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==Photos From The Day: ==
Inner Awakening Day 4.
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Another powerful, amazing, transformative, life-altering Living Shuddhadvaita Process session ""I am the SOURCE"" delivered by HDH Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam. <br>
Inner Awakening delegates participated in the Dakshinamurthy Homa
==Link to Video: ==
===I am the SOURCE===
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ex-7rrZPNyQ&feature=youtu.be  |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2016-02feb-07_lsp-session6"/>
nithyānandeśvara samārambhām
nithyānandeśvari madhyamām |
asmat āchārya paryantām
vande guru paramparām ||
I welcome all of you with my love and respects. I welcome all the Nithyanandoham Teamily, Inner Awakening graduates, Sri Mahants, Mahants, Kothari, Thanedar, Sarvajnapeetha owners, everyone thank you for coming back. No this gives me really confidence; I can work with you guys. Today I am starting My work.
Genesis of bio-energy. Understand, today I am going to explain and give you the experience how the God Particle in you functions. The psychology and physiology of God Particle. Understand, God Particle itself, God Consciousness itself, is beyond psychology and physiology but when it starts expressing, shining in you—how it can penetrate and radiate its auspicious qualities in your physiology and psychology.
Listen carefully, listen intensely, by coming back you have given a big ‘yes’ to Me. This already makes you pass 99% of tests Mahadeva usually does. In Tamil there is a beautiful one line [2:51 Tamil] — without testing He will not give you the Ultimate. The moment you came back, you proved you withstood His test. Please understand, He will even give you a logical reason why you should leave Him, last time I gave; you don’t have to feel guilty you can go out and tell everyone, ‘Oh Swamiji, that Swami He is telling me I am a stupid dog that is why I stopped going to Him.” I gave you valid reason so that you don’t have to feel guilty and you don't have to answer anybody’s question, you have a valid reason, and you can say, “Oh that Swami does not look civilized and he is telling all these words, how can he be a Swami.” You have a valid reason you can leave; you don’t have to waste your time and My time; “That Swami why should we go to Him?’
Listen carefully. The bio-energy in you is extraordinary, extreme, powerfulness. It’s like a how you get gold out of gold bar, the gold bar and make jewels; same way the God Particle, the bio-energy is such powerfulness you can take out of It and make anything you want. You can make your own heaven. Vishvamitra only took God Particle out and made heaven for Trishangu. Please understand, it is just, I am not, I am making sure I am not making singing any poetry, I am talking to you very down to earth and practical.
It is actually a space powerfulness, which you can just pull it out of you and make whatever you want; your visualization will become just come alive. For example; if you just pull that energy out and visualize a cow, it will be standing and making the sound “maaaaaa.” Your visualization can just become alive, and the intelligence what you can visualize, you don't need to visualize, all that also will manifest. It is extreme powerfulness. Understand that powerfulness, when it manifests in your bio-memory; I can roughly equate the word bio-memory and psychology, muscle-memory and physiology.
The bio-memory is your cognition, the cognition about You, Life, World. The cognition, which is needed; the cognition, which allows that powerfulness to express through your psychology, is remembering again and again — You are the Source of everything.
Listen carefully. See what way you can cooperate for that God Particle to express through you, what way you can cooperate the Sadashiva manifesting through your bio-memory.
Listen. I am giving you precise instruction – letting Sadashiva manifest through your cognition.
First thing, He is all-powerfulness so anything you see around, inside you, outside you, decide—you are the Source—it is from you manifested even if you don’t understand now why you manifested.
Understand, during the LSP Nithyanandoham sessions, try to keep your pets because the language I am talking during the Nithyanandoham process they can understand very well. I am talking to bio-energy they can really understand very well. If you want them to be liberated, keep them.
Anyhow, now listen. First understanding, whether I understand or not, believe or not everything around me including the worst conflicts and problems, life killing, even if it is life destroying problems—I am the Source. Understand, when you know, when you decide even without knowing if you decide, just because your Guru’s words are this, this cognition will start getting nicely drilled into your bio-memory. Understand, whether somebody bringing a nice gift to you or a terrorist attack happening; it is you who is the Source. In the level of Reality, Truth, fact in all levels, you who is the Source. Actually, when you decide that, from there if you iron it out your cognitions, suddenly you will see so much of Nanditva happens. Please understand, Nandi stands with a tremendous responsibility that I am the Source, that is why Mahadeva happens on Him. Nandi is the bio-memory on which Mahadeva can sit, is the bio-energy, Nandi is the bio-energy. The quality of Nandi is I am the Source. Sit with that clarity, whether you attract great gifts or terrorist attack, you are the Source. From the idea “you are the Source”, if you iron it out, start looking at everything happening in your body, mind, outside, you will have so many beautiful clicks about everything. Why somebody loves you so much, why somebody hates you so much, why somebody cheats you, why somebody trusts you, why some situations showers on you, why some situations deprive you, why sometimes good as seen as bad, and bad is seen as good, this whole psychological shift, cognitive shift can be manifested in your system, the moment you decide to be in the space of Nandi. Let me sit as Nandi. I am the Source. Simply Mahadeva will manifest. Simply Mahadeva will manifest in His pure raw form, unadulterated, with all His grandeur and glory.
No hypocrisy will work. Still I am seeing a lot of hypocrisy especially in this Nithyanandoham Teamily. Good news you have is at least I am seeing that you have a hypocrisy; bad news you have is you have hypocrisy. And the worst news is the people who are not part of the Nithyanandoham Teamily you have hypocrisy and I don’t know about it. Understand, you have hypocrisy and I know about it, means it is already cleared because I will not leave it, I will not leave it. Whatever it may take, I will clear it, I’ll clear it. Whoever has signed up one or more projects after the LSP session, the name I have given this team, that group, is Nithyanandoham Teamily. The good news for that teamily is I am going to work with you guys all pull out the hypocrisy and we don’t need to worry about the people who are not part of the teamily. Anyhow, now I am going to work only with the people who are ready to work with Me.
Listen, the powerfulness should be felt in you during every moment, thorough and thorough. The moment you wake up how you feel after a cup of coffee, you should have that same feeling when you wake up from the bed without coffee, you should feel the same. I am not saying don’t take coffee; coffee should not be adding something to you. It is after all a simple chemistry happening in you by coffee. You should be able to manifest that by a will. Operating from this cognition “I am the Source”. Even if you see a homeless guy on the street, “you are the Source.” Don't try to say – the state is the reason, don’t try to say that guy is the reason. Don't try to say he is reason, she is reason, and don’t try to say he does not want to change his homelessness, don’t force him into home. Whether you want to help him or not, depends on he wants to take your help or he really wants help and all that, but the moment you see him for his existence as a homeless person and for your perception and cognition and about him being homeless is right or wrong, for all that “you are the Source.” Whether the cognition is right or wrong is secondary, but you are the Source of that cognition is the primary. By being homeless he is suffering maybe your cognition may and not be right, that is next. But the moment you see him homeless and you feel bad about it, for this whole happening “you are the Source.” Know that clearly. Understand, if you know that Source, that “you are the Source”, you will always have a powerfulness and the clarity to function out of powerfulness. Actually, when you learn to function out of powerfulness, you are Living Enlightenment. Even leaving the body will be so smooth, you will say, “Hey I think this body is tired, okay, let’s find something new’ and you will drop it and design it.” For a single moment you will be powerless. Prepare for your death that is Enlightenment. Prepare for your death that is the first thing you need to do in your life. Every moment, every moment, without hypocrisy — be integrated to the truth—I am the Source. Understand, the truth “I am the Source” is the Amrita Kalasha, which is there in your Ananda Gandha, which you need to drink again and again and again and again. It is your own Kalasha, you don’t need to just touch and lick your fingers, take it and drink. Pour on yourself, it can never be emptied, pour on yourself and on everyone. “I am the Source” is the truth of nectar, Satyāmrita, Nityāmrita. The moment you do not want the Truth and you say, “No, no, no, now don’t tell all that, with all this what are you trying to tell me, I should start working, let me start working. There comes hypocrisy. I am not interested in your stupid work. I am Sadashiva by My one eye I can create, I have created this Brahmanadas [universes]. I am only interested in the work of making you powerful. That is the reason why I assumed the body. I have not assumed the body for you to build Me hundreds of temples. I have already thousands of temples, what thousands, I have millions of temples, in all those temples I reside and I receive the worship. Whether you clap or not I am enjoying the worship in all the temples, not just temples in all your hearts.
