth. That's enough. Hmm only through the mouth. Yes, as deeply as possible, as fast-ly as possible, as chaotically as possible. This is first ten minutes. Next ten minutes,  tense and scream as deeply as possible. Speak the language which you don’t know and shout at everybody whatever way you want but no language, so that the neighbor don’t understand. When you tense your body simultaneously scream as deeply as possible; you will see emotions are just vomited out. The third ten minutes, sit silently and meditate on the root center - muladhara.
Stand up and close your eyes
Participant: Can you explain where is the muladhara? Can you show?
HDH: Root of the spine, where spinal cord ends.
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Latest revision as of 16:08, 25 March 2022

Video - Decide to Stop Supressing Your Emotions || Part 1 || Initiation into Powerful Cognitions



||Nithyanandam Parama Sukhdam kevalam jnana murtim dvanvatitam gagan sadrasham tattva masya di lakshyam ekam nithyam vimalam achalam sarvadhi sakshi bhutam bhavatitam triguna rahitam sadgurum tam namami||


Meditation: Unloading of the suppressions.


First we should understand what is suppression. Then we can understand how to unload, how meditation can unload it. Suppression is the greatest suffering which has happened to the humanity. Humanity has suffered many diseases. From the time immemorial, from the small fever, headache to the so many kinds of diseases, so many kinds of problems, so many kinds of challenges has been faced by humanity. But a worst problem, the worst thing humanity can have is suppression. Basically man, whether we accept or not, we are nothing but educated chimpanzees. We are nothing more than educated chimpanzees. Physically almost we are animals. Only mentally we are someway different from the animals.


In one of his books, a western philosopher, he writes ‘we are nothing more than dressed buffaloes.’ That’s true. We are nothing more than a educated chimpanzees. Physically how animals live, we do live in the same way. The same way they eat, reproduce, die. Our life also physically same. Only mentally we have evolved. No, I can’t even say we have evolved. We had some change whether it is evolution or we have gone down, we do not know because no buffalo takes depression medicines. No chimpanzee gets the schizophrenic problems. No animal has got any need for undergoing psychotherapy. Human beings are the only people who need psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, so many healing system to heal the mind, to heal their being.


Understand how system of animals work. They don’t have the layer called suppression, because whether it is their sex or their anger or voilence, they just express it. If a monkey gets angry, what will it do? Jump on the other monkey. If he feels violent, immediately he has got all the ways and methods to express his violence. He will jump here, there. He will express till he feels he has calmed down. He is not going to sit. He is not going to behave polite. His being continuously expresses itself through the body. When he feels sexual, immediately he goes and expresses. He has no religion. He has no moral codes to conduct himself how to do or when to avoid, what is the way to behave, no! But human beings are the only animals on this planet earth who has gone away from the nature, who don’t have the strong, alive connection with their origin, with their roots, with their nature.


A small story. Once a man aged forty years, he hates his wife and the wife’s cat. He somehow wants to get rid of the both. Anyhow, he can’t do anything about the wife. At least he wants to drive the cat out. He took the cat early morning in the car, went for ten miles drive, left it in the free way, came back to the house. As soon as he entered the house, he saw the cat is standing in the house. Cat is back! Cats has got a special capacity. By smell, they will come back. They will find the root. Next day, he took the cat, drove down to more than twenty miles, left the cat there and came back. He saw, in half an hour, a sound in his door. He went and opened the door, saw the cat is standing! Third day, he went right, left, this way, that way, almost reached a forest. Then he thought, ‘Yes, now there is no more possibility because I myself new to this place. Surely the cat will not know the way. There is no possibility.’ So he left the cat there and came back. On the way back, he got a doubt, gave a ring to wife and asked her, “Dear, is the cat in the house?” She said, “Yes, it is there right here in front of me. It has already reached.” Man said, “Please find out the way from the cat. I have forgotten the way!”


Human being is the only animal who has missed the nature, who has forgotten the way, who has forgotten his home. No other animal has went away from the nature, forgotten the being. No animal suffers due to obesity. Human beings are the only animal who suffer due to obesity, stomach troubles, why? Suppression is the new layer. Suppression is the reason for the whole thing. We don’t live as we feel. Why we suppress? We can give two-three reasons. Let Me give you the major reasons why we suppress.


