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'''Connection with Master: Morning Message by Nithyananda 12 Aug'''
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, expounded on the Cosmic Principles of [[Vitharka]] during a live public talk - [[Nithyananda Satsang]]. In this talk entitled [[Connection with Master]], The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism shared that feeling connection with the Master is the subtlest, best gift that can ever happen to human beings because it will just make you an Enlightened Being. He explained to keep this very sacred and precious feeling connection alive and if for any reason you lose it, do not go around and disturb other’s [[vitharka]]. He explained that at some point you will be able to reclaim the beautiful experience of raising in Love with the Master through experiencing the feeling connection.
Also on this day, His Divine Holiness gave a discourse on “Mystics Meaning to Life” during the [[Nithyananda Spurana Convention]] where He shared that life is a continuous happening and by nature, Life is Bliss.
== Video and Audio:==
'''Connection with Master: Morning Message by Nithyananda 12 Aug'''
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-vNoepRf6c  |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/12-aug-2010-connection-with-master-morning-message-by-nithyananda-12-aug-1?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2010-playlist"/>
Sadāshiva samārambhām Shankarāchārya madhyamām |
asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||
Today I will share few truths about feeling connection with the Master. Feeling connection with the Master is the subtlest, best gift can ever happen to human beings. For the fruit to be completely ripened it needs to be connected with the tree, for the child to grow completely, it needs to be connected with the mother through umbilical cord. For anything to blossom, bloom, it needs connection with the highest possibility which it should become. If a child should become complete grown up human being, before the birth the complete full grownup human body, it needs to retain its connection through umbilical cord with the mother only then a complete body is created and once the complete body is created, you may not need the physical umbilical cord connection, once the fruit is completely ripened, once it carries the seed which can become one more tree the physical connection with the mother tree may not be required. But till that happened the connection is inevitable. The connection is Important.
Vitharka, the feeling connection with the Master, one of the ultimate gift which happens to human body, who has grown at least to a certain level in the subtle understanding, only they smell even the presence of the Master. Only they have the courage to even enter into the great feeling connection, because feeling connection with the Master will just make you as an enlightened being. Lot of things with which your ignorance survives, lot of things with which your mind thrives, lot of things on which your suffering is built will be taken away from you.
The problem is ignorance is such, it will constantly try to retain itself and it will try to have hold over you. Constantly trying its best to move you out of the Master, feeling connection with the Master in all possible ways, the worst Maya, Mara, Devil Is losing the feeling connection with the Master. What Buddhism calls as Mara, what Christianity calls as as Devil, What Hinduism calls as Maya all these is nothing but losing connection with the Master. So devil’s do its job by making you constantly lose the connection with the living Master.
Ramakrishna says very beautifully whenever someone abuses your Master in front of you, Ramakrishna such a great Incarnation, who always radiated compassion, Who ALWAYS radiated compassion even, when people tortured him physically, he was radiating compassion, he was showering Love and compassion, such a highly evolved thyagi, even when he was asked ... about what to do when people abuse Master, he is so strong he says ‘cut his tongue or move out of his place.’ I tell you no need to cutting the tongue of people who abuse the Master but move out of that place. Do not allow the devil to work on you, do not allow the Mara to work on you, Do not be carried away by the illusion which really, really, really appears solid almost reality, but almost not reality.
