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Qualities of Shiva: Shiva Ratri Message 1 by Nithyananda 2 Mar 2011
==Link to Video: ==
Living Incarnation and Avatar Paramahamsa Nithyananda began the Shiva Rathri festivities with a few truths about Shiva. "Shiva, the very word means eternal auspiciousness. Auspiciousness without reason or cause. When something exists without cause or reason, it's eternal. Even if you look at the extraordinary qualities of Mahadeva, when he sits in silence he puts people into enlightenment. Under the banyan tree, Dakshinamurty; when he dances, he puts people into bliss. Nataraja; when he destroys, he destroys all negativity. Kala Bairava; when he decides to show compassion, he can take any poison and swallow, no limit. When he decides to destroy, he will destroy even death, Yama. When he decides to save, he will go to any extent to save others, how he swallowed the poison to save the world, risking himself, his own body."
"The grandeur with which he expresses the experience, he showers on people who even remember him, Sadhashiva, the ultimate Guru , ultimate Yogi, ultimate King, Eeshwara, ultimate Leader, ultimate Bliss, ultimate compassion, ultimate life. With all these qualities, he is not too far away, very easy to approach, easily pleased. Nothing much is required to please him. That is why he's called Bole Baba, easily pleased."
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MguE6QLOeK0&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2011-03mar-02_qualities-of-shiva-shiva-ratri-message-1-by-nithyananda-2-mar-2011"/>
Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām
Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām.
I welcome you all with My love and respects. I welcome all the devotees who are sitting with us around the world at this moment with us in 865 places, in 276 cities, in 30 countries. In two-way I am having 32 cities with us from nine countries. I am able to see Los Angeles; can you raise your hand? Yes, Los Angeles, San Jose, Seattle, Columbus Ohio, Phoenix, Houston, Dallas, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Oklahoma City, North Carolina, and Miami, Honolulu, Redondo Beach, Western Florida, Pullman, Madison Texas, Riverside, Maryland, Calgary, Toronto, Vancouver, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Salem. First time today Salem is on-line. And France, Germany, Turkey, Birmingham England, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore. So, continuously more and more centers are joining. In Malaysia 600 people are offering guru mudi today and the whole day fasting is happening.
Before entering into the today’s satsang, I wanted to remind all the devotees, please get back to Padmasana and samana mudra. Let’s create intense eNeffect. 
Today we observe Shivaratri. We celebrate Shivaratri.
I’ll express few truths about Shiva - Mahadeva. And night again, we will have initiation into eN meditation which will be a unique powerful technique – meditation technique - for the modern day human beings. 
Shiva – the very word means eternal auspiciousness; auspiciousness without any reason, with any cause. When something exists without any cause - reason, it is eternal. You need to understand, it is eternal. Even if you look at the extraordinary qualities of Mahadeva,
When he sits in silence, he puts people into enlightenment, the eternal peace under the banyan tree as Dakshinamurti.
When he decides to dance, he puts the whole world in bliss as Nataraja. When he decides to destroy, he destroys all negativity as Kalabhairava.
When he decides to show compassion, he can take any poison and swallow it and save the world. He can sacrifice anything to any limit. There is no limit for his sacrifice.
When he decides to destroy, he will destroy even death, Yama.
When he decides to save, he will save from any problem - even sacrificing his very life. Of course, his life can never be taken away, that’s different; ready to go to any extreme for the sacrifice to save others. How he swallowed the halahala poison to save the world, risking himself, his own body.
The grandeur with which he expresses, with which he expresses, the experience he showers on people, who even remember him; just by remembrance, Sadashiva, the ultimate guru, the ultimate yogi, ultimate king, Ishwara-the ultimate leader, the ultimate bliss, the ultimate compassion, ultimate life - with all these qualities, he’s not too far away, very easy to approach. Easily approachable - ashutosha - easily pleased. Nothing much is required to please him. That is why in Sanskrit we have a word, sorry, not in Sanskrit - in Hindi in North India ‘bholebaba’ – easily pleased. In Sanskrit we have a word ‘ashutosha’.
Today is celebrated as the festival, celebration of Shiva appearing, the cosmic consciousness appearing as a eternal light shaft, conscious shaft, as Arunachala, to give the opportunity for Brahma and Vishnu to search and find out the head and feet of Shiva. Today is the day the intense cosmic auspiciousness radiates, intense cosmic energy radiates.
Shiva, Mahadeva; The extraordinary experience and the extraordinary being which is beyond our physical plane enters into the physical plane as the Master in the body for people to experience the eternal auspiciousness in the body, all the auspicious qualities in the body, so that the auspicious qualities are not just faith or belief, they are experienced as life. He is not an ordinary snake charmer. He is the charmer of the kundalini snake. He can play with the kundalini snake which resides in every being.
Shiva is too big subject to be spoken, too big subject even to be remembered. He is a subject where you need to jump in and disappear; just disappear forever, never to come back. Just by the remembrance, disappearing into him, is the one and only respect we can pay him. Namaha! Not me, not mine. Today is the day we are supposed to constantly dive into the great auspicious qualities of Mahadeva, Shiva. 
I’ll just give you few qualities of Shiva. Remember and do smarana. Meditate on these qualities today whole day. He is the energy which burnt the Manmatha - fantasy - before marriage. See the fun. He burns the Manmatha, destroys Manmatha then gets married to Devi. Means, first gets enlightened, establishes himself, then has Devi. He’s a being beyond fantasy, established in the truth.
Second, not only fearless, even fear fears about him. Kala is afraid to go near; Being never touched by time. 
Third thing; tripura, tripurasura, represents ‘three confusions’. Anava kanma [karma] maya - Three kinds of worries; Worries related to past, related to future and the possibility of present. Understand? There cannot be any worry about… please understand there cannot be any worry in the present but there can always be worry about the present. So, in present you cannot have worry but about present you can always have worries. So the tripurasuras, Shiva has burnt all the tripurasuras. 
He is beyond the worries and a being, Shiva is a being established in love, constantly sharing it. That is why you cannot say Shiva is a dry sanyasi, no! See the whole family around him. He is an amazing being. If you see the fun, you can’t classify him as a householder grihasta, because he is the adinatha, founder of the greatest sanyasa sampradaya. And you cannot just say he’s just a dry sanyasi, no. Devi is there and baby elephant is there and Subramanya is there and the whole parivara is there. So you cannot say he’s a dry sanyasi. 