First thing, you cannot express your anger whenever you feel like. When your boss shouts at you, when you are ill-treated, misbehaved for no reason or no fault of your own, you get terribly irritated, anger, violent. You feel like just punching your boss on the nose but you can’t! If you do, not only you will lose your job, you will be in the...behind the bars, you can’t. There are so many social regulation, social systems. You need to act according to that. You need to express yourself according to those things. So many ways, so many methods to express you. And I have seen many people. They wear smile when they are irritated, when they are violent. To hide anger, they wear a big smile. Many times people have forgotten, people forget why should they smile or why they shouldn’t smile.


Most of the time when you are angry, just to hide the anger, just to suppress the violent feelings, just not to show the anger in your eyes, you wear a big smile to show you are happy especially in front of the boss, in front of the higher authorities. If you express your anger in the office, you will lose your job; if you express it in the house, you will lose your food. Same way, in the house also you cannot express. There are so many restrictions, so many ways where you cannot be as you are. Continuously due to some reason or other, you suppress your emotions.


Same way, the sex. You cannot express whenever you want. You cannot have your freedom wherever you want. Society has got thousand-and-one restrictions. Your body never understands you are a man, you are cultured, you are in society. Your body goes on reacting as it is, as it wants. Whenever you get a chance, any movie, any thought, any hoarding, your body is ready, physically you are ready. Your body is aggravated. Your body wants it but the society has got its own ways, its own rules, its own regulations. You can’t express. Then what will happen to all the suppressions?


There is a beautiful research done on this by...when anger happens to you, a type of acid, chemical is released in your system. When you suppress that anger, when you suppress that violence, the acid is also suppressed. If you express your anger that leaves your body, you are free of it. If you suppress it inside your system, it becomes like your whole body is in the acid tub-continuous suppressed acid, continuous suppressed chemicals. Finally it becomes like a your whole body is in the acid tub. What happens to all the suppressions? What happens to all those suppressed desires?


Suppressed anger, suppressed sex, suppressed voilence-they create a new layer called cerebral layer inside your body, inside your being. I can say, instead of body, inside your being. The layer is called cerebral layer. Cerebral layer is the reason for all modern day psychiatric troubles. All psychosomatic disease originates from the cerebral layer. Cerebral layer is the layer from which almost all the troubles, all the phobias, all the over doings. Cerebral layer is the reason for all the murders, for all the rapes, for all the violence activities. Long time suppression makes your whole being as a perverted. I can say, I can vouch even the HIV for the cerebral layer. I can say, even the HIV is the reason of...the HIV is because of cerebral layer.


Whenever your desires are suppressed, your anger is suppressed, not only the desire, not only the sex and the anger, even your sorrow, your sadness, everyone in our being, in everyone of our being, the tremendous amount of sorrow and suffering is there suppressed. Many times we want to cry but society never allows you to express it. You cannot cry. If you cry in the public, if you cry in some place, everybody comes near you and in the name of consoling, they make the whole thing much worse. They don’t let you cry.


Video - Decide to Stop Suppressing Your Emotions || Part 2 || Initiation into Powerful Cognitions || 06 Feb



All the things which is continuously suppressed creates a cerebral layer. The cerebral layer becomes a master of your mind, master of your being. You look at the whole world only through the cerebral layer. Cerebral layer means the...whatever maybe happening in the world, but you look through only this layer: the suppressed anger and the suppressed violence and the suppressed sex. Only these three layer you look at the world. So world is understood, world is seen only these three layers by your mind. Only these three layers are the judgemental authorities who present what is happening in the world to you. Whatever you may see but you see only these three layers, the cerebral layers. That is why you always feel people are trying to cheat you. Anybody who tries to do even a small thing, immediately you feel he is going to become violent on you, he is going to cheat you.


Women always feel they are going to be sexually exploited. They have a tremendous instinct fear because they look at the world through the layer. Man always feels the fear of anger. Man feels the fear of anger and violence; woman feels the fear of sex. Continuously you feel you are going to be exploited, you are going to be cheated, you are going to be disturbed. Because of that, you feel, you feel you need to secure yourself, you need to safeguard yourself. To defend yourself, you create such a mechanisms, naturally you offend.


All the armies of all the countries is called only as a defensive. Then actually who is offending? Every country calls their army as a defensive army. Everybody says they are only defending. Then actually who is offending? In the way, in the mechanism, when you create a big mechanism to defend you, you naturally offend others. You enter into the others’ boundaries, others’ territories. Then the feeling of insecurity only makes you disturb others. Feeling of insecurity is the root, is the seed for violence.


