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The Sacred Science Of Maya Matrix
==Link to Video: ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCH8r3zOMKI&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/sep2016-18-the-sacred-science-of-the-maya-matrix-and-shakti"/>
nithyānandeśvara samārambhām
nithyānandeśvari madhyamām |
asmat āchārya paryantām
vande guru paramparām ||
I welcome you all with my love and respects.
I will explain some more details, intricacies, I will reveal some of the sacred secret sweet science of Third Eye and Maya Matrix.
Listen. The 25 states, the individual consciousness goes through, due to its delusory association with physical, physiological, psychological, neurological ups and downs, please listen, the 25 states of consciousness which an individual consciousness, a soul, jeeva, the individual identity goes through due to its false association with physical, psychological, physiological, neurological ups and downs.
Let me also define the word false association. By staring at the mirror for quite a long time, you mistake the reflection for you. You may start putting the make up on the mirror. If you are all the time busy in staring at the mirror. Constantly staring at the mirror, sometimes you start thinking, you are mirror, that is what I called false association. Unfortunately, the individual soul, which is constantly staring at physical, psychological, physiological, neurological ups and downs associates itself falsely with it, starts feeling it is that, that feeling is the reason for the 25 altered states of consciousness. If you are getting more and more false identification, it is called DELUSION; if you getting more and more clear, it is called living enlightenment. But the false identification of the individual consciousness, the soul with physical, psychological, physiological, neurological ups and downs forms the basis of MAYA MATRIX.
I will repeat listen. The false identification of the individual soul with physical, physiological, psychological, neurological ups and downs forms 25 states o cons, which is the foundation of MAYA MATRIX. For example, if you too much associate yourself with your neurological ups and downs, your dreams will look very real. Somebody asked - What is the significance of my dream? Your waking state itself has no significance. Dump the garbage into garbage, over. What significance of the garbage, it has to be in the garbage bin, that’s all.
Your neurological ups and downs is Svapna (dream state).
Your physiological ups and downs is Jagrat (waking state).
Your psychological ups and downs is Shushupti (deep sleep state).
Your physiological ups and downs is jagrat associating with svapna and shushupti.
End of the day, your false association, it is like how wrongly you are being associated with the reflection which you are gazing for quite a long time. You have mirror, life size may be all 10 directions, all the time if you look down, this that, all the time you are seeing only your reflections, if you live the same way for some days, you will falsely associating yourself with that reflection. Whatever is happening to that reflecting you will feel it is being done to you….. stone thrown, you will feel as if you are broken because you falsely associate yourself with that mirror. The false association with your physical, physiological, psychological, neurological ups and downs forms the basis of 25 States of consciousness, which is the foundation of MAYA MATRIX.
One good thing is in that 25, only the first lower 9 keeps you in matrix, māyā. If you move to the next to the Turiya layer and Turiyatita layer, you are not under the control of the Maya Matrix, the whole Maya Matrix starts operating as you want, finally you will realize they will just be your extension.
The 11 dimensions of the JAGAT, next!
11 dimensions of the Universe, understand, whatever, whatever, whatever you think udnes, perception, perfect, master, it is ALL within the frame of Length-Breath-Depth. Length-Breath-Depth. All your good, all your bad, all your right, all your wrong, all your suffering, suffocation, all your pleasures, all your bliss, all that is within the Length-Breath-Depth, not even Time, it doesn’t even go to the dimension of time. Its all in this 3 – Length-Breath-Depth.
Your verbalization is the Length.
Your visualization is Breath.
Your cognition is Depth.
Listen your verbalization, that is why sound is always measured as frequency. The dimension of the Length in the cosmos is operating inside you in the form of verbalization, length is the individual unit which functions in you quantumly as verbalization. I am using the new word – the Length of the cosmos vibrates in you as verbalization, the Length of the Brahmanda, quantumly operates in the pindanda is verbalizations. Length aspect of macrocosm vibrates in you, in the microcosm as verbalization. So, anything you do to your verbalization you can do the Length of the Brahmanda, macrocosm, quantumly operates as a verbalization of the pindanda, microcosm. Let me repeat. Repeating and you listening can give you the glimpse.
The brahmanda has various dimensions, whatever is in brahmanda operates in you as Pindanda, the microcosm. Whatever is in the macrocosm reflects in the microcosms, whatever is in the Brahmanda is in the Pindanda. So through the Pindanda you can manifest what you want in Brahmanda. Through the Pindanda, what is the one end of the microcosm in you by operating that, the other end of the rope which is in the macrocosm can be manipulated, manifested as you want. One long rope, listen, one long rope, one end of the rope in the microcosm, pindanda is verbalization, the same rope is vibrating quantumly in the microcosm, brahmanda as the dimension of length, so as one of our Brahmachari discovered the third ear, yesterday, you need some comedy track to keep the Sangha entertained.