And sometimes Ramakrishna takes a very strong stand, somebody asked him, Parents or family is important or my spiritual seeking and enlightenment is important? For the sake of God and enlightenment you can sacrifice the family and parents, if the parents come in the way to your enlightenment, if family comes in the way to your enlightenment dump it, go for enlightenment. It’s very strange, person like Ramakrishna, taking this kind of strong stands, but there are few places Masters take a strong uncompromising stand. I tell you losing the feeling connection with the Master is too strong loss, too big miss, let it not happen to you in your life.
Even the people who cherish enmity and abuse Master, I tell you very clearly, even many parts of their own organ, many molecules in their own system will not accept it, will not accept what they are doing, will not tolerate what they are doing, they will all be resisting, they will all carry the sacred, great, amazing, joyful, intense memory of the time and experience they had around Master. The sweetness still remains fresh, alive inside. But these guys maybe out of ignorance or arrogance or some other vested interest, go on suppressing those beautiful great memories. Just to suppress those great beautiful memories, suppress the voice of that organs, suppress the voice of that molecules, they raise their voice louder and louder in abusing Master. Just they want to avoid that part, suppress it, put it in unconscious, but unfortunately no voice is unheard or suppressed by your own consciousness. The suppressed voice and the suppressed truths, the suppressed experiences naturally does not died down, so  that molecules which are suppressed, that organs whose voices are not heard naturally protest, and start non cooperation movement that is what I call physical and mental Diseases.
Still after so much  being done to Me, after so many people cherishing so much enmity and vomiting so much venom and poison on Me, still I don’t feel anger or I don’t feel any enmity, I don’t feel venom, just one reason, all My molecules and organ still carry such beautiful love, the respect, gratitude for all those people, who are abusing and cherishing enmity now, but all the great service, all the beautiful things they have done to Me, and all the beautiful time I spent with them or they spent around Me. Please understand, joy even when you share with others creates more joy in you. I have shred lot of joy and bliss with all of them and so it created more joy and bliss in Me even though they are not directly responsible for My bliss just by sharing with them I have experienced deeper and deeper joy and bliss, so that  molecules that organs is not interested in taking revenge, abusing, disturbing or cherishing enmity, vomiting poison; that’s the reason I am constantly in that highest integrity, highest honesty which is beyond all social hypocrisy  which is direct utility for Me and for My life.
I tell you two thing, if you have not lost the feeling connection with the master, don’t allow the people who abuse Master around you, do not entertain them in any way, retain the connection with the master which is the ultimate gift. I tell you, connecting with the things which you are not unconsciously, which are lower than you is ego, connecting with the things which you are not consciously which are higher than you is devotion, feeling connection, the trust, the ability to do prana pratishta, so this ability to do prana pratishta is antidote for egoism. So understand if you have not lost the feeling connection with the Master, don’t lose, it’s a precious gift, it’s too precious, almost like a lamp, small lamp kept in your heart, don’t allow the cyclone of sensationalism to put it off.
Keep it alive, very sacred, very precious and for some reason vested interest or unconsciously if you have lost feeling connection with the Master, don’t do the same things to others, don’t go around and disturb others vitarka, it’s the worst sin. Not only that, the more you try to abuse the master, the more of your own organ, your molecule will resist and take revenge on you, that is what I call incurring karma by themselves; I won’t be cursing, I won’t do anything wrong to them but their own molecules their own organs, their own system will be protesting them and enter into non cooperation movement, and naturally you will get physical and mental diseases, finally not just ordinary physical death, falling into the worst unconsciousness, means the lower level of existence which is too big punishment for a casual time pass entertainment which these guys are doing. SO protect yourself and protect yourself, if you have not lost your vitarka by strengthening it.