[20.52 mins]
Listen, My aim is to get you out of the hypocrisy with which you are playing. Don’t try to tell yourself or tell me, of course anything you tell yourself you are telling me because I am sitting inside you. Don’t try to tell me, “What! You are trying to teach us responsibility and what more we should do tell me? I’ll become part of the teamily and start working?” No, that is not going to work. If you think like that and start, you will only end up in hypocrisy. Iron out your thinking style, from this cognition—Nityāmrita, I am the Source—that is the first work I want to do with you. From that, when you function, I will do My work through you. That only will be fulfillment for you and for Me, and for the world. When you know “I am the Source”, the more and more that Truth gets drilled in you, “I am the Source”….See when I say, “I am the Source”, I mean, you are the Source. What you think, perceive as you, you are the Source, when that gets drilled, drilled, drilled. Actually if you put a lie detector on my head, when I am uttering the word, “you are the Source”, how much it shows the statement is true, it’ll exactly show when I declare, “I am sitting in all the temples and receiving the worship”, because every statement I am uttering is true. How I am so clear, “I am the Source and I am sitting in all of the temples and receiving the worship”, you will have this very experience the moment you feel that – You are the Source. You are the Source is the cognition that needs to be drilled again and again whether you are cleaning your teeth or doing a big project plan. Know the truth that you are the Source because, with that clarity you are the Source, even if you do small work I can manifest huge powers in you.
With that clarity that you are the Source, even if you cause one person for one program I can make Vaak Siddhi express in your tongue. Just by your orating skill even if you bring 200 hundred people I cannot manifest Vaak Siddhi in you, I can only give your marketing skills, but with that clarity your are the Source and you cause one life I can manifest Vaak Siddhi in you. With that clarity, you are the Source if you function, anything you do I can manifest powers in you. I can just put the powers in you without even putting the address who sent it to you.
The most beautiful gifts coming to you are gifts coming to your door without the sender, guess who. The most beautiful gifts are the gift, which comes from, “guess who”, because that guessing itself is such a sweetness. The guessing and coming to the conclusion shows the kind of trust that you have on that person who has sent it. Even signing the name in the gift shows the fellow who is gifting has no trust on you that you can guess. I’ll always send only with “guess who”, because I know two things: one—such big powers no one else can give, second—who else is going to gift to you.
All I want is, you constantly thinking with that clarity “you are the Source” fanatically. Be fanatic about it, because “you are not the Source, you are not the Source”, you adopted it fanatically only, not logically. Understand, the ignorance and delusion that “you are not the Source”, you did not come to that conclusion out of logical analysis, you came to that conclusion because too much was there in front of you, you got frightened and decided: “I am not the Source, I am not responsible, I am not”. When you assumed the human body, the shock and too much in front of you to handle you declared: “I am not”. You did not come to that decision of “I am not” logically, so don’t wait, logically you can come to the decision of — “I am the Source”. The “I am not” has entered in you like a terrorist, so “I Am” should also enter into your rudely, not politely, not pressing the calling bell and waiting, “Maam is there anybody in the home?’ NO, because “I am not the Source” did not enter politely inside you, it entered into you like a terrorist. “I am the Source” should be a rude decision. “I AM. I AM” going to think only from this, whether I understand it now or tomorrow or later. And I really wanted to ask you guys. Listen carefully, how many of you when I uttered some truths to you, you did not believe, you did not think it is right, you did not think it is true and the later on I proved myself right, you decided, “Yes Swamiji is right once more.” Raise your hand. So with this authority I am telling you, you will find I am right again — you are the Source. With this “you are the Source”, with the more and more you think, more and more you grind yourself, more and more you flower. With this clarity “you are the Source”, even if you utter a few words, I can manifest Vaak Siddhi [perfect power of words] in you. With this clarity, “you are the Source”, even smallest actions I can manifest Me in you. You can manifest Sadashiva. Understand, and I tell you: Mahadeva is waiting to manifest through all of you. Understand, He is waiting to manifest through you, like a Ganga stopped by the dam, how She is waiting to break that dam and flow through it. Your bio-memory and muscle-memory because of their ignorance they became like a dam. When you say “I am not the Source”, you become a blockage. When you declare: “I am the Source”, the blockage becomes an embankment. The blockage can just open up and it can become a beautiful embankment, where the river can flow and by being embankment people can get through you to the river. Understand, the dam stones being broken and getting organized as the ghats. If you are a dam, you are neither useful to you or to the world, if you become ghats; you become useful to you and to the world.
Ishvaratva means functioning from the cognition that “I am the Ishvara, Source of everything, Lord of everything.” I am not teaching you arrogance, I am not teaching you ego. Please understand, I am not teaching you ego, I am not teaching your arrogance. Actually, when “I am the Source” manifests your ego will not be killed, it will just be swallowed; it’ll be swallowed by Sadashiva. I am not teaching you arrogance, I am not teaching egoism, I am teaching you the precise Truth which will let the bio-energy manifest through your bio-memory. Please understand, if you decide “I am the Source”, just by putting your hand on people you will heal them. Even if you are a doctor and doing thousands of surgeries and healing people you may get the punya [spiritual merit] of being a doctor, when you leave the body, you will have so much of punya you can take it and be in heaven. But if you decide, “I am the Source” and do the same surgery you will become Sadashiva. Go on saving lives, when you leave the body, you can save yourself.
Anything you do, if it is the decision “I am the Source”, not only will you be useful to others, you will be useful for you; that decision evaporates all the hypocrisy. Understand, that decision will not come to you if you are sitting and waiting for a logical analysis, it has to enter into you only rudely. Just 5 people have to hold both your hands, both your legs, somebody has to open your mouth and put this understanding in you—I am the Source. Even after that if you are not swallowing and spitting it out put a crow bar and jjjjjjjj [Swamiji makes a sound] and see to it you are ingesting and digesting, gets digested—because when you decided I am not the Source it was by overwhelming chaos and shock. The chaos and shock becomes a knot in you which cannot be removed in you logically one-by-one thread by one-by-one thread, if you try to clear the bunch knot, anytime in your life as a child, you will understand by one thread by one thread, you will be able to clear the bunch knots. I have seen as kids, when we become uncontrollable, my Grandmother will give this bunch knot and tell,  “Hey! Clear this bring it.’ And especially she will tell, “Oh only out of this thread I have to make the wick for the lamp, clear this and bring.” We will be siting and clearing, clearing, clearing and it will never happen and she will be sitting there and laughing. Only later on we found out it is not for the wig it is to stop our wickedness. You are not the Source happened in you like a bunch knot. It can never be cleared by logically, convincing you thread-by-thread, thread-by-thread, no. It has to only be rudely believed, rudely decided, not even believed, rudely decided, “Aye! My Guru has told me this is the Truth, I don’t care about anything else. To live this truth I am ready to do anything, to manifest this truth I am ready to do anything. In that process if I loose a few bodies, that is okay, they are worthy of loosing.’ And you will not loose you will only gain Life. You will not loose Life, I guarantee you.
[37.07 mins]
The tiredness is the temporary wrong chemistry; boredom is the permanent wrong chemistry, which adds to the chaos of the bunch knot if the Fevical [sticking adhesive] is poured on that bunch knot, what will happen? You can’t even work with it, because your hand also will be locked. Tiredness and boredom is the Fevical. Tiredness is Fevical, boredom is Araldite [strong sticking adhesive] poured on that bunch knot. You can’t even work; your hand will be locked with it. It’s a wrong chemistry, understand. So during the moments of tiredness and boredom only you need to be rudely reminding you, “I am the Source”. Even if the boredom and tiredness pushes you to fall asleep, “Aye, even if I fall asleep I am the Source.” Tell that and fall asleep, it’s okay.
I have read a story. When one Shankacarya was killed by Muslim terrorist, Shankacarya begged him, “Please give me a few minutes, I’ll initiate some of my disciples and give them Mahavakya [great word of ultimate truth] and they you take my body”. But that fellow was not ready to wait. He just put the sword and cut the head, the head rolled on the ground and wrote the Mahavakya in blood and rested, and this fool does not know it is Mahavakya. He was very happy that he cut the head and went away. The disciples came within the next few minutes, till the life was there in the body and the head and read the Mahavakya, took the blessings, the hand just raised and dropped itself on the disciple, that is the way the Mahavakya was transferred and kept alive. So even if your head is cut, write the Mahavakya —I am the Source—and lie down, rest, not before that; and your head will not be cut. Don't worry.
