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Walk Out Of Time Warp Patanjali Yoga Sutra 159
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Prayer. Welcome.
Today’s subject is a great revelation – get out the time warp
159th Patanjali Yoga Sutra, 3rd chapter 53rd verse
Kshana tatkrama yogo samyamaat vivekajam jnanam
Vivekananda: through samyama on a particle of time and that which processed and succeeds comes discrimination
Prabhavananda: by making samyama on single moment and their sequences on time one gains discriminative knowledge
Osho: Perfoming samyama on the present moment, the moment gone, the moment to come brings know born of awareness of the ultimate reality.
The sacred secret in this sutra is do samyama on the moment happening in your life, one moment which is gone and one moment yet to come, you will have enlightenment. There were 1000s of sacred secrets, formulas, sutras I heard in the young age but not a single sutra was able to make me leave everything and become a paramahamsa except this sutra. Please understand, I became paramahamsa just because of this sutra. I have no words to praise the sacred secret embedded in this sutra
First thing time is the greatest lie ever told to humanity! There is no such thing as time exists. Sun is raising and setting, moon is raising and setting, seasons are happening not as you planned. We always think only in the modern days seasons are not happening properly. Seasons never happened properly because there is no such thing as proper for seasons. Maybe average you understand like may be 20 degree and 40 degree. 60 and 80. With averages you come up to support the lie called time. Time is equivalent to a lie, to all the cases filed on me ☺ no base, some of the worst lies concocted, cooked up.  So many different truths when they clicked with me, when they revealed the sacred experiences in me, it will always settle down. But this time. When I realized this sacred secret experience of time I just jumped out of my body and decided let me be paramahamsa! Time is the greatest lie ever told to you. only based on this lie all other lies like you belong to this nation, you belong to this community, you belong to this religion, you belong to this culture, you belong to this race, your life style is this – all other lies are built on this one lie that something called time exists! Where is time? There is no such thing as time exists. Sun rises and falls, moon rises and falls, body rises and falls. That’s all! Where is time? What is the definition of a day?  It is not existential reality. A day is not a day as think. It is just a definition you created which is accepted by the world. any definition accepted by the world is not existential reality. If all of us sit together and pass a resolution let there not be tsunami any more on planet earth. do you think it is going to be existential reality? At the most it can become a country law or law in all places where human beings are living. But not more than that. time is the root cause of all sufferings. I tell you realize this one truth and decide not to bend for anything. Actually when I realized I thought oh God! There is no time, then why should I be running around, running behind this society which is based on time. I just declared my freedom. Courage even to let go the body came to me only when I realized there is no such thing as time. Unless you get into the space of courage to let go of time, even the body..please understand death is not the biggest suffering for humans. The biggest suffering is many things disappearing from you when you are alive. When you have guts to face that, you are done! That happened in me. I just realized there is no such thing as time, it is a man made myth! Time is a man made myth! Wow! You don’t need to go to mission office [tells to Ashramites ☺] when I declare time is a myth, I did not expect anyone to even send me food. I just stepped out of my body! I just said relax now sun raises & falls,  moon raises and falls, universe moves, bodies raise and fall. Over! What a foolish myth we created. Bound ourselves! Still I remember the moment I realized this, I went and lied down on a big rock – ammapaarai on the Tiruvannamalai hill. I threw all my clothes rudraaksha except my loin cloth. The sun was setting. I looked and saw the sun is setting in the west. Even this is not truth. How do you know if this is west. What do you know by west. There is no west, no east. Something is rotating around something. As I said earlier Sun is rotating around the earth! as per your reality, anything you perceive for a long period you perceive as reality. That is why dream you perceive as reality because you perceive it only for few hours and reality you perceive for maybe 70 years. That is why you consider this as reality. Same way, the sun goes around the earth for few billion years and earth goes around sun only for 1 year. So sun going around earth is truth. Earth going around sun itself is a lie! Understand, sun goes around earth. So from today no calendar, no time. What today, from now. What now? Where is now? This whole junk called human civilization – the conspiracy against new man babies by old idiots. A planned cunning unconsciously loaded political conspiracy against new born babies by fellows already sitting here is human civilization. Because you are already occupying this ground, you justify the conspiracy you create and impart it to life happening on planet earth. time is the worst myth. Greatest lie. It is the most saidist concept taught to human beings by unconscious human beings to whom in turn the lie was taught by some other unconscious human beings. When you learn the concept of time you inherit saidism. Don’t inherit saidism. Unfortunately, when you don’t learn the concept of time, you are not given food. That is why