Your suppressed anger, suppressed violence, suppressed sex naturally makes you disturb others, naturally makes you enter into others’ territory. And not only that, for a long time, when you suppress sexual emotions, what will happen? Naturally at one step, at one part, you will be just bombarding, you will be just exploding on others, you will just explode on others. It becomes a two layer: the cerebral layer and the conscious mind. When the depth or thickness of the cerebral layer becomes more than the conscious mind, you are just thrown out. Your being, your cerebral layer is not ready to listen to your mind. As long as the mind, the depth of the consciousness is more than a cerebral layer, things go well. You can behave just like a human being but when the suppression, when the cerebral layer becomes more thick, more solid, whether you want it or not, whether you understand it or not, you will see that you are beyond your control. All types of perversion expresses through you.


If you work with the criminals, if you go near and spend some time with the criminals, then you will understand how much they are human. If you live around them, then you will understand they are much simple, innocent beings than us. They are actually very simple, innocent beings. It is not even in their control. The crimes committed or the misconduct in the sex, nothing is in their control.


Vivekananda says in one place, ‘We should look at a man or man’s behaviour with sympathy than with violence. You need to look at him with more sympathy.’ If you look little deep into the human beings, at least from My experience I can say, the criminals are much more human, much more natural, much more simple, much more innocent. The problem is, they were not able to use their mask strongly. A man who holds his mask strongly behaves exactly as the world wants. The man who is not able to hold his mask, who is not able to hold his mask, whose suppression goes beyond the thickness of the mask he expresses, what is the way to unload the suppression? What is the way to understand and go beyond it? We all know that suppression makes your life hell. Not only when you express it, even when you live with it, suppression makes your life totally imbalanced.


With the suppressed mind, you are almost sitting on a volcano. Anytime it can explode. Anytime you can be thrown out. Anytime any type of misbehaviour can happen to you or you can do it to others. You are almost sitting on a volcano, you are not sitting on a chair. You are sitting on a volcano with suppressions. What will happen at which moment, nobody knows! Anytime you may act violently or anytime you may express yourself sexually, anytime you may express your sorrow, anytime you can be in tears because so many things are inside, so much is accumulated. All your suppression when it will express, when it will act you do not know, when it will work you do not know. Almost everyone is sitting on the volcano. When, what will express nothing is known. Thighs are totally uncertain because of this cerebral layer. Things are not in your control because of this cerebral layer. You look at the world in a different way. You react with the world in a different way.


In early times, the material supplied to the cerebral layer was not much, was not much. That is the reason people come and ask Me actually, “Swamiji, if you read the meditation books or the meditation instructions given in the time of Patanjali, the instructions are very simple. They say sit quietly, chant ‘Om’, your mind will become enlightened.” There are many techniques written in the time of Patanjali. They say sit quietly, chant ‘Om’, you will become enlightened. People come and ask Me, “Swamiji, but when we do the same thing now, we are not able to silent our mind. It is more violent. Actually more thoughts are coming. If we just sit and chant ‘Om’, we could see all the movies inside the mind. More thoughts are coming. we are more violent. Why? Why the words of Patanjali is not working?” I tell them, “At those time, the mind of the human beings was simple. The cerebral layer was not existing.They do not know what is cerebral layer. In those time, those techniques have really worked. People did become enlightened just by chanting ‘Om’. People did have the bliss just by chanting simple mantras. It was possible at that time because their mind was very simple. They didn’t have cerebral layer. They didn’t have suppression but today, it is not like that.”


You know that if you use the powerful pesticides, the next generation insects, they start learn... they learn how to live with the pesticides. Now if you give one dose of pesticide, next generation of insects, they start living with one dose of pesticides. The one dose itself becomes food for them. So next time when you use pesticides, you need to use the two dose, no other way! Only then the insects will be killed. Just like that, your mind, in those time, one dose of pesticide is enough to kill your mind. Today it is not possible. Your mind has become too thick, too complicated with the cerebral layer especially the suppressions.


