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Thursday, February 03, 2011
Prayer. Welcome. Today’s subject is
Q & A
Q: For yogis who are doing 108 surya namaskars every day, is it ok to follow it up immd with eNkriya. If there is no time, what to do?
Do both if you have. If no time, do eNkriya that is enough.
Q: every day when I sit for meditation and your discourse, I feel bliss through the day & night. But when I go to school I feel bored. What to do? Should I take an off for few months from school?
Please go to school properly. Taking 3 month off you can do during vacation. Now do school properly now.
Q: Atlanta center is making a home Garbha mandir & building a temple. They are asking for blessings
My blessings!
Q: new center is opening in Malaysia today…
Today’s subject Is samyama – a very powerful word. Unfortunately misrepresented and abused by orthodoxical brahmincal translations. The word needs a clear definition.  Samyama – technology through which the extraordinary experiences and powers which are in your consciousness is expressed through the body & mind to the world is samyama. Your consciousness is all powerful, all knowing, all pervading. But preparing your body & mind to radiate and express some of those great experiences and expressions, some of those great all pervading, all knowing experiences and expressing those powers through your body & mind that technology is what I call samyamaha! Samyama is the applied science of pure yoga science. See in science there is 2 part – one – pure science like theory of gravity, relativity. Then there is applied science means using those theories in practical life. So till now whatever you learnt – dhaarna, dhyana, Samadhi all this is pure science. Samyama is applied science. Applied science bring value to pure science. Fools who are stuck with pure science and don’t want applied science are only called intellectual pervert idiots. Understand, person who knows only pure science means the theories, who never learnt the applied science will always be beggar in consciousness. Applied science is the core of Hinduism. From time immemorial Krishna materialized all kinds of precious stones to a fruit seller. Krishna healed Ubja for her back bone problem. So don’t go to Krishna? Krishna not only teleported & healed, he just accepted some puffed rice from his poor friend and wealth was showering. Then don’t go to Krishna? Materializing, teleporting, healing & giving boons is vedic tradition. It is applied science! Levitation is the age old vedic tradition. This applied science. Levitation is from vedic tradition – Maharshi Mahesh Yogi. Pure science can be kept alive only if applied science is used in the world. why do you bother about theory of gravity or relativity learnt if you cannot use it in your day to day life? Applied science is the direct utility of pure science. All the juicy parts of our religion is this applied science. Samyama is the technology, the science where all these great extraordinary powers from your consciousness is experienced and expressed to the world through your body & mind! Samyama is the essence of Hindu tradition, it is the core of Hindu tradition. Vivekananda say for 12 years if you have practiced strict Brahmacharya and Yoga, your medha naadi will be opened. I am telling all my devotees, brahmacharis and sanyasis experience & express all extraordinary powers and inspire more people for the pure science! Ramakrishna says Siddhis are filthy – true – I am not saying No. but he himself expressed 1000s of siddhis, he healed 1000s of people. Hundreds of references are there where he materialized, healed, gave boons. He made two colors of flowers to come from same branch.  Hindu yogis are always recognized, respected and revered for the extraordinary samyama powers they expressed.
Let us enter into the sutra - 110TH sutra in PYS, 3rd chapter, 4th verse -
Trayam ekatra samyamaha!
Vivekananda: when this 3 practice in regard to one object it is samyama
Prabhavananda: when this 3 concentration, meditation & absorption are brought to ..upon one object it is called samyama
Osho: the 3 taken together – dharana, dhyana & Samadhi constitutes samyama
I will translate samyama as technology through which concentration, contemplation & experiencing the pure exp where the concentrate…
The technology through which you experience extraordinary powers and express it is called samyama. Blessings!
As on now 544 places, 185 cities, 25 countries are sitting with us live. It’s almost like all the seekers all over the world are settling down everyday morning. And I am seeing the map. In all continents except the Iceland, Greenland where there are no human beings everywhere... God!
My blessings through this I am inaugurating the Malaysia satsang center. I will be there alive and the divine presence will be there with you all. It will do good to all of you and to the whole Malaysia. My blessings; we will start the satsang. It is so funny to see arathi is done in one country and bell is rung in the other country. 😃 They forgot to ring the bell and he is ringing the bell here and chanting the mantra and arathi is happening there. 😃 No… really ‘there is no time and space for enlightened master’ is being literally proved. I don’t know how many 1000s of miles the difference. Master is sitting somewhere and the center is being inaugurated, 100s of people, more than 200 devotees are sitting and one is doing arathi in one place, the other one is ringing the bell and chanting mantra in another one place and both are being coordinated. I am seeing the arathi being done and I am hearing the sound and the mantra and they are also seeing the arathi being done and mantra being chanted and bell being rung; 😃 naimisharanya with video conferencing, the modern day naimisharanya, modern day naimisharanya with video conferencing.
I assure the world, understand, with this modern day facilities at least 10 lakh people I will make them enlightened. I will make them enlightened. Now I am confident, I can see very clearly how all over the world… I can see the intensity with which we are spreading and the intensity with which this great science, the science of living, the science of being, the science of unclutching is spreading and the enthusiasm, energy, wow! So this moment 201 cities, 645 places, 23 countries and this number is just increasing, increasing, increasing.
