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Vertical Time Zones - Hindu Revelations on Nature of Reality, Cosmology & Consciousness || Lokas ||
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, expounded on the Cosmic Principle of [[Kala]] during the everyday live public talk - [[Nithyananda Satsang]]. In this talk entitled [[Vertical Time Zones - Hindu Revelations on Nature of Reality, Cosmology & Consciousness]], The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism explained that we usually work with horizontal time zones, including Pacific, Central and  Indian Standard Time, but there is a standard called [[Vertical Time Zone]] which is covered in the [[Vedas]] and [[Agamas]] and which is calculated precisely in the [[Puranas]]. He expounded on the vertical time zones, or Lokas, and how they are presided over by various Gods and Goddesses. He also explained that the whole purpose of Hinduism is to raise people to the higher time zones and if the power of pure consciousness increases through the spiritual practices of Hinduism, those vertical time zones, the Lokas will be reached. He then announced the ways He will help delegates to reach the vertical time zone.
Also today, His Divine Holiness initiated everyone into the space of [[KAILASA]], the space of Paramashiva by instructing delegates to sit straight and visualize an extremely powerful light while chanting the [[Mahavakya]].
== Video & Audio ==
Vertical Time Zones - Hindu Revelations on Nature of Reality, Cosmology & Consciousness
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3ivZ5nyp3U&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/vertical-time-zones-hindu-revelations-on-nature-of-reality-cosmology-and-consciousness-08sep2019"/>
"I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangis, Sri Mahants, Mahants, Thanedar, Kotharis, visitors, viewers, gurukul balasanths, sannyasis, … respected guests, … important personalities, visitors, viewers, everyone sitting with us; more than thousand places in hundred and twenty countries all over the world at this moment. I welcome all of you with my love and respects. Welcome every one of you sitting with us in two-way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha for this great webinar - The Vertical Time Zones. I welcome all of you with my love and respects, especially the important guest sitting with us in Toronto Aadheenam, Kailaasa in Toronto: Miss Salma Zahid, Honourable Member of Parliament Scarborough Center, I welcome you with my love and respects. And ... Sivas, Sri Sivasri Saba Srithara Kurukkal, ... President of Canada Hindu Priest Organization, Chief Priest and Head of the Chandramouleeshwara Shiva Temple.
>>>Tamil welcoming speech<<< the Chief >>>interruption in transmission and Tamil speech<<< newspaper owner >>>Tamil<<<
I welcome all of you with my love and respects. Next Kailaasa in Los Angeles, Sri Keshav Patelji, President of VHP America Los Angeles. Sri Keshav Patelji, I welcome you with my love and respects. So nice that you came and grace this occasion. I welcome you with my love and respects. And I welcome all the devotees present in Los Angeles. And, Kailaasa in Vancouver, Sri Kapil Gaba, entrepreneur and Sri Satinder, Headmaster of Khalsa School, I welcome both of you with love and respects. Kailaasa in Australia, Sri Kumaran Thangaraj, … I welcome you with my love and respects. Sri Kumaran Thangaraj, Chairperson of Spiritual Aware, Affairs Community, Shiva Vishnu Temple, I welcome you with my love and respects. Kailaasa in Sion, Mumbai … Sri Kumaran Thangaraj, Sri, ... Kailaasa in Sion Mumbai - Dr Asha Prasuna. I welcome you with respects. Anandi Ma, I welcome you. Ella Rama, Ganesha >>>?<<<, I welcome all of you with my love and respects. So all the ashrams, centers, temples, universities, Kailaasas, sitting with us in two-way video conferencing for this webinar, I welcome all of you with my love and respects.
Vertical time zones exist. Please understand. Let me present exactly what I mean by the word “vertical time zones.” Then I’ll try to share, what is the need for us to understand about vertical time zones. See all of us know, the time zones like Pacific Time Zone, the East Coast Time Zone, West Coast Central Time. In India we have Indian Standard Time. The time zones in this planet earth is horizontal time zone. Based on the sunrise to sunset in this planet earth, various countries practice different time zones. All the time zones observed, practiced in the planet earth, I called them horizontal time zone. There is something called vertical time zone. In Hindu tradition, ... the precise understandings about this vertical time zone is presented in Vedas and Agamas. I’ll present this science to you … with the Shastra Pramana from the original Veda-Agamic literatures, scriptures. Elaborately Agamas describe these various vertical time zones. Puranas give precise calculation. Not only from the Shastra Pramana, … even from my own experience - Atma Pramana, and Apta Pramana - my Gurus, their experiences. I’ll explain these vertical time zones. Please understand, ... the truths I am sharing with you are time tested, foolproof. Time tested, foolproof directly from Vedas and Agamas. 
Knowing about these great truths, will change your understanding about reality, which will change your cognitions about right-wrong, good-bad, what is freedom, what is goal of life. Understand. When you allow the truth to enter into your being, when the truth becomes your cognition - in Agama we call jnanapada, vidyapada; the powerful truths about the Cosmos, the cosmology. The powerful truths about the Cosmos, if they enter into your system, your whole life ... gets matured, evolves to a different level. You live an enlightened life, life of Shivajnana, Paramashivajnana. Life based on the principles and knowledge and enlightenment of Paramashiva. Understand, the powerful cognitions I am going to share with you, these understandings are from Shastra Pramanas - scriptures, Vedas and Agamas, and, Apta Pramana - our Guru Parampara’s experience, my predecessors, Guru Mahasannidhanams, ... my Gurus, Paramagurus, Acharyas, Avatara Purushas - all their experience, and, I myself have experienced these great truths I am going to share with you all; especially last months during this Great Pause, understand. 
All of you maybe aware last few months, I was in absolute seclusion and deep samadhi. During this time, I myself have experienced the vertical time zones. So the truths I am sharing with you all: time tested, foolproof, Shastra Pramana from the Vedagamas, Apta Pramana from my predecessors’ experience, Atma Pramana - my own experience; I am sharing with you all. If you internalize them, you will experience all these great truths as Sakshi Pramana. Understand, the first truth I wanted to share with you all - vertical time zones exist. What I mean by the word “vertical time zone?” What I mean by the word “vertical time zone?” For us one year is one day for the higher time zone - Svarga Loka. That is why Nataraja, the God of Svarga Loka receives six abhishekam in a year. Because for Devatas, in Svarga Loka … the one year of Bhu Mandala, Bhuloka, one year of planet earth is one day in Svarga Loka. 
There are vertical time zones - Bhu, Bhuvah, Svah, Tapa, Satya. The Satya Loka where Brahma resides, there one day of Brahma Loka is four point three two (4.32) billion human years, understand. One day of Svarga Loka means, the vertical time zone above us - Bhu, Bhuvah, Svah, Tapa; it goes and Satya; then beyond Satya is Vaikuntha; beyond Vaikuntha is Kailaasa. Below: Atala, Vitala, Sutala, Talatala, Patala. Understand, I am not giving you some superstitious theories. No! I’ll give you precise understanding and experience of these vertical time zones. And … understanding about these vertical time zones has a direct utility for your day to day life. It can bring tremendous physical health, mental health, psychological wellness. A very powerful way of existing, and above all - life of Paramashivajnana. You can exist embodying the space of Paramashiva; state, space of Paramashiva and manifest powers of Paramashiva. Understand.
The idea you carry about you is very important because that is the foundation from which you manifest your life. Knowledge about the vertical time zone especially experientially … can change ... absolutely your life for … best, highest, supreme form of existence. The Paramashivajnana makes you experience the state, space, powers of Paramashiva. The vertical time zones where … the intensity of the kala - time, is higher and higher. How they exist? I’ll give you this basic understanding about reality. Please listen. In your life as of now, you know the matter. Matter means, mass, the physical world. Like the floor on which you are sitting. The house inside which you are sitting. All the objects around you. The physical world, the physical reality, the mass - that is matter, jada. 
Mind: your mind is nothing but the process how you perceive the matter, understand. Same matter is not perceived as same by all human beings. Each person perceives the matter in their own way. Matter is not processed … by all minds in the same way. For example this danda. For me it is Yoga Danda, in the form of Kundalini Shakti. This stores the spiritual powers and use for initiations. Somebody who is very artistic, for him, “Oh, what a beautiful snake.” Somebody who knows the value of the metals, “Wow, it is made of silver.” Somebody who feels very devoted, “Wow, I should touch that and do namaskar.” Each mind processes the matter, perceives the matter … in a different way. The experience of the matter inside you is called mind, please understand. Mind means … experience of matter. Mind is actually an action. It’s not an object. It does not have existence other than the action. 
The first component I wanted to introduce is matter, the physical reality. The second component is the mind. The internal process which happens in you about the physical reality. The third is buddhi, which responds or decides, … gives instruction, how to react and respond to the mind and the matter. That is buddhi, intelligence. The intelligence operates based on the cognitions you carry. Those cognitions respond through the … mind, and relates with the matter. Let me repeat. Buddhi, intelligence … buddhi, intelligence gives commands, gives instructions … to mind and through the mind relates with the matter, physical reality. The fourth component is pure consciousness. We call it Paramashiva, Parabrahma, whatever name you want to use. Understand, these four truths. Jada: physical reality, matter. Second: mind which process ideas, perceptions about the matter. Third: … intelligence, buddhi, which gives commands … about … the mind and the matter. The fourth is pure consciousness.
So matter, mind, intelligence, consciousness. If you experience all the four in you … I’ll give example, all the four - twenty five, twenty five, twenty five, twenty five percent. All the four are part of your reality. These four is part of your reality. If you experience all these four equally, I call this as a horizontal time zone, Bhu Mandala. The time zone we all experience normally. Where we experience matter, mind, intelligence, consciousness - all four equally. If the intensity of the consciousness increases in you: for example, intensity of the consciousness from twenty five percent, if it increases to forty percent, then influence of the consciousness on your intelligence, buddhi will also drastically increase. Naturally the influence of the mind and the matter over you will reduce. So … increase in the intensity of the consciousness raises you. You enter into vertical time zone, understand.
I’ll repeat. Matter, mind, … intelligence, consciousness. If all these four are perceived, experienced by you equally like twenty five, twenty five, twenty five, twenty five. It is horizontal time zone. If the intensity of your consciousness increases, then the consciousness its influence on the buddhi increases. Then the power of matter and the mind reduces on you in your reality. Then you start entering into vertical time zones. If you have absolutely only pure consciousness - hundred percent, no influence of intelligence or mind or matter in your reality - you are in Kailaasa. Kailaasa is the space where pure consciousness only exists. The highest time zone in the vertical time zone. I am giving you simple examples. Twenty five percent - matter, twenty five percent - mind, twenty five percent - intelligence, twenty five percent - consciousness: if this is your reality, you are in Bhu Mandala, horizontal time zone. If the power of consciousness increases in you, … suddenly, your existence goes up, you go into higher time zones. 
