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The Secret of Wealth Creation the Vedic Way: Nithyananda Satsang
Living Incarnation and Avatar Paramahamsa Nithyananda began by saying life can be equated to 2 things.
1. The ability to achieve what you want in the inner or outer world or
2. Just getting stuck in both the worlds.
"Wealth can be equated to the life energy you express. Everyone wants wealth, but they do not increase the life energy in them to the level they want it.
So be very clear if you do not have wealth, don't blame anybody. You are not expressing life in you. Life energy is not happening in you. I can tell you wealth itself is not wrong. Your concept about wealth if it is correct and proper, not only it will not be wrong, it will be right."
He went on to present first few basic concepts about wealth properly. 1st when a man decides to create wealth, do not steal. Create wealth. You will have wealth and great fulfillment, and your energy will be towards creating wealth not destroying others.
The consciousness attitude which works towards creating wealth makes you non-violent because your whole energy becomes creative. Creating wealth brings tremendous interest in life & non-violence.
"If you have at least the goal of creating wealth, you will be creative -- your energy will be channelled properly. The 1st priority in your life should be for moksha -- enlightenment. Till that happens, the 2nd priority can be creating wealth -- not grabbing, robbing or stealing but creating wealth."
"Seekers always justify their poverty as their spiritual quality and innocence. Nonsense. They are stuck with the so called mentality of sick and broke. They are not seekers but sickers."
"The new smriti I am declaring very clearly now -- Not creating wealth is sin. Just like grabbing, stealing, robbing, accumulating wealth in wrong way is sin, same way, not creating is also sin."
Vedantis missed to give a right understanding about wealth to society. Right understanding about wealth is life. I wanted all of you to understand donating or doing charity is nothing wrong, sharing is nothing wrong -- great. But being cheated is something seriously wrong.
Life's flow is work. If you are not creating wealth, all your work is happening in wrong direction. Awaken the creativity in you. Remove the hatred for work and creativity.
He went on to give exact techniques and process to create wealthy consciousness. "First you need to create a wealthy consciousness which is ready to take the responsibility to create and sustain, which is ready to take the responsibility of being creative. eN Kriya is a direct technique, method, process for creating a wealth consciousness in you."
He is also creating the technique and technology for creating a wealthy consciousness in you. That is the program eN Wealth.
"I will speak about how an enlightened man creates and sustains wealth."
==Link to Video: ==  
==Link to Video: ==  
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riTJd1GOfVA |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2011-03mar-13_the-secret-of-wealth-creation-the-vedic-way-nithyananda-satsang-13-mar-2011"/>
I welcome you all with My love and respects. Today's subject for the satsang is ‘Wealth - Creation and Sustenance’. I can say life can be equated to two things. One - the ability to achieve what you want in the inner or outer world or just getting stuck in both the world; these are the only two equations. As on now, at least people who are sitting in front of Me, I can say very clearly, there is nobody who doesn’t want wealth. Everybody wants it but they do not increase the life in them to the level they want it. Wealth can be equated to the life energy you express; straight equation, because as on now, a normal man has wealth as the first priority in the life. So be very clear if you do not have wealth don’t blame anybody. Just you are not expressing life in you. Life energy is not happening in you.
You may think what an incarnation has to do with wealth, why Swamiji should talk about wealth. I can tell you wealth itself is not wrong.  Your concept about wealth, if it is correct and proper, not only it will not be wrong, it will be right. I wanted to present few basic concepts about wealth properly. First when a man decides to create wealth, not steal, understand, create wealth, you will have wealth and the great fulfillment you lived. And the whole energy will be towards the creation, not destroying others. I am seeing very clearly the fellows who are interested in destroying others, going after people, harassing them, they are completely dull, dead. In their very consciousness they are poor.
I tell you the consciousness attitude which works towards creating wealth… creating wealth makes you non violent, because your whole energy becomes creative. Creating wealth brings tremendous interest in life and non violence. First I have to clear all the wrong concepts about wealth. Only then I should talk about wealth. Otherwise you will not be able to grasp ‘why an incarnation, a Paramahamsa should talk about wealth, why a sanyasi should talk about wealth.’ Only he can talk about wealth because he has gone beyond wealth. 😊 He cannot be made wealthy by wealth. Only a man who cannot be made wealthy by wealth has a right to talk all the secrets about wealth.
Only those methods of grabbing, stealing, robbing is wrong, sin. Otherwise creating wealth - if you are contributing something directly to the people, universe, if you are grabbing from others in a… without contributing anything - that is what is sin. So creating wealth is intrinsic part of life. Krishna says very beautifully in Gita ‘gahano karmano gatih’. The universe by its nature works, works, works. If you have at least the goal of creating wealth, you will be creative; your energy will be channeled properly. I can give you the clear guidance. The first priority should be in the life for moksha - enlightenment. Till that happens, the second priority can be creating wealth. Understand, not grabbing or robbing or stealing; creating wealth. Anything else is a third priority and I don’t want to talk about third priorities.
