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Q&A with Paramahamsa Nithyananda
===Q&A with Paramahamsa Nithyananda===
==Link to Video: ==
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In this TV interview in the show titiled "Being in Seattle", Paramahamsa Nithyananda in his charateristic style sheds light on a broad range of questions posed by talk show host, Rosemary Broccoli.
[[Category: 2007 | 20070625]]
===Link to Video Audio: ===
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9q7pkfh1PN4 |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/qa-with-paramahamsa-nithyananda?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2007-playlist-1 "/>
welcome to being in Seattle I'm
Rosemarie broccoli and this is a very
special program for me today I am having
the opportunity to actually sit across
from a recognized enlightened master and
I am just so thrilled to just jump in
and talked with Swamiji with all of you
welcome Swami to Swamiji let's um one of
the things that I'm really excited to
talk to you about one of the marks of an
enlightened person is living in the
moment and a lot of people in my
audience this is something that we are
striving for so during our talk today I
would love it if you could just why
don't we just have you start by saying
what does it really feel like to be in a
moment first thing living in the moment
happens only when you are really
enjoying this moment we should
understand why are we so much caught in
the past because it always feels that
memories are really much more solid than
the reality thinking that memories are
more solid experience than the reality
is what we call illusion even in your
day to day life you can see when you go
to someplace for vacation or a picnic
with the family first thing you do is
take photographs
smile stand in photographs so that later
on you can see that photograph and enjoy
you do not really exactly enjoy the very
moment but you make everything in the
past and you know how to enjoy the past
some of our mind is trained to believe
the past is more enjoying
- blissful colorful then the present
that is the first thing which we need to
understand so so let me ask you because
what I was really what interested me is
and that's what the audience know little
about your past that right when you were
born that and in your in your tradition
from India you were born in South India
is that you have a tradition of having
astrologers present at birth
and can you just tell the audience a
little about what happened to their
fasting in the Vedic tradition they have
a special beautiful science called
astrology based on the time of the birth
they predict the life course of that
soul we believe every soul consciously
decides the time under place and parents
to take back based on their mission
based on their decision how to live so
based on that theory the astrologers sit
and predict how the main course of the
life of that person will be of course
the person who predicted my horoscope is
in this field for nine generations my in
generation they are in the field
like it is their life it is not just a
profession is their life he has
predicted so many things about all our
elders and other family people which
everything came to he predicted that I
became a Paramahamsa means the
enlightened one a leader among the
Swami's Raja sannyasi he calls it and
not only that after predicting writing a
horoscope he said that I am going to die
within 21 days means he is going to die
within 21 days he was very old at the
time itself he said that I am going to
die within 21 days so after writing this
horoscope I do not want to touch
anything else I have done the best
now it is time for me to relax and after
that horoscope he did not touch anything
else and as he predicted 21st day he
passed away left the body this can show
the authority with which he was living
the authenticity with which he was
practicing that science very strong
person not a professional
astrologer when you practice it as a
profession there is always a little bit
of part comes it is marketing he is a
person from the R&D department research
and development not from the marketing
department you know I also want to say
that astrology in the Vedic sense is so
much different I want the I would I'd
like to just mention to all of you
listening that what we want to do is
really go beyond our Western
understandings of some of the things
that you're talking about Swamiji
because really one of the things that in
the original astrology the the word
Sanskrit word is called Joe tisha it
means showing the way our path to the
light originally the astrology science
was created to choose the right path
towards ultimate enlightenment for every
individual they will see the person's
mental setup and decide the right path
towards which he will become enlightened
the right hair right path right path
towards the enlightenment the ultimate
experience under as a by-product these
guys have learnt the science of
predicting the major activities day to
day things which can happen in the life
but the astrology is not originally
created just to predict when you will
get married who we will get married when
you will find your loved one you will
find your car or when you will find your
new home now that is only a byproduct
the main purpose of the astrology is to
find and choose the right path towards
liberation or enlightenment when did you
tell the audience about your pay
I mean when did you you you had a
regular childhood you grew up with your
did you have any brothers and sisters
yes I had one Yin got a brother only
elder brother
and so up until the age of 17 then I
know that you went to your mother and
what happened
hmm I was fortunately was born and
brought up in a place which is a
spiritual nerve center of India that
place is called Arunachala if you have
heard of ramana maharshi a great
enlightened master from southern India
is place many of your audience must have
visited because there is a very famous
spiritual nerve center which attracts
devotees seekers visitors from around
the world which attracts something like
a million 1 million seekers from around
the world every year and you why one
year I am born and brought up there I am
born and brought up and that very
ambience that very place it is like a
spiritual University continuously their
spiritual related debates discussions
the classes sessions festival ceremonies
will be going on throughout 65 365 days
24/7 so that ambience gave me a lot of
inspiration courage to experiment
there are many enlightened masters and
that City still boost unbroken lineage
of living enlightened masters for last
2,000 years unbroken lineage of living
enlightened masters for last 2000 years
I have seen so many Siddhas Yogi's
Rishi's Muniz enlightened beings they
all were inspiration to travel to do
little research and development in that
part well I think it would be helpful
for the audience to know like so as a
young person what what did you think
that these masters were I mean how are
these masters different than other
people see they were so joyful ecstatic
all the time
come what may in the life they were just
out of this world
I never seen suffering or disturbance in
their faces even though they will live
in utter poverty which is chosen
conscious choice by them consciously
deciding the poverty and sacrifice and
service to wider it is there they just
feel that they don't need anything so
much of fulfillment in the inner space
one master with whom I had the fortune
to live every day something like a 300
to 400 people will come to have his
darshan get to see him get his blessings
to get his opinions about their life or
the to find the path he has got that he
has taken about before he sleeps he will
not have any money or anything kept for
tomorrow whatever is around it will
distributed to people beggars
poor people whoever comes to him he will
just give anything comes to his hand the
end of the day he will just sleep with
his hand under the head just a complete
beautiful life and I saw them I was
inspired oh God
this case can do this and this is
possible they were out of the world just
and I know the powers which they
expressed and you can see anybody and
tell anything which is going on inside
his mind or which is going to happen
about his future I had the fortune of
living around him six years I have never
seen eating or drinking or sleeping
means you will just lie down I have
never seen him like a regular sleep like
us this this really shocks us any
logical man will be feeling what if she
is talking
never eating but I do not know how to
sorry forgive me if you are not able to
digest what I am talking but I have seen
six years I am also person with very
logic and I doubt everything I question
everything right I think I think
the Swamiji there's enough people and I
know that my audience people who
understand our attachment to the
physical world and that what we want to
do is free ourselves from their
conditioning so I think that I mean I
know myself listening to you I can
appreciate what you're saying and and I
I have enough awareness to really
realize it we really do have within us
everything that we need and when you
leave around this kind of a person the
impression which he makes on you is
amazing because I don't have to doubt I
am seeing a living example there is
somebody sitting in front of me he never
used even clothes he was just naked he
was naked naked I'm just living like a
child happily happily living like a
child if you find time you can see from
the souvenir which you received or you
can see in our website his photograph is
his name is Sasaki swamigal and he is
actually it just lived so happily I have
never seen him in low mood continuously
overflowing bubbling with joy never he
doesn't read anything from the outer
he is just completely fulfilled we call
in sanskrit atmora heetha means
completely fulfilled in himself
there is nothing needs he was radiating
giving so much to the outer world but
never asked took anything from the outer
outer world when you see this kind of a
person the impression which he makes on
you just can't imagine she talking about
this kind of person is different and
seeing somebody and in such close
quarters I lived with him throughout day
and night morning till night I can see
him was he your master then I can say he
was my main inspiration source I had two
three people teaching me I had I learned
from many people he was one of the main
inspiration source he can you can say is
one of my master well let me go back to
your mother because I know that when in
my reading you went to your mother and
you told her you do want to take this
journey because in
let's explain to them that you journey
from one master to another is that how
