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First Nithyananda Spurana Program || NSP || Introduction || 14 February 2004 ||
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Starts.. that is what is meant by this: where the ASP ends, there the Nithyananda Spurana starts. A small story 😊😊. A man, lean, thin, black, tired enters into the cabin of the doctor. Doctor thoroughly diagnoses him and says, “Your health is pretty bad, you must stop smoking immediately.” Then he asked, “Do you have the habit of drinking?” “Yes, doctor, every day I start my day, 😊only with some drinks.” Then doctor said, “No, from today, not even from today, from this moment you should drop all your habits. It’s a mandatory, you cannot have anymore these habits.” Finally doctor said, “Well, now it is 30 dollars fees for my advice, you can go.” The man replied, “Well, doctor, but who is taking it? Who is going to take your advice?” 😊
Whenever the rules and regulations are given, we have a natural tendency to resist. Whenever the spirituality is taught with rules and regulations, it never enters inside. But to start with, no other way; with few rules and regulations only we start. That is why we gave few rules and regulations in the ASP. ASP is more like a set of rules with which you learn. But here I am going to break all the rules, it is more like a guidance.
Understand. If you live with the head, if you live with intellect, if you live with a sense of entering always into others boundary, you need rules. You need regulations. Now come down from that level, have more space. Give more space for others. Instead of always entering into other’s boundary, now allow others to enter into your boundary. In ASP we gave rules, regulations. The first session will be about the rules and regulations. Because we have a tendency in the society always entering into other’s territory. If you have two hundred acre land also, when you put the fencing, at least three feet 😊, just three feet 😊, just three feet, you always feel. If you purchase ten thousand acre, again, just that three, four feet. We have the tendency of entering into other’s territory. That is the reason you needed rules and regulations; the first session. But here, now you have become naturally more matured, you have grown up. So, you don’t need rules and regulations. That is why the first session starts with the dancing or ecstasy. You don’t need any rules or regulation, you know the basic things or the guidelines. That is the reason, I don't want to give any rule or regulation. I’ll just give you a few guidances to have maximum out of these two days.
What the course is going to be? To tell you honestly, I do not know. 😊 I tell you honestly, I do not know. Somebody asked Me, even yesterday night, “Swamiji, what is this going to be?” I said, “I know only one thing, it is going to be grand, it is going to be ecstatic.” When I came in the car, Aachi was asking Me, “Swamiji, now at least you know that what You are going to speak?” I said, “I know only one thing. What is going to happen I know, I do not know what I am going to speak.”
It is more and more going to be a exploring your inner layers. See, in the ASP you studied about the seven chakras. It is going to be the work on the seven layers of your body. It’s like you have seven sweaters, one on one on one. Because you have so many layers, you are not able to directly relate with the reality. That’s one thing. Because you have not used those layers totally, the life is not tasted, enjoyed, as it is, totally. We are going to work on the seven layers of the body. There are going to be the techniques, methods, to work on the seven layers of the body.
Somebody asked Me, “Swamiji, is it like an ASP?” I tell you, it is not only not like ASP, it is not even higher course for ASP, the ASP is totally different. This is going to be totally different. It is not the higher course. It’s going to be totally different. So, don’t have any prejudice, any idea, how this is to be, how this is going to be. Because whenever you come to know something earlier, you make the totally a mental plan “What you are going to do, what you are going to do, what you are going to do?” And then you exactly go out, go in and go out, come out. But, here I am not going to give you any mental plan, just continuously be alive and active, respond to the situation. Spontaneously respond to every moment, continuously be alive and respond to the moments.
One more beauty above all, even the next batch who is going to attend the Nithyananda Spurana will know what is the program. See, if you know what is the program, then the whole beauty is lost. It is always, whenever you know, the whole beauty is lost. Whenever you do not know, then the whole juice. The real juice is when the whole thing is new. Then next time you all go out and spread - naturally they will come with some idea, what it is going to be, how it is going to be. People ask Me, “Swamiji if we advertise properly how the program is going to be, we will get more number. I said, “No.” I said...because no, I said, “No” because I Myself don’t know what is going to be.
There are seven major part or the elements in the body layers. You need to understand three things. First thing, because of these body layers you are not relating with the reality as it is. Because always all the mystics they say, “World is God. God is everything. Whatever you see is God. Everything is God.” But, we don’t feel whatever we see as God. We only feel it as a evil. We always feel everybody is trying to exploit us. Everybody is trying to enter into our territory. Everybody is trying to disturb us. So, what the mystics say is one thing, what you feel is totally different thing. Why we feel in this way? Because we were not able to relate with the reality as it is. First thing you need to understand. Next thing because you have not used these layers, they become just cancer. Whenever something is not used in your system, if something is separate…
Somebody asked Me, “Swamiji, why did you make the ASP as the basic necessity to attend the NSP?” You see, the person who has done ASP, not only that he knows the language, he knows the chakras, he knows the basic meditation, he actually feels the intimacy with Master. Even if you have done all these everyday evening satsangs, you will not feel the intimacy. Only when you have done the ASP you will feel the intimacy. When you have intimacy, you can’t close your eyes. In some meditations, I used to tell the people “ All right close your eyes” I’ve seen many people coming and telling Me “Swamiji, just leave me, I will open my eyes and sit and see you, that is ...that is the greatest meditation” When you actually feel the intimacy you can’t open your… you can’t close your eyes and sit, only you are intellectual oriented, you can close your eyes and sit.
So, that is the one more reason. There are so many things which happens, when you do ASP, when you undergo the program. Not only you understand about chakras, you understand more. You understand, just something happens to your being. When you don’t use the energy layers, it becomes just a cancer. Whenever something is not becoming part of your being, part of your body, it becomes a separate growth. So, these layers if you...it has not become your part, it naturally becomes a cancer. That is the second thing.
Third thing, unless otherwise you express, you start living these layers, you will never have the satisfaction that you lived, that you lived. Because, major portion of your life if it is unlived, how will you have the satisfaction that you have lived? Not only for the spiritual growth, even for the ordinary outer world things, ordinary outwardly things. So, that is the reason we are going to explore, work on these seven chakras. We will penetrate and express the energies of the seven chakras. This is what is going to happen in these two days. There will be different techniques, methods to bring the… each and everybody to your consciousness. Then when it is brought to the consciousness, it will be explored, it will be expressed.
One more thing, we will be working with so many techniques related to imagination. You will be asked to visualize some things. We have a very deep disrespect for visualization. We always think “Oh, by imagination what can I achieve? By visualisation what can I achieve?” Understand. Your whole life is nothing but visualization. Your whole life is nothing but imagination. Your sitting here itself, is a..nothing but a imagination. Don't think you are really sitting here. You think you are sitting here or you may feel 😃. But of course, you will understand the truth of My statement before tomorrow evening. Before tomorrow evening, you will understand the statement, you will understand the truth of My statement. You will understand the truth of My statements before you leave tomorrow evening.
The whole life is nothing but the imagination. It’s like a one thorn is removed by the another one thorn. One thorn enters your leg, you take another thorn and remove it, the help of by this thorn. Same way, you have so many imaginations which has entered in you, without your knowledge, without your consciousness. Now, the conscious imaginations are going to enter in you to do the process, to do the work. So, whenever meditation instructions are given, just put your total energy whole energy. I request people who have not done ASP, please sit in the last row. You can do, you will be able to do, all My love and blessings, put your best, but don't interfere the crowd who has done ASP; because naturally they will have more understanding, they will have more grasping power - you can say that is the right word. They will be grasping more. People who have not done ASP, put your whole effort then only you will be able to see the result.
Next thing, the main thing, it’s almost like a... not only an understanding, it's a cooperation, which is needed from everybody. ASP is more like a program of... program for common people, anybody can enter there, anybody can enter. It’s more like a… you go to a doctor for cough or cold, and you get the medicine and walk out. It's like a outpatients department. NSP is more like a in-patients department. It’s going to be more like a operation on every body, on every energy layer; we are going to work on your desires, on your imaginations, on your guilt, on your fantasies, on your depression. In every layer, we are going to work exactly on it, because these are the layers which blocks our being. So, when… when we are working on your guilt, sometimes you maybe having some deep wound or the guilt, which can be simply released by asking, a simple solution will be there for that guilt. You see, all big doors need only small keys. Door may be any size, but the key will be only this much. Just because you don’t have this much size key, you are suffering in front of the door. If you have that small key, that very door will become a way.
Most of our problems we suffer just because we don’t have these small keys. And now, not even a small key, small pad. Just insert and take it out. For your problems also, naturally… the problem itself is simple, but if you make it big that is different! The solution is also very simple. If you can open out and tell the problem, verbally, two things will happen;
One is: I’ll know the problem and give you the key.
Next thing : you yourself will know the problem.
People come and tell Me, “Swamiji, why should I open my mouth and tell my problem? You don’t… You know everything. You can verily know what is my problem is.” I tell them, “I tell you verbally… I tell you to talk out your problem not for Myself, I know your problem. If you speak out, you will know your problem. “Most of the time, you yourself don’t know. You know only the feel the low energy, low mood, you never feel the reason, you never understand the reason. When you verbalize it, when you talk it out, first thing, YOU will understand. So, you will have a space, a loving atmosphere, where you can express it out. When you express it out, you will get a clear solution.
Because of this, there will be so many people who will be talking their personal life, opening out their personal problems. So, all of you take a oath, take a vow, you will not go outside and speak about their problems. Understand. It is a commitment towards each of you. You give, you are committed to other, the other is committed to you. We have this habit of speaking about others. We will never change. It is so tasty speaking others problems. Ah, speaking other’s problems and speaking ill of others is such a tasty thing for us.
You know that a … after the food they won’t swallow only the betel leaf, they will swallow somebody else head also. Then only the betel leaf is tasty. The leaf gets more taste when you swallow other’s head also. In South India you should see after the noon meal, they’ll stretch their legs on the outside house veranda, and betel leaf they’ll apply the lime, make the paan and then slowly they’ll start. “What has happened with that fellow, with whom she has run away?” Running away is the first thing, who has run away with whom, who is having an affair with whom? And you see, it’s so satisfying!! And really, it, it just makes you regenerate, almost like a… it just makes you regenerate. 😃
You have a.... tendency, curiosity to know about others and to know about others personal life. That is the reason so much these yellow magazines are getting sold. Yellow magazine means the magazine which writes about others personal life, other’s sex life or the violent life. The crime magazines and the sex magazines why they are getting so much sold? Because you have the... you feel so tasty when you know somebody else's personal life. I’ve seen many people asking our organizers “What Swami is doing in the morning time? Where He is going? What He is going to do? What He will be doing in the evening?” Arrey, what you’ve got to do? He will be there surely in the evening program, public function. For public satsang, He will be there, you come, that is enough. But, they are not happy, they are not satisfied.
They ask, “Here Swami wears the wooden sandal, I saw in LA, He was wearing the wooden… the plastic chappal. What all He wears? What all He uses?” So, much curiosity, with Me itself so much means with you all how much it will be? Because no way I am related to them. With Me also they want to know so many other things. You see many people I have seen, nobody wanted to know how He became enlightened, how I can also become enlightened, or how He can help Me, or how I can also be helped by Him? That nobody wants. “What He wears?”
And I have seen many people asking “Swami. Swami looks so nice. Is He using any costumes [cosmetics]?” Any... No, no, really. “Is He using any oil for His hair? What type of powder He is using? You see, it's just a curiosity. Am I right? People ask all these things. First thing I never use anything that is different and I don’t even comb My hair properly ….24:30… . No, the curiosity of the people, we are so curious to know about everyone’s life, we will be just sitting and collecting materials to go and talk outside. If you do that, you are disturbing the…. what to say… the benefit of others.
Please be very clear, now, just for these two days, take a oath, “I will not go and talk outside what I heard from others; what I heard from others”. It is a promise you are giving to keep other’s privacy. You see if you don’t take that promise, if you are not ready to take up that promise, I am not going to lose anything, you are going to lose. It is each one of you who are going to lose. So, now you need a social commitment, to have the maximum from Me, to have the best out of this class. Please be very clear, to have the maximum from the ASP if you are prepared that is enough, alone. But to have the maximum from NSP, the whole group needs to be prepared. That is why I avoided the people who have not done ASP. But, be very clear you need to respect the privacy of others. Each one has got their own thing to speak, their own thing to ask, their own thing to tell. First thing, don’t carry tales, don’t carry tales. It's a very sincere guidance from My side.
One more thing, when I say how the course is going to be, I Myself do not know, I mean, I know the whole thing… what is going to happen, I know. But how much you are going to use it, I do not know. It is in your hands. If the whole group cooperates, only then the next technique will be more deeper. It's like a.. travelling in the deep forest. It is going to be more like a.. travelling in the deep forest. See the whole ASP was more like a plane, the NSP is more going to be like a... travelling in the deep forest. Of course, your eyes will be tied, you will be blindfolded. What is the way... best way to travel in the forest if your eyes are blindfolded? Hold the hands of Master. Then you will see, you will be able to use totally, you will be able to have the maximum benefit. So, just put your whole effort.
Understand. Here we are on the journey, that’s what they call, the mystery work. It is going to be more like a mystery work. And every meditation, everyone is going to have a touch. You understand, in every meditation I am going to come around, everybody, come near everybody. Don’t think it’s...it’s not like a mass sermon, ASP. ASP any thousand can attend, any number of thousands can attend. But, this is not going to be like a ASP, if you have the benefit you have, if you don’t, don’t. That’s the ASP. But here, everyone I am going to attend, everyone I am going to come near, on every meditation technique, not on only one technique. On every meditation technique, I am just going to be around you, you are going to relate with Me. It's more or less like a operation.
One thing, if you have only an intellectual relationship with Me, please leave the hall. If you really have an heartfelt relationship with Me, then only you can be here. In ASP I ask the people to question, they can question Me, they can criss cross Me. But here it is totally going to be, not the relationship of logic or intellect. It is more going to be like a feeling of love. You are just going to travel in the path holding My hands. It needs love and the tremendous trust. It needs the tremendous trust and love, not simple intellectual relationship. There are people… you see, I always tell in My discourses, “Don’t have faith in Me, just doubt as much as possible, carry on your doubt, then the doubt will guide you”. These are all only for the people who have done the first level, only for the people of ASP. Now, you need to put your whole effort and you need to just travel with Me, totally, layer by layer, step by step. Unless you travel, you see, unless I feel satisfied the whole group is entering into the meditation, naturally I will be stuck, or I will not be able to lead the whole group into the next meditation.
If I really find one or two people who are not putting their effort, you should forgive Me, you will be sent out. Of course, your money will be refunded, that is different, but you will be sent out. Because I want… I don’t want the group to suffer, just because of one or two persons. Just because of one of two persons, the group cannot suffer. It’s going to be more like a journey. I wanted everyone to taste the spirituality, glimpse of the God in a solid way. It’s going to be more like a deal. Either have experience or refund. 😊 It’s going to be more like a American deal. Yes, money back guarantee. You see, I am... I‘ll be spending My whole life and energy telling them “Hey, close your eyes and meditate” and those idiots after ten hours of meditation, they’ll be just sitting and watching the others. Ten hours of discourse, they will be just sitting and watching the others. Now, I don’t want to deal anymore with fools.
I wanted at least few group who are courageous to have the taste of reality. You see, to have the taste of spirituality, you need courage. I tell you, to enjoy the bliss you need courage, actually. Because the bliss does so much for you, you are just taken, you are just flowing. To flow you need courage... actually. To stand in a ground you don’t need courage, but to jump in the water and to flow with the water, you need courage. It’s going to be more like a jumping inside and flowing, just floating. So, I want only the people who are really courageous, who can put their effort into the meditation. Not, “Oh, I had a good weekend, let me go and spend with Swami.”
So, be very clear, of course, it’s going to be very great experience, but which needs lot of courage, which needs to put your effort. Which needs to be …. the whole process is going to be about relaxation, that is why you need to put your effort. Because you have forgotten the way to relax. These two days is going to be totally relaxation, because you have forgotten what is relaxation, you need to put your effort.
You’ll have the oath, you all will close your eyes and let Me finish the thing. Close your eyes and take the oath consciously. You see, it’s a commitment, promise to the energy. You will not go and talk outside, after these two days, about the personal life of everyone. Because there will be so many who will be expressing their questions, their lives, their miseries, or their problems they will be asking. It is not going to be like a ASP, the mass program. I am going to relate with everyone of you, individually. So, so many will be asking their personal things. So, if you try to go and express outside, you are just doing Guru droha. Understand, it’s Guru droha. It’s going to be a.. just cheating or exploiting the trust of the other. So, never go and speak outside about other’s problems, or other’s words, because everyone has got their own life. Who are we to judge or to comment?
Next thing, don’t judge somebody. Never judge. You’re... are you here to give judge... judgement? Are you here to give a judgement? Are you here to judge somebody? If you are, please leave the hall. Here nobody is there to judge others. Each one has come... grow themselves, to expand in their own way, to have the taste of spirituality, to have some benefit in their life. Each one has got their own reason for be… being here. So, never judge others’ reasons, never judge others’ life, never judge other Beings. Be very clear, take a strong conscious decision you will not go and speak outside about other’s life. You will not, sameway, have it in your mind and behave with them - not only you should not… you will not speak, one more thing: if you know something of their life then after going outside, “Oh this guy, I know about him”, and you will be thinking, “Ehh, that foolish guy expressed all his life, he spoke about all his personal life, I am so intelligent, I never spoke anything. I was just...I was just as I am. I behaved very gentleman way.” Be very clear, you are the worst fool.
It is a beautiful opportunity to open your Self, to open your Pandora box, to open your Being. When you open here, the Master will be here to clean, Master will be here to….the Master’s energy is here, it can clean you up. If you feel you are very intelligent by not opening up, be very clear you are the….you missed a great chance or the possibility of opening. I have seen many people, one of our devotee, he had somehow an affair, extra affair. Of course he was courageous enough to tell others, that’s all. He was having a deep guilt for it, deep guilt because of that. Finally a time came, because of that guilt, not only he dropped the affair, he was not able to mentally drop. He has dropped the affair physically, but mentally he was not able to drop. It was just like a heavy thing on his mind. He says, “In day in, morning till night, day in and day out, my being is just being suppressed, I feel...I am feeling suffocated, I am feeling heaviness.” When he came and spoke to Me about this problem. He just told everything in a patient way. I listened a detailed way, then finally, just I put the hand on his head, told him, “Don’t worry, it is healed, you will not have any more guilt.” That’s all, nothing else.
Of course, after a month when I saw him, I saw, “What has happened? your face has changed totally. Your eyes have become alive, living.” He said, “Swamiji I do not know what has happened, but one thing I am sure, I have totally forgotten the very root of the guilt. The very root of the guilt has disappeared.”
When you open the layers of energy, of your mind, layers of your Being, energy directly enters. See, as long as you keep it closed, you keep it locked, the energy never penetrates. When you open, the energy totally penetrates it. Energy is being flooded. The originally, the confession technique - it is a technique, designed based on this philosophy only. Of course, when you confess to the Masters that is.. you will be healed. Ordinary confessions are not going to help you. In the Master’s presence, whenever you open something, it is totally washed and cleansed. It is totally purified. And not only master purifies it, you yourself will know what was happening inside only when you verbalize, only when you bring it out.
So, please understand, not only you will not speak outside, ill, or the things which are expressed here, you will not have the prejudice, or a wrong opinion about them. You should not form your own opinion about them, what you are listening from here. So, never judge others. Stop the idea of judging others.
You are not common civilians. Understand, you are seekers. I don’t want civilians here. I don’t want anybody who is living in the society here. I want only seekers, who are ready to commit and give preference to the spiritual growth. I want here only the people who are ready to taste meditation, who are ready to taste the spiritual life. That is why I made lot of rules, lot of filtering before entering here itself. This is not an open invitation. ASP is an open invitation. You can say “Then why did you invite me?” Here it is not open invitation. It is only for the chosen few.
So, now I tell you, you are going to travel a journey which is really going to be beautiful, which is going to be full of flowers. I don’t want any thorns. If you are a thorn, you will be disturbing others. So, just become a flower or escape from here. So, I tell you, put your whole effort. Don’t have anything, any trace or hangover of the society. In the outside world, you may be a person with a sharp tongue, talking about others. That may be your hobby. But here, at least these two days, never do that. And one more thing, outside whatever way you may have been relating with each other, you may be friends or you may be enemies, you may be husband and wife, you may be son and father, you might have had any relationship, now, in this hall, please keep all your relationship outside. Here just be individuals. All your relationships, just drop outside. In the path of spirituality, you cannot travel together. It is a … ஒத்தையடி பாதைக்கு என்ன சொல்வாங்க? (ottai adi pathai enna solluvanga?)
Participants responding: one way path, one way street, lone path…one way street, lone path...narrow path..lone path.
HDH: No, no, no the breadth…. better let Me express in My own way. You are confusing much more than Me.😃 The breadth of the path is only one feet, only one man can travel. It is always individuals who travelled and experienced. Even in the case of Ramakrishna and Sharda Devi, they both have become enlightened, but only individually, not together.
So, the spiritual path is only for individuals. Now, for these two days, be totally an individual - physically and mentally. Now, for these two days you are individual. So, put your whole effort, only then you will be able to see the ultimate, or see the maximum from this. So, it's going to be more like a path of mystery. It’s going to be more like a alchemy of spirituality. In ASP, even if you don’t practice much, okay. Alright. But it is not going to be like this here. Fire. If you are a wood, you will also catch fire, add the temperature. If you are a banana tree, not only you will not burn, you will reduce the temperature, and the whole group will suffer. It is going to be more like a... working as a total energy. I am just going to guide the whole group, the whole energy level, to the higher level. It is going to give you the glimpse of eternal bliss.
See, you had the glimpse in ASP, but after few days, slowly it started coming down. But, I wanted to give you some glimpse which will never become dull. Ramakrishna says “If it is a brass vessel, how much you wash it, only one day it will be bright, next day it’s out. If it is a gold vessel, everyday it will be, always it will be just continuously shining. So, I wanted to give you the touch of philosopher's stone. Philosopher's stone means you understand? If that stone touches, then everything will become gold. So, it is going more like a intense meditation, or the intense energy sessions. So, put your whole effort, no reservations.
If any one of you are here out of curiosity, “Oh, what this Swami teaches let me go and see”, please leave the hall. This is not the place. For curiosity you can attend ASP, no problem. But, this is not for curious crowd, this is only for the crowd who really wants to have the experience, taste. In ASP, I am not able to give experience to so many persons. Experience means the higher levels of spiritual experience, because the techniques are very soft. More than that people won’t be able to do. You understand? More than that people won’t be able to do. But, this is not going to be like that. That is the reason I selected, I filtered enough. So I trust you, that is why I give you the higher and higher levels of meditations, and higher and higher levels of experiences. So, everyone of you take a deep oath, “I’ll put my whole effort, I will not collect tales, or carry tales, I will not go and speak outside ill of others, or even think ill of others.”