Before entering into the subject some questions. This is from Nithya Kripanidhi. “For yogis who are currently doing 108 surya namaskars daily, is it ok to practice eN kriya immediately after doing the surya namaskar? Also on days that we don’t have enough time to do both 108 surya namaskar and eN kriya what are the pros and cons of doing 108 surya namaskars versus eN kriya?”
Kripanidhi, if you have time do both 108 surya namaskar and eN kriya. If you don’t have time I will prefer eN kriya than 108 surya namaskar. eN kriya will do much more good than 108 surya namaskar. So go for eN kriya.
So, “Dear Swamiji” this is a question from Nithya Shantini, Seattle, “Every day when I sit for meditation and your discourse I feel the utmost bliss and peace. I will feel this throughout the night and into my sleep. The next morning I have to go to school again but I feel bored with it. First thing in the morning I have to sit for math class and I can’t help but be incredibly bored. What do I do? Yesterday you said that once one experiences kundalini awakening we should take at least three months off for it to settle. Do I do that with school? Please help.”
Nithya Shantini, Seattle Nithya Shantini, are you there? Can you raise your hand? Ok. I think she is not there. The father can go and… Charana you can give the… give My reply to her. “Please go to the school properly. Taking three months off you can do during your vacation. Now do the school properly.” Please Charana please be seated and give this information to her. Tell her to do the school properly now and later on she can take off. This is not the time for taking off. Please be seated. 😃
And Atlanta center is making a home temple, home garbha mandir and they are building a temple. They want My blessings. My blessings to the Atlanta center. Soon it will become a jagrat devasthana; living temple. And new center opening in Malaysia today the 3rd February 2011. The center is in north of Malaysia, center is in Penang Island in the heart of George Town, will be a meditation yoga studio. Around 200 devotees are there this inauguration… and My blessings. I already sent paduka and… My blessings to all the devotees to make this center, for making this center as reality, who worked for this center. My blessing for Penang and Malaysia; the devotees who are opening the center today, my blessings to all of you.
God! It’s almost like a, first I have to finish this introduction and center inaugurations and temples and every day. Now let’s enter into the satsanga. Today 110th sutra, 3rd chapter 4th verse. The subject is ‘Samyama’. Very powerful word. The word needs a clear definition. Samyama: technology through which the extraordinary experiences and powers which are in your consciousness, is expressed through your body and mind to the world, is samyama. Please understand your consciousness is all powerful, all knowing, all pervading. But preparing your body and mind to radiate and express some of those great experiences and expressions, some of those great all pervading all knowing experiences and expressing those powers through your body and mind, that technology is what I all samyamaha.
Samyama is the applied science of pure yoga science. See in science there is two part; one pure science like a theory of gravity, theory of relativity. All this is pure science. Applied science means using those laws, theories in practical life. So till now whatever you learnt dharana, dhyana, Samadhi - all this is like a pure science. Samyama is applied science. Applied science brings value to pure science. Understand, person who knows only pure science, means the theories, who never learnt the applied science, will always be beggar in consciousness.
If these powers are not supposed to be experienced or expressed then Patanjali will not be talking about samyama. Understand Patanjali only says it is a hindrance for enlightenment. But after achieving it, those things when it playfully expresses through you to inspire the people to achieve enlightenment, it is a great technology.  The great incarnations who landed in the planet earth and expressing these powers so casually like Puttaparthi Saibaba, Kalki Bhagawan. Understand I am standing by all of them. The great incarnations on the planet earth who are expressing these great powers and this applied science and inspiring the world to practice and promote this pure teachings, the pure science.
From the time immemorial Krishna materialized all kinds of stones to…..all kinds of precious stones to a fruit seller. Just he accepted the puffed rice which Kuchela brought and gave him the boon and the wealth was showering. Materializing, teleporting, healing and blessing is Hindu tradition, Vedic tradition. This is applied science. Levitation is the age old Vedic tradition. This is applied science. Here I am very clearly standing by all the incarnations who are materializing, healing and teleporting and giving boons to devotees and disciples, using all the applied science to inspire people towards the pure science. 
Arey, pure science can be kept alive only if the applied science is used in the world.  Why will you bother to learn about the theory of gravity or theory of relativity if it not going to be directly useful to your life? Come on. Why will you learn? So applied science is the direct utility of the pure science. See, even before I started materializing, teleporting, when people asked Me My opinion about the gurus who teleport or materialize I always tell, “No, I don’t have capacity so I don’t have a right to comment.” Now that capacity or ability is expressing. Even now I am not pride about or egoistic about it. I am saying please understand even before I was expressing all these powers, take out My discourses and see three years or four years before, when I was not casually expressing these powers. Take out those discourses and see My reference when people ask Me about the incarnations who express these powers of materializing, teleporting, levitation, healing and all that. I always referred them with lot of reverence. I always said, “You see I don’t have capacity. I have no right to talk about it.” Now the divine is expressing through My body; it’s ok that’s it.