Ironing out your thinking with this one truth — nityāmrita that I am the Source. Bulldoze everything, all your thought current with this one clarity, rudely — I am the Source. For this problem also, “yes, I am the Source”, for that problem also, “yes, I am the Source”, what are you going to do about it, I will see next, but “I am the Source”; because now your mind is going to fight with you, understand. But the good news is I am going to be with you so your mind cannot win. It will make all the fun and teasing, it will do this [Swamiji makes a teasing jester with His hands], that, everything in front of you—your fat ugly belly; you say “Yes, I am the Source”. “How are you going to get rid of it? That I will see later on, but first the truth is ‘I am the Source’. Whether I am going to clear it or enjoy it is up to me, you get out, but I am the Source.” Come to that, because that will smoke out hypocrisy from you. Understand, that will smoke out hypocrisy from you, you will become integrated to Guru. I tell you, integrity with Guru showers everything I have on you. Everything Mahadeva wants to manifest through Me to you. Understand, there are tons still He has not opened up. Integrity with Guru—instead of saying, everything I want to give will be showered on you, everything Mahadeva wants to give will be showered on you, because tons of things you don’t know about Me, that is what I call as Mahadeva. Understand, when I use the word “Mahadeva” I mean the unmanifested dimensions of Me to you, which is beyond your imagination. The manifested dimensions of Mahadeva to you, is your Guru. Unmanifested dimensions of your Guru, is Mahadeva. There are tons which you can never imagine Mahadeva wants to manifest on you.
The moment hypocrisy is cleared, the integrity with Guru happens, integrity with life happens. I tell you, even if you come out of your wheezing one thousand times because of medicine, you are a patient. If you come out of wheezing once, by declaring: “I am the Source”, you are healed forever. You are now Vaidya [healer, physician] not a patient. You are now healer not a patient anymore.
I am the Source. I am the Source is the method through which Mahadeva’s bio-energy can manifest in your bio-memory. I tell you, just drill this into you rudely, your business will become great, your health will become great, your beauty will become great, you will become more beautiful, at least for that sake do it. Your Completion will go to a different level all together. I tell you with the decision “I am the Source”, even if you put one brick, I will sit in that brick as God and manifest. With your efficiency and manipulative capacity even if you build towers and towers and towers, maybe your ego can be enshrined in that, not Me. I asking you to have the rude decision that you are the Source. From that rude decision, any act you do will not happen in a small scale. I am telling with that rude decision even if you put a brick I will sit on it, but I tell you it will not be ordinary brick, it will be golden brick, because with that decision when you manifest, you manifest Sadashiva, Sadashiva. The first thing, the rude decision of “I am the Source”, declare it today. Go and put this as a Facebook status all the friends who think you have gone nuts are nuts, kick them out of your life, who understand you, they are the fruits of your life. Go and declare it—I am the Source. With this “I am the Source”, even if you utter one word – Be Blissful, I can manifest Vaak Siddhi in you. Understand, manifesting these 400 powers in you is not at all a job for Me. Only making you catch this truth rudely, that “you are the Source” is the main work I have to do, because you poured Fevical, Araldite and some more stupid things on that bunch of knot and you are sitting with it like a baby, “what can I do with it? How can I clear? Should I take a pencil and slowly move? Should I take this mmm, mmmm, mmmm? Or should I do some kriya?”
I am the Source, I am the Source. You are the Source need to manifest in you, need to manifest in you, in you bio-memory, in your muscle-memory.
Sangha work is nothing but training you to work with this rude decision —I am the Source, with this “I am the Source” the decisions you make will open up your bio-memory, the actions you do will open up your muscle-memory. Just this one rude decision from you is enough for Me to convince Mahadeva you are on His side. Understand, I just need to tell Him, “I think these guys are integrated, why don’t you open up, why don’t you manifest.” For that I need some evidence from you. That’s all I want. It’s like how your Mom will try to play a bridge between you and your dad, “I think he has become all right, see he has surrendered his cell phone, he is not texting all the time, why don't you give him iPad.” The Mom needs some evidence to convince Dad, so I need some evidence from your side to convince Mahadeva. All I need is only one thing, “See, see, see this fellow is believing he is the Source, now he can be made as Source.” When you decide rudely “I am the Source” that is responsibility. When Mahadeva says, “tathāsthu”, that is powers manifesting, that is all, and He is always waiting to say, “tathāsthu”. He is waiting to say “tathaasthu”; He is waiting to tell you “tathāsthu”. Just rudely decide, “You are the Source” and be ferocious about it inside you, that’s all I am asking. And I commit with you, I will manifest these powers as Mahadeva.
[50.09 mins]
Understand, I just want only two action items.
One. You will go and declare it to the whole world with all your guts, even if you are shivering a little bit, it is okay. Basement weak, building stronger. Even if the basement is a little weak, it’s okay, strengthen the building. Declare, “I am the Source” rudely, because when you declare you have to live it. If you don’t declare only, you can hide it. It’s a game between Me and you, inside you, nobody knows. You can’t have a secret affair with Mahadeva, no; no affair with Mahadeva can be secret. Declare it not just to the human beings, to Devatas, Gods, Rishis, Siddha, Muni, Kinnara, Kimpurusha and challenge them, “if you want come test me.” I am declaring —“I am the Source. I sit as Nandi for Mahadeva to rest on me.”
Just two action items. One: powerful rude declaration. Second: constantly working from that declaration. Just these two are action items, action plan, from today’s process, and I have two gift for you guys: one; I have energized our Banyan Tree leaf with this truth, filled the bio-energy of — you are the Source. Understand, listen, listen, please listen—our Banyan Tree has grown directly out of the physical body that Mahadeva and Devi assumed. So it is from the very body, juice, blood, and veins that Tree is standing, the leaf is Pushpa Samadhi, it is directly the Pushpa Samadhi. If you get My one Jatta [matted hair] how you will keep, that leaf is equivalent of Mahadeva’s jatta, Mahadeva’s Pushpa Samadhi. I’ve clearly programmed it with the bio-energy of you are the Source. Just keep it under your pillow and sleep that’ll do the work. It will make you take the rude decision “I am the Source.” That is the antidote for the Fevical, Araldite, everything you poured on your bunch of knot. How you know? It’s not going to just open up each knot with this kriya, that kriya, dddddd [Swamiji makes a sound]. It is just going to put a fire and with Fevical and Araldite that bunch of knot will quickly burn, will become nothing. All kriyas are trying to remove that knot all on which Aradite and Fevical is poured, behind your granny will be laughing at you. This Banyan Tree leaf is just the fire. Nithyanandoham process is the fire put on that bunch knot.
So I am blessing and energizing not only the leaves, all of you to experience the Truth, straight away with a rude decision of — I am the Source. You are the Source. Declare today. Start functioning out of this rude decision, you are the Source, so all hypocrisy will be smoked out. This Banyan Tree leaf will be sent to you which is directly the bio-energy, just keep it under your pillow, that will simply make you take that rude decision of “you are the Source.”
Next few days I will go on ripening, ripening, ripening that rude decision that “you are the Source” in your system, just burn the whole bunch knot and sprinkle the nectar of powers, manifest the nectar of powers in you and I am giving this gift, the second gift; the essence, the core manifestation of all these 400 powers and Nithyanandoham process as a gift to all of you, all the 1,200 teamily, the Nithyanandoham teamily, all 1,200 Nithyanandoham teamily will be My guest for Kumbh Mela. Understand, I am taking this strong decision and I’ll manifest these powers into your system as initiation. End of the day there only things, which can be only physically transmitted. I can transmit many things beyond the time and space but for some things, still you feel you are physical system, physical touch is required. The energy darshan is required to transmit some of the powerful software’s. Understand, the action is required because you feel; action is also your part, for example; if you have done a murder you can’t be in peace because that action affects your cognition. Same way if you have done some charity, you will be so much joyful, because that action affects how you feel about you. As long as action plays a part of how you feel about you in your cognition. Action out of the Truth “I am the Source” is required. That is why I insist on enriching and causing. Understand. I have enough Shiva Bhutas, Shiva Ganas to go around and enrich and cause people in their dreams and giving darshans. I don’t need you for enriching and causing, but by you doing it, you will become part of Shiva Ganas. You will manifest the powers from the Truth that “I am the Source.” I tell you, from this rude decision that “I am the Source” start calling people, simple they will come and sit here for Nithyanandoham process or Inner Awakening, they will also be awakened and they will also come and talk to you from that same decision of “I am the Source” and manifest what you want.
