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Ājñā chakra.. The energy center which is situated between the eyebrows. Ājñā means Will Power…. Why this chakra is called as Will Power? If this chakra opens whatever you Will become reality. This is a very highly mystical chakra. This creates tremendous mystical energy. This can make you master your dreams and your visions. As on now your  80 percent of the energy is spent only in dreaming.. only 20 percent is spent in creating. 80 percent is spent in day dreaming and night dreaming. Only 20 is spent in creating. If this chakra is awakened 80 percent will be spent in creating only 20 will be spent in dreaming and .. So 80 percent of your energy will be put to use when this chakra is awakened. This chakra creates tremendous creativity and power in you. If all other chakras have got five techniques to open them up, this chakra has got one thousand techniques to open it. Almost every religion, every Master, every cult has worked on Ājñā chakra. So, when you really wanted to go deep in to the spiritual life this chakra is the best way. Ego and intellectual way of thinking locks this chakra. Simplicity and innocence opens this chakra. In the outer world ego, logic, doubt pays you. They gives you the benefit.
In the inner world only the trust, surrender, simplicity, innocence progresses you. Innocence opens this chakra. That’s why children have got their own intuition. Because of their innocence they live like a god on this earth. When you are intellect you are always in dilemma. Mental plane, the logical plane never allows you to decide. Only when your heart starts working only when you come down little bit from the head you will be able to take any step in your life. Ājñā puts you continuously in dilemma if it is not open. If it is not open Ājñā puts you continuously in dilemma. Intellect and logic does not let you grow spiritually. It continuously creates only hurdles and hurdles and hurdles. It’s innocence and simplicity that lets you fly into the spiritual sky. With that if you have any questions I will answer that.
Participant: Why do You use kumkum Swamiji?
Swamiji: That whenever every chakra opens it creates a special smell. If you create the same smell that chakra will open.  When Ājñā chakra opens it creates the turmeric smell. I am using the turmeric only to awaken that chakra continuously. No it is actually turmeric, seasoned turmeric. The turmeric will be processed, the processed turmeric. It is like pasturized turmeric.
Participant: What’s that from?
Swamiji: When a man becomes enlightened for him there is no need to wear. But I wear just because I tell all My people to wear. Whomsoever wants to have the help of the Ājñā chakra they can wear this. Even if you wear in the night time it is okay. If you don’t want to wear in the day time in the night times before go to sleep you can wear and in 12 hours you will see that Ājñā will be continuously active. Night time when you wear the 12 hours your whole sleeping time Ājñā will be awakened. If you want you can wear in the daytime. It’s all up to you.
Participant: Specifically one product, is sticker or anything to wear.
Swamiji: Oh, sticker don’t awaken. NO!
Participant: And the smell that you mentioned is it specifically for you or is it for everybody?
Swamiji: For everybody same smell.
Participant: They are asking Swami in Your workshop you have started from the ….
Swamiji: Actually I have a special way of system which can be worked step by step, layer by layer. That is why it has to go in a different way. They are not actually as you think step by step can work. The emotions are such you will have to go in a different way. This helps the modern day man reclaimed in such way. If you are interested in having, you can have after the class. But please don't go now let the class finish. And it is not compulsory. If you want to have you can have.
Participant: Swami, she like very much what you said and she wants to know when you want to concentrate to think whatever you want is it the right here in between the center to concentrate?
Swamiji: No, no, no concentrate on vishuddhi is safe. That is more safe. … you see, I am actually answering individual questions.
Participant: In Your view what is the relationship between chakras and the body glands?
Swamiji: The chakras are the in charge of the energies which activates the body glands.
Participant: Pituitary gland?
Swamiji: No, it is not pituitary glands, it is in charge of pituitary glands.
Participant: She heard that the Ājñā chakra where the guru lives and it also helps realization.
Swamiji: Yes, that is true.
Participant: So, she was asking if the Ājñā chakra is where the guru lives and she also asked about kalpavriksha.
Swamiji: That is what is kalpavriksha, whatever you want it will be granted to you. The Ājñā chakra is the kalpavriksha.
Participant: Since from first experience with meditation as soon as she goes and rest she immediately feels lot of energy here. What is that mean for?
Swamiji: It means she has to meditate on Ājñā continuously everyday. Tell her meditate on the Ājñā.  Through that way she can progress easily.
Participant: Do eye problems interfere in the Ājñā chakra?
Swamiji: Yes, they are related to Ajna only.
Participant: She is saying that in the same way when Mina meditates she feels the Ājñā chakra when she meditates she always feels the vishuddhi chakra.
Swamiji: Tell her to do the vishuddhi meditation. That will make her progress quickly.
Participant: She wants to know if that is help her to talk better not what she had talking before.
Swamiji: That will surely help her.
Participant: Swamiji, many many years ago she was small… when she was 23 years old she dreamt that a snake came and bit her right ear and it said that she is only going to be happy if she goes to India. What is that dream mean? And she felt that her body tremble. 
Swamiji: Oh, It is one kind of intuition, maybe the invitation from the divine. Tell her to go to India. There is a place belongs to the Ājñā chakra Varanasi. Varanasi means in sanskrit the place between the eyebrows and the nose. And there is a place in India called Varanasi - Kashi. Tell her to go there. Actually Varanasi means in sanskrit the place between varana and nasi; Vara-nasi place between eyebrows and nose.
Participant: If you work the Ājñā chakra can you improve the vision to the point you don't need glasses anymore?
Swamiji: Surely. Many are healed. Many have been healed.
Participant: Yesterday You talked about tantra and in tantra they say there is a relationship between the chakras and bija mantra.
Swamiji: Our music is based on the bija mantras only. Every chakra music is based on the bija mantra. So, you don't have to repeat the bija mantra. If you repeat, your mind will be distracted. That is why we let you meditate and the bija mantra will go in. All our musics are based on the every chakra’s bija mantras.
Participant: What is Bija mantra?
Swamiji: Seed mantra. Bija means seed. If you put this seed it will become a tree. If you put this bija mantra in the chakra that chakra will be totally flowered. Exactly the word bija means the semen when it is given the ordinary womb creates such a big body and it create, gives birth to a man. Sameway when you put this mantra into the chakra you will be given a new birth to you by your ownself. An ordinary bija you give birth to a child. In this bija mantra you give birth to yourself. That is why it is called bija.
==Promotional Material==
==Promotional Material==

Latest revision as of 01:38, 14 August 2023


Ajna Chakra: Centre of Creation || Part 1 || ASC || 04 Apr 2004


Name Of The Convention : Ananda Spurana Title: Ajna Chakra: Centre of Creation Part 1 Session on: Science of Third Eye Date : 04 April 2004 Venue : Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

In this video, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam speaks to delegates of the Ananda Spurana about the Science of Third Eye. The sacred chakra that resides between our eyebrows directly connects us with the divine and, when opened, is the direct portal through which we can manifest anything we want with our will power. HDH explains that, when this chakra is not opened, we spend 80% of our time day and night dreaming and 20% creating. Once awakened, the opposite happens, and we become masters of our own destiny. We also come down from the mental and logical plane and tune in with our intuition. By switching from head to heart, we come intelligent in a divinely guided way and we stop following intellect.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:



Ājñā chakra.. The energy center which is situated between the eyebrows. Ājñā means Will Power…. Why this chakra is called as Will Power? If this chakra opens whatever you Will become reality. This is a very highly mystical chakra. This creates tremendous mystical energy. This can make you master your dreams and your visions. As on now your 80 percent of the energy is spent only in dreaming.. only 20 percent is spent in creating. 80 percent is spent in day dreaming and night dreaming. Only 20 is spent in creating. If this chakra is awakened 80 percent will be spent in creating only 20 will be spent in dreaming and .. So 80 percent of your energy will be put to use when this chakra is awakened. This chakra creates tremendous creativity and power in you. If all other chakras have got five techniques to open them up, this chakra has got one thousand techniques to open it. Almost every religion, every Master, every cult has worked on Ājñā chakra. So, when you really wanted to go deep in to the spiritual life this chakra is the best way. Ego and intellectual way of thinking locks this chakra. Simplicity and innocence opens this chakra. In the outer world ego, logic, doubt pays you. They gives you the benefit.


In the inner world only the trust, surrender, simplicity, innocence progresses you. Innocence opens this chakra. That’s why children have got their own intuition. Because of their innocence they live like a god on this earth. When you are intellect you are always in dilemma. Mental plane, the logical plane never allows you to decide. Only when your heart starts working only when you come down little bit from the head you will be able to take any step in your life. Ājñā puts you continuously in dilemma if it is not open. If it is not open Ājñā puts you continuously in dilemma. Intellect and logic does not let you grow spiritually. It continuously creates only hurdles and hurdles and hurdles. It’s innocence and simplicity that lets you fly into the spiritual sky. With that if you have any questions I will answer that. Participant: Why do You use kumkum Swamiji? Swamiji: That whenever every chakra opens it creates a special smell. If you create the same smell that chakra will open. When Ājñā chakra opens it creates the turmeric smell. I am using the turmeric only to awaken that chakra continuously. No it is actually turmeric, seasoned turmeric. The turmeric will be processed, the processed turmeric. It is like pasturized turmeric.


Participant: What’s that from? Swamiji: When a man becomes enlightened for him there is no need to wear. But I wear just because I tell all My people to wear. Whomsoever wants to have the help of the Ājñā chakra they can wear this. Even if you wear in the night time it is okay. If you don’t want to wear in the day time in the night times before go to sleep you can wear and in 12 hours you will see that Ājñā will be continuously active. Night time when you wear the 12 hours your whole sleeping time Ājñā will be awakened. If you want you can wear in the daytime. It’s all up to you. Participant: Specifically one product, is sticker or anything to wear. Swamiji: Oh, sticker don’t awaken. NO! Participant: And the smell that you mentioned is it specifically for you or is it for everybody? Swamiji: For everybody same smell.


Participant: They are asking Swami in Your workshop you have started from the …. Swamiji: Actually I have a special way of system which can be worked step by step, layer by layer. That is why it has to go in a different way. They are not actually as you think step by step can work. The emotions are such you will have to go in a different way. This helps the modern day man reclaimed in such way. If you are interested in having, you can have after the class. But please don't go now let the class finish. And it is not compulsory. If you want to have you can have.


Participant: Swami, she like very much what you said and she wants to know when you want to concentrate to think whatever you want is it the right here in between the center to concentrate? Swamiji: No, no, no concentrate on vishuddhi is safe. That is more safe. … you see, I am actually answering individual questions. Participant: In Your view what is the relationship between chakras and the body glands? Swamiji: The chakras are the in charge of the energies which activates the body glands. Participant: Pituitary gland? Swamiji: No, it is not pituitary glands, it is in charge of pituitary glands.


Participant: She heard that the Ājñā chakra where the guru lives and it also helps realization. Swamiji: Yes, that is true. Participant: So, she was asking if the Ājñā chakra is where the guru lives and she also asked about kalpavriksha. Swamiji: That is what is kalpavriksha, whatever you want it will be granted to you. The Ājñā chakra is the kalpavriksha. Participant: Since from first experience with meditation as soon as she goes and rest she immediately feels lot of energy here. What is that mean for? Swamiji: It means she has to meditate on Ājñā continuously everyday. Tell her meditate on the Ājñā. Through that way she can progress easily.


Participant: Do eye problems interfere in the Ājñā chakra? Swamiji: Yes, they are related to Ajna only. Participant: She is saying that in the same way when Mina meditates she feels the Ājñā chakra when she meditates she always feels the vishuddhi chakra. Swamiji: Tell her to do the vishuddhi meditation. That will make her progress quickly. Participant: She wants to know if that is help her to talk better not what she had talking before. Swamiji: That will surely help her. Participant: Swamiji, many many years ago she was small… when she was 23 years old she dreamt that a snake came and bit her right ear and it said that she is only going to be happy if she goes to India. What is that dream mean? And she felt that her body tremble.


Swamiji: Oh, It is one kind of intuition, maybe the invitation from the divine. Tell her to go to India. There is a place belongs to the Ājñā chakra Varanasi. Varanasi means in sanskrit the place between the eyebrows and the nose. And there is a place in India called Varanasi - Kashi. Tell her to go there. Actually Varanasi means in sanskrit the place between varana and nasi; Vara-nasi place between eyebrows and nose. Participant: If you work the Ājñā chakra can you improve the vision to the point you don't need glasses anymore? Swamiji: Surely. Many are healed. Many have been healed. Participant: Yesterday You talked about tantra and in tantra they say there is a relationship between the chakras and bija mantra. Swamiji: Our music is based on the bija mantras only. Every chakra music is based on the bija mantra. So, you don't have to repeat the bija mantra. If you repeat, your mind will be distracted. That is why we let you meditate and the bija mantra will go in. All our musics are based on the every chakra’s bija mantras. Participant: What is Bija mantra? Swamiji: Seed mantra. Bija means seed. If you put this seed it will become a tree. If you put this bija mantra in the chakra that chakra will be totally flowered. Exactly the word bija means the semen when it is given the ordinary womb creates such a big body and it create, gives birth to a man. Sameway when you put this mantra into the chakra you will be given a new birth to you by your ownself. An ordinary bija you give birth to a child. In this bija mantra you give birth to yourself. That is why it is called bija.


Promotional Material