you do it yes it's like a in India if
you want to learn you are supposed to
take up a wandering path means you are
supposed to leave your home and the home
town just travel from village to village
by walk big and yet in the places where
ever you are given food and learn from
the life and the masters whom you meet
on the way it's a very beautiful journey
I want the honest to know that in school
you did very well in school I mean you
were very good in math and science so
you were really ahead of yourself not
only I had and I had the I had whatever
the outer world can offer I never had an
insecurity or something which outer
world can offer I had everything I
consciously decided to travel in this
path when I went and told my mother that
I wanted to take the samia's life the
spiritual journey the research and
development in the inner science she
just said that she started crying I said
that you mean I should not go she said
no I
I can't say you should not go only I am
NOT able to tolerate now I died just now
so I am crying but I cannot stop you you
can continue your path she gave the
blessing I continued my path around nine
years I lived wandering begging and
eating sleeping under the trees studying
at the feet of the different masters
India is such a holy land every village
when you walk and when the people know
that you are a seeker they offer food
that society itself is programmed to
take care of the seekers now yes I
wondered the length and breadth of India
studying learning practicing
experimenting the inner science and the
beauty of that that social system is all
9 years I was given food shelter clothes
with respect but you must have been
younger than 17 years ago then from 17
- nine years I was traveling okay
because you had tell me what Ian's about
the moment of your enlightenment I
thought that was very interesting you
can say few strong experiences which led
to enlightenment because the
enlightenment itself I am NOT able to
verbalize it is such a powerful strong
experience maybe I will tell the one or
two experiences which I can verbalize it
it was like a the first experience was
like a opening in the inner space even
with closed eyes I was able to see all
360-degree whatever is around me not
only see was able to feel see seeing is
a very superficial word seeing is
something like a scene with your two
eyes but if you are able to see the same
thing without your twice in the inner
space you can feel everything is part of
you anything you see in your inner space
is part of you am i right
so I was able to see means feel
everything inside my inner space as part
of me if I have to tell you more words
now you know you are alive inside your
skin right you know you are living
inside your skin I felt the same life
that not only inside my skin outside my
skin also I felt that I am Alive the
rocks the plants the flowers in the way
all the living beings animate and
inanimate things around me that was the
first experience so ever see them
wonderful open open the deep compassion
and love for everything reverence for
life has happened by that experience I
felt very clearly experienced I am NOT
alive just inside my skin I am alive in
that skin
also I am alive inside this furniture
also I am alive in the plants also I am
alive in that flowers I just experienced
I am Alive in everything around me
inside and outside the skin I am Alive
that was the first opening we call it
360-degree experience and anybody who
goes through this experience not only he
became nonviolent the reverence for life
comes acceptance of every being as the
yeast starts coming into yourself then
religious fanaticism communal fanaticism
linguistic fanaticism everything
disappears everything disappears you
can't die or kill somebody for just some
concept sake you will have the reverence
for life not just non-violence just
non-violence is a negative part of
reverence for life the positive part is
reverence the real respect acceptance
for life happens when you experience you
are alive not just in your skin you are
alive in every skin inside every skin
that was the first games which happened
in me which led to enlightenment the
enlightenment itself if I have to define
verbalize I can't exactly verbalize
maybe I can verbalize one or two symptom
of enlightenment
after that what all happened in me
became something like a the inner
chattering continuously which happens is
disappeared see your inner chattering
happens in you only when you say no to
the life if you say utter complete as to
life to this moment
there won't be any inner chattering if
you say what utter clear yes specie as
to yes to the present moment
there won't be inner chattering inner
chattering is the fight between the
identity which you show to the outer
world and the identity which you believe
in the inner world as you we carry two
identities one identity which you
project router world how we want world
to recognize or know us what we project
which will be always much more than what
we are
did you because I know in your system
that you offer many meditation
techniques did you get these meditation
techniques from your from your own
intuition or are they accountable how
many many of them are from the masters
for other from whom I learned I have the
fortune to sit at the feet of many
masters from them anything I learned
only one thing I can say I personally
experimented with those techniques and
experienced the truth of it and
presenting it in an updated way I added
my experience and updated it to offer to
the world let me finish that statement
which I share of course their inner
chattering is nothing but the fight
between the identity which you show to
the outer world and the identity which
you carry in the inner world when you
say deep s to the present moment that
disappears that is what has happened in
enlightenment enter such a amazing
unbroken continuous intense joy bliss
love and compassion I am be there
I mean most of us try to do there with
drugs but what you're saying is it goes
the outward what we got a problem with
the drug sees you only become addicted
to it and you need to use more and more
after every session with meditation see
profit with the drug is after every
session you need to increase the dosage
with the meditation if you after every
session you can decrease the time and
time of the meditations after every
session of the drug you become more and
more addicted to it after every session
of meditation you are more and more
liberated from it so let them know that
when you did your foundation is called
life bless Foundation and you founded it
in I think was 2003 in just a very short
period I think you have something like a
thousand centers active around or the
world doesn't wasn't under - tombs and
then you've taken your only 129 yes and
so but your mission really Swamiji is to
do what I mean you really have a big
mission maybe the divine grace is
working see in the last 400 years of
mission we have 1.2 million seekers
initiated and 5 thousand healers
initiated and 500 teachers teach trained
and initiated teaching around the world
something like at 35 different programs
for enlightenment seekers the same
spirit and the truth of meditation for
the people who work in the line of
intellectual field for the people who
are in the corporate field for the
people who wants to work on the D
addiction the addicting themselves for
the people who want to work on the
health for a different purposes
we have cognized different programs and
we offer it of course everything
ultimately leads to enlightenment leads
that one science
and we have a new yoga system DK yoga
and we have convinced so many different
programs and created so many teachers
and I have more than 1,000 ashramites
living inside our ashrams practicing and
presenting these great truths to the
world and 150 Swami's of our order who
are full-time dedicated to practice and
do research and development in the
science and offer it to the world the
whole thing happened just because the
honesty and commitment to the truth we
are standing are we in the presence of
Swami's here is a lama gene came with
some people and that's really an honor
to be with all of you I know Swamiji if
I just could take a second
I know wanted one thing very dear to
your heart is offering programs for
young people could you just tell us tell
us about your program for people for a
little kids can from the ages about 12
and 18 oh no yes we have three level
program between the 0 to 7 below the age
7 we have programs to help kids how to
live without getting conditioned by
how to retain the joy just retaining
that innocence itself is a beautiful
thing how can somebody find out about
that they want to you website yes we can
you can go to our website or contact
nearest center you will get the whole
detail right because you have a center
here in town I think you have a center
in Seattle also and there is next level
program between 7 to 14 where we teach
them the basic science of meditation and
how to awaken their intelligence to
internalize the social laws without
making them as a conditionings see if
you understand about the society ways in
which the society works civilization
operates you you will know how to play
with the masks but how not to get
conditioned by
I love it how you said that not to play
with the math I'm lack so before all
this money and you don't need it
the coat is necessary good to go to the
office when you come back from your
profession or your office you can just
be with yourself you can be completely
relaxed from the conditionings now these
kids if they go away to a school or to
remove your blog's we offer in two way
one the web-based and other one the
classrooms based means where our centers
are there there we give them and the
third thing we give them just weekend
workshops through weekend through
weekend lessons we teach them and we
have a third level program after twenty
one one year we give them complete free
food and stay in India and teach them
about the basic science of enlightenment
this is completely offered free anybody
from around the world can come and stay
there for one year we give them the
shared dormitory accommodation anybody
after 21 can come anybody from the mayor
anybody come home area we have
injections are only the world they are
doing they pay them whether they can
come or they can send the kids but only
after 21 before 21 if a parent
accompanies they can stay without a
parent or a guardian they can't stay
there so after 21 anybody can come one
year we will give them free food and
stay and all the educational materials
freely they can learn the inner science
study the Enlightenment science and
practice in the beautiful ambience we
believe knowledge is free because I
myself was given the science freely so
we have a university in India means the
spiritual University where we offer this
program not only they can learn and they
can have the certificate to teach others
teach others we request that person only
one thing our honest
making do not not just abusing the
hospitality if you are honest seeking
interest to learn you are welcome to
have one year free program
we offer them the basic accommodation
food we have we have a something called
like a regular programs and training
mechanism where people can come and not
only they will learn the intellectual
things they can even practice the basic
science the basic things like Ayurveda
yoga meditation the basic life solutions
from the Vedic tradition on how we can
create a better software better inner
software for our whole life I know that
one of the things that you teach is
there what you would I love what you
just said because what they will do is
one of the ways that you say it is to
increase the positive energies of each
person and by doing that in a
programming we're really emanating more
positive energies clearing and creating
a right inner software is a basic need
that is the reason we are offering all
these program freely to the public see
it is time to save the planet Earth by
creating more and more people who are
awakened who are yes right right for
enlightened unless we create a critical
mass of enlightened people we can't
think of saving the planet Earth because
so many calamity is happening around the
world which is created by the
unconscious human beings global warming
HIV religious terrorism and so much of
atomic weapons getting pious we are
facing today so many dangers unless we
create a peace blissful joyful
understanding enlightened society
humanity I don't think we will be able
to preserve this beautiful planet Earth
so we are all out
to create the peace joy blissful
conscious enlightened humanity we
request anybody who is interested to
come and check us out and if you are
interested in learning more come to
India if you are about 21 and stay there
we will be happy to share all our wisdom
study internalize and go around and
share with the people and I always tell
people knowledge is free without
copyright I don't have copyright on any
of my techniques or methods because in
ease in Vedic tradition we believe
knowledge we share to anybody who is
interested who is sincere so that is the
reason all our meditation techniques are
available in our website you can
directly download and experiment explore
anything yes and I want all of you to
know that if you go to Swamiji's website
he has if you have spiritual study it's
a mecca I mean I I myself I downloaded
so many articles yeah we have something
like a 4700 hours of recorded discourse
200 volumes published in 12 languages
and 300 CDs audio CDs released and 470
DVDs release have something like a 200
YouTube clips are available in YouTube
you can see everything and experience
experiment explore something I read in
your ear material that I just I never
heard anybody say it quite like this
mama Jean I'd like you to I think maybe
my audience would be interested in this
but you said this responsibility is a
consciousness yes the moment you feel
responsible for what is happening around
you that moment the divine energy will
rush into you I love that see we always
think we should pick up the job or the
abilities how much energy we have we
think this much energy I have I should
take up this much responsibility in my
life but the truth is when you take more
responsibility you just expand the more
energy starts expressing through you not
that you will take the responsibility
according to your energy that you will
have energy according to the
responsibilities which you take up the
more responsibility you take up on your
shoulders the more energy expression
starts happening through you if you feel
responsible whatever is happening around
you you suddenly become a leader you
start transforming your life and others
life responsibility is one of the way to
consciously grow that is what Geetha is
as if every is one of the way to
consciously grow taking responsibility
for others is the technique for
that is what Geeta says as Karma Yoga
when you really feel that you should do
the Karma taking the responsibility for
others you will not even bother about
results just out of your compassion
feeling responsible you will start
working you will start reacting
overflowing working out of overflowing
responsibility is what we call spiritual
life working out of all flowing energy
and overflowing compassion overflowing
feelings of responsibility for
everything is spiritual life is
beautiful not working for greed or fear
based working out of or flowing
responsibility is conscious life that's
and that leads me into wanting to talk
to you about the energy flow because I
know another part of your
vision or your grace to the planet is
the teachers about healing and in your
system healing is a very big thing can
you talk about it we help people to heal
themselves by giving them a simple
meditation techniques on the conscious
decision see by your nature very nature
body constantly heals itself rejuvenates
itself and replaces itself even medical
science agrees body heals itself
constantly it regenerates itself
constantly healer means a person who
helps the others to heal themselves more
quickly in a conscious way now you heal
yourself without consciously if you are
helped taught how you heal yourself that
simple science if you consciously start
practicing that science encouraging the
self healing system you quickly come out
of the diseases you quickly come out of
the mental disorders healer is a person
who helps the other to quicken the
healing process which is ultimate
already happening in him now I'm not I
don't want to I'm not I what I'm going
to say now now judging or I'm not making
anything wrong I'm just make trying to
make an observation so let's say when we
use when which when we try to use drugs
or pharmaceutical kinds of things but is
not really dealing with the
consciousness is it but what are you
what are you doing it if you're just
thinking oh if I've got this disease and
I take this drug you just then at the
level of the body right what I am saying
there are some level diseases just a
physical diseases can be helped by the
regular drug allopathic system no doubt
about it I am NOT saying Allah but is
completely false or anything but there
are some diseases psychosomatic
disorders which you need to handle from
the conscious level just handling your
body as a bio
mechanism is not enough so in that
places you need spiritual guidance life
well I swam og I want the audience to
know that for those of you who want to
educate yourself more on the chakras
this is one of the reasons why I'm so
excited to know about your work
because I I want to really understand
the chakras more myself because this is
really big enough like thousand healers
around the world you can contact nearest
healing center or a healer or our
website every day twenty six thousand
people come inside our healing centers
to get healed and meditate twenty six
thousand is the utterance every
twenty-four hours inside our healing
centers around the world well I know
that you think of meditation as a
medication is that usually help it can
be complimentary I am NOT contradicting
at all any other system I am
complimenting right because just a
little alteration the way in which you
think about yourself can do miracles to
your body and mind just a simple
alteration simple understandings added
to you can just quicken the healing
process so beautifully it will be
nothing less than miraculous well can
you just take a moment I'd be curious to
see how you would briefly explain to us
what are the chakras and how do we
really know we have chakras Kirlian
photography proves we have different
energy centers if you are of Kirlian
photography which photographs are us
that is the first thing second thing the
energy centers when they are disturbed
by your party by a particular emotion
you can see immediately the your health
is also disturbed for example
traditionally we say that navel Center
is disturbed by worrying emotions which
emotions whirring hurry Ori the
unnecessary anxiety okay you can see if
you are so that's the neighbor
okay if you have some shocking
information or message from somebody
first thing will be your stomach upset
okay this demands that so you say I
cannot stomach it
I cannot digest it I do not have a
stomach to listen all these things is
directly connected every emotion is
connected to one energy center if you
are disturbed by the demotion you can
feel the reaction in that energy center
and now the Kirlian photography has
proved the energy centers the existence
of energy centers so science okay I mean
I've heard Karelian photography so I'm
excited you're a scientist
so Karelian photography really is real
sure it really is really they nearly are
able to picture the energy set we really
are vibrating energy in many many
countries the Kirlian photograph is used
as advanced diagnosis method about TB
our cancers they were able to diagnose
six months ahead of any other available
diagnosis methods because I can see the
legacy the energy the kisara the Kirlian
photography is now accepted diagnosis
method in many countries in many places
I don't know about us know now here in
the United States but in many countries
they are using this as a diagnosis
method so I think surely the many doors
can open if we start putting little
tougher energy into the yet the chakra
science also the because the future is
going to be holistic right future is
holistic there are so many millions of
people around the world already started
exploring in this consciousness in the
energy medicine Sciences the alternative
systems and what I am saying we don't
have to completely say some system is
right or wrong if we take the help from
all the systems we will make better
better consciousness I always tell
people every system is a garden go to
all the gardens and pluck best flowers
and make a beautiful bouquet for
yourself I like that why should you miss
other garden just because you are
visiting to one garden right no need and
the future is going to be in the hands
of the people who accepts every system
with a sympathy and love with the open
mind open-minded right that is going to
be the future
Swamiji I just think that we have just a
few minutes left I would appreciate it
because I know that when you look out in
the world earlier you were talking about
what we see I know that you see
differently than than I see can you give
us some words of comfort in terms of
let's say here in America some of us who
see what our politicians are doing in
some of the decisions and some of the
suffering that's taking place in the
world how can we look at their to not be
so stressful ourselves fasting every
major decision taken in the higher level
is the expression of collective
positivity our collective negativity so
before going out and blaming the others
our leaders or politicians or others if
we can put a little bit of energy
towards ourself and feel and start
working to create more positive
consciousness from your inner space we
will be doing something you see there
are two ways just talking about things
or doing things if you are interested
just talking about things then blame
politicians leaders start blaming to the
sizing everybody which is not going to
be directly useful it will be only
pulling down your energy also that is
all that is one way of working the other
way serious sincere about doing
something if you are interested in doing
something let us do what way we can add
more collective positive energy let
create more positivity from other side
bring more love in our action grow high
increase your frequency of consciousness
when more and more people start working
on themselves the collective positivity
as to express itself through right
politician and right leaders see all
leaders are channels of collective
positivity or negativity created by mass
they are also guided by the mass so two
thing one sitting and blaming them
second working to create more positive
energy I think a sincere person should
start working towards creating more
positive energy then blaming criticizing
getting upset or disturbed if you are
getting upset disturbed what is going to
happen except you have going to have a
little more depression then little more
negativity and only then you are adding
more negativity more mass to the
negative consciousness so I feel
revolution is not the way evolution is
the way evolution is the way yesterday
revolution is not that every revolution
promised the truth or the ultimate
solution in last three thousand years of
the history of the planet yet we had
five thousand was it a thousand one five
thousand recorded wars we had in the
humanity five thousand worse in three
thousand years it seems human beings are
not doing anything except wah wah wah
the reason is they believed in
revolution now it is time to believe in
individual evolution let us not go see
the mass revolution becomes again one
more system anybody who comes to the
power is again led by the mass
negativity or mass positivity it is now
our responsibility to add more and more
the only thing an individual can do
right because what we're getting more
and more as understanding how we really
do affect our surroundings yes like we
don't we're we just prove we're
awakening to really how our be they need
to be brought in individuals heart then
it will radiate and transform the whole
planet Earth
let us all be honest to our being and
bring peace to it he will just radiate
it like a flower and he will add to the
collective positive consciousness you
will see that expresses simply through
our leaders instead of getting upset or
disturbed by the negative decisions just
create positive energy so that they also
are affected by this positive
consciousness well let me ask you this
you say but then how do you how do you
confront the idea like sometimes when I
think about of course everyday people
are dying I mean let's face it every day
people are dying in ways that are
painful but now that this war is going
on and of course there I mean I I'm
trying to collect my mind but how do you
deal with knowing people are dying by
suffering but how do you deal with that
I mean how how do you how do you
understand their little babies old
people I mean how do you hide a new hole
understand that the only way is at least
let us work that in near future we can
avoid this kind of things see what is
happening is the result of our past at
least in the present let us create more
and more positive consciousness and
energy so that we will avoid these
things in the future if we also get
agitated disturbed then we will again
start creating more violence and
negativity to stop the violence violence
cannot stop violence
blood cannot wash blood Buddha says
beautifully if we start thinking in the
eye for an eye the whole world will
become blind if we start working in the
logic lie for an eye then from this
group that person will take one person's
eye from this group he will take other
person's eye then the whole world will
be blind so the only thing we can do is
start creating more and more positive
peaceful ambience inside you are being
and continuously work to create that
peace and love outside your field that
is the only possible solution well I
hear you in my mind though keeps on
saying but how do i how do I come to
terms with like right now what's
happening in wars when little babies are
injured how do I think about that how do
you think about that how do you think
about that now only one thing what I can
do now but we only I think what I can do
from that well this might mean going on
at this moment the power I have I may be
able to do little service with whatever
available with me and I may be able to
send a peaceful prayers and thoughts and
positive energy whatever I have in under
the control of my body and mind I am
making it positive instead of getting
just upset with somebody or with some
system are blaming the things the veins
all right because my upset is then being
transmitted out into the world and I'm
really exaggerating the condition I'm
getting agitated okay right is getting
agitated is not going to be productive
in this situation right except you
understand this Mars itself is created
by the people who are agitated and we
are also agitated how do you think we
are going to solve the problem right we
are only going to add more problem
so the only way is sin do whatever you
can without getting agitated right
because I mean technically if there's
only the present moment and I am right
here the only thing I know is right here
and I may not realize that by being here
I really am doing something to bring
peace to the whole planet that is on the
only ways by being here you adding more
and more choi aran lists or silence to
the whole consciousness by you getting
agitated already you lost the game right
that's so great
already we have lost the game because
the Mars itself is created by the people
who are educated if we are also educated
how are we going to do something to the
good do something right to the planet
Earth that is not the way see anybody
who tried in the way of revolution has
become one more system one more
tradition one more power game ended up
in one more war so the only way is the
way okay right the way of the peace the
way of the silence way of Shiva right
working in yourself and becoming a
strong leader without getting agitated
doing things which needs to be done
without getting agitated right is the
right way we are doing as much as we can
towards the peace and silence and bliss
and helping the people who are stranded
by the wars and trying to bring more and
more peace into the consciousness of the
leaders trying to touch trying to
educate trying to tell them we are doing
everything but not getting itched
agitated right Swami you are supposed to
become productive people why not
agitated people exactly and and for
those of you locally who are listening
to this talk I understand that weekly
you can go to some place is it in
Seattle and we have a building center
that you can go on Sundays and there's a
meditation and you can learn more about
the sciences which I'm teaching and and
they give regular classes what is it
every month or every weekends they give
Club classes and once in every month
they give classes and you can go to
website now we have started the
web-based programs you can learn from
your career and home study courses oh I
didn't see there are new ones now now we
have started just now in few days you
will see the full-fledged way you'll get
in my hands it will be launching and
already you have created syllabus and we
will be offering the home study programs
home study courses about this whole
philosophy are the tradition which we
are teaching which for which we are
standing hmm could you just give me a
little sense because maybe some some
people in the audience who are curious
to like could you just give me one
meditation technique that you could
suggest that we can do make it John I
called it as a technique for eternal
bliss Nithyananda
also now it is a finalist or we are
priced if the first step just sit
comfortably and deeply inhale and exhale
because you have lost in touch you have
got disconnected with your breathing it
has become shallow because you are lost
in your past and future inhaling and
exhaling deeply will bring you inside
your boundary to the present moment that
is the first step of course this
meditation is described detailed way in
our website libelous to our G we can
download from that and practice and
explore now also I am giving you that
take the method first step the inhale
and exhale intensely deeply second step
intense humming so that you are inner
chattering will be silenced keep it for
example vomit
immensely when you do your inner
chattering will become silenced because
the catharsis will happen the third step
relaxing and putting your awareness in
every Energy Center if you go to the
website that there is an instruction
which will guide you you can just
download and play the instruction and
sit and do it will like a guided
meditation and the fourth step just be
untouched means do not create a
chain-link of thoughts do not create the
shaft of thoughts whenever thoughts
raise in you just be a witness sit in a
relaxed way any word or letter or
thought raises in you do not create
maintain or destroy just be witness the
fifth step sit in a relaxed way in a
deep prayerful method prayerful way
surrender to the whole cosmic energy be
receptive to the whole cosmic love
energy and compassion this five-step
detailed way it is described in our
website libelous Dorji nithya dhyaan it
is a tear up animal download and
practice this one technique is enough
this is the essence of my teachings it's
so great thank you so much we are at the
end of this hour it was a really a
blessing to be with you I think all of
you can appreciate what it was like me
to look into his eyes I've been I've
been in bless just being able to be with
you thank you so much thank you so I
welcome you on lady all achieve and
radiate the eternal bliss Nithyananda
thank you
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Q&A with Paramahamsa Nithyananda


In this TV interview in the show titiled "Being in Seattle", Paramahamsa Nithyananda in his charateristic style sheds light on a broad range of questions posed by talk show host, Rosemary Broccoli.

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Video Audio


welcome to being in Seattle I'm Rosemarie broccoli and this is a very special program for me today I am having the opportunity to actually sit across from a recognized enlightened master and I am just so thrilled to just jump in and talked with Swamiji with all of you welcome Swami to Swamiji let's um one of the things that I'm really excited to talk to you about one of the marks of an enlightened person is living in the moment and a lot of people in my audience this is something that we are striving for so during our talk today I would love it if you could just why don't we just have you start by saying what does it really feel like to be in a moment first thing living in the moment happens only when you are really enjoying this moment we should understand why are we so much caught in the past because it always feels that memories are really much more solid than the reality thinking that memories are more solid experience than the reality is what we call illusion even in your day to day life you can see when you go to someplace for vacation or a picnic with the family first thing you do is take photographs smile stand in photographs so that later on you can see that photograph and enjoy you do not really exactly enjoy the very moment but you make everything in the past and you know how to enjoy the past some of our mind is trained to believe the past is more enjoying - blissful colorful then the present that is the first thing which we need to understand so so let me ask you because what I was really what interested me is and that's what the audience know little about your past that right when you were born that and in your in your tradition from India you were born in South India is that you have a tradition of having astrologers present at birth and can you just tell the audience a little about what happened to their astrologers fasting in the Vedic tradition they have a special beautiful science called astrology based on the time of the birth they predict the life course of that soul we believe every soul consciously decides the time under place and parents to take back based on their mission based on their decision how to live so based on that theory the astrologers sit and predict how the main course of the life of that person will be of course the person who predicted my horoscope is in this field for nine generations my in generation they are in the field like it is their life it is not just a profession is their life he has predicted so many things about all our elders and other family people which everything came to he predicted that I became a Paramahamsa means the enlightened one a leader among the Swami's Raja sannyasi he calls it and not only that after predicting writing a horoscope he said that I am going to die within 21 days means he is going to die within 21 days he was very old at the time itself he said that I am going to die within 21 days so after writing this horoscope I do not want to touch anything else I have done the best now it is time for me to relax and after that horoscope he did not touch anything else and as he predicted 21st day he passed away left the body this can show the authority with which he was living the authenticity with which he was practicing that science very strong person not a professional astrologer when you practice it as a profession there is always a little bit of part comes it is marketing he is a person from the R&D department research and development not from the marketing department you know I also want to say that astrology in the Vedic sense is so much different I want the I would I'd like to just mention to all of you listening that what we want to do is really go beyond our Western understandings of some of the things that you're talking about Swamiji because really one of the things that in the original astrology the the word Sanskrit word is called Joe tisha it means showing the way our path to the light originally the astrology science was created to choose the right path towards ultimate enlightenment for every individual they will see the person's mental setup and decide the right path towards which he will become enlightened the right hair right path right path towards the enlightenment the ultimate experience under as a by-product these guys have learnt the science of predicting the major activities day to day things which can happen in the life but the astrology is not originally created just to predict when you will get married who we will get married when you will find your loved one you will find your car or when you will find your new home now that is only a byproduct the main purpose of the astrology is to find and choose the right path towards liberation or enlightenment when did you tell the audience about your pay I mean when did you you you had a regular childhood you grew up with your did you have any brothers and sisters yes I had one Yin got a brother only elder brother and so up until the age of 17 then I know that you went to your mother and what happened hmm I was fortunately was born and brought up in a place which is a spiritual nerve center of India that place is called Arunachala if you have heard of ramana maharshi a great enlightened master from southern India is place many of your audience must have visited because there is a very famous spiritual nerve center which attracts devotees seekers visitors from around the world which attracts something like a million 1 million seekers from around the world every year and you why one year I am born and brought up there I am born and brought up and that very ambience that very place it is like a spiritual University continuously their spiritual related debates discussions the classes sessions festival ceremonies will be going on throughout 65 365 days 24/7 so that ambience gave me a lot of inspiration courage to experiment there are many enlightened masters and that City still boost unbroken lineage of living enlightened masters for last 2,000 years unbroken lineage of living enlightened masters for last 2000 years I have seen so many Siddhas Yogi's Rishi's Muniz enlightened beings they all were inspiration to travel to do little research and development in that part well I think it would be helpful for the audience to know like so as a young person what what did you think that these masters were I mean how are these masters different than other people see they were so joyful ecstatic all the time what come what may in the life they were just out of this world I never seen suffering or disturbance in their faces even though they will live in utter poverty which is chosen conscious choice by them consciously deciding the poverty and sacrifice and service to wider it is there they just feel that they don't need anything so much of fulfillment in the inner space one master with whom I had the fortune to live every day something like a 300 to 400 people will come to have his darshan get to see him get his blessings to get his opinions about their life or the to find the path he has got that he has taken about before he sleeps he will not have any money or anything kept for tomorrow whatever is around it will distributed to people beggars poor people whoever comes to him he will just give anything comes to his hand the end of the day he will just sleep with his hand under the head just a complete beautiful life and I saw them I was inspired oh God this case can do this and this is possible they were out of the world just and I know the powers which they expressed and you can see anybody and tell anything which is going on inside his mind or which is going to happen about his future I had the fortune of living around him six years I have never seen eating or drinking or sleeping means you will just lie down I have never seen him like a regular sleep like us this this really shocks us any logical man will be feeling what if she is talking never eating but I do not know how to sorry forgive me if you are not able to digest what I am talking but I have seen six years I am also person with very logic and I doubt everything I question everything right I think I think the Swamiji there's enough people and I know that my audience people who understand our attachment to the physical world and that what we want to do is free ourselves from their conditioning so I think that I mean I know myself listening to you I can appreciate what you're saying and and I I have enough awareness to really realize it we really do have within us everything that we need and when you leave around this kind of a person the impression which he makes on you is amazing because I don't have to doubt I am seeing a living example there is somebody sitting in front of me he never used even clothes he was just naked he was naked naked I'm just living like a child happily happily living like a child if you find time you can see from the souvenir which you received or you can see in our website his photograph is there his name is Sasaki swamigal and he is actually it just lived so happily I have never seen him in low mood continuously overflowing bubbling with joy never he doesn't read anything from the outer world he is just completely fulfilled we call in sanskrit atmora heetha means completely fulfilled in himself there is nothing needs he was radiating giving so much to the outer world but never asked took anything from the outer outer world when you see this kind of a person the impression which he makes on you just can't imagine she talking about this kind of person is different and seeing somebody and in such close quarters I lived with him throughout day and night morning till night I can see him was he your master then I can say he was my main inspiration source I had two three people teaching me I had I learned from many people he was one of the main inspiration source he can you can say is one of my master well let me go back to your mother because I know that when in my reading you went to your mother and you told her you do want to take this journey because in let's explain to them that you journey from one master to another is that how you do it yes it's like a in India if you want to learn you are supposed to take up a wandering path means you are supposed to leave your home and the home town just travel from village to village by walk big and yet in the places where ever you are given food and learn from the life and the masters whom you meet on the way it's a very beautiful journey sorry I want the honest to know that in school you did very well in school I mean you were very good in math and science so you were really ahead of yourself not only I had and I had the I had whatever the outer world can offer I never had an insecurity or something which outer world can offer I had everything I consciously decided to travel in this path when I went and told my mother that I wanted to take the samia's life the spiritual journey the research and development in the inner science she just said that she started crying I said that you mean I should not go she said no I I can't say you should not go only I am NOT able to tolerate now I died just now so I am crying but I cannot stop you you can continue your path she gave the blessing I continued my path around nine years I lived wandering begging and eating sleeping under the trees studying at the feet of the different masters India is such a holy land every village when you walk and when the people know that you are a seeker they offer food that society itself is programmed to take care of the seekers now yes I wondered the length and breadth of India studying learning practicing experimenting the inner science and the beauty of that that social system is all 9 years I was given food shelter clothes with respect but you must have been younger than 17 years ago then from 17 - nine years I was traveling okay because you had tell me what Ian's about the moment of your enlightenment I thought that was very interesting you can say few strong experiences which led to enlightenment because the enlightenment itself I am NOT able to verbalize it is such a powerful strong experience maybe I will tell the one or two experiences which I can verbalize it it was like a the first experience was like a opening in the inner space even with closed eyes I was able to see all 360-degree whatever is around me not only see was able to feel see seeing is a very superficial word seeing is something like a scene with your two eyes but if you are able to see the same thing without your twice in the inner space you can feel everything is part of you anything you see in your inner space is part of you am i right so I was able to see means feel everything inside my inner space as part of me if I have to tell you more words now you know you are alive inside your skin right you know you are living inside your skin I felt the same life that not only inside my skin outside my skin also I felt that I am Alive the rocks the plants the flowers in the way all the living beings animate and inanimate things around me that was the first experience so ever see them wonderful open open the deep compassion and love for everything reverence for life has happened by that experience I felt very clearly experienced I am NOT alive just inside my skin I am alive in that skin also I am alive inside this furniture also I am alive in the plants also I am alive in that flowers I just experienced I am Alive in everything around me inside and outside the skin I am Alive that was the first opening we call it 360-degree experience and anybody who goes through this experience not only he became nonviolent the reverence for life comes acceptance of every being as the yeast starts coming into yourself then religious fanaticism communal fanaticism linguistic fanaticism everything disappears everything disappears you can't die or kill somebody for just some concept sake you will have the reverence for life not just non-violence just non-violence is a negative part of reverence for life the positive part is reverence the real respect acceptance for life happens when you experience you are alive not just in your skin you are alive in every skin inside every skin that was the first games which happened in me which led to enlightenment the enlightenment itself if I have to define verbalize I can't exactly verbalize maybe I can verbalize one or two symptom of enlightenment after that what all happened in me became something like a the inner chattering continuously which happens is disappeared see your inner chattering happens in you only when you say no to the life if you say utter complete as to life to this moment there won't be any inner chattering if you say what utter clear yes specie as to yes to the present moment there won't be inner chattering inner chattering is the fight between the identity which you show to the outer world and the identity which you believe in the inner world as you we carry two identities one identity which you project router world how we want world to recognize or know us what we project which will be always much more than what we are did you because I know in your system that you offer many meditation techniques did you get these meditation techniques from your from your own intuition or are they accountable how many many of them are from the masters for other from whom I learned I have the fortune to sit at the feet of many masters from them anything I learned only one thing I can say I personally experimented with those techniques and experienced the truth of it and presenting it in an updated way I added my experience and updated it to offer to the world let me finish that statement which I share of course their inner chattering is nothing but the fight between the identity which you show to the outer world and the identity which you carry in the inner world when you say deep s to the present moment that disappears that is what has happened in enlightenment enter such a amazing unbroken continuous intense joy bliss love and compassion I am be there I mean most of us try to do there with drugs but what you're saying is it goes the outward what we got a problem with the drug sees you only become addicted to it and you need to use more and more after every session with meditation see profit with the drug is after every session you need to increase the dosage with the meditation if you after every session you can decrease the time and time of the meditations after every session of the drug you become more and more addicted to it after every session of meditation you are more and more liberated from it so let them know that when you did your foundation is called life bless Foundation and you founded it in I think was 2003 in just a very short period I think you have something like a thousand centers active around or the world doesn't wasn't under - tombs and then you've taken your only 129 yes and so but your mission really Swamiji is to do what I mean you really have a big mission maybe the divine grace is working see in the last 400 years of mission we have 1.2 million seekers initiated and 5 thousand healers initiated and 500 teachers teach trained and initiated teaching around the world something like at 35 different programs for enlightenment seekers the same spirit and the truth of meditation for the people who work in the line of intellectual field for the people who are in the corporate field for the people who wants to work on the D addiction the addicting themselves for the people who want to work on the health for a different purposes we have cognized different programs and we offer it of course everything ultimately leads to enlightenment leads that one science and we have a new yoga system DK yoga and we have convinced so many different programs and created so many teachers and I have more than 1,000 ashramites living inside our ashrams practicing and presenting these great truths to the world and 150 Swami's of our order who are full-time dedicated to practice and do research and development in the science and offer it to the world the whole thing happened just because the honesty and commitment to the truth we are standing are we in the presence of Swami's here is a lama gene came with some people and that's really an honor to be with all of you I know Swamiji if I just could take a second I know wanted one thing very dear to your heart is offering programs for young people could you just tell us tell us about your program for people for a little kids can from the ages about 12 and 18 oh no yes we have three level program between the 0 to 7 below the age 7 we have programs to help kids how to live without getting conditioned by society how to retain the joy just retaining that innocence itself is a beautiful thing how can somebody find out about that they want to you website yes we can you can go to our website or contact nearest center you will get the whole detail right because you have a center here in town I think you have a center in Seattle also and there is next level program between 7 to 14 where we teach them the basic science of meditation and how to awaken their intelligence to internalize the social laws without making them as a conditionings see if you understand about the society ways in which the society works civilization operates you you will know how to play with the masks but how not to get conditioned by I love it how you said that not to play with the math I'm lack so before all this money and you don't need it the coat is necessary good to go to the office when you come back from your profession or your office you can just be with yourself you can be completely relaxed from the conditionings now these kids if they go away to a school or to remove your blog's we offer in two way one the web-based and other one the classrooms based means where our centers are there there we give them and the third thing we give them just weekend workshops through weekend through weekend lessons we teach them and we have a third level program after twenty one one year we give them complete free food and stay in India and teach them about the basic science of enlightenment this is completely offered free anybody from around the world can come and stay there for one year we give them the shared dormitory accommodation anybody after 21 can come anybody from the mayor anybody come home area we have injections are only the world they are doing they pay them whether they can come or they can send the kids but only after 21 before 21 if a parent accompanies they can stay without a parent or a guardian they can't stay there so after 21 anybody can come one year we will give them free food and stay and all the educational materials freely they can learn the inner science study the Enlightenment science and practice in the beautiful ambience we believe knowledge is free because I myself was given the science freely so we have a university in India means the spiritual University where we offer this program not only they can learn and they can have the certificate to teach others teach others we request that person only one thing our honest making do not not just abusing the hospitality if you are honest seeking interest to learn you are welcome to have one year free program we offer them the basic accommodation food we have we have a something called like a regular programs and training mechanism where people can come and not only they will learn the intellectual things they can even practice the basic science the basic things like Ayurveda yoga meditation the basic life solutions from the Vedic tradition on how we can create a better software better inner software for our whole life I know that one of the things that you teach is there what you would I love what you just said because what they will do is one of the ways that you say it is to increase the positive energies of each person and by doing that in a programming we're really emanating more positive energies clearing and creating a right inner software is a basic need that is the reason we are offering all these program freely to the public see it is time to save the planet Earth by creating more and more people who are awakened who are yes right right for enlightened unless we create a critical mass of enlightened people we can't think of saving the planet Earth because so many calamity is happening around the world which is created by the unconscious human beings global warming HIV religious terrorism and so much of atomic weapons getting pious we are facing today so many dangers unless we create a peace blissful joyful understanding enlightened society humanity I don't think we will be able to preserve this beautiful planet Earth so we are all out to create the peace joy blissful conscious enlightened humanity we request anybody who is interested to come and check us out and if you are interested in learning more come to India if you are about 21 and stay there we will be happy to share all our wisdom study internalize and go around and share with the people and I always tell people knowledge is free without copyright I don't have copyright on any of my techniques or methods because in ease in Vedic tradition we believe knowledge we share to anybody who is interested who is sincere so that is the reason all our meditation techniques are available in our website you can directly download and experiment explore anything yes and I want all of you to know that if you go to Swamiji's website he has if you have spiritual study it's a mecca I mean I I myself I downloaded so many articles yeah we have something like a 4700 hours of recorded discourse 200 volumes published in 12 languages and 300 CDs audio CDs released and 470 DVDs release have something like a 200 YouTube clips are available in YouTube you can see everything and experience experiment explore something I read in your ear material that I just I never heard anybody say it quite like this mama Jean I'd like you to I think maybe my audience would be interested in this too but you said this responsibility is a consciousness yes the moment you feel responsible for what is happening around you that moment the divine energy will rush into you I love that see we always think we should pick up the job or the response abilities how much energy we have we think this much energy I have I should take up this much responsibility in my life but the truth is when you take more responsibility you just expand the more energy starts expressing through you not that you will take the responsibility according to your energy that you will have energy according to the responsibilities which you take up the more responsibility you take up on your shoulders the more energy expression starts happening through you if you feel responsible whatever is happening around you you suddenly become a leader you start transforming your life and others life responsibility is one of the way to consciously grow that is what Geetha is as if every is one of the way to consciously grow taking responsibility for others is the technique for enlightenment that is what Geeta says as Karma Yoga when you really feel that you should do the Karma taking the responsibility for others you will not even bother about results just out of your compassion feeling responsible you will start working you will start reacting overflowing working out of overflowing responsibility is what we call spiritual life working out of all flowing energy and overflowing compassion overflowing feelings of responsibility for everything is spiritual life is beautiful not working for greed or fear based working out of or flowing responsibility is conscious life that's beautiful and that leads me into wanting to talk to you about the energy flow because I know another part of your vision or your grace to the planet is the teachers about healing and in your system healing is a very big thing can you talk about it we help people to heal themselves by giving them a simple meditation techniques on the conscious decision see by your nature very nature body constantly heals itself rejuvenates itself and replaces itself even medical science agrees body heals itself constantly it regenerates itself constantly healer means a person who helps the others to heal themselves more quickly in a conscious way now you heal yourself without consciously if you are helped taught how you heal yourself that simple science if you consciously start practicing that science encouraging the self healing system you quickly come out of the diseases you quickly come out of the mental disorders healer is a person who helps the other to quicken the healing process which is ultimate already happening in him now I'm not I don't want to I'm not I what I'm going to say now now judging or I'm not making anything wrong I'm just make trying to make an observation so let's say when we use when which when we try to use drugs or pharmaceutical kinds of things but is not really dealing with the consciousness is it but what are you what are you doing it if you're just thinking oh if I've got this disease and I take this drug you just then at the level of the body right what I am saying there are some level diseases just a physical diseases can be helped by the regular drug allopathic system no doubt about it I am NOT saying Allah but is completely false or anything but there are some diseases psychosomatic disorders which you need to handle from the conscious level just handling your body as a bio mechanism is not enough so in that places you need spiritual guidance life solutions well I swam og I want the audience to know that for those of you who want to educate yourself more on the chakras this is one of the reasons why I'm so excited to know about your work because I I want to really understand the chakras more myself because this is really big enough like thousand healers around the world you can contact nearest healing center or a healer or our website every day twenty six thousand people come inside our healing centers to get healed and meditate twenty six thousand is the utterance every twenty-four hours inside our healing centers around the world well I know that you think of meditation as a medication is that usually help it can be complimentary I am NOT contradicting at all any other system I am complimenting right because just a little alteration the way in which you think about yourself can do miracles to your body and mind just a simple alteration simple understandings added to you can just quicken the healing process so beautifully it will be nothing less than miraculous well can you just take a moment I'd be curious to see how you would briefly explain to us what are the chakras and how do we really know we have chakras Kirlian photography proves we have different energy centers if you are of Kirlian photography which photographs are us that is the first thing second thing the energy centers when they are disturbed by your party by a particular emotion you can see immediately the your health is also disturbed for example traditionally we say that navel Center is disturbed by worrying emotions which emotions whirring hurry Ori the unnecessary anxiety okay you can see if you are so that's the neighbor okay if you have some shocking information or message from somebody first thing will be your stomach upset okay this demands that so you say I cannot stomach it I cannot digest it I do not have a stomach to listen all these things is directly connected every emotion is connected to one energy center if you are disturbed by the demotion you can feel the reaction in that energy center and now the Kirlian photography has proved the energy centers the existence of energy centers so science okay I mean I've heard Karelian photography so I'm excited you're a scientist so Karelian photography really is real sure it really is really they nearly are able to picture the energy set we really are vibrating energy in many many countries the Kirlian photograph is used as advanced diagnosis method about TB our cancers they were able to diagnose six months ahead of any other available diagnosis methods because I can see the legacy the energy the kisara the Kirlian photography is now accepted diagnosis method in many countries in many places I don't know about us know now here in the United States but in many countries they are using this as a diagnosis method so I think surely the many doors can open if we start putting little tougher energy into the yet the chakra science also the because the future is going to be holistic right future is holistic there are so many millions of people around the world already started exploring in this consciousness in the energy medicine Sciences the alternative systems and what I am saying we don't have to completely say some system is right or wrong if we take the help from all the systems we will make better lifestyle better consciousness I always tell people every system is a garden go to all the gardens and pluck best flowers and make a beautiful bouquet for yourself I like that why should you miss other garden just because you are visiting to one garden right no need and the future is going to be in the hands of the people who accepts every system with a sympathy and love with the open mind open-minded right that is going to be the future Swamiji I just think that we have just a few minutes left I would appreciate it because I know that when you look out in the world earlier you were talking about what we see I know that you see differently than than I see can you give us some words of comfort in terms of let's say here in America some of us who see what our politicians are doing in some of the decisions and some of