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Ultimate Reality Between Soul & Self || Part 1 || Brahma Sutras || 19 March 2011
Name of Convention: Brahma Sutras <br>
Session on: Ultimate Reality Between Soul & Self Part 1 <br>
Date: 19 March 2011 <br>
Venue: Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
In this video the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam sits with his delegates to share His experience and understanding on 1st chapter, 1st section, 17th sutra of the Brahma Sutras. In which He also shared Swami Sivananda's teaching and other masters & acharyas that covered on this sutra. The Brahma Sutras is a Sanskrit text - The text systematizes and summarizes the philosophical and spiritual ideas in the Upanishads. The sacred secret of this sutra, in summary, is describing that we are to get back to witnessing our consciousness. To be centered on awareness, and not on ego. When one is centered on awareness, it will naturally create wealth and fulfilment. And this will create constant awareness which will become an independent mechanism to achieving wealth & consciousness.
Come and find out more about the Brahma Sutra with His presence!
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.
==Link to Video: ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QDhpUQblkE&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2011-03mar-19_ultimate-reality-between-soul-self-part-1-brahma-sutras-19-march-2011"/>
Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām
Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām
Let us enter into today's Sutra. I Am continuing on Brahma Sutras. First chapter, first section,17th Sutra:
Bheda Vyapateshat cha
Bheda Vyapateshat cha
Bheda Vyapateshat cha
Swami Gambhirananda translates this Sutra as, “And because of the assertion of the difference between the individual soul and Supreme self.”
Swami Vireswarananda translates as, “On account of the declaration of difference between the two, the one referred to in the passage the self consisting of Bliss etc. and the individual soul, the latter cannot be the one referred to in passage.”
Swami Sivanandha translates as, “On account of the declaration of the difference between the two, the one referred to in the passage the self consisting of Bliss and the individual soul, the latter cannot be the one referred to in the passage.”
Bheda Vyapateshat cha
There is a beautiful Sutra in Taittiriya Upanishad.I wanted to bring it to your attention and very beautifully Swami Sivananda, Rishikesh Sivananda Swami. There were two Sivananda's very popular at same time. One was in Kerala, Palakkad. Paramhamsa Sivananda. Another one was the Rishikesh Sivananda Paramahamsa, Sivananda Swami. So here I Am referring to Swami Sivananda from Kerala….. sorry, from Rishikesh. Swami Sivananda from Rishikesh. He very beautifully refers. He is one of the great, a very great Acharya of the modern days, one of the great architect of Hinduism. I can say some handful of people are responsible for what is known now as Hinduism being alive. Our yoga, upanishads, vedanta. If this is part of a common man's life today in the modern world, this handful of people are responsible- one is Ramakrishna and Vivekananda naturally, and Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Osho, Shreela Prabhupada.
I will say that in My experience, I will put Swami Sivananda in that level. He is one of the great contributor to the vedic tradition. He refers very beautifully. Actually I Am referring everyday many of his collections and selections on Brahma Sutra. He has written a very beautiful commentary on Brahma Sutra. He has collected, culled out many of the Upanishads and references from various Aranyakas, various beautiful scriptures. Very authentically he has collected and translated. I wanted to remind you all, great Swami Satyananda Saraswati, one of the greatest Yogi happened in the modern day is disciple of Sivananda Saraswati. I wanted to remember both of them and give them My humble respects because today what I am talking to you, all this technical information, for Me to collect and translate will take at least ten years if I have to do all by Myself. So lot of the technical work they all have done. So I wanted to give My gratitude, My humble respect to those masters.
If you read Swami Satyananda Saraswati’s Yoga and Kriya book, whatever I Am teaching in the morning Brahma Sutra…. Yoga Sutra, you will be able to catch it very easily. It will be very useful if you read that book if you are regularly attending the Yoga Sutra satsang and same way, if you read Swami Sivananda’s Brahma Sutra translation, it will really help you to grasp more whatever I Am sharing in the Brahma Sutra satsang.  Because they have done a amazing work on the technical knowledge. To tell you honestly, I Am not that strong in the technical knowledge. See, I Am commenting on the authority of My spiritual experience, Enlightenment. I Am neither a Sanskrit scholar nor English scholar or scholar in the Upanishads or  Vedas or the traditional literatures.
I Am telling you very honestly, maybe if you are glamoured by Me, enchanted by Me, you will say, “No, no, no. You know so much about scriptures,” and all that but an honest, social standard. There is a social standard. If there is an examination about the scriptures, I can be hundred percent sure I will not take more than thirty marks. That is the maximum any normal teacher will give if they test My scriptural knowledge. I Am commenting on the authority of My personal experience and the grace of My mentors like a Raghupati Yogi, Kuppammal or Isakki Swami, all these people but the technical knowledge, these masters have done a amazing job. I wanted to recognize and I wanted to put this on record so that the posterity, the future knows their great contribution.
I wanted to make it very clear I never wanted at any time My organization to evolve as a independent cult built on Me. It should always be rooted in the original Vedic tradition, the broad Vedic tradition which is the source for Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Vaishnava, Tantra. These are all different branches evolved out of Vedic tradition. You may be surprised, I mentioned even Hinduism as a one name. Please understand, whatever you practice in the name of Hinduism- going to temples, rituals, anything, yoga, pranayam. All these things evolved from Vedic tradition. I wanted all of you to know it is not Vedic tradition. It is from Vedic tradition.
Just like Buddhism is from Vedic tradition, Sikhism is from Vedic tradition, Jainism is from Vedic tradition, the distance between the Vedic tradition and Buddhism, distance between Vedic tradition and Jainism, distance between Vedic tradition and Sikhism, distance between Vedic tradition and modern day Hinduism is equal. I wanted to make it very clear. It is equal. No way modern day Hinduism is closer to Vedic tradition than Jainism or Buddhism. So I wanted always our Sampradaya to be established and rooted in the broad Vedic tradition which is the source of all these traditions: Shakta, Shaiva, Vaishnava, all these great traditions.
There is a beautiful reference by Swami Sivananda:
Raso Vysaha Rasam Hevayam Labdhva Nandi Bhavati
Taittiriya Upanishad, second chapter, seventh Sutra…. If you don't understand it is ok. I Am just putting it on record but I will translate and give you the complete meaning in course of the discourse. You see, lot of the sacred secrets embedded in this Sutra you will be able to relate and understand if you have little bit of background of the technical knowledge. How the truth is experienced and expressed and referred.
Raso Vysaha Rasam Hevayam Lab dva Nandi Bhavati
That which is attainted and the attainer cannot be the same. Hence individual soul is not referred to in the passage which is under discussion. I think here they have done one printing mistake. It is supposed to be attained and the attainer. They have put one T extra. It became attainted and attainer. Anyhow, that is okay. Now let Me enter into the sacred secret embedded in this sutra…. The whole thing I can see, boils down to pushing you towards the transcendental awareness happening in you. Constantly Vyasa, Badarayana is getting you back to the transcendental awareness. If I have to reveal the sacred secret, if I have to reveal what I Am going to talk for next half an hour, for example you say, “Swamiji, next half an hour I don't have time to sit. I have to run for the other work. Can You just tell me in one statement so that I can hear and run,” I Am going to say get back to witnessing consciousness. That's all, which I Am telling for last ten years. This is the sacred secret in this Sutra.
Basically Patanjali is trying.... Sorry Vyasa, Badarayana Vyasa is basically trying to push you to the truth: Do not be satisfied in the space where the attainer retains even a scratch of individual identity. I have a big difficulty because first time these Sutras are being taught to youngsters. Always these sutras were taught to some old buddos who can’t do anything further. Then Ramakrishna says, “Brahmasutra cannot be taught to the old people. Even if you teach, they will not catch it.” Please understand, when I use the word here Brahma sutra, I use the world more like a, the process of awakening the inner space.
Unfortunately always it was taught to the old people. So almost their tiredness is taken as non-ego state but first time, I Am talking about Brahma Sutras to youngsters. That is why so much of difficulty. Lot of difficulty because the modern day youngsters have to live continuously asserting their ego. Every moment the survival itself becomes ego-based. You see, that is why even creation of the wealth, it is not creation, it is more like a grabbing. How much you can lie and cheat your boss and grab, that's all. It’s all about grabbing. It is nothing to do with creation. In the modern day, the youngsters have to constantly be asserting their ego but here Brahma sutra, constantly Vyasa is pushing to be centered on awareness.
Actually if you are centered on awareness, you will be able to create wealth out of creativity and have a deep satisfaction, fulfillment but the big problem is, almost your whole life has to be reshuffled. When you start living based on this Sutra which says that, be established on the space where the achiever and achieved is one and the same. Do not be in a space where the achiever and achieved are visibly felt as different, experientially felt as different.
A continuous drive….. you see, if you are a yogi for example, tomorrow many of you guys are taking up this Vrata, Samyama on Chandra, sixteen days. When you take up these kind of things and explore, basically you are a yogi. Your attitude is yogi. If you are a yogi, because of your everyday practices, all these ideas are constantly reminded to you and the rising of the awareness has become a independent mechanism in your system. Everyday because constantly you remind yourself, you push yourself, even though one day you become low and angry, depressed, next day you are up, you say, “No. I will stand. I will not fall.” That re-establishing, I tell you, that is the greatest thing in the life.
I had a such a uncompassionate mentors and Masters for Me. I Am really happy. No, they will go on, you see, as far as the techniques and the spiritual knowledge, they are so compassionate but they will never ever give Me any support for My human weakness. You may be laughing, “What? Swamiji had human weakness?” When I use this word, I wanted to define it very clearly. It's like a, “Oh! Tomorrow we can do the practice. It’s okay. These are all... Tomorrow we can do. Later on. No, no, no, I don't want to do meditation.” This laziness, they never supported and whenever the ideological difference problems, they never bent. They just stood strong.
Ultimate Reality Between Soul & Self || Part 2 || Brahma Sutras || 19 March 2011
Name of Convention: Brahma Sutras <br>
Session on: Ultimate Reality Between Soul & Self Part 2 <br>
Date: 19 March 2011 <br>
Venue: Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
In this video the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam sits with his delegates to share His experience and understanding on 1st chapter, 1st section, 17th sutra of the Brahma Sutras. In which He also shared Swami Sivananda's teaching and other masters & acharyas that covered on this sutra. The Brahma Sutras is a Sanskrit text - The text systematizes and summarizes the philosophical and spiritual ideas in the Upanishads. The sacred secret of this sutra, in summary, is describing that we are to get back to witnessing our consciousness. To be centered on awareness, and not on ego. When one is centered on awareness, it will naturally create wealth and fulfillment. And this will create constant awareness which will become an independent mechanism to achieving wealth & consciousness.
Come and find out more about the Brahma Sutra with His presence!
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.
==Link to Video: ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzNTgzeJ6Pk&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2011-03mar-19_ultimate-reality-between-soul-self-part-2-brahma-sutras-19-march-2011"/>
So their compassion- one side compassion, other side completely cruel. Completely- that is the right word ‘cruel’ but I Am fortunate I was not supported. I had such a beautiful mentors. Again and again and again standing up was become very easy. They will go on giving spiritual words, spiritual techniques and I can tell you, it will be always good if you have 2-3 mentors in your life when it comes to mentors. Of course, Master will be only one naturally. Master can be only one but mentors…. when you are in a spiritual community or satsang center or the spiritual groups, just have 2-3 people to talk to because you will have 2-3 version of the understanding. It can always be inspiring. Then you will catch that balanced perspective. Objectively you will catch it.
Because I had 2-3 mentors, I can tell you how much it added. Even though Kuppammal is a great vedanti, she had a very powerful connection to the bhakti dimension and same way Raghupati Yogi. Even though he was a great yogi, he was an amazing bhakta. He was an amazing devotee. So these different, different people, different, different juice made Me completely juicy. So you also try to have 2-3 mentors. Then you will grasp more. Even in this Vata-Prativata, now I am seeing. Everyday I am receiving emails. This Vata-Prativata debate is doing a wonderful job, very powerful job. I am seeing really Vyasa and Shankara’s blessings are there on you guys.
