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==Title: ==
Power Of Intuition - Intuitive Management Redmond North America, Part 1, 1 April 2005
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==Transcript: ==
Introduction of Swamiji by a volunteer: Good afternoon everybody. My name is Kanen Iyer. I am a program manager with IT directory program builders. On behalf of Microsoft I wish to extend the warm welcome to Paramahamsa Sri Nithyananda Swami from India. We refer to Him as Swami. Today I also have the honor to introducing Swami to you. He has mastered the techniques to control the mind, to manage the mind. The techniques that help unleash the potential of the mind, what I mean by that is intuition, creative visualization, and various other things He will be explaining to you shortly. The techniques that can be put to use in contrary work like ours. The techniques that light latent in every person…. He is sharing it with the whole world. There are 400 centers in 20 different countries all over the world, that teach and practice these techniques in everyday life. Today He is here to show you, how they can applied to the problem we face in this corporate setups. We have day to day problems. We often face many complex problems being in the field that we are in, when in never seen before situation that do not have any precedent. If we have precedent we know how to react, if we don’t have precedent we don’t know how to react. How to see them you know how to react. If you don’t know how to see them what will be … A gut feel, intuition that's what they call, a gut feel that has no proof that it will work, no conclusion that it will work, no evidence that it will work… but there are various kinds of … There are some that pretty much ends up being reckless … There are some that if used properly and …right thing to do. Like Bill Gates, he never had a clue whether spending 40,000 upfront for software to a company and licensing them for $1/piece idea would work. He never had gut feel it would be reckless and did not work. Exactly that intuition how do you capitalize on it, we all have… We just lost it half way through. That's what He is going to be talk about today. He is going to talk about theory and science behind the intuition. Then He will have open discussion with all of you. You the audience can get on the concerts directly with Him and directly from Him how to make it better … And optionally you can also practice the mind control techniques that He is explaining today… He will take an understanding how to tap your intuition into furthering your intelligence and execute on it… Intuition leads to innovation, innovation leads to and after all that’s why we are here for… I don’t want to take any more time, I now hand over to Swami,... Thank you.
Swamiji: I welcome you all with My love and respects. It is nice to be with you all. Intuition: wonderful subject. In the modern day, again and again when you ask the successful CEOs how they took the major decisions or the decisions which turned their life, which is the main reason for their success, again and again their answers surprises us. Again and again, they say something beyond intellect happened in them, that gave them the energy or the gut, you can say the guts to take this decision. Not only with successful CEOs, even with scientists. The other day I got the chance to have a lunch with doctor Charles Townes who is a Nobel Prize winner. He did research and gave a breakthrough in the field of laser and maser. I asked him, “Sir, how could you do this? How you are able to do? How it happened to you?”
He said beautiful way, “I was just sitting in a park in Washington DC. Suddenly something happened like a revelation. The conclusion was there in me. Suddenly it was revealed to me. I penned down what I experienced. Now I had a big difficulty. I know the conclusion but I don't know the steps. I was not able to present this to anybody else because I know only the conclusion. I don't know the steps.” He says, “Something like revelation happened to me.” And not only with Dr. Charles Townes, again with Einstein. Einstein says, “Whatever new thing has happened through me is just based on intuition, not based on intellect.” He says a beautiful saying. I brought that saying for you. One of his quotation, “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”
Whether you believe it or not, accept it or not, there is something called intuition. Of course, even Einstein says this as a gift because he doesn't know. We are not sure when it will come, whether it will come or not but yogis, the mystics again and again say, you can have intuition as a salary means you can work for it and you can be sure about it. You don't have to think intuition is a gift. You can work for it. It can become part of your life. Whatever new thing has happened, it has happened only through intuition. It has happened only when something happens beyond your intellect means your whole being is integrated. You are at your peak. When you are at your peak, something opens. You may call it a revelation or intuition which happens beyond intellect. Yogis have again and again said it is a science. If you can tune yourself to this intuition or to this energy which is continuously available in your being, you can use this in your regular life. In the West, intuition is always an accident. Once in a while it happens. With yogis, again and again they say it is a incident. You can make it happen. They know how to make this happen.
Today we will see what is intuition, how the mind works and how you can awaken that power inside our being. The small diagram I will try to present how usually our mind works. With a small example, I will try to explain how the mind works, how you process the information in your mind. For example, you see something. First, the eye sees. Next, in Sanskrit we call this part as Chaksu. It is almost like a digital signal processor like a DSP, there is something called Chaksu. The signal, visual input is converted as a digital file. Then it goes to memory. In Sanskrit we call it as Chitta. When it goes to memory, little more work is done on that file. For example, if you are seeing Me now, the file is processed through Chaksu. Then it is taken to chitta, memory. The memory first starts analyzing. It first excludes. First it starts thinking, it starts saying, “Oh, this is not an animal. This is not a plant. This is not a rock.” All that exclusion, all that excluding process is done by the chitta, by memory.
Next, the file goes to mind. We call in Sanskrit, manas. The mind starts processing. Now it says, mind comes to a conclusion, ‘This is human being or a person who is taking classes.’ Next, your mind starts associating all your memories - the earlier classes which you attended, something to do with yoga or meditation or this type of intuitive management, all those things you try to associate. Then next, the whole file takes a quantum leap and then your ego decides based on your past experiences. If your past experiences with some yoga, meditation, these management classes are okay, if you are happy with those classes, if you think that it has helped, you decide to sit or you think, “This is not for me.” You take the decision. The decision is taken by ego.
Understand this small process. You are seeing Me. Eye takes the file to Chaksu. Chaksu converts the whole thing into a digital signal. Just like a digital signal, the conversion happens inside your being and then the file goes to memory. Memory, memory does only one thing: excluding. This is not, this is not, this is not. Only that is done by memory. Identification is done by mind. ‘This is it’ is done by mind, manas. Then the whole file takes a quantum leap. You decide your past experiences helped you or how you felt. Based on that now you decide whether to sit here or to leave the hall.
And now, the gap between the eye and the mind- this process is conscious. You are aware of that process. From eye to mind, it happens with your awareness. You are conscious about it but this mind to ego, that process, you are not conscious about it. Many time the process happens. Mind to ego process happens so unconsciously. You decide against your logic. You decide against your thought process. For example, according to the datas which you collected, you know for sure smoking is injurious to health. It is not good for your body, it is not good for your mind but when the file takes the quantum leap, unconscious process happens. Simply you decide to smoke. Conscious process says, ‘No, it is not good for health’ but unconscious process says…it never even says. It just gives the decision and you execute.
Many time, the decisions are not under your control because the unconscious is very powerful. Unconscious is very, very powerful. See, the unconscious can be used in three way: in instinct level, in intellect level and intuition level. As long as the unconscious is filled with negative memories and restlessness, it works in a instinct level. You decide just instantly. You don’t even know why you are angry. Suddenly you show your anger. Suddenly you burst. Sometime you feel some activities or some words which you speak, you feel, ‘This is not me.’ You do something. After that, you think, ‘This is not me. How did I do this? How did I allow this to happen? How did I make this decision?’ This happens because the unconscious is working in the instinct level.
Many time, you just associate things without even logic connection, without even consciously. For example, if you are disturbed by somebody who was with white dress, the moment you see somebody wearing white dress, the same memory comes and you feel the anger. You feel like not being around him or you feel that you just wanted to burst. This is the instinct level without even your conscious mind, without even you understanding, just like that, it happens. If your unconscious is too much loaded, if your unconscious is restless, you will behave in the instinct level.
Another one, intellect. Most of us behave either instinct or intellect level. Another one is intellect. Okay, with conscious but you don't have enough of enthusiasm. You just go, alright. You just go okay with conscious mind but you are not creative. You are not innovative. You don't take big steps. You don't grow. It is just like a faithful servant as Albert Einstein says. The intellect is a faithful servant. You can be a servant throughout your life. You can be just a servant but nothing more can happen through you. Nothing big will happen through us. It is just, you will be collecting the datas, you will be processing it and deleting it. Nothing more than a computer. If we are standing only in the intellect level, we are not using our potential maximum, to the extent which is supposed to be used.
The next is intuition. This is very… in a little deep understanding you need to go deep into this whole science. Only then you will be able to understand what I mean by the word intuition. Intuition is something which happens to you beyond your intellect. Suddenly you know for sure that this is the right thing and you have enough energy also to do it but you don't know the step because this unconscious is always quantum leap. You don't know the step how you came to the conclusion but you know for sure this is right. This energy is needed whenever you face a situation when there was no precedence and you have very minimum data. With minimum data you have to take decision and there was no precedence. In this type of situation... another one. You have lot of choices. You are not able to decide what you are supposed to do. In this type of situations, the intuition energy can help you. The intuition power can give you the courage or give you the right choice.
The intuition, again and again gives you the energy not only to decide, to execute what you have decided. People ask Me, “Swamiji, how to find out whether I am having intuition or I am just intellectual? Sometimes I am confused. Is it intuition or intellectual?” I tell them, “If you are confused, be very clear, it is just intellectual.” The very confusion shows it is only intellectual. When you have the intuition, when you experience intuition, not only you get the intellectual clarity, not only you get the answer, you get enough of power to execute it. You don't know. You just have the power. The potential power which is inside your being is just unleashed. You open up and just like that, you start expressing it. You start executing it.
Now, the next question, how to awaken the intuition? How to awaken the intuition power? If we can consciously give rest to our conscious mind..... usually our conscious mind never rests. If we can give consciously rest to our conscious mind for a while, the energy which is in the unconscious level will open up and usually when the unconscious level energy opens up, first whatever is suppressed will come out. Next, will come the pure energy which we call intuition. When pure energy starts coming out from the unconscious level you don't use the unconscious in the instinct level or intellectual level. You use it for intuition. The higher level energy starts happening in you and of course, above all, yogis do believe the higher level energy heals you physically, mentally and emotionally. Apart from healing, mainly I wanted you to concentrate and understand. This can help to reduce the stress and to decide spontaneously.
See, the spontaneity has nothing to do with data which you collect. It is something to do with the way in which you process the datas. The same data, same information can be processed in many ways. Intuition is all about how you process and how you come to the conclusion beyond your intellect. We can prepare ourselves, we can tune ourselves to this intuition energy through techniques, through methods which we call meditation. In the East, we use the word meditation just to tune yourself to this higher energy of your being which continuously again and again invites you to experience it.
Whenever you find time and sit with yourself, you can always see, some part of your being, if at all you have given appointment to yourself.. actually you give appointment to everybody. We never give appointment to ourself. If you have given appointment to yourself you can always feel some part of your being wants to express, wants to do something more than what you are doing but we never give chance or the time to that part, to that portion of our being. We are so much caught up with intellect. We think intellect is ultimate, but again and again yogis prove something more than intellect is possible. And any discovery or invention, you can see, the role of intuition is always there. Whether it is Einstein or Newton…. Newton also, he had something beyond his intellect. See, everyone of our garden apple falls but none of us have become Newton. Something beyond mind has happened to him, something more than intellect has happened to him which can happen in every one of us. It is not that it can happen only to Newton or Einstein. It can happen to everyone of us if we can tune ourself to that energy. Tuning ourself to that energy is what I call meditation.
In the end of the session we will have a very practical session which can awaken this intuition in you just with few days of practice. When I say few days I just mean two-three days. Two-three days is more than enough to tune yourself to this intuition. As on now we are using our unconscious energy either in instinct level or in intellect level. It can be tuned and you can use it in the intuition level to make the decisions, creativity, whatever you call. Now I request you all to analyze these few theories with your questions. We will try to analyze this with our question-answer. So anybody wants to put any question you are welcome. Then we will go for practical technique. You are welcome to put questions.
Volunteer: Anybody that has a question please pick on the microphone so everybody else that is listening because we can also hear the questions. She has a question here.
Q: Swamiji, good afternoon. You said to feel the unconscious or to unleash the intuition or other powers one has to rest consciously in conscious mind. So is there a way we can do it?
Swamiji: Yes, that is what I call meditation. Consciously resting means thoughtless awareness. I'll make a small diagram and I will explain.
(Swamiji writes a diagram and explains)
You see, we have two level of consciousness and two level of thought. For example now you have thoughts. In the deep sleep do you have thoughts? No.
Q: I don’t know.
Swamiji: Surely not. That's why you are able to sleep. And now you have something called ‘I’ consciousness, the feeling of ‘I’. In the deep sleep, surely it is not there. If it is there we can't sleep. This two state of being and level of mind criss-cross each other and creates four state. For example, with I consciousness and with thoughts what we call waking state, waking, now, what you are experiencing is waking state. You have I consciousness and thoughts, both. Next thing, without I consciousness, with thoughts is what we call dream. You see, in the dream you have thoughts but the I consciousness is less. The frequency of thoughts is more than frequency of I consciousness. That is why in the dream you are not able to control your dreams. Only dreams will happen as it wants.
In the waking state, you can control your thoughts. In the dream state you can't control your thoughts. The intensity or the frequency of I, frequency of I consciousness is less than frequency of thoughts in the dream state. The third  thing, you neither have I consciousness nor have thoughts. That's what we call deep sleep, deep sleep. And there is a fourth state which we never experienced. That is what I call intuition or meditation. You have I consciousness but no thoughts. You have I consciousness but no thoughts. This is what I call meditation or intuition, whatever. In Sanskrit, we call it Samadhi. You have I consciousness but no thoughts, thoughtless awareness. If we can experience this zone, the fourth state, we can experience the different consciousness, what I call beyond intellect. The bliss or the peace or the intuition. Whatever you may name it. You can experience this fourth state with this.
See, the practical use of this fourth state is, it can give you so much of creativity, so much of courage, so much of confidence, you can decide spontaneously. Ability to take spontaneous decision is what I call responsibility. The more you are able to decide spontaneously, the more you become responsible. There are so many situations you can't work just with datas. There are so many situations. First of all datas will not be available or very limited data will be available. You will not be able to have the decisions taken by elders or earlier person. There will be no precedence. So in that type of situations, you need something more than what you call intellect. You need something beyond just your data. You need what I call the thoughtless awareness. If you can experience even the glimpse, not only your life in your office or in your corporate level, even your relationships can totally change.
You see, even the relationships failures happen because of our reactive mind. The reactive mind..... When I use the word reactive mind, unconscious mind, there are two things. One is collecting all the arguments and then passing judgment. Another one is, your judgment is ready. You just collect the arguments to support your judgment. When we are unconscious, when we are instinct, judgment is ready. You just want the arguments to support your judgment. You decide he or she is wrong. Then you go round collecting some arguments to support your judgment. It means you are only working in the instinct level. We are only working in the instinct level.