So, when you leave this hall tomorrow evening, tomorrow night, forget the others story, carry only your stories. When you remember your story, you will make history. When you remember others stories you’ll only just be an ordinary person. So, these are the few things I want you to understand, because I will be guiding you in various steps through your desires, guilt, depression. So many lines we will be traveling. So, wherever you feel you have some issues, you are stuck, you can always express. So, just be open, fresh, just like a child.
A small story. A Zen Master was living in Japan. The governor of Japan has gone to see him. His name is Kita kaki. The man sent his visiting card - I think you must have heard this story - the man sent his visiting card to the Master, through his disciple. The card reads ‘Kita kaki, Governor of Japan’. When the card reached the Master, he said, “This idiot cannot learn Zen, send him out.” When the card has came back to the king with the same words, Master said, “Like you idiots can’t learn Zen.” You see the enlightened people, they don’t speak a polished language. They are very truthful, straight. Sometimes, even it looks like a... harsh. But, no other way. Truth always hurts.
He said, the disciple said, “My Master said, “Idiots like you can’t learn Zen, please leave the hall.” But, the king understood the whole thing. He took a pencil and erased the word, removed the word ‘governor of Japan’ and told the disciple, “Please, now you carry this card and give it to him”. The disciple carried the card and it has been handed over to the Guru. The Master said “Oh. Kita kakii has come, please bring him in.”
The story means, just leave your head outside. Not only your power, prestige, name and fame, idea of your age, idea you are elder, you are younger, you are male, you are female. Forget everything, just for two days, then you will be able to travel with Me more quickly. You are just a Being. You are just a Being. Don’t think, “I am elder, he should have respected me, she should have respected me”, and this and that. Drop all these small, small issues. Don't have any of these small things. Just become matured. Just become matured.
When I say the word matured, I tell you don’t bother about anything else.. Whether the food has come in the right time, or the room key has come in proper time or in my room the hot water is not coming, or I have left my cell phone and it has disappeared. Don't bother about all these things. Don’t bother about these small things, just for these next two days. Nothing is going to come with you.
So, I wanted the right place, right persons on whom I can unload Myself, I can share Myself. So, this is totally a different angle. I can say, it’s a totally different dimension. From totally different dimension you are going to work. it’s more like a.. That is what I said na, “Money back guarantee”. I wanted everyone of you to taste the glimpse, to taste the bliss, which is beyond body, beyond mind, before tomorrow evening. It’s not that only you wanted to have experience, even I wanted to unload, even I wanted to share. Whenever every Master happens to this Earth, it’s like a weight on them, the energy is just like a weight on them. It just searches for the right persons who will share it, who will have it, who will enjoy that bliss.
You do not know, when a man becomes enlightened, you all will be thinking, “Oh, he is free from all the bondages, he has become free man, free Being.” Don’t think… the responsibility with enlightenment is not a small thing. The responsibility which comes to you with enlightenment is not a small thing. It’s the greatest responsibility. Of course, you have the greatest freedom, that is different, but the greatest responsibility.
So, now let you all be very clear, you are ready for the process, ready for the next, next steps. Drop all these small silly things. These two days, just enjoy a different atmosphere. Nobody has come here to exploit you, the sameway, don't have a defensive mechanism around you. There is no need to defend yourself. Nobody has come here to exploit others, everybody has come here to taste the joy, taste the bliss. Drop your defensive mechanism and don’t enter into other's territory. Understand these both: drop your defensive mechanism, don’t enter into other’s territory. When you drop the idea of entering into other’s territory, only then he can drop his defensive mechanism. So, both are just interrelated. When you drop both, only then you will be able to really experience the taste or the joy of meditation. So, it is going to be more like a commitment, a total commitment. The commitment in the group level. Individual commitment is perfectly alright, but when you go in a deeper and deeper level, it’s going to be more like a commitment in the group level.
So, you’ll have few minutes to introduce yourself and get to know about each other. I think many of you are from different places, so have few minutes to know about each other.
One more thing I want to tell you: at the time of the leaving.. leaving the body, nobody else, nothing else is going to be with you, except the Master. Except the Master’s presence. What happens at the time of leaving body I’ll tell you. Of course these all don’t have logical proof. I can’t give certificate or video graph proof. I can give only My experience, whether you believe, believe or don’t… don’t believe, it is your headache. Because I am fed up with quoting these foolish scientists. You see, everything, to express the truths of the Rishis, to express the ultimate experience of the Rishis, I have to quote these foolish scientists and psychologists. You see, it is supposed to be otherwise. Vyasa, Vashista, Visvamitra will be authorities and these fellows should take them as a quotation. But your mind has become such, when these people, these psychologists and the doctors, when they want to prove their ideology, they have to quote Visvamistra or Vashista or Vyasa. Because our mind is so westernized, so much filled with this logic, we have to quote these people to prove Vyasa and Shankara. So, I am not going to give you any proofs for these two days. Whether you believe, it is up to you, or you don’t, if you don’t, that is also up to you.
I tell you from My own experience, when you leave the body you see, if you just scratch your body half inch, how much it’s painful. Understand, when you leave the body, six inch it is going to… they are going to open. Six feet, not even six inch, the whole six feet you are going to be just toned. It is going to be more of… it is… it will be more like a thousand scorpions biting at one time. Every moment, every inch will be painful. Every inch will be just excruciating. At those time, except the presence of the Master, nothing else will stand with you.
I have seen the people dying. Of course, I Myself have died, that’s why I am sitting here. I Myself had the death experience, that’s why I am sitting here. At those moments, whatever you lived, all your life, you see the whole life will come in a short form, like fast forward. At the time of leaving body, you will leave these seven layers; actually from the physical body you will go to the mental body, from mental to etheric. The seven layers of body you will be leaving. It takes, at least some... I can say for a normal average Being it takes some seven to eight hours, it takes.
The whole time will be excruciating pain. When you leave the one body to other body, the whole life you lived, you will see in fast forward. The whole thing will come in a slide form. Whatever you have done, the major incidents will come in a slide form. From that only you choose the next life. How you lived in this life, what for… with what ideology you lived, you will see the whole thing in a… in a... what to say, in a [audience saying slide show, slide flashback] just many slides you will see. From that slide only, you will choose the next life. You will choose how to travel the... your journey next, how your journey is going to be afterwards. From that time only you will be choosing the course of your life.
One thing mainly you need to understand, at that moment, except the moments with Master, all the other moments will become black and white. Now, the moments, the time which you spend with Master looks like a black and white, and all other life looks like a four color. That is why, many people told Me “Swamiji, on Valentine’s day you kept, just on exactly Valentine’s day you have kept, why not this weekend or that weeknd?” I told them, “If the Valentine’s day looks more colorful, let them go there. If they feel living with Me is more colorful, let them come here.” I wanted purposely to have a conscious choice. If the Valentine's day is more colorful, let them have that. If living with Me is going to be more colorful, let them come to be around Me. Let them choose. Let them have decision.
You see, at those moments… now when you live, the moments of life are four color; the moments with Master looks like a black and white, dull. At that moment, it will be totally opposite. The matter will become black and white, energy will become four color. Energy will become four color, matter will become black and white. Because once you leave the physical body, all your, whatever attachments, wealth you have, everything becomes useless. It’s a just useless. You can’t sign your will anymore, you can’t sign in your check anymore. You can’t even know what is your bank balance. You can’t even just have a glimpse of your car which you had for so many years. So, everything will be black and….everything will become black and white. And the moments in which you spent with your Master, with the energy, the conscious moments, the experience of bliss. those moments will become color.
So, when this happens, two things happen: One is, you get the tremendous healing, healing means the excruciating pain will disappear. You will feel, “Yes”, you have lived some moments. you have some colorful moments. You have…. If you’ve never lived with a Master or if you never had any spiritual experience, your whole life will be just black and white. The pain will be just excruciating. There will be nothing. When you look back you will see “Oh, there is nothing lived.” So, you will enter into a deep depression and from that depression coma you will take the next janma.
That is what regularly happens, you enter into deep depression coma and take the next janma. That is what is the regular happening. That is why the truth or the… if you find, of course, if you are a meditator, then you understand. If a person dies, if you be around him, you can see an excruciating pain in his Being, pain in his face. He enters into the coma understanding that he has never achieved anything. And then he takes the next birth. When he takes the next birth, again he forgets what for he has taken the birth. And goes around the same chakra and again taking birth. That becomes the vicious circle. If you’ve really had some glimpse of with the Master, experience with Master, at that moment, that will become color slide. Because, once you go inner and inner with the body, inner and inner layers, you never live with inner layers, You live only the physical layer. So, when you leave the physical layer and you go inside, whole thing will be just black and white, just dark. Nothing will be there inside.
But, if you really had the glimpse of the Master, or the energy, or the meditation, there will be light inside. You will see the whole thing in a color. So, the Master’s energy, or the moments with the Master that will be a color, that will be a four color. At the time when you see Him, when you see that... those moments, you will have the tremendous healing effect on your pain, you will not have that excruciating pain. Because you know that you have lived something, there is something worthy in your life.
Next thing, the tremendous surrender to the Master happens. And naturally when you… when you surrender to the Master, those moment, your whole energy enters into the consciousness. Master is nothing but consciousness. Your whole energy enters into the consciousness. When you enter into the consciousness, again you will given...you will be being given a choice whether to take birth as you want or to become enlightened. That is the importance of the Master. You see the importance of the Master is only at the moment of leaving the body. It is only at the moment of leaving body, you will understand what the difference is. At those moment only, you can exactly understand what great help is happening to you, what great help has happened to you.
Because now, you measure even the energy only with the material prosperity. Even the energy is measured only with the material prosperity, Because this is the four color scene, this is two color scene - black and white. At that moment it will become totally topsy turvy - this will become black and white, not even black and white, dark, and that will become color. I think… hope all of you understand what I say. All of you understood ?
Participant: Yes
HDH: Any question?
Participant: Swamiji, You were saying something tearing six feet. What is that? I didn’t understand.
HDH: From your whole body the consciousness will be taken away. You see it is like a tearing the 6 inch, but when you leave the body, the whole consciousness will be just torned, it will be just taken away from your body.
Participant: Do we get scared Swamiji that time?
HDH: What scared? You will be having the excruciating pain, you will be entering into the coma. That is what is the ….that is what again and again people say when you are leaving, “Have glimpse of meditation.” Because at that time this torch only will help you. At that time to have the path, only this torch is going to help you. That is the reason I tell you, once you have some conscious experience, at the grace of the Master, at the blessing, the touch of the Master, at those moments you will see exactly His presence, or His energy will be there, to guide you layer by layer, layer by layer.
So, not only that, you see once you have the glimpse, already the path is ready. You already penetrated all the seven bodies. You will not have the pain. To make the new road only, you have to suffer. If already road is there you need to suffer? There is no need to suffer. Having the spiritual experience means already the path… the bodies are penetrated, the layers are penetrated. The layers are already touched. The road is already made. It is like a tunnel. The tunnel is already ready, you can just travel. You will see the light or the consciousness, just guiding you. People prepare so much to live, but nobody prepares to die. When you really prepare to die, only then you can really live.
This is a preparation for life and for death. And moreover, the tremendous excruciating pain will disappear, when you see a light at the moment of leaving the body. When you see the glimpse of energy. You see, when even if you see one scene four color, then you will understand, “Ah, really I have done something, I have achieved something. That is the reason why so much the mediation or the spiritual experience is emphasized on our life. But, can I tell all these things in the public?
First thing I need to give proof - actually I hate to quote all these fellows. But no other way, what to do? The logic mind… logic mind accepts only when you quote some researches, when you quote some so-called scientists, when you quote some, the people of psychology. But these are much more greater truths, much more deeper truths which needs experience. Just because these experiences cannot be proved in a….across the table I was not able to speak the truth. But who misses? Only they. Anyhow, let you understand. At least you can understand. That is why, in Tantra there is a beautiful verse. Shiva says... the Nandi comes and asks to Shiva, “Oh God, I am Your disciple, I am serving you so much, can’t you teach me Tantra?” Uma is also recommending, “Why don’t You teach him? I never asked You, You taught me. But he is asking You, You’re…. why don’t You teach him?”
The Shiva says, “Because he is logical, he is asking. But Tantra cannot be taught to the people who are logical.” It cannot be taught to the people who are logical. Yoga can be taught for the people who are logical. That is why Yoga has become so popular, but never Tantra. Yoga has become so popular, because yoga is logical. It can be taught to the people who are logical.
But, when you go little higher, when you go inside, inside the spiritual world, no logic helps you. No logic works you. The scale of logic is not going to help you. For the outer world you need logic, for the inner world you need trust. Only that can guide you. Otherwise it is not going to help. So, it is going to be more like a experience, more like seeing, more like Being, than like thinking. It’s not going to be more like a discourse, it’s going to be more like a experiencing. Of course, because I wanted to give you an introduction, a clear cut introduction what we are going to do. So, with this understanding we will be able to really have the solid experience, we will be able to really have something. Otherwise why unnecessarily going and wasting two days, your two days, and My two days. It’s not necessary.
So, we are here as a committed seekers to search the truth and have at least one glimpse of divinity, have at least one glimpse of spirituality. Of course, many of you have had already at least one glimpse in ASP, but I wanted you to have a solid experience which completely stays with you, which never gets faded away, which… which is never taken away when you leave the life; which just like a fire, or the energy it should be continuously alive in you, remained in you, or speaking to you.
Never Carry The Guilt || Q&A with HDH || NSP
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You are always taught that you should not have done this, you should not have done that, you should not have done that. There is no such a scale. It is just taught by the society and the people who are not, who do not know what is right or wrong. You please be seated. You understand? In the young age, whatever happens in your life, I say whatever - capital letter W, capital letter H, capital letter A, capital letter T, whatever has happened in your life in the young age, it is society's idea that ‘this should not have happened, that should not have happened, this is wrong, that is wrong’. Don't bother, nothing is wrong. Whatever has happened, it has happened. Over. Now if you carry the guilt with you, you will carry the disease of that, hangover of that incidents. The hangover is the original problem, not what has happened. You understand? What has happened is not a problem. Your idea, your hangover - ‘that was wrong, it is wrong’ - that only is the real problem. So ‘this should not have happened, this should have happened’, who is there to decide, tell me?
You know there is a, you know, you know the, I have seen a group of tribal, who live so joyfully, so ecstatically in Madhya Pradesh. They have a habit. At the age of 14, just after the age of 14, all the girl child, female child, all the male child and female child will be allowed to live in one hut which has got… in the centre of the village there is one hut. All of them have to stay there. All of them have to live together. Only the, between 14 and 21. After that 7 years, that person can choose the other. The other can choose the person. I saw in their whole village not even a trace of guilt exists. The very idea ‘guilt’ does not exist there.
In some religion, marrying 4 times is allowed. In some religion, marrying only once is allowed. In some religion, vegetarianism is a rule, in some religion non-vegetarianism is a rule. So don't allow the society's rule to affect you. Let, let you not carry any wound because of elderly people or your family has told ‘this should be done, that should be done’. You see, whatever has happened, happened. Now in future, live as you want, live according to the rules but don't carry the guilt. You understand? I am not telling you in future also you do what you want. That is different. In future, anyhow we are going to live only in the right way. That is different. But if you carry the guilt, it is more like a cancer. Don't carry the guilt.
Guilt || The Greatest Enemy || NSP || Day 1 || Session 4 ||
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Was caught by a salesman. Salesman caught Mukund. He wants to somehow sell a elephant. And he told Mukund, “See, I have a brand new elephant. Just from Af… just now it is from Africa. I'll give it to you, total, full elephant just for 100 dollars.” Mukund said, “What will I do with elephant. I don't want elephant. Neither I can feed the elephant or I have a place to keep the elephant. No, no.” The man said, “No, no, no. You don't know. It is ten feet tall,  with black, and with four legs and one big tail and finished with a big two trunks. Don't miss this golden opportunity.” Mukundh said, “Arrey understand. I have only three bedroom apartment, that also in the thirteenth floor. I cannot keep the elephant anywhere. Better you find somebody else who can keep and maintain.” The sales guy said, “No, no, no, no, no. You don't know the grandeur. You don't know the grandness. Just if you want to see, come with me. In ten minutes I'll show you how grand it is. You do not know the majesty in  which it walks. The way in which it shouts. You do not know the grandeur. Don't miss this golden opportunity. You must have one. Only then you will really feel like a king. Do you have the desire to live like a king or not? So, you will really feel like a king, have one”.
Mukund almost became mad and screamed at him, “Fool, I tell you I  have only three bedroom apartments, and that also in thirteenth floor, where will I keep? Leave me and go to somebody else.” Salesman said, “You see, if you really want… really, really a good deal, take this one elephant. I'll give you one more elephant just for 50 dollars. Just for 50 dollars I will give you one more elephant. It's a really, really good deal. Two elephant just for 150 dollars. Full two elephant just for 150 dollars. You can never have anywhere.” Then slowly Mukund gave a thought to himself and said, “Now, I think it's a good deal. Now I feel it's a good deal.” See, whenever it is available cheap, whether it is useful or not, you try to possess it, get it, collect it. Same way, you collect something in your system just because it is cheap. That is what is guilt.
The next topic, to the desire. What comes after the desire, tell Me? That is the usual experience of everybody. After any desire, whether it is a ice cream or aish; ice cream or aish. After any desire what comes? Whether it is ice cream or ash, whatever it may be, the thing, you will have the guilt. Just after the desire automatically, guilt follows. And you miss to understand one thing, the guilt is the thing which makes the desire to come back. You see, it's like a vicious circle. Here is desire, here is guilt. After the desire… once the desire has passed, guilt comes. Naturally, when the guilt goes, it brings desire. Then when desire goes it brings guilt. When guilt goes it brings desire. It's a vicious circle. Always one follow the other. If you take deeply the oath, “I will not smoke”, the moment you finish the oath, your mind will be asking to have a smoke. If you take much deep oath then, as early as possible. If you take the oath, in a very simple way, one day you may be able to keep it up. If you take the oath with full power, not even two, three hours.
Always desire follows the guilt, guilt follow the desire. It is the high and low energies. When you are in high, you are in a desire. When you are in low, you create guilt. If you want to really enjoy some desire, have guilt about it. Then you will never forget it. That is what is truth. If you don't have guilt, you will go beyond the desire. I tell you, these so called moral teachers, who creates guilt in you, only they are the real people who create... who are the root for all the pornographies, who are the root for all the immoral activities; because they create guilt in you.
There is a beautiful expression by Vivekananda, when he quotes on Patanjali. He says, “You should never give morality. You should always give the understanding. Never the conscience, always consciousness.” Now, we should not kill others. This is a basic thing. If you say that as a rule, as a morality, if you kill here, you will get hell. If you are taught as a morality, ‘if you kill, immediately you will be caught by the police’ just as a rule, as a morality, what will you do? When police is not there, you will do the same thing. Or you will be just waiting, when the police will leave. If police does not leave, you kill him also. 😃 You just wait for the opportunity. You are just burning, bubbling. You just wait for the opportunity when it comes, you burst it out.
Same thing, if it would have been given as an understanding, ‘You see, if you kill somebody else, somebody else may kill you. The same thing if it continues, the whole humanity will be dead. The whole life will disappear from the earth. Understand this.’ If it would have been a understanding, then till the last moment, you will never even contemplate about killing. The same way, anything, any life, any being, anything when it is given with a understanding, it becomes your consciousness. When it is given as a rule,  a dead ritual, or a strong suppression, it adds only to your conscience not to your consciousness. Two things you need to understand, conscience and consciousness. When you understand things it becomes consciousness. When you make rules it becomes conscience. Guilt is created because of conscience. Conscience is created because of guilt.
Guilt is the next layer, Astral Body. Have you heard of the Astral travelling? If you have read the great masters books, then you will understand. They will take the disciples through the sky. Astral travel. Great enlightened Rishis, Siddhas. If this body is healed, you will always have the control on the Astral body. You can go in others dreams. You will have the power to enter, penetrate your dream and you will have the power to penetrate others dreams. People come and tell Me, who is the person who enrolled for ASP, last ASP after seeing the dream? It seems one of….  one of your friend called and told you to register? Says that one of his friend called him and told him to register. Somehow he was not willing. And then he saw, somebody was calling him and telling him, ‘go and register’. Of course, I didn't surely go there to force him. But when the trust is there, the Divine takes this form and does it. Of Course, when you become enlightened, even if your Astral Body is under your control, you don't use it. I don't use even this body, why will I use the Astral Body? Divine uses it. But before… till you become enlightened, if you heal this Astral Body, it'll be under your control. It'll help you in thousands of ways.
First thing, the guilt free life is nothing but heaven. It is just heaven. Now, as on now, anything you do, you have a guilt. Even if there is non...if there is nothing bad, or nothing wrong is going to happen that incident. You know very clearly, nothing bad is going to happen. Even then you have a small itching sensation, irritation feeling. Irritation is the son of guilt. Guilt only gives birth to the irritation. Irritative feeling and dull feeling, all these things are disciples of guilt. When you have guilt, all these things will be following you. Almost guilt makes you a Schizophrenia. Day time you are a different personality, night time you are a different personality. Both can met… both can meet and merge with each other. Both can share their views with each other. Guilt is the thick wall, the China Wall, between you and your nightlife. You and your other personality. Almost every one of us got night life separately, day life separately. Your being is just cut into half. You are just separated. You behave one way in the front, one way in the back. You live one way in the society , one way when you are alone.
[12: 20]
Guilt is the wall which makes you not to meet yourself whenever some thought the so called immorality when it arises, immediately you suppress it with the guilt. If you have a little bit of courage to face it, to allow that to come up then you will see, the same thought, if it is right it will be materialized, if it is wrong it'll become nothing. It'll simply disappear. But you don't have so much patience or consciousness you just want to press everything. You just want everything to be controlled. You just want everything to be under your control. You see, it's like a… your kids are playing in your bedroom. Of course, when they play in your bedroom, it is nothing less than hell. They make hell. Suddenly some guest has come. What you do, immediately you put the screen, lock the door, cover the whole bedroom. You don't let them go into that room at all. Near that room at all. The same way, inside, there is a portion in your being which is totally dirty. Not even actually dirty, so called dirt. When the kids play, it is not that become dirty. Just if you spend ten minutes, you can put the things back and everything will become alright. But for the sake of emergency, what you do? You just lock it. Finish. Same thing you do with your personality also. To show it to society, you just lock that portion. You never open it. Because you have not opened for a long time, it starts getting smelled. It gets… it just becomes like a wound. Guilt is the gate or guilt is the screen with which you cover everything. Let us work on the guilt - The Astral Body.
Last meditation, somebody came and told Me after leaving the hall, “Swamiji, I felt so light. I was not even able to balance my body, I fell.” Actually he fell. He came and asked Me, “What is it?” It's perfectly alright. Actually you lose the boundary. That is what happens when you work on the second layer. Now, you will be losing more and more the boundaries. You will be going deeper and deeper layers of your being. But you are afraid.
Participant: We had the same experience Swamiji
HDH: You also had the same experience? You see, that is what, your boundary is getting expanded. You understand? Now, you know only how to live with ten acre; you have seventy acre land, you live only with ten acre. I am expanding your boundary. You feel so big, so vast. You are not able to balance. But in few minutes or few days, you will be balancing. Then you will be able to live the whole area. It's like a taking the responsibility of all your bodies. In starting it'll be just like this. Don't worry about it. But it'll always be ecstatic. Am I right? Was it suffering? Was it suffocating? Hmm...Then what, carry on. It's ecstatic. Nice. It just expands.
We are working...we are going to work on the next layer, the guilt - the greatest enemy. Many people come and tell Me, “Swamiji, my wife is caught by the ghost.” “My husband is caught by the ghost”. Or, “My son-in-law is being possessed by some spirit”. Actually the greatest ghost or greatest devil, the greatest spirit, which can possess people is the guilt. There is no other spirit, no other evil, no other devil, no other ghost, except this guilt. The guilt is the greatest ghost which has caught everybody. Don't think somebody is having the guilt and somebody is not having. Everybody! You may be thinking, “See, I’ve done only one small mistake, after all one murder, for this itself I am feeling so guilt. And I've seen the criminals who have done so many things, so many murders and so many criminal activities. They all … they all don't feel guilt at all.” You may be thinking in your mind, “They are all quite happy. They are all quite comfortable. Just moving around, enjoying the life”. But you do not know how much of guilt each one has got. He will be having his own guilt. So, never think only you have guilt and somebody else is not having. Everyone has got the guilt. Let us work into the guilt. GUILT - let it become GILT.
Now, start writing separately, express the deepest wounds created by you... created to you by the society. The guilts. Again I will classify three types of guilts. The first guilt will be always sexual. Because, when you… when your body gets matured, not even matured, even at the young age you have the natural tendency. All the kids will touch their genitals. All the kids will play with their genitals. Then what will the parents do? They will just beat the hands of the kids. And they will train them, “Don't touch. It is dirty. Devil is there. Ghost is there”. These are training... the first. This is the first layer of guilt which you create on the man. The first guilt is always sexual, on the sex layer. The guilt which is created by the parents and family. The guilt which is created by the society. Always the family creates the guilt about sex. Society creates the guilt about the violence. See there are so many rules with which you need to live in the society. Instead of giving understanding, they just give it as a guilt. They just give it as a hell and heaven concept. If you do this, you will go to hell. If you do this, you will go to heaven.
The guilt which is created by society… the guilt which is created by family, the guilt which is created by society, the guilt which is created by yourself. After the society and the families conditioning, you will have your own rule and you will start create your own guilt. These are the basic three layers of guilt. Now, add some more guilt whatever you have. Please write down the reasons for the guilt and all your guilt. One by one, very clearly. God may ask you, “Give your notebook. Let Me solve all the guilt.” What all the guilts has to be cleared, write it very clearly, very consciously and as deeply as possible by you, verbalize it properly. If you feel you don't have any guilt at all, then come and sit here.  You are already enlightened. Everyone of us have got our own guilts. Think deeply. For ice cream, for music, for pub, so many things you will be having guilt. There are so many who has got guilt about their hair cut. So, whatever guilt you are carrying, try to verbalize it and start putting it in, in the form of ….
If you are really moralistic, then you will be having more guilt. Look deeply. If you are really cultured, then you will be having more guilt. The moments which you felt guilty, the moments which you felt you have done a... you have behaved in a very  immatured way, please write even those moments. There will always be some moments  you remember and think, “I behaved very immatured way at that time. I should have been  little more matured”. Even those moments are nothing but guilt. Remember and write those moments. Verbalize those moments.
Let Me explain the meditation technique. Understand very clearly. First, slowly, slowly, consciously, feel that your head is being pressed inside your heart. Somebody is just pressing it. Have you seen that cartoons, Tom and Jerry. Just like that… 😃 just feeling it is being pressed. Then, clearly visualize more than this region is empty. You are...your head has been totally pressed. You are in...your head is in this region. You look through the heart. You are seeing through the heart, you are seeing through the heart and you are breathing through… through the heart. You are relating with this world through the heart. Feel the head is totally pressed. Head is not there. It is no more. Just empty space above the neck. Above the neck, empty space. Head is just pressed.
First session… of course time will not be told to you. First session, because when all of you reach that experience only then I'll be able to guide you to the next experience, to the next state. I wanted the whole group to have the experience. Only then I'll be able to guide you to the next. So, time is not known now. Till all of you lose your head you have to go on 😃. I cannot say anything about it.
A small story. Once our Moork got onto the stage and started singing. And people all shouted, “Once more, once more”. He was just pampered like anything. He felt, he is honored. Again he started singing. Again people asked, “Once more, once more”. Again he sang. Fourth time also people asked, “Once more, once more”. Then he felt little awkward, “I think what is this?” But somehow he has to sing. No other way. It continued till the tenth time. Eleventh time he himself got fed up and asked somebody, “Why are you shouting so much, once more, once more. Allow me to go to the next song.” The .. somebody from the crowd got up and told, “Till you sing it properly we are not going to… till you sing properly we are not going to let you go for the next song.” So, till you do it perfectly, till you have that experience, I am not going to let you go to the next step.
That is the first step. The next step, with that same mood, you have to move your body. Body movements should be done. But with the same feeling, without having the head. First, you will lose the head and you will sit in the sitting posture. Then you will know how to breathe without head, how to see without head, how to smell without head. These are all very simple actions. Then, you should learn how to move your hands without head, how to move your legs without head, how to move your body without head. Finally you will end up in a total, maybe  a running movement of running or jogging or maybe movement of dancing…the peak movement. All your movements will be done without the idea, without remembrance of the head, only with the remembrance of the Astral Body... of course, heart, of course, your being - the Astral Body. Not the remembrance of your wounded Astral Body - the guilt. So, we will start working on it. Please, all of you sit. Take slow deep breaths. Just few minutes.
Slowly, very slowly, feel very clearly your head is sinking into your heart. Your head is just getting pressed, pressed, pressed. Going into your heart, into the chest region. Totally, become headless. You have no head. Just become headless. Feel that you are breathing from heart. Feel that you are seeing through heart.  Feel you are seeing through heart. You are smelling through heart. Feel very clearly, your breathing through heart.
Breathe through the heart. Smell through the heart. Listen through the heart. Listen to this music through the heart, not through the head. Listen through the heart. See through the heart. Feel through the heart. Have the conscious from the heart. Let your movements be as slowly as possible. Remember that you are moving from heart. Your center is from heart, not from the head. Again and again, say, ‘no’ to the head. Forget the head.  Move from the heart. Move as slowly as possible but from the heart.
Let your movements become little fast; but from the same conscious, moving from the heart, not from the head. Forget the head. Forget the head. Move from the heart. Add little speed to your movements, but move only from the heart. Be very clear you are a headless being. Move only from the heart. You are a headless being just moving without head.
Move from the heart.
Stand in one place, there is no need to walk. But in the same place, move your body. Increase the speed slowly, slowly. But with the same consciousness, same idea - you are moving from the heart, not from the head. Forget your head. You are a headless being. Visualize very clearly, you are a headless being moving.
Stop. Sit from your heart. Just be without head. Sit only with your heart.
Om Shanti Shanti Shantihi. Relax . Slowly, you can open your eyes.
Simple meditation to balance your body and go beyond body consciousness
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Let us work on the first layer. First layer is the physical body, better you don’t write anything. Tomorrow evening I will give you the whole hints. You take the whole hints that’s enough. And of course, I tell you now tomorrow evening I will give, I will not give, 😊 I tell you that also now itself. It means don’t take hints; because if you go on taking the hints you will be missing the subject. So, think in your mind tomorrow evening you will have the hints, be comfortable. Then tomorrow evening we will take care of other things. I think actually I will just print at least names of the seven bodies and I will print… I will print and give it to you by tomorrow evening; don’t worry about it. So don’t go on working on the hints, otherwise you will not be able to understand.
I wanted every one of you to understand every step and come with Me. You see you understand, it is more like a holding the hands of the Master and travelling, wanted you to come with Me. In ASP if you miss one session also no problem, 😊 the next session you can come, one chakra will be open one will be closed, no problem. 😊 Anyhow you have the key, you can go to the house and try something and open the door. Here it is not like that; it is layer by layer. You need to go even if you miss one layer, next layer you will not be able to penetrate. That’s why if you miss one meditation the next meditation you will not be able to have the experience. I wanted you to come and not only I want you to do the meditation, I want you to have the experience.
You understand, meditation should not be done like... like a dull, dead ritual. Most of our cases, just because, “Oh Swami says let me do”, it should be like a… more like a affair, you see it should be more like a bubbling, vibrant. To meet your friend, to meet your girlfriend or boyfriend nobody needs to tell you, only they have to put hurdles, but you escape and run. But as far the meditation concerned you need so many inspiration, why? In that you find some taste, in this you have not found the taste. But really when the glimpse is given, when the experience is given, you will see you will be jumping for the meditation. So, I wanted this to become a solid experience. Many times when I say meditation is such an ecstatic thing, joyful thing, people say, “No, no, Swamiji you say all these things.” People are not able to even relate with Me. They think that I am in some other world or I am from some other world. It’s not truth; it can be experienced by anybody. That’s what I say, “Come totally with Me, it will be a solid thing in your life; not like a mo… not like a simple faith or belief. It will be more like a tangible seeing, vision.”
First we will work on the physical body; we will be having a technique. Of course it’s more or less like a maha mantra but little developed version. Don’t compare with mind, “Oh it is same like a maha mantra, it is same like this, it is same like that”. No. Because if you compare you… you have done when you did the ASP you did only 30% or 40%, now also you will be doing the same mistake if you compare. Don’t do that. Put the whole effort.
Three things we are going to do, one is balancing the body, second thing is erasing the body - it means the, removing the body consciousness, the outer line of your body from your mind. Third thing, just merging the physical body back to energy. The physical body is more like a matter, that will be merged, that will be put inside the energy. So the three things we are going to do.
Balancing; why we are supposed to balance? Unless you balance your body will be continuously… your mind will be continuously in the body. There is a beautiful word by Patanjali, sthiram, sukham, asanam. Which is sthira and comfortable is asanam. When the shoe fits, feet are forgotten. Am I right? When the belt fits belly is forgotten, when the chain fits, neck is forgotten, when the ring fits, finger is forgotten. If the ring doesn’t fit, you will be continuously remembering the finger. If the chain is not fit, you will be continuously remembering the neck. If the shoe is not fit, if shoe is either tight or loose you will be continuously remembering the leg. What is the scale whether it fits or not? If you have forgotten the leg you can be sure that the shoes have fit, if you have forgotten the belly you can be sure that belt is fit, if you have forgotten the neck you can be sure the chain is fit, if you have forgotten the finger you can be sure the ring has fit. When you forget the body then only you can be sure your body is comfortable; whenever your body is not comfortable you can never feel comfortable.
Purposely I told to remove the chair for the first session because I wanted you to get little accustomed to sit on the ground, to get ready for the first session of forgetting the body. First if you little bit balance and get ready, then you will be able to forget the body, you will be able to enter into the second things, second session. First thing, you need to balance your body to forget it; if the body is balanced you will forget it. Only when your body is forgotten you can think, you can understand you are healthy. You see, you forget your eyes if you don’t have pain in the eyes, you forget your head if you don’t have head… any headache. If you have headache can you forget? That is why the spouses always give headache to others. So, that you will not forget, you will not forget them; you just try to continuously catch them and they just try to continuously catch you. Even the father, mother everybody you can see, they just try to catch their son so that he never forgets you. You see when you…. if you give little pain, if you trouble him, he will never forget you. If some part of your body troubles you, you will never forget that part. If you forget that part then what it means, you have no trouble. Now we are going to enter into the layer or the technique to forget the body, it means you are comfortable, you are comfortable, you are totally healthy. When you are healthy you forget, when you forget you are healthy. It always happens the other way.
A beautiful technique, whenever you have a pain in some place throughout your body, if you just remove the word pain from that place, the pain will disappear. Actually pain and the word pain are one and the same. I am explaining this in a very deep way, step by step in that cassette. Try to listen that discourse… that does miracles, that does miracles not only according to My experience, according to many persons experience. That does miracles, when you are comfortable your body is forgotten, when you forget the body it becomes comfortable automatically.
So, now we will learn a small technique to balance it, to balance it. You see, think of this mala as a center of gravity line of your body; center of gravity line means you understand? Center of gravity line of your body. If this line is straight [Swamijji holds the mala in straight position], if this line is straight, then it means this mala is in the restful position. If this line is like this [Swamijji holds the mala up in slanting position], the mala is not now resting, if I take the hand it will come back to the restful position. If the mala is this way again it is not resting, if I leave it, it will come back to only this position. This is the position this mala is totally resting and comfortable. Same way your center of gravity line should fall in a straight line. Then if your body, the center of gravity line of your body, if it falls in a straight line you will… you will be totally comfortable, you will be able to forget the body. Let Me teach you how.
Just sit with a right leg on your left thigh… if you are really feeling bad that you can’t sit on the ground then you sit on the chair, but try your best to sit on the ground. Do you understand the first step? The next step… of course once you finish I’ll come around and guide you individually also. On the thigh leg should be seen. If your legs are really under your control, understand if your legs are really under your control you must be able to do the padmasana without touching the leg, that’s all. Then only your legs are under your control otherwise it is somebody else’s control. Understand without touching the leg ….. (11:13,tamil inaudible) 😊😊 I think each one is sitting in their own way. If you really feel bad then get the chair no problem, at least in the chair you start balancing. You start balancing; because you see the …. one thing it is not that whole day you need to sit like this in your house, no. Once you know, you have balanced your body, whole day you will be comfortable. Automatically you will sit only in the balanced posture. Whether you sit in a sofa or you sit in a car or you sit in your house, you will be continuously balancing your body, automatically.
You see your body has got an... the eh... its own inbuilt mechanism to balance itself till the age of seven. Once you’ve grown into this great society, 😊 great society, it has contaminated you, it has just, you’ve forgotten the original balancing technique. Now I am just giving the original balancing technique to your body back. Once you learn it, it is not that you need to sit always like this; you don’t even need to sit straight. Even if you sit in this way ordinary…. in ordinary days, your body will balance itself. Once it knows the technique. It’s like a, when you start riding the cycle, you need to straight…. sit straight and hold properly and then peddle. Once you’ve mastered… knack of balancing needs to be learnt. That’s why I tell, it’s just a five minutes, actually only five minutes it is going to take.
So, sit with the right leg on the left thigh, first thing you understand for one moment put your whole body in front side, let Me finish and then… let Me finish and then you can. Put your whole body in front side and feel the weight of the body. Naturally you can feel the body is being pulled by the gravity, the gravitation force. Slowly, slowly, slowly, inch by inch if you raise and make your body straight, at one point you will feel weightless. See when your.. when your body is like this [bent forward] you will feel the weight, heaviness. Your body is being pulled by the ground. Step by step, step by step very slowly [pull the body up], then you will see the weight is becoming lesser and lesser because center of gravity line is becoming straight. At one point you will feel totally you are weightless, you are totally weightless. That is the point or that is the line, that is the point in which the center of gravity line falls in a straight line. You understand the technique, then again do it from the back side. Push the body back side, feel the weight, very slowly bring it back to the straight, just be in a straight line. At one point you will feel you are totally weightless, relaxed. You will see this side when you do and this side when you do, both will be at one point only, automatically. See, if you are a little fat person with a belly, you will see little it will be like this. And if you are a person very thin it will be like this. Actually that is what, according to your weight the center of gravity line changes, it will fall. At one point people with little big belly, even for them even in this point they will feel they are totally weightless. It’s perfectly alright don’t bother about… whether your are sitting straight or bending, that you don’t bother. Only one thing to be understood, your center of gravity line should be in one line. You need to feel the weightlessness, at which point you feel you don’t have weight, at which point you feel your body is light. That is the point, your center of gravity line falls in straight line.
Swamiji: Any doubt? Ah yes.
Participant: Do the thighs go up?
Swamiji: No, no, no, no thighs should not go up, it should be totally fixed. You see the hip portion should be totally fixed, it should never be moved, that is the totally fixed. Any doubt? Can we try?
Participant: So we should do this to only one leg?
Swamiji: Yes, yes, yes one leg on the…. now sit ma. Start, start balancing your body.
Participants: Close the eyes?
Swamiji: Yes, yes, close your eyes or even without closing your eyes you can balance. If you don’t close your eyes and balance I can guide you. Anybody who is not properly doing I can guide them. Do it very slowly, if you do it with so much of speed how will you understand. You need to observe.
See this is the first thing you need to learn; actually you don’t need to sit the same way in the house. But now the meditation you are going to do it in this posture. Once your body learns the language of comfort, it’s actually… it will teach your body the language of comfort, balancing itself. Once the body learns the language of comfort, whenever you sit automatically you will sit only in this posture. If you observed Me, you can, you would have observed, always wherever I sit, whenever I sit you will see that My body is very straight. Only with the instruction I have to bend Myself. But for you whenever you sit only it is bent, only by instruction you have to bring it up. So, the taste of the comfort, if it is learnt by the body you will see the total attitude changes. The body’s attitude will change and it will… it will make itself comfortable continuously wherever it goes.
Now we will do the meditation. This is the…. this is the meditation actually working on the body - Making your body layer into a energy. Actually, as on now you are a solid matter, you are just solid matter. Making you totally porous to the energy… somebody was asking Me the other day, “Swamiji how are you managing the cold?  You are somehow, You are just comfortable with this same cloth and in the evening time also I come out from the house, go for a walk with the sameway.” Just I come out then Aachi will be shouting, “Oh Swamiji, you have come out without the sweater, without this, without chappal.”  Somebody was asking Me, “How are you managing the cold?” You see, because you are a solid egoistic being, you resist with the nature. Actually in the skin area, when the ...where the cold touches you, where the cold air touches you, in this boundary if you don’t resist and just allow the cold air to pass through you, the cold temperature to pass through you, you will never have any problem with the nature.
I don’t know how you will believe, with this same dress only I lived in the Himalayas, ice cold. With this same dress only I walked in the Himalayas on the snows; of course no chappal, no chappal. This is the way I lived in the Himalayas, in the snows. Of course I am not telling you to go and live in the snows; at least you can be comfortable with the small, small things in your house. You will not catch cold continuously, you will not have the cough, continuously you will not be falling sick if you have this simple basic understandings; if you have this simple basic relationship with the nature you will not fall sick continuously. At least that much you can manage. So this balancing will help you and moreover becoming energy will make you porous to the nature. This is the technique to make you porous to the nature, porous to the energy. Let Me teach you the technique.
It’s like a more eh….it’s actually called the energy circle, the shakti mandala, they call it shakti mandala. Mandala word is not the…  it cannot be translated as the circle, no other way, I am translating it as a, translating that word as a circle. Mandala means… do you see the three lines, if you don’t see come and have the healing . 😊 Do you see these three lines? These three lines are only called mandalas. Mandala means the layer by layer, the layer by layer, its called energy mandala, the shakti mandala. These three layers are only called as mandala, of course these are all one one mandala. This is Padma mandala, these are all the triangles, the mukkona mandalas, these are the …. but this is the mandala which we are going to practice now. Actually it is, what is this you know …
Participant: Can you call it sphere, Swamiji?
Swamiji:  Ah okay, you can call it sphere.
But a sphere is a dead; sphere, round, circle all these things are dead. Mandala means can be  created only by the live energy, live beings. See, the great rishi Markandeya, He became enlightened and He imparted enlight... He gave enlightenment to His disciples. At the time of teaching when He gave the energy experience to the disciples, they all were made to sit in this angle, in this way. This is the way they are made to sit and the energy experience was given to them. That is the importance of all these things. This is the mandala which is created by the Markandeya rishi. Markandeya is the rishi for Sri Chakra. Markandeya created this mandala. So there are so many mandalas on which you sit and then the energy work, the energy process is done by the Master.
So, now we are going to sit in this mandala, this is the mandala we are going to sit and do this meditation, do this meditation, okay. So, I wanted you to sit in a circle and hold the hand, let Me teach you the hold…. how to hold the hands. See the right hand will be always giving, left hand will be always receiving, listen, please listen then you can sit. Right hand will be giving, left hand will be receiving, the right hand center finger and thumb, this should hold the left hand like this, hmm, hmm, yes, like this, yes exactly. Yes, yes the same way. Please sit; I think all, first a small circle of male then circle of female, then the circle of male.
When you have balanced your body, now let us do the next step. In your mind you have the outline of your body. The body outline, just visualize, imagine, consciously wipe the outline of your body, consciously just wipe the boundary of your body as you wipe the board with eraser. Ordinarily, how you use the eraser and wipe the board, the same way erase the boundaries of your body consciously; with full consciousness just erase the boundaries of your body. From the head to toe slowly, slowly, consciously erase the boundaries. Your form in your mind will be more like a line diagram in the board, in a black board, a chalk line; your form will be just like that. Erase your boundary, erase your form with a duster, with the eraser.
Participant: Should we be holding hands?
HDH: No.
== Meditation happening ==
Just erase the form.
Consciously erase the outline of your body in your mind. Now hold the hands, start humming as deeply as possible, as loudly as possible, as totally as possible. Think yourself as a hollow vessel and start the humming, think yourself as a hollow, forget your body, forget your mind, just become a humming… as deeply as possible, as loudly as possible, put your whole effort. If you cough nothing wrong, let the cough come, let the gases be released, let you have a slight trembling, nothing wrong. Continue as deeply as possible, forget everything else, just become the humming. Just become the humming.
It is not enough, put your whole effort.
Put your whole effort, don’t wait, put your whole effort.
Put your whole effort, forget that you are a individual person, become one with the energy, just drown yourself in the ocean of energy. Forget
your body and mind in the humming sound; let you disappear in humming sound.
Continue, continue with your full effort. Forget your body, forget your mind, just become energy, disappear into the humming, disappear as a individual self, let you disappear in the energy, let you just become the humming, forget the body and the mind in the humming, just become the energy.
Stop. Let your eyes be closed, breathe as deeply as possible, as slowly as possible, watch your breath going in, coming out. Don’t allow your mind to think. Just witness all your thoughts, don’t suppress, don’t condemn, just see whatever happens inside your body and outside your body; whatever happens let it happen. See throughout your body, witness whatever happens.
[Swamijis Clap sounds].
Your Desires Can Be Fulfilled || Day 1
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Each one got has their own desire. Of course, it may be Enlightenment or the energy, or the experience to have the same experience again. See you had some glimpse, some change, transformation in your life to have little more transformation or some desire. Desire that is what makes you work. That is what makes you do things.
We are going to work on that subject - Desire. That is what makes this mental body alive. Of course, we have a very wrong concept about desire. The very word, the very word desire, you condemn. Because you are taught from the very young age that you should control your desires. You should suppress your desires. Can you be alive without desires? Hmm? You can't even breathe without desire. You know the very breathing happens only with desire. You can't even breathe without desire. Only thing, there are two things: The unconscious desire and conscious desire. The unconscious desire means: never it gets fulfilled and it always just erupts in your mind; neither you know the way to fulfill it, nor it guides you to fulfill itself. It is there but cannot guide you to fulfill that desire. It never gets fulfilled.
But the conscious desires, it just helps you to fulfill itself. By fulfilling that desire, you feel the fulfilment. Conscious desire means: the desire, by its own power, it shows you the way to fulfill it. It gives you the clear map to reach it. When you reach that desire, the desire also gets fulfilled and you also get fulfilled. Unconscious desire: you do not even know the way in which you need...you have to proceed towards that desire. And not only that, because that is not getting fulfilled, it never allows you to feel the fulfilment. These are the two layers of desires.
If your desires are brought from unconscious to consciousness, from unconscious to consciousness, when they are brought, they are just flooded with energy. So, two things happen, they get fulfilled. They show themself, they show the way to fulfil. You fulfil it or they just disappear. If they can't be fulfilled, they just disappear. They are not hanging in your mind like a hangover. They don't just stay in your mind and disturb your life. All of you understand. Because it is a very simple concept. Of course, any other question on this concept then I will answer.
Participant: Swamy, What is unconscious desire?
HDH: The quality of the unconscious desire is, you yourself not aware that you want it. See conscious desire means what you want to have in your life. Unconscious desire means, just because somebody else is having you wanted to have that. You will see he is having. And immediately you think, “Oh, let me have that also. Let me have that. It will be so nice.” Then it is just unconscious. You do not know the way to reach it. It never gets fulfilled. But it is there just as a hangover. That is the thing which is called unconscious desire. Desires which comes by seeing other’s life not as your own, not as your own desire.
Participant: Swamiji, can you expand on sealing of desires? Hmm? Sealing on desire… You said we suppress our desires. But we can have a sealing on the desires.
Answer: One thing, even the sealing is suppression. Even the sealing is a suppression. So, these desires, they should never, no desire should be suppressed. You should bring the desire, to the light of consciousness. So, the light of consciousness, either it will fulfil it or dissolve it. Whenever you are aware, conscious, you never get foolish desires. Do you get the desire to fly? You never, you never, you know either you can fly by aircrafts or some through some flight or the way or you have to forget that desire. So, whenever it is brought to the consciousness, whenever it comes to the conscious level, you will see just they disappear. Now you will bring the desires to the conscious level. Of course, this technique I am explaining to you logically. Next session onwards, you will be given only technique and you will see the result; no logical explanation. Because whenever you get the logical explanation, your mind starts working before the technique works. In Tamil, there is a proverb, Tamil :6:30 அதிஷ்டம் இரயில வரதுக்கு முன்னாடி தருதல தந்தியில வந்திருக்கு… (“Athishtam raila varatharkku munna tharithiram thanthiyila vanthirukku ennu.”) 😊😊 The fortune is coming by train, but the misfortune… unfortunate is coming already by the telegram. Mind is actually, logic is unfortunate. Before the fortune of energy reaches you by train, the unfortune of the mind, reaches you by the telegram. So, I don’t want you to reach there. I don’t want any mind to reach before the energy reaches you. So, next session onwards, you will be directly given the technique. You will continue to practice. Then you will see the result. I don’t want you to have a prejudice or the pre understanding about the technique, about the layers. Then you will start having your own concepts.
Now let us do a small, very simple thing. You will just sit and write your major desires of your life in your notebook. Sure, nobody else is going to read. 😊😊 Only you are going to have, only you are going to read, only you are going to possess it. Nobody else is going to see, nobody else is going to touch. But two things, mind always says, “Oh, I know all my desires, why should I write?” That is one thing. “I know in a vague way, but I do not know how to write, how to verbalize.” These are the two things. These two things, only keep your desire in the unconscious level. Please be very clear, not verbalizing, or not having enough of power, capacity, not having enough of light to throw on the desire. This two only keeps the desire in the unconscious level. So, now you sit and you will have next half an hour. I wanted minimum half an hour because you have enough of things to start... write till half an hour. 😃 Can anybody say, I have no stuff to write for half an hour? You have enough of stuff. Start from your desires, to have the wealth. This… write the ultimate desire. What is the maximum level you have? Write one by one, clearly, point by point.
Understand, suddenly God appears in front of you and asks, “Tell Me all your desires, I want to fulfil all your wishes.” 😊 Don’t think it is a joke, he may appear also. Who knows? So none of you are ready to believe? So you are all very sure, ah. You see, if He appears and asks you, “Give your applications, let Me fulfil all the desires.” If you give this application, this notebook, he must be able to fulfil it, and once he, if fulfils it, you must be feeling, you must feel totally satisfied. So write in that way. Suddenly God may… think very clearly, He may appear in front of you and ask… if you give this notebook, after that you should not feel “Oh… I have not wrote that…😊 I have missed that, I should have added at least one, oh, ahm…” No, not only the Benz. See,  Benz you will write, the attachment to the Benz. “I wrote Benz, but I forgot that I should have added that sunglass or the sun screen, the sun screen and the moon screen. That attachment I have not added.” You should not think all these things afterwards. Once you have given, given, over. Only one chance. Write in a detailed way with all minute details. Start with your wealth. You have four layers, just like the fear. If you have done ASP you know the four layers of fear.
Participant: This notebook is not enough. 😊
HDH: You will be supplied new note books, don’t worry. If you can write, you will be supplied lot of notebooks. You will have enough of notebooks. So, we will start. Don’t bother what is going to happen by writing. Write sincerely. Four layers of desire…..just like a layers of fears. Anybody remembers the layers of fear. Let us…ah.
Participant: First one was the fear of losing property, wealth, fame. Second one was the fear of losing body parts through some accidents
Swamiji: Ah wait, now let us ask somebody else also third layer, fourth layer.
Participant: Family members, fear of losing family members and then finally life.
Swamiji: Okay, okay ….Oh, there are many 😊 ...nice.
The same way, you have four layers of desires also. The desire belongs to - ‘I’, desire belongs to - ‘Mine’. Desire belongs to Mine means the layer of wealth. Layer of wealth, money, or the... all the comforts. Desire belongs to Mine. Next thing, the desire to have the respect, name and fame, or the social status, psychological. In the I and Mine.
See in the Mine itself, physical, psychological.
In the ‘I’, physical, psychological. Two category ‘I’ and ‘Mine’.
In the Mine physical is comforts, psychological is name and fame. The.. being a celebrity wherever you go, you just want to be a celebrity. You just want to push somehow your head front. These two layers.
And then inside, in the I, the physical pleasure, sex or the food or the sound, music or the smell, the five senses. The physical pleasure, in the level of, in the I’s physical senses.
In the ‘I’ psychological, a strange thing, you will be, what to say, surprised to understand, all your spiritual desire belongs to the psychological ‘I’. Please be aware many of you have told Me. I have come here to have a spiritual bliss. I have come here to have this, have that. All these things are also desires, all these things are also desires.
So, you will write four layers of desire. You can at least note down the four layers. Then you can… So, that.. according to that, you can title it and start writing.
Desire for wealth and status.
Desire for name and fame - being a celebrity. Second.
Third layer - desire of sex, the sexual fantasies.
Fourth layer - the desire of spirituality.
In the ‘I’ level, psychological. Of course, you need, you need this, write this four words, that is enough. You understand. Wealth, name and fame, sexual fantasies and then spiritual desires. So, under this four title almost all your major desires come. And then give the fifth category. Miscellaneous. 😊 Because you are such, you will create anything. I cannot count. 😊 What all the weird things you create, only you know. Now you take your own time, to write at least… at least half an hour, you will be given. Clearly verbalise, you see, God must be able to read. Your handwriting may be bad, that is not a problem.
Once, the… a man made a advertisement for his manager. You must be able to write French. Once you know to write French means, naturally you know to read to speak. That is what he thought and gave an advertisement. You must be able to write French. One man, our Moork, applied for it, applied for it. When the, when the Moork appeared for the interview, the man asked, “Oh, you know how to read, write, speak French?” The Moork said, “No, no, no…You said I must be able to know how to write.” The man asked, “What? You say, you must be able to...you know how to write, but you can’t read? How can it be possible? You know how to write but you can’t read.” The Moork said, “Yes I can only write, I can’t read.” It is strange. Finally, the man said, “Alright, at least let me give you the test, you write.” He started writing. Then the… what he wrote, this man could not understand. He called the Moork, “What is this? What you have written? Write, read it out…Then immediately Moork said, “You see already I told you, I can’t read.” 😊😊…”I can’t read.” So, don’t make like that writings. Write such a way that God can read without your help.
Verbalize it very clearly. Verbalize it very clearly. See, if you are stuck, if you feel that you can’t verbalize, be very clear, your desires are playing fool of you. The desires, which you are not able to verbalize, they are only called unconscious desires. When you verbalize itself, so many desires you will feel, you yourself will feel shy. What all foolish things, I am writing. But don’t bother about it. Don’t bother about it. Verbalize, you will see automatically the process will happen. You don’t bother about what will happen. You just follow the technique. You just follow the method. So, start writing it; write all maximum things you want. Don’t write minimum and once God takes away, you cannot give any supplement. So no supplements will be accepted. So write to the maximum whatever you want to have; and whatever wealth you want to have, whatever name and fame status you want to have, whatever sexual fantasies you have, whatever way you want to fulfil it and whatever spiritual desires you have, whatever way you want to fulfil it - Write everything one by one.
Participant: It is only for us so…what if we want something for our husbands or for our children should we write also?
Swamiji: No, no, no, you see one thing. Even that is also your selfish thing only. Because he is your husband, you want for him. You see, if Suresh is not your husband, some other Ramesh is your husband, then you want for Ramesh. You understand. It is not for Suresh, your husband. Your husband, so naturally it comes under your category only. So, write in your desire. It is your desire. Ahm…Am I right? It is for your husband, not for Suresh. Poor guy, he was caught, so…😊 you say it is for him, otherwise it is for somebody else. So write.
Only unconscious desires are wrong. Unconscious desire means, the desire which you yourself, don’t know, but which is in you is wrong. But whatever desires, you know is not wrong. Because when you know, naturally, either you will work for fulfilling it or you will drop it. It will leave you. It will disappear. In these two one thing, naturally one thing will happen. So, if you feel some desires are there just hanging around, either you are not able to fulfil, nor you are able to drop, it means, be very clear, you yourself are not sure about that desire. You are not clear about that desire. That has not been brought to your consciousness.
Now we will have one more meditation technique. First, we will… the mental layer has got a… sub layer I can say - pranic body, the prana shareera. So we will work on that prana shareera. Then we are going to work on the desire. Of course, this is something to do with your imagination. The meditation technique is deeply related to your imagination - To bring your imagination capacity to the peak, to bring your imagination capacity to the maximum, to bring your imagination capacity to its ultimate level. Then you will understand, imagination and the desire, how powerful, how energetic they are. They are just a driving force, life energy. Then this mental layer which was a wound in your being will become a energy to support you. See if a building is standing in four leg, four pillar, suddenly one pillar is broken, some disturbance has happened. It is not only that pillar is not supporting that building, that pillar becomes a weight on that building. So whenever you get disconnected to one body, whenever you condemn one body, whenever you don’t use one body, not only that becomes a …you are not using that body, that becomes a weight on you. That becomes a weight on you. If that pillar is again substituted or replaced by another one pillar. Not only the weight will be, it will not be a weight, it will be support. So, let us work on the mental body, as deeply as possible. So that it can become energy. It can support to...
Hold the breath…just fill your lungs. And then hold the breath as long as possible. And then exhale through the mouth and keep your lungs empty as long as possible. Understand. Inhale through the nose as deeply as possible, slowly, as slowly as possible, and hold, keep your lungs filled as long as possible, then later on exhale through your mouth as slowly as possible, and keep your lungs empty as long as possible. This is the one cycle. So, start doing. Slowly, but deeply inhale, very deeply inhale. Fill your lungs, fill little more… just little more… little more. Hold on to it as long as possible, one more second, just postpone… one more second… one more second. When you feel you can’t, you have to breathe out, breathe out through the mouth. Exhale as deeply as possible, as slowly.
Participant: Do we have to open the mouth and exhale?
HDH: Yes….
Continue this cycle, but very slowly. Inhale as deeply as possible through nose. Hold…Inhale deeply through the nose, filling the lungs. Hold the breath for as long as possible. Then exhale gently through the mouth, keeping the lungs empty for as long as possible. Repeat this cycle.
Inhale with full effort. Don’t have shallow breathing. Inhale as deeply as possible and hold for as long as possible. Exhale only through mouth, gently and keep your lungs empty as long as possible.
Unless you put your whole effort, the pranic body will not open. So put your whole effort, breathe through… with whole body. When you breathe in, the whole body should move. When you breathe out, the whole body should move, very gently, very deeply.
Hold as long as possible.
Breathe very slowly, but deeply, hold as far as possible. Exhale very slowly, and again hold without taking the breath as far as possible.
Stop the breathing and relax. Let your eyes be closed. Relax, come to your normal breathing. Now slowly, very slowly, visualize all your dreams. All your desires, feel all your desires have fulfilled. Feel all your desires have come true. How you will be living? Imagine, as deeply as possible. Visualize consciously, the life after fulfillment of all the desires; once you get all the wealth which you wanted, which you have wrote in your book how you will be living. Never condemn the desires. Never condemn the fulfillment. Just feel you have fulfilled. Live that ecstacy. Live that joy. When you have fulfilled all your desires, how you will feel? How joyful you will be? How your life is going to be? Fulfill all your desires of wealth, visualize very clearly. Somehow by the divine grace it has happened.
Visualize very clearly, once your wealth is achieved how your life will be. Once the name and fame and the status is achieved how your life will be? Once your sexual fantasies have become true, once your sexual desires are getting fulfilled, how you will feel? Once your spiritual desires are blessed how you will be? Visualize all the desires, feel that everything has become true. Imagine, visualize when it becomes reality, how you will be living? Consciously, totally, put your effort and visualize in a detailed way. Don’t avoid. Don’t push again the desires to unconsciousness. Bring them up to consciousness and live. Live totally with all juice and life. Once you start visualizing your desires, you will see automatically your energy gets concentrated on the third eye, on the brow chakra. Allow that to happen. Encourage your mind to get concentrated on the visual, on the third eye.
When you live your desires, you bring life to it. Live it totally, you bring energy to it.
Visualize and experience all your desires about status. All your desires of spirituality, all your desires of sex and pleasures, all your desires of food, all your desires of music, all your desires of wealth.
Consciously visualize how you will be living, how you will be moving around luxuriously when all your desires are fulfilled, how much you will be joyful, how you will be ecstatic.
Let your eyes be closed. But stand up. Let your eyes be closed and stand up. At least give one feet gap between your both feet. Let your legs be widespread.
Stop all the movements of thoughts. Whatever thoughts come up, just see them as a witness. Your thoughts, your breath, your mind, your body. Just leave your body at least for one feet and witness your whole body as a witness. Look at your whole body from little distance. Don’t associate yourself with your body or the mind. Just witness. Witness the thought that you are witnessing. Witness everything. Let your hands be loose, relaxed. Witness.
Watch your body from distance. Watch your mind from distance. Think yourself as a person sitting on the hillock and look from the hill. From the hill if you watch the world how it will look. Just like that, look at your body, look at your mind. Witness it.
Relax. Slowly you can open your eyes and sit.
Latigan, Latigan means, when your mental body becomes empty, when your pranic body opens, your Being becomes porous to the alive energy. You see…it is just because your ener… your desire for Amruta, you are not able to enjoy the tea cup, cup of tea, which you are having. Just because your desire for eye-ash, makes your wife, shows that your wife is very ugly. So when those things becomes, when the desires are disappear, or when the desire becomes energy, you can’t even say that desire disappears, when the desire becomes energy you become porous. So, whatever is available, you become porous to that - the surrounding, nature, the energy. So, something happens to you - that is what is called Latigan. It is the poly term, to become more alive and more sensitive and more ecstatic.
Participant: I thought I wanted. Now I don’t feel that it is that they are so important anymore.
HDH: The unconscious desires disappear. You see, you feel many of your wants are not… just because the other is having, the other one is having. When you bring the whole, those things to consciousness, they will all just melt and disappear and the energy which is invested on those desires, unconscious desires, will become a support to fulfil your conscious desires. You understand? Those energies will become a support to fulfil your conscious desires. Not only the unconscious desires disappear, they become a positive support for your conscious desires. It is like a from other army one person has escaped and come and joined in your army. Not only they lose one person, you gain one person. Hmm--Then..
Participant: After the praying Swami I felt it was hard to keep track of the time. I could not keep track on the time. It was like... I have no idea what was time…have no idea what was happening.
HDH: To...to...to break that idea of time only the whole meditation. That’s right.
Participant: I always thought I had no desires, I mean, I always thought I was a simple person. But when I started writing I knew that I am having so many desires.
Participant: Actually it was very easy for me to write all my desires before you came into our life; I used to say my prayers in my puja room, and I used to ask for all those desires. It was really easy. After you came into our life, after the mediation and I have not been asking for any of those desires.
HDH: That’s nice. You will see that they will be getting fulfilled. Whenever you don’t ask, the energy is flooded into it. Hmm…
Participant: So, every time you are supposed to observe yourself, and like the any thought….
HDH: No, no, no, no. This is the, only this is the time.
Participant: Okay so when we were doing that..I thought that I saw my image also in different ways, like high school days or younger days. And is that?
HDH: That is perfectly alright. Actually, seven years, seven years, seven years like that only the files will be kept in our mind Chitta. Chitta means the memories stored - hard disc. Seven years, seven years, seven years. Like that only the files will be stored. You will see one form, from every seven year. Seven to…hmm 0 to 7, 7 to 14, 14 to 21, 21 to 28. Only that way, the files will be stored. You will see the peak or the…in that 0 to 7, which was the moment you were in your peak. Maybe some of your birthday celebration, everybody was pampering you. You were enjoying. In.. from 7 to 14, maybe the day you went to the school, or the day you won in the sports - the memorable moment, most memorable moment. Between 14 to 21, the most memorable moment. Some of your experience, some of your ecstatic experience, joyful experience or even the guilt, even the deepest guilt, or even the deepest worry. Any one slide will come up, whenever you witness. It is perfectly alright. Hmm.
''' Below are some pictures taken during the Nithyananda Spurana Program (NSP) conducted on 14th and 15th February 2004 for the first time in Freemont, San Jose, USA.
''' Below are some pictures taken during the Nithyananda Spurana Program (NSP) conducted on 14th and 15th February 2004 for the first time in Fremont, , USA.
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<div align="center">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1YOIFZmyBE67TJdDiTzuwViiwHtFGzL54" alt="14Th 15Th First Nsp Freemont Sanjose - 010_watermark.jpg" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1YOIFZmyBE67TJdDiTzuwViiwHtFGzL54" alt="14Th 15Th First Nsp Freemont Sanjose - 010_watermark.jpg" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=17RvMbdhbyfQUDOnIIlMoboh8cuckc7oz" alt="14Th 15Th First Nsp Freemont Sanjose - 011_watermark.jpg" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=17RvMbdhbyfQUDOnIIlMoboh8cuckc7oz" alt="14Th 15Th First Nsp Freemont Sanjose - 011_watermark.jpg" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1vjLUOrY-eFq_aLdVRmUabrQ-on_INI_o" alt="14Th 15Th First Nsp Freemont Sanjose - Energy Darshan 2.15.04_watermark.jpg" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1ZWk8DMeW7Dmy7C88MTo2oIAvHHyRj-pY" alt="14Th 15Th First Nsp Freemont Sanjose - Before Energy Darshan_watermark.jpg" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1ZWk8DMeW7Dmy7C88MTo2oIAvHHyRj-pY" alt="14Th 15Th First Nsp Freemont Sanjose - Before Energy Darshan_watermark.jpg" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1jHJ_GbrIRmb5S1DqWElLL3exkDGzXXQn" alt="14Th 15Th First Nsp Freemont Sanjose - Energy Darshan 2.15.04 San Jose_watermark.jpg" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1lFVlcFcsawuj-Vs756y3z0LeF63p4fNJ" alt="14Th 15Th First Nsp Freemont Sanjose - swamiji & Mr. Tiwari Enerygy Darshan 2.15.04_watermark.jpg" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1agp2nNzekxdu3mlomNg6yOv4LHmqXeND" alt="14Th 15Th First Nsp Freemont Sanjose - Swamij & Mr. Palaniappan Energy Darshan 2.15.04_watermark.jpg" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1agp2nNzekxdu3mlomNg6yOv4LHmqXeND" alt="14Th 15Th First Nsp Freemont Sanjose - Swamiji & Mr. Palaniappan Energy Darshan 2.15.04_watermark.jpg" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1eiSHJVg9gM71_zE2PsO3W9F7mY8qwwRC" alt="14Th 15Th First Nsp Freemont Sanjose - Lotus Feet 2.15.04_watermark.jpg" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1eiSHJVg9gM71_zE2PsO3W9F7mY8qwwRC" alt="14Th 15Th First Nsp Freemont Sanjose - Lotus Feet 2.15.04_watermark.jpg" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=19qLXyL6AY6lNUEbYzGltYvJbXe2Yrxbq" alt="14Th 15Th First Nsp Freemont Sanjose - PADMA PAADANGAL 2.15.04_watermark.jpg" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=19qLXyL6AY6lNUEbYzGltYvJbXe2Yrxbq" alt="14Th 15Th First Nsp Freemont Sanjose - PADMA PAADANGAL 2.15.04_watermark.jpg" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1PXfV4ORJka22YTtFDxQw2RicbIG5YgVs" alt="14Th 15Th First Nsp Freemont Sanjose - Niran_watermark.jpg" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1A1xwvBDOfeeEmzKfAVjS9lhu9M82cBaN" alt="14Th 15Th First Nsp Freemont Sanjose - Energy Darshan_watermark.jpg" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1Aftvv35EeCnftqTbftJmzuN3agi3_tZA" alt="14Th 15Th First Nsp Freemont Sanjose -  Energy Darshan_watermark.jpg" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1gK2b7mnamiE_Rwfg1oaKqmm0CAp6S5MN" alt="14Th 15Th First Nsp Freemont Sanjose - Swamijis Beautiful Paadangal 2.15.04_watermark.jpg" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1gK2b7mnamiE_Rwfg1oaKqmm0CAp6S5MN" alt="14Th 15Th First Nsp Freemont Sanjose - Swamijis Beautiful Paadangal 2.15.04_watermark.jpg" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1rTDcA0LV0M2eb2nTIeuSAreacTmXJwSA" alt="14Th 15Th First Nsp Freemont Sanjose - Swamiji's Lotus Feet 2.15.04_watermark.jpg" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1rTDcA0LV0M2eb2nTIeuSAreacTmXJwSA" alt="14Th 15Th First Nsp Freemont Sanjose - Swamiji's Lotus Feet 2.15.04_watermark.jpg" height = "400">
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[[Category: Special Photo Collections]] [[Category: 2004]]
==Link to Audio==
===''Description: On Feb 14 2004 – Satsang Delivered by HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, on Guilt || The Greatest Enemy''===
<div align="center">
<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2004-feb-14-guilt-the-greatest-enemy-nsp-day-1-session-4"/>
===''Description: On Feb 14 2004 – Never Carry The Guilt Q&A Delivered by HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam ''===
<div align="center">
<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/never-carry-the-guilt-14feb2004" />
===''Description: Simple Meditation To Balance Your Body And Go Beyond Body Consciousness by HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, 14/Feb/2004''===
<div align="center">
<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/simple-meditation-to-balance-your-body-and-go-beyond-body-consciousness-14feb2004" />
===''Description: First Nithyananda Spurana Program NSP Introduction by HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, 14/Feb/2004''===
<div align="center">
<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/first-nithyananda-spurana-program-nsp-introduction-14feb2004" />
[[Category: Special Photo Collections]] [[Category: 2004]] [[Category: NHU]] [[Category: 1st NSP in ]]
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Latest revision as of 16:33, 25 March 2022


First Nithyananda Spurana Program || NSP || Introduction || 14 February 2004 ||




Starts.. that is what is meant by this: where the ASP ends, there the Nithyananda Spurana starts. A small story 😊😊. A man, lean, thin, black, tired enters into the cabin of the doctor. Doctor thoroughly diagnoses him and says, “Your health is pretty bad, you must stop smoking immediately.” Then he asked, “Do you have the habit of drinking?” “Yes, doctor, every day I start my day, 😊only with some drinks.” Then doctor said, “No, from today, not even from today, from this moment you should drop all your habits. It’s a mandatory, you cannot have anymore these habits.” Finally doctor said, “Well, now it is 30 dollars fees for my advice, you can go.” The man replied, “Well, doctor, but who is taking it? Who is going to take your advice?” 😊 Whenever the rules and regulations are given, we have a natural tendency to resist. Whenever the spirituality is taught with rules and regulations, it never enters inside. But to start with, no other way; with few rules and regulations only we start. That is why we gave few rules and regulations in the ASP. ASP is more like a set of rules with which you learn. But here I am going to break all the rules, it is more like a guidance.


Understand. If you live with the head, if you live with intellect, if you live with a sense of entering always into others boundary, you need rules. You need regulations. Now come down from that level, have more space. Give more space for others. Instead of always entering into other’s boundary, now allow others to enter into your boundary. In ASP we gave rules, regulations. The first session will be about the rules and regulations. Because we have a tendency in the society always entering into other’s territory. If you have two hundred acre land also, when you put the fencing, at least three feet 😊, just three feet 😊, just three feet, you always feel. If you purchase ten thousand acre, again, just that three, four feet. We have the tendency of entering into other’s territory. That is the reason you needed rules and regulations; the first session. But here, now you have become naturally more matured, you have grown up. So, you don’t need rules and regulations. That is why the first session starts with the dancing or ecstasy. You don’t need any rules or regulation, you know the basic things or the guidelines. That is the reason, I don't want to give any rule or regulation. I’ll just give you a few guidances to have maximum out of these two days.


What the course is going to be? To tell you honestly, I do not know. 😊 I tell you honestly, I do not know. Somebody asked Me, even yesterday night, “Swamiji, what is this going to be?” I said, “I know only one thing, it is going to be grand, it is going to be ecstatic.” When I came in the car, Aachi was asking Me, “Swamiji, now at least you know that what You are going to speak?” I said, “I know only one thing. What is going to happen I know, I do not know what I am going to speak.” It is more and more going to be a exploring your inner layers. See, in the ASP you studied about the seven chakras. It is going to be the work on the seven layers of your body. It’s like you have seven sweaters, one on one on one. Because you have so many layers, you are not able to directly relate with the reality. That’s one thing. Because you have not used those layers totally, the life is not tasted, enjoyed, as it is, totally. We are going to work on the seven layers of the body. There are going to be the techniques, methods, to work on the seven layers of the body.


Somebody asked Me, “Swamiji, is it like an ASP?” I tell you, it is not only not like ASP, it is not even higher course for ASP, the ASP is totally different. This is going to be totally different. It is not the higher course. It’s going to be totally different. So, don’t have any prejudice, any idea, how this is to be, how this is going to be. Because whenever you come to know something earlier, you make the totally a mental plan “What you are going to do, what you are going to do, what you are going to do?” And then you exactly go out, go in and go out, come out. But, here I am not going to give you any mental plan, just continuously be alive and active, respond to the situation. Spontaneously respond to every moment, continuously be alive and respond to the moments.


One more beauty above all, even the next batch who is going to attend the Nithyananda Spurana will know what is the program. See, if you know what is the program, then the whole beauty is lost. It is always, whenever you know, the whole beauty is lost. Whenever you do not know, then the whole juice. The real juice is when the whole thing is new. Then next time you all go out and spread - naturally they will come with some idea, what it is going to be, how it is going to be. People ask Me, “Swamiji if we advertise properly how the program is going to be, we will get more number. I said, “No.” I said...because no, I said, “No” because I Myself don’t know what is going to be.


There are seven major part or the elements in the body layers. You need to understand three things. First thing, because of these body layers you are not relating with the reality as it is. Because always all the mystics they say, “World is God. God is everything. Whatever you see is God. Everything is God.” But, we don’t feel whatever we see as God. We only feel it as a evil. We always feel everybody is trying to exploit us. Everybody is trying to enter into our territory. Everybody is trying to disturb us. So, what the mystics say is one thing, what you feel is totally different thing. Why we feel in this way? Because we were not able to relate with the reality as it is. First thing you need to understand. Next thing because you have not used these layers, they become just cancer. Whenever something is not used in your system, if something is separate…


Somebody asked Me, “Swamiji, why did you make the ASP as the basic necessity to attend the NSP?” You see, the person who has done ASP, not only that he knows the language, he knows the chakras, he knows the basic meditation, he actually feels the intimacy with Master. Even if you have done all these everyday evening satsangs, you will not feel the intimacy. Only when you have done the ASP you will feel the intimacy. When you have intimacy, you can’t close your eyes. In some meditations, I used to tell the people “ All right close your eyes” I’ve seen many people coming and telling Me “Swamiji, just leave me, I will open my eyes and sit and see you, that is ...that is the greatest meditation” When you actually feel the intimacy you can’t open your… you can’t close your eyes and sit, only you are intellectual oriented, you can close your eyes and sit. So, that is the one more reason. There are so many things which happens, when you do ASP, when you undergo the program. Not only you understand about chakras, you understand more. You understand, just something happens to your being. When you don’t use the energy layers, it becomes just a cancer. Whenever something is not becoming part of your being, part of your body, it becomes a separate growth. So, these layers if you...it has not become your part, it naturally becomes a cancer. That is the second thing.


Third thing, unless otherwise you express, you start living these layers, you will never have the satisfaction that you lived, that you lived. Because, major portion of your life if it is unlived, how will you have the satisfaction that you have lived? Not only for the spiritual growth, even for the ordinary outer world things, ordinary outwardly things. So, that is the reason we are going to explore, work on these seven chakras. We will penetrate and express the energies of the seven chakras. This is what is going to happen in these two days. There will be different techniques, methods to bring the… each and everybody to your consciousness. Then when it is brought to the consciousness, it will be explored, it will be expressed. One more thing, we will be working with so many techniques related to imagination. You will be asked to visualize some things. We have a very deep disrespect for visualization. We always think “Oh, by imagination what can I achieve? By visualisation what can I achieve?” Understand. Your whole life is nothing but visualization. Your whole life is nothing but imagination. Your sitting here itself, is a..nothing but a imagination. Don't think you are really sitting here. You think you are sitting here or you may feel 😃. But of course, you will understand the truth of My statement before tomorrow evening. Before tomorrow evening, you will understand the statement, you will understand the truth of My statement. You will understand the truth of My statements before you leave tomorrow evening.


The whole life is nothing but the imagination. It’s like a one thorn is removed by the another one thorn. One thorn enters your leg, you take another thorn and remove it, the help of by this thorn. Same way, you have so many imaginations which has entered in you, without your knowledge, without your consciousness. Now, the conscious imaginations are going to enter in you to do the process, to do the work. So, whenever meditation instructions are given, just put your total energy whole energy. I request people who have not done ASP, please sit in the last row. You can do, you will be able to do, all My love and blessings, put your best, but don't interfere the crowd who has done ASP; because naturally they will have more understanding, they will have more grasping power - you can say that is the right word. They will be grasping more. People who have not done ASP, put your whole effort then only you will be able to see the result.


Next thing, the main thing, it’s almost like a... not only an understanding, it's a cooperation, which is needed from everybody. ASP is more like a program of... program for common people, anybody can enter there, anybody can enter. It’s more like a… you go to a doctor for cough or cold, and you get the medicine and walk out. It's like a outpatients department. NSP is more like a in-patients department. It’s going to be more like a operation on every body, on every energy layer; we are going to work on your desires, on your imaginations, on your guilt, on your fantasies, on your depression. In every layer, we are going to work exactly on it, because these are the layers which blocks our being. So, when… when we are working on your guilt, sometimes you maybe having some deep wound or the guilt, which can be simply released by asking, a simple solution will be there for that guilt. You see, all big doors need only small keys. Door may be any size, but the key will be only this much. Just because you don’t have this much size key, you are suffering in front of the door. If you have that small key, that very door will become a way.


Most of our problems we suffer just because we don’t have these small keys. And now, not even a small key, small pad. Just insert and take it out. For your problems also, naturally… the problem itself is simple, but if you make it big that is different! The solution is also very simple. If you can open out and tell the problem, verbally, two things will happen; One is: I’ll know the problem and give you the key. Next thing : you yourself will know the problem. People come and tell Me, “Swamiji, why should I open my mouth and tell my problem? You don’t… You know everything. You can verily know what is my problem is.” I tell them, “I tell you verbally… I tell you to talk out your problem not for Myself, I know your problem. If you speak out, you will know your problem. “Most of the time, you yourself don’t know. You know only the feel the low energy, low mood, you never feel the reason, you never understand the reason. When you verbalize it, when you talk it out, first thing, YOU will understand. So, you will have a space, a loving atmosphere, where you can express it out. When you express it out, you will get a clear solution.


Because of this, there will be so many people who will be talking their personal life, opening out their personal problems. So, all of you take a oath, take a vow, you will not go outside and speak about their problems. Understand. It is a commitment towards each of you. You give, you are committed to other, the other is committed to you. We have this habit of speaking about others. We will never change. It is so tasty speaking others problems. Ah, speaking other’s problems and speaking ill of others is such a tasty thing for us. You know that a … after the food they won’t swallow only the betel leaf, they will swallow somebody else head also. Then only the betel leaf is tasty. The leaf gets more taste when you swallow other’s head also. In South India you should see after the noon meal, they’ll stretch their legs on the outside house veranda, and betel leaf they’ll apply the lime, make the paan and then slowly they’ll start. “What has happened with that fellow, with whom she has run away?” Running away is the first thing, who has run away with whom, who is having an affair with whom? And you see, it’s so satisfying!! And really, it, it just makes you regenerate, almost like a… it just makes you regenerate. 😃


You have a.... tendency, curiosity to know about others and to know about others personal life. That is the reason so much these yellow magazines are getting sold. Yellow magazine means the magazine which writes about others personal life, other’s sex life or the violent life. The crime magazines and the sex magazines why they are getting so much sold? Because you have the... you feel so tasty when you know somebody else's personal life. I’ve seen many people asking our organizers “What Swami is doing in the morning time? Where He is going? What He is going to do? What He will be doing in the evening?” Arrey, what you’ve got to do? He will be there surely in the evening program, public function. For public satsang, He will be there, you come, that is enough. But, they are not happy, they are not satisfied. They ask, “Here Swami wears the wooden sandal, I saw in LA, He was wearing the wooden… the plastic chappal. What all He wears? What all He uses?” So, much curiosity, with Me itself so much means with you all how much it will be? Because no way I am related to them. With Me also they want to know so many other things. You see many people I have seen, nobody wanted to know how He became enlightened, how I can also become enlightened, or how He can help Me, or how I can also be helped by Him? That nobody wants. “What He wears?”


And I have seen many people asking “Swami. Swami looks so nice. Is He using any costumes [cosmetics]?” Any... No, no, really. “Is He using any oil for His hair? What type of powder He is using? You see, it's just a curiosity. Am I right? People ask all these things. First thing I never use anything that is different and I don’t even comb My hair properly ….24:30… . No, the curiosity of the people, we are so curious to know about everyone’s life, we will be just sitting and collecting materials to go and talk outside. If you do that, you are disturbing the…. what to say… the benefit of others. Please be very clear, now, just for these two days, take a oath, “I will not go and talk outside what I heard from others; what I heard from others”. It is a promise you are giving to keep other’s privacy. You see if you don’t take that promise, if you are not ready to take up that promise, I am not going to lose anything, you are going to lose. It is each one of you who are going to lose. So, now you need a social commitment, to have the maximum from Me, to have the best out of this class. Please be very clear, to have the maximum from the ASP if you are prepared that is enough, alone. But to have the maximum from NSP, the whole group needs to be prepared. That is why I avoided the people who have not done ASP. But, be very clear you need to respect the privacy of others. Each one has got their own thing to speak, their own thing to ask, their own thing to tell. First thing, don’t carry tales, don’t carry tales. It's a very sincere guidance from My side.


One more thing, when I say how the course is going to be, I Myself do not know, I mean, I know the whole thing… what is going to happen, I know. But how much you are going to use it, I do not know. It is in your hands. If the whole group cooperates, only then the next technique will be more deeper. It's like a.. travelling in the deep forest. It is going to be more like a.. travelling in the deep forest. See the whole ASP was more like a plane, the NSP is more going to be like a... travelling in the deep forest. Of course, your eyes will be tied, you will be blindfolded. What is the way... best way to travel in the forest if your eyes are blindfolded? Hold the hands of Master. Then you will see, you will be able to use totally, you will be able to have the maximum benefit. So, just put your whole effort.


Understand. Here we are on the journey, that’s what they call, the mystery work. It is going to be more like a mystery work. And every meditation, everyone is going to have a touch. You understand, in every meditation I am going to come around, everybody, come near everybody. Don’t think it’s...it’s not like a mass sermon, ASP. ASP any thousand can attend, any number of thousands can attend. But, this is not going to be like a ASP, if you have the benefit you have, if you don’t, don’t. That’s the ASP. But here, everyone I am going to attend, everyone I am going to come near, on every meditation technique, not on only one technique. On every meditation technique, I am just going to be around you, you are going to relate with Me. It's more or less like a operation.


One thing, if you have only an intellectual relationship with Me, please leave the hall. If you really have an heartfelt relationship with Me, then only you can be here. In ASP I ask the people to question, they can question Me, they can criss cross Me. But here it is totally going to be, not the relationship of logic or intellect. It is more going to be like a feeling of love. You are just going to travel in the path holding My hands. It needs love and the tremendous trust. It needs the tremendous trust and love, not simple intellectual relationship. There are people… you see, I always tell in My discourses, “Don’t have faith in Me, just doubt as much as possible, carry on your doubt, then the doubt will guide you”. These are all only for the people who have done the first level, only for the people of ASP. Now, you need to put your whole effort and you need to just travel with Me, totally, layer by layer, step by step. Unless you travel, you see, unless I feel satisfied the whole group is entering into the meditation, naturally I will be stuck, or I will not be able to lead the whole group into the next meditation.


If I really find one or two people who are not putting their effort, you should forgive Me, you will be sent out. Of course, your money will be refunded, that is different, but you will be sent out. Because I want… I don’t want the group to suffer, just because of one or two persons. Just because of one of two persons, the group cannot suffer. It’s going to be more like a journey. I wanted everyone to taste the spirituality, glimpse of the God in a solid way. It’s going to be more like a deal. Either have experience or refund. 😊 It’s going to be more like a American deal. Yes, money back guarantee. You see, I am... I‘ll be spending My whole life and energy telling them “Hey, close your eyes and meditate” and those idiots after ten hours of meditation, they’ll be just sitting and watching the others. Ten hours of discourse, they will be just sitting and watching the others. Now, I don’t want to deal anymore with fools. I wanted at least few group who are courageous to have the taste of reality. You see, to have the taste of spirituality, you need courage. I tell you, to enjoy the bliss you need courage, actually. Because the bliss does so much for you, you are just taken, you are just flowing. To flow you need courage... actually. To stand in a ground you don’t need courage, but to jump in the water and to flow with the water, you need courage. It’s going to be more like a jumping inside and flowing, just floating. So, I want only the people who are really courageous, who can put their effort into the meditation. Not, “Oh, I had a good weekend, let me go and spend with Swami.”


So, be very clear, of course, it’s going to be very great experience, but which needs lot of courage, which needs to put your effort. Which needs to be …. the whole process is going to be about relaxation, that is why you need to put your effort. Because you have forgotten the way to relax. These two days is going to be totally relaxation, because you have forgotten what is relaxation, you need to put your effort. You’ll have the oath, you all will close your eyes and let Me finish the thing. Close your eyes and take the oath consciously. You see, it’s a commitment, promise to the energy. You will not go and talk outside, after these two days, about the personal life of everyone. Because there will be so many who will be expressing their questions, their lives, their miseries, or their problems they will be asking. It is not going to be like a ASP, the mass program. I am going to relate with everyone of you, individually. So, so many will be asking their personal things. So, if you try to go and express outside, you are just doing Guru droha. Understand, it’s Guru droha. It’s going to be a.. just cheating or exploiting the trust of the other. So, never go and speak outside about other’s problems, or other’s words, because everyone has got their own life. Who are we to judge or to comment?


Next thing, don’t judge somebody. Never judge. You’re... are you here to give judge... judgement? Are you here to give a judgement? Are you here to judge somebody? If you are, please leave the hall. Here nobody is there to judge others. Each one has come... grow themselves, to expand in their own way, to have the taste of spirituality, to have some benefit in their life. Each one has got their own reason for be… being here. So, never judge others’ reasons, never judge others’ life, never judge other Beings. Be very clear, take a strong conscious decision you will not go and speak outside about other’s life. You will not, sameway, have it in your mind and behave with them - not only you should not… you will not speak, one more thing: if you know something of their life then after going outside, “Oh this guy, I know about him”, and you will be thinking, “Ehh, that foolish guy expressed all his life, he spoke about all his personal life, I am so intelligent, I never spoke anything. I was just...I was just as I am. I behaved very gentleman way.” Be very clear, you are the worst fool.


It is a beautiful opportunity to open your Self, to open your Pandora box, to open your Being. When you open here, the Master will be here to clean, Master will be here to….the Master’s energy is here, it can clean you up. If you feel you are very intelligent by not opening up, be very clear you are the….you missed a great chance or the possibility of opening. I have seen many people, one of our devotee, he had somehow an affair, extra affair. Of course he was courageous enough to tell others, that’s all. He was having a deep guilt for it, deep guilt because of that. Finally a time came, because of that guilt, not only he dropped the affair, he was not able to mentally drop. He has dropped the affair physically, but mentally he was not able to drop. It was just like a heavy thing on his mind. He says, “In day in, morning till night, day in and day out, my being is just being suppressed, I feel...I am feeling suffocated, I am feeling heaviness.” When he came and spoke to Me about this problem. He just told everything in a patient way. I listened a detailed way, then finally, just I put the hand on his head, told him, “Don’t worry, it is healed, you will not have any more guilt.” That’s all, nothing else. Of course, after a month when I saw him, I saw, “What has happened? your face has changed totally. Your eyes have become alive, living.” He said, “Swamiji I do not know what has happened, but one thing I am sure, I have totally forgotten the very root of the guilt. The very root of the guilt has disappeared.”


When you open the layers of energy, of your mind, layers of your Being, energy directly enters. See, as long as you keep it closed, you keep it locked, the energy never penetrates. When you open, the energy totally penetrates it. Energy is being flooded. The originally, the confession technique - it is a technique, designed based on this philosophy only. Of course, when you confess to the Masters that is.. you will be healed. Ordinary confessions are not going to help you. In the Master’s presence, whenever you open something, it is totally washed and cleansed. It is totally purified. And not only master purifies it, you yourself will know what was happening inside only when you verbalize, only when you bring it out. So, please understand, not only you will not speak outside, ill, or the things which are expressed here, you will not have the prejudice, or a wrong opinion about them. You should not form your own opinion about them, what you are listening from here. So, never judge others. Stop the idea of judging others. You are not common civilians. Understand, you are seekers. I don’t want civilians here. I don’t want anybody who is living in the society here. I want only seekers, who are ready to commit and give preference to the spiritual growth. I want here only the people who are ready to taste meditation, who are ready to taste the spiritual life. That is why I made lot of rules, lot of filtering before entering here itself. This is not an open invitation. ASP is an open invitation. You can say “Then why did you invite me?” Here it is not open invitation. It is only for the chosen few.


So, now I tell you, you are going to travel a journey which is really going to be beautiful, which is going to be full of flowers. I don’t want any thorns. If you are a thorn, you will be disturbing others. So, just become a flower or escape from here. So, I tell you, put your whole effort. Don’t have anything, any trace or hangover of the society. In the outside world, you may be a person with a sharp tongue, talking about others. That may be your hobby. But here, at least these two days, never do that. And one more thing, outside whatever way you may have been relating with each other, you may be friends or you may be enemies, you may be husband and wife, you may be son and father, you might have had any relationship, now, in this hall, please keep all your relationship outside. Here just be individuals. All your relationships, just drop outside. In the path of spirituality, you cannot travel together. It is a … ஒத்தையடி பாதைக்கு என்ன சொல்வாங்க? (ottai adi pathai enna solluvanga?) Participants responding: one way path, one way street, lone path…one way street, lone path...narrow path..lone path. HDH: No, no, no the breadth…. better let Me express in My own way. You are confusing much more than Me.😃 The breadth of the path is only one feet, only one man can travel. It is always individuals who travelled and experienced. Even in the case of Ramakrishna and Sharda Devi, they both have become enlightened, but only individually, not together.


So, the spiritual path is only for individuals. Now, for these two days, be totally an individual - physically and mentally. Now, for these two days you are individual. So, put your whole effort, only then you will be able to see the ultimate, or see the maximum from this. So, it's going to be more like a path of mystery. It’s going to be more like a alchemy of spirituality. In ASP, even if you don’t practice much, okay. Alright. But it is not going to be like this here. Fire. If you are a wood, you will also catch fire, add the temperature. If you are a banana tree, not only you will not burn, you will reduce the temperature, and the whole group will suffer. It is going to be more like a... working as a total energy. I am just going to guide the whole group, the whole energy level, to the higher level. It is going to give you the glimpse of eternal bliss. See, you had the glimpse in ASP, but after few days, slowly it started coming down. But, I wanted to give you some glimpse which will never become dull. Ramakrishna says “If it is a brass vessel, how much you wash it, only one day it will be bright, next day it’s out. If it is a gold vessel, everyday it will be, always it will be just continuously shining. So, I wanted to give you the touch of philosopher's stone. Philosopher's stone means you understand? If that stone touches, then everything will become gold. So, it is going more like a intense meditation, or the intense energy sessions. So, put your whole effort, no reservations.


If any one of you are here out of curiosity, “Oh, what this Swami teaches let me go and see”, please leave the hall. This is not the place. For curiosity you can attend ASP, no problem. But, this is not for curious crowd, this is only for the crowd who really wants to have the experience, taste. In ASP, I am not able to give experience to so many persons. Experience means the higher levels of spiritual experience, because the techniques are very soft. More than that people won’t be able to do. You understand? More than that people won’t be able to do. But, this is not going to be like that. That is the reason I selected, I filtered enough. So I trust you, that is why I give you the higher and higher levels of meditations, and higher and higher levels of experiences. So, everyone of you take a deep oath, “I’ll put my whole effort, I will not collect tales, or carry tales, I will not go and speak outside ill of others, or even think ill of others.”


So, when you leave this hall tomorrow evening, tomorrow night, forget the others story, carry only your stories. When you remember your story, you will make history. When you remember others stories you’ll only just be an ordinary person. So, these are the few things I want you to understand, because I will be guiding you in various steps through your desires, guilt, depression. So many lines we will be traveling. So, wherever you feel you have some issues, you are stuck, you can always express. So, just be open, fresh, just like a child. A small story. A Zen Master was living in Japan. The governor of Japan has gone to see him. His name is Kita kaki. The man sent his visiting card - I think you must have heard this story - the man sent his visiting card to the Master, through his disciple. The card reads ‘Kita kaki, Governor of Japan’. When the card reached the Master, he said, “This idiot cannot learn Zen, send him out.” When the card has came back to the king with the same words, Master said, “Like you idiots can’t learn Zen.” You see the enlightened people, they don’t speak a polished language. They are very truthful, straight. Sometimes, even it looks like a... harsh. But, no other way. Truth always hurts.


He said, the disciple said, “My Master said, “Idiots like you can’t learn Zen, please leave the hall.” But, the king understood the whole thing. He took a pencil and erased the word, removed the word ‘governor of Japan’ and told the disciple, “Please, now you carry this card and give it to him”. The disciple carried the card and it has been handed over to the Guru. The Master said “Oh. Kita kakii has come, please bring him in.” The story means, just leave your head outside. Not only your power, prestige, name and fame, idea of your age, idea you are elder, you are younger, you are male, you are female. Forget everything, just for two days, then you will be able to travel with Me more quickly. You are just a Being. You are just a Being. Don’t think, “I am elder, he should have respected me, she should have respected me”, and this and that. Drop all these small, small issues. Don't have any of these small things. Just become matured. Just become matured. When I say the word matured, I tell you don’t bother about anything else.. Whether the food has come in the right time, or the room key has come in proper time or in my room the hot water is not coming, or I have left my cell phone and it has disappeared. Don't bother about all these things. Don’t bother about these small things, just for these next two days. Nothing is going to come with you.


So, I wanted the right place, right persons on whom I can unload Myself, I can share Myself. So, this is totally a different angle. I can say, it’s a totally different dimension. From totally different dimension you are going to work. it’s more like a.. That is what I said na, “Money back guarantee”. I wanted everyone of you to taste the glimpse, to taste the bliss, which is beyond body, beyond mind, before tomorrow evening. It’s not that only you wanted to have experience, even I wanted to unload, even I wanted to share. Whenever every Master happens to this Earth, it’s like a weight on them, the energy is just like a weight on them. It just searches for the right persons who will share it, who will have it, who will enjoy that bliss. You do not know, when a man becomes enlightened, you all will be thinking, “Oh, he is free from all the bondages, he has become free man, free Being.” Don’t think… the responsibility with enlightenment is not a small thing. The responsibility which comes to you with enlightenment is not a small thing. It’s the greatest responsibility. Of course, you have the greatest freedom, that is different, but the greatest responsibility.


So, now let you all be very clear, you are ready for the process, ready for the next, next steps. Drop all these small silly things. These two days, just enjoy a different atmosphere. Nobody has come here to exploit you, the sameway, don't have a defensive mechanism around you. There is no need to defend yourself. Nobody has come here to exploit others, everybody has come here to taste the joy, taste the bliss. Drop your defensive mechanism and don’t enter into other's territory. Understand these both: drop your defensive mechanism, don’t enter into other’s territory. When you drop the idea of entering into other’s territory, only then he can drop his defensive mechanism. So, both are just interrelated. When you drop both, only then you will be able to really experience the taste or the joy of meditation. So, it is going to be more like a commitment, a total commitment. The commitment in the group level. Individual commitment is perfectly alright, but when you go in a deeper and deeper level, it’s going to be more like a commitment in the group level. So, you’ll have few minutes to introduce yourself and get to know about each other. I think many of you are from different places, so have few minutes to know about each other.


One more thing I want to tell you: at the time of the leaving.. leaving the body, nobody else, nothing else is going to be with you, except the Master. Except the Master’s presence. What happens at the time of leaving body I’ll tell you. Of course these all don’t have logical proof. I can’t give certificate or video graph proof. I can give only My experience, whether you believe, believe or don’t… don’t believe, it is your headache. Because I am fed up with quoting these foolish scientists. You see, everything, to express the truths of the Rishis, to express the ultimate experience of the Rishis, I have to quote these foolish scientists and psychologists. You see, it is supposed to be otherwise. Vyasa, Vashista, Visvamitra will be authorities and these fellows should take them as a quotation. But your mind has become such, when these people, these psychologists and the doctors, when they want to prove their ideology, they have to quote Visvamistra or Vashista or Vyasa. Because our mind is so westernized, so much filled with this logic, we have to quote these people to prove Vyasa and Shankara. So, I am not going to give you any proofs for these two days. Whether you believe, it is up to you, or you don’t, if you don’t, that is also up to you.


I tell you from My own experience, when you leave the body you see, if you just scratch your body half inch, how much it’s painful. Understand, when you leave the body, six inch it is going to… they are going to open. Six feet, not even six inch, the whole six feet you are going to be just toned. It is going to be more of… it is… it will be more like a thousand scorpions biting at one time. Every moment, every inch will be painful. Every inch will be just excruciating. At those time, except the presence of the Master, nothing else will stand with you. I have seen the people dying. Of course, I Myself have died, that’s why I am sitting here. I Myself had the death experience, that’s why I am sitting here. At those moments, whatever you lived, all your life, you see the whole life will come in a short form, like fast forward. At the time of leaving body, you will leave these seven layers; actually from the physical body you will go to the mental body, from mental to etheric. The seven layers of body you will be leaving. It takes, at least some... I can say for a normal average Being it takes some seven to eight hours, it takes. The whole time will be excruciating pain. When you leave the one body to other body, the whole life you lived, you will see in fast forward. The whole thing will come in a slide form. Whatever you have done, the major incidents will come in a slide form. From that only you choose the next life. How you lived in this life, what for… with what ideology you lived, you will see the whole thing in a… in a... what to say, in a [audience saying slide show, slide flashback] just many slides you will see. From that slide only, you will choose the next life. You will choose how to travel the... your journey next, how your journey is going to be afterwards. From that time only you will be choosing the course of your life.


One thing mainly you need to understand, at that moment, except the moments with Master, all the other moments will become black and white. Now, the moments, the time which you spend with Master looks like a black and white, and all other life looks like a four color. That is why, many people told Me “Swamiji, on Valentine’s day you kept, just on exactly Valentine’s day you have kept, why not this weekend or that weeknd?” I told them, “If the Valentine’s day looks more colorful, let them go there. If they feel living with Me is more colorful, let them come here.” I wanted purposely to have a conscious choice. If the Valentine's day is more colorful, let them have that. If living with Me is going to be more colorful, let them come to be around Me. Let them choose. Let them have decision.


You see, at those moments… now when you live, the moments of life are four color; the moments with Master looks like a black and white, dull. At that moment, it will be totally opposite. The matter will become black and white, energy will become four color. Energy will become four color, matter will become black and white. Because once you leave the physical body, all your, whatever attachments, wealth you have, everything becomes useless. It’s a just useless. You can’t sign your will anymore, you can’t sign in your check anymore. You can’t even know what is your bank balance. You can’t even just have a glimpse of your car which you had for so many years. So, everything will be black and….everything will become black and white. And the moments in which you spent with your Master, with the energy, the conscious moments, the experience of bliss. those moments will become color.


So, when this happens, two things happen: One is, you get the tremendous healing, healing means the excruciating pain will disappear. You will feel, “Yes”, you have lived some moments. you have some colorful moments. You have…. If you’ve never lived with a Master or if you never had any spiritual experience, your whole life will be just black and white. The pain will be just excruciating. There will be nothing. When you look back you will see “Oh, there is nothing lived.” So, you will enter into a deep depression and from that depression coma you will take the next janma. That is what regularly happens, you enter into deep depression coma and take the next janma. That is what is the regular happening. That is why the truth or the… if you find, of course, if you are a meditator, then you understand. If a person dies, if you be around him, you can see an excruciating pain in his Being, pain in his face. He enters into the coma understanding that he has never achieved anything. And then he takes the next birth. When he takes the next birth, again he forgets what for he has taken the birth. And goes around the same chakra and again taking birth. That becomes the vicious circle. If you’ve really had some glimpse of with the Master, experience with Master, at that moment, that will become color slide. Because, once you go inner and inner with the body, inner and inner layers, you never live with inner layers, You live only the physical layer. So, when you leave the physical layer and you go inside, whole thing will be just black and white, just dark. Nothing will be there inside.


But, if you really had the glimpse of the Master, or the energy, or the meditation, there will be light inside. You will see the whole thing in a color. So, the Master’s energy, or the moments with the Master that will be a color, that will be a four color. At the time when you see Him, when you see that... those moments, you will have the tremendous healing effect on your pain, you will not have that excruciating pain. Because you know that you have lived something, there is something worthy in your life. Next thing, the tremendous surrender to the Master happens. And naturally when you… when you surrender to the Master, those moment, your whole energy enters into the consciousness. Master is nothing but consciousness. Your whole energy enters into the consciousness. When you enter into the consciousness, again you will given...you will be being given a choice whether to take birth as you want or to become enlightened. That is the importance of the Master. You see the importance of the Master is only at the moment of leaving the body. It is only at the moment of leaving body, you will understand what the difference is. At those moment only, you can exactly understand what great help is happening to you, what great help has happened to you. Because now, you measure even the energy only with the material prosperity. Even the energy is measured only with the material prosperity, Because this is the four color scene, this is two color scene - black and white. At that moment it will become totally topsy turvy - this will become black and white, not even black and white, dark, and that will become color. I think… hope all of you understand what I say. All of you understood ? Participant: Yes HDH: Any question?


Participant: Swamiji, You were saying something tearing six feet. What is that? I didn’t understand. HDH: From your whole body the consciousness will be taken away. You see it is like a tearing the 6 inch, but when you leave the body, the whole consciousness will be just torned, it will be just taken away from your body. Participant: Do we get scared Swamiji that time? HDH: What scared? You will be having the excruciating pain, you will be entering into the coma. That is what is the ….that is what again and again people say when you are leaving, “Have glimpse of meditation.” Because at that time this torch only will help you. At that time to have the path, only this torch is going to help you. That is the reason I tell you, once you have some conscious experience, at the grace of the Master, at the blessing, the touch of the Master, at those moments you will see exactly His presence, or His energy will be there, to guide you layer by layer, layer by layer.


So, not only that, you see once you have the glimpse, already the path is ready. You already penetrated all the seven bodies. You will not have the pain. To make the new road only, you have to suffer. If already road is there you need to suffer? There is no need to suffer. Having the spiritual experience means already the path… the bodies are penetrated, the layers are penetrated. The layers are already touched. The road is already made. It is like a tunnel. The tunnel is already ready, you can just travel. You will see the light or the consciousness, just guiding you. People prepare so much to live, but nobody prepares to die. When you really prepare to die, only then you can really live. This is a preparation for life and for death. And moreover, the tremendous excruciating pain will disappear, when you see a light at the moment of leaving the body. When you see the glimpse of energy. You see, when even if you see one scene four color, then you will understand, “Ah, really I have done something, I have achieved something. That is the reason why so much the mediation or the spiritual experience is emphasized on our life. But, can I tell all these things in the public?


First thing I need to give proof - actually I hate to quote all these fellows. But no other way, what to do? The logic mind… logic mind accepts only when you quote some researches, when you quote some so-called scientists, when you quote some, the people of psychology. But these are much more greater truths, much more deeper truths which needs experience. Just because these experiences cannot be proved in a….across the table I was not able to speak the truth. But who misses? Only they. Anyhow, let you understand. At least you can understand. That is why, in Tantra there is a beautiful verse. Shiva says... the Nandi comes and asks to Shiva, “Oh God, I am Your disciple, I am serving you so much, can’t you teach me Tantra?” Uma is also recommending, “Why don’t You teach him? I never asked You, You taught me. But he is asking You, You’re…. why don’t You teach him?” The Shiva says, “Because he is logical, he is asking. But Tantra cannot be taught to the people who are logical.” It cannot be taught to the people who are logical. Yoga can be taught for the people who are logical. That is why Yoga has become so popular, but never Tantra. Yoga has become so popular, because yoga is logical. It can be taught to the people who are logical.


But, when you go little higher, when you go inside, inside the spiritual world, no logic helps you. No logic works you. The scale of logic is not going to help you. For the outer world you need logic, for the inner world you need trust. Only that can guide you. Otherwise it is not going to help. So, it is going to be more like a experience, more like seeing, more like Being, than like thinking. It’s not going to be more like a discourse, it’s going to be more like a experiencing. Of course, because I wanted to give you an introduction, a clear cut introduction what we are going to do. So, with this understanding we will be able to really have the solid experience, we will be able to really have something. Otherwise why unnecessarily going and wasting two days, your two days, and My two days. It’s not necessary. So, we are here as a committed seekers to search the truth and have at least one glimpse of divinity, have at least one glimpse of spirituality. Of course, many of you have had already at least one glimpse in ASP, but I wanted you to have a solid experience which completely stays with you, which never gets faded away, which… which is never taken away when you leave the life; which just like a fire, or the energy it should be continuously alive in you, remained in you, or speaking to you.



Never Carry The Guilt || Q&A with HDH || NSP




You are always taught that you should not have done this, you should not have done that, you should not have done that. There is no such a scale. It is just taught by the society and the people who are not, who do not know what is right or wrong. You please be seated. You understand? In the young age, whatever happens in your life, I say whatever - capital letter W, capital letter H, capital letter A, capital letter T, whatever has happened in your life in the young age, it is society's idea that ‘this should not have happened, that should not have happened, this is wrong, that is wrong’. Don't bother, nothing is wrong. Whatever has happened, it has happened. Over. Now if you carry the guilt with you, you will carry the disease of that, hangover of that incidents. The hangover is the original problem, not what has happened. You understand? What has happened is not a problem. Your idea, your hangover - ‘that was wrong, it is wrong’ - that only is the real problem. So ‘this should not have happened, this should have happened’, who is there to decide, tell me? You know there is a, you know, you know the, I have seen a group of tribal, who live so joyfully, so ecstatically in Madhya Pradesh. They have a habit. At the age of 14, just after the age of 14, all the girl child, female child, all the male child and female child will be allowed to live in one hut which has got… in the centre of the village there is one hut. All of them have to stay there. All of them have to live together. Only the, between 14 and 21. After that 7 years, that person can choose the other. The other can choose the person. I saw in their whole village not even a trace of guilt exists. The very idea ‘guilt’ does not exist there. In some religion, marrying 4 times is allowed. In some religion, marrying only once is allowed. In some religion, vegetarianism is a rule, in some religion non-vegetarianism is a rule. So don't allow the society's rule to affect you. Let, let you not carry any wound because of elderly people or your family has told ‘this should be done, that should be done’. You see, whatever has happened, happened. Now in future, live as you want, live according to the rules but don't carry the guilt. You understand? I am not telling you in future also you do what you want. That is different. In future, anyhow we are going to live only in the right way. That is different. But if you carry the guilt, it is more like a cancer. Don't carry the guilt.



Guilt || The Greatest Enemy || NSP || Day 1 || Session 4 ||




Was caught by a salesman. Salesman caught Mukund. He wants to somehow sell a elephant. And he told Mukund, “See, I have a brand new elephant. Just from Af… just now it is from Africa. I'll give it to you, total, full elephant just for 100 dollars.” Mukund said, “What will I do with elephant. I don't want elephant. Neither I can feed the elephant or I have a place to keep the elephant. No, no.” The man said, “No, no, no. You don't know. It is ten feet tall, with black, and with four legs and one big tail and finished with a big two trunks. Don't miss this golden opportunity.” Mukundh said, “Arrey understand. I have only three bedroom apartment, that also in the thirteenth floor. I cannot keep the elephant anywhere. Better you find somebody else who can keep and maintain.” The sales guy said, “No, no, no, no, no. You don't know the grandeur. You don't know the grandness. Just if you want to see, come with me. In ten minutes I'll show you how grand it is. You do not know the majesty in which it walks. The way in which it shouts. You do not know the grandeur. Don't miss this golden opportunity. You must have one. Only then you will really feel like a king. Do you have the desire to live like a king or not? So, you will really feel like a king, have one”.


Mukund almost became mad and screamed at him, “Fool, I tell you I have only three bedroom apartments, and that also in thirteenth floor, where will I keep? Leave me and go to somebody else.” Salesman said, “You see, if you really want… really, really a good deal, take this one elephant. I'll give you one more elephant just for 50 dollars. Just for 50 dollars I will give you one more elephant. It's a really, really good deal. Two elephant just for 150 dollars. Full two elephant just for 150 dollars. You can never have anywhere.” Then slowly Mukund gave a thought to himself and said, “Now, I think it's a good deal. Now I feel it's a good deal.” See, whenever it is available cheap, whether it is useful or not, you try to possess it, get it, collect it. Same way, you collect something in your system just because it is cheap. That is what is guilt.


The next topic, to the desire. What comes after the desire, tell Me? That is the usual experience of everybody. After any desire, whether it is a ice cream or aish; ice cream or aish. After any desire what comes? Whether it is ice cream or ash, whatever it may be, the thing, you will have the guilt. Just after the desire automatically, guilt follows. And you miss to understand one thing, the guilt is the thing which makes the desire to come back. You see, it's like a vicious circle. Here is desire, here is guilt. After the desire… once the desire has passed, guilt comes. Naturally, when the guilt goes, it brings desire. Then when desire goes it brings guilt. When guilt goes it brings desire. It's a vicious circle. Always one follow the other. If you take deeply the oath, “I will not smoke”, the moment you finish the oath, your mind will be asking to have a smoke. If you take much deep oath then, as early as possible. If you take the oath, in a very simple way, one day you may be able to keep it up. If you take the oath with full power, not even two, three hours.


Always desire follows the guilt, guilt follow the desire. It is the high and low energies. When you are in high, you are in a desire. When you are in low, you create guilt. If you want to really enjoy some desire, have guilt about it. Then you will never forget it. That is what is truth. If you don't have guilt, you will go beyond the desire. I tell you, these so called moral teachers, who creates guilt in you, only they are the real people who create... who are the root for all the pornographies, who are the root for all the immoral activities; because they create guilt in you.


There is a beautiful expression by Vivekananda, when he quotes on Patanjali. He says, “You should never give morality. You should always give the understanding. Never the conscience, always consciousness.” Now, we should not kill others. This is a basic thing. If you say that as a rule, as a morality, if you kill here, you will get hell. If you are taught as a morality, ‘if you kill, immediately you will be caught by the police’ just as a rule, as a morality, what will you do? When police is not there, you will do the same thing. Or you will be just waiting, when the police will leave. If police does not leave, you kill him also. 😃 You just wait for the opportunity. You are just burning, bubbling. You just wait for the opportunity when it comes, you burst it out.


Same thing, if it would have been given as an understanding, ‘You see, if you kill somebody else, somebody else may kill you. The same thing if it continues, the whole humanity will be dead. The whole life will disappear from the earth. Understand this.’ If it would have been a understanding, then till the last moment, you will never even contemplate about killing. The same way, anything, any life, any being, anything when it is given with a understanding, it becomes your consciousness. When it is given as a rule, a dead ritual, or a strong suppression, it adds only to your conscience not to your consciousness. Two things you need to understand, conscience and consciousness. When you understand things it becomes consciousness. When you make rules it becomes conscience. Guilt is created because of conscience. Conscience is created because of guilt.


Guilt is the next layer, Astral Body. Have you heard of the Astral travelling? If you have read the great masters books, then you will understand. They will take the disciples through the sky. Astral travel. Great enlightened Rishis, Siddhas. If this body is healed, you will always have the control on the Astral body. You can go in others dreams. You will have the power to enter, penetrate your dream and you will have the power to penetrate others dreams. People come and tell Me, who is the person who enrolled for ASP, last ASP after seeing the dream? It seems one of…. one of your friend called and told you to register? Says that one of his friend called him and told him to register. Somehow he was not willing. And then he saw, somebody was calling him and telling him, ‘go and register’. Of course, I didn't surely go there to force him. But when the trust is there, the Divine takes this form and does it. Of Course, when you become enlightened, even if your Astral Body is under your control, you don't use it. I don't use even this body, why will I use the Astral Body? Divine uses it. But before… till you become enlightened, if you heal this Astral Body, it'll be under your control. It'll help you in thousands of ways.


First thing, the guilt free life is nothing but heaven. It is just heaven. Now, as on now, anything you do, you have a guilt. Even if there is non...if there is nothing bad, or nothing wrong is going to happen that incident. You know very clearly, nothing bad is going to happen. Even then you have a small itching sensation, irritation feeling. Irritation is the son of guilt. Guilt only gives birth to the irritation. Irritative feeling and dull feeling, all these things are disciples of guilt. When you have guilt, all these things will be following you. Almost guilt makes you a Schizophrenia. Day time you are a different personality, night time you are a different personality. Both can met… both can meet and merge with each other. Both can share their views with each other. Guilt is the thick wall, the China Wall, between you and your nightlife. You and your other personality. Almost every one of us got night life separately, day life separately. Your being is just cut into half. You are just separated. You behave one way in the front, one way in the back. You live one way in the society , one way when you are alone.

[12: 20]

Guilt is the wall which makes you not to meet yourself whenever some thought the so called immorality when it arises, immediately you suppress it with the guilt. If you have a little bit of courage to face it, to allow that to come up then you will see, the same thought, if it is right it will be materialized, if it is wrong it'll become nothing. It'll simply disappear. But you don't have so much patience or consciousness you just want to press everything. You just want everything to be controlled. You just want everything to be under your control. You see, it's like a… your kids are playing in your bedroom. Of course, when they play in your bedroom, it is nothing less than hell. They make hell. Suddenly some guest has come. What you do, immediately you put the screen, lock the door, cover the whole bedroom. You don't let them go into that room at all. Near that room at all. The same way, inside, there is a portion in your being which is totally dirty. Not even actually dirty, so called dirt. When the kids play, it is not that become dirty. Just if you spend ten minutes, you can put the things back and everything will become alright. But for the sake of emergency, what you do? You just lock it. Finish. Same thing you do with your personality also. To show it to society, you just lock that portion. You never open it. Because you have not opened for a long time, it starts getting smelled. It gets… it just becomes like a wound. Guilt is the gate or guilt is the screen with which you cover everything. Let us work on the guilt - The Astral Body.


Last meditation, somebody came and told Me after leaving the hall, “Swamiji, I felt so light. I was not even able to balance my body, I fell.” Actually he fell. He came and asked Me, “What is it?” It's perfectly alright. Actually you lose the boundary. That is what happens when you work on the second layer. Now, you will be losing more and more the boundaries. You will be going deeper and deeper layers of your being. But you are afraid. Participant: We had the same experience Swamiji HDH: You also had the same experience? You see, that is what, your boundary is getting expanded. You understand? Now, you know only how to live with ten acre; you have seventy acre land, you live only with ten acre. I am expanding your boundary. You feel so big, so vast. You are not able to balance. But in few minutes or few days, you will be balancing. Then you will be able to live the whole area. It's like a taking the responsibility of all your bodies. In starting it'll be just like this. Don't worry about it. But it'll always be ecstatic. Am I right? Was it suffering? Was it suffocating? Hmm...Then what, carry on. It's ecstatic. Nice. It just expands.


We are working...we are going to work on the next layer, the guilt - the greatest enemy. Many people come and tell Me, “Swamiji, my wife is caught by the ghost.” “My husband is caught by the ghost”. Or, “My son-in-law is being possessed by some spirit”. Actually the greatest ghost or greatest devil, the greatest spirit, which can possess people is the guilt. There is no other spirit, no other evil, no other devil, no other ghost, except this guilt. The guilt is the greatest ghost which has caught everybody. Don't think somebody is having the guilt and somebody is not having. Everybody! You may be thinking, “See, I’ve done only one small mistake, after all one murder, for this itself I am feeling so guilt. And I've seen the criminals who have done so many things, so many murders and so many criminal activities. They all … they all don't feel guilt at all.” You may be thinking in your mind, “They are all quite happy. They are all quite comfortable. Just moving around, enjoying the life”. But you do not know how much of guilt each one has got. He will be having his own guilt. So, never think only you have guilt and somebody else is not having. Everyone has got the guilt. Let us work into the guilt. GUILT - let it become GILT.


Now, start writing separately, express the deepest wounds created by you... created to you by the society. The guilts. Again I will classify three types of guilts. The first guilt will be always sexual. Because, when you… when your body gets matured, not even matured, even at the young age you have the natural tendency. All the kids will touch their genitals. All the kids will play with their genitals. Then what will the parents do? They will just beat the hands of the kids. And they will train them, “Don't touch. It is dirty. Devil is there. Ghost is there”. These are training... the first. This is the first layer of guilt which you create on the man. The first guilt is always sexual, on the sex layer. The guilt which is created by the parents and family. The guilt which is created by the society. Always the family creates the guilt about sex. Society creates the guilt about the violence. See there are so many rules with which you need to live in the society. Instead of giving understanding, they just give it as a guilt. They just give it as a hell and heaven concept. If you do this, you will go to hell. If you do this, you will go to heaven.


The guilt which is created by society… the guilt which is created by family, the guilt which is created by society, the guilt which is created by yourself. After the society and the families conditioning, you will have your own rule and you will start create your own guilt. These are the basic three layers of guilt. Now, add some more guilt whatever you have. Please write down the reasons for the guilt and all your guilt. One by one, very clearly. God may ask you, “Give your notebook. Let Me solve all the guilt.” What all the guilts has to be cleared, write it very clearly, very consciously and as deeply as possible by you, verbalize it properly. If you feel you don't have any guilt at all, then come and sit here. You are already enlightened. Everyone of us have got our own guilts. Think deeply. For ice cream, for music, for pub, so many things you will be having guilt. There are so many who has got guilt about their hair cut. So, whatever guilt you are carrying, try to verbalize it and start putting it in, in the form of ….


If you are really moralistic, then you will be having more guilt. Look deeply. If you are really cultured, then you will be having more guilt. The moments which you felt guilty, the moments which you felt you have done a... you have behaved in a very immatured way, please write even those moments. There will always be some moments you remember and think, “I behaved very immatured way at that time. I should have been little more matured”. Even those moments are nothing but guilt. Remember and write those moments. Verbalize those moments.


Let Me explain the meditation technique. Understand very clearly. First, slowly, slowly, consciously, feel that your head is being pressed inside your heart. Somebody is just pressing it. Have you seen that cartoons, Tom and Jerry. Just like that… 😃 just feeling it is being pressed. Then, clearly visualize more than this region is empty. You are...your head has been totally pressed. You are in...your head is in this region. You look through the heart. You are seeing through the heart, you are seeing through the heart and you are breathing through… through the heart. You are relating with this world through the heart. Feel the head is totally pressed. Head is not there. It is no more. Just empty space above the neck. Above the neck, empty space. Head is just pressed. First session… of course time will not be told to you. First session, because when all of you reach that experience only then I'll be able to guide you to the next experience, to the next state. I wanted the whole group to have the experience. Only then I'll be able to guide you to the next. So, time is not known now. Till all of you lose your head you have to go on 😃. I cannot say anything about it.


A small story. Once our Moork got onto the stage and started singing. And people all shouted, “Once more, once more”. He was just pampered like anything. He felt, he is honored. Again he started singing. Again people asked, “Once more, once more”. Again he sang. Fourth time also people asked, “Once more, once more”. Then he felt little awkward, “I think what is this?” But somehow he has to sing. No other way. It continued till the tenth time. Eleventh time he himself got fed up and asked somebody, “Why are you shouting so much, once more, once more. Allow me to go to the next song.” The .. somebody from the crowd got up and told, “Till you sing it properly we are not going to… till you sing properly we are not going to let you go for the next song.” So, till you do it perfectly, till you have that experience, I am not going to let you go to the next step.


That is the first step. The next step, with that same mood, you have to move your body. Body movements should be done. But with the same feeling, without having the head. First, you will lose the head and you will sit in the sitting posture. Then you will know how to breathe without head, how to see without head, how to smell without head. These are all very simple actions. Then, you should learn how to move your hands without head, how to move your legs without head, how to move your body without head. Finally you will end up in a total, maybe a running movement of running or jogging or maybe movement of dancing…the peak movement. All your movements will be done without the idea, without remembrance of the head, only with the remembrance of the Astral Body... of course, heart, of course, your being - the Astral Body. Not the remembrance of your wounded Astral Body - the guilt. So, we will start working on it. Please, all of you sit. Take slow deep breaths. Just few minutes. Music


Slowly, very slowly, feel very clearly your head is sinking into your heart. Your head is just getting pressed, pressed, pressed. Going into your heart, into the chest region. Totally, become headless. You have no head. Just become headless. Feel that you are breathing from heart. Feel that you are seeing through heart. Feel you are seeing through heart. You are smelling through heart. Feel very clearly, your breathing through heart. Breathe through the heart. Smell through the heart. Listen through the heart. Listen to this music through the heart, not through the head. Listen through the heart. See through the heart. Feel through the heart. Have the conscious from the heart. Let your movements be as slowly as possible. Remember that you are moving from heart. Your center is from heart, not from the head. Again and again, say, ‘no’ to the head. Forget the head. Move from the heart. Move as slowly as possible but from the heart.


Let your movements become little fast; but from the same conscious, moving from the heart, not from the head. Forget the head. Forget the head. Move from the heart. Add little speed to your movements, but move only from the heart. Be very clear you are a headless being. Move only from the heart. You are a headless being just moving without head. Move from the heart.


Stand in one place, there is no need to walk. But in the same place, move your body. Increase the speed slowly, slowly. But with the same consciousness, same idea - you are moving from the heart, not from the head. Forget your head. You are a headless being. Visualize very clearly, you are a headless being moving. [34:03] Stop. Sit from your heart. Just be without head. Sit only with your heart. Om Shanti Shanti Shantihi. Relax . Slowly, you can open your eyes.



Simple meditation to balance your body and go beyond body consciousness




Let us work on the first layer. First layer is the physical body, better you don’t write anything. Tomorrow evening I will give you the whole hints. You take the whole hints that’s enough. And of course, I tell you now tomorrow evening I will give, I will not give, 😊 I tell you that also now itself. It means don’t take hints; because if you go on taking the hints you will be missing the subject. So, think in your mind tomorrow evening you will have the hints, be comfortable. Then tomorrow evening we will take care of other things. I think actually I will just print at least names of the seven bodies and I will print… I will print and give it to you by tomorrow evening; don’t worry about it. So don’t go on working on the hints, otherwise you will not be able to understand. I wanted every one of you to understand every step and come with Me. You see you understand, it is more like a holding the hands of the Master and travelling, wanted you to come with Me. In ASP if you miss one session also no problem, 😊 the next session you can come, one chakra will be open one will be closed, no problem. 😊 Anyhow you have the key, you can go to the house and try something and open the door. Here it is not like that; it is layer by layer. You need to go even if you miss one layer, next layer you will not be able to penetrate. That’s why if you miss one meditation the next meditation you will not be able to have the experience. I wanted you to come and not only I want you to do the meditation, I want you to have the experience.


You understand, meditation should not be done like... like a dull, dead ritual. Most of our cases, just because, “Oh Swami says let me do”, it should be like a… more like a affair, you see it should be more like a bubbling, vibrant. To meet your friend, to meet your girlfriend or boyfriend nobody needs to tell you, only they have to put hurdles, but you escape and run. But as far the meditation concerned you need so many inspiration, why? In that you find some taste, in this you have not found the taste. But really when the glimpse is given, when the experience is given, you will see you will be jumping for the meditation. So, I wanted this to become a solid experience. Many times when I say meditation is such an ecstatic thing, joyful thing, people say, “No, no, Swamiji you say all these things.” People are not able to even relate with Me. They think that I am in some other world or I am from some other world. It’s not truth; it can be experienced by anybody. That’s what I say, “Come totally with Me, it will be a solid thing in your life; not like a mo… not like a simple faith or belief. It will be more like a tangible seeing, vision.”


First we will work on the physical body; we will be having a technique. Of course it’s more or less like a maha mantra but little developed version. Don’t compare with mind, “Oh it is same like a maha mantra, it is same like this, it is same like that”. No. Because if you compare you… you have done when you did the ASP you did only 30% or 40%, now also you will be doing the same mistake if you compare. Don’t do that. Put the whole effort. Three things we are going to do, one is balancing the body, second thing is erasing the body - it means the, removing the body consciousness, the outer line of your body from your mind. Third thing, just merging the physical body back to energy. The physical body is more like a matter, that will be merged, that will be put inside the energy. So the three things we are going to do.


Balancing; why we are supposed to balance? Unless you balance your body will be continuously… your mind will be continuously in the body. There is a beautiful word by Patanjali, sthiram, sukham, asanam. Which is sthira and comfortable is asanam. When the shoe fits, feet are forgotten. Am I right? When the belt fits belly is forgotten, when the chain fits, neck is forgotten, when the ring fits, finger is forgotten. If the ring doesn’t fit, you will be continuously remembering the finger. If the chain is not fit, you will be continuously remembering the neck. If the shoe is not fit, if shoe is either tight or loose you will be continuously remembering the leg. What is the scale whether it fits or not? If you have forgotten the leg you can be sure that the shoes have fit, if you have forgotten the belly you can be sure that belt is fit, if you have forgotten the neck you can be sure the chain is fit, if you have forgotten the finger you can be sure the ring has fit. When you forget the body then only you can be sure your body is comfortable; whenever your body is not comfortable you can never feel comfortable.


Purposely I told to remove the chair for the first session because I wanted you to get little accustomed to sit on the ground, to get ready for the first session of forgetting the body. First if you little bit balance and get ready, then you will be able to forget the body, you will be able to enter into the second things, second session. First thing, you need to balance your body to forget it; if the body is balanced you will forget it. Only when your body is forgotten you can think, you can understand you are healthy. You see, you forget your eyes if you don’t have pain in the eyes, you forget your head if you don’t have head… any headache. If you have headache can you forget? That is why the spouses always give headache to others. So, that you will not forget, you will not forget them; you just try to continuously catch them and they just try to continuously catch you. Even the father, mother everybody you can see, they just try to catch their son so that he never forgets you. You see when you…. if you give little pain, if you trouble him, he will never forget you. If some part of your body troubles you, you will never forget that part. If you forget that part then what it means, you have no trouble. Now we are going to enter into the layer or the technique to forget the body, it means you are comfortable, you are comfortable, you are totally healthy. When you are healthy you forget, when you forget you are healthy. It always happens the other way.


A beautiful technique, whenever you have a pain in some place throughout your body, if you just remove the word pain from that place, the pain will disappear. Actually pain and the word pain are one and the same. I am explaining this in a very deep way, step by step in that cassette. Try to listen that discourse… that does miracles, that does miracles not only according to My experience, according to many persons experience. That does miracles, when you are comfortable your body is forgotten, when you forget the body it becomes comfortable automatically. So, now we will learn a small technique to balance it, to balance it. You see, think of this mala as a center of gravity line of your body; center of gravity line means you understand? Center of gravity line of your body. If this line is straight [Swamijji holds the mala in straight position], if this line is straight, then it means this mala is in the restful position. If this line is like this [Swamijji holds the mala up in slanting position], the mala is not now resting, if I take the hand it will come back to the restful position. If the mala is this way again it is not resting, if I leave it, it will come back to only this position. This is the position this mala is totally resting and comfortable. Same way your center of gravity line should fall in a straight line. Then if your body, the center of gravity line of your body, if it falls in a straight line you will… you will be totally comfortable, you will be able to forget the body. Let Me teach you how.


Just sit with a right leg on your left thigh… if you are really feeling bad that you can’t sit on the ground then you sit on the chair, but try your best to sit on the ground. Do you understand the first step? The next step… of course once you finish I’ll come around and guide you individually also. On the thigh leg should be seen. If your legs are really under your control, understand if your legs are really under your control you must be able to do the padmasana without touching the leg, that’s all. Then only your legs are under your control otherwise it is somebody else’s control. Understand without touching the leg ….. (11:13,tamil inaudible) 😊😊 I think each one is sitting in their own way. If you really feel bad then get the chair no problem, at least in the chair you start balancing. You start balancing; because you see the …. one thing it is not that whole day you need to sit like this in your house, no. Once you know, you have balanced your body, whole day you will be comfortable. Automatically you will sit only in the balanced posture. Whether you sit in a sofa or you sit in a car or you sit in your house, you will be continuously balancing your body, automatically. You see your body has got an... the eh... its own inbuilt mechanism to balance itself till the age of seven. Once you’ve grown into this great society, 😊 great society, it has contaminated you, it has just, you’ve forgotten the original balancing technique. Now I am just giving the original balancing technique to your body back. Once you learn it, it is not that you need to sit always like this; you don’t even need to sit straight. Even if you sit in this way ordinary…. in ordinary days, your body will balance itself. Once it knows the technique. It’s like a, when you start riding the cycle, you need to straight…. sit straight and hold properly and then peddle. Once you’ve mastered… knack of balancing needs to be learnt. That’s why I tell, it’s just a five minutes, actually only five minutes it is going to take.


So, sit with the right leg on the left thigh, first thing you understand for one moment put your whole body in front side, let Me finish and then… let Me finish and then you can. Put your whole body in front side and feel the weight of the body. Naturally you can feel the body is being pulled by the gravity, the gravitation force. Slowly, slowly, slowly, inch by inch if you raise and make your body straight, at one point you will feel weightless. See when your.. when your body is like this [bent forward] you will feel the weight, heaviness. Your body is being pulled by the ground. Step by step, step by step very slowly [pull the body up], then you will see the weight is becoming lesser and lesser because center of gravity line is becoming straight. At one point you will feel totally you are weightless, you are totally weightless. That is the point or that is the line, that is the point in which the center of gravity line falls in a straight line. You understand the technique, then again do it from the back side. Push the body back side, feel the weight, very slowly bring it back to the straight, just be in a straight line. At one point you will feel you are totally weightless, relaxed. You will see this side when you do and this side when you do, both will be at one point only, automatically. See, if you are a little fat person with a belly, you will see little it will be like this. And if you are a person very thin it will be like this. Actually that is what, according to your weight the center of gravity line changes, it will fall. At one point people with little big belly, even for them even in this point they will feel they are totally weightless. It’s perfectly alright don’t bother about… whether your are sitting straight or bending, that you don’t bother. Only one thing to be understood, your center of gravity line should be in one line. You need to feel the weightlessness, at which point you feel you don’t have weight, at which point you feel your body is light. That is the point, your center of gravity line falls in straight line.


Swamiji: Any doubt? Ah yes. Participant: Do the thighs go up? Swamiji: No, no, no, no thighs should not go up, it should be totally fixed. You see the hip portion should be totally fixed, it should never be moved, that is the totally fixed. Any doubt? Can we try? Participant: So we should do this to only one leg? Swamiji: Yes, yes, yes one leg on the…. now sit ma. Start, start balancing your body. Participants: Close the eyes? Swamiji: Yes, yes, close your eyes or even without closing your eyes you can balance. If you don’t close your eyes and balance I can guide you. Anybody who is not properly doing I can guide them. Do it very slowly, if you do it with so much of speed how will you understand. You need to observe.


See this is the first thing you need to learn; actually you don’t need to sit the same way in the house. But now the meditation you are going to do it in this posture. Once your body learns the language of comfort, it’s actually… it will teach your body the language of comfort, balancing itself. Once the body learns the language of comfort, whenever you sit automatically you will sit only in this posture. If you observed Me, you can, you would have observed, always wherever I sit, whenever I sit you will see that My body is very straight. Only with the instruction I have to bend Myself. But for you whenever you sit only it is bent, only by instruction you have to bring it up. So, the taste of the comfort, if it is learnt by the body you will see the total attitude changes. The body’s attitude will change and it will… it will make itself comfortable continuously wherever it goes.


Now we will do the meditation. This is the…. this is the meditation actually working on the body - Making your body layer into a energy. Actually, as on now you are a solid matter, you are just solid matter. Making you totally porous to the energy… somebody was asking Me the other day, “Swamiji how are you managing the cold? You are somehow, You are just comfortable with this same cloth and in the evening time also I come out from the house, go for a walk with the sameway.” Just I come out then Aachi will be shouting, “Oh Swamiji, you have come out without the sweater, without this, without chappal.” Somebody was asking Me, “How are you managing the cold?” You see, because you are a solid egoistic being, you resist with the nature. Actually in the skin area, when the ...where the cold touches you, where the cold air touches you, in this boundary if you don’t resist and just allow the cold air to pass through you, the cold temperature to pass through you, you will never have any problem with the nature.


I don’t know how you will believe, with this same dress only I lived in the Himalayas, ice cold. With this same dress only I walked in the Himalayas on the snows; of course no chappal, no chappal. This is the way I lived in the Himalayas, in the snows. Of course I am not telling you to go and live in the snows; at least you can be comfortable with the small, small things in your house. You will not catch cold continuously, you will not have the cough, continuously you will not be falling sick if you have this simple basic understandings; if you have this simple basic relationship with the nature you will not fall sick continuously. At least that much you can manage. So this balancing will help you and moreover becoming energy will make you porous to the nature. This is the technique to make you porous to the nature, porous to the energy. Let Me teach you the technique.


It’s like a more eh….it’s actually called the energy circle, the shakti mandala, they call it shakti mandala. Mandala word is not the… it cannot be translated as the circle, no other way, I am translating it as a, translating that word as a circle. Mandala means… do you see the three lines, if you don’t see come and have the healing . 😊 Do you see these three lines? These three lines are only called mandalas. Mandala means the layer by layer, the layer by layer, its called energy mandala, the shakti mandala. These three layers are only called as mandala, of course these are all one one mandala. This is Padma mandala, these are all the triangles, the mukkona mandalas, these are the …. but this is the mandala which we are going to practice now. Actually it is, what is this you know … Participant: Can you call it sphere, Swamiji? Swamiji: Ah okay, you can call it sphere. But a sphere is a dead; sphere, round, circle all these things are dead. Mandala means can be created only by the live energy, live beings. See, the great rishi Markandeya, He became enlightened and He imparted enlight... He gave enlightenment to His disciples. At the time of teaching when He gave the energy experience to the disciples, they all were made to sit in this angle, in this way. This is the way they are made to sit and the energy experience was given to them. That is the importance of all these things. This is the mandala which is created by the Markandeya rishi. Markandeya is the rishi for Sri Chakra. Markandeya created this mandala. So there are so many mandalas on which you sit and then the energy work, the energy process is done by the Master.


So, now we are going to sit in this mandala, this is the mandala we are going to sit and do this meditation, do this meditation, okay. So, I wanted you to sit in a circle and hold the hand, let Me teach you the hold…. how to hold the hands. See the right hand will be always giving, left hand will be always receiving, listen, please listen then you can sit. Right hand will be giving, left hand will be receiving, the right hand center finger and thumb, this should hold the left hand like this, hmm, hmm, yes, like this, yes exactly. Yes, yes the same way. Please sit; I think all, first a small circle of male then circle of female, then the circle of male.


When you have balanced your body, now let us do the next step. In your mind you have the outline of your body. The body outline, just visualize, imagine, consciously wipe the outline of your body, consciously just wipe the boundary of your body as you wipe the board with eraser. Ordinarily, how you use the eraser and wipe the board, the same way erase the boundaries of your body consciously; with full consciousness just erase the boundaries of your body. From the head to toe slowly, slowly, consciously erase the boundaries. Your form in your mind will be more like a line diagram in the board, in a black board, a chalk line; your form will be just like that. Erase your boundary, erase your form with a duster, with the eraser. Participant: Should we be holding hands? HDH: No.


Meditation happening


Just erase the form.


Consciously erase the outline of your body in your mind. Now hold the hands, start humming as deeply as possible, as loudly as possible, as totally as possible. Think yourself as a hollow vessel and start the humming, think yourself as a hollow, forget your body, forget your mind, just become a humming… as deeply as possible, as loudly as possible, put your whole effort. If you cough nothing wrong, let the cough come, let the gases be released, let you have a slight trembling, nothing wrong. Continue as deeply as possible, forget everything else, just become the humming. Just become the humming.


It is not enough, put your whole effort.


Put your whole effort, don’t wait, put your whole effort.


Put your whole effort, forget that you are a individual person, become one with the energy, just drown yourself in the ocean of energy. Forget your body and mind in the humming sound; let you disappear in humming sound.


Continue, continue with your full effort. Forget your body, forget your mind, just become energy, disappear into the humming, disappear as a individual self, let you disappear in the energy, let you just become the humming, forget the body and the mind in the humming, just become the energy.


Stop. Let your eyes be closed, breathe as deeply as possible, as slowly as possible, watch your breath going in, coming out. Don’t allow your mind to think. Just witness all your thoughts, don’t suppress, don’t condemn, just see whatever happens inside your body and outside your body; whatever happens let it happen. See throughout your body, witness whatever happens.


[Swamijis Clap sounds].





Your Desires Can Be Fulfilled || Day 1




Each one got has their own desire. Of course, it may be Enlightenment or the energy, or the experience to have the same experience again. See you had some glimpse, some change, transformation in your life to have little more transformation or some desire. Desire that is what makes you work. That is what makes you do things.


We are going to work on that subject - Desire. That is what makes this mental body alive. Of course, we have a very wrong concept about desire. The very word, the very word desire, you condemn. Because you are taught from the very young age that you should control your desires. You should suppress your desires. Can you be alive without desires? Hmm? You can't even breathe without desire. You know the very breathing happens only with desire. You can't even breathe without desire. Only thing, there are two things: The unconscious desire and conscious desire. The unconscious desire means: never it gets fulfilled and it always just erupts in your mind; neither you know the way to fulfill it, nor it guides you to fulfill itself. It is there but cannot guide you to fulfill that desire. It never gets fulfilled.


But the conscious desires, it just helps you to fulfill itself. By fulfilling that desire, you feel the fulfilment. Conscious desire means: the desire, by its own power, it shows you the way to fulfill it. It gives you the clear map to reach it. When you reach that desire, the desire also gets fulfilled and you also get fulfilled. Unconscious desire: you do not even know the way in which you need...you have to proceed towards that desire. And not only that, because that is not getting fulfilled, it never allows you to feel the fulfilment. These are the two layers of desires. If your desires are brought from unconscious to consciousness, from unconscious to consciousness, when they are brought, they are just flooded with energy. So, two things happen, they get fulfilled. They show themself, they show the way to fulfil. You fulfil it or they just disappear. If they can't be fulfilled, they just disappear. They are not hanging in your mind like a hangover. They don't just stay in your mind and disturb your life. All of you understand. Because it is a very simple concept. Of course, any other question on this concept then I will answer.


Participant: Swamy, What is unconscious desire? HDH: The quality of the unconscious desire is, you yourself not aware that you want it. See conscious desire means what you want to have in your life. Unconscious desire means, just because somebody else is having you wanted to have that. You will see he is having. And immediately you think, “Oh, let me have that also. Let me have that. It will be so nice.” Then it is just unconscious. You do not know the way to reach it. It never gets fulfilled. But it is there just as a hangover. That is the thing which is called unconscious desire. Desires which comes by seeing other’s life not as your own, not as your own desire. Participant: Swamiji, can you expand on sealing of desires? Hmm? Sealing on desire… You said we suppress our desires. But we can have a sealing on the desires.


Answer: One thing, even the sealing is suppression. Even the sealing is a suppression. So, these desires, they should never, no desire should be suppressed. You should bring the desire, to the light of consciousness. So, the light of consciousness, either it will fulfil it or dissolve it. Whenever you are aware, conscious, you never get foolish desires. Do you get the desire to fly? You never, you never, you know either you can fly by aircrafts or some through some flight or the way or you have to forget that desire. So, whenever it is brought to the consciousness, whenever it comes to the conscious level, you will see just they disappear. Now you will bring the desires to the conscious level. Of course, this technique I am explaining to you logically. Next session onwards, you will be given only technique and you will see the result; no logical explanation. Because whenever you get the logical explanation, your mind starts working before the technique works. In Tamil, there is a proverb, Tamil :6:30 அதிஷ்டம் இரயில வரதுக்கு முன்னாடி தருதல தந்தியில வந்திருக்கு… (“Athishtam raila varatharkku munna tharithiram thanthiyila vanthirukku ennu.”) 😊😊 The fortune is coming by train, but the misfortune… unfortunate is coming already by the telegram. Mind is actually, logic is unfortunate. Before the fortune of energy reaches you by train, the unfortune of the mind, reaches you by the telegram. So, I don’t want you to reach there. I don’t want any mind to reach before the energy reaches you. So, next session onwards, you will be directly given the technique. You will continue to practice. Then you will see the result. I don’t want you to have a prejudice or the pre understanding about the technique, about the layers. Then you will start having your own concepts.


Now let us do a small, very simple thing. You will just sit and write your major desires of your life in your notebook. Sure, nobody else is going to read. 😊😊 Only you are going to have, only you are going to read, only you are going to possess it. Nobody else is going to see, nobody else is going to touch. But two things, mind always says, “Oh, I know all my desires, why should I write?” That is one thing. “I know in a vague way, but I do not know how to write, how to verbalize.” These are the two things. These two things, only keep your desire in the unconscious level. Please be very clear, not verbalizing, or not having enough of power, capacity, not having enough of light to throw on the desire. This two only keeps the desire in the unconscious level. So, now you sit and you will have next half an hour. I wanted minimum half an hour because you have enough of things to start... write till half an hour. 😃 Can anybody say, I have no stuff to write for half an hour? You have enough of stuff. Start from your desires, to have the wealth. This… write the ultimate desire. What is the maximum level you have? Write one by one, clearly, point by point.


Understand, suddenly God appears in front of you and asks, “Tell Me all your desires, I want to fulfil all your wishes.” 😊 Don’t think it is a joke, he may appear also. Who knows? So none of you are ready to believe? So you are all very sure, ah. You see, if He appears and asks you, “Give your applications, let Me fulfil all the desires.” If you give this application, this notebook, he must be able to fulfil it, and once he, if fulfils it, you must be feeling, you must feel totally satisfied. So write in that way. Suddenly God may… think very clearly, He may appear in front of you and ask… if you give this notebook, after that you should not feel “Oh… I have not wrote that…😊 I have missed that, I should have added at least one, oh, ahm…” No, not only the Benz. See, Benz you will write, the attachment to the Benz. “I wrote Benz, but I forgot that I should have added that sunglass or the sun screen, the sun screen and the moon screen. That attachment I have not added.” You should not think all these things afterwards. Once you have given, given, over. Only one chance. Write in a detailed way with all minute details. Start with your wealth. You have four layers, just like the fear. If you have done ASP you know the four layers of fear.


Participant: This notebook is not enough. 😊 HDH: You will be supplied new note books, don’t worry. If you can write, you will be supplied lot of notebooks. You will have enough of notebooks. So, we will start. Don’t bother what is going to happen by writing. Write sincerely. Four layers of desire…..just like a layers of fears. Anybody remembers the layers of fear. Let us…ah. Participant: First one was the fear of losing property, wealth, fame. Second one was the fear of losing body parts through some accidents Swamiji: Ah wait, now let us ask somebody else also third layer, fourth layer. Participant: Family members, fear of losing family members and then finally life. Swamiji: Okay, okay ….Oh, there are many 😊 ...nice.


The same way, you have four layers of desires also. The desire belongs to - ‘I’, desire belongs to - ‘Mine’. Desire belongs to Mine means the layer of wealth. Layer of wealth, money, or the... all the comforts. Desire belongs to Mine. Next thing, the desire to have the respect, name and fame, or the social status, psychological. In the I and Mine. See in the Mine itself, physical, psychological. In the ‘I’, physical, psychological. Two category ‘I’ and ‘Mine’. In the Mine physical is comforts, psychological is name and fame. The.. being a celebrity wherever you go, you just want to be a celebrity. You just want to push somehow your head front. These two layers. And then inside, in the I, the physical pleasure, sex or the food or the sound, music or the smell, the five senses. The physical pleasure, in the level of, in the I’s physical senses. In the ‘I’ psychological, a strange thing, you will be, what to say, surprised to understand, all your spiritual desire belongs to the psychological ‘I’. Please be aware many of you have told Me. I have come here to have a spiritual bliss. I have come here to have this, have that. All these things are also desires, all these things are also desires.


So, you will write four layers of desire. You can at least note down the four layers. Then you can… So, that.. according to that, you can title it and start writing. Desire for wealth and status. Desire for name and fame - being a celebrity. Second. Third layer - desire of sex, the sexual fantasies. Fourth layer - the desire of spirituality. In the ‘I’ level, psychological. Of course, you need, you need this, write this four words, that is enough. You understand. Wealth, name and fame, sexual fantasies and then spiritual desires. So, under this four title almost all your major desires come. And then give the fifth category. Miscellaneous. 😊 Because you are such, you will create anything. I cannot count. 😊 What all the weird things you create, only you know. Now you take your own time, to write at least… at least half an hour, you will be given. Clearly verbalise, you see, God must be able to read. Your handwriting may be bad, that is not a problem.


Once, the… a man made a advertisement for his manager. You must be able to write French. Once you know to write French means, naturally you know to read to speak. That is what he thought and gave an advertisement. You must be able to write French. One man, our Moork, applied for it, applied for it. When the, when the Moork appeared for the interview, the man asked, “Oh, you know how to read, write, speak French?” The Moork said, “No, no, no…You said I must be able to know how to write.” The man asked, “What? You say, you must be able to...you know how to write, but you can’t read? How can it be possible? You know how to write but you can’t read.” The Moork said, “Yes I can only write, I can’t read.” It is strange. Finally, the man said, “Alright, at least let me give you the test, you write.” He started writing. Then the… what he wrote, this man could not understand. He called the Moork, “What is this? What you have written? Write, read it out…Then immediately Moork said, “You see already I told you, I can’t read.” 😊😊…”I can’t read.” So, don’t make like that writings. Write such a way that God can read without your help.


Verbalize it very clearly. Verbalize it very clearly. See, if you are stuck, if you feel that you can’t verbalize, be very clear, your desires are playing fool of you. The desires, which you are not able to verbalize, they are only called unconscious desires. When you verbalize itself, so many desires you will feel, you yourself will feel shy. What all foolish things, I am writing. But don’t bother about it. Don’t bother about it. Verbalize, you will see automatically the process will happen. You don’t bother about what will happen. You just follow the technique. You just follow the method. So, start writing it; write all maximum things you want. Don’t write minimum and once God takes away, you cannot give any supplement. So no supplements will be accepted. So write to the maximum whatever you want to have; and whatever wealth you want to have, whatever name and fame status you want to have, whatever sexual fantasies you have, whatever way you want to fulfil it and whatever spiritual desires you have, whatever way you want to fulfil it - Write everything one by one.


Participant: It is only for us so…what if we want something for our husbands or for our children should we write also? Swamiji: No, no, no, you see one thing. Even that is also your selfish thing only. Because he is your husband, you want for him. You see, if Suresh is not your husband, some other Ramesh is your husband, then you want for Ramesh. You understand. It is not for Suresh, your husband. Your husband, so naturally it comes under your category only. So, write in your desire. It is your desire. Ahm…Am I right? It is for your husband, not for Suresh. Poor guy, he was caught, so…😊 you say it is for him, otherwise it is for somebody else. So write.


Only unconscious desires are wrong. Unconscious desire means, the desire which you yourself, don’t know, but which is in you is wrong. But whatever desires, you know is not wrong. Because when you know, naturally, either you will work for fulfilling it or you will drop it. It will leave you. It will disappear. In these two one thing, naturally one thing will happen. So, if you feel some desires are there just hanging around, either you are not able to fulfil, nor you are able to drop, it means, be very clear, you yourself are not sure about that desire. You are not clear about that desire. That has not been brought to your consciousness.


Now we will have one more meditation technique. First, we will… the mental layer has got a… sub layer I can say - pranic body, the prana shareera. So we will work on that prana shareera. Then we are going to work on the desire. Of course, this is something to do with your imagination. The meditation technique is deeply related to your imagination - To bring your imagination capacity to the peak, to bring your imagination capacity to the maximum, to bring your imagination capacity to its ultimate level. Then you will understand, imagination and the desire, how powerful, how energetic they are. They are just a driving force, life energy. Then this mental layer which was a wound in your being will become a energy to support you. See if a building is standing in four leg, four pillar, suddenly one pillar is broken, some disturbance has happened. It is not only that pillar is not supporting that building, that pillar becomes a weight on that building. So whenever you get disconnected to one body, whenever you condemn one body, whenever you don’t use one body, not only that becomes a …you are not using that body, that becomes a weight on you. That becomes a weight on you. If that pillar is again substituted or replaced by another one pillar. Not only the weight will be, it will not be a weight, it will be support. So, let us work on the mental body, as deeply as possible. So that it can become energy. It can support to...


Hold the breath…just fill your lungs. And then hold the breath as long as possible. And then exhale through the mouth and keep your lungs empty as long as possible. Understand. Inhale through the nose as deeply as possible, slowly, as slowly as possible, and hold, keep your lungs filled as long as possible, then later on exhale through your mouth as slowly as possible, and keep your lungs empty as long as possible. This is the one cycle. So, start doing. Slowly, but deeply inhale, very deeply inhale. Fill your lungs, fill little more… just little more… little more. Hold on to it as long as possible, one more second, just postpone… one more second… one more second. When you feel you can’t, you have to breathe out, breathe out through the mouth. Exhale as deeply as possible, as slowly. Participant: Do we have to open the mouth and exhale? HDH: Yes…. Music


Continue this cycle, but very slowly. Inhale as deeply as possible through nose. Hold…Inhale deeply through the nose, filling the lungs. Hold the breath for as long as possible. Then exhale gently through the mouth, keeping the lungs empty for as long as possible. Repeat this cycle. Music


Inhale with full effort. Don’t have shallow breathing. Inhale as deeply as possible and hold for as long as possible. Exhale only through mouth, gently and keep your lungs empty as long as possible. Music


Unless you put your whole effort, the pranic body will not open. So put your whole effort, breathe through… with whole body. When you breathe in, the whole body should move. When you breathe out, the whole body should move, very gently, very deeply. Hold as long as possible. Breathe very slowly, but deeply, hold as far as possible. Exhale very slowly, and again hold without taking the breath as far as possible.


Stop the breathing and relax. Let your eyes be closed. Relax, come to your normal breathing. Now slowly, very slowly, visualize all your dreams. All your desires, feel all your desires have fulfilled. Feel all your desires have come true. How you will be living? Imagine, as deeply as possible. Visualize consciously, the life after fulfillment of all the desires; once you get all the wealth which you wanted, which you have wrote in your book how you will be living. Never condemn the desires. Never condemn the fulfillment. Just feel you have fulfilled. Live that ecstacy. Live that joy. When you have fulfilled all your desires, how you will feel? How joyful you will be? How your life is going to be? Fulfill all your desires of wealth, visualize very clearly. Somehow by the divine grace it has happened.


Visualize very clearly, once your wealth is achieved how your life will be. Once the name and fame and the status is achieved how your life will be? Once your sexual fantasies have become true, once your sexual desires are getting fulfilled, how you will feel? Once your spiritual desires are blessed how you will be? Visualize all the desires, feel that everything has become true. Imagine, visualize when it becomes reality, how you will be living? Consciously, totally, put your effort and visualize in a detailed way. Don’t avoid. Don’t push again the desires to unconsciousness. Bring them up to consciousness and live. Live totally with all juice and life. Once you start visualizing your desires, you will see automatically your energy gets concentrated on the third eye, on the brow chakra. Allow that to happen. Encourage your mind to get concentrated on the visual, on the third eye. Music


When you live your desires, you bring life to it. Live it totally, you bring energy to it. Music


Visualize and experience all your desires about status. All your desires of spirituality, all your desires of sex and pleasures, all your desires of food, all your desires of music, all your desires of wealth. Music


Consciously visualize how you will be living, how you will be moving around luxuriously when all your desires are fulfilled, how much you will be joyful, how you will be ecstatic. Music


Let your eyes be closed. But stand up. Let your eyes be closed and stand up. At least give one feet gap between your both feet. Let your legs be widespread. Music


Stop all the movements of thoughts. Whatever thoughts come up, just see them as a witness. Your thoughts, your breath, your mind, your body. Just leave your body at least for one feet and witness your whole body as a witness. Look at your whole body from little distance. Don’t associate yourself with your body or the mind. Just witness. Witness the thought that you are witnessing. Witness everything. Let your hands be loose, relaxed. Witness. Music


Watch your body from distance. Watch your mind from distance. Think yourself as a person sitting on the hillock and look from the hill. From the hill if you watch the world how it will look. Just like that, look at your body, look at your mind. Witness it. Music


Relax. Slowly you can open your eyes and sit. Latigan, Latigan means, when your mental body becomes empty, when your pranic body opens, your Being becomes porous to the alive energy. You see…it is just because your ener… your desire for Amruta, you are not able to enjoy the tea cup, cup of tea, which you are having. Just because your desire for eye-ash, makes your wife, shows that your wife is very ugly. So when those things becomes, when the desires are disappear, or when the desire becomes energy, you can’t even say that desire disappears, when the desire becomes energy you become porous. So, whatever is available, you become porous to that - the surrounding, nature, the energy. So, something happens to you - that is what is called Latigan. It is the poly term, to become more alive and more sensitive and more ecstatic. Participant: I thought I wanted. Now I don’t feel that it is that they are so important anymore.


HDH: The unconscious desires disappear. You see, you feel many of your wants are not… just because the other is having, the other one is having. When you bring the whole, those things to consciousness, they will all just melt and disappear and the energy which is invested on those desires, unconscious desires, will become a support to fulfil your conscious desires. You understand? Those energies will become a support to fulfil your conscious desires. Not only the unconscious desires disappear, they become a positive support for your conscious desires. It is like a from other army one person has escaped and come and joined in your army. Not only they lose one person, you gain one person. Hmm--Then.. Participant: After the praying Swami I felt it was hard to keep track of the time. I could not keep track on the time. It was like... I have no idea what was time…have no idea what was happening. HDH: To...to...to break that idea of time only the whole meditation. That’s right.


Participant: I always thought I had no desires, I mean, I always thought I was a simple person. But when I started writing I knew that I am having so many desires. Participant: Actually it was very easy for me to write all my desires before you came into our life; I used to say my prayers in my puja room, and I used to ask for all those desires. It was really easy. After you came into our life, after the mediation and I have not been asking for any of those desires. HDH: That’s nice. You will see that they will be getting fulfilled. Whenever you don’t ask, the energy is flooded into it. Hmm… Participant: So, every time you are supposed to observe yourself, and like the any thought…. HDH: No, no, no, no. This is the, only this is the time. Participant: Okay so when we were doing that..I thought that I saw my image also in different ways, like high school days or younger days. And is that?


HDH: That is perfectly alright. Actually, seven years, seven years, seven years like that only the files will be kept in our mind Chitta. Chitta means the memories stored - hard disc. Seven years, seven years, seven years. Like that only the files will be stored. You will see one form, from every seven year. Seven to…hmm 0 to 7, 7 to 14, 14 to 21, 21 to 28. Only that way, the files will be stored. You will see the peak or the…in that 0 to 7, which was the moment you were in your peak. Maybe some of your birthday celebration, everybody was pampering you. You were enjoying. In.. from 7 to 14, maybe the day you went to the school, or the day you won in the sports - the memorable moment, most memorable moment. Between 14 to 21, the most memorable moment. Some of your experience, some of your ecstatic experience, joyful experience or even the guilt, even the deepest guilt, or even the deepest worry. Any one slide will come up, whenever you witness. It is perfectly alright. Hmm.



Below are some pictures taken during the Nithyananda Spurana Program (NSP) conducted on 14th and 15th February 2004 for the first time in Fremont, , USA.

14Th 15Th First Nsp Freemont Sanjose - 010_watermark.jpg 14Th 15Th First Nsp Freemont Sanjose - 011_watermark.jpg

14Th 15Th First Nsp Freemont Sanjose - Before Energy Darshan_watermark.jpg

14Th 15Th First Nsp Freemont Sanjose - Swamij & Mr. Palaniappan Energy Darshan 2.15.04_watermark.jpg 14Th 15Th First Nsp Freemont Sanjose - Lotus Feet 2.15.04_watermark.jpg 14Th 15Th First Nsp Freemont Sanjose - PADMA PAADANGAL 2.15.04_watermark.jpg

14Th 15Th First Nsp Freemont Sanjose - Swamijis Beautiful Paadangal 2.15.04_watermark.jpg 14Th 15Th First Nsp Freemont Sanjose - Swamiji's Lotus Feet 2.15.04_watermark.jpg 14Th 15Th First Nsp Freemont Sanjose - Swamiji's PADMA PAADANGAL 2.15.04_watermark.jpg 14Th 15Th First Nsp Freemont Sanjose - Swamiji's Lotus feet 2_watermark.jpg 14Th 15Th First Nsp Freemont Sanjose - Swamiji's lotus feet_watermark.jpg 14Th 15Th First Nsp Freemont Sanjose - Swamiji's Aboorva Paadangal 2.15.04_watermark.jpg

Link to Audio

Description: On Feb 14 2004 – Satsang Delivered by HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, on Guilt || The Greatest Enemy

Description: On Feb 14 2004 – Never Carry The Guilt Q&A Delivered by HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam

Description: Simple Meditation To Balance Your Body And Go Beyond Body Consciousness by HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, 14/Feb/2004

Description: First Nithyananda Spurana Program NSP Introduction by HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, 14/Feb/2004