Listen, let me come back to the main track. Listen.
One end of the rope in the microcosm, pindanda is the verbalization dimension, quantumly the same functions as the other end of the rope in the Brahmanda, macrocosm as length dimension. Same way what functions in microcosm as visualization in the brahmanda, in the macrocosm that only is Breath.
Listen, now third statement is very important.
What functions in you as cognition, how you cognize yourself, individual inner image in pindanda, microcosm, how you feel about you, that same only, that cognition, inner image vibrates as the dimension of depth in the macrocosm. That is why your inner image matters for your life, what you attract, what you manifest, how you live matters. I tell you, never allow lower inner image in you. There is nobody, nobody, nobody who has a right to judge you. Even your Guru has a right to help not judge you. Listen, even your Guru only has a right to help you, not to judge, even Guru does not have right to judge then who else? Even he does not have a right to judge, he only has a right to help you, he only has a right to remind you, not to judge you. Never accept lower inner image, that is your arrogance. Do not fall into the arrogance of low inner image. Inner Image is very humble, no weak inner image is arrogance don’t call it as meekness, humbleness, don’t ever give any good word for it.
Having lower inner image is abusiveness, ignorance coupled with arrogance. Alcohol coupled with anti depressants, after that you will never, because you are tipressed. You will be inside the earth, how will be get it! Lower inner image can be established only in arrogance. If you do not have arrogance, lower inner image cannot sustain itself in you. Only if there is a fertile land sand, a seed can have a grip and grow. The arrogance is the fertile sand in the land for the lower inner image to get grounded and grow. Do not accept lower image, all arrogance will be having lower inner image. These are all ultimate laws of life. All womanizers will be frustrated people. All arrogant people will be having low self inner image. A romantic guy will never be womanizer, Romance is such it gives so much of fulfillment, he will not even look for first person, because he will be in the first person. A womanizer will be most frustrated fellow. These are all some of the ultimate laws which can never be changed at any time. Low self inner image means quantumly you are sending the signal to the macrocosm to keep you in the lower depth of the cosmic dimensions, understand. The kind of a frequency you send from here, they you are dealing the rope from one end, are you pulling, pushing or burning. One end of the rope is your hand, the other end of the rope is in the cosmos. The macrocosm quantumly operates into microcosms, your verbalization directly effects the length dimensions of the cosmos, your visualization directly effects the breath dimension of the cosmos. Your cognition about you directly effects the depth dimensions of the cosmos. You quantumly function with the macrocosm, whether you want to function, you don’t want to function whether you want to drive the vehicle, car is already moving in 120 km speed. Listen you do not have choice now – “no I will wake up after 2 years.” No choice! By the time you wake up you may not be able to make up. By the time you wake up you may not be able to make up.
You are already in the car and the car is going in the 120 km speed and unfortunately you are in the driving seat. Its like one person is saying my grandfather has died. ………..You are on the wheel, you are in the driver’s seat. WAKE UP NOW TO YOUR LENGTH, BREATH, DEPTH ROPE – visualization, verbalization, cognition. Even if you don’t wake up the earlier signals you sent is doing its job automatically. Don’t think the car is going to stop, the earlier automated gear system you put, its going to be running on that. That is what I call unconscious death and birth, you take another birth without waking up. Abba, you go through birth and death without waking up. Its like a from deep sleep you come to dream, without coming to waking state, you fall again into deep sleep.
andhena tamasā vrutāḥ [Isavasya Upanishad] – darkness covered by darkness. Black is two dimensional darkness, darkness is three dimensional black. When I say darkness don’t visualize black. Darkness is three dimensional black. Black is only 2 dimensional of darkness.
Amritattva is the 3 dimension of the gold light. Gold light is 2 dimensional of the amritattva.
The length, breath, depth of the macrocosm, cosmos is the verbalization, visualization and cognition of the microcosm, the individual you, you, you. So the higher inner image and the visualization and verbalization triggered by the higher inner image are the most basic things to attract length, breath, depth of the macrocosm to do good to you. That is the greatest operation any conscious being should be doing in the life as the first priority. The moment you become conscious of you – I exist – roughly for human child it happens in the 11th month, maximum 21 months, within the 11-2 1 months a human child experiences the chit gaṇa, ‘I exist’. The accidental appearances of the ‘I’ happens within 11-21 months in a child, the moment the ‘I exist’ starts, the first and foremost responsibility of the conscious being is having the highest inner image and having the visualization, verbalization triggered by the highest inner