Sometimes the instinct and intuition will look same. People ask Me, “How to differentiate, Swamiji?” With intuition you will feel tremendously energetic, alive. With instinct, you will feel you are drained. Whenever you decide you are using your intellect and feel drained, be very clear, you are working in instinct level. Many time our anger and other emotions, we just decide instinctly. Then we understand, “Oh! Why did I do this?” You create guilt. Guilt is the gift from unconsciousness or Instinct level decisions.
If you can experience this fourth state, what I call meditation, surely we will be able to harvest the energy which is in our being which I call intuition and you can use the equivalent psychological terms. For waking you can say conscious, for dream subconscious, deep sleep unconscious. Of course, the fourth state meditation has no word because psychology could not go so deep. So they have no word for this meditation. In Sanskrit, we call the waking as jagrat, dream as swapna, deep sleep as sushupti, meditation as turiya, fourth state. So all you need to experience is this thoughtless awareness. That is what I mean consciously resting. Yes? I put this table just to make you understand there is something called consciously resting: thoughtless awareness. There is something you may not have experienced but there is something. Yes?
Q: Where does intuition come from?
Swamiji: From you. It can’t come from anybody else. Surely it is only from you. Because you have not experienced that zone, that part, that dimension of our being, we forgot that something called intuition exists. You see, for example, small thing. Somebody asked Me in one seminar, “Swamiji, many times it happens in my life. When I hear the knock on the door, suddenly I remember some friend's name. When I go and open, the same person is standing. When a phone rings or when my cell phone rings, suddenly I remember somebody's name who I have not seen for two-three years but when I pick up, he is there on the line and when I am sitting in a party suddenly I feel that particular person is going to come after few minutes. That person is there after few minutes! That person asked Me, “How it is happening? Many times I experienced this. How it is happening?” In the same group I asked, “How many of you have experienced this same thing at least once in your life?” More than 70% people raised their hands.
Now I can ask, “How many of you experienced like this something in your life at least once?” Again we can see, more than 70-80 %. One thing, if it happens in somebody's life once, we can call this as coincidence but 70% cannot be coincidence; 80% cannot be coincidence. You understand? There is something more to it. There is a logic behind it. There must be something behind it. We may not be able to know logically but it is not that there is nothing. See, when you know the logic, you call it as incident. When you don’t know, you just call it as coincident. I tell you, there is nothing happens without cause. The planet earth nothing can happen without cause. It is always cause and effect. When you know the cause and effect link you call it as incident. When you don't know you call it as coincident. So there cannot be anything called coincident. There is something which happens only from you. When this has happened from you, intuition also has to happen only from you.
Let Me explain how that happens, how you come upon that moments. Suddenly you feel that somebody is going to come and he is there and not only that, sometimes you feel,  you will feel weird. You go to some new place, some of your friend’s house or somewhere. Suddenly you feel you have visited this same place already and you know in which room which things are there and which room is which side and you can exactly put the plan but it will be there as you saw. This also happens many times in our life. How can this happen? How many of you have experienced like this at least once? So many people! How can this be just coincident?
Let Me explain how this happens. Knowingly or unknowingly you just fall consciously into the deep restful state. Knowingly or unknowingly you just fall into this fourth state for a moment. For a moment you experience that thoughtless awareness. The thoughtless awareness can happen to you whenever you are blissful. Whenever you are blissful or you are totally relaxing, the thoughtless awareness can happen to you. Whenever you have the glimpse of intuition…see, intuition is not something away from you. It again and again happens to you. Only thing, we take these things as coincidence and brush it aside. We don't give enough importance to it and we don't encourage our being to grow in that line.
Whatever you brush aside, it never grows. You need to encourage it. You need to allow it to happen to you. For example, when your child start speaking, unless you sit and listen, it will not again and again speak to you. If you just brush it aside, if you brush him aside, he has to keep quiet. Nothing else can be done. Same way, your being tries to relate with you again and again through these small, small incidents. If you can encourage it, if you can recognize it, naturally it will express the higher dimension what we call intuition. When we don't encourage, when we brush it aside in the name, “Oh! it is just a coincidence,’ when we brush it aside, we are not encouraging the higher dimension of our being.
Whenever you experience that intuition or the small glimpse of intuition in your life, you are falling in this state what I call meditation. You fall in the state thoughtless awareness, conscious without thoughts. You fall into that state. You can fall into that state accidently. Accidentally you can fall into that state. That is the way all these scientists, they experience the thoughtless awareness state accidentally but now we have enough techniques. Why should it be accidental? You can make it as a reality in day-to-day life. So whenever you experience the thoughtless awareness, without your knowledge you come upon this kind of glimpse of intuition. It always happens only from your being.
Q: I just have a follow up question. The reason I asked that question is because in a similar session, the Swamiji had said that the knowledge in the Vedas comes not from a education system but from a higher source of Intelligence and that is acquired through a system that is beyond five senses and logic. I was wondering if intuition comes from the same way?
Swamiji: Yes, same. Intuition is also from same. You see, it is like a…. if somebody creates a formula to reproduce the same experience which happens in the outer world, he is called scientist. If somebody creates a formula to reproduce the same experience which happens in the inner world, he is called a Rishi. If you create a formula to reproduce the same thing in the outer world -writing software or anything, you are called a scientist. If you create a formula to reproduce the experience which happens in the inner world, you are called Rishi. So meditation is nothing but a formula to reproduce the same intuition which is experienced in the inner world.
What you experienced we are trying to create a formula to deepen it, to reproduce it again and again in a deeper level in your being. The meditation is nothing but a technique or a formula to reproduce what happens to you at the time of intuition, what happens to you when you have the glimpse of what is going to happen. The same thing in a deeper level in a great level we are trying to create it in your being. Yes?
Q: Swamiji, how in a team environment if you make a intuitive decision, do you have a recommendation to address…
Swamiji: You see, one more thing. Along with intuition, you have enough of energy, courage to convince others. You see, why do you think the conflict rise? The conflict always rise when you are not able to look into each other's' eyes. When we are not honest, only then conflict rises. I tell you, all conflict starts only inside. When it starts from inside, it expresses in the outside and when intuition happens, you will be so clear, so clear about it and this Dr. Charles Townes, I asked him, “Sir, you say you had a revelation. I can accept. I can accept because I know. I can sympathize with your idea but how did scientific community accepted you?” He said, “After that I have to sit and work to create the path or how I arrived to the conclusion. When I did that community naturally accepted.”
One more thing, when intuition happens to you, you will have enough Intelligence to create that path also. You will be able to create the logical path how you came to this conclusion and naturally you will be able to present it logically. When it happens, it happens in intuitive level. When you can express, you can always express with the intellect and one more thing, whenever intuition happens, your intellect also gets sharpened to express it. Intuition is the experience. When you express, again you will have enough energy to express it. It is after all energy. Energy is intelligence. Your being is intelligence.
One more thing, we never trust our being is intelligent. We always measure our being only based on our weakest link. For example, if you just look your being and if you weigh yourself, we weigh only based on our weakest link. You are not your weakest link. Please be very clear, you are something more than your weakest link. A chain can be measured, the strength of the chain can be measured only based on the weakest link but strength of your being can't be measured based on the weakest link. We always measure based on our weakest link. It is not the reality. You have something more than what you think you are. Yes?
Q: Swamiji, You said that when you are in your dream state you can control your thoughts. How does one cause himself to control his thoughts to get to the waking state?
Swamiji: How does one...?
Q: How does one control his thoughts so he can get to the waking state?
Swamiji: He can get to the waking state?
Q: Yeah
Swamiji: In the waking state you will be able to control your thoughts. In the dream state you will not be able to control. The moment you try to control, you will come back to waking state. It is a nature. It is a nature. You see, dream state is like a catharsis. You need to have, you need to relax. You need some time in which you can just go wild because you are so controlled, you need to have something to come out of your being. Dream is an area in which you use to express whatever is suppressed. For example, if you are fasting for two-three days, you will have a feast in the dream. Whatever you suppressed they come up in the dreams. There is some part of your being, there must be some part of your being. You must give enough time to dream so that the catharsis can happen. Too much of steam or too much of things should not be suppressed in you. It is like a safety valve. Too much of steam is not good. So you need to open up. So I feel it is good if the dreams are not under your control. Now I am hearing new theory harvesting the power of dreams and all those things. Not only they are very dangerous I am seeing the result. They are creating lot of side effects. You are not resting even in your dreams! You must have little time for yourself. You must have little time for yourself. So allow the dreams to be as they are. Please give some time for yourself.
Q: Swami, my question can relate to the last question the fourth stage…(not clear)
Swamiji: If you are after that solution, do you feel relaxed and calm?
Q: Generally if I wake up, I have the passion to get it done.
Swamiji: No, when you get up and have the solution in your mind, after how you will feel? Do you feel relaxed, comfortable, happy or you feel irritated, hangover that you have not slept properly, you have not rested properly? How do you feel?
Q: You mean when I go to sleep or…
Swamiji: No, when you come out.
Q: I feel …(not clear)
Swamiji: When you come out with solution, you feel comfortable?
Q: Yes
Swamiji: Physically, physically how do you feel? You feel that you have rested?
Q: I would say yes.
Swamiji: Then it's okay, then carry on. It means you are not one in your dreams. The solution comes from intuition. See, you can decide only the after effect, based on the after effect. If you are feeling dull, tired, disturbed, you have not slept, then you must stop this practice. You must give some time for yourself. And now modern day psychologists, they say more than fourteen days if your dreams are continuously disturbed, there is every possibility you will get, you will be emotionally imbalanced. So we must allow some time to dream also. We must allow some time to dream also.
Q: I have a question.(not clear)
Swamiji: From the young age you are taught, from the young age you are taught to suppress yourself, to doubt yourself, to question yourself. You are not allowed to believe yourself. For some reason I don't know, we are not allowed to believe ourself. I think that is one of the important reason why again and again we take things for granted, we don't trust ourself. So I feel in the initial level, questioning yourself is okay but in some higher level you need to trust yourself. Too much questioning yourself makes you schizophrenic, makes you split personality. One side is doing one thing, the other thing is just condemning that. I think we need to do some work or patch up work with ourselves.
Jesus says beautifully, “Love thy neighbor as you love thyself” but we never even love ourselves. Where to love others? So we need to love ourselves. We need to do some patch up work with ourselves first. That is why I always tell people, first integrate yourself. Then you can go for integrating others. Integrating ourselves is what I call meditation. Meditation is nothing but integrating our self. When you integrate yourself naturally you start experiencing the peak of intellect. See, the peak of instinct is intellect, the peak of intellect is intuition. When you integrate, you start growing. The more you integrate, you start growing.
Q: Swamiji, there are so many thousands of books written on meditative practices and this technique and this breathing and this TM. Does it matter what path you try?
Swamiji: It is a nice question. If I ask you, “There are so many software. There are so many versions. Which one should I use?” What will you say?
Q: One word.
Swamiji: What you say honestly? No, what you think is working? No, no what I am saying, what you naturally will say? What you have written, what you have done, this only will work because only that you know. Only that you know. People may think that you are marketing your product but we can't help because you know only that. You don't know about other things much. You understand? Same way, you may think I am marketing Mine but I have no other way. I know only Mine. I don't know the other books. I don't know the other things too deeply. All I know is Mine. I can give you a simple technique now before ending the session which you can practice in your regular life which can awaken this intuition and give you all the positive effects of meditation or Samadhi.
Q: Good afternoon Swamiji, so let us say I have some intuition. How do I execute the intuition positively without going back or without doubting I got in my ming?
Swamiji: See, the moment you start doubting it is not intuition. And one more thing, the moment you get the intuition, this question will not be there. How will I execute and all those things. These all are again and again done with the mind which oscillates this side and that side. This side and that side means you are at intellect level. So when intuition happens it happens from totally different plane, different level. Even though you are not able to trust, it is there in yourself because your own experiences says more than 80% of your experience, the intuition already at least once in your life. So it is there. It is there. Only thing, only when it happens, you will be able to understand this question. The ‘if’ questions can never be answered.
== Title: ==
== Title: ==
Power of Intuition - Intuitive Management, Redmond ,North America, Part 2 , 1 April 2005
===Power of Intuition - Intuitive Management, Redmond ,North America, Part 2 , 1 April 2005===
== Description: ==
On this day, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH), Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam visited the Microsoft Corporation in Seattle and delivered a discourse to a large gathering titled ‘’Intuitive Management’’, ‘’Big Challenges: Bring 'em On’’. After the discourse, He interacted with the employees of the organization and gave them the simple Mahamantra meditation technique that they could practice every day. There were hundreds of attendees in person at the fully packed hall at Microsoft Conference Center. The event was also webcast live inside Microsoft Corporation. The attendance was as diverse as Microsoft Corporation and encompassed attendees from many different regions and religions. SPH began by explaining how the instinct, the intellect, the intelligence and the intuition develop. SPH went over these concepts in order for the delegates to understand the different phases of processing and how we switch from Conscious to Unconscious. The session ended with SPH answering questions from the audience followed by the Mahamantra meditation. Later that day  the SPH gave a discourse titled 'Caterpillar to Butterfly - The Inner Alchemy' at the Overlake Conference Center, Overlake Square Mall in Seattle.
That day’s Discourse to the Microsoft Corporation was conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 01 April 2005, in Seattle, WA, USA.
=== Description: ===
In this video Swamiji explains the process of intuition as a science, and introduces a meditation process to tune ourselves to intuition. If we are in tuned with intuition, the space manifested is always satisfaction, Joy and bliss.
In this video Swamiji explains the process of intuition as a science, and introduces a meditation process to tune ourselves to intuition. If we are in tuned with intuition, the space manifested is always satisfaction, Joy and bliss.
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=== Link To Video:===
==Transcript: ==
What is the prerequisite? Let Me give that prerequisite. You see, after the intuition you will feel very good about it, very beautiful about it. Inside your body you will feel as if you had a beautiful rest, bliss or whatever you call, ecstasy or very…you will be at ease with yourself. If you are at ease with yourself, bubbling, if you feel like dancing, then you can be sure you had intuition or you had only instinct, not intuition.
Q: In one of our major religions the closest thing to meditation they have is prayer. It is very similar in one way. It is conscious thought answers and also a time that will do some sort of sounds. Lot of people then think that they hear God, speak to them. Do You think that is intuition?