So many emails I Am receiving with deeper clarity, understandings. I can tell you, really this twenty one days we don't know how we started, why we started. From Shivaratri, how much of good we are doing to the world is secondary. How much of the good we have all done to ourself I am surprised. All our centers, devotees, they have become so intense. Today I saw, I don't know, I don’t know the number exactly. The number of people going to practice tomorrow onwards samyama I do have. Now I am Guru of worthy disciples, very strong disciples.
Actually in the ashram itself, I was shocked. In Bidadi Ashram some sixty people want to do this fifteen days samyama. These fellows to make them come and sit in half an hour Pada Puja, I know how much I have to struggle. But all these fellows suddenly wanted to do this samyama. Then I only made a rule if you are underweight you cannot do. If you are overweight you can do. I made a rule because health I have to take care. But I was shocked so much of sudden inspiration has happened in our Sangha all over. Everywhere the strong debates are going on. In the Facebook, left and right I Am enlightened, you are enlightened everywhere I am just.... Now the whole Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam I feel like a huge sky with lot of stars, enlightened stars running around here and there. Even in your community, have 2-3 mentors. You will see you will be able to grow easily. You will be able to imbibe this understanding easily.
So the thought trend for today's sacred secret: be stable at the space where the achiever and achieved is one and the same. If you are not in that space, just be unstable. That is enough. You feeling unstable is enough to push you into the stable Consciousness. Actually you feeling you just hate who you are, what you are is enough. Nothing else is required. That will just push you to the space where you need to completely be fulfilled, where you need to completely be in restful awareness. The problem is, you don't completely hate what you are. One part you hate, the other part you hold on, “No no no no. This is all good only. These fellows are telling lies. I am not that bad.”
Be very clear, you are bad completely. There is nothing to be hold on. Be very clear or hold on you are completely good. That is also okay. If you hold on completely good, then your personality will just how the salt melts into the ocean. If you make a salt doll and put it in the ocean, how it melts, you will melt down. That is also perfect, no problem but the problem is, you neither feel you are completely good nor feel completely bad. You hold on to one part. That is where you are not letting the achiever and achieved to become one. Just the deep dissatisfaction of the source where you feel your individual identity is more than enough to awaken the non-mechanical parts of your brain and make you experience the transcendental awareness, transcendental Consciousness. Transcendental awareness and transcendental Consciousness- these are all different words I Am using but I mean one and the same: Source, Existence, Brahman, Cosmos, Original Self. All are same thing I Am denoting with different words.
So through this Taittiriya Upanishad Sutra, Swami Sivananda is trying to establish clearly the individual soul which feels still it need to achieve something cannot be the achieved, the goal. As long as that feeling ‘I still need to do something’ is there in you, you need to do something…. You need to get into the space where that very idea ‘I need to do something’ disappears. I Am telling you, if you just create wealth don't grab, create wealth, the moment you reach certain level, you feel completely fulfilled, “I think I have enough. I have enough. Nothing more needs to be done. I have enough.”
April 14th of 2001. 2001 April 14th, that was the day few people who lived around Me, who gathered around Me that time, not lived around Me. That is the right word. Gathered around Me even before Ayya and Amma came. Two-three people gathered around Me. They all have requested Me to stay in one place that they want to build a hut for Me. I said, “I don't know I will be able to stay in one place.” Then they said, “At least till You stay, let us make a hut for You.” I just laughed and said “Alright, make it.” That was the day the first hut they built for Me on the banks of Kaveri. They inaugurated. Still we have photographs. I had one Ramakrishna’s  photo and Sharda Devi, Vivekananda’s photo. Somebody gave Me one kamandalu, one pot. The moment I got that pot, I had the tremendous satisfaction, “Wow! All the wealth I required for My life has come.” That's all. I tell you, after that I have not acquired anything…. The greatest satisfaction that I have what I want, means My prarabdha to accumulate wealth has ended when I got that kamandalu because that was the only thing I require.
As I said, I Am a washing maniac. That keeping Myself clean is a very big thing. So I always wanted after taking bath when I come out of Kaveri, I want to carry one kamandalu water so that when I reach the place where I used to lie down, I want to wash My feet. See, the feet will be dirty, will become dirty by the time you come out. So the only property I was in need, only thing I needed is I need one kamandalu to wash My feet after I reach the place where I stay because I cannot see My room muddy. Of course, the whole room itself is inside burial ground. That is different and it is the samadhi of one person. That is funny thing. On one samadhi on four pillar they put the thatch. On that only I used to sleep. That was My first....
The guy is little bulky guy. So they built a bigger samadhi, very big samadhi. It is a square 8 feet by 8 feet and there was a pillar and on that they put some four wooden pieces and put thatch. So from the Kaveri if I reach that place where I used to lie down, leg will become muddy, dirty. So after reaching to that place I want to wash My feet before I put My feet on the place where I lie down. So the moment that kamandalu came I can say, the whole personality has become completely satisfied…. Such a deep satisfaction! I can tell you, when you create wealth, your prarabdha hits a space of that utter satisfaction…. After that, wealth was never in My mind. It was always around Me but it was never in My mind. My inner space never had wealth. It was always around Me but never inside Me.
So as long as you feel you need to achieve something, you need to achieve. The moment you feel the achiever and achieved has disappeared, you have achieved. So the sacred secret in this Sutra is, if you are feeling you need to achieve something more, then let the dissatisfaction grow intensely and swallow your whole personality. It is capable of pushing you into Existence. It is capable. This is the sacred secret I want you to do the debate today. How the feeling of not attained can lead to the attainment. What should we do with that feeling of not achieved! When, how the feeling of achiever and achieved becomes one and the same. I am really happy because these great truths are never discussed especially to the mass like this.
Even if you comb the whole Varanasi, where the Vedanta is supposed to be repeated even by parrots, you will not find one tenth of the number of the people who are sitting and discussing all these great truths but go on drill these great truths into your inner space. Do the debate, eN debate. Don't say, “Oh! I am... These are all not for me. This is too much for my head.” No! Catch at least 2-3 people and start. Just because you failed once in the debate, don't think you should not start again. Go on and on and on. So start the eN debate today, Vada- Prativada today on this sacred secret: How the feeling not attained can lead to the experience of attainment. How to deepen it? When you are achieved, attained, how to know it means the feeling to attain will disappear. That's it.
As you all are aware, today is the Holi and Manmatha dahana. In all Shiva temples, the Manmatha will be burnt. It is a symbolic representation that Shiva opening the third eye and burning all the fantasies. Shiva becoming beyond fantasies. It is like a, it is a philosophical description of Shiva expressing His Enlightenment and very beautiful description of Krishna initiating all His gopas and gopis into the Bhava Samadhi. Today is the day He did Rasa, Rasa Purnima where He played with His gopas and gopis and gave the experience of Bhava samadhi to all of them, experiencing Oneness with Krishna to all of them. So all the ashramites are waiting for the celebration. We are having now two celebration. In all Vishnu temples they will have the Holi. In all Shiva temples they will have the Manmatha Dahana, burning of Manmatha. We have both. We have Shiva and Vishnu, both here. So naturally we will be having both celebrations. Holi now and after the Holi, the burning of Manmatha, Manmatha’s effigy, like a collective negativity, fantasies, delusion, that's all.
So now, we are going to have the celebration. That is the reason I Am ending the Brahma Sutras little early and today we have a great news. Scarborough Toronto is starting a new center, a new place. Satsang is held in new place today. My blessings to Toronto devotees. Scarborough and Toronto and My blessings. I Am now in you guys, with you guys in that center. This place now will experience intensely My presence. Let all of you experience Kundalini Awakening and levitation. Up! Intense experience of My presence will fill that place. I have already now sanctified that place. Put the padukas in that place. You will see vibhuti coming from that Paduka. That whole place will vibrate intense positive, auspicious spiritual energy.
So as today is very auspicious day, Panguni Uthiram, very good day for Subramanya. You guys have got a right place on right day. Today is the good day for Subramanya, good day for Vaishnava tradition and good day for Shaiva tradition. All three tradition, today is the great day and My blessings. Beautiful temple will happen in Toronto.
My blessings to all of you who are sitting with us at this moment 669 places and 223 cities in 30 countries.
Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share the Eternal Bliss- Nithyananda.
Thank you.
Unraveling Cosmic Mysteries by Meditating on Pole Star
==Link to Video: ==
Unraveling Cosmic Mysteries by Meditating on Pole Star, a Patanjali Yoga Sutra discourse delivered during the Morning Satsang held on 2011 march 19
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJ8p9UDr8WM |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2011-03mar-19_unraveling-cosmic-mysteries-by-meditating-on-pole-star"/>
I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangis sitting with us at this moment around the world in 694 places, in 267 cities, in 32 countries. Apart from that we have seven cities sitting with us in two way video conferencing; Phoenix, Seattle, Ohio, San Hose, Houston, Los Angeles, Taramangalam. Today Ma Krishnananda’s birthday - birthday blessings for Krishnananda! Last time I was trying to send chocolate for Darshana, I don’t know whether it came. At least today I will give little vibhooti for Krishnananda. Blessings!
And just now I received message, in Vancouver from My photograph vibhooti is continuously coming. Now it is happening. Blessings to Vancouver center, blessings to Vancouver. And there are two questions from Bhaktananda from Los Angeles. “Tomorrow is full moon. Is there any instruction on how to do the samyama on the moon, and all ashramites in LA are participating the fluid fast starting tomorrow. Ma Dayamayi just finished her fluid fast but she is starting again tomorrow.” Great!
See these are the three instruction. One: don’t drink… don’t eat anything which you need to swallow means, sorry, which you need to grind, use your teeth. So you can drink anything which directly goes into your throat - liquid. That’s the first instruction.
Second: when the moon rise starts at least after two hours of moon rise, when the moon is bright enough that you can gaze, have a small crystal on your swadhisthana, lie down on your back, gaze at the moon visualizing your whole body is the universe and that moon is in your swadhisthana. Understand, the moon should be inside your swadhisthana. Relax with this samyama, you will see how the flow of the cosmos directly works on you. Many intelligence and intuition will be awakened in you. Apart from that you will have that strong awakening of the non mechanical parts of the brain which helps you to internalize great truths like Brahma Sutras. See this samyama almost prepares the whole ground. Brahma Sutra is like a seed. When I drop the seed immediately it grows. When I say ‘You are existence’, you will have more deeper and clear experience when you do these kind of samyamas.
So, My blessings to all the LA ashramites! You guys will be successful in your samyama. My blessings you will be successful and within these 15 days all you guys who are doing this fasting, all the ashramites, you guys will have at least one strong satori, My blessings. You will have one strong satori; strong means that satori experience will stay on your system at least two and a half days; that is the scale. Two and a half days it shakes your personality, then it is a strong satori penetrated to the bone marrow or the depth of your core and you guys can do your mitochondria test today. It will be at least ten times more by the time you complete this 15 day liquid fast and your mitochondria energy will be awakened. Mainly you will have a strong satori where you guys will express and experience a very strong kundalini awakening and it will stay at least two and a half days; means, it will completely alter the way your being takes cognizance of cosmos and… My blessings. Come on.