When the TV has entered the world, when the TV was introduced, somebody asked Me, “Swamiji, when that Kali Age born? What is the date of Kali Age?” I tell them, “The day in which TV has entered the world is the day in which Kali is born.” They say, the poll survey say average at least three hours a American sees TV, at least three hours per day, am I right? Of course, I do not know the survey, pole survey says three hours, average three hours minimum three hours per day American sees TV. When your eyes are continuously bombarded with colourful lights, whatever is shown to you, it directly goes inside. You feel even you are a matured man, even if you are a man with consciousness, only first one or two minutes you feel what is shown is only a drama. After two-three minutes, you feel as if the whole thing is real, whole thing is just real.


I had been to that Universal studio in LA. What technology they are using! I felt the whole thing is just real! Nothing, nothing is missing including that fire shows. Everything is done technologically perfectly. Only for one or two minutes, you feel things are drama. Then immediately your consciousness is put aside. Directly the TV starts relating with your unconsciousness. Directly TV starts putting the datas into your unconsciousness. Then after two-three minutes, you lose the power of judging. Actually that is what happens. Your logic is just pushed aside. Your eyes can bare only the seven frames per second but TV at least 12-16 frames per second. It is changing. When the 12-16 frames per second is changing, your logic, your thinking capacity is just pushed aside. Directly the TV relates with your unconsciousness.


That is why, any advertisement shown in the TV directly goes to your heart-any advertisement. Advertisement holds such a ...advertisement does such a impact on your being. You see the advertisement of Lux soap. Without your knowledge, when you go to the mall, you ask only for Lux and especially any advertisement done with the underline of sex appeal, directly reaches you. The advertisement agencies, they know the secret. That is why almost 80% of the products are launched only with the sex appeal. The underline of sex appeal will be there. Either the female models or the sex appeal so that it can directly touch you, it can directly reach you. You are just continuously bombarded, exploited without even your knowledge, without even your protecting mechanism which is called logic. Logic is the mechanism with which you protect yourself. When you see the TV, logic is just pushed aside, logic is just pushed aside and directly they start relating with you.


That is why the cricket holds such a big importance for the foolish Indians. The fools and they think this is the...what to say? Patriotism! I heard one young...I am just totally anti-cricket. Whenever the information about the cricket match is brought to Me, I tell them, “No, they will lose.” Somebody came and asked Me, “Swamiji, why are you telling just like that everyday? Every time You tell the India loses the match. Why are You against cricket? It is a patriotism, it is a patriotism. Our country should be represented.” I told, “Fools! Are these eleven fellows are the representatives of India? How can these eleven fellows who doesn’t know anything about the culture, about the background of the country can be the representatives of India? The prestige of India, the prestige of the country is invested on the just eleven persons? It can never be! If India has to be represented, it can be represented only by the Enlightened Masters. The eleven Enlightened Masters can represent India, perfectly alright, never by the eleven ordinary people. How can eleven ordinary people represent the India’s prestige?” But we always feel cricket is a patriotism. No, just your unconscious, your logic is ruled by the advertisement agencies. Your logic is just pushed aside. They directly rule your unconsciousness.


I tell you, somebody came and asked Me, “Swamiji, why should I surrender to my God? How will he guide me? Why should I surrender? What is the need for surrendering?” I told him, “There is no need. Who told you to surrender? If you surrender it to God, perfectly alright. Otherwise you will be surrendering yourself to the TV. That is what you are doing. Directly or indirectly your whole life is just guided by the movies and the TV; because you lose your logic, your thinking capacity when you sit in front that great box which makes you idiot. Your logic is just pushed aside. Directly they relate and give the instruction to your unconsciousness. You should understand what is hypnotism. Hypnotism means putting your logic mind aside and directly relating with your unconsciousness is what is hypnotism. When it is done with proper technique, your eyes closed, it is hypnotism; when it is done with your eyes open, it is TV. TV does it when your eyes are open without even your knowledge. Unconsciously you are just guided, ruled, instructed without even your knowledge by the medias, by the TV. This is the main reason, cause for your suppression.


Video - Clear Your Suppressions and Be Free From Karma || Initiation into Powerful Cognitions || 06 Feb 2004



Now let us see. We all know the social, this is the social way we live either you can bust your anger to your boss nor you can express your sex when you wants. What is the way to remove the cerebral layer? What is the way you throw out your cerebral layer? What is the way to live real life? You should understand one more thing, the kirlian photography, there is a new discovery called kirlian photography. Now they use it, use the system even as a diagnostic method. You are, just like a x-ray your light body, your aura body is photographs. Each one of you got light body, just above your body, six inch to 12 inch thickness, there would be a light. By photographing your light body, before six month your cancer or T.B.or any other fatal diseases can be diagnosed. It has been proved. Now kirlian photography is being used as a diagnostic method.