Swamiji: I don't know. To tell you honestly, I don't know because from which context you are asking this question itself I don't know. You are asking from some religion or from your experience, I don't know. To tell you honestly, when intuition happens you don't even feel that there is somebody like God and he is speaking to you. No, at least from My experience I can say, you don't feel there is somebody else and he is speaking to you, but if you feel that there is somebody else and speaking to you, I don't know about it. This is not..... what to say that... under My understanding.
Sometime… one…. sometime, if he is successful about what he is getting from the God, then it is accepted as intuition. Then what he has written has become a holy book. If he is not successful, then he is called autocratic or something. You see, Hitler would have won the war, he would have become a saint and his books would have become holy books. So we can't actually say about these things, what you are asking that... somebody speaking to us and all those things, we can't say straight away. Okay.
Q: I am kind like to go back to…. Something happens to me, this happens a lot, and it can be a very tiny tiny things like …. Or it can be something big but Then I think about I and I think her way and very quickly the first one proves me that I am right that something just stupid … So the first thing is just instinct because I thought about it or does the conscious mind struggles as
Swamiji: One more thing, conscious mind always struggles to take the intuition away because intuition means risk. Only the people who have got courage, for them intuition… intuition is only for the people who have got courage, who have guts, who really wants to achieve. Only for them the intuition is allowed or only their conscious mind allows the intuition to work. So what you say I can understand, you are again and again having the glimpse of intuition but you are not able to use it or handle it because of your trained conscious mind. So once in a while you can try in a small way. See, where it is not much risky, just try and I always tell people, “Jump before you think. If you start thinking you will never jump.” I have not seen anybody jumping by thinking. See, the moment you jump you have to stop thinking. If you are continuously thinking how will you jump? So I don't think anybody who thinks can jump. Only…. and anybody who jumps always has to stop thinking... So I feel a little bit of wherever it is not too risky you can just trust your intuition and you will see that you will be encouraging it.
And one more thing, many time the successful CEOs’ words become a book. That becomes a law but I tell you, just outer success… of course, it is something to do with intuition but just because somebody is successful you can't say all his things are intuition. There is a science behind it. There is a clear cut science behind it. The science behind intuition is what I call... you will feel so much of energetic, joyful, comfortable, blissful and one more thing, with intuition, when you live with intuition you will always feel totally satisfied that you have done your best, you made it, you lived. You will have such a deep satisfaction that you lived. Apart from the outside success…. you will have success, that is one thing. Apart from that you will have a very deep feeling of satisfaction within yourself which we usually miss even if we make enough money.
Q: People have different levels of Intelligence. Is this the same with intuition or somebody can have a bigger pool of intuition that can be tapped into, which then can be challenged to….
Swamiji: I can say that the more time you can stay in the meditation state, the thoughtless awareness state, the more you are able to stay in that state, the more stronger will be your intuition. Yes?
Q: The team will always interact with other team members or the other world. What is the link between the inner world and the outer world and basically when we go to meditative mode or intuitive mode, what is the link between the inner world and outer world?
Swamiji: Of course, it is very deep question. Only thing I am little afraid that I have to make few statements which I can't prove intellectually, which I don't usually do. There are something which can't be explained just based on the intellect. You need to.... I need to make few statements which you can't understand straightaway intellectually which you.... of course, if you work on it you may be able to understand. For example you see, there is a formula X x 2 = 4. First to understand that we have to substitute 2 in the place of X. Then once we finish the working 2 x 2 is 4. Now we know X is 2 but till working we need to have patience. When I substitute, immediately you see, why should we substitute 2 in the place of X? Why not 3? Why not 6? I have no answer. So we need to have a little patience till we finish the calculation. So now I am making two-three statements. You need to have little patience till I finish the complete analysis or complete calculation.
First thing, there is no such thing called inner world and outer world. The whole thing is one and the same. Again and again it is your inner world projected in the outer world. Whether you believe it or not, accept it or not, want it or not, truth is truth. Somebody asked Me, “Swamiji, many religions don't believe it. What to do?” I said, “I don't know about that. This is the truth.” Whether you believe it or not, accept it or not, truth is truth. There are few truths. It is... basically there is no such thing as outer world and inner world. It is only one world: your being. Whatever happens there you start creating in the outer world. You start expressing. The difficulty is, you start creating and then you forget what you created. The process is so unconscious. You are continuously fighting with your own desires.
Then when something wrong happens in the outer world you say, “No, no, no. I never wanted this wrong. This has happened. How can you say I wanted this wrong in my outer world?” But you don't know. Many times our desires are fighting with ourself. Continuously you create tug-of-war inside you and when you project the same thing in the outer world and when it happens in the outer world, you say, “No, no, no. This is not mine, this is not mine.” It is like you invite somebody. You first send the telegram, then you send an email, then fax, then give a call, then finally somehow get him. The moment he enters your house, you say, “No, no, no, I have not invited you. I have invited somebody else.” Of course, before inviting, you don't know what you are... whom you are inviting.
Same way before it is expressed, you don't know what you are creating in your mental setup. The things are happening in the unconscious level. Thing comes to the conscious level. You don't even know what’s going on. That is the problem. That is why we are not able to accept that whatever happens in the inner world only happens in the outer world. It is you who is giving space or place for everything. You can go to the extreme. Of course, I don't have enough time to prove it or have no time to explain it step by step. Even accidents are created by us. It is one of the important statement everyone of us to understand. Even accidents are created by us. We create the possibility. It is like a… if you tune yourself to BBC,  you are tuning TV to BBC, you see that programs. If you tune the TV to CNN you see that programs. It is you who is tuning yourself to the incidents of your life. It is you who is creating the possibilities for things to happen in your life and one more thing, whether you believe it or not, surely life is totally in our control, in our hands. At least the major decisions are in our hands.
Volunteer: We will take one last question and then Swami will be available after the meditation session for anybody to answer questions.
Swamiji: I will do one thing, because I don't want so many to wait. So if you have any questions I will be available here after the meditation. We will have few minutes of meditation. I will be available here. You can come to Me personally. I will try to answer. I will be here for 5-10 minutes. I will answer your questions individually. Okay, now any last question?
Q: Hello Swamiji, the question I have is regards to management. In a team there are two or more individuals who are tapping the intuition and they get they have an intuition. They have lot of energy and working towards each other. Does that ever produce a competitive environment or it would it always be a collaborative or it depends on the situation?
Swamiji: Intuition is always complimenting each other, it can never contradict each other. It can only complement each other. See, if there is contradiction, be very clear, there is a missing link. Something is missing. In the world there is nothing called contradiction. There is no contradiction. People come and ask Me, “Swamiji, there is so much of contradiction between my inner world and outer world.” I tell them, “No. Means there is some missing link. Try to find that.” There is nothing contradiction in the Existence. Always things are complimenting. Please be very clear, I am neither pessimist nor optimist. I am not giving you some positive solutions or positive suggestions or positive thoughts. No, I am just stating the truth.
People ask Me, “Swamiji, are You teaching positive ideas?” I tell them, “No. It is a reality.” The moment you think something is positive, you already think it is not truth. You decided it is not truth. But I tell you, there is nothing called positive or negative. I am just stating what is truth. So if there is some contradiction, be very clear, some missing link, it is some missing link. Work for it. The intuition is always complimentary. It is compliment. Whether physical or mental or emotional or social level, in all the levels, it is only complementary to your being. Thank you.
Volunteer: There are a couple of minor things I want to announce. First of photo and video that they are taking is from permission from Microsoft and will not be used for any purpose other than for Swamiji’s records and the second thing is, Swami is now going to take us again. I refer to Him as Swami. It has got no religious connotation. You are more than welcome to call Him as Paramahamsa Sri Nithyananda or any part of that. He is probably the most outgoing person that I have ever seen in that sense and then the last thing I wanted to mention is He is going to go through a practical technique. You may consider that meditation if you are not willing to do that, Swami is very open to that as well. You don’t have to. It is optional. Swami conveys this as a mind control technique and that’s the important point I want to convey across. It is a technique to control your mind, to tap in into the intuition that we all had, we all still have. Just make it better. That’s all this technique is all about. Thank you.
Swamiji: It is a simple technique to use this unconscious zone. Instead of using it as a instinct or intellect, we will be tapping that energy to use it in intuition level. We are either using it as a instinct or as a intellect but now we can have a technique to use it as a intuition. Let Me first explain what we are exactly going to do. We are going to give conscious rest to the conscious mind. Consciously we are going to reduce the verbalization or chattering which continuously happens in our being and then we are going to give space for this unconscious to express itself. When it starts expressing, whatever you have suppressed, everything will come and naturally you will see a pure, relaxed bliss energy or a pure relaxation starts happening in you the moment you enter into this intuition zone. And it will not only encourage, straightaway give you the result of intuitions. I can say about this in a very clear way because in last two years I worked with quarter million people. I have seen two and half lakh individuals and we have four hundred centers in twenty countries. Everyday ten thousand people are touched by our meditation teachers. So with all this experience I can say it works, it just works. Thank you.
Now I will narrate the technique. It is just a very simple technique. Four step: one is sitting straight. You can sit in a chair or sofa, no problem but your head, backbone and neck, all three should be in straight line. Next, I will give the instruction. Then you can go for practicing. The second instruction is closing the eyes. When I say close your eyes, I don't mean just closing the eyelids. We all know only how to close our eyelids, not the eyes. We need to understand little more. Once we close our eyes, continuously the inside visualization will be going on- inside TV, that will be running. I wanted even that should be stopped. How to do it? If you can just create little pressure, not much, little pressure on the eyeballs mentally, not by hands, mentally, just you can create little pressure on the eyeballs. There will be a slight eyeball movements usually. If you can stop it then slowly that visualization will come down. The visualization will come down. Within thirty seconds you can bring the visualization down. Of course whether it comes down or not you don't have to bother. Just do for thirty seconds. Create a little pressure on your eyeballs. Then relax the eyeballs.  
Then we will go for something called humming. Humming means giving consciously rest to your conscious mind, trying to reduce the number of thoughts consciously. Let Me show how to do. Let your hands be relaxed and start. (Swamiji demonstrates the humming three times) Just balancing your energy, tuning yourself. With your mouth closed, just you will be tuning yourself and reducing the number of thoughts giving consciously rest to your conscious mind reaching the thoughtless awareness. For at least fifteen minutes continuously try to create this humming sound. Try not to allow any thoughts. Try your best just to create humming sound and after that just for ten minutes sit as you are. Neither create any thought, don't destroy or sustain. Just relax, whatever happens let it happen. Just give ten minutes of rest for yourself.
Let Me again repeat the instruction. Four step: sitting straight, closing the eyes, fifteen minutes of humming, fifteen, even twenty minutes humming and ten minutes of rest, silent sitting. These are just four steps. You can straightaway tune yourself to the intuition. With the first two instruction sitting straight and closing the eyes you are preparing yourself and… in the second, first by sitting straight and closing your eyes, you are preparing yourself. The third, by humming you are giving conscious rest to your conscious mind, means you are entering into the thoughtless awareness state. The fourth state, fourth step, you are allowing the unconscious to become intuition. You are allowing the unconscious to work in the intuition level. The more you are restless, more it will be instinct. The more you are peaceful, more it will be intuitive. So you are giving a small rest
I wanted to give you a small tip just like a takeaway, take away home. A small thing. Even if you forget everything whatever I said, no problem forget, leave it. Just carry this one meditation. This one meditation can awaken your intuition. First thing, there is something called intuition. Whether you believe it or not, whether you accept it or not, whether you want it or not, truth is truth. There is something called intuition. If you can... you have only one choice. Either you update yourself by awakening it or you get outdated by not working on it. This is the only thing. The next thing, this meditation can awaken, tune yourself to the intuition. The third thing, whenever you are restless, whenever you are in the hands of instinct, please don't make any major decision. Just give few minutes rest to yourself. Relax into your being. Let you enter into this thoughtless awareness. Only then make any decision. Decide very clearly I will not do any major decision when I am in this restless state or the Instinct level.
The third thing, very important thing, whenever you have intuition rarely in your life, if it happens by itself like as I said that many of you had many of intuitive experiences. Whenever it happens in your life again don't brush it aside. Try to encourage it. Try to listen to your mind. Even if it says something wrong, just listen. Just be little sympathetic. Just try to listen. When you give time to so many persons why not to yourself? Just give appointment to yourself. Just these three point: there is something called intuition. This meditation can tune yourself to intuition and third thing, whenever it happens, don't brush it aside. Try to encourage it. Thank you. Now we will go for meditation. Any doubt in the instruction? Okay. If any of you are not interested, it is up to you. If you are interested you can do.
Please close your eyes and sit straight. You can sit straight…. Close your eyes…. Create little bit of pressure mentally on your eyeballs…. You can start humming as deeply as possible, as intensely as possible.
(26:03) to (29:25)
Meditation in progress
Don't suppress or create. Just relax… Whatever happens let it happen in your being.
(29:36) to (32:16)
Meditation in progress
Relax. You can open your eyes. Actually we have not done for fifteen minutes. We did only for few minutes because we have no time. I request you when you to do it in your house at least fifteen to twenty minutes and ten minutes of silence. Totally it takes hardly half an hour but surely it works.
Thank you.
==Link to Video: ==
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'''On April 1st 2005, HDH visited the Microsoft Corporation in Seattle and delivered a discourse to a large gathering titled Intuitive Management.
Big Challenges: Bring 'em On. After the discourse, He interacted with the employees of the organization and gave them the simple Mahamantra meditation technique that they could practice every day. There were hundreds of attendees in person at the fully packed hall at Microsoft Conference Center. The event was also webcast live inside Microsoft Corporation. The attendance was as diverse as Microsoft Corporation and encompassed attendees from many different regions and religions. HDH set the stage for the audience on how instinct, intellect, intelligence, and intuition development. HDH went over the concepts to understand the different phases of processing and how we switch from Conscious to Unconscious. The session ended with HDH answering questions from the audience followed by the Mahamantra meditation.
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<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1man_EUMoHRZwTDPyZTTEsKIy2usP11E0" alt="Microsoft Seattle - Seattle Apr 1 028_watermark.jpg" height="400">
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==== Overlake Square Mall ====
==== Overlake Square Mall ====
'''HDH gives a discourse titled 'Caterpillar to Butterfly - The Inner Alchemy' at the Overlake Conference Center, Overlake Square Mall in Seattle.</div>
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<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1t6ZjsXVZgyHenD08EQPA2cggpzI3s8xI" alt="Overlake Square Mall - Seattle Apr 1 029_watermark.jpg" height="400">
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<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=10-ZTfrWiCTrTF5FnTmyBRFDwzuOISukF" alt="Overlake Square Mall - Seattle Apr 1 030_watermark.jpg" height="400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=10-ZTfrWiCTrTF5FnTmyBRFDwzuOISukF" alt="Overlake Square Mall - Seattle Apr 1 030_watermark.jpg" height="400">
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Latest revision as of 18:47, 20 October 2022