You see, all the juicy parts of our religion is this applied science.  If this applied science is wrong.... of course it is wrong for the people who are not yet enlightened; not for the people who are casually playing with it, who are casually playing with it. So I support all the gurus who are expressing this extraordinary applied science of Vedic tradition and inspiring people towards the pure science. Understand there are some people who use this kind of extraordinary powers but they don’t inspire people towards the pure science. I say maybe that is one small trouble. But that does not mean all these great gurus Saibaba, Kalki Bhagwan; all of them not only they use this applied science, they are inspiring people towards pure science. 
Expressing these great powers like materializing, teleporting, healing, giving boons is part of pure Hinduism representing yoga Vedanta tradition and all the great masters wanted these great powers to be expressed and people to be inspired towards the pure science. What these guys are talking? Now I am saying if Patanjali really wants these powers to be expressed, if Patanjali really honestly felt the samyama should be applied, I bless all the people around the world who are sitting with us now; you guys will experience kundalini awakening.
This is the solid proof Patanjali wants it. He wants a live religion where with a childlike innocence these powers are casually played with, showed to people and people are inspired to follow the pure science. If you have the ability to do all this, perform all this extraordinary powers and you show, then you tell this is not pure spirituality; then at least we can say ok, this guy is little honest.
All right, Samyama is the technology, the science where all these great extra ordinary powers from your consciousness is experienced and expressed to the world through your body and mind. Samyama is the essence of Hindu tradition. Understand it is the core of Vedic tradition. I tell all My disciples, devotees and My sanyasis, let it be on record. Here I am promoting samyama. Experience all extraordinary powers and experiences, express it to the world as much as you can and inspire people towards pure science.
Ramakrishna healed 1000s of people. He made in the same branch two color flowers to appear and 100s of references are there where he materialized, healed, gave boons. All the great masters and incarnations who are expressing these great powers like healing…. see understand, see the practicality. Just by healing people how many 1000s, I made them meditate and transform their lives and live a pure spiritual life; how many 1000s have been transformed by this simple applied science power I am expressing… coming... getting vibhooti…. no harm. Who is being harmed by it?  Nobody is harmed. Just playfully in a few places, some padukas, some deities are giving vibhooti. But see…. understand how many millions are inspired. 
215 cities and 718 places and 26 countries are sitting with us now. It is because of healing, the applied science, the power of samyama; because they experience levitation, they experience this extraordinary powers like vibhooti materializing, and they are experiencing the power of being blessed with the boons. So many are transforming; everyday millions are transforming all over the world. Here I am going to explain the powers of samyama everyday as per Patanjali. Not only going to express verbally going to express experientially the powers of samyama; learn this experientially. See the powers of samyama and go to the masters; only who has the capacity not just to talk; experientially show the powers of samyama. Only they know the science. 
So understand here I am clearly standing by Hindu yogic Vedic tradition. Hindu yogis are always recognized, respected, revered, for the extraordinary samyama powers they express. See, in Hinduism we never had theology seminaries. We created the ashrams where people are given training in this extraordinary mystery science, where people are taught to levitate, where people are taught to materialize, where people are taught to make peoples intentions into reality. We are not theology seminaries. Just because they do not know the science of samyama they go on abusing samyama.
Let us enter into the science of samyama; Trayam ekatra samyamaha; the sutra 110th sutra in chapter three, fourth verse.
Swami Vivekananda translates this sutra as: when these three practice in regard to one object is samyama.
Swami Prabhavananda translates this sutra as: when these three - concentration, meditation and absorption are brought to bear upon one subject they are called samyama.
And swami Sachidananda translates as: the practice of these three; dharana, dhyana and Samadhi upon one object is called samyama.
And Osho translates this as: the three taken together; dharana, dhyana and samadhi constitute samyama. 
I will translate this word samyama as the technology through which concentration, contemplation and experiencing the pure consciousness where the meditator and meditated becomes one and experiencing the extraordinary experiences and powers and expressing it to the world is samyama. The technology through which you experience extraordinary powers and express it to the world is samyama.
So I bless you all to experience, achieve, live, express, radiate and share the eternal bliss, Nithyananda.
Thank you.
==Photos Of The Day:==
<iframe key="zen" path="https://zenphoto.kailasamailer.com/2011-FEB-03-AFP-12612/04-Morning-Satsang" width="1080" height="760"/>
<iframe key="zen" path="https://zenphoto.kailasamailer.com/2011-FEB-03-AFP-12612/03-Pada-Puja" width="1080" height="760"/>
<iframe key="zen" path="https://zenphoto.kailasamailer.com/2011-FEB-03-AFP-12612/05-Sarva-Darshan" width="1080" height="760"/>
<iframe key="zen" path="https://zenphoto.kailasamailer.com/2011-FEB-03-AFP-12612/01-Temple-Visit" width="1080" height="760"/>
<iframe key="zen" path="https://zenphoto.kailasamailer.com/2011-FEB-03-AFP-12612/02-Panch-Tapas" width="1080" height="760"/>
[[Category: 2011 | 20110203]] [[Category: Patanjali Yoga Sutra]]
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Latest revision as of 19:16, 27 January 2022