Today is Guru Payerchi, the Guru is moving. The 2012, the 2015’s last most powerful phase is from today until the end of Kumbh Mela. The Simbhasta is coming to the peak from today. So from today until the last third Snana, May 29th, in this, within this time, let’s achieve, everyone one of us should achieve the Truth — “I am the Source” — with Guru’s grace. Guru is in His peak, radiating peak energy and blessings. If anybody thinks, ‘Oh I can’t go to Kumbh Mela I have work, I can’t, I don’t have money for flight’, stupid, you are the Source. Don’t be stupid again. You are the Source; decide from that, “I’m going to be with Swamiji”, you will be there. When I can do so much and call you as a guest, don’t you understand the value of what I want to do with you. Then you should know how valuable it is for you and be there dropping all your stupid reasons. Don't be playing with Fevical, Araldite bunch knot, burn it, put the fire, be there. The moment I manifest powers and the Truth “I am the Source” through you, you will be the greatest blessing for you and the world, you and the world.
Making each one of you as a blessing for yourself and the world is My mission. Making each one of you as a blessing for yourself and the world is My mission. I may hug or laugh or scream or shout, or use the strong words like stupid dog, whatever, the mission is to make you as a blessing for yourself and to the world.
Action item two: one, make a rude decision to everyone who knows you or who don’t know you, public declaration. Second: aligning every thought to that declaration and manifesting. When you declare this spiritual truth that “I am the Source”, if some of your friends or family relatives think that you are, you have gone coo coos and crazy, and you get some new friends and relatives, that is called maturing in relationships. You will have matured relationships, matured relatives and all your matured relationships bring next week. I am going to teach you the teamily process. It can happen only with matured relationships, even if they are not IA grads; I am opening up the doors for next week’s process. All your teamily, family and team, bring all of them just say it’s a pity party and bring. Just say it is party and bring, I’ll give them Cosmic party. Last week I decided whether you were going to be part of my teamily or not, so next week I will decide whether those people are going to be part of your teamily or not. Don’t worry, bring them. If you need to worry, you will do it after the next week. No need to do it before, bring them. No you won’t worry, don’t worry, you will only feel good that you brought them. I’ll do everything socially polite, not, I will not be so raw as I am, I’ll do a little make up and drama and don’t worry. I’ll just put my Jatta backside, and put a turban and show a decent face and very cultured, sophisticated; ooooooo love, [Swamiji makes fun], don’t worry. So bring your whole team, your whole family even if they are not IA grads because I will make them all and all of you understand the need to become a teamily, causing each others reality, how that can start happening from this declaration “I am the Source” and how it can continue to manifest, do good to you and to others. It can cause your reality and others reality.
Oh God, it’s already 9:30. I think the LSP process we can’t have it in one hour, it has to be 3 hours, so when you come for LSP process from next time onwards I am telling you, plan such a way even though we tell you one hour, one and half hour, it will not be one and half hours. So better you come prepared for 2-3 hours next time when you come. Keep all your engagements out; tell them you are going to get married so all engagements out. The eternal marriage Nitya Kalyana, Nitya Kalyana with Sadashiva. So when you come itself, come with 2 or 3 hours at least so that you are not siting with a nagging, like when your bladder is full how you feel, “oh I have to go, I have to go, I have to go”, like that only keeping that engagement in your stomach, “I have to go, I have to go, I have to go.” Finally what will you do, it is equivalent to emptying your bladder only.
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Next week is February 14th, come here with your team and family I will make it eternal lovers day. Don’t waste your life on that stupid, what they call, ahhh ahhh, [Swamiji makes fun]. Come and celebrate with Mahadeva.  
=== Living Shuddhadvaita Process ===
I tell you the moment you rudely decide that “you are the Source”, your intuition, your intelligence, energy, everything will be so, will be in different frequency and feel blessed, you are being initiated into this Truth by a Person who knows the science, who has experienced the whole science. Feel blessed you are given this Truth from a Source which has realized this science. See social award, reward, all that is different. Adhikaratva [state of ownership, authoritative-ness] of spiritual scriptures, and science and knowledge is different. Am I coming into that field? I am not interfering in all that, I am not at all interested in any title, any reward, award, noble, this, that, I am not interested in any of those prizes. I cannot put the title Noble Laureate Paramahamsa Nithya…, it looks too cheap. Bhagavan Paramahamsa Nithyandanda, there is no other more title, bigger title. My Deeksha Guru Swami Ranganathananda, they wanted to give some award for him, he said, “Aye, more than the ‘Swami’ title what title I can use, I can’t use any other title. That’s the greatest title I have, that’s enough.” So I am going to follow his footsteps. Swami Ranganathananda [Ramakrishna Mutt] is My ideal, I am declaring this forever, forever I am not going to accept, use any title, reward, award, this, that. I’ve decided I will maintain the Adhikaratva of spiritual authority to reveal this science to the world, that’s enough for me. And anybody tries to claim, I tell them very clearly, “You don’t come in, I will not come there. If I come there you will not have anything there also, but I am not interested there, fortunately for you.” No, I am happy, let everybody use this science, this is given to the world, enjoy. But let’s be very clear. I don't want you guys to get confused that is why I’m making it very clear. I think that’s all. I made it very clear, all the things are clear. I don't have any anger, any incompletion with anybody and I am not interested in entertaining any incompletions. I am basically embodiment of Mahadeva, usually Mahadeva’s energy, Mahadeva’s people don't care about this social award, reward, recognition, this, that—we are happy with that spiritual Adhikaratva of revealing this science to the world, that also to maintain its purity that’s all, nothing else. Let people, world enjoy all this science and let them live blissfully, that’s all. I am going to copyright all this not to sell, but to retain just its purity so that people can enjoy it forever; and also I will make clear law of our Sangha you can have, you have a right to copyright, but not, you don’t have a right to sell it, it has to be shared, anything copyrighted should be shared to the world with the world as freely as Ganga. Copyrighting Ganga only to maintain the purity not for bottling it and selling it, copyrighting for only retaining the purity, not for bottling.
All right, sit straight; it’s time to enter into the Nithyanandoham process. I’ll awaken the strong experience of “You are the Source” into all of you, eternal powerfulness. Sit straight, close your eyes, settle down.
{{#hsimg:1|300|Another powerful, life-altering Living Shuddhadvaita Process! |http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-2feb-7th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_0945_bengaluru-aadheenam-LSP-session_6-swamiji.JPG}}
Meditation (1:16:50- 1:28:58 mins)
{{#hsimg:1|300|More and more people from around the world are joining this amazing, transformative process. |http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-2feb-7th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_0861_bengaluru-aadheenam-LSP-session_6-swamiji.JPG}}
=== Dakshinamurthy Homa ===
{{#hsimg:1|238|His Holiness arrives for Dakshinamurthy Homa performed by Balasanths|http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-2feb-7th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_1421_bengaluru-aadheenam-temple-dakshinamurthy-homa-swamiji.jpg}}
So essence of today’s LSP process—two action plan. One: a powerful decision and declaration that “you are the Source.” Second: every action and thought should be aligned to that, one Truth, functioning, thinking out and acting out that Truth. Two gifts: the Banyan leaf energized with that bio-energy “I am the Truth, I am the Source, you are the Source” for all of you and the Kumbh Mela, 10-day program as a gift for all of you to come and experience, receive and manifest these powers, receive these powerful initiations required for manifesting these great powers and radiating it, living it. When I give the gift, there cannot be any obstacle, removing all the obstacles also is part of My gift. Removing all the obstacles is also part of My gift.  
So with this: I bless you all. Let’s all radiate with integrity, authenticity, responsibility, enriching, causing Living Shuddhadvaita Shaivam, the Eternal Bliss. Nithyananda. Thank you. Be Blissful.
~ end of Living Shuddhadvaita Process. Session # 6 ~
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===Living Shuddhadvaita Process===
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===Dakshinamurthy Homa===
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<!--Is she an abuser @4:15 onwards???
==Sakshi Pramana:==
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Latest revision as of 06:03, 16 August 2021