You can’t classify, he’s just beyond the imagination. You can neither say he is male nor say he is female. Ardhanarishwara. By his extraordinary love and giving nature, he has given his very being half to Devi – eternal giver and expression of unique energy. You can’t compare him with anything. Gathers all useless things and makes them productive. He’s not Vishnu picking up best things: Shamantaka, Parijatha, Kamadhenu, Miss Universe Lakshmi, Kubera, Sanganidhi. Padmanidhi. Vishnu picks up all best things and rests in the ocean. But Shiva - all bhoota, preta, pishacha, rishi, gana, muni, kinnara, kimburuda, gandharva, yaksha.
Kailash must be the craziest commune on the Planet Earth. Now I know. And you can have the exact taste of Kailash without one inch less here! All types of beings, all types of people, each one! I can see very clearly how Kailash would have looked. One side all the sanyasis, one side all the rishis, one side the devotees, one side the great Indras – means wealthy people waiting to have darshan, other side Kubera.
Mahadeva is uncomparable, unique energy, and beyond ego - just a simple innocent being - Ashutosha, above all the eternal bliss, eternal fulfillment. 
Remember these seven qualities of Mahadeva. I have connected the seven chakras qualities. 
Fantasy-less being, Being beyond fear, Being beyond worries, Being who goes on sharing, giving, giving, giving, Being who is unique, Being who is so simple - easily available, Being in eternal fulfillment - Nithyananda.
Remember these great seven qualities because Shiva is filled with ananda kalyana guna - thousands and thousands of auspicious qualities. If I tell you, remember all of the thousands of auspicious qualities you will not be, you’ll just sleep off doze off. No. So I’m picking up seven qualities.
Today don’t eat anything, any solid food, for next 24 hours. You can drink bael juice – bilva juice. Or eat few leaves of bilva or you can drink coconut water. If you don’t get bilva juice, drink coconut water. Whole day - either bael juice or coconut water, these two. Except these two, don’t take anything. And meditate on all these seven qualities. Understand I want you to know one important thing. Shiva who is radiating these seven qualities is inside you, your own personality. Understand? Whatever idea you have about you, that personality carries these seven qualities. So meditate, remember that personality can express these seven qualities. Today, whole day, remember and meditate on these seven qualities which is inside you in the form of Shiva. Meditate on this seven qualities whole day. Today stop all worldly work. Say, today I’m going to dedicate towards my inner self – no outer world work. Whole day I’ll remember only - I will only contemplate on the seven qualities.
Remember, the eternal auspiciousness. Means the very life you are having is auspicious. Remember that very life which is auspicious. And go on be repeating the mahamantra, the technique for Mahadeva, the great mantra, the sacred sound - Om Namah Shivaya! Om Namah Shivaya! Om Namah Shivaya! Go on be repeating that sacred sound with the remembrance of the qualities, understand? Just repeating word is not enough. Remember those great qualities of Shiva. Om Namah Shivaya. Om Namah Shivaya. Om Namah Shivaya. Mahadeva’s eternal auspicious qualities. Prepare yourself for the explosion of kundalini tonight. 
I tell you today is the highest possibility happens in time for awakening the kundalini. Master’s presence is highest possibility in space for kundalini awakening, understand? Master’s presence is the highest possible space for kundalini awakening. Shivaratri is the highest possible time for kundalini awakening. So today you will have both! Time and space. Don’t miss today. Don’t miss today. Prepare yourself for the highest kundalini awakening.
These three instructions will prepare you. One, drink bael juice or coconut water whole day, don’t eat or drink anything else. Second, remember the auspicious qualities of Shiva, Mahadeva, as I described the seven qualities, and again and again repeat the sacred sound ‘Namah Shivaya’ inside you. Third, be here tonight for kundalini awakening to have initiation into eN-meditation – eN-M. We were planning tonight for the eN-M. We’ll be creating the eNeffect in 1008 places. Now, originally we planned 108 then we increased it to 1008; now we have already crossed 922 places. At this moment, in 922 places in 296 cities, in 31 countries people are sitting with us!
Please understand, all our temples, ashrams, satsang centers all over the world, please celebrate Shivaratri as today itself. And from now, all our temples, ashrams all over the world will follow the timings and celebrations exactly as it is happening in Bidadi. Now as we have the video conferencing facilities, you also do all the pujas, abhishekams as it is being done in Bidadi. Tonight when I do abhishekam to Anandeshwara in Bidadi, I want all the pujaris to be doing abhishekam in all our temples to the Shiva lingas. So prepare yourself and if you are in a place where you don’t have our own temple, at least have a small Shiva linga or my paduka tonight and we will have the Shivaratri celebrations. Soon, build our own temple in your city.
Today we observe another one important thing - day to destroy collective negativity. Nothing could be done. Nothing can be done to Shiva!
I’ll initiate all of you into the intense kundalini experience now. Keep this experience alive in you, continuously today whole day, so that in the night during the eN-meditation initiation and the eNeffect session you can explode like Shiva and stand as a light shaft – the cosmic light beam. 
Close your eyes, sit in padmasama, samana mudra and strongly feel connected to the Master or just unclutch. Any one is OK. Relax. Let the intense kundalini experience start in all of you! Let the kundalini energy intensely be awakened. Let it move from muladhara to sahasrara crown center intensely.
Have this intense energy in you whole day. Again, again and again repeat in your inner space the maha moola mantra - Om Namah Shivaya. Prepare yourself for the initiation into eN-meditation, eN-dhyaan. 
So today, three things - drink only bael juice or coconut water or water is also okay; just on liquid diet. Don’t take any solid food - first instruction. Second, remember all the great auspicious qualities of Shiva who is in your inner space, who is your possibility, who is your own self and repeat the Shiva’s mantra, Namah Shivaya. And third, be here for the evening initiation eN-meditation. Today whole day, we are having pujas, programs, meditation. Whole thing will be live available in eN-TV. Be part of the celebration and all our temples will have two–way video conferencing. Today, whole night we will have program. 
Tomorrow again we have an important program Jivan Mukti jayanti; March 2nd after destroying all the collective negativity, March 3rd we release jivan mukti to the world! And so, tomorrow we will celebrate jivan mukti jayanti. From tomorrow, we will share jivan mukti book in the book form, in the e-copy – the soft copy form through internet to all over the world for next one full month - full March month we will share this to the world free of cost. I request and recommend all the centers to procure as many copies as possible through internet or the hardcopy and distribute, inspire, create as many jivanmuktas as possible. Let us share enlightenment.
I bless all of you who are sitting with us at this moment in 947 location, in 306 cities, in 31 countries. I bless all of you to achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share the eternal bliss, Nithyananda.
Thank you.
Maha Shivaratri 2011 Message: Story Of Dakshinamurthi - Nithyananda 2 Mar 2011
==Link to Video: ==
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Sadāshiva samārambhām Shankarāchārya madhyamām |
asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||
I welcome you all with My love and respects. I welcome all the devotees and disciples who are sitting with us at this moment around the world. Before entering into the satsang I wanted to remind all of you to sit in padmasana or vajrasana and have your hands in samana mudra. Let us create the intense eN-effect on the cosmos, eN-experience in the individuals. Let the individuals experience eN-experience, let the cosmos go through eN-effect.
Forty six cities are sitting with us two way, I am able to see and more than eight hundred and thirty eight places in three hundred and seven cities in forty five countries people are sitting with us. I am able to see Los-Angeles, San Jose, Seattle, Columbus, Phoenix, Houston, Queens New York, New York separately, one center in Queens New York another one in New York, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Oklahoma city, North Carolina, Miami, Honolulu, Western Florida, Pullman Washington, Madison Texas, Maryland Atlanta, Toronto, Vancouver, Mexico, Brazil, Gueoderlupe, Australia, New Zealand, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Salem, KUla -Lumpur, George town, Kulim, Dubai, Singapore, in europe Slovakia, Pobrat and Koshite, England, London, Birmingham, Islesberry, and Spain, Croatia, France, Germany, Turkey, Africa Morocco. I am able to see all these countries in front of Me. I welcome all of you for this greatest intense spiritual effect we are going to create on individual and on the cosmos.
Today I will share only one story from Shiva purana; Story of Dakshinamurthy. Shiva appearing as ultimate Master on the planet earth. Long, long ago, once upon a time, when humanity was soaked in ignorance as it is still now 😃 there were group of people who were very successful in whatever they want to do through different powers. They had almost all powers, anything they want they can make it happen. These group of great intellectuals lived in a place called Darukavana. It is the area between the Madurai and Chennai. The place Darukavana, huge forest filled with so many intellectuals. They are called Darukavana Rishis. Amazing intellectuals and know the techniques and technology to do whatever they want to do in the outer world; powerful beings. They had lot of mental powers, they can create anything they want just through the power of mind and just by doing some rituals; certain rituals, yagnas, karmas. One of the biggest problem happens when you get these extraordinary powers, when things go smoothly in your life, you start thinking you are everything or there is nothing higher than you.
These Darukavana Rishis, some of the great intellectuals, because they felt they can do anything they want through the power of yagnas, yagas, they started experiencing or feeling the subtlest problem of life - pseudo ego aserting itself as ultimate. Pseudo ego asserting itself as ultimate is what we call atheism. Pseudo ego when it asserts itself as the ultimate, it is atheism. So, these intellectuals who lived from Chennai to Madurai because they can achieve anything they want, they can do anything they want in the outer world, they thought there is nothing superior or higher than them. They became atheists. The foolishness of the intellect or arrogance of this atheism has gone to the extreme and they started becoming arrogant and a threat to the society. Usually when atheism settles in you, when you are not ready to respect anything higher than you, your intellect, you are a threat to society.
Mahadeva, Sadashiva has to do His job of protecting humanity. He has to teach a lesson to these intellectuals and protect the humanity from them, and protect them also from themselves. He need to save them also from themself and the humanity from them. He need to teach lesson to them and transform them, make them understand and He need to save the humanity from them. When an atheistic intellect settles on you, it is not only threat for others, it is threat for you also. So, silently Shiva lands in the Darukavana as a handsome young man and the extraordinary glow and the energy which is beyond skin, the extraordinary radiance, tejas beyond the skin color, extraordinary attraction beyond the size of the body; He manifested as this young man filled the whole Darukavana. And He went around in the Darukavana in the name of begging to collect food, His parivrajaka yatra.
All the wife's of the Rishis saw this extraordinary, charismatic energy expression; fortunately they were not bitten by the snake intellect, they were not caught in the arrogance, they were not caught in the pseudo ego of their arrogance. One important thing you need to know, if your husband is caught in pseudo ego, just to oppose him you will be saved from it. You know he is caught. So, that awareness will save you from it. See, ‘anything he does is wrong’ is a basic law with which women live. Same way men - ‘anything she does is wrong’ is the basic law with which he or she lives. Sometime this basic law helps if he is really doing something wrong. So, with this Darukavana intellectuals, rishis, they are really doing something wrong. So the understanding the woman carried helped them, saved them from that pseudo ego.
They saw this young man, ascetic, a sadhu walking in the streets asking for alms. Not only they gave food, they just lost themself in His presence and glory. All of them have started spending time around Him, started listening to His teachings, imbibing those ideas. Just within few days, problem started in the house. When these guys imbibe His teachings and ideas and come back to the house, they naturally bring the photograph and mala. 😃
When they started living these ideas in the house, the ego of these intellectuals was really hurt. ‘What? We are leaders of the society, everybody respects us.’ They don’t understand, everybody fears them, not respects them. These intellectuals when they see people fearing them, they think they are being respected. No. There is a difference. They think, ‘What… we are being respected in the society but these women are going behind some young man and following those teachings, His teachings and His practices. What is going on?’ The problem started in the house. so, it is too much. Within two days there was a meeting of all the intellectuals, big discussion, ‘how to stop this young sadhu, going around and begging and giving lessons and teachings and taking classes. Something immediately need to be done. Otherwise we will not have anybody in our house. We will be left all by oursef, everybody has started following them.’ Atheism is deeply insecured because it is built on insecurity. The very root of atheism grows on insecurity. So, the insecured feeling has started. Now they all gathered, plan for conspiracy. ‘How to stop this young man, young sadhu teaching?’ There were so many ideas but nothing worked out because He is fearless. Nothing can be taken away from Him. How to stop Him teaching? They discussed, discussed, discussed; finally got disgusted because they could not come up with any creative idea.
When the insecurity and disgusted group gathers, there comes the great poison of violence. If you are insecured but have some hope, immediately violence won’t start. But when the feeling of disgusted and insecurity, when both gathers, the violence starts. They created a violent plan. We need to destroy Him, finish Him off. So, they gathered, started spreading waves. Those days yagna. Those days, yagna means what? Creating certain kind of waves and sending all over the world. They organized a huge yagna and started chanting different, different mantras, started creating negativity and sending it towards Him.
The young boy after going around and taking classes was just relaxing in samadhi under Banyan tree. First those intellectuals created a damaru which was creating an intense sound; just through sound it was destroying anything which comes in its presence. Those intellectuals commanded the damaru, ‘go and kill that man and come, kill that sadhu.’ Damaru came with all its speed. The young sadhu was sitting under the Banyan tree, with a light smile opened His eyes and saw what is coming. The damaru with all the vigor and power was trying to come near to destroy. All this young sadhu did, He just caught it and kept in His hand to play whenever He wants. 😃
These atheist intellectuals got completely shaken, ‘God! What is this? Such a big weapon we sent, nothing has happened. Everything is going properly. He is there.’ Then they thought, ‘We should do something more.’ They created a deer and said, ‘Go and destroy this young sadhu.’ The deer came, again Mahadeva just smiled at the deer and caught the deer in the left hand and said, “You just be with Me to play whenever I want.” Still He is having it in His left hand. He is playing with it.
Then they created another one huge weapon. It’s called malu. They sent that weapon, “Alright, at least you go and destroy Him and come back. Neither damaru nor deer did the job. You go.” When that came, again, He did not even move; just picked up that malu and kept it in His right hand, “Be with Me. You may be useful whenever I want.” It’s too much. Then they created a tiger out of that fire and sent. Mahadeva not only killed the tiger, took out that skin, started wearing it as dress. So, He started wearing it as dress. Then they created an elephant; again different energies. Finally created a asura - dark, cunning, cruel, dumb Muyalaga. They said, “You go and do some conspiracy, create some problem, destroy this young sadhu.” Shiva did not even bother. He just picked him up and put him at the feet, he was dead. But these auras are dangerous. Even if they are dead you have to always keep one feet on them so that they don’t come back. He puts His feet. Realizing their utter failure they try to do all possible things sending different, different weapons in a different, different way and different, different negative energies. But nothing could hurt Mahadeva, nothing could hurt that young sadhu. Everything goes and just surrenders itself at His feet. They were shocked, surprised, unable to understand what is going on; confused, completely disturbed.
Mahadeva feels the deep compassion it is time to teach lesson to these fellows to complete the avataric mission - what for He assumed the human body. He feels it is time to teach lesson. All He does is - sits in His intense silence. Just by His intense silence and presence those Rishis forgot all the extraordinary techniques and powers they had, the technology to create new, new weapons and new, new negative energies. They completely forgot the whole thing. The moment they started forgetting they are shaken. They thought, ‘Oh god what is going on.’ So, they decided, ‘Before we lose everything let us do our final try.’ The very fire - agni, in which they do the homa and create anything they want, that very fire they commanded, “Come on, it is time you go and destroy Him or we will be destroyed.” The fire comes in full speed. That is the last weapon they had. Shiva did not even move His body, just opened His eyes, picked up that fire in the left hand, still He is holding in the left hand. You can see, as Dakshinamurthy, He will be holding it in the left hand. That’s the fire. Now these Rishis lost practically everything, nothing is left. It is too much, too strong lesson for them.
But even though they were thinking about this young sadhu to destroy Him, but continuous thinking about Him has brought some good things to them. 😄 Those Rishis are fortunate; maybe the layer of negativity they carried was very less. Just because they were constantly thinking about Him, they finally decided, ‘If there is somebody who can stand all the negative things we can do and still be calm, composed and continue what He wants to do, then He must be extraordinary power.’ They had little intelligence also along with their intellect, fortunately. They went and surrendered at the feet of Mahadeva. Because they surrendered, Shiva gave knowledge to them also. Not only He saved humanity from these atheistic intellectuals, because they also surrendered, He saved them also from themself. By His presence intense silence, He liberated them, enlightened them, made them to understand just the karma or the extraordinary powers are not ultimate. There is something more than that. Just because you can do anything you want, don’t think you are ultimate. There is something more than you. He gave them the real sense; the truth took them beyond that atheistic intellect or pseudo ego.
Understand this story. When Guru assumes the human body, when He comes down to the human frequency to save humanity from atheistic intellectuals and save themselves from themselves, save them also from themselves. The extraordinary silence He radiates itself is power. In this whole story Shiva did not fight even once. He never fought back. He was in silence. All He did is whatever weapons were sent towards Him, He used them nicely for Himself. That’s all. Kept the fire as a heater 😃, had the damaru for playing, had the tiger skin as a dress, had the elephant skin as a blanket. Whatever negative energy was sent towards Him, He beautifully used for His life. He knows how to use any negativity, turn it into positive and use it for His life.
Because of His extraordinary energy and silence and the spiritual presence, any negativity comes just dies down and starts supporting Him in positive way. After all that, after all this attack, still He is sitting silently in the Banyan tree, radiating His presence. The inner space continues to radiate the extraordinary silence and intense presence goes on inspiring everybody to transform themselves. First He destroys all the negativity thrown towards Him and turns them into positive energy, then He transforms the very people who are trying to throw negativity towards Him.
Remember in each one of you there is an inner space which is Dakshinamurthy. Shiva happening in human body, atma guru who goes on transforming any negativity thrown at you as positive. Any incident, happening, life throws at you, understand, bring it to that space, it will turn that into positive. If life is throwing fire at you, bring it to the Dakshinamurthy. He will turn that into positive. Anything brought to Him turns positive. I will initiate you all into the process of keeping the Dakshinamurthy alive in you, keeping the guru alive in you. In everyone of you Shiva has taken human body. He is there inside you as Dakshinamurty sitting in the eternal silence under the Banyan tree of ananda gandha radiating the intense silence and energy. Whenever life throws things at you, any negativity is thrown at you, all you need to do is relax into His space. Bring that negativity to his space, you will see it disappears. It just disappears. The whole, thing will be turned from negativity to positivity. All the problems thrown at you will become glory for you.
The way you handle them, it will all become glory for you. Understand, all the negative energy can be just turned into positive energy and you will continue to sit and radiate the intense silence and the energy under the Banyan tree.
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'''Glimpses From Shivaratri Celebrations with HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam
'''Glimpses From Shivaratri Celebrations with HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam'''
==== Temple-Visit ====
==== Temple-Visit ====
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<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1DH09U-ah29LO7LHv566heosU38V_928q" alt="Paadapooja - batch_IMG_8667.JPG" height="400">
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==Photos Of The Day:==
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Latest revision as of 00:21, 10 June 2022


Qualities of Shiva: Shiva Ratri Message 1 by Nithyananda 2 Mar 2011

Link to Video:

Living Incarnation and Avatar Paramahamsa Nithyananda began the Shiva Rathri festivities with a few truths about Shiva. "Shiva, the very word means eternal auspiciousness. Auspiciousness without reason or cause. When something exists without cause or reason, it's eternal. Even if you look at the extraordinary qualities of Mahadeva, when he sits in silence he puts people into enlightenment. Under the banyan tree, Dakshinamurty; when he dances, he puts people into bliss. Nataraja; when he destroys, he destroys all negativity. Kala Bairava; when he decides to show compassion, he can take any poison and swallow, no limit. When he decides to destroy, he will destroy even death, Yama. When he decides to save, he will go to any extent to save others, how he swallowed the poison to save the world, risking himself, his own body." "The grandeur with which he expresses the experience, he showers on people who even remember him, Sadhashiva, the ultimate Guru , ultimate Yogi, ultimate King, Eeshwara, ultimate Leader, ultimate Bliss, ultimate compassion, ultimate life. With all these qualities, he is not too far away, very easy to approach, easily pleased. Nothing much is required to please him. That is why he's called Bole Baba, easily pleased."

Video Audio


Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām.


I welcome you all with My love and respects. I welcome all the devotees who are sitting with us around the world at this moment with us in 865 places, in 276 cities, in 30 countries. In two-way I am having 32 cities with us from nine countries. I am able to see Los Angeles; can you raise your hand? Yes, Los Angeles, San Jose, Seattle, Columbus Ohio, Phoenix, Houston, Dallas, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Oklahoma City, North Carolina, and Miami, Honolulu, Redondo Beach, Western Florida, Pullman, Madison Texas, Riverside, Maryland, Calgary, Toronto, Vancouver, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Salem. First time today Salem is on-line. And France, Germany, Turkey, Birmingham England, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore. So, continuously more and more centers are joining. In Malaysia 600 people are offering guru mudi today and the whole day fasting is happening.


Before entering into the today’s satsang, I wanted to remind all the devotees, please get back to Padmasana and samana mudra. Let’s create intense eNeffect.


Today we observe Shivaratri. We celebrate Shivaratri. I’ll express few truths about Shiva - Mahadeva. And night again, we will have initiation into eN meditation which will be a unique powerful technique – meditation technique - for the modern day human beings. Shiva – the very word means eternal auspiciousness; auspiciousness without any reason, with any cause. When something exists without any cause - reason, it is eternal. You need to understand, it is eternal. Even if you look at the extraordinary qualities of Mahadeva, When he sits in silence, he puts people into enlightenment, the eternal peace under the banyan tree as Dakshinamurti. When he decides to dance, he puts the whole world in bliss as Nataraja. When he decides to destroy, he destroys all negativity as Kalabhairava. When he decides to show compassion, he can take any poison and swallow it and save the world. He can sacrifice anything to any limit. There is no limit for his sacrifice. When he decides to destroy, he will destroy even death, Yama. When he decides to save, he will save from any problem - even sacrificing his very life. Of course, his life can never be taken away, that’s different; ready to go to any extreme for the sacrifice to save others. How he swallowed the halahala poison to save the world, risking himself, his own body.


The grandeur with which he expresses, with which he expresses, the experience he showers on people, who even remember him; just by remembrance, Sadashiva, the ultimate guru, the ultimate yogi, ultimate king, Ishwara-the ultimate leader, the ultimate bliss, the ultimate compassion, ultimate life - with all these qualities, he’s not too far away, very easy to approach. Easily approachable - ashutosha - easily pleased. Nothing much is required to please him. That is why in Sanskrit we have a word, sorry, not in Sanskrit - in Hindi in North India ‘bholebaba’ – easily pleased. In Sanskrit we have a word ‘ashutosha’.


Today is celebrated as the festival, celebration of Shiva appearing, the cosmic consciousness appearing as a eternal light shaft, conscious shaft, as Arunachala, to give the opportunity for Brahma and Vishnu to search and find out the head and feet of Shiva. Today is the day the intense cosmic auspiciousness radiates, intense cosmic energy radiates.


Shiva, Mahadeva; The extraordinary experience and the extraordinary being which is beyond our physical plane enters into the physical plane as the Master in the body for people to experience the eternal auspiciousness in the body, all the auspicious qualities in the body, so that the auspicious qualities are not just faith or belief, they are experienced as life. He is not an ordinary snake charmer. He is the charmer of the kundalini snake. He can play with the kundalini snake which resides in every being.


Shiva is too big subject to be spoken, too big subject even to be remembered. He is a subject where you need to jump in and disappear; just disappear forever, never to come back. Just by the remembrance, disappearing into him, is the one and only respect we can pay him. Namaha! Not me, not mine. Today is the day we are supposed to constantly dive into the great auspicious qualities of Mahadeva, Shiva.


I’ll just give you few qualities of Shiva. Remember and do smarana. Meditate on these qualities today whole day. He is the energy which burnt the Manmatha - fantasy - before marriage. See the fun. He burns the Manmatha, destroys Manmatha then gets married to Devi. Means, first gets enlightened, establishes himself, then has Devi. He’s a being beyond fantasy, established in the truth.


Second, not only fearless, even fear fears about him. Kala is afraid to go near; Being never touched by time. Third thing; tripura, tripurasura, represents ‘three confusions’. Anava kanma [karma] maya - Three kinds of worries; Worries related to past, related to future and the possibility of present. Understand? There cannot be any worry about… please understand there cannot be any worry in the present but there can always be worry about the present. So, in present you cannot have worry but about present you can always have worries. So the tripurasuras, Shiva has burnt all the tripurasuras.


He is beyond the worries and a being, Shiva is a being established in love, constantly sharing it. That is why you cannot say Shiva is a dry sanyasi, no! See the whole family around him. He is an amazing being. If you see the fun, you can’t classify him as a householder grihasta, because he is the adinatha, founder of the greatest sanyasa sampradaya. And you cannot just say he’s just a dry sanyasi, no. Devi is there and baby elephant is there and Subramanya is there and the whole parivara is there. So you cannot say he’s a dry sanyasi.