Today’s subject is cosmic mysteries, in Patanjali’s Yoga sutras 135th sutra in 3rd chapter 29th verse. Actually I wanted to express My happiness for this kind of the initiatives. I am very happy this LA team has started this liquid diet, because one thing which is totally lacking with Nithyananda sampradaya sanyasis is tapas. I wanted this to be on record. It’s a self criticism. See My sanyasis have almost all I had and I am having. The wealth - what I am having they are also having; their life is a best life. If you go around and see any other monastery sanyasis, I can challenge My sanyasis are the richest living Hindu sanyasis. No other monastery takes care of the sanyasis so much; whether it is their health or the gym or the swimming or the… their dress or their food or lifestyle; no other monastery gives so much of attention to the care to the sanyasis. So in the wealth they have all the wealth I have. In the health now I made them by doing all yoga, gym and everything; health. Only one thing I am not able to give them - My tapas, the attitude of My tapas. Still I am struggling with it.
Unfortunately these guys have not seen directly Me doing it. They only heard stories about it. And unfortunately I am not doing tapas now. See I am having wealth that is visibly seen. I am sitting on a golden palki. I am having health it is visibly seen. So my health, wealth and all visibly seen. So these guys are able to take the inspiration. But My tapas is always a story. So I always used to feel I am not able to inspire My sanyasis for tapas. So whenever they take up some initiative for tapas I feel so happy. I feel so happy. I am very happy about this LA team doing this tapas. You guys will see because of this tapas everyday vibhooti will come from the paduka and not only that, a unique, a unique santosha energy, just for no reason kind of a continuous joy, why you are joyful you will not know, but for no reason the continuous joy feeling will be there on the whole team. Whole team will experience that santosha. See santosha is a gift from the direct physical presence of the Master; gives you a kind of a very nice kick. You don’t know why but you are in joy like a free. That santosha will happen to you guys; My blessings. I always feel happy whenever I see people taking up this kind of tapas initiatives. Good. So I will really recommend any other team also wants to take up, take up. It will be very good. Great! My blessings to San Jose temple also for their peaceful activities for protecting the Vedic tradition.
I will enter into the sutra.
ध्रुवे तद्गतिज्ञानम् ॥
dhruve tadgatijnanam//
Swami Vivekananda translates this sutra as: on the pole star knowledge of the motions of the star.
Swami Prabhavananda translates as: by making samyama on the pole star one gains knowledge of the actions of the stars.
Swami Sachidananda translates as: by samyama on the pole star comes the knowledge of the stars movements.
Bhagavan Osho translates as: by performing samyama on the polar star knowledge of the movement of the stars is gained.
Now Patanjali is taking us to the deeper levels of samyama. It is really the deepest samyama. Let Me reveal the sacred secret in this samyama. First he taught us the samyama on working on sun energy, the heat energy in you, masculine energy in you. Next he revealed the sacred secret to work on moon energy, the divine feminine consciousness in us. Now he is taking us to work on the samyama which is beyond these masculine and feminine energies - Polar star, pole star. Understand it’s very significant. As I said, sun is highly active when you are in the peak of physical pleasure. Moon is highly active when you are completely fasting and that moment almost you feel you will faint but you will be aware. Your whole body will get into a kind of a rest.
Whoever is interested in doing this samyama, My blessings! Do it. So understand the instructions clearly. See the discourse once more and take the instruction and do it. I tell you guys it will be very powerful. My blessings to Vancouver and Ohio team also for doing this. You guys will be successful. San Jose also wants to do. All right! You guys send a message. Whoever wants to do, send a message. I will bless each one of you. Not only that, end of this satsang. I will initiate all of you into the samyama. When I directly initiate, it works intensely. I will initiate you all also.
Now first let Me finish this, today’s satsang, today’s subject. Understand, first Patanjali teaches us to work on giving samyama on the masculine energy of an individual. Then Patanjali gives method on working feminine energy of the individual. Now Patanjali gives method for working the energy which is beyond masculine and feminine. Understand, if you work on any one thing that is enough. You will get enlightened. It is not that you need to work on all three samyamas. See, Patanjali also would have had disciples who are not interested in tapas. So he goes on talking about one, one day on one, one samyama expecting maybe disciples will get inspired by one samyama. But now I am very happy too many group is interested, getting interested. Good, good. My blessings! All you guys do. San Hose wants to do, Vancouver wants to do, Ohio want to do. Singapore want to do. Good, good. End of the satsang I will initiate you guys.
Now understand the today’s subject. I am talking on all these things so that it is put on record once for all. See, especially the moon samyama which I was talking yesterday. In Patanjali’s sutra he only talks about the samyama. He is not giving exact instructions. Fortunately I had My masters and mentors who themself have practiced and made me practice. So I know the very clear practical instruction. In no commentary in Patanjali you will see moon energy will be alive and active and intense on you when you… if you fast for one paksha. You will not find that in any commentary. It will be found only if you have practiced or if you are under a master who have practiced. You will see actually, after five six days when you meditate on the moon the so much of nectar will happen in you. You will not feel tired. Your skin will become fair. You can take even the complexion test today. You can see the complexion of your skin. It will become fair and shining. It will start shining because the quality of the nectar takes away the hunger and necessity for solid food. The nectar will start happening on your sahasrara. Whole body will feel that nectar.
So today Patanjali is talking about the third samyama working on the energy which is beyond masculine and feminine. We have a very beautiful Sanskrit word for that ‘sakshin’ means ‘witnessing inner space’. Please understand when you do samyama on sun you need to feel he is in your root center. The peak of the physical pleasure - you need to do samyama on that. When you are doing samyama on the moon energy you need to fast, on liquid diet and when you do samyama on the moon energy you need to feel that intense coolness of the moon in your system. Now you are expected to do samyama on the pole star, polar star. Polar star is supposed to be considered as it never moves. It’s not true. It’s not that it never moves but it takes long time. So naturally you feel it doesn’t move. In you there is a space which never moves - The witnessing consciousness.
So in the night time lie down. Do samyama on the polar star visualizing your whole body has become huge and the polar star is inside your Ananda Gandha. Ananda Gandha is below the Anahata above the Manipuraka. This is the area. Below the Anahata above the Manipuraka; this is the area. Visualize the pole star polar star is on your Ananda Gandha. Just witnessing - you are neither male nor female or gay or child. These are the four sexes described in tantric traditions; Child - enjoys its own body, Male - masculine energy, female - feminine energy, gay - neither male nor female. You will experience the energy beyond all these four when you meditate on the pole star being in your Ananda Gandha.
And I wanted all of you to know, just because you learnt this new samyama don’t stop your plan to do the yesterday’s samyama from tomorrow. That samyama is equally powerful, equally enlightening. If you decided you are going to do yesterday’s samyama for next 15 days, don’t change your decision ‘oh! this technique seems to be little more!!’ All techniques will look very powerful when I describe but it will be powerful only when you practice. So don’t be tempted. Now I am describing it, putting it on the record. So if you have already decided to do yesterday’s samyama, continue. Tomorrow… one paksha if you do, that is enough. You will see the result. You will see the result.
This samyama, understand, you need to visualize the whole cosmos is your body, your body has become so huge and the polar star, pole star is in your Ananda Gandha. Please understand samyama on the sun is supposed to be done with closed eyes but samyama on the moon and the samyama on this pole star, these two has to be done with open eyes. These two has to be done under sky usually in the night time with open eyes. But actually after you master the ability to see the stars strongly, even in the daytime you will be able to see. Then you can start doing in even daytime. But in the initial level it should be done in the night time. When you do, when you want to do today’s samyama, this pole star, you don’t need spatika. Please don’t use anything cooling. This will neither be hot nor be cooling. It will be something totally different. It will bring certain kind of a restful awareness in you. It will bring restful awareness.
See doing samyama on the sun is like you yourself doing it, like a sadhana. Doing samyama on the moon is like floating along with the flow. It will be like almost floating in the Master’s grace. It will be just a deep surrender. This third samyama will neither be individual effort nor be surrender it will be kind of complete witness ‘sakshin’ witnessing mood. Understand all three samyamas. This third samyama, this third samyama is very popular in Buddhism, because Buddhists work on ‘sakshin’ witnessing consciousness. They call it shaki. That’s why they call Shakyamuni Buddha... Saakshin. In Paali all Sanskrit words take a small turn. Atma takes as appo; atma deepo bhava they call it appa deepo bhava. And shoonya becomes Suññatā. Same way the saakshin became saakya. Buddhists work on this technique a lot on saakshin. That is why they say that gazing at the last star last morning star and becoming enlightened. It’s a very powerful process in Zen. They will sleep whole day but whole night they will sit and gaze at that pole star; do samyama on the pole star. By the time morning when the pole star disappears they will become enlightened; their mind will disappear. It’s a very unique intelligent strong powerful process.
I have some of the doubts and questions related to this same samyama. See this samyama I am giving for two purpose - the today’s samyama. One, for enlightenment, another one you will have the complete knowledge about the stars movements. You will even have the knowledge about the astronomy. If you are directing this samyama energy towards the outer cosmos, you will have the knowledge of the stars movements. If you direct it towards inner space you will just become enlightened.
There is a question. “Are there multi universes? Can I see them with this samyama?”
Yes. First thing, there are multi universes; not only multi even the word multi is too small; multi, multi, multi, multi, multi, universes. That’s the first thing. Second, you can see them through this samyama. You can see them through this samyama. I can tell you, I myself have seen with My eyes, rishis and siddhas through this samyama. This Raghupathi Yogi will make Me lie down. My hip has to be on a rock and my head will be down and leg also will be down. I don’t know the purpose. Still I am not able to find out why. Maybe from tomorrow when you guys practice samyama, have one or two pillow just on the hip. You have to lie down on the back but have one or two pillow for the hip. I do not know the reason but this is what he is used to do. He will always have a rock below My back, below My spine; especially the area where the muladhara swadhisthana – backside he will put the rock and I will have to lie down. The head will be down and the leg will be down. He used to put little big rock at least two feet height rock. On that I will have to lie down. Maybe that was the rock which was near when he used to take Me to do this samyama. He will ask Me to lie down. You guys may not need two feet height but maybe two three pillows; but head should be down and you should be able to gaze at the sky. That’s the way it should be.
So… anyhow when I used to gaze I used to do for a long time. You guys can try at least do two cycle 42 minute. But if you can, do even one or two hours. That is up to you. But do at least 42 minutes. It will be really very powerful. So I have seen, suddenly the very frequency of the body will change. Especially now you guys are going to fast and do. When you fast, your body changing your awareness, transcending the lower awareness and getting into the higher awareness is very easy. You see, like a, when you want to change the gear in the car, if the gear box is lubricated the unclutching and changing the gear is very easy. Same way if you are practicing this liquid diet during this samyama the changing the gear and you falling into the higher and higher consciousness, that entering into that transcendental consciousness, will be very strong, very quick. That is why the fasting is used as a powerful technique for enlightenment.
I want all you guys to know this is a very powerful process. When you do it along with the fasting you will really be able to enter into the altered awareness's, altered states of consciousnesses. Only thing you should take care that you should not get ulcer. Drink lot of juice and once talk to your doctor so that you take care of your health also. You should not have any disease, problem, which will create gastric trouble or any other stomach ulcer or anything because of this fasting. That you need to consult once with your doctor. And take neem juice morning. That will take care of everything. That will take care of everything. I have seen in My life, very easily you can fall into the higher states of consciousness when you fast and practice this kind of samyama.