Inner Awakening Day 4.


Another powerful, amazing, transformative, life-altering Living Shuddhadvaita Process session ""I am the SOURCE"" delivered by HDH Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam.
Inner Awakening delegates participated in the Dakshinamurthy Homa

Link to Video:

I am the SOURCE

Video Audio


nithyānandeśvara samārambhām nithyānandeśvari madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome all of you with my love and respects. I welcome all the Nithyanandoham Teamily, Inner Awakening graduates, Sri Mahants, Mahants, Kothari, Thanedar, Sarvajnapeetha owners, everyone thank you for coming back. No this gives me really confidence; I can work with you guys. Today I am starting My work.

Genesis of bio-energy. Understand, today I am going to explain and give you the experience how the God Particle in you functions. The psychology and physiology of God Particle. Understand, God Particle itself, God Consciousness itself, is beyond psychology and physiology but when it starts expressing, shining in you—how it can penetrate and radiate its auspicious qualities in your physiology and psychology.

Listen carefully, listen intensely, by coming back you have given a big ‘yes’ to Me. This already makes you pass 99% of tests Mahadeva usually does. In Tamil there is a beautiful one line [2:51 Tamil] — without testing He will not give you the Ultimate. The moment you came back, you proved you withstood His test. Please understand, He will even give you a logical reason why you should leave Him, last time I gave; you don’t have to feel guilty you can go out and tell everyone, ‘Oh Swamiji, that Swami He is telling me I am a stupid dog that is why I stopped going to Him.” I gave you valid reason so that you don’t have to feel guilty and you don't have to answer anybody’s question, you have a valid reason, and you can say, “Oh that Swami does not look civilized and he is telling all these words, how can he be a Swami.” You have a valid reason you can leave; you don’t have to waste your time and My time; “That Swami why should we go to Him?’

Listen carefully. The bio-energy in you is extraordinary, extreme, powerfulness. It’s like a how you get gold out of gold bar, the gold bar and make jewels; same way the God Particle, the bio-energy is such powerfulness you can take out of It and make anything you want. You can make your own heaven. Vishvamitra only took God Particle out and made heaven for Trishangu. Please understand, it is just, I am not, I am making sure I am not making singing any poetry, I am talking to you very down to earth and practical. It is actually a space powerfulness, which you can just pull it out of you and make whatever you want; your visualization will become just come alive. For example; if you just pull that energy out and visualize a cow, it will be standing and making the sound “maaaaaa.” Your visualization can just become alive, and the intelligence what you can visualize, you don't need to visualize, all that also will manifest. It is extreme powerfulness. Understand that powerfulness, when it manifests in your bio-memory; I can roughly equate the word bio-memory and psychology, muscle-memory and physiology. The bio-memory is your cognition, the cognition about You, Life, World. The cognition, which is needed; the cognition, which allows that powerfulness to express through your psychology, is remembering again and again — You are the Source of everything.

Listen carefully. See what way you can cooperate for that God Particle to express through you, what way you can cooperate the Sadashiva manifesting through your bio-memory.

Listen. I am giving you precise instruction – letting Sadashiva manifest through your cognition.

First thing, He is all-powerfulness so anything you see around, inside you, outside you, decide—you are the Source—it is from you manifested even if you don’t understand now why you manifested.

Understand, during the LSP Nithyanandoham sessions, try to keep your pets because the language I am talking during the Nithyanandoham process they can understand very well. I am talking to bio-energy they can really understand very well. If you want them to be liberated, keep them.

Anyhow, now listen. First understanding, whether I understand or not, believe or not everything around me including the worst conflicts and problems, life killing, even if it is life destroying problems—I am the Source. Understand, when you know, when you decide even without knowing if you decide, just because your Guru’s words are this, this cognition will start getting nicely drilled into your bio-memory. Understand, whether somebody bringing a nice gift to you or a terrorist attack happening; it is you who is the Source. In the level of Reality, Truth, fact in all levels, you who is the Source. Actually, when you decide that, from there if you iron it out your cognitions, suddenly you will see so much of Nanditva happens. Please understand, Nandi stands with a tremendous responsibility that I am the Source, that is why Mahadeva happens on Him. Nandi is the bio-memory on which Mahadeva can sit, is the bio-energy, Nandi is the bio-energy. The quality of Nandi is I am the Source. Sit with that clarity, whether you attract great gifts or terrorist attack, you are the Source. From the idea “you are the Source”, if you iron it out, start looking at everything happening in your body, mind, outside, you will have so many beautiful clicks about everything. Why somebody loves you so much, why somebody hates you so much, why somebody cheats you, why somebody trusts you, why some situations showers on you, why some situations deprive you, why sometimes good as seen as bad, and bad is seen as good, this whole psychological shift, cognitive shift can be manifested in your system, the moment you decide to be in the space of Nandi. Let me sit as Nandi. I am the Source. Simply Mahadeva will manifest. Simply Mahadeva will manifest in His pure raw form, unadulterated, with all His grandeur and glory. No hypocrisy will work. Still I am seeing a lot of hypocrisy especially in this Nithyanandoham Teamily. Good news you have is at least I am seeing that you have a hypocrisy; bad news you have is you have hypocrisy. And the worst news is the people who are not part of the Nithyanandoham Teamily you have hypocrisy and I don’t know about it. Understand, you have hypocrisy and I know about it, means it is already cleared because I will not leave it, I will not leave it. Whatever it may take, I will clear it, I’ll clear it. Whoever has signed up one or more projects after the LSP session, the name I have given this team, that group, is Nithyanandoham Teamily. The good news for that teamily is I am going to work with you guys all pull out the hypocrisy and we don’t need to worry about the people who are not part of the teamily. Anyhow, now I am going to work only with the people who are ready to work with Me.

Listen, the powerfulness should be felt in you during every moment, thorough and thorough. The moment you wake up how you feel after a cup of coffee, you should have that same feeling when you wake up from the bed without coffee, you should feel the same. I am not saying don’t take coffee; coffee should not be adding something to you. It is after all a simple chemistry happening in you by coffee. You should be able to manifest that by a will. Operating from this cognition “I am the Source”. Even if you see a homeless guy on the street, “you are the Source.” Don't try to say – the state is the reason, don’t try to say that guy is the reason. Don't try to say he is reason, she is reason, and don’t try to say he does not want to change his homelessness, don’t force him into home. Whether you want to help him or not, depends on he wants to take your help or he really wants help and all that, but the moment you see him for his existence as a homeless person and for your perception and cognition and about him being homeless is right or wrong, for all that “you are the Source.” Whether the cognition is right or wrong is secondary, but you are the Source of that cognition is the primary. By being homeless he is suffering maybe your cognition may and not be right, that is next. But the moment you see him homeless and you feel bad about it, for this whole happening “you are the Source.” Know that clearly. Understand, if you know that Source, that “you are the Source”, you will always have a powerfulness and the clarity to function out of powerfulness. Actually, when you learn to function out of powerfulness, you are Living Enlightenment. Even leaving the body will be so smooth, you will say, “Hey I think this body is tired, okay, let’s find something new’ and you will drop it and design it.” For a single moment you will be powerless. Prepare for your death that is Enlightenment. Prepare for your death that is the first thing you need to do in your life. Every moment, every moment, without hypocrisy — be integrated to the truth—I am the Source. Understand, the truth “I am the Source” is the Amrita Kalasha, which is there in your Ananda Gandha, which you need to drink again and again and again and again. It is your own Kalasha, you don’t need to just touch and lick your fingers, take it and drink. Pour on yourself, it can never be emptied, pour on yourself and on everyone. “I am the Source” is the truth of nectar, Satyāmrita, Nityāmrita. The moment you do not want the Truth and you say, “No, no, no, now don’t tell all that, with all this what are you trying to tell me, I should start working, let me start working. There comes hypocrisy. I am not interested in your stupid work. I am Sadashiva by My one eye I can create, I have created this Brahmanadas [universes]. I am only interested in the work of making you powerful. That is the reason why I assumed the body. I have not assumed the body for you to build Me hundreds of temples. I have already thousands of temples, what thousands, I have millions of temples, in all those temples I reside and I receive the worship. Whether you clap or not I am enjoying the worship in all the temples, not just temples in all your hearts.