image – if you know you are SADASHIVA or DASA of Sadashiva. I wanted to tell you – Soham, Dasoham, Shivoham, Sadashivoham, even the inner image of a devotee no way is a lower inner image. These Advaitis have become so arrogant they think that Soham, Shivoham, Sadashivoham is highest inner image. If you don’t remember and go on be repeating – it is only SOGAM no SOHAM. Even if you feel you are the devotee, you are the expression, manifestation of Sadashiva or any other God you feel connected, any other name and form, like Hanuman felt with Rama, how Garuda feels with Vishnu, how Mahadevi, Mahalakshmi feels with Sri Vishnu, anything is okay, but highest inner image and having the visualization, verbalization triggered by the that highest inner image sends a strong signal into the cosmos, quantumly it functions in the macrocosm and makes the length, breath, depth constantly support you and manifest what do you want. This is the science of SHAKTI, understand. This is the science of Shakti. I have given you pure science and applied technology, both.
Pure science and applied technology of jeeva and jagat. I will have to give the Ishvar. Even Jagat I am not able to give all the dimensions now. Surely in further satsangs I will explain all the 11 dimensions of Jagat, how only length and breath functions, how you can work with it quantumly.
The Jeeva wuana work with Jagat is the science of manifesting shaktis, science of experiencing Sadashiva. Experiencing the state of God, expression the status of God. Experiencing the state of God is Sadashiva, expressing the status is Ishvar.
This whole matrix, where maya comes, where reality happens, actually if you listen to this truth, whether you heard and had in your brain all that zigzag puzzle will fall – “whatever I am thinking He is verbalizing.” Listen. If you have that feeling – “oh God, now only I am getting clarity”, if you have that feeling, you are listening to what I am talking.
The Maya Matrix of Jeeva and the Jagat, and Ishvara now.
Let me explain. Listen. The minute intricacies the sacred secrets about Ishvara – 
Creation, protection destruction, putting in delusion, liberation – shristi, sthiti, vinasha or samhara, trobhava and anugraha. Everyone has a question – why should He put us in delusion? Fool, actually I should not translate as ‘putting in delusion’, it is ‘enjoying delusion’ you put you in Trobhava, you forgot why you enjoy, so it become suffering. All Trobhava, the solution for trobhava, you need to be having throw back trobhava. Just go back and decide why you had, why you decided. Throw back will liberate anywhere you feel deluded, suffering, suffocated, tired, go back to the source of those delusion, why you took those decision, which is now extending into trobhava.
Today status - Throw back bhava will solve the problem of trobhava.
Nobody put you in delusion. You started doing something and forgetting the context of why you started. Upgraded intelligence covering the context of why you started, what you started is trobhava. Remembering the context of why you started is anugraha. Apasmara is trobhava, smarana is anugraha. Forgetting the context is trobhava, remembering the context is anugraha. To remind you of the context, Sadashiva happens as Guru, that is the highest anugraha He can do, understand.
All the four – shristi, sthiti, samhara, trobhava is operated from Turiyatita-Turiyatita. For only this Anugraha, the Turiyatita-Turiyatita has to come to Jagrat-Jagrat and you guys try to prison the Turiyatita. He tries to liberates, you try to … Ganga comes down to purify, you try to pollute. He comes down to liberate, you try to bind. He will neither get bound nor get polluted, He will not even tolerate your effort to bind or pollute. If you try to bind him with ordinary rope, he will straight use atomic bomb to burst the rope, it will not even be equivalent. Yes it is unfair, but you initiated.
Listen. Forgetting the context is trobhava, remembering the context is Anugraha. Forgetting the context, Apasmara is trobhava, Smarana is anugraha. Who you are, why you are, when you are, why you are, forgetting this is delusion, remembering this is liberation. Half remembrance is diversion. Half remembrance means – I know why I am, who I am, but ‘when I am’ – I don’t want to remember now, that is called diversion. When I am,, aaa, little tied, not that quickly, it is too close, later. Now only I am having a kid, let the kid grow. Just now I finished the education, let me get married later in, hhhhh [Swamijis shows his head down ☺ ).
Invoke a mother in women, she will be Devi. Invoke a sister in a women, she will be am axing friendliness and completion. Invoke lust in Devi, she will become Devil. Add ‘l’ to Devi, immediately the whole mechanism will be different, Men and women should contemplate this. Women – why the moment I know I am source for pleasure, the whole thought current and logic with which I function become’s so demanding, all my weight becomes. As long as women does not feel that they are source of pleasure for somebody, they are the most beautiful Devi, the moment they feel…… xxxxx, they become Devil for that person, why? Even men, contemplate. If completion on this point happens between a couple, such an amazing friendliness you will have the best friend in your wife, you will have best friend in your husband. Why am I so abusive to him, when I am so beautiful to so many people?
All husband, all wives should think, contemplate on this – why am I so abusive. Why such a big iron curtain. Why so many of ‘me’ is saying no.
If you have 202 votes, other 200 says, no. And the same way for women, let me have the grace I carry with others, here not even 200: 2, 202: 202 and come votes, even calculated as double vote.