Title: Samyama, Patanjali Yoga Sutras 110

Samyama: Patanjali Yoga Sutras 110 Nithyananda Morning Satsang 03 Feb 2011


Living Incarnation and Avatar Paramahamsa Nithyananda spoke on the powerful technology known as Samyama. Samyama is the technology through which the extraordinary experiences in your consciousness are expressed through your body to the world. Your consciousness is all-knowing, all-pervading, preparing your body and mind to radiate some of those great powers and expressing those powers, that technology is Samyama.

Samyama is the applied science of pure yoga science. Materializing, Teleporting, Levitation, etc. are part of the Hindu Vedic tradition. It is the applied science component used to inspire people towards learning pure science. It is the technology through which concentration, contemplation meditator and meditated become one. This is the technology through which you express extraordinary powers and express it to the world is Samyama. Isn't it time for you to experience and express all the extraordinary powers and inspire people towards pure science?

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As on now 544 places, 185 cities, 25 countries are sitting with us live. It’s almost like all the seekers all over the world are settling down everyday morning. And I am seeing the map. In all continents except the Iceland, Greenland where there are no human beings everywhere... God!


My blessings through this I am inaugurating the Malaysia satsang center. I will be there alive and the divine presence will be there with you all. It will do good to all of you and to the whole Malaysia. My blessings; we will start the satsang. It is so funny to see arathi is done in one country and bell is rung in the other country. 😃 They forgot to ring the bell and he is ringing the bell here and chanting the mantra and arathi is happening there. 😃 No… really ‘there is no time and space for enlightened master’ is being literally proved. I don’t know how many 1000s of miles the difference. Master is sitting somewhere and the center is being inaugurated, 100s of people, more than 200 devotees are sitting and one is doing arathi in one place, the other one is ringing the bell and chanting mantra in another one place and both are being coordinated. I am seeing the arathi being done and I am hearing the sound and the mantra and they are also seeing the arathi being done and mantra being chanted and bell being rung; 😃 naimisharanya with video conferencing, the modern day naimisharanya, modern day naimisharanya with video conferencing.


I assure the world, understand, with this modern day facilities at least 10 lakh people I will make them enlightened. I will make them enlightened. Now I am confident, I can see very clearly how all over the world… I can see the intensity with which we are spreading and the intensity with which this great science, the science of living, the science of being, the science of unclutching is spreading and the enthusiasm, energy, wow! So this moment 201 cities, 645 places, 23 countries and this number is just increasing, increasing, increasing.