They found many interesting things through kirlian photography, the chakras can be photographed. The energy center which I seat can be photographed. They photographed already chakras and proved the existence of energy centers from ages 5000 years eastern mystic are continuous talking about these energy centers. First time west has proved it, the existence of chakras, the energy centers. And not only that the man got a lot of suppression, if aura body gets very thin and dull. Man who doesn't have suppression, his aura body is thick and alive. That’s why children you can see so graceful they just jump around. The nature of children is to be in bliss. You can see a grace with them.


Around the world take the photographs of kids in all the culture, not only American, Indian, even the Uthopia which suffers the poverty, even in their culture, if you see the photographs of kids, can you find single kid who is ugly? Each kid got his own grace, beauty, not beauty, grace. Because the grace is much more than beauty. Beauty comes by make-up. Grace comes by being. Have you seen a single kid who is ugly? Have you seen a grown up man beautiful? Around the world, single kid? No. They got their own grace.


Once they grow up grace is lost. What happens actually! It’s nothing but this cerebral layer, the suppression. Suppression is the layer which makes your whole being dull and dead. What is the way, suppress...throw out the suppression. Meditation is the beautiful way, the master key to throw the suppressions out, to throw the repression out. In our meditation camp tomorrow and day after tomorrow we have meditation camp. In our meditation camp, there are kathetic techniques, many meditation techniques throughout the suppression or the dirt which you collected inside your system.


People come and ask Me Swamiji, “Why should I throw out in the meditation. In the name of meditation why are you asking us to throw all the suppressions, all the depressions?” I tell them if you don’t throw your anger in the meditation, you will be throwing out in the house. If you don’t throw here, you will be throwing in the house. People tell Me, “Why should I throw let them be there!” If it allow to be there, its just like a cancer, just like a cancer it will destroy whole joy of your being. Whole beauty of your being. The suppression and the perversion make you heavy continuously. You don’t have a freedom, wherever you go, whatever you do, you will never have a holiday.


A man with suppression can never have a weekend. Can never have a holiday. Because it will be there inside. You may go to Miami beach or Hawaii beach, but your mind will be totally suppressed, your being will be totally dull. How can you have a weekend? Unless your being is ready. Unless your being enjoys, you may change the place of where you stay but you never have a weekend. A real weekend comes only when you throw out all the suppressions. When you really understood the aliveness or vibrance of your being. As long as you carry a volcano inside you, you can never have weekend, you can never have holiday.


Of course, we have forgotten the very idea of the weekend. What we do in weekend, go to the park, bark, club or the pub, dance, drink and dance. The early morning still the hangover is there and tiredness. You think you enjoyed the whole two days. Again you get up from your bed in Monday morning, you're totally tired. You are worse than Friday. And what up the weekend, which only makes you weekend. This is what is our weekend.


You can never have real weekend till your suppression are unloaded, till your supressions are cleared, till your being become fresh and alive, just like a child, just like a baby. Till the grace happens to your eyes to hide your suppression you don't look at each other's eyes. Just think, how many times you look at each other's eyes! We never look, because when they look, they can find out what is suppressed inside.


The reason the purpose of your look can be very easily find, they can find it, it can be found, wether you giving look with anger or wether you giving look with the sex, can directly diagnose. Women got very intuitive power, just by own sight they will catch with what mood the guy is looking, with what mood the gyes is relating. That is why I have always seems we just shoot our eyes. We don't look at others' eyes directly, just for a second or two we look and immediately remove our eyes. Because eyes can show the cerebral layer. Eyes can very clearly express the cerebral layer.


What is the way to throw out the suppression? You must throw out otherwise, you must be throwing in the house. Your boss will throw on you. You will throw on your wife. Your wife will throw on kids. Kids will throw on the staff, the workers. Workers will throw on pet animals. Pet animals come and bite you…. That will be the circle. That will be the circle…. If you don’t throw on the air, you will be throwing in the house. If you don’t throw in the space you will be throwing in the place, you will be making whole house dirty, your whole house will be smelling. So the meditation will be the beautiful way to vomit, to catharsis, to throw out your suppression without disturbing the others, without disturbing, without creating the karma chain. If you throw it on somebody, then he will throw it again on you. The karma chain will be created. The link will be created which never ends. Which is never going to end. If you throw it in the air you will see, you are being totally get settled. You don’t create karma the chain, the link of action and reaction.


