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Nithyananda Speaks - Give legitimacy to Hinduism || Part 1 || Inner Awakening || 18 February 2016
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See actually, these anti-Hindu forces, they are not able to tolerate what I am doing because whatever I am doing, I am bringing spiritual legitimacy to Hinduism. Understand, it is too much for the anti-Hindu forces to tolerate. So the moment I do something like a third eye and reveal it to the world, they will cook up something, so that the attention is not falling on this. So last one and half months, this adults doing third eye demo is happening everywhere. In Bangalore some four-five devotees and Nithya Devi, so many. Adults doing which is never done any time earlier especially in this so many number and not only that, I think she is training some forty five people who have done Nithyanandoham and they are all going around and doing in farmers’ market and putting it in the website and all that but this spiritually they are not able to tolerate because they are not able to handle Me spiritually. You understand?
It is not that… so only in this one thing they are not able to handle Hindus especially people, few people like Me. They are not able to handle. So somehow they want to eliminate. I think two and half years before, they even once poisoned Me. There was suddenly high lead content in My body and the moment I came to know, the moment I found, all I did is just two days pranayama, vomited and the whole thing vomited and I had a diarrhea. After maybe three days, I checked again, lead is not there in the body. They tried to poison with a heavy metal which is a slow poison which kills the person by six months. So you will not know when the person has been poisoned! How? nobody knows! So that got cleared. And, the only way is then, go on creating some false news and attack. Understand?
Some false news they created saying that I spoke against something, somebody I don’t even know and which I never do also, and we have given a clarification but they don’t care about our clarification. I recorded the video and sent the clarification and all that. They don’t care about the clarification. They just want to dududududud. It is basically what I am doing. That’s what sometimes I wonder, arey! I am one of the swami. In the India, so many millions of swamis are there  and it is not that I am only speaking on the Upanishad, I am only talking about Hinduism, everybody talks. Why only they target Me? Medha, why do you think…
Medha: There is lot of difference between those swamis and You.
Participant: I think they were targeting You, not Hinduism because they see a power that is growing and whatever interest they have may diminish there.
Swamiji: No, no, no, no, no. I am telling you. There is no need to be anti-Me because I am not against anybody. It is only anti-Hindu forces are anti-Me, because whatever I am doing brings spiritual legitimacy to Hinduism. See, as a individual I am nobody. I don’t have a single penny, you know that? I am a empty handed person. There is no property in My name, there is no money in My name. I am not...as an individual, I am nobody but what I am doing brings spiritual legitimacy to Hinduism. That is where they can’t tolerate. As a individual, I am nobody. They feel I am a big future for Hinduism, hope for Hinduism.
Participant: But why are they anti-Hindu?
Swamiji: Because..
Medha: See, Swamiji explained four components Amma. Four components one political and other three things are there. Social…
Swamiji: See, Political, social, religious.
Medha: Religious. All three components are almost like broken. Spiritual component is almost they cannot break and Enlightened Masters are keeping it. The moment Swamiji brings spiritual legitimacy to Hinduism, all three will be united, all four will come back, all four will come back. Then everybody, all the Hindus, those who are not sure about Hindu religion...no, third eye reading and next one is Swamiji said He is going to reveal all the four hundred powers, Ma. Imagine, all the Hindus think, ‘O my God! My religion has all these things!’ All the four components will come together. That is what they are afraid of.
Swamiji: Not only I said I will release, I am already working seriously on it and they know whatever I have said, I have fulfill it. I am not a just talk something and...whatever I said, I go on doing it. See, I may take some three months extra or six months extra and all that but I am doing, I always deliver it.
Participant: Swamiji, you are upstaging all those Akhadas and all those spiritual leaders and they are not liking it.
Swamiji: No, no, no, no, no. See, what I am saying, please understand. The Akhada, spiritual leaders upstaged, they are not our enemies. Our enemy is whom I am not upstaging.
Participant: Are You quite sure about that?
Swamiji: I am sure about it.
Participant: There is a mafia that always controls the Indian society.
Swamiji: I am very sure about whom I am upstaging... Medha, what you said? You complete what you were saying.
Medha: The unifying factor is not there in the Hindu religion. As Swamiji explained, three major components are broken. There is only one aspect, that is the spiritual aspect which is not broken and if Swamiji revives all these things, like third eye and other four hundred powers, first of all the Hindus will think...see until now Hindus, they themselves are not believing Hindu religion.
Swamiji: They themselves are not confident about our tradition. You see, we brought the rain meter Ma and fixed in our temple, checked whenever our Gurukul kids make the sankalpa, ‘Let it rain’ and do the homa, and we trained them, 96% success rate! It will not rain here, it will rain only in the temple, drizzle for purnahuti and stop. 96% success rate! You understand? So like this, everything I am making it very scientifically. So now, Gurukul kids themselves are convinced, ‘If you do the homa with the integrity and the sankalpa, it will shower.’ See, Hindus themselves believing in Hinduism, understand. So that is what I am… My work is doing: bringing spiritual legitimacy.
Medha: The moment spiritual legitimacy comes, Hindus will become Hindus, Swamiji. Yes, Hindus will become Hindus. That is the main threat Ma that they are seeing in Swamiji. If Hindus become Hindus, means believing and having confidence that I am a Hindu. Now we look, people don’t have that confidence. They cannot say that Hindu religion can offer all these great things. So this is what the main thing, Swamiji bringing spiritual legitimacy to Hinduism.
Swamiji: So you see, the way I am bringing spiritual legitimacy Ma, it is like a unquestionable. I am not doing something inside like a magic, magic and all. I am making it open for people. Science. Reproducible, understand. Now the kid who did this here, he went to Singapore and did. There was rain.
Participant: Ya, Balasant from Gurukul came to Singapore. We organised homa with him which is Dhana Akarshana Homa. He did it with so integrity, during the homa, I had some patient. So I go out and see another hospital. While I was driving back, only in that area, there was heavy rain. Only after half an hour, it rained somewhere else but for half an hour, it was rationing heavily in the Centre.
Swamiji: See, it is not just one rain. Like this, every day in and day out, one by one, one by one, all these powers are becoming science.
Participant: These anti-Hindu forces, they must be subsidised by somebody or something.
Swamiji: What do you mean there must be somebody. There are tons of people openly subsidising in the internet.
Participant: Exactly.
Swamiji: Go and watch. You see, 87% of Indian media is owned by…
Participant: Financially NGOs are supporting.
Participant: Yes, quite right but they have a lot of money supporting them and they are trying to make it that all these powers are demonic, it’s not real because they don’t believe that the divinity is within us. And we have to get our own people…
Swamiji: Which I am doing. See, they know if I am allowed to exist, in ten years, I will become too big, too big, unhandleable. Understand... I think they feel threatened by...I am not doing anything. I am not...I am just sitting and initiating people and giving them spiritual understanding, kundalini awakening. I am doing only good, bringing health, healing BP, healing sugar. I am only doing some good work. And bringling little joy to people and smile.
Participant: That brings jealousy also Swamiji.
Swamiji: Arey, I am not wealthy like them or I am not having millions of people sitting around Me like them. I have only few hundred people and I am just sitting and teaching them.
Participant: But Swamiji, even the West is taking some of the Eastern thought and promoting it. And without You really knowing it, they are supporting Your efforts. All these new-age Gurus are actually stealing Eastern thought and re-packaging it.
Swamiji: All that is okay but what I am saying, then who is attacking us? Very concerted effort, very funny! No, if we release something positive and we are creating a buzz, immediately dudud. See actually, they want to steal our next generation from us. The only way to steal our next generation from us is to make us orphan, illegitimate. Illegitimate, that is the main thing, illegitimate. But they know I am the hope for next generation. I will bring legitimacy to whole Hinduism and for next generation which is really, really shaking them or sending jittery into their nerves. And I am sitting here happily in small hall and few hundred people and talking something, laughing and just healing people, nothing more than that.
Participant: But Swamiji, You are protected enough? I mean I, the very fact that…
Swamiji: Protected by Kalabhairava only.
Participant: Yeah but you see, for the very fact that lead found its way into Your system, I know You got…
Swamiji: Now, My mother is only cooking for Me. We have all that kind of...we have like a minimal kind of a protection. Protection, protection, how will you do because I have to meet public and I have to be with the public and that is My life. I cannot be just sitting inside all the time and I am not that type of person. I always lived in streets, begged and ate and slept in the streets and I am that kind of a person... Heavy, heavy lead, heavy quantity which can never happen by food. It has to be from external sources but I removed it, removed it and...I don’t know how it got into the system. I don’t know because when I go to devotees’ houses in the Padapuja time, they pressurise Me to eat or drink something, na? So it is a sentiment, you see. In our Hindu system, it is sentiment. If I come to your house and don’t eat, you feel bad that you have done something wrong or you are not the devotee. I am not accepting your love, that sentiment comes, na? So I have to eat wherever I go.
So I did a trip to Tamil Nadu visiting some 250 houses in fifteen days. So when I go out at least twenty house a day I visit. So in every house, whatever I have to take at least a spoon. So no, getting into My body is very easy. Even if you come and stand in the Sarvadarshan and tell, ‘Swamiji, Swamiji, please eat, eat, eat.’ Only now I am saying, ‘No, no. I will eat later on. Is it organic, all that. Those days and all, ‘Alright, come on, go. You are happy, na?’ One hug! And...you understand, getting it into My body is not that difficult because I am a public man, I am a public man. Only now, we are thinking so much about security and all. Earlier we never thought about all this, Yea!
Nithyananda Speaks-Give legitimacy to Hinduism || Part 2 || Inner Awakening || 18 February 2016
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Just Sit & Sway with Shiva, Shiva, Shiva... || Inner Awakening || 18 February 2016
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Yes, now I will start the bio-memory session. Before that, I have not yet completed the muscle memory. So, get that whatever you have written on muscle memory. Yesterday we had only the initial level, first level process.
Please listen. Whatever you wrote, read once more and sit now. Close your eyes... Take few minutes and relive whatever you wrote as reality means if you visualised you want to live without food and water, see clearly you are living without food and water, understand? So close your eyes and relive every point you wrote and relieve. Again and again relive means now actually you are not completing, you are creating a space. Each and everything what you wrote take few minutes leisurely one by one, one by one, intensely visualise so that I can empower this visualisation, I can make this visualisation into reality.
(02:13) to (19:35)
Relax. You can open your eyes. Drink lot of water.
Become One with the Divine Will || Part 1|| Inner Awakening || 18 February 2016
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Become One with the Divine Will || Part 2 || Inner Awakening || 18 February 2016
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If you have any question, anything to ask you can ask. Then I will move to the next process. Pick up the mike and ask for My attention.
Participant: Hi Swamiji, I would like to know more about dream state, deep sleep, why we are unconscious, lucid dreaming....
Swamiji: You, you actually project which is not there in the waking state too much. For example, this wood, actually it is wood. Many people can't even touch it. Especially they can't put their hand here. Am I right? It is wood. It is wood. Many people cannot put their hand here. It’s not going to become suddenly buk and turn into snake and bite your finger. How many of you agree with what I am saying? You project too much of.... You do too much work and project on reality. So naturally that component of you needs rest. So that component falling into the space of rest is only sleep. Between, till you reach that sleep state, you continue to do your job. That is dream.
You are overactive. Even in the iPad or iPad if it is a touch screen, if there is a snake video going on, you will not put your finger and touch. How many of you have that?.... No, raise your hand. Let Me see. You project so much. See how casually I touched! It will take at least, even if some people try to touch to show their boldness, it takes 2-3 minutes. Am I right? Not for you? Ah, okay. Only this one? Because you know it is Mine, so.(laughs) Anyhow, you project..... I am just using this example to make you understand in how many places you project. So much of this ‘my world’ work goes on. So you need rest. That is why you fall asleep. That rest is sleep and to moving to that place of rest, between, you do something. That is dreaming.
In the daytime, if the ‘my world’ load is reduced, dream load will be reduced. Quickly you will rest, fall asleep into the restful awareness, quickly you will come out. You may not need such long hours of lying on the bed. Most of us are lying on the bed so many hours but the number of hours we exactly slept is very less. Actually the number of hours you slept will be less than one hour but in the couch you are lying down for last ten hours. Everyday at least ten hours you are lying down on your couch or bed but actual time slept is less than one hour. How many of you understand what I am….. Understand, that nine hours is what you do in the waking state, you do the same thing lying down. When this is reduced, that will be reduced.
Next? Get the mike and then ask for My attention.
Participant: Swamiji, as soon as this process started, I felt immediately tiredness both the sessions.
Swamiji: Tiredness must be your one of the biggest blockage in the muscle memory. So that will be just pulled out like a wound being opened for the pus to come out. Like that it will be. The scratching will happen.
Yes? Get the mike and speak.
Participant: When this tiredness comes, should we like to sleep or…
Swamiji: When this tiredness  comes?
Q: Yeah, yeah.
Swamiji: I think that is not the time you cooperate with your sleep. That is the time you should have more tea, coffee and just keep yourself awake. If any of you have that feeling, please go and have a cup of tea and come back or I will get cup of coffee. Hey, why don't you get coffee for them, Medha? Tell them to get coffee. Have tea or coffee but don't sleep because if you cooperate, that pattern will become strong. Now I don't think you should cooperate with that pattern.
Participant: Swamiji, Annaalaya side.
Swamiji: Annalaya side? Okay. Go ahead
Participant: So I had like lower back pain in the morning. Then after the first process, my lower back pain went away and then I had like upper back pain. Now I don't have upper back pain. So what is....
Swamiji: I think it is Kundalini. It is not pain. If it is moving, it is Kundalini. Because some of the things need to be cleaned up, the Kundalini feels like a pain. Understand? Now it will become alright.
Participant: Thank you.
Participant: Does your atmalinga heal yourself automatically or....
Swamiji: No, no, no, no, no, Whenever you need healing, you have to put it on that part and ask for healing. Only then it will do it.
Participant: Swamiji?
Swamiji: Which side?
Participant: Galleria side.
Swamiji: Yes, go ahead.
Participant: Talking something, I would like to understand better. So, from first time I was in touch with You, we have been learning about how to manifest our reality and then I was reading the book ‘Surrender’ which I really enjoyed and You were talking about making your will in tune with the divine will and I am trying to reconcile those two…
Swamiji: And that and this is one and the same.
Participant: Sorry?
Swamiji: That and this is one and the same. See, now even for surrender, you need certain maturity. That work also I Myself doing.
Participant: Sorry?
Swamiji: I Myself doing making you matured even to surrender.
Participant: Does that my will become the same as…
Swamiji: Yes.
Participant: Okay. Thank You.
Swamiji: Go ahead.
Participant: Swamiji, she says that in the morning process she felt the pain in the throat and her back was hurting a lot
Swamiji: It is actually the Kundalini only. I will remove the pain.
Who? Go ahead. Go ahead.
Participant: I just had a pretty intense experience in my mother's womb and I had the sense of just sadness of actually being in my mother’s womb. Maybe I was unwanted and unplanned. Maybe she had depression during her pregnancy, I don’t know. Maybe some of those emotions are in me still. So how do I break through from there?
Swamiji: I will pull them out in this process, don't worry.
Participant: And then my other question was a lot of my childhood was of emotional pain. Would I, I guess that is planned to some degree coming into this lifetime or just why would I have chosen that as a childhood?
Swamiji: There is no answer for this ‘why.’ Let us solve it.
Participant: Okay.
Swamiji: Alright, you guys have still question or shall I move to the next?
Participant: Swamiji, I have one question. Whatever intentions we wrote down for the muscle memory possibilities, will it happen gradually or…
Swamiji: No, no, no. Actually I am awakening your bio-energy so much, now I am making the channel on your muscles. Then now I am going to make the channel on your bio-memory. Then again and again I will be awakening the bio-energy last 3-4 days. When that happens, it will not be step by step. It will be sudden. So many things which you wrote, it will all be sudden. Suddenly you will realise if you ask, see the Nityanandoham participants’ experiences, they say, “I never thought I can even bend and touch my knees. Now I am just simply standing upside down.” It will all be sudden only. Now as on now, I am just making the roots, that subtle grooves in your system through which the bio-energy can enter into the whole system.
So every second I am making you sit here, I am only forming those grooves. It is called awakening Dhee, intelligence in Sanskrit, awakening the work. So, once the work is done, it will always be sudden, never gradual. See, this process I am doing only is gradual. The result is always sudden. Understand? But the process I am doing is gradual. So today more, today again little more, today again little more. Again I will be asking you to write on your bio-memory, the cognition shift, cognitive shift which you wanted, about that I will ask you to do, like that.
Participant: Swamiji, I hate to ask this question but let me ask You. Will there be exceptions?
Swamiji: Don't worry. You are not exception. That is why you are sitting next to Me. I am holding your hand and taking you along with Me. Clear?
Participant: I would like to ask about third eye again. You see, I am so fascinating about that thing and I would like so much to have the experience of how it is to be able to read full paragraphs of texts. I changed my attitude. I am really looking forward to each and every session.
Swamiji: Okay, don't worry. You are putting your effort. That is enough. I will do the rest. I will make you read. I am not giving you false promise. I give you the real promise with integrity. I will make it happen.
Participant: I am not worried about your false promises. I am just thinking about what I do wrong.
Swamiji: See, there are some things. Now, I can explain what you do wrong but that will put you so much doubt, it will delay My process on you. Just relax. I will do it. I will really do it. See, now if I explain, you will fall into such space, again raising you out and making you do the third eye is My responsibility only. My work becomes more difficult. Relax, but I will really make you do, because you see it is not, it is not about giving you any false hope. Making you express these powers is My mission. It is about My fulfillment more than your fulfillment. I will do it.
Participant: Swamiji, even I have the same thing like apart from letters or few words, I am not able to read anything and not able to focus completely into them.
Swamiji: It all started in few days na? I will make it happen.
How casually people say, “Just apart from letters and words I am not able to read paragraphs.” Do you know the number of years people have to do Tapas, even this much of Kundalini becoming alive and active and functioning? We will do it. We will do it. Anyhow after all your success is My success. I will do it.
Participant: Swamiji: Annalaya side
Swamiji: See, end of the day, now it is My only job is to break your self-doubt and self-hatred, self-denial. That is where I am just hitting, hitting, hitting.
Participant: Swami, stage side. Ma Jnanaathma told us about tomorrow’s that special event of the celebration of Meenakshi’s…
Swamiji: Marriage
Participant: Yes. And one of the things she said was that if you want to do completion with your spouse, that is an opportunity to participate in that. So my question is, if the spouse is not very open to the....
Swamiji: See, one thing, one thing listen, one thing listen. Even if that person is not open, there are some of the traditional Indian ritual who influences the person to come to completion. Because tomorrow it is not some energy play. Those Gods are Beings. You can request them. You can ask them. They respond to you. Understand.
Participant: So during the puja I just ask…
Swamiji: Ask Devi. Give this as a priority to her. My priority is just like how you are in the space of completion with Mahadeva, bring that space between me and my spouse. Understand, it is not statue, it is a God, Deity. He expresses. She expresses. So when you give your priority as a prayer, they respond to it. I have seen tons of miracles performed when you know they are Gods, Beings here and you talk to them, you relate with them. How many people get literal answer from our Dakshinamurthy you know? Go and talk to Him. He will straight give answer just like how you.... Actually talking to Me is more difficult. Talking to Him is much easy. No really. Go and talk to Him. He will simply answer. He lives here. Understand.
Participant: That is the other question that for years I didn't know about though I was born Hindu Brahmin, I didn't realise what the Deities meant and so for years I....
Swamiji: Just now I gave example na?
Participant: Yeah. So finally when You explained all these things over the few years, I have been understanding.
Swamiji: See, you see, if you see Me how I behave in front of deities, learn from that. The moment I turn to the main stage, thousands of you worship Me as God, but the moment I turn towards the Deity how I behave, just see.
Participant: So I don't need to feel the energy all the time or anything?
Swamiji: You should just know the being. Mahadeva, Meenakshi, all of them are Beings. They happen in the Deity, express to receive your love, respect, reverence, your prayers and respond to it.
Participant: Yes.Thank you Swami.
Swamiji: The problem is, it is not, you see, this is one of the biggest problem the modern day humanity is facing. They think everything is just… no…. wiring.
Go ahead. Go ahead.
Participant: I was listening myself when I was asking this question but I keep spending my money on spiritual endeavours whether it’s like a spiritual tour, another spiritual tour, rudraksha and then this course and doing this has like broken down and is still like making me complete with my wealth or my money and my situations I have created for myself. I mean when things are offered like this, like this ceremony, like I am already in the negative but I could go more negative. So but then at some point, I want to just have the empowerment that I can manifest this without ...
Swamiji: So you can declare it is not the...... you see, for you to break this pattern, it is not necessary you have to spend money. Sit with the Deity and directly declare. Put this as your priority. You will see you manifest money. You don't have to spend money to talk to the Deity and put this as your priority. You understand? Dakshinamurthy is all the time available. Here Mahadeva is all the time available. Every break, you can just go and sit with them. Declare this as your priority. Understand?
Participant: The priority I think it is Enlightenment.
Swamiji: What I am saying, even you can say that Enlightenment is first priority. This is second priority. You can tell them. It is not that they don’t fulfill second priorities. You understand? It is not that they don't fulfill second, third priorities. You can give your whole laundry list. They will fulfill. Understand? See because they are…they make themselves available to planet earth just to fulfill us. Understand.
Participant: Swamiji, a question. My wife here and I am going to do the…sponsor the ceremony tomorrow, get blessings and it says that completion, You will do the completion for us?
Swamiji: I will do it. My blessings. Tathastu.
Participant: Thank you Swamiji
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Latest revision as of 15:31, 4 April 2022



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Clarification of Paramahamsa Nithyananda's Comments on the Army


Namaste!! Some sections of media is trying to create a controversy saying that I spoke something against Indian Army; some ideas being cooked up. I just wanted to make My clarification very clearly. I have a very high regard for India, Indian constitution and Indian Army. Especially Indian Army, I have a high respect, reverence for Indian Army. Because of Indian army we are all safe, we are all protected, we are living peaceful life. So I wanted to make very clear statement here. I neither spoke anything against Indian army or against our country. And i wanted to clarify I am basically a nationalist. I am basically a nationalist. I support Indian Army in every possible way with my love, respect, reverence. And I wanted to clear this controversy once for all. There are some vested interests, anti-Hindu forces, constantly trying to create controversies around me - misquoting, or misusing, abusing My words. So here I am giving you clarification, once for all ending this controversy. I am completely in love and reverence with India and Indian army. I just wanted to send my clarification to all the media and public, and our My disciples, devotees, everyone. So I am very clear I support Indian army and I support India.

Some discussion, somewhere happened about the terrorism, I think being taken, misquoted, abused, morphed, manipulated, misrepresented. That is what... this is the way they try to create controversy. And I am very clear, I respect, love, revere Indian Army.

Thank you.


Nithyananda Speaks - Give legitimacy to Hinduism || Part 1 || Inner Awakening || 18 February 2016

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See actually, these anti-Hindu forces, they are not able to tolerate what I am doing because whatever I am doing, I am bringing spiritual legitimacy to Hinduism. Understand, it is too much for the anti-Hindu forces to tolerate. So the moment I do something like a third eye and reveal it to the world, they will cook up something, so that the attention is not falling on this. So last one and half months, this adults doing third eye demo is happening everywhere. In Bangalore some four-five devotees and Nithya Devi, so many. Adults doing which is never done any time earlier especially in this so many number and not only that, I think she is training some forty five people who have done Nithyanandoham and they are all going around and doing in farmers’ market and putting it in the website and all that but this spiritually they are not able to tolerate because they are not able to handle Me spiritually. You understand?


It is not that… so only in this one thing they are not able to handle Hindus especially people, few people like Me. They are not able to handle. So somehow they want to eliminate. I think two and half years before, they even once poisoned Me. There was suddenly high lead content in My body and the moment I came to know, the moment I found, all I did is just two days pranayama, vomited and the whole thing vomited and I had a diarrhea. After maybe three days, I checked again, lead is not there in the body. They tried to poison with a heavy metal which is a slow poison which kills the person by six months. So you will not know when the person has been poisoned! How? nobody knows! So that got cleared. And, the only way is then, go on creating some false news and attack. Understand?


Some false news they created saying that I spoke against something, somebody I don’t even know and which I never do also, and we have given a clarification but they don’t care about our clarification. I recorded the video and sent the clarification and all that. They don’t care about the clarification. They just want to dududududud. It is basically what I am doing. That’s what sometimes I wonder, arey! I am one of the swami. In the India, so many millions of swamis are there and it is not that I am only speaking on the Upanishad, I am only talking about Hinduism, everybody talks. Why only they target Me? Medha, why do you think…


Medha: There is lot of difference between those swamis and You. (04:01) Participant: I think they were targeting You, not Hinduism because they see a power that is growing and whatever interest they have may diminish there.


Swamiji: No, no, no, no, no. I am telling you. There is no need to be anti-Me because I am not against anybody. It is only anti-Hindu forces are anti-Me, because whatever I am doing brings spiritual legitimacy to Hinduism. See, as a individual I am nobody. I don’t have a single penny, you know that? I am a empty handed person. There is no property in My name, there is no money in My name. I am not...as an individual, I am nobody but what I am doing brings spiritual legitimacy to Hinduism. That is where they can’t tolerate. As a individual, I am nobody. They feel I am a big future for Hinduism, hope for Hinduism.


Participant: But why are they anti-Hindu?


Swamiji: Because..


Medha: See, Swamiji explained four components Amma. Four components one political and other three things are there. Social…


Swamiji: See, Political, social, religious.


Medha: Religious. All three components are almost like broken. Spiritual component is almost they cannot break and Enlightened Masters are keeping it. The moment Swamiji brings spiritual legitimacy to Hinduism, all three will be united, all four will come back, all four will come back. Then everybody, all the Hindus, those who are not sure about Hindu religion...no, third eye reading and next one is Swamiji said He is going to reveal all the four hundred powers, Ma. Imagine, all the Hindus think, ‘O my God! My religion has all these things!’ All the four components will come together. That is what they are afraid of.


Swamiji: Not only I said I will release, I am already working seriously on it and they know whatever I have said, I have fulfill it. I am not a just talk something and...whatever I said, I go on doing it. See, I may take some three months extra or six months extra and all that but I am doing, I always deliver it.


Participant: Swamiji, you are upstaging all those Akhadas and all those spiritual leaders and they are not liking it.


Swamiji: No, no, no, no, no. See, what I am saying, please understand. The Akhada, spiritual leaders upstaged, they are not our enemies. Our enemy is whom I am not upstaging.


Participant: Are You quite sure about that?


Swamiji: I am sure about it.


Participant: There is a mafia that always controls the Indian society.


Swamiji: I am very sure about whom I am upstaging... Medha, what you said? You complete what you were saying.


Medha: The unifying factor is not there in the Hindu religion. As Swamiji explained, three major components are broken. There is only one aspect, that is the spiritual aspect which is not broken and if Swamiji revives all these things, like third eye and other four hundred powers, first of all the Hindus will think...see until now Hindus, they themselves are not believing Hindu religion.


Swamiji: They themselves are not confident about our tradition. You see, we brought the rain meter Ma and fixed in our temple, checked whenever our Gurukul kids make the sankalpa, ‘Let it rain’ and do the homa, and we trained them, 96% success rate! It will not rain here, it will rain only in the temple, drizzle for purnahuti and stop. 96% success rate! You understand? So like this, everything I am making it very scientifically. So now, Gurukul kids themselves are convinced, ‘If you do the homa with the integrity and the sankalpa, it will shower.’ See, Hindus themselves believing in Hinduism, understand. So that is what I am… My work is doing: bringing spiritual legitimacy.


Medha: The moment spiritual legitimacy comes, Hindus will become Hindus, Swamiji. Yes, Hindus will become Hindus. That is the main threat Ma that they are seeing in Swamiji. If Hindus become Hindus, means believing and having confidence that I am a Hindu. Now we look, people don’t have that confidence. They cannot say that Hindu religion can offer all these great things. So this is what the main thing, Swamiji bringing spiritual legitimacy to Hinduism.


Swamiji: So you see, the way I am bringing spiritual legitimacy Ma, it is like a unquestionable. I am not doing something inside like a magic, magic and all. I am making it open for people. Science. Reproducible, understand. Now the kid who did this here, he went to Singapore and did. There was rain.


Participant: Ya, Balasant from Gurukul came to Singapore. We organised homa with him which is Dhana Akarshana Homa. He did it with so integrity, during the homa, I had some patient. So I go out and see another hospital. While I was driving back, only in that area, there was heavy rain. Only after half an hour, it rained somewhere else but for half an hour, it was rationing heavily in the Centre.


Swamiji: See, it is not just one rain. Like this, every day in and day out, one by one, one by one, all these powers are becoming science.


Participant: These anti-Hindu forces, they must be subsidised by somebody or something.


Swamiji: What do you mean there must be somebody. There are tons of people openly subsidising in the internet.


Participant: Exactly.


Swamiji: Go and watch. You see, 87% of Indian media is owned by…


Participant: Financially NGOs are supporting.


Participant: Yes, quite right but they have a lot of money supporting them and they are trying to make it that all these powers are demonic, it’s not real because they don’t believe that the divinity is within us. And we have to get our own people…


Swamiji: Which I am doing. See, they know if I am allowed to exist, in ten years, I will become too big, too big, unhandleable. Understand... I think they feel threatened by...I am not doing anything. I am not...I am just sitting and initiating people and giving them spiritual understanding, kundalini awakening. I am doing only good, bringing health, healing BP, healing sugar. I am only doing some good work. And bringling little joy to people and smile.


Participant: That brings jealousy also Swamiji.


Swamiji: Arey, I am not wealthy like them or I am not having millions of people sitting around Me like them. I have only few hundred people and I am just sitting and teaching them.


Participant: But Swamiji, even the West is taking some of the Eastern thought and promoting it. And without You really knowing it, they are supporting Your efforts. All these new-age Gurus are actually stealing Eastern thought and re-packaging it.


Swamiji: All that is okay but what I am saying, then who is attacking us? Very concerted effort, very funny! No, if we release something positive and we are creating a buzz, immediately dudud. See actually, they want to steal our next generation from us. The only way to steal our next generation from us is to make us orphan, illegitimate. Illegitimate, that is the main thing, illegitimate. But they know I am the hope for next generation. I will bring legitimacy to whole Hinduism and for next generation which is really, really shaking them or sending jittery into their nerves. And I am sitting here happily in small hall and few hundred people and talking something, laughing and just healing people, nothing more than that.


Participant: But Swamiji, You are protected enough? I mean I, the very fact that…


Swamiji: Protected by Kalabhairava only.


Participant: Yeah but you see, for the very fact that lead found its way into Your system, I know You got…


Swamiji: Now, My mother is only cooking for Me. We have all that kind of...we have like a minimal kind of a protection. Protection, protection, how will you do because I have to meet public and I have to be with the public and that is My life. I cannot be just sitting inside all the time and I am not that type of person. I always lived in streets, begged and ate and slept in the streets and I am that kind of a person... Heavy, heavy lead, heavy quantity which can never happen by food. It has to be from external sources but I removed it, removed it and...I don’t know how it got into the system. I don’t know because when I go to devotees’ houses in the Padapuja time, they pressurise Me to eat or drink something, na? So it is a sentiment, you see. In our Hindu system, it is sentiment. If I come to your house and don’t eat, you feel bad that you have done something wrong or you are not the devotee. I am not accepting your love, that sentiment comes, na? So I have to eat wherever I go.


So I did a trip to Tamil Nadu visiting some 250 houses in fifteen days. So when I go out at least twenty house a day I visit. So in every house, whatever I have to take at least a spoon. So no, getting into My body is very easy. Even if you come and stand in the Sarvadarshan and tell, ‘Swamiji, Swamiji, please eat, eat, eat.’ Only now I am saying, ‘No, no. I will eat later on. Is it organic, all that. Those days and all, ‘Alright, come on, go. You are happy, na?’ One hug! And...you understand, getting it into My body is not that difficult because I am a public man, I am a public man. Only now, we are thinking so much about security and all. Earlier we never thought about all this, Yea!



Nithyananda Speaks-Give legitimacy to Hinduism || Part 2 || Inner Awakening || 18 February 2016

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Just Sit & Sway with Shiva, Shiva, Shiva... || Inner Awakening || 18 February 2016

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Yes, now I will start the bio-memory session. Before that, I have not yet completed the muscle memory. So, get that whatever you have written on muscle memory. Yesterday we had only the initial level, first level process.


Please listen. Whatever you wrote, read once more and sit now. Close your eyes... Take few minutes and relive whatever you wrote as reality means if you visualised you want to live without food and water, see clearly you are living without food and water, understand? So close your eyes and relive every point you wrote and relieve. Again and again relive means now actually you are not completing, you are creating a space. Each and everything what you wrote take few minutes leisurely one by one, one by one, intensely visualise so that I can empower this visualisation, I can make this visualisation into reality.

(02:13) to (19:35)



Relax. You can open your eyes. Drink lot of water.



Become One with the Divine Will || Part 1|| Inner Awakening || 18 February 2016

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Become One with the Divine Will || Part 2 || Inner Awakening || 18 February 2016

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If you have any question, anything to ask you can ask. Then I will move to the next process. Pick up the mike and ask for My attention.


Participant: Hi Swamiji, I would like to know more about dream state, deep sleep, why we are unconscious, lucid dreaming.... Swamiji: You, you actually project which is not there in the waking state too much. For example, this wood, actually it is wood. Many people can't even touch it. Especially they can't put their hand here. Am I right? It is wood. It is wood. Many people cannot put their hand here. It’s not going to become suddenly buk and turn into snake and bite your finger. How many of you agree with what I am saying? You project too much of.... You do too much work and project on reality. So naturally that component of you needs rest. So that component falling into the space of rest is only sleep. Between, till you reach that sleep state, you continue to do your job. That is dream.


You are overactive. Even in the iPad or iPad if it is a touch screen, if there is a snake video going on, you will not put your finger and touch. How many of you have that?.... No, raise your hand. Let Me see. You project so much. See how casually I touched! It will take at least, even if some people try to touch to show their boldness, it takes 2-3 minutes. Am I right? Not for you? Ah, okay. Only this one? Because you know it is Mine, so.(laughs) Anyhow, you project..... I am just using this example to make you understand in how many places you project. So much of this ‘my world’ work goes on. So you need rest. That is why you fall asleep. That rest is sleep and to moving to that place of rest, between, you do something. That is dreaming.


In the daytime, if the ‘my world’ load is reduced, dream load will be reduced. Quickly you will rest, fall asleep into the restful awareness, quickly you will come out. You may not need such long hours of lying on the bed. Most of us are lying on the bed so many hours but the number of hours we exactly slept is very less. Actually the number of hours you slept will be less than one hour but in the couch you are lying down for last ten hours. Everyday at least ten hours you are lying down on your couch or bed but actual time slept is less than one hour. How many of you understand what I am….. Understand, that nine hours is what you do in the waking state, you do the same thing lying down. When this is reduced, that will be reduced. Next? Get the mike and then ask for My attention.


Participant: Swamiji, as soon as this process started, I felt immediately tiredness both the sessions. Swamiji: Tiredness must be your one of the biggest blockage in the muscle memory. So that will be just pulled out like a wound being opened for the pus to come out. Like that it will be. The scratching will happen. Yes? Get the mike and speak.


Participant: When this tiredness comes, should we like to sleep or… Swamiji: When this tiredness comes? Q: Yeah, yeah. Swamiji: I think that is not the time you cooperate with your sleep. That is the time you should have more tea, coffee and just keep yourself awake. If any of you have that feeling, please go and have a cup of tea and come back or I will get cup of coffee. Hey, why don't you get coffee for them, Medha? Tell them to get coffee. Have tea or coffee but don't sleep because if you cooperate, that pattern will become strong. Now I don't think you should cooperate with that pattern.


Participant: Swamiji, Annaalaya side. Swamiji: Annalaya side? Okay. Go ahead


Participant: So I had like lower back pain in the morning. Then after the first process, my lower back pain went away and then I had like upper back pain. Now I don't have upper back pain. So what is.... Swamiji: I think it is Kundalini. It is not pain. If it is moving, it is Kundalini. Because some of the things need to be cleaned up, the Kundalini feels like a pain. Understand? Now it will become alright. Participant: Thank you.


Participant: Does your atmalinga heal yourself automatically or.... Swamiji: No, no, no, no, no, Whenever you need healing, you have to put it on that part and ask for healing. Only then it will do it.


Participant: Swamiji? Swamiji: Which side? Participant: Galleria side. Swamiji: Yes, go ahead. Participant: Talking something, I would like to understand better. So, from first time I was in touch with You, we have been learning about how to manifest our reality and then I was reading the book ‘Surrender’ which I really enjoyed and You were talking about making your will in tune with the divine will and I am trying to reconcile those two… Swamiji: And that and this is one and the same. Participant: Sorry? Swamiji: That and this is one and the same. See, now even for surrender, you need certain maturity. That work also I Myself doing. Participant: Sorry? Swamiji: I Myself doing making you matured even to surrender. Participant: Does that my will become the same as… Swamiji: Yes. Participant: Okay. Thank You. Swamiji: Go ahead.


Participant: Swamiji, she says that in the morning process she felt the pain in the throat and her back was hurting a lot Swamiji: It is actually the Kundalini only. I will remove the pain. Who? Go ahead. Go ahead.


Participant: I just had a pretty intense experience in my mother's womb and I had the sense of just sadness of actually being in my mother’s womb. Maybe I was unwanted and unplanned. Maybe she had depression during her pregnancy, I don’t know. Maybe some of those emotions are in me still. So how do I break through from there? Swamiji: I will pull them out in this process, don't worry. Participant: And then my other question was a lot of my childhood was of emotional pain. Would I, I guess that is planned to some degree coming into this lifetime or just why would I have chosen that as a childhood? Swamiji: There is no answer for this ‘why.’ Let us solve it. Participant: Okay. Swamiji: Alright, you guys have still question or shall I move to the next?


Participant: Swamiji, I have one question. Whatever intentions we wrote down for the muscle memory possibilities, will it happen gradually or… Swamiji: No, no, no. Actually I am awakening your bio-energy so much, now I am making the channel on your muscles. Then now I am going to make the channel on your bio-memory. Then again and again I will be awakening the bio-energy last 3-4 days. When that happens, it will not be step by step. It will be sudden. So many things which you wrote, it will all be sudden. Suddenly you will realise if you ask, see the Nityanandoham participants’ experiences, they say, “I never thought I can even bend and touch my knees. Now I am just simply standing upside down.” It will all be sudden only. Now as on now, I am just making the roots, that subtle grooves in your system through which the bio-energy can enter into the whole system.


So every second I am making you sit here, I am only forming those grooves. It is called awakening Dhee, intelligence in Sanskrit, awakening the work. So, once the work is done, it will always be sudden, never gradual. See, this process I am doing only is gradual. The result is always sudden. Understand? But the process I am doing is gradual. So today more, today again little more, today again little more. Again I will be asking you to write on your bio-memory, the cognition shift, cognitive shift which you wanted, about that I will ask you to do, like that.


Participant: Swamiji, I hate to ask this question but let me ask You. Will there be exceptions? Swamiji: Don't worry. You are not exception. That is why you are sitting next to Me. I am holding your hand and taking you along with Me. Clear?


Participant: I would like to ask about third eye again. You see, I am so fascinating about that thing and I would like so much to have the experience of how it is to be able to read full paragraphs of texts. I changed my attitude. I am really looking forward to each and every session. Swamiji: Okay, don't worry. You are putting your effort. That is enough. I will do the rest. I will make you read. I am not giving you false promise. I give you the real promise with integrity. I will make it happen.


Participant: I am not worried about your false promises. I am just thinking about what I do wrong. Swamiji: See, there are some things. Now, I can explain what you do wrong but that will put you so much doubt, it will delay My process on you. Just relax. I will do it. I will really do it. See, now if I explain, you will fall into such space, again raising you out and making you do the third eye is My responsibility only. My work becomes more difficult. Relax, but I will really make you do, because you see it is not, it is not about giving you any false hope. Making you express these powers is My mission. It is about My fulfillment more than your fulfillment. I will do it.


Participant: Swamiji, even I have the same thing like apart from letters or few words, I am not able to read anything and not able to focus completely into them. Swamiji: It all started in few days na? I will make it happen. How casually people say, “Just apart from letters and words I am not able to read paragraphs.” Do you know the number of years people have to do Tapas, even this much of Kundalini becoming alive and active and functioning? We will do it. We will do it. Anyhow after all your success is My success. I will do it.


Participant: Swamiji: Annalaya side Swamiji: See, end of the day, now it is My only job is to break your self-doubt and self-hatred, self-denial. That is where I am just hitting, hitting, hitting.


Participant: Swami, stage side. Ma Jnanaathma told us about tomorrow’s that special event of the celebration of Meenakshi’s… Swamiji: Marriage Participant: Yes. And one of the things she said was that if you want to do completion with your spouse, that is an opportunity to participate in that. So my question is, if the spouse is not very open to the.... Swamiji: See, one thing, one thing listen, one thing listen. Even if that person is not open, there are some of the traditional Indian ritual who influences the person to come to completion. Because tomorrow it is not some energy play. Those Gods are Beings. You can request them. You can ask them. They respond to you. Understand.


Participant: So during the puja I just ask… Swamiji: Ask Devi. Give this as a priority to her. My priority is just like how you are in the space of completion with Mahadeva, bring that space between me and my spouse. Understand, it is not statue, it is a God, Deity. He expresses. She expresses. So when you give your priority as a prayer, they respond to it. I have seen tons of miracles performed when you know they are Gods, Beings here and you talk to them, you relate with them. How many people get literal answer from our Dakshinamurthy you know? Go and talk to Him. He will straight give answer just like how you.... Actually talking to Me is more difficult. Talking to Him is much easy. No really. Go and talk to Him. He will simply answer. He lives here. Understand.


Participant: That is the other question that for years I didn't know about though I was born Hindu Brahmin, I didn't realise what the Deities meant and so for years I.... Swamiji: Just now I gave example na? Participant: Yeah. So finally when You explained all these things over the few years, I have been understanding. Swamiji: See, you see, if you see Me how I behave in front of deities, learn from that. The moment I turn to the main stage, thousands of you worship Me as God, but the moment I turn towards the Deity how I behave, just see.


Participant: So I don't need to feel the energy all the time or anything? Swamiji: You should just know the being. Mahadeva, Meenakshi, all of them are Beings. They happen in the Deity, express to receive your love, respect, reverence, your prayers and respond to it. Participant: Yes.Thank you Swami. Swamiji: The problem is, it is not, you see, this is one of the biggest problem the modern day humanity is facing. They think everything is just… no…. wiring. Go ahead. Go ahead.


Participant: I was listening myself when I was asking this question but I keep spending my money on spiritual endeavours whether it’s like a spiritual tour, another spiritual tour, rudraksha and then this course and doing this has like broken down and is still like making me complete with my wealth or my money and my situations I have created for myself. I mean when things are offered like this, like this ceremony, like I am already in the negative but I could go more negative. So but then at some point, I want to just have the empowerment that I can manifest this without ... Swamiji: So you can declare it is not the...... you see, for you to break this pattern, it is not necessary you have to spend money. Sit with the Deity and directly declare. Put this as your priority. You will see you manifest money. You don't have to spend money to talk to the Deity and put this as your priority. You understand? Dakshinamurthy is all the time available. Here Mahadeva is all the time available. Every break, you can just go and sit with them. Declare this as your priority. Understand?


Participant: The priority I think it is Enlightenment. Swamiji: What I am saying, even you can say that Enlightenment is first priority. This is second priority. You can tell them. It is not that they don’t fulfill second priorities. You understand? It is not that they don't fulfill second, third priorities. You can give your whole laundry list. They will fulfill. Understand? See because they are…they make themselves available to planet earth just to fulfill us. Understand.


Participant: Swamiji, a question. My wife here and I am going to do the…sponsor the ceremony tomorrow, get blessings and it says that completion, You will do the completion for us? Swamiji: I will do it. My blessings. Tathastu. Participant: Thank you Swamiji



Temple Deities

Mandala Process

Evening Session

IA Q&A Session

His Holiness gracefully enters the meditation hall http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-2feb-18th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4294_bengaluru-aadheenam-IA-day15-thirdeye-QnA-session-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-2feb-18th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4295_bengaluru-aadheenam-IA-day15-thirdeye-QnA-session-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-2feb-18th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4297_bengaluru-aadheenam-IA-day15-thirdeye-QnA-session-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-2feb-18th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4298_bengaluru-aadheenam-IA-day15-thirdeye-QnA-session-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-2feb-18th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4307_bengaluru-aadheenam-IA-day15-thirdeye-QnA-session-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-2feb-18th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4309_bengaluru-aadheenam-IA-day15-thirdeye-QnA-session-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-2feb-18th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4094_bengaluru-aadheenam-IA-day15-thirdeye-QnA-session-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-2feb-18th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4096_bengaluru-aadheenam-IA-day15-thirdeye-QnA-session-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-2feb-18th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4126_bengaluru-aadheenam-IA-day15-thirdeye-QnA-session-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-2feb-18th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4128_bengaluru-aadheenam-IA-day15-thirdeye-QnA-session-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-2feb-18th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4130_bengaluru-aadheenam-IA-day15-thirdeye-QnA-session-swamiji_0.JPG

Mandala process

Mandala process http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-2feb-18th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4075_bengaluru-aadheenam-IA-day15-thirdeye-QnA-session-participants.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-2feb-18th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4139_bengaluru-aadheenam-IA-day15-thirdeye-QnA-session-swamiji.JPG

Third Eye reading practice session

Third Eye reading practice session http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-2feb-18th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4147_bengaluru-aadheenam-IA-day15-thirdeye-QnA-session-participants.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-2feb-18th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4149_bengaluru-aadheenam-IA-day15-thirdeye-QnA-session-participants.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-2feb-18th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4271_bengaluru-aadheenam-IA-day15-thirdeye-QnA-session-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-2feb-18th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4296_bengaluru-aadheenam-IA-day15-thirdeye-QnA-session-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-2feb-18th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4136_bengaluru-aadheenam-IA-day15-thirdeye-QnA-session-swamiji_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-2feb-18th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4151_bengaluru-aadheenam-IA-day15-thirdeye-QnA-session-participants.JPG

Temple Deities

Lord Nithyanandeshwara and Devi Nithyanandeshwari http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-2feb-18th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4155_bengaluru-aadheenam-IA-day15-nithyanandeshwara-temple-deities.JPG Boga Murthy of His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda Muthy of His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda Murthy of Kapila Muni Devi Ambal

Photos Of The Day:


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