All the spiritual practices in Hinduism whether yoga, puja, bhajan, japa, repetition of the name - all spiritual practices in Hinduism is only to raise the intensity of your consciousness. It’s only to raise the intensity of your consciousness. Initiation, deeksha, shaktipata, shaktinipata, everything, is only to raise the frequency of your consciousness. Please understand, if you perceived matter, mind, intelligence and consciousness - all four equally, you are in the horizontal time zone, Bhu Mandala, the planet earth. The time zone of this Bhuloka. If the influence of consciousness increases in you, naturally the influence of intelligence will increase. Then the influence of the mind, and the matter will reduce on your life, on your reality. For example, if the consciousness, influence of consciousness increases, it becomes forty percent, then naturally the influence of intelligence also becomes forty percent, so forty, forty - these two becomes eighty. So the matter, influence of the matter and mind becomes only twenty percent in your life, so naturally you go up. You going to the higher vertical time zones, higher time zones and vertical time zones, ... like maybe you reach Svarga Loka, higher plane of existence.
If the influence of consciousness in your life increases more and more, if the intensity of the consciousness increases in your life more and more, … you raise to higher and higher zones. When you experienced hundred percent pure consciousness, only pure consciousness - there is no matter, the influence of matter, influence of mind, influence of intelligence; all these are just zero, zero, zero. Zero influence of matter in your life - jada, has no impact on your life. Mind has no impact on your life. Intelligence has no impact on your life. Your whole life is pure consciousness hundred percent. Then you are in the Kailaasa zone. The Kailaasa time zone, highest in the vertical time zone is Kailaasa. The other end, ... if you are hundred percent only matter - jada, no mind, no influence of mind, no influence of intelligence and no influence of consciousness - that is called Patala. Atala, Vitala, Sutala, Talatala, Patala is the lower time zones. Bhu, Bhuvah, Svah, Tapa, Satya - these are higher time zones.
Understand, all spiritual practices leads you to higher time zones, whether puja, yoga. All spiritual practices leads you to higher time zone. The next question, what is the use of knowing about higher time zone in our lives? Understand, … understand very clearly, knowing about higher time zones raises your frequency of consciousness. When your frequency of consciousness raises, your taste for life gets mature, understand. Your taste for life getting matured is what I called enlightenment. See, if you think you are body, just matter, … the physical pleasures only will matter for your life. You will think freedom to enjoy the physical pleasures is the highest freedom. That’s the best thing in your life. But if your conscious intensity increases, you will start realizing your higher identities, then ... freedom to practice the higher principles will only matter for you. You will think, “Freedom to practice yoga is real freedom for me. Freedom to practice silence, seclusion, Manonmani Vidya, Kayakalpa Yoga, all these great sciences, that is the real freedom for me.” 
Understand, when your identity, your understanding about you, the intensity, frequency of your existence increases - your taste about life increases. The ideas of good-bad, right-wrong, what is good, what is bad, what is freedom - everything gets mature. The ideas of your life getting matured is enlightenment. I tell you, if you taste the higher time zones, higher intensity of consciousness, the first thing will happen - all fears will disappear from your system. All fears will be cleared, these, they will disappear from your system. Such tremendous inner healing, powerful way of existing will happen in you. The extreme love, extreme care, extreme sweetness about your existence will happen. Maturity of existence happens when your consciousness gets intense. When you taste the higher time zones, the vertical time zones, tremendous inner healing happens in you - physical healing, mental healing, psychological healing; above all - higher conscious existence starts happening in you, understand. 
When you raise in vertical time zones, you start manifesting powers, extraordinary powers are manifested. I tell you, whoever manifest the powers of Third Eye, their time zone is different. They start moving towards the vertical time zone. More and more power manifestation happens in you, you move to the higher and higher time zones. The higher and higher time zones you move, more and more power manifest in you. When you move to the higher time zones, the intensity of your consciousness increases. When the intensity of your consciousness increases, you move to the higher time zones. The whole Hinduism, the purpose of whole Hinduism is to raise you to the higher time zones. All methods, puja, homa, kriya, jnana, dhyana, pranayama, pratyahara, karana, yoga, samadhi - everything in Hinduism, is to raise the frequency of your consciousness and raise you to the higher time zones.
Understand, last fourteen months - on and off, last six months almost absolutely being soaked in samadhi, in the space of Kailaasa. The great gifts Paramashiva downloaded into me to share with you all, … I am revealing and sharing with you all through three ways. One, every day morning and evening - free satsangs. And helping everyone of you to manifest powers, higher consciousness and helping you to experience vertical time zones through morning and evening satsang. Second, the twenty one months Kayakalpa Yoga free program, understand. Last six months, ... not only I have lost thirty kg weight, the whole being is soaked in the highest samadhi, the Kailaasa space and detoxification happened into the system. This whole science, the Science of Svarupa Samadhi and Jeeva Samadhi, … I am going to share with you all, through this twenty one months Kayakalpa Yoga, free of charge. The details of this program will be available, it’s free of cost. Twenty one months intense meditation program, yoga meditation program - the Science of Kayakalpa Yoga which I brought directly from Kailaasa.
Third, from December 20th to January, … the twenty two days Paramashivoham program. Understand. This time December 21st is my Jayanti. So, from December 20th to January 10th, twenty two days Paramashivoham program. I know all of you are expecting the next word - location. Trinidad Tobago. Trinidad Tobago ... and Bidadi, Bengaluru. In both the places, … the Paramashivoham is going to be happening, ... from December 20th to January 10th, twenty two days. Understand, whatever the great spiritual gifts Paramshiva has downloaded into me to share with you all in last fourteen months of my samadhi, ... six months of Great Pause, ... whatever Paramashiva has downloaded into me to share with you all, I’ll be sharing in these three ways. Every day morning and evening free satsang. Morning: Indian Standard Time, seven thirty in English. Evening: Indian Standard Time, seven thirty in Tamil. That's the first way I will be sharing with you all, all the great gifts Paramashiva downloaded in me from the highest time zone, the vertical time zone - Kailaasa.
Second, the Kayakalpa Yoga, twenty one months free program going to be happening from October 1st. From October 1st, it’s going to be happening in India. For all men: in Madurai and Rajapalayam. For all women: Thiruvannamalai and Salem. To register, please send a mail: tinyurl.com/kayakalpayoga. And also there is a landing page, you can get all the details about this Kayakalpa Yoga. And the third foremost, … from December 20th to January 10th, twenty two days Paramashivoham in Tobago, the Trinidad Tobago and Bidadi, Bangalore. In both the places, it will be conducted by me personally through Divya Sarira. Through Divya Sarira, in both the places it will be happening, conducted by me personally. Understand.
See when the intensity of the consciousness increases, when quality of your consciousness increase in your life, … the way you exist drastically changes. The transformation is unimaginable, understand. The extraordinary spiritual sciences like power manifestation or the extraordinary … spiritual DNAs like Kalpavriksha, Kamadhenu, Parijata. Understand, all these are real, not imagination or myth. Flower which does not wither away for years is available. I have brought the DNA, the whole biological structure I am going to make it and share it with the whole world. I’ve already brought the biological DNA structure of … Kalpavriksha and Kamadhenu and Parijata. I am talking to all of you very responsibly.
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Understand. You see, the experience … of the vertical time zones, in the higher time zones, … the influence of powerful cognitions, consciousness drastically increases in your reality, naturally that makes your life extraordinary. Your whole life gets filled with multiple powerful cognition. Those power cognitions starts manifesting as extraordinary powers in you. Understand, the cognition you carry about you in the life manifest as reality in you. If you carry powerless cognition, life becomes impossible. If you carry powerful cognitions, life becomes power. You manifest powers. All the great things Paramashiva has downloaded into me which I am sharing with you all … is only with one reason - to prove Hinduism is real. That’s all. Whatever our Vedas and Agamas claimed, all those truths have a spiritual legitimacy. I am just … a statement from Kailaasa to bring spiritual legitimacy to Hinduism - Vedas and Agamas. Hinduism is real. Vertical time zones exist, and, Paramashiva has downloaded many powerful cognitions, powers into me. I’ll be sharing all these sciences with you all.
Please understand. I am talking only the truth. Absolute reality. Straight, raw, direct truth, … unadulterated. I am neither hiding nor adulterating or mixing or mincing, very straight. I experienced Kailaasa last six months of Great Pause happening in me and from that space Paramashiva has downloaded great powerful sciences, powers from that highest vertical time zone into me. I am here to share all of that with you all, with the whole world. It’s a very straight simple truth. More and more powerful cognitions are cherished by you, the influence of consciousness will start increasing in you. For example, I will give you one example. If you start cherishing that idea, “I am eternal,” means you are eternal, ... Aham Brahmasmi. Start cherishing the truth Aham Brahmasmi means you are eternal. Whatever you feel as you is eternal. When you start cherishing this truth, everything else is impermanent. You will see all the psychological, physiological, neurological ups and downs in your life drastically reduces.
More and more you get centered on the truth, powerful cognition - you are eternal, Aham Brahmasmi. Other than you being eternal, everything else is not you. When you cherish this one powerful cognition, internalize it, … so much of powerfulness will manifest in your life. It raises your physical health, mental health. Nobody can put a value for you. You decide ... the number. Your utility for yourself and others increases. Wealth is nothing but your utility for yourself and others. If you are able to increase that, your wealth increases. It has nothing to do with education, understand. Qualification is different, competence is different. Life is all about competence, not about qualification. Qualification maybe a initial visiting card, good visiting card. But that does not make you successful. Competence makes you successful. Powerful cognitions makes you competent. Powerful cognitions makes you competent.   
Understand. Every time you cherish powerful cognitions, powers start manifesting in you. I have brought too many gifts from Kailaasa, to all of you from this Great Pause. I will be sharing with you all, all the gifts Paramashiva has downloaded in me ... through these three - every day morning and evening satsang, Kayakalpa Yoga twenty one months program and Paramashivoham: December 20th to January 10th in Trinidad Tobago and Bengaluru, Bidadi. In both the places, the twenty two days program will be conducted. These twenty two days, whatever I have downloaded from these vertical time zones, the highest vertical time zone - Kailaasa, I’ll be sharing with you all. Understand. Now I am going to … answer your questions live. You are welcome to submit any question you have. Please send your questions. I’ll answer your questions. All of you type and send your questions.
With all the health, wealth, bliss, powers of Kailaasa, Paramashiva - you will all live blissful life, manifesting the state, space, powers of Paramashiva. Blessings to both of you. Blessings to both of you and the whole family. Blessings. Sri, Balaji Srinivasan and his family, Srikant ayya and his family - blessings to all of you. Please have the crown.
Question: Yes! I’ll answer all your questions. Nitin Nayar is asking, “Swamiji you said Kailaasa is extreme bright light. Then is the beings in Kailaasa have not seen darkness? Is there not a day and night in Kailaasa as we experienced here? 