Why, understand, you have such low self inner-image the moment you are source of pleasure for somebody, the definition you have about you is – I am used – which is not. If husband and wife can attend to this pattern, thought current, why Devi is converted to Devil, and come to a completion, you will have best friend in your husband, you will have best friend in your wife. That is what I Grihasta. Graha sthiti otherwise Graha vināsha.
Actually this pattern, this matrix, if you try to understand, you will get out major Tirobhava with which you suffer. You decided to be source of pleasure for somebody and you forget about it and then you blame, the other person is abusing and exploiting, and the whole Tirobhava network matrix, one wrong decision supports the another wrong decision, supports the other wrong decision, and you are in the matrix.
Same thing for men, you have a deep fear, if someone is source of your pleasure, they will bind you. You may be bond, actually the fear is the biggest bondage than the real person.
I mirror sees the depth, foolish mirror should understand, the front is having the depth. xxxxxx. If you having ‘abhayam sarvabhutebhyo’ with whoever you feel fear, understand, the fear is there, understand. If you are operating from fear, if you attend there, you will become a being, abhayam sarvabhutebhyo.
Look in. Look in. I only introduced the 25 states of Jeeva, one or 2 states of 11 dimensions of Jagat, 1-2 dimensions from 5 aspects of Ishvara. Five aspects of Ishvar. I have explained only two Trobhava and Anugraha. In furthers satsangs, I will expand on all 25 states of consciousness, 11 dimensions of Jagat and 5 aspects of Ishvar. Understanding the Maya Matrix between this three and realizing the source of all this – SADASHIVA, mastering the matrix by being in the state of Sadashivoham, experiencing the state of Sadashiva, expressing the experience of Sadashiva, manifesting the powers of Sadashiva, expressing the expressions of Sadashiva is the essence of Sadashivoham 2016.
All this experientially drilling more and more, deeper and deeper and deeper, living it, living it, living it, living it, living it, living, it with a WILL PERSISTENCE is SADASHIVOHAM, with a will persistence is Sadashivoham.
So do not give up Sadashivoham is not for you. You have a right to attend Sadashivoham. I am not just as giving it as your boon, you have a right – create the will and will persistence, you will make it. You WILL make it. Its not question of the money and time, both are under the matrix. It is not question of time and money….
Will persistence is existential reality. Money and Time is Artificial Ignorance. Artificial Ignorance can never stop Existential Reality. Will Persistence is existential reality, money and time is artificial ignorance. When you don’t create the will persistence naturally artificial ignorance will rule you obstacle, all that. Create will persistence, the artificial ignorance will lose its power over you, will have no power over you, no say over you. I really tell you, when I say, I mean. Decide to manifest SADASHOVIHAM 2016 with will persistence, you will out of artificial ignorance. Anything artificial, how can you call it as ‘intelligence’, artificial ignorance, AI.
So with this, I will move to next segment. Today we have live Nithya Kirtan and kar seva to build world’s largest temple for Sadashiva, world’s largest golden temple for Sadashiva, means making beautiful statement for future generations about Life. If you do any workout, you will only lose weight. Xxxxx. If you work you are not working out, you are working IN. You will lose weight, and gain Sadashiva’s grace.
I don’t know about anybody, last 3 weeks I am doing, I am really becoming more and more healthy. So whoever wants to have mo, come and enjoy kar seva – building the world’s largest golden temple for Sadashiva, Temple will have main garbha mandir 120 feet tall, complete gold coated, the whole temple will be gold coated, so I welcome everyone to come and join, every Sunday take off to do kar seva for Sadashiva’s temple. All over the world, who , ho can we do kar seva – in your city around physically and raise funds.
Dedicate Sunday for Sadashiva’s world’s largest golden temple, actually wanted this to be build with lots of love, care, devotion, not just by money. Lets build I with existential reality – love, devotion, all that, so it stands forever. Lets not build it with things under the matrix. Lets use things, but let the source be existential reality, love, devotion, dedication. So lets have kar seva today.
I bless you all.
==Photos From The Day: ==
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=== Nithya Satsang ===
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{{#hsimg:1|300|Nithyananda Kirtan|http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-9sept-18th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_3931_bengaluru-aadheenam-nithya-morning-satsang-swamiji.jpg}}
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=== Kalpataru Darshan ===
{{#hsimg:1|133|Kalpataru Darshan|http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-9sept-18th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_3961_bengaluru-aadheenam-nithya-morning-satsang-swamiji.jpg}}
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==Photos Of The Day:==
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===<center>Kar Seva</center>===
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[[Category: 2016 ]]
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Latest revision as of 15:48, 17 March 2024