So Today we have a small meditation technique through which we can throw the things out, suppression and repressions…. Before the meditation few minutes for question answer. You can be seated. Delegate: By watching TV, instrumentally, it me and friend…..? Swamiji: It is perfectly alright, but only you what about other 99.999. Only you, what about the other 99.999. Of course if you really watch only Ramayan perfectly alrights. You say about Ramayan but how many things you can’t says and just skip it in your mind, look at yourself. Because it is public place you can say only about Ramayan…. You see mostly I can say 99.999% it is used only too spread the violence and the sex, directly and indirectly both. Delegate: Swamiji, other day you said that a...meditation path of the ecstasy, then you also mention that we are on the path in ecstasy. Does the meditation part help us to realize that? Swamiji: sure of course, meditation is just to make you realize you are in the path of ecstasy. That’s true. When the insanity is brought out, pulled out of your body, from your being, you will see that sanity is blossom. Sanity is what I call Bliss, Ecstasy. Hu…….yes. Delegate: Swamiji, I have been listening to you whole week or two…. use your words, which we never did! Question Swamiji: Which word? Tell Me that word! Delegate:… Swami Vivekanand all through his carrier turn on his hand, and RamaKrishna, and including I don’t know whether Ramana Maharshi or not ……., but Swami Vivekanand all through his life exercise only one word, and that is concentration. He said learn that and everything else you can pick it up. All through your meditation techniques, which are many……….., none of the word use or the process of concentration. Can you comment on that, why the difference! Swamiji: One thing as soon as I utter the word concentration, what happens what word comes in your mind, tell Me honestly. As soon as I utter the word concentration, immediately your mind says, no,no,no I can not do. That is not for me! Learning concentration, no, no I can not do. I think that is for somebody else, for the people who live in the forest, for the people who live in a different way.


The word concentration, as we understood by the people as complicated thing, shell I finish!... Word concentration as when understood as something which is impossible by the people, not only the word concentration, many times I never use the word Atman. I never use the word Parmatman. All those big terms I try My best to avoid. I try to use the word Bhraman. You can never hear the word Bhraman from My mouth. Actually I’m putting you all into that experience but I never use the word Bhraman. I never use the word Atman. I never use the word concentration. I never use the word Bhakti. All these words you are listening to Me so many days, you will never listen all these great words, but I’m making you all to do the things. The words got tremendous power, either it can create enthusiasm in you or depression in you. These great words again, again, again we heard but somehow our mind has created an idea it is not for me. I’m not cut out for that. Then immediately half of your energy just…. just it moves away. Half of your things just says, no, no, no, it is not for me. Because my wife has called just how I entered into this hall, I don’t know when I'll be able to leave? When I can leave this, Swami’s not leaving. When he’ll be finished I do not know.


Most of the time when we listen these words, we feel frightened. We feel just it is not for me. I’m not cut for that. So when you listen that simple words, more like a love, more like a suppression. The words which you use everyday, you feel oh! This Swami is talking with me. Always we feel, whenever we go to spiritual discourse we feel that person is talking to neighbor. I tell you when you go to medical discourse, what you do? If that professor says, if you have a small pain in a chest, it may be the symptoms for the heart trouble. If you have a knee pain continuous, it may be symptom of arthritis. What you do immediately, even though you are healthy you just touch it and check it. You just touch and feel. May not be physically but mentality you just feel.


But when it comes to question of spiritual, if a Master says, you must just need adjustment in your family, then only life can go happily. Immediately you say, you looking to your wife. What do you think, (looking at wife) understand what Swami says. Actually when it comes to the physical, you check with yourself. When it comes to spiritual, you tell with your wife. Listen, how many times I told you. It always happens. If I use the same complication terms, which are complicated. I can say the outdated. That’s why I don’t use Sanskrit at all. Actually what is happening, you know many times you can see I will be asking for the words, because inside Sanskrit words are coming, I have to translate that. I got a lot of Sanskrit words, but I can’t use. Because very mention of the Sanskrit words makes them shrink. They are not ready to listen anymore. People feel, no, no, no, it is not for me. There is no equivalent term in English. The word Bhramcherya never can be translated as a celibacy. Celibacy is too poore. It is nothing to do with Brahmacharya. Brahmacharya is a flower. The concept of the Brahmacharya is flowering of your being. When you flowered into the ecstasy, you are Brahmachari. But the celibacy the very word gives you idea of very old monk. All his cheeks inside with the stick bone. Only bones. Can’t even walk, lean, thin, dull, dead, long face, suffering eyes. The very word celibacy has got only negative connotation, avoiding something, but the Brahmacharya is just including everything.


