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==Title:SPH JGM HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam Visits Kailasa in Hyderabad, Sripuram Sarvajnapeetam for a 4 day Nithyananda Spurana Convention==
Be Bigger Than Your Innate Desires || Part 1 || NSC || 04 Feb 2010
Be Bigger Than Your Innate Desires || NSC
Name of Convention: Nithyananda Spurana  <br>
Session on: Be Bigger Than Your Innate Desires Part 1 <br>
Date: 04 February 2010 <br>
Venue: Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam continues to share with His delegates on the secret science of the second energy layer - the prana, where one stores their desires engrams.
These are the 5 activities of the prana - inhaling, holding, spreading, exhaling, cleaning. When your desires change, your prana will also change. Every desire has a different breathing pattern. So if one work on their breathing, it will open up all their desire engrams. The moment all your logic stops functioning, all your desires will be awaken, and it will start to move your consciousness as it wants. The Avatar plans to help us pass through the state of prana consciously which we will be going through when we leave the body.
Firstly, reduce the power of your acquired desires; secondly, increase your frequencies of your consciousness.
We have 2 layers of desires. One is Prarabdha - desire that you brought with you. The other is Agami - desires that you acquired this life. Desire is your life force. Without desire, you cannot get out of your bed. Desire itself is nothing wrong. When we came into this life, we have enough for the Prarabdha. Unfortunately, we start to accumulate more desires when we came to this life (Agami). Accumulated desires lead to the feeling of poverty. "Not enough" happens to us when we accumulate Agami.  
Be Bigger Than Your Innate Desires || Part 2 || NSC || 4 Feb 2010
How to know which one is Prarabdha or Agami? Innate desires will give us inspirations. When you fulfil it, it will give you deep fulfilment. You feel you have lived your life. Accumulated desires, while they are there it gives you deep irritation. when you fulfil them, the big problem is that you will suddenly feel empty.
If you work on your desires, suddenly you will see energy which are getting wasted on unnecessary directions, accumulated desires will drop. Don't renounce what you have, renounce what you don't have. Working on your desires will clear 90% of your confusion, save more than 80% of your energy. Accumulated desires caused you to be diluted and not knowing what you really want.
Come and find out from the Avatar!
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mgKS7cX5WU |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2010-02feb-04_be-bigger-than-your-innate-desires-part-1-nsc-04-feb-2010"/>
Eliminate Guilt Now! || Part 1 || NSC || 04 Feb 2010
==Nithyananda Spurana convention videos:==
=== Video Be Bigger Than Your Innate Desires || Part 2 || NSC || 4 Feb 2010===
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLXMuwOZLlc |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2010-02feb-04_be-bigger-than-your-innate-desires-part-2-nsc-4-feb-2010"/>
=== Video Eliminate Guilt Now! || Part 1 || NSC || 04 Feb 2010===
In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam says that we create guilt when we judge past incidents and situations with updated intelligence. He says life is constant expansion but with guilt, we can never grow or raise our consciousness. Many health issues are directly related to guilt including skin disorders, any problems with wheezing and 20% of all cancers. The mental layer is where guilt is stored. HDH explains the three layers of guilt; how and when they are created as well as the process for cleaning the mental layer so that guilt no longer has a negative influence over our being.
In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam says that we create guilt when we judge past incidents and situations with updated intelligence. He says life is constant expansion but with guilt, we can never grow or raise our consciousness. Many health issues are directly related to guilt including skin disorders, any problems with wheezing and 20% of all cancers. The mental layer is where guilt is stored. HDH explains the three layers of guilt; how and when they are created as well as the process for cleaning the mental layer so that guilt no longer has a negative influence over our being.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBoQgr0DN4Q|alignment=center }}
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBoQgr0DN4Q |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2010-02feb-04_eliminate-guilt-now-part-1-nsc-04-feb-2010"/>
=== Video Eliminate Guilt Now! || Part 2 || NSC || 04 Feb 2010===
Eliminate Guilt Now! || Part 2 || NSC || 04 Feb 2010
In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam says that we create guilt when we judge past incidents and situations with updated intelligence. He says life is constant expansion but with guilt, we can never grow or raise our consciousness. Many health issues are directly related to guilt including skin disorders, any problems with wheezing and 20% of all cancers. The mental layer is where guilt is stored. HDH explains the three layers of guilt; how and when they are created as well as the process for cleaning the mental layer so that guilt no longer has a negative influence over our being.
In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam says that we create guilt when we judge past incidents and situations with updated intelligence. He says life is constant expansion but with guilt, we can never grow or raise our consciousness. Many health issues are directly related to guilt including skin disorders, any problems with wheezing and 20% of all cancers. The mental layer is where guilt is stored. HDH explains the three layers of guilt; how and when they are created as well as the process for cleaning the mental layer so that guilt no longer has a negative influence over our being.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7UrOedldnY|alignment=center }}
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7UrOedldnY |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2010-02feb-04_eliminate-guilt-now-part-2-nsc-04-feb-2010"/>
Name Of The Convention : Nithyananda Spurana <br>
Session on: Mind is Responsible for Your Problems Part 1 <br>
Date : 05 February 2010 <br>
Venue: Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
In this video, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam talks about what is mind, how our mind works and how thoughts flow in us. Some thoughts will be related to joy, pain, worrying, then suffering and some thoughts will not be related to anything means thoughts are inconsistent. Most of our thoughts are unconnected, illogical, independent, irrational that continues to flow. Unfortunately, we don’t see the reality as it is. We create a pain shaft or joy shaft from these baseless thought flows. The main source of thought flow is not suffering. But the shafts we create from this main thought flow base causes suffering. Because you have concluded that life is suffering, you will only attract suffering. Any shaft whether joy or pain is suffering. HDH addressed the importance of being in the choice free space.  The moment you choose bliss, because of the greed to retain this bliss, you will end up in pain.
=== Video: Mind is Responsible for Your Problems Part 1 ===
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_S-Tddq0s4&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2010-02feb-05_mind-is-responsible-for-your-problems-part-1-nithyananda-spurana-05-feb-2010"/>
We will work on the cosmic layer. In this body there is no engrams. Understanding few truths are more than enough to liberate you. Understanding these few truths and internalizing is what I call initiation. Understand these few truths. Step by step just understand. You will see the clarity, understanding all these things happening inside you about the major things of your life.
First truth I wanted to share is: for all of our problems, many, I can say majority, most of our problems, mind is responsible.That’s the first truth. Second, let us analyze and understand ‘what is mind?’ I will give you a simple diagram how the mind happens and how we think and all that. [Swamiji draws a diagram] How the thoughts flow in us? Like this different shapes, different way, different, just continuously it will be flowing. Trying to present how the thoughts flow in us. See some thoughts will be related to joy, some will be related to suffering, some will be related to worrying, some will not be related to anything, just inconsistent - means you will not be able to make anything out of that statement, out of that thought. Some will be related to joy, some will be suffering, some will be just worrying- means, you just do not know, it’s there, some will be …….. - broken thoughts not complete thoughts. Some will be again joy, some will be again suffering. Just like this, very inconsistent, different, different, different, different, different thoughts will be flowing in a different, different, different way.
Usually how we, how our mind works? Please understand, this is the main thought flow, with a different inconsistent, irrational thoughts will be just flowing. If you look inside how it flows it will be just flowing inside. Most of them unconnected, illogical, independent and irrational.
If I have to give one example, if you see a dog in the street, suddenly you will remember all the dogs with which you were very friendly or you had fear in the young age. Then the memory of young age, then the teacher with whom you studied in the young age, then where you were staying. If you see logically there's no connection between the dog you are seeing in the street and the teacher with whom you studied in the young age. Just you slipped; there is no logical connection. If you see inside this is the way it is flowing; just illogical, irrational, independent, inconsistent, completely unconnected. They are just flowing, flowing, flowing you don’t know what for, what reason.
Usually if you ask people what your is life? How is your life? You can always see, at least from My experience I can say, whoever I ask, “No, no you don’t know Swamiji, nobody should suffer like me. Nobody will have the suffering like me, if somebody has suffered like me, they would have become long before mad or committed suicide. Please understand, your life is not as you think always a long suffering. There were so many beautiful things, but you continuously connect all the pain incidents, all that pain memory and create a shaft - ‘your life is a long pain’, that is what I call pain shaft.
In your life you can see, you see, here there is few suffering, few just baseless thoughts, few worry, few joy; so many things are happening. But you will pick up all the suffering and imagine life is suffering; this is what I call pain shaft. But you forget, between these many suffering memories and incidents there were lot of beautiful, joyful things were also happening. Unfortunately you don’t see the reality as it is. You just pick up and see. The big problem is, the moment you decide your life is a long pain shaft, long pain, you are ready to suffer forever. How?
See, the moment you decide your life is a long pain, now, even in the present moment you will be waiting for painful incidents. Like a conveyor belt so many things will be going in front of you in your life, some good, some bad, some unclassifiable, some which you cannot even say worry or so many things will be flowing in your life. But because you have a clear conclusion ‘life is suffering’, you will pick up only the suffering, “See I told you? Life is suffering. See, I am proving. This Swami from Bangalore came and said life is not suffering. But see, my life is suffering. Maybe his life is not suffering, my life is suffering.”
The moment you have some conclusion about the past… please understand, your understanding about the past is very important. Because that is going to set a trend about your future. For example, till yesterday you know you can’t fly, you can only walk, so because of that you know for sure from tomorrow also you are not going to fly, you are only going to walk. Maybe you can walk fast or you can run. But the tomorrow’s base, the basic trend is already set based on the ideas you carry about your past. Same way if you are clear, your past was pain shaft, it is pain, then you already set a base ‘from tomorrow also it is going to be pain.’ Unfortunately the idea you carry about your past is not truth, it’s not right. You are not looking into it and you think it is not necessary to look into it and correct.
You think: “Oh it’s ok forget about past, let us see about future. Understand, you are not… even if you say this to yourself: Let me forget about past and let me see the future. You are not going to forget completely. The basic ideas which you created about you in the past, that is going to continue to be the base for your future. Instead of understanding this, instead of working on this we have big problem, we have big, I can say negligence, that’s the right word ‘negligence’.
Understand, if you carry the idea your whole past was suffering, pain, first thing: It’s a lie, it’s not truth, nobody can live only with suffering. Understand, there is some hope. For example, in your whole past… I will give you a example: If your past is thirty years, if you have spent twenty years in pain, suffering, at least ten years of hope and inspiration should have been there between the twenty years. Otherwise you will not survive, you will not be alive, you cannot recoup, you cannot stand up again.
So if you are dropping, see one guy came and told Me: “Swamiji eleven times, eleven times I stopped smoking. Means what? Eleven times you started again. Same way, if so much of time was spent in pain, suffering, so many times you stood up again. So many times you had confidence again, so many times there was some reason which gave you the hope again. Unfortunately, we edit all these scenes, where we had rejuvenation, where we had hope, where we had joy, where we had inspiration to stand up, we edit, see our whole past as a suffering. First thing, it’s a lie, it’s not truth. Second thing, it’s a very dangerous lie. Because, this lie is not going to be just about our past, it is going to put its nose in your future. It is going to be stretching itself in, in your future, very dangerous.
A small experiment, we will try now. Just sit for 3 minutes and write whatever comes in your mind without editing. Please understand, in the same samskara book. Please listen first, then you can start. Please listen. First thing, please listen. We will now take a photograph of your mind, do not edit, do not judge, do not stop, do not criticize, whatever comes suddenly you will see nothing is coming I am empty. Write that. See, these fellows are shouting outside without having sensitivity. Write that. Whatever comes, whatever goes. Suddenly you will see, “If I get bonda it will be really nice. Gongura chutney, nothing like it. And then I think I should go to Bidadi ashram.” And you don’t know why they are coming. Just write as it comes in the same language it comes.
Let’s see the photograph of your mind. Write just for three minutes, whatever comes in the same language. Please don’t change the language or grammar. Sometime you will see the broken thoughts, they don’t even make any sense. Just two three words will appear: House, dog. You don’t know how the house and dog is connected. Whatever comes just write. Do not edit or do not try to suppress, do not try to logically make sense. Whatever is happening inside, just write as it is. It’s like a unedited, uncensored version of your mind.
Experiment Process in Progress
Yes relax, you can just read and see, very clearly experientially what I am talking. It's just to give you a glimpse. Is there any connection between what you are, is there any next, next, next, next? It is just a madhouse happening inside. See you do not… because it is a madhouse, see, the main shaft is madhouse. Because of that, you pick up few things and wanted to have some clarity. So either you pick up all the pain and create pain shaft, or you pick up all… Sometime rarely you do, all the joy and create a joy shaft. When you feel ready, confident, “Yes I can live, I can handle this life. There is nothing to miss, there is nothing to lose. I can be confident.” Either joy or pain, you create some shaft and try to live with it.
Please understand, either you create a pain shaft: “Oh god my life is pain, it’s a depression” and wait for things to suffer with pain. Or sometime very rarely you create, “no, no, no, I have so many wonderful things happening in my life. My life is joy, I can handle, I can deal with it. Confidence, joy shaft. The problem is, even if you have joy shaft, immediately the problem starts. You wanted that shaft to be with you forever. The moment you want the joy forever, you killed it.