The Sacred Science Of Maya Matrix

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nithyānandeśvara samārambhām nithyānandeśvari madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome you all with my love and respects.

I will explain some more details, intricacies, I will reveal some of the sacred secret sweet science of Third Eye and Maya Matrix. Listen. The 25 states, the individual consciousness goes through, due to its delusory association with physical, physiological, psychological, neurological ups and downs, please listen, the 25 states of consciousness which an individual consciousness, a soul, jeeva, the individual identity goes through due to its false association with physical, psychological, physiological, neurological ups and downs. Let me also define the word false association. By staring at the mirror for quite a long time, you mistake the reflection for you. You may start putting the make up on the mirror. If you are all the time busy in staring at the mirror. Constantly staring at the mirror, sometimes you start thinking, you are mirror, that is what I called false association. Unfortunately, the individual soul, which is constantly staring at physical, psychological, physiological, neurological ups and downs associates itself falsely with it, starts feeling it is that, that feeling is the reason for the 25 altered states of consciousness. If you are getting more and more false identification, it is called DELUSION; if you getting more and more clear, it is called living enlightenment. But the false identification of the individual consciousness, the soul with physical, psychological, physiological, neurological ups and downs forms the basis of MAYA MATRIX.

I will repeat listen. The false identification of the individual soul with physical, physiological, psychological, neurological ups and downs forms 25 states o cons, which is the foundation of MAYA MATRIX. For example, if you too much associate yourself with your neurological ups and downs, your dreams will look very real. Somebody asked - What is the significance of my dream? Your waking state itself has no significance. Dump the garbage into garbage, over. What significance of the garbage, it has to be in the garbage bin, that’s all. Your neurological ups and downs is Svapna (dream state). Your physiological ups and downs is Jagrat (waking state). Your psychological ups and downs is Shushupti (deep sleep state). Your physiological ups and downs is jagrat associating with svapna and shushupti. End of the day, your false association, it is like how wrongly you are being associated with the reflection which you are gazing for quite a long time. You have mirror, life size may be all 10 directions, all the time if you look down, this that, all the time you are seeing only your reflections, if you live the same way for some days, you will falsely associating yourself with that reflection. Whatever is happening to that reflecting you will feel it is being done to you….. stone thrown, you will feel as if you are broken because you falsely associate yourself with that mirror. The false association with your physical, physiological, psychological, neurological ups and downs forms the basis of 25 States of consciousness, which is the foundation of MAYA MATRIX.

One good thing is in that 25, only the first lower 9 keeps you in matrix, māyā. If you move to the next to the Turiya layer and Turiyatita layer, you are not under the control of the Maya Matrix, the whole Maya Matrix starts operating as you want, finally you will realize they will just be your extension. The 11 dimensions of the JAGAT, next! 11 dimensions of the Universe, understand, whatever, whatever, whatever you think udnes, perception, perfect, master, it is ALL within the frame of Length-Breath-Depth. Length-Breath-Depth. All your good, all your bad, all your right, all your wrong, all your suffering, suffocation, all your pleasures, all your bliss, all that is within the Length-Breath-Depth, not even Time, it doesn’t even go to the dimension of time. Its all in this 3 – Length-Breath-Depth. Your verbalization is the Length. Your visualization is Breath. Your cognition is Depth. Listen your verbalization, that is why sound is always measured as frequency. The dimension of the Length in the cosmos is operating inside you in the form of verbalization, length is the individual unit which functions in you quantumly as verbalization. I am using the new word – the Length of the cosmos vibrates in you as verbalization, the Length of the Brahmanda, quantumly operates in the pindanda is verbalizations. Length aspect of macrocosm vibrates in you, in the microcosm as verbalization. So, anything you do to your verbalization you can do the Length of the Brahmanda, macrocosm, quantumly operates as a verbalization of the pindanda, microcosm. Let me repeat. Repeating and you listening can give you the glimpse. The brahmanda has various dimensions, whatever is in brahmanda operates in you as Pindanda, the microcosm. Whatever is in the macrocosm reflects in the microcosms, whatever is in the Brahmanda is in the Pindanda. So through the Pindanda you can manifest what you want in Brahmanda. Through the Pindanda, what is the one end of the microcosm in you by operating that, the other end of the rope which is in the macrocosm can be manipulated, manifested as you want. One long rope, listen, one long rope, one end of the rope in the microcosm, pindanda is verbalization, the same rope is vibrating quantumly in the microcosm, brahmanda as the dimension of length, so as one of our Brahmachari discovered the third ear, yesterday, you need some comedy track to keep the Sangha entertained.