And if you have lost it unfortunately, don’t disturb others feeling connection, others vitarka and if you keep quiet at least your organs and molecule at some point will reclaim the beautiful experience of vitarka, and experience of raising in Love with the Master, and a possibility to reclaim the great feeling connection exist. So reclaim it, reclaim your feeling connection with the master.
Let you all live, achieve, and radiate Living Enlightenment and let you all live, achieve, and experience, and express, radiate the Eternal Bliss NIthyananda.
Thank you.
'''Mystics Meaning To Life'''
'''Mystics Meaning To Life || Nithyananda Spurana Convention || 12 August 2010'''
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CeT9uuZMeg |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2010-08aug-12_mystics-meaning-to-life-nithyananda-spurana-convention-12-august-2010"/>
I welcome you all, with My love and respects. Continuously, in all of us, life is happening. That is why our body is moving; still we are able to feel we are alive. By its very nature, life is bliss; by its very nature, life is bliss. So whether you want it or not, you accept it or not, you realize it or not, life by its very nature is bliss. You see, Sanskrit there is a proverb...proverb. Two enlightened masters don't utter the same thing or don't express the same concept. There is a clear instruction-if two masters are talking the same words, someone is fake. Because, when a person gets enlightened, he always expresses himself uniquely, as an unique individual. So no two master will speak the same thing or same way.
There is a big conflict now. For example, if you go and ask about food-how to eat? What to eat? If you ask Mahavira, he will say, "Don't eat. Fast unto death." If you ask Buddha, he will say, "No no no, once a day you can eat. That is alright. If you are sick, maybe little more, twice a day." If you ask Krishna, "Eat whatever, just forget that you ate."
Same way about marriage. If you ask Mahavira, he will say, "No." If you ask Buddha, he will say, "Even if you are already married, escape." If you ask Krishna, "Just forget the number." Each one, will express their own way as they experienced, as their unique expression. On each concept when you ask, each one will express the truth in a different way. But, all masters happened on the planet Earth - all Saints, Sages, Avatars - all of them agree on one point, there is no variation. That one point is, by nature human beings are bliss.
Please understand, if all masters are agreeing, nobody has a second opinion, nobody has a different opinion means, naturally this is something basic, vital point. That is why I built this whole program on this vital point. All over the world, in all cultures and all traditions, all sages, Saints, Avatars, Incarnations, Masters, all of them go on insisting and repeating that life is bliss. This is on one side, Enlightened Beings. The other side, the ordinary people, even though they have wealth and everything, they go on insisting, life is suffering.
See the complete contrast, one side these guys - beaten, abused, arrested, crucified, poisoned, driven from village to village, stoned, what not? I can give you the huge list. All possible things are done. But these guys are going on telling, "Life is bliss, Life is bliss." How much ever these guys are abused, they go on insisting that life is bliss. And how much ever wealth and health and everything is created for these guys - the other side - they go on insisting, "Life is suffering."
You see, whether they understand the reason or not, they all understand, "This fellow is someway extraordinary. He has something which we don't have." So, it is too much to tolerate that somebody has something which we don't have. Whether it is a money or name or people, whatever, whatever this...the people - the un-Enlightened part of society, feels as essence of life, for what they sacrifice their life, never...they never get it. Even if they get it, they know they paid and got. So whatever these guys are running after they are not able to get it.
But these guys are just sitting in one place and everything is happening around the world. Everything, the whole world is happening around them. There are only two kinds of people in the world. They go on, try to make happenings around the world - one group. The whole world's happenings happens around them - a one world. Only these two category. One group insists - "The life is bliss, by very nature, man is bliss." The other group says, "No, no no, life is suffering." What to do? And unfortunately this group is 0.1% and this group is 99.999999.
There's a very beautiful story of a Sufi Mystic, a great Enlightened Sufi Mystic. He was in a village, spending his time happily, teaching or initiating people, helping people to become Enlightened. Suddenly one day, one angel appeared in front of him and said, "You see, by tomorrow morning, somebody is going to mix, kind of a poison into the village well, everybody will become mad. So you save little water for yourself, so you don't become mad." This guy said, "No, no, no, no, I have to tell the whole village, that not to drink that water, they will become mad." Angel said, "Don't try that. They will not believe you. They will harm you." He said, "But I cannot just keep quiet." But angel said, "This is my advice, after that up to you." Disappeared. But anyhow this guy is little intelligent, so he saved little water for himself. Because, to tell the villagers you guys will become mad, he need to protect himself. He saved himself.
Next day morning, he said, "See somebody has mixed certain poison, if you drink this water you will become mad, don't drink." He insisted; but as usual that village leader said, "This fellow is little crazy, one nut loose." Somehow we were giving food and shelter for him because he was keeping quiet; and now he is interfering in our administration. Just keep him aside. They pushed him aside, they tried to beat him. Anyhow, they pushed him. All the village drank the water as usual. The whole village became mad.
And the most funny thing is, after the whole village became mad, those fellows were not even able to understand they became mad. Because the whole village is mad now. Only this one guy is left. So all of them thought, this guy has become mad, this Sufi Mystic and they insisted that this guy should be beaten and killed. "We can't tolerate him. He should not live in this village." They were about to kill him. The Mystic said, "Just wait wait wait for a moment." They asked, "What for? Why should we wait?" "No, no, no, no, no now I'll become alright, I'll lose my madness." You may think, "How? He is not mad, he is okay, why should he..." He said, "No, no, no, no, no, wait, I'll lose my madness." He ran, closed his eyes and drank that water." And the story says, he also became mad and the whole village was comfortable with him.
But unfortunately, of course, it's a story, unfortunately an Enlightened Mystic cannot drink that water, even if he drinks that water, he cannot become mad. Not unfortunately, fortunately. Fortunately, still we have few people left on the planet Earth as an examples, to remind people, "Life is bliss."
'''12 Aug 2010 News from Nithyananda world family'''
'''12 Aug 2010 News from Nithyananda world family'''
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJpI8w_2_hU |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2010-08aug-12_12-aug-2010-news-from-nithyananda-world-family"/>
'''Connection with the Master French'''
Watch this video on connection with the master subtitled in French.
'''Connection with the Master French'''
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Connection with Master: Morning Message by Nithyananda 12 Aug
In this short morning bliss dose, Paramahamsa Nithyananda talks about connection with the Master and how it cannot be lost for anything.
==Link to Video: ==  
==Photos Of The Day:==
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==Photos Of The Day:==
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<iframe key="zen" path="https://zenphoto.kailasamailer.com/2010-Aug-12-AFP-12273/5-Morning-Message" width="1080" height="760"/>
12 Aug 2010 News from Nithyananda world family
<iframe key="zen" path="https://zenphoto.kailasamailer.com/2010-Aug-12-AFP-12273/1-Agori-Training" width="1080" height="760"/>
<iframe key="zen" path="https://zenphoto.kailasamailer.com/2010-Aug-12-AFP-12273/3-Evening-Darshan" width="1080" height="760"/>
Nithyananda World Family News 12 August 2010
<iframe key="zen" path="https://zenphoto.kailasamailer.com/2010-Aug-12-AFP-12273/6-Nithyananda-Spurana-Programme" width="1080" height="760"/>
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Connection with the Master French
Watch this video on connection with the master subtitled in French.
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Latest revision as of 22:18, 24 June 2021


Connection with Master: Morning Message by Nithyananda 12 Aug


The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, expounded on the Cosmic Principles of Vitharka during a live public talk - Nithyananda Satsang. In this talk entitled Connection with Master, The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism shared that feeling connection with the Master is the subtlest, best gift that can ever happen to human beings because it will just make you an Enlightened Being. He explained to keep this very sacred and precious feeling connection alive and if for any reason you lose it, do not go around and disturb other’s vitharka. He explained that at some point you will be able to reclaim the beautiful experience of raising in Love with the Master through experiencing the feeling connection.

Also on this day, His Divine Holiness gave a discourse on “Mystics Meaning to Life” during the Nithyananda Spurana Convention where He shared that life is a continuous happening and by nature, Life is Bliss.

Video and Audio:

Connection with Master: Morning Message by Nithyananda 12 Aug

Video Audio



Sadāshiva samārambhām Shankarāchārya madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

Today I will share few truths about feeling connection with the Master. Feeling connection with the Master is the subtlest, best gift can ever happen to human beings. For the fruit to be completely ripened it needs to be connected with the tree, for the child to grow completely, it needs to be connected with the mother through umbilical cord. For anything to blossom, bloom, it needs connection with the highest possibility which it should become. If a child should become complete grown up human being, before the birth the complete full grownup human body, it needs to retain its connection through umbilical cord with the mother only then a complete body is created and once the complete body is created, you may not need the physical umbilical cord connection, once the fruit is completely ripened, once it carries the seed which can become one more tree the physical connection with the mother tree may not be required. But till that happened the connection is inevitable. The connection is Important.


Vitharka, the feeling connection with the Master, one of the ultimate gift which happens to human body, who has grown at least to a certain level in the subtle understanding, only they smell even the presence of the Master. Only they have the courage to even enter into the great feeling connection, because feeling connection with the Master will just make you as an enlightened being. Lot of things with which your ignorance survives, lot of things with which your mind thrives, lot of things on which your suffering is built will be taken away from you.


The problem is ignorance is such, it will constantly try to retain itself and it will try to have hold over you. Constantly trying its best to move you out of the Master, feeling connection with the Master in all possible ways, the worst Maya, Mara, Devil Is losing the feeling connection with the Master. What Buddhism calls as Mara, what Christianity calls as as Devil, What Hinduism calls as Maya all these is nothing but losing connection with the Master. So devil’s do its job by making you constantly lose the connection with the living Master.


Ramakrishna says very beautifully whenever someone abuses your Master in front of you, Ramakrishna such a great Incarnation, who always radiated compassion, Who ALWAYS radiated compassion even, when people tortured him physically, he was radiating compassion, he was showering Love and compassion, such a highly evolved thyagi, even when he was asked ... about what to do when people abuse Master, he is so strong he says ‘cut his tongue or move out of his place.’ I tell you no need to cutting the tongue of people who abuse the Master but move out of that place. Do not allow the devil to work on you, do not allow the Mara to work on you, Do not be carried away by the illusion which really, really, really appears solid almost reality, but almost not reality.


And sometimes Ramakrishna takes a very strong stand, somebody asked him, Parents or family is important or my spiritual seeking and enlightenment is important? For the sake of God and enlightenment you can sacrifice the family and parents, if the parents come in the way to your enlightenment, if family comes in the way to your enlightenment dump it, go for enlightenment. It’s very strange, person like Ramakrishna, taking this kind of strong stands, but there are few places Masters take a strong uncompromising stand. I tell you losing the feeling connection with the Master is too strong loss, too big miss, let it not happen to you in your life.


Even the people who cherish enmity and abuse Master, I tell you very clearly, even many parts of their own organ, many molecules in their own system will not accept it, will not accept what they are doing, will not tolerate what they are doing, they will all be resisting, they will all carry the sacred, great, amazing, joyful, intense memory of the time and experience they had around Master. The sweetness still remains fresh, alive inside. But these guys maybe out of ignorance or arrogance or some other vested interest, go on suppressing those beautiful great memories. Just to suppress those great beautiful memories, suppress the voice of that organs, suppress the voice of that molecules, they raise their voice louder and louder in abusing Master. Just they want to avoid that part, suppress it, put it in unconscious, but unfortunately no voice is unheard or suppressed by your own consciousness. The suppressed voice and the suppressed truths, the suppressed experiences naturally does not died down, so that molecules which are suppressed, that organs whose voices are not heard naturally protest, and start non cooperation movement that is what I call physical and mental Diseases.


Still after so much being done to Me, after so many people cherishing so much enmity and vomiting so much venom and poison on Me, still I don’t feel anger or I don’t feel any enmity, I don’t feel venom, just one reason, all My molecules and organ still carry such beautiful love, the respect, gratitude for all those people, who are abusing and cherishing enmity now, but all the great service, all the beautiful things they have done to Me, and all the beautiful time I spent with them or they spent around Me. Please understand, joy even when you share with others creates more joy in you. I have shred lot of joy and bliss with all of them and so it created more joy and bliss in Me even though they are not directly responsible for My bliss just by sharing with them I have experienced deeper and deeper joy and bliss, so that molecules that organs is not interested in taking revenge, abusing, disturbing or cherishing enmity, vomiting poison; that’s the reason I am constantly in that highest integrity, highest honesty which is beyond all social hypocrisy which is direct utility for Me and for My life.


I tell you two thing, if you have not lost the feeling connection with the master, don’t allow the people who abuse Master around you, do not entertain them in any way, retain the connection with the master which is the ultimate gift. I tell you, connecting with the things which you are not unconsciously, which are lower than you is ego, connecting with the things which you are not consciously which are higher than you is devotion, feeling connection, the trust, the ability to do prana pratishta, so this ability to do prana pratishta is antidote for egoism. So understand if you have not lost the feeling connection with the Master, don’t lose, it’s a precious gift, it’s too precious, almost like a lamp, small lamp kept in your heart, don’t allow the cyclone of sensationalism to put it off.


Keep it alive, very sacred, very precious and for some reason vested interest or unconsciously if you have lost feeling connection with the Master, don’t do the same things to others, don’t go around and disturb others vitarka, it’s the worst sin. Not only that, the more you try to abuse the master, the more of your own organ, your molecule will resist and take revenge on you, that is what I call incurring karma by themselves; I won’t be cursing, I won’t do anything wrong to them but their own molecules their own organs, their own system will be protesting them and enter into non cooperation movement, and naturally you will get physical and mental diseases, finally not just ordinary physical death, falling into the worst unconsciousness, means the lower level of existence which is too big punishment for a casual time pass entertainment which these guys are doing. SO protect yourself and protect yourself, if you have not lost your vitarka by strengthening it.


And if you have lost it unfortunately, don’t disturb others feeling connection, others vitarka and if you keep quiet at least your organs and molecule at some point will reclaim the beautiful experience of vitarka, and experience of raising in Love with the Master, and a possibility to reclaim the great feeling connection exist. So reclaim it, reclaim your feeling connection with the master.


Let you all live, achieve, and radiate Living Enlightenment and let you all live, achieve, and experience, and express, radiate the Eternal Bliss NIthyananda.

Thank you.



Mystics Meaning To Life


Mystics Meaning To Life || Nithyananda Spurana Convention || 12 August 2010

Video Audio



I welcome you all, with My love and respects. Continuously, in all of us, life is happening. That is why our body is moving; still we are able to feel we are alive. By its very nature, life is bliss; by its very nature, life is bliss. So whether you want it or not, you accept it or not, you realize it or not, life by its very nature is bliss. You see, Sanskrit there is a proverb...proverb. Two enlightened masters don't utter the same thing or don't express the same concept. There is a clear instruction-if two masters are talking the same words, someone is fake. Because, when a person gets enlightened, he always expresses himself uniquely, as an unique individual. So no two master will speak the same thing or same way.


There is a big conflict now. For example, if you go and ask about food-how to eat? What to eat? If you ask Mahavira, he will say, "Don't eat. Fast unto death." If you ask Buddha, he will say, "No no no, once a day you can eat. That is alright. If you are sick, maybe little more, twice a day." If you ask Krishna, "Eat whatever, just forget that you ate."


Same way about marriage. If you ask Mahavira, he will say, "No." If you ask Buddha, he will say, "Even if you are already married, escape." If you ask Krishna, "Just forget the number." Each one, will express their own way as they experienced, as their unique expression. On each concept when you ask, each one will express the truth in a different way. But, all masters happened on the planet Earth - all Saints, Sages, Avatars - all of them agree on one point, there is no variation. That one point is, by nature human beings are bliss.