Before entering into the subject some questions. This is from Nithya Kripanidhi. “For yogis who are currently doing 108 surya namaskars daily, is it ok to practice eN kriya immediately after doing the surya namaskar? Also on days that we don’t have enough time to do both 108 surya namaskar and eN kriya what are the pros and cons of doing 108 surya namaskars versus eN kriya?” Kripanidhi, if you have time do both 108 surya namaskar and eN kriya. If you don’t have time I will prefer eN kriya than 108 surya namaskar. eN kriya will do much more good than 108 surya namaskar. So go for eN kriya.


So, “Dear Swamiji” this is a question from Nithya Shantini, Seattle, “Every day when I sit for meditation and your discourse I feel the utmost bliss and peace. I will feel this throughout the night and into my sleep. The next morning I have to go to school again but I feel bored with it. First thing in the morning I have to sit for math class and I can’t help but be incredibly bored. What do I do? Yesterday you said that once one experiences kundalini awakening we should take at least three months off for it to settle. Do I do that with school? Please help.” Nithya Shantini, Seattle Nithya Shantini, are you there? Can you raise your hand? Ok. I think she is not there. The father can go and… Charana you can give the… give My reply to her. “Please go to the school properly. Taking three months off you can do during your vacation. Now do the school properly.” Please Charana please be seated and give this information to her. Tell her to do the school properly now and later on she can take off. This is not the time for taking off. Please be seated. 😃


And Atlanta center is making a home temple, home garbha mandir and they are building a temple. They want My blessings. My blessings to the Atlanta center. Soon it will become a jagrat devasthana; living temple. And new center opening in Malaysia today the 3rd February 2011. The center is in north of Malaysia, center is in Penang Island in the heart of George Town, will be a meditation yoga studio. Around 200 devotees are there this inauguration… and My blessings. I already sent paduka and… My blessings to all the devotees to make this center, for making this center as reality, who worked for this center. My blessing for Penang and Malaysia; the devotees who are opening the center today, my blessings to all of you.


God! It’s almost like a, first I have to finish this introduction and center inaugurations and temples and every day. Now let’s enter into the satsanga. Today 110th sutra, 3rd chapter 4th verse. The subject is ‘Samyama’. Very powerful word. The word needs a clear definition. Samyama: technology through which the extraordinary experiences and powers which are in your consciousness, is expressed through your body and mind to the world, is samyama. Please understand your consciousness is all powerful, all knowing, all pervading. But preparing your body and mind to radiate and express some of those great experiences and expressions, some of those great all pervading all knowing experiences and expressing those powers through your body and mind, that technology is what I all samyamaha.


Samyama is the applied science of pure yoga science. See in science there is two part; one pure science like a theory of gravity, theory of relativity. All this is pure science. Applied science means using those laws, theories in practical life. So till now whatever you learnt dharana, dhyana, Samadhi - all this is like a pure science. Samyama is applied science. Applied science brings value to pure science. Understand, person who knows only pure science, means the theories, who never learnt the applied science, will always be beggar in consciousness.


If these powers are not supposed to be experienced or expressed then Patanjali will not be talking about samyama. Understand Patanjali only says it is a hindrance for enlightenment. But after achieving it, those things when it playfully expresses through you to inspire the people to achieve enlightenment, it is a great technology. The great incarnations who landed in the planet earth and expressing these powers so casually like Puttaparthi Saibaba, Kalki Bhagawan. Understand I am standing by all of them. The great incarnations on the planet earth who are expressing these great powers and this applied science and inspiring the world to practice and promote this pure teachings, the pure science.


From the time immemorial Krishna materialized all kinds of stones to…..all kinds of precious stones to a fruit seller. Just he accepted the puffed rice which Kuchela brought and gave him the boon and the wealth was showering. Materializing, teleporting, healing and blessing is Hindu tradition, Vedic tradition. This is applied science. Levitation is the age old Vedic tradition. This is applied science. Here I am very clearly standing by all the incarnations who are materializing, healing and teleporting and giving boons to devotees and disciples, using all the applied science to inspire people towards the pure science.


Arey, pure science can be kept alive only if the applied science is used in the world. Why will you bother to learn about the theory of gravity or theory of relativity if it not going to be directly useful to your life? Come on. Why will you learn? So applied science is the direct utility of the pure science. See, even before I started materializing, teleporting, when people asked Me My opinion about the gurus who teleport or materialize I always tell, “No, I don’t have capacity so I don’t have a right to comment.” Now that capacity or ability is expressing. Even now I am not pride about or egoistic about it. I am saying please understand even before I was expressing all these powers, take out My discourses and see three years or four years before, when I was not casually expressing these powers. Take out those discourses and see My reference when people ask Me about the incarnations who express these powers of materializing, teleporting, levitation, healing and all that. I always referred them with lot of reverence. I always said, “You see I don’t have capacity. I have no right to talk about it.” Now the divine is expressing through My body; it’s ok that’s it.