I have seen, already I started receiving letters “Swamiji do something, this joy should be forever with me. I should be like this forever”, you already killed it. The moment you want, you are greedy about the joy, you destroy the joy. Please understand. See bliss is choicelessness; when you are choiceless bliss flows through you. The moment you choose bliss you have chosen suffering. Any choice is suffering. Being choiceless in the flow is bliss. In this four days through various methods and techniques and process, I am reconciling you with you. I am just bringing you to that choiceless space, choice free space. That is why you are feeling like settled, peaceful, joyful all these things are happening. The moment you choose this what will happen? You have chosen suffering.
Whether you create a joy shaft, the end what happens? Suffering. If you create pain shaft, by itself suffering. So any shaft is suffering. Understand, any shaft is suffering. This is pain shaft: For example, sometime you will collect all the joyful incidents happened in your life. When you went for vacation, when you got married, when you had kids, the posed photograph - where the photographer says ‘smile please’, and you take that photograph. Later on you sit with the photograph and you think: “Those days, see I was so joyful”. You don't understand, when you were in the vacation at the spot, photographer told you to smile and then you smiled. You forget all that fact very conveniently. “See those days, how joyful I was, how happy we were.” And you go on.
Mind is Responsible for Your Problems || Part 1 || Nithyananda Spurana || 05 Feb 2010
==Link to Video: ==
Sometime, the life when it is described, really too much. If you create joy shaft again, because of the greed to retain, you will end up in pain. If you create pain shaft already you are in pain. So any shaft you create it is suffering. Understand, the main source as it is, main flow as it is. Only this is suffering less. Any shaft you create is suffering.
Let us understand this main source little more detailed way; this technical knowledge will be really helpful. This whole thing is available in YouTube. So, you don’t need to bother about taking notes now. This whole - the pain shaft, joy shaft the whole thing with diagram is available in YouTube. Actually in YouTube I have put graphic diagram so it will be lot better than My handwriting.
|alignment=center }}
Now we are working on a new project. All the major truths of Hinduism, Vedic tradition like a rebirth, karma, re-in… vairagya, jnana, bhakti - all the things we are making half an hour the animated presentation, with animation presentation. Any of you want you can understand those concepts. If you want to teach to your kids friends or family, anybody who is teaching the Vedic tradition you can use it freely, the whole thing will be available. So of course, this concepts are already available, already in the YouTube, you can spend time with the YouTube and take notes. Now understand, how the main source, that main thought current is happening.
Mind is Responsible for Your Problems || Part 2 || Nithyananda Spurana || 05 Feb 2010
Mind is Responsible for Your Problems || Part 2 || Nithyananda Spurana || 05 Feb 2010
==Link to Video: ==  
===Link to Video: Mind is Responsible for Your Problems || Part 2 || Nithyananda Spurana || 05 Feb 2010===
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mB2HIisnDbw&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2010-02feb-05_mind-is-responsible-for-your-problems-part-2-nithyananda-spurana-05-feb-2010"/>
I'll give you the different way. I will give you in a vertical diagram. Like this different, different, different, different thoughts going on. I can say like a water bubbles in the fish tank. It is just happening continuously. One important thing you need to understand, between every water bubble there is a gap, because the gap is too small you think it is a continuous stream. It is not continuous stream. Fortunately between every thought you have, there is a gap. Between every thought there is a gap, there is a gap. That is why they are completely unconnected. That is why they are completely two different, independent, illogical, irrational. They are not connected, because there is a gap. There is a gap between every thought, there is a gap between every flow, there is a gap in every thought.
Now let us understand these few truths. First truth, you can have only one thought at a time. Am I right? You cannot have two thought at a time. Maybe you can have very fast, that is acceptable. You see, every microsecond you will have one thought. Next microsecond second thought, third microsecond third; that is acceptable. But, you can have only one thought at a time fortunately. Fortunately you can have only one thought at a time. You cannot have second thought. It's like in this chair only one person can sit at the time. If somebody else has to come and sit he has to push Me out. If next person has to come, he has to push this guy out. So, in your inner space, only one thought can be at the time.
Please understand, this a first truth. So, second important thing: if some other second thought is coming means, naturally the first thought is replaced, am I right? If the third thought is coming the second thought is already replaced. It is continuously moving, it is continuously moving, with different, different, different thoughts. Understand some of the very important simple secrets of life and truth, which we never looked in; it never reveals itself to us because we never look inside. That’s all. Nothing else. Very simple truths I am not teaching you any big philosophy. I am just stating as it happens. Satyam, ‘sat’ as it is.
If somebody can sit in this chair pushing Me out, then that guy is surely more powerful than Me. Am I right? If a third person can come and push this second guy out and he can sit, then naturally he is more powerful than the second guy. Please understand, very systematically. If the second guy can come and push Me out and sit here, he is more powerful. The third guy can come and push this guy out and he can sit. He is more powerful.
So naturally somebody else is coming and constantly replacing means the last guy become more and more powerful. It is just happening, it is just happening. Please understand an important truth. Step by step I am guiding you to these great truths. First thing, only one thought can be in you at a time. Second thing, if a second thought comes and pushes the first thought away, it is more powerful. If a third thought comes and also pushes this thought also away that is more powerful. That is why it is being pushed, it is being just pushed, pushed, pushed and moving.
Somebody came and asked Me: “Swamiji I am completely shaken by fear of death, I am suffering with this fear, how can I escape? Please give me a solution”. I just told him: “Have cup of coffee”. Please understand now, I just told him: “Have a cup of coffee.” He said, “What? How can having cup of coffee solve my death fear?” I told him: “The moment you think ‘let me have cup of coffee’, that thought naturally has to move the death fear.” Understand, at least for a second. Come on, at least for a second it has to move. That guy said “No, no, no, no, no, it is not that easy, the death fear again comes back, what will I do?” Have one more cup of coffee. 😃 People say, ‘no, how many cup of coffees we can have?’ See, it doesn't need to be always cup of coffee, cup of water and it doesn't even need to be cup of water or cup of coffee.
You see, the moment you think ‘let me stand’, you renounce the thought of sitting. The moment you think ‘let me sit’, you renounce the thought of standing. The moment you think ‘let me go in’, you renounce the thought of standing out. The moment you think let me walk out you renounce the thought of sitting. So the moment you think even to move the right hand, your death fear has moved. It has to. Understand, at any given time, you can have only one thought. Second, any thought which comes inside is more powerful, that is why he is able to push the thought out and he is able to come and sit.
Very subtle truths, very subtle truths. I'll answer all your questions, I'll answer all your questions. It means what? Having a cup of coffee thought can replace your so called fear of death for a moment. Then naturally having a cup of thought, cup of coffee - that thought is more powerful than your death fear, am I right? Then your whole death fear is only cup of coffee? Mind says: “No, no, no, no, no. It is not this easy. This Swami is telling something, I think he studied only half.” Mind will raise. “This cannot be this simple, he doesn't know how many sufferings we have, and he is making fun of us.” No just see, just see logically how things are happening inside; very simple, I am opening up just some of the simple truths inside you.
One guy came and told Me “Swamiji I am suffering with lust, and fantasy engrams, what is the solution?” I told him, “Just sit, for ten minutes meditate on lust, on all your fantasies.” That guy within five minutes he opened his eyes and says “ Swamiji my mind is wandering here and there, I am not able to concentrate.” 😃 I said: “What are you talking, you only came and told Me ‘I am suffering with lust and engrams of fantasy.’ All I did is ‘meditate on it. Just be with it” And he is telling: “No I am not able to concentrate”. This is mind! Understand, the problem is not the thought, your fear that thought may stay with you and you will start acting as per thought.
Understand, the problem is not the thought, your fear that thought may stay with you and you may start acting as on, as per it. That is where the problem starts, that is where the problem starts. All you need is just giving you confidence it can be just moved by your will. Please understand, there are hundreds of problems in you, you don’t even need to apply the solution, if you know the solution it will not happen in you. I am telling you, hundreds of problems will not happen if they know you know the solution. You don’t need to apply. They will not even happen, if they know you know the solution. I am guaranteeing you. All you need, you don’t need to move your death fear continuously for ten years and all. Ten times move it with cup of coffee, eleventh time it won’t be there. Your mind knows ‘this guy knows the solution’. No, I am telling you. Your mind knows ‘this guy knows the solution’. Your mind knows he cannot play with you.
See, the whole truth is, how you sell yourself to your boss, first thing you convince your boss there is no solution for this problem. It means what? Only you can solve. That is the meaning; these are all corporate technical meanings, a corporate dictionary. There is a special meaning for all the corporate words. When the company announces ‘you need a crisis management skills’ means: You are entering into a company which is perpetual chaos. That’s the meaning. 😃 ‘Multidimensional skills are required’, if that is the announcement, it means what? You are going to replace three people who have left just. These are all the 😃 cooperate meanings, it’s all meaning underlined 😃 underlined meaning. Sometime it is very shocking but truth. 😃
Anyhow, first you convince your boss there is no solution. Second, if somebody has to solve, they have to practically give their whole life. Third, only you have the capacity and dedication to do that. Fourth, you can shave his head now. See, that is the step by step. Understand, your mind does the same thing to you. It makes you believe without his existence you cannot live a balanced life. You cannot protect yourself, you need to be defending you. Mind enters inside you only in the name of “I will defend you, I will defend you”. That is the… you can see very clearly. Wherever you need mind, wherever you need strategy planning, wherever you need thinking process your mind has convinced you without its existence you will not be able to defend yourself. Am I right?
Now, the guy who was supposed to defend you has started offending you; he has started offending you. Actually all you need to do is, just letting him know you have the solution. Nothing else. Actually your mind is not that intelligent or big guy as you think. Simply you need to make him understand you have solution. Nothing else. See the solution which I am giving… let Me tell you from My own experience, what happened.
In the young age I used to have this fear of this ghost and all these unknown things. You may think “Oh, you are a Avatara Purusha, how can you have these fears?” Don’t bother about that, I am telling you exactly as it happened, as it happened. Nothing, only once there was a great Yogi, Yogi Ramsaratkumar, he lived in Arunachala. Some of you might have had his darshan also. Visari Swamigal he was called, any of you have seen him? Graceful person I have… you can’t expect an old man can radiate so much of grace. I had the fortune of sitting at his feet, seeing him for more than six years, I have never seen him taking bath, changing clothes or anything, but no smell, nothing will be there. You will be feeling so pleasant around him, such a graceful person. He told Me only once “ Ehh, it is your mind, you are projecting it from your mind and you are afraid.” Somehow, that clicked Me so much, after that I never applied that idea. Just knowing that solution, fear disappeared.
Understand knowing that solution, fear disappeared. Not that after that I had the fear of ghost, then I applied that, “No, no, no, I am projecting and seeing, and I am frightened.” I did not even apply. Just knowing that idea, it has disappeared. Understand, thousands of problems in you will just disappear, if they know you have a solution, nothing else. So the simple thing, first thing, first lesson: any thought, a new thought can replace it. If you…if new thought can replace, then the old thought naturally has no power. So if you have now death fear what you need to do? You don’t even need to do, have a cup of coffee. Decide, “Let me move the right hand.” Just one thought, “Let me move the right hand.” What happened naturally? This thought has to move. Nothing. Ahhh.
Even this simple thought, ‘aahh.’ What happens? The thought moves; it has to be replaced. You may think, “What is this? This Swami said he is going to give initiation. I thought he is going to chant some big sanskrit mantras and tell some great secrets in our ears. He is telling: Aahh.” 😃 Understand, I am giving you some of the important truths of nirvikalpa samadhi. Some of the important clarity which you need for nirvikalpa samadhi. Nothing if you have to have a thought, ‘aahh’ naturally your death fear has to move, is it not? Am I right or not? It has to move!
So then all you need to do, any problem which happens in your inner space is: ‘Aahh.’ Then now big problem, “If I am just sitting and telling for everything aahh, aahh, aahh, who is going to pay my bills? Who is going to run my house? What will I ans, what answer I will give if my boss asks me?” Aahh! 😃 Oh God dangerous 😃 . Tomorrow you go to your office and boss asks something, ‘aahh’. 😃 Suddenly you have a thought, “Let me go to my office and work.” ‘Aahh’ This is a big problem, ‘Who will pay my bills? Who will pay, who will run my life?’
Understand, now I am sharing one strong important truth with you, I am responsible for this truth. When you move things, please understand, you will never become useless. First thing, your prarabdha is intelligent enough to run, earn, maintain, whatever is required for your life. You cannot just whole day sit and say ‘ahh, aahh, aahh.’ By your innate nature, you will do what needs to be done. That is what Krishna says. Your prarabdha will make you do. Actually when I… when you say ahh, you will only drop the suffering, you will not drop the work itself; try, try, try for next twenty one days, anything comes ‘aahh’.
Just, see, when I say, saying ahh, that is what I mean unclutching. Just try, I am guaranteeing you. You will neither become lazy nor become impractical; you will only lose all the psychological, unnecessary suffering you go through, unnecessary psychological fears, worries and suffering. As I am, I was describing: Unbroken or unwanted or irrational thoughts. Only those things will disappear. Understand, in this flow of thoughts, he asked, Shivaji you asked the question,this same question. In this flow of thought, a complete consistent thought has its own innate intelligence to work out, work it out by itself. That’s what I am calling prarabdha.
Please understand, when I say push it with ‘aahh’ you will not become lazy. You will not become impractical. Only thing will happen is: Unnecessary accumulated stress and fear and worry which you are carrying, that will be dropped. It’s not that you will not go to office, it’s not that you will not do your regular routine. You will be doing all those things. You will just see simply the thought happens and it starts expressing in your body. All I am saying is, see the thought which is powerful prarabdha in you, will express itself by its own power. For example: Food. When the hunger comes you will not be able to say aahh, aahh, aahh for more than half an hour. No, it is powerful enough to fulfill itself; but one thing I can guarantee, by saying aahh you will stop overeating.
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Mind is Responsible for Your Problems || Part 3 || Nithyananda Spurana || 05 Feb 2010
Mind is Responsible for Your Problems || Part 3 || Nithyananda Spurana || 05 Feb 2010
==Link to Video: ==  
===Link to Video:Mind is Responsible for Your Problems || Part 3 || Nithyananda Spurana || 05 Feb 2010 ===
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAFmKYJlAyQ&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2010-02feb-05_mind-is-responsible-for-your-problems-part-3-nithyananda-spurana-05-feb-2010"/>