Creating wealth makes you non violent because you will be too busy with the people, with world, with life; by creating. First: remove the guilt about wealth from your inner space. Second: understand the expression of life through you is equalent to the wealth you create; not grab, you create. So the more and more life energy starts expressing through you, more and more you create. Life energy expression and wealth is one and the same. Seekers always justify their poverty as their spiritual quality and innocence. So if you are not wealthy, understand, if you have decided not to create wealth, Great! But if you want to create wealth and not wealthy, if you have a greed for the wealth or desire for wealth and not wealthy, be very clear you are not a seeker, you are a sicker; something is seriously wrong in you - look into it.
Wealth itself is not sin. Somebody is having problem because of having, somebody is having problem because of not having. Problem is a problem. Wealth is not a problem. Problem is a problem. Wealth is not a problem. Person who is having guilt because of having, person who is having guilt because of not having - both are big, I can say very big sickness. I have seen many of these rich men, because they carry a deep guilt imposed on them by society, even though they created the wealth very honestly in a creative way, because of the guilt imposed by society on them, they live a very miserable life and go on drinking alcohol and trying to have high costly entertainments just to forget this guilt. Many time they come to Me for their problems and in need of solution. When I analyze their inner space and life, there is no problem. Then why are they suffering? The only guilt which they are carrying which is imposed on them by society. I tell them ‘Come on. Don’t imbibe the guilt given to you by the fellows who are incapable.’ You do not cheat or grab or be dishonest; that’s right, that’s enough. But no need to carry the guilt on the wealth about having wealth. Rich men carry this guilt very deeply and just to escape from that they get into all kinds of addictions and their life is hell; as hell as a fellow who doesn’t have money.
The next thing: having is one side; not having - this is a very funny side. Having the desire to have wealth, not having it but giving a valid reason why they are not having it. This is also another one important slave mentality. We always think - work not done plus valid reason is equvalent to work done, and your mind is such a cunning mind it creates very valid reasons and justifies itself why you are poor. And not only that adding sacredness to poverty; who are adding sacredness to poverty, relax!! Don’t add sacredness to your sacredness. Because you are scared of life you back out from life and for that feeling of scared you add sacredness. You start saying, ‘No, no, no, no, no. You see I am not the kind who can tell lies.’ This word is a lie. ‘I am not the kind who cheat others. What is there? Little bit two meal and one small house and two three piece cloth; that’s enough for life.’ If it is enough, why are you going around and bragging about it. Be content. The fellows who talk about their poverty being their great quality will not keep quiet because they are trying to make sacredness out of it.
It’s such a cunningness how people brag about their wealth and try to create identity, people brag about their poverty and try to create identity. At least when you brag about your wealth and try to create identity you will be little intelligent because society would have beaten you. You would have learnt lot of lessons from society and you will be more creative, but if you are bragging about your poverty and creating an identity that is the worst cunning identity. I tell you, I faced all problems in My life only from the fellows who claim they are poor and try to create sacredness for poverty. Rich fellows have lot of maturity I tell you, and more sincere when they take up spiritual truths in their life.
See I am telling you, I am declaring the new Smriti. I am a smritikara: ‘Not creating wealth is sin.’ I am declaring it very clearly. Just like grabbing, stealing, accumulating wealth in a wrong way is a sin, grabbing, stealing, robbing, how it is sin, same way not creating is sin! It means what - you don’t take the responsibility for your actions. Your actions are not focused. It is like just cheating in the name of work. I have seen, I have seen, abbah all types of cheating. I have seen people doing all kinds of cheating. We have this wrong concept - work not done plus valid reason is equivalent to work done. Work not done plus valid reason is equivalent to work done.
It’s a very funny, especially these vedantis. I am telling you… because I am a Vedanti. I am telling you, I am not criticizing others. I am doing a self criticism of the whole; the ideology. Vedantis missed to give a right understanding about wealth to society. Right understanding about wealth is life.  I wanted all of you to understand, donating or doing charity is nothing wrong. Great! Sharing is nothing wrong. Great! But being cheated is something seriously wrong. People tend to mix being cheated and charity together. No! If you want to donate and share, great! Nothing wrong! But you are doing some work; somebody steals, cheats your money - something seriously wrong. Be intelligent. Be little more practical. Stop the mental blocks and a deep hatred you carry for work.
Please understand, as Krishna says, gahano karmano gatih, life's flow is work. If you are not creating wealth, all your work is happening in wrong direction. Your work is happening more in the line of destruction, not in right direction. The integrity… I am telling you, I am telling you from My experience, My experience of handling so many worst possible situations in life. Actually this whole rumors and the problems created around Me has made Me really rich in life. Economically I may not have become rich but in life I have become rich. Now I know how to handle people, I know who should be trusted and who should not be trusted. I have learnt lot of lessons. Actually I tell you these lessons are really worthy of the money we lost. We lost lot of money, but these lessons I learnt are really worthy because it'll be asset forever for the whole future.
Sometime the lessons you learn become more valuable than the situations try to hit you. Look in. Remove the deep hatred for work. See life is by its nature flow. If you create wealth at least it will be directed in one line of creativity. If you are not creating wealth, be very clear, one - you will be spending all your time in destructing, destroying something, somebody or you will be spending all your time in fighting with you in depression, fighting with your own self. Morning half an hour you will argue whether to create wealth or not, evening half an hour you will argue whether to create wealth or not, morning you will argue ‘I should create wealth’, evening you will argue ‘No, no I should not create wealth’ and night you will fall asleep. Between the morning and evening again you will be spending time in eating; that’s all. After 20 years what you have done? No, I debated morning whether to create wealth or not on the side of creating, in the evening debated for not creating. Finally nothing has happened. Life is wasted, that’s all.
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Not having wealth is a wrong mental setup. Awaken the creativity in you; remove the hatred for work, creativity. I will give you further deeper exact techniques and process to create wealthy consciousness. First you need to create a wealthy consciousness which is ready to take the responsibility to create and sustain, which is ready to take the responsibility of being creative. For being creative you need to take many responsibilities. It doesn’t happen like a breeze. Even if the breeze happens you need to be responsible to keep your doors open for the breeze to blow through you, flow through you.
eN kriya is a direct technique, method, process for creating a wealth consciousness in you. Of course now I am developing a clear procedure and process, techniques and technology for creating wealthy consciousness in you. That is what I am offering as a eN wealth program. As on now we don’t have time to dive into all the aspects of wealth. I will give you the Vedic way of wealth management; creating and sustenance.
==Link to Video: ==
In Vedic tradition we have two major Gods representing wealth Kubera and Lakshmi. Kubera is the guy who hoards, who holds - stock market. Lakshmi is the bank - circulating. Lakshmi gives, circulates. Kubera holds, sits on it. Treasury and currency. We have another two dimensions of wealth in Vedic tradition: sanganidhi, padmanidhi. Understand padmanidhi means flowered wealth - like a lotus; created. Sanganidhi means conquered wealth. Flowered wealth conquered wealth. Conquered wealth is not robbed wealth, please understand. Conquered wealth is not robbed wealth. It is not like Ghajini Mohammed coming to Somnath temple and robbing the whole temple, grabbing all the gold and taking it away. No. That is not sanganidhi. Sanganidhi is conquered from the natural sources. Padmanidhi is made to flower from natural resources.
So I will speak on the different dimensions. Sanganidhi, padmanidhi means creating way. Creating has two systems in the Vedic tradition sanganidhi padmanidhi. And sustenance has two system; Kubera and Lakshmi. So I will speak on all four dimensions in the eN wealth; wealth management program. How an enlightened man creates and maintains wealth without being touched but it is created and shared with the world. Please understand I have the right to talk about this subject because I created. I have created this whole sangha just based on a clear, the truth of enlightenment. Thousands of rumors may happen around Me, people may try to create, but nobody can deny the honest, proper, hard working way we created this whole wealth and maintaining this whole sangha.  
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Whenever people donate I always tell them wait; wait for at least one year. See our activities and lifestyle. Then after that if you are feeling connected and wanted to support Me for what I already delivered to you, give. I wanted you to give only out of gratitude for whatever you have already received; not expecting anything in the future may be delivered. No. I made it very clear every time when somebody want to donate; again and again. And even now I am making it very clear. Anybody wants to donate, see, contribute only for what I already gave you; not expecting something else I will give you tomorrow, day after tomorrow. No.
So I will talk about creation and sustenance; different aspect and dimensions of wealth in the eN wealth program. Now one technique to create the wealthy consciousness in you which attracts wealth around you, which makes you take the responsibility for your life, not to hide behind ‘work not done plus valid reasons is equalent to work done’. That is the theory with which a slave mentality works; slave mind works. You can’t eat the valid reasons. Valid reasons cannot give what you want in the life. Valid reasons are growing out of depression. So let us first create wealth consciousness.
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I have few questions. I will answer these questions.
“Swamiji, we are exactly one month away from April ‘Inner Awakening’. Can you say few words about uniqueness of April Inner Awakening?”
This inner awakening I am going to add three unique things - technique for past life regression, techniques for predicting your death, techniques for changing the death, techniques for facing the death and using it as a door to enlightenment and techniques for levitation. It is going to be a very strong special process and techniques for levitation.
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One question I think these are from different centers from around the world.
“Difference between doing IA and multiple two day programs; what is the difference? Won’t my mitochondria level increase by doing multiple two day programs?”
See multiple two day programs may increase the mitochondria to certain level; maybe 100% - 200%. But the Inner awakening is going to increase your mitochondria cell energy not only to more than 1000%, it is going to work on awakening the deeper strands of  DNA. See two day if you work on some idea, some technique and give a break for one week and again start two day. Next, second time when you start you have to start from zero. It’s a practically from beginning. That is the reason I am telling you if it is continuous 21 days, the process will be strong, solid and permanent in you. So the continuous 21 days is required, not just mitochondria energy level; to awaken the deeper strands of DNA also. That’s a reason I recommend 21 day program than multiple two day programs. Multiple two day programs are more for introduction and give you the first experience but the 21 day is make you stable in that experience.
Somebody is asking
“I have done LEP - Living Enlightenment Process for 48 days why should I do 21 day IA program?”