Power Of Intuition - Intuitive Management Redmond North America, Part 1, 1 April 2005

Link to Video:



Introduction of Swamiji by a volunteer: Good afternoon everybody. My name is Kanen Iyer. I am a program manager with IT directory program builders. On behalf of Microsoft I wish to extend the warm welcome to Paramahamsa Sri Nithyananda Swami from India. We refer to Him as Swami. Today I also have the honor to introducing Swami to you. He has mastered the techniques to control the mind, to manage the mind. The techniques that help unleash the potential of the mind, what I mean by that is intuition, creative visualization, and various other things He will be explaining to you shortly. The techniques that can be put to use in contrary work like ours. The techniques that light latent in every person…. He is sharing it with the whole world. There are 400 centers in 20 different countries all over the world, that teach and practice these techniques in everyday life. Today He is here to show you, how they can applied to the problem we face in this corporate setups. We have day to day problems. We often face many complex problems being in the field that we are in, when in never seen before situation that do not have any precedent. If we have precedent we know how to react, if we don’t have precedent we don’t know how to react. How to see them you know how to react. If you don’t know how to see them what will be … A gut feel, intuition that's what they call, a gut feel that has no proof that it will work, no conclusion that it will work, no evidence that it will work… but there are various kinds of … There are some that pretty much ends up being reckless … There are some that if used properly and …right thing to do. Like Bill Gates, he never had a clue whether spending 40,000 upfront for software to a company and licensing them for $1/piece idea would work. He never had gut feel it would be reckless and did not work. Exactly that intuition how do you capitalize on it, we all have… We just lost it half way through. That's what He is going to be talk about today. He is going to talk about theory and science behind the intuition. Then He will have open discussion with all of you. You the audience can get on the concerts directly with Him and directly from Him how to make it better … And optionally you can also practice the mind control techniques that He is explaining today… He will take an understanding how to tap your intuition into furthering your intelligence and execute on it… Intuition leads to innovation, innovation leads to and after all that’s why we are here for… I don’t want to take any more time, I now hand over to Swami,... Thank you.