Swamiji: First let me bow down to Nandi. Oh Gods, Kailaasa. I bow down to Nandi, keeping Nandi as a witness, I’ll reveal the truths about Kailaasa, understand. I will not hide. I will not lie. I will not bother about the after effects. I will not be afraid, no fear, no greed. Keeping Nandi as a witness, Kalabhairava as a witness, I’ll reveal the truths about Kailaasa as it is, as they revealed it to me. Kailaasa ... is a pure bright space. No day, no night. There is no time in Kailaasa. Kailaasa is beyond time. Understand. Even if you meditate on this great truth, Kailaasa the purest extreme light, no time, there is no time in Kailaasa. No time zone, it is a pure consciousness. Even if you meditate on this, you will experience Kailaasa. 
I can give you guys the glimpse of Kailaasa with the blessings of Paramashiva and Nandi. Nandi is the decision maker - who can be allowed in Kailaasa, who can get the experience of Kailaasa. With his blessings, I’ll give you the glimpse of Kailaasa. Understand, the photographs about the Bhu Mandala, the space. The photographs of space … See in the photographs of space, you see huge darkness as a background and all the suns and the stars as like a lights - small, small lights. But actually from Kailaasa, the whole background is extreme light. And all these suns and the stars look like a small, small, small black dust. Understand, it’s the other way. Listen carefully. I’ll repeat. I take the oath of integrity, keeping Nandi as a witness. Keeping Nandi and Kalabhairava as a witness, I declare I will talk only the truth as it is because it is too sacred. The revelations about Kailaasa is too sacred. Even if you meditate on it, you will experience it. 
Keeping them as a witness, with their blessings, I’ll reveal the secrets of Kailaasa, understand. First thing, Kailaasa exists. Second, Paramashiva really exists! He is alive! He is sitting and listening, actually smiling seeing the way He is being introduced to all of you. He is alive, living, understand. He is beyond form and form. He is beyond form. And formlessness. And he has a form. He is beyond identity and has a clear defined identity. He is beyond identity but operates through a clear defined identity of Parama, Ultimate. The ultimate form He himself describes about himself in Agama is Mahasadashiva Svarupam, with the twenty five heads and fifty hands; with the Manonmani, Parvati, Parashakti in His lap. He is available to all of you, all of us. Understand. I neither will allow fear nor greed, when I am revealing the secrets of Kailaasa, I will tell the truth as it is.
>>>interruption in transmission<<< Please listen. Sorry for the technical glitch. Listen. >>>long interruption in transmission<<< Sorry for the technical glitch again.
Listen. How ... in the photographs of the space you see, … like a huge darkness and all the stars and suns look like a light. It’s actually the other way. In Kailaasa, complete light and the stars and suns looks like a small, small dust of darkness. Means, trillions of time brighter light than the sun and the stars is the Kailaasa. That pure tejas! I tell you, even if you meditate on that tejas of Kailaasa’s space, your Third Eye will be awakened, you will start manifesting powers. Today I will give the glimpse of Kailaasa. I’ll initiate and give you the glimpse of Kailaasa. Whatever Paramashiva has revealed to me, downloaded into my system, I’ll share it with you all. Please understand, … to make this Kailaasa Nation, Paramashiva has downloaded all the powers, knowledge, life, understanding, everything required into this body ... in this Great Pause of last six months.
The Great Pause this body experienced, this being experienced last … six months intensely, fourteen months - on and off: ... the power manifestation sciences, the various Sciences of Alchemy, Sciences of Mandalas, Sciences of Yantras, various enlightenment sciences, various superconscious sciences, sciences related to state of Paramashiva, space of Paramashiva, powers of Paramashiva, being of Paramashiva and superconsciousness of Paramashiva, eleven dimensions of the Universe, twenty five states of consciousness and Pancha Kritya - five expressions of Paramashiva. All these great truths and experiences, I will be sharing with you all through these three programs. Every day free morning and evening satsang. Twenty one months Kayakalpa Yoga and twenty two days of Paramashivoham from December 20th to January 10th.
And I am also … revealing another one important sacred secret. There are time zones … in the planet earth where the Kailaasa time zone crisscrosses. So easily you can enter into Kailaasa time zone. One is Bidadi, Bangalore. Another one is Trinidad Tobago. So that is the reason I chose Trinidad Tobago to start a huge Kailaasa. In Trinidad Tobago we are going to be having a huge Kailaasa with the world’s largest Hindu library, Hindu temple, Hindu monastery, Hindu university, Hindu goshala. It’s going to be modern day pilgrimage center, kshetra, ... the Kailaasa in Trinidad is going to be. So …
And, from this Navaratri, Navaratri, from Navaratri, three months there is going to be Nithyananda Yogam program. Anyone can participate. The program is free. Stay and accom … the food you will have to manage on your own. Soon the announcements for Nithyananda Yogam program. Three months program will be conducted in Trinidad Tobago … will also be announced, it’ll start from Navaratri Day, Vijaya Dashami Day. Three months from September 29th, Sunday. Sunday, September 29th, the program will start. Three months Nithyananda Yogam till Paramashivoham ends, the Nithyananda Yogam will be happening. Means, this Septem … sorry, January 10th, the Nithyananda Yogam will be happening. Anyone wants to attend, you can apply. So … I am going to make myself available. The Nithyananda Yogam and Paramshivoham, both will be conducted through Divya Sarira. Through Divya Sarira in Trinidad Tobago.
There is so much to share about the Paramashivoham. So as I announced, … every day in the morning and evening satsangs, I’ll start sharing. Actually, I’ll give you the glimpse of Kailaasa today. And, make sure all of you manifest at least one power today.
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I’ll actually lead you all into a powerful process to experience Kailaasa. Now, Jnanatma has details about the programs to share with you all about the Nithyananda Yogam, Kayakalpa Yoga and Paramashivoham programs. After she shares the details related to programs, I will lead you all to experience Kailaasa. Please don’t go, I am here. Wait. We will have the real session to experience powers of Paramashiva, experience Kailaasa and manifest the powers of Paramashiva. So, now I am inviting Jnanatma to continue the session.
Ma Nithya Jnanatmananda Swami: Nithyanandam … and welcome, and thank you everyone for joining in this session. I know you are all eagerly waiting for a very special Paramashivi …. Paramashivoham initiation by our beloved Swamiji. So as we get ready for the initiation, wanted to share with you, very very excited to share with you about the upcoming Paramashivoham. A grand program conducted by Swamiji himself, which is happening this December in two locations. One, in the aadheenam in Bidadi, and second also in Trinidad and Tobago, so for the first time we are going to be having the program happening in two different locations through the Divya Sarira, the divine presence of His beloved, His Divine Holiness, our beloved Swamiji. The program will be conducted by Swamiji himself. The dates of the program … December 20th to Jan,  January 10th. I wanted all of you to note down that dates because earlier we had announced the program maybe starting on the 10th of December. Erm, due to popular request, we are arr … moving the dates from December 10th to December 20th, so the updated dates for Paramashivoham is December 20th to the 10th of January, erm ... with the Divya Sarira presence of His Divine Holiness, our beloved Swamiji. The program is arr … is right around Swamiji’s arr … 42nd arr … Avatara Brahmotsavam which is happening on the 21st is Swamiji’s Jayanti, so the program is starting just one day before Swamiji’s birthday so we can enjoy that as well. 
And the program is going to happen in two locations. Yes, now the costing of the program. The Paramashivoham program is price at arr … same as the last year - fifteen thousand US dollars. And if you are attending the program in India, the program and the costing of the program is fifteen thousand US dollars, and we have early bird discounts which are starting right away so you can go ahead and register yourself, and avail the early bird discounts for the program. The early bird discounts have been projected on the screen. This is if you are attending the program in India, till October 20th which is almost arr … more than a month from now, we are having the Paramashivoham program. Arr … the costing will be twelve thousand US dollars so you benefit from a three thousand dollar discount if you arr … register  yourself and the make the payment of the program early. And then we have different arr … slacks for the early bird discounts. This is if you are attending the program in arr … India.
Now if you are attending the program in Trinidad and Tobago, there is a slight err … like a one thousand dollar cost difference. So the cost of the program happening in Trinidad and Tobago will be sixteen thousand US dollars. And we also have the early bird starting at thirteen thousand US dollars. So you can erm … register for the program, so actually when you register for the Paramashivoham, erm … I know some of you may have erm … registered before but if you are registering, we request you to register now so you can choose which location you want to attend the Paramashivoham program and I am sure many of you are, I can see you excited about the new location which is an island destination, who would not want to take a break in December in a beautiful Caribbean Island, so welcome to erm … choose which one location you want as well as the content of the program is concerned, arr … the program is going to be ah …  it’s the same program delivered erm in two places. So the program content is going to be the same.
Now if you erm … choose to attend it in Bengaluru Aadheenam, you can enjoy the, you know the most traditional rich, traditionally rich monastic ambience our beloved arr … you know beautiful Banyan Tree, all the places that you know Swamiji has established, walked literally every stone, every tree, every leaf, erm … chant Swamiji’s name in Bengaluru Aadheenam. Of course, it’s been filled with his presence, that’s in Bengaluru Aadheenam. And the other place where Swamiji say you can literally experience that space of Kailaasa. The reason why he chose erm … the Carribean island - Trinidad and Tobago, you can attend it there as well where you can enjoy the, in the beautiful erm … Carribean Island while you are attending the Paramashivoham as well. So if you are in the western part of the world, actually it doesn’t matter whether you are in the western part of the world, you want to attend in India or you are eastern part of the world, you want to attend in Trinidad - it’s your choice. You can decide where you want to attend the program. The program delivery, the initiation will be the same in both the, both these places. You choose which place will be more convenient or more arr … exciting for you and you can choose that as well. That’s the Paramashivoham program happening erm … in December.
Yes! And when can you register for the program? Which is paramashivoham.innerawakening .org, erm … December 20th to January 10th. And I just wanted to share a few words about the December Paramashivoham program. Now please understand, every December program is unique. Now if you had an Inner Awakening graduate, you will know how Swamiji delivers like literally new powerful cognitions, new powers, makes us manifest more and more powers, more and more the state and space of  Paramashiva. And, literally almost like a, after a, a year and a half - all the gifts that Swamiji has brought erm … from Kailaasa, he is going to deliver in the Paramashivoham program. That is what is the speciality of this program. Now literally for, for almost a year and half, his body is just being soaking in that beautiful space of samadhi all of us have been watching the Swamiji’s Facebook posts, the messages, attending his satsangs - you know what we can experience. And when Swamiji is making himself available in the Paramashivoham program, erm … you know it, it we can’t just miss this opportunity and it’s coming in a time where you know our erm … most of us take a vacation. So take a vacation with Paramashiva to experience Paramashivoham. That is what I would say, so mark your dates, save your dates and register for the program.
Now, in the program is priced at erm fifteen thousand dollars in India and sixteen thousand dollars in ah Trinidad. One thing Swamiji always says and I want to reiterate that arr … is whether it is, “You know twenty two days I have to take off” or “I have to travel all the way to India” or “You know, I have to manifest money to attend this program” or “I attended Paramashivoham arr … you know last year, what about, should I go back this year” or “I have attended some weekend workshops” or some of you are even asking in the questions arr ... that arr … “ You know we are watching daily satsangs erm you know. How would it arr ... do we still have to come for Paramashivoham?” Now please understand, I just wanted to share this one thing. All it takes for you to manifest that space of Paramashiva, I repeat, all it takes for you to manifest that state of Paramashiva, is just your intention. Swamiji had shared beautifully in the satsang that you are your intention to be. What you intend to be, you manifest that in your life. What space you create, it manifest as a reality in your life.
Now when Swamiji is ready to share the experience of Paramashivoham, literally erm … transmit that experience, that’s what I should say, it’s not even about our practice or tapas, just through his initiation, just through his Divya Sarira presence, just through his initiation - making us manifest that space of Paramashivoham. That is what Swamiji is going to do in the December program. Literally manifesting the extraordinary shaktis of Paramashiva. And it is going to be a completely brand new program, even though the program name is the same from the last year December program. The program is completely brand new, and the teachings, the powers, the initiations that we are going to receive from Swamiji is completely brand new. Now I will just ask ourselves this one question. How many of us are really yearning to experience the ultimate state and space, the purpose, the real purpose of human existence. The real purpose of human life is to experience that state of Paramashiva. Experience, have the experience of Paramashivoham. And more and more … manifesting these powers.
Now how many of you ... just ask yourself, you know, “Do I want to experience arr … that state and space?” And if the answer is “Yes.” “Yes, I want to experience that. That state and space which one, once attained, I can attain anything in life.” Whether you are looking for health, wealth, relationships, spiritual experience and out of body experience or experiencing that ultimate state of samadhi every single minute - whatever you may want in your life, that there is one experience with which you can manifest everything in your life which is the experience of Paramashivoham. And there is only one prerequisite for you to experience Paramashivoham. That one prerequisite for you to experience Paramashivoham is your intention. “I want to experience that state. I want to experience that space.” A strong deep desire and the intention will manifest that experience as a reality in your life. Now all of you who are watching this webinar, have had that intention, that seeking awakened at some point in your life. Otherwise you would not be sitting here at this time watching this webinar. We have been you know literally from every time zone. From more than hundred countries, people have walk-in watching this webinar. 
Now it maybe three o’clock in the morning for you or three o’clock in the night for you or ten o’clock in the night for you or midnight right now. But if you are sitting here on the two-way video conferencing or on Nithyananda TV watching this webinar, be very clear, that intention is already existing in you. Otherwise you would not be sitting here. So when that spark, when that intention has already awakened in you - Paramashivoham, the December retreat that Swamiji is conducting is a beautiful fusion for that seeking. That seeking that has awakened in you. For some of us, that seeking … for some of us that seeking will be awakened ... due to some life incident, you watch arr … some video or you hear from somebody or you have an unexpected experience or you go through some extreme success in life or you go through some extreme depression or failure in life, whatever it may be - that seeking got awakened in you, got kindled in in you, which is what made you click and register for this webinar or come to a center and watch this webinar today.
Do not miss that seeking, do not lose that seeking because that is the most precious wealth a human being can have. And a beautiful next step for the seeking is soaking yourself in the divine presence of our beloved Swamiji. So register yourself for, … register yourself for the Paramashivoham program. Erm, I have put the link on the screen which is paramashivoham.innerawakening.org. Even if you want blessings from Swamiji to attend Paramashivoham, you can in the form there is a, erm … field where you can request Swamiji’s blessings. And in the form you can also mentioned if you are facing any obstacles, you want help from a power manifestor, from a causer, somebody who is trained to manifest erm …  life, manifest the reality of others. paramashivoham.innerawakening.org - go ahead and register yourself, and I just give you a couple of minutes.
During the Paramashivoham initiation today, whoever is registering for the Paramashivoham program will be receiving special blessings for you to manifest Paramashivoham, to go beyond any kind of an obstacle that you may have, whether health, wealth, relationships or job or even mind obstacles, whatever type of obstacles that you may have. Going beyond those obstacles, Swamiji will bless and you will literally see with the blessings of Swamiji, your intention just manifest as reality and that intention deepens in you, that you will be able to manifest and be there for the December Paramashivoham program. So go ahead and register yourself and I am just going to give a couple of minutes. Yes, you can take a screenshot or a picture of this, what is being projected on the screen or you can directly go to the link and register yourself. We request you to register before the Paramashivoham initiation when Swamiji is going to be initiating all of you. He will also be erm … in inner erm … transmitting that energy, that shakti, the initiation for you to manifest your intention as a reality. That is why I am coming now before the initiation to share about this program with you.
Yes! Next, all of you erm … as we get ready for Paramashivoham, I have a few upcoming programs and courses that I wanted all of you to, to note down. One is the next Sunday, morning err … same time, we are having a very special webinar called - Body, Mind and Beyond. Secrets of birth, life and death by the enlightened Master and the Avatar. So the Body, Mind and Beyond webinar is the next weekend. And then on the 22nd of September which is the next Sunday, we are having a, an event, webinar - Conscious Awakening. Heal your self-doubts, fears and conflicts, which is on the 22nd, on Nithyananda TV we will be having a special streaming like what we are having today. So please mark your dates. And arr … also note that time, the September 22nd webinar is going to be at 7.30 pm. The September 15th webinar is at 7.30 am Indian Standard Time and the September 22nd webinar is at 7.30 pm.
And then, we have a very, very special workshop erm after a very long time we are having like a program, a workshop. On the 29th erm … of September, sorry for the typo there, 29th of September, 7 pm IST - Rewrite Your Future Through Third Eye. It will be erm … about arr … five hour paid workshop - Rewrite Your Future Through Third Eye. Creating the life you want by awakening your consciousness - programs@ nithyananda.org/rewriteyourfuture. We are having an early bird offer of forty nine dollars and the program is cost at ninety nine US dollars. It is a five hour very special erm … workshop, program where Swamiji is going to literally give us the powerful cognition and experience on how to rewrite our future using our Third Eye. We have tried through ways, many different ways but how can we use our Third Eye and create the life we want by awakening our consciousness. So you can go ahead and register for this program as well - programs.nithyananda.org/rewriteyourfuture. You can take a screenshot of this. You can register aah … in the break or after the program.
And then Swamiji announced about erm … the new erm … aadheenam, the ecosystem, the Kailaasa ecosystem that is going to happen in Trinidad and Tobago. So we have ah basic information about it which is kailaasa.org/embassyintrinidad to get more information about the new Kailaasa ecosystem. And then starting the Navaratri, arr … we are having the Nithyananda special - Nithyananda Yogam in Kailaasa in Trinidad and Tobago. You can go ahead and register if you are interested, it’s a three month program starting 29th of September till the Paramashivoham ends. So it will be tinyurl.com/NYogamTT, tinyurl.com/NYogamTT. Means Nithyananda Yogam in Trinidad and Tobago which is NYogamTT.
And I also want to utilize this opportunity to welcome erm … each and everyone of you for every day satsang, every day at 7.30 am IST in English and 7.30 pm IST in Tamil - Swamiji is giving live satsangs. And I highly encourage erm … each and every … viewer to come to your nearest center, come to the temple, always attend satsangs from your nearest center or temple or on two-way video conferencing Nayana Deeksha for you’ll receive special energy darshan and Shaktipat from Swamiji during the satsang. Erm, if you are, you do not have a center nearby or you are unable to come then you can watch it live on Nithyananda TV or Facebook live or YouTube live. Nithya Satsangs every day - 7.30 am IST in English or 7.30 pm IST in Tamil, live by Swamiji himself. So with that, I really thank each and every one of you for taking this opportunity, for taking this opportunity to come and attend and let’s all now get ready for the Paramashivoham initiation. Nithyanandam.
Let’s start … getting into Kailash. Listen. Today I’ll initiate all of you … into the experience of Kailaasa, the space of Paramashiva. After that … you can download this book. I am giving this book as a gift to all of you - Manifesting Powers. Read this book and manifest any powers you want from this book, you will start manifesting. I am initiating all of you into the state, space, powers of Paramashiva. Today after this process, download this book - tinyurl.com/manifestingpowers. Download this book and read this book. Any power you want to manifest from this, start manifesting, you will be able to manifest.
Now … listen carefully. Visualize trillion times powerful lights than sun. Extremely powerful light, Kailaasa space - inhale that light and exhale that light. Be in the space of Kailaasa, the light of Paramashiva, and chant Mahavakya intensely inside - Om Nithyananda Paramashivoham. Please sit straight, and … chant the Mahavakya intensely inside you. Close your eyes and … inhale the space of Kailaasa and exhale the space of Kailaasa - intense light. Now … with the grace of Paramashiva, with the permission of Nandi and Kalabhairava, … with the blessings of Ganapati, all of us … will experience the Kailaasa with the grace of Paramashiva and Parashakti.
Initiation starts with the chanting of Mahavakya in the background continuously
Om Nithyananda Paramashivoham. With this I bless you all, and initiate all of you. Let’s all manifest the state, space, powers of Paramashiva. Please download this book - Manifesting Powers … from this tinyurl.com/manifestingpowers. Read this book and manifest any power you want, you will be able to manifest it.
From today, I am making myself available to all of you. Whatever Paramashiva has downloaded into me, I am sharing it with all of you, I have brought great gifts from Kailaasa. I’ll be sharing with you all … through four ways. One, morning and evening free satsangs every day. Second, … twenty one months Kalpataru Yoga, Kayakalpa Yoga. Twenty one months Kayakalpa Yoga. Third, three months Nithyananda Yogam in Tobag …  Trinidad Tobago from September 29th, Navaratri. Fourth, December 20th to January 10th, twenty two days … Paramashivoham. So, blessings to all of you.
Some more important guests have come. Kailaasa in Bandra: Shanmugam Sundaram, Business Technologist and Rotarian - welcome. Paraksha, blessings. Kailaasa in Thane: Varadaraj Puppet - welcome. Kapil from Gaba, Kailaasa in Vancouver - I welcome you.
So … with this … I bless you all. Let’s all radiate that space, state, powers, being and consciousness of Paramashiva. I bless you all. Let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, Paramashivoham, The Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be blissful.
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=== Adi Shaivam Satsang With HDH Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam ===
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=== Vertical Time Zones Webinar ===
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Latest revision as of 21:44, 26 November 2020