You will start overeating; the unnecessary things accumulated about every subject will drop drastically. Understand the major difference. Our mind always plays the game: “No, no, no, if I am saying ‘aahh’ for everything what will happen to my life?” It will only become much better. You don’t know. It’ll only become much better. Try. I will answer your questions. Try just for few days. Just for a few days, make this unclutching as lifestyle. You see, I am using a decent word “unclutching”. If I just say: “Ahhh”, it looks little unsacred. But that is practical. It looks little undivine. It looks little unsacred.
“What is this? Four days we sat, in the end of the day, he is telling ‘Ahh..’ 😃 And you go to the house, wife asks: “What did that Swami teach?” “Ahh.” 😃 Your manager is asking: “What did you do in the four days mediation workshop?” “Ahh.” 😃 Ah but the truth is this what.
Understand these basic few things, basic few things. Unclutch from anything. Don’t bother. All you need is little courage, little courage. I know your mind will say: “No, no, no, no, no. No, no, you don’t know the mess, all the mess I created in my life. Now suddenly if I unclutch, what will happen to all the… I may not create new mess, but what will happen to all the mess I created earlier?” Don’t bother. I am telling you honestly. I am telling you from the straight experience. And one more thing, I am responsible for what I am teaching, I know. I know, thousands of you are sensitive to what I am teaching and you are practising. I am responsible for it. With that responsibility I am talking.
Understand, I am not a impractical sadhu who is sitting in a forest, just counting his beads and talking some nonsense, no. I am sitting in a throne; that is the reason I sit in golden throne, just to tell you, just like how you maintain your company, house and everything, I am maintaining. I am a practical sadhu who is running a kingdom. Understand.
My organization is equal to more than any company. Everyday I make at least 300, 400 decisions. So, I am not talking something impractical. What I am talking to you I am living and it is practical. It pays. Understand, it pays. What I am talking can improve your balance sheet. I am not talking something impractical, where you will be lying down on your bed, saying “aah aah aah.” I am not talking that impractical things. Try, you will see. You will see you will go to the office beautifully. People ask me: “No, no, no, how can it be? If I am constantly unclutching how will I go to office? How will I do my routine, how will it happen?”
Understand, if you had a fight morning in the house as usual 😃 You see, whole day, your mind will be planning, thinking, preparing your reply and it will be depressed, heavy; whole day you will be doing the job but you will be doing your job, office work. Am I right or not? When you can be depressed and do your office job, why can't you be liberated and do your office job? Simple logic! When a part of you can be depressed and continue your office job, why can’t part of you be unclutched and continue the same office job? It is possible, we never tried. It is possible, we never tried.
Understand, even if part of you is depressed, tensed, planning for your evening fight, you are doing your job. You are doing your office job. You are making decisions, you are doing all your work. Everything is going smoothly. Everything is handled. You can see many time, you will sit in your car, drive more than half an hour, only when you reach your office and switch off the car, you remember you drove for half an hour.
You only took right, left, gave break for the signal, you did everything. Pressing the accelerator, taking right turn, left turn, pressing the break for signal. You did at least 200 thing. Only when you switch off the car in your office parking lot, you just remember, Oh god, half an hour you drove. Half an hour you drove. How many of you had this experience in your life? Then, you are already master. You have mastered the art of unclutching and driving. Then why should you have fear?
2-3 hours of your life, 24 hours, if you remember this and come back to your center... Actually, when you unclutch, please understand, just understand that first. See, now whole thing is, now what I am talking in this NSP, like this, 5, 6 NSP initiations I have put in youtube. Sit with YouTube. Now don’t waste time in taking notes, you will miss it. 5, 6 different versions of My initiation is in youtube. Watch. Mmh? Now understand, internalize, every point, don’t miss, understand.
When you unclutch and sit for few minutes, you will have a kind of aa awareness in this area. This is the area you will settle down; below the heart center above the naval center that is the area you will usually feel like you are settling. [Swamiji gestures towards the ananda gandha area] All I am saying is, when you again and again and again unclutch in your whole day routine, whenever emotional tsunami attacks you, unclutch and come back; whether your boss firing at you or you firing at somebody, when you are imbalanced, come back. Come back to that center. Even if you come back and be in that center for two to three hours in a day, you will carry that flavour of unclutching whole day. All your decisions will be made out of that unclutching mood. All your decisions, your actions, will be out of that Nirvikalpa mood.
See, carrying that nirvikalpa mood in your life is enough, you will be Jeevan Muktha. You will be Jeevan Muktha. Nothing else is required. Instead of carrying the depressed mood whole day, irritated mood whole day and working, I am just replacing that mood to this mood. Actually what will happen you know, if you practice the replacing of irritation mood to this unclutching mood, within a month you will see, you just start rejoicing that unclutching mood. The time in which you stay in that unclutching moods, mood will start expanding.
The recovery time from any tsunami will start reducing. The first time, first ten days the recovery time will be two, three hours. If you had a fight, it will take 2 hours for you to recover and come back to the center. After a month, it will be half an hour. After two month, it will not be more than three, four thought. Three, four thought. Hey alright, this is what, come on, get back. Over. Nothing else. Recovery time, reducing the recovery time is Nirvikalpa Samadhi. Understand, I am making the whole thing practical day to day.
Please understand, I am not reducing or diluting the strength of the truths. I am only making it practical. We always have a problem. If it is practical, it is diluted. No. I am not diluting. I am making it practical. I am making it very clear and practical. Every statement I made is shastrokta, accepted by the Shastras. Every sentence I made, I can give you the support from the tradition, from the truths of Upanishads, from the vedic truths.
Please understand, all you need is a simple confidence and trying it for next few days; that is the only thing, nothing else. Nothing else. Just trying it for next few days. Put this as a first priority for next few days. That’s all I am asking. Understand, you may think: “No, no, no, next few days if I am going on unclutching, I may lose something in my… who will take my business decisions, who will take my office decisions; I may lose something.” If you lose something, think that is guru dakshina you gave for Me. That’s all. You won’t lose anything. I am assuring you. I am assuring you won’t lose anything. If you lose something, think it is a guru dakshina given to me. Forget about it.
I tell you, just this simple process, anything which creates agitation in you, irritation in you, raises the heat of your blood. Just say “ahh”. Unclutch. Know thoroughly nothing can sit in your inner space more than few seconds. Understand, this a basic truth. Just the moment you have the thought of moving the right hand, it has already moved. If it comes back, again move the left hand. If it comes back: “aah”. All you need, only two, three, few times, not more than that. You will see very clearly, no problem is more adamant than your fear ‘the problem may come back’.
See, the problem is not the problem. Your fear: The problem may come back and may not leave you - That is the problem. Now, for example, if you have the deep fear: “No, no, this problem may come back.” How many seconds it… how many times it takes to move that fear? It may take some time ten or some time twenty, but surely not more than, I can say surely not more than 50 times. You need to have the guts to sit at least, move 50 times. That’s all. Your mind will ask: “No, no, no. If you are doing constantly like this, how is it going to be solved in the practical world?”
That is what I am saying. You are intelligent enough, your prarabdha is intelligent enough to create, maintain, live life and wealth. Please understand, you are intelligent enough to do whatever you need to do. You are not that dull. Your bio-memory is powerful enough to live and radiate what you need to achieve, what you need to do, without your irritated, strategy planning mind. This is the basic truth I am trying to tell you. All I am saying is: Your mind is not needed to run your life. That’s all I am saying. I am saying just tell your mind: “Get out. I will run.” Just tell: “Get out. I am running. I am taking charge. I declare I am coronate myself from now.”
This is what beautifully Shankara says, Swarajya siddhi - Reclaiming your kingdom. Reclaiming your kingdom. Swarajya siddhi. The big problem is your mind is so cunning, it convinces you without it you cannot run your life. It again and again and again comes back and tells you: “Ehh, I told you. That Swami, Bengaluru Swami is speaking and you are listening. Come on, come to the house, I’ll take care of you there. He will go away tomorrow. Tomorrow you will have to live with me.”
No, even now, one corner it is standing; like aa when elephant takes bath in the river and walks out. The street dogs will stand and bark. Nothing, elephant does not need to do anything. Just if it turns and shows the trunk, that dog will not even have time to turn and run, it’ll just step back, step back and run. That fellow will not even take chance of turning and running. You, you can see, he’ll just put the leg back, step by step ah rrrrr rrrrr rrrrr Only when he feels he is safe distance, safe distance, he will turn and run.
Same way, now the mind is standing in one corner and rrrrr rrrrr, he is doing. “Aa this Swami will go away tomorrow, I will talk to you tomorrow. And now I will keep quiet. Come to the house and you cannot be sitting here whole day and you will go away tomorrow to Bangalore.” That is what this mind is trying. It is trying all it’s best.
See, it convinces you very clearly, you cannot run your life without it. That is where the problem starts. You have a strong feeling: “No, if this mind goes, either I will lose all my wealth or name and fame or the social credibility; all these things will be lost or I may lose my balance. I may do all the chaotic things I want.” No. By your nature, you are intelligent, balanced, alive and creative. That is what I am saying. Trusting the prarabdha is trusting the Self. Trusting your prarabdha is trusting your Self. Unless you trust yourself, you cannot trust the God. You cannot trust existence. Understand, the first trust you need to have is trusting you, without the interference of the mind. I always tell people, I want…
People come and tell Me: “Swamiji, I don’t believe in this meditation program. I can’t come all these. You just tell me what service I can do for you.” I tell them: “I am afraid of you. Please leave Me. Escape from Me or leave, I should escape from you.” I tell them. If… I always tell people: Let Me be served only by Jeevan Muktas. Then I'll be safe and I’ll be happy.
Please understand, you also say, tell yourself, unless you trust you, you can’t trust Me. If you say: “No, no, no, I am not interested in trusting me, enlightenment, all that. I’ll trust you and do what you say.” No, you are dangerous for Me. You are dangerous for Me. I have seen, I take care only people who meditate, feel connected or living around Me, I accept any money or any donation from them. You have… if you are associated with our mission you will know. Anything, anybody comes and offers, first thing I’ll tell: ”Meditate for six months, then I’ll tell.” That’s the first statement I will make. Because if you don’t trust you without prarabdha, you can not trust Me or God. Be very clear.
If some of you are thinking you had devotion towards God or guru and unable to trust this truth - trusting your prarabdha, be very clear, your devotion is pseudo, business deal. If you are able to trust you with your prarabdha without mind, then your devotion is authentic. Then your devotion is authentic. This is the first step. Only a Jeevan Muktha can be a bhakta; not otherwise. Otherwise all your devotion is just pseudo game. I have seen people chanting this Vishnu Sahasranama. They’ll go to the morning to the puja room, [Swamiji chants few names fromVishnu Sahasranama(18:08)]. After five minutes, they’ll be sitting, seeing the last side number. “Oh it is only 300, I have to do 1000 more.”
You can see. This kind of people will never ever enter into the puja room second time in the whole day. Morning they’ll go and… like a ritual. It’s not devotion. It’s a business bargain. If they don’t do that, if something happens in the day, they will connect: “Oh because I did not do that. That’s why this suffering came.” They will connect and see, because they don't want that suffering and irritation, they will finish it morning as a ritual. I think if you understand what I am saying and fit in your life, you will see. Very clearly, how you are playing with you and how you claim you have devotion. Understand, the first devotion is devotion towards your prarabdha without having mind. First trusting you. Next trusting the cosmos. Unless you trust you to live without the mind, how are you going to trust anybody else?
Mind is so powerful, cunning. It convinces you, without it you cannot run your life, but swallows your whole being by itself. It’s like a, one guy says: “I’ll be your security, I will not allow anybody to touch you.” And he kills you. That’s all. Finally he kills you. That’s all is the mind. That’s exactly the mind.
In North India I have seen. Let Me… Please understand this one example. Even in My native place, Arunachala, I have seen. These monkeys from the hill they will come down to the temple and the city and they will make big mess. They will disturb all the people. In the aa village they’ll, there’ll be people who will catch the monkeys and take them back to the hill and leave it and for six month they won’t come down. Again after 6 months they will come down. It’s a routine. And they will… they have a simple method of catching that monkeys. A small glass they will take and they will make, they will open the backside also, that glass and they’ll make a small rope along, rope and keep that rope near. That side, backside of the glass they will keep a sweet. This fellow, this monkey will put the hand through the glass, water glass and hold that sweet. And after he closes his uh hands, fingers, he can’t take it out. The fist won’t come out. This fool if he leaves that sweet, he can take it out, but he will not do. He does not have that simple intelligence or he does not want to do. He will try to take the sweet and take the hand out and he will be struggling. Slowly that hunter will come and catch the monkey and put it in the cage and take him. Just that simple thing, he cannot let go.
Mind is Responsible for Your Problems || Part 4 || NSC || 05 Feb 2010
===Link to Video:Mind is Responsible for Your Problems || Part 4 || NSC || 05 Feb 2010 ===
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YITSefES8xY&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2010-02feb-05_mind-is-responsible-for-your-problems-part-4-nsc-05-feb-2010"/>
Same way I have seen in North India, in My wanderings I have seen how they catch these birds. Just a simple rope… here we have. Understand this simple example. They will, like this a small stick, they will hang it. In two trees they will tie this. See, like this a small stick they will tie in two tree. These two ropes will be tied in two trees. Nothing, you may think how can this small thing can be used to catch birds. Like this they will hang it. This poor guy, that bird will come and sit in one side. Naturally because of his weight what will happen? Upside down. It will become upside down. That poor guy, he will be hanging upside down. He cannot understand, if he lets go he can just fly. That poor guy, “No no no, if I relax, if I open, I may fall, I may break my head. I may wound, injure myself. And that fellow will be hanging just upside down. For half an hour or one hour he will be hanging.
And slowly the hunter will come and catch that fellow, put him in the cage. Understand. See, this [rope] is your thoughts, this stick is your mind. And that bird is you, the jeeva. The bird is the Jeeva. If you just let go the mind, you can fly but your mind says, “no no no” you think “No no no, if I let go, I may fall and break my head. My family may be disturbed, my business will be disturbed, my house will be distubred, I may become imbalanced. My life will become in chaos.” Can that bird be convinced intellectually “No no, if you let go, you can just fly” Can that bird be convinced? No, impossible.