Swamiji: I welcome you all with My love and respects. It is nice to be with you all. Intuition: wonderful subject. In the modern day, again and again when you ask the successful CEOs how they took the major decisions or the decisions which turned their life, which is the main reason for their success, again and again their answers surprises us. Again and again, they say something beyond intellect happened in them, that gave them the energy or the gut, you can say the guts to take this decision. Not only with successful CEOs, even with scientists. The other day I got the chance to have a lunch with doctor Charles Townes who is a Nobel Prize winner. He did research and gave a breakthrough in the field of laser and maser. I asked him, “Sir, how could you do this? How you are able to do? How it happened to you?”


He said beautiful way, “I was just sitting in a park in Washington DC. Suddenly something happened like a revelation. The conclusion was there in me. Suddenly it was revealed to me. I penned down what I experienced. Now I had a big difficulty. I know the conclusion but I don't know the steps. I was not able to present this to anybody else because I know only the conclusion. I don't know the steps.” He says, “Something like revelation happened to me.” And not only with Dr. Charles Townes, again with Einstein. Einstein says, “Whatever new thing has happened through me is just based on intuition, not based on intellect.” He says a beautiful saying. I brought that saying for you. One of his quotation, “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”


Whether you believe it or not, accept it or not, there is something called intuition. Of course, even Einstein says this as a gift because he doesn't know. We are not sure when it will come, whether it will come or not but yogis, the mystics again and again say, you can have intuition as a salary means you can work for it and you can be sure about it. You don't have to think intuition is a gift. You can work for it. It can become part of your life. Whatever new thing has happened, it has happened only through intuition. It has happened only when something happens beyond your intellect means your whole being is integrated. You are at your peak. When you are at your peak, something opens. You may call it a revelation or intuition which happens beyond intellect. Yogis have again and again said it is a science. If you can tune yourself to this intuition or to this energy which is continuously available in your being, you can use this in your regular life. In the West, intuition is always an accident. Once in a while it happens. With yogis, again and again they say it is a incident. You can make it happen. They know how to make this happen.


Today we will see what is intuition, how the mind works and how you can awaken that power inside our being. The small diagram I will try to present how usually our mind works. With a small example, I will try to explain how the mind works, how you process the information in your mind. For example, you see something. First, the eye sees. Next, in Sanskrit we call this part as Chaksu. It is almost like a digital signal processor like a DSP, there is something called Chaksu. The signal, visual input is converted as a digital file. Then it goes to memory. In Sanskrit we call it as Chitta. When it goes to memory, little more work is done on that file. For example, if you are seeing Me now, the file is processed through Chaksu. Then it is taken to chitta, memory. The memory first starts analyzing. It first excludes. First it starts thinking, it starts saying, “Oh, this is not an animal. This is not a plant. This is not a rock.” All that exclusion, all that excluding process is done by the chitta, by memory.


Next, the file goes to mind. We call in Sanskrit, manas. The mind starts processing. Now it says, mind comes to a conclusion, ‘This is human being or a person who is taking classes.’ Next, your mind starts associating all your memories - the earlier classes which you attended, something to do with yoga or meditation or this type of intuitive management, all those things you try to associate. Then next, the whole file takes a quantum leap and then your ego decides based on your past experiences. If your past experiences with some yoga, meditation, these management classes are okay, if you are happy with those classes, if you think that it has helped, you decide to sit or you think, “This is not for me.” You take the decision. The decision is taken by ego.


Understand this small process. You are seeing Me. Eye takes the file to Chaksu. Chaksu converts the whole thing into a digital signal. Just like a digital signal, the conversion happens inside your being and then the file goes to memory. Memory, memory does only one thing: excluding. This is not, this is not, this is not. Only that is done by memory. Identification is done by mind. ‘This is it’ is done by mind, manas. Then the whole file takes a quantum leap. You decide your past experiences helped you or how you felt. Based on that now you decide whether to sit here or to leave the hall.


And now, the gap between the eye and the mind- this process is conscious. You are aware of that process. From eye to mind, it happens with your awareness. You are conscious about it but this mind to ego, that process, you are not conscious about it. Many time the process happens. Mind to ego process happens so unconsciously. You decide against your logic. You decide against your thought process. For example, according to the datas which you collected, you know for sure smoking is injurious to health. It is not good for your body, it is not good for your mind but when the file takes the quantum leap, unconscious process happens. Simply you decide to smoke. Conscious process says, ‘No, it is not good for health’ but unconscious process says…it never even says. It just gives the decision and you execute.


Many time, the decisions are not under your control because the unconscious is very powerful. Unconscious is very, very powerful. See, the unconscious can be used in three way: in instinct level, in intellect level and intuition level. As long as the unconscious is filled with negative memories and restlessness, it works in a instinct level. You decide just instantly. You don’t even know why you are angry. Suddenly you show your anger. Suddenly you burst. Sometime you feel some activities or some words which you speak, you feel, ‘This is not me.’ You do something. After that, you think, ‘This is not me. How did I do this? How did I allow this to happen? How did I make this decision?’ This happens because the unconscious is working in the instinct level.


Many time, you just associate things without even logic connection, without even consciously. For example, if you are disturbed by somebody who was with white dress, the moment you see somebody wearing white dress, the same memory comes and you feel the anger. You feel like not being around him or you feel that you just wanted to burst. This is the instinct level without even your conscious mind, without even you understanding, just like that, it happens. If your unconscious is too much loaded, if your unconscious is restless, you will behave in the instinct level.


Another one, intellect. Most of us behave either instinct or intellect level. Another one is intellect. Okay, with conscious but you don't have enough of enthusiasm. You just go, alright. You just go okay with conscious mind but you are not creative. You are not innovative. You don't take big steps. You don't grow. It is just like a faithful servant as Albert Einstein says. The intellect is a faithful servant. You can be a servant throughout your life. You can be just a servant but nothing more can happen through you. Nothing big will happen through us. It is just, you will be collecting the datas, you will be processing it and deleting it. Nothing more than a computer. If we are standing only in the intellect level, we are not using our potential maximum, to the extent which is supposed to be used.


The next is intuition. This is very… in a little deep understanding you need to go deep into this whole science. Only then you will be able to understand what I mean by the word intuition. Intuition is something which happens to you beyond your intellect. Suddenly you know for sure that this is the right thing and you have enough energy also to do it but you don't know the step because this unconscious is always quantum leap. You don't know the step how you came to the conclusion but you know for sure this is right. This energy is needed whenever you face a situation when there was no precedence and you have very minimum data. With minimum data you have to take decision and there was no precedence. In this type of situation... another one. You have lot of choices. You are not able to decide what you are supposed to do. In this type of situations, the intuition energy can help you. The intuition power can give you the courage or give you the right choice.


The intuition, again and again gives you the energy not only to decide, to execute what you have decided. People ask Me, “Swamiji, how to find out whether I am having intuition or I am just intellectual? Sometimes I am confused. Is it intuition or intellectual?” I tell them, “If you are confused, be very clear, it is just intellectual.” The very confusion shows it is only intellectual. When you have the intuition, when you experience intuition, not only you get the intellectual clarity, not only you get the answer, you get enough of power to execute it. You don't know. You just have the power. The potential power which is inside your being is just unleashed. You open up and just like that, you start expressing it. You start executing it.


Now, the next question, how to awaken the intuition? How to awaken the intuition power? If we can consciously give rest to our conscious mind..... usually our conscious mind never rests. If we can give consciously rest to our conscious mind for a while, the energy which is in the unconscious level will open up and usually when the unconscious level energy opens up, first whatever is suppressed will come out. Next, will come the pure energy which we call intuition. When pure energy starts coming out from the unconscious level you don't use the unconscious in the instinct level or intellectual level. You use it for intuition. The higher level energy starts happening in you and of course, above all, yogis do believe the higher level energy heals you physically, mentally and emotionally. Apart from healing, mainly I wanted you to concentrate and understand. This can help to reduce the stress and to decide spontaneously.


See, the spontaneity has nothing to do with data which you collect. It is something to do with the way in which you process the datas. The same data, same information can be processed in many ways. Intuition is all about how you process and how you come to the conclusion beyond your intellect. We can prepare ourselves, we can tune ourselves to this intuition energy through techniques, through methods which we call meditation. In the East, we use the word meditation just to tune yourself to this higher energy of your being which continuously again and again invites you to experience it.


Whenever you find time and sit with yourself, you can always see, some part of your being, if at all you have given appointment to yourself.. actually you give appointment to everybody. We never give appointment to ourself. If you have given appointment to yourself you can always feel some part of your being wants to express, wants to do something more than what you are doing but we never give chance or the time to that part, to that portion of our being. We are so much caught up with intellect. We think intellect is ultimate, but again and again yogis prove something more than intellect is possible. And any discovery or invention, you can see, the role of intuition is always there. Whether it is Einstein or Newton…. Newton also, he had something beyond his intellect. See, everyone of our garden apple falls but none of us have become Newton. Something beyond mind has happened to him, something more than intellect has happened to him which can happen in every one of us. It is not that it can happen only to Newton or Einstein. It can happen to everyone of us if we can tune ourself to that energy. Tuning ourself to that energy is what I call meditation.


In the end of the session we will have a very practical session which can awaken this intuition in you just with few days of practice. When I say few days I just mean two-three days. Two-three days is more than enough to tune yourself to this intuition. As on now we are using our unconscious energy either in instinct level or in intellect level. It can be tuned and you can use it in the intuition level to make the decisions, creativity, whatever you call. Now I request you all to analyze these few theories with your questions. We will try to analyze this with our question-answer. So anybody wants to put any question you are welcome. Then we will go for practical technique. You are welcome to put questions.


Volunteer: Anybody that has a question please pick on the microphone so everybody else that is listening because we can also hear the questions. She has a question here. Q: Swamiji, good afternoon. You said to feel the unconscious or to unleash the intuition or other powers one has to rest consciously in conscious mind. So is there a way we can do it? Swamiji: Yes, that is what I call meditation. Consciously resting means thoughtless awareness. I'll make a small diagram and I will explain.


(Swamiji writes a diagram and explains) You see, we have two level of consciousness and two level of thought. For example now you have thoughts. In the deep sleep do you have thoughts? No. Q: I don’t know. Swamiji: Surely not. That's why you are able to sleep. And now you have something called ‘I’ consciousness, the feeling of ‘I’. In the deep sleep, surely it is not there. If it is there we can't sleep. This two state of being and level of mind criss-cross each other and creates four state. For example, with I consciousness and with thoughts what we call waking state, waking, now, what you are experiencing is waking state. You have I consciousness and thoughts, both. Next thing, without I consciousness, with thoughts is what we call dream. You see, in the dream you have thoughts but the I consciousness is less. The frequency of thoughts is more than frequency of I consciousness. That is why in the dream you are not able to control your dreams. Only dreams will happen as it wants.


In the waking state, you can control your thoughts. In the dream state you can't control your thoughts. The intensity or the frequency of I, frequency of I consciousness is less than frequency of thoughts in the dream state. The third thing, you neither have I consciousness nor have thoughts. That's what we call deep sleep, deep sleep. And there is a fourth state which we never experienced. That is what I call intuition or meditation. You have I consciousness but no thoughts. You have I consciousness but no thoughts. This is what I call meditation or intuition, whatever. In Sanskrit, we call it Samadhi. You have I consciousness but no thoughts, thoughtless awareness. If we can experience this zone, the fourth state, we can experience the different consciousness, what I call beyond intellect. The bliss or the peace or the intuition. Whatever you may name it. You can experience this fourth state with this.


See, the practical use of this fourth state is, it can give you so much of creativity, so much of courage, so much of confidence, you can decide spontaneously. Ability to take spontaneous decision is what I call responsibility. The more you are able to decide spontaneously, the more you become responsible. There are so many situations you can't work just with datas. There are so many situations. First of all datas will not be available or very limited data will be available. You will not be able to have the decisions taken by elders or earlier person. There will be no precedence. So in that type of situations, you need something more than what you call intellect. You need something beyond just your data. You need what I call the thoughtless awareness. If you can experience even the glimpse, not only your life in your office or in your corporate level, even your relationships can totally change.


You see, even the relationships failures happen because of our reactive mind. The reactive mind..... When I use the word reactive mind, unconscious mind, there are two things. One is collecting all the arguments and then passing judgment. Another one is, your judgment is ready. You just collect the arguments to support your judgment. When we are unconscious, when we are instinct, judgment is ready. You just want the arguments to support your judgment. You decide he or she is wrong. Then you go round collecting some arguments to support your judgment. It means you are only working in the instinct level. We are only working in the instinct level.


Sometimes the instinct and intuition will look same. People ask Me, “How to differentiate, Swamiji?” With intuition you will feel tremendously energetic, alive. With instinct, you will feel you are drained. Whenever you decide you are using your intellect and feel drained, be very clear, you are working in instinct level. Many time our anger and other emotions, we just decide instinctly. Then we understand, “Oh! Why did I do this?” You create guilt. Guilt is the gift from unconsciousness or Instinct level decisions.


If you can experience this fourth state, what I call meditation, surely we will be able to harvest the energy which is in our being which I call intuition and you can use the equivalent psychological terms. For waking you can say conscious, for dream subconscious, deep sleep unconscious. Of course, the fourth state meditation has no word because psychology could not go so deep. So they have no word for this meditation. In Sanskrit, we call the waking as jagrat, dream as swapna, deep sleep as sushupti, meditation as turiya, fourth state. So all you need to experience is this thoughtless awareness. That is what I mean consciously resting. Yes? I put this table just to make you understand there is something called consciously resting: thoughtless awareness. There is something you may not have experienced but there is something. Yes?


Q: Where does intuition come from? Swamiji: From you. It can’t come from anybody else. Surely it is only from you. Because you have not experienced that zone, that part, that dimension of our being, we forgot that something called intuition exists. You see, for example, small thing. Somebody asked Me in one seminar, “Swamiji, many times it happens in my life. When I hear the knock on the door, suddenly I remember some friend's name. When I go and open, the same person is standing. When a phone rings or when my cell phone rings, suddenly I remember somebody's name who I have not seen for two-three years but when I pick up, he is there on the line and when I am sitting in a party suddenly I feel that particular person is going to come after few minutes. That person is there after few minutes! That person asked Me, “How it is happening? Many times I experienced this. How it is happening?” In the same group I asked, “How many of you have experienced this same thing at least once in your life?” More than 70% people raised their hands.


Now I can ask, “How many of you experienced like this something in your life at least once?” Again we can see, more than 70-80 %. One thing, if it happens in somebody's life once, we can call this as coincidence but 70% cannot be coincidence; 80% cannot be coincidence. You understand? There is something more to it. There is a logic behind it. There must be something behind it. We may not be able to know logically but it is not that there is nothing. See, when you know the logic, you call it as incident. When you don’t know, you just call it as coincident. I tell you, there is nothing happens without cause. The planet earth nothing can happen without cause. It is always cause and effect. When you know the cause and effect link you call it as incident. When you don't know you call it as coincident. So there cannot be anything called coincident. There is something which happens only from you. When this has happened from you, intuition also has to happen only from you.


Let Me explain how that happens, how you come upon that moments. Suddenly you feel that somebody is going to come and he is there and not only that, sometimes you feel, you will feel weird. You go to some new place, some of your friend’s house or somewhere. Suddenly you feel you have visited this same place already and you know in which room which things are there and which room is which side and you can exactly put the plan but it will be there as you saw. This also happens many times in our life. How can this happen? How many of you have experienced like this at least once? So many people! How can this be just coincident?


Let Me explain how this happens. Knowingly or unknowingly you just fall consciously into the deep restful state. Knowingly or unknowingly you just fall into this fourth state for a moment. For a moment you experience that thoughtless awareness. The thoughtless awareness can happen to you whenever you are blissful. Whenever you are blissful or you are totally relaxing, the thoughtless awareness can happen to you. Whenever you have the glimpse of intuition…see, intuition is not something away from you. It again and again happens to you. Only thing, we take these things as coincidence and brush it aside. We don't give enough importance to it and we don't encourage our being to grow in that line.


Whatever you brush aside, it never grows. You need to encourage it. You need to allow it to happen to you. For example, when your child start speaking, unless you sit and listen, it will not again and again speak to you. If you just brush it aside, if you brush him aside, he has to keep quiet. Nothing else can be done. Same way, your being tries to relate with you again and again through these small, small incidents. If you can encourage it, if you can recognize it, naturally it will express the higher dimension what we call intuition. When we don't encourage, when we brush it aside in the name, “Oh! it is just a coincidence,’ when we brush it aside, we are not encouraging the higher dimension of our being.


Whenever you experience that intuition or the small glimpse of intuition in your life, you are falling in this state what I call meditation. You fall in the state thoughtless awareness, conscious without thoughts. You fall into that state. You can fall into that state accidently. Accidentally you can fall into that state. That is the way all these scientists, they experience the thoughtless awareness state accidentally but now we have enough techniques. Why should it be accidental? You can make it as a reality in day-to-day life. So whenever you experience the thoughtless awareness, without your knowledge you come upon this kind of glimpse of intuition. It always happens only from your being.


Q: I just have a follow up question. The reason I asked that question is because in a similar session, the Swamiji had said that the knowledge in the Vedas comes not from a education system but from a higher source of Intelligence and that is acquired through a system that is beyond five senses and logic. I was wondering if intuition comes from the same way? Swamiji: Yes, same. Intuition is also from same. You see, it is like a…. if somebody creates a formula to reproduce the same experience which happens in the outer world, he is called scientist. If somebody creates a formula to reproduce the same experience which happens in the inner world, he is called a Rishi. If you create a formula to reproduce the same thing in the outer world -writing software or anything, you are called a scientist. If you create a formula to reproduce the experience which happens in the inner world, you are called Rishi. So meditation is nothing but a formula to reproduce the same intuition which is experienced in the inner world.


What you experienced we are trying to create a formula to deepen it, to reproduce it again and again in a deeper level in your being. The meditation is nothing but a technique or a formula to reproduce what happens to you at the time of intuition, what happens to you when you have the glimpse of what is going to happen. The same thing in a deeper level in a great level we are trying to create it in your being. Yes?


Q: Swamiji, how in a team environment if you make a intuitive decision, do you have a recommendation to address… Swamiji: You see, one more thing. Along with intuition, you have enough of energy, courage to convince others. You see, why do you think the conflict rise? The conflict always rise when you are not able to look into each other's' eyes. When we are not honest, only then conflict rises. I tell you, all conflict starts only inside. When it starts from inside, it expresses in the outside and when intuition happens, you will be so clear, so clear about it and this Dr. Charles Townes, I asked him, “Sir, you say you had a revelation. I can accept. I can accept because I know. I can sympathize with your idea but how did scientific community accepted you?” He said, “After that I have to sit and work to create the path or how I arrived to the conclusion. When I did that community naturally accepted.”


One more thing, when intuition happens to you, you will have enough Intelligence to create that path also. You will be able to create the logical path how you came to this conclusion and naturally you will be able to present it logically. When it happens, it happens in intuitive level. When you can express, you can always express with the intellect and one more thing, whenever intuition happens, your intellect also gets sharpened to express it. Intuition is the experience. When you express, again you will have enough energy to express it. It is after all energy. Energy is intelligence. Your being is intelligence.


One more thing, we never trust our being is intelligent. We always measure our being only based on our weakest link. For example, if you just look your being and if you weigh yourself, we weigh only based on our weakest link. You are not your weakest link. Please be very clear, you are something more than your weakest link. A chain can be measured, the strength of the chain can be measured only based on the weakest link but strength of your being can't be measured based on the weakest link. We always measure based on our weakest link. It is not the reality. You have something more than what you think you are. Yes?


Q: Swamiji, You said that when you are in your dream state you can control your thoughts. How does one cause himself to control his thoughts to get to the waking state? Swamiji: How does one...? Q: How does one control his thoughts so he can get to the waking state? Swamiji: He can get to the waking state? Q: Yeah


Swamiji: In the waking state you will be able to control your thoughts. In the dream state you will not be able to control. The moment you try to control, you will come back to waking state. It is a nature. It is a nature. You see, dream state is like a catharsis. You need to have, you need to relax. You need some time in which you can just go wild because you are so controlled, you need to have something to come out of your being. Dream is an area in which you use to express whatever is suppressed. For example, if you are fasting for two-three days, you will have a feast in the dream. Whatever you suppressed they come up in the dreams. There is some part of your being, there must be some part of your being. You must give enough time to dream so that the catharsis can happen. Too much of steam or too much of things should not be suppressed in you. It is like a safety valve. Too much of steam is not good. So you need to open up. So I feel it is good if the dreams are not under your control. Now I am hearing new theory harvesting the power of dreams and all those things. Not only they are very dangerous I am seeing the result. They are creating lot of side effects. You are not resting even in your dreams! You must have little time for yourself. You must have little time for yourself. So allow the dreams to be as they are. Please give some time for yourself.


Q: Swami, my question can relate to the last question the fourth stage…(not clear) Swamiji: If you are after that solution, do you feel relaxed and calm? Q: Generally if I wake up, I have the passion to get it done. Swamiji: No, when you get up and have the solution in your mind, after how you will feel? Do you feel relaxed, comfortable, happy or you feel irritated, hangover that you have not slept properly, you have not rested properly? How do you feel? Q: You mean when I go to sleep or… Swamiji: No, when you come out. Q: I feel …(not clear) Swamiji: When you come out with solution, you feel comfortable? Q: Yes Swamiji: Physically, physically how do you feel? You feel that you have rested? Q: I would say yes.


Swamiji: Then it's okay, then carry on. It means you are not one in your dreams. The solution comes from intuition. See, you can decide only the after effect, based on the after effect. If you are feeling dull, tired, disturbed, you have not slept, then you must stop this practice. You must give some time for yourself. And now modern day psychologists, they say more than fourteen days if your dreams are continuously disturbed, there is every possibility you will get, you will be emotionally imbalanced. So we must allow some time to dream also. We must allow some time to dream also.


Q: I have a question.(not clear) Swamiji: From the young age you are taught, from the young age you are taught to suppress yourself, to doubt yourself, to question yourself. You are not allowed to believe yourself. For some reason I don't know, we are not allowed to believe ourself. I think that is one of the important reason why again and again we take things for granted, we don't trust ourself. So I feel in the initial level, questioning yourself is okay but in some higher level you need to trust yourself. Too much questioning yourself makes you schizophrenic, makes you split personality. One side is doing one thing, the other thing is just condemning that. I think we need to do some work or patch up work with ourselves.


Jesus says beautifully, “Love thy neighbor as you love thyself” but we never even love ourselves. Where to love others? So we need to love ourselves. We need to do some patch up work with ourselves first. That is why I always tell people, first integrate yourself. Then you can go for integrating others. Integrating ourselves is what I call meditation. Meditation is nothing but integrating our self. When you integrate yourself naturally you start experiencing the peak of intellect. See, the peak of instinct is intellect, the peak of intellect is intuition. When you integrate, you start growing. The more you integrate, you start growing.


Q: Swamiji, there are so many thousands of books written on meditative practices and this technique and this breathing and this TM. Does it matter what path you try? Swamiji: It is a nice question. If I ask you, “There are so many software. There are so many versions. Which one should I use?” What will you say? Q: One word. Swamiji: What you say honestly? No, what you think is working? No, no what I am saying, what you naturally will say? What you have written, what you have done, this only will work because only that you know. Only that you know. People may think that you are marketing your product but we can't help because you know only that. You don't know about other things much. You understand? Same way, you may think I am marketing Mine but I have no other way. I know only Mine. I don't know the other books. I don't know the other things too deeply. All I know is Mine. I can give you a simple technique now before ending the session which you can practice in your regular life which can awaken this intuition and give you all the positive effects of meditation or Samadhi.


Q: Good afternoon Swamiji, so let us say I have some intuition. How do I execute the intuition positively without going back or without doubting I got in my ming? Swamiji: See, the moment you start doubting it is not intuition. And one more thing, the moment you get the intuition, this question will not be there. How will I execute and all those things. These all are again and again done with the mind which oscillates this side and that side. This side and that side means you are at intellect level. So when intuition happens it happens from totally different plane, different level. Even though you are not able to trust, it is there in yourself because your own experiences says more than 80% of your experience, the intuition already at least once in your life. So it is there. It is there. Only thing, only when it happens, you will be able to understand this question. The ‘if’ questions can never be answered.



Power of Intuition - Intuitive Management, Redmond ,North America, Part 2 , 1 April 2005


On this day, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH), Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam visited the Microsoft Corporation in Seattle and delivered a discourse to a large gathering titled ‘’Intuitive Management’’, ‘’Big Challenges: Bring 'em On’’. After the discourse, He interacted with the employees of the organization and gave them the simple Mahamantra meditation technique that they could practice every day. There were hundreds of attendees in person at the fully packed hall at Microsoft Conference Center. The event was also webcast live inside Microsoft Corporation. The attendance was as diverse as Microsoft Corporation and encompassed attendees from many different regions and religions. SPH began by explaining how the instinct, the intellect, the intelligence and the intuition develop. SPH went over these concepts in order for the delegates to understand the different phases of processing and how we switch from Conscious to Unconscious. The session ended with SPH answering questions from the audience followed by the Mahamantra meditation. Later that day the SPH gave a discourse titled 'Caterpillar to Butterfly - The Inner Alchemy' at the Overlake Conference Center, Overlake Square Mall in Seattle.

That day’s Discourse to the Microsoft Corporation was conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 01 April 2005, in Seattle, WA, USA.


In this video Swamiji explains the process of intuition as a science, and introduces a meditation process to tune ourselves to intuition. If we are in tuned with intuition, the space manifested is always satisfaction, Joy and bliss.

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What is the prerequisite? Let Me give that prerequisite. You see, after the intuition you will feel very good about it, very beautiful about it. Inside your body you will feel as if you had a beautiful rest, bliss or whatever you call, ecstasy or very…you will be at ease with yourself. If you are at ease with yourself, bubbling, if you feel like dancing, then you can be sure you had intuition or you had only instinct, not intuition.


Q: In one of our major religions the closest thing to meditation they have is prayer. It is very similar in one way. It is conscious thought answers and also a time that will do some sort of sounds. Lot of people then think that they hear God, speak to them. Do You think that is intuition? Swamiji: I don't know. To tell you honestly, I don't know because from which context you are asking this question itself I don't know. You are asking from some religion or from your experience, I don't know. To tell you honestly, when intuition happens you don't even feel that there is somebody like God and he is speaking to you. No, at least from My experience I can say, you don't feel there is somebody else and he is speaking to you, but if you feel that there is somebody else and speaking to you, I don't know about it. This is not..... what to say that... under My understanding.


Sometime… one…. sometime, if he is successful about what he is getting from the God, then it is accepted as intuition. Then what he has written has become a holy book. If he is not successful, then he is called autocratic or something. You see, Hitler would have won the war, he would have become a saint and his books would have become holy books. So we can't actually say about these things, what you are asking that... somebody speaking to us and all those things, we can't say straight away. Okay.


Q: I am kind like to go back to…. Something happens to me, this happens a lot, and it can be a very tiny tiny things like …. Or it can be something big but Then I think about I and I think her way and very quickly the first one proves me that I am right that something just stupid … So the first thing is just instinct because I thought about it or does the conscious mind struggles as


Swamiji: One more thing, conscious mind always struggles to take the intuition away because intuition means risk. Only the people who have got courage, for them intuition… intuition is only for the people who have got courage, who have guts, who really wants to achieve. Only for them the intuition is allowed or only their conscious mind allows the intuition to work. So what you say I can understand, you are again and again having the glimpse of intuition but you are not able to use it or handle it because of your trained conscious mind. So once in a while you can try in a small way. See, where it is not much risky, just try and I always tell people, “Jump before you think. If you start thinking you will never jump.” I have not seen anybody jumping by thinking. See, the moment you jump you have to stop thinking. If you are continuously thinking how will you jump? So I don't think anybody who thinks can jump. Only…. and anybody who jumps always has to stop thinking... So I feel a little bit of wherever it is not too risky you can just trust your intuition and you will see that you will be encouraging it.


And one more thing, many time the successful CEOs’ words become a book. That becomes a law but I tell you, just outer success… of course, it is something to do with intuition but just because somebody is successful you can't say all his things are intuition. There is a science behind it. There is a clear cut science behind it. The science behind intuition is what I call... you will feel so much of energetic, joyful, comfortable, blissful and one more thing, with intuition, when you live with intuition you will always feel totally satisfied that you have done your best, you made it, you lived. You will have such a deep satisfaction that you lived. Apart from the outside success…. you will have success, that is one thing. Apart from that you will have a very deep feeling of satisfaction within yourself which we usually miss even if we make enough money.


Q: People have different levels of Intelligence. Is this the same with intuition or somebody can have a bigger pool of intuition that can be tapped into, which then can be challenged to…. Swamiji: I can say that the more time you can stay in the meditation state, the thoughtless awareness state, the more you are able to stay in that state, the more stronger will be your intuition. Yes?


Q: The team will always interact with other team members or the other world. What is the link between the inner world and the outer world and basically when we go to meditative mode or intuitive mode, what is the link between the inner world and outer world? Swamiji: Of course, it is very deep question. Only thing I am little afraid that I have to make few statements which I can't prove intellectually, which I don't usually do. There are something which can't be explained just based on the intellect. You need to.... I need to make few statements which you can't understand straightaway intellectually which you.... of course, if you work on it you may be able to understand. For example you see, there is a formula X x 2 = 4. First to understand that we have to substitute 2 in the place of X. Then once we finish the working 2 x 2 is 4. Now we know X is 2 but till working we need to have patience. When I substitute, immediately you see, why should we substitute 2 in the place of X? Why not 3? Why not 6? I have no answer. So we need to have a little patience till we finish the calculation. So now I am making two-three statements. You need to have little patience till I finish the complete analysis or complete calculation.


First thing, there is no such thing called inner world and outer world. The whole thing is one and the same. Again and again it is your inner world projected in the outer world. Whether you believe it or not, accept it or not, want it or not, truth is truth. Somebody asked Me, “Swamiji, many religions don't believe it. What to do?” I said, “I don't know about that. This is the truth.” Whether you believe it or not, accept it or not, truth is truth. There are few truths. It is... basically there is no such thing as outer world and inner world. It is only one world: your being. Whatever happens there you start creating in the outer world. You start expressing. The difficulty is, you start creating and then you forget what you created. The process is so unconscious. You are continuously fighting with your own desires.


Then when something wrong happens in the outer world you say, “No, no, no. I never wanted this wrong. This has happened. How can you say I wanted this wrong in my outer world?” But you don't know. Many times our desires are fighting with ourself. Continuously you create tug-of-war inside you and when you project the same thing in the outer world and when it happens in the outer world, you say, “No, no, no. This is not mine, this is not mine.” It is like you invite somebody. You first send the telegram, then you send an email, then fax, then give a call, then finally somehow get him. The moment he enters your house, you say, “No, no, no, I have not invited you. I have invited somebody else.” Of course, before inviting, you don't know what you are... whom you are inviting.


Same way before it is expressed, you don't know what you are creating in your mental setup. The things are happening in the unconscious level. Thing comes to the conscious level. You don't even know what’s going on. That is the problem. That is why we are not able to accept that whatever happens in the inner world only happens in the outer world. It is you who is giving space or place for everything. You can go to the extreme. Of course, I don't have enough time to prove it or have no time to explain it step by step. Even accidents are created by us. It is one of the important statement everyone of us to understand. Even accidents are created by us. We create the possibility. It is like a… if you tune yourself to BBC, you are tuning TV to BBC, you see that programs. If you tune the TV to CNN you see that programs. It is you who is tuning yourself to the incidents of your life. It is you who is creating the possibilities for things to happen in your life and one more thing, whether you believe it or not, surely life is totally in our control, in our hands. At least the major decisions are in our hands.


Volunteer: We will take one last question and then Swami will be available after the meditation session for anybody to answer questions. Swamiji: I will do one thing, because I don't want so many to wait. So if you have any questions I will be available here after the meditation. We will have few minutes of meditation. I will be available here. You can come to Me personally. I will try to answer. I will be here for 5-10 minutes. I will answer your questions individually. Okay, now any last question?


Q: Hello Swamiji, the question I have is regards to management. In a team there are two or more individuals who are tapping the intuition and they get they have an intuition. They have lot of energy and working towards each other. Does that ever produce a competitive environment or it would it always be a collaborative or it depends on the situation? Swamiji: Intuition is always complimenting each other, it can never contradict each other. It can only complement each other. See, if there is contradiction, be very clear, there is a missing link. Something is missing. In the world there is nothing called contradiction. There is no contradiction. People come and ask Me, “Swamiji, there is so much of contradiction between my inner world and outer world.” I tell them, “No. Means there is some missing link. Try to find that.” There is nothing contradiction in the Existence. Always things are complimenting. Please be very clear, I am neither pessimist nor optimist. I am not giving you some positive solutions or positive suggestions or positive thoughts. No, I am just stating the truth.


People ask Me, “Swamiji, are You teaching positive ideas?” I tell them, “No. It is a reality.” The moment you think something is positive, you already think it is not truth. You decided it is not truth. But I tell you, there is nothing called positive or negative. I am just stating what is truth. So if there is some contradiction, be very clear, some missing link, it is some missing link. Work for it. The intuition is always complimentary. It is compliment. Whether physical or mental or emotional or social level, in all the levels, it is only complementary to your being. Thank you.


Volunteer: There are a couple of minor things I want to announce. First of photo and video that they are taking is from permission from Microsoft and will not be used for any purpose other than for Swamiji’s records and the second thing is, Swami is now going to take us again. I refer to Him as Swami. It has got no religious connotation. You are more than welcome to call Him as Paramahamsa Sri Nithyananda or any part of that. He is probably the most outgoing person that I have ever seen in that sense and then the last thing I wanted to mention is He is going to go through a practical technique. You may consider that meditation if you are not willing to do that, Swami is very open to that as well. You don’t have to. It is optional. Swami conveys this as a mind control technique and that’s the important point I want to convey across. It is a technique to control your mind, to tap in into the intuition that we all had, we all still have. Just make it better. That’s all this technique is all about. Thank you.


Swamiji: It is a simple technique to use this unconscious zone. Instead of using it as a instinct or intellect, we will be tapping that energy to use it in intuition level. We are either using it as a instinct or as a intellect but now we can have a technique to use it as a intuition. Let Me first explain what we are exactly going to do. We are going to give conscious rest to the conscious mind. Consciously we are going to reduce the verbalization or chattering which continuously happens in our being and then we are going to give space for this unconscious to express itself. When it starts expressing, whatever you have suppressed, everything will come and naturally you will see a pure, relaxed bliss energy or a pure relaxation starts happening in you the moment you enter into this intuition zone. And it will not only encourage, straightaway give you the result of intuitions. I can say about this in a very clear way because in last two years I worked with quarter million people. I have seen two and half lakh individuals and we have four hundred centers in twenty countries. Everyday ten thousand people are touched by our meditation teachers. So with all this experience I can say it works, it just works. Thank you.


Now I will narrate the technique. It is just a very simple technique. Four step: one is sitting straight. You can sit in a chair or sofa, no problem but your head, backbone and neck, all three should be in straight line. Next, I will give the instruction. Then you can go for practicing. The second instruction is closing the eyes. When I say close your eyes, I don't mean just closing the eyelids. We all know only how to close our eyelids, not the eyes. We need to understand little more. Once we close our eyes, continuously the inside visualization will be going on- inside TV, that will be running. I wanted even that should be stopped. How to do it? If you can just create little pressure, not much, little pressure on the eyeballs mentally, not by hands, mentally, just you can create little pressure on the eyeballs. There will be a slight eyeball movements usually. If you can stop it then slowly that visualization will come down. The visualization will come down. Within thirty seconds you can bring the visualization down. Of course whether it comes down or not you don't have to bother. Just do for thirty seconds. Create a little pressure on your eyeballs. Then relax the eyeballs.


Then we will go for something called humming. Humming means giving consciously rest to your conscious mind, trying to reduce the number of thoughts consciously. Let Me show how to do. Let your hands be relaxed and start. (Swamiji demonstrates the humming three times) Just balancing your energy, tuning yourself. With your mouth closed, just you will be tuning yourself and reducing the number of thoughts giving consciously rest to your conscious mind reaching the thoughtless awareness. For at least fifteen minutes continuously try to create this humming sound. Try not to allow any thoughts. Try your best just to create humming sound and after that just for ten minutes sit as you are. Neither create any thought, don't destroy or sustain. Just relax, whatever happens let it happen. Just give ten minutes of rest for yourself.


Let Me again repeat the instruction. Four step: sitting straight, closing the eyes, fifteen minutes of humming, fifteen, even twenty minutes humming and ten minutes of rest, silent sitting. These are just four steps. You can straightaway tune yourself to the intuition. With the first two instruction sitting straight and closing the eyes you are preparing yourself and… in the second, first by sitting straight and closing your eyes, you are preparing yourself. The third, by humming you are giving conscious rest to your conscious mind, means you are entering into the thoughtless awareness state. The fourth state, fourth step, you are allowing the unconscious to become intuition. You are allowing the unconscious to work in the intuition level. The more you are restless, more it will be instinct. The more you are peaceful, more it will be intuitive. So you are giving a small rest


I wanted to give you a small tip just like a takeaway, take away home. A small thing. Even if you forget everything whatever I said, no problem forget, leave it. Just carry this one meditation. This one meditation can awaken your intuition. First thing, there is something called intuition. Whether you believe it or not, whether you accept it or not, whether you want it or not, truth is truth. There is something called intuition. If you can... you have only one choice. Either you update yourself by awakening it or you get outdated by not working on it. This is the only thing. The next thing, this meditation can awaken, tune yourself to the intuition. The third thing, whenever you are restless, whenever you are in the hands of instinct, please don't make any major decision. Just give few minutes rest to yourself. Relax into your being. Let you enter into this thoughtless awareness. Only then make any decision. Decide very clearly I will not do any major decision when I am in this restless state or the Instinct level.


The third thing, very important thing, whenever you have intuition rarely in your life, if it happens by itself like as I said that many of you had many of intuitive experiences. Whenever it happens in your life again don't brush it aside. Try to encourage it. Try to listen to your mind. Even if it says something wrong, just listen. Just be little sympathetic. Just try to listen. When you give time to so many persons why not to yourself? Just give appointment to yourself. Just these three point: there is something called intuition. This meditation can tune yourself to intuition and third thing, whenever it happens, don't brush it aside. Try to encourage it. Thank you. Now we will go for meditation. Any doubt in the instruction? Okay. If any of you are not interested, it is up to you. If you are interested you can do.


Please close your eyes and sit straight. You can sit straight…. Close your eyes…. Create little bit of pressure mentally on your eyeballs…. You can start humming as deeply as possible, as intensely as possible.

(26:03) to (29:25)

Meditation in progress


Don't suppress or create. Just relax… Whatever happens let it happen in your being.

(29:36) to (32:16)

Meditation in progress


Relax. You can open your eyes. Actually we have not done for fifteen minutes. We did only for few minutes because we have no time. I request you when you to do it in your house at least fifteen to twenty minutes and ten minutes of silence. Totally it takes hardly half an hour but surely it works. Thank you.


Video Audio


On April 1st 2005, HDH visited the Microsoft Corporation in Seattle and delivered a discourse to a large gathering titled Intuitive Management. Big Challenges: Bring 'em On. After the discourse, He interacted with the employees of the organization and gave them the simple Mahamantra meditation technique that they could practice every day. There were hundreds of attendees in person at the fully packed hall at Microsoft Conference Center. The event was also webcast live inside Microsoft Corporation. The attendance was as diverse as Microsoft Corporation and encompassed attendees from many different regions and religions. HDH set the stage for the audience on how instinct, intellect, intelligence, and intuition development. HDH went over the concepts to understand the different phases of processing and how we switch from Conscious to Unconscious. The session ended with HDH answering questions from the audience followed by the Mahamantra meditation.

Microsoft Seattle

Microsoft Seattle - Seattle Apr 1 001_watermark.jpg Microsoft Seattle - Seattle Apr 1 002_watermark.jpg Microsoft Seattle - Seattle Apr 1 003_watermark.jpg Microsoft Seattle - Seattle Apr 1 004_watermark.jpg Microsoft Seattle - Seattle Apr 1 005_watermark.jpg Microsoft Seattle - Seattle Apr 1 006_watermark.jpg Microsoft Seattle - Seattle Apr 1 007_watermark.jpg Microsoft Seattle - Seattle Apr 1 008_watermark.jpg Microsoft Seattle - Seattle Apr 1 009_watermark.jpg Microsoft Seattle - Seattle Apr 1 010_watermark.jpg Microsoft Seattle - Seattle Apr 1 011_watermark.jpg Microsoft Seattle - Seattle Apr 1 014_watermark.jpg Microsoft Seattle - Seattle Apr 1 017_watermark.jpg Microsoft Seattle - Seattle Apr 1 019_watermark.jpg Microsoft Seattle - Seattle Apr 1 020_watermark.jpg Microsoft Seattle - Seattle Apr 1 021_watermark.jpg Microsoft Seattle - Seattle Apr 1 023_watermark.jpg Microsoft Seattle - Seattle Apr 1 024_watermark.jpg Microsoft Seattle - Seattle Apr 1 025_watermark.jpg Microsoft Seattle - Seattle Apr 1 026_watermark.jpg Microsoft Seattle - Seattle Apr 1 027_watermark.jpg Microsoft Seattle - Seattle Apr 1 028_watermark.jpg

Overlake Square Mall

HDH gives a discourse titled 'Caterpillar to Butterfly - The Inner Alchemy' at the Overlake Conference Center, Overlake Square Mall in Seattle.

Overlake Square Mall - Seattle Apr 1 029_watermark.jpg Overlake Square Mall - Seattle Apr 1 030_watermark.jpg