Listen, let me come back to the main track. Listen. One end of the rope in the microcosm, pindanda is the verbalization dimension, quantumly the same functions as the other end of the rope in the Brahmanda, macrocosm as length dimension. Same way what functions in microcosm as visualization in the brahmanda, in the macrocosm that only is Breath.

Listen, now third statement is very important. What functions in you as cognition, how you cognize yourself, individual inner image in pindanda, microcosm, how you feel about you, that same only, that cognition, inner image vibrates as the dimension of depth in the macrocosm. That is why your inner image matters for your life, what you attract, what you manifest, how you live matters. I tell you, never allow lower inner image in you. There is nobody, nobody, nobody who has a right to judge you. Even your Guru has a right to help not judge you. Listen, even your Guru only has a right to help you, not to judge, even Guru does not have right to judge then who else? Even he does not have a right to judge, he only has a right to help you, he only has a right to remind you, not to judge you. Never accept lower inner image, that is your arrogance. Do not fall into the arrogance of low inner image. Inner Image is very humble, no weak inner image is arrogance don’t call it as meekness, humbleness, don’t ever give any good word for it.

Having lower inner image is abusiveness, ignorance coupled with arrogance. Alcohol coupled with anti depressants, after that you will never, because you are tipressed. You will be inside the earth, how will be get it! Lower inner image can be established only in arrogance. If you do not have arrogance, lower inner image cannot sustain itself in you. Only if there is a fertile land sand, a seed can have a grip and grow. The arrogance is the fertile sand in the land for the lower inner image to get grounded and grow. Do not accept lower image, all arrogance will be having lower inner image. These are all ultimate laws of life. All womanizers will be frustrated people. All arrogant people will be having low self inner image. A romantic guy will never be womanizer, Romance is such it gives so much of fulfillment, he will not even look for first person, because he will be in the first person. A womanizer will be most frustrated fellow. These are all some of the ultimate laws which can never be changed at any time. Low self inner image means quantumly you are sending the signal to the macrocosm to keep you in the lower depth of the cosmic dimensions, understand. The kind of a frequency you send from here, they you are dealing the rope from one end, are you pulling, pushing or burning. One end of the rope is your hand, the other end of the rope is in the cosmos. The macrocosm quantumly operates into microcosms, your verbalization directly effects the length dimensions of the cosmos, your visualization directly effects the breath dimension of the cosmos. Your cognition about you directly effects the depth dimensions of the cosmos. You quantumly function with the macrocosm, whether you want to function, you don’t want to function whether you want to drive the vehicle, car is already moving in 120 km speed. Listen you do not have choice now – “no I will wake up after 2 years.” No choice! By the time you wake up you may not be able to make up. By the time you wake up you may not be able to make up. You are already in the car and the car is going in the 120 km speed and unfortunately you are in the driving seat. Its like one person is saying my grandfather has died. ………..You are on the wheel, you are in the driver’s seat. WAKE UP NOW TO YOUR LENGTH, BREATH, DEPTH ROPE – visualization, verbalization, cognition. Even if you don’t wake up the earlier signals you sent is doing its job automatically. Don’t think the car is going to stop, the earlier automated gear system you put, its going to be running on that. That is what I call unconscious death and birth, you take another birth without waking up. Abba, you go through birth and death without waking up. Its like a from deep sleep you come to dream, without coming to waking state, you fall again into deep sleep. andhena tamasā vrutāḥ [Isavasya Upanishad] – darkness covered by darkness. Black is two dimensional darkness, darkness is three dimensional black. When I say darkness don’t visualize black. Darkness is three dimensional black. Black is only 2 dimensional of darkness. Amritattva is the 3 dimension of the gold light. Gold light is 2 dimensional of the amritattva. The length, breath, depth of the macrocosm, cosmos is the verbalization, visualization and cognition of the microcosm, the individual you, you, you. So the higher inner image and the visualization and verbalization triggered by the higher inner image are the most basic things to attract length, breath, depth of the macrocosm to do good to you. That is the greatest operation any conscious being should be doing in the life as the first priority. The moment you become conscious of you – I exist – roughly for human child it happens in the 11th month, maximum 21 months, within the 11-2 1 months a human child experiences the chit gaṇa, ‘I exist’. The accidental appearances of the ‘I’ happens within 11-21 months in a child, the moment the ‘I exist’ starts, the first and foremost responsibility of the conscious being is having the highest inner image and having the visualization, verbalization triggered by the highest inner image – if you know you are SADASHIVA or DASA of Sadashiva. I wanted to tell you – Soham, Dasoham, Shivoham, Sadashivoham, even the inner image of a devotee no way is a lower inner image. These Advaitis have become so arrogant they think that Soham, Shivoham, Sadashivoham is highest inner image. If you don’t remember and go on be repeating – it is only SOGAM no SOHAM. Even if you feel you are the devotee, you are the expression, manifestation of Sadashiva or any other God you feel connected, any other name and form, like Hanuman felt with Rama, how Garuda feels with Vishnu, how Mahadevi, Mahalakshmi feels with Sri Vishnu, anything is okay, but highest inner image and having the visualization, verbalization triggered by the that highest inner image sends a strong signal into the cosmos, quantumly it functions in the macrocosm and makes the length, breath, depth constantly support you and manifest what do you want. This is the science of SHAKTI, understand. This is the science of Shakti. I have given you pure science and applied technology, both.