Brahmacharya is inclusive. Celibacy is exclusive. We can’t get an equivalent term for the Sanskrit words. On the same way, Tatva, the Darshan, there is a word darshan in the Sanskrit. Darshan never can be translated as a philosophy. Philosophy means a..networks of words, web of words. Jungle of words. Darshan means the experiences, Darshana. What is seen by the seers is Darshana.


So word philosophy never can be equivalent for the darshana. When Vedas are translated, when the Upnishad are translated, the half of the charm is lost. The concepts are lost. That’s why we, I have no other way have to use that terms. That is why I’m not using the terms God, Parmatman, concentration all these big, big words. Because as soon as you listen the words, you think it is not for me. You are finished. That is the reason I’m not using it. I’m making you to realize Bhraman without using the word Bhraman. That’s all.


Video - Melt the Cerebral Layer Through Meditation || Initiation into Powerful Cognitions || 06 Feb 2004



Understand, cerebral layer makes you not to live. Cerebral layer makes you dull and takes away the capacity to live in either world. Let Me explain what happened to the masters whom he mentioned? In their life, first of all they don’t accumulate the cerebral layer at all; even if the suppressions, even if the anger, violence, if the things are suppressed, they don’t suppress. There is a technique, there is a method called witnessing.


In the meditation, there’s a thing called witnessing. When you witness, you never suppress… even if you don’t react. For a man who meditates even if he sees the same advertisement, same hoarding, even if he gets the same sexual desire, he never suppresses it. He neither suppresses nor re-expresses, he just witnesses. Then you will see the desire simply gets burnt. If you read the Hindu mythology, there’s a story called Lust, the Kama, the Cupid is burnt by the Shiva by the third eye. It’s nothing but this phenomena.


When you look at the world with the third eye, with the witnessing consciousness, when you witness, you look through the third eye; with a witnessing consciousness, the Cupid, the Manmatha is burnt. Whenever you look at the world with the third the the Manmatha is burnt. The same way, when you look at the third eye, the violence and the anger is also burnt. That is what they called ``muppuram” - the three asuras which are burnt by Shiva.The burning of three asuras and burning of Cupid, both means: witnessing consciousness in the Shiva has reached such a peak, no suppression happens to him. Neither he will express nor he will suppress. Just his being, everything just gets burnt away. That is what happens with the enlightened masters, with a man who has mastered the meditation, who has mastered the meditation. Nothing touches him, he just burns the things; neither he suppresses nor he expresses, so no cerebral layer.


With ordinary people, with ordinary people what happens let Me explain. If the cerebral layer happens, when the cerebral layer happens to you, the strange discovery they say, the strange thing - if your cerebral layer is too thick, if you have too much of sexual suppression, you can’t actually live with a real person. When the real life comes, you are a utter failure.In the real relationship you are utter, simple failure, your cerebral layer is too thick. That is the reason, almost around the world all the cinefield people, not in one culture, in cine field almost 80 percent, their real life is a mess, failure. Why? Too thick cerebral layer. In the real life, they don’t live with the, they don’t totally enjoy their life. In the real relationship, they end up in a very bad failure because of the cerebral layer.


The cerebral layer, even the outer world, the life in the outer world becomes impossible. If you are continuously relating with your imagination in the cerebral layer, in the real life you don’t relate with your wife, your husband, with your real person. So with the master’s case - no cerebral layer. In ordinary case - the cerebral layer disturbs not only the spiritual life, even the ordinary life. You lose the capacity to live.


Participant: Can we substitute service for meditation? HDH: “Service? How can service be substituted as meditation? Service should flower from meditation. If the service is a substitute of meditation, whenever service happens without meditation, you will see only your ego will be projected, only your ego will be projected. Whenever service comes as the outcome, or as a flowering of meditation, you will see it’ll be a expression of compassion.