Vertical Time Zones - Hindu Revelations on Nature of Reality, Cosmology & Consciousness || Lokas ||


The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, expounded on the Cosmic Principle of Kala during the everyday live public talk - Nithyananda Satsang. In this talk entitled Vertical Time Zones - Hindu Revelations on Nature of Reality, Cosmology & Consciousness, The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism explained that we usually work with horizontal time zones, including Pacific, Central and Indian Standard Time, but there is a standard called Vertical Time Zone which is covered in the Vedas and Agamas and which is calculated precisely in the Puranas. He expounded on the vertical time zones, or Lokas, and how they are presided over by various Gods and Goddesses. He also explained that the whole purpose of Hinduism is to raise people to the higher time zones and if the power of pure consciousness increases through the spiritual practices of Hinduism, those vertical time zones, the Lokas will be reached. He then announced the ways He will help delegates to reach the vertical time zone.

Also today, His Divine Holiness initiated everyone into the space of KAILASA, the space of Paramashiva by instructing delegates to sit straight and visualize an extremely powerful light while chanting the Mahavakya.

Video & Audio

Vertical Time Zones - Hindu Revelations on Nature of Reality, Cosmology & Consciousness

Video Audio


"I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangis, Sri Mahants, Mahants, Thanedar, Kotharis, visitors, viewers, gurukul balasanths, sannyasis, … respected guests, … important personalities, visitors, viewers, everyone sitting with us; more than thousand places in hundred and twenty countries all over the world at this moment. I welcome all of you with my love and respects. Welcome every one of you sitting with us in two-way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha for this great webinar - The Vertical Time Zones. I welcome all of you with my love and respects, especially the important guest sitting with us in Toronto Aadheenam, Kailaasa in Toronto: Miss Salma Zahid, Honourable Member of Parliament Scarborough Center, I welcome you with my love and respects. And ... Sivas, Sri Sivasri Saba Srithara Kurukkal, ... President of Canada Hindu Priest Organization, Chief Priest and Head of the Chandramouleeshwara Shiva Temple.

>>>Tamil welcoming speech<<< the Chief >>>interruption in transmission and Tamil speech<<< newspaper owner >>>Tamil<<<

I welcome all of you with my love and respects. Next Kailaasa in Los Angeles, Sri Keshav Patelji, President of VHP America Los Angeles. Sri Keshav Patelji, I welcome you with my love and respects. So nice that you came and grace this occasion. I welcome you with my love and respects. And I welcome all the devotees present in Los Angeles. And, Kailaasa in Vancouver, Sri Kapil Gaba, entrepreneur and Sri Satinder, Headmaster of Khalsa School, I welcome both of you with love and respects. Kailaasa in Australia, Sri Kumaran Thangaraj, … I welcome you with my love and respects. Sri Kumaran Thangaraj, Chairperson of Spiritual Aware, Affairs Community, Shiva Vishnu Temple, I welcome you with my love and respects. Kailaasa in Sion, Mumbai … Sri Kumaran Thangaraj, Sri, ... Kailaasa in Sion Mumbai - Dr Asha Prasuna. I welcome you with respects. Anandi Ma, I welcome you. Ella Rama, Ganesha >>>?<<<, I welcome all of you with my love and respects. So all the ashrams, centers, temples, universities, Kailaasas, sitting with us in two-way video conferencing for this webinar, I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

Vertical time zones exist. Please understand. Let me present exactly what I mean by the word “vertical time zones.” Then I’ll try to share, what is the need for us to understand about vertical time zones. See all of us know, the time zones like Pacific Time Zone, the East Coast Time Zone, West Coast Central Time. In India we have Indian Standard Time. The time zones in this planet earth is horizontal time zone. Based on the sunrise to sunset in this planet earth, various countries practice different time zones. All the time zones observed, practiced in the planet earth, I called them horizontal time zone. There is something called vertical time zone. In Hindu tradition, ... the precise understandings about this vertical time zone is presented in Vedas and Agamas. I’ll present this science to you … with the Shastra Pramana from the original Veda-Agamic literatures, scriptures. Elaborately Agamas describe these various vertical time zones. Puranas give precise calculation. Not only from the Shastra Pramana, … even from my own experience - Atma Pramana, and Apta Pramana - my Gurus, their experiences. I’ll explain these vertical time zones. Please understand, ... the truths I am sharing with you are time tested, foolproof. Time tested, foolproof directly from Vedas and Agamas.

Knowing about these great truths, will change your understanding about reality, which will change your cognitions about right-wrong, good-bad, what is freedom, what is goal of life. Understand. When you allow the truth to enter into your being, when the truth becomes your cognition - in Agama we call jnanapada, vidyapada; the powerful truths about the Cosmos, the cosmology. The powerful truths about the Cosmos, if they enter into your system, your whole life ... gets matured, evolves to a different level. You live an enlightened life, life of Shivajnana, Paramashivajnana. Life based on the principles and knowledge and enlightenment of Paramashiva. Understand, the powerful cognitions I am going to share with you, these understandings are from Shastra Pramanas - scriptures, Vedas and Agamas, and, Apta Pramana - our Guru Parampara’s experience, my predecessors, Guru Mahasannidhanams, ... my Gurus, Paramagurus, Acharyas, Avatara Purushas - all their experience, and, I myself have experienced these great truths I am going to share with you all; especially last months during this Great Pause, understand.

All of you maybe aware last few months, I was in absolute seclusion and deep samadhi. During this time, I myself have experienced the vertical time zones. So the truths I am sharing with you all: time tested, foolproof, Shastra Pramana from the Vedagamas, Apta Pramana from my predecessors’ experience, Atma Pramana - my own experience; I am sharing with you all. If you internalize them, you will experience all these great truths as Sakshi Pramana. Understand, the first truth I wanted to share with you all - vertical time zones exist. What I mean by the word “vertical time zone?” What I mean by the word “vertical time zone?” For us one year is one day for the higher time zone - Svarga Loka. That is why Nataraja, the God of Svarga Loka receives six abhishekam in a year. Because for Devatas, in Svarga Loka … the one year of Bhu Mandala, Bhuloka, one year of planet earth is one day in Svarga Loka.

There are vertical time zones - Bhu, Bhuvah, Svah, Tapa, Satya. The Satya Loka where Brahma resides, there one day of Brahma Loka is four point three two (4.32) billion human years, understand. One day of Svarga Loka means, the vertical time zone above us - Bhu, Bhuvah, Svah, Tapa; it goes and Satya; then beyond Satya is Vaikuntha; beyond Vaikuntha is Kailaasa. Below: Atala, Vitala, Sutala, Talatala, Patala. Understand, I am not giving you some superstitious theories. No! I’ll give you precise understanding and experience of these vertical time zones. And … understanding about these vertical time zones has a direct utility for your day to day life. It can bring tremendous physical health, mental health, psychological wellness. A very powerful way of existing, and above all - life of Paramashivajnana. You can exist embodying the space of Paramashiva; state, space of Paramashiva and manifest powers of Paramashiva. Understand.

The idea you carry about you is very important because that is the foundation from which you manifest your life. Knowledge about the vertical time zone especially experientially … can change ... absolutely your life for … best, highest, supreme form of existence. The Paramashivajnana makes you experience the state, space, powers of Paramashiva. The vertical time zones where … the intensity of the kala - time, is higher and higher. How they exist? I’ll give you this basic understanding about reality. Please listen. In your life as of now, you know the matter. Matter means, mass, the physical world. Like the floor on which you are sitting. The house inside which you are sitting. All the objects around you. The physical world, the physical reality, the mass - that is matter, jada.

Mind: your mind is nothing but the process how you perceive the matter, understand. Same matter is not perceived as same by all human beings. Each person perceives the matter in their own way. Matter is not processed … by all minds in the same way. For example this danda. For me it is Yoga Danda, in the form of Kundalini Shakti. This stores the spiritual powers and use for initiations. Somebody who is very artistic, for him, “Oh, what a beautiful snake.” Somebody who knows the value of the metals, “Wow, it is made of silver.” Somebody who feels very devoted, “Wow, I should touch that and do namaskar.” Each mind processes the matter, perceives the matter … in a different way. The experience of the matter inside you is called mind, please understand. Mind means … experience of matter. Mind is actually an action. It’s not an object. It does not have existence other than the action.

The first component I wanted to introduce is matter, the physical reality. The second component is the mind. The internal process which happens in you about the physical reality. The third is buddhi, which responds or decides, … gives instruction, how to react and respond to the mind and the matter. That is buddhi, intelligence. The intelligence operates based on the cognitions you carry. Those cognitions respond through the … mind, and relates with the matter. Let me repeat. Buddhi, intelligence … buddhi, intelligence gives commands, gives instructions … to mind and through the mind relates with the matter, physical reality. The fourth component is pure consciousness. We call it Paramashiva, Parabrahma, whatever name you want to use. Understand, these four truths. Jada: physical reality, matter. Second: mind which process ideas, perceptions about the matter. Third: … intelligence, buddhi, which gives commands … about … the mind and the matter. The fourth is pure consciousness.

So matter, mind, intelligence, consciousness. If you experience all the four in you … I’ll give example, all the four - twenty five, twenty five, twenty five, twenty five percent. All the four are part of your reality. These four is part of your reality. If you experience all these four equally, I call this as a horizontal time zone, Bhu Mandala. The time zone we all experience normally. Where we experience matter, mind, intelligence, consciousness - all four equally. If the intensity of the consciousness increases in you: for example, intensity of the consciousness from twenty five percent, if it increases to forty percent, then influence of the consciousness on your intelligence, buddhi will also drastically increase. Naturally the influence of the mind and the matter over you will reduce. So … increase in the intensity of the consciousness raises you. You enter into vertical time zone, understand.

I’ll repeat. Matter, mind, … intelligence, consciousness. If all these four are perceived, experienced by you equally like twenty five, twenty five, twenty five, twenty five. It is horizontal time zone. If the intensity of your consciousness increases, then the consciousness its influence on the buddhi increases. Then the power of matter and the mind reduces on you in your reality. Then you start entering into vertical time zones. If you have absolutely only pure consciousness - hundred percent, no influence of intelligence or mind or matter in your reality - you are in Kailaasa. Kailaasa is the space where pure consciousness only exists. The highest time zone in the vertical time zone. I am giving you simple examples. Twenty five percent - matter, twenty five percent - mind, twenty five percent - intelligence, twenty five percent - consciousness: if this is your reality, you are in Bhu Mandala, horizontal time zone. If the power of consciousness increases in you, … suddenly, your existence goes up, you go into higher time zones.