That guy thinks this stick is the security. And he hangs. Naturally, simply the hunter comes and catches him. Hunter is Yama. You will be hanging, you will be hanging thinking that this stick is the security… simply till Yama comes. When Yama comes he will just snatch you from this also, and put you in the cage and take you and go. Understand, exactly we are doing the same game of that bird.
Foolish bird, when I say ‘that foolish bird does not understand if he let’s go he can fly’ you laugh. But you are in the same situation. If you just relax from the mind…  You see, there is not record of any bird letting go and falling and fracturing his head. Have you heard any record? Bird fell and had injury and died? Same way, there is no record of anybody losing anything by unclutching. Anybody losing whether their wealth or health or their life by unclutching.
Understand, simply your mind creating fear saying ‘no no, if you let go you will fall and die’, and that guy is hanging. Understand, sometime, some bird which was hanging like this, but somehow escaped, fly, escaped, that bird comes back and sees this hanging bird and says, “Hey, relax, relax, if you open up, you will fly. If you let go, you will fly.” That guy is poking this fellow’s leg, that is initiation. That is what is initiation. The bird which was hanging for some time, flied, due to some reason is coming back and saying, ‘Let go, relax. If you let go, you’ll only fly, you won’t fall’, That bird is guru, that act is initiation.
Understand, all you need is a simple confidence. The seed is saying, “If I open up who knows, will I become tree or I die?” The tree is saying, “No no, only if you open up I can come out.” The seed is saying, “No, no, you come out then I will open up.” Tree is saying, “No, you open only then I can come out.” Some seed which has become tree should give confidence to this seed “Open up, you’ll only become tree. You won’t die.” Some bird which flied, should come back and say, “See I was hanging like that. When I let go, I am only flying. I have not broken my head. I have not injured myself. I have only started flying. You also let go, fly.
Understand, if a bird let’s go, relaxes, he will become Paramahamsa. So if you let go, you will become Paramahamsa. Thats all, nothing else. You need simple confidence to let go the mind and unclutch. Nothing else.
Understand, next step, next step. This bird, how much ever he tells, there are some birds which is hanging, very tight. And that fellow will tell, “No, when you were hanging and when you left, the below ground was only ten feet, now you see thirty feet, you don’t know my situation.” People tell Me, “When you left the house, you were not married. You did not have business. But you are telling us to unclutch, we are married, we have business”  This hanging bird will argue.
Understand, of course I am not telling you to leave the house, that is different. All I am telling you is unclutch. You will say, “No, no, no, when you unclutched, you did not have any commitment. Only if you are in our situation you will know” - that bird arguing. “When you let go, it was only thirty feet length, bottom, now you see hundred feet. And you don’t know how much fear I have. See below whether it is thirty feet or hundred feet it is not a problem because you are not going to fall. You are just going to fly. But these birds sometime will not trust. For that only the next step. This bird which was trying to give initiation, it brings and puts a small net. And it says, “Alright, even if you fall, you will fall only on the net, you will not break yourself, fly.” That is what is Abhaya, means, understand, that is what is Abhaya.
Very beautifully Krishna does this job. After talking so much, teaching so much and giving Vishwarupa Darshana, even after all that, this fellow, this Arjuna… No really. No, I have My own doubt whether really Arjuna was that dull or Krishna is using Arjuna as a front and talking because a King cannot be that dull. Maybe Krishna is using Arjuna and talking to the worst possible student in future; because, see Krishna is Jagat Guru, he has to consider the weakest link and give the lesson for the weakest student. Maybe that is the possible; because I cannot imagine Arjuna being so dull. Because this fellow is asking the same question again and again.
Anyhow, The last chapter he says beautifully, finally, very… Just before, I think, I don't know whether 12th or 13th chapter he gives one assurance that
ananyas cintayanto mam ye janah paryupasate
tesam nityabhiyuktanam yoga-ksemam vahamy aham
He says very beautifully. Forget about everything else, just relax in Me. I will take care of whatever you need and whatever your comforts; Yoga and Kshema - Yogakshema means bringing what you need and see that it stays with you.
Not only I will give, I'll ensure it stays with you. You see it’s a very strong word. Please understand, Krishna’s words has no expiry date. There is not expiry date. You can't say ‘the word has expired in 2000, now we are 2010, the word has no meaning’, no. It has no expiry date.
First thing, let Me tell you from My own experience. Understand, let Me tell you from My experience one small incident. I am honestly telling you the truth as it happened. Little mystical, but if you can, if you have that feeling connection, catch the truth. It is a blessing for you. If you don’t have, it is ok, forget about it. Don’t bother. If you leave it, it’s ok; nothing wrong. But what I am saying is the honest truth as it is.
I was staying in Haridwar at that time in My wandering. Hmm, suddenly I had a diarrhea. Diarrhea means not just loose motion, bleeding; and literally at least 20 to 30 times per day. Literally. And, I had a high fever also. High fever and diarrhea. I am a alone Sadhu. I was staying in a small kind of a underbridge, on the banks of Ganga; one canal of Ganga. In Haridwar Ganga has five/six canals, big canals, and I was staying in one canal. And I thought, I think I am going die. I am going to die because I was not even able to go to hospital. And I was not even able to ask somebody to help. I decided anyhow I think I am going to die. There was a small Shiva linga. I thought I will die by putting My head on that Shiva linga because I was not able to move here and there anywhere. I dragged myself and put My head on the Shiva linga. I don’t know what happened, I slept.
And suddenly one young Sadhu came; he came with food and medicine. He came and he woke Me up and said, “Baba, I brought food for You.” Maybe around 35 that age limit only. “I brought food for you” He gave the food and medicine. I said ,”I don't know you, I think you are searching for somebody else, you are mistaking Me.” He said, “No, no, no, I am coming, I came in search of you only. I wanted to give you food”. He gave Me food and he gave some herbal medicines. I took, I felt little better. And he came continuously for three days. Bringing food, and gave Me some medicine also.
One thing was very attracting was this Sadhu was… seemed to be very educated. He had a stoned pen, I thought it is diamond; diamond stoned pen, pen in his pocket. And usually in north sadhus are not educated people; sadhus are… 99 percent of sadhus are uneducated. They have not educated in the formal way. Our organisation is the, Dhyanapeetam is the only organisation where 100 percent sadhus are educated. Not for pride I am saying… usually the sadhus are not educated.
I, I was surprised. It was attracting My attention but anyhow I just left it. I asked him, “You are from where”. He told Me he is from nearby one ashram. And even in the plate in which he brought that ashram name was engraved. You know in India we have the habit of engraving that name in the plate so that it won't be stolen. I saw that in the plate also that name was engraved and name of that Ashram. And anyhow after 3-4 days I became alright. He stopped coming. 
Mind is Responsible for Your Problems || Part 5 || NSC || 05 Feb 2010
===Link to Video:Mind is Responsible for Your Problems || Part 5 || NSC || 05 Feb 2010 ===
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8yYMbopvN0&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2010-02feb-05_mind-is-responsible-for-your-problems-part-5-nsc-05-feb-2010"/>
I became alright. It took some twenty days for Me to start walking normally in and around. So, when I was able to walk first thing I decided I’ll go to see him to thank him. He has already told from which ashram he is. So, I went there in search. It was a small place near… on the banks of another one canal of Ganga; same on the banks of Ganga another one canal. I went there. He told Me his name was Shankar Baba.. Shankar Maharaj. Maharaj means sanyas, Maharaj means, a sanyasi. And I went there and there was a old sadhu sitting counting his beads. It was a noon time. So, he has kept prasad, the naivedya for that... there was a small temple and naivedya… and he was sitting outside and counting his beads.
I asked him, I wanted to meet this Shankar Maharaj. He looked up and said, “Shankar Maharaj? No, no there is nobody here.” I told him, “No, there is a young sadhu, he came and met Me. He was taking care of Me and he gave Me food and all and I wanted to see him.” He said, “No, no, no there was no young sadhu here; in this ashram there is only one sadhu, that is me, nobody else. No young sadhu.” I asked him, “No, he gave this ashram address. This is the place I know. This is the place. Tell Me I wanted to meet.” He got irritated. And you know this old sadhus when they get irritated how they shout? He shouted at Me and said, “Hey, there is no Shankar Baba here I am telling You. There is only one Shankar Baba if You want to see him, it is in the temple. Show.” He just showed Me his hand. That deity was called as Shankar Maharaj. When I looked up, please understand, I am telling you the honest truth I saw the same pen on the deity.
We can always doubt, think, reason. It was same plate. The plate… because three to four days I ate in the plate, I know all that dents in that plate. I know the dent and the same name; same name and the same plate. I asked that sadhu, “ Who gave that pen to you?” He again got irritated. “Somebody brought it and put it in the temple. I put it on that Shiva, on Shankar Baba. If you want you take it and go. I don’t know reading and writing.” I said , “ I am not asking for that pen. You have any idea anybody took that pen and..” “No, no, no nobody took that pen, only somebody, I think…” He said, “Nobody took that pen. It is there; somebody brought it and put it and it's there on that deity. If You want You take it and go.” Then he said… he is sitting… he was sitting and counting beads. And he said, he put the prasad for the deity and he is sitting and counting, counting the beads. He is telling… he told, “Few days before continuously the rat came and ate the food during the naivedya time. So, that is why I am sitting here now for security. Three-four days everyday I saw the rat was eating the food that is why now I am sitting as security.” I know which rat ate.
See, this… this incident can create thousands of questions. I had, I had thousands of questions. I am not the guy who directly believes or… I thought, ‘Why should Shiva even needs a plate from an ashram? He doesn’t need. He doesn’t need to appear with a pen. He doesn’t need to have a plate. If He wants to give the food he can directly appear and give food and disappear. Over.’ I had My own thousands of questions. One thing I know for sure He just wanted to teach Me Yogakshemam Vahamyaham. He gave Me that understanding. Purposely He left few evidences. And let Me be honest. I do not even know still now whether really Shiva gave Me food or some sadhu came and gave Me food, I do not know. But one thing I am sure, if Shiva Himself gives Me food, what love and trust and devotion He would have created in Me, He created that in Me. Because of that I know He gave the food.
What would have been the prasada… you see if He has come and given the food I would have had a deep trust on that statement Yogakshemam Vahamyaham. I would have had the deep trust ‘the divine is taking care’. He gave Me that trust through this incident, that's all. That trust has happened in Me through this incident. I do not know. Still I … let Me be very clear I do not know whether Shiva gave Me food or not or some sadhu came gave Me food or not. I do not know. The evidences are proving the more possibility of some extraordinary interference, intervention. That’s all I am able to say. I do not know further, more than this; but somehow that strong unshakable vitarka that I am looked after has entered into My system, has entered into My being.
Understand, I do not know whether you will have this kind of some extraordinary events in your life to make you understand, to make you experience you are taken care. But as I experienced the truth I have the right to tell you, you will also be protected. Understand. I am not saying to tell this because I am telling this word I am an extraordinary powerful being or not. I am extraordinary person or I am an avatara purusha or I am mystic. No, I am not claiming all those words. I am not saying all those things. I can say one thing honestly because I have been taken care, I have the right to say you will also be taken care. I have the courage to say you will also be taken care; just because of this one incident.
Divine does not need to give Me that confidence if there is no use through me. If he is given Me that confidence means, He is giving clear statement to whole world, to everybody he is giving a clear statement. Please understand. One more thing: any energy, power lands with intelligence, please understand, any energy or power lands with intelligence… when a Master happens He expresses not only intelligence, He expresses power also; because power and intelligence comes together. Whoever follows His intelligence are protected by that power. It’s a law. If you follow Gita, Krishna’s power is bound to protect you. It is not just intelligence. It is just.. it is a energy also.
Same way, understand, honestly, very clearly I am telling you, drop all the fears, have courage, take the responsibility of unclutching. All you need is unclutch. You will see you are protected. You will see you are protected and don’t bother. You may think, “No, no, I will be protected in future. But what about all the mess I created in the past”? Any initiation, any truth when you start living, not only looks your future, it spreads into your past also.
So, I am uttering these words. I am uttering these words, clear understanding and responsibility, knowing the meaning of the words I am uttering, I am uttering. Please understand. Now the words I am saying, there is no hidden meaning behind. What you understand, that is the meaning. What you understand is the meaning. Don’t think, “Oh I think He is technically not right.” No. There is no fine print. There is no fine print.
I am telling you very clearly, all you need is just take the responsibility of unclutching; even the mess you created in the past, even that chaos will disappear and you are taken care.
So, understand the power of these words; just take the responsibility of unclutching, nothing else. Have courage and unclutch. You will see you are taken care. As I Myself experienced what I am talking, as the inheritor of all this great knowledge and tradition and values, as I represent this great vedic tradition, the living Enlightened Master’s tradition, I tell you very clearly from My experience and authenticity, all you need is just unclutch, you are protected and blessed. Let you have his courage, energy, unclutch and radiate enlightenment. Let you all be blessed and experience truth. Let you all achieve and radiate the eternal bliss.
Understand, simple unclutching, a courage to live unclutched life; that’s all, nothing else. You will see, your whole life becomes miracle. You will see the net is there. You will never fall. Even if you have the fear of falling, the net of abhaya is there. You have heard this word from a person who experienced. You have heard it just because you are here and you heard this word from Me. I am responsible for what I said. I am responsible for what I said. Understand. With this responsibility I am uttering this word. Just because you have heard this word, it is truth for you. It will express itself as truth in your life; because I have seen it is truth in My life and whoever has heard this truth it has become truth in their life also. With this you will be protected and taken care. Just have the courage of living of an unclutched life.
Let you have courage and confidence to unclutch and live. Let you achieve and radiate jeevan mukti, living enlightenment. Let you achieve and radiate eternal bliss Nithyananda. Thank you.
==Photos Of The Day:==
===<center>SPH-Visits Kailassa in Hyderbas Sripuram Temple and adheenam</center>===
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===<center>Sph Visits Devotees Home</center>===
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===<center>Sph Visits Devotees Home</center>===
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Title:SPH JGM HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam Visits Kailasa in Hyderabad, Sripuram Sarvajnapeetam for a 4 day Nithyananda Spurana Convention