the suffering that's taking place in the world how can we look at their to not be so stressful ourselves fasting every major decision taken in the higher level is the expression of collective positivity our collective negativity so before going out and blaming the others our leaders or politicians or others if we can put a little bit of energy towards ourself and feel and start working to create more positive consciousness from your inner space we will be doing something you see there are two ways just talking about things or doing things if you are interested just talking about things then blame politicians leaders start blaming to the sizing everybody which is not going to be directly useful it will be only pulling down your energy also that is all that is one way of working the other way serious sincere about doing something if you are interested in doing something let us do what way we can add more collective positive energy let create more positivity from other side bring more love in our action grow high increase your frequency of consciousness when more and more people start working on themselves the collective positivity as to express itself through right politician and right leaders see all leaders are channels of collective positivity or negativity created by mass they are also guided by the mass so two thing one sitting and blaming them second working to create more positive energy I think a sincere person should start working towards creating more positive energy then blaming criticizing getting upset or disturbed if you are getting upset disturbed what is going to happen except you have going to have a little more depression then little more negativity and only then you are adding more negativity more mass to the negative consciousness so I feel revolution is not the way evolution is the way evolution is the way yesterday revolution is not that every revolution promised the truth or the ultimate solution in last three thousand years of the history of the planet yet we had five thousand was it a thousand one five thousand recorded wars we had in the humanity five thousand worse in three thousand years it seems human beings are not doing anything except wah wah wah the reason is they believed in revolution now it is time to believe in individual evolution let us not go see the mass revolution becomes again one more system anybody who comes to the power is again led by the mass negativity or mass positivity it is now our responsibility to add more and more positivity the only thing an individual can do right because what we're getting more and more as understanding how we really do affect our surroundings yes like we don't we're we just prove we're awakening to really how our be they need to be brought in individuals heart then it will radiate and transform the whole planet Earth let us all be honest to our being and bring peace to it he will just radiate it like a flower and he will add to the collective positive consciousness you will see that expresses simply through our leaders instead of getting upset or disturbed by the negative decisions just create positive energy so that they also are affected by this positive consciousness well let me ask you this you say but then how do you how do you confront the idea like sometimes when I think about of course everyday people are dying I mean let's face it every day people are dying in ways that are painful but now that this war is going on and of course there I mean I I'm trying to collect my mind but how do you deal with knowing people are dying by suffering but how do you deal with that I mean how how do you how do you understand their little babies old people I mean how do you hide a new hole understand that the only way is at least let us work that in near future we can avoid this kind of things see what is happening is the result of our past at least in the present let us create more and more positive consciousness and energy so that we will avoid these things in the future if we also get agitated disturbed then we will again start creating more violence and negativity to stop the violence violence cannot stop violence blood cannot wash blood Buddha says beautifully if we start thinking in the eye for an eye the whole world will become blind if we start working in the logic lie for an eye then from this group that person will take one person's eye from this group he will take other person's eye then the whole world will be blind so the only thing we can do is start creating more and more positive peaceful ambience inside you are being and continuously work to create that peace and love outside your field that is the only possible solution well I hear you in my mind though keeps on saying but how do i how do I come to terms with like right now what's happening in wars when little babies are injured how do I think about that how do you think about that how do you think about that now only one thing what I can do now but we only I think what I can do from that well this might mean going on at this moment the power I have I may be able to do little service with whatever available with me and I may be able to send a peaceful prayers and thoughts and positive energy whatever I have in under the control of my body and mind I am making it positive instead of getting just upset with somebody or with some system are blaming the things the veins all right because my upset is then being transmitted out into the world and I'm really exaggerating the condition I'm getting agitated okay right is getting agitated is not going to be productive in this situation right except you understand this Mars itself is created by the people who are agitated and we are also agitated how do you think we are going to solve the problem right we are only going to add more problem so the only way is sin do whatever you can without getting agitated right because I mean technically if there's only the present moment and I am right here the only thing I know is right here and I may not realize that by being here I really am doing something to bring peace to the whole planet that is on the only ways by being here you adding more and more choi aran lists or silence to the whole consciousness by you getting agitated already you lost the game right that's so great already we have lost the game because the Mars itself is created by the people who are educated if we are also educated how are we going to do something to the good do something right to the planet Earth that is not the way see anybody who tried in the way of revolution has become one more system one more tradition one more power game ended up in one more war so the only way is the way okay right the way of the peace the way of the silence way of Shiva right working in yourself and becoming a strong leader without getting agitated doing things which needs to be done without getting agitated right is the right way we are doing as much as we can towards the peace and silence and bliss and helping the people who are stranded by the wars and trying to bring more and more peace into the consciousness of the leaders trying to touch trying to educate trying to tell them we are doing everything but not getting itched agitated right Swami you are supposed to become productive people why not agitated people exactly and and for those of you locally who are listening to this talk I understand that weekly you can go to some place is it in Seattle and we have a building center that that you can go on Sundays and there's a meditation and you can learn more about the sciences which I'm teaching and and they give regular classes what is it every month or every weekends they give Club classes and once in every month they give classes and you can go to website now we have started the web-based programs you can learn from your career and home study courses oh I didn't see there are new ones now now we have started just now in few days you will see the full-fledged way you'll get in my hands it will be launching and already you have created syllabus and we will be offering the home study programs home study courses about this whole philosophy are the tradition which we are teaching which for which we are standing hmm could you just give me a little sense because maybe some some people in the audience who are curious to like could you just give me one meditation technique that you could suggest that we can do make it John I called it as a technique for eternal bliss Nithyananda also now it is a finalist or we are priced if the first step just sit comfortably and deeply inhale and exhale because you have lost in touch you have got disconnected with your breathing it has become shallow because you are lost in your past and future inhaling and exhaling deeply will bring you inside your boundary to the present moment that is the first step of course this meditation is described detailed way in our website libelous to our G we can download from that and practice and explore now also I am giving you that take the method first step the inhale and exhale intensely deeply second step intense humming so that you are inner chattering will be silenced keep it for example vomit immensely when you do your inner chattering will become silenced because the catharsis will happen the third step relaxing and putting your awareness in every Energy Center if you go to the website that there is an instruction which will guide you you can just download and play the instruction and sit and do it will like a guided meditation and the fourth step just be untouched means do not create a chain-link of thoughts do not create the shaft of thoughts whenever thoughts raise in you just be a witness sit in a relaxed way any word or letter or thought raises in you do not create maintain or destroy just be witness the fifth step sit in a relaxed way in a deep prayerful method prayerful way surrender to the whole cosmic energy be receptive to the whole cosmic love energy and compassion this five-step detailed way it is described in our website libelous Dorji nithya dhyaan it is a tear up animal download and practice this one technique is enough this is the essence of my teachings it's so great thank you so much we are at the end of this hour it was a really a blessing to be with you I think all of you can appreciate what it was like me to look into his eyes I've been I've been in bless just being able to be with you thank you so much thank you so I welcome you on lady all achieve and radiate the eternal bliss Nithyananda thank you you

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