All the spiritual practices in Hinduism whether yoga, puja, bhajan, japa, repetition of the name - all spiritual practices in Hinduism is only to raise the intensity of your consciousness. It’s only to raise the intensity of your consciousness. Initiation, deeksha, shaktipata, shaktinipata, everything, is only to raise the frequency of your consciousness. Please understand, if you perceived matter, mind, intelligence and consciousness - all four equally, you are in the horizontal time zone, Bhu Mandala, the planet earth. The time zone of this Bhuloka. If the influence of consciousness increases in you, naturally the influence of intelligence will increase. Then the influence of the mind, and the matter will reduce on your life, on your reality. For example, if the consciousness, influence of consciousness increases, it becomes forty percent, then naturally the influence of intelligence also becomes forty percent, so forty, forty - these two becomes eighty. So the matter, influence of the matter and mind becomes only twenty percent in your life, so naturally you go up. You going to the higher vertical time zones, higher time zones and vertical time zones, ... like maybe you reach Svarga Loka, higher plane of existence.

If the influence of consciousness in your life increases more and more, if the intensity of the consciousness increases in your life more and more, … you raise to higher and higher zones. When you experienced hundred percent pure consciousness, only pure consciousness - there is no matter, the influence of matter, influence of mind, influence of intelligence; all these are just zero, zero, zero. Zero influence of matter in your life - jada, has no impact on your life. Mind has no impact on your life. Intelligence has no impact on your life. Your whole life is pure consciousness hundred percent. Then you are in the Kailaasa zone. The Kailaasa time zone, highest in the vertical time zone is Kailaasa. The other end, ... if you are hundred percent only matter - jada, no mind, no influence of mind, no influence of intelligence and no influence of consciousness - that is called Patala. Atala, Vitala, Sutala, Talatala, Patala is the lower time zones. Bhu, Bhuvah, Svah, Tapa, Satya - these are higher time zones.

Understand, all spiritual practices leads you to higher time zones, whether puja, yoga. All spiritual practices leads you to higher time zone. The next question, what is the use of knowing about higher time zone in our lives? Understand, … understand very clearly, knowing about higher time zones raises your frequency of consciousness. When your frequency of consciousness raises, your taste for life gets mature, understand. Your taste for life getting matured is what I called enlightenment. See, if you think you are body, just matter, … the physical pleasures only will matter for your life. You will think freedom to enjoy the physical pleasures is the highest freedom. That’s the best thing in your life. But if your conscious intensity increases, you will start realizing your higher identities, then ... freedom to practice the higher principles will only matter for you. You will think, “Freedom to practice yoga is real freedom for me. Freedom to practice silence, seclusion, Manonmani Vidya, Kayakalpa Yoga, all these great sciences, that is the real freedom for me.”

Understand, when your identity, your understanding about you, the intensity, frequency of your existence increases - your taste about life increases. The ideas of good-bad, right-wrong, what is good, what is bad, what is freedom - everything gets mature. The ideas of your life getting matured is enlightenment. I tell you, if you taste the higher time zones, higher intensity of consciousness, the first thing will happen - all fears will disappear from your system. All fears will be cleared, these, they will disappear from your system. Such tremendous inner healing, powerful way of existing will happen in you. The extreme love, extreme care, extreme sweetness about your existence will happen. Maturity of existence happens when your consciousness gets intense. When you taste the higher time zones, the vertical time zones, tremendous inner healing happens in you - physical healing, mental healing, psychological healing; above all - higher conscious existence starts happening in you, understand.

When you raise in vertical time zones, you start manifesting powers, extraordinary powers are manifested. I tell you, whoever manifest the powers of Third Eye, their time zone is different. They start moving towards the vertical time zone. More and more power manifestation happens in you, you move to the higher and higher time zones. The higher and higher time zones you move, more and more power manifest in you. When you move to the higher time zones, the intensity of your consciousness increases. When the intensity of your consciousness increases, you move to the higher time zones. The whole Hinduism, the purpose of whole Hinduism is to raise you to the higher time zones. All methods, puja, homa, kriya, jnana, dhyana, pranayama, pratyahara, karana, yoga, samadhi - everything in Hinduism, is to raise the frequency of your consciousness and raise you to the higher time zones.

Understand, last fourteen months - on and off, last six months almost absolutely being soaked in samadhi, in the space of Kailaasa. The great gifts Paramashiva downloaded into me to share with you all, … I am revealing and sharing with you all through three ways. One, every day morning and evening - free satsangs. And helping everyone of you to manifest powers, higher consciousness and helping you to experience vertical time zones through morning and evening satsang. Second, the twenty one months Kayakalpa Yoga free program, understand. Last six months, ... not only I have lost thirty kg weight, the whole being is soaked in the highest samadhi, the Kailaasa space and detoxification happened into the system. This whole science, the Science of Svarupa Samadhi and Jeeva Samadhi, … I am going to share with you all, through this twenty one months Kayakalpa Yoga, free of charge. The details of this program will be available, it’s free of cost. Twenty one months intense meditation program, yoga meditation program - the Science of Kayakalpa Yoga which I brought directly from Kailaasa.

Third, from December 20th to January, … the twenty two days Paramashivoham program. Understand. This time December 21st is my Jayanti. So, from December 20th to January 10th, twenty two days Paramashivoham program. I know all of you are expecting the next word - location. Trinidad Tobago. Trinidad Tobago ... and Bidadi, Bengaluru. In both the places, … the Paramashivoham is going to be happening, ... from December 20th to January 10th, twenty two days. Understand, whatever the great spiritual gifts Paramshiva has downloaded into me to share with you all in last fourteen months of my samadhi, ... six months of Great Pause, ... whatever Paramashiva has downloaded into me to share with you all, I’ll be sharing in these three ways. Every day morning and evening free satsang. Morning: Indian Standard Time, seven thirty in English. Evening: Indian Standard Time, seven thirty in Tamil. That's the first way I will be sharing with you all, all the great gifts Paramashiva downloaded in me from the highest time zone, the vertical time zone - Kailaasa.

Second, the Kayakalpa Yoga, twenty one months free program going to be happening from October 1st. From October 1st, it’s going to be happening in India. For all men: in Madurai and Rajapalayam. For all women: Thiruvannamalai and Salem. To register, please send a mail: tinyurl.com/kayakalpayoga. And also there is a landing page, you can get all the details about this Kayakalpa Yoga. And the third foremost, … from December 20th to January 10th, twenty two days Paramashivoham in Tobago, the Trinidad Tobago and Bidadi, Bangalore. In both the places, it will be conducted by me personally through Divya Sarira. Through Divya Sarira, in both the places it will be happening, conducted by me personally. Understand.

See when the intensity of the consciousness increases, when quality of your consciousness increase in your life, … the way you exist drastically changes. The transformation is unimaginable, understand. The extraordinary spiritual sciences like power manifestation or the extraordinary … spiritual DNAs like Kalpavriksha, Kamadhenu, Parijata. Understand, all these are real, not imagination or myth. Flower which does not wither away for years is available. I have brought the DNA, the whole biological structure I am going to make it and share it with the whole world. I’ve already brought the biological DNA structure of … Kalpavriksha and Kamadhenu and Parijata. I am talking to all of you very responsibly.

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Understand. You see, the experience … of the vertical time zones, in the higher time zones, … the influence of powerful cognitions, consciousness drastically increases in your reality, naturally that makes your life extraordinary. Your whole life gets filled with multiple powerful cognition. Those power cognitions starts manifesting as extraordinary powers in you. Understand, the cognition you carry about you in the life manifest as reality in you. If you carry powerless cognition, life becomes impossible. If you carry powerful cognitions, life becomes power. You manifest powers. All the great things Paramashiva has downloaded into me which I am sharing with you all … is only with one reason - to prove Hinduism is real. That’s all. Whatever our Vedas and Agamas claimed, all those truths have a spiritual legitimacy. I am just … a statement from Kailaasa to bring spiritual legitimacy to Hinduism - Vedas and Agamas. Hinduism is real. Vertical time zones exist, and, Paramashiva has downloaded many powerful cognitions, powers into me. I’ll be sharing all these sciences with you all.

Please understand. I am talking only the truth. Absolute reality. Straight, raw, direct truth, … unadulterated. I am neither hiding nor adulterating or mixing or mincing, very straight. I experienced Kailaasa last six months of Great Pause happening in me and from that space Paramashiva has downloaded great powerful sciences, powers from that highest vertical time zone into me. I am here to share all of that with you all, with the whole world. It’s a very straight simple truth. More and more powerful cognitions are cherished by you, the influence of consciousness will start increasing in you. For example, I will give you one example. If you start cherishing that idea, “I am eternal,” means you are eternal, ... Aham Brahmasmi. Start cherishing the truth Aham Brahmasmi means you are eternal. Whatever you feel as you is eternal. When you start cherishing this truth, everything else is impermanent. You will see all the psychological, physiological, neurological ups and downs in your life drastically reduces.

More and more you get centered on the truth, powerful cognition - you are eternal, Aham Brahmasmi. Other than you being eternal, everything else is not you. When you cherish this one powerful cognition, internalize it, … so much of powerfulness will manifest in your life. It raises your physical health, mental health. Nobody can put a value for you. You decide ... the number. Your utility for yourself and others increases. Wealth is nothing but your utility for yourself and others. If you are able to increase that, your wealth increases. It has nothing to do with education, understand. Qualification is different, competence is different. Life is all about competence, not about qualification. Qualification maybe a initial visiting card, good visiting card. But that does not make you successful. Competence makes you successful. Powerful cognitions makes you competent. Powerful cognitions makes you competent.

Understand. Every time you cherish powerful cognitions, powers start manifesting in you. I have brought too many gifts from Kailaasa, to all of you from this Great Pause. I will be sharing with you all, all the gifts Paramashiva has downloaded in me ... through these three - every day morning and evening satsang, Kayakalpa Yoga twenty one months program and Paramashivoham: December 20th to January 10th in Trinidad Tobago and Bengaluru, Bidadi. In both the places, the twenty two days program will be conducted. These twenty two days, whatever I have downloaded from these vertical time zones, the highest vertical time zone - Kailaasa, I’ll be sharing with you all. Understand. Now I am going to … answer your questions live. You are welcome to submit any question you have. Please send your questions. I’ll answer your questions. All of you type and send your questions.

With all the health, wealth, bliss, powers of Kailaasa, Paramashiva - you will all live blissful life, manifesting the state, space, powers of Paramashiva. Blessings to both of you. Blessings to both of you and the whole family. Blessings. Sri, Balaji Srinivasan and his family, Srikant ayya and his family - blessings to all of you. Please have the crown.

Question: Yes! I’ll answer all your questions. Nitin Nayar is asking, “Swamiji you said Kailaasa is extreme bright light. Then is the beings in Kailaasa have not seen darkness? Is there not a day and night in Kailaasa as we experienced here?