Be Bigger Than Your Innate Desires || NSC


Name of Convention: Nithyananda Spurana
Session on: Be Bigger Than Your Innate Desires Part 1
Date: 04 February 2010
Venue: Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam continues to share with His delegates on the secret science of the second energy layer - the prana, where one stores their desires engrams. These are the 5 activities of the prana - inhaling, holding, spreading, exhaling, cleaning. When your desires change, your prana will also change. Every desire has a different breathing pattern. So if one work on their breathing, it will open up all their desire engrams. The moment all your logic stops functioning, all your desires will be awaken, and it will start to move your consciousness as it wants. The Avatar plans to help us pass through the state of prana consciously which we will be going through when we leave the body.

Firstly, reduce the power of your acquired desires; secondly, increase your frequencies of your consciousness.

We have 2 layers of desires. One is Prarabdha - desire that you brought with you. The other is Agami - desires that you acquired this life. Desire is your life force. Without desire, you cannot get out of your bed. Desire itself is nothing wrong. When we came into this life, we have enough for the Prarabdha. Unfortunately, we start to accumulate more desires when we came to this life (Agami). Accumulated desires lead to the feeling of poverty. "Not enough" happens to us when we accumulate Agami.

How to know which one is Prarabdha or Agami? Innate desires will give us inspirations. When you fulfil it, it will give you deep fulfilment. You feel you have lived your life. Accumulated desires, while they are there it gives you deep irritation. when you fulfil them, the big problem is that you will suddenly feel empty.

If you work on your desires, suddenly you will see energy which are getting wasted on unnecessary directions, accumulated desires will drop. Don't renounce what you have, renounce what you don't have. Working on your desires will clear 90% of your confusion, save more than 80% of your energy. Accumulated desires caused you to be diluted and not knowing what you really want. Come and find out from the Avatar!

Video Audio

Nithyananda Spurana convention videos:

Video Be Bigger Than Your Innate Desires || Part 2 || NSC || 4 Feb 2010

Video Audio

Video Eliminate Guilt Now! || Part 1 || NSC || 04 Feb 2010

Description In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam says that we create guilt when we judge past incidents and situations with updated intelligence. He says life is constant expansion but with guilt, we can never grow or raise our consciousness. Many health issues are directly related to guilt including skin disorders, any problems with wheezing and 20% of all cancers. The mental layer is where guilt is stored. HDH explains the three layers of guilt; how and when they are created as well as the process for cleaning the mental layer so that guilt no longer has a negative influence over our being.

Video Audio

Video Eliminate Guilt Now! || Part 2 || NSC || 04 Feb 2010

Description: In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam says that we create guilt when we judge past incidents and situations with updated intelligence. He says life is constant expansion but with guilt, we can never grow or raise our consciousness. Many health issues are directly related to guilt including skin disorders, any problems with wheezing and 20% of all cancers. The mental layer is where guilt is stored. HDH explains the three layers of guilt; how and when they are created as well as the process for cleaning the mental layer so that guilt no longer has a negative influence over our being.

Video Audio

Name Of The Convention : Nithyananda Spurana
Session on: Mind is Responsible for Your Problems Part 1
Date : 05 February 2010
Venue: Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India

In this video, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam talks about what is mind, how our mind works and how thoughts flow in us. Some thoughts will be related to joy, pain, worrying, then suffering and some thoughts will not be related to anything means thoughts are inconsistent. Most of our thoughts are unconnected, illogical, independent, irrational that continues to flow. Unfortunately, we don’t see the reality as it is. We create a pain shaft or joy shaft from these baseless thought flows. The main source of thought flow is not suffering. But the shafts we create from this main thought flow base causes suffering. Because you have concluded that life is suffering, you will only attract suffering. Any shaft whether joy or pain is suffering. HDH addressed the importance of being in the choice free space. The moment you choose bliss, because of the greed to retain this bliss, you will end up in pain.

Video: Mind is Responsible for Your Problems Part 1

Video Audio



We will work on the cosmic layer. In this body there is no engrams. Understanding few truths are more than enough to liberate you. Understanding these few truths and internalizing is what I call initiation. Understand these few truths. Step by step just understand. You will see the clarity, understanding all these things happening inside you about the major things of your life.


First truth I wanted to share is: for all of our problems, many, I can say majority, most of our problems, mind is responsible.That’s the first truth. Second, let us analyze and understand ‘what is mind?’ I will give you a simple diagram how the mind happens and how we think and all that. [Swamiji draws a diagram] How the thoughts flow in us? Like this different shapes, different way, different, just continuously it will be flowing. Trying to present how the thoughts flow in us. See some thoughts will be related to joy, some will be related to suffering, some will be related to worrying, some will not be related to anything, just inconsistent - means you will not be able to make anything out of that statement, out of that thought. Some will be related to joy, some will be suffering, some will be just worrying- means, you just do not know, it’s there, some will be …….. - broken thoughts not complete thoughts. Some will be again joy, some will be again suffering. Just like this, very inconsistent, different, different, different, different, different thoughts will be flowing in a different, different, different way. Usually how we, how our mind works? Please understand, this is the main thought flow, with a different inconsistent, irrational thoughts will be just flowing. If you look inside how it flows it will be just flowing inside. Most of them unconnected, illogical, independent and irrational.


If I have to give one example, if you see a dog in the street, suddenly you will remember all the dogs with which you were very friendly or you had fear in the young age. Then the memory of young age, then the teacher with whom you studied in the young age, then where you were staying. If you see logically there's no connection between the dog you are seeing in the street and the teacher with whom you studied in the young age. Just you slipped; there is no logical connection. If you see inside this is the way it is flowing; just illogical, irrational, independent, inconsistent, completely unconnected. They are just flowing, flowing, flowing you don’t know what for, what reason.


Usually if you ask people what your is life? How is your life? You can always see, at least from My experience I can say, whoever I ask, “No, no you don’t know Swamiji, nobody should suffer like me. Nobody will have the suffering like me, if somebody has suffered like me, they would have become long before mad or committed suicide. Please understand, your life is not as you think always a long suffering. There were so many beautiful things, but you continuously connect all the pain incidents, all that pain memory and create a shaft - ‘your life is a long pain’, that is what I call pain shaft.


In your life you can see, you see, here there is few suffering, few just baseless thoughts, few worry, few joy; so many things are happening. But you will pick up all the suffering and imagine life is suffering; this is what I call pain shaft. But you forget, between these many suffering memories and incidents there were lot of beautiful, joyful things were also happening. Unfortunately you don’t see the reality as it is. You just pick up and see. The big problem is, the moment you decide your life is a long pain shaft, long pain, you are ready to suffer forever. How?


See, the moment you decide your life is a long pain, now, even in the present moment you will be waiting for painful incidents. Like a conveyor belt so many things will be going in front of you in your life, some good, some bad, some unclassifiable, some which you cannot even say worry or so many things will be flowing in your life. But because you have a clear conclusion ‘life is suffering’, you will pick up only the suffering, “See I told you? Life is suffering. See, I am proving. This Swami from Bangalore came and said life is not suffering. But see, my life is suffering. Maybe his life is not suffering, my life is suffering.”


The moment you have some conclusion about the past… please understand, your understanding about the past is very important. Because that is going to set a trend about your future. For example, till yesterday you know you can’t fly, you can only walk, so because of that you know for sure from tomorrow also you are not going to fly, you are only going to walk. Maybe you can walk fast or you can run. But the tomorrow’s base, the basic trend is already set based on the ideas you carry about your past. Same way if you are clear, your past was pain shaft, it is pain, then you already set a base ‘from tomorrow also it is going to be pain.’ Unfortunately the idea you carry about your past is not truth, it’s not right. You are not looking into it and you think it is not necessary to look into it and correct.


You think: “Oh it’s ok forget about past, let us see about future. Understand, you are not… even if you say this to yourself: Let me forget about past and let me see the future. You are not going to forget completely. The basic ideas which you created about you in the past, that is going to continue to be the base for your future. Instead of understanding this, instead of working on this we have big problem, we have big, I can say negligence, that’s the right word ‘negligence’.


Understand, if you carry the idea your whole past was suffering, pain, first thing: It’s a lie, it’s not truth, nobody can live only with suffering. Understand, there is some hope. For example, in your whole past… I will give you a example: If your past is thirty years, if you have spent twenty years in pain, suffering, at least ten years of hope and inspiration should have been there between the twenty years. Otherwise you will not survive, you will not be alive, you cannot recoup, you cannot stand up again.


So if you are dropping, see one guy came and told Me: “Swamiji eleven times, eleven times I stopped smoking. Means what? Eleven times you started again. Same way, if so much of time was spent in pain, suffering, so many times you stood up again. So many times you had confidence again, so many times there was some reason which gave you the hope again. Unfortunately, we edit all these scenes, where we had rejuvenation, where we had hope, where we had joy, where we had inspiration to stand up, we edit, see our whole past as a suffering. First thing, it’s a lie, it’s not truth. Second thing, it’s a very dangerous lie. Because, this lie is not going to be just about our past, it is going to put its nose in your future. It is going to be stretching itself in, in your future, very dangerous.


A small experiment, we will try now. Just sit for 3 minutes and write whatever comes in your mind without editing. Please understand, in the same samskara book. Please listen first, then you can start. Please listen. First thing, please listen. We will now take a photograph of your mind, do not edit, do not judge, do not stop, do not criticize, whatever comes suddenly you will see nothing is coming I am empty. Write that. See, these fellows are shouting outside without having sensitivity. Write that. Whatever comes, whatever goes. Suddenly you will see, “If I get bonda it will be really nice. Gongura chutney, nothing like it. And then I think I should go to Bidadi ashram.” And you don’t know why they are coming. Just write as it comes in the same language it comes.


Let’s see the photograph of your mind. Write just for three minutes, whatever comes in the same language. Please don’t change the language or grammar. Sometime you will see the broken thoughts, they don’t even make any sense. Just two three words will appear: House, dog. You don’t know how the house and dog is connected. Whatever comes just write. Do not edit or do not try to suppress, do not try to logically make sense. Whatever is happening inside, just write as it is. It’s like a unedited, uncensored version of your mind.


Experiment Process in Progress


Yes relax, you can just read and see, very clearly experientially what I am talking. It's just to give you a glimpse. Is there any connection between what you are, is there any next, next, next, next? It is just a madhouse happening inside. See you do not… because it is a madhouse, see, the main shaft is madhouse. Because of that, you pick up few things and wanted to have some clarity. So either you pick up all the pain and create pain shaft, or you pick up all… Sometime rarely you do, all the joy and create a joy shaft. When you feel ready, confident, “Yes I can live, I can handle this life. There is nothing to miss, there is nothing to lose. I can be confident.” Either joy or pain, you create some shaft and try to live with it.


Please understand, either you create a pain shaft: “Oh god my life is pain, it’s a depression” and wait for things to suffer with pain. Or sometime very rarely you create, “no, no, no, I have so many wonderful things happening in my life. My life is joy, I can handle, I can deal with it. Confidence, joy shaft. The problem is, even if you have joy shaft, immediately the problem starts. You wanted that shaft to be with you forever. The moment you want the joy forever, you killed it.


I have seen, already I started receiving letters “Swamiji do something, this joy should be forever with me. I should be like this forever”, you already killed it. The moment you want, you are greedy about the joy, you destroy the joy. Please understand. See bliss is choicelessness; when you are choiceless bliss flows through you. The moment you choose bliss you have chosen suffering. Any choice is suffering. Being choiceless in the flow is bliss. In this four days through various methods and techniques and process, I am reconciling you with you. I am just bringing you to that choiceless space, choice free space. That is why you are feeling like settled, peaceful, joyful all these things are happening. The moment you choose this what will happen? You have chosen suffering.


