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Experience Sadashiva, Manifest Powers with Integrity
==Link to Audio==
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September 28th, 2016 – In today’s morning Satsang,
His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda reiterates how the
Power of Integrity is one of the key components to experience
Third Eye Awakening and manifest spiritual powers; we can
create what we want, even shape our own bodies! His Holiness
beautifully illustrates this Truth by sharing a story of one of the
great Masters with whom he spent his childhood, Yogananda Puri.
==Link to Video: ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=9&v=nqn5CcPNa_I&feature=emb_title |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/sep2016-28-experience-sadashiva-manifest-powers-with-integrity?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2016-daily-satsang"/>
nithyānandeśvara samārambhām
nithyānandeśvari madhyamām |
asmat āchārya paryantām
vande guru paramparām ||
I welcome all of you with My love and respects. I welcome all the Devotees, Disciples, Sarvajnapeetha Yajamans, Samajis, Satsanghis, Sri Mahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars, Inner Awakening Participants, Devotees, Disciples, Visitors, Viewers, everyone sitting with us, all over the world, through Nithyananda TV, Facebook Live, YouTube Live and Two Way Video Conferencing having Nayana Deeksha.
I wanted to expand today on, one of the most important sacred truth, in Third Eye awakening and experiencing Sadāshivoham. Integrity. Not only in relation between you and things, outside you. Even internally the integrity, internally.. I’ll….I’ll tell you, one small incident. My Guru, Yogananda Puri, listen carefully. He never wanted Me to call himself as Guru, he told Me – never ever tell, “I am a Guru... I am your Guru. Later on, I only recognized you and supported you. That’s the reason, I….. It is my pride in your Mission, you are having me as a part.” That’s the exact word I remember. Once, one of his son and another one disciple, his disciple, he had many disciples who come to learn yoga from him. Both of them decided to hospitalize him, saying, “he that he was not feeling well, he is sick.” And, I was sitting away and seeing the whole drama. Little far, I was sitting, I still remember the scene. He just got up from the bed, he was lying, and got up from the bed, from the navel the way he hugged his own body, means the way he possessed his own body and said, “What I cannot do to my body, how can these doctors fellows can do to me?” Listen. It was such powerful statement. I literally got the click, at that moment. “Oh God, so many things, which cannot be express verbally landed in me.” Like a….My Consciousness is master of My body and it has the capacity to build the body as I want.
It only built the body already, how can any other power, can be more powerful than My consciousness. And, I wanted to put this on record. He shocked the doctors making, 47 heart attacks in the ECG machine. When he was hooked to the ECG machine, playfully, he will stop the heart for 5-6 minutes. The ECG machine will be showing, flat graph and then he will start. He will start. One fortunate thing, still they have the records. I am trying to get the whole documentation. I only got the essence. Doctors are shocked actually, they said, “Nothing can be done, you are beyond medical science, please go back to home.” They sent him back to home. And then he came, again lied down in the home. Both the son and disciple, both, were trying to argue with him. “ If you are beyond, medical science, then why don’t you be healthy, why are you lying all the time.” Means lying in the bed, resting. He said, “I have decided, my mission has been done.” Actually, all my 3 Gurus, left the bodies within 3 months time. The moment they saw, I am ready. They don’t need to be supporting me anymore. Now it is time, I have to be on my own. I have leave Thiruvannamalai. All 3 of them left the body, within 3 months.  They had a meeting, and they called me and said, “Don’t expect us to be in the body anymore.” And I really did not take them seriously, I thought may be they want to go for Parivrajaka Yatra, some temple tour or yatra, but within 3 months, tak, tak, tak, all 3 left the body. So when the son and disciple, both of them were asking, “Why are you then, lying in the bed all the time?” He told them directly, “Aye, I am not sick. I have decided to leave the body, so I resting. I am withdrawing from my prana. I releasing my prana.” You can neither hospitalize him, because if you hospitalize him, because if you hospitalize him he makes 47 heart attacks. He gives heart attacks to doctors. They have to check the ECG machine, 2-3 times, whether it is working or not.
The way he got up and possessed his body. Still I remember, even if I remember that scene it gives Me the click, “Yes, Aye, My body, My Consciousness created it. My Consciousness is designing it. My Consciousness is maintaining it. Who else can do anything, better than what I can do to myself”. It became such a strong Integrity in Me.
Listen to the word, I am uttering. It become such a strong Integrity in Me. Whenever I remember that, I know my body is in my control. My body is in my control. Two days before, I was telling one of my Balasant, “Aye, tell your body to grow tall.” Just when you sit, for the Akashic Records, the space you fall in, that’s actually, the pure Sadāshivoham space. Yesterday, I was hearing, many people who came to read, their Akashic Records, they say, “One, what the response and answer we got is amazing. Second, even going there and reading the Akashic Records, opened up our Ananda Gandha, and the whole space was different experience, altogether.
So told….the kids were actually telling, “Swamiji, the moment we sit for the Akashic Readings, it becomes...suddenly we are disconnected and somebody else, some other power, is radiating through us and it is such a tremendous joy and bliss. I tell you. That’s the space of Sadāshivoham. I told the Balasants, “Hey when you are in that space, tell your body grow tall and chisel your body as you want. 6 pack, 8 pack, 18-inch biceps, whatever, whatever you want, tak, tak, tak, and just chisel. You can Photoshop your body, That’s all it takes. It’s possible. You will see I will manifest it through My Balasants and show you guys. Integrity even within the system. Integrity with your intra-organs. Integrity with your internal organ. Listen internal organ means intestine, liver, kidney, heart, lungs. Intra-organ means Third Eye, Vaak, Third ear…... No third ear. There is one fool tried to discover or invent. Intra organ means Third Eye, Vaak, all these are intra-organs. Internal organs means like liver, kidney, intestine, lungs, heart, all this. Integrity with your intra-organ and internal organ. I told my Balasants, you have to be highly integrated to the Akashic Records appearing, no fear, no greed. You can’t tell somebody, that get some money or get some things, because they are completely in the space of listening to you. No! Nothing you cannot ask anything, you cannot tell anything, because they are in space of listening with you no.
You have to completely integrated to the Akashic Records. What is seen as golden letters, only that should be read out and if that Akashic Records appears as, do this, do that, don’t even have the fear to tell that person. Don’t  worry. Don’t bother what that person will think. No!  We don’t care about what you think. We care about only what Kalabhairava thinks. I told them be highly integrated, to Kalabhairava. No fear. No greed. You can neither ask something nor leave, omit some information, which is appearing in front of your eyes. I said you can’t even ask people to attend programs, unless it appears in the Akashic Records. It will actually appear in golden letter, shining golden letter in the dark background. Not black, dark. Black is 2 dimensional darkness. Darkness is three-dimensional black. In the darkness, that is what is KAALI. KAALI means in Sanskrit, darkness. The 11 dimensional darkness is Kaali. So whatever appears on KAALI, you just have to read out, in golden shiny color, the letters will appear. You just read out, you can neither add nor delete. No fear and  no greed. High Integrity. Only then continue to receive, read out, out higher frequency records. Now actually, they are reading out your past, present, future, whatever questions you are asking. But the information available to them, scientist can come and use. I invite scientists to come and clarify your doubts, questions. People in field of medicine, can come and clarify, your doubts, questions. People in field of solving the crimes, can come and use this knowledge available to solve the crimes. Understand the mystery behind the crimes. Understand. It’s not joke. I am responsible for what I am talking. I am responsible, for what they are uttering. I know the authenticity of the power, manifesting through them and I know their Integrity.
All this, what I am saying, you guys will see as a reality. People from various fields from all over world, coming and sitting and listening to Akashic Records, not only human beings, including Siddhas, Rishis, Ganas. Siddhas, Rishis, Gandharvas, just in the zoom camera, the question will appear, voice will be heard and the form will not be seen, by all of you. Of course, the kid who reads who read the Akashic Records, he will be able to see.  You’ll see Siddhas, Munis, Rishis, Ganas, Kinnara, Kimpurada, Gandharva, Gandhara, all of them coming, to get their Akashic Records read out. Whenever I start in the beginning, it use to very small, it will look always very small. When I started My first class, 2 ½ people were attending. You may ask. “What is 2 1/2?”  3 were sitting and 1 was all the time sleeping. So, I calculate as 2 1/2. Understand. So now you are seeing, hardly dozen kids, or a little more than a dozen sitting and doing the Akashic Reading. Very soon there will be at least 1000 Balasants, sitting every morning reading Akashic Records of 2 lakh people all over the world. You will see this happening, because the Authenticity is going to spread very soon, left and right. And also one more thing, you can go and put the same question, with ten different Balasants, at ten different days or time, they will read out, exact verbatim, same answer. There will not be any confusion in the answer. That is the scale to measure, the authenticity of the records or their ability to read records.
Because of the Integrity with intra-organ and internal organ, not only you manifest health, you can design your body as you want. You can manifest multiple powers and possibilities. I tell you. Even if you do little Completion, you can understand what I said, when Yogananda Puri got up and said – “My body, how can they do something which I cannot do it to this body by myself?” Contemplate on this. Contemplate on this. Then you will understand why Balasants are able to manifest so much of power. I tell you, it is all simple.
You don’t need to build power station, you just need to be connected with a proper copper wire, that is called Integrity. That’s all. Power station is HERE, eternal atomic power station. You don’t need to….. You always felt all this Sadāshivoham, or spiritual enlightenment, everything was very difficult because you are planning for building a power station, which you don’t need. I did it already. You just need connection. Integrity is the connection.
tanga taga taale tamburaan silasai
angam baduka jnana anjanam tadavi vappa
tanga padi jnana panne
I’ll give you little detail, when I say, what do I mean by – Integrity to your internal organs and intra-organs.
When I say Integrity to your internal organs, feel all the time you own them. You own them. So whenever there is a food taken which puts you in depression, low mood, do not eat that food again. When there is a action done by you, which disturbs that internal organs, don’t do that again. It may be as simple as smoking or as difficult as heroin. It can as simple as smoking, to as complicated as heroin, whatever, whatever. Anything which is putting you powerless space, don’t do that again. That is what is Integrity, to your internal organs. Same way when you utter a lie knowingly, or when you give a word knowingly that you are not going to fulfill. The harm you are going to cause for your Vaak. You can see it very clearly. Don’t do that again. Sit and finish completing all the past. No need to have a lifestyle, where you are hurting your Vaak and internal organs. No need. You don’t have to take up that kind of a profession. Knowingly, there are tons of professions, where you can do sweet things, make money, live your life happily, blissfully. Be out of the Matrix. There are 1000s of things you can do it, without harming your Vaak, harming your intra-organ, Ananda Gandha.
Integrity to the internal organ and intra organs. For example; if you eat non-veg, you’ll feel dull, tired, heavy, then decide, I am going to complete with this pattern, “What is it, that pulls me to eat non-veg? Is that the food, the way it is presented or the tongue, the experience of the tongue, when I am chewing, what is it?” Find that pattern and Complete. In one Tantra, I think Mahanirvana, there is a very beauty explanation.
=== Experience Sadashiva Manifest Powers With Integrity ===
A Rishi asks Sadāshiva, “What is the root cause or a root pattern of the sexual desire?”
He says, “Appreciation of symmetry, appreciation towards something symmetrical or beautiful is the root pattern, from where your idea of sex start.”
If you complete with that pattern and be integrated to that, suddenly you will see, sex becomes irrelevant to you. You may think how?’ Start contemplating, digging deep. All your sexual interest, is nothing but appreciation of the beauty. Beauty is nothing but symmetry. It boils down, to just this one understanding. Of course, when I read, even I was hmmm…..waaah. When I did the postmortem, of few human minds, I saw, “Yes, he is right as usual.”
He is right as usual is surrender. With whoever you feel this, “He is right, as usual,” again, that is surrender. If you feel that with your Guru, you have surrendered, to your Guru. If you feel that with Sadāshiva. You have surrendered to Sadashiva. Whenever you feel, “He is right as usual once more.” How many times, I may run away. I may move out. I may try to create all opposite arguments with my great twisted, perverted, logic….No, the very words should be uttered with enough of twist and perversion, so, you remembe not only linguistically, phonetically….. toowist dodo... pervert doddd….. logica….. When I did the postmortem, “He is right.”
<soundcloud url=" https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/sep2016-28-experience-sadashiva-manifest-powers-with-integrity?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2016-daily-satsang        " />
Integrity to the internal organs and intra organs also, not just with the commitments and happenings of the external space. Listen. Integrity with internal organs and internal organs also. For example; one day you know if you wake up in Brahma Muhurta, and go for yoga, whole day you feel so alive. Then do that, that is what is Integrity. You want somebody to come and beat you and pour cold water on you and drag you to the yoga hall. When you eat food from Sadāshiva’s kitchen, as per His Bhaga Shastra. All of you should know, even the pickle you are having here, is done as per His instruction. Science of pickle to science to Sadāshivoham. Everything from Him. From him. And few places, wherever we are not yet, … we are continuously, sincerely, working, with all our integrity to Sadāshiva, to align our self. Because our lifestyle has gone so much away from it, much is lost. So, those lost things, we need to revive. Those revivals also we are very highly committed and integrated to Sadāshiva, to revive letter and spirit of His words. When the Integrity, to internal organs and intra-organs, becomes a practice. Understand even if you start practicing, so such good will happen to you. So much good.
Now the line, I read out, few minutes before, Tamil 4 line. It is just Akashic Records, about the Akashic Records, which kids are doing. (29:40 Tamil sentences)  It means, in the gold sheet, making the form of the Sadāshiva and ripening your body with the Integrity to the internal organ and intra-organ and applying the Jnana-anjana, with that, whatever words they utter is not copper, it is gold. (30:41 Tamil words).
Bring Integrity, even with your internal organ and intra-organ. When you use food with certain chemicals and you don’t feel comfortable, stop it. When you go for natural, organic and you feel happy about it, have it. That is what is all about Integrity. Own yourself, and be master of yourself. That is one of the most powerful Completion. Today all the IA participants whatever questions you have about this subject, Completion with internal-organ, intra organ, Completion with yourself. You put all the questions. I’ll answer and I will upload this video in YouTube all the Satsanghis can watch and enjoy. The first session, I’ll answer all your questions on this Completion, Integrity with yourself. Actually, if you have Completion you can be Integrated only if practice Integrity, only then Completion, will be useful. Whatever is not letting you be Integrated, Completing that is Completion.
With this I bless you all, let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Shaivam, the Eternal Bliss - Nithyananda. Thank you. Be Blissful.
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Experience Sadashiva, Manifest Powers with Integrity


September 28th, 2016 – In today’s morning Satsang, His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda reiterates how the Power of Integrity is one of the key components to experience Third Eye Awakening and manifest spiritual powers; we can create what we want, even shape our own bodies! His Holiness beautifully illustrates this Truth by sharing a story of one of the great Masters with whom he spent his childhood, Yogananda Puri.

Link to Video:

Video Audio


nithyānandeśvara samārambhām nithyānandeśvari madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome all of you with My love and respects. I welcome all the Devotees, Disciples, Sarvajnapeetha Yajamans, Samajis, Satsanghis, Sri Mahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars, Inner Awakening Participants, Devotees, Disciples, Visitors, Viewers, everyone sitting with us, all over the world, through Nithyananda TV, Facebook Live, YouTube Live and Two Way Video Conferencing having Nayana Deeksha. (1:31)

I wanted to expand today on, one of the most important sacred truth, in Third Eye awakening and experiencing Sadāshivoham. Integrity. Not only in relation between you and things, outside you. Even internally the integrity, internally.. I’ll….I’ll tell you, one small incident. My Guru, Yogananda Puri, listen carefully. He never wanted Me to call himself as Guru, he told Me – never ever tell, “I am a Guru... I am your Guru. Later on, I only recognized you and supported you. That’s the reason, I….. It is my pride in your Mission, you are having me as a part.” That’s the exact word I remember. Once, one of his son and another one disciple, his disciple, he had many disciples who come to learn yoga from him. Both of them decided to hospitalize him, saying, “he that he was not feeling well, he is sick.” And, I was sitting away and seeing the whole drama. Little far, I was sitting, I still remember the scene. He just got up from the bed, he was lying, and got up from the bed, from the navel the way he hugged his own body, means the way he possessed his own body and said, “What I cannot do to my body, how can these doctors fellows can do to me?” Listen. It was such powerful statement. I literally got the click, at that moment. “Oh God, so many things, which cannot be express verbally landed in me.” Like a….My Consciousness is master of My body and it has the capacity to build the body as I want. (4:26)

It only built the body already, how can any other power, can be more powerful than My consciousness. And, I wanted to put this on record. He shocked the doctors making, 47 heart attacks in the ECG machine. When he was hooked to the ECG machine, playfully, he will stop the heart for 5-6 minutes. The ECG machine will be showing, flat graph and then he will start. He will start. One fortunate thing, still they have the records. I am trying to get the whole documentation. I only got the essence. Doctors are shocked actually, they said, “Nothing can be done, you are beyond medical science, please go back to home.” They sent him back to home. And then he came, again lied down in the home. Both the son and disciple, both, were trying to argue with him. “ If you are beyond, medical science, then why don’t you be healthy, why are you lying all the time.” Means lying in the bed, resting. He said, “I have decided, my mission has been done.” Actually, all my 3 Gurus, left the bodies within 3 months time. The moment they saw, I am ready. They don’t need to be supporting me anymore. Now it is time, I have to be on my own. I have leave Thiruvannamalai. All 3 of them left the body, within 3 months. They had a meeting, and they called me and said, “Don’t expect us to be in the body anymore.” And I really did not take them seriously, I thought may be they want to go for Parivrajaka Yatra, some temple tour or yatra, but within 3 months, tak, tak, tak, all 3 left the body. So when the son and disciple, both of them were asking, “Why are you then, lying in the bed all the time?” He told them directly, “Aye, I am not sick. I have decided to leave the body, so I resting. I am withdrawing from my prana. I releasing my prana.” You can neither hospitalize him, because if you hospitalize him, because if you hospitalize him he makes 47 heart attacks. He gives heart attacks to doctors. They have to check the ECG machine, 2-3 times, whether it is working or not. (7:27)

The way he got up and possessed his body. Still I remember, even if I remember that scene it gives Me the click, “Yes, Aye, My body, My Consciousness created it. My Consciousness is designing it. My Consciousness is maintaining it. Who else can do anything, better than what I can do to myself”. It became such a strong Integrity in Me. Listen to the word, I am uttering. It become such a strong Integrity in Me. Whenever I remember that, I know my body is in my control. My body is in my control. Two days before, I was telling one of my Balasant, “Aye, tell your body to grow tall.” Just when you sit, for the Akashic Records, the space you fall in, that’s actually, the pure Sadāshivoham space. Yesterday, I was hearing, many people who came to read, their Akashic Records, they say, “One, what the response and answer we got is amazing. Second, even going there and reading the Akashic Records, opened up our Ananda Gandha, and the whole space was different experience, altogether. (9:16)

So told….the kids were actually telling, “Swamiji, the moment we sit for the Akashic Readings, it becomes...suddenly we are disconnected and somebody else, some other power, is radiating through us and it is such a tremendous joy and bliss. I tell you. That’s the space of Sadāshivoham. I told the Balasants, “Hey when you are in that space, tell your body grow tall and chisel your body as you want. 6 pack, 8 pack, 18-inch biceps, whatever, whatever you want, tak, tak, tak, and just chisel. You can Photoshop your body, That’s all it takes. It’s possible. You will see I will manifest it through My Balasants and show you guys. Integrity even within the system. Integrity with your intra-organs. Integrity with your internal organ. Listen internal organ means intestine, liver, kidney, heart, lungs. Intra-organ means Third Eye, Vaak, Third ear…... No third ear. There is one fool tried to discover or invent. Intra organ means Third Eye, Vaak, all these are intra-organs. Internal organs means like liver, kidney, intestine, lungs, heart, all this. Integrity with your intra-organ and internal organ. I told my Balasants, you have to be highly integrated to the Akashic Records appearing, no fear, no greed. You can’t tell somebody, that get some money or get some things, because they are completely in the space of listening to you. No! Nothing you cannot ask anything, you cannot tell anything, because they are in space of listening with you no. (12:12)

You have to completely integrated to the Akashic Records. What is seen as golden letters, only that should be read out and if that Akashic Records appears as, do this, do that, don’t even have the fear to tell that person. Don’t worry. Don’t bother what that person will think. No! We don’t care about what you think. We care about only what Kalabhairava thinks. I told them be highly integrated, to Kalabhairava. No fear. No greed. You can neither ask something nor leave, omit some information, which is appearing in front of your eyes. I said you can’t even ask people to attend programs, unless it appears in the Akashic Records. It will actually appear in golden letter, shining golden letter in the dark background. Not black, dark. Black is 2 dimensional darkness. Darkness is three-dimensional black. In the darkness, that is what is KAALI. KAALI means in Sanskrit, darkness. The 11 dimensional darkness is Kaali. So whatever appears on KAALI, you just have to read out, in golden shiny color, the letters will appear. You just read out, you can neither add nor delete. No fear and no greed. High Integrity. Only then continue to receive, read out, out higher frequency records. Now actually, they are reading out your past, present, future, whatever questions you are asking. But the information available to them, scientist can come and use. I invite scientists to come and clarify your doubts, questions. People in field of medicine, can come and clarify, your doubts, questions. People in field of solving the crimes, can come and use this knowledge available to solve the crimes. Understand the mystery behind the crimes. Understand. It’s not joke. I am responsible for what I am talking. I am responsible, for what they are uttering. I know the authenticity of the power, manifesting through them and I know their Integrity. (15:40)

All this, what I am saying, you guys will see as a reality. People from various fields from all over world, coming and sitting and listening to Akashic Records, not only human beings, including Siddhas, Rishis, Ganas. Siddhas, Rishis, Gandharvas, just in the zoom camera, the question will appear, voice will be heard and the form will not be seen, by all of you. Of course, the kid who reads who read the Akashic Records, he will be able to see. You’ll see Siddhas, Munis, Rishis, Ganas, Kinnara, Kimpurada, Gandharva, Gandhara, all of them coming, to get their Akashic Records read out. Whenever I start in the beginning, it use to very small, it will look always very small. When I started My first class, 2 ½ people were attending. You may ask. “What is 2 1/2?” 3 were sitting and 1 was all the time sleeping. So, I calculate as 2 1/2. Understand. So now you are seeing, hardly dozen kids, or a little more than a dozen sitting and doing the Akashic Reading. Very soon there will be at least 1000 Balasants, sitting every morning reading Akashic Records of 2 lakh people all over the world. You will see this happening, because the Authenticity is going to spread very soon, left and right. And also one more thing, you can go and put the same question, with ten different Balasants, at ten different days or time, they will read out, exact verbatim, same answer. There will not be any confusion in the answer. That is the scale to measure, the authenticity of the records or their ability to read records. (18:13)

Because of the Integrity with intra-organ and internal organ, not only you manifest health, you can design your body as you want. You can manifest multiple powers and possibilities. I tell you. Even if you do little Completion, you can understand what I said, when Yogananda Puri got up and said – “My body, how can they do something which I cannot do it to this body by myself?” Contemplate on this. Contemplate on this. Then you will understand why Balasants are able to manifest so much of power. I tell you, it is all simple. You don’t need to build power station, you just need to be connected with a proper copper wire, that is called Integrity. That’s all. Power station is HERE, eternal atomic power station. You don’t need to….. You always felt all this Sadāshivoham, or spiritual enlightenment, everything was very difficult because you are planning for building a power station, which you don’t need. I did it already. You just need connection. Integrity is the connection.

tanga taga taale tamburaan silasai angam baduka jnana anjanam tadavi vappa seppal tanga padi jnana panne (20:33)

I’ll give you little detail, when I say, what do I mean by – Integrity to your internal organs and intra-organs. When I say Integrity to your internal organs, feel all the time you own them. You own them. So whenever there is a food taken which puts you in depression, low mood, do not eat that food again. When there is a action done by you, which disturbs that internal organs, don’t do that again. It may be as simple as smoking or as difficult as heroin. It can as simple as smoking, to as complicated as heroin, whatever, whatever. Anything which is putting you powerless space, don’t do that again. That is what is Integrity, to your internal organs. Same way when you utter a lie knowingly, or when you give a word knowingly that you are not going to fulfill. The harm you are going to cause for your Vaak. You can see it very clearly. Don’t do that again. Sit and finish completing all the past. No need to have a lifestyle, where you are hurting your Vaak and internal organs. No need. You don’t have to take up that kind of a profession. Knowingly, there are tons of professions, where you can do sweet things, make money, live your life happily, blissfully. Be out of the Matrix. There are 1000s of things you can do it, without harming your Vaak, harming your intra-organ, Ananda Gandha. (23:21)

Integrity to the internal organ and intra organs. For example; if you eat non-veg, you’ll feel dull, tired, heavy, then decide, I am going to complete with this pattern, “What is it, that pulls me to eat non-veg? Is that the food, the way it is presented or the tongue, the experience of the tongue, when I am chewing, what is it?” Find that pattern and Complete. In one Tantra, I think Mahanirvana, there is a very beauty explanation.