Again that LEP is more like a initial introduction of whatever I created I just expressed. In that 21 day everything is specially studied, analyzed, organized for the direct experience and permanent experience. That is the reason 21 day Inner Awakening.
“I am watching morning Patanjali yoga sutras and evening Brahma sutras regularly. I am experiencing levitation and really enjoying the experience. I feel fulfilled and satisfied. What will I get by attending the Inner Awakening?”
Fulfilled and satisfied is the first step for the spiritual growth. In Inner Awakening you will enter into the deeper mystical dimensions of ultimate enlightenment. You see in the initial level of feeling fulfilled and satisfied is great when you get certain experiences but the mystical dimensions opening and flowering the ultimate Inner Awakening happening will really happen in 21 days continuously working in one ambience with particular technology directly with the Master. So it will be completely different. Patanjali yoga sutras and Brahma sutras are like going to resort morning and evening, having cup of coffee and coming back to the house and work; but 21 day Inner Awakening is more like a complete vacation. So you cannot compare that. It will completely rejuvenate you, renovate you, reinvent you for you.
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“What will I… what experience will I get after doing Inner Awakening?”
Oh! It can only be experienced. What will I say? You should see the experience of the people who attended the program. That will give you more understanding. This time I work to make you experience the mitochondria cell energy awakening and the deeper strands of DNA awakening; above all a complete intense inner fulfillment and inner awakening for spiritual enlightenment. So I request, recommend, invite, expect all of you to be here for Inner Awakening from around the world.
So I bless all of you. Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share the eternal bliss, Nithyananda.
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Inner Awakening Q&A
==Link to Video: ==  
==Link to Video: ==  
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghaWVep7ACc&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2011-03mar-13_what-is-wealth-consciousness"/>
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The Secret of Wealth Creation the Vedic Way
Living Incarnation and Avatar Paramahamsa Nithyananda began by saying life can be equated to 2 things.
1. The ability to achieve what you want in the inner or outer world or
2. Just getting stuck in both the worlds.
==Link to Video: ==  
==Link to Video: ==  
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQL-FVr3wmo&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2011-03mar-13_wealth-is-life-energy"/>
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"Wealth can be equated to the life energy you express. Everyone wants wealth, but they do not increase the life energy in them to the level they want it.
==Link to Video: ==
So be very clear if you do not have wealth, don't blame anybody. You are not expressing life in you. Life energy is not happening in you. I can tell you wealth itself is not wrong. Your concept about wealth if it is correct and proper, not only it will not be wrong, it will be right."
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvmK4pou49I&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2011-03mar-13_create-wealth-the-vedic-way"/>
He went on to present first few basic concepts about wealth properly. 1st when a man decides to create wealth, do not steal. Create wealth. You will have wealth and great fulfillment, and your energy will be towards creating wealth not destroying others.
The consciousness attitude which works towards creating wealth makes you non-violent because your whole energy becomes creative. Creating wealth brings tremendous interest in life & non-violence.
"If you have at least the goal of creating wealth, you will be creative -- your energy will be channelled properly. The 1st priority in your life should be for moksha -- enlightenment. Till that happens, the 2nd priority can be creating wealth -- not grabbing, robbing or stealing but creating wealth."
"Seekers always justify their poverty as their spiritual quality and innocence. Nonsense. They are stuck with the so called mentality of sick and broke. They are not seekers but sickers."
Inner Awakening Q&A
"The new smriti I am declaring very clearly now -- Not creating wealth is sin. Just like grabbing, stealing, robbing, accumulating wealth in wrong way is sin, same way, not creating is also sin."
==Link to Video: ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkQJ6UPKSVM&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2011-03mar-13_inner-awakening-qa"/>
Vedantis missed to give a right understanding about wealth to society. Right understanding about wealth is life. I wanted all of you to understand donating or doing charity is nothing wrong, sharing is nothing wrong -- great. But being cheated is something seriously wrong.
Life's flow is work. If you are not creating wealth, all your work is happening in wrong direction. Awaken the creativity in you. Remove the hatred for work and creativity.
He went on to give exact techniques and process to create wealthy consciousness. "First you need to create a wealthy consciousness which is ready to take the responsibility to create and sustain, which is ready to take the responsibility of being creative. eN Kriya is a direct technique, method, process for creating a wealth consciousness in you."
The Secret of Wealth Creation the Vedic Way
He is also creating the technique and technology for creating a wealthy consciousness in you. That is the program eN Wealth.
"I will speak about how an enlightened man creates and sustains wealth."
==Link to Video: ==
[[Category: 2011 | 20110313]]
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riTJd1GOfVA&feature=youtu.be |
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videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q28sclMNqy8 |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2011-03mar-13_nithyananda-on-arunagiri-yogeshwara-short-nithyananda-videos"/>
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One Minute Brahma Sutra: Short Nithyananda Videos
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==Photos Of The Day:==
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Latest revision as of 02:17, 14 June 2022


The Secret of Wealth Creation the Vedic Way: Nithyananda Satsang


Living Incarnation and Avatar Paramahamsa Nithyananda began by saying life can be equated to 2 things. 1. The ability to achieve what you want in the inner or outer world or 2. Just getting stuck in both the worlds.

"Wealth can be equated to the life energy you express. Everyone wants wealth, but they do not increase the life energy in them to the level they want it. So be very clear if you do not have wealth, don't blame anybody. You are not expressing life in you. Life energy is not happening in you. I can tell you wealth itself is not wrong. Your concept about wealth if it is correct and proper, not only it will not be wrong, it will be right."

He went on to present first few basic concepts about wealth properly. 1st when a man decides to create wealth, do not steal. Create wealth. You will have wealth and great fulfillment, and your energy will be towards creating wealth not destroying others.

The consciousness attitude which works towards creating wealth makes you non-violent because your whole energy becomes creative. Creating wealth brings tremendous interest in life & non-violence.

"If you have at least the goal of creating wealth, you will be creative -- your energy will be channelled properly. The 1st priority in your life should be for moksha -- enlightenment. Till that happens, the 2nd priority can be creating wealth -- not grabbing, robbing or stealing but creating wealth."

"Seekers always justify their poverty as their spiritual quality and innocence. Nonsense. They are stuck with the so called mentality of sick and broke. They are not seekers but sickers."

"The new smriti I am declaring very clearly now -- Not creating wealth is sin. Just like grabbing, stealing, robbing, accumulating wealth in wrong way is sin, same way, not creating is also sin."

Vedantis missed to give a right understanding about wealth to society. Right understanding about wealth is life. I wanted all of you to understand donating or doing charity is nothing wrong, sharing is nothing wrong -- great. But being cheated is something seriously wrong.

Life's flow is work. If you are not creating wealth, all your work is happening in wrong direction. Awaken the creativity in you. Remove the hatred for work and creativity.

He went on to give exact techniques and process to create wealthy consciousness. "First you need to create a wealthy consciousness which is ready to take the responsibility to create and sustain, which is ready to take the responsibility of being creative. eN Kriya is a direct technique, method, process for creating a wealth consciousness in you."

He is also creating the technique and technology for creating a wealthy consciousness in you. That is the program eN Wealth.

"I will speak about how an enlightened man creates and sustains wealth."

Link to Video:

Video Audio



I welcome you all with My love and respects. Today's subject for the satsang is ‘Wealth - Creation and Sustenance’. I can say life can be equated to two things. One - the ability to achieve what you want in the inner or outer world or just getting stuck in both the world; these are the only two equations. As on now, at least people who are sitting in front of Me, I can say very clearly, there is nobody who doesn’t want wealth. Everybody wants it but they do not increase the life in them to the level they want it. Wealth can be equated to the life energy you express; straight equation, because as on now, a normal man has wealth as the first priority in the life. So be very clear if you do not have wealth don’t blame anybody. Just you are not expressing life in you. Life energy is not happening in you.


You may think what an incarnation has to do with wealth, why Swamiji should talk about wealth. I can tell you wealth itself is not wrong. Your concept about wealth, if it is correct and proper, not only it will not be wrong, it will be right. I wanted to present few basic concepts about wealth properly. First when a man decides to create wealth, not steal, understand, create wealth, you will have wealth and the great fulfillment you lived. And the whole energy will be towards the creation, not destroying others. I am seeing very clearly the fellows who are interested in destroying others, going after people, harassing them, they are completely dull, dead. In their very consciousness they are poor.


I tell you the consciousness attitude which works towards creating wealth… creating wealth makes you non violent, because your whole energy becomes creative. Creating wealth brings tremendous interest in life and non violence. First I have to clear all the wrong concepts about wealth. Only then I should talk about wealth. Otherwise you will not be able to grasp ‘why an incarnation, a Paramahamsa should talk about wealth, why a sanyasi should talk about wealth.’ Only he can talk about wealth because he has gone beyond wealth. 😊 He cannot be made wealthy by wealth. Only a man who cannot be made wealthy by wealth has a right to talk all the secrets about wealth.


Only those methods of grabbing, stealing, robbing is wrong, sin. Otherwise creating wealth - if you are contributing something directly to the people, universe, if you are grabbing from others in a… without contributing anything - that is what is sin. So creating wealth is intrinsic part of life. Krishna says very beautifully in Gita ‘gahano karmano gatih’. The universe by its nature works, works, works. If you have at least the goal of creating wealth, you will be creative; your energy will be channeled properly. I can give you the clear guidance. The first priority should be in the life for moksha - enlightenment. Till that happens, the second priority can be creating wealth. Understand, not grabbing or robbing or stealing; creating wealth. Anything else is a third priority and I don’t want to talk about third priorities.


Creating wealth makes you non violent because you will be too busy with the people, with world, with life; by creating. First: remove the guilt about wealth from your inner space. Second: understand the expression of life through you is equalent to the wealth you create; not grab, you create. So the more and more life energy starts expressing through you, more and more you create. Life energy expression and wealth is one and the same. Seekers always justify their poverty as their spiritual quality and innocence. So if you are not wealthy, understand, if you have decided not to create wealth, Great! But if you want to create wealth and not wealthy, if you have a greed for the wealth or desire for wealth and not wealthy, be very clear you are not a seeker, you are a sicker; something is seriously wrong in you - look into it.


Wealth itself is not sin. Somebody is having problem because of having, somebody is having problem because of not having. Problem is a problem. Wealth is not a problem. Problem is a problem. Wealth is not a problem. Person who is having guilt because of having, person who is having guilt because of not having - both are big, I can say very big sickness. I have seen many of these rich men, because they carry a deep guilt imposed on them by society, even though they created the wealth very honestly in a creative way, because of the guilt imposed by society on them, they live a very miserable life and go on drinking alcohol and trying to have high costly entertainments just to forget this guilt. Many time they come to Me for their problems and in need of solution. When I analyze their inner space and life, there is no problem. Then why are they suffering? The only guilt which they are carrying which is imposed on them by society. I tell them ‘Come on. Don’t imbibe the guilt given to you by the fellows who are incapable.’ You do not cheat or grab or be dishonest; that’s right, that’s enough. But no need to carry the guilt on the wealth about having wealth. Rich men carry this guilt very deeply and just to escape from that they get into all kinds of addictions and their life is hell; as hell as a fellow who doesn’t have money.


The next thing: having is one side; not having - this is a very funny side. Having the desire to have wealth, not having it but giving a valid reason why they are not having it. This is also another one important slave mentality. We always think - work not done plus valid reason is equvalent to work done, and your mind is such a cunning mind it creates very valid reasons and justifies itself why you are poor. And not only that adding sacredness to poverty; who are adding sacredness to poverty, relax!! Don’t add sacredness to your sacredness. Because you are scared of life you back out from life and for that feeling of scared you add sacredness. You start saying, ‘No, no, no, no, no. You see I am not the kind who can tell lies.’ This word is a lie. ‘I am not the kind who cheat others. What is there? Little bit two meal and one small house and two three piece cloth; that’s enough for life.’ If it is enough, why are you going around and bragging about it. Be content. The fellows who talk about their poverty being their great quality will not keep quiet because they are trying to make sacredness out of it.


It’s such a cunningness how people brag about their wealth and try to create identity, people brag about their poverty and try to create identity. At least when you brag about your wealth and try to create identity you will be little intelligent because society would have beaten you. You would have learnt lot of lessons from society and you will be more creative, but if you are bragging about your poverty and creating an identity that is the worst cunning identity. I tell you, I faced all problems in My life only from the fellows who claim they are poor and try to create sacredness for poverty. Rich fellows have lot of maturity I tell you, and more sincere when they take up spiritual truths in their life.


See I am telling you, I am declaring the new Smriti. I am a smritikara: ‘Not creating wealth is sin.’ I am declaring it very clearly. Just like grabbing, stealing, accumulating wealth in a wrong way is a sin, grabbing, stealing, robbing, how it is sin, same way not creating is sin! It means what - you don’t take the responsibility for your actions. Your actions are not focused. It is like just cheating in the name of work. I have seen, I have seen, abbah all types of cheating. I have seen people doing all kinds of cheating. We have this wrong concept - work not done plus valid reason is equivalent to work done. Work not done plus valid reason is equivalent to work done.


It’s a very funny, especially these vedantis. I am telling you… because I am a Vedanti. I am telling you, I am not criticizing others. I am doing a self criticism of the whole; the ideology. Vedantis missed to give a right understanding about wealth to society. Right understanding about wealth is life. I wanted all of you to understand, donating or doing charity is nothing wrong. Great! Sharing is nothing wrong. Great! But being cheated is something seriously wrong. People tend to mix being cheated and charity together. No! If you want to donate and share, great! Nothing wrong! But you are doing some work; somebody steals, cheats your money - something seriously wrong. Be intelligent. Be little more practical. Stop the mental blocks and a deep hatred you carry for work.


Please understand, as Krishna says, gahano karmano gatih, life's flow is work. If you are not creating wealth, all your work is happening in wrong direction. Your work is happening more in the line of destruction, not in right direction. The integrity… I am telling you, I am telling you from My experience, My experience of handling so many worst possible situations in life. Actually this whole rumors and the problems created around Me has made Me really rich in life. Economically I may not have become rich but in life I have become rich. Now I know how to handle people, I know who should be trusted and who should not be trusted. I have learnt lot of lessons. Actually I tell you these lessons are really worthy of the money we lost. We lost lot of money, but these lessons I learnt are really worthy because it'll be asset forever for the whole future.


Sometime the lessons you learn become more valuable than the situations try to hit you. Look in. Remove the deep hatred for work. See life is by its nature flow. If you create wealth at least it will be directed in one line of creativity. If you are not creating wealth, be very clear, one - you will be spending all your time in destructing, destroying something, somebody or you will be spending all your time in fighting with you in depression, fighting with your own self. Morning half an hour you will argue whether to create wealth or not, evening half an hour you will argue whether to create wealth or not, morning you will argue ‘I should create wealth’, evening you will argue ‘No, no I should not create wealth’ and night you will fall asleep. Between the morning and evening again you will be spending time in eating; that’s all. After 20 years what you have done? No, I debated morning whether to create wealth or not on the side of creating, in the evening debated for not creating. Finally nothing has happened. Life is wasted, that’s all.


Not having wealth is a wrong mental setup. Awaken the creativity in you; remove the hatred for work, creativity. I will give you further deeper exact techniques and process to create wealthy consciousness. First you need to create a wealthy consciousness which is ready to take the responsibility to create and sustain, which is ready to take the responsibility of being creative. For being creative you need to take many responsibilities. It doesn’t happen like a breeze. Even if the breeze happens you need to be responsible to keep your doors open for the breeze to blow through you, flow through you.


eN kriya is a direct technique, method, process for creating a wealth consciousness in you. Of course now I am developing a clear procedure and process, techniques and technology for creating wealthy consciousness in you. That is what I am offering as a eN wealth program. As on now we don’t have time to dive into all the aspects of wealth. I will give you the Vedic way of wealth management; creating and sustenance.


In Vedic tradition we have two major Gods representing wealth Kubera and Lakshmi. Kubera is the guy who hoards, who holds - stock market. Lakshmi is the bank - circulating. Lakshmi gives, circulates. Kubera holds, sits on it. Treasury and currency. We have another two dimensions of wealth in Vedic tradition: sanganidhi, padmanidhi. Understand padmanidhi means flowered wealth - like a lotus; created. Sanganidhi means conquered wealth. Flowered wealth conquered wealth. Conquered wealth is not robbed wealth, please understand. Conquered wealth is not robbed wealth. It is not like Ghajini Mohammed coming to Somnath temple and robbing the whole temple, grabbing all the gold and taking it away. No. That is not sanganidhi. Sanganidhi is conquered from the natural sources. Padmanidhi is made to flower from natural resources.