The land on which you are standing, sleeping, taking bath what grows there start eating and living with it. get back to agriculture civilization. You don’t need food, infra structure from the fools who carry this great concept of time. In young age I read a funny but sad story. One guy at the edge of the world was standing and holding the whole sky on his head. It was too heavy. But he cannot move unless he gets somebody to hold that weight. Suddenly one man asks him what happened, why are you standing like that? this guy tries to smile and says no no if you hold this sky you feel so nice, so joyful. The other guy says can you let me do it for ½ hour? He says no, for 5 minutes I will allow as I go to bathroom and come. He runs away! The 2nd guy also repeats this with the next person and the next person with the next person and this goes on.
Just like this story, time is a huge load people are carrying waiting for somebody else to come. All fellows who show they are happy in the dinner parties should be swallowed by some tsunami! These idiots constantly showing you are happy. Why don’t you drop your hypocrisy and tell the world you are all utter failures. Why don’t you reveal the truth the whole human civilization is a hypocrisy. Why don’t you allow the truths of enlightened beings penetrate the main stream civilization? Why are you suffering and transmit it? Oh Human civilization! I call upon you to taste the ultimate truth which I tasted from the authority of my own experience. Relax from these idiots who smile after taking alcohol in the night parties and celebrity shows and go on projecting that is life. Oh new generation, oh human civilization who are ready to think realize time is the worst myth taught to you. All other things are also myths – you belong to this place, you belong to this country, money, poverty..all these lies are added. The glittering concept of wealth, poverty both are glittering. Please understand the concept to wealth is glittering in the name of greed, poverty in the name of fear. Today I take a vow, I will create a space where people don’t need to believe the concept of time for their food, clothes, medical care and basic emotional fulfillment. It is these 3-4 basic things civilization uses as a noose, as a whip to torture human beings and makes them believe the greatest lie, greatest myth called time! Unfortunately, we are too small in number. I will make some of the strong scientific studies and tell society time is a myth. When you realize this, you will become more healthy. Your liver will not get old. Your liver and your tip of the nose are the two point s which taste time. These 2 points are the space where the time is read. The tip which reads the letter and makes it as sound is the main tip in a machine which records sounds especially for blind people. Same way tip of nose is the spot where time gets recorded in your body and it is directly is recorded in your liver. Your liver directly shows the amount of suffering recorded in your system by concept of time. If your liver is working your digestion will be perfect. Just 24 hours lie down or sit or do what you want forget this office, food and other things. If you have constipation or any problem related to digestion will be healed in 24 hours because when you do this your liver comes back to life. I am giving you this as sample to feel how you are suffering with time. When you feel free from time how you are liberated. Even to Ashramites I am telling you. you don’t need to follow any routine. You can take off. No problem. Just decide to be out of time. Step out of your time idea. Just experiment. Within one day your whole stomach will become so sweet. And after that when you feel confident, go ahead with that I have no problem. Actually when you live with no time you will live with so much joy and gratitude you will express yourself in a unique way. You neither find nor have the need to find. That is why I give you the routine. Now I am telling you anybody who are interested in finding, don’t follow. But don’t cheat yourself and others. Today I am telling if anybody is not following the routine, even if you tell a lie that I am stepping out of time, I am okay with that. but you are entering into a big risk. Either you become enlightened or you become a lazy donkey! But I wanted you to experience the freedom when you step out of time. I still remember I was lying on that rock which is like a tortoise. There Is a huge rock over which there is one big rock like a tortoise body and small rock which is like tortoise head. I looked down at the whole village and felt why are these fools running around like this?  I felt wow these fools are running around like ants! Like how ants foolishly work for 6 months and gather handful of rice and sugar and in one moment you just sweep away the whole thing! but they will have their own mechanism, who should lift how much, how to store, etc. just like how you feel about ants, I felt same way about human civilization! I felt what kind of civilization is this? oh human civilization! With deep compassion and love I am telling you step out of time. At least let the next generation be encouraged to step out of time. Whoever steps out of time should be given more encouragement, more love, more infrastructural facilities. But now the myth has deepened so much, whoever gets caught more & more with time is rewarded with more money, is rewarded with more infra structure, is rewarded with more respect, is rewarded with more foolish collective social hypocritical honors and awards.
When you go beyond time, when you step out of time you become Kaala gala – kaala bhairava! It is a conscious decision and just living it. that’s all. But to be lived to the extreme. No compromise! There are some sutras if you do even 1% it will help you for the spiritual growth. There are some if you miss even if you miss the last .0009% it will not work. This sutra is the 2nd type. It has to be done 100% your whole life what you think, plan everything should be re-organized and re-shuffled and should be taken congnizance with new light with this one understand that time is a lie! Step out of time. Only with this understanding if you do this samyama of what Patanjali describes as meditating on the moment. With this understanding look at the time – what is this moment? Nothing. What is the moment gone? Nothing. What is the moment coming? Nothing. You will realize the ultimate truth. You will catch it in one click. You can catch it in one click. Anybody who has problem related to any problem related to liver just do this samyama. Not only you will be healed, you will go beyond the biggest disease time. Time is the worst disease! Blessings!
==Photos Of The Day:==
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Latest revision as of 13:49, 16 March 2021


Walk Out Of Time Warp Patanjali Yoga Sutra 159

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Video Audio


Prayer. Welcome. Today’s subject is a great revelation – get out the time warp 159th Patanjali Yoga Sutra, 3rd chapter 53rd verse Kshana tatkrama yogo samyamaat vivekajam jnanam Vivekananda: through samyama on a particle of time and that which processed and succeeds comes discrimination Prabhavananda: by making samyama on single moment and their sequences on time one gains discriminative knowledge Satchitananda: Osho: Perfoming samyama on the present moment, the moment gone, the moment to come brings know born of awareness of the ultimate reality. The sacred secret in this sutra is do samyama on the moment happening in your life, one moment which is gone and one moment yet to come, you will have enlightenment. There were 1000s of sacred secrets, formulas, sutras I heard in the young age but not a single sutra was able to make me leave everything and become a paramahamsa except this sutra. Please understand, I became paramahamsa just because of this sutra. I have no words to praise the sacred secret embedded in this sutra First thing time is the greatest lie ever told to humanity! There is no such thing as time exists. Sun is raising and setting, moon is raising and setting, seasons are happening not as you planned. We always think only in the modern days seasons are not happening properly. Seasons never happened properly because there is no such thing as proper for seasons. Maybe average you understand like may be 20 degree and 40 degree. 60 and 80. With averages you come up to support the lie called time. Time is equivalent to a lie, to all the cases filed on me ☺ no base, some of the worst lies concocted, cooked up. So many different truths when they clicked with me, when they revealed the sacred experiences in me, it will always settle down. But this time. When I realized this sacred secret experience of time I just jumped out of my body and decided let me be paramahamsa! Time is the greatest lie ever told to you. only based on this lie all other lies like you belong to this nation, you belong to this community, you belong to this religion, you belong to this culture, you belong to this race, your life style is this – all other lies are built on this one lie that something called time exists! Where is time? There is no such thing as time exists. Sun rises and falls, moon rises and falls, body rises and falls. That’s all! Where is time? What is the definition of a day? It is not existential reality. A day is not a day as think. It is just a definition you created which is accepted by the world. any definition accepted by the world is not existential reality. If all of us sit together and pass a resolution let there not be tsunami any more on planet earth. do you think it is going to be existential reality? At the most it can become a country law or law in all places where human beings are living. But not more than that. time is the root cause of all sufferings. I tell you realize this one truth and decide not to bend for anything. Actually when I realized I thought oh God! There is no time, then why should I be running around, running behind this society which is based on time. I just declared my freedom. Courage even to let go the body came to me only when I realized there is no such