Whether you create a joy shaft, the end what happens? Suffering. If you create pain shaft, by itself suffering. So any shaft is suffering. Understand, any shaft is suffering. This is pain shaft: For example, sometime you will collect all the joyful incidents happened in your life. When you went for vacation, when you got married, when you had kids, the posed photograph - where the photographer says ‘smile please’, and you take that photograph. Later on you sit with the photograph and you think: “Those days, see I was so joyful”. You don't understand, when you were in the vacation at the spot, photographer told you to smile and then you smiled. You forget all that fact very conveniently. “See those days, how joyful I was, how happy we were.” And you go on.


Sometime, the life when it is described, really too much. If you create joy shaft again, because of the greed to retain, you will end up in pain. If you create pain shaft already you are in pain. So any shaft you create it is suffering. Understand, the main source as it is, main flow as it is. Only this is suffering less. Any shaft you create is suffering. Let us understand this main source little more detailed way; this technical knowledge will be really helpful. This whole thing is available in YouTube. So, you don’t need to bother about taking notes now. This whole - the pain shaft, joy shaft the whole thing with diagram is available in YouTube. Actually in YouTube I have put graphic diagram so it will be lot better than My handwriting.


Now we are working on a new project. All the major truths of Hinduism, Vedic tradition like a rebirth, karma, re-in… vairagya, jnana, bhakti - all the things we are making half an hour the animated presentation, with animation presentation. Any of you want you can understand those concepts. If you want to teach to your kids friends or family, anybody who is teaching the Vedic tradition you can use it freely, the whole thing will be available. So of course, this concepts are already available, already in the YouTube, you can spend time with the YouTube and take notes. Now understand, how the main source, that main thought current is happening.


Title Mind is Responsible for Your Problems || Part 2 || Nithyananda Spurana || 05 Feb 2010

Link to Video: Mind is Responsible for Your Problems || Part 2 || Nithyananda Spurana || 05 Feb 2010

Video Audio



I'll give you the different way. I will give you in a vertical diagram. Like this different, different, different, different thoughts going on. I can say like a water bubbles in the fish tank. It is just happening continuously. One important thing you need to understand, between every water bubble there is a gap, because the gap is too small you think it is a continuous stream. It is not continuous stream. Fortunately between every thought you have, there is a gap. Between every thought there is a gap, there is a gap. That is why they are completely unconnected. That is why they are completely two different, independent, illogical, irrational. They are not connected, because there is a gap. There is a gap between every thought, there is a gap between every flow, there is a gap in every thought.


Now let us understand these few truths. First truth, you can have only one thought at a time. Am I right? You cannot have two thought at a time. Maybe you can have very fast, that is acceptable. You see, every microsecond you will have one thought. Next microsecond second thought, third microsecond third; that is acceptable. But, you can have only one thought at a time fortunately. Fortunately you can have only one thought at a time. You cannot have second thought. It's like in this chair only one person can sit at the time. If somebody else has to come and sit he has to push Me out. If next person has to come, he has to push this guy out. So, in your inner space, only one thought can be at the time.


Please understand, this a first truth. So, second important thing: if some other second thought is coming means, naturally the first thought is replaced, am I right? If the third thought is coming the second thought is already replaced. It is continuously moving, it is continuously moving, with different, different, different thoughts. Understand some of the very important simple secrets of life and truth, which we never looked in; it never reveals itself to us because we never look inside. That’s all. Nothing else. Very simple truths I am not teaching you any big philosophy. I am just stating as it happens. Satyam, ‘sat’ as it is.


If somebody can sit in this chair pushing Me out, then that guy is surely more powerful than Me. Am I right? If a third person can come and push this second guy out and he can sit, then naturally he is more powerful than the second guy. Please understand, very systematically. If the second guy can come and push Me out and sit here, he is more powerful. The third guy can come and push this guy out and he can sit. He is more powerful.


So naturally somebody else is coming and constantly replacing means the last guy become more and more powerful. It is just happening, it is just happening. Please understand an important truth. Step by step I am guiding you to these great truths. First thing, only one thought can be in you at a time. Second thing, if a second thought comes and pushes the first thought away, it is more powerful. If a third thought comes and also pushes this thought also away that is more powerful. That is why it is being pushed, it is being just pushed, pushed, pushed and moving.


Somebody came and asked Me: “Swamiji I am completely shaken by fear of death, I am suffering with this fear, how can I escape? Please give me a solution”. I just told him: “Have cup of coffee”. Please understand now, I just told him: “Have a cup of coffee.” He said, “What? How can having cup of coffee solve my death fear?” I told him: “The moment you think ‘let me have cup of coffee’, that thought naturally has to move the death fear.” Understand, at least for a second. Come on, at least for a second it has to move. That guy said “No, no, no, no, no, it is not that easy, the death fear again comes back, what will I do?” Have one more cup of coffee. 😃 People say, ‘no, how many cup of coffees we can have?’ See, it doesn't need to be always cup of coffee, cup of water and it doesn't even need to be cup of water or cup of coffee.


You see, the moment you think ‘let me stand’, you renounce the thought of sitting. The moment you think ‘let me sit’, you renounce the thought of standing. The moment you think ‘let me go in’, you renounce the thought of standing out. The moment you think let me walk out you renounce the thought of sitting. So the moment you think even to move the right hand, your death fear has moved. It has to. Understand, at any given time, you can have only one thought. Second, any thought which comes inside is more powerful, that is why he is able to push the thought out and he is able to come and sit.


Very subtle truths, very subtle truths. I'll answer all your questions, I'll answer all your questions. It means what? Having a cup of coffee thought can replace your so called fear of death for a moment. Then naturally having a cup of thought, cup of coffee - that thought is more powerful than your death fear, am I right? Then your whole death fear is only cup of coffee? Mind says: “No, no, no, no, no. It is not this easy. This Swami is telling something, I think he studied only half.” Mind will raise. “This cannot be this simple, he doesn't know how many sufferings we have, and he is making fun of us.” No just see, just see logically how things are happening inside; very simple, I am opening up just some of the simple truths inside you.


One guy came and told Me “Swamiji I am suffering with lust, and fantasy engrams, what is the solution?” I told him, “Just sit, for ten minutes meditate on lust, on all your fantasies.” That guy within five minutes he opened his eyes and says “ Swamiji my mind is wandering here and there, I am not able to concentrate.” 😃 I said: “What are you talking, you only came and told Me ‘I am suffering with lust and engrams of fantasy.’ All I did is ‘meditate on it. Just be with it” And he is telling: “No I am not able to concentrate”. This is mind! Understand, the problem is not the thought, your fear that thought may stay with you and you will start acting as per thought.


Understand, the problem is not the thought, your fear that thought may stay with you and you may start acting as on, as per it. That is where the problem starts, that is where the problem starts. All you need is just giving you confidence it can be just moved by your will. Please understand, there are hundreds of problems in you, you don’t even need to apply the solution, if you know the solution it will not happen in you. I am telling you, hundreds of problems will not happen if they know you know the solution. You don’t need to apply. They will not even happen, if they know you know the solution. I am guaranteeing you. All you need, you don’t need to move your death fear continuously for ten years and all. Ten times move it with cup of coffee, eleventh time it won’t be there. Your mind knows ‘this guy knows the solution’. No, I am telling you. Your mind knows ‘this guy knows the solution’. Your mind knows he cannot play with you.


See, the whole truth is, how you sell yourself to your boss, first thing you convince your boss there is no solution for this problem. It means what? Only you can solve. That is the meaning; these are all corporate technical meanings, a corporate dictionary. There is a special meaning for all the corporate words. When the company announces ‘you need a crisis management skills’ means: You are entering into a company which is perpetual chaos. That’s the meaning. 😃 ‘Multidimensional skills are required’, if that is the announcement, it means what? You are going to replace three people who have left just. These are all the 😃 cooperate meanings, it’s all meaning underlined 😃 underlined meaning. Sometime it is very shocking but truth. 😃


Anyhow, first you convince your boss there is no solution. Second, if somebody has to solve, they have to practically give their whole life. Third, only you have the capacity and dedication to do that. Fourth, you can shave his head now. See, that is the step by step. Understand, your mind does the same thing to you. It makes you believe without his existence you cannot live a balanced life. You cannot protect yourself, you need to be defending you. Mind enters inside you only in the name of “I will defend you, I will defend you”. That is the… you can see very clearly. Wherever you need mind, wherever you need strategy planning, wherever you need thinking process your mind has convinced you without its existence you will not be able to defend yourself. Am I right?


Now, the guy who was supposed to defend you has started offending you; he has started offending you. Actually all you need to do is, just letting him know you have the solution. Nothing else. Actually your mind is not that intelligent or big guy as you think. Simply you need to make him understand you have solution. Nothing else. See the solution which I am giving… let Me tell you from My own experience, what happened.


In the young age I used to have this fear of this ghost and all these unknown things. You may think “Oh, you are a Avatara Purusha, how can you have these fears?” Don’t bother about that, I am telling you exactly as it happened, as it happened. Nothing, only once there was a great Yogi, Yogi Ramsaratkumar, he lived in Arunachala. Some of you might have had his darshan also. Visari Swamigal he was called, any of you have seen him? Graceful person I have… you can’t expect an old man can radiate so much of grace. I had the fortune of sitting at his feet, seeing him for more than six years, I have never seen him taking bath, changing clothes or anything, but no smell, nothing will be there. You will be feeling so pleasant around him, such a graceful person. He told Me only once “ Ehh, it is your mind, you are projecting it from your mind and you are afraid.” Somehow, that clicked Me so much, after that I never applied that idea. Just knowing that solution, fear disappeared.


Understand knowing that solution, fear disappeared. Not that after that I had the fear of ghost, then I applied that, “No, no, no, I am projecting and seeing, and I am frightened.” I did not even apply. Just knowing that idea, it has disappeared. Understand, thousands of problems in you will just disappear, if they know you have a solution, nothing else. So the simple thing, first thing, first lesson: any thought, a new thought can replace it. If you…if new thought can replace, then the old thought naturally has no power. So if you have now death fear what you need to do? You don’t even need to do, have a cup of coffee. Decide, “Let me move the right hand.” Just one thought, “Let me move the right hand.” What happened naturally? This thought has to move. Nothing. Ahhh.


Even this simple thought, ‘aahh.’ What happens? The thought moves; it has to be replaced. You may think, “What is this? This Swami said he is going to give initiation. I thought he is going to chant some big sanskrit mantras and tell some great secrets in our ears. He is telling: Aahh.” 😃 Understand, I am giving you some of the important truths of nirvikalpa samadhi. Some of the important clarity which you need for nirvikalpa samadhi. Nothing if you have to have a thought, ‘aahh’ naturally your death fear has to move, is it not? Am I right or not? It has to move!


So then all you need to do, any problem which happens in your inner space is: ‘Aahh.’ Then now big problem, “If I am just sitting and telling for everything aahh, aahh, aahh, who is going to pay my bills? Who is going to run my house? What will I ans, what answer I will give if my boss asks me?” Aahh! 😃 Oh God dangerous 😃 . Tomorrow you go to your office and boss asks something, ‘aahh’. 😃 Suddenly you have a thought, “Let me go to my office and work.” ‘Aahh’ This is a big problem, ‘Who will pay my bills? Who will pay, who will run my life?’


Understand, now I am sharing one strong important truth with you, I am responsible for this truth. When you move things, please understand, you will never become useless. First thing, your prarabdha is intelligent enough to run, earn, maintain, whatever is required for your life. You cannot just whole day sit and say ‘ahh, aahh, aahh.’ By your innate nature, you will do what needs to be done. That is what Krishna says. Your prarabdha will make you do. Actually when I… when you say ahh, you will only drop the suffering, you will not drop the work itself; try, try, try for next twenty one days, anything comes ‘aahh’.


Just, see, when I say, saying ahh, that is what I mean unclutching. Just try, I am guaranteeing you. You will neither become lazy nor become impractical; you will only lose all the psychological, unnecessary suffering you go through, unnecessary psychological fears, worries and suffering. As I am, I was describing: Unbroken or unwanted or irrational thoughts. Only those things will disappear. Understand, in this flow of thoughts, he asked, Shivaji you asked the question,this same question. In this flow of thought, a complete consistent thought has its own innate intelligence to work out, work it out by itself. That’s what I am calling prarabdha.

Please understand, when I say push it with ‘aahh’ you will not become lazy. You will not become impractical. Only thing will happen is: Unnecessary accumulated stress and fear and worry which you are carrying, that will be dropped. It’s not that you will not go to office, it’s not that you will not do your regular routine. You will be doing all those things. You will just see simply the thought happens and it starts expressing in your body. All I am saying is, see the thought which is powerful prarabdha in you, will express itself by its own power. For example: Food. When the hunger comes you will not be able to say aahh, aahh, aahh for more than half an hour. No, it is powerful enough to fulfill itself; but one thing I can guarantee, by saying aahh you will stop overeating.


Mind is Responsible for Your Problems || Part 3 || Nithyananda Spurana || 05 Feb 2010

Link to Video:Mind is Responsible for Your Problems || Part 3 || Nithyananda Spurana || 05 Feb 2010

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You will start overeating; the unnecessary things accumulated about every subject will drop drastically. Understand the major difference. Our mind always plays the game: “No, no, no, if I am saying ‘aahh’ for everything what will happen to my life?” It will only become much better. You don’t know. It’ll only become much better. Try. I will answer your questions. Try just for few days. Just for a few days, make this unclutching as lifestyle. You see, I am using a decent word “unclutching”. If I just say: “Ahhh”, it looks little unsacred. But that is practical. It looks little undivine. It looks little unsacred. “What is this? Four days we sat, in the end of the day, he is telling ‘Ahh..’ 😃 And you go to the house, wife asks: “What did that Swami teach?” “Ahh.” 😃 Your manager is asking: “What did you do in the four days mediation workshop?” “Ahh.” 😃 Ah but the truth is this what.