You can’t classify, he’s just beyond the imagination. You can neither say he is male nor say he is female. Ardhanarishwara. By his extraordinary love and giving nature, he has given his very being half to Devi – eternal giver and expression of unique energy. You can’t compare him with anything. Gathers all useless things and makes them productive. He’s not Vishnu picking up best things: Shamantaka, Parijatha, Kamadhenu, Miss Universe Lakshmi, Kubera, Sanganidhi. Padmanidhi. Vishnu picks up all best things and rests in the ocean. But Shiva - all bhoota, preta, pishacha, rishi, gana, muni, kinnara, kimburuda, gandharva, yaksha.


Kailash must be the craziest commune on the Planet Earth. Now I know. And you can have the exact taste of Kailash without one inch less here! All types of beings, all types of people, each one! I can see very clearly how Kailash would have looked. One side all the sanyasis, one side all the rishis, one side the devotees, one side the great Indras – means wealthy people waiting to have darshan, other side Kubera.


Mahadeva is uncomparable, unique energy, and beyond ego - just a simple innocent being - Ashutosha, above all the eternal bliss, eternal fulfillment. Remember these seven qualities of Mahadeva. I have connected the seven chakras qualities. Fantasy-less being, Being beyond fear, Being beyond worries, Being who goes on sharing, giving, giving, giving, Being who is unique, Being who is so simple - easily available, Being in eternal fulfillment - Nithyananda. Remember these great seven qualities because Shiva is filled with ananda kalyana guna - thousands and thousands of auspicious qualities. If I tell you, remember all of the thousands of auspicious qualities you will not be, you’ll just sleep off doze off. No. So I’m picking up seven qualities.


Today don’t eat anything, any solid food, for next 24 hours. You can drink bael juice – bilva juice. Or eat few leaves of bilva or you can drink coconut water. If you don’t get bilva juice, drink coconut water. Whole day - either bael juice or coconut water, these two. Except these two, don’t take anything. And meditate on all these seven qualities. Understand I want you to know one important thing. Shiva who is radiating these seven qualities is inside you, your own personality. Understand? Whatever idea you have about you, that personality carries these seven qualities. So meditate, remember that personality can express these seven qualities. Today, whole day, remember and meditate on these seven qualities which is inside you in the form of Shiva. Meditate on this seven qualities whole day. Today stop all worldly work. Say, today I’m going to dedicate towards my inner self – no outer world work. Whole day I’ll remember only - I will only contemplate on the seven qualities.


Remember, the eternal auspiciousness. Means the very life you are having is auspicious. Remember that very life which is auspicious. And go on be repeating the mahamantra, the technique for Mahadeva, the great mantra, the sacred sound - Om Namah Shivaya! Om Namah Shivaya! Om Namah Shivaya! Go on be repeating that sacred sound with the remembrance of the qualities, understand? Just repeating word is not enough. Remember those great qualities of Shiva. Om Namah Shivaya. Om Namah Shivaya. Om Namah Shivaya. Mahadeva’s eternal auspicious qualities. Prepare yourself for the explosion of kundalini tonight.


I tell you today is the highest possibility happens in time for awakening the kundalini. Master’s presence is highest possibility in space for kundalini awakening, understand? Master’s presence is the highest possible space for kundalini awakening. Shivaratri is the highest possible time for kundalini awakening. So today you will have both! Time and space. Don’t miss today. Don’t miss today. Prepare yourself for the highest kundalini awakening.


These three instructions will prepare you. One, drink bael juice or coconut water whole day, don’t eat or drink anything else. Second, remember the auspicious qualities of Shiva, Mahadeva, as I described the seven qualities, and again and again repeat the sacred sound ‘Namah Shivaya’ inside you. Third, be here tonight for kundalini awakening to have initiation into eN-meditation – eN-M. We were planning tonight for the eN-M. We’ll be creating the eNeffect in 1008 places. Now, originally we planned 108 then we increased it to 1008; now we have already crossed 922 places. At this moment, in 922 places in 296 cities, in 31 countries people are sitting with us!


Please understand, all our temples, ashrams, satsang centers all over the world, please celebrate Shivaratri as today itself. And from now, all our temples, ashrams all over the world will follow the timings and celebrations exactly as it is happening in Bidadi. Now as we have the video conferencing facilities, you also do all the pujas, abhishekams as it is being done in Bidadi. Tonight when I do abhishekam to Anandeshwara in Bidadi, I want all the pujaris to be doing abhishekam in all our temples to the Shiva lingas. So prepare yourself and if you are in a place where you don’t have our own temple, at least have a small Shiva linga or my paduka tonight and we will have the Shivaratri celebrations. Soon, build our own temple in your city. Today we observe another one important thing - day to destroy collective negativity. Nothing could be done. Nothing can be done to Shiva!


I’ll initiate all of you into the intense kundalini experience now. Keep this experience alive in you, continuously today whole day, so that in the night during the eN-meditation initiation and the eNeffect session you can explode like Shiva and stand as a light shaft – the cosmic light beam.


Close your eyes, sit in padmasama, samana mudra and strongly feel connected to the Master or just unclutch. Any one is OK. Relax. Let the intense kundalini experience start in all of you! Let the kundalini energy intensely be awakened. Let it move from muladhara to sahasrara crown center intensely. Have this intense energy in you whole day. Again, again and again repeat in your inner space the maha moola mantra - Om Namah Shivaya. Prepare yourself for the initiation into eN-meditation, eN-dhyaan.


So today, three things - drink only bael juice or coconut water or water is also okay; just on liquid diet. Don’t take any solid food - first instruction. Second, remember all the great auspicious qualities of Shiva who is in your inner space, who is your possibility, who is your own self and repeat the Shiva’s mantra, Namah Shivaya. And third, be here for the evening initiation eN-meditation. Today whole day, we are having pujas, programs, meditation. Whole thing will be live available in eN-TV. Be part of the celebration and all our temples will have two–way video conferencing. Today, whole night we will have program.


