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'''Breakthrough in Consciousness: Nithyananda Morning Message 26 Aug 2010'''
Breakthrough in Consciousness: Nithyananda Morning Message 26 Aug 2010
==Video and Audio:==
'''Breakthrough in Consciousness: Nithyananda Morning Message 26 Aug 2010'''
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XF6XNdrFbcM  |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/breakthrough-in-consciousness-nithyananda-morning-message-26-aug-2010?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2010-playlist"/>
Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām
Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām.
I welcome you all with My love and respects.
Today’s truth is ‘Breakthrough in Consciousness’. Every breakthrough in consciousness happens when you go through the fire of insecurity. Please understand. Only in ten dimensions there is growth. Length, breadth, depth, the combinations of length, breadth, depth, only in these dimensions there is something called growth. But in pure consciousness it is always breakthrough. Please understand, growth is different, breakthrough is different. A plant becoming tree is growth, but a seed becoming a plant is breakthrough.
Breakthrough means a quantum leap in consciousness. It is totally different from what it was. Seed becoming a plant is breakthrough and plant becoming tree is growth. In all other dimensions, in the whole eleven dimensions, in all other dimensions, it is only growth. Length, breadth, depth, the length-breadth-depth or breadth-length-depth; depth-length-breadth. In all other ten dimensions its only growth. But in consciousness it is always breakthrough. Please understand, all growth happens only in the mind. But in consciousness it is only breakthrough, that is why enlightenment is always instantaneous. It is not gradual. Whatever you experience gradual is just what is happening in your mind, not in your consciousness. It’s like a heating the water. Till ninety nine degree it is growth. But the hundredth degree, the water becoming steam is breakthrough.
Same way in our consciousness, all the practice you do is growth in the mind. You create a situation where the breakthrough can happen. But breakthrough itself does not happen by growth. It is totally different phenomena. Breakthrough in consciousness happens only when you go through the fire of insecurity. Means you will practice your best and you will do all kinds of practice but suddenly you will be in a position where you do not know the next step, where you do not know what is in the other shore, where you do not know what is next. Simply you are in a situation where the utter insecurity, what we call darkness of the soul.
In Christian theology they have a very beautiful word, darkness of the soul. In all traditions this part is explained. In Buddhist tradition, they call that as a ‘mara’. See, mara is not a demon from outside. It is the insecurity, the utter insecurity, chaos happens inside. And same way, in the hindu tradition it is called maya. In Christian tradition, dark night of the soul. In Hindu tradition mara, sorry maya. In Buddhist tradition they call it mara. That space will be invoked on you. How you behave when that space happens in you is the decision making factor whether you are going to have the breakthrough in consciousness or fall back.
Understand, Master is Master in creating this kind of situations. Master exactly creates you, the right utter insecurity. All the people who were hanging on Me and feeling that they are living enlightenment, I just took Myself away. They were slowly taking Me for granted, the cozy feeling of My space, they started feeling it as an enlightenment experience. Understand it is great to have the living enlightenment experience by the Presence of the Master, but taking that for granted and holding on, binding Him, possessing Him for the sake of that cozy feeling, is something seriously wrong, something very seriously wrong. And these guys will never understand to stand up on their own. Instead of using Me as a ladder, they started using Me as a crutch.
Yesterday one of My devotee gave a letter. “Swamiji you were life, you were source, you were security for so many people. They were shocked when this scandal broke out. They do not know what do to. Utter insecurity was created”. That is exactly what I wanted. That is exactly what I wanted. And they’ve been given enough lessons, intelligence and preparation, preparation to hold onto the tiller when this chaos happens, when this cyclone happens, when this insecurity happens. They have been given enough lessons, hint, preparation to break, to have a breakthrough, to go through this fire of insecurity with stability, consciousness, understanding, strength. But unfortunately they chose not to go through it with awareness. Consciously they chose to abuse Me for creating this insecurity.
Of course, to tell you honestly, even I did not create. The cosmos saw a beautiful spiritual mission happening. Now it needs solid enlightened beings as footing. See, I can only help people for growth. And cosmos need to interfere to give the utter insecurity where the breakthrough can happen in consciousness. So I was preparing. I was waiting for the cosmos. So it just entered, entered with such a force! Even what you understand as this body and mind is blown away! Just thrown away, like how tornado happens in the US; Oklahoma, Texas area when the tornado happens, not just the human beings, the very house in which they are staying, the very houses in which they feel secured, the huge trucks, everything is just blown away. Not only that, sometime even the roads are just stripped away. Not just the trees, the houses or the trucks, even the roads in which the vehicles are moving, everything is just stripped away, everything is just blown away. Same way, let this scandal….
I just, when this happened, I just saw, "Alright, let the whole go through the fire of insecurity. Let us see how many become tree. How many seeds open and become tree. And how many choose to just escape or fall into the deep unconscious mode.” I tell you, it was such a great opportunity. Actually I hinted; the moment this scandal broke out, I gave My message in the youtube. This is the exact thing I hinted. Come on, possibility for breakthrough, use it. Use everything. Use this moment for jivanmukti; for living enlightenment. Whoever caught it, they got it.
I want to tell you, remember this one thing. Growth happens in linear space. All your nose blowing, standing upside down, taking bath three times a day, applying ash on the body, all these are growth. Please understand, growth in length, breadth, depth. Rolling on the ground, everything is growth, everything is growth but there are few things can give you the breakthrough. There are two three things I can say can give breakthrough. One is aparigraha - that living without anything in the outer world. And satya, living without your beliefs in the inner world. This satya and aparigraha, they can give you the breakthrough. Exactly that is what I provided during the scandal. I took away all the outer world security. Put them in utter insecurity. Aparigraha, forced aparigraha. And I took myself away. And the authority of all the teachings I gave on them. Understand, when I shake their idea about Me, all the authority of the words I taught them which still remains as a word without becoming an experience, those, authority of those words are also taken away. So all the beliefs and concepts which they carry inside them in their inner space as a security is taken away!
See many time when you read just solution for a problem, you feel as if you solved that problem. Just because you know the program, you feel the virus can never happen in your laptop. No! When the virus happens you need to work. Clear it. Do the process. This is what I call the mental unconscious hanging. Many time, just because you know the solution for handling fear, you think you are above fear. No! Just because you know the solution for handling some crisis, you start thinking you are above that crisis.
So many of My so-called disciples had started hanging in that space. Just because they know the solution, just because they have one idea, that Swamiji will take care. The worst word which never should settle down in your inner space is, Swamiji will take care. This is a very cozy word used as a clutch. Used as a clutch. If it is used as a ladder, great. See if you use that word, to apply that word into an experience, apply Swamiji’ teachings into an experience, it is used as a ladder, great! But sometime people use it as a clutching, use as clutch. They come to Me and tell the problem. I tell them, “This is the solution.” “No, no, no I want You to take care.” I tell them, “Now you are holding as a clutch.” Array, this is what I am telling, do it then. What do they want? What do you want? They want me to spoon feed them?
So, I saw many people have started using the idea about Me as a clutch in the inner space. So I wanted them to have satya and aparigraha. Satya means as I said yesterday, remembering the highest possibility as you and constantly thinking, talking, expressing you as that highest possibility. If you remember you anything less than that highest possibility, you are lying in your mind. If you tell about yourself outside less than the highest possibility, you are lying to others. If you are expressing yourself in your body language, you less than the highest possibility, you are lying to the whole cosmos. A man who lies to the whole cosmos will never be forgiven. He is put in the hell. So think, remember, express, tell yourself as the highest possibility of you. This is satya. Person who lies in any field is put into that kind of hell.
Understand, if you think you are less than the highest possibility, God, you are put in the hell of depression. If you think, not only thinking, if you tell others about you as the less than the highest possibility - God, you are put in the hell of disrespect where people torture you. These are all the different kinds of hells. If you express in your body language, in your lifestyle, you as less than the highest possibility of you, God, you are lying to the cosmos. So you are put in the worst seventh hell, patala. Understand, the satya means remembering yourself as the highest possibility; thinking, talking, expressing you as the highest possibility. Means any other idea you have is a clutch.
So I saw, people have started using Me for the inner and outer securities. I said I am not in this business. And I was too compassionate to just take Me away suddenly. So I looked at the cosmos and asked, “What shall we do?” 😊 It just did it. And I tell you, even now you have not lost it. Even those so-called ex-disciples and devotees, I remind you, get back, get back to your utter insecurity. The space of ananda gandha, the possibility for breakthrough is still waiting, still the door is open, still cosmos is knocking at your door. Open the door, let the breeze in.
Go through the utter insecurity, go through the utter insecurity in the outer world without all the security provided by Me, go through the utter insecurity in the inner world without all the concepts and ideas from Me and about Me. Anything from Me if it has already become part of your experience, great! Then it is no more from Me. It is now yours. Anything from Me which has not become your experience, which is still there as word and the concepts you carry about Me, these all can be used as a clutch. It is time to break from it. And have the breakthrough in consciousness; the enlightenment itself.
Every day the possibility for breakthrough exists. Every moment, the possibility for breakthrough exists. So I wanted all of you to know all other things, taking bath thrice a day, washing your body with herbal ash, rolling on the ground, doing the pranayama, doing this techniques, everything is for growth. That is why these things can be sold very easily in the market. It really does the growth in you. You feel, “Wow! Last ten days I am doing I am feeling healthy. Last 10 days I am doing my muscles are different.” You can see the growth, but I am not the teacher who is selling the techniques for growth. I am the master who just breaks and creates, gives you breakthrough; breakthroughs. Understand, aparigraha and satya are the possibility for breakthrough and all other things are only possibility for growth. Here I am insisting on going through the utter insecurity, the acid test, the fire of insecurity and having the breakthrough in consciousness.
I bless you all to have that breakthrough! Let you all live and radiate enlightenment. Let you all experience and radiate the eternal bliss, Nithyananda.
Thank You.
Technique for Levitation and Balancing Samana, LEP
'''Technique for Levitation and Balancing Samana, LEP'''
In this Living Enlightenment Process session , Swamiji gives technique for Levitation and  explains about  the process of balancing samana in our body.
'''Technique for Levitation and Balancing Samana, LEP, 26 August 2010'''
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5A_1xDpIfQ  |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/technique-for-levitation-and-balancing-samana-lep-26-august-2010?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2010-playlist"/>
I am really very happy, morning the whole process was such a wonderful success. It shows... one - many of you have done Inner Awakening and LBE; that has done the big job. Second - that.... even the other few were seekers, from the beginning. So now, I’ll work on the deeper level. I can say the next level. Please understand. I am just balancing samana. See morning itself, whoever was able to experience the levitation, their samana was balanced. That is why, the moment I released something from My system. It has started happening in their system.
Let Me tell you the exact science. Please understand. You see, the other day I was seeing a hologram.... maybe it’s a some 2 inch by 2 inch size. On the pyramid one dolphin is jumping - that is the hologram. So if you cut smaller, smaller, smaller whatever size of piece you make it out of it, the full hologram is there as it is. Can you understand, what I am saying? See, 2 inch by 2 inch, if you cut as a four piece, the full hologram is there. If you cut as a eight piece, the full hologram is there. If you cut as 100 piece, the full hologram is there. Just like that, Master’s body is Cosmos. The macrocosm in microcosm, in its full form, is Master’s body. That is why the initiation is possible. Anything happens in this system, just one line, anything released in this system, can just happen in the other systems; just happen in the other systems. One - understand, the Master’s body is like a smallest possible hologram of the Cosmos. Even then, even if you cut it as a smallest possible, the whole is there as it is.
That is why, Krishna in that small body, in that small mouth, able to show the whole Cosmos to Yashoda. He just opened the mouth and Yashoda saw the whole Cosmos. That is why, just in that small 6ft frame, Krishna was able to show the whole Cosmos to Arjuna. Arjuna was not hypnotized... don’t think. That fellow is such a dull headed he can never be hypnotized. No! You live around such a charismatic person like Krishna and go on questioning him for 18th Chapter! I cannot conceive the dumbness of Arjuna. I can only justify it as, “Oh, he did it for the sake of us.” It is only justification. I cannot handle Arjuna. I am telling you very clearly. See, it is almost like much more than 10 Inner Awakening in the war field. What I do in 10 Inner Awakening, this poor fellow Krishna has to do in war field. He doesn’t have a mic, he doesn’t have a setting, silent atmosphere, doesn’t have the ambience and all the fellows other side are waiting and he has to give all theories and theology and philosophy and what not and has to show the whole Vishwaroopa. Vishwaroopa is the initiation, initiation and after the initiation this fellow is asking, “How do I attain surrender?” I would have said, “Just get lost.” Krishna with so much patience, unimaginable patience - he handled it. Unimaginable patience, the Arjuna’s….Krishna’s patience.
In this Living Enlightenment Process session , Swamiji gives technique for Levitation and  explains about  the process of balancing samana in our body ,
Anyhow understand, Master’s body is the smallest bit of the Cosmos. That is why when he releases something, it happens in you. But there are many bodies, I can say, many bodies was not prepared with samana; those bodies were only not able to…. I saw...many of the ashramites came and reported to Me, “Swamiji, physiologically my body levitated or all I don’t know, but psychologically I saw already that I am feeling...I was lifted... so light.” How many of you had that experience, psychologically you are up? Great! So even for you guys, I can say the samana was not damaged samana. You see, if physically your body is up, you have perfectly healed samana.
==Link to Video: ==
Samana is the air process, which is responsible for spreading the air all over the body.
If you physically if you are levitated, you have a healed samana.
If you are only psychological levitation, you don’t have any wound in samana.
But if you have neither psychological nor physical levitation happened, means your samana needs to be balanced now, needs to be healed.
I’ll now put you through this simple process, how the samana healing, samana balancing happens; but of course, you will go through heavy process from tomorrow to balance samana permanently. Now I’ll balance your samana maybe for last….for next 42 minutes, 2 cycle... I’ll balance your samana and give you he tinitiation once more. See, actually what happens...what is initiation you know.... when I say, let that process, you just sit with that process, means - that simple understanding of fish. With that one simple understanding be there. When I say that, just through this kurma nadi…  Kurma nadi is the nadi through which you release or receive. This is a center nadi. See, how when you check blood pressure, this is the exact nadi on which you put the machine... this exact nadi which runs through this middle finger. This is the nadi through which you send or receive information. So just through that whatever experience is in My body is released.
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So any body which has samana - balanced samana, complete healed samana, starts levitating, catching it. Balanced samana - psychological levitation happens. Little imbalanced samana - just tries to catch it, tries to catch it, tries to catch that wave. This is what exactly happens. Now understand, you are not expected, you should not be waiting for levitation. You should not be doing it. You just be with the process I am saying. Let that happen by itself, because levitation is only one side effect. There can be many other side effect of….side effect...when I say side effect...you should understand the right way, not as it is described in allopathy. Not as it is described in allopathy. Levitation is only one bi-product. There will be so many bi-product. There will be so many bi-product. The body will expand. See there some things like lahima, mahima, karima, anima - different siddhis. So with samana balancing, with this initiation, any siddhi part will start happening in you. Any siddhi will start happening in you.
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So, just be empty space, allowing this process to happen in you, this initiation to happen in you, that’s all I wanted. And morning, one more mistake you guys did - you guys did not have enough space. I told you very clearly, “Have enough space.” And you guys are interested in small family apartments. And here I am, having...giving you guys big villas. So now, we’ll organize the sitting properly. I saw morning, at least 10 people had full levitation, means, if it more than 3 ft height and 6 ft long, means your body’s length and height and breadth...sorry, the height and side size. Side size is maximum 3 ft.... for some people little than 3, don’t worry about it ☺ I am saying, the height is 6. So if it is 3 by 6 it is called full levitation, means the samana and initiation has met each other, mixed inside you. At least 10 people, I could see had a full levitation and there are at least 25 people had levitation experience, like a half feet, one feet, one and half feet. So if that batch has enough space in the front, give them all little space. Give them little freedom. I think even others can have enough space. We have enough space. I wanted volunteers to completely wind up the chairs. Put it up aside.
I’ll give you the simple process of balancing samana. No sharp objects, bags around you. Have safe space. I saw that, it is not possible for you to do it by will. I could see...see, they are sitting in padmasana and hand is not touching the ground, they are just there and just the body is flying. You can’t do it with will! If you do it with will, your back will break. Understand. And I could see these guys, simply just the….you see, I can very clearly see, when you put an idea into your system, it takes two and half second to reach ananda gandha. So the moment it reach the ananda gandha, just the body jumps. And again they put the.... then again the body jumps. I could see very clearly...you see, one good side of My technical terms is - the authentic is as it is shared... without getting edited or censored or presented for...
The productizing always looses the sharp corners of the Truths. See, only when the sharp corners of the Truth is cut into the oval shape, the productizing happens. But those sharp corners have its own juice. You understand what I am saying? See, the original Sanskrit and original technical terms, has that sharp corners. But anything with sharp corners cannot become product easily. So that is the big struggle we have. I can go on retaining the sharp corners side, means that technical knowledge coming as it is. The technical information coming as it is. But people feel loaded heavy.
Alright, as on now whatever I said for this process, I’ll repeat. The samana is a particular air process, which is responsible for the air to move all over your body. From this point to this point, to this point - the whole body. We have 21 points - 10 fingertips - the feet, 10 fingertips in the hand and sahasrara - in all...this whole 21 points, the air being flooded - this is called samana. That process is called samana. If that samana is balanced, is proper, whenever I give you this kind of one idea and ask you to sit with it, the extraordinary powers will start expressing in your body - like a feeling very light or feeling heavy, feeling expanded or feeling shrunk. These are the four called anima, laghima, mahima, karima. In the ashtamaha siddhis - 8 siddhis, these are four. All of you are clear, what I am saying?
Anima, laghima, mahima, karima. These are the four important powers. First, it will happen psychologically. Then it will become physical. You see, you will feel little more than you are first psychologically, then even physically it will start happening. So this is one side. The second side, the same way becoming light. First, psychologically it will happen. Then physiologically it will happen. So... same way, feeling shrunk, means smaller than what you are. See, feeling lighter than what you are, feeling heavier than what you are, feeling bigger than what you are, feeling smaller than what you are; so these four siddhis. It’s not even feeling.... becoming, because from psychology it will be transmitted to physiology itself. That is what has now happened to people who physically levitated. You understand. See, it is not...I can say, 60 to 70% of the people had psychological, but may be 20 to 30 people had physical.
Same way, the expand...sorry, that a...becoming bigger than or becoming smaller than, becoming heavier than or becoming lighter than, these four also, first will start happening psychologically, then physiologically. Now, all you need to do is balance your samana and leave this process in you, do not expect which one should happen in you. You understand what I am saying? Do not expect only the levitation should happen in you; because the levitation itself can happen along with 2-3 things. You can feel heavier than what you are and levitation can happen. All of you understand what I am saying? It does not need to be, only that you should become light and levitate. No! You can become heavy and levitate. And same way, it does not need to be just feeling smaller than what you are and not having the levitation. You can have smaller than what you are and levitation or bigger than what you are and levitation. Two three things can match and mix, mingle and move. So all you need to do is just be open with samana balanced and available, that’s all.
Breakthrough in Consciousness: Nithyananda Morning Message 26 Aug 2010
Even the people, if you already practiced or levitation also, now please do not do that sutra. So I wanted now, you to try only what I am sharing. Okay, because you will have the deeper, the different effects. Because what I am releasing from this bio-memory, what initiation I am giving, this process will make it happen. See, I am not now teaching you levitation. Please understand. I am teaching you Enlightenment, as a bi-product these four can happen - anima, laghima, mahima, karima - all four can happen. So be open to it, be open to it. Levitation, you see actually, when you don’t try that sutra, just do this, maybe something more than levitation can happen in you. I am not saying, levitation is something lower than…lower or...I am not judging, you understand? Now…. you see, that time maybe that much only you can receive, so Maharishi designed the levitation process only for that. Maybe that product, that sutra was designed just for that. But now I am releasing something, some process, which is...which can have the possibility of four. So just be with it. Let’s see what happens. You will suddenly see, there is every possibility... not only levitating, the stability can become at least few seconds. Maybe 10 seconds or 20 seconds your body will be able to stay. So, just... go with this, go with this. Keep the whole thing...see, I am not disrespecting Maharshi’s system, what you learnt or what he taught you, you understand what I am saying? Now, just go with this process, you will see totally different, completely different. And Sarvashri, same way you don’t need to suppress also. You don’t need to use that formula and don’t need to suppress that formula. Now do only the formula which I am releasing. Ah okay, now don’t bother about disturbance, that’s why I am saying, have enough space, have enough space, just release the sutra which I am releasing, just work on this process and whatever happens let it happen. So now I am telling you, giving you the process of balancing prana...sorry balancing samana.
Breakthrough in Consciousness: Nithyananda Morning Message 26 Aug 2010
==Link to Video: ==
Very simple, you will be surprised.... very simple. You see, I’ll first teach then you do it. Put the hand like this. You see, no, no, listen, listen. First I’ll teach you then do it. Putting the thumb on the centre of the, centre...middle finger; putting the thumb on the centre of the middle finger... putting it exactly on sahasrara. No, I’ll show you, then please do it later. Whenever you inhale, this is the posture. If you have finished inhaling, just fold - put it like this and exhale. Again, when you finished exhaling, put like this and inhale. When you feel you have inhaled maximum, again put like this and exhale. Very simple! You will be shocked... your whole samana will be balanced. Whole samana will be balanced. These are the secrets, still never penned down and transmitted by teacher to disciple, teacher to disciple. You may think, “How can such a simple exercise make me fly?” You will see now, that’s all nothing else; just this much only.... just this much only.
See, thumb on the middle of the middle finger, you understand? See, middle finger has 3 part - put on the middle. Are you able to see? Ah yes. The middle...this is the middle finger. In US, you can’t show the finger also, that is the problem ☺ See, this is the middle finger, thumb on middle finger. Yes, second joint, see the centre part, not even joint, centre part. You understand? Such simple process! See, I’ll guide you... you will be doing this same, maybe for 20 minutes, to balance your samana, then your hands will be relaxed, then you put this seed - the process I am giving you - feeling that all the things happening in you are one, one fish randomly jumping. Your idea about your body... means, your body - is one fish. Your idea, any mind any thought comes, “Oh, I should levitate” - that’s one more fish. “Oh, others are all levitating, I am not able to” - one more fish. “Am I really, really expanding?” “Am I really...my body is becoming masculine?” - One more fish. “Am I building mass or muscle?” - one more fish. “I don’t know what this Swami is telling, just touching the head, samana will become balanced? What foolishness!” - One more fish. “No, no, no, if He says it works, really I saw. Whatever he tells works!” - That’s one more fish. So let all the fishes happen. Suddenly you will feel, “Oh God, why so many fishes!” - One more fish. So just be, that’s all. Understand.
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'''26 Aug 2010 Nithyananda World Family News'''
26 Aug 2010 Nithyananda World Family News
==Video and Audio:==
'''26 Aug 2010 Nithyananda World Family News'''
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XX5i2UWjLI  |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/26-aug-2010-nithyananda-world-family-news?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2010-playlist"/>
26 Aug 2010 Nithyananda World Family News
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==Photos Of The Day:==
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Latest revision as of 14:33, 8 September 2021


Breakthrough in Consciousness: Nithyananda Morning Message 26 Aug 2010


Breakthrough in Consciousness: Nithyananda Morning Message 26 Aug 2010

Video and Audio:

Breakthrough in Consciousness: Nithyananda Morning Message 26 Aug 2010

Video Audio



Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām. I welcome you all with My love and respects.


Today’s truth is ‘Breakthrough in Consciousness’. Every breakthrough in consciousness happens when you go through the fire of insecurity. Please understand. Only in ten dimensions there is growth. Length, breadth, depth, the combinations of length, breadth, depth, only in these dimensions there is something called growth. But in pure consciousness it is always breakthrough. Please understand, growth is different, breakthrough is different. A plant becoming tree is growth, but a seed becoming a plant is breakthrough.


Breakthrough means a quantum leap in consciousness. It is totally different from what it was. Seed becoming a plant is breakthrough and plant becoming tree is growth. In all other dimensions, in the whole eleven dimensions, in all other dimensions, it is only growth. Length, breadth, depth, the length-breadth-depth or breadth-length-depth; depth-length-breadth. In all other ten dimensions its only growth. But in consciousness it is always breakthrough. Please understand, all growth happens only in the mind. But in consciousness it is only breakthrough, that is why enlightenment is always instantaneous. It is not gradual. Whatever you experience gradual is just what is happening in your mind, not in your consciousness. It’s like a heating the water. Till ninety nine degree it is growth. But the hundredth degree, the water becoming steam is breakthrough.


Same way in our consciousness, all the practice you do is growth in the mind. You create a situation where the breakthrough can happen. But breakthrough itself does not happen by growth. It is totally different phenomena. Breakthrough in consciousness happens only when you go through the fire of insecurity. Means you will practice your best and you will do all kinds of practice but suddenly you will be in a position where you do not know the next step, where you do not know what is in the other shore, where you do not know what is next. Simply you are in a situation where the utter insecurity, what we call darkness of the soul.


In Christian theology they have a very beautiful word, darkness of the soul. In all traditions this part is explained. In Buddhist tradition, they call that as a ‘mara’. See, mara is not a demon from outside. It is the insecurity, the utter insecurity, chaos happens inside. And same way, in the hindu tradition it is called maya. In Christian tradition, dark night of the soul. In Hindu tradition mara, sorry maya. In Buddhist tradition they call it mara. That space will be invoked on you. How you behave when that space happens in you is the decision making factor whether you are going to have the breakthrough in consciousness or fall back.


Understand, Master is Master in creating this kind of situations. Master exactly creates you, the right utter insecurity. All the people who were hanging on Me and feeling that they are living enlightenment, I just took Myself away. They were slowly taking Me for granted, the cozy feeling of My space, they started feeling it as an enlightenment experience. Understand it is great to have the living enlightenment experience by the Presence of the Master, but taking that for granted and holding on, binding Him, possessing Him for the sake of that cozy feeling, is something seriously wrong, something very seriously wrong. And these guys will never understand to stand up on their own. Instead of using Me as a ladder, they started using Me as a crutch.


Yesterday one of My devotee gave a letter. “Swamiji you were life, you were source, you were security for so many people. They were shocked when this scandal broke out. They do not know what do to. Utter insecurity was created”. That is exactly what I wanted. That is exactly what I wanted. And they’ve been given enough lessons, intelligence and preparation, preparation to hold onto the tiller when this chaos happens, when this cyclone happens, when this insecurity happens. They have been given enough lessons, hint, preparation to break, to have a breakthrough, to go through this fire of insecurity with stability, consciousness, understanding, strength. But unfortunately they chose not to go through it with awareness. Consciously they chose to abuse Me for creating this insecurity.


Of course, to tell you honestly, even I did not create. The cosmos saw a beautiful spiritual mission happening. Now it needs solid enlightened beings as footing. See, I can only help people for growth. And cosmos need to interfere to give the utter insecurity where the breakthrough can happen in consciousness. So I was preparing. I was waiting for the cosmos. So it just entered, entered with such a force! Even what you understand as this body and mind is blown away! Just thrown away, like how tornado happens in the US; Oklahoma, Texas area when the tornado happens, not just the human beings, the very house in which they are staying, the very houses in which they feel secured, the huge trucks, everything is just blown away. Not only that, sometime even the roads are just stripped away. Not just the trees, the houses or the trucks, even the roads in which the vehicles are moving, everything is just stripped away, everything is just blown away. Same way, let this scandal….


I just, when this happened, I just saw, "Alright, let the whole go through the fire of insecurity. Let us see how many become tree. How many seeds open and become tree. And how many choose to just escape or fall into the deep unconscious mode.” I tell you, it was such a great opportunity. Actually I hinted; the moment this scandal broke out, I gave My message in the youtube. This is the exact thing I hinted. Come on, possibility for breakthrough, use it. Use everything. Use this moment for jivanmukti; for living enlightenment. Whoever caught it, they got it.


I want to tell you, remember this one thing. Growth happens in linear space. All your nose blowing, standing upside down, taking bath three times a day, applying ash on the body, all these are growth. Please understand, growth in length, breadth, depth. Rolling on the ground, everything is growth, everything is growth but there are few things can give you the breakthrough. There are two three things I can say can give breakthrough. One is aparigraha - that living without anything in the outer world. And satya, living without your beliefs in the inner world. This satya and aparigraha, they can give you the breakthrough. Exactly that is what I provided during the scandal. I took away all the outer world security. Put them in utter insecurity. Aparigraha, forced aparigraha. And I took myself away. And the authority of all the teachings I gave on them. Understand, when I shake their idea about Me, all the authority of the words I taught them which still remains as a word without becoming an experience, those, authority of those words are also taken away. So all the beliefs and concepts which they carry inside them in their inner space as a security is taken away!


See many time when you read just solution for a problem, you feel as if you solved that problem. Just because you know the program, you feel the virus can never happen in your laptop. No! When the virus happens you need to work. Clear it. Do the process. This is what I call the mental unconscious hanging. Many time, just because you know the solution for handling fear, you think you are above fear. No! Just because you know the solution for handling some crisis, you start thinking you are above that crisis.


So many of My so-called disciples had started hanging in that space. Just because they know the solution, just because they have one idea, that Swamiji will take care. The worst word which never should settle down in your inner space is, Swamiji will take care. This is a very cozy word used as a clutch. Used as a clutch. If it is used as a ladder, great. See if you use that word, to apply that word into an experience, apply Swamiji’ teachings into an experience, it is used as a ladder, great! But sometime people use it as a clutching, use as clutch. They come to Me and tell the problem. I tell them, “This is the solution.” “No, no, no I want You to take care.” I tell them, “Now you are holding as a clutch.” Array, this is what I am telling, do it then. What do they want? What do you want? They want me to spoon feed them?


So, I saw many people have started using the idea about Me as a clutch in the inner space. So I wanted them to have satya and aparigraha. Satya means as I said yesterday, remembering the highest possibility as you and constantly thinking, talking, expressing you as that highest possibility. If you remember you anything less than that highest possibility, you are lying in your mind. If you tell about yourself outside less than the highest possibility, you are lying to others. If you are expressing yourself in your body language, you less than the highest possibility, you are lying to the whole cosmos. A man who lies to the whole cosmos will never be forgiven. He is put in the hell. So think, remember, express, tell yourself as the highest possibility of you. This is satya. Person who lies in any field is put into that kind of hell.


Understand, if you think you are less than the highest possibility, God, you are put in the hell of depression. If you think, not only thinking, if you tell others about you as the less than the highest possibility - God, you are put in the hell of disrespect where people torture you. These are all the different kinds of hells. If you express in your body language, in your lifestyle, you as less than the highest possibility of you, God, you are lying to the cosmos. So you are put in the worst seventh hell, patala. Understand, the satya means remembering yourself as the highest possibility; thinking, talking, expressing you as the highest possibility. Means any other idea you have is a clutch.


So I saw, people have started using Me for the inner and outer securities. I said I am not in this business. And I was too compassionate to just take Me away suddenly. So I looked at the cosmos and asked, “What shall we do?” 😊 It just did it. And I tell you, even now you have not lost it. Even those so-called ex-disciples and devotees, I remind you, get back, get back to your utter insecurity. The space of ananda gandha, the possibility for breakthrough is still waiting, still the door is open, still cosmos is knocking at your door. Open the door, let the breeze in.


Go through the utter insecurity, go through the utter insecurity in the outer world without all the security provided by Me, go through the utter insecurity in the inner world without all the concepts and ideas from Me and about Me. Anything from Me if it has already become part of your experience, great! Then it is no more from Me. It is now yours. Anything from Me which has not become your experience, which is still there as word and the concepts you carry about Me, these all can be used as a clutch. It is time to break from it. And have the breakthrough in consciousness; the enlightenment itself.


Every day the possibility for breakthrough exists. Every moment, the possibility for breakthrough exists. So I wanted all of you to know all other things, taking bath thrice a day, washing your body with herbal ash, rolling on the ground, doing the pranayama, doing this techniques, everything is for growth. That is why these things can be sold very easily in the market. It really does the growth in you. You feel, “Wow! Last ten days I am doing I am feeling healthy. Last 10 days I am doing my muscles are different.” You can see the growth, but I am not the teacher who is selling the techniques for growth. I am the master who just breaks and creates, gives you breakthrough; breakthroughs. Understand, aparigraha and satya are the possibility for breakthrough and all other things are only possibility for growth. Here I am insisting on going through the utter insecurity, the acid test, the fire of insecurity and having the breakthrough in consciousness.


I bless you all to have that breakthrough! Let you all live and radiate enlightenment. Let you all experience and radiate the eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank You. (20:54)


Technique for Levitation and Balancing Samana, LEP


In this Living Enlightenment Process session , Swamiji gives technique for Levitation and explains about the process of balancing samana in our body.

Technique for Levitation and Balancing Samana, LEP, 26 August 2010

Video Audio



I am really very happy, morning the whole process was such a wonderful success. It shows... one - many of you have done Inner Awakening and LBE; that has done the big job. Second - that.... even the other few were seekers, from the beginning. So now, I’ll work on the deeper level. I can say the next level. Please understand. I am just balancing samana. See morning itself, whoever was able to experience the levitation, their samana was balanced. That is why, the moment I released something from My system. It has started happening in their system.

Let Me tell you the exact science. Please understand. You see, the other day I was seeing a hologram.... maybe it’s a some 2 inch by 2 inch size. On the pyramid one dolphin is jumping - that is the hologram. So if you cut smaller, smaller, smaller whatever size of piece you make it out of it, the full hologram is there as it is. Can you understand, what I am saying? See, 2 inch by 2 inch, if you cut as a four piece, the full hologram is there. If you cut as a eight piece, the full hologram is there. If you cut as 100 piece, the full hologram is there. Just like that, Master’s body is Cosmos. The macrocosm in microcosm, in its full form, is Master’s body. That is why the initiation is possible. Anything happens in this system, just one line, anything released in this system, can just happen in the other systems; just happen in the other systems. One - understand, the Master’s body is like a smallest possible hologram of the Cosmos. Even then, even if you cut it as a smallest possible, the whole is there as it is.

That is why, Krishna in that small body, in that small mouth, able to show the whole Cosmos to Yashoda. He just opened the mouth and Yashoda saw the whole Cosmos. That is why, just in that small 6ft frame, Krishna was able to show the whole Cosmos to Arjuna. Arjuna was not hypnotized... don’t think. That fellow is such a dull headed he can never be hypnotized. No! You live around such a charismatic person like Krishna and go on questioning him for 18th Chapter! I cannot conceive the dumbness of Arjuna. I can only justify it as, “Oh, he did it for the sake of us.” It is only justification. I cannot handle Arjuna. I am telling you very clearly. See, it is almost like much more than 10 Inner Awakening in the war field. What I do in 10 Inner Awakening, this poor fellow Krishna has to do in war field. He doesn’t have a mic, he doesn’t have a setting, silent atmosphere, doesn’t have the ambience and all the fellows other side are waiting and he has to give all theories and theology and philosophy and what not and has to show the whole Vishwaroopa. Vishwaroopa is the initiation, initiation and after the initiation this fellow is asking, “How do I attain surrender?” I would have said, “Just get lost.” Krishna with so much patience, unimaginable patience - he handled it. Unimaginable patience, the Arjuna’s….Krishna’s patience.


Anyhow understand, Master’s body is the smallest bit of the Cosmos. That is why when he releases something, it happens in you. But there are many bodies, I can say, many bodies was not prepared with samana; those bodies were only not able to…. I saw...many of the ashramites came and reported to Me, “Swamiji, physiologically my body levitated or all I don’t know, but psychologically I saw already that I am feeling...I was lifted... so light.” How many of you had that experience, psychologically you are up? Great! So even for you guys, I can say the samana was not damaged samana. You see, if physically your body is up, you have perfectly healed samana.

Samana is the air process, which is responsible for spreading the air all over the body.

If you physically if you are levitated, you have a healed samana. If you are only psychological levitation, you don’t have any wound in samana. But if you have neither psychological nor physical levitation happened, means your samana needs to be balanced now, needs to be healed.

I’ll now put you through this simple process, how the samana healing, samana balancing happens; but of course, you will go through heavy process from tomorrow to balance samana permanently. Now I’ll balance your samana maybe for last….for next 42 minutes, 2 cycle... I’ll balance your samana and give you he tinitiation once more. See, actually what happens...what is initiation you know.... when I say, let that process, you just sit with that process, means - that simple understanding of fish. With that one simple understanding be there. When I say that, just through this kurma nadi… Kurma nadi is the nadi through which you release or receive. This is a center nadi. See, how when you check blood pressure, this is the exact nadi on which you put the machine... this exact nadi which runs through this middle finger. This is the nadi through which you send or receive information. So just through that whatever experience is in My body is released.

So any body which has samana - balanced samana, complete healed samana, starts levitating, catching it. Balanced samana - psychological levitation happens. Little imbalanced samana - just tries to catch it, tries to catch it, tries to catch that wave. This is what exactly happens. Now understand, you are not expected, you should not be waiting for levitation. You should not be doing it. You just be with the process I am saying. Let that happen by itself, because levitation is only one side effect. There can be many other side effect of….side effect...when I say side effect...you should understand the right way, not as it is described in allopathy. Not as it is described in allopathy. Levitation is only one bi-product. There will be so many bi-product. There will be so many bi-product. The body will expand. See there some things like lahima, mahima, karima, anima - different siddhis. So with samana balancing, with this initiation, any siddhi part will start happening in you. Any siddhi will start happening in you.


So, just be empty space, allowing this process to happen in you, this initiation to happen in you, that’s all I wanted. And morning, one more mistake you guys did - you guys did not have enough space. I told you very clearly, “Have enough space.” And you guys are interested in small family apartments. And here I am, having...giving you guys big villas. So now, we’ll organize the sitting properly. I saw morning, at least 10 people had full levitation, means, if it more than 3 ft height and 6 ft long, means your body’s length and height and breadth...sorry, the height and side size. Side size is maximum 3 ft.... for some people little than 3, don’t worry about it ☺ I am saying, the height is 6. So if it is 3 by 6 it is called full levitation, means the samana and initiation has met each other, mixed inside you. At least 10 people, I could see had a full levitation and there are at least 25 people had levitation experience, like a half feet, one feet, one and half feet. So if that batch has enough space in the front, give them all little space. Give them little freedom. I think even others can have enough space. We have enough space. I wanted volunteers to completely wind up the chairs. Put it up aside.

I’ll give you the simple process of balancing samana. No sharp objects, bags around you. Have safe space. I saw that, it is not possible for you to do it by will. I could see...see, they are sitting in padmasana and hand is not touching the ground, they are just there and just the body is flying. You can’t do it with will! If you do it with will, your back will break. Understand. And I could see these guys, simply just the….you see, I can very clearly see, when you put an idea into your system, it takes two and half second to reach ananda gandha. So the moment it reach the ananda gandha, just the body jumps. And again they put the.... then again the body jumps. I could see very clearly...you see, one good side of My technical terms is - the authentic is as it is shared... without getting edited or censored or presented for...

The productizing always looses the sharp corners of the Truths. See, only when the sharp corners of the Truth is cut into the oval shape, the productizing happens. But those sharp corners have its own juice. You understand what I am saying? See, the original Sanskrit and original technical terms, has that sharp corners. But anything with sharp corners cannot become product easily. So that is the big struggle we have. I can go on retaining the sharp corners side, means that technical knowledge coming as it is. The technical information coming as it is. But people feel loaded heavy.


Alright, as on now whatever I said for this process, I’ll repeat. The samana is a particular air process, which is responsible for the air to move all over your body. From this point to this point, to this point - the whole body. We have 21 points - 10 fingertips - the feet, 10 fingertips in the hand and sahasrara - in all...this whole 21 points, the air being flooded - this is called samana. That process is called samana. If that samana is balanced, is proper, whenever I give you this kind of one idea and ask you to sit with it, the extraordinary powers will start expressing in your body - like a feeling very light or feeling heavy, feeling expanded or feeling shrunk. These are the four called anima, laghima, mahima, karima. In the ashtamaha siddhis - 8 siddhis, these are four. All of you are clear, what I am saying?

Anima, laghima, mahima, karima. These are the four important powers. First, it will happen psychologically. Then it will become physical. You see, you will feel little more than you are first psychologically, then even physically it will start happening. So this is one side. The second side, the same way becoming light. First, psychologically it will happen. Then physiologically it will happen. So... same way, feeling shrunk, means smaller than what you are. See, feeling lighter than what you are, feeling heavier than what you are, feeling bigger than what you are, feeling smaller than what you are; so these four siddhis. It’s not even feeling.... becoming, because from psychology it will be transmitted to physiology itself. That is what has now happened to people who physically levitated. You understand. See, it is not...I can say, 60 to 70% of the people had psychological, but may be 20 to 30 people had physical.

Same way, the expand...sorry, that a...becoming bigger than or becoming smaller than, becoming heavier than or becoming lighter than, these four also, first will start happening psychologically, then physiologically. Now, all you need to do is balance your samana and leave this process in you, do not expect which one should happen in you. You understand what I am saying? Do not expect only the levitation should happen in you; because the levitation itself can happen along with 2-3 things. You can feel heavier than what you are and levitation can happen. All of you understand what I am saying? It does not need to be, only that you should become light and levitate. No! You can become heavy and levitate. And same way, it does not need to be just feeling smaller than what you are and not having the levitation. You can have smaller than what you are and levitation or bigger than what you are and levitation. Two three things can match and mix, mingle and move. So all you need to do is just be open with samana balanced and available, that’s all.


Even the people, if you already practiced or levitation also, now please do not do that sutra. So I wanted now, you to try only what I am sharing. Okay, because you will have the deeper, the different effects. Because what I am releasing from this bio-memory, what initiation I am giving, this process will make it happen. See, I am not now teaching you levitation. Please understand. I am teaching you Enlightenment, as a bi-product these four can happen - anima, laghima, mahima, karima - all four can happen. So be open to it, be open to it. Levitation, you see actually, when you don’t try that sutra, just do this, maybe something more than levitation can happen in you. I am not saying, levitation is something lower than…lower or...I am not judging, you understand? Now…. you see, that time maybe that much only you can receive, so Maharishi designed the levitation process only for that. Maybe that product, that sutra was designed just for that. But now I am releasing something, some process, which is...which can have the possibility of four. So just be with it. Let’s see what happens. You will suddenly see, there is every possibility... not only levitating, the stability can become at least few seconds. Maybe 10 seconds or 20 seconds your body will be able to stay. So, just... go with this, go with this. Keep the whole thing...see, I am not disrespecting Maharshi’s system, what you learnt or what he taught you, you understand what I am saying? Now, just go with this process, you will see totally different, completely different. And Sarvashri, same way you don’t need to suppress also. You don’t need to use that formula and don’t need to suppress that formula. Now do only the formula which I am releasing. Ah okay, now don’t bother about disturbance, that’s why I am saying, have enough space, have enough space, just release the sutra which I am releasing, just work on this process and whatever happens let it happen. So now I am telling you, giving you the process of balancing prana...sorry balancing samana.


Very simple, you will be surprised.... very simple. You see, I’ll first teach then you do it. Put the hand like this. You see, no, no, listen, listen. First I’ll teach you then do it. Putting the thumb on the centre of the, centre...middle finger; putting the thumb on the centre of the middle finger... putting it exactly on sahasrara. No, I’ll show you, then please do it later. Whenever you inhale, this is the posture. If you have finished inhaling, just fold - put it like this and exhale. Again, when you finished exhaling, put like this and inhale. When you feel you have inhaled maximum, again put like this and exhale. Very simple! You will be shocked... your whole samana will be balanced. Whole samana will be balanced. These are the secrets, still never penned down and transmitted by teacher to disciple, teacher to disciple. You may think, “How can such a simple exercise make me fly?” You will see now, that’s all nothing else; just this much only.... just this much only.

See, thumb on the middle of the middle finger, you understand? See, middle finger has 3 part - put on the middle. Are you able to see? Ah yes. The middle...this is the middle finger. In US, you can’t show the finger also, that is the problem ☺ See, this is the middle finger, thumb on middle finger. Yes, second joint, see the centre part, not even joint, centre part. You understand? Such simple process! See, I’ll guide you... you will be doing this same, maybe for 20 minutes, to balance your samana, then your hands will be relaxed, then you put this seed - the process I am giving you - feeling that all the things happening in you are one, one fish randomly jumping. Your idea about your body... means, your body - is one fish. Your idea, any mind any thought comes, “Oh, I should levitate” - that’s one more fish. “Oh, others are all levitating, I am not able to” - one more fish. “Am I really, really expanding?” “Am I really...my body is becoming masculine?” - One more fish. “Am I building mass or muscle?” - one more fish. “I don’t know what this Swami is telling, just touching the head, samana will become balanced? What foolishness!” - One more fish. “No, no, no, if He says it works, really I saw. Whatever he tells works!” - That’s one more fish. So let all the fishes happen. Suddenly you will feel, “Oh God, why so many fishes!” - One more fish. So just be, that’s all. Understand.



26 Aug 2010 Nithyananda World Family News

Video and Audio:

26 Aug 2010 Nithyananda World Family News

Video Audio

Photos Of The Day:



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