[20.52 mins]

Listen, My aim is to get you out of the hypocrisy with which you are playing. Don’t try to tell yourself or tell me, of course anything you tell yourself you are telling me because I am sitting inside you. Don’t try to tell me, “What! You are trying to teach us responsibility and what more we should do tell me? I’ll become part of the teamily and start working?” No, that is not going to work. If you think like that and start, you will only end up in hypocrisy. Iron out your thinking style, from this cognition—Nityāmrita, I am the Source—that is the first work I want to do with you. From that, when you function, I will do My work through you. That only will be fulfillment for you and for Me, and for the world. When you know “I am the Source”, the more and more that Truth gets drilled in you, “I am the Source”….See when I say, “I am the Source”, I mean, you are the Source. What you think, perceive as you, you are the Source, when that gets drilled, drilled, drilled. Actually if you put a lie detector on my head, when I am uttering the word, “you are the Source”, how much it shows the statement is true, it’ll exactly show when I declare, “I am sitting in all the temples and receiving the worship”, because every statement I am uttering is true. How I am so clear, “I am the Source and I am sitting in all of the temples and receiving the worship”, you will have this very experience the moment you feel that – You are the Source. You are the Source is the cognition that needs to be drilled again and again whether you are cleaning your teeth or doing a big project plan. Know the truth that you are the Source because, with that clarity you are the Source, even if you do small work I can manifest huge powers in you.

With that clarity that you are the Source, even if you cause one person for one program I can make Vaak Siddhi express in your tongue. Just by your orating skill even if you bring 200 hundred people I cannot manifest Vaak Siddhi in you, I can only give your marketing skills, but with that clarity your are the Source and you cause one life I can manifest Vaak Siddhi in you. With that clarity, you are the Source if you function, anything you do I can manifest powers in you. I can just put the powers in you without even putting the address who sent it to you.

The most beautiful gifts coming to you are gifts coming to your door without the sender, guess who. The most beautiful gifts are the gift, which comes from, “guess who”, because that guessing itself is such a sweetness. The guessing and coming to the conclusion shows the kind of trust that you have on that person who has sent it. Even signing the name in the gift shows the fellow who is gifting has no trust on you that you can guess. I’ll always send only with “guess who”, because I know two things: one—such big powers no one else can give, second—who else is going to gift to you.

All I want is, you constantly thinking with that clarity “you are the Source” fanatically. Be fanatic about it, because “you are not the Source, you are not the Source”, you adopted it fanatically only, not logically. Understand, the ignorance and delusion that “you are not the Source”, you did not come to that conclusion out of logical analysis, you came to that conclusion because too much was there in front of you, you got frightened and decided: “I am not the Source, I am not responsible, I am not”. When you assumed the human body, the shock and too much in front of you to handle you declared: “I am not”. You did not come to that decision of “I am not” logically, so don’t wait, logically you can come to the decision of — “I am the Source”. The “I am not” has entered in you like a terrorist, so “I Am” should also enter into your rudely, not politely, not pressing the calling bell and waiting, “Maam is there anybody in the home?’ NO, because “I am not the Source” did not enter politely inside you, it entered into you like a terrorist. “I am the Source” should be a rude decision. “I AM. I AM” going to think only from this, whether I understand it now or tomorrow or later. And I really wanted to ask you guys. Listen carefully, how many of you when I uttered some truths to you, you did not believe, you did not think it is right, you did not think it is true and the later on I proved myself right, you decided, “Yes Swamiji is right once more.” Raise your hand. So with this authority I am telling you, you will find I am right again — you are the Source. With this “you are the Source”, with the more and more you think, more and more you grind yourself, more and more you flower. With this clarity “you are the Source”, even if you utter a few words, I can manifest Vaak Siddhi [perfect power of words] in you. With this clarity, “you are the Source”, even smallest actions I can manifest Me in you. You can manifest Sadashiva. Understand, and I tell you: Mahadeva is waiting to manifest through all of you. Understand, He is waiting to manifest through you, like a Ganga stopped by the dam, how She is waiting to break that dam and flow through it. Your bio-memory and muscle-memory because of their ignorance they became like a dam. When you say “I am not the Source”, you become a blockage. When you declare: “I am the Source”, the blockage becomes an embankment. The blockage can just open up and it can become a beautiful embankment, where the river can flow and by being embankment people can get through you to the river. Understand, the dam stones being broken and getting organized as the ghats. If you are a dam, you are neither useful to you or to the world, if you become ghats; you become useful to you and to the world.

Ishvaratva means functioning from the cognition that “I am the Ishvara, Source of everything, Lord of everything.” I am not teaching you arrogance, I am not teaching you ego. Please understand, I am not teaching you ego, I am not teaching your arrogance. Actually, when “I am the Source” manifests your ego will not be killed, it will just be swallowed; it’ll be swallowed by Sadashiva. I am not teaching you arrogance, I am not teaching egoism, I am teaching you the precise Truth which will let the bio-energy manifest through your bio-memory. Please understand, if you decide “I am the Source”, just by putting your hand on people you will heal them. Even if you are a doctor and doing thousands of surgeries and healing people you may get the punya [spiritual merit] of being a doctor, when you leave the body, you will have so much of punya you can take it and be in heaven. But if you decide, “I am the Source” and do the same surgery you will become Sadashiva. Go on saving lives, when you leave the body, you can save yourself.

Anything you do, if it is the decision “I am the Source”, not only will you be useful to others, you will be useful for you; that decision evaporates all the hypocrisy. Understand, that decision will not come to you if you are sitting and waiting for a logical analysis, it has to enter into you only rudely. Just 5 people have to hold both your hands, both your legs, somebody has to open your mouth and put this understanding in you—I am the Source. Even after that if you are not swallowing and spitting it out put a crow bar and jjjjjjjj [Swamiji makes a sound] and see to it you are ingesting and digesting, gets digested—because when you decided I am not the Source it was by overwhelming chaos and shock. The chaos and shock becomes a knot in you which cannot be removed in you logically one-by-one thread by one-by-one thread, if you try to clear the bunch knot, anytime in your life as a child, you will understand by one thread by one thread, you will be able to clear the bunch knots. I have seen as kids, when we become uncontrollable, my Grandmother will give this bunch knot and tell, “Hey! Clear this bring it.’ And especially she will tell, “Oh only out of this thread I have to make the wick for the lamp, clear this and bring.” We will be siting and clearing, clearing, clearing and it will never happen and she will be sitting there and laughing. Only later on we found out it is not for the wig it is to stop our wickedness. You are not the Source happened in you like a bunch knot. It can never be cleared by logically, convincing you thread-by-thread, thread-by-thread, no. It has to only be rudely believed, rudely decided, not even believed, rudely decided, “Aye! My Guru has told me this is the Truth, I don’t care about anything else. To live this truth I am ready to do anything, to manifest this truth I am ready to do anything. In that process if I loose a few bodies, that is okay, they are worthy of loosing.’ And you will not loose you will only gain Life. You will not loose Life, I guarantee you.

[37.07 mins]

The tiredness is the temporary wrong chemistry; boredom is the permanent wrong chemistry, which adds to the chaos of the bunch knot if the Fevical [sticking adhesive] is poured on that bunch knot, what will happen? You can’t even work with it, because your hand also will be locked. Tiredness and boredom is the Fevical. Tiredness is Fevical, boredom is Araldite [strong sticking adhesive] poured on that bunch knot. You can’t even work; your hand will be locked with it. It’s a wrong chemistry, understand. So during the moments of tiredness and boredom only you need to be rudely reminding you, “I am the Source”. Even if the boredom and tiredness pushes you to fall asleep, “Aye, even if I fall asleep I am the Source.” Tell that and fall asleep, it’s okay.

