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Secret of Time & Anti-ageing


In this discourse, Paramahamsa Nithyananda scripts a groundbreaking theory on the secret of time and describes how the correct understanding of time can directly help in anti-ageing process. Paramahamsa Nithyananda describes Kalabhairava - the lord of time and the metaphorical meaning of Kalabhairava. He explains in detail how the west and the east conceive time and how the very understanding of time is responsible for anti-ageing across the two cultures.

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Secret of Time & Anti-ageing: Nithyananda

Video Audio



|| Sadāshiva samārambhām Shankarācāryā madhyamām | Asmat ācārya paryantām vande Guru Paramparām ||


The today’s truth - live conflict free and stay young forever. You may think, how living conflict free can make you live young forever. Understand, the concept of time in the Vedic tradition. Because our rishis, our masters, know the time is a one more matter, which can be handled, manipulated, used as we want; they have created a clear understanding about time. Please understand. Time is a matter, just like a chair on which you are sitting. The chair on which you are sitting, you can move wherever you want. You can either sit on it, or you can sit on the ground. You can use as you want. Same way, just like that, time is a matter.


What is ageing after all? Look deeply into this idea of time and idea of ageing. See your body is made out of bio-memories - means, lot of thoughts and engraved memories - engrams which inspires you, pushes you into actions. Thoughts, engraved memories which pushes you into actions - these two are the base material for your body. Thoughts are like a random, vague; as I said that random fishes jumping. Engraved memories - the thoughts which you picked up again and again to work, those become engraved memory. These two are the base material.


Please understand. I am revealing one of the important truth. The gap between one thought and the other thought is kshana - one unit of time in Vedic tradition. If you pick up more and more thoughts to make it into action, more and more engrams.


Please understand. Step by step. First, your body is made out of random thoughts and regularized engrams. Regularized engram means, the thoughts which you again and again picked up to work, to make into reality - what for you are working, your maybe even thinking is a working. If you are thinking for, in that particular direction again and again and again, it can be called as working. So, random thoughts, like a fishes jumping in the lake and specific thoughts which you again and again picked up; try to make into reality, try to infuse reality; so engrams. These two are the base material for your body. This is one truth.


The other truth - the gap between one thought and the other thought is a kshana, means time. As long as there are only thoughts, there is no ageing. Only when the engrams hit the thoughts or thoughts hit the engrams, the ageing starts happening in your body. Please understand. When you pick up more and more thoughts and try to make them into reality, the conflict starts. Ten seconds before you picked up the thought of being in silence and trying to make it reality. Ten minutes after, you’re picking up the thought of going to the office and working wildly and making money, uh you want this thought to become reality. Then starts conflict. Ageing starts happening, when there is a con, there is a fight between the engram and thoughts. If there is only thoughts, there is no ageing, there is no ageing. Only the fight between the engrams and thoughts in your muscles is responsible for ageing.


If you look little deeply, the time which is a one more matter, itself has no power to distract, destroy your consciousness. Then what is it that is adding so much of fear, insecurity and sense of ageing on us? Please understand. The time, itself has no power over your consciousness. But your inner space - in which consciousness is also a part - struggles constantly with fear and insecurity of ageing and getting destroyed or being lost. What is that suffering? What is the reason for suffering? What is that which is suffering? Look both. The reason for suffering is, your thoughts and engrams having conflict. What is that suffering is, the bio-memory which is made out of these two - the thoughts and engraved memories. It’s a very, very, very, very, very subtle, deep truth.


I wanted you to understand this important fact. If you go and see the Kalabhairava in our ashram, in charge of security (he’s the lord of time); you will see he will be standing on the time shaft. Means, he is the lord of time shaft, who is beyond time shaft. If you see, he will be having his left leg in the front and right leg in the back. Funny thing is the right leg represents the future, left leg represents the past. So he says, past comes before the future.


Please understand. Now what I am going to utter is past. Please understand. What I am going to utter is past. What I am going to say is past. What I am going to do, in next one hour is past. I am not saying what I did is past. What I am going to do is past. You may think, “What? What is happening here?” Anything which is going to happen, as you understand, is the conflict between the thought and engrams. I don’t know whether you are able to catch. Anything which is going to happen, is the fight and conflict between thought and engrams. Means time, which is already defined. Anything already defined is past. So the layer of your thought and engram which is projected further, even if it has not yet happened, it is past. It is past. You understand? It is standing, it is standing, but it is past; because already it is projected.


And, the moments you spent in the past without the fight between thought and engrams is future, even though it is already lived. Listen. The moments you are going to spend in conflict between the thoughts and bio-memory, thoughts and engrams, even it is not lived, because it is already projected, it is past. The moments you spent without having fight between the thoughts and engrams, even if it is already spent, it is future, emptiness.


The ageing process is quickened, if more and more thoughts hit engrams; or if more and more efforts are made to make thoughts into engrams. Now, stopping the conversion process of thoughts into engrams is un-clutching. The process of converting thoughts into engrams, is automatic process, when you’re clutched; stopping that conversion is un-clutching. That is what I call conflict free life.


Either just go on fulfilling engrams, then they will become thoughts, they will get diluted and become thoughts; or go on having thoughts, don’t create engrams - just sitting and something is going on, like a breeze. It’s like a dreams passing, passing by. Both will not let ageing happen in you. When thoughts are getting converted into engrams, that is where the conflict starts happening, the ageing starts happening, your muscles gets tired; the ageing process is working on you, time is creating its impact on you. Your inner space - which is mixture of the pure consciousness and thoughts and engrams - will start experiencing chaos, only when the thoughts and engrams hit each other, try to overlap onto others space. Actually if the engrams becoming thoughts, will not have much difficulty, much problem. But thoughts becoming engrams, will create deep tiredness in you.


See, all catharsis process, which I am teaching you, either shouting or screaming or crying or releasing, is nothing but diluting engram into thoughts. So that you can un-clutch easily from it. All catharsis process, including samana balancing - you see, samana balancing is a subtle part of engrams becoming thoughts, reversal of engrams becoming thoughts. What you do in the life, is making thoughts into engrams. That is what we call pravritti, pravrittimarga. And converting engrams into thoughts is what we call nivrittimarga in Sanskrit. Understand. If you are moving towards nivrittimarga, you will stay young forever. If you are moving towards pravrittimarga, you will get aged very quickly.


Ageing is directly related to your inner space. The idea which you carry about you in the inner space, directly reflects on your body. You can see the Indian middle aged women are more aged, I can say at least twice more aged than a Western middle aged woman. Because for an Indian middle aged woman, after two kids her life is done. Nothing more to be done. Nothing more to be done. But in the West, it’s not like that. There is a life. There is life. There is something more to do. So your inner space, what it feels about you is going to reflect directly on the physical ageing.


One devotee asked me in US, when My father died - My father died by the age of 50 - and he asked very innocently, “Will Your mother not re-marry?” She can’t imagine My mother is going to live without getting one more marriage. In India you can’t imagine, after 40 a woman getting re-married. See the complete contra. She cannot imagine My mother is going to live without getting re-married. In India you cannot imagine, forget about planning or failing and all that; even a thought will not cross in the mind, about more marriage. Because if you have two kids, your life is over. That is why, quick ageing. Means done, what next? But when there is...in the West, the idea is different. There is so much to be done.


Means...Understand. Understand. You may, it may feel like, ‘so much to be done' idea and converting thought into engrams are conflicting. Please understand. 'So much to be done’ means, you are expecting the moments happened in your past - which are future. As I said, there are moments happened in your past, where there is no conflict between the thought and engram - that’s what I call the space of excitement, happiness. When you wait for that - which is a, even though it has happened in the future which is past - you are waiting for that past in the future. So there is a constant excitement. The ageing does not happen.


Understand I am just completely breaking your idea of past, future and present. Past is not past as you think. Future is not future as you think. What you think you are going to do today is already past. Whatever few moments yesterday you had without conflict between the thought and the engrams is future. Even though it has already happened, it is future. So having more and more space of future in the past is the anti-ageing. So push more and more time into future. I can say, push more and live more and more time without conflict and send it to the past, you have future. The ultimate bank balance you can create for the future, is spending, putting more and more time in the past without conflict between the engram and thought. So that account directly comes to you as future.


If you want to save money, for your future, the only long lasting wealth is the time you spend in the past, without the conflict between the thought and engram. Because that is going to come back to you, it will be reimbursed. They say na? Money back offer - ‘whatever you spend in our shop, 10% money back’. Same way, whatever you spend, whatever time you spend in Dhyanapeetam, 100% time back. Whatever time you spend in un-clutching, 100% time back guarantee. Just be un-clutched. Do not allow your thoughts and engrams to fight, as much as you can. You will see the bio-memories will become so soft, no fight; every moment you go on spending is future, not past. Even if you have not lived, the moments already you planned, with the conflict between the thought and engram is past, over, done, you are aged.


That is what happens to the middle aged Indian women. They are done. Whatever they think is going to happen, is already planned. What is their life? Going to get up and fight with your daughter in law and have some gossip with others and over, okay. It’s already lived, done - so ageing. When it is done, they have finished living their future with their engram and thoughts. Means, whatever they have is not future, it is past. That is why body also acts as if, already it has passed. Your body is intelligent enough to respond to your inner space. It has already passed. Over. So then body says “Eh, what am I going to do? Come on let’s fast, fast forward. Quick. Pack up.” I tell you, push more and more time into your chronological past, without fight between the engram and thoughts. That is your bank balance future. That’ll straight away come as future, will never let ageing happen in you.


I tell you, for the Planet Earth, today I have given one of the greatest gift, not as pride. I have opened, the huge Vedic Pandora box. Just like un-clutching, when it is applied with anything, creates a new philosophy; I am telling you, this one truth, today which I revealed; apply with everything, with lust, with anger, with fear, with greed. Use this key to solve all the problems of life. It’ll become a new religion. This is the philosophy of Kalabhairava, the truth of Kalabhairava. The past, the chronological past which is represented by the left leg is in the front. The chronological future which is represented by the right leg is in the back.


Understand the theory of Kala. If you have projected, with the fight between the thought and the engram, even if it has not yet happened it is past. If you have not projected, if there was a gap between the thought and engram, the fight between the thought and engram was not there; those moments, even though chronologically happened, it is your future. Same thing with your lust, fantasy. Please understand. If there is no fight between your thought and engram; if the act has happened it is Tantra. If there is a fight between your thought and engram, even if the act has happened; it is just masturbation with another body, which is not going to let you rest in peace, which is only going to add more and more and more load.


In every step I tell you; in every step, the same idea. If your all your sex is a past, you are already old. If all your sex was future, embedded in the past, you have a great future. I can say, just analyze this truth and understand, thousand questions about the sexology will be answered. Same way wealth, money. The time you spent with wealth, if there was no conflict between your thought and engram; means the fulfillment, contentment, aparigraha; you have future. If it was spent with the fight between the thought and the engrams; whatever wealth you might have had or going to have; it is going to be poverty. The bio-energy, health, fear, everything can be solved with this one truth, the truth about past, present and future – Kala.


Now, sit and go on digging your each problem with this one truth. Churn your each problem with this one truth. Grind your each problem with this one truth. Whether it is money or relationship or sex or ageing; I tell you, you will straight away hit the solution, you will straight away hit the solution. When you hit the solution, the past which you created in future; please understand the past which you projected in future is ghost; when you kill that...That is the skull which ka Kalabhairava is having in his hand - the un-lived life. See the skull which Kalabhairava is having in his hand, anything you put it in this uh in the skull it’ll swallow, it’ll swallow. That is why, so many people gave bhiksha, but the skull itself swallows - Kalabhairava is hungry. Shiva never got anything.


Then comes Devi annapoorni. Please understand. Shiva goes and stands, bhiksham... ||Jnana Vairagya Siddhyartham Bhiksham Dehi ca Parvati|| Oh Devi, give me the food for jnana and vairagya. Means, not to project my past into the future and destroy my life, by quickly ageing. And Degi Devi gives the grain of the great truth - knowledge of not projecting your past into the future. Means, I can say your, fight between the engram and the thought into the future and bringing yourself to the present, to this understanding.


I can say, you don’t even have to practice anything, just this understanding. When the grains are offered into that skull…See, the greatness about the time is, just the understanding is enough, nothing much needs to be practiced. With this understanding, scan all your problems. That skull will just disappear. That ghost will just disappear. The ghost will just disappear. That is what is meant by, when Devi put the food. She put little in the skull. The skull was enjoying, so she purposely dropped little bit outside the skull, on the ground. The skull felt that taste of the food so much, it just jumped to eat that food and Shiva was freed of the skull; and he was liberated.


Understand, just this understanding - look, look, “Oh God, this is what is the problem in my sex. This is what is the problem in my money. This is what is the problem in my relationships.” When there is no conflict in your thought and bio- memory, the other person with whom you are living, her thought and bio-memory; the time you spend together is so fulfilling, so satisfying. That is what I call, the time you are in relationship. All other time spent together is not relationship, maybe rational-ship - trying to rationalize, “Why I am like this? Why she is like this?” I can say the a and e changes its place - relationship and rational-ship. Everything, look with this one truth - your past is not past as you think, your future is not future as you think.


How to make your past into f...How to have more future? Means, let your past be filled with the future; so naturally your future will be pure future. There is no ageing. There is no ageing. Understand? When you relax, into the space of conflict free zone; Yama, Lord of death, when he tries to take you...Please understand, the paasha (rope), the rope which he is using, is the conflict between the thought and engram. Means attachment - attachment only makes your thought into engram. That is the rope which he uses, paasha, to take the life out of body; means to make the ageing process complete.


When Lord of Yama throws that paasha on you, because your inner space is not converting thoughts into engrams; that paasha, that rope will fall on the pure consciousness, which is Shiva and he will destroy Yama. It’ll just fall on Shiva, whom you are holding. Like how Markandeya was holding, he was holding onto the Shiva linga and Yama came and threw his paasha; and because he was holding onto Shiva linga it did not fall on Markandeya, it fell on Shiv; and Shiva kicked the Yama. The usual process. So just, all you need is do not allow the thought to get converted into engram.


Thoughts are not enemies as we think, don’t worry. It is just simple poor fishes jumping for their food or fun. But you taking note and trying to give food or trying to give some ball for them to play, “No, no, no they’re all dolphins, they don’t have any ball. See we should be very generous, why not get some balls and balloons for them to play. Why not make their life more entertaining?” - now they have the load of kicking the ball. Till then it was a fun. If they want they jump, if they don’t want, they don’t. Once you provide the ball and food, puffed rice; now they have to eat, they have to play - the whole thing is routine now. That is where the play and fun becomes game.


Let play and fun not become game in your life. Game means, the winning and losing and prize. Play means, just. Fun means, just. So any thought which just happens is play and fun. But when it becomes engram, it’s a game. Game is the most dangerous thing. Fun is the most funny thing. Understand. Do not allow the Kala’s paasha (the Yama’s noose in your inner space), to convert thought into engram. You will see the noose will fall on Shiva and Shiva will kick Yama and Yama because already he got one kick he will never come near you, when he sees you are there holding Shiva. That’s all is the whole science of ageing. I have not only given the science of ageing, the solution for anti-ageing - not just mentally, it’ll directly work physically.


Understand. Apply this now in your breathing. When your breathing happens just see, what kind of thoughts are raising; and just see what kind of thoughts are raising. When you are exhaling, what kind of thoughts are raising? What kind of thoughts are getting intertwined with your inhaling and exhaling? Just sit with it. You’ll suddenly see, you are not abusing your future by projecting past, by living it, by creating hanging bridge on it. Same way, you are adding more and more empty space into your past - which is your bank balance, which is going to be reimbursed. Let your past be reimbursable future. Let your future be free from the load of the past - you have no ageing. Simple science of anti-ageing.


And I tell you, this truth is so doable, so practical, just practical. If you sit with this truth, the understanding will happen in so many levels. With these understandings scan your death-fear engrams, scan your desire engrams, scan your guilt engrams, scan your suffering engrams, pain engrams. We can do one more NSP, actually let me do today. Today I’ll make you guys go through the seven layers with this one understanding, with this one understanding.


I tell you I am not just assuring, I am promising, in front of the camera. I know around the world people are watching, I am promising, I’ll make you guys have the body like Mahavatar Baba. You can simply have, it’s just it’s, you see, Mahav the science of the body which Mahavatar Baba carries is, this is what is the science. What body Mahavatar Baba is carrying, this is the science. Just scan and have the honesty of killing that ghost. The Trishul, Trishul is the honesty. The trishul which Kalabhairava carries is the honesty, of killing that ghost - that Kapala, Brahma Kapala.


Understand. When Brahma created this whole world, it was a fun, play. For a moment he made it as a game. That moment is the fifth head, and Shiva cut that, “Eh, play should be flay play. Why are you making it as a game?” It’s like a, I tell the temple priests, come on sit in the golden throne and it is a play; and suddenly if that fellow thinks, “I think I am also equal to Swamiji”. When somebody touches his feet, “I think I am great, mmmm, how the gold throne looks, let us feel and see.” Then comes the fifth head and what to do? The play has become game.


So now, let us convert the game into play. Let us come back - game into play - and play the whole fun of life. Life is not worthy at all to be played as game. Even death can be gamed as play. Understand? Life should not be played as game. Even death should be gamed as play. That’s all. That’s all is the essence of whole thing. essence of whole thing. Nothing else. And it’s direct prasada from Shiva, Kalabhairava.


Understand? I am honestly telling you. Only when I walked into the hall, the title was given to me. Only when I walked into the hall, Brahmaswarupa brought the title and gave; and today we did not have Pada Puja for me to download. It was not thought, words. Just the truth happened. How many seconds it would have taken, from there to walk and sit and say ‘Sadaashiva Samarambham’, maybe 30 seconds, or maybe 60 seconds. So the truth expressed itself within 60 seconds in this bio-memory. So understand, in any bio-memory, if something this profound can express within 60 second, it is straight word from Shiva or that bio-memory is Shiva. Because this, I am telling you this one truth, this one truth can revolutionize the way in which you think, act, live, eat do everything; because it is straight practical understanding.


Anyhow, I know for sure it’s a prasada from Shiva - Shiva prasada. Let us work on it today, and then we’ll get into Prana. Today I was planning to get into Prana. But at least today, let us work on this, then get into Prana. We have enough time, we have 48 days. Eight days are, not even eight days are over. 24th we started. Today is only 30th or 31st, 31st. 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31. Today is eighth day. Eighth day only. So first seven days we spent on Prana, sorry ap Samana we spent. I thought today we will get into the Prana, but let us get into Prana tomorrow, maybe by tomorrow evening.


Let us work on this great truth, this great revelation. And not only that, you see, whenever you work on these great revelations you respect the space in which it is delivered. You respect him, “We receive it. We honor you. We humbly receive it. We honor you. We request you to be delivering this more and more and more.” We submit our humble devotion to him, for delivering these great truths. So let us honor Shiva, Kalabhairava by working on this truth today, so that we can expect more and more from him, more and more from him.


So this is the plan for miracles. When one miracle happens, even if it is small, very small, honor the space from which it was delivered to you. Respect the space from which it was delivered to you. Don’t take it for granted. Surrender it. Devotionally say, ‘I honor the space from which is at it has been delivered to me. I sumble ubmit, I submit myself in a humble way to the space from which it has happened on me. That is the plan for more and more miracles to happen.


The other day, I received a letter. One devotee was saying, some one ex-devotee who had a Satori experience; she was claiming that, “I had Satori because of my efficiency, my intensity, not by Him”. I said great, I am no way contesting. Let, if it is her sincerity, just tell her to have one more Satori that’s all. When I had my Satori... See the greatness of Samadhi is, it’ll never come the moment you think you had Satori because of you. Because the ego has come back. So the second time the Satori will never repeat. It’ll never repeat. Done. She has doomed herself. I tell you, nor she doesn’t need to give the credit to me. If she has given the credit to a small stone which was in front of her, when that satori happened, “Eh this stone is responsible” - she would have had the satori next time. Surrender to something which you think as responsible, or just say that the space from which it has happened, I do not know, I surrender to that space humbly. So that, “Let that space have its grace on me”. You call it as Shiva or Parvati or Vishnu or or Guru or anything; or Guru Paduka or anything, no problem.


God! I was fortunate. When I had Satori I just put the responsibility on Anand, Shiva, the Arunachala Hill and that Kuppamal; on both I put. Actually Kuppamal was not responsible, but I put it on her, and I said, “Oh God, she is responsible, let it happen to me again” and it simply repeated. And I am advising sincerely that ex-devotee, you don’t need to put that responsibility on me. I am not responsible, don’t worry. I am not taking the claim or credit or anything. Just put it on something - Shiva or Arunachala or something, something. So that it can repeat. It can happen in your inner space again. Don’t doom yourself claiming that ‘your sincerity’ - forget about it.


Even now I am telling you, this message has been delivered by the sincere request of the persons who have chose the topics and the sincere need and the passive receptive mood with which all you guys were sitting. That’s all. I am not interested in claiming. Because I want these kind of things again and again to happen. Let us submit to the space where it happened. See, when you don’t claim responsibility for the highest happenings, the play remains as fun. When you claim responsibility for the highest happenings, the play becomes game. It stops. It stops. See, this so called modern day games; how much of violence, how much of violence, whole fun part is taken away from it. Alright, let us, I don’t want to talk about it.


Alright. So I humbly offer my gratitude to whatever space we call as Mahadeva, Shiva, from which this great truth of Kala came out, and all your devotion and the sincere seeking, the passive sitting and waiting - that is responsible. You see, this was receiving end and that was giving end - both are responsible for the happening, through this bio-memory. So I offer my gratitude to both ends - the off the end which delivered and the end which received. So that, let these great things happen again and again. Let me also enjoy this fun, by being medium or by being the channel, by being the bio-memory in which this whole thing is happening.


So, let Shiva happen again and again. Let the Cosmos celebrate itself again and again. Let us all experience this truth and radiate Enlightenment. Let us all live and radiate the Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank You (48:03)


Avoid Attachment For Enlightenment, LEP - Day 8, 31 AUG 2010


In this video ,Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam tells a story of Narada and Krishna bhagavan to explain about the illusion of attachment and gives a meditation technique to have a taste of enlightenment by not having attachment.

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void Attachment For Enlightenment, LEP - Day 8, 31 AUG 2010

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You are already the ultimate PYS 58 Patanjali Yoga Sutra by Nithyananda 2010August31


From the works of Paramahamsa Nithyananda, talks from Patanjali Yoga Sutras, part 58.

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You are already the ultimate PYS 58 Patanjali Yoga Sutra by Nithyananda 2010August31

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00:17 sadashiva samārambhām śaṅkarācārya madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome you all with my love and respects.


Again today, we have a very apt sutra exactly on which I delivered my morning message and today whole day we were working. I feel literally Patanjali is just flowing with us, or we are flowing with Patanjali. Because exactly the subject which we text in the morning and work whole day, here is Patanjali is giving the sutra. It cannot be just a ordinary coincidence. The today’s sutra is again on attachment. Thoughts plus attachment is engram. Engram minus attachment is thought. When there is no attachment, the simple thoughts, not only will not disturb you; any ordinary happening, even crossing Master’s breathing space, those thoughts will just be burned away. See, when you are attached only because your will is added to the thoughts, Master just want to respect your privacy and freedom; he does not burn it away. He says, “It’s alright, you are enjoying it, why to disturb it, leave it.” But, the moment he understands ... there is no attachment, there is no your involvement. That solves the whole problem. He interferes and burns the whole thing.


That’s what Patanjali calls as

jnana agni tata karmanam kritye

The fire of knowledge just burns the seeds of engrams.

See, attachment is nothing but you saying “yes” or “no” to a thought. Please understand, “yes” or “no” to a thought. Nothing else. I can define more precise way. Inability to cope up with insecurity is attachment. Understand, it’s like a, your life is like a rollercoaster. When you are unable to cope up, you wanted some settlement, some settled feeling. That is where the attachment starts. See, you are not bothered about hell. Whether it is hell or heaven, you wanted to be certain about it. Understand, that is the truth. You are not really, really worried about hell. Because the hell you are in at this moment, your inner space the hell in which it is there - that is the worst possible hell can happen.


The bound consciousness in which people suffer, that is the worst hell. You are able to manage even this means nothing more can be done to you, don’t worry. You are not bothered about hell or heaven. You wanted to be sure about something. But, the life is such, constantly it puts you in uncertainity. It’s like a ... it is not the failure about which you are afraid of. The fear of failure which creates the fear. That is what really makes you worry. You are worried about that. If you are certain about the things, then it’s great. But, by the very nature of kala - time, he will not let you be in certain as long as you are in his control. The time’s basic quality is movement. See, the greed’s basic quality is leaving after it is fulfilled. The fear’s basic quality is staying after it is fulfilled. And time’s basic quality is, just moving whether it is fulfilled or not. Understand. If you grasp the basic qualities of fear, greed, time - it is liberation. Nothing else. It is liberation. Especially understanding about time - kala.


The other day, I was seeing a documentary in Youtube. The Einstein’s understanding about time - kala. He is the closest experience of time happened in the modern day after Kalabhairava. So, Kalabhairava is a Rishi. Rishi who has experienced completely the truth of time and mastered science of managing time; was giving us the science of going beyond time. Understand this truth very deeply. Your attachment is nothing but you are deep seeking for stability. Your inability to cope up with changes. That is what is attachment. But, unfortunately, what to do as longest you are in the shaft of time; till you master time; this is the basic suffering. Nobody can be responsible for it. You just need to became Kalabhairava. Work on time till you master time, nobody can help you. It is inevitable.


Then, comes the great depression and low mood. I think it is not for me. It is not going to be by me. That is the success of time. It is not as difficult as you go on thinking. Start practising Satya, means having the ultimate understanding as you was. Please understand. There are three pramanas, scale to measure the truth. One is Shastra Pramana - what is described in the works of an enlightened Rishis, incarnations. Like Upanishad, Balawa Geetha, Brahmasutra - those literatures. That is called Shastra Pramana. Works of the great Masters. Second is Upta Pramana. The words of a Living Master who is initiating you is in front of you - Upta Pramana. Third is Atma Pramana - your own experience. When you hear the Shastra Pramana, it should inspire you to move towards Upta Pramana. Find out the Living Master who will vouch for Shastra Pramana. The Living Master will be pushing you towards Atma Pramana, your own experience. Now, I am pushing you towards your own experience.


Start Satya. Practices Satya means the ultimate possibility of you is - you are ready. So go on, remembering, remembering, remembering. Sent a clear strong Facebook note to all your friends -”I am enlightened” from now. (Disciples/devotees laughing and clapping) No, I am telling you, “It’s the truth.” Just a strong note, “Eh, I am Cosmos.” They’ll asked, “How do you experience?” Don’t worry about that. I’m telling you, “I am.” (Disciples/devotees laughing). You don’t need to bother about that. I am telling you, “I am.” Now, you have to act. (Disciples/devotees laughing). No, really, conscious faking it, will be making it. (Disciples/devotees laughing and clapping). It’s all the key, I’m giving you. (Disciples/devotees continued clapping) Really, unconscious faking only will not make. Conscious faking it, wil, will making it. I tell you, “Many of your sufferings are - you not believing your ability to be in that, beyond suffering.” See, there is ultimately one layer of real breaking. But that one layer of real break, breaking is very easy. It’s like a, one xxxxxx hidden under inside 100 bag of cotton. Breaking it, itself is not a big job. It’s just one knocking, one finger work but this 100 bag cotton removing is the real job. Now, practising Satya will be, the Satya as I am telling you will be the removing of the 100 bag cotton. You weight the cost of the 100 bag cotton which is not the reality. So, the next process you are going to do is - go and tell all the social media in which people are available to, you are available to people.


I am enlightened, very clearly. Understand. How many of you trust that I know more about you than you know about you? So all, for all of you, I’m declaring, “You are enlightened.” (Disciples/devotees clapping). Thathwamasi (Disciples/devotees continued clapping) that all doubt. Thathwamasi - I am giving you initiation now. This moment, 6.20 is the moment I am giving you initiation. Understand, the atma bethadi, the diksha bethadi which prescribes the rules of initiations. Very clearly declares any initiation Master gives, any declaration he makes, he is responsible for completely completing on all actions of commotion, omissions you do till it is completed. So, knowing that diksha bethadi, the procedure of initiation, the rights and responsibilities of a Master who is initiating and the rights and responsibilities of the process of initiation, “I am initiating.” So, all the actions of commotions and omissions by you till you experience the reality of what I am talking to you, “I am responsible.” So go and sent the message, “I am enlightened.” From this moment, sent this message to the cosmos.


See very clearly, 21 pints of your body could sense and receive information. The leg - 10 pints, the hands - 10 pints, the sadhashrada . Tell very clearly and sent this message through this 21 pints. Release this message, “I am Cosmos. I am enlightened.” The person who knows me much more than me has clearly declared, “Till 6.19, it was only shastra pramana, means teaching of the Rishis. But by 6.20, it does become upta pramana - my very Master’s words. Fortunately, unfortunately, it’s already heard by this ear. (Disciples/devotees laughing). It does fill into this ear and make sense into me. So, any word which are swollen into your ears and makes sense to you, I am responsible. So, it is clear now. You are mine, there’s no way of you escaping saying still, ‘You are not enlightened.” I am sealing all possible escape routes (disciples/devotees laughing and clapping) of your mind. (Disciples/devotees continued applauding) And if your mind discovers any other possible escape route, now itself, I am sealing all those which I utter, unuttered illegally, formally, dramatically, socially. (Disciples/devotees laughing and continued applauding). Understand.


Now, I am telling, “Thathwamasi - You are that” and let your body and mind start clearly declaring. Now this moment, tell cosmos, “Aham Brahmasmi because I heard already the truth of Thathwamasi.” I am knocking at your Ananda Ganda, breaking at your Ananda Ganda, the door of the Ananda Ganda with this hit of Thathwamasi. Thou or that. Thou or that. So when I break your Ananda Ganda lock, the door of Ananda Ganda with the truth or doubt, it opens with the truth, “Aham Brahmasmi, I am that.” So now, I am declaring clearly, “Now open it, break it. Open it. I think opening it, breaking it, that is too small words. Explode. “Aham Brahmasmi, let every part of you practise this Satya.” Shake all your family, friends declaring, “I became enlightened, 6.20.” (Disciples/devotees laughing and clapping). “6.20 in the live session, I’ve been given enlightenment.” So, now it is, Atma Pramana. Over, start living. Just start living. Nothing else. Nothing else. When you break, when you explode, see, do all the things which clears insecurity in you. “Oh, I’ll tell everybody, not my mother and father. That will be too risky. Daily clear grasp. No, tell them fast.” (Disciples/devotees laughing and clapping). Clear all possible grasps in your life with this declaration of enlightenment. That is what I called courage - Dhlra.


The path is like walking on the xxxx edge. Now, I am putting you on the xxxx edge. Come on, declared - over. This moment, send through these 21 point to the cosmos, Aham Brahmasmi. And when the session is over, sent it to social media, Aham Brahmasmi. And start living that way. There will be huge upsurge of fear to hold down to something stable. Just buy that small chicken which is trying to hold down to something when you break this way. You see, now, your so called, the little bit of reminding ego will jump here and there while trying to hold this part, that part. That’s what headless chicken. (Disciples/devotees laughing) “No, no, no...I am okay. It’s okay, It’s okay, Better, better, I think. Tssk. (Disciples/devotees continued laughing) Maybe after this program, I’ll become enlightened.” (Disciples/devotees laughing and clapping) “No,no,no,no...I think. You see, he’s giving me as a technique, if I do it after 10 days, I can no, no, no. I can be enlightened.” Nothing to it. “You are now.” (Disciples/devotees laughing and applauding). “You are now”, that’s all. (Disciples/devotees continued clapping). You are now but ultimate possibility of what you think can happen to you is - Now. So, no those for mind can be allowed. Simply start living, change your liver as an enlightened liver. That’s the last part in your body which will change. Now, tell your liver, “You are an enlightened liver.” Your blood flow will change as an enlightened thing 5, 10 minutes. This liver only will be the last one to change, intellect. Liver is directed directly to Pitta, intellect. That will be the one which will take some at least 1 year. Tell your liver, “You are an enlightened liver now.” That is the strong bio memory. Liver is the place where the strongest bio memories are stored. Now, your liver should understand,“You are enlightened.” That is the essence.


That is why, actually when Samana is balanced - the limitation. When prana is balanced - floating on water. When the Udana is balanced, the xxxxxxx which is the pure intact, the liver will be cleansed. When the Dhyana is balanced, the whole, all remaining parts of your system will be cleansed. So the liver is the most difficult organ in your body, most strong bio memory of your body which rises for this breaking - Aham Brahmasmi. And tell your liver now, put your hand on the liver and tell, “Eh, you are enlightened now.” Your liver is the part which used to learn the lesson and tell it, it will listen. That is the only resistance, nothing else. So, you don’t have a big enemy. Your enemy - simple physiological enemy, not psychological. It is physiological. It is just physiological. Simple liver, nothing else. That’s the truth.


So any inability, it’s like a, when you are going through a rollercoaster, you want to hold on to something. That is what is attachment. No need, no need, just be comfortable the whole rollercoaster. Just be comfortable. Just be Kalabhairava. Nothing. Do not have constant such fuss stability. Do not have the constant such fuss stability, that’s all. Nothing else. So now, any moment, some part of you says, “No, I may not be enlightened, then catch, put your hand on your liver and say, “I am enlightened,” keep quiet.” (Disciples/devotees laughing). So, actually fight is not between you and your ego or mind. Fight is between you and your liver. (Disciples/devotees laughing). That’s the truth. Find out the right enemy. Don’t fight with the wrong enemies. Don’t bother anything else. Just whenever anybody shouts, don’t answer them. Talk to liver. (Disciples/devotees laughing). Even I don’t know, they are doing. I am not interested whether you know or not. You stop saying, that’s all. That’s all, nothing else. Your liver responsible for Pitta. He is responsible for all the infuria, that’s all.


Because I am declaring I am incarnation in macrocosmic level, the whole human society is trying to resist. Unconsciousness, collective unconsciousness trying to resist because you are declaring the microcosmic level that you are enlightened; the microcosmic level unconscious trying to resist you. That’s all, nothing else. So now, do the same thing I do. First, create Facebook and declare, “I am enlightened.” 6.20, August 31st, xxxxxx in the presence of my Master, Paramahamsa Nithyananda, I received the truth of Thathwamasi and declared in it as Aham Brahmasmi.” Understand.


The big confusion will happen is, “Have you experienced for declaring?” Understand now, I am breaking an important truth with Hindu tradition does not believe in enlightenment experience. It is Buddhism which brought the idea of enlightenment. Hinduism has no enlightenment. Tell me, “A single Upanishad talks about enlightenment?” No...Hinduism talks about only one thing, “Shravana, Manana, Nithya Sana - listening, internalising, living.” That’s all. Vedic tradition does not required any enlightenment experience. (Disciples/devotees clapping). You all belong to Vedic tradition. So you do not need any 360 degree or internal opening or breaking of the coconut or anything. All you need is my declaration. In the Vedic tradition, all you need is Shravana and Manana and Nithya Sana means listening, internalizing and expressing. So, by the authority as a living incarnation, I am declaring, “You’ve completed Shravana - listening, Manana - internalizing, simply thou do Nithya Sana - living.” Understand.


No Upanishad, no Upanishad talks about enlightenment. You maybe shocked, “What is this?” Then, “What are you doing all these years?” (Disciples/devotees laughing). You need to know no Upanishad talks about enlightenment. They are all very clear - truth should be listened, internalized and start living, that’s all. When you start living, there is, there will be some breakthrough point which is modest enlightenment by Buddhist tradition. All the idea of Vedic or idea of enlightenment, you find in Sanskrit literature also is post Buddhic, Buddhist Vedic literatures. Not pre Buddhist Vedic literatures. I want you to know only the post Buddhic, Buddhist Vedic literatures are influenced by the Buddhist concept of enlightenment. So, you do not need to bother, think ori that you need to get into some state, only then you have the right to declare that you are enlightened. No. I am telling you, “As living incarnation, I have the right to declare, You are enlightened.” and with that right, I am declaring,“You just start living.” Anybody ask, anybody creates beyond your stability, creates some doubt in you, say, “I don’t know, he told me, that’s all. That’s okay.” (Disciples/devotees clapping).


Whether it is internal or external, liver or representative of the liver - outside. Sometime, your own liver can fight or your liver’s representative outside. You as the big liver, outside, he can also fight. So, your liver are your liver’s friend liver. (Disciples/devotees laughing). Anybody fights with you, whatever answer, your logic knows, you’re, you know answer. If you are not able to hand over, handle; just hand over the problem to my liver. (Disciples/devotees laughing) Tell that guy, said, “What can I do? Have the Master’s photograph, that is the mastercard.” (Disciples/devotees laughing and clapping). That mastercard will do all process in all over world. So, try, whatever you can play, play. When you feel no, you are not able to handle, just show mastercard. You told, “I don’t know. Talk to him, that’s all.”


I am very clear, I’m not giving this asset - technic to you. No. I am giving this asset - truth to you. It is initiation into Satya. Not initiation into Dhyana, no. Not initiation into practice, no. Initiation into truth. Just start living. Whoever do not believe you are enlightened, convinced them you are enlightened. Just convinced them, you are enlightened because those fellows are the, your internal voices. They all having little, little, little, little leela in your liver. If your liver is 100 acres, each fellow is holding 5 acres, 10 acres, 7 acres real estates. And the moment I put the truth, they are all fighting. The truth is like a football and dropping but your liver is so crowded. They don’t allow the football to land on your liver. They just kicking, kicking, kicking by hand and sending that back to me. But, no, I am not going to take it back. (Disciples/devotees laughing). So clear at least 4, 5 fellows’ real estate on your liver. That’s enough. Once the ball lands on your liver, then nothing can be done. So, slowly all of the fellows have to vacate and leave your liver. That’s all is the truth. That’s all is the truth.


Attachment is the silently saying yes to all the fellows who are sitting on your liver who go on promising stability but never delivered. Your liver is occupied by so many people including your priests, politicians, society, family, friends and everybody. Every fellow is promising you stability. But nobody can deliver. And you go on trusting. That is attachment. Attachment is - trust placed in wrong place. Nothing else, that’s all. I think I have given you clear technical information on attachment.


Let me enter into Sutra. (Disciples/devotees laughing). What Patanjali says, very beautiful word, sukan sahi raga ha, that’s all. Su kan anusa hi ra ga ha - way to translate this Sutras. Attachment is that which dwells on pleasure. Vivedic translates this as that which dwells on pleasure is desire. Swami Satchidananda translates as attachment is that which follows identification with pleasure of it experiences. Purohit translates as desires the longing for pleasure.


I’ll give my understanding. Su ka anusa hi ee ra ga ha. When you don’t go through even the pleasure completely because of your insecurity and trying to makes stability out of the pleasure moment. The unfulfilled pleasure experience which is - hangover in you, which makes you feel that you need to became stabil in pleasure is - attachment. Understand. When you try to be stabil and the pleasure happens in you because of your nature trying to have stability on any moment. Because of that fight, you do not enjoy the pleasure because you do not enjoy the pleasure; it gives a hangover in you. That hangover again insists that you should have the same pleasure intensely. That instigation to have the same pleasure intensely so that you can be out of this hangover is - attachment.


This is the definition for fear and greed. Trying to find - feel stability. How can you because the very feel, very feel in which you are feeling is time which is the constant moment. The more you are ready for unstability, more higher realities are revealed to you. More your nervous system is ready for anything, the more greater realities are experienced by it. The more your nervous system is ready for insecurity, the more secured spaces experienced by it. The more you are ready to face the fear, more fearlessness happens to you. That is the whole fun.


Paradox of life. When you are comfortable with the paradox of life, you are in paradise of life. Paradox leads to paradise. When you are fear of paradox, paradise never happens in you. Su kan sa hi ra ga. I can give you one more technique, one more process. Do not respond to your fear or attachment. Just go on teasing. Let your mind sit in front of you like a baby and tell, “I want this, I want this, I want this.” You tell, “Okay. What else you want?” (Disciples/devotees laughing). “No, get me, now.” “Okay. What else you want?” (Disciples/devotees continued laughing). Just sit with your mind and have baby play. And he cried, “I want in 10 minutes.” “Okay. What else you want?” Come on, next play. Let him do all kinds of dance and play. “I am depressed.” “Okay. What else?” (Disciples/devotees laughed) “Then, great.” “Then?” “No, no, no…I am having these fear and insecurity is going to happen next half an hour.” “Oh, then?” (Disciples/devotees continued laughing). “You think that Swami’s teachings and technique is going to work on me. I see that you forget all that.” “Then?” “You think you are enlightened. Come on.” (Disciples/devotees laughing). “Two days will be in this mood. Third day morning, when you get up, I take care. (Disciples/devotees kept on laughing) Early morning.” “Come on, let me see. Early morning whether this Swami comes first or I come first.” (Disciples/devotees kept on laughing). “Then?” I’m becoming so irritated. Just clutching the teeth. “I see that you step out of this campus, I take care of you.” (Laughters) “Then?” (laughing continues) It’ll be a great thing like Tomanjali. (Laughters continued and clappings) No, really. ”Aaah, you think you are so much courageous, all write how many type, how many techniques, methods this fellow teaches, what sonic. Come on, let me see.””Then?” (Disciples/devotees laughing). “Have a school face.” “Then?” (laughters continued). Maybe you can have small artificial liver. (Laughters continued) Really. (laughters and clapping) The plastic liver and keep it. And mention on, in the pp, pen, sketch pen. “Father - 2 acres, mother - 2 cm and the ex-husband - 2 cm and the present relationship - 4 cm.” Like this, keep. So, all those fellows collective voice, “It’s your name. Your ego.” And tell, “Then?” In the body language of the liver, you will see the shape of all your family, friends, relatives body languages mixed. Shouting like until face showed like your aunt, screaming like your spouse, hitting like your ex spouse. You will see all of them there. All you need is…”Then? (Laughters continued). Say, “Come out of this campus, I take care.” “Then?” “You are typing and sending message in social media, I’ll take care.” “Then?” Just go on saying, “This, this fellow is traumatizing you, you don’t understand? He’s brainwashing you, don’t you understand?” “Then?” (Laughters) “Washing the brain is great which I cannot do. He is doing it for me.” (Disciples/devotees laughing and clapping) “What’s wrong in it? When there is somebody to pollute the brain, there should be somebody to washing and cleaning it. (laughters and clapping). Is it not?” (clapping continued)


Understand only one thing. You have nothing worthy that Master need to take it from you by exploiting. That only gives you the complete courage to stand by Master’s words. As I said, nothing worthy. If you think there is some worthy in you, go out and try to work it out. Then, sometime you will understand there is nothing worthy, then come back. That’s the truth. There is nothing in your body or mind and the by-products which can come out of body and mind is useful for him. Whatever you have is nothing but the, the grass which the sheep, lion can bring for the lion. The lion may put the grass into the mouth not for eating, just to satisfy you; that you are accepted. You are wanted.


The other day, I was talking about the Krishna’s romance. That’s the greatest sacrifice Krishna can do. See, I know I experienced the inner space of Krishna. It is not easy joke to make that other person feel that he’s respected, he’s wanted, he’s enjoyed. I can say, in this whole galaxy of Avatars incarnations, Krishna is the only person who successfully able to make the other persons feel that they are wanted. Still, unable to make anybody feel. That’s a big problem. See, everybody whom I just give my love or my care, they all know it’s out of compassion. Then, that one line that they are wanted never is felt by them. But Krishna is a great guy. He’s able to make feel; Gopi’s really feel, he’s in love with them and they are wanted for his happiness. That is something extraordinary. The ultimate sacrifice, still which I am not able to do.


I know there are so many people, so many people whose whole life is filled with the devotion. Joy and love but they all know my response is only compassion. I not need them in my life. That line itself is a kind of a distance. But Krishna, I can say, the compassion which is beyond Buddha. Where Gopi really felt, we are needed for his pleasure. When really, really, no Vedic can add one inch to Krishna. But it’s compassion, it came down to that extent of making them feel that they are needed, so that they will feel they are wanted. It’s something extraordinary. Extraordinary. Unimaginable sacrifice.


Anybody I hugged, I blessed. They know they are not needed for me. They know it’s a compassion. I tell you, even this is not complete 100% compassion. I don’t know how you understand. If you feel that you are needed, that is something, that extraordinary coming down - the incarnation, Avatar. Krishna was able to that. Krishna has done it.


There are some extraordinary expressions of each Masters. I can say, this is the most extraordinary expression which did not happen in any other incarnation. If you see Galaxy of Enlightened Masters - Umar knows, Parvathi knows. She is around Shiva because of Shiva’s compassion. Shiva does not need Shiva’s pleasure or joy. It’s not added even one inch more by Parvathi. But Radha knows she is needed for Krishna’s joy. Krishna yearns for her presence. Ultimate respect given to the human beings. Ultimate sacrifice done by the incarnations. This sacrifice is the ultimate sacrifice done by any incarnation happened on the planet earth. He’s not sitting in the palace still and say, “I am compassionate and I am giving my love to you.” No. He’s pressing the feet of Radha and painting her feet with mehndi. You can’t imagine and Rishis were very angry. “You are an incarnation, you forget your original space and pressing a fat feet of a cowherd girl from Basana town?” Basana town is a village from which the Radhika, Radharani took birth. The village is supposed to be the low caste people’s village. So like a, in the small communities, there are villagers allocated for the low caste community. So this Basananis supposed to be the low caste community village. The Rishis are screaming, “How dare you will presses a cowherd girl’s feet? Have you fallen from your state? It’s a disgrace to an incarnation.” Maybe those days, most xxxxx scandals. (Disciples/devotees laughing). The sex scandal so possessive, so intoxicating even an incarnation lost his grace and pressing the feet of a cowherd girl from a Basana town, out caste village. Only Krishna knows that extraordinary sacrifice and the extraordinary grace. The intellectual Rishis can never understand, can never catch it. Can never catch it.


I can say, the sacrifice of Shiva drinking the poison, Halahala to save the world. The sacrifice of Buddha, his newborn son and his wife for the sake of achieving and radiating enlightenment to the world. The sacrifice of Ramakrishna accepting the karmas of the many disciples and giving up his zone body in the throat cancer. The sacrifices done by Yandal, Mira, Praladha, Yanasamandal, xxxxxx, Jesus - all these great different incarnations. Everything is smaller than his own sacrifice of Krisha painting the feet of Radha with mehndi and pressing her feet. That is the ultimate conscious coming down. Understand. An incarnation is great based on his ability to come down, not based on his power’s expression. No.”Father you don’t need to take human body, sitting at your actual xxxxxx show all your drama and magic xxxxxx. Get out.” Understand.


See, to show extraordinary powers. He can kill khamsa. He can kill shishupala. He can lift gold sadhana. You don’t need to come down to human earth. Be there in, by your gundha. From there, just make a wish and it is done. That is not the av, purpose of an incarnation. Incarnation’s greatness is defined by his ability to land to the lowest possible mood. Greatness is expressed by the landing, descending. That is why incarnation. Not by his ability to show extraordinary powers. But again and again, the foolis, foolish humanity which is enchanted and charmed, mesmerized by the glories and feel of the greed for powers, agonizing and respects the Masters only of expressing extraordinary powers. Forgets the great sacrifice of landing. My greatness is not making you levitate but making this body walk on the earth. (Disciples/devotees clapping). I sacrifice more to make this body walk on the earth than to make you fly. To make you fly, I don’t need to assume this body. My space sitting there is enough, “Come on, fly, you will fly.” Making this body walking on the earth is my biggest sacrifice than making you fly.


I’ll tell you the story from Krishna’s life to explain attachment. Naradha, those days’ news reporter. (Disciples/devotees laughing). Comes down and sees Krishna pressing the feet of Gopi, Radha and putting mehndi. God! Completely annoyed and prepares the scandalous report. Maybe some video also. (Disciples/devotees laughing). And one for the Rishis also before releasing. He wanted to have one interview, direct interview with the Krishna. Asked, “Are you caught in Maya? What is going on? I am going to circulate this report to all the three worlds - Krishna’s this last enlightenment.” Krishna smiles and says, “Do you know about Maya?” Naradha says, “I know.” Krishna says, “No, you don’t know.” Then, Naradha says, “Come on, show me.” Krishna says, “I am feeling thirsty. Can you just get me little water?” Naradha goes to Yamuna to get water. Suddenly, at the banks of Yamuna, Naradha sees a beautiful woman, falls in love. Asked her to marry. She also marries both of them, Murdha, the other side of Yamuna and starts living happily. 100 years over. One day, suddenly, huge flood in Yamuna. So, Naradha is trying to move to a safe place. His house is washed, everything is lost. He is just trying to cross Yamuna by holding his beautiful wife and the child and some of his properties on the head by swimming. Slowly, the current first property goes away. Naradha is crying, crying. Then, slowly in the little more current th, one child is lost. He is crying, weeping. After few moments, one more child gone. Now, he’s left alone with his wife. He’s trying his best to swim and reach a safe place. Suddenly in the whirl heavy current, the wife also lost the balance and he lost his wife also. He’s crying by intense breaking. Then, suddenly, he hears a voice, “Naradha, where is my water?” He wakes up. That’s all. (Disciples/devotees laughed and clapping). He listens to the voice of Krishna, “Naradha, where is my drinking water? Still, I am thirsty.” Naradha just wakes up, “Oh, God, Krishna. This is your Maya.” Hear me, have this report und, under your feet. I am going. (Disciples/devotees laughing and clapping). And he touched not only the feet of Krishna and the feet of Radha. Xxxxxxxxxxx “Let me not be caught in Maya, anymore. Let me be at your feet xxxxxx.” Bless her. This Naradha who really wanted to have one last interview with the Krishna before publishing the scandal. (Disciples/devotees laughing and clapping)


Attachment. Maya. If you sitting this seat and see what you are, you will be seeing and now, what I am seeing. The only reason for these two different scenes; see, in the same place, if you sit, you will see something. But, this same place sitting, I am not seeing the same thing. I am seeing something different. If you want to see what I’m seeing, only thing you need to do is remove the attachment, that’s all. The only difference is attachment, nothing else. Even while all of you are not there, when there are bars in front of me, I was in the same mood because there is no attachment to all of you. Understand. Whether it’s member of disciples or member of steel bars, did not create any disturbance because there is no attachment inside.


Now, two process. One, understand this Naradha’s story. Do not let thoughts became engram. That is the process we are going to do. Today, that is why I put you all in the process of diluting the engrams into thoughts. All of you went through itself. Very powerful process. Diluting thoughts into...sorry, engrams into thoughts by removing attachment. Catharsis, catharsis. Now, sit without making thoughts into attachment. That’s the process now. Thoughts into engrams by attachment. Neither yes nor no to anything happens in your biomemory. This is the first process. After you finished this process and go. Second is not process - declarational of truth. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Reclaiming your kingdom. “Aham brahmasmi, I am enlightened to around the world.” (Disciples/devotees clapping). And I tell you, “I have the best energy, intelligence and everything to make my words into reality.” (clapping) Even if all your livers are not accepting unconditionally. So, it is time to remove into this process. After all, you are enlightened. You don’t need anything much. Just now, you are going to test your enlightenment, that’s all. Understand, you are not going to do any process of enlightenment, you are going to test your enlightenment. Just feel, how it feels. ”Come on. Now, I am sitting without converting my thoughts into engram with attachment.” Let me see, “How enlightenment feels really in my tongue?”


So now, you are going to taste your food which is your own property. Your own, your own. (Laughing at the background). That’s the word, no other word can be added. Your own. I can say, “Get into the tasting ceremony. It is not process, it’s like a tea ceremony.” (Disciples/devotees clapping). Now, that’s how they said, “In Zen tea ceremony, so, tea tasting ceremony. Enlightenment tasting ceremony.” Now, “Let’s taste our enlightenment. How it feels? How it feels when you sit without converting thoughts into engrams by not having attachment.” That’s all. So, neither I need to bless you nor I need to pray to somebody to bless you. Let us all bless ourselves. (Disciples/devotees laughing) That leela taste the enlightenment. That’s all.


See, we all have a deep humbleness to submit when great truth happens in our inner space and we all have a great courage to live and taste our enlightenment. Our courage and humbleness does not clash or hit each other. They are in tuned with each other. Our courage is not ego. Our humbleness is not fear. So, let’s all bless ourselves to live and radiate enlightenment. To live and radiate the eternal bliss. Nithyananda. Thank you. 01:09:56


101 definiciones de Vivir la iluminación en español por Nithyananda


En esta serie de discursos, Paramahamsa Nithyananda revela 101 formas de vivir la iluminación. En este primer video, les presentamos 3 dimensiones:

-Cambiar lo que tienes que cambiar y aceptar lo que tienes que aceptar, es vivir la iluminación

-Enfrentar la vida sinceramente como un simple juego, es vivir la iluminación

-Irradiar el amor incondicional alrededor tuyo, es vivir la iluminación

Pueden usar cada dimensión como una técnica par vivir la iluminación. Que vivian e irradien la dicha eterna Nithyananda.

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101 definiciones de Vivir la iluminación en español por Nithyananda

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