So I will speak on the different dimensions. Sanganidhi, padmanidhi means creating way. Creating has two systems in the Vedic tradition sanganidhi padmanidhi. And sustenance has two system; Kubera and Lakshmi. So I will speak on all four dimensions in the eN wealth; wealth management program. How an enlightened man creates and maintains wealth without being touched but it is created and shared with the world. Please understand I have the right to talk about this subject because I created. I have created this whole sangha just based on a clear, the truth of enlightenment. Thousands of rumors may happen around Me, people may try to create, but nobody can deny the honest, proper, hard working way we created this whole wealth and maintaining this whole sangha.


Whenever people donate I always tell them wait; wait for at least one year. See our activities and lifestyle. Then after that if you are feeling connected and wanted to support Me for what I already delivered to you, give. I wanted you to give only out of gratitude for whatever you have already received; not expecting anything in the future may be delivered. No. I made it very clear every time when somebody want to donate; again and again. And even now I am making it very clear. Anybody wants to donate, see, contribute only for what I already gave you; not expecting something else I will give you tomorrow, day after tomorrow. No.


So I will talk about creation and sustenance; different aspect and dimensions of wealth in the eN wealth program. Now one technique to create the wealthy consciousness in you which attracts wealth around you, which makes you take the responsibility for your life, not to hide behind ‘work not done plus valid reasons is equalent to work done’. That is the theory with which a slave mentality works; slave mind works. You can’t eat the valid reasons. Valid reasons cannot give what you want in the life. Valid reasons are growing out of depression. So let us first create wealth consciousness.


I have few questions. I will answer these questions. “Swamiji, we are exactly one month away from April ‘Inner Awakening’. Can you say few words about uniqueness of April Inner Awakening?” This inner awakening I am going to add three unique things - technique for past life regression, techniques for predicting your death, techniques for changing the death, techniques for facing the death and using it as a door to enlightenment and techniques for levitation. It is going to be a very strong special process and techniques for levitation.


One question I think these are from different centers from around the world. “Difference between doing IA and multiple two day programs; what is the difference? Won’t my mitochondria level increase by doing multiple two day programs?” See multiple two day programs may increase the mitochondria to certain level; maybe 100% - 200%. But the Inner awakening is going to increase your mitochondria cell energy not only to more than 1000%, it is going to work on awakening the deeper strands of DNA. See two day if you work on some idea, some technique and give a break for one week and again start two day. Next, second time when you start you have to start from zero. It’s a practically from beginning. That is the reason I am telling you if it is continuous 21 days, the process will be strong, solid and permanent in you. So the continuous 21 days is required, not just mitochondria energy level; to awaken the deeper strands of DNA also. That’s a reason I recommend 21 day program than multiple two day programs. Multiple two day programs are more for introduction and give you the first experience but the 21 day is make you stable in that experience.


Somebody is asking “I have done LEP - Living Enlightenment Process for 48 days why should I do 21 day IA program?” Again that LEP is more like a initial introduction of whatever I created I just expressed. In that 21 day everything is specially studied, analyzed, organized for the direct experience and permanent experience. That is the reason 21 day Inner Awakening.


“I am watching morning Patanjali yoga sutras and evening Brahma sutras regularly. I am experiencing levitation and really enjoying the experience. I feel fulfilled and satisfied. What will I get by attending the Inner Awakening?” Fulfilled and satisfied is the first step for the spiritual growth. In Inner Awakening you will enter into the deeper mystical dimensions of ultimate enlightenment. You see in the initial level of feeling fulfilled and satisfied is great when you get certain experiences but the mystical dimensions opening and flowering the ultimate Inner Awakening happening will really happen in 21 days continuously working in one ambience with particular technology directly with the Master. So it will be completely different. Patanjali yoga sutras and Brahma sutras are like going to resort morning and evening, having cup of coffee and coming back to the house and work; but 21 day Inner Awakening is more like a complete vacation. So you cannot compare that. It will completely rejuvenate you, renovate you, reinvent you for you.


“What will I… what experience will I get after doing Inner Awakening?” Oh! It can only be experienced. What will I say? You should see the experience of the people who attended the program. That will give you more understanding. This time I work to make you experience the mitochondria cell energy awakening and the deeper strands of DNA awakening; above all a complete intense inner fulfillment and inner awakening for spiritual enlightenment. So I request, recommend, invite, expect all of you to be here for Inner Awakening from around the world.


So I bless all of you. Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share the eternal bliss, Nithyananda.




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Inner Awakening Q&A

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The Secret of Wealth Creation the Vedic Way

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Nithyananda On Arunagiri Yogeshwara


Brahma Sutra - Aphorism of Existence Nithyananda on Arunagiri Yogeshwara - 13 March 2011

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One Minute Brahma Sutra: Short Nithyananda Videos

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