Tomorrow again we have an important program Jivan Mukti jayanti; March 2nd after destroying all the collective negativity, March 3rd we release jivan mukti to the world! And so, tomorrow we will celebrate jivan mukti jayanti. From tomorrow, we will share jivan mukti book in the book form, in the e-copy – the soft copy form through internet to all over the world for next one full month - full March month we will share this to the world free of cost. I request and recommend all the centers to procure as many copies as possible through internet or the hardcopy and distribute, inspire, create as many jivanmuktas as possible. Let us share enlightenment. I bless all of you who are sitting with us at this moment in 947 location, in 306 cities, in 31 countries. I bless all of you to achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share the eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you.



Maha Shivaratri 2011 Message: Story Of Dakshinamurthi - Nithyananda 2 Mar 2011

Link to Video:



Sadāshiva samārambhām Shankarāchārya madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||


I welcome you all with My love and respects. I welcome all the devotees and disciples who are sitting with us at this moment around the world. Before entering into the satsang I wanted to remind all of you to sit in padmasana or vajrasana and have your hands in samana mudra. Let us create the intense eN-effect on the cosmos, eN-experience in the individuals. Let the individuals experience eN-experience, let the cosmos go through eN-effect.


Forty six cities are sitting with us two way, I am able to see and more than eight hundred and thirty eight places in three hundred and seven cities in forty five countries people are sitting with us. I am able to see Los-Angeles, San Jose, Seattle, Columbus, Phoenix, Houston, Queens New York, New York separately, one center in Queens New York another one in New York, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Oklahoma city, North Carolina, Miami, Honolulu, Western Florida, Pullman Washington, Madison Texas, Maryland Atlanta, Toronto, Vancouver, Mexico, Brazil, Gueoderlupe, Australia, New Zealand, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Salem, KUla -Lumpur, George town, Kulim, Dubai, Singapore, in europe Slovakia, Pobrat and Koshite, England, London, Birmingham, Islesberry, and Spain, Croatia, France, Germany, Turkey, Africa Morocco. I am able to see all these countries in front of Me. I welcome all of you for this greatest intense spiritual effect we are going to create on individual and on the cosmos.


Today I will share only one story from Shiva purana; Story of Dakshinamurthy. Shiva appearing as ultimate Master on the planet earth. Long, long ago, once upon a time, when humanity was soaked in ignorance as it is still now 😃 there were group of people who were very successful in whatever they want to do through different powers. They had almost all powers, anything they want they can make it happen. These group of great intellectuals lived in a place called Darukavana. It is the area between the Madurai and Chennai. The place Darukavana, huge forest filled with so many intellectuals. They are called Darukavana Rishis. Amazing intellectuals and know the techniques and technology to do whatever they want to do in the outer world; powerful beings. They had lot of mental powers, they can create anything they want just through the power of mind and just by doing some rituals; certain rituals, yagnas, karmas. One of the biggest problem happens when you get these extraordinary powers, when things go smoothly in your life, you start thinking you are everything or there is nothing higher than you.


These Darukavana Rishis, some of the great intellectuals, because they felt they can do anything they want through the power of yagnas, yagas, they started experiencing or feeling the subtlest problem of life - pseudo ego aserting itself as ultimate. Pseudo ego asserting itself as ultimate is what we call atheism. Pseudo ego when it asserts itself as the ultimate, it is atheism. So, these intellectuals who lived from Chennai to Madurai because they can achieve anything they want, they can do anything they want in the outer world, they thought there is nothing superior or higher than them. They became atheists. The foolishness of the intellect or arrogance of this atheism has gone to the extreme and they started becoming arrogant and a threat to the society. Usually when atheism settles in you, when you are not ready to respect anything higher than you, your intellect, you are a threat to society.


Mahadeva, Sadashiva has to do His job of protecting humanity. He has to teach a lesson to these intellectuals and protect the humanity from them, and protect them also from themselves. He need to save them also from themself and the humanity from them. He need to teach lesson to them and transform them, make them understand and He need to save the humanity from them. When an atheistic intellect settles on you, it is not only threat for others, it is threat for you also. So, silently Shiva lands in the Darukavana as a handsome young man and the extraordinary glow and the energy which is beyond skin, the extraordinary radiance, tejas beyond the skin color, extraordinary attraction beyond the size of the body; He manifested as this young man filled the whole Darukavana. And He went around in the Darukavana in the name of begging to collect food, His parivrajaka yatra.


All the wife's of the Rishis saw this extraordinary, charismatic energy expression; fortunately they were not bitten by the snake intellect, they were not caught in the arrogance, they were not caught in the pseudo ego of their arrogance. One important thing you need to know, if your husband is caught in pseudo ego, just to oppose him you will be saved from it. You know he is caught. So, that awareness will save you from it. See, ‘anything he does is wrong’ is a basic law with which women live. Same way men - ‘anything she does is wrong’ is the basic law with which he or she lives. Sometime this basic law helps if he is really doing something wrong. So, with this Darukavana intellectuals, rishis, they are really doing something wrong. So the understanding the woman carried helped them, saved them from that pseudo ego. They saw this young man, ascetic, a sadhu walking in the streets asking for alms. Not only they gave food, they just lost themself in His presence and glory. All of them have started spending time around Him, started listening to His teachings, imbibing those ideas. Just within few days, problem started in the house. When these guys imbibe His teachings and ideas and come back to the house, they naturally bring the photograph and mala. 😃


When they started living these ideas in the house, the ego of these intellectuals was really hurt. ‘What? We are leaders of the society, everybody respects us.’ They don’t understand, everybody fears them, not respects them. These intellectuals when they see people fearing them, they think they are being respected. No. There is a difference. They think, ‘What… we are being respected in the society but these women are going behind some young man and following those teachings, His teachings and His practices. What is going on?’ The problem started in the house. so, it is too much. Within two days there was a meeting of all the intellectuals, big discussion, ‘how to stop this young sadhu, going around and begging and giving lessons and teachings and taking classes. Something immediately need to be done. Otherwise we will not have anybody in our house. We will be left all by oursef, everybody has started following them.’ Atheism is deeply insecured because it is built on insecurity. The very root of atheism grows on insecurity. So, the insecured feeling has started. Now they all gathered, plan for conspiracy. ‘How to stop this young man, young sadhu teaching?’ There were so many ideas but nothing worked out because He is fearless. Nothing can be taken away from Him. How to stop Him teaching? They discussed, discussed, discussed; finally got disgusted because they could not come up with any creative idea.