And I myself have seen the siddhas, rishis, munis not just in this plane, in this cosmos - in the multi universe, in the different universes. Your system enters into a suddenly different frequency. You will have the vision and darshan of them. They will appear in front of you, they will guide you, they will even talk to you. And many of your doubts can be clarified. Many of your experiences can become inspiration for enlightenment. Actually when you see a siddha or rishi or muni what will you do? Naturally you will ask for enlightenment or you may ask for something, they will bless you and it will be a more inspiration. Even if you ask for the worldly things it will be an inspiration. Once you get it, it will be an inspiration for you to have more and more spiritual practice and samyama and get enlightened.
So I wanted all of you to know, there are multi universes and I have seen them. I even saw some of their infrastructure. How they have roads, how they have travelling systems, how they travel, all those things I have seen. Maybe when time comes I will describe all My akashic experiences, akashic recordings.
“Is there life in another planets?”
Yes, there is life in other planets. Don’t think you are all alone. No, we are not all alone. I can say at least 33 crore more lives are there in another planets. That is what is the number of the devas in the Vedic tradition muppathu mukkodi devargal 33 crore devas. I can say solidly at least 33 more planets has life. The total number can be at least 33 crore. Those planets, each planets are almost equalent to just one city. Because there janana is not based on shuklashonita sambandha, means the physical relationship. Janana is based on the will. So they can simply control and they do not need to create means they will not create. It is just will.
Please understand the janana is not from bhoo garbha. It’s from hruth garbha. See there are three types of births. First you take birth from your mother’s womb. That’s ordinary birth. Another one is hrud garbha - by will your teacher makes you a new personality when he teaches you. By will you can create a new personality. That’s called hrud garbha. All devaloka garbhas are hrud garbha not bhoo garbha. See Shiva giving birth to Subrahmanya. He just opens his eyes and Subrahmanya is there. So it is hrud garbha, out of sankalpa. And there is a third garbha jnana garbha - Master giving birth to an enlightened disciple. He makes you enlightened. That’s the jnana garbha. So all the deva loka garbhas are hrud garbha. So at least 33 crore life is there in the other planets and at least 33 planets are inhabitated - means life exists. Because, why this 33 crore devathas you know, 33 heads are there. Each one of them have one crore sena. Thats the way the calculation is done. So all 33 have one crore sena and each one of them have their own planet, their own life, their own area where they live. I can tell at least 33 more planet has life and the total number is at least 33 crore.
dhruve tadgatijnanam
Doing samyama on the pole star brings tremendous knowledge of the movements of the stars and awakens the saakshin consciousness, witnessing consciousness in your inner space. This process which I am talking now, the third samyama will be very easy for the kids and transgenders, gays. See if you are a male, if you are in the male body, male female both samyama will help you. If you are in the female body, male female, both samyamas will help you. But if you are in the body of a child, means still physically you are not matured, you have not become a man or woman or if you are in the body of a gay where you are feeling neither woman nor man or all other transgender people for all of them, this samyama will be very powerful and can directly liberate them - samyama on the dhruva.
That is why in Hindu tradition the dhruva, pole star is always considered to be the child. Dhruva is a child who became enlightened in a very young age. If you meditate on the pole star from the young age you will become enlightened like Dhruva. You will become enlightened like Dhruva. That is the reason why Dhruva is considered as a young boy because that is the energy which is alive in you before you are physically matured.
I have two soft corner in My life. In the outer world anybody works for temple I will fall for them. In the inner world anybody does tapas I will be simply pleased. This tapas and the temple, this two are almost like a engram in Me. Even though I don’t need both of them, still they hang around Me and I hang around them. Tapas is one of the strong engram in My personality. Small incident about tapas - One day Kuppammal told Me to sit in chin mudra. During the process she was guiding Me into some meditation. I just, I don’t know whether by unawareness or by mistake I relaxed the chin mudra. Then she stood up and looked at Me and said "You are not doing tapas as per the guru vakya"
That was a strong hit on Me. Because in the young age itself I was just influenced thoroughly by the stories of Prahalada, Markandeya, Dhruva, Kannappa; all these people. So guru vakya and tapas is almost like My breathing, My breath, My life. And I used to feel that as a pride. I always used to feel ‘When will I become like Markandeya? When will I become like Dhruva?’ That yearning. When she said, ‘You are not doing tapas listening to guru vakya”, it was such a strong hit on Me and I decided I will never remove My hands from chin mudra and you will be shocked it went on and on, at least I can say one month I was like that. When I eat I will only ask My mother to put the food in my hand. Or the people whoever is giving food anybody they have to put the food in My hand and I will eat. I will just keep the chin mudra whole day and night in the hand.
If you are closely living around Me, you will see even now that engram is there. When I sit, once in while I will get back to chin mudra. I will be there in chin mudra. It started there. The tapas is such a I can’t call this as a engram now when it is there. Now it is there like a burnt rope. Burnt rope cannot tie you. So it cannot be called as engram; but there are some habits you need to retain to be in your system, to be in your body. So voluntary assumed engrams; you can call them as voluntarily assumed engrams for the sake of utility and basic maintenance of body mind. So My voluntary assumed engrams VAE is this tapas, temple... these are all My VAEs.
Anyhow, so I am very happy that all this team is doing tapas. I will send you guys... see My blessings I am sending to you now itself. Whoever does this samyama it’s My special blessing. Not only that, now I promise all you guys whoever is doing this samyama for this next 15 days, will have the santosha - means the carefree blissful mood, one. Second: one strong samyama which stays on your system at least two and a half days. The effect of that samyama will be there on your system for two and a half days. My blessings! And My special blessings for Los Angeles for creating this mood - because these guys started. Because they started now everybody is doing. It’s great. I am always happy when you do tapas.
See it’s not that when you live on the liquid diet I am going to get something special. No juice company is sponsoring our organization! No! 😄 But it is a tapas, taking up. Taking up and doing, exploring, new, new things in the inner space. I tell you, enlightenment comes only to the people who are fanatic about enlightenment. The intensity should reach to its extreme. Almost it should be felt as a fanaticism by the people who are living around you. If your wife is not afraid that you may run away from the house you are not going to get enlightened, understand. Even if that is not happening what kind of interest you are having. What kind of intensity you are showing. People who are living around you should be afraid - any moment this fellow will run away from the house, will become enlightened. That’s a basic condition. Don’t be worried if your family feels you are going to run away at any moment. No other way that is different. But that is the basic. You see, first circle should feel your heat and how you are trying various methods.
And I will tell you another one thing. You will never become enlightened if you are trying only two three techniques. This is also one of the sacred secret I want you all to know. It always happens in the end through one technique. But everything you try adds value, adds value. I tell you at least 25-30 process and method you should try. If you ask Me, I will tell you honestly at least you should try three-four sampradayas. Shaiva, Vaishnava, Yoga, Vedanta, Bhakti - three four sampradayas. That is why in Nithyananda sampradaya in My sampradaya I kept at least three four sampradayas alive. Everything needed for Vaishnavism I am keeping alive. Everything needed for Shaivism I am keeping alive. Everything needed for the Shaktism I am keeping alive. Everything needed for Vedanta I am keeping alive. Everything needed for yoga I am keeping alive. Everything needed for Bhakti I am keeping alive. Everything needed for hatha yoga I am keeping alive. You should explore at least three four sampradayas, some twenty thirty techniques. Only then a solid matured spiritual experience lands on you which can be considered or which can be an enlightenment.
See for that level… enlightenment means I can give the definition: where the mind which measures will disappear but go on experiencing higher and higher states. See what you think as the highest - that defining mind will disappear. After that you will not even know the definition of highest but it will go on be happening, go on be happening, go on be happening. So that is the state of enlightenment. All I wanted is this kind of tapas. Exploring different, different, different process, different, different, different methods should be the lifestyle. That should be the lifestyle. And another one thing when you guys got a Master like Me who goes on opening up and revealing all the sacred secrets and mysteries, you should be inspired to explore all of them. My blessings! You guys will really be successful and some more people have joined. In Oman Sri Nithya SriPriyan and Amita Ganesh from eN Satsang center Oman. All right My blessings! You guys also will be successful.
Now if you all just sit few minutes take a sankalpa that you are going to do this vrata from tomorrow, and understand I wanted all of you to know, this samyama directly brings you the complete fulfillment in the inner space, that moon samyama. And today is the day, Holi festival, when Shiva burnt the Manmatha, destroyed all the fantasies, burnt Manmatha and Krishna did Rasaleela. See Rasaleela and burning Manmatha is one and the same. Krishna was beyond Manmatha; he was doing Rasaleela. And Shiva just opens his third eye and reaches the space beyond Manmatha. It is very significant. Both festivals are on same day. And not only that Shiva burns Manmatha today and then gets married to Devi in Chitra poornima, next month. In Panguni Purnima, today is Panguni Purnima, today Shiva burns the Manmatha then he gets married. Means in Vedic tradition we believe going beyond the lust then entering into the grihastha life if needed. It’s a very powerful concept.
Anyhow today is the day when Krishna had Rasaleela. Today is called Raspoornima also, Holi celebration, Raas poornima and Shiva for Shiva Manmatha dahanotsava. Today is the day Shiva opened his third eye and burnt the Manmatha. So My blessings to all of you. You will all experience Manmatha dahana, burning of fantasy and rasaleela the great presence of the Krishna’s eternal beautiful blissful love. So great, you guys are doing this samyama from today. You will be successful. Not only that, today the moon’s energy on the planet earth is going to be very strong. Moon is very close to the earth today. It’s called super moon day. It will do only good to the whole planet earth and to all of us. I will turn this whole energy into good.
All right! Now all you guys just sit and make the sankalpa that you are going to do this samyama for next 16 days. If you are not going to do, just sit. People who want initiation into this samyama, make the sankalpa you are going to do this samyama. I will initiate you guys. Others you can just sit and experience the eN effect.
I initiate all of you into this sacred samyama. Let Patanjali’s grace be on all of you.  Let you all be successful in this samyama. And all the people who are going to do samyama on this next 16 days try to do chandra namaskar in the morning. Don’t do surya namaskar. Do chandra namaskar at least 21, if you can do 42 or at least 21. You can learn chandra namaskar; maybe in our website it will be available and there is a webinar also, today, tomorrow they are doing a webinar also. I will tell them to continue the webinar for few more days. It will be available. You can do chandra namaskar instead of surya namaskar. It will really help you to experience the samyama more strongly.
So I bless you all. Let all of you achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share the eternal bliss, Nithyananda.
Thank you.
==Link to Video: ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olGSHi3-_PQ&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2011-03mar-19_technique-for-transcendental-consciousness-short-nithyananda-videos"/>
==Link to Video: ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8pJpatx4xI&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2011-03mar-19_master-is-cruel-compassion"/>
==Link to Video: ==  
==Link to Video: ==  
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBQife3dumY&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2011-03mar-19_get-back-to-witnessing-consciousness-short-nithyananda-videos"/>
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videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0gRmtyE7z0&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2011-03mar-19_the-power-of-intention-in-spiritu"/>
Is there life on other planets
==Link to Video: ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wte6jaOa5jw&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2011-03mar-19_is-there-life-on-other-planets"/>
Are there multi-universes
==Link to Video: ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRQ880w-wd0&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2011-03mar-19_are-there-multi-universes"/>
==Photos Of The Day:==
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===Volunteers Protesting In front Of San Francisco Consulate===
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Latest revision as of 20:39, 16 June 2022