Meditation should become experience. Compassion should become expression. Otherwise what you will do? I have seen in many temples, they will, they will present one tube light, in the tube light, the whole family name will be written in black paint - Ramanathan son Krishnanathan, his grand parents, in the memory of his grand parents Laxmikanthan, given to this temple on such and such a date, in the so and so occasion, in black paint. When you switch on, the whole room you will see only the black lines. No light will come out of that light. I have seen in many temples especially in India, Sri Vishnu sannidhi, the temple of Sri Vishnu, that will be the board. Below that there will be a sign: Presented by Sri Ramanathan - that will be bigger than the Sri Vishnu sannidhi. If you look at the board, first sight you will get only the name of Ramanathan not the Vishnu.


If you do the service directly, only your ego will be projected. If the service is outcome of meditation, if it is a expression of experience, then you will see it does miracles for you and others. If it is not, it will do disturbance for you and others, both.


I think it is time for us to enter into meditation. I’ll explain the meditation technique then you can tie the ribbons, then you can do it. Let Me explain the technique. It’s a highly powerful technique. which we do it in the two days retreat. Tomorrow we are going to do the retreat. In that we are going to practice seven meditation technique. The is the one from that.. one technique for that retreat. Let Me explain the technique, then you’ll be able to do. It's a thirty minute meditation. First ten minutes, deep chaotic breathing, as deeply as possible, as chaotically as possible. It is called Dukhaharana. A little bit of addition in Dukharaarana. Dukharaarana same technique but little addition. So understand the technique, then you can practice. First ten minutes of chaotic breathing which can melt all the suppressions in your system, which can melt the cerebral layer. Next ten minutes throw it out. How to throw it out? Three ways: verbal catharsis and catharsis through body language - catharsis through verbal language, catharsis through body language and tensing your body. [00:08:39] Let Me explain, tensing your body means you know, tense the all parts of your body as much as you can. Next just kick the body, roll your head, scream as deeply as possible. You may think Swami is making us mad. I am not making you mad, I am just pulling out the insanity from inside. I am making you sane. If you scream now, you will not scream in the house; if you don't, you will see that you will be screaming continuously in the house. So better scream now. It will be released in the air. Screaming is the verbal catharsis. Tensing is the catharsis of the body language and tense your face as much as possible; make all sorts of faces. Think of the man who took money from you and not given it back and think of the man who gave you money and continuously asking. Think these two guys then you can make all possible faces. This is second ten minutes. It’s like a let going, opening up the pandora box, open the sealed bottle of your emotions. Never say you don’t have anything. You have enough, you have enough of stuff. If you say you don’t have anything, come and sit here. This is the seat for you. You are enlightened.


Man who has nothing inside is an enlightened man. This is the seat is for you. That is why two place have reserved it. Anybody who says ‘I don’t have anything inside’, can raise their hand, come and sit here. Now you know you have much inside. So please throw it out. Allow the body to move as it wants. If you have suppressed anger you will see that you shout, if you have suppressed sex, you will see in a different way body moves. Let it move as it is, as it wants.


Allow the movements of body as it moves for ten minutes. The next ten minutes, sit silently and meditate, meditate on the muladhara - where your spinal cord ends, at the root of the spinal cord, that is the center of energy. That is the center of energy, that is where the cerebral layer is stored. If you can concentrate, if you can meditate there it will be burnt. So all of you understand the technique? Three step: chaotic breathing [Swamiji demonstrates] Let Me show you. You need to stand up and do. Bend your knees little bit so that your whole body receives the oxygen, the prana.


Participant: Could you breath through the mouth or just through the nose? HDH: No, only through the mouth, only through the mouth. Of course, better do it through the mouth. That's enough. Hmm only through the mouth. Yes, as deeply as possible, as fast-ly as possible, as chaotically as possible. This is first ten minutes. Next ten minutes, tense and scream as deeply as possible. Speak the language which you don’t know and shout at everybody whatever way you want but no language, so that the neighbor don’t understand. When you tense your body simultaneously scream as deeply as possible; you will see emotions are just vomited out. The third ten minutes, sit silently and meditate on the root center - muladhara. Stand up and close your eyes Participant: Can you explain where is the muladhara? Can you show? HDH: Root of the spine, where spinal cord ends.
