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Are you Really Authentic?  Mind is an Action. Just Stop it !
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Are you Really Authentic?  Mind is an Action. Just Stop it !
1st March 2012 Morning Message Question and Answer
Paramashivoham: 22-day Ultimate Spiritual Journey with the Avatar HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam
Learn more: https://paramashivoham.nithyananda.org
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audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2012-03mar-01_mind-is-an-actionjust-stop-it"/>
Be Free From Bondage || Part 2 || Nithyananda Spurana || 01 Mar 2012
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We are going to work on your memory and muscle-memory, you knowingly! But I am going to work on your bio-memory without even your knowledge! Because sometime too much of knowledge information brings suffering. I am really, really, really very careful not to use these mystical powers in any way to hurt anybody. I tell you, first time in My life I stopped using My mystical powers is in 2001, after My realization of My Mission. In 2000 I had that realization. And, one day early morning, I saw in front of My eyes, one devotee who used to come to see Me; that time I was in Tamilnadu staying on the banks of Kaveri, Kaveri river; Kaveri is very sacred in South all of you know, like Ganga. So, I was staying on the banks of Kaveri. One family used to come to Me regularly for blessings and see and have Darshan and all that. I saw in the vision that they're going to have an accident that day, they're going to travel to the Kodaikanal and they are going to have accident… It was very strong pain for Me, and I just called them and told, ‘Don’t go to Kodaikanal, don’t drive today, please rest, go tomorrow morning! And somehow the fight between husband and wife started and they decided to go that day itself... Finally they got into the accident and had a fracture; husband had a fracture of one leg and one hand, and  wife had a fracture of both the legs. You know the funny thing, next day, they blamed Me because of My word only the accident happened! They did not understand I warned them, so that was a very big shock for Me! First time I decided that I will not use these intuition powers to help people. I started withdrawing.
Actually, if I say the golden period of My life is between 12 and 23. I had all the powers and never felt responsible for using it. And, I play with powers. My school mates, My classmates, if you don’t do the mathematics homework, and they’ll come and tell Me, ‘Sammy, I did not do the maths homework, please take care, the school maths teacher doesn’t come to the school today’. I’ll say, ‘alright let him have diarrhoea over! He will not come. It’s like a play of power. Same way, My school mates, if they don’t have money for the snack or candy, just materialize and give! All powers, no responsibility. But only in the 2000 when I realized the mission, what for I am endowed with those powers, with those extraordinary experiences, then whole thing became cooled down. Like dammed Ganga, now only for irrigation, can’t be a forest river. Of course it’s like a learning a huge responsibility of power. When you have power, there is responsibility you need to have. Learning that it was a big learning point, a lesson, whatever it is.
See, intuition... intuition means nothing but knowing the information more than you need... Knowing more information, more fact brings suffering to you. So please understand this whole process, only certain part will be done with your knowledge, but the remaining part is going to be done without your knowledge, but with your permission. I need your permission. Your permission is what? It’s cooperating with the whole programme, nothing else. Simple, honest cooperation, your complete cooperation. Go through the program intensely, completely cooperating without missing any sessions, without missing any kriyas, your cooperation… You are already here physically, you have decided to be here physically four days. Decide mentally also, you will go through the whole thing intensely, that’s all!
Nowadays only after enough struggling you even, you are able to come here. See, in those days we used to sit in Himalayas so that unnecessary, unwanted curiosity people don’t come to us. Now I created Himalayas around Me. Enough of media rumours and scandals... See, I am sick and tired of these curiosity mongers; they waste My time, energy. I wanted only the people who are interested in transforming themself.   
See it’s like a, I’m not doing a road-sideshow-circus; Come on, come on, come on here is the snake and the mongoose is going to fight.  I’m not doing a roadside circus show, where even the curiosity monger can come and stand and watch; ‘Oh look nice, this guy is wearing a nice dress sitting on the golden throne’. I am not interested in that! I saw too many curiosity mongers around Me and they became such a big danger, they are not allowing the real, sincere seekers to be here. All sincere seekers don’t have place! Then I thought, let these fellows disappear, all of them disappeared. One small rumour, one small scandal, the whole group disappeared! Now I’m continuing My honest work, I’m telling you really. Nowadays every program, end  of the programme, end of the programme the amount of satisfaction I feel. See My satisfaction is, how many people experience kundalini awakening, how many people received that initiation! That is all My satisfaction. I tell you, I also need job satisfaction understand?  Because I don’t have any other interest, money or anything. 
My personal life is too simple, these are all for public show;  of course it is not gold also. Don’t think it is gold, it is beautifully decorated done and painted, gold painted, so it looks like gold. Anyhow, My personal life is very simple; and the whole show is not, the whole work, the inspiration source is not anything else. My job satisfaction; I will have job satisfaction only when I see at least 90 percent of the people experience the Kundalini Awakening and receive what I am sharing. I tell you, really, really, really this whole rumour and scandal is worth going through for the job satisfaction which I am having now.
No earlier, millions will sit but all monkeys! Straight moved from monkey to human body just now-yesterday and came here. To make them evolve is such a ‘waaa’ job. By the time I awaken their kundalini, My kundalini is settled! But now because of all these rumours and scandals the curiosity mongers don’t come! The curiosity people, ‘Ah what is there, come on let’s see this Swami ahhh!’ That group is not there, only the people who are really sincere. Because of that lot of My time wasting has stopped. Usually otherwise, to  prepare people for NSP will take one day for Me. In the four days, one day will go to preparation, two day only is class, last day will go in the Energy Darshan!  But now, nowadays I’m happy that before I come inside the session, I just give few minutes break, even today ten minutes break I gave, when all of you guys are gathered. That is the time I see, whether the whole group is restless or very receptive. That window, through that screen I’ll be seeing... That is for Me! I’ll just sit and see how the whole group is! Are they restless or are they settled!  I’m really telling you, I’m really happy with you. Today morning, ten minutes I sat, sat and waited... I’m very happy, you guys are very clear, there is no restlessness - talking to each other. See these are all te unconscious symptoms. It’s like a catching your being. I saw more than ninety percent of the people, they did not even look at the next person.
But another one thing, ninety percent of the people are old devotees.  Ninety percent are here just to spend four days with Me, not to do NSP. I’m telling you! They don’t bother about A or N, B, C, D, Z, any SP! You tell how many days, that’s all! They’ll be there, there is one group. Come on let Me see that group number. Already you have done NSP and second NSP? Raise your hand! See... Inner Awakening, NSP, any programme you already done, it’s a second programme you are, second time you are coming for four days program. Raise the hand! Half of the crowd. And there are some here who have done five NSP, six NSP, who knows NSP syllabus more than Me... If I miss one subject, one chapter, or one line they will be able to tell Me!(laughter)...  What to do!
One side I’m very happy, that mature group, other side because it is same people, I have to continuously update Myself. I have to give a new introduction, I have to give a new way, I have to constantly update, otherwise these guys will start sleeping. So what to do? I will have to constantly keep Myself up! Yesterday, few of our ashramites went to the eTV in Andhra, they're going to be helping us in consultancy for all of our, all our channel, enlightening TV, they're freely doing as a donation, as a contribution. You know eTV group, they are very big religious people in  Andhra; they are based at Hyderabad. They said that ‘we will support you completely Swamiji, your hosting and producing and everything without any cost.’ They're going to...Now we sent the material, all My different discourses;  means what I really stand for! To study! 
All of you may be aware, we have ten thousand hours of spiritual material, My discourses available in archives. After seeing that, they have given some three-four comments. ‘You don’t need any producer, creative thinker, story writer, script writer, anybody except Swamiji.  Swamiji is enough because the constant updating which we see in His way of presenting the truths, or any ideas. You don’t need any other support or help from anywhere else... Actually, only when they described  in ordinary terms, even I Myself understood; unless you put yourself in constant challenges, you will not  keep yourself alive. See, My whole life is so filled with so many challenges. I am a guy who will not compromise, whether it is a, anything, I will not go for second quality. Whether it is a temple Deity or jewellry for Deities or rituals or classes or the number of hours meditation, or the spiritual routine for the ashramites, or the quality of the ashramites, anything! I always tell people that I am a simple man. I like best things of the world, that's all!  I can’t go for second. See,because I don’t go for the second quality, I don’t accept the second quality. Constantly I am facing so many challenges. I create challenge for others, and I Myself get challenged by others. It is the intense life! I tell you, intense life keeps you constantly alive and updating yourself.
Things should not happen after death is hell. Bringing yourself to life constantly upgrading, challenging yourself. You are not able to constantly upgrade yourself, challenge yourself because of your patterns. Patterns which has gone into your system. The excellence does not happen in you because of your engrams. It is time now we work on layer after layer of your engram. Your muscle-memories and bio-memories are there layer after layer; as I said, in the initial level, one set of engrams, the next set of engrams. The deeper and deeper you go more, it becomes thicker and thicker... In the top level it is only like a dirt, if you just put the soap, it’ll go. Next level it’s like a little depth, means little, the soap is a little acid quality is needed, maybe bleach! The deeper level, you just need to peel the whole skin, and the deeper level not only peeling, burn the whole flesh!
Now we will work on layer by layer our engrams; engraved memories! We’ll work on the three ways. One: Understandings and truths about each layer, Second: proper kriya-process, alchemy process for the each layer. Third: third will be My contribution, means awakening your Kundalini Energy and cleaning, wiping off those engrams for which from your side you don’t need to do anything except cooperating. If you just cooperate, that’s enough. 
Be Free From Bondage || Part 3 || Nithyananda Spurana || 01 Mar 2012
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We’ll start the session. First we are going to work on the fear engrams; that’s the most powerful engram which affects almost your whole lifespan. If you are living hundred years on the planet earth, ninety seven years is affected by fear! Only till the age of three, directly fear does not impact your decision making. But, from the age of three, till death, I can say even after death fear impacts your decision making.
Every pattern, you will see fear. Even in your love there is a fear; greed, there is a fear; anxiety, there is a fear; fear, there is a fear... With every engram fear becomes unavoidable ingredient. Like potato in Begal food; potato and sugar for Bengalis; they’ll not be any item without potato and sugar. ‘Anybody from Bengal, then you know what I am saying?’ Aalu and misty... For Tamilians, this pickle! Whatever you may eat, whether it is a curd rice or anything, but without pickle, food is not complete. For the Andhra people that avaka-Gongura chutney, without that food is not complete. Same way, fear becomes inevitable ingredient in all the life, in every decision you make. In your devotion there is the fear. You project only your fear on God! In your relationship there is a fear. When you accumulate wealth there is a fear. After accumulation there is a fear! The cell-phone rings, there is a fear; if it does not ring, there is a fear, you are waiting for some call.  Continuously there’s a fear; fear becomes main driving force, emotion for your actions, decision making... Let Me tell you honestly, fear is nothing but adrenalin in your body. If you have a bad smell in the teeth what will you do? You will brush the teeth. Sameway, just like a bad smell in your teeth, a small chemical imbalance in your body is fear.
But it is so fortunate you give so much of importance to it. That is where the problem starts... You don’t give that much of importance to your mouth smelling, but you give so much of importance to your fear, but both are simple, equal, silly problem! Just like mouth smelling, is a silly problem. Just brush it and chew a gum; over! Same way only when you are, the adrenalin is in you, just understand, get back to the balance. But, you don’t do this, sometimes I wonder, people just because of the fear, they create the problem itself. They're afraid, this may happen, this may happen, this may happen, and make it happen!    They create all the situation for that to happen... I have seen, in the love affair or in the family relationship; I may break from my wife, I may break from my wife, I may break from my wife. So now in your heart you have set the climax. You breaking from her is a climax. So, now you will be working towards it. Any day only when the climax happens, you will feel life is fulfilled! You’ve achieved what you wanted.
Same way, in love, I may lose the love, I may lose the love, I may lose this love. Arre! Beauty of love is it can be lost one day, so that you are free from it. Understand? Beauty of love is it can be lost one day so that I am free from it. Ability to give liberation is the beauty of love! So now it is there, enjoy. Feel fulfilled, when it is not there, be very clear; Wow now I am liberated! It’s not there, say bye to the person. You played the other role of my own extension, and I played the other role for your own extension. Now it is time, you go to the next level, I’ll go to the next level. But, in every step, so much of fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear. Fear itself becomes the path, goal and travelling energy, fuel. Fear is your road, fear is the vehicle you travel, fear is the fuel for the vehicle, finally fear is the goal. Then where will you end! Yamaloka.
Fear is nothing but just adrenalin! Just chemical expression... It’s nothing more than chemical expression. I can give you five major fears: One, fear of losing your wealth, name and fame, social status. Please understand! Fear of losing name and fame, health and social status… That is the fear all of you will be having first. That is why so many keys, keys, I have seen some people, they will lock the whole house, keep the whole key in one cupboard and lock that cupboard and keep that key in another one cupboard and lock that cupboard and keep that key in the hip!
Fear of losing your wealth and social prestige. Second, fear of losing your near and dear ones, or their love. Third, fear of losing your health or parts of your body. Fourth, fear of unknown, like ghost. Nobody even knows the characteristics of ghost. Even though you think you know it because you live with your spouse. You know only one or two, not all!
Get your worksheet... All of you got it? Alright come on, now let’s start writing. I’ll read out, please read, recollect the earliest memories of your life, and write down the incidents and the conversations you had about the fear of losing your name, fear of losing your fame, losing your identity like when your mother shouted at you, said ‘You are a bad boy’. Find out the original engram. When it started.
You see, the earliest memory you remember is the time it started.  From that time, what, how you built! Pen down all of the memories, samskaras you have, related to these losing fear, name and fame. Then second, recollect the earliest memories of your life and write down the incidents and conversations you had about fear of losing your physical health, losing your mental health, or fear of accidents. What if I fall sick, what will happen? If I’m admitted to hospital what will happen? That! Third, recollect the earliest memories of your life and write down the incidents and conversations you had about fear of losing your loved ones or fear of losing the love of your loved ones. When your friend said, ‘I will never talk to you again if you don’t do this!’ Fourth, recollect the earliest memories of your life and write down the incidents and conversations you had about fear of the unknown.    Write it down in your notebooks in your bag! Please understand, you have the right answer in the notebook which is in your bag. Because tomorrow it’ll all be destroyed, end of the program, it’ll be destroyed, so write it down in that notebook; the answers. See, each question is hundred mark question, so you will write at least three page answer. Mark you take in these sessions are mark for life.  Whether life pass or life fail!
Understanding how the engram is created in you and built in you; and standing as it is today. Pen down then go to the next question. First, you grasp, get the feel of it... Come on dig out!
It is time we go to the next process. Alright! We’ll go to the next step. We’ll start the session. Please understand, all fear finally when you dig deep, ends in death fear, am I right? Unless you work on the death you will not have a complete understanding about fears. Now dig your engrams about death! After that we’ll go to the next process.
Be Free From Bondage || Part 4 || Nithyananda Spurana || 01 Mar 2012
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Now scan your whole life, every relationship in your life, where you don’t want the person to die. Look at the whole list of people in your life such as your son, your daughter, your wife. Your wife may not be in that list, that is okay. Your father, who you think should never die. You don’t want to even think that they will die. Make a list of such people and against each name, describe what will happen to you if that person dies! Please understand, what will happen to you, what will you miss. In Tamil, there is a beautiful proverb, ‘when your mother dies, beautiful food goes away. When your father dies, further education goes away. When your wife dies, the pleasure goes away. When your son dies, future security goes away.’ Like that, each person when they die, something happens to your life. Describe that.
To see the understandings you got and give you the deeper insights. Come on, who is going to share your stories? Come out, one by one. God! Nobody wants to come. No, come, I will ask you which question I want answer! You come out with answer with all the questions. Answer for actually eight questions. I have given you eight questions. I may ask any. Come on. Answer Me the second part last question means the eighth question answer.
Devotee: Just regarding scanning the whole life relationships.
Swamiji:  Ha, answer that.
Devotee: I can put me, my mother, I would never want her to die.
Swamiji: What will happen if she dies in your life?
Devotee: She is the person who loves me the most
Swamiji: Yes, so you will miss her love and attention. So some part of you will die. That is the main problem more than her. Come on, next.
Devotee: It is my sister. My younger sister
Swamiji: Hmm, what is the reason?
Devotee: Who will take care of her little daughter who is just seven years now.
Swamiji: Okay, otherwise the responsibility will come to you.
Devotee: Yeah, will I be responsible enough to take it up?
Swamiji: Ha yes, great. Come on, next
Devotee: They are the only two persons that I have.
Swamiji: Okay. See, you understand. With every death it is not even that person. It is your like the impact that will create on your life. That is where the whole thing boils down. Alright. Come on, this side? What? Nobody is coming out! Arey! Such a rare chance directly to talk to Me and get the solution and deeper insights. Come on. Come out. People usually fight and stand in the queue. Come out. Why you guys are going back? Come on, come on, come on. Going back? Hmm, see, I want the answer from you, the second part-first question. Earliest concepts of death.
Devotee: My cat had to be put to sleep because he had a fish stuck in his mouth and I felt that was good because he was free of suffering and pain but I...
Swamiji: What is the idea you got from the elders when you asked what happened to him?
Devotee: They didn’t tell me too much that I remember except that this was a freedom and letting go of pain and…
Swamiji: Alright, okay. Come on, this side. I wanted the first part, the fourth question’s answer. Recollect your earliest memories of your life of fear of unknown. Have you ever had or having?
Devotee: I don’t remember anything, Swamiji.
Swamiji: Come close to the mike. Answer now. No fear of unknown?
Devotee: I have fear of unknown but I don’t know what is the incident.
Swamiji: Ah, so like a ghost or God or death. So you don’t even know how to describe what is the reason.
Devotee: What is the reason I don’t remember the incident.
Swamiji: That is why it is called unknown. Please, you can go now. You are right. Come on. Tell Me the first part-first question. Your fear of losing name and fame.
Devotee: Fear of name and fame not being able to be perfect in ..
Swamiji: No, first memory of losing the fear of losing name and fame. First memory? Oldest memory.
Devotee: Just fear of not being able to...
Swamiji: No, with your mother and father or teacher. Earliest memory, what is the memory? Some incident?
Devotee: Okay, I would never marry someone because they are always smart in all ways, always getting things right…
Swamiji: Oh, your mom said?
Devotee: No, my teacher.
Swamiji: Teacher said?
Devotee: And giving me a zero for I have not passed and I wasn’t able to..She gave me a big zero
Swamiji: Do you know the recent study says? All the kids who can’t do math excel in the life, they become genius and 92% of the gold medalists in all top US Universities are jobless after five years and living in the streets means literally living with basic things. So if you are aspiring to become a gold medalist in the top University of the world, please get ready to be jobless and homeless in the streets begging. Of course, the survey does not say they are beggars begging, but living almost just with a bare minimum. Small house or no job literally not capable of having more than basic things. So, many of your calculations are wrong in life. Come on, alright, that’s enough and I wanted to know your earliest memories of losing your near and dear ones or their love, understand! Hmm, means the first part, third question, engram you have in that line.
Devotee: My mother died in 1988 when I was 13 year old. I felt complete vacuum in myself but I did not weep at that time.
Swamiji: What was...see, what I am saying, “What it created in you now to carry the fear of death of near and dear one?” See now, you may have some fear. Will this person die, this person die, what will happen? Do you have anybody like that in your life?
Devotee: No
Swamiji: Oh God! That is great liberation! Okay, then what was the impact of that death in your life?
Devotee: I felt complete vacuum in... I felt that I may not be taken care of by anybody
Swamiji: So something which is of your life’s interest is missed, going to be missing, right? Ha great. That’s all I wanted to know. Please...answer Me the last part, last question. Scan your life, whom all you don’t want them to die in your life. Is there anybody in your life you don’t want them to die.
Devotee: My dad, my mom, my brother, sisters
Swamiji: Mike closer, brother, sisters.
Devotee: And my lover.
Swamiji: Okay, now tell Me what is the reason
Devotee: Well, daddy is the only person. He cares me a lot. My mom also is great.
Swamiji: So if they are not there, that love will be missing.
Devotee: Yeah, same for my sister and my brother. And for my lover, I am going to marry him
Swamiji: So he is the future.
Devotee: Yeah
Swamiji: So with every person there is something your vested interest, you understand? Something that they are contributing to your life is going to be missing. Okay.
Now understand. I wanted all of you to know, with each near and dear one’s death, one dimension of you is dying. And I tell you, this is the truth. Not only science validates this by many surveys and studies, it’s a spiritual truth. If your father dies in the young age, you will have right side paralytic attack. If your mother dies, you will have left side paralytic attack because that part brain does not get nurtured if your father or mother is missing in your life. It’s a proven fact. If some of your relatives, close relatives die, some part of your life starts missing. That is why, there is so much attachment to the near and dear ones. Please understand, unless you integrate all the joy source of your life as yourself, there is going to be this fear, there is going to be this suffering, there is going to be this torture. Come on, answer Me the first question. What is the first concept you heard about death? The second part of the first question.
Devotee: What I remember is that I read some poems regarding death
Swamiji: Age? At the age of?
Devotee: I think around six or seven and I used to read some spiritual things they said that it will continue and things like that. What I had...I studied some science and this idea was there in me that somewhere I was thinking that something will definitely continue but alongwith there was also feeling that with death, all sort of problems and the set of drama which they continuously creating..
Swamiji: Why should it continue?
Devotee: It will..this could be a automatically pre-designed enter to all that. This I had in mind.
Swamiji: Alright, that’s enough. Come on, you answer Me the last question. Second part last question.
Devotee: You only Swami. So if you go away
Swamiji: Only Me, nobody else? You don’t have in your life anybody other than Me?
Devotee: Maybe I write my mother. Companionship
Swamiji: That’s all? Other than Me, nothing? Don’t worry. I am not going to die. I am going to be for 126 years. I’ll see you and your next, next generation. Alright. So what will..what you will miss if I leave?
Devotee: Security.
Swamiji: Then?
Devotee: Guidance
Swamiji: Then?
Devotee: The basis of my life. Image.
Swamiji: God! Alright. You won’t miss, don’t worry. Come on, you answer Me the eighth question means last question. Second part last question.
Devotee: I think they shouldn’t die, it is obviously my daughters because I don’t find any meaning in my life. I don’t have anybody to celebrate whatever I attain in my life. So It is my daughters because like... I won’t find any meaning for my existence.
Swamiji: Okay. So your future is curtailed, snubbed
Devotee: Yeah
Swamiji: Basically daughters means extension, future.
Devotee: yeah
Swamiji: Okay, alright, you can go now. So answer Me the first question of the first part. Your first fear of losing name and fame started building in the young age, youngest age.
Devotee: Yes Swamiji.
Swamiji: Tell Me that
Devotee: When I was about five or six years old, my sister ..my elder sister was about thirteen years old to me. She decided that she will get married to somebody who was not acceptable in the family and the grandfather, great grandfather and my father had supposedly very good name in the society. So when she decided that she will get married to her, the entire family decided that they lied in the society.
Swamiji: Ha, I understand. So that is the first shock you heard about the name and fame. Okay. come on, answer the eighth question.
Devotee: Last question?
Swamiji: Last question. Second part, last question. Who you may never want to die in your life.
Devotee: If Swamiji dies, nobody will tell jokes.
Swamiji: So I am only a joker in your life? Arey, then? Alright, at least as a joker, I am in many people’s life. That’s great! Then?
Devotee: My father already died in..actually I never learnt any concepts about people dying, okay
Swamiji: No, what I am saying, I am asking only about the engrams left. You have any fear of anybody?
Devotee: Actually if You would die, of course Sangha would probably dissipate people I would normally see would not see each other anymore, the beautiful Darshans and experiences
Swamiji: Okay, alright, great! Don’t worry. I am not going to die. Come on, let Me listen this side. Nobody? Okay, now why I am asking you to write you know, two thing: One, to bring it to your conscious. Only if it comes to your consciousness, I can clear it. I will not be able to clear anything unless you give permission. So bringing it to your conscious, that is the one reason. Second, when you read and write, understand, there are so many things, clicks inside you. When you write and listen, now the answers I gave, for many people it would have many understandings. It would have brought many things. Again please understand. Now sit, read the whole thing you wrote. All the answers of eight questions. Please understand, don’t miss even one line. Don’t think, ‘Oh! Just now I wrote, why should I read?’ No! Read. Read at least twice. You will see many things you missed. You will be able to pen down. Please do that. Just ten minutes. Then we will go to the next level process, next step.
Be Free From Bondage || Part 5 || Nithyananda Spurana || 01 Mar 2012
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I’m training a group of sannyasis to go beyond the hunger and thirst. I am teaching them personally, because I have to demonstrate, I also have to do. By the end of this year I will present them, put them in front of scientists to show that the... See actually we already showed in My body, metabolism is, if i take the hundred calorie food, the food  which gives hundred calorie energy, thousand six hundred calories released in the body. Means, a very less quantity food is enough to run My life. Through our, through scientific study on My body proved. But now I’m trying to replicate that on the group of brahmacharis and sannyasis, just to show that through yoga directly you can take energy from the Cosmos. To run the body you don’t need so much food. Only to go towards death you need so much food... To live you don’t need so much food! Quantity can be brought down. For some people, they eat to live, for some people live only to eat! 
Once I present the sannyasis in front of the scientists and get the data;  means, the scientific data, I’ll reveal the science to the whole world.  By next year I’ll reveal the science to the whole world... First I wanted to reveal successfully prove on My sannyasis, so that, and not only that, scientifically validate it that there is no other side effect like acidity or any other problem, and one year I wanted to observe. Once the system is proved successful, then I’ll present it to all of you also.
Even this NSP, the system which you are going through: first I did it on Myself and tried it on the group of brahmacharis and ashramites.  When I saw the success only, I gave it to the people. And same way,  Nithya Yoga, the yoga which you are doing. Now I am evolving a next level of  yoga. In six week awakening, six chakra because there is only six chakras actually. The seventh is not a chakra it’s a opening.  Sahasrara is just a opening. Six are only chakras, the seventh is not chakra. In six week, opening, six chakra and six pack!... I’m already working on that also, it’ll be ready by next Inner Awakening I’ll share that science with the world. Then it’ll be available in the Internet for all of you to practice.
With different bodybuilding work-out, I’m adding Kumbhakas, different Kumbhakas, so that the simultaneously, in a day you may need to spend only forty two minutes, but you will build the body and awaken the chakras, both! You don’t need a separate Western type of workout for muscle building and then, Eastern type of yoga for awakening the chakras and all that. All the four major things of the yogic body;  flexibility, power, stamina and physique. All the four will be built just forty two minute. Kumbhaka means a controlled breathing process...  See, the Eastern techniques, like yoga and all, increases the flexibility and power of the body. But, it does not bring the physique and stamina. The Western type, weight-lifting, all that workout on the machines, gymming and everything, brings physique and stamina on the body;  does not bring flexibility and power.
Power means, energy, they don’t bring that; they only make you as a huge animal, they don’t bring this component, and these, we forget about those components. So I’m trying to merge both, successfully I have done. Merging has happened, working on a group of disciples, the guinea-pig experiment is going on. Once that is successful I’ll share it with the world...
Alright now! You guys are going to get into your depth, death in depth. Please understand, actually, whatever will happen in your system during the death, except physical stopping of the heart. You won’t die physically! You come back don’t worry. Except physical death, everything, intense release of adrenalin, intense pain; the psychological process, you go through during the death, the whole thing, now you’ll go through except your heart beat stopping, you will go through everything including brain shutting down.
More than ninety percent of the participants always tell after this process, ‘We were not sleeping, but just our brain was not functioning as we want. It just got shut down, we only know one thing, ‘When you said ‘wake up’, we woke up, and we were not sleeping.’’ And one more thing, it clearly awakens one more DNA layer in you. Please understand, you have twelve layers of DNA. Only two is awakened by birth and growth; by birth one, by physical maturity one more. Two layers only awakened. But through initiation the third layer can be awakened, that is what is called ‘dwija’- reborn. In Vedic tradition we call it as a reborn ‘dwija’. This process will make you reborn, awaken one more layer of  DNA... Put all your effort sincerely to go through the process; if one more DNA strand is awakened, three things will happen in you; completely balanced emotional response. Means, the stress level will drastically drop. Second, the hereditary diseases will not affect you any more. The breakage will happen. You will break yourself from the inherited diseases. Sometime if your father is having diabetes, you will not have, you’ll inherit the heart problem, cancer, all the inherited disorders will not work on your body anymore.
Can you, Ma Maneesha, can you present today or tomorrow, in some break, the whole research! In the last, last two, in the last two Inner Awakenings you have done the scientific research, they say. The doctors who have done the scientific research, they say that Swamiji, you can give as a guaranteed solution, we can promote Inner Awakening as a guaranteed cure for any hereditary, genetical disorders. Whether it is a cancer, or what the other thing you say Ma?  No, no, no, no, wait, wait; auto-immune, yes, auto-immune disorders, mainly cancer and auto-immune disorders, these two. Neurological disorders like alzeimers, for these three there is a hundred percent disconnection. Means, even if you are supposed to be having hundred, it is sure you are going to have any of these three diseases, because of the genetical, it breaks the whole pattern, you’ll not have it. The doctors have come up with a, they said that, ‘Swamiji, the each participant’s DNA analysis took six months for one person.’   
See, if you've taken some fifty people’s DNA, fifty doctors studied, almost equal unto the six months work, they have put and they have finally given the conclusion. Because very beautifully they are describing the participants who all had the possibility of brain tumours;  completely that genetical code itself is changed; The before initiation and after initiation. So the hereditary things are cleared, but one thing, in the Inner Awakening, four layers of DNA gets awakened; now in  these four days we will be able to do one layer, at least one layer will be awakened; just because of the death process. So put your whole effort and intention that’s all. 
Be Free From Bondage || Part 6 || Nithyananda Spurana || 01 Mar 2012
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I am going to start the process. Next four hours you will not be able to go anywhere and spread all over the hall. You can have... you should have full bed for yourself. Nobody else should be there on your bed... Please read, re-read and re-read at least three times all the answers you wrote, because you are going to work on them. You are going to face all those fears. You are going to face the worst things of your life... Yes, during the process you can’t fall asleep. If you have finished writing, please tie the ribbon. If you have finished reading what you wrote, please tie the ribbon and sit straight.
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First enter into the first layer of your fear-losing your name and fame, wealth of the outer world. Really you lost it. It has left your body and life. You are no more a rich person. Poor, insignificant life. Face the identity crisis when money leaves you. Face the identity crisis when name and fame leaves you. Face it. Live it. Go through it. Allow the suffering. Allow the dukkha. Allow the anxiety. Allow the stress to pass through your body... Sit straight. Face all the fears of losing your outer world wealth, name and fame. By the orders of Kalabhairava, let the fears leave your system. Let you all become fearless. Let you all move beyond the fears. Go into the fear of losing your near and dear ones or their love. Important people of your life, people were very part of your life, who are very life for you are no more part of your life. See they are not there. Their love is not there in your life. Face the suffering and fear and anxiety. Go through it. Live it. Face it. Go into it. Allow everything to happen.
Move to the next fear-fear of losing your health: physical health and mental health. Go into that fear. Whatever fear you have, it has become reality. Now what can be done? Go into that fear with tremendous acceptance. Live to leave. Go through the whole fear. Go into that whole fear. Sit straight. Now enter into the fear of unknown. You have only twenty four hours more to live. Prepare yourself to leave the planet earth once for all. Do whatever needs to be done. Whatever you want to do to complete your life, please complete it. Finish, complete all your responsibilities. Pack up and get ready. Meticulously complete every thought, every relationship, every desire. Prepare once for all to leave the planet earth. Get ready to leave the planet earth once for all. Face all the unknown fears and complete once for all and just lie down wherever you are. Get ready to leave the planet earth once for all, to relax once for all, once for all.
Lie down wherever you are. Slowly death is overpowering you. See, your feet are dead. Your calf muscles are dying. Your knees are dead. Slowly your body is becoming cool, frozen, useless for you. It is no more useful for you...  
Your hip is dying. Your stomach is dead. Below the stomach, whole body is dying. Your chest is dead. Your back is dying. Your breathing is settling down... Hands are dead. Below the neck, whole body is dead. Lips is dying. Your cheeks are dead. Nose is dead. Eyes are dead. Except the crown, top of your head, whole body is dead. See very clearly. Your life is getting ready to leave your body through the crown, top of your head… Leaving your body, leaving, leaving, left!
== Description ==
See very clearly. You are different from your body, completely unclutched, unconnected. See your body from above independently. Now you are free from all the bondages from the body and through the body. See very clearly. Your close friend, who was your life, your very body is now different from you. Look at your body from above. You are above your body, beyond, unclutched, free from all the bondages created from the body and through the body. Taken to the cremation ground, all the last respects are paid, last rites are performed. All your friends and relatives are saying goodbye to you.
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See very clearly. Your body is being offered to the fire. Your body is returning back to Mother Nature. Your consciousness is returning back to the Source, Cosmos-the energy which moves the sun and the moon, stars in the sky. You are becoming one with that very source-Shiva. Namah Shivaya. Namah Shivaya. Namah Shivaya. By the order of the Kalabhairava, let you all be liberated from all the clutches and fears of death. Let you all be freed from death. Let you all be Jivanmuktas... Shanti, shanti, shantihi. Slowly, very slowly settle down into the body. Sit up. Move your legs. Slowly sit wherever you are. Sit up. Let your eyes be closed. Let your eyes be closed continuously. Just sit wherever you are... Relax. You can open your eyes.
Learn more: https://paramashivoham.nithyananda.org
1st March 2012 Morning Message Question and Answer
Paramashivoham: 22-day Ultimate Spiritual Journey with the Avatar HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam
Learn more: https://paramashivoham.nithyananda.org
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Are you Really Authentic? Mind is an Action. Just Stop it !


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Learn more: https://paramashivoham.nithyananda.org

1st March 2012 Morning Message Question and Answer

Paramashivoham: 22-day Ultimate Spiritual Journey with the Avatar HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam Learn more: https://paramashivoham.nithyananda.org

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Be Free From Bondage || Part 2 || Nithyananda Spurana || 01 Mar 2012

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We are going to work on your memory and muscle-memory, you knowingly! But I am going to work on your bio-memory without even your knowledge! Because sometime too much of knowledge information brings suffering. I am really, really, really very careful not to use these mystical powers in any way to hurt anybody. I tell you, first time in My life I stopped using My mystical powers is in 2001, after My realization of My Mission. In 2000 I had that realization. And, one day early morning, I saw in front of My eyes, one devotee who used to come to see Me; that time I was in Tamilnadu staying on the banks of Kaveri, Kaveri river; Kaveri is very sacred in South all of you know, like Ganga. So, I was staying on the banks of Kaveri. One family used to come to Me regularly for blessings and see and have Darshan and all that. I saw in the vision that they're going to have an accident that day, they're going to travel to the Kodaikanal and they are going to have accident… It was very strong pain for Me, and I just called them and told, ‘Don’t go to Kodaikanal, don’t drive today, please rest, go tomorrow morning! And somehow the fight between husband and wife started and they decided to go that day itself... Finally they got into the accident and had a fracture; husband had a fracture of one leg and one hand, and wife had a fracture of both the legs. You know the funny thing, next day, they blamed Me because of My word only the accident happened! They did not understand I warned them, so that was a very big shock for Me! First time I decided that I will not use these intuition powers to help people. I started withdrawing.


Actually, if I say the golden period of My life is between 12 and 23. I had all the powers and never felt responsible for using it. And, I play with powers. My school mates, My classmates, if you don’t do the mathematics homework, and they’ll come and tell Me, ‘Sammy, I did not do the maths homework, please take care, the school maths teacher doesn’t come to the school today’. I’ll say, ‘alright let him have diarrhoea over! He will not come. It’s like a play of power. Same way, My school mates, if they don’t have money for the snack or candy, just materialize and give! All powers, no responsibility. But only in the 2000 when I realized the mission, what for I am endowed with those powers, with those extraordinary experiences, then whole thing became cooled down. Like dammed Ganga, now only for irrigation, can’t be a forest river. Of course it’s like a learning a huge responsibility of power. When you have power, there is responsibility you need to have. Learning that it was a big learning point, a lesson, whatever it is.


See, intuition... intuition means nothing but knowing the information more than you need... Knowing more information, more fact brings suffering to you. So please understand this whole process, only certain part will be done with your knowledge, but the remaining part is going to be done without your knowledge, but with your permission. I need your permission. Your permission is what? It’s cooperating with the whole programme, nothing else. Simple, honest cooperation, your complete cooperation. Go through the program intensely, completely cooperating without missing any sessions, without missing any kriyas, your cooperation… You are already here physically, you have decided to be here physically four days. Decide mentally also, you will go through the whole thing intensely, that’s all!


Nowadays only after enough struggling you even, you are able to come here. See, in those days we used to sit in Himalayas so that unnecessary, unwanted curiosity people don’t come to us. Now I created Himalayas around Me. Enough of media rumours and scandals... See, I am sick and tired of these curiosity mongers; they waste My time, energy. I wanted only the people who are interested in transforming themself.


See it’s like a, I’m not doing a road-sideshow-circus; Come on, come on, come on here is the snake and the mongoose is going to fight. I’m not doing a roadside circus show, where even the curiosity monger can come and stand and watch; ‘Oh look nice, this guy is wearing a nice dress sitting on the golden throne’. I am not interested in that! I saw too many curiosity mongers around Me and they became such a big danger, they are not allowing the real, sincere seekers to be here. All sincere seekers don’t have place! Then I thought, let these fellows disappear, all of them disappeared. One small rumour, one small scandal, the whole group disappeared! Now I’m continuing My honest work, I’m telling you really. Nowadays every program, end of the programme, end of the programme the amount of satisfaction I feel. See My satisfaction is, how many people experience kundalini awakening, how many people received that initiation! That is all My satisfaction. I tell you, I also need job satisfaction understand? Because I don’t have any other interest, money or anything.


My personal life is too simple, these are all for public show; of course it is not gold also. Don’t think it is gold, it is beautifully decorated done and painted, gold painted, so it looks like gold. Anyhow, My personal life is very simple; and the whole show is not, the whole work, the inspiration source is not anything else. My job satisfaction; I will have job satisfaction only when I see at least 90 percent of the people experience the Kundalini Awakening and receive what I am sharing. I tell you, really, really, really this whole rumour and scandal is worth going through for the job satisfaction which I am having now.


No earlier, millions will sit but all monkeys! Straight moved from monkey to human body just now-yesterday and came here. To make them evolve is such a ‘waaa’ job. By the time I awaken their kundalini, My kundalini is settled! But now because of all these rumours and scandals the curiosity mongers don’t come! The curiosity people, ‘Ah what is there, come on let’s see this Swami ahhh!’ That group is not there, only the people who are really sincere. Because of that lot of My time wasting has stopped. Usually otherwise, to prepare people for NSP will take one day for Me. In the four days, one day will go to preparation, two day only is class, last day will go in the Energy Darshan! But now, nowadays I’m happy that before I come inside the session, I just give few minutes break, even today ten minutes break I gave, when all of you guys are gathered. That is the time I see, whether the whole group is restless or very receptive. That window, through that screen I’ll be seeing... That is for Me! I’ll just sit and see how the whole group is! Are they restless or are they settled! I’m really telling you, I’m really happy with you. Today morning, ten minutes I sat, sat and waited... I’m very happy, you guys are very clear, there is no restlessness - talking to each other. See these are all te unconscious symptoms. It’s like a catching your being. I saw more than ninety percent of the people, they did not even look at the next person.


But another one thing, ninety percent of the people are old devotees. Ninety percent are here just to spend four days with Me, not to do NSP. I’m telling you! They don’t bother about A or N, B, C, D, Z, any SP! You tell how many days, that’s all! They’ll be there, there is one group. Come on let Me see that group number. Already you have done NSP and second NSP? Raise your hand! See... Inner Awakening, NSP, any programme you already done, it’s a second programme you are, second time you are coming for four days program. Raise the hand! Half of the crowd. And there are some here who have done five NSP, six NSP, who knows NSP syllabus more than Me... If I miss one subject, one chapter, or one line they will be able to tell Me!(laughter)... What to do!


One side I’m very happy, that mature group, other side because it is same people, I have to continuously update Myself. I have to give a new introduction, I have to give a new way, I have to constantly update, otherwise these guys will start sleeping. So what to do? I will have to constantly keep Myself up! Yesterday, few of our ashramites went to the eTV in Andhra, they're going to be helping us in consultancy for all of our, all our channel, enlightening TV, they're freely doing as a donation, as a contribution. You know eTV group, they are very big religious people in Andhra; they are based at Hyderabad. They said that ‘we will support you completely Swamiji, your hosting and producing and everything without any cost.’ They're going to...Now we sent the material, all My different discourses; means what I really stand for! To study!


All of you may be aware, we have ten thousand hours of spiritual material, My discourses available in archives. After seeing that, they have given some three-four comments. ‘You don’t need any producer, creative thinker, story writer, script writer, anybody except Swamiji. Swamiji is enough because the constant updating which we see in His way of presenting the truths, or any ideas. You don’t need any other support or help from anywhere else... Actually, only when they described in ordinary terms, even I Myself understood; unless you put yourself in constant challenges, you will not keep yourself alive. See, My whole life is so filled with so many challenges. I am a guy who will not compromise, whether it is a, anything, I will not go for second quality. Whether it is a temple Deity or jewellry for Deities or rituals or classes or the number of hours meditation, or the spiritual routine for the ashramites, or the quality of the ashramites, anything! I always tell people that I am a simple man. I like best things of the world, that's all! I can’t go for second. See,because I don’t go for the second quality, I don’t accept the second quality. Constantly I am facing so many challenges. I create challenge for others, and I Myself get challenged by others. It is the intense life! I tell you, intense life keeps you constantly alive and updating yourself.


Things should not happen after death is hell. Bringing yourself to life constantly upgrading, challenging yourself. You are not able to constantly upgrade yourself, challenge yourself because of your patterns. Patterns which has gone into your system. The excellence does not happen in you because of your engrams. It is time now we work on layer after layer of your engram. Your muscle-memories and bio-memories are there layer after layer; as I said, in the initial level, one set of engrams, the next set of engrams. The deeper and deeper you go more, it becomes thicker and thicker... In the top level it is only like a dirt, if you just put the soap, it’ll go. Next level it’s like a little depth, means little, the soap is a little acid quality is needed, maybe bleach! The deeper level, you just need to peel the whole skin, and the deeper level not only peeling, burn the whole flesh!


Now we will work on layer by layer our engrams; engraved memories! We’ll work on the three ways. One: Understandings and truths about each layer, Second: proper kriya-process, alchemy process for the each layer. Third: third will be My contribution, means awakening your Kundalini Energy and cleaning, wiping off those engrams for which from your side you don’t need to do anything except cooperating. If you just cooperate, that’s enough.



Be Free From Bondage || Part 3 || Nithyananda Spurana || 01 Mar 2012

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We’ll start the session. First we are going to work on the fear engrams; that’s the most powerful engram which affects almost your whole lifespan. If you are living hundred years on the planet earth, ninety seven years is affected by fear! Only till the age of three, directly fear does not impact your decision making. But, from the age of three, till death, I can say even after death fear impacts your decision making.


Every pattern, you will see fear. Even in your love there is a fear; greed, there is a fear; anxiety, there is a fear; fear, there is a fear... With every engram fear becomes unavoidable ingredient. Like potato in Begal food; potato and sugar for Bengalis; they’ll not be any item without potato and sugar. ‘Anybody from Bengal, then you know what I am saying?’ Aalu and misty... For Tamilians, this pickle! Whatever you may eat, whether it is a curd rice or anything, but without pickle, food is not complete. For the Andhra people that avaka-Gongura chutney, without that food is not complete. Same way, fear becomes inevitable ingredient in all the life, in every decision you make. In your devotion there is the fear. You project only your fear on God! In your relationship there is a fear. When you accumulate wealth there is a fear. After accumulation there is a fear! The cell-phone rings, there is a fear; if it does not ring, there is a fear, you are waiting for some call. Continuously there’s a fear; fear becomes main driving force, emotion for your actions, decision making... Let Me tell you honestly, fear is nothing but adrenalin in your body. If you have a bad smell in the teeth what will you do? You will brush the teeth. Sameway, just like a bad smell in your teeth, a small chemical imbalance in your body is fear.


But it is so fortunate you give so much of importance to it. That is where the problem starts... You don’t give that much of importance to your mouth smelling, but you give so much of importance to your fear, but both are simple, equal, silly problem! Just like mouth smelling, is a silly problem. Just brush it and chew a gum; over! Same way only when you are, the adrenalin is in you, just understand, get back to the balance. But, you don’t do this, sometimes I wonder, people just because of the fear, they create the problem itself. They're afraid, this may happen, this may happen, this may happen, and make it happen! They create all the situation for that to happen... I have seen, in the love affair or in the family relationship; I may break from my wife, I may break from my wife, I may break from my wife. So now in your heart you have set the climax. You breaking from her is a climax. So, now you will be working towards it. Any day only when the climax happens, you will feel life is fulfilled! You’ve achieved what you wanted.


Same way, in love, I may lose the love, I may lose the love, I may lose this love. Arre! Beauty of love is it can be lost one day, so that you are free from it. Understand? Beauty of love is it can be lost one day so that I am free from it. Ability to give liberation is the beauty of love! So now it is there, enjoy. Feel fulfilled, when it is not there, be very clear; Wow now I am liberated! It’s not there, say bye to the person. You played the other role of my own extension, and I played the other role for your own extension. Now it is time, you go to the next level, I’ll go to the next level. But, in every step, so much of fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear. Fear itself becomes the path, goal and travelling energy, fuel. Fear is your road, fear is the vehicle you travel, fear is the fuel for the vehicle, finally fear is the goal. Then where will you end! Yamaloka.


Fear is nothing but just adrenalin! Just chemical expression... It’s nothing more than chemical expression. I can give you five major fears: One, fear of losing your wealth, name and fame, social status. Please understand! Fear of losing name and fame, health and social status… That is the fear all of you will be having first. That is why so many keys, keys, I have seen some people, they will lock the whole house, keep the whole key in one cupboard and lock that cupboard and keep that key in another one cupboard and lock that cupboard and keep that key in the hip!


Fear of losing your wealth and social prestige. Second, fear of losing your near and dear ones, or their love. Third, fear of losing your health or parts of your body. Fourth, fear of unknown, like ghost. Nobody even knows the characteristics of ghost. Even though you think you know it because you live with your spouse. You know only one or two, not all!


Get your worksheet... All of you got it? Alright come on, now let’s start writing. I’ll read out, please read, recollect the earliest memories of your life, and write down the incidents and the conversations you had about the fear of losing your name, fear of losing your fame, losing your identity like when your mother shouted at you, said ‘You are a bad boy’. Find out the original engram. When it started.


You see, the earliest memory you remember is the time it started. From that time, what, how you built! Pen down all of the memories, samskaras you have, related to these losing fear, name and fame. Then second, recollect the earliest memories of your life and write down the incidents and conversations you had about fear of losing your physical health, losing your mental health, or fear of accidents. What if I fall sick, what will happen? If I’m admitted to hospital what will happen? That! Third, recollect the earliest memories of your life and write down the incidents and conversations you had about fear of losing your loved ones or fear of losing the love of your loved ones. When your friend said, ‘I will never talk to you again if you don’t do this!’ Fourth, recollect the earliest memories of your life and write down the incidents and conversations you had about fear of the unknown. Write it down in your notebooks in your bag! Please understand, you have the right answer in the notebook which is in your bag. Because tomorrow it’ll all be destroyed, end of the program, it’ll be destroyed, so write it down in that notebook; the answers. See, each question is hundred mark question, so you will write at least three page answer. Mark you take in these sessions are mark for life. Whether life pass or life fail!


Understanding how the engram is created in you and built in you; and standing as it is today. Pen down then go to the next question. First, you grasp, get the feel of it... Come on dig out!


It is time we go to the next process. Alright! We’ll go to the next step. We’ll start the session. Please understand, all fear finally when you dig deep, ends in death fear, am I right? Unless you work on the death you will not have a complete understanding about fears. Now dig your engrams about death! After that we’ll go to the next process.



Be Free From Bondage || Part 4 || Nithyananda Spurana || 01 Mar 2012

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Now scan your whole life, every relationship in your life, where you don’t want the person to die. Look at the whole list of people in your life such as your son, your daughter, your wife. Your wife may not be in that list, that is okay. Your father, who you think should never die. You don’t want to even think that they will die. Make a list of such people and against each name, describe what will happen to you if that person dies! Please understand, what will happen to you, what will you miss. In Tamil, there is a beautiful proverb, ‘when your mother dies, beautiful food goes away. When your father dies, further education goes away. When your wife dies, the pleasure goes away. When your son dies, future security goes away.’ Like that, each person when they die, something happens to your life. Describe that.


To see the understandings you got and give you the deeper insights. Come on, who is going to share your stories? Come out, one by one. God! Nobody wants to come. No, come, I will ask you which question I want answer! You come out with answer with all the questions. Answer for actually eight questions. I have given you eight questions. I may ask any. Come on. Answer Me the second part last question means the eighth question answer.


Devotee: Just regarding scanning the whole life relationships.


Swamiji: Ha, answer that.


Devotee: I can put me, my mother, I would never want her to die.


Swamiji: What will happen if she dies in your life?


Devotee: She is the person who loves me the most


Swamiji: Yes, so you will miss her love and attention. So some part of you will die. That is the main problem more than her. Come on, next.


Devotee: It is my sister. My younger sister


Swamiji: Hmm, what is the reason?


Devotee: Who will take care of her little daughter who is just seven years now.


Swamiji: Okay, otherwise the responsibility will come to you.


Devotee: Yeah, will I be responsible enough to take it up?


Swamiji: Ha yes, great. Come on, next


Devotee: They are the only two persons that I have.


Swamiji: Okay. See, you understand. With every death it is not even that person. It is your like the impact that will create on your life. That is where the whole thing boils down. Alright. Come on, this side? What? Nobody is coming out! Arey! Such a rare chance directly to talk to Me and get the solution and deeper insights. Come on. Come out. People usually fight and stand in the queue. Come out. Why you guys are going back? Come on, come on, come on. Going back? Hmm, see, I want the answer from you, the second part-first question. Earliest concepts of death.


Devotee: My cat had to be put to sleep because he had a fish stuck in his mouth and I felt that was good because he was free of suffering and pain but I...


Swamiji: What is the idea you got from the elders when you asked what happened to him?


Devotee: They didn’t tell me too much that I remember except that this was a freedom and letting go of pain and…


Swamiji: Alright, okay. Come on, this side. I wanted the first part, the fourth question’s answer. Recollect your earliest memories of your life of fear of unknown. Have you ever had or having?


Devotee: I don’t remember anything, Swamiji.


Swamiji: Come close to the mike. Answer now. No fear of unknown?


Devotee: I have fear of unknown but I don’t know what is the incident.


Swamiji: Ah, so like a ghost or God or death. So you don’t even know how to describe what is the reason.


Devotee: What is the reason I don’t remember the incident.


Swamiji: That is why it is called unknown. Please, you can go now. You are right. Come on. Tell Me the first part-first question. Your fear of losing name and fame.


Devotee: Fear of name and fame not being able to be perfect in ..


Swamiji: No, first memory of losing the fear of losing name and fame. First memory? Oldest memory.


Devotee: Just fear of not being able to...


Swamiji: No, with your mother and father or teacher. Earliest memory, what is the memory? Some incident?


Devotee: Okay, I would never marry someone because they are always smart in all ways, always getting things right…


Swamiji: Oh, your mom said?


Devotee: No, my teacher.


Swamiji: Teacher said?


Devotee: And giving me a zero for I have not passed and I wasn’t able to..She gave me a big zero


Swamiji: Do you know the recent study says? All the kids who can’t do math excel in the life, they become genius and 92% of the gold medalists in all top US Universities are jobless after five years and living in the streets means literally living with basic things. So if you are aspiring to become a gold medalist in the top University of the world, please get ready to be jobless and homeless in the streets begging. Of course, the survey does not say they are beggars begging, but living almost just with a bare minimum. Small house or no job literally not capable of having more than basic things. So, many of your calculations are wrong in life. Come on, alright, that’s enough and I wanted to know your earliest memories of losing your near and dear ones or their love, understand! Hmm, means the first part, third question, engram you have in that line.


Devotee: My mother died in 1988 when I was 13 year old. I felt complete vacuum in myself but I did not weep at that time.


Swamiji: What was...see, what I am saying, “What it created in you now to carry the fear of death of near and dear one?” See now, you may have some fear. Will this person die, this person die, what will happen? Do you have anybody like that in your life?


Devotee: No


Swamiji: Oh God! That is great liberation! Okay, then what was the impact of that death in your life?


Devotee: I felt complete vacuum in... I felt that I may not be taken care of by anybody


Swamiji: So something which is of your life’s interest is missed, going to be missing, right? Ha great. That’s all I wanted to know. Please...answer Me the last part, last question. Scan your life, whom all you don’t want them to die in your life. Is there anybody in your life you don’t want them to die.


Devotee: My dad, my mom, my brother, sisters


Swamiji: Mike closer, brother, sisters.


Devotee: And my lover.


Swamiji: Okay, now tell Me what is the reason


Devotee: Well, daddy is the only person. He cares me a lot. My mom also is great.


Swamiji: So if they are not there, that love will be missing.


Devotee: Yeah, same for my sister and my brother. And for my lover, I am going to marry him


Swamiji: So he is the future.


Devotee: Yeah


Swamiji: So with every person there is something your vested interest, you understand? Something that they are contributing to your life is going to be missing. Okay.


Now understand. I wanted all of you to know, with each near and dear one’s death, one dimension of you is dying. And I tell you, this is the truth. Not only science validates this by many surveys and studies, it’s a spiritual truth. If your father dies in the young age, you will have right side paralytic attack. If your mother dies, you will have left side paralytic attack because that part brain does not get nurtured if your father or mother is missing in your life. It’s a proven fact. If some of your relatives, close relatives die, some part of your life starts missing. That is why, there is so much attachment to the near and dear ones. Please understand, unless you integrate all the joy source of your life as yourself, there is going to be this fear, there is going to be this suffering, there is going to be this torture. Come on, answer Me the first question. What is the first concept you heard about death? The second part of the first question.


Devotee: What I remember is that I read some poems regarding death


Swamiji: Age? At the age of?


Devotee: I think around six or seven and I used to read some spiritual things they said that it will continue and things like that. What I had...I studied some science and this idea was there in me that somewhere I was thinking that something will definitely continue but alongwith there was also feeling that with death, all sort of problems and the set of drama which they continuously creating..


Swamiji: Why should it continue?


Devotee: It will..this could be a automatically pre-designed enter to all that. This I had in mind.


Swamiji: Alright, that’s enough. Come on, you answer Me the last question. Second part last question.


Devotee: You only Swami. So if you go away


Swamiji: Only Me, nobody else? You don’t have in your life anybody other than Me?


Devotee: Maybe I write my mother. Companionship


Swamiji: That’s all? Other than Me, nothing? Don’t worry. I am not going to die. I am going to be for 126 years. I’ll see you and your next, next generation. Alright. So what will..what you will miss if I leave?


Devotee: Security.


Swamiji: Then?


Devotee: Guidance


Swamiji: Then?


Devotee: The basis of my life. Image.


Swamiji: God! Alright. You won’t miss, don’t worry. Come on, you answer Me the eighth question means last question. Second part last question.


Devotee: I think they shouldn’t die, it is obviously my daughters because I don’t find any meaning in my life. I don’t have anybody to celebrate whatever I attain in my life. So It is my daughters because like... I won’t find any meaning for my existence.


Swamiji: Okay. So your future is curtailed, snubbed


Devotee: Yeah


Swamiji: Basically daughters means extension, future.


Devotee: yeah


Swamiji: Okay, alright, you can go now. So answer Me the first question of the first part. Your first fear of losing name and fame started building in the young age, youngest age.


Devotee: Yes Swamiji.


Swamiji: Tell Me that


Devotee: When I was about five or six years old, my sister ..my elder sister was about thirteen years old to me. She decided that she will get married to somebody who was not acceptable in the family and the grandfather, great grandfather and my father had supposedly very good name in the society. So when she decided that she will get married to her, the entire family decided that they lied in the society.


Swamiji: Ha, I understand. So that is the first shock you heard about the name and fame. Okay. come on, answer the eighth question.


Devotee: Last question?


Swamiji: Last question. Second part, last question. Who you may never want to die in your life.


Devotee: If Swamiji dies, nobody will tell jokes.


Swamiji: So I am only a joker in your life? Arey, then? Alright, at least as a joker, I am in many people’s life. That’s great! Then?


Devotee: My father already died in..actually I never learnt any concepts about people dying, okay


Swamiji: No, what I am saying, I am asking only about the engrams left. You have any fear of anybody?


Devotee: Actually if You would die, of course Sangha would probably dissipate people I would normally see would not see each other anymore, the beautiful Darshans and experiences


Swamiji: Okay, alright, great! Don’t worry. I am not going to die. Come on, let Me listen this side. Nobody? Okay, now why I am asking you to write you know, two thing: One, to bring it to your conscious. Only if it comes to your consciousness, I can clear it. I will not be able to clear anything unless you give permission. So bringing it to your conscious, that is the one reason. Second, when you read and write, understand, there are so many things, clicks inside you. When you write and listen, now the answers I gave, for many people it would have many understandings. It would have brought many things. Again please understand. Now sit, read the whole thing you wrote. All the answers of eight questions. Please understand, don’t miss even one line. Don’t think, ‘Oh! Just now I wrote, why should I read?’ No! Read. Read at least twice. You will see many things you missed. You will be able to pen down. Please do that. Just ten minutes. Then we will go to the next level process, next step.



Be Free From Bondage || Part 5 || Nithyananda Spurana || 01 Mar 2012

Link to Video:



I’m training a group of sannyasis to go beyond the hunger and thirst. I am teaching them personally, because I have to demonstrate, I also have to do. By the end of this year I will present them, put them in front of scientists to show that the... See actually we already showed in My body, metabolism is, if i take the hundred calorie food, the food which gives hundred calorie energy, thousand six hundred calories released in the body. Means, a very less quantity food is enough to run My life. Through our, through scientific study on My body proved. But now I’m trying to replicate that on the group of brahmacharis and sannyasis, just to show that through yoga directly you can take energy from the Cosmos. To run the body you don’t need so much food. Only to go towards death you need so much food... To live you don’t need so much food! Quantity can be brought down. For some people, they eat to live, for some people live only to eat!


Once I present the sannyasis in front of the scientists and get the data; means, the scientific data, I’ll reveal the science to the whole world. By next year I’ll reveal the science to the whole world... First I wanted to reveal successfully prove on My sannyasis, so that, and not only that, scientifically validate it that there is no other side effect like acidity or any other problem, and one year I wanted to observe. Once the system is proved successful, then I’ll present it to all of you also.


Even this NSP, the system which you are going through: first I did it on Myself and tried it on the group of brahmacharis and ashramites. When I saw the success only, I gave it to the people. And same way, Nithya Yoga, the yoga which you are doing. Now I am evolving a next level of yoga. In six week awakening, six chakra because there is only six chakras actually. The seventh is not a chakra it’s a opening. Sahasrara is just a opening. Six are only chakras, the seventh is not chakra. In six week, opening, six chakra and six pack!... I’m already working on that also, it’ll be ready by next Inner Awakening I’ll share that science with the world. Then it’ll be available in the Internet for all of you to practice.


With different bodybuilding work-out, I’m adding Kumbhakas, different Kumbhakas, so that the simultaneously, in a day you may need to spend only forty two minutes, but you will build the body and awaken the chakras, both! You don’t need a separate Western type of workout for muscle building and then, Eastern type of yoga for awakening the chakras and all that. All the four major things of the yogic body; flexibility, power, stamina and physique. All the four will be built just forty two minute. Kumbhaka means a controlled breathing process... See, the Eastern techniques, like yoga and all, increases the flexibility and power of the body. But, it does not bring the physique and stamina. The Western type, weight-lifting, all that workout on the machines, gymming and everything, brings physique and stamina on the body; does not bring flexibility and power.


Power means, energy, they don’t bring that; they only make you as a huge animal, they don’t bring this component, and these, we forget about those components. So I’m trying to merge both, successfully I have done. Merging has happened, working on a group of disciples, the guinea-pig experiment is going on. Once that is successful I’ll share it with the world...


Alright now! You guys are going to get into your depth, death in depth. Please understand, actually, whatever will happen in your system during the death, except physical stopping of the heart. You won’t die physically! You come back don’t worry. Except physical death, everything, intense release of adrenalin, intense pain; the psychological process, you go through during the death, the whole thing, now you’ll go through except your heart beat stopping, you will go through everything including brain shutting down.


More than ninety percent of the participants always tell after this process, ‘We were not sleeping, but just our brain was not functioning as we want. It just got shut down, we only know one thing, ‘When you said ‘wake up’, we woke up, and we were not sleeping.’’ And one more thing, it clearly awakens one more DNA layer in you. Please understand, you have twelve layers of DNA. Only two is awakened by birth and growth; by birth one, by physical maturity one more. Two layers only awakened. But through initiation the third layer can be awakened, that is what is called ‘dwija’- reborn. In Vedic tradition we call it as a reborn ‘dwija’. This process will make you reborn, awaken one more layer of DNA... Put all your effort sincerely to go through the process; if one more DNA strand is awakened, three things will happen in you; completely balanced emotional response. Means, the stress level will drastically drop. Second, the hereditary diseases will not affect you any more. The breakage will happen. You will break yourself from the inherited diseases. Sometime if your father is having diabetes, you will not have, you’ll inherit the heart problem, cancer, all the inherited disorders will not work on your body anymore.


Can you, Ma Maneesha, can you present today or tomorrow, in some break, the whole research! In the last, last two, in the last two Inner Awakenings you have done the scientific research, they say. The doctors who have done the scientific research, they say that Swamiji, you can give as a guaranteed solution, we can promote Inner Awakening as a guaranteed cure for any hereditary, genetical disorders. Whether it is a cancer, or what the other thing you say Ma? No, no, no, no, wait, wait; auto-immune, yes, auto-immune disorders, mainly cancer and auto-immune disorders, these two. Neurological disorders like alzeimers, for these three there is a hundred percent disconnection. Means, even if you are supposed to be having hundred, it is sure you are going to have any of these three diseases, because of the genetical, it breaks the whole pattern, you’ll not have it. The doctors have come up with a, they said that, ‘Swamiji, the each participant’s DNA analysis took six months for one person.’


See, if you've taken some fifty people’s DNA, fifty doctors studied, almost equal unto the six months work, they have put and they have finally given the conclusion. Because very beautifully they are describing the participants who all had the possibility of brain tumours; completely that genetical code itself is changed; The before initiation and after initiation. So the hereditary things are cleared, but one thing, in the Inner Awakening, four layers of DNA gets awakened; now in these four days we will be able to do one layer, at least one layer will be awakened; just because of the death process. So put your whole effort and intention that’s all.



Be Free From Bondage || Part 6 || Nithyananda Spurana || 01 Mar 2012

Link to Video:



I am going to start the process. Next four hours you will not be able to go anywhere and spread all over the hall. You can have... you should have full bed for yourself. Nobody else should be there on your bed... Please read, re-read and re-read at least three times all the answers you wrote, because you are going to work on them. You are going to face all those fears. You are going to face the worst things of your life... Yes, during the process you can’t fall asleep. If you have finished writing, please tie the ribbon. If you have finished reading what you wrote, please tie the ribbon and sit straight.


First enter into the first layer of your fear-losing your name and fame, wealth of the outer world. Really you lost it. It has left your body and life. You are no more a rich person. Poor, insignificant life. Face the identity crisis when money leaves you. Face the identity crisis when name and fame leaves you. Face it. Live it. Go through it. Allow the suffering. Allow the dukkha. Allow the anxiety. Allow the stress to pass through your body... Sit straight. Face all the fears of losing your outer world wealth, name and fame. By the orders of Kalabhairava, let the fears leave your system. Let you all become fearless. Let you all move beyond the fears. Go into the fear of losing your near and dear ones or their love. Important people of your life, people were very part of your life, who are very life for you are no more part of your life. See they are not there. Their love is not there in your life. Face the suffering and fear and anxiety. Go through it. Live it. Face it. Go into it. Allow everything to happen.


Move to the next fear-fear of losing your health: physical health and mental health. Go into that fear. Whatever fear you have, it has become reality. Now what can be done? Go into that fear with tremendous acceptance. Live to leave. Go through the whole fear. Go into that whole fear. Sit straight. Now enter into the fear of unknown. You have only twenty four hours more to live. Prepare yourself to leave the planet earth once for all. Do whatever needs to be done. Whatever you want to do to complete your life, please complete it. Finish, complete all your responsibilities. Pack up and get ready. Meticulously complete every thought, every relationship, every desire. Prepare once for all to leave the planet earth. Get ready to leave the planet earth once for all. Face all the unknown fears and complete once for all and just lie down wherever you are. Get ready to leave the planet earth once for all, to relax once for all, once for all.


Lie down wherever you are. Slowly death is overpowering you. See, your feet are dead. Your calf muscles are dying. Your knees are dead. Slowly your body is becoming cool, frozen, useless for you. It is no more useful for you...


Your hip is dying. Your stomach is dead. Below the stomach, whole body is dying. Your chest is dead. Your back is dying. Your breathing is settling down... Hands are dead. Below the neck, whole body is dead. Lips is dying. Your cheeks are dead. Nose is dead. Eyes are dead. Except the crown, top of your head, whole body is dead. See very clearly. Your life is getting ready to leave your body through the crown, top of your head… Leaving your body, leaving, leaving, left!


See very clearly. You are different from your body, completely unclutched, unconnected. See your body from above independently. Now you are free from all the bondages from the body and through the body. See very clearly. Your close friend, who was your life, your very body is now different from you. Look at your body from above. You are above your body, beyond, unclutched, free from all the bondages created from the body and through the body. Taken to the cremation ground, all the last respects are paid, last rites are performed. All your friends and relatives are saying goodbye to you.


See very clearly. Your body is being offered to the fire. Your body is returning back to Mother Nature. Your consciousness is returning back to the Source, Cosmos-the energy which moves the sun and the moon, stars in the sky. You are becoming one with that very source-Shiva. Namah Shivaya. Namah Shivaya. Namah Shivaya. By the order of the Kalabhairava, let you all be liberated from all the clutches and fears of death. Let you all be freed from death. Let you all be Jivanmuktas... Shanti, shanti, shantihi. Slowly, very slowly settle down into the body. Sit up. Move your legs. Slowly sit wherever you are. Sit up. Let your eyes be closed. Let your eyes be closed continuously. Just sit wherever you are... Relax. You can open your eyes.


Photos From The Day:

http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/_MG_3880.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/_MG_3915.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_3934.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/_MG_3949.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/_MG_3970.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/_MG_4058.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/_MG_3977.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/_MG_4001.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/_MG_4017.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/_MG_4093.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/_MG_4045.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/_MG_4138.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/_MG_4138_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/_MG_4325.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/_MG_4341.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/_MG_4355.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/_MG_4384.JPG

Sakshi Pramana:

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