When the insecurity and disgusted group gathers, there comes the great poison of violence. If you are insecured but have some hope, immediately violence won’t start. But when the feeling of disgusted and insecurity, when both gathers, the violence starts. They created a violent plan. We need to destroy Him, finish Him off. So, they gathered, started spreading waves. Those days yagna. Those days, yagna means what? Creating certain kind of waves and sending all over the world. They organized a huge yagna and started chanting different, different mantras, started creating negativity and sending it towards Him.


The young boy after going around and taking classes was just relaxing in samadhi under Banyan tree. First those intellectuals created a damaru which was creating an intense sound; just through sound it was destroying anything which comes in its presence. Those intellectuals commanded the damaru, ‘go and kill that man and come, kill that sadhu.’ Damaru came with all its speed. The young sadhu was sitting under the Banyan tree, with a light smile opened His eyes and saw what is coming. The damaru with all the vigor and power was trying to come near to destroy. All this young sadhu did, He just caught it and kept in His hand to play whenever He wants. 😃 These atheist intellectuals got completely shaken, ‘God! What is this? Such a big weapon we sent, nothing has happened. Everything is going properly. He is there.’ Then they thought, ‘We should do something more.’ They created a deer and said, ‘Go and destroy this young sadhu.’ The deer came, again Mahadeva just smiled at the deer and caught the deer in the left hand and said, “You just be with Me to play whenever I want.” Still He is having it in His left hand. He is playing with it.


Then they created another one huge weapon. It’s called malu. They sent that weapon, “Alright, at least you go and destroy Him and come back. Neither damaru nor deer did the job. You go.” When that came, again, He did not even move; just picked up that malu and kept it in His right hand, “Be with Me. You may be useful whenever I want.” It’s too much. Then they created a tiger out of that fire and sent. Mahadeva not only killed the tiger, took out that skin, started wearing it as dress. So, He started wearing it as dress. Then they created an elephant; again different energies. Finally created a asura - dark, cunning, cruel, dumb Muyalaga. They said, “You go and do some conspiracy, create some problem, destroy this young sadhu.” Shiva did not even bother. He just picked him up and put him at the feet, he was dead. But these auras are dangerous. Even if they are dead you have to always keep one feet on them so that they don’t come back. He puts His feet. Realizing their utter failure they try to do all possible things sending different, different weapons in a different, different way and different, different negative energies. But nothing could hurt Mahadeva, nothing could hurt that young sadhu. Everything goes and just surrenders itself at His feet. They were shocked, surprised, unable to understand what is going on; confused, completely disturbed.


Mahadeva feels the deep compassion it is time to teach lesson to these fellows to complete the avataric mission - what for He assumed the human body. He feels it is time to teach lesson. All He does is - sits in His intense silence. Just by His intense silence and presence those Rishis forgot all the extraordinary techniques and powers they had, the technology to create new, new weapons and new, new negative energies. They completely forgot the whole thing. The moment they started forgetting they are shaken. They thought, ‘Oh god what is going on.’ So, they decided, ‘Before we lose everything let us do our final try.’ The very fire - agni, in which they do the homa and create anything they want, that very fire they commanded, “Come on, it is time you go and destroy Him or we will be destroyed.” The fire comes in full speed. That is the last weapon they had. Shiva did not even move His body, just opened His eyes, picked up that fire in the left hand, still He is holding in the left hand. You can see, as Dakshinamurthy, He will be holding it in the left hand. That’s the fire. Now these Rishis lost practically everything, nothing is left. It is too much, too strong lesson for them.


But even though they were thinking about this young sadhu to destroy Him, but continuous thinking about Him has brought some good things to them. 😄 Those Rishis are fortunate; maybe the layer of negativity they carried was very less. Just because they were constantly thinking about Him, they finally decided, ‘If there is somebody who can stand all the negative things we can do and still be calm, composed and continue what He wants to do, then He must be extraordinary power.’ They had little intelligence also along with their intellect, fortunately. They went and surrendered at the feet of Mahadeva. Because they surrendered, Shiva gave knowledge to them also. Not only He saved humanity from these atheistic intellectuals, because they also surrendered, He saved them also from themself. By His presence intense silence, He liberated them, enlightened them, made them to understand just the karma or the extraordinary powers are not ultimate. There is something more than that. Just because you can do anything you want, don’t think you are ultimate. There is something more than you. He gave them the real sense; the truth took them beyond that atheistic intellect or pseudo ego.


Understand this story. When Guru assumes the human body, when He comes down to the human frequency to save humanity from atheistic intellectuals and save themselves from themselves, save them also from themselves. The extraordinary silence He radiates itself is power. In this whole story Shiva did not fight even once. He never fought back. He was in silence. All He did is whatever weapons were sent towards Him, He used them nicely for Himself. That’s all. Kept the fire as a heater 😃, had the damaru for playing, had the tiger skin as a dress, had the elephant skin as a blanket. Whatever negative energy was sent towards Him, He beautifully used for His life. He knows how to use any negativity, turn it into positive and use it for His life. Because of His extraordinary energy and silence and the spiritual presence, any negativity comes just dies down and starts supporting Him in positive way. After all that, after all this attack, still He is sitting silently in the Banyan tree, radiating His presence. The inner space continues to radiate the extraordinary silence and intense presence goes on inspiring everybody to transform themselves. First He destroys all the negativity thrown towards Him and turns them into positive energy, then He transforms the very people who are trying to throw negativity towards Him.


Remember in each one of you there is an inner space which is Dakshinamurthy. Shiva happening in human body, atma guru who goes on transforming any negativity thrown at you as positive. Any incident, happening, life throws at you, understand, bring it to that space, it will turn that into positive. If life is throwing fire at you, bring it to the Dakshinamurthy. He will turn that into positive. Anything brought to Him turns positive. I will initiate you all into the process of keeping the Dakshinamurthy alive in you, keeping the guru alive in you. In everyone of you Shiva has taken human body. He is there inside you as Dakshinamurty sitting in the eternal silence under the Banyan tree of ananda gandha radiating the intense silence and energy. Whenever life throws things at you, any negativity is thrown at you, all you need to do is relax into His space. Bring that negativity to his space, you will see it disappears. It just disappears. The whole, thing will be turned from negativity to positivity. All the problems thrown at you will become glory for you. The way you handle them, it will all become glory for you. Understand, all the negative energy can be just turned into positive energy and you will continue to sit and radiate the intense silence and the energy under the Banyan tree.



Glimpses From Shivaratri Celebrations with HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam


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Paadapooja - batch_IMG_8506.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_8508.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_8509.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_8667.JPG

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