Ultimate Reality Between Soul & Self || Part 1 || Brahma Sutras || 19 March 2011


Name of Convention: Brahma Sutras
Session on: Ultimate Reality Between Soul & Self Part 1
Date: 19 March 2011
Venue: Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam sits with his delegates to share His experience and understanding on 1st chapter, 1st section, 17th sutra of the Brahma Sutras. In which He also shared Swami Sivananda's teaching and other masters & acharyas that covered on this sutra. The Brahma Sutras is a Sanskrit text - The text systematizes and summarizes the philosophical and spiritual ideas in the Upanishads. The sacred secret of this sutra, in summary, is describing that we are to get back to witnessing our consciousness. To be centered on awareness, and not on ego. When one is centered on awareness, it will naturally create wealth and fulfilment. And this will create constant awareness which will become an independent mechanism to achieving wealth & consciousness.

Come and find out more about the Brahma Sutra with His presence!

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām


Let us enter into today's Sutra. I Am continuing on Brahma Sutras. First chapter, first section,17th Sutra: Bheda Vyapateshat cha Bheda Vyapateshat cha Bheda Vyapateshat cha Swami Gambhirananda translates this Sutra as, “And because of the assertion of the difference between the individual soul and Supreme self.” Swami Vireswarananda translates as, “On account of the declaration of difference between the two, the one referred to in the passage the self consisting of Bliss etc. and the individual soul, the latter cannot be the one referred to in passage.” Swami Sivanandha translates as, “On account of the declaration of the difference between the two, the one referred to in the passage the self consisting of Bliss and the individual soul, the latter cannot be the one referred to in the passage.” Bheda Vyapateshat cha


There is a beautiful Sutra in Taittiriya Upanishad.I wanted to bring it to your attention and very beautifully Swami Sivananda, Rishikesh Sivananda Swami. There were two Sivananda's very popular at same time. One was in Kerala, Palakkad. Paramhamsa Sivananda. Another one was the Rishikesh Sivananda Paramahamsa, Sivananda Swami. So here I Am referring to Swami Sivananda from Kerala….. sorry, from Rishikesh. Swami Sivananda from Rishikesh. He very beautifully refers. He is one of the great, a very great Acharya of the modern days, one of the great architect of Hinduism. I can say some handful of people are responsible for what is known now as Hinduism being alive. Our yoga, upanishads, vedanta. If this is part of a common man's life today in the modern world, this handful of people are responsible- one is Ramakrishna and Vivekananda naturally, and Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Osho, Shreela Prabhupada.


I will say that in My experience, I will put Swami Sivananda in that level. He is one of the great contributor to the vedic tradition. He refers very beautifully. Actually I Am referring everyday many of his collections and selections on Brahma Sutra. He has written a very beautiful commentary on Brahma Sutra. He has collected, culled out many of the Upanishads and references from various Aranyakas, various beautiful scriptures. Very authentically he has collected and translated. I wanted to remind you all, great Swami Satyananda Saraswati, one of the greatest Yogi happened in the modern day is disciple of Sivananda Saraswati. I wanted to remember both of them and give them My humble respects because today what I am talking to you, all this technical information, for Me to collect and translate will take at least ten years if I have to do all by Myself. So lot of the technical work they all have done. So I wanted to give My gratitude, My humble respect to those masters.


If you read Swami Satyananda Saraswati’s Yoga and Kriya book, whatever I Am teaching in the morning Brahma Sutra…. Yoga Sutra, you will be able to catch it very easily. It will be very useful if you read that book if you are regularly attending the Yoga Sutra satsang and same way, if you read Swami Sivananda’s Brahma Sutra translation, it will really help you to grasp more whatever I Am sharing in the Brahma Sutra satsang. Because they have done a amazing work on the technical knowledge. To tell you honestly, I Am not that strong in the technical knowledge. See, I Am commenting on the authority of My spiritual experience, Enlightenment. I Am neither a Sanskrit scholar nor English scholar or scholar in the Upanishads or Vedas or the traditional literatures.


I Am telling you very honestly, maybe if you are glamoured by Me, enchanted by Me, you will say, “No, no, no. You know so much about scriptures,” and all that but an honest, social standard. There is a social standard. If there is an examination about the scriptures, I can be hundred percent sure I will not take more than thirty marks. That is the maximum any normal teacher will give if they test My scriptural knowledge. I Am commenting on the authority of My personal experience and the grace of My mentors like a Raghupati Yogi, Kuppammal or Isakki Swami, all these people but the technical knowledge, these masters have done a amazing job. I wanted to recognize and I wanted to put this on record so that the posterity, the future knows their great contribution.


I wanted to make it very clear I never wanted at any time My organization to evolve as a independent cult built on Me. It should always be rooted in the original Vedic tradition, the broad Vedic tradition which is the source for Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Vaishnava, Tantra. These are all different branches evolved out of Vedic tradition. You may be surprised, I mentioned even Hinduism as a one name. Please understand, whatever you practice in the name of Hinduism- going to temples, rituals, anything, yoga, pranayam. All these things evolved from Vedic tradition. I wanted all of you to know it is not Vedic tradition. It is from Vedic tradition.


Just like Buddhism is from Vedic tradition, Sikhism is from Vedic tradition, Jainism is from Vedic tradition, the distance between the Vedic tradition and Buddhism, distance between Vedic tradition and Jainism, distance between Vedic tradition and Sikhism, distance between Vedic tradition and modern day Hinduism is equal. I wanted to make it very clear. It is equal. No way modern day Hinduism is closer to Vedic tradition than Jainism or Buddhism. So I wanted always our Sampradaya to be established and rooted in the broad Vedic tradition which is the source of all these traditions: Shakta, Shaiva, Vaishnava, all these great traditions.


There is a beautiful reference by Swami Sivananda: Raso Vysaha Rasam Hevayam Labdhva Nandi Bhavati Taittiriya Upanishad, second chapter, seventh Sutra…. If you don't understand it is ok. I Am just putting it on record but I will translate and give you the complete meaning in course of the discourse. You see, lot of the sacred secrets embedded in this Sutra you will be able to relate and understand if you have little bit of background of the technical knowledge. How the truth is experienced and expressed and referred. Raso Vysaha Rasam Hevayam Lab dva Nandi Bhavati


That which is attainted and the attainer cannot be the same. Hence individual soul is not referred to in the passage which is under discussion. I think here they have done one printing mistake. It is supposed to be attained and the attainer. They have put one T extra. It became attainted and attainer. Anyhow, that is okay. Now let Me enter into the sacred secret embedded in this sutra…. The whole thing I can see, boils down to pushing you towards the transcendental awareness happening in you. Constantly Vyasa, Badarayana is getting you back to the transcendental awareness. If I have to reveal the sacred secret, if I have to reveal what I Am going to talk for next half an hour, for example you say, “Swamiji, next half an hour I don't have time to sit. I have to run for the other work. Can You just tell me in one statement so that I can hear and run,” I Am going to say get back to witnessing consciousness. That's all, which I Am telling for last ten years. This is the sacred secret in this Sutra.


Basically Patanjali is trying.... Sorry Vyasa, Badarayana Vyasa is basically trying to push you to the truth: Do not be satisfied in the space where the attainer retains even a scratch of individual identity. I have a big difficulty because first time these Sutras are being taught to youngsters. Always these sutras were taught to some old buddos who can’t do anything further. Then Ramakrishna says, “Brahmasutra cannot be taught to the old people. Even if you teach, they will not catch it.” Please understand, when I use the word here Brahma sutra, I use the world more like a, the process of awakening the inner space.


Unfortunately always it was taught to the old people. So almost their tiredness is taken as non-ego state but first time, I Am talking about Brahma Sutras to youngsters. That is why so much of difficulty. Lot of difficulty because the modern day youngsters have to live continuously asserting their ego. Every moment the survival itself becomes ego-based. You see, that is why even creation of the wealth, it is not creation, it is more like a grabbing. How much you can lie and cheat your boss and grab, that's all. It’s all about grabbing. It is nothing to do with creation. In the modern day, the youngsters have to constantly be asserting their ego but here Brahma sutra, constantly Vyasa is pushing to be centered on awareness.


Actually if you are centered on awareness, you will be able to create wealth out of creativity and have a deep satisfaction, fulfillment but the big problem is, almost your whole life has to be reshuffled. When you start living based on this Sutra which says that, be established on the space where the achiever and achieved is one and the same. Do not be in a space where the achiever and achieved are visibly felt as different, experientially felt as different.


A continuous drive….. you see, if you are a yogi for example, tomorrow many of you guys are taking up this Vrata, Samyama on Chandra, sixteen days. When you take up these kind of things and explore, basically you are a yogi. Your attitude is yogi. If you are a yogi, because of your everyday practices, all these ideas are constantly reminded to you and the rising of the awareness has become a independent mechanism in your system. Everyday because constantly you remind yourself, you push yourself, even though one day you become low and angry, depressed, next day you are up, you say, “No. I will stand. I will not fall.” That re-establishing, I tell you, that is the greatest thing in the life.


I had a such a uncompassionate mentors and Masters for Me. I Am really happy. No, they will go on, you see, as far as the techniques and the spiritual knowledge, they are so compassionate but they will never ever give Me any support for My human weakness. You may be laughing, “What? Swamiji had human weakness?” When I use this word, I wanted to define it very clearly. It's like a, “Oh! Tomorrow we can do the practice. It’s okay. These are all... Tomorrow we can do. Later on. No, no, no, I don't want to do meditation.” This laziness, they never supported and whenever the ideological difference problems, they never bent. They just stood strong.



Ultimate Reality Between Soul & Self || Part 2 || Brahma Sutras || 19 March 2011


Name of Convention: Brahma Sutras
Session on: Ultimate Reality Between Soul & Self Part 2
Date: 19 March 2011
Venue: Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam sits with his delegates to share His experience and understanding on 1st chapter, 1st section, 17th sutra of the Brahma Sutras. In which He also shared Swami Sivananda's teaching and other masters & acharyas that covered on this sutra. The Brahma Sutras is a Sanskrit text - The text systematizes and summarizes the philosophical and spiritual ideas in the Upanishads. The sacred secret of this sutra, in summary, is describing that we are to get back to witnessing our consciousness. To be centered on awareness, and not on ego. When one is centered on awareness, it will naturally create wealth and fulfillment. And this will create constant awareness which will become an independent mechanism to achieving wealth & consciousness.

Come and find out more about the Brahma Sutra with His presence!