You see, all the juicy parts of our religion is this applied science. If this applied science is wrong.... of course it is wrong for the people who are not yet enlightened; not for the people who are casually playing with it, who are casually playing with it. So I support all the gurus who are expressing this extraordinary applied science of Vedic tradition and inspiring people towards the pure science. Understand there are some people who use this kind of extraordinary powers but they don’t inspire people towards the pure science. I say maybe that is one small trouble. But that does not mean all these great gurus Saibaba, Kalki Bhagwan; all of them not only they use this applied science, they are inspiring people towards pure science.


Expressing these great powers like materializing, teleporting, healing, giving boons is part of pure Hinduism representing yoga Vedanta tradition and all the great masters wanted these great powers to be expressed and people to be inspired towards the pure science. What these guys are talking? Now I am saying if Patanjali really wants these powers to be expressed, if Patanjali really honestly felt the samyama should be applied, I bless all the people around the world who are sitting with us now; you guys will experience kundalini awakening.


This is the solid proof Patanjali wants it. He wants a live religion where with a childlike innocence these powers are casually played with, showed to people and people are inspired to follow the pure science. If you have the ability to do all this, perform all this extraordinary powers and you show, then you tell this is not pure spirituality; then at least we can say ok, this guy is little honest.


All right, Samyama is the technology, the science where all these great extra ordinary powers from your consciousness is experienced and expressed to the world through your body and mind. Samyama is the essence of Hindu tradition. Understand it is the core of Vedic tradition. I tell all My disciples, devotees and My sanyasis, let it be on record. Here I am promoting samyama. Experience all extraordinary powers and experiences, express it to the world as much as you can and inspire people towards pure science.


Ramakrishna healed 1000s of people. He made in the same branch two color flowers to appear and 100s of references are there where he materialized, healed, gave boons. All the great masters and incarnations who are expressing these great powers like healing…. see understand, see the practicality. Just by healing people how many 1000s, I made them meditate and transform their lives and live a pure spiritual life; how many 1000s have been transformed by this simple applied science power I am expressing… coming... getting vibhooti…. no harm. Who is being harmed by it? Nobody is harmed. Just playfully in a few places, some padukas, some deities are giving vibhooti. But see…. understand how many millions are inspired.


215 cities and 718 places and 26 countries are sitting with us now. It is because of healing, the applied science, the power of samyama; because they experience levitation, they experience this extraordinary powers like vibhooti materializing, and they are experiencing the power of being blessed with the boons. So many are transforming; everyday millions are transforming all over the world. Here I am going to explain the powers of samyama everyday as per Patanjali. Not only going to express verbally going to express experientially the powers of samyama; learn this experientially. See the powers of samyama and go to the masters; only who has the capacity not just to talk; experientially show the powers of samyama. Only they know the science.


So understand here I am clearly standing by Hindu yogic Vedic tradition. Hindu yogis are always recognized, respected, revered, for the extraordinary samyama powers they express. See, in Hinduism we never had theology seminaries. We created the ashrams where people are given training in this extraordinary mystery science, where people are taught to levitate, where people are taught to materialize, where people are taught to make peoples intentions into reality. We are not theology seminaries. Just because they do not know the science of samyama they go on abusing samyama.


Let us enter into the science of samyama; Trayam ekatra samyamaha; the sutra 110th sutra in chapter three, fourth verse. Swami Vivekananda translates this sutra as: when these three practice in regard to one object is samyama. Swami Prabhavananda translates this sutra as: when these three - concentration, meditation and absorption are brought to bear upon one subject they are called samyama. And swami Sachidananda translates as: the practice of these three; dharana, dhyana and Samadhi upon one object is called samyama. And Osho translates this as: the three taken together; dharana, dhyana and samadhi constitute samyama.


I will translate this word samyama as the technology through which concentration, contemplation and experiencing the pure consciousness where the meditator and meditated becomes one and experiencing the extraordinary experiences and powers and expressing it to the world is samyama. The technology through which you experience extraordinary powers and express it to the world is samyama.


So I bless you all to experience, achieve, live, express, radiate and share the eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you.


Photos Of The Day: