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Dynamic Solutions By the Avatar on Unclutching || Part 1 || Dhyana Spurana || 03 March 2006
Name Of The Convention: Dhyana Spurana <br>
Session on: Dynamic Solutions By the Avatar on Unclutching Part 1 <br>
Date: 03 March 2006 <br>
Venue: Los Angeles, CA, USA
In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda​ Paramashivam answers all the delegates questions on Life and Spirituality. HDH beautifully answers each and every question with personalizing it with interesting stories and quotations from other masters lives like Ramakrishna and Shankaracharya. He creates a relaxing and friendly atmosphere for everyone to enable all the delegates to absorb such high truths with ease and understanding.In the end HDH ends the session with the guided mediation in part 2.
==Link to Video: ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsktq8-UmkE&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2006-03mar-03_dynamic-solutions-by-the-avatar-on-unclutching-part-1-dhyana-spurana-1"/>
==Transcript: ==
Question: My ten year old son loves watching TV hours and hours and hours in a day. I scream at him to turn TV off. Am I creating a shaft by saying so?
Answer: One thing, if you try to help him not to watch the TV really you are helping him. By watching the TV he will be creating big, big shafts. Big, big shafts. So, according to Me, helping him not to watch TV will really help him a lot.
Question: What role does sexuality play in Enlightenment?
Answer: It’s a nice question. Who’s question it is? I will answer. See, be very clear…. The sex energy has got one important quality it can be transformed. No other energy has got that quality. Only that energy has got that quality. It can be transformed.
Question: When you give suggestion to bring awareness to breathing during meditation my awareness go to breathing… goes to breathing but also at.. at the same time it goes to all the extremities of the body feeling blurred, flowering… flowing through them. What is happening?
Answer: Yes, you are entering into a different zone. You're really going into that uncutched state. when you go into that unclutched state you will be aware of whatever is happening in your mind and body. See, your body is the nearest thing to your being. So, you will become completely aware of your body and mind and your being. So, you are really growing. You are really working on your inner space. Things are happening.
Question: When a child is born with a disease or brain trauma, did he bring the shaft of pain from previous life?
Answer: He really brings the shaft. If you can teach him to disconnect or be unclutched. The unclutching can be taught at the age of seven or eight. Because that time itself they will be able to understand. It is such a simple thing any small child can understand. Just make him write and show him, this is the way your mind is going on, don’t give importance to anything. You will help him to retain his Enlightenment. Actually tomorrow we are starting, just tomorrow we are launching a program called little ananda’s to take care of the kids. to help the kids to retain their enlightenment. Tomorrow onwards we starting, we are launching in ten cities at a time. It’s like a every weekend, every Saturday and every Sunday. Every Sunday two hour session. Half an hour we give them the basics of spirituality; half an hour some meditation; one hour they will jump around and express their energy. In all creative ways, singing or painting or different, different things to keep them alive. And to retain their shaftless space and even if they started creating shaft to break free from it to give them this understanding. We are starting the program, tomorrow onwards we are starting called little anandas. Every weekend, every Sunday we will be having.
Question: How do samskaras affect the shafts? Are they unconscious shafts?
Answer: Evern the ideas that you are unconscious is given to you to exploit you. Now I have to expose one more thing. The concept of sin is inserted.. inserted into your inner space by the so called religious people to exploit you. The concept of unconsciousness is inserted into you by the so called psychotherapists and psychiatrists people to exploit you. There is no such thing as unconscious exists. Let it be very clear. You may be thinking what this Swami is talking? Whether you understand or not this moment you can unclutch yourself. All your weakness, all your what to say that all your shafts which you created which you are not able to relax only you call in the name of unconsciousness. There is no such thing as unconsciousness. You can unclutch yourself, this moment. This moment you can unclutch yourself. you don’t have to think, “Oh consciously I can unclutched Swamiji. How can I unclutch myself unconsciously”? All these things are just one more question. Your failure which you experienced eight years ago; your failure which you experienced nine years ago, the failure which you experienced ten years ago; the failure which you experienced yesterday are not connected. When you connect them and label, “Oh I have unconscious problem. That is why I am again and again I am falling.” You create a trouble. They are not connected this moment. Understand. They are not connected and liberate yourself. Liberate yourself from these shafts.
Question: Being unclutched in another way is living in the present?
Answer: Again do not create one more shaft connecting My words with some other teachings with Zen teachings. And you will dump Me in the same dustbin as you dump these teachings. Who’s question it is? Yes, do not dump Me in the dustbin. 
Question: If you are unclutched will your thought lead to action?
Answer: It’s a nice question. Whatever needs to become action automatically they will rise… they will rise in you, action will happen and they will disappear. It will not leave any hangover in you. Just like how the birds don’t leave footprints in the sky, those actions won’t leave footprints in your inner space. Whatever needs to be executed it will simply raise, have, it happen, disappear. See, when I say all these things you think I Am singing some poems. I Am not singing some poems. No, I Am not giving you some fantasies. I tell you honestly this is what is happening in Me. Constantly it is happening. It is coming whatever needs to be executed it is happening and relaxing. It can happen in you also, in you also. If you are unclutched will your thought lead to action? The .. all your thoughts whatever needs to become action only will happen in you as thought. Slowly.. slowly you see as on now your mind knows any thought thrown at you, you start doing… you are behind that thought. So, it is creating too many thoughts. If it knows no you are not going to be moved by any thought, it will throw only the thought which needs to become action. It will throw only the thoughts which needs to become action. You brought a set of thoughts to work it out in this life. You will just work them out, that’s all. Nothing else, nothing else. 
Question: Why different levels of intelligence exists in different beings? Do You believe is this genetic or environmental?
Answer: Be very clear. There is no different levels of intelligence. Only the different levels of intellect. In intelligence there is no different level. In intellect there is a level. It can be, it’s a more environmental as far as human beings concerned. Not genetal. As far as the animals concerned it is genetal. The moment mind starts working it is environmental. As long as the individual consciousness, we say in sanskrit pratyagatma chaitanya. As long as that pratyagatma chaitanya individual awareness is not awakened it is genental. The moment individual awareness is working it is environmental.
😊 What to do? 😊
Question: This morning when we were writing our thoughts some created positive feelings and some was.. were negative. But I noticed that You are commenting throughout our writing and every time You spoke I created… it created a stillness regardless of the emotion the thoughts created. 
Answer: See, whenever I speak you are still. That is why constantly I Am speaking just to make you still. That’s what you have experienced. When Master speak naturally you will become still.
Question: You are talking lot about marriage and joking about wifes. Would You ever get married and  have a family? 😊 Afterall, You said at the age fourteen, twenty one, twenty eight Lamas are allowed to marry. What about Swami’s?
Answer: No, Swami’s can marry at any time. No problem. And actually Pramahamsa’s marry at…can marry at any time. There is no problem. First of all I Am not technically a Swami. I Am technically a Paramahamsa. Swami means somebody who is trained by a earlier Master to sit in that same seat.. like a successor, predecessor. They are only called as peetadhipathis and they only have lineage and they have so many rules and those things. Paramahamsa’s are who left their house and  took these life to achieve Enlightenment. They have not left for the sake of some peetam to sit in some throne or be a head of some institution. They left out of their quest for Enlightenment. So, Paramahamsa’s are no way bound by the rules and regulations of the Swami’s. But one thing let you be very clear I Am not going to marry. And that I am very clear. Because I have seen many people and I have some jokes now, I don’t want to tell enough. 😊 And I have now too many jokes coming up. They are all coming and crashing now… the.. the traffic jam is happening in My throat. Everyone is trying, “hey I am coming, I am coming.”. So, who's question it is? Okay, let you be very clear I Am not going to marry. You see Ramakrishana is a very village person. He is such a beautiful being. He used to speak in a slang language. But when His teachings are translated in English they polished it. Lot of the gospel of Ramakrishana is not Sri, Sri Ramakrishana kathamrita. Now recently one edition has come original Ramkrishana’s teachings as it is translated. Five volumes have coem, Sri, Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita in English. And He used to speak in a slang language. He is a very beautiful, innocent being. You should read His teachings in its original form. Then you will understand the way in which He lived and the way He is just like God on the planet earth not like He is not like something but He just an amazing expression of innocence and grace and everything.
Question: If shaft is the cause of diseases and how can enlighten Masters who don’t have the shafts get diseases?
Answer: Ah let you be very clear. The body is separate it can be when they wanted to break that body they have to break in some way. So, from outside when you see it looks like a disease. When Nisharadha Maharaj was asked he says  for you it’s cancer not for me. And when Raman Mharishi was questioned he says, there is a pain but there is no suffering. There is no suffering. And their body, they dropping their body is totally different from the diseases which you suffer. You see, they may go through a disease and drop the body, they accept that disease and drop that body. Otherwise how to disconnect from the body? Or when they disconnect from the body, body automatically falls into some disease.  When they don’t live in their body more when they decide to pack up and pack their baggage, bags and baggage; automatically body falls into some disease. Their body falling into some disease and your body falling into some disease is totally different. Do not compare.
Question: Whenever a thought rises, even before we remember to unclutch we get too involved in the thought stream. How do we unclutch whenever the thought rises before getting too much involved in that thought?
Answer: Your idea that you are getting too much involved also one more shaft. Now doctor is repeating when you are involved eight years ago, when you are involved seven years ago, when you are involved one month ago, when you are involved yesterday; all these incidents are independent. Why are you creating an idea you are getting too much involved in your thoughts? Even that is one more shaft. When that comes say, “Alright, now I am relieved; now I am unclutching.” And even if you are involved you can’t be involved because the thought will be replaced by some other thought. Constantly you are getting replaced. Let you be very clear. Your thought to posses your house, your desire to possess your house, your desire to posses your car is equal to your desire to have a cup of tea. Because the desire to have a cup of tea can be replaced by the desire to posses the car. If you work for five years and achieve a new house when you enter the house  you will have the beautiful feeling, “Oh, I have a new house.” In two minutes there will be another one thought to have a cup of coffee. The desire for  the house is replaced. Every thought is constantly replaced.
Question: Enlighten Masters can leave the body at their will. Then why do they need a disease? 
Answer: Sometime they can leave their body at their will. One more thing when they leave their body ar their will also sometime when they dump the body it falls into some disease. Sometime straightaway they leave and go. It is the way of dropping. It’s like a… you just drop the cup or you just keep the cup on the table. Sometimes they feel bored, Ah they don’t feel like putting that cup in the table. They are just leave their hands and the cup drops and breaks. Like Ramakrishna, Ramana Maharishi. Some people keep the cup on the table like Paramahamsa Yogananda. His body was so beautiful, pure, nothing, no disturbance. Straight way He left and went away. He just put the cup on the table. He took that much of time and energy. But Ramakrishna didn’t feel that much; he just said, ‘Ah, drop it, dump it.” So, it is each one’s will. It is up to them; their will. Some Master’s leave their body at will, some leave, some just drop. It’s all their will. But that is no way related to their Enlightenment.
Question: In the gap meditation yesterday I could see my awareness very clearly as a singularity and I was able to hold it. And it dissolved quietly. Is awareness my true nature then who was observing it?
Answer: You see, when you are in that awareness itself nobody was observing. Only after coming out there is a observer and awareness. If the observer also not there only then you are in awareness. If you have the observer and the awareness then you are not in awareness. You are playing the game in the mind. “I am aware.” You are repeating the thought I am aware. You are not aware. Repeating the thought, ‘I am aware’ is not awareness. So, if you are not having even that thought only then you are aware.
Question: We are unclutched to begin with as You say. Can we help by using ‘Tatvamasi’, or a remembrance or is that also not  needed.
Answer: Who is that question…questioner? You’re.. ah yes. Again you are connecting Me with the Shankara. Again you are connecting Me with the Vyasa. Do not even remember new, new words like Tatvamasi and all those things. Just remember that simple one word you are unclutched and be with that.
Dynamic Solutions By the Avatar on Unclutching || Part 2 || Dhyana Spurana || 03 March 2006
Name Of The Convention: Dhyana Spurana <br>
Session on: Dynamic Solutions By the Avatar on Unclutching Part 2 <br>
Date: 03 March 2006 <br>
Venue: Los Angeles, CA, USA
In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda​ Paramashivam answers all the delegates questions on Life and Spirituality. HDH beautifully answers each and every question with personalizing it with interesting stories and quotations from other masters lives like Ramakrishna and Shankaracharya. He creates a relaxing and friendly atmosphere for everyone to enable all the delegates to absorb such high truths with ease and understanding.  In the end HDH ends the session with the guided mediation.
==Link to Video:==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AmuLNRtkm0&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2006-03mar-03_dynamic-solutions-by-the-avatar-on-unclutching-part-2-dhyana-spurana"/>
Question: Because the shaft of fear one will run away from tiger. If not one will be eaten.
Answer: See, when tiger comes automatically let that fear rise and save the body. Why are you creating the fear from now itself! You are not in front of tiger. When that comes, even if I say, “Don’t be afraid.” Are you going to keep quiet? Keep quiet as long as you can. When you can’t, let the intelligence take over. See, you are trying to bring all the supposed .. you are trying to talk the philosophy. Yesterday I was telling a story, na? One guy went out with the…. one guy even after twenty five.. twenty five years he was not going out with anybody. Rabbi called him, “What is happening? You are not going out with anybody. Why don’t you try.” He said, “No, no, no I don’t know what to talk. I feel really afraid. I don’t have confidence to talk.” Then he says, “I will teach you what to talk. Either you talk what she likes or you talk something about her family or some philosophy.” This guy memorizes, “Yes, I have to talk about her family, I have to talk about her likes, I have to talk about the philosophy. Family, likes, philosophy…. Family, likes, philosophy…” He memorizes what he supposed to talk. After few days somehow the Rabbi has arranged a date, he goes out. And when he is eating he remembers now I have to say something. First he asked, “Do you have a brother”? She replies “No.” Then second somehow he remembers what he supposed to talk likes, likes, likes… yes. Do you like baseball? She says, “No.” Now he slowly remembered, “Hey I have to talk philosophy.” Then he started “If you have a brother, if you had a brother will you like baseball”? So, all philosophies ‘if’. Here you are saying again if not one will be eaten. See, when that comes let the intelligence take over. See, there is an automatic intelligence system in your body to protect your body and maintain your body to run your whole system. That’s what we call prarabdha karma. There is automatic set up, programme. The program, automatic intelligence to run everything. You don’t have to interfere. The whole problem is you interfere and disturb and mess the whole thing. Now when that type of situation comes automatically that will take over. One more thing when the tiger comes you won’t even remember from where that power came; from where that power came. Is it under your logical control? Tell Me, is it under your logical control? Can you have that power now? No, you can’t. It means what your automatic intelligence is taking over. You have a system within yourself to take over that kind of… to handle that kind of situations. So, don’t bother about that now itself. When that comes you know how to handle. Now be relaxed.
Question: Is there relationship between unclutched and purposelessness?
Answer: One is path, another one is goal. If you achieve purposelessness, if you understand the purposelessness, you will be unclutched. If you are unclutched you will understand the purposelessness. Both are one and the same two different words. Two different words. Now let’s take few minutes to be unclutched. Just sit. Don’t even bother about anything. You may feel bored. What am I doing sitting? I am feeling terribly bored. I think this Swami is not teaching anything. Unclutch from that also. Because the boredom which happened to you one year ago, the boredom which happened to you two year ago, the boredom which happened to you three year ago, are not connected. They are independent incidents. The boredom which is happening to you yesterday, which happened to you yesterday, which is happening now they are not connected. Let you be completely unclutched and relaxed. Just sit if you want you can close your eyes or you can have your eyes open. No problem. Because closing eyes is one more connection. You always think you can meditate or you can unclutched only if you close your eyes. If you want you can close your eyes or eyes can be open. That is up to you. But just be unclutched.
Just see what happens when you are unclutched. Whatever happens let it happen. If thoughts are flowing it's okay. You don’t even connect them and see that thoughts are flowing. If it doesn’t flow it is okay. You don’t even have to connect the empty space and think you are not having thoughts. Having a thought you are having a thought or having a thought you are not having a thought both are shafts.
Unclutched guided meditation in progress.
Om.. shanti, shanti, shantihi. Please retain this silence for next half an hour, let you allow this silence to work on you because the silence can do miracles in you.
Mind is a Myth || Part 1 || Dhyana Spurana || 03 March 2006
==Link to Video: ==
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Unconnected, completely unclutched, you collect some flowers, some thoughts and create a shaft about yourself. If you create ‘I am a saint,’ you hold on to that shaft. If you create a shaft ‘I am a sinner,’ you hold on to that shaft. You create some shaft about yourself, some idea connecting these thoughts. If you create a shaft that your life is pain, you try to break it. If you create a shaft something is joy, then you try to elongate that shaft. Whether your effort to elongate or you are trying to break, both are going to be failure because the very shaft doesn’t exist. Please understand this one important thing: how your mind is working! Only then, we will be able to go into the meditations.
Whether it is a shaft, for example, the pain which happened to you ten years ago, the pain which happened nine years ago, the pain which happened eight years ago, the pain which happened yesterday-they are complete, independent incidents. They have no link but mentally you give link to all that pains and you start thinking you are having the same pain including your physical pains. Please understand, when I say, I mean including your physical pains. Not only your mental pains, even physical pains. The pain which you experienced one month ago, the pain which you experienced one week ago, the pain which you experienced yesterday-all three are different independent thoughts or independent experiences.
When you start connecting them mentally and create an idea you are having back pain continuously, you are having headache continuously, you are having this suffering continuously, you decide, ‘Yes, I have this suffering. I have this problem. Now I have to solve.’ You try to solve. You can never solve because the very shaft doesn’t exist. The very idea you have this problem is a lie. It’s an independent, separate happenings you are trying to connect. Same way, ten years ago, the sweet which you enjoyed and the joy which you felt, nine years ago the sweet which you have enjoyed and the joy you felt, one year ago, the sweet which you enjoyed, the joy which you felt-they are independent happenings.
If you try to create a shaft that sweet gives me joy, you will start creating hell for yourself because the moment you create the shaft, two things: One, whenever you want joy, you will try to have sweet but the big problem is that same sweet will not be giving you the same joy every time. So naturally you will have frustration. Naturally you will have frustration. One, first thing, you will try to elongate that joy shaft and it will be a failure. Next thing, you will try to replace the same product for that joy. Again failure. Both the way, you will be a big failure. You can’t elongate that shaft. Same way, you can’t try to break the shaft of pain. Whether it is pain or joy, you can’t do anything about it.
Sometime suddenly you will feel joyful, excited, alive for no reason! Sometime suddenly you will feel low, dull, depressed for no reason! It is completely independent. It is completely illogical. It is completely unclutched. What is happening in your mind is neither related to the personality or identity which you are showing to the outer world nor related to the identity which you are showing to yourself. Both are completely unclutched. You are neither connected with this nor connected with that. The big thing, the moment you start hearing this truth, tremendous fear rises in you. ‘Then what am I? What is going on in me? Then what for I was running all these years?’ The big fear, you see, your whole life is invested, your whole life is invested on this one idea you are connected, continuous being.
When I shake that very root, all sorts of fear happens in you. It is difficult to believe. It is difficult to understand. You start going crazy. Actually if you don’t go crazy, then you are doing something seriously wrong. If you don’t go crazy after listening to this truth, be very clear you have not understood. When you really understand the truth, when you start digesting it, when you start working with the truth, something will start happening in you. You can’t imagine what is going on. He will be completely shaken. Let you be very clear. Vivekananda says beautifully, “Whatever can be washed away, let it be washed away from your being. The earlier they are washed away, better for you. The earlier they are washed away, better for you. Whatever can die, let it die. Whatever can’t die, it will not die. Whatever can die in you, let it die.”
Now there are so many things, whether the shaft of pain or the shaft of joy-all these shaft, constantly you are creating the shaft by your imagination. Constantly you are creating this shaft because you have your vested interest in that. See, mind means nothing but generalising. Mind wants to keep all your experiences in a memory. So all the joyful memories you put in one file and keep it in one side. All your painful experiences you put it in one file and keep it another side. For filing, it is okay but not for reality. For filing purpose, okay. You can file. Yes, this week means joy. Put it in that file but by and by, you start believing that as existential truth. In the initial level, you started filing just for the sake of remembrance, just for the sake of easy handling. After some time, you start believing that sweet is directly related to that joy, that act is directly related to that pain, that act is directly related to that joy. When you start connecting in that way, be very clear, you have created hell for you. You have created hell for you.
Then naturally you are behind that act again and again. Neither that act gives you fulfillment nor it gives you satisfaction and even if it doesn’t give you satisfaction, because of your faith, it will give you satisfaction. You try to run behind it. Sometime even after knowing that sweet is not giving you any joy anymore, you don’t want to give it up because these few things which you feel, which you have faith, which you think is the juice of your life, only those few things are base for your life. If that is also not there, what for you will run? Why should you get up from the bed? What for you should be alive? You start questioning the basic existence but let you be very clear, even questioning basic existence is right. Even that is right thing than running behind something which has no solid base.
Once you decide this is joy, once you start believing, creating a shaft this is joy, after that, even if it doesn’t give you joy, just because you decided you don’t want to give it up, you don’t want to drop that, you don’t have that much of courage or honesty to review your decisions. First thing, first thing which you need to be born as a new person, to take a spiritual birth is the capacity to doubt. Be very clear, constantly you are taught, constantly the idea to believe is given. Be very clear. Now it is time to doubt all your decisions. Whatever you have decided about your joy, about your pain, about your life, about your death, including your death...actually if you understand this one truth, death is nothing because every moment you are dying, every thought is unclutched. Where is the question of death? Where is the question of death? Every thought is unclutched.
Your fear doesn’t have any place in your inner space. All your fear is nothing but one more shaft. At a particular...when something happened, you responded to that incident, to that moment with a particular kind of emotion and now you are afraid that same kind of incident will repeat, you will have the same kind of emotion. But that time what happened and now what is happening, both are completely independent incidents. They are two separate things. When you start connecting them with your imagination, you start creating more and more troubles for you. Let you be very clear. First thing, believing you have a solid mind is the greatest myth. Mind is myth. Whatever you think as you is a pure myth. Your identity which you are carrying is a pure myth. Because it gives you pay cheque, because it gives you social comfort, because it gives you an idea about yourself, you do not want to let go. You are afraid of opening yourself.
Even now, whatever I am saying, your mind says, ‘Yes, yes. Whatever He says is right. It can’t be lie, but for practical purpose, let me not bother about all these things now.’ You just want to keep all these things away because you know it will shake you. It will shake all your actions or the way in which you think, the way in which you function. Your whole being will be shaken if you allow this truth inside your inner space. You are afraid. You are afraid of this whole thing. ‘How can I be unclutched being? How can me be like this? Then what am I?’ You developed, you built your identity spending your whole life. Your identity which you are showing to others, you spent your whole life to build that. The same way, identity which you are carrying within yourself, you spent so much of energy to build that. You spent so much of energy to build these two identities.
Now I am saying, suddenly somebody is coming from Bangalore and saying that doesn’t exist. It is something like He is taking away your whole life. He is taking away something which you built spending your whole life. But let you be very clear, I am not taking away anything from you because whatever you think you are having is a pure myth. It is a pure myth. You are carrying a belief in you which is not even giving you peace and joy. If it gives you peace and joy, I have nothing against it. Carry. Be happy. Be blissful. No problem, but it is not giving you that. It is not giving you peace or bliss. Let you be very clear. I tell you from My experience. I have never seen a person who feels complete with the identity which he is projecting to the outer world or with the identity which he is projecting towards himself. With the outer world, no question. Even Bill Gates won’t feel satisfied. Even he feels threatened by competitors. Same way, with the identity which you are showing towards yourself.
Even great saints don’t feel that they are complete. Let you be very clear. I have met so many saints or so-called saints. They don’t feel they are complete. You can’t feel you are complete because even if you try to be pure, try to be perfect, try all the practices which you can do, not for twenty five years, even for fifty years, again you will have the same mind because mind which you are trying to chisel doesn’t exist. If it exists, then you can chisel and make as you want and keep as you want. That base itself doesn’t exist. That shaft itself doesn’t exist. Then what will you do? You can’t do anything about it. You can’t develop your mind. Training your mind is simply impossible because the mind doesn’t exist. You don’t have a continuous shaft. If you have a continuous shaft then, either you can elongate or break or do whatever you want; but there is no continuous shaft. You are just made to believe you have continuous shaft, you have an identity.
Your identity which you are showing to the outer world, your identity which you are carrying towards yourself, these two are the greatest thieves who steal your whole life. The superior ego which you are showing to the outer world, the inferior ego with which you are fighting constantly within yourself-these two doesn’t exist because every moment your thoughts are independent. You can read that notebook and understand. They are no way logically connected to each other. Try to read. You will understand. Suddenly you are having a thought, ‘Let me go to India,’ and second thought, ‘Let me go and see that movie.’ Third thought, ‘No, no, no. Let me attend this Camp properly. Swamiji is telling something.’ Third thought, ‘He has no other work. He has come here and He is sitting and talking. Who knows what is truth and what is not!’ The fourth thought, no way related to this. ‘Ah! Why not go to Universal studio and see a movie?’ Nothing will be connected. Suddenly you will think, ‘No, no, no, no. I could have gone to my job today. At least I would have little money. What am I doing sitting here?’ And the fourth thought, ‘What my next person is writing? He is smiling. What is going on?’ And no way it is connected to each other.
See, nothing is connected to each other. Simply so many things are happening just like that bubbles, the water bubbles in the fishtank. Just like that, things are happening. You are afraid to see the whole spectrum. You are afraid to see the whole thing which is happening in you. Just because of that fear, you pick up, you choose only few things and connect, create a garland and you keep a small space or a limited thing and start associating yourself with that. Just by knowing that small shaft you think, ‘Oh, I know everything now.’
Let you be very clear. You can’t take specimen thoughts out of your mind because there is no generalization possible. If generalization is possible, you can take a specimen. Specimen of good thoughts, specimen of bad thoughts but no generalization is possible. You are just loose flowers, loose flowers. Be very clear. You are complete loose flowers, but when you don’t understand that, you try to develop. You think you are a garland. You try to add some color flowers which you like or you try to remove some color flowers which you don’t like. You are sitting and playing with it. Let you be very clear. You can never change your mind if you are playing with the mind. You can transform your mind. Changing is not possible. Transforming is possible. When I say the word transform, I mean you can just be completely out of it.
When you understand you are completely unclutched, all the impact created on your inner space by the thoughts-guilt, fear, desire, greed, whatever impact created on you by your thoughts will disappear. Suddenly you will feel you are out of all these things. Your desire has no base because your ideas about joy is just a shaft which you are creating which has no base. Your fear has no base because the idea of fear is which you are creating, that shaft which you are creating by connecting which has no base. Your guilt has no base. Your morality has no base. Your immorality has no base. Nothing has any base. Let you be very clear because again and again you are creating a shaft.
Mind is a Myth || Part 2 || Dhyana Spurana || 03 March 2006
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People who created this perfectionist, the ideal of perfection, all of them are pure hypocrites. Let you be very clear. You are holding on to the hypocritical ideals and torturing yourself and those guys who have given you the perfect ideal, they are nicely enjoying their life. That is the truth. And that is the truth. Again I want to remind you about the story of Yamadharma. Most of you would have heard the story. At least for newcomers, I will repeat the story once more. I love to repeat this story, because this is the truth. No, innocent people are getting exploited. I know the truth. See, I have seen the insider’s view. That is the reason I am telling you, I Myself an insider. So I can give you the truth as it is.
People who want to exploit you, constantly they give you the ideal of perfection and driving you crazy and you think you are not sufficient, you are not enough unto yourself and torture yourself with the image which you are carrying about yourself. You have an idea about yourself and you have a perfect ideal about how you should be and you try to meet these two ends and torture yourself. Your effort to earn more money is to improve the personality which you are showing to the outer world. Your effort to do meditation is to improve the personality which you are showing to yourself. Both are pure lies. Let you be very clear. Both are pure lies. The real meditation can happen to you only when you understand you can’t do anything. Only then the real non-doing will happen. I am giving you the basic tool to experience the real Advaita. Only then the real non-doing will start flowering in you.
When I say the word meditation, I mean the ultimate non-doing. The ultimate non-doing will happen in you only when you understand by doing, nothing can be done. Only when you understand the futility of doing, you will stop doing. Even if you try to develop your personality, I have seen people chanting, ‘Rama, Rama, Krishna, Krishna. Rama, Rama, Krishna, Krishna’ for twenty five years. They will be sitting and rolling with that japamala Rama, Rama, Krishna, Krishna, Hare Rama, Hare Krishna, Hare Rama, Hare Krishna-something is constantly going on. The moment they start Rama or Krishna, their mind will start going somewhere else. He may think, ‘No, no, in the initial level, it will be like this only but later on it will become alright.’
Let you be clear, not initial level. I have seen the people who have practiced for fifty years. They are also in the same boat. They are also in the same boat. Nothing can be done. Nothing can be done. You are purely helpless being. Let you be very clear. As long as you have hope, you will be running behind something and ending into the hopeless space. Neither you can develop the personality which you show to the outer world nor you can develop the personality which you are showing to yourself. In both cases, your identity cannot be developed. Nothing can be done about your identity. If you want, you can struggle. I have no problem. There are so many programs going on-self development programs going on. You can go around and I tell you one important secret. Wherever you go, all these self development people, they all come to us... They all come to...I know there are so many people who take self development courses, programs. They all come and attend My programs. They all come to Me.
Be very clear. Whatever way you try to improve, you can’t develop. You can’t do anything because by your very nature, you are completely unconnected thoughts. By your very nature, you are not connected. See, if you are connected, then you can develop. Then you can create the chain properly but by your very nature, the chain is independent links. There is no link creating a chain. It is separate rings. You can’t call that anymore as a chain. If the rings are connected to each other, you can call that as a chain. Now, here only you have separate individual rings. How can you call that as a chain? Every thought is full or it’s overflowing by itself. It doesn’t need other thought to fulfill the first thought. This thought is not necessary to fulfill the earlier thought. Every individual thought is completely unconnected, independent and unclutched.
When you try to create a connection, when you start believing there is a connection, there is a chain, either you will start developing it or you want to manipulate it. If it is pain, if you think that chain is pain, you will try to develop it. ‘Oh! Let me not have pain. How to avoid pain?’ You will try to develop. If you think it is a joy, you are already perfect. Then you will try to elongate in the same tone, the same tune. Again you will have the fear, ‘Oh! It may go away. It may go away’ and you will try to elongate in the same tune. In both way, you will be a failure-utter failure! Because whatever thing you try to do, whether it is repeating of mantra...let Me now give you the basic business secret. All meditation techniques are related to just these five level. Either physical work-yoga like yogasana.
In our ASP if you do, for LBP you will see many techniques like Dukha Harana and all these things. If you have done LBP, you know Dukha Harana and all these type of meditation techniques. Either related to body or related to prana-breath work, breath work-inhaling and exhaling, the breath work. Third: mind, means the words related to mantra, related to mantra- words. Rama, Krishna or anything or Coco cola. Even coca cola is a mantra in that case. I tell you one thing. Repeating Rama, Krishna and repeating coca cola is one and the same. You may feel shocked. You may think, ‘What is this? What this Swami is talking? What is going on here?’
But I am very honest. You see, if I have a business with the name of Rama, Krishna, I won’t tell this truth. Now I don’t do that business. So I am telling you the truth openly. I am straight and if I have the business with coca cola, I will tell, “No, coca cola is the high thing. Drink only coca cola. If I have the business with Rama and Krishna names, I will truth.” I have no vested interest. That is the reason I am telling the truth openly. And I have seen people who are repeating this name for fifty years. Why to go to somebody else? I have done that! I used to repeat the mantra. I used to have two japamala-one in this hand, one in this hand. I will complete this mala and move one bead here (shows the other hand) So by the time I finish this mala, 108 times I would have finished this mala and you know once finishing one mala means how horrible it is!
I have seen people who are doing japa. After few minutes, they will just see where that main bead is! Tell Me honestly, who never checked that way? How many have got the habit of doing japa, raise your hand. Tell Me honestly, have you checked it or not? Always you check. I know because I have done that. And you always think, ‘No, no, only initial level it will be like this. Later on, everything will become alright and you continue, continue, continue for forty years thinking that you are initial level. See, I am not against repeating mantra. It is okay but don’t think that is going to help you. That’s all! I just advise you it is not going to help you because by your very nature, you can’t connect two link. Try your best to connect two links. You can’t. You won’t be able to. Through mantra, what are you trying to do? You are trying to create a same link, same chain or a same shaft. You won’t be able to. The more pressure you keep, the more stress you will create. The more you try to do the japa, more you will be in tension.
Let you be very clear. The people who are trying to do continuously name, some mantra, they will have constant irritation. Try, try to talk to them. In your house, if your mother-in-law or somebody is constantly doing some mantra, try to talk to them. They will carry a constant irritation. Constantly they will be irritated. They will constantly feel disturbed. They have to be disturbed because they are trying to not to get disturbed. When you try your best not to get disturbed, you are bound to get disturbed. I am opening all the basic secrets of spirituality because I have no business. See, let you be very clear. I have decided this time not only I am not going to do business, I will destroy all the businesses. I will demolish all the business which is going on around.
And the fourth thing, Vignanamaya kosha. The first is Annamaya-the physical layer, the yoga and all these tensing and relaxing and all these nonsense which I also do in the first level courses. Otherwise, people don’t believe I am a spiritual Master. That is the problem. You see, no, really. See, I am forced to do little bit of puja and japa in our ashram, little bit of puja and arati, all these things. Otherwise people don’t believe I am talking spirituality. So I have to do something which they understand. So that is the truth but I am telling openly the truth. It is up to you. How much you can digest, you can digest and if you can’t digest, it is up to you but the truth is truth. I always tell people, “If I am hurting your sentiments, please forgive Me but I am telling the truth.” I am not...because I know. I am an insider. I am not talking from outside. I have done everything.
You see, this is the truth. That time when I was wandering, I used to have a long jata means long... what do you call jata in English? Matted lock. I never used to apply oil or...if you don’t apply oil, you will also have that jata. It is not a big thing. You need to be little dirty, that’s all. Nothing else. No, people think that having jata is a big thing. It is a simple thing. You need to be little dirty. That’s all. Nothing much about it and I used to have that jata and I used to tie a rope and keep a big stone with that jata so that I will not fall asleep. When I repeat the mantra...and mantra is a big tranquilizer, let Me tell you. If you are suffering with insomnia, all you need is only one japamala or a big spiritual book. Take out a spiritual book and start reading four-five pages. Maximum five page is enough or just a japamala. One round is enough. You will be asleep.
See, one more thing. Let you be very clear. You can understand Me only if you have suffered in all this way. If you have not suffered, better go. There are so many people to give initiation. Have initiation from them. See, if you are really not tired, if you are not able to feel the truth of whatever I am uttering, you can do one nice thing. You can have some mantra from somebody. There are so many people who are selling and you can have and try to practice. I have no problem. Whether Annamaya or Pranayama or Manomaya. Manomaya means inner chattering. Pranamaya you know-the breath work. All the work related to breath is pranamaya. Pranayama or some kriya. This kriya, that kriya-all these kriyas. All kriyas are related to...they just give you the feel-good feeling.
Let you be very clear. Feel-good feeling is no way related to spiritual Enlightenment. Feel-good feeling can be gained by any small things. Things which gives you feel-good feeling and drugs, both are one and the same. That is why I tell you, whether it is some kriya which gives you a feel-good feeling or the drugs both are one and the same. Maybe one thing, the drugs are not accepted socially. This is accepted socially. Otherwise there is no other difference. All kriyas are only that much. The next: Manomaya: Repeating some word. Any word Rama, Krishna, Shiva or Skanda, Subramanya-whatever word. Let you be very clear. Repeating any word, you will try to create only more and more stress in you.
That is why these so-called saints will be constantly irritated. They will have so much of arrogance and ego inside. They can’t be simple because they are constantly doing some effort. Effort means ego. Effort means ego. Only a effortless being can be humble and simple, relaxed. Effort means what? Ego. You can see, this so-called saints, people who are constantly repeating mantra, in their eyes you can see that stress, the tension. It will be just oscillating continuously because constantly they are trying to suppress. They are trying to sit on something. You can’t sit on anything. You can’t sit on anything. You are constantly trying to suppress something.
Fourth thing, Vijnanamaya Kosha-visualisation. Visualisation. Again, no visualisation is possible. Try to visualise some Devi or Shiva or anything. Try your best. Sit with closed eyes. What comes inside mind you know! Even if you try your hard at the most you can manage in the waking state. In the dream state what comes you know! What is going on then? Nothing will be happening. The other day, I was telling this story. One young brahmachari, initiated new guy goes to a old monk and asks, “Sir, please help me. How long it takes to control the mind to get rid of bad thoughts? How long?” The monk says, “I don’t know how long but one thing is sure. Till ninety, it doesn’t happen.”
Be very clear. You will only be working, working, working, working, working. You will never be able to develop. That is why, Buddha says beautifully. According to Me, Buddha and Shiva-these two are the ultimate expressions. The pure expressions. Not at all affected by social conditionings or social system or the political conditionings. They are pure spiritual essence. Buddha says, “You cannot develop your mind. Your mind is like a dustbin. Either you have it and suffer or throw it and relax.” You can’t keep, ‘O, good garbage I will keep. I will put little scent. I will wash little bit. I can arrange all these things properly and keep it next to my bed.’ Nothing can be done. All your techniques, let you be very clear, whatever method you are trying, without this knowledge that you are unclutched, you will be trying to just colour that garbage, scent it and keep it next to your bed. No, it is not going to help. It is not going to work.
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Mind is a Myth || Part 3 || Dhyana Spurana || 03 March 2006
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Whether... Vijnanamaya kosha is the visualization. Anandamaya kosha again, it is ideas about the spirituality- listening to the thoughts that ‘I am Brahman,’ ‘I am this’, ‘I am that’ and trying to constantly visualize. One person came to Me. It really happened. Maybe one year ago. And he came to Me and he said. He is not s swami but so-called that... seeker, professional seeker... No, professional seeker means seeking for last thirty five years. Many people come to Me and they say and this guy he came to Me. Straightaway he started telling, “I came here to bless You.” I said, “O God! For blessing, I should have come to you, not you will come to Me.” And then he started telling, “No, I am seeing Rama everywhere. I have darshan of Rama everywhere and I have come here to bless Your work.” I could see in his eyes he is completely tranquilized and he is in illusion.
See, person with a real vision or spirituality will be so ordinary, he will be able to relate with him so beautifully, he will not show anything mysterious. He will not show anything mystical around him. He will be very ordinary. When you go near him, you will feel that mystery. You will feel that mystery by yourself. He will not verbalize anything. But this guy go on started telling, “I am seeing Rama everywhere.” I told him, “How long it took for you to practice this meditation?” He said, “O! For last ten years I practiced. I practiced this meditation. Now I am able to see Rama everywhere.” I told him, “Why don’t you stop meditating just for two days?” He said, “No, no, no. Why should I stop meditating? I shouldn’t stop. It is a  daily practice. I have to do.” I told him, “You say that you are able to see Rama everywhere now. Then why should you again meditate? Why don’t you stop meditation? Only then, if you stop meditating, even then if you are able to see, then it is a experience. Till then it is not an experience. It is just your visualization.” He said, “Ah! What You say  logically is right. Yes, I think if it is experience or not, I should check it.”
This guy, after two days, he comes back and tells Me, “What have You done to me? Now I am not seeing Rama anymore. I am seeing things as they are. What is happening to me?” I told him, “Now do you understand, it is a pure shaft which you are creating, the shaft which you are creating. This constantly having some idea in your mind, trying to brood over on that idea is related to Anandamaya kosha. First, anything related to physical is Annamaya kosha, anything related to breath work is Pranamaya kosha, anything related to verbalization, words repeating-Manomaya kosha and anything related to visualisation-Vijnanamaya kosha, anything related to repeating an idea or remembering an idea is Anandamaya kosha. All these five will create only bondage for you. With all these five you are trying to create a chain, a shaft, which is no way going to help you. Creating shaft cannot help you whether it is related to pain or joy. Both the way it is not going to help you.
Somebody goes to Ramana Maharshi and Bhagavan says, “Try to do some japa.” This guy does japa and comes back after two years.  “No, I am not able to repeat any mantra.” Then Bhagavan says, “Yes, you achieved the result of japa. Now you start dhyana-some meditation.” He comes back after two years and says, “I am not able to meditate.” Then he says, “Yes, now you achieved the result of meditation. Please start the atma vichara. Now you go into the enquiry.” This disciple is not able to understand. He asks, “How are you saying? How do you say that I have achieved the result of japa or meditation? I say I am not able to practice and you say I have achieved the result.” Ramana Maharshi says, “Understanding you are not able to practice is the result. The techniques are given to you just to make you realise that you can’t practice so that you will come to the clear understanding or come to the relaxation of non-doing.”
Non-doing is the ultimate dvaita. You will come to the understanding of ultimate Advaita just to give you the complete surrender mood, the techniques are given to you. But one more thing, unless you suffer you won’t understand. I have always seen people. I advise many people, “Don’t get married” but unless they get married, they don’t understand the truth. Unless they have the beating personally, they don’t understand. What to do? Same way, unless you try, you struggle, unless you come to the corner, unless you are cornered, you don’t understand that you can’t develop yourself. All the idea of developing your self is a pure myth.
One more thing, please be very clear, the truth which I am speaking is not for all. It is not for a common man. That is why, even before starting the tantra, Shiva says, “Let this be shared only with the people who are completely in tune with you and there is a one more saying, “If you share this truth with the people who are not qualified, your head will burst.” What it means? You will be in trouble, that’s what and actually that is truth. If the person who is not qualified, if he listens to this truth, he will think that I am preaching atheism. Please be very clear. I am not preaching atheism. I am not saying anything against God. I am trying to make you God. I am trying to give you the experience of God. I am not saying anything against God.
These people who don’t have...one more big problem if you are a spectator here, just sitting and validating My statements, be very clear, this is not for you. That is the reason I don’t allow anybody to come inside unless they do the first level meditation program. That is the thing, that is the reason I keep that as a prerequisite. How many of you have not done the first level program? Life Bliss Program? O God! All of you be very clear. You have the danger of misunderstanding. You have the danger. If you don’t understand, at least do not go out and tell what I spoke; because otherwise, you will tell whatever you want and then you will say Nithyananda Swami taught all these things and you have the danger of misunderstanding. If you have already done little bit of some practice, something, you will understand the truth behind My words. Unless you go through, you will not be able to understand what I am saying.
I am here to talk to people who are really fed up with words, with the whole spiritual business, with the holy business. If you are really fed up of that business, then I am here to help you to straight away go into the experience. One more thing, I am not interested in that business and I know the whole business. I am not interested in giving you some mantra or some visualization or these, that and again keep on doing the same thing. I have seen people when they start meditating, they start with such a enthusiasm, excitement. They tell Me, “Swamiji, I will start doing all the seven meditation everyday.” After two months, I will ask them, “Are you meditating?” “Oh! I have to start, Swamiji.”
Be very clear. I am stating one more Mahavakya. Mahavakya means ultimate truth. It may be shocking but the truth. No intelligent man can practice any technique  more than twenty one days. It is ultimate truth. Anybody who has tried can challenge Me. I am open. I am ready. You can’t. If you try to do also, it will become ritual. I have seen people who do this Nithya puja. The moment they finish the puja, they will run out of the bedroom, that puja room. They will never enter into that room again. Entering into that room is like punishment for them and they will be just waiting when it will be over and Padyam samarpayami, Argyam samarpayami, shodashopachara pujam samarpayami, ding, ding ding, ding. They will be just hurrying... There may be few people here saying, “No, no, no, Swami. I don’t do like that. I do very properly. No, no, no. Whatever You are saying is not true in all the cases.” Please sorry if I hurt you but what I am saying is truth!
I know because I have done this. I have done personally. If you want to see the atheists, go and see the priests-the best atheists. They can’t have faith on God. Let Me be very clear. They can’t have faith on God because they are continuously touching. They know it is a stone. You are seeing from distance. You can project and see. They are touching everyday. They can’t have faith. Let you be very clear. They can’t have faith. I am opening all the business secrets. That is the problem but I have to open. Unless I open all these things, you will not go deep into the meditation experience. See, what is to teach what is meditation, it is just ten minutes job for Me. To teach what is not meditation is the two days job. I have to clear everything. Unless I clear everything, you will not go deep into the truth.
Be very clear. The only one thing can be done. You can realise that you are unclutched and go into the experience of Brahman, Atman or Self, Nirvana, whatever you call. That ultimate. That is the only thing possible. Anything else you try, it can give you the feel-good feeling. For two days, you will feel, ‘Oh! Really something great. I am doing something great’ or you can console yourself you are doing something sacred. You may feel what I am saying is completely shaking all your faith and belief but to tell you honestly, unless the lies are taken away from you, I can’t give the truth, I can’t give the truth and I don’t even have to give the truth. I have to just take the lies away. Truth is already shining. You are shining with the truth. You are just radiating the truth. There is nothing else need to be...you don’t need to gain the truth from Me. You are radiating the truth already.
The moment you understand you are unclutched, independent, unconnected thoughts, the impact of thoughts on your innerspace will disappear. You will not be carried away just by a simple desire. You will not be carried away simple death fear. You think what simple death fear? Actually it is nothing more than a mere thought. Let you be...let you understand one more thing. The moment the thought comes in you to stand up, the thought to sit down has disappeared. Am I right? Unless one thought moves away, the second thought can’t come. The moment you have the thought to stand up, the thought to sit down has disappeared. The moment the thought comes to walk, the thought to sit here and listen has disappeared.
Every thought is replaced by the next thought. You can’t have two thoughts at a time. Any of you can have two thoughts at a time? God saved you. You can’t have two thoughts at a time. You can have only one thought at a time means every thought is replaced by the next thought. By your very nature, you are renouncing. Understand, by your very nature, you are renouncing. You don’t need to learn renunciation. The moment you decide to stand up and go out, you decided to renounce the thought of sitting and listening. Every moment you are renouncing. You don’t have to think you have to renounce something. You don’t have to bother about renouncing the whole world, renouncing this, renouncing that. There is no need for renouncing. Every moment you are renouncing. Every moment your inner space is getting cleared but you are not ready to believe that.
You think, ‘No, no, no. I have this strong desire in me. How will I renounce? What will happen to me if I don’t renounce? Be very clear. The moment you started thinking, ‘How will I renounce,’ you will renounced that desire. Unless that desire moves away, you can’t even have the thought ‘How will I renounce?’ The moment you start thinking about renunciation, you renounced and the next moment, this thought will also go away. Maybe something else will come. Constantly your inner space is getting purified, replaced, getting rejuvenated. Only when you start believing you are having a shaft, you have the thoughts you may get the thoughts again and again, when you start bridging your independent thoughts and create a shaft, you create suffering for you.
Renunciation is happening in you constantly. The moment you decide to drink water, the moment you get the thought to drink water, you renounced lust. You always think, ‘Oh! Sex is such a big problem for me. I have so much of lusty thoughts in me. How will I purify myself?’ The moment you think to have a cup of tea, you renounced sex. It is not there. That is why you are having the thought to have a cup of tea, and the moment you decide to go and drink a cup of water, you renounced the thought of having cup of tea. Constantly the thoughts are getting renounced by itself. Only thing, when you create a belief that you are connected and you are having this problem, that problem, your belief that you have some problem is the only problem.
Somebody goes to Krishnamurti, J.Krishnamurti and asked, “Master, how to get rid of this sex desire? How to get rid of this problem?” Krishnamurti is a very practical person, Great Master. Very practical person. He says, “How long you spend...how much of time you spend for eating in your life everyday?” “Eating? Per day may be maximum one hour because morning fifteen, evening fifteen, may be around one hour.” “How much of time you are spending for your sex?” “Maybe fifteen-twenty minutes.” Krishnamurti says, “But the food is not affecting you so much, your inner space. Then why this sex is affecting you so much? The thought of food is not affecting your inner space so much but the thought of sex is affecting you so much. Why?” You start believing it is something serious. You start believing. Just by your belief that it is something serious, you start making it serious. You create more and more trouble out of it. You create all kind of perversion, all kind of suppression, all kind of problems related to it.
Let you understand. Every moment you are renouncing. Every moment thoughts are disappearing in you. The moment you have a thought to drink a cup of tea, your death fear has disappeared. If you have the death fear this moment, how can you have the thought of having a cup of tea? Any simple thought completely replaces whatever you are having in your mind. Every moment, thoughts are coming and going. In this big flow, you pick up few thoughts and say, ‘This is a big problem for me.’ You pick up all those desires...see, all the thoughts which happened in you related to fear, you pick up all of them for last ten years and make a big shaft and you say this is the biggest problem for me. This is the biggest problem for me.
The moment you start believing that is the biggest problem for you, you will start fighting with that shaft. The more you fight with that shaft, more you will be giving life to it. More you will be giving life to it. Every moment constantly by itself it is getting replaced. You are stopping the natural rejuvenation process by creating shaft and believing you have some problem in your inner space. Every moment your inner space is purified by the new thoughts. If you just let it happen, by itself it will clean itself. By itself it will clean itself. There is no need for you to clean your mind. All you need to do is just get out. Just get out of the system. Be very clear. The whole system is not running because of you; in spite of you, it is running.

Latest revision as of 20:05, 22 May 2022


Dynamic Solutions By the Avatar on Unclutching || Part 1 || Dhyana Spurana || 03 March 2006


Name Of The Convention: Dhyana Spurana
Session on: Dynamic Solutions By the Avatar on Unclutching Part 1
Date: 03 March 2006
Venue: Los Angeles, CA, USA

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda​ Paramashivam answers all the delegates questions on Life and Spirituality. HDH beautifully answers each and every question with personalizing it with interesting stories and quotations from other masters lives like Ramakrishna and Shankaracharya. He creates a relaxing and friendly atmosphere for everyone to enable all the delegates to absorb such high truths with ease and understanding.In the end HDH ends the session with the guided mediation in part 2.

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Video Audio



Question: My ten year old son loves watching TV hours and hours and hours in a day. I scream at him to turn TV off. Am I creating a shaft by saying so? Answer: One thing, if you try to help him not to watch the TV really you are helping him. By watching the TV he will be creating big, big shafts. Big, big shafts. So, according to Me, helping him not to watch TV will really help him a lot.


Question: What role does sexuality play in Enlightenment? Answer: It’s a nice question. Who’s question it is? I will answer. See, be very clear…. The sex energy has got one important quality it can be transformed. No other energy has got that quality. Only that energy has got that quality. It can be transformed.


Question: When you give suggestion to bring awareness to breathing during meditation my awareness go to breathing… goes to breathing but also at.. at the same time it goes to all the extremities of the body feeling blurred, flowering… flowing through them. What is happening? Answer: Yes, you are entering into a different zone. You're really going into that uncutched state. when you go into that unclutched state you will be aware of whatever is happening in your mind and body. See, your body is the nearest thing to your being. So, you will become completely aware of your body and mind and your being. So, you are really growing. You are really working on your inner space. Things are happening.


Question: When a child is born with a disease or brain trauma, did he bring the shaft of pain from previous life? Answer: He really brings the shaft. If you can teach him to disconnect or be unclutched. The unclutching can be taught at the age of seven or eight. Because that time itself they will be able to understand. It is such a simple thing any small child can understand. Just make him write and show him, this is the way your mind is going on, don’t give importance to anything. You will help him to retain his Enlightenment. Actually tomorrow we are starting, just tomorrow we are launching a program called little ananda’s to take care of the kids. to help the kids to retain their enlightenment. Tomorrow onwards we starting, we are launching in ten cities at a time. It’s like a every weekend, every Saturday and every Sunday. Every Sunday two hour session. Half an hour we give them the basics of spirituality; half an hour some meditation; one hour they will jump around and express their energy. In all creative ways, singing or painting or different, different things to keep them alive. And to retain their shaftless space and even if they started creating shaft to break free from it to give them this understanding. We are starting the program, tomorrow onwards we are starting called little anandas. Every weekend, every Sunday we will be having.


Question: How do samskaras affect the shafts? Are they unconscious shafts? Answer: Evern the ideas that you are unconscious is given to you to exploit you. Now I have to expose one more thing. The concept of sin is inserted.. inserted into your inner space by the so called religious people to exploit you. The concept of unconsciousness is inserted into you by the so called psychotherapists and psychiatrists people to exploit you. There is no such thing as unconscious exists. Let it be very clear. You may be thinking what this Swami is talking? Whether you understand or not this moment you can unclutch yourself. All your weakness, all your what to say that all your shafts which you created which you are not able to relax only you call in the name of unconsciousness. There is no such thing as unconsciousness. You can unclutch yourself, this moment. This moment you can unclutch yourself. you don’t have to think, “Oh consciously I can unclutched Swamiji. How can I unclutch myself unconsciously”? All these things are just one more question. Your failure which you experienced eight years ago; your failure which you experienced nine years ago, the failure which you experienced ten years ago; the failure which you experienced yesterday are not connected. When you connect them and label, “Oh I have unconscious problem. That is why I am again and again I am falling.” You create a trouble. They are not connected this moment. Understand. They are not connected and liberate yourself. Liberate yourself from these shafts.


Question: Being unclutched in another way is living in the present? Answer: Again do not create one more shaft connecting My words with some other teachings with Zen teachings. And you will dump Me in the same dustbin as you dump these teachings. Who’s question it is? Yes, do not dump Me in the dustbin.


Question: If you are unclutched will your thought lead to action? Answer: It’s a nice question. Whatever needs to become action automatically they will rise… they will rise in you, action will happen and they will disappear. It will not leave any hangover in you. Just like how the birds don’t leave footprints in the sky, those actions won’t leave footprints in your inner space. Whatever needs to be executed it will simply raise, have, it happen, disappear. See, when I say all these things you think I Am singing some poems. I Am not singing some poems. No, I Am not giving you some fantasies. I tell you honestly this is what is happening in Me. Constantly it is happening. It is coming whatever needs to be executed it is happening and relaxing. It can happen in you also, in you also. If you are unclutched will your thought lead to action? The .. all your thoughts whatever needs to become action only will happen in you as thought. Slowly.. slowly you see as on now your mind knows any thought thrown at you, you start doing… you are behind that thought. So, it is creating too many thoughts. If it knows no you are not going to be moved by any thought, it will throw only the thought which needs to become action. It will throw only the thoughts which needs to become action. You brought a set of thoughts to work it out in this life. You will just work them out, that’s all. Nothing else, nothing else.


Question: Why different levels of intelligence exists in different beings? Do You believe is this genetic or environmental? Answer: Be very clear. There is no different levels of intelligence. Only the different levels of intellect. In intelligence there is no different level. In intellect there is a level. It can be, it’s a more environmental as far as human beings concerned. Not genetal. As far as the animals concerned it is genetal. The moment mind starts working it is environmental. As long as the individual consciousness, we say in sanskrit pratyagatma chaitanya. As long as that pratyagatma chaitanya individual awareness is not awakened it is genental. The moment individual awareness is working it is environmental.


😊 What to do? 😊

Question: This morning when we were writing our thoughts some created positive feelings and some was.. were negative. But I noticed that You are commenting throughout our writing and every time You spoke I created… it created a stillness regardless of the emotion the thoughts created. Answer: See, whenever I speak you are still. That is why constantly I Am speaking just to make you still. That’s what you have experienced. When Master speak naturally you will become still.


Question: You are talking lot about marriage and joking about wifes. Would You ever get married and have a family? 😊 Afterall, You said at the age fourteen, twenty one, twenty eight Lamas are allowed to marry. What about Swami’s? Answer: No, Swami’s can marry at any time. No problem. And actually Pramahamsa’s marry at…can marry at any time. There is no problem. First of all I Am not technically a Swami. I Am technically a Paramahamsa. Swami means somebody who is trained by a earlier Master to sit in that same seat.. like a successor, predecessor. They are only called as peetadhipathis and they only have lineage and they have so many rules and those things. Paramahamsa’s are who left their house and took these life to achieve Enlightenment. They have not left for the sake of some peetam to sit in some throne or be a head of some institution. They left out of their quest for Enlightenment. So, Paramahamsa’s are no way bound by the rules and regulations of the Swami’s. But one thing let you be very clear I Am not going to marry. And that I am very clear. Because I have seen many people and I have some jokes now, I don’t want to tell enough. 😊 And I have now too many jokes coming up. They are all coming and crashing now… the.. the traffic jam is happening in My throat. Everyone is trying, “hey I am coming, I am coming.”. So, who's question it is? Okay, let you be very clear I Am not going to marry. You see Ramakrishana is a very village person. He is such a beautiful being. He used to speak in a slang language. But when His teachings are translated in English they polished it. Lot of the gospel of Ramakrishana is not Sri, Sri Ramakrishana kathamrita. Now recently one edition has come original Ramkrishana’s teachings as it is translated. Five volumes have coem, Sri, Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita in English. And He used to speak in a slang language. He is a very beautiful, innocent being. You should read His teachings in its original form. Then you will understand the way in which He lived and the way He is just like God on the planet earth not like He is not like something but He just an amazing expression of innocence and grace and everything.


Question: If shaft is the cause of diseases and how can enlighten Masters who don’t have the shafts get diseases? Answer: Ah let you be very clear. The body is separate it can be when they wanted to break that body they have to break in some way. So, from outside when you see it looks like a disease. When Nisharadha Maharaj was asked he says for you it’s cancer not for me. And when Raman Mharishi was questioned he says, there is a pain but there is no suffering. There is no suffering. And their body, they dropping their body is totally different from the diseases which you suffer. You see, they may go through a disease and drop the body, they accept that disease and drop that body. Otherwise how to disconnect from the body? Or when they disconnect from the body, body automatically falls into some disease. When they don’t live in their body more when they decide to pack up and pack their baggage, bags and baggage; automatically body falls into some disease. Their body falling into some disease and your body falling into some disease is totally different. Do not compare.


Question: Whenever a thought rises, even before we remember to unclutch we get too involved in the thought stream. How do we unclutch whenever the thought rises before getting too much involved in that thought? Answer: Your idea that you are getting too much involved also one more shaft. Now doctor is repeating when you are involved eight years ago, when you are involved seven years ago, when you are involved one month ago, when you are involved yesterday; all these incidents are independent. Why are you creating an idea you are getting too much involved in your thoughts? Even that is one more shaft. When that comes say, “Alright, now I am relieved; now I am unclutching.” And even if you are involved you can’t be involved because the thought will be replaced by some other thought. Constantly you are getting replaced. Let you be very clear. Your thought to posses your house, your desire to possess your house, your desire to posses your car is equal to your desire to have a cup of tea. Because the desire to have a cup of tea can be replaced by the desire to posses the car. If you work for five years and achieve a new house when you enter the house you will have the beautiful feeling, “Oh, I have a new house.” In two minutes there will be another one thought to have a cup of coffee. The desire for the house is replaced. Every thought is constantly replaced.


Question: Enlighten Masters can leave the body at their will. Then why do they need a disease? Answer: Sometime they can leave their body at their will. One more thing when they leave their body ar their will also sometime when they dump the body it falls into some disease. Sometime straightaway they leave and go. It is the way of dropping. It’s like a… you just drop the cup or you just keep the cup on the table. Sometimes they feel bored, Ah they don’t feel like putting that cup in the table. They are just leave their hands and the cup drops and breaks. Like Ramakrishna, Ramana Maharishi. Some people keep the cup on the table like Paramahamsa Yogananda. His body was so beautiful, pure, nothing, no disturbance. Straight way He left and went away. He just put the cup on the table. He took that much of time and energy. But Ramakrishna didn’t feel that much; he just said, ‘Ah, drop it, dump it.” So, it is each one’s will. It is up to them; their will. Some Master’s leave their body at will, some leave, some just drop. It’s all their will. But that is no way related to their Enlightenment.


Question: In the gap meditation yesterday I could see my awareness very clearly as a singularity and I was able to hold it. And it dissolved quietly. Is awareness my true nature then who was observing it? Answer: You see, when you are in that awareness itself nobody was observing. Only after coming out there is a observer and awareness. If the observer also not there only then you are in awareness. If you have the observer and the awareness then you are not in awareness. You are playing the game in the mind. “I am aware.” You are repeating the thought I am aware. You are not aware. Repeating the thought, ‘I am aware’ is not awareness. So, if you are not having even that thought only then you are aware.


Question: We are unclutched to begin with as You say. Can we help by using ‘Tatvamasi’, or a remembrance or is that also not needed. Answer: Who is that question…questioner? You’re.. ah yes. Again you are connecting Me with the Shankara. Again you are connecting Me with the Vyasa. Do not even remember new, new words like Tatvamasi and all those things. Just remember that simple one word you are unclutched and be with that.



Dynamic Solutions By the Avatar on Unclutching || Part 2 || Dhyana Spurana || 03 March 2006


Name Of The Convention: Dhyana Spurana
Session on: Dynamic Solutions By the Avatar on Unclutching Part 2
Date: 03 March 2006
Venue: Los Angeles, CA, USA

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda​ Paramashivam answers all the delegates questions on Life and Spirituality. HDH beautifully answers each and every question with personalizing it with interesting stories and quotations from other masters lives like Ramakrishna and Shankaracharya. He creates a relaxing and friendly atmosphere for everyone to enable all the delegates to absorb such high truths with ease and understanding. In the end HDH ends the session with the guided mediation.

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Question: Because the shaft of fear one will run away from tiger. If not one will be eaten. Answer: See, when tiger comes automatically let that fear rise and save the body. Why are you creating the fear from now itself! You are not in front of tiger. When that comes, even if I say, “Don’t be afraid.” Are you going to keep quiet? Keep quiet as long as you can. When you can’t, let the intelligence take over. See, you are trying to bring all the supposed .. you are trying to talk the philosophy. Yesterday I was telling a story, na? One guy went out with the…. one guy even after twenty five.. twenty five years he was not going out with anybody. Rabbi called him, “What is happening? You are not going out with anybody. Why don’t you try.” He said, “No, no, no I don’t know what to talk. I feel really afraid. I don’t have confidence to talk.” Then he says, “I will teach you what to talk. Either you talk what she likes or you talk something about her family or some philosophy.” This guy memorizes, “Yes, I have to talk about her family, I have to talk about her likes, I have to talk about the philosophy. Family, likes, philosophy…. Family, likes, philosophy…” He memorizes what he supposed to talk. After few days somehow the Rabbi has arranged a date, he goes out. And when he is eating he remembers now I have to say something. First he asked, “Do you have a brother”? She replies “No.” Then second somehow he remembers what he supposed to talk likes, likes, likes… yes. Do you like baseball? She says, “No.” Now he slowly remembered, “Hey I have to talk philosophy.” Then he started “If you have a brother, if you had a brother will you like baseball”? So, all philosophies ‘if’. Here you are saying again if not one will be eaten. See, when that comes let the intelligence take over. See, there is an automatic intelligence system in your body to protect your body and maintain your body to run your whole system. That’s what we call prarabdha karma. There is automatic set up, programme. The program, automatic intelligence to run everything. You don’t have to interfere. The whole problem is you interfere and disturb and mess the whole thing. Now when that type of situation comes automatically that will take over. One more thing when the tiger comes you won’t even remember from where that power came; from where that power came. Is it under your logical control? Tell Me, is it under your logical control? Can you have that power now? No, you can’t. It means what your automatic intelligence is taking over. You have a system within yourself to take over that kind of… to handle that kind of situations. So, don’t bother about that now itself. When that comes you know how to handle. Now be relaxed.


Question: Is there relationship between unclutched and purposelessness? Answer: One is path, another one is goal. If you achieve purposelessness, if you understand the purposelessness, you will be unclutched. If you are unclutched you will understand the purposelessness. Both are one and the same two different words. Two different words. Now let’s take few minutes to be unclutched. Just sit. Don’t even bother about anything. You may feel bored. What am I doing sitting? I am feeling terribly bored. I think this Swami is not teaching anything. Unclutch from that also. Because the boredom which happened to you one year ago, the boredom which happened to you two year ago, the boredom which happened to you three year ago, are not connected. They are independent incidents. The boredom which is happening to you yesterday, which happened to you yesterday, which is happening now they are not connected. Let you be completely unclutched and relaxed. Just sit if you want you can close your eyes or you can have your eyes open. No problem. Because closing eyes is one more connection. You always think you can meditate or you can unclutched only if you close your eyes. If you want you can close your eyes or eyes can be open. That is up to you. But just be unclutched.


Just see what happens when you are unclutched. Whatever happens let it happen. If thoughts are flowing it's okay. You don’t even connect them and see that thoughts are flowing. If it doesn’t flow it is okay. You don’t even have to connect the empty space and think you are not having thoughts. Having a thought you are having a thought or having a thought you are not having a thought both are shafts. Music..


Unclutched guided meditation in progress.


Om.. shanti, shanti, shantihi. Please retain this silence for next half an hour, let you allow this silence to work on you because the silence can do miracles in you.



Mind is a Myth || Part 1 || Dhyana Spurana || 03 March 2006

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Unconnected, completely unclutched, you collect some flowers, some thoughts and create a shaft about yourself. If you create ‘I am a saint,’ you hold on to that shaft. If you create a shaft ‘I am a sinner,’ you hold on to that shaft. You create some shaft about yourself, some idea connecting these thoughts. If you create a shaft that your life is pain, you try to break it. If you create a shaft something is joy, then you try to elongate that shaft. Whether your effort to elongate or you are trying to break, both are going to be failure because the very shaft doesn’t exist. Please understand this one important thing: how your mind is working! Only then, we will be able to go into the meditations.


Whether it is a shaft, for example, the pain which happened to you ten years ago, the pain which happened nine years ago, the pain which happened eight years ago, the pain which happened yesterday-they are complete, independent incidents. They have no link but mentally you give link to all that pains and you start thinking you are having the same pain including your physical pains. Please understand, when I say, I mean including your physical pains. Not only your mental pains, even physical pains. The pain which you experienced one month ago, the pain which you experienced one week ago, the pain which you experienced yesterday-all three are different independent thoughts or independent experiences.


When you start connecting them mentally and create an idea you are having back pain continuously, you are having headache continuously, you are having this suffering continuously, you decide, ‘Yes, I have this suffering. I have this problem. Now I have to solve.’ You try to solve. You can never solve because the very shaft doesn’t exist. The very idea you have this problem is a lie. It’s an independent, separate happenings you are trying to connect. Same way, ten years ago, the sweet which you enjoyed and the joy which you felt, nine years ago the sweet which you have enjoyed and the joy you felt, one year ago, the sweet which you enjoyed, the joy which you felt-they are independent happenings.


If you try to create a shaft that sweet gives me joy, you will start creating hell for yourself because the moment you create the shaft, two things: One, whenever you want joy, you will try to have sweet but the big problem is that same sweet will not be giving you the same joy every time. So naturally you will have frustration. Naturally you will have frustration. One, first thing, you will try to elongate that joy shaft and it will be a failure. Next thing, you will try to replace the same product for that joy. Again failure. Both the way, you will be a big failure. You can’t elongate that shaft. Same way, you can’t try to break the shaft of pain. Whether it is pain or joy, you can’t do anything about it.


Sometime suddenly you will feel joyful, excited, alive for no reason! Sometime suddenly you will feel low, dull, depressed for no reason! It is completely independent. It is completely illogical. It is completely unclutched. What is happening in your mind is neither related to the personality or identity which you are showing to the outer world nor related to the identity which you are showing to yourself. Both are completely unclutched. You are neither connected with this nor connected with that. The big thing, the moment you start hearing this truth, tremendous fear rises in you. ‘Then what am I? What is going on in me? Then what for I was running all these years?’ The big fear, you see, your whole life is invested, your whole life is invested on this one idea you are connected, continuous being.


When I shake that very root, all sorts of fear happens in you. It is difficult to believe. It is difficult to understand. You start going crazy. Actually if you don’t go crazy, then you are doing something seriously wrong. If you don’t go crazy after listening to this truth, be very clear you have not understood. When you really understand the truth, when you start digesting it, when you start working with the truth, something will start happening in you. You can’t imagine what is going on. He will be completely shaken. Let you be very clear. Vivekananda says beautifully, “Whatever can be washed away, let it be washed away from your being. The earlier they are washed away, better for you. The earlier they are washed away, better for you. Whatever can die, let it die. Whatever can’t die, it will not die. Whatever can die in you, let it die.”


Now there are so many things, whether the shaft of pain or the shaft of joy-all these shaft, constantly you are creating the shaft by your imagination. Constantly you are creating this shaft because you have your vested interest in that. See, mind means nothing but generalising. Mind wants to keep all your experiences in a memory. So all the joyful memories you put in one file and keep it in one side. All your painful experiences you put it in one file and keep it another side. For filing, it is okay but not for reality. For filing purpose, okay. You can file. Yes, this week means joy. Put it in that file but by and by, you start believing that as existential truth. In the initial level, you started filing just for the sake of remembrance, just for the sake of easy handling. After some time, you start believing that sweet is directly related to that joy, that act is directly related to that pain, that act is directly related to that joy. When you start connecting in that way, be very clear, you have created hell for you. You have created hell for you.


Then naturally you are behind that act again and again. Neither that act gives you fulfillment nor it gives you satisfaction and even if it doesn’t give you satisfaction, because of your faith, it will give you satisfaction. You try to run behind it. Sometime even after knowing that sweet is not giving you any joy anymore, you don’t want to give it up because these few things which you feel, which you have faith, which you think is the juice of your life, only those few things are base for your life. If that is also not there, what for you will run? Why should you get up from the bed? What for you should be alive? You start questioning the basic existence but let you be very clear, even questioning basic existence is right. Even that is right thing than running behind something which has no solid base.


Once you decide this is joy, once you start believing, creating a shaft this is joy, after that, even if it doesn’t give you joy, just because you decided you don’t want to give it up, you don’t want to drop that, you don’t have that much of courage or honesty to review your decisions. First thing, first thing which you need to be born as a new person, to take a spiritual birth is the capacity to doubt. Be very clear, constantly you are taught, constantly the idea to believe is given. Be very clear. Now it is time to doubt all your decisions. Whatever you have decided about your joy, about your pain, about your life, about your death, including your death...actually if you understand this one truth, death is nothing because every moment you are dying, every thought is unclutched. Where is the question of death? Where is the question of death? Every thought is unclutched.


Your fear doesn’t have any place in your inner space. All your fear is nothing but one more shaft. At a particular...when something happened, you responded to that incident, to that moment with a particular kind of emotion and now you are afraid that same kind of incident will repeat, you will have the same kind of emotion. But that time what happened and now what is happening, both are completely independent incidents. They are two separate things. When you start connecting them with your imagination, you start creating more and more troubles for you. Let you be very clear. First thing, believing you have a solid mind is the greatest myth. Mind is myth. Whatever you think as you is a pure myth. Your identity which you are carrying is a pure myth. Because it gives you pay cheque, because it gives you social comfort, because it gives you an idea about yourself, you do not want to let go. You are afraid of opening yourself.


Even now, whatever I am saying, your mind says, ‘Yes, yes. Whatever He says is right. It can’t be lie, but for practical purpose, let me not bother about all these things now.’ You just want to keep all these things away because you know it will shake you. It will shake all your actions or the way in which you think, the way in which you function. Your whole being will be shaken if you allow this truth inside your inner space. You are afraid. You are afraid of this whole thing. ‘How can I be unclutched being? How can me be like this? Then what am I?’ You developed, you built your identity spending your whole life. Your identity which you are showing to others, you spent your whole life to build that. The same way, identity which you are carrying within yourself, you spent so much of energy to build that. You spent so much of energy to build these two identities.


Now I am saying, suddenly somebody is coming from Bangalore and saying that doesn’t exist. It is something like He is taking away your whole life. He is taking away something which you built spending your whole life. But let you be very clear, I am not taking away anything from you because whatever you think you are having is a pure myth. It is a pure myth. You are carrying a belief in you which is not even giving you peace and joy. If it gives you peace and joy, I have nothing against it. Carry. Be happy. Be blissful. No problem, but it is not giving you that. It is not giving you peace or bliss. Let you be very clear. I tell you from My experience. I have never seen a person who feels complete with the identity which he is projecting to the outer world or with the identity which he is projecting towards himself. With the outer world, no question. Even Bill Gates won’t feel satisfied. Even he feels threatened by competitors. Same way, with the identity which you are showing towards yourself.


Even great saints don’t feel that they are complete. Let you be very clear. I have met so many saints or so-called saints. They don’t feel they are complete. You can’t feel you are complete because even if you try to be pure, try to be perfect, try all the practices which you can do, not for twenty five years, even for fifty years, again you will have the same mind because mind which you are trying to chisel doesn’t exist. If it exists, then you can chisel and make as you want and keep as you want. That base itself doesn’t exist. That shaft itself doesn’t exist. Then what will you do? You can’t do anything about it. You can’t develop your mind. Training your mind is simply impossible because the mind doesn’t exist. You don’t have a continuous shaft. If you have a continuous shaft then, either you can elongate or break or do whatever you want; but there is no continuous shaft. You are just made to believe you have continuous shaft, you have an identity.


Your identity which you are showing to the outer world, your identity which you are carrying towards yourself, these two are the greatest thieves who steal your whole life. The superior ego which you are showing to the outer world, the inferior ego with which you are fighting constantly within yourself-these two doesn’t exist because every moment your thoughts are independent. You can read that notebook and understand. They are no way logically connected to each other. Try to read. You will understand. Suddenly you are having a thought, ‘Let me go to India,’ and second thought, ‘Let me go and see that movie.’ Third thought, ‘No, no, no. Let me attend this Camp properly. Swamiji is telling something.’ Third thought, ‘He has no other work. He has come here and He is sitting and talking. Who knows what is truth and what is not!’ The fourth thought, no way related to this. ‘Ah! Why not go to Universal studio and see a movie?’ Nothing will be connected. Suddenly you will think, ‘No, no, no, no. I could have gone to my job today. At least I would have little money. What am I doing sitting here?’ And the fourth thought, ‘What my next person is writing? He is smiling. What is going on?’ And no way it is connected to each other.


See, nothing is connected to each other. Simply so many things are happening just like that bubbles, the water bubbles in the fishtank. Just like that, things are happening. You are afraid to see the whole spectrum. You are afraid to see the whole thing which is happening in you. Just because of that fear, you pick up, you choose only few things and connect, create a garland and you keep a small space or a limited thing and start associating yourself with that. Just by knowing that small shaft you think, ‘Oh, I know everything now.’


Let you be very clear. You can’t take specimen thoughts out of your mind because there is no generalization possible. If generalization is possible, you can take a specimen. Specimen of good thoughts, specimen of bad thoughts but no generalization is possible. You are just loose flowers, loose flowers. Be very clear. You are complete loose flowers, but when you don’t understand that, you try to develop. You think you are a garland. You try to add some color flowers which you like or you try to remove some color flowers which you don’t like. You are sitting and playing with it. Let you be very clear. You can never change your mind if you are playing with the mind. You can transform your mind. Changing is not possible. Transforming is possible. When I say the word transform, I mean you can just be completely out of it.


When you understand you are completely unclutched, all the impact created on your inner space by the thoughts-guilt, fear, desire, greed, whatever impact created on you by your thoughts will disappear. Suddenly you will feel you are out of all these things. Your desire has no base because your ideas about joy is just a shaft which you are creating which has no base. Your fear has no base because the idea of fear is which you are creating, that shaft which you are creating by connecting which has no base. Your guilt has no base. Your morality has no base. Your immorality has no base. Nothing has any base. Let you be very clear because again and again you are creating a shaft.



Mind is a Myth || Part 2 || Dhyana Spurana || 03 March 2006

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People who created this perfectionist, the ideal of perfection, all of them are pure hypocrites. Let you be very clear. You are holding on to the hypocritical ideals and torturing yourself and those guys who have given you the perfect ideal, they are nicely enjoying their life. That is the truth. And that is the truth. Again I want to remind you about the story of Yamadharma. Most of you would have heard the story. At least for newcomers, I will repeat the story once more. I love to repeat this story, because this is the truth. No, innocent people are getting exploited. I know the truth. See, I have seen the insider’s view. That is the reason I am telling you, I Myself an insider. So I can give you the truth as it is.


People who want to exploit you, constantly they give you the ideal of perfection and driving you crazy and you think you are not sufficient, you are not enough unto yourself and torture yourself with the image which you are carrying about yourself. You have an idea about yourself and you have a perfect ideal about how you should be and you try to meet these two ends and torture yourself. Your effort to earn more money is to improve the personality which you are showing to the outer world. Your effort to do meditation is to improve the personality which you are showing to yourself. Both are pure lies. Let you be very clear. Both are pure lies. The real meditation can happen to you only when you understand you can’t do anything. Only then the real non-doing will happen. I am giving you the basic tool to experience the real Advaita. Only then the real non-doing will start flowering in you.


When I say the word meditation, I mean the ultimate non-doing. The ultimate non-doing will happen in you only when you understand by doing, nothing can be done. Only when you understand the futility of doing, you will stop doing. Even if you try to develop your personality, I have seen people chanting, ‘Rama, Rama, Krishna, Krishna. Rama, Rama, Krishna, Krishna’ for twenty five years. They will be sitting and rolling with that japamala Rama, Rama, Krishna, Krishna, Hare Rama, Hare Krishna, Hare Rama, Hare Krishna-something is constantly going on. The moment they start Rama or Krishna, their mind will start going somewhere else. He may think, ‘No, no, in the initial level, it will be like this only but later on it will become alright.’


Let you be clear, not initial level. I have seen the people who have practiced for fifty years. They are also in the same boat. They are also in the same boat. Nothing can be done. Nothing can be done. You are purely helpless being. Let you be very clear. As long as you have hope, you will be running behind something and ending into the hopeless space. Neither you can develop the personality which you show to the outer world nor you can develop the personality which you are showing to yourself. In both cases, your identity cannot be developed. Nothing can be done about your identity. If you want, you can struggle. I have no problem. There are so many programs going on-self development programs going on. You can go around and I tell you one important secret. Wherever you go, all these self development people, they all come to us... They all come to...I know there are so many people who take self development courses, programs. They all come and attend My programs. They all come to Me.


Be very clear. Whatever way you try to improve, you can’t develop. You can’t do anything because by your very nature, you are completely unconnected thoughts. By your very nature, you are not connected. See, if you are connected, then you can develop. Then you can create the chain properly but by your very nature, the chain is independent links. There is no link creating a chain. It is separate rings. You can’t call that anymore as a chain. If the rings are connected to each other, you can call that as a chain. Now, here only you have separate individual rings. How can you call that as a chain? Every thought is full or it’s overflowing by itself. It doesn’t need other thought to fulfill the first thought. This thought is not necessary to fulfill the earlier thought. Every individual thought is completely unconnected, independent and unclutched.


When you try to create a connection, when you start believing there is a connection, there is a chain, either you will start developing it or you want to manipulate it. If it is pain, if you think that chain is pain, you will try to develop it. ‘Oh! Let me not have pain. How to avoid pain?’ You will try to develop. If you think it is a joy, you are already perfect. Then you will try to elongate in the same tone, the same tune. Again you will have the fear, ‘Oh! It may go away. It may go away’ and you will try to elongate in the same tune. In both way, you will be a failure-utter failure! Because whatever thing you try to do, whether it is repeating of mantra...let Me now give you the basic business secret. All meditation techniques are related to just these five level. Either physical work-yoga like yogasana.


In our ASP if you do, for LBP you will see many techniques like Dukha Harana and all these things. If you have done LBP, you know Dukha Harana and all these type of meditation techniques. Either related to body or related to prana-breath work, breath work-inhaling and exhaling, the breath work. Third: mind, means the words related to mantra, related to mantra- words. Rama, Krishna or anything or Coco cola. Even coca cola is a mantra in that case. I tell you one thing. Repeating Rama, Krishna and repeating coca cola is one and the same. You may feel shocked. You may think, ‘What is this? What this Swami is talking? What is going on here?’


But I am very honest. You see, if I have a business with the name of Rama, Krishna, I won’t tell this truth. Now I don’t do that business. So I am telling you the truth openly. I am straight and if I have the business with coca cola, I will tell, “No, coca cola is the high thing. Drink only coca cola. If I have the business with Rama and Krishna names, I will truth.” I have no vested interest. That is the reason I am telling the truth openly. And I have seen people who are repeating this name for fifty years. Why to go to somebody else? I have done that! I used to repeat the mantra. I used to have two japamala-one in this hand, one in this hand. I will complete this mala and move one bead here (shows the other hand) So by the time I finish this mala, 108 times I would have finished this mala and you know once finishing one mala means how horrible it is!


I have seen people who are doing japa. After few minutes, they will just see where that main bead is! Tell Me honestly, who never checked that way? How many have got the habit of doing japa, raise your hand. Tell Me honestly, have you checked it or not? Always you check. I know because I have done that. And you always think, ‘No, no, only initial level it will be like this. Later on, everything will become alright and you continue, continue, continue for forty years thinking that you are initial level. See, I am not against repeating mantra. It is okay but don’t think that is going to help you. That’s all! I just advise you it is not going to help you because by your very nature, you can’t connect two link. Try your best to connect two links. You can’t. You won’t be able to. Through mantra, what are you trying to do? You are trying to create a same link, same chain or a same shaft. You won’t be able to. The more pressure you keep, the more stress you will create. The more you try to do the japa, more you will be in tension.


Let you be very clear. The people who are trying to do continuously name, some mantra, they will have constant irritation. Try, try to talk to them. In your house, if your mother-in-law or somebody is constantly doing some mantra, try to talk to them. They will carry a constant irritation. Constantly they will be irritated. They will constantly feel disturbed. They have to be disturbed because they are trying to not to get disturbed. When you try your best not to get disturbed, you are bound to get disturbed. I am opening all the basic secrets of spirituality because I have no business. See, let you be very clear. I have decided this time not only I am not going to do business, I will destroy all the businesses. I will demolish all the business which is going on around.


And the fourth thing, Vignanamaya kosha. The first is Annamaya-the physical layer, the yoga and all these tensing and relaxing and all these nonsense which I also do in the first level courses. Otherwise, people don’t believe I am a spiritual Master. That is the problem. You see, no, really. See, I am forced to do little bit of puja and japa in our ashram, little bit of puja and arati, all these things. Otherwise people don’t believe I am talking spirituality. So I have to do something which they understand. So that is the truth but I am telling openly the truth. It is up to you. How much you can digest, you can digest and if you can’t digest, it is up to you but the truth is truth. I always tell people, “If I am hurting your sentiments, please forgive Me but I am telling the truth.” I am not...because I know. I am an insider. I am not talking from outside. I have done everything.


You see, this is the truth. That time when I was wandering, I used to have a long jata means long... what do you call jata in English? Matted lock. I never used to apply oil or...if you don’t apply oil, you will also have that jata. It is not a big thing. You need to be little dirty, that’s all. Nothing else. No, people think that having jata is a big thing. It is a simple thing. You need to be little dirty. That’s all. Nothing much about it and I used to have that jata and I used to tie a rope and keep a big stone with that jata so that I will not fall asleep. When I repeat the mantra...and mantra is a big tranquilizer, let Me tell you. If you are suffering with insomnia, all you need is only one japamala or a big spiritual book. Take out a spiritual book and start reading four-five pages. Maximum five page is enough or just a japamala. One round is enough. You will be asleep.


See, one more thing. Let you be very clear. You can understand Me only if you have suffered in all this way. If you have not suffered, better go. There are so many people to give initiation. Have initiation from them. See, if you are really not tired, if you are not able to feel the truth of whatever I am uttering, you can do one nice thing. You can have some mantra from somebody. There are so many people who are selling and you can have and try to practice. I have no problem. Whether Annamaya or Pranayama or Manomaya. Manomaya means inner chattering. Pranamaya you know-the breath work. All the work related to breath is pranamaya. Pranayama or some kriya. This kriya, that kriya-all these kriyas. All kriyas are related to...they just give you the feel-good feeling.


Let you be very clear. Feel-good feeling is no way related to spiritual Enlightenment. Feel-good feeling can be gained by any small things. Things which gives you feel-good feeling and drugs, both are one and the same. That is why I tell you, whether it is some kriya which gives you a feel-good feeling or the drugs both are one and the same. Maybe one thing, the drugs are not accepted socially. This is accepted socially. Otherwise there is no other difference. All kriyas are only that much. The next: Manomaya: Repeating some word. Any word Rama, Krishna, Shiva or Skanda, Subramanya-whatever word. Let you be very clear. Repeating any word, you will try to create only more and more stress in you.


That is why these so-called saints will be constantly irritated. They will have so much of arrogance and ego inside. They can’t be simple because they are constantly doing some effort. Effort means ego. Effort means ego. Only a effortless being can be humble and simple, relaxed. Effort means what? Ego. You can see, this so-called saints, people who are constantly repeating mantra, in their eyes you can see that stress, the tension. It will be just oscillating continuously because constantly they are trying to suppress. They are trying to sit on something. You can’t sit on anything. You can’t sit on anything. You are constantly trying to suppress something.


Fourth thing, Vijnanamaya Kosha-visualisation. Visualisation. Again, no visualisation is possible. Try to visualise some Devi or Shiva or anything. Try your best. Sit with closed eyes. What comes inside mind you know! Even if you try your hard at the most you can manage in the waking state. In the dream state what comes you know! What is going on then? Nothing will be happening. The other day, I was telling this story. One young brahmachari, initiated new guy goes to a old monk and asks, “Sir, please help me. How long it takes to control the mind to get rid of bad thoughts? How long?” The monk says, “I don’t know how long but one thing is sure. Till ninety, it doesn’t happen.”


Be very clear. You will only be working, working, working, working, working. You will never be able to develop. That is why, Buddha says beautifully. According to Me, Buddha and Shiva-these two are the ultimate expressions. The pure expressions. Not at all affected by social conditionings or social system or the political conditionings. They are pure spiritual essence. Buddha says, “You cannot develop your mind. Your mind is like a dustbin. Either you have it and suffer or throw it and relax.” You can’t keep, ‘O, good garbage I will keep. I will put little scent. I will wash little bit. I can arrange all these things properly and keep it next to my bed.’ Nothing can be done. All your techniques, let you be very clear, whatever method you are trying, without this knowledge that you are unclutched, you will be trying to just colour that garbage, scent it and keep it next to your bed. No, it is not going to help. It is not going to work.



Mind is a Myth || Part 3 || Dhyana Spurana || 03 March 2006

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Whether... Vijnanamaya kosha is the visualization. Anandamaya kosha again, it is ideas about the spirituality- listening to the thoughts that ‘I am Brahman,’ ‘I am this’, ‘I am that’ and trying to constantly visualize. One person came to Me. It really happened. Maybe one year ago. And he came to Me and he said. He is not s swami but so-called that... seeker, professional seeker... No, professional seeker means seeking for last thirty five years. Many people come to Me and they say and this guy he came to Me. Straightaway he started telling, “I came here to bless You.” I said, “O God! For blessing, I should have come to you, not you will come to Me.” And then he started telling, “No, I am seeing Rama everywhere. I have darshan of Rama everywhere and I have come here to bless Your work.” I could see in his eyes he is completely tranquilized and he is in illusion.


See, person with a real vision or spirituality will be so ordinary, he will be able to relate with him so beautifully, he will not show anything mysterious. He will not show anything mystical around him. He will be very ordinary. When you go near him, you will feel that mystery. You will feel that mystery by yourself. He will not verbalize anything. But this guy go on started telling, “I am seeing Rama everywhere.” I told him, “How long it took for you to practice this meditation?” He said, “O! For last ten years I practiced. I practiced this meditation. Now I am able to see Rama everywhere.” I told him, “Why don’t you stop meditating just for two days?” He said, “No, no, no. Why should I stop meditating? I shouldn’t stop. It is a daily practice. I have to do.” I told him, “You say that you are able to see Rama everywhere now. Then why should you again meditate? Why don’t you stop meditation? Only then, if you stop meditating, even then if you are able to see, then it is a experience. Till then it is not an experience. It is just your visualization.” He said, “Ah! What You say logically is right. Yes, I think if it is experience or not, I should check it.”


This guy, after two days, he comes back and tells Me, “What have You done to me? Now I am not seeing Rama anymore. I am seeing things as they are. What is happening to me?” I told him, “Now do you understand, it is a pure shaft which you are creating, the shaft which you are creating. This constantly having some idea in your mind, trying to brood over on that idea is related to Anandamaya kosha. First, anything related to physical is Annamaya kosha, anything related to breath work is Pranamaya kosha, anything related to verbalization, words repeating-Manomaya kosha and anything related to visualisation-Vijnanamaya kosha, anything related to repeating an idea or remembering an idea is Anandamaya kosha. All these five will create only bondage for you. With all these five you are trying to create a chain, a shaft, which is no way going to help you. Creating shaft cannot help you whether it is related to pain or joy. Both the way it is not going to help you.


Somebody goes to Ramana Maharshi and Bhagavan says, “Try to do some japa.” This guy does japa and comes back after two years. “No, I am not able to repeat any mantra.” Then Bhagavan says, “Yes, you achieved the result of japa. Now you start dhyana-some meditation.” He comes back after two years and says, “I am not able to meditate.” Then he says, “Yes, now you achieved the result of meditation. Please start the atma vichara. Now you go into the enquiry.” This disciple is not able to understand. He asks, “How are you saying? How do you say that I have achieved the result of japa or meditation? I say I am not able to practice and you say I have achieved the result.” Ramana Maharshi says, “Understanding you are not able to practice is the result. The techniques are given to you just to make you realise that you can’t practice so that you will come to the clear understanding or come to the relaxation of non-doing.”


Non-doing is the ultimate dvaita. You will come to the understanding of ultimate Advaita just to give you the complete surrender mood, the techniques are given to you. But one more thing, unless you suffer you won’t understand. I have always seen people. I advise many people, “Don’t get married” but unless they get married, they don’t understand the truth. Unless they have the beating personally, they don’t understand. What to do? Same way, unless you try, you struggle, unless you come to the corner, unless you are cornered, you don’t understand that you can’t develop yourself. All the idea of developing your self is a pure myth.


One more thing, please be very clear, the truth which I am speaking is not for all. It is not for a common man. That is why, even before starting the tantra, Shiva says, “Let this be shared only with the people who are completely in tune with you and there is a one more saying, “If you share this truth with the people who are not qualified, your head will burst.” What it means? You will be in trouble, that’s what and actually that is truth. If the person who is not qualified, if he listens to this truth, he will think that I am preaching atheism. Please be very clear. I am not preaching atheism. I am not saying anything against God. I am trying to make you God. I am trying to give you the experience of God. I am not saying anything against God.


These people who don’t have...one more big problem if you are a spectator here, just sitting and validating My statements, be very clear, this is not for you. That is the reason I don’t allow anybody to come inside unless they do the first level meditation program. That is the thing, that is the reason I keep that as a prerequisite. How many of you have not done the first level program? Life Bliss Program? O God! All of you be very clear. You have the danger of misunderstanding. You have the danger. If you don’t understand, at least do not go out and tell what I spoke; because otherwise, you will tell whatever you want and then you will say Nithyananda Swami taught all these things and you have the danger of misunderstanding. If you have already done little bit of some practice, something, you will understand the truth behind My words. Unless you go through, you will not be able to understand what I am saying.


I am here to talk to people who are really fed up with words, with the whole spiritual business, with the holy business. If you are really fed up of that business, then I am here to help you to straight away go into the experience. One more thing, I am not interested in that business and I know the whole business. I am not interested in giving you some mantra or some visualization or these, that and again keep on doing the same thing. I have seen people when they start meditating, they start with such a enthusiasm, excitement. They tell Me, “Swamiji, I will start doing all the seven meditation everyday.” After two months, I will ask them, “Are you meditating?” “Oh! I have to start, Swamiji.”


Be very clear. I am stating one more Mahavakya. Mahavakya means ultimate truth. It may be shocking but the truth. No intelligent man can practice any technique more than twenty one days. It is ultimate truth. Anybody who has tried can challenge Me. I am open. I am ready. You can’t. If you try to do also, it will become ritual. I have seen people who do this Nithya puja. The moment they finish the puja, they will run out of the bedroom, that puja room. They will never enter into that room again. Entering into that room is like punishment for them and they will be just waiting when it will be over and Padyam samarpayami, Argyam samarpayami, shodashopachara pujam samarpayami, ding, ding ding, ding. They will be just hurrying... There may be few people here saying, “No, no, no, Swami. I don’t do like that. I do very properly. No, no, no. Whatever You are saying is not true in all the cases.” Please sorry if I hurt you but what I am saying is truth!


I know because I have done this. I have done personally. If you want to see the atheists, go and see the priests-the best atheists. They can’t have faith on God. Let Me be very clear. They can’t have faith on God because they are continuously touching. They know it is a stone. You are seeing from distance. You can project and see. They are touching everyday. They can’t have faith. Let you be very clear. They can’t have faith. I am opening all the business secrets. That is the problem but I have to open. Unless I open all these things, you will not go deep into the meditation experience. See, what is to teach what is meditation, it is just ten minutes job for Me. To teach what is not meditation is the two days job. I have to clear everything. Unless I clear everything, you will not go deep into the truth.


Be very clear. The only one thing can be done. You can realise that you are unclutched and go into the experience of Brahman, Atman or Self, Nirvana, whatever you call. That ultimate. That is the only thing possible. Anything else you try, it can give you the feel-good feeling. For two days, you will feel, ‘Oh! Really something great. I am doing something great’ or you can console yourself you are doing something sacred. You may feel what I am saying is completely shaking all your faith and belief but to tell you honestly, unless the lies are taken away from you, I can’t give the truth, I can’t give the truth and I don’t even have to give the truth. I have to just take the lies away. Truth is already shining. You are shining with the truth. You are just radiating the truth. There is nothing else need to be...you don’t need to gain the truth from Me. You are radiating the truth already.


The moment you understand you are unclutched, independent, unconnected thoughts, the impact of thoughts on your innerspace will disappear. You will not be carried away just by a simple desire. You will not be carried away simple death fear. You think what simple death fear? Actually it is nothing more than a mere thought. Let you be...let you understand one more thing. The moment the thought comes in you to stand up, the thought to sit down has disappeared. Am I right? Unless one thought moves away, the second thought can’t come. The moment you have the thought to stand up, the thought to sit down has disappeared. The moment the thought comes to walk, the thought to sit here and listen has disappeared.


Every thought is replaced by the next thought. You can’t have two thoughts at a time. Any of you can have two thoughts at a time? God saved you. You can’t have two thoughts at a time. You can have only one thought at a time means every thought is replaced by the next thought. By your very nature, you are renouncing. Understand, by your very nature, you are renouncing. You don’t need to learn renunciation. The moment you decide to stand up and go out, you decided to renounce the thought of sitting and listening. Every moment you are renouncing. You don’t have to think you have to renounce something. You don’t have to bother about renouncing the whole world, renouncing this, renouncing that. There is no need for renouncing. Every moment you are renouncing. Every moment your inner space is getting cleared but you are not ready to believe that.


You think, ‘No, no, no. I have this strong desire in me. How will I renounce? What will happen to me if I don’t renounce? Be very clear. The moment you started thinking, ‘How will I renounce,’ you will renounced that desire. Unless that desire moves away, you can’t even have the thought ‘How will I renounce?’ The moment you start thinking about renunciation, you renounced and the next moment, this thought will also go away. Maybe something else will come. Constantly your inner space is getting purified, replaced, getting rejuvenated. Only when you start believing you are having a shaft, you have the thoughts you may get the thoughts again and again, when you start bridging your independent thoughts and create a shaft, you create suffering for you.


Renunciation is happening in you constantly. The moment you decide to drink water, the moment you get the thought to drink water, you renounced lust. You always think, ‘Oh! Sex is such a big problem for me. I have so much of lusty thoughts in me. How will I purify myself?’ The moment you think to have a cup of tea, you renounced sex. It is not there. That is why you are having the thought to have a cup of tea, and the moment you decide to go and drink a cup of water, you renounced the thought of having cup of tea. Constantly the thoughts are getting renounced by itself. Only thing, when you create a belief that you are connected and you are having this problem, that problem, your belief that you have some problem is the only problem.


Somebody goes to Krishnamurti, J.Krishnamurti and asked, “Master, how to get rid of this sex desire? How to get rid of this problem?” Krishnamurti is a very practical person, Great Master. Very practical person. He says, “How long you spend...how much of time you spend for eating in your life everyday?” “Eating? Per day may be maximum one hour because morning fifteen, evening fifteen, may be around one hour.” “How much of time you are spending for your sex?” “Maybe fifteen-twenty minutes.” Krishnamurti says, “But the food is not affecting you so much, your inner space. Then why this sex is affecting you so much? The thought of food is not affecting your inner space so much but the thought of sex is affecting you so much. Why?” You start believing it is something serious. You start believing. Just by your belief that it is something serious, you start making it serious. You create more and more trouble out of it. You create all kind of perversion, all kind of suppression, all kind of problems related to it.


Let you understand. Every moment you are renouncing. Every moment thoughts are disappearing in you. The moment you have a thought to drink a cup of tea, your death fear has disappeared. If you have the death fear this moment, how can you have the thought of having a cup of tea? Any simple thought completely replaces whatever you are having in your mind. Every moment, thoughts are coming and going. In this big flow, you pick up few thoughts and say, ‘This is a big problem for me.’ You pick up all those desires...see, all the thoughts which happened in you related to fear, you pick up all of them for last ten years and make a big shaft and you say this is the biggest problem for me. This is the biggest problem for me.


The moment you start believing that is the biggest problem for you, you will start fighting with that shaft. The more you fight with that shaft, more you will be giving life to it. More you will be giving life to it. Every moment constantly by itself it is getting replaced. You are stopping the natural rejuvenation process by creating shaft and believing you have some problem in your inner space. Every moment your inner space is purified by the new thoughts. If you just let it happen, by itself it will clean itself. By itself it will clean itself. There is no need for you to clean your mind. All you need to do is just get out. Just get out of the system. Be very clear. The whole system is not running because of you; in spite of you, it is running.



His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) arrived in the ashram in Los Angeles, USA on 20 Feb '06 to commence the first World tour of the year. Following are pictures taken of HDH delivering the Shiva Sutras series of discourses in Los Angeles.

Shivasutras At Los Angeles

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