Swamiji: First let me bow down to Nandi. Oh Gods, Kailaasa. I bow down to Nandi, keeping Nandi as a witness, I’ll reveal the truths about Kailaasa, understand. I will not hide. I will not lie. I will not bother about the after effects. I will not be afraid, no fear, no greed. Keeping Nandi as a witness, Kalabhairava as a witness, I’ll reveal the truths about Kailaasa as it is, as they revealed it to me. Kailaasa ... is a pure bright space. No day, no night. There is no time in Kailaasa. Kailaasa is beyond time. Understand. Even if you meditate on this great truth, Kailaasa the purest extreme light, no time, there is no time in Kailaasa. No time zone, it is a pure consciousness. Even if you meditate on this, you will experience Kailaasa.

I can give you guys the glimpse of Kailaasa with the blessings of Paramashiva and Nandi. Nandi is the decision maker - who can be allowed in Kailaasa, who can get the experience of Kailaasa. With his blessings, I’ll give you the glimpse of Kailaasa. Understand, the photographs about the Bhu Mandala, the space. The photographs of space … See in the photographs of space, you see huge darkness as a background and all the suns and the stars as like a lights - small, small lights. But actually from Kailaasa, the whole background is extreme light. And all these suns and the stars look like a small, small, small black dust. Understand, it’s the other way. Listen carefully. I’ll repeat. I take the oath of integrity, keeping Nandi as a witness. Keeping Nandi and Kalabhairava as a witness, I declare I will talk only the truth as it is because it is too sacred. The revelations about Kailaasa is too sacred. Even if you meditate on it, you will experience it.

Keeping them as a witness, with their blessings, I’ll reveal the secrets of Kailaasa, understand. First thing, Kailaasa exists. Second, Paramashiva really exists! He is alive! He is sitting and listening, actually smiling seeing the way He is being introduced to all of you. He is alive, living, understand. He is beyond form and form. He is beyond form. And formlessness. And he has a form. He is beyond identity and has a clear defined identity. He is beyond identity but operates through a clear defined identity of Parama, Ultimate. The ultimate form He himself describes about himself in Agama is Mahasadashiva Svarupam, with the twenty five heads and fifty hands; with the Manonmani, Parvati, Parashakti in His lap. He is available to all of you, all of us. Understand. I neither will allow fear nor greed, when I am revealing the secrets of Kailaasa, I will tell the truth as it is.

>>>interruption in transmission<<< Please listen. Sorry for the technical glitch. Listen. >>>long interruption in transmission<<< Sorry for the technical glitch again.

Listen. How ... in the photographs of the space you see, … like a huge darkness and all the stars and suns look like a light. It’s actually the other way. In Kailaasa, complete light and the stars and suns looks like a small, small dust of darkness. Means, trillions of time brighter light than the sun and the stars is the Kailaasa. That pure tejas! I tell you, even if you meditate on that tejas of Kailaasa’s space, your Third Eye will be awakened, you will start manifesting powers. Today I will give the glimpse of Kailaasa. I’ll initiate and give you the glimpse of Kailaasa. Whatever Paramashiva has revealed to me, downloaded into my system, I’ll share it with you all. Please understand, … to make this Kailaasa Nation, Paramashiva has downloaded all the powers, knowledge, life, understanding, everything required into this body ... in this Great Pause of last six months.

The Great Pause this body experienced, this being experienced last … six months intensely, fourteen months - on and off: ... the power manifestation sciences, the various Sciences of Alchemy, Sciences of Mandalas, Sciences of Yantras, various enlightenment sciences, various superconscious sciences, sciences related to state of Paramashiva, space of Paramashiva, powers of Paramashiva, being of Paramashiva and superconsciousness of Paramashiva, eleven dimensions of the Universe, twenty five states of consciousness and Pancha Kritya - five expressions of Paramashiva. All these great truths and experiences, I will be sharing with you all through these three programs. Every day free morning and evening satsang. Twenty one months Kayakalpa Yoga and twenty two days of Paramashivoham from December 20th to January 10th.

And I am also … revealing another one important sacred secret. There are time zones … in the planet earth where the Kailaasa time zone crisscrosses. So easily you can enter into Kailaasa time zone. One is Bidadi, Bangalore. Another one is Trinidad Tobago. So that is the reason I chose Trinidad Tobago to start a huge Kailaasa. In Trinidad Tobago we are going to be having a huge Kailaasa with the world’s largest Hindu library, Hindu temple, Hindu monastery, Hindu university, Hindu goshala. It’s going to be modern day pilgrimage center, kshetra, ... the Kailaasa in Trinidad is going to be. So …

And, from this Navaratri, Navaratri, from Navaratri, three months there is going to be Nithyananda Yogam program. Anyone can participate. The program is free. Stay and accom … the food you will have to manage on your own. Soon the announcements for Nithyananda Yogam program. Three months program will be conducted in Trinidad Tobago … will also be announced, it’ll start from Navaratri Day, Vijaya Dashami Day. Three months from September 29th, Sunday. Sunday, September 29th, the program will start. Three months Nithyananda Yogam till Paramashivoham ends, the Nithyananda Yogam will be happening. Means, this Septem … sorry, January 10th, the Nithyananda Yogam will be happening. Anyone wants to attend, you can apply. So … I am going to make myself available. The Nithyananda Yogam and Paramshivoham, both will be conducted through Divya Sarira. Through Divya Sarira in Trinidad Tobago.

There is so much to share about the Paramashivoham. So as I announced, … every day in the morning and evening satsangs, I’ll start sharing. Actually, I’ll give you the glimpse of Kailaasa today. And, make sure all of you manifest at least one power today.

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I’ll actually lead you all into a powerful process to experience Kailaasa. Now, Jnanatma has details about the programs to share with you all about the Nithyananda Yogam, Kayakalpa Yoga and Paramashivoham programs. After she shares the details related to programs, I will lead you all to experience Kailaasa. Please don’t go, I am here. Wait. We will have the real session to experience powers of Paramashiva, experience Kailaasa and manifest the powers of Paramashiva. So, now I am inviting Jnanatma to continue the session.

Ma Nithya Jnanatmananda Swami: Nithyanandam … and welcome, and thank you everyone for joining in this session. I know you are all eagerly waiting for a very special Paramashivi …. Paramashivoham initiation by our beloved Swamiji. So as we get ready for the initiation, wanted to share with you, very very excited to share with you about the upcoming Paramashivoham. A grand program conducted by Swamiji himself, which is happening this December in two locations. One, in the aadheenam in Bidadi, and second also in Trinidad and Tobago, so for the first time we are going to be having the program happening in two different locations through the Divya Sarira, the divine presence of His beloved, His Divine Holiness, our beloved Swamiji. The program will be conducted by Swamiji himself. The dates of the program … December 20th to Jan, January 10th. I wanted all of you to note down that dates because earlier we had announced the program maybe starting on the 10th of December. Erm, due to popular request, we are arr … moving the dates from December 10th to December 20th, so the updated dates for Paramashivoham is December 20th to the 10th of January, erm ... with the Divya Sarira presence of His Divine Holiness, our beloved Swamiji. The program is arr … is right around Swamiji’s arr … 42nd arr … Avatara Brahmotsavam which is happening on the 21st is Swamiji’s Jayanti, so the program is starting just one day before Swamiji’s birthday so we can enjoy that as well.

And the program is going to happen in two locations. Yes, now the costing of the program. The Paramashivoham program is price at arr … same as the last year - fifteen thousand US dollars. And if you are attending the program in India, the program and the costing of the program is fifteen thousand US dollars, and we have early bird discounts which are starting right away so you can go ahead and register yourself, and avail the early bird discounts for the program. The early bird discounts have been projected on the screen. This is if you are attending the program in India, till October 20th which is almost arr … more than a month from now, we are having the Paramashivoham program. Arr … the costing will be twelve thousand US dollars so you benefit from a three thousand dollar discount if you arr … register yourself and the make the payment of the program early. And then we have different arr … slacks for the early bird discounts. This is if you are attending the program in arr … India.

Now if you are attending the program in Trinidad and Tobago, there is a slight err … like a one thousand dollar cost difference. So the cost of the program happening in Trinidad and Tobago will be sixteen thousand US dollars. And we also have the early bird starting at thirteen thousand US dollars. So you can erm … register for the program, so actually when you register for the Paramashivoham, erm … I know some of you may have erm … registered before but if you are registering, we request you to register now so you can choose which location you want to attend the Paramashivoham program and I am sure many of you are, I can see you excited about the new location which is an island destination, who would not want to take a break in December in a beautiful Caribbean Island, so welcome to erm … choose which one location you want as well as the content of the program is concerned, arr … the program is going to be ah … it’s the same program delivered erm in two places. So the program content is going to be the same.

Now if you erm … choose to attend it in Bengaluru Aadheenam, you can enjoy the, you know the most traditional rich, traditionally rich monastic ambience our beloved arr … you know beautiful Banyan Tree, all the places that you know Swamiji has established, walked literally every stone, every tree, every leaf, erm … chant Swamiji’s name in Bengaluru Aadheenam. Of course, it’s been filled with his presence, that’s in Bengaluru Aadheenam. And the other place where Swamiji say you can literally experience that space of Kailaasa. The reason why he chose erm … the Carribean island - Trinidad and Tobago, you can attend it there as well where you can enjoy the, in the beautiful erm … Carribean Island while you are attending the Paramashivoham as well. So if you are in the western part of the world, actually it doesn’t matter whether you are in the western part of the world, you want to attend in India or you are eastern part of the world, you want to attend in Trinidad - it’s your choice. You can decide where you want to attend the program. The program delivery, the initiation will be the same in both the, both these places. You choose which place will be more convenient or more arr … exciting for you and you can choose that as well. That’s the Paramashivoham program happening erm … in December.

Yes! And when can you register for the program? Which is paramashivoham.innerawakening .org, erm … December 20th to January 10th. And I just wanted to share a few words about the December Paramashivoham program. Now please understand, every December program is unique. Now if you had an Inner Awakening graduate, you will know how Swamiji delivers like literally new powerful cognitions, new powers, makes us manifest more and more powers, more and more the state and space of Paramashiva. And, literally almost like a, after a, a year and a half - all the gifts that Swamiji has brought erm … from Kailaasa, he is going to deliver in the Paramashivoham program. That is what is the speciality of this program. Now literally for, for almost a year and half, his body is just being soaking in that beautiful space of samadhi all of us have been watching the Swamiji’s Facebook posts, the messages, attending his satsangs - you know what we can experience. And when Swamiji is making himself available in the Paramashivoham program, erm … you know it, it we can’t just miss this opportunity and it’s coming in a time where you know our erm … most of us take a vacation. So take a vacation with Paramashiva to experience Paramashivoham. That is what I would say, so mark your dates, save your dates and register for the program.