thing as time. Unless you get into the space of courage to let go of time, even the body..please understand death is not the biggest suffering for humans. The biggest suffering is many things disappearing from you when you are alive. When you have guts to face that, you are done! That happened in me. I just realized there is no such thing as time, it is a man made myth! Time is a man made myth! Wow! You don’t need to go to mission office [tells to Ashramites ☺] when I declare time is a myth, I did not expect anyone to even send me food. I just stepped out of my body! I just said relax now sun raises & falls, moon raises and falls, universe moves, bodies raise and fall. Over! What a foolish myth we created. Bound ourselves! Still I remember the moment I realized this, I went and lied down on a big rock – ammapaarai on the Tiruvannamalai hill. I threw all my clothes rudraaksha except my loin cloth. The sun was setting. I looked and saw the sun is setting in the west. Even this is not truth. How do you know if this is west. What do you know by west. There is no west, no east. Something is rotating around something. As I said earlier Sun is rotating around the earth! as per your reality, anything you perceive for a long period you perceive as reality. That is why dream you perceive as reality because you perceive it only for few hours and reality you perceive for maybe 70 years. That is why you consider this as reality. Same way, the sun goes around the earth for few billion years and earth goes around sun only for 1 year. So sun going around earth is truth. Earth going around sun itself is a lie! Understand, sun goes around earth. So from today no calendar, no time. What today, from now. What now? Where is now? This whole junk called human civilization – the conspiracy against new man babies by old idiots. A planned cunning unconsciously loaded political conspiracy against new born babies by fellows already sitting here is human civilization. Because you are already occupying this ground, you justify the conspiracy you create and impart it to life happening on planet earth. time is the worst myth. Greatest lie. It is the most saidist concept taught to human beings by unconscious human beings to whom in turn the lie was taught by some other unconscious human beings. When you learn the concept of time you inherit saidism. Don’t inherit saidism. Unfortunately, when you don’t learn the concept of time, you are not given food. That is why The land on which you are standing, sleeping, taking bath what grows there start eating and living with it. get back to agriculture civilization. You don’t need food, infra structure from the fools who carry this great concept of time. In young age I read a funny but sad story. One guy at the edge of the world was standing and holding the whole sky on his head. It was too heavy. But he cannot move unless he gets somebody to hold that weight. Suddenly one man asks him what happened, why are you standing like that? this guy tries to smile and says no no if you hold this sky you feel so nice, so joyful. The other guy says can you let me do it for ½ hour? He says no, for 5 minutes I will allow as I go to bathroom and come. He runs away! The 2nd guy also repeats this with the next person and the next person with the next person and this goes on. Just like this story, time is a huge load people are carrying waiting for somebody else to come. All fellows who show they are happy in the dinner parties should be swallowed by some tsunami! These idiots constantly showing you are happy. Why don’t you drop your hypocrisy and tell the world you are all utter failures. Why don’t you reveal the truth the whole human civilization is a hypocrisy. Why don’t you allow the truths of enlightened beings penetrate the main stream civilization? Why are you suffering and transmit it? Oh Human civilization! I call upon you to taste the ultimate truth which I tasted from the authority of my own experience. Relax from these idiots who smile after taking alcohol in the night parties and celebrity shows and go on projecting that is life. Oh new generation, oh human civilization who are ready to think realize time is the worst myth taught to you. All other things are also myths – you belong to this place, you belong to this country, money, poverty..all these lies are added. The glittering concept of wealth, poverty both are glittering. Please understand the concept to wealth is glittering in the name of greed, poverty in the name of fear. Today I take a vow, I will create a space where people don’t need to believe the concept of time for their food, clothes, medical care and basic emotional fulfillment. It is these 3-4 basic things civilization uses as a noose, as a whip to torture human beings and makes them believe the greatest lie, greatest myth called time! Unfortunately, we are too small in number. I will make some of the strong scientific studies and tell society time is a myth. When you realize this, you will become more healthy. Your liver will not get old. Your liver and your tip of the nose are the two point s which taste time. These 2 points are the space where the time is read. The tip which reads the letter and makes it as sound is the main tip in a machine which records sounds especially for blind people. Same way tip of nose is the spot where time gets recorded in your body and it is directly is recorded in your liver. Your liver directly shows the amount of suffering recorded in your system by concept of time. If your liver is working your digestion will be perfect. Just 24 hours lie down or sit or do what you want forget this office, food and other things. If you have constipation or any problem related to digestion will be healed in 24 hours because when you do this your liver comes back to life. I am giving you this as sample to feel how you are suffering with time. When you feel free from time how you are liberated. Even to Ashramites I am telling you. you don’t need to follow any routine. You can take off. No problem. Just decide to be out of time. Step out of your time idea. Just experiment. Within one day your whole stomach will become so sweet. And after that when you feel confident, go ahead with that I have no problem. Actually when you live with no time you will live with so much joy and gratitude you will express yourself in a unique way. You neither find nor have the need to find. That is why I give you the routine. Now I am telling you anybody who are interested in finding, don’t follow. But don’t cheat yourself and others. Today I am telling if anybody is not following the routine, even if you tell a lie that I am stepping out of time, I am okay with that. but you are entering into a big risk. Either you become enlightened or you become a lazy donkey! But I wanted you to experience the freedom when you step out of time. I still remember I was lying on that rock which is like a tortoise. There Is a huge rock over which there is one big rock like a tortoise body and small rock which is like tortoise head. I looked down at the whole village and felt why are these fools running around like this? I felt wow these fools are running around like ants! Like how ants foolishly work for 6 months and gather handful of rice and sugar and in one moment you just sweep away the whole thing! but they will have their own mechanism, who should lift how much, how to store, etc. just like how you feel about ants, I felt same way about human civilization! I felt what kind of civilization is this? oh human civilization! With deep compassion and love I am telling you step out of time. At least let the next generation be encouraged to step out of time. Whoever steps out of time should be given more encouragement, more love, more infrastructural facilities. But now the myth has deepened so much, whoever gets caught more & more with time is rewarded with more money, is rewarded with more infra structure, is rewarded with more respect, is rewarded with more foolish collective social hypocritical honors and awards. When you go beyond time, when you step out of time you become Kaala gala – kaala bhairava! It is a conscious decision and just living it. that’s all. But to be lived to the extreme. No compromise! There are some sutras if you do even 1% it will help you for the spiritual growth. There are some if you miss even if you miss the last .0009% it will not work. This sutra is the 2nd type. It has to be done 100% your whole life what you think, plan everything should be re-organized and re-shuffled and should be taken congnizance with new light with this one understand that time is a lie! Step out of time. Only with this understanding if you do this samyama of what Patanjali describes as meditating on the moment. With this understanding look at the time – what is this moment? Nothing. What is the moment gone? Nothing. What is the moment coming? Nothing. You will realize the ultimate truth. You will catch it in one click. You can catch it in one click. Anybody who has problem related to any problem related to liver just do this samyama. Not only you will be healed, you will go beyond the biggest disease time. Time is the worst disease! Blessings!

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