Pure science and applied technology of jeeva and jagat. I will have to give the Ishvar. Even Jagat I am not able to give all the dimensions now. Surely in further satsangs I will explain all the 11 dimensions of Jagat, how only length and breath functions, how you can work with it quantumly. The Jeeva wuana work with Jagat is the science of manifesting shaktis, science of experiencing Sadashiva. Experiencing the state of God, expression the status of God. Experiencing the state of God is Sadashiva, expressing the status is Ishvar. This whole matrix, where maya comes, where reality happens, actually if you listen to this truth, whether you heard and had in your brain all that zigzag puzzle will fall – “whatever I am thinking He is verbalizing.” Listen. If you have that feeling – “oh God, now only I am getting clarity”, if you have that feeling, you are listening to what I am talking. The Maya Matrix of Jeeva and the Jagat, and Ishvara now. Let me explain. Listen. The minute intricacies the sacred secrets about Ishvara – Creation, protection destruction, putting in delusion, liberation – shristi, sthiti, vinasha or samhara, trobhava and anugraha. Everyone has a question – why should He put us in delusion? Fool, actually I should not translate as ‘putting in delusion’, it is ‘enjoying delusion’ you put you in Trobhava, you forgot why you enjoy, so it become suffering. All Trobhava, the solution for trobhava, you need to be having throw back trobhava. Just go back and decide why you had, why you decided. Throw back will liberate anywhere you feel deluded, suffering, suffocated, tired, go back to the source of those delusion, why you took those decision, which is now extending into trobhava. Today status - Throw back bhava will solve the problem of trobhava. Nobody put you in delusion. You started doing something and forgetting the context of why you started. Upgraded intelligence covering the context of why you started, what you started is trobhava. Remembering the context of why you started is anugraha. Apasmara is trobhava, smarana is anugraha. Forgetting the context is trobhava, remembering the context is anugraha. To remind you of the context, Sadashiva happens as Guru, that is the highest anugraha He can do, understand.

All the four – shristi, sthiti, samhara, trobhava is operated from Turiyatita-Turiyatita. For only this Anugraha, the Turiyatita-Turiyatita has to come to Jagrat-Jagrat and you guys try to prison the Turiyatita. He tries to liberates, you try to … Ganga comes down to purify, you try to pollute. He comes down to liberate, you try to bind. He will neither get bound nor get polluted, He will not even tolerate your effort to bind or pollute. If you try to bind him with ordinary rope, he will straight use atomic bomb to burst the rope, it will not even be equivalent. Yes it is unfair, but you initiated. Listen. Forgetting the context is trobhava, remembering the context is Anugraha. Forgetting the context, Apasmara is trobhava, Smarana is anugraha. Who you are, why you are, when you are, why you are, forgetting this is delusion, remembering this is liberation. Half remembrance is diversion. Half remembrance means – I know why I am, who I am, but ‘when I am’ – I don’t want to remember now, that is called diversion. When I am,, aaa, little tied, not that quickly, it is too close, later. Now only I am having a kid, let the kid grow. Just now I finished the education, let me get married later in, hhhhh [Swamijis shows his head down ☺ ).

Invoke a mother in women, she will be Devi. Invoke a sister in a women, she will be am axing friendliness and completion. Invoke lust in Devi, she will become Devil. Add ‘l’ to Devi, immediately the whole mechanism will be different, Men and women should contemplate this. Women – why the moment I know I am source for pleasure, the whole thought current and logic with which I function become’s so demanding, all my weight becomes. As long as women does not feel that they are source of pleasure for somebody, they are the most beautiful Devi, the moment they feel…… xxxxx, they become Devil for that person, why? Even men, contemplate. If completion on this point happens between a couple, such an amazing friendliness you will have the best friend in your wife, you will have best friend in your husband. Why am I so abusive to him, when I am so beautiful to so many people? All husband, all wives should think, contemplate on this – why am I so abusive. Why such a big iron curtain. Why so many of ‘me’ is saying no. If you have 202 votes, other 200 says, no. And the same way for women, let me have the grace I carry with others, here not even 200: 2, 202: 202 and come votes, even calculated as double vote.

Why, understand, you have such low self inner-image the moment you are source of pleasure for somebody, the definition you have about you is – I am used – which is not. If husband and wife can attend to this pattern, thought current, why Devi is converted to Devil, and come to a completion, you will have best friend in your husband, you will have best friend in your wife. That is what I Grihasta. Graha sthiti otherwise Graha vināsha. Actually this pattern, this matrix, if you try to understand, you will get out major Tirobhava with which you suffer. You decided to be source of pleasure for somebody and you forget about it and then you blame, the other person is abusing and exploiting, and the whole Tirobhava network matrix, one wrong decision supports the another wrong decision, supports the other wrong decision, and you are in the matrix. Same thing for men, you have a deep fear, if someone is source of your pleasure, they will bind you. You may be bond, actually the fear is the biggest bondage than the real person.

I mirror sees the depth, foolish mirror should understand, the front is having the depth. xxxxxx. If you having ‘abhayam sarvabhutebhyo’ with whoever you feel fear, understand, the fear is there, understand. If you are operating from fear, if you attend there, you will become a being, abhayam sarvabhutebhyo.

Look in. Look in. I only introduced the 25 states of Jeeva, one or 2 states of 11 dimensions of Jagat, 1-2 dimensions from 5 aspects of Ishvara. Five aspects of Ishvar. I have explained only two Trobhava and Anugraha. In furthers satsangs, I will expand on all 25 states of consciousness, 11 dimensions of Jagat and 5 aspects of Ishvar. Understanding the Maya Matrix between this three and realizing the source of all this – SADASHIVA, mastering the matrix by being in the state of Sadashivoham, experiencing the state of Sadashiva, expressing the experience of Sadashiva, manifesting the powers of Sadashiva, expressing the expressions of Sadashiva is the essence of Sadashivoham 2016. All this experientially drilling more and more, deeper and deeper and deeper, living it, living it, living it, living it, living it, living, it with a WILL PERSISTENCE is SADASHIVOHAM, with a will persistence is Sadashivoham. So do not give up Sadashivoham is not for you. You have a right to attend Sadashivoham. I am not just as giving it as your boon, you have a right – create the will and will persistence, you will make it. You WILL make it. Its not question of the money and time, both are under the matrix. It is not question of time and money….

Will persistence is existential reality. Money and Time is Artificial Ignorance. Artificial Ignorance can never stop Existential Reality. Will Persistence is existential reality, money and time is artificial ignorance. When you don’t create the will persistence naturally artificial ignorance will rule you obstacle, all that. Create will persistence, the artificial ignorance will lose its power over you, will have no power over you, no say over you. I really tell you, when I say, I mean. Decide to manifest SADASHOVIHAM 2016 with will persistence, you will out of artificial ignorance. Anything artificial, how can you call it as ‘intelligence’, artificial ignorance, AI. So with this, I will move to next segment. Today we have live Nithya Kirtan and kar seva to build world’s largest temple for Sadashiva, world’s largest golden temple for Sadashiva, means making beautiful statement for future generations about Life. If you do any workout, you will only lose weight. Xxxxx. If you work you are not working out, you are working IN. You will lose weight, and gain Sadashiva’s grace. I don’t know about anybody, last 3 weeks I am doing, I am really becoming more and more healthy. So whoever wants to have mo, come and enjoy kar seva – building the world’s largest golden temple for Sadashiva, Temple will have main garbha mandir 120 feet tall, complete gold coated, the whole temple will be gold coated, so I welcome everyone to come and join, every Sunday take off to do kar seva for Sadashiva’s temple. All over the world, who , ho can we do kar seva – in your city around physically and raise funds. Dedicate Sunday for Sadashiva’s world’s largest golden temple, actually wanted this to be build with lots of love, care, devotion, not just by money. Lets build I with existential reality – love, devotion, all that, so it stands forever. Lets not build it with things under the matrix. Lets use things, but let the source be existential reality, love, devotion, dedication. So lets have kar seva today. I bless you all.

Photos From The Day:

Nithya Satsang

Nithyananda Morning Satsang Nithyananda Morning Satsang Nithyananda Morning Satsang Nithyananda Morning Satsang Nithyananda Morning Satsang Nithyananda Morning Satsang Sankirtan Nithyananda Morning Satsang Nithyananda Morning Satsang Nithyananda Morning Satsang Nithyananda Kirtan

Kalpataru Darshan

Kalpataru Darshan Kalpataru Darshan Nithyananda Kirtan

Photos Of The Day:

Living Shuddadvaita Process (LSP)

Kar Seva

Kalpataru Darshan