Now, in the program is priced at erm fifteen thousand dollars in India and sixteen thousand dollars in ah Trinidad. One thing Swamiji always says and I want to reiterate that arr … is whether it is, “You know twenty two days I have to take off” or “I have to travel all the way to India” or “You know, I have to manifest money to attend this program” or “I attended Paramashivoham arr … you know last year, what about, should I go back this year” or “I have attended some weekend workshops” or some of you are even asking in the questions arr ... that arr … “ You know we are watching daily satsangs erm you know. How would it arr ... do we still have to come for Paramashivoham?” Now please understand, I just wanted to share this one thing. All it takes for you to manifest that space of Paramashiva, I repeat, all it takes for you to manifest that state of Paramashiva, is just your intention. Swamiji had shared beautifully in the satsang that you are your intention to be. What you intend to be, you manifest that in your life. What space you create, it manifest as a reality in your life.

Now when Swamiji is ready to share the experience of Paramashivoham, literally erm … transmit that experience, that’s what I should say, it’s not even about our practice or tapas, just through his initiation, just through his Divya Sarira presence, just through his initiation - making us manifest that space of Paramashivoham. That is what Swamiji is going to do in the December program. Literally manifesting the extraordinary shaktis of Paramashiva. And it is going to be a completely brand new program, even though the program name is the same from the last year December program. The program is completely brand new, and the teachings, the powers, the initiations that we are going to receive from Swamiji is completely brand new. Now I will just ask ourselves this one question. How many of us are really yearning to experience the ultimate state and space, the purpose, the real purpose of human existence. The real purpose of human life is to experience that state of Paramashiva. Experience, have the experience of Paramashivoham. And more and more … manifesting these powers.

Now how many of you ... just ask yourself, you know, “Do I want to experience arr … that state and space?” And if the answer is “Yes.” “Yes, I want to experience that. That state and space which one, once attained, I can attain anything in life.” Whether you are looking for health, wealth, relationships, spiritual experience and out of body experience or experiencing that ultimate state of samadhi every single minute - whatever you may want in your life, that there is one experience with which you can manifest everything in your life which is the experience of Paramashivoham. And there is only one prerequisite for you to experience Paramashivoham. That one prerequisite for you to experience Paramashivoham is your intention. “I want to experience that state. I want to experience that space.” A strong deep desire and the intention will manifest that experience as a reality in your life. Now all of you who are watching this webinar, have had that intention, that seeking awakened at some point in your life. Otherwise you would not be sitting here at this time watching this webinar. We have been you know literally from every time zone. From more than hundred countries, people have walk-in watching this webinar.

Now it maybe three o’clock in the morning for you or three o’clock in the night for you or ten o’clock in the night for you or midnight right now. But if you are sitting here on the two-way video conferencing or on Nithyananda TV watching this webinar, be very clear, that intention is already existing in you. Otherwise you would not be sitting here. So when that spark, when that intention has already awakened in you - Paramashivoham, the December retreat that Swamiji is conducting is a beautiful fusion for that seeking. That seeking that has awakened in you. For some of us, that seeking … for some of us that seeking will be awakened ... due to some life incident, you watch arr … some video or you hear from somebody or you have an unexpected experience or you go through some extreme success in life or you go through some extreme depression or failure in life, whatever it may be - that seeking got awakened in you, got kindled in in you, which is what made you click and register for this webinar or come to a center and watch this webinar today.

Do not miss that seeking, do not lose that seeking because that is the most precious wealth a human being can have. And a beautiful next step for the seeking is soaking yourself in the divine presence of our beloved Swamiji. So register yourself for, … register yourself for the Paramashivoham program. Erm, I have put the link on the screen which is paramashivoham.innerawakening.org. Even if you want blessings from Swamiji to attend Paramashivoham, you can in the form there is a, erm … field where you can request Swamiji’s blessings. And in the form you can also mentioned if you are facing any obstacles, you want help from a power manifestor, from a causer, somebody who is trained to manifest erm … life, manifest the reality of others. paramashivoham.innerawakening.org - go ahead and register yourself, and I just give you a couple of minutes.

During the Paramashivoham initiation today, whoever is registering for the Paramashivoham program will be receiving special blessings for you to manifest Paramashivoham, to go beyond any kind of an obstacle that you may have, whether health, wealth, relationships or job or even mind obstacles, whatever type of obstacles that you may have. Going beyond those obstacles, Swamiji will bless and you will literally see with the blessings of Swamiji, your intention just manifest as reality and that intention deepens in you, that you will be able to manifest and be there for the December Paramashivoham program. So go ahead and register yourself and I am just going to give a couple of minutes. Yes, you can take a screenshot or a picture of this, what is being projected on the screen or you can directly go to the link and register yourself. We request you to register before the Paramashivoham initiation when Swamiji is going to be initiating all of you. He will also be erm … in inner erm … transmitting that energy, that shakti, the initiation for you to manifest your intention as a reality. That is why I am coming now before the initiation to share about this program with you.

Yes! Next, all of you erm … as we get ready for Paramashivoham, I have a few upcoming programs and courses that I wanted all of you to, to note down. One is the next Sunday, morning err … same time, we are having a very special webinar called - Body, Mind and Beyond. Secrets of birth, life and death by the enlightened Master and the Avatar. So the Body, Mind and Beyond webinar is the next weekend. And then on the 22nd of September which is the next Sunday, we are having a, an event, webinar - Conscious Awakening. Heal your self-doubts, fears and conflicts, which is on the 22nd, on Nithyananda TV we will be having a special streaming like what we are having today. So please mark your dates. And arr … also note that time, the September 22nd webinar is going to be at 7.30 pm. The September 15th webinar is at 7.30 am Indian Standard Time and the September 22nd webinar is at 7.30 pm.

And then, we have a very, very special workshop erm after a very long time we are having like a program, a workshop. On the 29th erm … of September, sorry for the typo there, 29th of September, 7 pm IST - Rewrite Your Future Through Third Eye. It will be erm … about arr … five hour paid workshop - Rewrite Your Future Through Third Eye. Creating the life you want by awakening your consciousness - programs@ nithyananda.org/rewriteyourfuture. We are having an early bird offer of forty nine dollars and the program is cost at ninety nine US dollars. It is a five hour very special erm … workshop, program where Swamiji is going to literally give us the powerful cognition and experience on how to rewrite our future using our Third Eye. We have tried through ways, many different ways but how can we use our Third Eye and create the life we want by awakening our consciousness. So you can go ahead and register for this program as well - programs.nithyananda.org/rewriteyourfuture. You can take a screenshot of this. You can register aah … in the break or after the program.

And then Swamiji announced about erm … the new erm … aadheenam, the ecosystem, the Kailaasa ecosystem that is going to happen in Trinidad and Tobago. So we have ah basic information about it which is kailaasa.org/embassyintrinidad to get more information about the new Kailaasa ecosystem. And then starting the Navaratri, arr … we are having the Nithyananda special - Nithyananda Yogam in Kailaasa in Trinidad and Tobago. You can go ahead and register if you are interested, it’s a three month program starting 29th of September till the Paramashivoham ends. So it will be tinyurl.com/NYogamTT, tinyurl.com/NYogamTT. Means Nithyananda Yogam in Trinidad and Tobago which is NYogamTT.

And I also want to utilize this opportunity to welcome erm … each and everyone of you for every day satsang, every day at 7.30 am IST in English and 7.30 pm IST in Tamil - Swamiji is giving live satsangs. And I highly encourage erm … each and every … viewer to come to your nearest center, come to the temple, always attend satsangs from your nearest center or temple or on two-way video conferencing Nayana Deeksha for you’ll receive special energy darshan and Shaktipat from Swamiji during the satsang. Erm, if you are, you do not have a center nearby or you are unable to come then you can watch it live on Nithyananda TV or Facebook live or YouTube live. Nithya Satsangs every day - 7.30 am IST in English or 7.30 pm IST in Tamil, live by Swamiji himself. So with that, I really thank each and every one of you for taking this opportunity, for taking this opportunity to come and attend and let’s all now get ready for the Paramashivoham initiation. Nithyanandam.

Let’s start … getting into Kailash. Listen. Today I’ll initiate all of you … into the experience of Kailaasa, the space of Paramashiva. After that … you can download this book. I am giving this book as a gift to all of you - Manifesting Powers. Read this book and manifest any powers you want from this book, you will start manifesting. I am initiating all of you into the state, space, powers of Paramashiva. Today after this process, download this book - tinyurl.com/manifestingpowers. Download this book and read this book. Any power you want to manifest from this, start manifesting, you will be able to manifest.

Now … listen carefully. Visualize trillion times powerful lights than sun. Extremely powerful light, Kailaasa space - inhale that light and exhale that light. Be in the space of Kailaasa, the light of Paramashiva, and chant Mahavakya intensely inside - Om Nithyananda Paramashivoham. Please sit straight, and … chant the Mahavakya intensely inside you. Close your eyes and … inhale the space of Kailaasa and exhale the space of Kailaasa - intense light. Now … with the grace of Paramashiva, with the permission of Nandi and Kalabhairava, … with the blessings of Ganapati, all of us … will experience the Kailaasa with the grace of Paramashiva and Parashakti.

Initiation starts with the chanting of Mahavakya in the background continuously

Om Nithyananda Paramashivoham. With this I bless you all, and initiate all of you. Let’s all manifest the state, space, powers of Paramashiva. Please download this book - Manifesting Powers … from this tinyurl.com/manifestingpowers. Read this book and manifest any power you want, you will be able to manifest it.

From today, I am making myself available to all of you. Whatever Paramashiva has downloaded into me, I am sharing it with all of you, I have brought great gifts from Kailaasa. I’ll be sharing with you all … through four ways. One, morning and evening free satsangs every day. Second, … twenty one months Kalpataru Yoga, Kayakalpa Yoga. Twenty one months Kayakalpa Yoga. Third, three months Nithyananda Yogam in Tobag … Trinidad Tobago from September 29th, Navaratri. Fourth, December 20th to January 10th, twenty two days … Paramashivoham. So, blessings to all of you.

Some more important guests have come. Kailaasa in Bandra: Shanmugam Sundaram, Business Technologist and Rotarian - welcome. Paraksha, blessings. Kailaasa in Thane: Varadaraj Puppet - welcome. Kapil from Gaba, Kailaasa in Vancouver - I welcome you.

So … with this … I bless you all. Let’s all radiate that space, state, powers, being and consciousness of Paramashiva. I bless you all. Let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, Paramashivoham, The Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be blissful.


Adi Shaivam Satsang With HDH Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam

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Vertical Time Zones Webinar

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Enriching Material