I have read a story. When one Shankacarya was killed by Muslim terrorist, Shankacarya begged him, “Please give me a few minutes, I’ll initiate some of my disciples and give them Mahavakya [great word of ultimate truth] and they you take my body”. But that fellow was not ready to wait. He just put the sword and cut the head, the head rolled on the ground and wrote the Mahavakya in blood and rested, and this fool does not know it is Mahavakya. He was very happy that he cut the head and went away. The disciples came within the next few minutes, till the life was there in the body and the head and read the Mahavakya, took the blessings, the hand just raised and dropped itself on the disciple, that is the way the Mahavakya was transferred and kept alive. So even if your head is cut, write the Mahavakya —I am the Source—and lie down, rest, not before that; and your head will not be cut. Don't worry.

Ironing out your thinking with this one truth — nityāmrita that I am the Source. Bulldoze everything, all your thought current with this one clarity, rudely — I am the Source. For this problem also, “yes, I am the Source”, for that problem also, “yes, I am the Source”, what are you going to do about it, I will see next, but “I am the Source”; because now your mind is going to fight with you, understand. But the good news is I am going to be with you so your mind cannot win. It will make all the fun and teasing, it will do this [Swamiji makes a teasing jester with His hands], that, everything in front of you—your fat ugly belly; you say “Yes, I am the Source”. “How are you going to get rid of it? That I will see later on, but first the truth is ‘I am the Source’. Whether I am going to clear it or enjoy it is up to me, you get out, but I am the Source.” Come to that, because that will smoke out hypocrisy from you. Understand, that will smoke out hypocrisy from you, you will become integrated to Guru. I tell you, integrity with Guru showers everything I have on you. Everything Mahadeva wants to manifest through Me to you. Understand, there are tons still He has not opened up. Integrity with Guru—instead of saying, everything I want to give will be showered on you, everything Mahadeva wants to give will be showered on you, because tons of things you don’t know about Me, that is what I call as Mahadeva. Understand, when I use the word “Mahadeva” I mean the unmanifested dimensions of Me to you, which is beyond your imagination. The manifested dimensions of Mahadeva to you, is your Guru. Unmanifested dimensions of your Guru, is Mahadeva. There are tons which you can never imagine Mahadeva wants to manifest on you.

The moment hypocrisy is cleared, the integrity with Guru happens, integrity with life happens. I tell you, even if you come out of your wheezing one thousand times because of medicine, you are a patient. If you come out of wheezing once, by declaring: “I am the Source”, you are healed forever. You are now Vaidya [healer, physician] not a patient. You are now healer not a patient anymore.

I am the Source. I am the Source is the method through which Mahadeva’s bio-energy can manifest in your bio-memory. I tell you, just drill this into you rudely, your business will become great, your health will become great, your beauty will become great, you will become more beautiful, at least for that sake do it. Your Completion will go to a different level all together. I tell you with the decision “I am the Source”, even if you put one brick, I will sit in that brick as God and manifest. With your efficiency and manipulative capacity even if you build towers and towers and towers, maybe your ego can be enshrined in that, not Me. I asking you to have the rude decision that you are the Source. From that rude decision, any act you do will not happen in a small scale. I am telling with that rude decision even if you put a brick I will sit on it, but I tell you it will not be ordinary brick, it will be golden brick, because with that decision when you manifest, you manifest Sadashiva, Sadashiva. The first thing, the rude decision of “I am the Source”, declare it today. Go and put this as a Facebook status all the friends who think you have gone nuts are nuts, kick them out of your life, who understand you, they are the fruits of your life. Go and declare it—I am the Source. With this “I am the Source”, even if you utter one word – Be Blissful, I can manifest Vaak Siddhi in you. Understand, manifesting these 400 powers in you is not at all a job for Me. Only making you catch this truth rudely, that “you are the Source” is the main work I have to do, because you poured Fevical, Araldite and some more stupid things on that bunch of knot and you are sitting with it like a baby, “what can I do with it? How can I clear? Should I take a pencil and slowly move? Should I take this mmm, mmmm, mmmm? Or should I do some kriya?”

I am the Source, I am the Source. You are the Source need to manifest in you, need to manifest in you, in you bio-memory, in your muscle-memory.

Sangha work is nothing but training you to work with this rude decision —I am the Source, with this “I am the Source” the decisions you make will open up your bio-memory, the actions you do will open up your muscle-memory. Just this one rude decision from you is enough for Me to convince Mahadeva you are on His side. Understand, I just need to tell Him, “I think these guys are integrated, why don’t you open up, why don’t you manifest.” For that I need some evidence from you. That’s all I want. It’s like how your Mom will try to play a bridge between you and your dad, “I think he has become all right, see he has surrendered his cell phone, he is not texting all the time, why don't you give him iPad.” The Mom needs some evidence to convince Dad, so I need some evidence from your side to convince Mahadeva. All I need is only one thing, “See, see, see this fellow is believing he is the Source, now he can be made as Source.” When you decide rudely “I am the Source” that is responsibility. When Mahadeva says, “tathāsthu”, that is powers manifesting, that is all, and He is always waiting to say, “tathāsthu”. He is waiting to say “tathaasthu”; He is waiting to tell you “tathāsthu”. Just rudely decide, “You are the Source” and be ferocious about it inside you, that’s all I am asking. And I commit with you, I will manifest these powers as Mahadeva.

[50.09 mins]

Understand, I just want only two action items. One. You will go and declare it to the whole world with all your guts, even if you are shivering a little bit, it is okay. Basement weak, building stronger. Even if the basement is a little weak, it’s okay, strengthen the building. Declare, “I am the Source” rudely, because when you declare you have to live it. If you don’t declare only, you can hide it. It’s a game between Me and you, inside you, nobody knows. You can’t have a secret affair with Mahadeva, no; no affair with Mahadeva can be secret. Declare it not just to the human beings, to Devatas, Gods, Rishis, Siddha, Muni, Kinnara, Kimpurusha and challenge them, “if you want come test me.” I am declaring —“I am the Source. I sit as Nandi for Mahadeva to rest on me.”

Just two action items. One: powerful rude declaration. Second: constantly working from that declaration. Just these two are action items, action plan, from today’s process, and I have two gift for you guys: one; I have energized our Banyan Tree leaf with this truth, filled the bio-energy of — you are the Source. Understand, listen, listen, please listen—our Banyan Tree has grown directly out of the physical body that Mahadeva and Devi assumed. So it is from the very body, juice, blood, and veins that Tree is standing, the leaf is Pushpa Samadhi, it is directly the Pushpa Samadhi. If you get My one Jatta [matted hair] how you will keep, that leaf is equivalent of Mahadeva’s jatta, Mahadeva’s Pushpa Samadhi. I’ve clearly programmed it with the bio-energy of you are the Source. Just keep it under your pillow and sleep that’ll do the work. It will make you take the rude decision “I am the Source.” That is the antidote for the Fevical, Araldite, everything you poured on your bunch of knot. How you know? It’s not going to just open up each knot with this kriya, that kriya, dddddd [Swamiji makes a sound]. It is just going to put a fire and with Fevical and Araldite that bunch of knot will quickly burn, will become nothing. All kriyas are trying to remove that knot all on which Aradite and Fevical is poured, behind your granny will be laughing at you. This Banyan Tree leaf is just the fire. Nithyanandoham process is the fire put on that bunch knot.

So I am blessing and energizing not only the leaves, all of you to experience the Truth, straight away with a rude decision of — I am the Source. You are the Source. Declare today. Start functioning out of this rude decision, you are the Source, so all hypocrisy will be smoked out. This Banyan Tree leaf will be sent to you which is directly the bio-energy, just keep it under your pillow, that will simply make you take that rude decision of “you are the Source.”

Next few days I will go on ripening, ripening, ripening that rude decision that “you are the Source” in your system, just burn the whole bunch knot and sprinkle the nectar of powers, manifest the nectar of powers in you and I am giving this gift, the second gift; the essence, the core manifestation of all these 400 powers and Nithyanandoham process as a gift to all of you, all the 1,200 teamily, the Nithyanandoham teamily, all 1,200 Nithyanandoham teamily will be My guest for Kumbh Mela. Understand, I am taking this strong decision and I’ll manifest these powers into your system as initiation. End of the day there only things, which can be only physically transmitted. I can transmit many things beyond the time and space but for some things, still you feel you are physical system, physical touch is required. The energy darshan is required to transmit some of the powerful software’s. Understand, the action is required because you feel; action is also your part, for example; if you have done a murder you can’t be in peace because that action affects your cognition. Same way if you have done some charity, you will be so much joyful, because that action affects how you feel about you. As long as action plays a part of how you feel about you in your cognition. Action out of the Truth “I am the Source” is required. That is why I insist on enriching and causing. Understand. I have enough Shiva Bhutas, Shiva Ganas to go around and enrich and cause people in their dreams and giving darshans. I don’t need you for enriching and causing, but by you doing it, you will become part of Shiva Ganas. You will manifest the powers from the Truth that “I am the Source.” I tell you, from this rude decision that “I am the Source” start calling people, simple they will come and sit here for Nithyanandoham process or Inner Awakening, they will also be awakened and they will also come and talk to you from that same decision of “I am the Source” and manifest what you want.

Today is Guru Payerchi, the Guru is moving. The 2012, the 2015’s last most powerful phase is from today until the end of Kumbh Mela. The Simbhasta is coming to the peak from today. So from today until the last third Snana, May 29th, in this, within this time, let’s achieve, everyone one of us should achieve the Truth — “I am the Source” — with Guru’s grace. Guru is in His peak, radiating peak energy and blessings. If anybody thinks, ‘Oh I can’t go to Kumbh Mela I have work, I can’t, I don’t have money for flight’, stupid, you are the Source. Don’t be stupid again. You are the Source; decide from that, “I’m going to be with Swamiji”, you will be there. When I can do so much and call you as a guest, don’t you understand the value of what I want to do with you. Then you should know how valuable it is for you and be there dropping all your stupid reasons. Don't be playing with Fevical, Araldite bunch knot, burn it, put the fire, be there. The moment I manifest powers and the Truth “I am the Source” through you, you will be the greatest blessing for you and the world, you and the world.

Making each one of you as a blessing for yourself and the world is My mission. Making each one of you as a blessing for yourself and the world is My mission. I may hug or laugh or scream or shout, or use the strong words like stupid dog, whatever, the mission is to make you as a blessing for yourself and to the world.

Action item two: one, make a rude decision to everyone who knows you or who don’t know you, public declaration. Second: aligning every thought to that declaration and manifesting. When you declare this spiritual truth that “I am the Source”, if some of your friends or family relatives think that you are, you have gone coo coos and crazy, and you get some new friends and relatives, that is called maturing in relationships. You will have matured relationships, matured relatives and all your matured relationships bring next week. I am going to teach you the teamily process. It can happen only with matured relationships, even if they are not IA grads; I am opening up the doors for next week’s process. All your teamily, family and team, bring all of them just say it’s a pity party and bring. Just say it is party and bring, I’ll give them Cosmic party. Last week I decided whether you were going to be part of my teamily or not, so next week I will decide whether those people are going to be part of your teamily or not. Don’t worry, bring them. If you need to worry, you will do it after the next week. No need to do it before, bring them. No you won’t worry, don’t worry, you will only feel good that you brought them. I’ll do everything socially polite, not, I will not be so raw as I am, I’ll do a little make up and drama and don’t worry. I’ll just put my Jatta backside, and put a turban and show a decent face and very cultured, sophisticated; ooooooo love, [Swamiji makes fun], don’t worry. So bring your whole team, your whole family even if they are not IA grads because I will make them all and all of you understand the need to become a teamily, causing each others reality, how that can start happening from this declaration “I am the Source” and how it can continue to manifest, do good to you and to others. It can cause your reality and others reality.

Oh God, it’s already 9:30. I think the LSP process we can’t have it in one hour, it has to be 3 hours, so when you come for LSP process from next time onwards I am telling you, plan such a way even though we tell you one hour, one and half hour, it will not be one and half hours. So better you come prepared for 2-3 hours next time when you come. Keep all your engagements out; tell them you are going to get married so all engagements out. The eternal marriage Nitya Kalyana, Nitya Kalyana with Sadashiva. So when you come itself, come with 2 or 3 hours at least so that you are not siting with a nagging, like when your bladder is full how you feel, “oh I have to go, I have to go, I have to go”, like that only keeping that engagement in your stomach, “I have to go, I have to go, I have to go.” Finally what will you do, it is equivalent to emptying your bladder only.

Next week is February 14th, come here with your team and family I will make it eternal lovers day. Don’t waste your life on that stupid, what they call, ahhh ahhh, [Swamiji makes fun]. Come and celebrate with Mahadeva.

I tell you the moment you rudely decide that “you are the Source”, your intuition, your intelligence, energy, everything will be so, will be in different frequency and feel blessed, you are being initiated into this Truth by a Person who knows the science, who has experienced the whole science. Feel blessed you are given this Truth from a Source which has realized this science. See social award, reward, all that is different. Adhikaratva [state of ownership, authoritative-ness] of spiritual scriptures, and science and knowledge is different. Am I coming into that field? I am not interfering in all that, I am not at all interested in any title, any reward, award, noble, this, that, I am not interested in any of those prizes. I cannot put the title Noble Laureate Paramahamsa Nithya…, it looks too cheap. Bhagavan Paramahamsa Nithyandanda, there is no other more title, bigger title. My Deeksha Guru Swami Ranganathananda, they wanted to give some award for him, he said, “Aye, more than the ‘Swami’ title what title I can use, I can’t use any other title. That’s the greatest title I have, that’s enough.” So I am going to follow his footsteps. Swami Ranganathananda [Ramakrishna Mutt] is My ideal, I am declaring this forever, forever I am not going to accept, use any title, reward, award, this, that. I’ve decided I will maintain the Adhikaratva of spiritual authority to reveal this science to the world, that’s enough for me. And anybody tries to claim, I tell them very clearly, “You don’t come in, I will not come there. If I come there you will not have anything there also, but I am not interested there, fortunately for you.” No, I am happy, let everybody use this science, this is given to the world, enjoy. But let’s be very clear. I don't want you guys to get confused that is why I’m making it very clear. I think that’s all. I made it very clear, all the things are clear. I don't have any anger, any incompletion with anybody and I am not interested in entertaining any incompletions. I am basically embodiment of Mahadeva, usually Mahadeva’s energy, Mahadeva’s people don't care about this social award, reward, recognition, this, that—we are happy with that spiritual Adhikaratva of revealing this science to the world, that also to maintain its purity that’s all, nothing else. Let people, world enjoy all this science and let them live blissfully, that’s all. I am going to copyright all this not to sell, but to retain just its purity so that people can enjoy it forever; and also I will make clear law of our Sangha you can have, you have a right to copyright, but not, you don’t have a right to sell it, it has to be shared, anything copyrighted should be shared to the world with the world as freely as Ganga. Copyrighting Ganga only to maintain the purity not for bottling it and selling it, copyrighting for only retaining the purity, not for bottling.

All right, sit straight; it’s time to enter into the Nithyanandoham process. I’ll awaken the strong experience of “You are the Source” into all of you, eternal powerfulness. Sit straight, close your eyes, settle down.

Meditation (1:16:50- 1:28:58 mins)

So essence of today’s LSP process—two action plan. One: a powerful decision and declaration that “you are the Source.” Second: every action and thought should be aligned to that, one Truth, functioning, thinking out and acting out that Truth. Two gifts: the Banyan leaf energized with that bio-energy “I am the Truth, I am the Source, you are the Source” for all of you and the Kumbh Mela, 10-day program as a gift for all of you to come and experience, receive and manifest these powers, receive these powerful initiations required for manifesting these great powers and radiating it, living it. When I give the gift, there cannot be any obstacle, removing all the obstacles also is part of My gift. Removing all the obstacles is also part of My gift.

So with this: I bless you all. Let’s all radiate with integrity, authenticity, responsibility, enriching, causing Living Shuddhadvaita Shaivam, the Eternal Bliss. Nithyananda. Thank you. Be Blissful.

~ end of Living Shuddhadvaita Process. Session # 6 ~


Living Shuddhadvaita Process

Dakshinamurthy Homa

Photos Of The Day: