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Mind Over Matter Patanjali Yoga Sutra 151
==Link to Video: ==  
==Link to Video: ==  
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpp5BB4fZWo&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2011-04apr-18_mind-over-matter-patanjali-yoga-sutra-151-18th-april-2011"/>
I welcome you all with My love and respects.  I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangis. Let’s enter into today’s subject. The moment I sit for the morning satsang and pada pooja happens, I get into some intense Samadhi and energy, mood. It becomes a big job to use words.
Actually to send vibhooti, kumkum or to heal people is much easy job. This teleportation and all is very easy job than using the right word and inspiring your brain and mind to get awakened to achieve enlightenment. You will be really surprised. I am telling you now the job which I am doing, it is because it is so physical and you are able to see, you think it is a big job but it is not. It is very easy for me. Just now one more message is coming. Lancaster center received kumkum from the padukas. This is actually not a job, big job at all. If I just sit and drink my cup of coffee it will happen by itself. See those things all come under srishti, sthiti, samhara, tirobhava means creation, maintenance, destruction and putting into illusion. So this materialization and teleportating will come under the category of creation. That is not a job at all. But to inspire the individual who is in delusion to get enlightened is the job. That is the most important, I can say most difficult job; because these fellows are not ready to listen.
Just now one devotee who did padapuja, he asked for enlightenment. I actually opened my eyes and said ‘Come on let him have it.’ Immediately I saw his whole inner being is ‘No, no, no, no, not that much, little, little. So then I have to give him how much he can handle. Then I told ‘Alright you will have a strong satori experience now in the initiation.’ Somehow your being by its very inbuilt tendency neither can renounce the idea of enlightenment, nor can get into that happily. At one point ‘aaah aaaah aaaah I thought enlightenment is something else’. So each soul needs to be individually inspired.
I tell you, exactly what happens during the kundalini awakening you know. You may think why these people are rolling on the ground. Actually your identity, that individual ego, possesses your body at one point, either in one chakra - muladhara or manipuraka or anahata some one chakra. When the kundalini gets awakened the energy experience starts happening in many spots of your body. Suddenly in the knee it will start happening, in the finger tips it will start happening, on the hair it will start happening. So all…… the whole body becomes alive; independently intelligent. That is why so much of healing happens when the kundalini is awakened.
See for…. if you have some problem in the liver, when the liver becomes independently intelligent it does not wait for the brain to heal the liver. It does not wait for the other bodies to cooperate. It just gets healed by itself. It just says ‘I am getting healed.’ It is declaring its independence and saying I am getting healed. If you want live with me otherwise get lost! So each part independently starts declaring its health. Actually when each parts declares its health, getting healed is very easy. If the disease is collective only then it becomes huge work. When each part says ‘Eh, I am getting healed I am becoming healthy I am not interested in listening to you’, it’s almost like a each ashramite becoming responsible for himself. How easy job becomes. So each fellow becomes responsible for himself. That is why so much of healing happens along with this kundalini awakening. And not only that. so much of joy! You will see just for no reason so much joy... almost like a bliss intoxication!
I am not doing anything. You are not given any substance. That is why even the ordinary tulasi and honey, the bilva and honey we give, I told them to give after energy darshan. Because I saw two three people started getting doubts. They did not express… when they came for energy darshan... I can see your mind. Of course don’t worry I will not see. I see only when you tell me to see. Otherwise I don’t see. Some people when they came for energy darshan, they asked me some question. So I wanted to see their mind to answer the question. When I saw, I saw that they are having doubt ‘Who knows maybe in the honey and tulasi they would have mixed something, that is why I am rolling on the ground when I go for energy darshan’. Then I thought ‘Oh God, better to deal with human mind in their language.’ That’s why I decided now don’t give even that ordinary honey and tulasi before energy darshan. Give after energy darshan so that they will not have doubts. NO really people get into different moods you don’t know. They will have their own doubts.
All right! That is why the whole body just lifts off the ground, rolls and you don’t even know what is happening. You only know one thing. It is blissful; that’s all. It’s ecstatic; that’s all. And not only that, your skin will become independently intelligent. It will start shining, radiating. Each time you levitate is equalent to one energy darshan. See when I blow, don't think it is ordinary thing. It is equalent to one energy darshan. Understand it is one energy darshan. That is why so much of response is happening in the body.
See it’s, Patanjali... Patanjali is the Adisesha - 1000 hooded snake. He is the snake filled with nectar, not poison. That is why Adisesha... Maha Vishnu sleeps in his shadow. How can you sleep, on your head big 1000 poison pots are hanging? Can you sleep? 😀 Just imagine 1000 poison pots are hanging on your head. Anytime any one can break and drop on your head. Can you sleep? NO. Adisesha is the snake filled with nectar. That is why Patanjali who is a snake filled with nectar, is teaching you about health. Otherwise if he is filled with snake how can he... if he is filled with poison how can he give health for us? For the physical health he gives yoga and for the verbal health he gives Panini Mahabashya. If you drink the milk poured on the ananda lingam a little bit on the throat you will have that same sweetness which you will have during the levitation.
151st sutra of Patanjalis Yoga sutras, 3rd chapter 45th verse subject is ‘Mind over Matter’. Let Me enter into the sutra -
Let me read the translation of Swami Vivekananda: Through samyama on the gross and fine forms of the elements, the essential straits, the inherence of the gunas in them and on their contributing to the experience of the soul comes mastery of elements.
Swami Prabhavananda translates as: By making samyama on the gross and subtle forms of elements, on their essential characteristics and the inherence of gunas in them and on the experiences they provide for the individual, one gains mastery of the elements.
Swami Sachidananda translates as: By samyama on the gross and subtle elements and on their essential nature, co-relations and purpose, mastery over them is gained.
Bhagawan Osho translates as: By performing samyama on their gross, constant, subtle, all pervading and functional state brings mastery over the pancha bhootas the five elements.
I really feel happy when all these extraordinary powers like materialization, teleporting, all this has started expressing through my body; not because of any arrogance or ego or showing off. I always felt…. see my teachers, my masters, my mentors, all of them were continuously showing miracles to me. That was such an excitement. See, some of my disciples have a deep feeling ‘I am not levitating. You are not giving that experience to me.’ I had this same feeling maybe for two three years when I was practicing. But I always felt nothing like that solid is being expressed to my disciples; disciples who are working with me. How will their inspiration be kept alive? Just words cannot, I know. I have seen.
See the power of word is till you create your own words stronger than my words, that’s all. If I inspire you for enlightenment talking five hours, you go back and have one cup of tea, in five minutes create a better logic, stronger arguments inside you; whole thing is gone! Over! So I always used to feel ‘Oh God! I do not have anything solid to show these fellows and keep their inspiration alive till that opening, initiation happens. See the person who has not yet levitated, for him it is like a dead end. It is never going to happen. Only I know any day just that coconut can break. I know that both side. But they think ‘No it is not for me!’ But I need to keep them inspired and make them continue the practice till that break happens.
I always used to feel arey…. No, really my mentors were so compassionate and loving, caring, they did not bother to express some of these extraordinary powers like brain candy… see like a candy for inspiration. How when you give few candies to a child it gets excited, this is for your brain… for your logic.  All siddhis are brain candies, understand, for logic. Ahhh yes, yes, yes, if all these things are happening then whatever Swamiji is talking it is true. I am going to levitate. I am going to get enlightened. I will live this life. I will wait for the ultimate experience to happen. I will transform my life. Just to keep that alive. I really used to feel there will not be single day when something extraordinary not happening in my life when I lived with Raghupathi yogi and Kuppammal… something.
Otherwise how do you think…. I am a normal school boy. He will just like that tell Me ‘ehhh start surya namaskar’. I will ask, ‘How many Guruji?’ I will call him Guru, ‘How many Guru?’ ‘Ehhh surya namaskar means what? Till sunrise to sunset do it’; that all. 😀 As long as sun is there do surya namaskar. It is not like 108 or 216 and all. ‘Ehh sun is there, do surya namaskar’, that’s all. “Dei  suryan  irukillada…maraiya varaikum panra”. that’s what he will tell in Tamil. Sun has come, till it sets do it and I have to be doing. 😀 No really when the sunrise starts I have to start my surya namaskars and till sun sets I have to be doing. How do you think a boy will be interested in doing it? Because every day they were showing something; they kept me alive.
So I always felt ‘Ohhhh that dimension of support I am not able to give for my disciples.’ See if that dimension of support is also given, many disciples not only will retain their inspiration, will really work for that enlightenment. Otherwise what, if I tell them to do weight lifting, they started doing not with dumbles with skipping rope. In the whole world first time weight lifting happens with a skipping rope. No, the problem is the inspiration... the inspiration. Now when all this started expressing I am really feeling that dimension, support… It is a support actually for you, nothing else. Otherwise what will you do with that kumkum, with that vibhooti? Instead of giving that way I can give from the cup, that’s all. I can give from the cover that’s all. What is there? Both one and the same! It is a kind of a support for your mind to continue the journey. So now I feel we are able to provide that support also so that more and more people will live a responsible enlightened life, responsible spiritual life.
Today I was about to do a certain materialization. Yesterday just I had a vision… see when the Yellambella siddar…. Shiva came down as a siddha in Madurai to do this leelas… Once he came down just casually walking in the streets and every time during this Brahmotsavam he comes down even now. This year also he came down. See actually we were all sitting and discussing in the room, having a meeting. Suddenly I felt that Yellambella siddar has landed on planet earth in physical form. Then I told the brahmacharini ‘ehh in Madurai temple they have hoisted the flag, I think dhwajarohanam has happened. Call and find out.’ They called, exactly that moment that flag has been raised. Even now he comes down in the physical body. He can be in many bodies and playing the game.
Once when he came down like that, he sat outside the temple….. started playing all the games. He will just look at the old people and blow and they will become young. All this kind of drama he started doing. If some poor man comes, he will just uffff show the healing stick on them and that fellow will become just like king - fully dressed all the wealth. nariyallam pariyakki, kizhadellam ilasaakki, varumaiyellam neekki valamaakki all this different, different games he started doing. The information reached the king. King sent ministers to get that siddar to the court. When the ministers came the siddar said “I don’t want to come to your king. I have nothing to be achieved, gained by him. Get lost!” Then king realized I think better let me go and see. When he came to see he was....that siddar was not found. He was going around the temple. Suddenly in one corner of the temple, near the garbha mandir, the siddar was sitting. And this king with lot of arrogance came and said “What? I heard you do all kinds of magics and express your powers. If you can make this elephant,” There was a huge stone elephant holding the garbha mandir of Madurai temple. Still that elephant is there. Still next to that elephant his temple is there, his shrine is there; that siddars shrine. “And if you can feed sugarcane to this stone elephant and this elephant can eat I will believe you are Sundareshwara. You are Shiva himself”.
Then siddar did not even bother. He just looked at the elephant casually. That elephant just got to life; not only caught hold of the sugarcane and ate and in the anger how dare you doubt my powers, this siddar’s powers, he just caught the pearl necklace which that king was wearing and pulled it and swallowed it. The king got frightened. 😀 Then he fell at the feet of the siddar and said “Oh I understand please forgive me. Pacify this elephant! He should not come out and destroy the city. Siddar said “Don’t worry”. He just looked at the elephant. That fellow became cool. And because siddar forgived the king he gave that pearl garland back, the pearl necklace back which he swallowed. He just took it back and gave it back to that king because that is a traditional necklace given from Meenakshi.
See this incident happened after Meenakshi left the body; maybe after 100 years or sometime, that time this incident happened. That is supposed to be the hereditary pearl necklace the king will wear when the next king becomes the… when the son becomes the next king and he will get it. Because it is a hereditary necklace, it is the royal symbol of Madurai kingdom, that elephant gave it back. The king got relieved in a big way.
Yesterday I had the vision and I felt one pearl from that garland will be materialized now. You will see… actually today morning I want to do, but the Oman connection is not there. Nithya Devi is coming. She is actually travelling. She is coming here. When she comes here, in front of all of you I will do that materialization. You will see not for pride or anything.
Yesterday I felt such a deep compassion I was just relaxing. I felt many people, even the old devotees left because they did not have this support; this mystery support. They had only my word, verbal support and compassion support. So now we will video record this and put it in the YouTube. Whoever left just because they did not have the mystery support will again feel connected, come back and progress. People who left because of their arrogance, nothing can be done! But if somebody has left by me not doing my full job, I am giving chance for all of them. See by not giving the mystery support even I did not do my job completely. Of course it was not in my control. That’s the way things happen and the cosmos was doing. So now I have decided I will give them the mystery support also. Whoever has left because me not doing my job completely will come back. But whoever has left out of their arrogance that is up to them. That nothing can be done.
Not only that when that pearl gets materialized we will check it scientifically and prove it is 2000 year old pearl. We will do it with a complete video recording and with controlled conditions where people scrutinize the whole scene. Hmmmm.
Lets enter into this sutra. This sutra talks about making yourself in tune with pancha bhootas and controlling pancha bhootas and going beyond pancha bhootas. Please understand three step. First feeling connected - means falling in tune with pancha bhootas. Then controlling the pancha bhootas, then going beyond pancha bhootas; getting enlightened. It’s a too vast and big subject…. like step by step you may need to do 11 samyamas. Let me describe.
Performing samyama on gross, gross level and subtle level and all pervading level and functional level and in the gross level constantly unchanging, in the subtle level constantly unchanging, in the all pervading level constantly unchanging in the functional level constantly unchanging. On each of this you need to do mastery samyama. You need to get mastery.
I can say… I can give you some of the basic understandings just to put it on record. None of you will be able to even think of practicing it. Forget about it! But I wanted this to be on record. You see pancha bhoota, the air example, I am giving you one example. Pancha bhoota is five elements all of you know; the earth, water, fire, air and space. The air, constant level means just the air. Changing level means 80% of it will be air, the remaining 20% some other element will become part of it. Only then it can become changing. Please understand, the cyclone does not happen just by air. Whether the heat or space something else gets added to that air; water or fire or space, some other elements become part of that air, only then it becomes cyclone. The cyclone starts happening. At some spot maybe the temperature is down so that is why the vacuum gets happened, the depression happens. Then from one place the air rushes to that spot. That is what is cyclone.
So in any element the constant and changing. Same way the earthquake; when the earth is constant just it is earth. But when the fire inside the earth changes, moves, or the water alters itself or the space gives way when the earth moves, that is what is earthquake. So the samyama on constant dimension of panchabhoota and changing dimension of panchabhoota and all pervading dimensions of pancha bhoota that samyama leads you to experience extraordinary powers, feeling connection, making you fall in tune with five elements and through this you can control the elements and through this you can go beyond the elements and get enlightened. Maybe I will give you some more deeper detailed techniques, step by step in the next satsangs; not for practicing, just to be on record. Just to put it on record I will give you some more samyamas. As on now this much is enough. This much understanding will do.
I bless you all who are sitting with us at this moment in 720 places one way connection, 6 places two way connection, in 219 cities, in 24 countries. Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share the eternal bliss, Nithyananda.
Thank you.
Initiation my main Contribution
==Link to Video: ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wg9X4pbIPWA&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2011-04apr-18_initiation-my-main-contribution"/>
Initiation is such a subtle thing, even if you miss one instruction or one line, you will miss it. This is the essence of last six days and based on this only the whole next part is going to be built. Initiation into.... My main contribution... you see, still now, you are only a kind of follower. Now only I am committing with you through this initiation that officially a devotee or disciple or whatever or now only I take responsibility for your enlightenment. It is such a important moment. See, it is only ten instruction, nothing, Ten statement I will make, that's all but you need to just completely grasp that and just understand, each statement should click with you. For that you need to be aware and not only that, after initiation, I will be guiding you into that process. If you fall asleep, it is a too big missing.
You see, initiation is like a… how in the Indian villages they will take you to see the girl before marriage. In the first sight it has to click, that's all. In the first sight if you miss it, after that it will always be that hanging. That will be there, “That time itself I told you, I don't like this girl, I didn't want this marriage.” You understand? So the initiation should be clicking in the first sight. When I guide you first, it should click. That unclutching should happen. I prepared you for last three days for this only. I am going to make only ten statements. That ten statements should ring in your ears when you go through the process. Please listen with attention. No need to meditate now. Open your eyes and listen attentively.
First statement: Your mind is responsible for all the happenings and experiences of your life.
Second: Your mind is nothing but too many thoughts put together.
Third: If you can know the science of killing one thought at a time, you won the game. One thought at a time, you won the game with mind.
Fourth statement: Whenever a thought rises in you, just tell yourself, “Let me unclutch from it.” Not suppress. No, just, “Let me unclutch from it.” How in the car when you change the gear unclutching happens. Then the next gear it falls. Unclutch from it.
Next statement: When you say you are unclutching, for micro milliseconds you will have kind of a silence. Then again next thought will come. Again, “Let me unclutch from it.” Then after few minutes, this thought, “Let me unclutch” itself will become one more thought. Unclutch from that also. Then you may feel …feeling bored, feeling like sleeping. Unclutch from that also. Sit with full of life. Don't allow even one thought pass over your space unattended.
Please understand, these are the instructions now. Do not allow single thought pass your inner space without your notice. The moment you note it, the moment you catch it, unclutch. In the beginning, use the word unclutching in your inner space. Later on, you will learn the science of using the mood of unclutching. You don't even need to use the word unclutching. Now use the word unclutching. Clear? Any doubt, unclutch from it…. Any questions, unclutch from it. That is all is initiation, understand. I think this is the most shortest initiation I have given but I know this is going to be the most powerful initiation because if I say too many words, stories, when you now sit with your eyes closed and work on initiation, you will… all those words will be ringing in your heads. No, I want minimum words.
If you feel bored, unclutch from that too. If you are feeling tired, unclutch from that. Feeling sleepy, unclutch from that. Unclutch from everything. Let you be unclutched.
(Announcement of Kailash Yatra and video of next Inner Awakening programs)
Upanishad Under the Banyan Tree
==Link to Video: ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlfWq2OIKIE&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2011-04apr-18_upanishad-under-the-banyan-tree"/>
Swamiji reads the question and then answers
Ravi is asking, “When we were young our parents and elders used say, ‘Go and sleep or else some unknown ghost will come and take you away. It works on my kids also. Is that wrong?”
Completely wrong. And make them understand, “If you sleep the time only then you will maintain health, your  muscles will build.” Make them understand. Otherwise if they sleep less, okay, no problem. Why should you force them? Making… through understanding if you can make them do, let them do. Otherwise, it’s okay. Leave it. They will, their body will learn. They don’t need three meal and eight hour sleep as your body needs. You have so much of junk in your health. So you need that much. They don’t have. So kids can manage easily with one hour food… one meal and two-three hour sleep. If they sleep more, great. If not, don’t worry.
Rajesh Rathod...  “Going near fire one can feel it’s effect, like heat. Then why tuning is required to receive the energy from the master?”
Swamiji:  Fire is physical. You can go near. In my case, the moment  you come near, if you are not tuned, your ego walks away, moves away from me. You understand? It does not even let you come to My Presence. You try to bring your body as much as possible near My Presence, but your mind will tell all kinds of  stories and run away.
(Question) “When you asked us to experience Shiva all through the body, experienced you in my body.”
Swamiji: Ranjani, you will experience levitation also.
(Swamiji silently reading participants letters)
Identity is Ego. There’s no difference. Unclutching is a more stronger process than witnessing.
(Question) “I think the chakras normally open sequential order?”
Swamiji:  No, there is no sequence.
Vasudevan, that feeling of the fire is usual.
(Question) “Should we discuss our spiritual experiences with others or keep it to ourself?”
Swamiji:  You can discuss. Nothing wrong. Whatever you wanted to keep it for yourself - too personal, keep it. Whatever you want to share, share.
(Swamiji silently reading participants letters)
Once the sun sets, usually we don’t sit here because He goes for walking. Um Ummm. The, (participants chatting and Swamiji laughing) No, many, many people have seen. Many local villagers also seen. There’s a security deity here, which goes round takes care of this tree and protects. So after sunset, anybody comes, he doesn’t… Security, Guardian Deity. His samadhi is there. That is his samadhi. Disciple actually… the disciple who was in charge of security. That corner, they are digging you see, we are going to build a beautiful, we are going to put a huge Patanjali statue… Some six feet, in five metal, and make a beautiful temple there. That’s why they are  building. They are digging. Did you see that they are digging? And on that below, I am going to put Yantras such a way, anybody goes and sits there will have levitation, will experience levitation. That is the way we are working. That’s what we are doing actually. (Swamiji pointing to a tree in the vicinity) There, atthi, where, under which Mahavir became enlightened. Uh, banyan, under which Shiva gives enlightenment. That) under which Buddha became enlightened, Bodhi and Ashoka, under which Sita became enlightened. The fourth - neem. And there’s another one special tree - neem with two parasites.
[6:20 - 8:10]
(Inner Awakening promo video)
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Do Not Allow a Single Unaware Thought || Inner Awakening || 18 Apr 2011
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[[Category: 2011]]
Before starting the initiation, I want you just sit without doing any practice, meditation, visualization, concentration or even mantra. Just sit with closed eyes.
Just close your eyes. Don't try to concentrate. Don't try to visualize. Don't try to think anything. No mantra. Just sit.
Just sit. Don't sleep. Don't chant any mantra. Just sit. Whatever happens, let it happen, just sit. Don't move your body. Freeze the body. Just sit.
It is not proper muhurta for initiation then. Need little rest? Because initiation is such a subtle thing, even if you miss one instruction or one line, you will miss it. This is the essence of last six days and based on this only the whole next part is going to be built. Initiation into… My main contribution. You see, still now you are only a kind of a follower. Now only I am committing with you through this initiation that officially a devotee or a disciple or whatever or now only I take responsibility for your Enlightenment. It is such a important moment.
Usually before initiation, I make people sit. Sometime some group will manage half an hour, some groups will manage ten minutes, some groups will manage only few minutes. I can say, just within few minutes, 30% started falling asleep. In 10-15 minutes, 80% is sleeping. Alright, I will give you a break. Wash your face. Maybe half an hour let them lie down. Let them…maybe some half an hour yoga but no lunch. Lunch can be only after initiation, only after initiation. We will push the lunch. We will push lunch. You see, it is only ten instruction, nothing, ten statement I will make, that's all but you need to just completely grasp that and just understand. Each statement should click with you. For that, you need to be aware, not, “Ha, what You say right, right. Whatever You say is right, don't worry. You tell…” That will not work. “It's okay, we are listening. I am listening. I am okay.” That won't work. It need to click with you.
And not only that, after initiation, I will be guiding you into the process. If you fall asleep, it will be too big missing. You see, initiation is like a… how in the Indian villages, they will take you to see the girl before marriage. In the first sight, it has to click, that's all. In the first sight, if you miss it, after that it will always be that hanging. That will be there, “That time itself I told you I don't like this girl. I didn't want this marriage.” How many of you did not click with the first sight but got married? Raise your hand. (Swamiji laughs). You know what I mean. How many clicked with the first sight and got married? Then you know the difference. You understand? So the initiation should be clicking in the first sight. When I guide you first, it should click. That unclutching should happen. I prepared you for last three days for this only.
If you do that morning routine,..... You see, do 5 to 6:30 heavy, intense weight lifting and yoga. From here to Vaidya Sarovar, run. Don't walk. If you are walking, you have not done the workout properly. Run and jump into Vaidya Sarovar. Half an hour swim. Then run to the room, change, get ready, be here for Pada Puja and one more thing, don't stand in Sarva Darshan. Please don't stand in Sarva Darshan. You see, that is the time when all the local villagers come and I attend them. That is the only time I spend with them. If you occupy that time also…. after all, you get everyday Darshan except yesterday night like when there is a session. Other than that, everyday Darshan you are getting. So better don't occupy their time. If you take bath, take the morning one and half hours heavy yoga and Vaidya Sarovar bath, then you will not be tired. You will not sleep during the sessions.
Alright, now I don't want you guys to miss the first click of initiation. After initiation, immediately you will have Energy Darshan. Energy Darshan is especially for that initiation to happen like a QC pass, quality control passing that unclutching has happened…. Please listen, I am going to make only ten statements. That ten statements should ring in your ears when you go through the process. Please listen with attention. No need to meditate now. Open your eyes and listen attentively.
First statement: Your mind is responsible for all the happenings and experiences of your life.
Second: Your mind is nothing but too many thoughts put together.
Third: If you can know the science of killing one thought at a time, you won the game! One thought at a time, you won the game with mind.
Fourth statement: Whenever a thought rises in you, just tell yourself,  “Let me unclutch from it.” Not suppress, no. Just let me unclutch from it. How in the car when you change the gear, unclutching happens. Then the next gear it falls. Un clutch from it.
Next statement: When you say you are unclutchting, for micro milliseconds, you will have kind of a silence. Then again next thought will come. Again, “Let me unclutch from it.” Then after few minutes, this thought, “Let me unclutch,” itself will become one more thought. Unclutch from that also. Then you may feel feeling bored, feeling like sleeping. Unclutch from that also. Sit with full of life. Don't allow even one thought pass over your space unattended.
Please understand, these are the instructions now. Do not allow single thought pass your inner space without your notice. The moment you note it, the moment you catch it, unclutch. In the beginning, use the word unclutching in your inner space. Later on you will learn the science of using the mood of unclutching. You don't even need to use the word unclutching. Now use the word unclutching. Clear? Any doubt, unclutch from it. Any questions, unclutch from it. That is all is initiation, understand. I think this is the most shortest initiation I have given but I know this is going to be the most powerful initiation. Because if I say too many word stories, when you now sit with your eyes closed and work on initiation, you will… all those words will be ringing in your heads. No, I want minimum words.
Come on, sit straight. Close your eyes. Tie the ribbon.
Come on, close your eyes. Tie the ribbon…. Any thought comes up in your inner space, just decide, “Let me unclutch.” That's all…. If you feel bored, unclutch from that too. If you are feeling tired, unclutch from that. Feeling sleepy, unclutch from that. Unclutch from everything. Let you be unclutched.
Candid Entanglement || Inner Awakening || 18 Apr 2011
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Sit working on unclutching for first twenty one minutes. Then we will haveXXX. First twenty one minutes, whenever a thought rises in you, unclutch. Do not allow even a single thought to pass your inner space unattended. Catch every single thought and unclutch. Just close your eyes and sit. Unclutch.
(Swamiji answers to a devotee’s question) All that is different but the body which I am using as a center to rest, this itself can be teleported or not is not in My control. That is why I am saying, now don't try to grasp the whole program. Relax! You will grasp step by step. Logically any answer now I give you will try to think only with this logic which will not be able to grasp the after effect. Come on, let us go to the front. Once the sun sets, usually we don't sit here because he goes for walking. Many people have seen. Many local villagers have also seen. There is a security deity here which goes round and takes care of this tree and protects. So after sunset anybody comes, he doesn't…. Security, guardian deity. His Samadhi is there. That is His Samadhi, disciple actually, the disciple who was incharge of security. Let's go there to have tea.
(Swamiji answers a devotee’s question). That corner. They are digging, you see. We are going to build a beautiful... we are going to put a huge Patanjali statue, some six feet in five metal and make a beautiful temple there. That is why they are building. They are digging. Did you see that? They are digging and below I am going to put Yantras such a way, anybody goes and sits there will have levitation, will experience levitation. That is the way we are working. That is what they are doing actually.
There Atthi, where under which Mahavir became enlightened, banyan under which Shiva gives Enlightenment, that under which Buddha became enlightened, Bodhi and the Ashoka under which Sita became enlightened. Fourth, neem and there is another one special tree: neem with two parasites. Parasite is a wrong word. In Tamil we call it Pulluruvi.
Conclusion of the Brahmotsavam, Chithirai Brahmotsavam. Usually in all the temples when the festivals end, they will have something called float festival. That is where they will end. So today we are ending the Chithirai Brahmotsavam and starting the Nithyotsavam, eternal celebration from tomorrow onwards.
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Mind Over Matter Patanjali Yoga Sutra 151

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I welcome you all with My love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangis. Let’s enter into today’s subject. The moment I sit for the morning satsang and pada pooja happens, I get into some intense Samadhi and energy, mood. It becomes a big job to use words. Actually to send vibhooti, kumkum or to heal people is much easy job. This teleportation and all is very easy job than using the right word and inspiring your brain and mind to get awakened to achieve enlightenment. You will be really surprised. I am telling you now the job which I am doing, it is because it is so physical and you are able to see, you think it is a big job but it is not. It is very easy for me. Just now one more message is coming. Lancaster center received kumkum from the padukas. This is actually not a job, big job at all. If I just sit and drink my cup of coffee it will happen by itself. See those things all come under srishti, sthiti, samhara, tirobhava means creation, maintenance, destruction and putting into illusion. So this materialization and teleportating will come under the category of creation. That is not a job at all. But to inspire the individual who is in delusion to get enlightened is the job. That is the most important, I can say most difficult job; because these fellows are not ready to listen.


Just now one devotee who did padapuja, he asked for enlightenment. I actually opened my eyes and said ‘Come on let him have it.’ Immediately I saw his whole inner being is ‘No, no, no, no, not that much, little, little. So then I have to give him how much he can handle. Then I told ‘Alright you will have a strong satori experience now in the initiation.’ Somehow your being by its very inbuilt tendency neither can renounce the idea of enlightenment, nor can get into that happily. At one point ‘aaah aaaah aaaah I thought enlightenment is something else’. So each soul needs to be individually inspired.


I tell you, exactly what happens during the kundalini awakening you know. You may think why these people are rolling on the ground. Actually your identity, that individual ego, possesses your body at one point, either in one chakra - muladhara or manipuraka or anahata some one chakra. When the kundalini gets awakened the energy experience starts happening in many spots of your body. Suddenly in the knee it will start happening, in the finger tips it will start happening, on the hair it will start happening. So all…… the whole body becomes alive; independently intelligent. That is why so much of healing happens when the kundalini is awakened. See for…. if you have some problem in the liver, when the liver becomes independently intelligent it does not wait for the brain to heal the liver. It does not wait for the other bodies to cooperate. It just gets healed by itself. It just says ‘I am getting healed.’ It is declaring its independence and saying I am getting healed. If you want live with me otherwise get lost! So each part independently starts declaring its health. Actually when each parts declares its health, getting healed is very easy. If the disease is collective only then it becomes huge work. When each part says ‘Eh, I am getting healed I am becoming healthy I am not interested in listening to you’, it’s almost like a each ashramite becoming responsible for himself. How easy job becomes. So each fellow becomes responsible for himself. That is why so much of healing happens along with this kundalini awakening. And not only that. so much of joy! You will see just for no reason so much joy... almost like a bliss intoxication!


I am not doing anything. You are not given any substance. That is why even the ordinary tulasi and honey, the bilva and honey we give, I told them to give after energy darshan. Because I saw two three people started getting doubts. They did not express… when they came for energy darshan... I can see your mind. Of course don’t worry I will not see. I see only when you tell me to see. Otherwise I don’t see. Some people when they came for energy darshan, they asked me some question. So I wanted to see their mind to answer the question. When I saw, I saw that they are having doubt ‘Who knows maybe in the honey and tulasi they would have mixed something, that is why I am rolling on the ground when I go for energy darshan’. Then I thought ‘Oh God, better to deal with human mind in their language.’ That’s why I decided now don’t give even that ordinary honey and tulasi before energy darshan. Give after energy darshan so that they will not have doubts. NO really people get into different moods you don’t know. They will have their own doubts.


All right! That is why the whole body just lifts off the ground, rolls and you don’t even know what is happening. You only know one thing. It is blissful; that’s all. It’s ecstatic; that’s all. And not only that, your skin will become independently intelligent. It will start shining, radiating. Each time you levitate is equalent to one energy darshan. See when I blow, don't think it is ordinary thing. It is equalent to one energy darshan. Understand it is one energy darshan. That is why so much of response is happening in the body. See it’s, Patanjali... Patanjali is the Adisesha - 1000 hooded snake. He is the snake filled with nectar, not poison. That is why Adisesha... Maha Vishnu sleeps in his shadow. How can you sleep, on your head big 1000 poison pots are hanging? Can you sleep? 😀 Just imagine 1000 poison pots are hanging on your head. Anytime any one can break and drop on your head. Can you sleep? NO. Adisesha is the snake filled with nectar. That is why Patanjali who is a snake filled with nectar, is teaching you about health. Otherwise if he is filled with snake how can he... if he is filled with poison how can he give health for us? For the physical health he gives yoga and for the verbal health he gives Panini Mahabashya. If you drink the milk poured on the ananda lingam a little bit on the throat you will have that same sweetness which you will have during the levitation.


151st sutra of Patanjalis Yoga sutras, 3rd chapter 45th verse subject is ‘Mind over Matter’. Let Me enter into the sutra - Sthula-svarupa-sukshmanvayarthavattva-samyamad-bhuta-jayah. Let me read the translation of Swami Vivekananda: Through samyama on the gross and fine forms of the elements, the essential straits, the inherence of the gunas in them and on their contributing to the experience of the soul comes mastery of elements. Swami Prabhavananda translates as: By making samyama on the gross and subtle forms of elements, on their essential characteristics and the inherence of gunas in them and on the experiences they provide for the individual, one gains mastery of the elements. Swami Sachidananda translates as: By samyama on the gross and subtle elements and on their essential nature, co-relations and purpose, mastery over them is gained. Bhagawan Osho translates as: By performing samyama on their gross, constant, subtle, all pervading and functional state brings mastery over the pancha bhootas the five elements.


I really feel happy when all these extraordinary powers like materialization, teleporting, all this has started expressing through my body; not because of any arrogance or ego or showing off. I always felt…. see my teachers, my masters, my mentors, all of them were continuously showing miracles to me. That was such an excitement. See, some of my disciples have a deep feeling ‘I am not levitating. You are not giving that experience to me.’ I had this same feeling maybe for two three years when I was practicing. But I always felt nothing like that solid is being expressed to my disciples; disciples who are working with me. How will their inspiration be kept alive? Just words cannot, I know. I have seen. See the power of word is till you create your own words stronger than my words, that’s all. If I inspire you for enlightenment talking five hours, you go back and have one cup of tea, in five minutes create a better logic, stronger arguments inside you; whole thing is gone! Over! So I always used to feel ‘Oh God! I do not have anything solid to show these fellows and keep their inspiration alive till that opening, initiation happens. See the person who has not yet levitated, for him it is like a dead end. It is never going to happen. Only I know any day just that coconut can break. I know that both side. But they think ‘No it is not for me!’ But I need to keep them inspired and make them continue the practice till that break happens.


I always used to feel arey…. No, really my mentors were so compassionate and loving, caring, they did not bother to express some of these extraordinary powers like brain candy… see like a candy for inspiration. How when you give few candies to a child it gets excited, this is for your brain… for your logic. All siddhis are brain candies, understand, for logic. Ahhh yes, yes, yes, if all these things are happening then whatever Swamiji is talking it is true. I am going to levitate. I am going to get enlightened. I will live this life. I will wait for the ultimate experience to happen. I will transform my life. Just to keep that alive. I really used to feel there will not be single day when something extraordinary not happening in my life when I lived with Raghupathi yogi and Kuppammal… something.


Otherwise how do you think…. I am a normal school boy. He will just like that tell Me ‘ehhh start surya namaskar’. I will ask, ‘How many Guruji?’ I will call him Guru, ‘How many Guru?’ ‘Ehhh surya namaskar means what? Till sunrise to sunset do it’; that all. 😀 As long as sun is there do surya namaskar. It is not like 108 or 216 and all. ‘Ehh sun is there, do surya namaskar’, that’s all. “Dei suryan irukillada…maraiya varaikum panra”. that’s what he will tell in Tamil. Sun has come, till it sets do it and I have to be doing. 😀 No really when the sunrise starts I have to start my surya namaskars and till sun sets I have to be doing. How do you think a boy will be interested in doing it? Because every day they were showing something; they kept me alive.


So I always felt ‘Ohhhh that dimension of support I am not able to give for my disciples.’ See if that dimension of support is also given, many disciples not only will retain their inspiration, will really work for that enlightenment. Otherwise what, if I tell them to do weight lifting, they started doing not with dumbles with skipping rope. In the whole world first time weight lifting happens with a skipping rope. No, the problem is the inspiration... the inspiration. Now when all this started expressing I am really feeling that dimension, support… It is a support actually for you, nothing else. Otherwise what will you do with that kumkum, with that vibhooti? Instead of giving that way I can give from the cup, that’s all. I can give from the cover that’s all. What is there? Both one and the same! It is a kind of a support for your mind to continue the journey. So now I feel we are able to provide that support also so that more and more people will live a responsible enlightened life, responsible spiritual life.


Today I was about to do a certain materialization. Yesterday just I had a vision… see when the Yellambella siddar…. Shiva came down as a siddha in Madurai to do this leelas… Once he came down just casually walking in the streets and every time during this Brahmotsavam he comes down even now. This year also he came down. See actually we were all sitting and discussing in the room, having a meeting. Suddenly I felt that Yellambella siddar has landed on planet earth in physical form. Then I told the brahmacharini ‘ehh in Madurai temple they have hoisted the flag, I think dhwajarohanam has happened. Call and find out.’ They called, exactly that moment that flag has been raised. Even now he comes down in the physical body. He can be in many bodies and playing the game.


Once when he came down like that, he sat outside the temple….. started playing all the games. He will just look at the old people and blow and they will become young. All this kind of drama he started doing. If some poor man comes, he will just uffff show the healing stick on them and that fellow will become just like king - fully dressed all the wealth. nariyallam pariyakki, kizhadellam ilasaakki, varumaiyellam neekki valamaakki all this different, different games he started doing. The information reached the king. King sent ministers to get that siddar to the court. When the ministers came the siddar said “I don’t want to come to your king. I have nothing to be achieved, gained by him. Get lost!” Then king realized I think better let me go and see. When he came to see he was....that siddar was not found. He was going around the temple. Suddenly in one corner of the temple, near the garbha mandir, the siddar was sitting. And this king with lot of arrogance came and said “What? I heard you do all kinds of magics and express your powers. If you can make this elephant,” There was a huge stone elephant holding the garbha mandir of Madurai temple. Still that elephant is there. Still next to that elephant his temple is there, his shrine is there; that siddars shrine. “And if you can feed sugarcane to this stone elephant and this elephant can eat I will believe you are Sundareshwara. You are Shiva himself”. Then siddar did not even bother. He just looked at the elephant casually. That elephant just got to life; not only caught hold of the sugarcane and ate and in the anger how dare you doubt my powers, this siddar’s powers, he just caught the pearl necklace which that king was wearing and pulled it and swallowed it. The king got frightened. 😀 Then he fell at the feet of the siddar and said “Oh I understand please forgive me. Pacify this elephant! He should not come out and destroy the city. Siddar said “Don’t worry”. He just looked at the elephant. That fellow became cool. And because siddar forgived the king he gave that pearl garland back, the pearl necklace back which he swallowed. He just took it back and gave it back to that king because that is a traditional necklace given from Meenakshi.


See this incident happened after Meenakshi left the body; maybe after 100 years or sometime, that time this incident happened. That is supposed to be the hereditary pearl necklace the king will wear when the next king becomes the… when the son becomes the next king and he will get it. Because it is a hereditary necklace, it is the royal symbol of Madurai kingdom, that elephant gave it back. The king got relieved in a big way. Yesterday I had the vision and I felt one pearl from that garland will be materialized now. You will see… actually today morning I want to do, but the Oman connection is not there. Nithya Devi is coming. She is actually travelling. She is coming here. When she comes here, in front of all of you I will do that materialization. You will see not for pride or anything.


Yesterday I felt such a deep compassion I was just relaxing. I felt many people, even the old devotees left because they did not have this support; this mystery support. They had only my word, verbal support and compassion support. So now we will video record this and put it in the YouTube. Whoever left just because they did not have the mystery support will again feel connected, come back and progress. People who left because of their arrogance, nothing can be done! But if somebody has left by me not doing my full job, I am giving chance for all of them. See by not giving the mystery support even I did not do my job completely. Of course it was not in my control. That’s the way things happen and the cosmos was doing. So now I have decided I will give them the mystery support also. Whoever has left because me not doing my job completely will come back. But whoever has left out of their arrogance that is up to them. That nothing can be done. Not only that when that pearl gets materialized we will check it scientifically and prove it is 2000 year old pearl. We will do it with a complete video recording and with controlled conditions where people scrutinize the whole scene. Hmmmm.


Lets enter into this sutra. This sutra talks about making yourself in tune with pancha bhootas and controlling pancha bhootas and going beyond pancha bhootas. Please understand three step. First feeling connected - means falling in tune with pancha bhootas. Then controlling the pancha bhootas, then going beyond pancha bhootas; getting enlightened. It’s a too vast and big subject…. like step by step you may need to do 11 samyamas. Let me describe. Performing samyama on gross, gross level and subtle level and all pervading level and functional level and in the gross level constantly unchanging, in the subtle level constantly unchanging, in the all pervading level constantly unchanging in the functional level constantly unchanging. On each of this you need to do mastery samyama. You need to get mastery.


I can say… I can give you some of the basic understandings just to put it on record. None of you will be able to even think of practicing it. Forget about it! But I wanted this to be on record. You see pancha bhoota, the air example, I am giving you one example. Pancha bhoota is five elements all of you know; the earth, water, fire, air and space. The air, constant level means just the air. Changing level means 80% of it will be air, the remaining 20% some other element will become part of it. Only then it can become changing. Please understand, the cyclone does not happen just by air. Whether the heat or space something else gets added to that air; water or fire or space, some other elements become part of that air, only then it becomes cyclone. The cyclone starts happening. At some spot maybe the temperature is down so that is why the vacuum gets happened, the depression happens. Then from one place the air rushes to that spot. That is what is cyclone.


So in any element the constant and changing. Same way the earthquake; when the earth is constant just it is earth. But when the fire inside the earth changes, moves, or the water alters itself or the space gives way when the earth moves, that is what is earthquake. So the samyama on constant dimension of panchabhoota and changing dimension of panchabhoota and all pervading dimensions of pancha bhoota that samyama leads you to experience extraordinary powers, feeling connection, making you fall in tune with five elements and through this you can control the elements and through this you can go beyond the elements and get enlightened. Maybe I will give you some more deeper detailed techniques, step by step in the next satsangs; not for practicing, just to be on record. Just to put it on record I will give you some more samyamas. As on now this much is enough. This much understanding will do.


I bless you all who are sitting with us at this moment in 720 places one way connection, 6 places two way connection, in 219 cities, in 24 countries. Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share the eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you.



Initiation my main Contribution

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Initiation is such a subtle thing, even if you miss one instruction or one line, you will miss it. This is the essence of last six days and based on this only the whole next part is going to be built. Initiation into.... My main contribution... you see, still now, you are only a kind of follower. Now only I am committing with you through this initiation that officially a devotee or disciple or whatever or now only I take responsibility for your enlightenment. It is such a important moment. See, it is only ten instruction, nothing, Ten statement I will make, that's all but you need to just completely grasp that and just understand, each statement should click with you. For that you need to be aware and not only that, after initiation, I will be guiding you into that process. If you fall asleep, it is a too big missing.


You see, initiation is like a… how in the Indian villages they will take you to see the girl before marriage. In the first sight it has to click, that's all. In the first sight if you miss it, after that it will always be that hanging. That will be there, “That time itself I told you, I don't like this girl, I didn't want this marriage.” You understand? So the initiation should be clicking in the first sight. When I guide you first, it should click. That unclutching should happen. I prepared you for last three days for this only. I am going to make only ten statements. That ten statements should ring in your ears when you go through the process. Please listen with attention. No need to meditate now. Open your eyes and listen attentively.


First statement: Your mind is responsible for all the happenings and experiences of your life. Second: Your mind is nothing but too many thoughts put together. Third: If you can know the science of killing one thought at a time, you won the game. One thought at a time, you won the game with mind. Fourth statement: Whenever a thought rises in you, just tell yourself, “Let me unclutch from it.” Not suppress. No, just, “Let me unclutch from it.” How in the car when you change the gear unclutching happens. Then the next gear it falls. Unclutch from it. Next statement: When you say you are unclutching, for micro milliseconds you will have kind of a silence. Then again next thought will come. Again, “Let me unclutch from it.” Then after few minutes, this thought, “Let me unclutch” itself will become one more thought. Unclutch from that also. Then you may feel …feeling bored, feeling like sleeping. Unclutch from that also. Sit with full of life. Don't allow even one thought pass over your space unattended.


Please understand, these are the instructions now. Do not allow single thought pass your inner space without your notice. The moment you note it, the moment you catch it, unclutch. In the beginning, use the word unclutching in your inner space. Later on, you will learn the science of using the mood of unclutching. You don't even need to use the word unclutching. Now use the word unclutching. Clear? Any doubt, unclutch from it…. Any questions, unclutch from it. That is all is initiation, understand. I think this is the most shortest initiation I have given but I know this is going to be the most powerful initiation because if I say too many words, stories, when you now sit with your eyes closed and work on initiation, you will… all those words will be ringing in your heads. No, I want minimum words.


If you feel bored, unclutch from that too. If you are feeling tired, unclutch from that. Feeling sleepy, unclutch from that. Unclutch from everything. Let you be unclutched.


(Announcement of Kailash Yatra and video of next Inner Awakening programs)



Upanishad Under the Banyan Tree

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Swamiji reads the question and then answers

Ravi is asking, “When we were young our parents and elders used say, ‘Go and sleep or else some unknown ghost will come and take you away. It works on my kids also. Is that wrong?”

Swamiji: Completely wrong. And make them understand, “If you sleep the time only then you will maintain health, your muscles will build.” Make them understand. Otherwise if they sleep less, okay, no problem. Why should you force them? Making… through understanding if you can make them do, let them do. Otherwise, it’s okay. Leave it. They will, their body will learn. They don’t need three meal and eight hour sleep as your body needs. You have so much of junk in your health. So you need that much. They don’t have. So kids can manage easily with one hour food… one meal and two-three hour sleep. If they sleep more, great. If not, don’t worry.


Rajesh Rathod... “Going near fire one can feel it’s effect, like heat. Then why tuning is required to receive the energy from the master?”

Swamiji: Fire is physical. You can go near. In my case, the moment you come near, if you are not tuned, your ego walks away, moves away from me. You understand? It does not even let you come to My Presence. You try to bring your body as much as possible near My Presence, but your mind will tell all kinds of stories and run away.


(Question) “When you asked us to experience Shiva all through the body, experienced you in my body.”

Swamiji: Ranjani, you will experience levitation also.


(Swamiji silently reading participants letters)


Identity is Ego. There’s no difference. Unclutching is a more stronger process than witnessing.


(Question) “I think the chakras normally open sequential order?”

Swamiji: No, there is no sequence.


Vasudevan, that feeling of the fire is usual.


(Question) “Should we discuss our spiritual experiences with others or keep it to ourself?”

Swamiji: You can discuss. Nothing wrong. Whatever you wanted to keep it for yourself - too personal, keep it. Whatever you want to share, share.


(Swamiji silently reading participants letters)


Once the sun sets, usually we don’t sit here because He goes for walking. Um Ummm. The, (participants chatting and Swamiji laughing) No, many, many people have seen. Many local villagers also seen. There’s a security deity here, which goes round takes care of this tree and protects. So after sunset, anybody comes, he doesn’t… Security, Guardian Deity. His samadhi is there. That is his samadhi. Disciple actually… the disciple who was in charge of security. That corner, they are digging you see, we are going to build a beautiful, we are going to put a huge Patanjali statue… Some six feet, in five metal, and make a beautiful temple there. That’s why they are building. They are digging. Did you see that they are digging? And on that below, I am going to put Yantras such a way, anybody goes and sits there will have levitation, will experience levitation. That is the way we are working. That’s what we are doing actually. (Swamiji pointing to a tree in the vicinity) There, atthi, where, under which Mahavir became enlightened. Uh, banyan, under which Shiva gives enlightenment. That) under which Buddha became enlightened, Bodhi and Ashoka, under which Sita became enlightened. The fourth - neem. And there’s another one special tree - neem with two parasites.

[6:20 - 8:10]

(Inner Awakening promo video)

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Do Not Allow a Single Unaware Thought || Inner Awakening || 18 Apr 2011

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Before starting the initiation, I want you just sit without doing any practice, meditation, visualization, concentration or even mantra. Just sit with closed eyes.




Just close your eyes. Don't try to concentrate. Don't try to visualize. Don't try to think anything. No mantra. Just sit.




Just sit. Don't sleep. Don't chant any mantra. Just sit. Whatever happens, let it happen, just sit. Don't move your body. Freeze the body. Just sit.




It is not proper muhurta for initiation then. Need little rest? Because initiation is such a subtle thing, even if you miss one instruction or one line, you will miss it. This is the essence of last six days and based on this only the whole next part is going to be built. Initiation into… My main contribution. You see, still now you are only a kind of a follower. Now only I am committing with you through this initiation that officially a devotee or a disciple or whatever or now only I take responsibility for your Enlightenment. It is such a important moment.


Usually before initiation, I make people sit. Sometime some group will manage half an hour, some groups will manage ten minutes, some groups will manage only few minutes. I can say, just within few minutes, 30% started falling asleep. In 10-15 minutes, 80% is sleeping. Alright, I will give you a break. Wash your face. Maybe half an hour let them lie down. Let them…maybe some half an hour yoga but no lunch. Lunch can be only after initiation, only after initiation. We will push the lunch. We will push lunch. You see, it is only ten instruction, nothing, ten statement I will make, that's all but you need to just completely grasp that and just understand. Each statement should click with you. For that, you need to be aware, not, “Ha, what You say right, right. Whatever You say is right, don't worry. You tell…” That will not work. “It's okay, we are listening. I am listening. I am okay.” That won't work. It need to click with you.


And not only that, after initiation, I will be guiding you into the process. If you fall asleep, it will be too big missing. You see, initiation is like a… how in the Indian villages, they will take you to see the girl before marriage. In the first sight, it has to click, that's all. In the first sight, if you miss it, after that it will always be that hanging. That will be there, “That time itself I told you I don't like this girl. I didn't want this marriage.” How many of you did not click with the first sight but got married? Raise your hand. (Swamiji laughs). You know what I mean. How many clicked with the first sight and got married? Then you know the difference. You understand? So the initiation should be clicking in the first sight. When I guide you first, it should click. That unclutching should happen. I prepared you for last three days for this only.


If you do that morning routine,..... You see, do 5 to 6:30 heavy, intense weight lifting and yoga. From here to Vaidya Sarovar, run. Don't walk. If you are walking, you have not done the workout properly. Run and jump into Vaidya Sarovar. Half an hour swim. Then run to the room, change, get ready, be here for Pada Puja and one more thing, don't stand in Sarva Darshan. Please don't stand in Sarva Darshan. You see, that is the time when all the local villagers come and I attend them. That is the only time I spend with them. If you occupy that time also…. after all, you get everyday Darshan except yesterday night like when there is a session. Other than that, everyday Darshan you are getting. So better don't occupy their time. If you take bath, take the morning one and half hours heavy yoga and Vaidya Sarovar bath, then you will not be tired. You will not sleep during the sessions.


Alright, now I don't want you guys to miss the first click of initiation. After initiation, immediately you will have Energy Darshan. Energy Darshan is especially for that initiation to happen like a QC pass, quality control passing that unclutching has happened…. Please listen, I am going to make only ten statements. That ten statements should ring in your ears when you go through the process. Please listen with attention. No need to meditate now. Open your eyes and listen attentively.


First statement: Your mind is responsible for all the happenings and experiences of your life.

Second: Your mind is nothing but too many thoughts put together.

Third: If you can know the science of killing one thought at a time, you won the game! One thought at a time, you won the game with mind.

Fourth statement: Whenever a thought rises in you, just tell yourself, “Let me unclutch from it.” Not suppress, no. Just let me unclutch from it. How in the car when you change the gear, unclutching happens. Then the next gear it falls. Un clutch from it.

Next statement: When you say you are unclutchting, for micro milliseconds, you will have kind of a silence. Then again next thought will come. Again, “Let me unclutch from it.” Then after few minutes, this thought, “Let me unclutch,” itself will become one more thought. Unclutch from that also. Then you may feel feeling bored, feeling like sleeping. Unclutch from that also. Sit with full of life. Don't allow even one thought pass over your space unattended.


Please understand, these are the instructions now. Do not allow single thought pass your inner space without your notice. The moment you note it, the moment you catch it, unclutch. In the beginning, use the word unclutching in your inner space. Later on you will learn the science of using the mood of unclutching. You don't even need to use the word unclutching. Now use the word unclutching. Clear? Any doubt, unclutch from it. Any questions, unclutch from it. That is all is initiation, understand. I think this is the most shortest initiation I have given but I know this is going to be the most powerful initiation. Because if I say too many word stories, when you now sit with your eyes closed and work on initiation, you will… all those words will be ringing in your heads. No, I want minimum words.


Come on, sit straight. Close your eyes. Tie the ribbon.




Come on, close your eyes. Tie the ribbon…. Any thought comes up in your inner space, just decide, “Let me unclutch.” That's all…. If you feel bored, unclutch from that too. If you are feeling tired, unclutch from that. Feeling sleepy, unclutch from that. Unclutch from everything. Let you be unclutched.



Candid Entanglement || Inner Awakening || 18 Apr 2011

Link to Video:



Sit working on unclutching for first twenty one minutes. Then we will haveXXX. First twenty one minutes, whenever a thought rises in you, unclutch. Do not allow even a single thought to pass your inner space unattended. Catch every single thought and unclutch. Just close your eyes and sit. Unclutch.




(Swamiji answers to a devotee’s question) All that is different but the body which I am using as a center to rest, this itself can be teleported or not is not in My control. That is why I am saying, now don't try to grasp the whole program. Relax! You will grasp step by step. Logically any answer now I give you will try to think only with this logic which will not be able to grasp the after effect. Come on, let us go to the front. Once the sun sets, usually we don't sit here because he goes for walking. Many people have seen. Many local villagers have also seen. There is a security deity here which goes round and takes care of this tree and protects. So after sunset anybody comes, he doesn't…. Security, guardian deity. His Samadhi is there. That is His Samadhi, disciple actually, the disciple who was incharge of security. Let's go there to have tea.


(Swamiji answers a devotee’s question). That corner. They are digging, you see. We are going to build a beautiful... we are going to put a huge Patanjali statue, some six feet in five metal and make a beautiful temple there. That is why they are building. They are digging. Did you see that? They are digging and below I am going to put Yantras such a way, anybody goes and sits there will have levitation, will experience levitation. That is the way we are working. That is what they are doing actually.


There Atthi, where under which Mahavir became enlightened, banyan under which Shiva gives Enlightenment, that under which Buddha became enlightened, Bodhi and the Ashoka under which Sita became enlightened. Fourth, neem and there is another one special tree: neem with two parasites. Parasite is a wrong word. In Tamil we call it Pulluruvi.




Conclusion of the Brahmotsavam, Chithirai Brahmotsavam. Usually in all the temples when the festivals end, they will have something called float festival. That is where they will end. So today we are ending the Chithirai Brahmotsavam and starting the Nithyotsavam, eternal celebration from tomorrow onwards.


Photos Of The Day:


Photos Of The Day:
