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eN-Kriya Introduction (Part 1): Kundalini Awakening Process Initiation
In this first part of the discourse, the living incarnation (avatar) Paramahamsa Nithyananda introduces a brand new offering to the world - eN-Kriya, aimed at physical and emotional well-being, and spiritual awakening through kundalini awakening at the level of an individual. When individuals with such spiritual awakening gather together, they create the eN-effect, coherence of cosmic consciousness or collective consciousness. This further leads to tangible results at a social level that include global peace, reduced crime rate and increased holistic living.
In this video, Paramahamsa Nithyananda introduces what is eN-kriya and how it all came about. In part-2, he gives the exact instructions of the kriya.
Watch, share and like the videos and Subscribe to our channel to be notified of the next upload. click http://bit.ly/20j90wr to subscribe.
==Link to Video: ==
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audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2011-jan-29-en-kriya?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2011-january"/>
Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām
Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām.
I welcome you all with My love and respects. Dear devotees, disciples and first time visitors, I welcome all of you with My love and respects who are sitting around the world. Please understand before the starting of the pada puja in 400 cities people were sitting, now 536 cities, people are sitting with us. It is just increasing. The counter is increasing. In 536 cities all over the world people are now sitting with us. I welcome all of you for being here and now! And I'll enter into the kriya initiation, the eN kriya initiation invoking the presence of Sadashiva, Shankara and all the great masters.
This whole eN kriya is the gift given to the world by Nathasampradaya Matsyendranatha and Gorakhnatha; the Nathasampradaya through Me. I bow down to all those great masters who created the system of Hatha yoga from which I derived this kriya and experienced it. And I offer My humble respects at their feet and request their presence here and all the places where our devotees are sitting now to have the initiation. It is they who are offering this to the world through Me.
Let's enter into the eN kriya initiation by invoking all the great masters’ presence: Patanjali, Matsyendranatha, Gorakhnatha, Sadashiva, Shankara and all the great yogis who happened on the planet earth; Mahavatar Baba and all the siddhas who happened on the planet earth, Vashistadi Saptarishis. I invoke all their presence. I humbly bow down to their presence.
I request all the devotees to sit in padmasana, vajrasana or sukhansana. Padmasana means completely locking your legs - Lotus posture or sitting on your knees - vajrasana or just simple squatting, and keep your hands in samana mudra. Please understand, samana mudra means the right thumb up and left thumb below. Keep your hands in samana mudra and sit straight. If you can't sit on the ground, you can sit in the chair. If you can, better to sit on the floor.
I wanted all of you to know this eN kriya is from My own research and experience with Hatha yoga which is from the great sanyasis and masters of Nathasampradaya; Gorakhnatha, Matsyendranatha and all these great masters. They have created a unique Hatha yoga sampradaya by mastering the prana - breath energy, elevating the consciousness to the highest state, super conscious level which naturally gives heath, mental peace, mental wellness, emotional fulfilment, above all the ultimate conscious experience. All the auspicious things in your life can start expressing in your system if just the pranic level is raised in your system. Innumerable positive side effects can happen in your system through this eN kriya.
First I studied thoroughly, experimented on My own body and shared it with the group of, small group of seekers in Living Enlightenment process 48 day program. And then opened it to the public through Inner Awakening program and then did a scientific research which has proved the power of this kriya. The mitochondria energy level increases 1300%, thirteen times within 18 days.
Please understand, this research is done by taking the blood sample day 1 and day 18. Not even full 21 days!! And the doctors and scientists are again confirming; even yesterday we had a discussion, they are confirming, in the whole world any available medicine or physical exercise or any therapy can increase the mitochondria energy level only 25%, not more than that. There is no system available on the planet earth known to the science to increase the mitochondria energy level more that 25%. And here we have increased successfully and proven to the scientific world 1300%. And very soon this research will be appearing in Indian Science journals and there is going to be a press meet in our Dhyanapeetam where these scientists will be appearing and revealing... The exact word they used yesterday is 'earth shattering'. This whole research and the discovery is ground shattering!! They said, "This is ground breaking research Swamiji, earth shattering!”
And please understand, this kriya is one of the greatest gift to the world through Me by all the great masters. I wanted to very clearly tell the world this is not My own discovery. I am not claiming it has happened in Me. It’s a gift from all the great traditional masters of Vedic tradition. I wanted to make it very clear. I did only one thing. I experimented with it in My own system and systematized to create the maximum benefit without any negative side effect to all the human beings of the modern day, and shared that with the group of people in controlled conditions, and opened it to the public in a very safe ambience, and experimented with this step by step and finally did scientific validation and presenting it to all of you. Only this part is My contribution. Other than that the basic science, the original truth itself is from the great masters; masters of the Vedic tradition; mainly the great Hatha yogis of natha sampradaya, Matsyendranatha and Gorakhnatha and great masters.
And I should not forget to acknowledge and pay respects to Swami Satyananda Sarawathi for the English terms, the technical terms which I am going to use now. The English translation is done authentically by a great yogi of modern day - Swami Satyananda Saraswati. I wanted all their names to be on record. They are all responsible and I offer My acknowledgement and respects to all of them for helping me to create this eN kriya in this shape and share it with all of you.
Mainly this eN kriya aims at balancing and fulfilling the five breathing movements happening in your system. Five prana movements: prana, apana, vyana, udana, samana. Please understand as per the siddha tradition the air movements are ten. As per the yogic tradition air movements are five. But actually what yogic tradition describes as five the same thing only in a little deeper way siddha tradition describes as ten. So now with this kriya, eN kriya I am working on all the five prana movements, life breath movements.
Now 552 cities around the world are sitting with us. It is increasing, increasing, increasing. I really expected 108 cities will sit with us for first day. Now 552 are sitting, spread all over the world. GOD!!
Let me give you the exact process and technical knowledge. You have 5 life breath movements happening in your body.
If you already done Inner Awakening and Living Enlightenment Process, please don't feel bored. I have to explain every step by step to all the new devotees and visitors. So please have patience but of course you have a chance to listen once more the basic truths.
Prana: air going in. Second movement: Air staying in your system. Third movement: From the air, life energy being separated and that being spread all over your body, that is what is called Samanah! Please understand. Samana means the life energy prana being separated from the air - the breath and that life energy, the highest vibration being spread all over the body, all over the system.
Body is also small word. System is the right word because it penetrates your muscle memory, mind, brain, all parts of you. So....the fourth movement is the air coming out, being released out of your system. The fifth movement is cleaning apanaha!! Apana.
Please understand these are the five prana movements in your body. These five are responsible for your health, mental wellness, emotional fulfilment, pleasure, pain, creativity, dullness, restlessness, peace, finally enlightenment itself!!
So these five pranas if they are balanced you live a healthy life. If they are awakened you live enlightened life! If they are imbalanced or disturbed that is responsible for physical, mental, psychological, emotional, spiritual disorders. I don't want to use the word diseases....disorders, because it can be again put in order! It can again be put in order!! In yogic tradition, there is no disease incurable. There is no disease incurable. Soon we will do further experiments and prove it to the world one by one, there is no disease incurable.
Second important thing: In the yogic system not having disease alone is not enough. Raising the consciousness to the highest fulfilment and going beyond the life and death cycle which is being forced on you. See taking birth and leaving the body is not wrong. But doing the same thing because it is forced on you is wrong. Taking body out of free will, leaving the body out of free will is great! Masters do that again and again. But doing that same out of forced will is something very seriously wrong. So that is what we call life and death cycle itself as a one more disorder, samsara chakra. We call it bhavaroha, that itself is one disease. So here the eN kriya is shared with all of you to get rid of bhavaroha itself. Not just small, small diseases. These small, small diseases getting healed will be a one effect. But getting rid of bhavaroha itself will happen through this eN kriya. The eN kriya will immediately instantly balance your pancha pranas the five life breath movements.
Prana, apana, vyana, udana, samana will be balanced immediately. That's a immediate effect of this eN kriya and naturally that will lead to physical health, and mental wellness, emotional fulfilment, awakening of the non mechanical parts of the brain, creativity, anti aging; ultimately the spiritual enlightenment.
Please understand. Again and again the secret kriya traditions like Mahavatar Babaji's traditions, siddha traditions speak about anti ageing - kayakalpa. First time scientifically we proved through this kriya anti ageing is possible. Doctors were shocked! They say.... This is the first thing they are saying - the effect of this 1300% of the mitochondria level increasing, the first effect on the body will be anti ageing. The ageing process will be stopped because this cell mitochondria dies very quickly, letting the body to age, degrade and die. But if this energy, mitochondria cells energy can be increased to that extreme level of 1300%, it is just unimaginable. It is just unimaginable. They are saying, "Swamiji this is a straight process for anti ageing". And I am waiting for more reports and we'll further expand the researches in a deeper way.
Now the number says 571 cities. I want all of you to know it is a proper authentic number based on the sign ups. 571 cities are sitting with us; around the world 1000's of viewers.
So understand. This kriya is basically to balance the pancha pranas. Inhaling, holding, spreading, exhaling and cleaning; to balance these five. And this kriya mainly aims at increasing the mitochondria energy level of your system and infusing life energy, samana into your system. So automatically as a by-product of this kriya the kundalini awakening and levitation will happen. Please understand. This kriya is the essence of the 48 day Living Enlightenment Process I did. Whatever I did spread throughout 48days, I have condensed. This whole kriya will take only 42 minutes.
Doing it twice a day if you can or once a day is enough; please understand, if you want only the physical health and mental wellness and emotional fulfilment, doing this kriya once a day is enough. If you want to further explore the siddhis; like a teleporting, and telepathy, all other clairvoyance experience those extraordinary siddhis, I may recommend doing twice a day. If you can do thrice a day I can assure straight away you will experience the enlightenment! Once a day itself will awaken your kundalini and make you levitate. Please understand, even if you practice once a day that will awaken your kundalini and make you levitate. If you can do it twice a day, it will create deeper siddhis in your body, in your system. If you do thrice a day, it will naturally lead to enlightenment!
Now I wanted to enter into the process. I wanted all of you to know, before launching this kriya, sharing this kriya with the world, I have thoroughly experimented spiritually and scientifically. So it proves.... Please understand this 1300% of the mitochondria energy level increasing is for all the 100% of the people who participated in the experiment. Please understand. It is not 90% of the people or 80% of the people. NO. Whoever experiment.. participated in the experiment all their mitochondria energy level is increased to 1300%.
Let Me describe step by step. This is basically a selection, collection and compilation of various pranayamas and mudras and postures; Pranayamas, mudras and postures. Posture means asana. So I'll describe step by step. Now first please listen to the instruction then I'll guide you. That time you can do it step by step, one by one. and I'll make this whole thing available in My own voice immediately in YouTube so you can download and start practising from today.
I can say I offer this gift of eN kriya to the world with a deep gratitude to Sadashiva, Mahadeva, Maheshwara who is our adi guru, first master, And Matsyendranatha and Gorakhnnatha who are incarnations of Sadashiva, again came to planet earth to revive this yogic tradition, And Mahavatar Babaji who kept this kriya alive in the planet earth. 
So please understand you are hearing one of the greatest sacred secret! I can say this is the right title I can give for this eN kriya. Sacred Secret! Authentically experimented, experienced, verified and validated scientifically and now being shared with you all, with the whole world. All the instructions for this kriya, eN kriya and how to do; the whole thing will be made available in the internet and YouTube immediately, today itself. So all of you can download and practice it every day.
Soon I'll be sharing with the world, the eN yoga - a set of postures for awakening your kundalini and making your muscle memory in tune with the cosmos and the eN yoga will be containing 54 postures. And I'll be sharing with you one more process called eN mudra. And the ultimate gift will be the eN dhyana, eN meditation which will be revealed on Shivaratri day!
I bless you all! My blessings to all of you! My blessings and I thank you all being part of the greatest spiritual pilot study - eN effect on the whole cosmos. You will see the eN effect on you, and the city where you sat and meditated and on the whole cosmos visibly instantly from now. My blessings!!
On you, it will be in the form of health, wealth and auspicious things in the life like a mental peace and spiritual enlightenment. On your city it will be like reduction in
the crime rate and natural calamities and on the whole cosmos it will be reduction in the crime rate, wars, war deaths and natural calamities.
I request all devotees, disciple’s, viewers to share your experience on nithyananda.org home page. I request all of you to share your experience and the happening of the eN effect in you, or in your city. Whatever may be the experience share with nithyananda.org home page.
I bless you all! Let you all, I bless you all to achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share the eternal bliss, the eN effect, the eternal bliss Nithyananda!!
Thank you!
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eN-Kriya: Seven Steps for Kundalini Awakening
In this second part of eN-kriya initiation, Paramahamsa Nithyananda describes the seven steps in eN-kriya process. He elaborates each step and how it helps in kundalini awakening and personal transformation.
Know the benefits of eN-kriya by Paramahamsa Nithyananda and explore further at http://www.nithyananda.org/page/en-kriya 
Watch, share and like the videos and Subscribe to our channel to be notified of the next upload. click http://bit.ly/20j90wr to subscribe.
==Link to Video: ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsUml6PcTyM&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2011-jan-29-2-en-kriya-seven?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2011-january"/>
Thousands of people are sitting with us now in 400 cities and in 37 cities I am seeing; means you will be seeing. 37 cities you will be seeing; 37 cities we have two way connection and in 400 cities people are sitting with us around the world for this eN-kriya initiation.
I welcome you all with My love and respects.
During the pada puja, I will be transmitting the experience to you. So receive the experience. I want all of you to know, your brain can receive and send informations without communication done in orthodox way like a words or visuals. So just understand this much, your brain is capable of receiving or sending communication without the orthodox methods like a words and visuals. Means without verbal or visual action your brain can receive and send information. Just remember this one truth that is enough you will experience the experience of eN-kriya before initiation. Then I'll give you the technique. So I am changing the trend. Usually technical knowledge-technique-experience. No. Experience, technical knowledge and technique. 😃
So I welcome all the people who are sitting with us. Perth Australia, blessings! Toronto, Vancouver, San José. WOW! Vancouver, huge crowd, LA, Seattle, Columbus, Edlington, Germany and London, Phoenix, Turkey, New Zealand, New Zealand 2; means New Zealand two cities, New Zealand itself. New York, Dallas, Singapore, Redondo Beach California, Calgary, Temple city California, Houston, Guadeloupe, Juarez Mexico, Jalisco Mexico, Kuala Lumpur, Hyderabad, Pullman Washington, Jammu, New Jersey, Slovakia, Slovakia 2, Bangalore, Paddling, Jaya Malaysia, Philadelphia, Mumbai, Sri Lanka, Atlanta. These are the cities we have two way screen. You will be seeing all these 37 cities levitating. In all other 400 cities I'll be seeing them levitating.
So I request all the devotees, disciples, all the people participating in the initiation, to sit either in padmasana or vajrasana or just simple squatting. First priority: padmasana, second priority: vajrasana, third priority: just squatting, sit and samana mudra. It will be good if you sit on the ground. So sit in samana; samana mudra means lock your hands, right thumb should be up, left thumb should be below. Lock your hands, sit straight. Sit straight; padmasana or vajrasana or just sukhasana - comfortable squatting. We'll start the initiation. Samana mudra - lock your hands; means the right thumb up and left thumb low below. We'll start the initiation process.
First step I'll describe. A simple comfortable squatting, sitting straight and very simple inhaling and exhaling eleven times. Just to prepare yourself for the kriya. Please understand. Please listen now. No need to do it. I'll guide you, that time you can do.
So closing one side of the nostril with your thumb and inhaling. After you feel you are full, closing the other side and exhaling. You don’t need to do it now. Just relax. Listen and do it when we do the kriya. Listen to the instruction.
Close the right nostril with your thumb, right hand thumb, inhale through left. Once you feel complete, close the left nostril with the middle finger and ring finger and exhale through the right nostril; simple nadi shodana. Nadi shodana means just cleaning the nostrils, cleaning the basic nadis.
Do this for eleven times. It may take maximum one minute. That’s it, nothing else. Or one and a half minute 90 seconds; nothing more than that.
I think I have shown very clearly. Please understand, inhaling and exhaling; nothing else, very simple. Actually this is not kriya itself; it’s a preparation for kriya. The first three steps are preparation for kriya. I am just letting your body warm up. This is the first step, eleven times.
Second step: The bhastrika pranayama. Please understand, the technical term is bhastrika.
Pull your lower abdomen in and up. Please understand. Don’t lift your shoulder. Don’t move the whole body. No, no. Just the lower abdomen should be pulled in and up 21 times. Please understand again I am preparing the body.
Eleven times of nadi shodana, simple breathing. 21 times of bhastrika. 21 times is very simple thing. Actually it’s nothing, just 21 times of bhastrika. These all preparation. Please understand these all preparation to push you to the original kriya itself.
The third step: Inhaling as slowly as possible, holding as long as possible, exhaling as slowly as possible, holding the lungs empty without breathing as long as possible.
Please understand. I have collected, arranged, compiled various different pranayamas and mudras and postures in this set to give you the maximum benefit spending less time and less effort. Almost like lazy man's guide to enlightenment!!
One: nadi shodhana - cleaning the breathing nostril, 21 bhastrika, and again inhaling as slowly as possible, holding as long as possible, exhaling as slowly as possible, holding the lungs empty as long as possible. This same cycle should be repeated. You see all these four action put together is called one cycle. Inhaling as slowly as possible, holding as long as possible, exhaling as slowly as possible, holding your lungs empty as long as possible without inhaling. When you can again, again inhale as slowly as possible. So this four action is one cycle. Like this 21 cycle. These four action can be called as one pranayama. So 21 pranayama. I am making it all completely numbered; a clear, logical, calculated, mathematical step for enlightenment. I am making your enlightenment just like bank account.
Please understand. Do this, do that, you will have it; because common man understands only this language. So 21 pranayama - this is the third step. But I want all of you to know all these three steps are only preparation for the kriya. Now we are entering into the exact kriya itself, exact kriya itself. Only if you do these three steps of preparation you will be able to enter into the exact kriya itself.
This is the most powerful part. Please understand. The exact kriya if you do without preparing these three steps, it will not have any effect on you. So you need to enter into this kriya after only these three steps. That is why I am saying whole thing is kriya. For your understanding I am explaining how the process is happening.
Now 581 places around the world are sitting with us live. I can say we crossed the basic critical limit needed for the energy to land. Now I am very clearly seeing the energy has started expressing. Now all the people who are sitting around the world in these 581 places will experience the kundalini awakening. And at least 100 places will have the materialization of vibhooti. You will see now, you will receive at least 100..... Oh! New York already started coming. So please understand at least one hundred places you guys will experience the materialization of vibhooti as a symbol of the Masters presence physically there.
Now listen the instruction: Thumbs on the ears and the index finger and middle finger on the eyes, and the ring finger on the nose. If the little finger touches your lips that’s enough, even if it doesn’t touch it's okay. Please understand. I'll show you.
As per the yogic tradition, all five senses are in your face itself. Ears, smelling - nose, taste - tongue, seeing - eyes, the cheeks are considered to be the touch. That is why cheeks play such a major role in the pleasure of touching. So through this mudra you do pratyahara of all five senses.
Please understand your hands are the gateway for your prana. It can send or receive prana. That is why whenever I, not me, all over the world in all traditions, not just vedic tradition, in any religion, a highly evolved pranic source, an enlightened master or an incarnation or a saint or a religious leader blesses you with the hands towards you; means he is releasing the pranic energy. And when you are asked to receive you are always asked to raise your hand so that you can receive.
Hands are gateway to send or receive pranic energy. Now when you lock your hands on the senses all the senses are withdrawing inside, the pratyahara happens.
Thumb on the ears, two fingers on the eyes, and the ring finger on the nose, little finger on the lip and lock the nose. Lock the breathing through these two ring fingers as long as possible. Please understand. Never try to do with the middle finger. If you try to lock the nose with the middle finger you will lock it more than you can bear. The danger of fainting or disturbing your health is possible, it is there; so don’t do with middle finger. Do it with ring finger. Do it with the ring finger. Please understand. The ring finger..
Washington, New York, Port Washington, New York, please don’t do now. Wait, I'll guide you. You can do that time. Just listen. Listen to the instruction. Don’t do now. New York I am saying do not do now. Kalavati just listen.
Bah‼ I am seeing very clearly how the etheric body of Me is being used by the cosmos like a huge octopus it has spread and, and it is just putting in each place where people are sitting one leg and connecting with the people. 
God! I can see very clearly all the places people will experience levitation. At least in one hundred place devotees will have vibhooti from padukas and at least two hundred devotees will receive vibhooti in their hands now.
God!! The devotees, if you see vibhooti coming out of your hand, don’t be afraid or surprised. I could see the energy expression.
One side the energy overload, people are rolling. I can see everywhere. On the other side, webinar overload. It’s not able to handle. Jnanatma you are ready? More and more people are logging in, signing in.
So all the people, who missed the, for few minutes webinar stopped, I wanted to tell all of you, you have not lost anything. I have not given any instruction in those few minutes. I waited. So please, you can listen now.
So now, the hands... the thumb on the ears, the index finger and middle finger on the eyes, the ring finger on the nose and the little finger on the mouth. Stop the breathing flow; inhaling or exhaling completely as much as you can. Please don’t do now. Relax. Relieve your hands. As much as you can stop the flow; after few minutes or few seconds you will feel, “Oh! Now I cannot stop anymore”. Then just release those two ring fingers. For few seconds the body will automatically inhale or exhale. Let it do its job. You don’t do inhaling or exhaling. Body will automatically balance.
Please understand. You do not put your will. When you feel you can’t handle anymore, just release; body will automatically balance itself. So once if you release your nostrils and lock again, it is called one pranayama; so this way 21. Please understand, it’s a fourth step. 
First: a simple cleaning of the nostril, second: bhastrika, third: inhaling as slowly as possible, holding as long as possible, exhaling as slowly as possible, holding the lungs empty as long as possible, fourth: Locking the nostril completely as long as you can through the ring finger.
Different country showing finger is a big risk! Because people are watching from all the cultures and countries, we will have to be very careful about this showing fingers.
Fifth part is, please understand this fourth part is the main kriya.
The fifth part is settling with your body, means balancing the body.
Three.... First three steps are preparation. The fourth step is main kriya and the fifth part is balancing your body, settling your body. The settling or balancing can be done by intense humming. Seven minutes of intense humming. Means the energy created has to be churned in your system; intense humming for seven minutes.
After that living - means, making that a part of your muscle memory. This will be done by the seven times doing shakti dharana. Please understand, shakti dharana means, raising your hands towards the sky and visualize the master's presence and energy intensely landing on you, awakening your kundalini on the whole body and bow down to the cosmos, surrender to the cosmos; 7 times.
Please understand, totally 5 action.
Simple breathing 11 times,
Bastrika 21 times
The inhaling slowly, holding long, exhaling samana kriya; that 21 times
And the fourth part is shambhavi mudra; holding the breath completely through shambhavi mudra 21 times.
And the fifth part is Mahamantra 7 minute
And the 6th part is the Shakti Dharana means, receiving the cosmic energy and offering it.
Please understand it’s a unique combination. I have put the whole world into this one kriya. I have put the whole world into this one krirya.
The 6th part is 7 times receiving the energy, connecting with the cosmos sky and surrendering to the cosmos earth, becoming part of the cosmos, 7 times. The whole thing will take less than 7 minutes, this 7 times of shakti dharana. And the last but not least, sit for few minutes and send an intense loving, compassionate, blissful vibrations to all over the world with a proper swasti mantra.
Swasti mantra means sending the peace and bliss to the whole world with the ideas like, 'loka samastha sukhino bhavantu’. Let the whole world be at peace. Let the whole world be in bliss. ‘Loka samastha sukhino bhavantu’. With this beautiful deep spiritual feeling and compassion, send the loving compassionate vibrations to the whole world; healing vibrations to the whole world.
All these seven step put together will take only less than 42 minutes.
Please understand this is what I call eN-kriya; very powerful process. All these seven, you would have done with Me separately, individually. I am putting all these seven together.
Most powerful, highest possible frequency; the life breath vibration will happen in you. You will see the intense kundalini awakening happening in you. The eN-effect will be experienced by you.
Please understand, because in this body all these experiences happened and the clear arrangement has happened and coming out, anybody who does this kriya will immediately connect with this energy which is expressing through this body and experience intense kundalini awakening and eN-effect as people experience in My presence or I can say much more than the experience happening in My presence.
Please understand, through this initiation I add Master's grace and blessings to this kriya and to all of you.
Now at this moment 615 places around the world people are sitting. I bless all the people who are sitting around the world. Please understand, with My blessings and the grace of all the great Masters, I initiate all of you: All of you will have, people who are sitting around the world and here in the physical presence, all of you are initiated. I bless you all with the experience of initiation.
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Une Introduction du eN Kriya 1ière partie
==Link to Video: ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twIWyyovW_s&feature=youtu.be |
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==Photos Of The Day:==
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eN-Kriya Introduction (Part 1): Kundalini Awakening Process Initiation


In this first part of the discourse, the living incarnation (avatar) Paramahamsa Nithyananda introduces a brand new offering to the world - eN-Kriya, aimed at physical and emotional well-being, and spiritual awakening through kundalini awakening at the level of an individual. When individuals with such spiritual awakening gather together, they create the eN-effect, coherence of cosmic consciousness or collective consciousness. This further leads to tangible results at a social level that include global peace, reduced crime rate and increased holistic living.

In this video, Paramahamsa Nithyananda introduces what is eN-kriya and how it all came about. In part-2, he gives the exact instructions of the kriya.

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Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām.


I welcome you all with My love and respects. Dear devotees, disciples and first time visitors, I welcome all of you with My love and respects who are sitting around the world. Please understand before the starting of the pada puja in 400 cities people were sitting, now 536 cities, people are sitting with us. It is just increasing. The counter is increasing. In 536 cities all over the world people are now sitting with us. I welcome all of you for being here and now! And I'll enter into the kriya initiation, the eN kriya initiation invoking the presence of Sadashiva, Shankara and all the great masters.


This whole eN kriya is the gift given to the world by Nathasampradaya Matsyendranatha and Gorakhnatha; the Nathasampradaya through Me. I bow down to all those great masters who created the system of Hatha yoga from which I derived this kriya and experienced it. And I offer My humble respects at their feet and request their presence here and all the places where our devotees are sitting now to have the initiation. It is they who are offering this to the world through Me.


Let's enter into the eN kriya initiation by invoking all the great masters’ presence: Patanjali, Matsyendranatha, Gorakhnatha, Sadashiva, Shankara and all the great yogis who happened on the planet earth; Mahavatar Baba and all the siddhas who happened on the planet earth, Vashistadi Saptarishis. I invoke all their presence. I humbly bow down to their presence.


I request all the devotees to sit in padmasana, vajrasana or sukhansana. Padmasana means completely locking your legs - Lotus posture or sitting on your knees - vajrasana or just simple squatting, and keep your hands in samana mudra. Please understand, samana mudra means the right thumb up and left thumb below. Keep your hands in samana mudra and sit straight. If you can't sit on the ground, you can sit in the chair. If you can, better to sit on the floor.


I wanted all of you to know this eN kriya is from My own research and experience with Hatha yoga which is from the great sanyasis and masters of Nathasampradaya; Gorakhnatha, Matsyendranatha and all these great masters. They have created a unique Hatha yoga sampradaya by mastering the prana - breath energy, elevating the consciousness to the highest state, super conscious level which naturally gives heath, mental peace, mental wellness, emotional fulfilment, above all the ultimate conscious experience. All the auspicious things in your life can start expressing in your system if just the pranic level is raised in your system. Innumerable positive side effects can happen in your system through this eN kriya.


First I studied thoroughly, experimented on My own body and shared it with the group of, small group of seekers in Living Enlightenment process 48 day program. And then opened it to the public through Inner Awakening program and then did a scientific research which has proved the power of this kriya. The mitochondria energy level increases 1300%, thirteen times within 18 days.


Please understand, this research is done by taking the blood sample day 1 and day 18. Not even full 21 days!! And the doctors and scientists are again confirming; even yesterday we had a discussion, they are confirming, in the whole world any available medicine or physical exercise or any therapy can increase the mitochondria energy level only 25%, not more than that. There is no system available on the planet earth known to the science to increase the mitochondria energy level more that 25%. And here we have increased successfully and proven to the scientific world 1300%. And very soon this research will be appearing in Indian Science journals and there is going to be a press meet in our Dhyanapeetam where these scientists will be appearing and revealing... The exact word they used yesterday is 'earth shattering'. This whole research and the discovery is ground shattering!! They said, "This is ground breaking research Swamiji, earth shattering!”


And please understand, this kriya is one of the greatest gift to the world through Me by all the great masters. I wanted to very clearly tell the world this is not My own discovery. I am not claiming it has happened in Me. It’s a gift from all the great traditional masters of Vedic tradition. I wanted to make it very clear. I did only one thing. I experimented with it in My own system and systematized to create the maximum benefit without any negative side effect to all the human beings of the modern day, and shared that with the group of people in controlled conditions, and opened it to the public in a very safe ambience, and experimented with this step by step and finally did scientific validation and presenting it to all of you. Only this part is My contribution. Other than that the basic science, the original truth itself is from the great masters; masters of the Vedic tradition; mainly the great Hatha yogis of natha sampradaya, Matsyendranatha and Gorakhnatha and great masters. And I should not forget to acknowledge and pay respects to Swami Satyananda Sarawathi for the English terms, the technical terms which I am going to use now. The English translation is done authentically by a great yogi of modern day - Swami Satyananda Saraswati. I wanted all their names to be on record. They are all responsible and I offer My acknowledgement and respects to all of them for helping me to create this eN kriya in this shape and share it with all of you.


Mainly this eN kriya aims at balancing and fulfilling the five breathing movements happening in your system. Five prana movements: prana, apana, vyana, udana, samana. Please understand as per the siddha tradition the air movements are ten. As per the yogic tradition air movements are five. But actually what yogic tradition describes as five the same thing only in a little deeper way siddha tradition describes as ten. So now with this kriya, eN kriya I am working on all the five prana movements, life breath movements.


Now 552 cities around the world are sitting with us. It is increasing, increasing, increasing. I really expected 108 cities will sit with us for first day. Now 552 are sitting, spread all over the world. GOD!!


Let me give you the exact process and technical knowledge. You have 5 life breath movements happening in your body. If you already done Inner Awakening and Living Enlightenment Process, please don't feel bored. I have to explain every step by step to all the new devotees and visitors. So please have patience but of course you have a chance to listen once more the basic truths. Prana: air going in. Second movement: Air staying in your system. Third movement: From the air, life energy being separated and that being spread all over your body, that is what is called Samanah! Please understand. Samana means the life energy prana being separated from the air - the breath and that life energy, the highest vibration being spread all over the body, all over the system. Body is also small word. System is the right word because it penetrates your muscle memory, mind, brain, all parts of you. So....the fourth movement is the air coming out, being released out of your system. The fifth movement is cleaning apanaha!! Apana.


Please understand these are the five prana movements in your body. These five are responsible for your health, mental wellness, emotional fulfilment, pleasure, pain, creativity, dullness, restlessness, peace, finally enlightenment itself!!


So these five pranas if they are balanced you live a healthy life. If they are awakened you live enlightened life! If they are imbalanced or disturbed that is responsible for physical, mental, psychological, emotional, spiritual disorders. I don't want to use the word diseases....disorders, because it can be again put in order! It can again be put in order!! In yogic tradition, there is no disease incurable. There is no disease incurable. Soon we will do further experiments and prove it to the world one by one, there is no disease incurable.


Second important thing: In the yogic system not having disease alone is not enough. Raising the consciousness to the highest fulfilment and going beyond the life and death cycle which is being forced on you. See taking birth and leaving the body is not wrong. But doing the same thing because it is forced on you is wrong. Taking body out of free will, leaving the body out of free will is great! Masters do that again and again. But doing that same out of forced will is something very seriously wrong. So that is what we call life and death cycle itself as a one more disorder, samsara chakra. We call it bhavaroha, that itself is one disease. So here the eN kriya is shared with all of you to get rid of bhavaroha itself. Not just small, small diseases. These small, small diseases getting healed will be a one effect. But getting rid of bhavaroha itself will happen through this eN kriya. The eN kriya will immediately instantly balance your pancha pranas the five life breath movements.


Prana, apana, vyana, udana, samana will be balanced immediately. That's a immediate effect of this eN kriya and naturally that will lead to physical health, and mental wellness, emotional fulfilment, awakening of the non mechanical parts of the brain, creativity, anti aging; ultimately the spiritual enlightenment.


Please understand. Again and again the secret kriya traditions like Mahavatar Babaji's traditions, siddha traditions speak about anti ageing - kayakalpa. First time scientifically we proved through this kriya anti ageing is possible. Doctors were shocked! They say.... This is the first thing they are saying - the effect of this 1300% of the mitochondria level increasing, the first effect on the body will be anti ageing. The ageing process will be stopped because this cell mitochondria dies very quickly, letting the body to age, degrade and die. But if this energy, mitochondria cells energy can be increased to that extreme level of 1300%, it is just unimaginable. It is just unimaginable. They are saying, "Swamiji this is a straight process for anti ageing". And I am waiting for more reports and we'll further expand the researches in a deeper way.


Now the number says 571 cities. I want all of you to know it is a proper authentic number based on the sign ups. 571 cities are sitting with us; around the world 1000's of viewers.


So understand. This kriya is basically to balance the pancha pranas. Inhaling, holding, spreading, exhaling and cleaning; to balance these five. And this kriya mainly aims at increasing the mitochondria energy level of your system and infusing life energy, samana into your system. So automatically as a by-product of this kriya the kundalini awakening and levitation will happen. Please understand. This kriya is the essence of the 48 day Living Enlightenment Process I did. Whatever I did spread throughout 48days, I have condensed. This whole kriya will take only 42 minutes.


Doing it twice a day if you can or once a day is enough; please understand, if you want only the physical health and mental wellness and emotional fulfilment, doing this kriya once a day is enough. If you want to further explore the siddhis; like a teleporting, and telepathy, all other clairvoyance experience those extraordinary siddhis, I may recommend doing twice a day. If you can do thrice a day I can assure straight away you will experience the enlightenment! Once a day itself will awaken your kundalini and make you levitate. Please understand, even if you practice once a day that will awaken your kundalini and make you levitate. If you can do it twice a day, it will create deeper siddhis in your body, in your system. If you do thrice a day, it will naturally lead to enlightenment!


Now I wanted to enter into the process. I wanted all of you to know, before launching this kriya, sharing this kriya with the world, I have thoroughly experimented spiritually and scientifically. So it proves.... Please understand this 1300% of the mitochondria energy level increasing is for all the 100% of the people who participated in the experiment. Please understand. It is not 90% of the people or 80% of the people. NO. Whoever experiment.. participated in the experiment all their mitochondria energy level is increased to 1300%.


Let Me describe step by step. This is basically a selection, collection and compilation of various pranayamas and mudras and postures; Pranayamas, mudras and postures. Posture means asana. So I'll describe step by step. Now first please listen to the instruction then I'll guide you. That time you can do it step by step, one by one. and I'll make this whole thing available in My own voice immediately in YouTube so you can download and start practising from today.


I can say I offer this gift of eN kriya to the world with a deep gratitude to Sadashiva, Mahadeva, Maheshwara who is our adi guru, first master, And Matsyendranatha and Gorakhnnatha who are incarnations of Sadashiva, again came to planet earth to revive this yogic tradition, And Mahavatar Babaji who kept this kriya alive in the planet earth.


So please understand you are hearing one of the greatest sacred secret! I can say this is the right title I can give for this eN kriya. Sacred Secret! Authentically experimented, experienced, verified and validated scientifically and now being shared with you all, with the whole world. All the instructions for this kriya, eN kriya and how to do; the whole thing will be made available in the internet and YouTube immediately, today itself. So all of you can download and practice it every day.


Soon I'll be sharing with the world, the eN yoga - a set of postures for awakening your kundalini and making your muscle memory in tune with the cosmos and the eN yoga will be containing 54 postures. And I'll be sharing with you one more process called eN mudra. And the ultimate gift will be the eN dhyana, eN meditation which will be revealed on Shivaratri day!


I bless you all! My blessings to all of you! My blessings and I thank you all being part of the greatest spiritual pilot study - eN effect on the whole cosmos. You will see the eN effect on you, and the city where you sat and meditated and on the whole cosmos visibly instantly from now. My blessings!!


On you, it will be in the form of health, wealth and auspicious things in the life like a mental peace and spiritual enlightenment. On your city it will be like reduction in the crime rate and natural calamities and on the whole cosmos it will be reduction in the crime rate, wars, war deaths and natural calamities.


I request all devotees, disciple’s, viewers to share your experience on nithyananda.org home page. I request all of you to share your experience and the happening of the eN effect in you, or in your city. Whatever may be the experience share with nithyananda.org home page.


I bless you all! Let you all, I bless you all to achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share the eternal bliss, the eN effect, the eternal bliss Nithyananda!! Thank you!



eN-Kriya: Seven Steps for Kundalini Awakening


In this second part of eN-kriya initiation, Paramahamsa Nithyananda describes the seven steps in eN-kriya process. He elaborates each step and how it helps in kundalini awakening and personal transformation.

Know the benefits of eN-kriya by Paramahamsa Nithyananda and explore further at http://www.nithyananda.org/page/en-kriya

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Thousands of people are sitting with us now in 400 cities and in 37 cities I am seeing; means you will be seeing. 37 cities you will be seeing; 37 cities we have two way connection and in 400 cities people are sitting with us around the world for this eN-kriya initiation. I welcome you all with My love and respects.


During the pada puja, I will be transmitting the experience to you. So receive the experience. I want all of you to know, your brain can receive and send informations without communication done in orthodox way like a words or visuals. So just understand this much, your brain is capable of receiving or sending communication without the orthodox methods like a words and visuals. Means without verbal or visual action your brain can receive and send information. Just remember this one truth that is enough you will experience the experience of eN-kriya before initiation. Then I'll give you the technique. So I am changing the trend. Usually technical knowledge-technique-experience. No. Experience, technical knowledge and technique. 😃


So I welcome all the people who are sitting with us. Perth Australia, blessings! Toronto, Vancouver, San José. WOW! Vancouver, huge crowd, LA, Seattle, Columbus, Edlington, Germany and London, Phoenix, Turkey, New Zealand, New Zealand 2; means New Zealand two cities, New Zealand itself. New York, Dallas, Singapore, Redondo Beach California, Calgary, Temple city California, Houston, Guadeloupe, Juarez Mexico, Jalisco Mexico, Kuala Lumpur, Hyderabad, Pullman Washington, Jammu, New Jersey, Slovakia, Slovakia 2, Bangalore, Paddling, Jaya Malaysia, Philadelphia, Mumbai, Sri Lanka, Atlanta. These are the cities we have two way screen. You will be seeing all these 37 cities levitating. In all other 400 cities I'll be seeing them levitating.


So I request all the devotees, disciples, all the people participating in the initiation, to sit either in padmasana or vajrasana or just simple squatting. First priority: padmasana, second priority: vajrasana, third priority: just squatting, sit and samana mudra. It will be good if you sit on the ground. So sit in samana; samana mudra means lock your hands, right thumb should be up, left thumb should be below. Lock your hands, sit straight. Sit straight; padmasana or vajrasana or just sukhasana - comfortable squatting. We'll start the initiation. Samana mudra - lock your hands; means the right thumb up and left thumb low below. We'll start the initiation process.


First step I'll describe. A simple comfortable squatting, sitting straight and very simple inhaling and exhaling eleven times. Just to prepare yourself for the kriya. Please understand. Please listen now. No need to do it. I'll guide you, that time you can do. So closing one side of the nostril with your thumb and inhaling. After you feel you are full, closing the other side and exhaling. You don’t need to do it now. Just relax. Listen and do it when we do the kriya. Listen to the instruction. Close the right nostril with your thumb, right hand thumb, inhale through left. Once you feel complete, close the left nostril with the middle finger and ring finger and exhale through the right nostril; simple nadi shodana. Nadi shodana means just cleaning the nostrils, cleaning the basic nadis. Do this for eleven times. It may take maximum one minute. That’s it, nothing else. Or one and a half minute 90 seconds; nothing more than that.


I think I have shown very clearly. Please understand, inhaling and exhaling; nothing else, very simple. Actually this is not kriya itself; it’s a preparation for kriya. The first three steps are preparation for kriya. I am just letting your body warm up. This is the first step, eleven times.


Second step: The bhastrika pranayama. Please understand, the technical term is bhastrika. Pull your lower abdomen in and up. Please understand. Don’t lift your shoulder. Don’t move the whole body. No, no. Just the lower abdomen should be pulled in and up 21 times. Please understand again I am preparing the body. Eleven times of nadi shodana, simple breathing. 21 times of bhastrika. 21 times is very simple thing. Actually it’s nothing, just 21 times of bhastrika. These all preparation. Please understand these all preparation to push you to the original kriya itself.


The third step: Inhaling as slowly as possible, holding as long as possible, exhaling as slowly as possible, holding the lungs empty without breathing as long as possible. Please understand. I have collected, arranged, compiled various different pranayamas and mudras and postures in this set to give you the maximum benefit spending less time and less effort. Almost like lazy man's guide to enlightenment!!


One: nadi shodhana - cleaning the breathing nostril, 21 bhastrika, and again inhaling as slowly as possible, holding as long as possible, exhaling as slowly as possible, holding the lungs empty as long as possible. This same cycle should be repeated. You see all these four action put together is called one cycle. Inhaling as slowly as possible, holding as long as possible, exhaling as slowly as possible, holding your lungs empty as long as possible without inhaling. When you can again, again inhale as slowly as possible. So this four action is one cycle. Like this 21 cycle. These four action can be called as one pranayama. So 21 pranayama. I am making it all completely numbered; a clear, logical, calculated, mathematical step for enlightenment. I am making your enlightenment just like bank account.


Please understand. Do this, do that, you will have it; because common man understands only this language. So 21 pranayama - this is the third step. But I want all of you to know all these three steps are only preparation for the kriya. Now we are entering into the exact kriya itself, exact kriya itself. Only if you do these three steps of preparation you will be able to enter into the exact kriya itself. This is the most powerful part. Please understand. The exact kriya if you do without preparing these three steps, it will not have any effect on you. So you need to enter into this kriya after only these three steps. That is why I am saying whole thing is kriya. For your understanding I am explaining how the process is happening.


Now 581 places around the world are sitting with us live. I can say we crossed the basic critical limit needed for the energy to land. Now I am very clearly seeing the energy has started expressing. Now all the people who are sitting around the world in these 581 places will experience the kundalini awakening. And at least 100 places will have the materialization of vibhooti. You will see now, you will receive at least 100..... Oh! New York already started coming. So please understand at least one hundred places you guys will experience the materialization of vibhooti as a symbol of the Masters presence physically there.