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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So their compassion- one side compassion, other side completely cruel. Completely- that is the right word ‘cruel’ but I Am fortunate I was not supported. I had such a beautiful mentors. Again and again and again standing up was become very easy. They will go on giving spiritual words, spiritual techniques and I can tell you, it will be always good if you have 2-3 mentors in your life when it comes to mentors. Of course, Master will be only one naturally. Master can be only one but mentors…. when you are in a spiritual community or satsang center or the spiritual groups, just have 2-3 people to talk to because you will have 2-3 version of the understanding. It can always be inspiring. Then you will catch that balanced perspective. Objectively you will catch it.


Because I had 2-3 mentors, I can tell you how much it added. Even though Kuppammal is a great vedanti, she had a very powerful connection to the bhakti dimension and same way Raghupati Yogi. Even though he was a great yogi, he was an amazing bhakta. He was an amazing devotee. So these different, different people, different, different juice made Me completely juicy. So you also try to have 2-3 mentors. Then you will grasp more. Even in this Vata-Prativata, now I am seeing. Everyday I am receiving emails. This Vata-Prativata debate is doing a wonderful job, very powerful job. I am seeing really Vyasa and Shankara’s blessings are there on you guys.


So many emails I Am receiving with deeper clarity, understandings. I can tell you, really this twenty one days we don't know how we started, why we started. From Shivaratri, how much of good we are doing to the world is secondary. How much of the good we have all done to ourself I am surprised. All our centers, devotees, they have become so intense. Today I saw, I don't know, I don’t know the number exactly. The number of people going to practice tomorrow onwards samyama I do have. Now I am Guru of worthy disciples, very strong disciples.


Actually in the ashram itself, I was shocked. In Bidadi Ashram some sixty people want to do this fifteen days samyama. These fellows to make them come and sit in half an hour Pada Puja, I know how much I have to struggle. But all these fellows suddenly wanted to do this samyama. Then I only made a rule if you are underweight you cannot do. If you are overweight you can do. I made a rule because health I have to take care. But I was shocked so much of sudden inspiration has happened in our Sangha all over. Everywhere the strong debates are going on. In the Facebook, left and right I Am enlightened, you are enlightened everywhere I am just.... Now the whole Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam I feel like a huge sky with lot of stars, enlightened stars running around here and there. Even in your community, have 2-3 mentors. You will see you will be able to grow easily. You will be able to imbibe this understanding easily.


So the thought trend for today's sacred secret: be stable at the space where the achiever and achieved is one and the same. If you are not in that space, just be unstable. That is enough. You feeling unstable is enough to push you into the stable Consciousness. Actually you feeling you just hate who you are, what you are is enough. Nothing else is required. That will just push you to the space where you need to completely be fulfilled, where you need to completely be in restful awareness. The problem is, you don't completely hate what you are. One part you hate, the other part you hold on, “No no no no. This is all good only. These fellows are telling lies. I am not that bad.”


Be very clear, you are bad completely. There is nothing to be hold on. Be very clear or hold on you are completely good. That is also okay. If you hold on completely good, then your personality will just how the salt melts into the ocean. If you make a salt doll and put it in the ocean, how it melts, you will melt down. That is also perfect, no problem but the problem is, you neither feel you are completely good nor feel completely bad. You hold on to one part. That is where you are not letting the achiever and achieved to become one. Just the deep dissatisfaction of the source where you feel your individual identity is more than enough to awaken the non-mechanical parts of your brain and make you experience the transcendental awareness, transcendental Consciousness. Transcendental awareness and transcendental Consciousness- these are all different words I Am using but I mean one and the same: Source, Existence, Brahman, Cosmos, Original Self. All are same thing I Am denoting with different words.


So through this Taittiriya Upanishad Sutra, Swami Sivananda is trying to establish clearly the individual soul which feels still it need to achieve something cannot be the achieved, the goal. As long as that feeling ‘I still need to do something’ is there in you, you need to do something…. You need to get into the space where that very idea ‘I need to do something’ disappears. I Am telling you, if you just create wealth don't grab, create wealth, the moment you reach certain level, you feel completely fulfilled, “I think I have enough. I have enough. Nothing more needs to be done. I have enough.”


April 14th of 2001. 2001 April 14th, that was the day few people who lived around Me, who gathered around Me that time, not lived around Me. That is the right word. Gathered around Me even before Ayya and Amma came. Two-three people gathered around Me. They all have requested Me to stay in one place that they want to build a hut for Me. I said, “I don't know I will be able to stay in one place.” Then they said, “At least till You stay, let us make a hut for You.” I just laughed and said “Alright, make it.” That was the day the first hut they built for Me on the banks of Kaveri. They inaugurated. Still we have photographs. I had one Ramakrishna’s photo and Sharda Devi, Vivekananda’s photo. Somebody gave Me one kamandalu, one pot. The moment I got that pot, I had the tremendous satisfaction, “Wow! All the wealth I required for My life has come.” That's all. I tell you, after that I have not acquired anything…. The greatest satisfaction that I have what I want, means My prarabdha to accumulate wealth has ended when I got that kamandalu because that was the only thing I require.


As I said, I Am a washing maniac. That keeping Myself clean is a very big thing. So I always wanted after taking bath when I come out of Kaveri, I want to carry one kamandalu water so that when I reach the place where I used to lie down, I want to wash My feet. See, the feet will be dirty, will become dirty by the time you come out. So the only property I was in need, only thing I needed is I need one kamandalu to wash My feet after I reach the place where I stay because I cannot see My room muddy. Of course, the whole room itself is inside burial ground. That is different and it is the samadhi of one person. That is funny thing. On one samadhi on four pillar they put the thatch. On that only I used to sleep. That was My first....


The guy is little bulky guy. So they built a bigger samadhi, very big samadhi. It is a square 8 feet by 8 feet and there was a pillar and on that they put some four wooden pieces and put thatch. So from the Kaveri if I reach that place where I used to lie down, leg will become muddy, dirty. So after reaching to that place I want to wash My feet before I put My feet on the place where I lie down. So the moment that kamandalu came I can say, the whole personality has become completely satisfied…. Such a deep satisfaction! I can tell you, when you create wealth, your prarabdha hits a space of that utter satisfaction…. After that, wealth was never in My mind. It was always around Me but it was never in My mind. My inner space never had wealth. It was always around Me but never inside Me.


So as long as you feel you need to achieve something, you need to achieve. The moment you feel the achiever and achieved has disappeared, you have achieved. So the sacred secret in this Sutra is, if you are feeling you need to achieve something more, then let the dissatisfaction grow intensely and swallow your whole personality. It is capable of pushing you into Existence. It is capable. This is the sacred secret I want you to do the debate today. How the feeling of not attained can lead to the attainment. What should we do with that feeling of not achieved! When, how the feeling of achiever and achieved becomes one and the same. I am really happy because these great truths are never discussed especially to the mass like this.


Even if you comb the whole Varanasi, where the Vedanta is supposed to be repeated even by parrots, you will not find one tenth of the number of the people who are sitting and discussing all these great truths but go on drill these great truths into your inner space. Do the debate, eN debate. Don't say, “Oh! I am... These are all not for me. This is too much for my head.” No! Catch at least 2-3 people and start. Just because you failed once in the debate, don't think you should not start again. Go on and on and on. So start the eN debate today, Vada- Prativada today on this sacred secret: How the feeling not attained can lead to the experience of attainment. How to deepen it? When you are achieved, attained, how to know it means the feeling to attain will disappear. That's it.


As you all are aware, today is the Holi and Manmatha dahana. In all Shiva temples, the Manmatha will be burnt. It is a symbolic representation that Shiva opening the third eye and burning all the fantasies. Shiva becoming beyond fantasies. It is like a, it is a philosophical description of Shiva expressing His Enlightenment and very beautiful description of Krishna initiating all His gopas and gopis into the Bhava Samadhi. Today is the day He did Rasa, Rasa Purnima where He played with His gopas and gopis and gave the experience of Bhava samadhi to all of them, experiencing Oneness with Krishna to all of them. So all the ashramites are waiting for the celebration. We are having now two celebration. In all Vishnu temples they will have the Holi. In all Shiva temples they will have the Manmatha Dahana, burning of Manmatha. We have both. We have Shiva and Vishnu, both here. So naturally we will be having both celebrations. Holi now and after the Holi, the burning of Manmatha, Manmatha’s effigy, like a collective negativity, fantasies, delusion, that's all.


So now, we are going to have the celebration. That is the reason I Am ending the Brahma Sutras little early and today we have a great news. Scarborough Toronto is starting a new center, a new place. Satsang is held in new place today. My blessings to Toronto devotees. Scarborough and Toronto and My blessings. I Am now in you guys, with you guys in that center. This place now will experience intensely My presence. Let all of you experience Kundalini Awakening and levitation. Up! Intense experience of My presence will fill that place. I have already now sanctified that place. Put the padukas in that place. You will see vibhuti coming from that Paduka. That whole place will vibrate intense positive, auspicious spiritual energy.


So as today is very auspicious day, Panguni Uthiram, very good day for Subramanya. You guys have got a right place on right day. Today is the good day for Subramanya, good day for Vaishnava tradition and good day for Shaiva tradition. All three tradition, today is the great day and My blessings. Beautiful temple will happen in Toronto. My blessings to all of you who are sitting with us at this moment 669 places and 223 cities in 30 countries. Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share the Eternal Bliss- Nithyananda. Thank you.



Unraveling Cosmic Mysteries by Meditating on Pole Star

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Unraveling Cosmic Mysteries by Meditating on Pole Star, a Patanjali Yoga Sutra discourse delivered during the Morning Satsang held on 2011 march 19

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I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangis sitting with us at this moment around the world in 694 places, in 267 cities, in 32 countries. Apart from that we have seven cities sitting with us in two way video conferencing; Phoenix, Seattle, Ohio, San Hose, Houston, Los Angeles, Taramangalam. Today Ma Krishnananda’s birthday - birthday blessings for Krishnananda! Last time I was trying to send chocolate for Darshana, I don’t know whether it came. At least today I will give little vibhooti for Krishnananda. Blessings!


And just now I received message, in Vancouver from My photograph vibhooti is continuously coming. Now it is happening. Blessings to Vancouver center, blessings to Vancouver. And there are two questions from Bhaktananda from Los Angeles. “Tomorrow is full moon. Is there any instruction on how to do the samyama on the moon, and all ashramites in LA are participating the fluid fast starting tomorrow. Ma Dayamayi just finished her fluid fast but she is starting again tomorrow.” Great!


See these are the three instruction. One: don’t drink… don’t eat anything which you need to swallow means, sorry, which you need to grind, use your teeth. So you can drink anything which directly goes into your throat - liquid. That’s the first instruction. Second: when the moon rise starts at least after two hours of moon rise, when the moon is bright enough that you can gaze, have a small crystal on your swadhisthana, lie down on your back, gaze at the moon visualizing your whole body is the universe and that moon is in your swadhisthana. Understand, the moon should be inside your swadhisthana. Relax with this samyama, you will see how the flow of the cosmos directly works on you. Many intelligence and intuition will be awakened in you. Apart from that you will have that strong awakening of the non mechanical parts of the brain which helps you to internalize great truths like Brahma Sutras. See this samyama almost prepares the whole ground. Brahma Sutra is like a seed. When I drop the seed immediately it grows. When I say ‘You are existence’, you will have more deeper and clear experience when you do these kind of samyamas.