Please understand, if all masters are agreeing, nobody has a second opinion, nobody has a different opinion means, naturally this is something basic, vital point. That is why I built this whole program on this vital point. All over the world, in all cultures and all traditions, all sages, Saints, Avatars, Incarnations, Masters, all of them go on insisting and repeating that life is bliss. This is on one side, Enlightened Beings. The other side, the ordinary people, even though they have wealth and everything, they go on insisting, life is suffering.


See the complete contrast, one side these guys - beaten, abused, arrested, crucified, poisoned, driven from village to village, stoned, what not? I can give you the huge list. All possible things are done. But these guys are going on telling, "Life is bliss, Life is bliss." How much ever these guys are abused, they go on insisting that life is bliss. And how much ever wealth and health and everything is created for these guys - the other side - they go on insisting, "Life is suffering."


You see, whether they understand the reason or not, they all understand, "This fellow is someway extraordinary. He has something which we don't have." So, it is too much to tolerate that somebody has something which we don't have. Whether it is a money or name or people, whatever, whatever this...the people - the un-Enlightened part of society, feels as essence of life, for what they sacrifice their life, never...they never get it. Even if they get it, they know they paid and got. So whatever these guys are running after they are not able to get it.


But these guys are just sitting in one place and everything is happening around the world. Everything, the whole world is happening around them. There are only two kinds of people in the world. They go on, try to make happenings around the world - one group. The whole world's happenings happens around them - a one world. Only these two category. One group insists - "The life is bliss, by very nature, man is bliss." The other group says, "No, no no, life is suffering." What to do? And unfortunately this group is 0.1% and this group is 99.999999.


There's a very beautiful story of a Sufi Mystic, a great Enlightened Sufi Mystic. He was in a village, spending his time happily, teaching or initiating people, helping people to become Enlightened. Suddenly one day, one angel appeared in front of him and said, "You see, by tomorrow morning, somebody is going to mix, kind of a poison into the village well, everybody will become mad. So you save little water for yourself, so you don't become mad." This guy said, "No, no, no, no, I have to tell the whole village, that not to drink that water, they will become mad." Angel said, "Don't try that. They will not believe you. They will harm you." He said, "But I cannot just keep quiet." But angel said, "This is my advice, after that up to you." Disappeared. But anyhow this guy is little intelligent, so he saved little water for himself. Because, to tell the villagers you guys will become mad, he need to protect himself. He saved himself.


Next day morning, he said, "See somebody has mixed certain poison, if you drink this water you will become mad, don't drink." He insisted; but as usual that village leader said, "This fellow is little crazy, one nut loose." Somehow we were giving food and shelter for him because he was keeping quiet; and now he is interfering in our administration. Just keep him aside. They pushed him aside, they tried to beat him. Anyhow, they pushed him. All the village drank the water as usual. The whole village became mad.


And the most funny thing is, after the whole village became mad, those fellows were not even able to understand they became mad. Because the whole village is mad now. Only this one guy is left. So all of them thought, this guy has become mad, this Sufi Mystic and they insisted that this guy should be beaten and killed. "We can't tolerate him. He should not live in this village." They were about to kill him. The Mystic said, "Just wait wait wait for a moment." They asked, "What for? Why should we wait?" "No, no, no, no, no now I'll become alright, I'll lose my madness." You may think, "How? He is not mad, he is okay, why should he..." He said, "No, no, no, no, no, wait, I'll lose my madness." He ran, closed his eyes and drank that water." And the story says, he also became mad and the whole village was comfortable with him.


But unfortunately, of course, it's a story, unfortunately an Enlightened Mystic cannot drink that water, even if he drinks that water, he cannot become mad. Not unfortunately, fortunately. Fortunately, still we have few people left on the planet Earth as an examples, to remind people, "Life is bliss."



12 Aug 2010 News from Nithyananda world family


12 Aug 2010 News from Nithyananda world family

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Connection with the Master French


Watch this video on connection with the master subtitled in French.


Connection with the Master French


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