Now listen the instruction: Thumbs on the ears and the index finger and middle finger on the eyes, and the ring finger on the nose. If the little finger touches your lips that’s enough, even if it doesn’t touch it's okay. Please understand. I'll show you. As per the yogic tradition, all five senses are in your face itself. Ears, smelling - nose, taste - tongue, seeing - eyes, the cheeks are considered to be the touch. That is why cheeks play such a major role in the pleasure of touching. So through this mudra you do pratyahara of all five senses.


Please understand your hands are the gateway for your prana. It can send or receive prana. That is why whenever I, not me, all over the world in all traditions, not just vedic tradition, in any religion, a highly evolved pranic source, an enlightened master or an incarnation or a saint or a religious leader blesses you with the hands towards you; means he is releasing the pranic energy. And when you are asked to receive you are always asked to raise your hand so that you can receive. Hands are gateway to send or receive pranic energy. Now when you lock your hands on the senses all the senses are withdrawing inside, the pratyahara happens.


Thumb on the ears, two fingers on the eyes, and the ring finger on the nose, little finger on the lip and lock the nose. Lock the breathing through these two ring fingers as long as possible. Please understand. Never try to do with the middle finger. If you try to lock the nose with the middle finger you will lock it more than you can bear. The danger of fainting or disturbing your health is possible, it is there; so don’t do with middle finger. Do it with ring finger. Do it with the ring finger. Please understand. The ring finger..


Washington, New York, Port Washington, New York, please don’t do now. Wait, I'll guide you. You can do that time. Just listen. Listen to the instruction. Don’t do now. New York I am saying do not do now. Kalavati just listen.


Bah‼ I am seeing very clearly how the etheric body of Me is being used by the cosmos like a huge octopus it has spread and, and it is just putting in each place where people are sitting one leg and connecting with the people. God! I can see very clearly all the places people will experience levitation. At least in one hundred place devotees will have vibhooti from padukas and at least two hundred devotees will receive vibhooti in their hands now. God!! The devotees, if you see vibhooti coming out of your hand, don’t be afraid or surprised. I could see the energy expression.


One side the energy overload, people are rolling. I can see everywhere. On the other side, webinar overload. It’s not able to handle. Jnanatma you are ready? More and more people are logging in, signing in. So all the people, who missed the, for few minutes webinar stopped, I wanted to tell all of you, you have not lost anything. I have not given any instruction in those few minutes. I waited. So please, you can listen now.


So now, the hands... the thumb on the ears, the index finger and middle finger on the eyes, the ring finger on the nose and the little finger on the mouth. Stop the breathing flow; inhaling or exhaling completely as much as you can. Please don’t do now. Relax. Relieve your hands. As much as you can stop the flow; after few minutes or few seconds you will feel, “Oh! Now I cannot stop anymore”. Then just release those two ring fingers. For few seconds the body will automatically inhale or exhale. Let it do its job. You don’t do inhaling or exhaling. Body will automatically balance. Please understand. You do not put your will. When you feel you can’t handle anymore, just release; body will automatically balance itself. So once if you release your nostrils and lock again, it is called one pranayama; so this way 21. Please understand, it’s a fourth step.


First: a simple cleaning of the nostril, second: bhastrika, third: inhaling as slowly as possible, holding as long as possible, exhaling as slowly as possible, holding the lungs empty as long as possible, fourth: Locking the nostril completely as long as you can through the ring finger. Different country showing finger is a big risk! Because people are watching from all the cultures and countries, we will have to be very careful about this showing fingers. Fifth part is, please understand this fourth part is the main kriya. The fifth part is settling with your body, means balancing the body. Three.... First three steps are preparation. The fourth step is main kriya and the fifth part is balancing your body, settling your body. The settling or balancing can be done by intense humming. Seven minutes of intense humming. Means the energy created has to be churned in your system; intense humming for seven minutes. After that living - means, making that a part of your muscle memory. This will be done by the seven times doing shakti dharana. Please understand, shakti dharana means, raising your hands towards the sky and visualize the master's presence and energy intensely landing on you, awakening your kundalini on the whole body and bow down to the cosmos, surrender to the cosmos; 7 times.


Please understand, totally 5 action. Simple breathing 11 times, Bastrika 21 times The inhaling slowly, holding long, exhaling samana kriya; that 21 times And the fourth part is shambhavi mudra; holding the breath completely through shambhavi mudra 21 times. And the fifth part is Mahamantra 7 minute And the 6th part is the Shakti Dharana means, receiving the cosmic energy and offering it.


Please understand it’s a unique combination. I have put the whole world into this one kriya. I have put the whole world into this one krirya. The 6th part is 7 times receiving the energy, connecting with the cosmos sky and surrendering to the cosmos earth, becoming part of the cosmos, 7 times. The whole thing will take less than 7 minutes, this 7 times of shakti dharana. And the last but not least, sit for few minutes and send an intense loving, compassionate, blissful vibrations to all over the world with a proper swasti mantra. Swasti mantra means sending the peace and bliss to the whole world with the ideas like, 'loka samastha sukhino bhavantu’. Let the whole world be at peace. Let the whole world be in bliss. ‘Loka samastha sukhino bhavantu’. With this beautiful deep spiritual feeling and compassion, send the loving compassionate vibrations to the whole world; healing vibrations to the whole world.


All these seven step put together will take only less than 42 minutes. Please understand this is what I call eN-kriya; very powerful process. All these seven, you would have done with Me separately, individually. I am putting all these seven together. Most powerful, highest possible frequency; the life breath vibration will happen in you. You will see the intense kundalini awakening happening in you. The eN-effect will be experienced by you.


Please understand, because in this body all these experiences happened and the clear arrangement has happened and coming out, anybody who does this kriya will immediately connect with this energy which is expressing through this body and experience intense kundalini awakening and eN-effect as people experience in My presence or I can say much more than the experience happening in My presence. Please understand, through this initiation I add Master's grace and blessings to this kriya and to all of you.


Now at this moment 615 places around the world people are sitting. I bless all the people who are sitting around the world. Please understand, with My blessings and the grace of all the great Masters, I initiate all of you: All of you will have, people who are sitting around the world and here in the physical presence, all of you are initiated. I bless you all with the experience of initiation.



Une Introduction du eN Kriya 1ière partie

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