So, My blessings to all the LA ashramites! You guys will be successful in your samyama. My blessings you will be successful and within these 15 days all you guys who are doing this fasting, all the ashramites, you guys will have at least one strong satori, My blessings. You will have one strong satori; strong means that satori experience will stay on your system at least two and a half days; that is the scale. Two and a half days it shakes your personality, then it is a strong satori penetrated to the bone marrow or the depth of your core and you guys can do your mitochondria test today. It will be at least ten times more by the time you complete this 15 day liquid fast and your mitochondria energy will be awakened. Mainly you will have a strong satori where you guys will express and experience a very strong kundalini awakening and it will stay at least two and a half days; means, it will completely alter the way your being takes cognizance of cosmos and… My blessings. Come on.


Today’s subject is cosmic mysteries, in Patanjali’s Yoga sutras 135th sutra in 3rd chapter 29th verse. Actually I wanted to express My happiness for this kind of the initiatives. I am very happy this LA team has started this liquid diet, because one thing which is totally lacking with Nithyananda sampradaya sanyasis is tapas. I wanted this to be on record. It’s a self criticism. See My sanyasis have almost all I had and I am having. The wealth - what I am having they are also having; their life is a best life. If you go around and see any other monastery sanyasis, I can challenge My sanyasis are the richest living Hindu sanyasis. No other monastery takes care of the sanyasis so much; whether it is their health or the gym or the swimming or the… their dress or their food or lifestyle; no other monastery gives so much of attention to the care to the sanyasis. So in the wealth they have all the wealth I have. In the health now I made them by doing all yoga, gym and everything; health. Only one thing I am not able to give them - My tapas, the attitude of My tapas. Still I am struggling with it.


Unfortunately these guys have not seen directly Me doing it. They only heard stories about it. And unfortunately I am not doing tapas now. See I am having wealth that is visibly seen. I am sitting on a golden palki. I am having health it is visibly seen. So my health, wealth and all visibly seen. So these guys are able to take the inspiration. But My tapas is always a story. So I always used to feel I am not able to inspire My sanyasis for tapas. So whenever they take up some initiative for tapas I feel so happy. I feel so happy. I am very happy about this LA team doing this tapas. You guys will see because of this tapas everyday vibhooti will come from the paduka and not only that, a unique, a unique santosha energy, just for no reason kind of a continuous joy, why you are joyful you will not know, but for no reason the continuous joy feeling will be there on the whole team. Whole team will experience that santosha. See santosha is a gift from the direct physical presence of the Master; gives you a kind of a very nice kick. You don’t know why but you are in joy like a free. That santosha will happen to you guys; My blessings. I always feel happy whenever I see people taking up this kind of tapas initiatives. Good. So I will really recommend any other team also wants to take up, take up. It will be very good. Great! My blessings to San Jose temple also for their peaceful activities for protecting the Vedic tradition.


I will enter into the sutra. ध्रुवे तद्गतिज्ञानम् ॥ dhruve tadgatijnanam// Swami Vivekananda translates this sutra as: on the pole star knowledge of the motions of the star. Swami Prabhavananda translates as: by making samyama on the pole star one gains knowledge of the actions of the stars. Swami Sachidananda translates as: by samyama on the pole star comes the knowledge of the stars movements. Bhagavan Osho translates as: by performing samyama on the polar star knowledge of the movement of the stars is gained.


Now Patanjali is taking us to the deeper levels of samyama. It is really the deepest samyama. Let Me reveal the sacred secret in this samyama. First he taught us the samyama on working on sun energy, the heat energy in you, masculine energy in you. Next he revealed the sacred secret to work on moon energy, the divine feminine consciousness in us. Now he is taking us to work on the samyama which is beyond these masculine and feminine energies - Polar star, pole star. Understand it’s very significant. As I said, sun is highly active when you are in the peak of physical pleasure. Moon is highly active when you are completely fasting and that moment almost you feel you will faint but you will be aware. Your whole body will get into a kind of a rest.


Whoever is interested in doing this samyama, My blessings! Do it. So understand the instructions clearly. See the discourse once more and take the instruction and do it. I tell you guys it will be very powerful. My blessings to Vancouver and Ohio team also for doing this. You guys will be successful. San Jose also wants to do. All right! You guys send a message. Whoever wants to do, send a message. I will bless each one of you. Not only that, end of this satsang. I will initiate all of you into the samyama. When I directly initiate, it works intensely. I will initiate you all also.


Now first let Me finish this, today’s satsang, today’s subject. Understand, first Patanjali teaches us to work on giving samyama on the masculine energy of an individual. Then Patanjali gives method on working feminine energy of the individual. Now Patanjali gives method for working the energy which is beyond masculine and feminine. Understand, if you work on any one thing that is enough. You will get enlightened. It is not that you need to work on all three samyamas. See, Patanjali also would have had disciples who are not interested in tapas. So he goes on talking about one, one day on one, one samyama expecting maybe disciples will get inspired by one samyama. But now I am very happy too many group is interested, getting interested. Good, good. My blessings! All you guys do. San Hose wants to do, Vancouver wants to do, Ohio want to do. Singapore want to do. Good, good. End of the satsang I will initiate you guys.


Now understand the today’s subject. I am talking on all these things so that it is put on record once for all. See, especially the moon samyama which I was talking yesterday. In Patanjali’s sutra he only talks about the samyama. He is not giving exact instructions. Fortunately I had My masters and mentors who themself have practiced and made me practice. So I know the very clear practical instruction. In no commentary in Patanjali you will see moon energy will be alive and active and intense on you when you… if you fast for one paksha. You will not find that in any commentary. It will be found only if you have practiced or if you are under a master who have practiced. You will see actually, after five six days when you meditate on the moon the so much of nectar will happen in you. You will not feel tired. Your skin will become fair. You can take even the complexion test today. You can see the complexion of your skin. It will become fair and shining. It will start shining because the quality of the nectar takes away the hunger and necessity for solid food. The nectar will start happening on your sahasrara. Whole body will feel that nectar.


So today Patanjali is talking about the third samyama working on the energy which is beyond masculine and feminine. We have a very beautiful Sanskrit word for that ‘sakshin’ means ‘witnessing inner space’. Please understand when you do samyama on sun you need to feel he is in your root center. The peak of the physical pleasure - you need to do samyama on that. When you are doing samyama on the moon energy you need to fast, on liquid diet and when you do samyama on the moon energy you need to feel that intense coolness of the moon in your system. Now you are expected to do samyama on the pole star, polar star. Polar star is supposed to be considered as it never moves. It’s not true. It’s not that it never moves but it takes long time. So naturally you feel it doesn’t move. In you there is a space which never moves - The witnessing consciousness.


So in the night time lie down. Do samyama on the polar star visualizing your whole body has become huge and the polar star is inside your Ananda Gandha. Ananda Gandha is below the Anahata above the Manipuraka. This is the area. Below the Anahata above the Manipuraka; this is the area. Visualize the pole star polar star is on your Ananda Gandha. Just witnessing - you are neither male nor female or gay or child. These are the four sexes described in tantric traditions; Child - enjoys its own body, Male - masculine energy, female - feminine energy, gay - neither male nor female. You will experience the energy beyond all these four when you meditate on the pole star being in your Ananda Gandha.


And I wanted all of you to know, just because you learnt this new samyama don’t stop your plan to do the yesterday’s samyama from tomorrow. That samyama is equally powerful, equally enlightening. If you decided you are going to do yesterday’s samyama for next 15 days, don’t change your decision ‘oh! this technique seems to be little more!!’ All techniques will look very powerful when I describe but it will be powerful only when you practice. So don’t be tempted. Now I am describing it, putting it on the record. So if you have already decided to do yesterday’s samyama, continue. Tomorrow… one paksha if you do, that is enough. You will see the result. You will see the result.


This samyama, understand, you need to visualize the whole cosmos is your body, your body has become so huge and the polar star, pole star is in your Ananda Gandha. Please understand samyama on the sun is supposed to be done with closed eyes but samyama on the moon and the samyama on this pole star, these two has to be done with open eyes. These two has to be done under sky usually in the night time with open eyes. But actually after you master the ability to see the stars strongly, even in the daytime you will be able to see. Then you can start doing in even daytime. But in the initial level it should be done in the night time. When you do, when you want to do today’s samyama, this pole star, you don’t need spatika. Please don’t use anything cooling. This will neither be hot nor be cooling. It will be something totally different. It will bring certain kind of a restful awareness in you. It will bring restful awareness.


See doing samyama on the sun is like you yourself doing it, like a sadhana. Doing samyama on the moon is like floating along with the flow. It will be like almost floating in the Master’s grace. It will be just a deep surrender. This third samyama will neither be individual effort nor be surrender it will be kind of complete witness ‘sakshin’ witnessing mood. Understand all three samyamas. This third samyama, this third samyama is very popular in Buddhism, because Buddhists work on ‘sakshin’ witnessing consciousness. They call it shaki. That’s why they call Shakyamuni Buddha... Saakshin. In Paali all Sanskrit words take a small turn. Atma takes as appo; atma deepo bhava they call it appa deepo bhava. And shoonya becomes Suññatā. Same way the saakshin became saakya. Buddhists work on this technique a lot on saakshin. That is why they say that gazing at the last star last morning star and becoming enlightened. It’s a very powerful process in Zen. They will sleep whole day but whole night they will sit and gaze at that pole star; do samyama on the pole star. By the time morning when the pole star disappears they will become enlightened; their mind will disappear. It’s a very unique intelligent strong powerful process.


I have some of the doubts and questions related to this same samyama. See this samyama I am giving for two purpose - the today’s samyama. One, for enlightenment, another one you will have the complete knowledge about the stars movements. You will even have the knowledge about the astronomy. If you are directing this samyama energy towards the outer cosmos, you will have the knowledge of the stars movements. If you direct it towards inner space you will just become enlightened.


There is a question. “Are there multi universes? Can I see them with this samyama?” Yes. First thing, there are multi universes; not only multi even the word multi is too small; multi, multi, multi, multi, multi, universes. That’s the first thing. Second, you can see them through this samyama. You can see them through this samyama. I can tell you, I myself have seen with My eyes, rishis and siddhas through this samyama. This Raghupathi Yogi will make Me lie down. My hip has to be on a rock and my head will be down and leg also will be down. I don’t know the purpose. Still I am not able to find out why. Maybe from tomorrow when you guys practice samyama, have one or two pillow just on the hip. You have to lie down on the back but have one or two pillow for the hip. I do not know the reason but this is what he is used to do. He will always have a rock below My back, below My spine; especially the area where the muladhara swadhisthana – backside he will put the rock and I will have to lie down. The head will be down and the leg will be down. He used to put little big rock at least two feet height rock. On that I will have to lie down. Maybe that was the rock which was near when he used to take Me to do this samyama. He will ask Me to lie down. You guys may not need two feet height but maybe two three pillows; but head should be down and you should be able to gaze at the sky. That’s the way it should be.


So… anyhow when I used to gaze I used to do for a long time. You guys can try at least do two cycle 42 minute. But if you can, do even one or two hours. That is up to you. But do at least 42 minutes. It will be really very powerful. So I have seen, suddenly the very frequency of the body will change. Especially now you guys are going to fast and do. When you fast, your body changing your awareness, transcending the lower awareness and getting into the higher awareness is very easy. You see, like a, when you want to change the gear in the car, if the gear box is lubricated the unclutching and changing the gear is very easy. Same way if you are practicing this liquid diet during this samyama the changing the gear and you falling into the higher and higher consciousness, that entering into that transcendental consciousness, will be very strong, very quick. That is why the fasting is used as a powerful technique for enlightenment.


I want all you guys to know this is a very powerful process. When you do it along with the fasting you will really be able to enter into the altered awareness's, altered states of consciousnesses. Only thing you should take care that you should not get ulcer. Drink lot of juice and once talk to your doctor so that you take care of your health also. You should not have any disease, problem, which will create gastric trouble or any other stomach ulcer or anything because of this fasting. That you need to consult once with your doctor. And take neem juice morning. That will take care of everything. That will take care of everything. I have seen in My life, very easily you can fall into the higher states of consciousness when you fast and practice this kind of samyama.


And I myself have seen the siddhas, rishis, munis not just in this plane, in this cosmos - in the multi universe, in the different universes. Your system enters into a suddenly different frequency. You will have the vision and darshan of them. They will appear in front of you, they will guide you, they will even talk to you. And many of your doubts can be clarified. Many of your experiences can become inspiration for enlightenment. Actually when you see a siddha or rishi or muni what will you do? Naturally you will ask for enlightenment or you may ask for something, they will bless you and it will be a more inspiration. Even if you ask for the worldly things it will be an inspiration. Once you get it, it will be an inspiration for you to have more and more spiritual practice and samyama and get enlightened.


So I wanted all of you to know, there are multi universes and I have seen them. I even saw some of their infrastructure. How they have roads, how they have travelling systems, how they travel, all those things I have seen. Maybe when time comes I will describe all My akashic experiences, akashic recordings.


“Is there life in another planets?” Yes, there is life in other planets. Don’t think you are all alone. No, we are not all alone. I can say at least 33 crore more lives are there in another planets. That is what is the number of the devas in the Vedic tradition muppathu mukkodi devargal 33 crore devas. I can say solidly at least 33 more planets has life. The total number can be at least 33 crore. Those planets, each planets are almost equalent to just one city. Because there janana is not based on shuklashonita sambandha, means the physical relationship. Janana is based on the will. So they can simply control and they do not need to create means they will not create. It is just will.


Please understand the janana is not from bhoo garbha. It’s from hruth garbha. See there are three types of births. First you take birth from your mother’s womb. That’s ordinary birth. Another one is hrud garbha - by will your teacher makes you a new personality when he teaches you. By will you can create a new personality. That’s called hrud garbha. All devaloka garbhas are hrud garbha not bhoo garbha. See Shiva giving birth to Subrahmanya. He just opens his eyes and Subrahmanya is there. So it is hrud garbha, out of sankalpa. And there is a third garbha jnana garbha - Master giving birth to an enlightened disciple. He makes you enlightened. That’s the jnana garbha. So all the deva loka garbhas are hrud garbha. So at least 33 crore life is there in the other planets and at least 33 planets are inhabitated - means life exists. Because, why this 33 crore devathas you know, 33 heads are there. Each one of them have one crore sena. Thats the way the calculation is done. So all 33 have one crore sena and each one of them have their own planet, their own life, their own area where they live. I can tell at least 33 more planet has life and the total number is at least 33 crore.


dhruve tadgatijnanam Doing samyama on the pole star brings tremendous knowledge of the movements of the stars and awakens the saakshin consciousness, witnessing consciousness in your inner space. This process which I am talking now, the third samyama will be very easy for the kids and transgenders, gays. See if you are a male, if you are in the male body, male female both samyama will help you. If you are in the female body, male female, both samyamas will help you. But if you are in the body of a child, means still physically you are not matured, you have not become a man or woman or if you are in the body of a gay where you are feeling neither woman nor man or all other transgender people for all of them, this samyama will be very powerful and can directly liberate them - samyama on the dhruva.


That is why in Hindu tradition the dhruva, pole star is always considered to be the child. Dhruva is a child who became enlightened in a very young age. If you meditate on the pole star from the young age you will become enlightened like Dhruva. You will become enlightened like Dhruva. That is the reason why Dhruva is considered as a young boy because that is the energy which is alive in you before you are physically matured.


I have two soft corner in My life. In the outer world anybody works for temple I will fall for them. In the inner world anybody does tapas I will be simply pleased. This tapas and the temple, this two are almost like a engram in Me. Even though I don’t need both of them, still they hang around Me and I hang around them. Tapas is one of the strong engram in My personality. Small incident about tapas - One day Kuppammal told Me to sit in chin mudra. During the process she was guiding Me into some meditation. I just, I don’t know whether by unawareness or by mistake I relaxed the chin mudra. Then she stood up and looked at Me and said "You are not doing tapas as per the guru vakya"


That was a strong hit on Me. Because in the young age itself I was just influenced thoroughly by the stories of Prahalada, Markandeya, Dhruva, Kannappa; all these people. So guru vakya and tapas is almost like My breathing, My breath, My life. And I used to feel that as a pride. I always used to feel ‘When will I become like Markandeya? When will I become like Dhruva?’ That yearning. When she said, ‘You are not doing tapas listening to guru vakya”, it was such a strong hit on Me and I decided I will never remove My hands from chin mudra and you will be shocked it went on and on, at least I can say one month I was like that. When I eat I will only ask My mother to put the food in my hand. Or the people whoever is giving food anybody they have to put the food in My hand and I will eat. I will just keep the chin mudra whole day and night in the hand.


If you are closely living around Me, you will see even now that engram is there. When I sit, once in while I will get back to chin mudra. I will be there in chin mudra. It started there. The tapas is such a I can’t call this as a engram now when it is there. Now it is there like a burnt rope. Burnt rope cannot tie you. So it cannot be called as engram; but there are some habits you need to retain to be in your system, to be in your body. So voluntary assumed engrams; you can call them as voluntarily assumed engrams for the sake of utility and basic maintenance of body mind. So My voluntary assumed engrams VAE is this tapas, temple... these are all My VAEs.


Anyhow, so I am very happy that all this team is doing tapas. I will send you guys... see My blessings I am sending to you now itself. Whoever does this samyama it’s My special blessing. Not only that, now I promise all you guys whoever is doing this samyama for this next 15 days, will have the santosha - means the carefree blissful mood, one. Second: one strong samyama which stays on your system at least two and a half days. The effect of that samyama will be there on your system for two and a half days. My blessings! And My special blessings for Los Angeles for creating this mood - because these guys started. Because they started now everybody is doing. It’s great. I am always happy when you do tapas.


See it’s not that when you live on the liquid diet I am going to get something special. No juice company is sponsoring our organization! No! 😄 But it is a tapas, taking up. Taking up and doing, exploring, new, new things in the inner space. I tell you, enlightenment comes only to the people who are fanatic about enlightenment. The intensity should reach to its extreme. Almost it should be felt as a fanaticism by the people who are living around you. If your wife is not afraid that you may run away from the house you are not going to get enlightened, understand. Even if that is not happening what kind of interest you are having. What kind of intensity you are showing. People who are living around you should be afraid - any moment this fellow will run away from the house, will become enlightened. That’s a basic condition. Don’t be worried if your family feels you are going to run away at any moment. No other way that is different. But that is the basic. You see, first circle should feel your heat and how you are trying various methods.


And I will tell you another one thing. You will never become enlightened if you are trying only two three techniques. This is also one of the sacred secret I want you all to know. It always happens in the end through one technique. But everything you try adds value, adds value. I tell you at least 25-30 process and method you should try. If you ask Me, I will tell you honestly at least you should try three-four sampradayas. Shaiva, Vaishnava, Yoga, Vedanta, Bhakti - three four sampradayas. That is why in Nithyananda sampradaya in My sampradaya I kept at least three four sampradayas alive. Everything needed for Vaishnavism I am keeping alive. Everything needed for Shaivism I am keeping alive. Everything needed for the Shaktism I am keeping alive. Everything needed for Vedanta I am keeping alive. Everything needed for yoga I am keeping alive. Everything needed for Bhakti I am keeping alive. Everything needed for hatha yoga I am keeping alive. You should explore at least three four sampradayas, some twenty thirty techniques. Only then a solid matured spiritual experience lands on you which can be considered or which can be an enlightenment.


See for that level… enlightenment means I can give the definition: where the mind which measures will disappear but go on experiencing higher and higher states. See what you think as the highest - that defining mind will disappear. After that you will not even know the definition of highest but it will go on be happening, go on be happening, go on be happening. So that is the state of enlightenment. All I wanted is this kind of tapas. Exploring different, different, different process, different, different, different methods should be the lifestyle. That should be the lifestyle. And another one thing when you guys got a Master like Me who goes on opening up and revealing all the sacred secrets and mysteries, you should be inspired to explore all of them. My blessings! You guys will really be successful and some more people have joined. In Oman Sri Nithya SriPriyan and Amita Ganesh from eN Satsang center Oman. All right My blessings! You guys also will be successful.


Now if you all just sit few minutes take a sankalpa that you are going to do this vrata from tomorrow, and understand I wanted all of you to know, this samyama directly brings you the complete fulfillment in the inner space, that moon samyama. And today is the day, Holi festival, when Shiva burnt the Manmatha, destroyed all the fantasies, burnt Manmatha and Krishna did Rasaleela. See Rasaleela and burning Manmatha is one and the same. Krishna was beyond Manmatha; he was doing Rasaleela. And Shiva just opens his third eye and reaches the space beyond Manmatha. It is very significant. Both festivals are on same day. And not only that Shiva burns Manmatha today and then gets married to Devi in Chitra poornima, next month. In Panguni Purnima, today is Panguni Purnima, today Shiva burns the Manmatha then he gets married. Means in Vedic tradition we believe going beyond the lust then entering into the grihastha life if needed. It’s a very powerful concept.


Anyhow today is the day when Krishna had Rasaleela. Today is called Raspoornima also, Holi celebration, Raas poornima and Shiva for Shiva Manmatha dahanotsava. Today is the day Shiva opened his third eye and burnt the Manmatha. So My blessings to all of you. You will all experience Manmatha dahana, burning of fantasy and rasaleela the great presence of the Krishna’s eternal beautiful blissful love. So great, you guys are doing this samyama from today. You will be successful. Not only that, today the moon’s energy on the planet earth is going to be very strong. Moon is very close to the earth today. It’s called super moon day. It will do only good to the whole planet earth and to all of us. I will turn this whole energy into good.


All right! Now all you guys just sit and make the sankalpa that you are going to do this samyama for next 16 days. If you are not going to do, just sit. People who want initiation into this samyama, make the sankalpa you are going to do this samyama. I will initiate you guys. Others you can just sit and experience the eN effect. I initiate all of you into this sacred samyama. Let Patanjali’s grace be on all of you. Let you all be successful in this samyama. And all the people who are going to do samyama on this next 16 days try to do chandra namaskar in the morning. Don’t do surya namaskar. Do chandra namaskar at least 21, if you can do 42 or at least 21. You can learn chandra namaskar; maybe in our website it will be available and there is a webinar also, today, tomorrow they are doing a webinar also. I will tell them to continue the webinar for few more days. It will be available. You can do chandra namaskar instead of surya namaskar. It will really help you to experience the samyama more strongly.


So I bless you all. Let all of you achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share the eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you.




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Is there life on other planets

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Are there multi-universes

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Volunteers Protesting In front Of San Francisco Consulate