Understand these basic few things, basic few things. Unclutch from anything. Don’t bother. All you need is little courage, little courage. I know your mind will say: “No, no, no, no, no. No, no, you don’t know the mess, all the mess I created in my life. Now suddenly if I unclutch, what will happen to all the… I may not create new mess, but what will happen to all the mess I created earlier?” Don’t bother. I am telling you honestly. I am telling you from the straight experience. And one more thing, I am responsible for what I am teaching, I know. I know, thousands of you are sensitive to what I am teaching and you are practising. I am responsible for it. With that responsibility I am talking. Understand, I am not a impractical sadhu who is sitting in a forest, just counting his beads and talking some nonsense, no. I am sitting in a throne; that is the reason I sit in golden throne, just to tell you, just like how you maintain your company, house and everything, I am maintaining. I am a practical sadhu who is running a kingdom. Understand.


My organization is equal to more than any company. Everyday I make at least 300, 400 decisions. So, I am not talking something impractical. What I am talking to you I am living and it is practical. It pays. Understand, it pays. What I am talking can improve your balance sheet. I am not talking something impractical, where you will be lying down on your bed, saying “aah aah aah.” I am not talking that impractical things. Try, you will see. You will see you will go to the office beautifully. People ask me: “No, no, no, how can it be? If I am constantly unclutching how will I go to office? How will I do my routine, how will it happen?”


Understand, if you had a fight morning in the house as usual 😃 You see, whole day, your mind will be planning, thinking, preparing your reply and it will be depressed, heavy; whole day you will be doing the job but you will be doing your job, office work. Am I right or not? When you can be depressed and do your office job, why can't you be liberated and do your office job? Simple logic! When a part of you can be depressed and continue your office job, why can’t part of you be unclutched and continue the same office job? It is possible, we never tried. It is possible, we never tried.


Understand, even if part of you is depressed, tensed, planning for your evening fight, you are doing your job. You are doing your office job. You are making decisions, you are doing all your work. Everything is going smoothly. Everything is handled. You can see many time, you will sit in your car, drive more than half an hour, only when you reach your office and switch off the car, you remember you drove for half an hour. You only took right, left, gave break for the signal, you did everything. Pressing the accelerator, taking right turn, left turn, pressing the break for signal. You did at least 200 thing. Only when you switch off the car in your office parking lot, you just remember, Oh god, half an hour you drove. Half an hour you drove. How many of you had this experience in your life? Then, you are already master. You have mastered the art of unclutching and driving. Then why should you have fear?


2-3 hours of your life, 24 hours, if you remember this and come back to your center... Actually, when you unclutch, please understand, just understand that first. See, now whole thing is, now what I am talking in this NSP, like this, 5, 6 NSP initiations I have put in youtube. Sit with YouTube. Now don’t waste time in taking notes, you will miss it. 5, 6 different versions of My initiation is in youtube. Watch. Mmh? Now understand, internalize, every point, don’t miss, understand. [00:06:19] When you unclutch and sit for few minutes, you will have a kind of aa awareness in this area. This is the area you will settle down; below the heart center above the naval center that is the area you will usually feel like you are settling. [Swamiji gestures towards the ananda gandha area] All I am saying is, when you again and again and again unclutch in your whole day routine, whenever emotional tsunami attacks you, unclutch and come back; whether your boss firing at you or you firing at somebody, when you are imbalanced, come back. Come back to that center. Even if you come back and be in that center for two to three hours in a day, you will carry that flavour of unclutching whole day. All your decisions will be made out of that unclutching mood. All your decisions, your actions, will be out of that Nirvikalpa mood.


See, carrying that nirvikalpa mood in your life is enough, you will be Jeevan Muktha. You will be Jeevan Muktha. Nothing else is required. Instead of carrying the depressed mood whole day, irritated mood whole day and working, I am just replacing that mood to this mood. Actually what will happen you know, if you practice the replacing of irritation mood to this unclutching mood, within a month you will see, you just start rejoicing that unclutching mood. The time in which you stay in that unclutching moods, mood will start expanding. The recovery time from any tsunami will start reducing. The first time, first ten days the recovery time will be two, three hours. If you had a fight, it will take 2 hours for you to recover and come back to the center. After a month, it will be half an hour. After two month, it will not be more than three, four thought. Three, four thought. Hey alright, this is what, come on, get back. Over. Nothing else. Recovery time, reducing the recovery time is Nirvikalpa Samadhi. Understand, I am making the whole thing practical day to day.


Please understand, I am not reducing or diluting the strength of the truths. I am only making it practical. We always have a problem. If it is practical, it is diluted. No. I am not diluting. I am making it practical. I am making it very clear and practical. Every statement I made is shastrokta, accepted by the Shastras. Every sentence I made, I can give you the support from the tradition, from the truths of Upanishads, from the vedic truths. Please understand, all you need is a simple confidence and trying it for next few days; that is the only thing, nothing else. Nothing else. Just trying it for next few days. Put this as a first priority for next few days. That’s all I am asking. Understand, you may think: “No, no, no, next few days if I am going on unclutching, I may lose something in my… who will take my business decisions, who will take my office decisions; I may lose something.” If you lose something, think that is guru dakshina you gave for Me. That’s all. You won’t lose anything. I am assuring you. I am assuring you won’t lose anything. If you lose something, think it is a guru dakshina given to me. Forget about it.


I tell you, just this simple process, anything which creates agitation in you, irritation in you, raises the heat of your blood. Just say “ahh”. Unclutch. Know thoroughly nothing can sit in your inner space more than few seconds. Understand, this a basic truth. Just the moment you have the thought of moving the right hand, it has already moved. If it comes back, again move the left hand. If it comes back: “aah”. All you need, only two, three, few times, not more than that. You will see very clearly, no problem is more adamant than your fear ‘the problem may come back’. See, the problem is not the problem. Your fear: The problem may come back and may not leave you - That is the problem. Now, for example, if you have the deep fear: “No, no, this problem may come back.” How many seconds it… how many times it takes to move that fear? It may take some time ten or some time twenty, but surely not more than, I can say surely not more than 50 times. You need to have the guts to sit at least, move 50 times. That’s all. Your mind will ask: “No, no, no. If you are doing constantly like this, how is it going to be solved in the practical world?”


That is what I am saying. You are intelligent enough, your prarabdha is intelligent enough to create, maintain, live life and wealth. Please understand, you are intelligent enough to do whatever you need to do. You are not that dull. Your bio-memory is powerful enough to live and radiate what you need to achieve, what you need to do, without your irritated, strategy planning mind. This is the basic truth I am trying to tell you. All I am saying is: Your mind is not needed to run your life. That’s all I am saying. I am saying just tell your mind: “Get out. I will run.” Just tell: “Get out. I am running. I am taking charge. I declare I am coronate myself from now.”


This is what beautifully Shankara says, Swarajya siddhi - Reclaiming your kingdom. Reclaiming your kingdom. Swarajya siddhi. The big problem is your mind is so cunning, it convinces you without it you cannot run your life. It again and again and again comes back and tells you: “Ehh, I told you. That Swami, Bengaluru Swami is speaking and you are listening. Come on, come to the house, I’ll take care of you there. He will go away tomorrow. Tomorrow you will have to live with me.” No, even now, one corner it is standing; like aa when elephant takes bath in the river and walks out. The street dogs will stand and bark. Nothing, elephant does not need to do anything. Just if it turns and shows the trunk, that dog will not even have time to turn and run, it’ll just step back, step back and run. That fellow will not even take chance of turning and running. You, you can see, he’ll just put the leg back, step by step ah rrrrr rrrrr rrrrr Only when he feels he is safe distance, safe distance, he will turn and run. Same way, now the mind is standing in one corner and rrrrr rrrrr, he is doing. “Aa this Swami will go away tomorrow, I will talk to you tomorrow. And now I will keep quiet. Come to the house and you cannot be sitting here whole day and you will go away tomorrow to Bangalore.” That is what this mind is trying. It is trying all it’s best.


See, it convinces you very clearly, you cannot run your life without it. That is where the problem starts. You have a strong feeling: “No, if this mind goes, either I will lose all my wealth or name and fame or the social credibility; all these things will be lost or I may lose my balance. I may do all the chaotic things I want.” No. By your nature, you are intelligent, balanced, alive and creative. That is what I am saying. Trusting the prarabdha is trusting the Self. Trusting your prarabdha is trusting your Self. Unless you trust yourself, you cannot trust the God. You cannot trust existence. Understand, the first trust you need to have is trusting you, without the interference of the mind. I always tell people, I want… People come and tell Me: “Swamiji, I don’t believe in this meditation program. I can’t come all these. You just tell me what service I can do for you.” I tell them: “I am afraid of you. Please leave Me. Escape from Me or leave, I should escape from you.” I tell them. If… I always tell people: Let Me be served only by Jeevan Muktas. Then I'll be safe and I’ll be happy.


Please understand, you also say, tell yourself, unless you trust you, you can’t trust Me. If you say: “No, no, no, I am not interested in trusting me, enlightenment, all that. I’ll trust you and do what you say.” No, you are dangerous for Me. You are dangerous for Me. I have seen, I take care only people who meditate, feel connected or living around Me, I accept any money or any donation from them. You have… if you are associated with our mission you will know. Anything, anybody comes and offers, first thing I’ll tell: ”Meditate for six months, then I’ll tell.” That’s the first statement I will make. Because if you don’t trust you without prarabdha, you can not trust Me or God. Be very clear. If some of you are thinking you had devotion towards God or guru and unable to trust this truth - trusting your prarabdha, be very clear, your devotion is pseudo, business deal. If you are able to trust you with your prarabdha without mind, then your devotion is authentic. Then your devotion is authentic. This is the first step. Only a Jeevan Muktha can be a bhakta; not otherwise. Otherwise all your devotion is just pseudo game. I have seen people chanting this Vishnu Sahasranama. They’ll go to the morning to the puja room, [Swamiji chants few names fromVishnu Sahasranama(18:08)]. After five minutes, they’ll be sitting, seeing the last side number. “Oh it is only 300, I have to do 1000 more.” You can see. This kind of people will never ever enter into the puja room second time in the whole day. Morning they’ll go and… like a ritual. It’s not devotion. It’s a business bargain. If they don’t do that, if something happens in the day, they will connect: “Oh because I did not do that. That’s why this suffering came.” They will connect and see, because they don't want that suffering and irritation, they will finish it morning as a ritual. I think if you understand what I am saying and fit in your life, you will see. Very clearly, how you are playing with you and how you claim you have devotion. Understand, the first devotion is devotion towards your prarabdha without having mind. First trusting you. Next trusting the cosmos. Unless you trust you to live without the mind, how are you going to trust anybody else?


Mind is so powerful, cunning. It convinces you, without it you cannot run your life, but swallows your whole being by itself. It’s like a, one guy says: “I’ll be your security, I will not allow anybody to touch you.” And he kills you. That’s all. Finally he kills you. That’s all is the mind. That’s exactly the mind.


In North India I have seen. Let Me… Please understand this one example. Even in My native place, Arunachala, I have seen. These monkeys from the hill they will come down to the temple and the city and they will make big mess. They will disturb all the people. In the aa village they’ll, there’ll be people who will catch the monkeys and take them back to the hill and leave it and for six month they won’t come down. Again after 6 months they will come down. It’s a routine. And they will… they have a simple method of catching that monkeys. A small glass they will take and they will make, they will open the backside also, that glass and they’ll make a small rope along, rope and keep that rope near. That side, backside of the glass they will keep a sweet. This fellow, this monkey will put the hand through the glass, water glass and hold that sweet. And after he closes his uh hands, fingers, he can’t take it out. The fist won’t come out. This fool if he leaves that sweet, he can take it out, but he will not do. He does not have that simple intelligence or he does not want to do. He will try to take the sweet and take the hand out and he will be struggling. Slowly that hunter will come and catch the monkey and put it in the cage and take him. Just that simple thing, he cannot let go.


Title: Mind is Responsible for Your Problems || Part 4 || NSC || 05 Feb 2010

Link to Video:Mind is Responsible for Your Problems || Part 4 || NSC || 05 Feb 2010

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Same way I have seen in North India, in My wanderings I have seen how they catch these birds. Just a simple rope… here we have. Understand this simple example. They will, like this a small stick, they will hang it. In two trees they will tie this. See, like this a small stick they will tie in two tree. These two ropes will be tied in two trees. Nothing, you may think how can this small thing can be used to catch birds. Like this they will hang it. This poor guy, that bird will come and sit in one side. Naturally because of his weight what will happen? Upside down. It will become upside down. That poor guy, he will be hanging upside down. He cannot understand, if he lets go he can just fly. That poor guy, “No no no, if I relax, if I open, I may fall, I may break my head. I may wound, injure myself. And that fellow will be hanging just upside down. For half an hour or one hour he will be hanging.


And slowly the hunter will come and catch that fellow, put him in the cage. Understand. See, this [rope] is your thoughts, this stick is your mind. And that bird is you, the jeeva. The bird is the Jeeva. If you just let go the mind, you can fly but your mind says, “no no no” you think “No no no, if I let go, I may fall and break my head. My family may be disturbed, my business will be disturbed, my house will be distubred, I may become imbalanced. My life will become in chaos.” Can that bird be convinced intellectually “No no, if you let go, you can just fly” Can that bird be convinced? No, impossible.


That guy thinks this stick is the security. And he hangs. Naturally, simply the hunter comes and catches him. Hunter is Yama. You will be hanging, you will be hanging thinking that this stick is the security… simply till Yama comes. When Yama comes he will just snatch you from this also, and put you in the cage and take you and go. Understand, exactly we are doing the same game of that bird.


Foolish bird, when I say ‘that foolish bird does not understand if he let’s go he can fly’ you laugh. But you are in the same situation. If you just relax from the mind… You see, there is not record of any bird letting go and falling and fracturing his head. Have you heard any record? Bird fell and had injury and died? Same way, there is no record of anybody losing anything by unclutching. Anybody losing whether their wealth or health or their life by unclutching.


Understand, simply your mind creating fear saying ‘no no, if you let go you will fall and die’, and that guy is hanging. Understand, sometime, some bird which was hanging like this, but somehow escaped, fly, escaped, that bird comes back and sees this hanging bird and says, “Hey, relax, relax, if you open up, you will fly. If you let go, you will fly.” That guy is poking this fellow’s leg, that is initiation. That is what is initiation. The bird which was hanging for some time, flied, due to some reason is coming back and saying, ‘Let go, relax. If you let go, you’ll only fly, you won’t fall’, That bird is guru, that act is initiation.


Understand, all you need is a simple confidence. The seed is saying, “If I open up who knows, will I become tree or I die?” The tree is saying, “No no, only if you open up I can come out.” The seed is saying, “No, no, you come out then I will open up.” Tree is saying, “No, you open only then I can come out.” Some seed which has become tree should give confidence to this seed “Open up, you’ll only become tree. You won’t die.” Some bird which flied, should come back and say, “See I was hanging like that. When I let go, I am only flying. I have not broken my head. I have not injured myself. I have only started flying. You also let go, fly. Understand, if a bird let’s go, relaxes, he will become Paramahamsa. So if you let go, you will become Paramahamsa. Thats all, nothing else. You need simple confidence to let go the mind and unclutch. Nothing else.


Understand, next step, next step. This bird, how much ever he tells, there are some birds which is hanging, very tight. And that fellow will tell, “No, when you were hanging and when you left, the below ground was only ten feet, now you see thirty feet, you don’t know my situation.” People tell Me, “When you left the house, you were not married. You did not have business. But you are telling us to unclutch, we are married, we have business” This hanging bird will argue.


Understand, of course I am not telling you to leave the house, that is different. All I am telling you is unclutch. You will say, “No, no, no, when you unclutched, you did not have any commitment. Only if you are in our situation you will know” - that bird arguing. “When you let go, it was only thirty feet length, bottom, now you see hundred feet. And you don’t know how much fear I have. See below whether it is thirty feet or hundred feet it is not a problem because you are not going to fall. You are just going to fly. But these birds sometime will not trust. For that only the next step. This bird which was trying to give initiation, it brings and puts a small net. And it says, “Alright, even if you fall, you will fall only on the net, you will not break yourself, fly.” That is what is Abhaya, means, understand, that is what is Abhaya.


Very beautifully Krishna does this job. After talking so much, teaching so much and giving Vishwarupa Darshana, even after all that, this fellow, this Arjuna… No really. No, I have My own doubt whether really Arjuna was that dull or Krishna is using Arjuna as a front and talking because a King cannot be that dull. Maybe Krishna is using Arjuna and talking to the worst possible student in future; because, see Krishna is Jagat Guru, he has to consider the weakest link and give the lesson for the weakest student. Maybe that is the possible; because I cannot imagine Arjuna being so dull. Because this fellow is asking the same question again and again.


Anyhow, The last chapter he says beautifully, finally, very… Just before, I think, I don't know whether 12th or 13th chapter he gives one assurance that ananyas cintayanto mam ye janah paryupasate tesam nityabhiyuktanam yoga-ksemam vahamy aham He says very beautifully. Forget about everything else, just relax in Me. I will take care of whatever you need and whatever your comforts; Yoga and Kshema - Yogakshema means bringing what you need and see that it stays with you. Not only I will give, I'll ensure it stays with you. You see it’s a very strong word. Please understand, Krishna’s words has no expiry date. There is not expiry date. You can't say ‘the word has expired in 2000, now we are 2010, the word has no meaning’, no. It has no expiry date.


First thing, let Me tell you from My own experience. Understand, let Me tell you from My experience one small incident. I am honestly telling you the truth as it happened. Little mystical, but if you can, if you have that feeling connection, catch the truth. It is a blessing for you. If you don’t have, it is ok, forget about it. Don’t bother. If you leave it, it’s ok; nothing wrong. But what I am saying is the honest truth as it is. I was staying in Haridwar at that time in My wandering. Hmm, suddenly I had a diarrhea. Diarrhea means not just loose motion, bleeding; and literally at least 20 to 30 times per day. Literally. And, I had a high fever also. High fever and diarrhea. I am a alone Sadhu. I was staying in a small kind of a underbridge, on the banks of Ganga; one canal of Ganga. In Haridwar Ganga has five/six canals, big canals, and I was staying in one canal. And I thought, I think I am going die. I am going to die because I was not even able to go to hospital. And I was not even able to ask somebody to help. I decided anyhow I think I am going to die. There was a small Shiva linga. I thought I will die by putting My head on that Shiva linga because I was not able to move here and there anywhere. I dragged myself and put My head on the Shiva linga. I don’t know what happened, I slept.


And suddenly one young Sadhu came; he came with food and medicine. He came and he woke Me up and said, “Baba, I brought food for You.” Maybe around 35 that age limit only. “I brought food for you” He gave the food and medicine. I said ,”I don't know you, I think you are searching for somebody else, you are mistaking Me.” He said, “No, no, no, I am coming, I came in search of you only. I wanted to give you food”. He gave Me food and he gave some herbal medicines. I took, I felt little better. And he came continuously for three days. Bringing food, and gave Me some medicine also.


One thing was very attracting was this Sadhu was… seemed to be very educated. He had a stoned pen, I thought it is diamond; diamond stoned pen, pen in his pocket. And usually in north sadhus are not educated people; sadhus are… 99 percent of sadhus are uneducated. They have not educated in the formal way. Our organisation is the, Dhyanapeetam is the only organisation where 100 percent sadhus are educated. Not for pride I am saying… usually the sadhus are not educated.


I, I was surprised. It was attracting My attention but anyhow I just left it. I asked him, “You are from where”. He told Me he is from nearby one ashram. And even in the plate in which he brought that ashram name was engraved. You know in India we have the habit of engraving that name in the plate so that it won't be stolen. I saw that in the plate also that name was engraved and name of that Ashram. And anyhow after 3-4 days I became alright. He stopped coming.

Title: Mind is Responsible for Your Problems || Part 5 || NSC || 05 Feb 2010

Link to Video:Mind is Responsible for Your Problems || Part 5 || NSC || 05 Feb 2010

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I became alright. It took some twenty days for Me to start walking normally in and around. So, when I was able to walk first thing I decided I’ll go to see him to thank him. He has already told from which ashram he is. So, I went there in search. It was a small place near… on the banks of another one canal of Ganga; same on the banks of Ganga another one canal. I went there. He told Me his name was Shankar Baba.. Shankar Maharaj. Maharaj means sanyas, Maharaj means, a sanyasi. And I went there and there was a old sadhu sitting counting his beads. It was a noon time. So, he has kept prasad, the naivedya for that... there was a small temple and naivedya… and he was sitting outside and counting his beads.


I asked him, I wanted to meet this Shankar Maharaj. He looked up and said, “Shankar Maharaj? No, no there is nobody here.” I told him, “No, there is a young sadhu, he came and met Me. He was taking care of Me and he gave Me food and all and I wanted to see him.” He said, “No, no, no there was no young sadhu here; in this ashram there is only one sadhu, that is me, nobody else. No young sadhu.” I asked him, “No, he gave this ashram address. This is the place I know. This is the place. Tell Me I wanted to meet.” He got irritated. And you know this old sadhus when they get irritated how they shout? He shouted at Me and said, “Hey, there is no Shankar Baba here I am telling You. There is only one Shankar Baba if You want to see him, it is in the temple. Show.” He just showed Me his hand. That deity was called as Shankar Maharaj. When I looked up, please understand, I am telling you the honest truth I saw the same pen on the deity.


We can always doubt, think, reason. It was same plate. The plate… because three to four days I ate in the plate, I know all that dents in that plate. I know the dent and the same name; same name and the same plate. I asked that sadhu, “ Who gave that pen to you?” He again got irritated. “Somebody brought it and put it in the temple. I put it on that Shiva, on Shankar Baba. If you want you take it and go. I don’t know reading and writing.” I said , “ I am not asking for that pen. You have any idea anybody took that pen and..” “No, no, no nobody took that pen, only somebody, I think…” He said, “Nobody took that pen. It is there; somebody brought it and put it and it's there on that deity. If You want You take it and go.” Then he said… he is sitting… he was sitting and counting beads. And he said, he put the prasad for the deity and he is sitting and counting, counting the beads. He is telling… he told, “Few days before continuously the rat came and ate the food during the naivedya time. So, that is why I am sitting here now for security. Three-four days everyday I saw the rat was eating the food that is why now I am sitting as security.” I know which rat ate.


See, this… this incident can create thousands of questions. I had, I had thousands of questions. I am not the guy who directly believes or… I thought, ‘Why should Shiva even needs a plate from an ashram? He doesn’t need. He doesn’t need to appear with a pen. He doesn’t need to have a plate. If He wants to give the food he can directly appear and give food and disappear. Over.’ I had My own thousands of questions. One thing I know for sure He just wanted to teach Me Yogakshemam Vahamyaham. He gave Me that understanding. Purposely He left few evidences. And let Me be honest. I do not even know still now whether really Shiva gave Me food or some sadhu came and gave Me food, I do not know. But one thing I am sure, if Shiva Himself gives Me food, what love and trust and devotion He would have created in Me, He created that in Me. Because of that I know He gave the food.


What would have been the prasada… you see if He has come and given the food I would have had a deep trust on that statement Yogakshemam Vahamyaham. I would have had the deep trust ‘the divine is taking care’. He gave Me that trust through this incident, that's all. That trust has happened in Me through this incident. I do not know. Still I … let Me be very clear I do not know whether Shiva gave Me food or not or some sadhu came gave Me food or not. I do not know. The evidences are proving the more possibility of some extraordinary interference, intervention. That’s all I am able to say. I do not know further, more than this; but somehow that strong unshakable vitarka that I am looked after has entered into My system, has entered into My being.


Understand, I do not know whether you will have this kind of some extraordinary events in your life to make you understand, to make you experience you are taken care. But as I experienced the truth I have the right to tell you, you will also be protected. Understand. I am not saying to tell this because I am telling this word I am an extraordinary powerful being or not. I am extraordinary person or I am an avatara purusha or I am mystic. No, I am not claiming all those words. I am not saying all those things. I can say one thing honestly because I have been taken care, I have the right to say you will also be taken care. I have the courage to say you will also be taken care; just because of this one incident. Divine does not need to give Me that confidence if there is no use through me. If he is given Me that confidence means, He is giving clear statement to whole world, to everybody he is giving a clear statement. Please understand. One more thing: any energy, power lands with intelligence, please understand, any energy or power lands with intelligence… when a Master happens He expresses not only intelligence, He expresses power also; because power and intelligence comes together. Whoever follows His intelligence are protected by that power. It’s a law. If you follow Gita, Krishna’s power is bound to protect you. It is not just intelligence. It is just.. it is a energy also.


Same way, understand, honestly, very clearly I am telling you, drop all the fears, have courage, take the responsibility of unclutching. All you need is unclutch. You will see you are protected. You will see you are protected and don’t bother. You may think, “No, no, I will be protected in future. But what about all the mess I created in the past”? Any initiation, any truth when you start living, not only looks your future, it spreads into your past also. So, I am uttering these words. I am uttering these words, clear understanding and responsibility, knowing the meaning of the words I am uttering, I am uttering. Please understand. Now the words I am saying, there is no hidden meaning behind. What you understand, that is the meaning. What you understand is the meaning. Don’t think, “Oh I think He is technically not right.” No. There is no fine print. There is no fine print. I am telling you very clearly, all you need is just take the responsibility of unclutching; even the mess you created in the past, even that chaos will disappear and you are taken care.


So, understand the power of these words; just take the responsibility of unclutching, nothing else. Have courage and unclutch. You will see you are taken care. As I Myself experienced what I am talking, as the inheritor of all this great knowledge and tradition and values, as I represent this great vedic tradition, the living Enlightened Master’s tradition, I tell you very clearly from My experience and authenticity, all you need is just unclutch, you are protected and blessed. Let you have his courage, energy, unclutch and radiate enlightenment. Let you all be blessed and experience truth. Let you all achieve and radiate the eternal bliss.


Understand, simple unclutching, a courage to live unclutched life; that’s all, nothing else. You will see, your whole life becomes miracle. You will see the net is there. You will never fall. Even if you have the fear of falling, the net of abhaya is there. You have heard this word from a person who experienced. You have heard it just because you are here and you heard this word from Me. I am responsible for what I said. I am responsible for what I said. Understand. With this responsibility I am uttering this word. Just because you have heard this word, it is truth for you. It will express itself as truth in your life; because I have seen it is truth in My life and whoever has heard this truth it has become truth in their life also. With this you will be protected and taken care. Just have the courage of living of an unclutched life. Let you have courage and confidence to unclutch and live. Let you achieve and radiate jeevan mukti, living enlightenment. Let you achieve and radiate eternal bliss Nithyananda. Thank you.


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