A Rishi asks Sadāshiva, “What is the root cause or a root pattern of the sexual desire?” He says, “Appreciation of symmetry, appreciation towards something symmetrical or beautiful is the root pattern, from where your idea of sex start.” If you complete with that pattern and be integrated to that, suddenly you will see, sex becomes irrelevant to you. You may think how?’ Start contemplating, digging deep. All your sexual interest, is nothing but appreciation of the beauty. Beauty is nothing but symmetry. It boils down, to just this one understanding. Of course, when I read, even I was hmmm…..waaah. When I did the postmortem, of few human minds, I saw, “Yes, he is right as usual.” He is right as usual is surrender. With whoever you feel this, “He is right, as usual,” again, that is surrender. If you feel that with your Guru, you have surrendered, to your Guru. If you feel that with Sadāshiva. You have surrendered to Sadashiva. Whenever you feel, “He is right as usual once more.” How many times, I may run away. I may move out. I may try to create all opposite arguments with my great twisted, perverted, logic….No, the very words should be uttered with enough of twist and perversion, so, you remembe not only linguistically, phonetically….. toowist dodo... pervert doddd….. logica….. When I did the postmortem, “He is right.” (26:54)

Integrity to the internal organs and intra organs also, not just with the commitments and happenings of the external space. Listen. Integrity with internal organs and internal organs also. For example; one day you know if you wake up in Brahma Muhurta, and go for yoga, whole day you feel so alive. Then do that, that is what is Integrity. You want somebody to come and beat you and pour cold water on you and drag you to the yoga hall. When you eat food from Sadāshiva’s kitchen, as per His Bhaga Shastra. All of you should know, even the pickle you are having here, is done as per His instruction. Science of pickle to science to Sadāshivoham. Everything from Him. From him. And few places, wherever we are not yet, … we are continuously, sincerely, working, with all our integrity to Sadāshiva, to align our self. Because our lifestyle has gone so much away from it, much is lost. So, those lost things, we need to revive. Those revivals also we are very highly committed and integrated to Sadāshiva, to revive letter and spirit of His words. When the Integrity, to internal organs and intra-organs, becomes a practice. Understand even if you start practicing, so such good will happen to you. So much good. (29:26)

Now the line, I read out, few minutes before, Tamil 4 line. It is just Akashic Records, about the Akashic Records, which kids are doing. (29:40 Tamil sentences) It means, in the gold sheet, making the form of the Sadāshiva and ripening your body with the Integrity to the internal organ and intra-organ and applying the Jnana-anjana, with that, whatever words they utter is not copper, it is gold. (30:41 Tamil words). Bring Integrity, even with your internal organ and intra-organ. When you use food with certain chemicals and you don’t feel comfortable, stop it. When you go for natural, organic and you feel happy about it, have it. That is what is all about Integrity. Own yourself, and be master of yourself. That is one of the most powerful Completion. Today all the IA participants whatever questions you have about this subject, Completion with internal-organ, intra organ, Completion with yourself. You put all the questions. I’ll answer and I will upload this video in YouTube all the Satsanghis can watch and enjoy. The first session, I’ll answer all your questions on this Completion, Integrity with yourself. Actually, if you have Completion you can be Integrated only if practice Integrity, only then Completion, will be useful. Whatever is not letting you be Integrated, Completing that is Completion. (32:47)

With this I bless you all, let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Shaivam, the Eternal Bliss - Nithyananda. Thank you. Be Blissful.

Photos From The Day:

Nithyananda Satsang Nithyananda Satsang Nithyananda Satsang Nithyananda Satsang Nithyananda Satsang Nithyananda Satsang Nithyananda Satsang Nithyananda Satsang IA Sessions on Completion IA Sessions on Completion and Q & A Shiva Deeksha Shiva Deeksha Shiva Deeksha Homa Shiva Deeksha Shiva Deeksha Shiva Deeksha Shiva Deeksha Shiva Deeksha Shiva Deeksha Shivoham - Locking in the Mantra Deeksha Shivoham Shivoham Shivoham Shiva Deeksha - Sacred Water Energized by Homa

Sakshi Pramana:


Photos Of The Day:


Photos Of The Day:




Photos Of The Day:

