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== Description: ==
This video is the recording of the second session of Nithya Kriya Yoga (NKY), shared by Paramahamsa Nithyananda on 15 August 2015. Nithya Kriya Yoga is a weekend program for cleansing the 5 layers of our existence (in Sanskrit: koshas), doing completion with all the different kinds of patterns stored in the 5 bodies of our being. The second layer is the physical body, or pranamaya kosha.
The NKY sessions start with an introduction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoA-r...
In this session, Paramahamsa Nithyananda gives an introduction to the second layer of our existence, the breathing body, and what its possibility is. He explains that prana is the energy which your body absorbs while you are breathing. Air itself is not prana, air is the vehicle for prana. There are five movements of prana in our body. These five breathing activities which happen in you, together are called the pranic layer or breathing body.
Paramahamsa Nithyananda then continues to explain that in this breathing body, all our patterns related to desire are stored. Desires in themselves are not wrong, on the contrary, our desires are our life. But it is the conflict, the contradiction, and the confusion in our desires which create tiredness, boredom and frustration in us. This session gives the keys on how to clean, how to purify your desires, by removing the conflicting, contradicting and confusing desires. So that you can manifest your desired reality.
Next, Paramahamsa Nithyananda gives a breathing technique (pranayama kriya), for overcoming the conflict, contradiction and confusion in our desires. The viewer is guided into the technique step by step.
==Link to Video: ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoA-rFzRzHM&list=PL21WI5_pNwj6B6zanpwBOPds_PrJWBthd&index=16&t=0s |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2015-08aug-15_purify-the-5-layers-of-your-existence-nithya-kriya-yoga-introduction"/>
==Transcript: ==
Video-1: NKY- Introduction. 15 – 17 Aug.
Nithyanandaeshwara Samarambham  Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamam |
Asmadaachaya Paryantaam  Vande GuruParamaparaam ||
I welcome all of you with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangis, SriMahants, Mahants, Thanedar, Kothari, visitors, viewers sitting with us all over the world. I.welcome all of you with my love and respects.
Nithya Kriya Yoga. Please understand, whatever you want in life can be expressed by you when your whole being wants it. Please understand, whatever you want to achieve in your life, you can manifest it, express it, without any other effort just by your whole being wanting it. Please understand, I am making some of the most important statements. It may look very controversial. It may look very different than your beliefs are. Some of the important sacred secrets – whatever you want can be manifested in your life the moment your entire being wants it. Not just parts of you. Part of you may want health, part of you may want to have constantly junk food, alcohol and what not. Then, you won’t manifest health. Whatever you want can be manifested just by your whole being wanting it. Nothing else is needed. Please understand, I am making a statement which means if you want wealth, just by your whole being wanting it, you will manifest it. It may look very funny or strange, weird proposal, but I tell you it works. For various strange paradoxical weird reasons, it works. Because universe is paradoxical. It’s weird, still human beings are not able to decode the universe. That’s the beauty of it.
Your whole being wanting it can manifest anything. Without having to do, need to do any other action other than wanting. Every corner we have to find, every corners where limitations can hide and clean them all. Our limitation beliefs where all it can hide and clean them all. You need to understand all dimensions of your existence. We are more than what we think we are. Unless we understand our ideas about ourselves, our body and mind, we cannot find the part of us that hidden by our body mind system. Please listen, I am making two statements. What you think you are, you are not that. That is the first statement. Second statement, what you think you are hides who you really are from you. That’s the second statement.
Listen to this two. First, what you think you are is not you. And, what you think you are hides the real you from you. The ideas you carry about you – body, mind – you can’t find you. The part of you which is hidden by the system. For the flowering of the self you need to work on the self itself. You need to work on your body, mind, emotions. Just like body is made of various systems: nervous system, circulatory system, digestion system. Like that, you are made of five layers. In Sanskrit we call it Koshas. One of the oldest Upanishad, may be 20,000 years old Upanishad clearly describes the whole you. The sheaths or coverings, in Sanskrit – Koshas. How may koshas we have, how to clean them, complete them, heal them, make yourself as one. This five Koshas, the Upanishads gives us the understanding, you are the five koshas.
First, the physical body you are having, which is made of flesh, bones, that’s the first layer body. That’s the first layer of you. Which we can touch, feel – that’s the first layer of you. Second, your breathing – inhaling, holding, exhaling, the air spreading on your body and cleaning. All this is second layer, breathing layer. Third, mind – your thought current, your thinking trend. Fourth, your cognition about you – the ideas you carry about you, your karma pattern, the root of karma pattern. The ideas you carry about you, that’s the fourth layer, your cognition pattern. Fifth, the bliss – the self in you, the bliss nature of you. Understand, these five layers. Physical body, the first layer. Breathing, the second layer. Mental body, the third layer. The cognition you carry about you, which is not really you, but which you carry about you – that’s the fourth layer. The bliss happening in you – that’s the fifth layer. Once you complete all these five and integrate all these five, heal all these five, enlightenment starts expressing. Means ability to manifest whatever you want. The ability to manifest whatever you want.
Only these koshas, these layers need to flower, need to open, need to radiate and fall in tune. Ultimate self, starts manifesting through you once these five layers start manifesting. All five layers need to be purified so that they constantly radiate enlightenment. Understand, physical body – Annamaya Kosha, physical body – the gross body. Physical body, breathing layer, mental layer, cognition layer and bliss layer. These are the five layers you carry. Taitri Upanishad, second chapter, Aananda Valli beautifully explains this whole science.
These five layers, understand, I’ll repeat now. Physical body, breathing layer, mental layer, cognition layer, bliss layer. In this five, we carry so many incompletions, patterns. Removing all those incompletions, engrams, patterns helping every one of you to completely integrate yourself. Helping every one of you to fulfill yourself. Helping every one of you to experience yourself – the ability to manifest what you want to manifest. Helping every one of you to do that. That’s the goal of this program. Goal of this program is to remove all the incompletions and patterns. People ask so many questions.
They say how will this program help me in day-to-day life? Please understand, only after you integrate you complete you, your day-to-day life starts. Till then, your life is not day-to-day. It is time to time. Sometimes your life will be happening sometimes it will not be happening. Only when you start completing yourself, integrating yourself your life starts. Your life starts happening. People also ask me, how this program is different from Life-Bliss level 1 and Kalpataru. In Kalpataru and Life-Bliss Level-1 I give you the glimpse of that science. Now the whole science itself for you to take it and practice, live it. Next question I usually get, is there a relationship between seven chakras and koshas – yes. All the seven chakras are in the fourth kosha, fourth layer. But all the seven chakras are only one layer. People ask, if I had a bad dream in which kosha does this problem exist? That exists in the third layer – the mental layer.
Video-2 Purify the 5 layers of your existence: remove [[fear]] patterns from the physical body (NKY session 1)
== Description: ==
This video is the recording of the first session of Nithya Kriya Yoga (NKY), shared by Paramahamsa Nithyananda on 15 August 2015. Nithya Kriya Yoga is a weekend program for cleansing the 5 layers of our existence (in Sanskrit: koshas), doing completion with all the different kinds of patterns stored in the 5 bodies of our being. The first layer is the physical body, or annamaya kosha.
In this session, Paramahamsa Nithyananda gives an introduction to the first layer of our existence, the physical body, and what its possibility is. He explains: the physical body should be a vehicle through which you can manifest anything you want.
He then gives the instruction on how to complete the patterns stored in the physical body, which are patterns related to fear.
After that instruction, Paramahamsa Nithyananda gives further insights into fear patterns. He explains that all our fears are patterns, not fact. And that the only thing in life we should be afraid of, is of being overwhelmed or overpowered, feeling powerless. Because when you become powerless, your fear looks like a fact to you instead of like a pattern.
At the end of the session, Paramahamsa Nithyananda introduces the participants into a meditation to complete with fear, the darkness meditation.
==Link to Video:==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpIQ22yqeWg&list=PL21WI5_pNwj6B6zanpwBOPds_PrJWBthd&index=17&t=0s |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2015-08aug-15_purify-the-5-layers-of-your-existence-remove-fear-patterns-session-1"/>
== Transcription: ==
Now we will first start working on physical layer. Annamaya kosha. The body we are carrying which is made of flesh bones and blood. The physical body, Annamaya kosha. Because it is strengthened or weakened by food, it is directly built by food – Anna – it is called Annamaya kosha in Sanskrit. The body can be a ultimate place for us to rest or a great bondage. The goal is to evolve the body into enlighten physiology. Please listen, how your body should be, how your body should be. The goal. The body should be a vehicle through which you can manifest anything you want. Not just your health or wealth or better relationship, anything you want you should be able to just manifest. The physical layer- Annamaya kosha is part of the material world whether it’s a rock or tree or man all have physical body. In this physical body you carry the patterns of fear. Please understand, the Samskaras of fear. See in each layer you carry different patterns. Different patterns are recorded in different layers. In each layer different patterns are recorded. The physical layer, the patterns of fear is recorded. Please understand, these patterns by and by accumulate certain power even though they cannot function independently without the power of your consciousness. Because of its long time existence they themselves accumulate, acquire certain powers.
Like early morning cup of coffee. Once you build the habit of early morning cup of coffee, without that your life cannot move. It’s almost like a day has not started if coffee is missing. I am not saying coffee is wrong, I am not saying coffee is right. But all I am trying to tell you is compulsion is wrong. Compulsion is wrong. That stops your self-actualization. That stops your self-actualization. First the engrams, patterns, samskaras, incompletions you have in your physical layer, let’s dig out those physical layer patterns. Intranalyzing incompletions of fear. Please listen. Dig out all the fear layers. Fear patterns. Recollect earliest memories of your life. Write down all the incidents and the conversations you had about fear of losing your name, fear of losing your fame, fear of losing your identity. You have multiple layers of fears stored in the physical body. Recollect the earliest memories of your life and write down the incidents and conversations you had about fear of losing your physical health, fear of losing your mental health and/or fear of losing the body/body parts in accidents. Same way recollect and recollect the earliest memories of your life and write down all the incompletions you had about fear of losing your wealth and all your possessions.
Recollect the earliest memories of your life and write down the incidents and conversations you had about fear of losing your loved ones. Fear of losing the love of your loved ones. Recollect the earliest memories of your life and write down the incidents and conversations you had about fear of the unknown. So start penning down as if you are talking to me. Let’s dig out the patterns and engrams you carry in the physical layer. In the physical body.
Listen. Some deeper insights into this fear pattern. See when I utter the word fear-pattern, it means all your fears are patterns not facts. Please listen. Your fears when they overpower you look like fact. When you overpower them you realize it is pattern. Understand. When they overpower you it looks life fact. When you overpower them it looks like pattern. Now all we need to do, do something so that they can never overpower you. They can never make you powerless. They can never make you powerless. Listen. You will have to do something so that we can never become powerless.
Listen to this truth. Internalize. All fear is nothing but pattern making you powerless because you become powerless, the pattern looks like a fact. It’s like a, there is a hero and a dup for the hero. When hero is dead powerless dup looks like a hero. Pattern taking over you making you powerless and makes itself look like fact. That is the worst thing can happen to you. Please listen. That is the worst thing that can happen to you. All fears are ultimately rooted in fear of death. All fears ultimately rooted in fear of death. Actually, whenever you become powerless that is the real moment about which you need to be afraid not the death itself. Please listen. If you don’t become powerless death is just transition. If you become powerless, collapse. Actually death leads to such an unknown, unable to understand space. In your life if at all you have to be afraid of something, only you have to be afraid of becoming powerless, nothing else. Nothing else need to be worried. You don’t need to worry, you don’t need to be afraid of anything else other than feeling powerless.
Feeling powerless is the only thing about which you need to be afraid of. You need to be worried about. Now, I’ll lead you into a process which will strengthen your inner space so you will never fall into powerlessness. Never the pattern can take over you and make it look like a fact. Pattern taking over you makes itself look like a fact is the worst thing that can happen to you. It’s like your dup breaking your head and putting you unconscious and then taking over your place making himself look like you. So listen. This process awakens your kundalini, strengthens your powerfulness never allows you to fall into powerlessness so that patterns can never take over the place of fact.
Anything when you know it is a pattern you will never be afraid. As long as you think it’s a fact you will be frightened. Whether it is a ghost, fear or losing name and fame or death, fear of accident everything. Only if you feel – “oh it may become fact, it is there”. Then you will be frightened, powerless. If you know it is just a pattern with which you are suffering. Suddenly the pattern lost all it’s strength and vigor.
Now the process, I am going to lead you, very simple process. It’s from ShaivAgama. ShivanJnanopanishad. Let me read out the verse and then give you the technique.
Evameva Durnishayam Krishnapakshagameshiram |
Thaimiram bhavayan rupam bhairavam rupamaishyati ||
The English translation – “In the same way a dark night in the dark fortnight by contemplating for long over the circumambient darkness the yogi will attain the nature of Bhairava.”
Please listen. I’ll give you the technique now. Meditate on intense darkness. It will actually put your mind to your natural state where your Kundalini can start spreading all over your system. Your body will start getting powerful. Please understand. Darkness is only worshiped as Kali and Kalabhairava in Hindu tradition. Don’t be afraid of darkness. It is the agitated western mind western mental setup which is afraid of darkness. But the original darkness is beyond light and darkness. It is like a beyond the frequency of the light. If you see the whole cosmos – it is darkness. Intense darkness. It is not just darkness, its energy too. Its energy too. Meditate on darkness as intensely as possible. You may even feel that you have forgotten your body. It is ok. Because when you meditate on the darkness your Kundalini shakti will be awakened. You will experience the real light. As and now whatever you know as light is not real light. Meditate of darkness you will experience the real light.
Video-3 Purify the 5 layers of your existence: desires and the breathing body (NKY session 2)
== Description: ==
This video is the recording of the second session of Nithya Kriya Yoga (NKY), shared by Paramahamsa Nithyananda on 15 August 2015. Nithya Kriya Yoga is a weekend program for cleansing the 5 layers of our existence (in Sanskrit: koshas), doing completion with all the different kinds of patterns stored in the 5 bodies of our being. The second layer is the physical body, or pranamaya kosha.
In this session, Paramahamsa Nithyananda gives an introduction to the second layer of our existence, the breathing body, and what its possibility is. He explains that prana is the energy which your body absorbs while you are breathing. Air itself is not prana, air is the vehicle for prana. There are five movements of prana in our body. These five breathing activities which happen in you, together are called the pranic layer or breathing body.
Paramahamsa Nithyananda then continues to explain that in this breathing body, all our patterns related to desire are stored. Desires in themselves are not wrong, on the contrary, our desires are our life. But it is the conflict, the contradiction, and the confusion in our desires which create tiredness, boredom and frustration in us. This session gives the keys on how to clean, how to purify your desires, by removing the conflicting, contradicting and confusing desires. So that you can manifest your desired reality.
Next, Paramahamsa Nithyananda gives a breathing technique (pranayama kriya), for overcoming the conflict, contradiction and confusion in our desires. The viewer is guided into the technique step by step.
==Link to Video:==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJ5XiocTy6A&list=PL21WI5_pNwj6B6zanpwBOPds_PrJWBthd&index=18&t=0s |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/purify-the-5-layers-of-your?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2016-playlist-2"/>
==Transcription: ==
Please listen. The next layer we are going to work is breathing layer – Pranamaya Kosha. In Sanskrit we say Pranamaya Kosha breathing layer. See, prana is the energy which your body absorbs while you are breathing. Please understand, prana, is the energy your body absorbs while you are breathing. Air itself is not prana but the energy which comes through the air is prana. Air is like a vehicle. Air is like a vehicle. On a physiological level prana refers to your circulatory and respiratory systems. See, prana does five things inside you. Inhalation – that is called prana, vyana – means the air which goes inside and stays in you, third udana – the air which goes inside and spreads all over the body, samana – the air which leaves your body, apana – the air which does cleaning process in your body. Actually these five movements of air, air energy, inside you is totally called as pranic layer.
Please listen. I’ll repeat once more. The five breathing activity happens in you – inhaling, holding, exhaling, spreading all over your body and cleaning. These five put together is called pranic layer and all the energy which happens during the breathing process gives life to you. So please understand, prana is one of the important source of life. In this layer, all our desires are stored. Desire related patterns, desire related engrams, desire related samskaras are stored in this layer. Please listen. Listen carefully. Your desires are your life. Your desires are your life. Listen. Its your desires which infuse life into you and its your desires which infuse energy into you. Same way, conflicts in your desires brings tiredness in you. Contradictions in your desires brings boredom in you. Confusions in your desires bring frustration in you. Please understand. Your desires are your life. Conflict in your desires bring confusion in you. Conflict in your desires bring tiredness in you. Confusions in your desires bring frustration in you. Its contradiction in your desires bring boredom in you.
Actually, if your desire is pure every breath you inhale and exhale will make that desire into reality. When your desires have conflict, confusion and contradiction every breath brings tiredness, boredom, frustration in you. Every breath is like a air blower into balloon. Your desires are the shape of the balloon. Shape of the balloon is Tom and Jerry when you blow the air you will have Tom and Jerry – conflict. Constant conflict. If the shape of the balloon is just round, when you blow the air into that balloon you will have a round balloon. The shape of the balloon is tall, when you blow air into it you will see tall balloon.
Your breath infuses energy into your desire. So, one and only thing you need to do in your life is not giving up desire but removing the conflicts, confusions, contradictions in your desires. Please understand. Renunciation is not giving up your desires, it is giving up conflicts, contradictions, confusions in your desires. One of the biggest messup happened in the field of spirituality is wrong understanding – renunciation means giving up desires. That’s the worst understanding happened or misunderstanding happened in the spiritual field. Raga means attachment, Araga means detachment. Viraga means renouncing the conflicts, confusion and complications of desires. You need viraga, vairagya. Viraga becomes vairagya. Please understand, renouncing desires is not what we want. Renouncing the complications, contradictions, confusions is all we want. Renouncing complications, confusions and contradictions. That’s all we need. That’s all we need.
First thing we need to do. Identify the contradicting, conflicting and complicating desires. What all the desires you have which contradicts, conflicts, complicates. First, conflicting desire means having a desire which conflicts itself. In the one statement itself you will create a conflict and wrong energy. I’ll give you an example, somebody has a headache he goes on repeating – I want to get rid of headache, I want to get rid of headache. When you repeat this again and again statement itself will keep the headache alive because every time you are remembering headache when you utter the word headache, headache becomes stronger and stronger in you. The real word you need to repeat inside is – I should become healthy, my head should become healthy. See the words you repeat inside you are equivalent to food you take everyday. Suddenly overnight nobody is going to become obese. Suddenly overnight nobody is going to become fit. Its everyday what you eat makes you one day obese. Everyday what you eat makes you one day healthy.
Listen. The words you repeat inside makes you either frustrated or spiritually awakened. The conflicting words you go on repeating inside you takes away the possibility you have for yourself. Second, contradicting desires. Having two or more desires at the same time which contradict each other. Which you cannot fulfil at the same time. For example, you want to become a CEO and be a active life from morning till evening manager’s meetings, team meetings and people listening to your words, commands, decisions. You want to be a person who calls the shots, rolling chair and active life. One, you aspire for that. The other side you want to throw away everything, go and lie down in the beach, resting. This contradicting desires. Same way, third, complicating desires, means having a desire which gets complicated without direct understanding and clarity. This is when you don’t have intelligence to take the direct and straight steps to fulfill the desires. You go round and round and round. You want money, but you are working the direction of having name and fame. You go round and round and round. Fulfilling something else. Its like you want name and fame but you are working in the direction of having money.
I will give you an example. You want to learn painting but first you learn stitching and then drying finally by the time you learn painting you have become too old. This complicating desires, understand that. Many time you want pleasure but you get into painful lifestyle. Its like a, the joy you enjoy when you are romancing and dating you want that permanently and you get married. That’s it. I think this example everyone understands. If you are getting married for the sake of retaining the joy you experience while you are romancing and dating. That can be a very apt example of complicating desires. What you want is different and what you do is different. End up in complication.
Now, please sit and dig out the contradicting desires, conflicting desires and complicating desires you have. Cleansing the pranamaya kosha. And please start digging out these patterns and engrams. Now, again awakening your kundalini shakti, infusing into your pranamaya, breathing layer will make you get out of these conflicting, confusing, contradicting patterns. Please understand. Whenever you become powerless in front of a desire that becomes conflict, that becomes confusing, that becomes complicating. Listen carefully. Whenever you become powerless in front of your desires, those are the moments conflicting, contradicting, confusing knots are created in your desire pattern. So naturally those knots does not allow the fulfilment or completion of your desires. Now, one by understanding and completing, second by awakening your kundalini shakti, in both ways I’ll help you to overcome these complications, conflicts and confusions.
This kriya, we are going to do. The process we are going to do now is a very powerful process to awaken your kundalini and your pranic layer so that you can be free from all this conflict, confusion, complications of your desires. So listen, the first step listen to the first step. Inhale as slowly as possible. Hold as long as possible. Exhale as slowly as possible. Hold your lungs empty as long as possible. Listen. Inhale as slowly as possible comfortably, hold as long as possible comfortably, exhale as slowly as possible comfortably, keep your lungs empty as long as possible comfortably. If you already have high blood pressure, any problem in the lungs, any heart disorders, any other serious illness please do not do this kriya. Others do it very sincerely as much as you are comfortable. Let’s start the process. During the process you should be standing. Please stand up, 3 feet gap between both the legs, keep your legs wide apart. Inhale and exhale as slowly as possible and as deeply as possible. Please tie the ribbon. Please close your eyes and tie the ribbon. Inhale as slowly as you can. Hold as long as you can. Exhale as slowly as you can. Hold the lungs empty as long as you can. Again start inhaling as slowly as you can. Please start.
Continue again after few minutes of break the same breathing process. Others please continue as slowly as possible, as comfortably as possible. Relax. Please settle down wherever you are. You can have few minutes break then gather for next session. Shivoham process. The process to awaken your kundalini shakti directly. Let’s get ready for Shivoham process. Let’s gather for next session. Thank you. Be blissful.
Video-4 Purify the 5 layers of your existence: pain patterns and the mental body (NKY session 3)
== Description: ==
This video is the recording of the third session of Nithya Kriya Yoga (NKY), shared by Paramahamsa Nithyananda on 16 August 2015. Nithya Kriya Yoga is a weekend program for cleansing the 5 layers of our existence (in Sanskrit: koshas), doing completion with all the different kinds of patterns stored in the 5 bodies of our being. The third layer is the mental body, or manomaya kosha. In this layer our pain patterns are stored.
What patterns are stored in your mental body, the manomaya kosha?
The inner chattering which goes on inside you, which you are not able to switch off, which overpowers you. The strong thought currents overpowering you - this is the biggest incompletion stored in the mental layer.
In the mental layer  we store all the pain patterns: physical pain, mental pain, emotional pain and spiritual pain. But in the end, all these pains are reduced to mental pains and recorded in your being as thought patterns, mental patterns. Even physical pain is the mental pain about physical pain. These four major pains get stored in your pain body, in the mental layer.
After giving the introduction about pain patterns and the mental body, Paramahamsa Nithyananda continues to give participants a powerful process to 'get you out of the mess you created for yourself'. This happens when we recall, relive all incidents. Paramahamsa Nithyananda explains to people the samskara dahana kriya - the technique of writing the pain autobiography.
==Link to Video:==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fk17clEhxQ4&list=PL21WI5_pNwj6B6zanpwBOPds_PrJWBthd&index=19&t=0s |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2015-08aug-15_purify-the-5-layers-of-your-existence-pain-patterns-and-the-mental-nky-session-3"/>
==Transcription: ==
The next layer we are going to work is mental layer. The mind – Manomaya Kosha. Please understand. The inner chattering which goes on inside you which you are not able to switch off, which takes over you, overpowers you. I can give you the example, late night you are not able to fall asleep, you are tossing rolling on your bed. One side, thinking about so many things that you need to do. Other side worrying that if you don’t sleep tonight tomorrow you will not be able to do anything. But various things which you are supposed to do in the future, which you have done wrongly in the past overpowers you. See such a strong thought currents which you are not able to control overpowering you. This layer, the mental layer, manomaya kosha, strong thought currents overpowering you is the biggest incompletions stored in manomaya kosha. The mental layer.
Please listen. In the mental layer, the powerful strongest incompletion recorded, strongest incompletion stored is thought currents overpowering you, making you powerless. In this layer, we store all the pain patterns, we store all the pain patterns. Physical pain, mental pain, emotional pain, spiritual pain. All the pains are reduced to mental pain and recorded in your being. Please understand, physical pain also when it is recorded in your mind it becomes only mental pain. It is the mental pain about physical pain, that’s all.
Physical pain, all of you know, if somebody hits you what happens is the physical pain. Mental pain is if you are not respected somewhere the way you expect to be respected. Emotional pain is somebody whom you really love or trust cheats you. And spiritual pain, conscious pain is pain of not achieving what you want to achieve in your life. Listen. This four major pains get stored in your pain body. In your mental layer. Mental layer is pain body. That is where all the pains are stored.
I’ll lead you into a very powerful process to get you out of this mess you created for yourself. Each thought current overpowering you and torturing you even though you don’t want them. Now I tell you. Sit, recall each and every incident, relive them in your inner space. Write them down. I commit with you, today with this Samskara Dahana Kriya, I’ll complete all your pain patterns because they are not worthy of carrying. You have a stupid Uhaul service. Constantly your pain being transferred wherever you go. This Uhaul service does its job even if you don’t call them. That’s a problem.
The unique process we will do now. You are literally going to write your autobiography. Understand, this process is called Samskara Dahana Kriya. Start with the earliest memories of your life. Recall all the unpleasant incidents of your life. The ones that brought you mental, physical, emotional, conscious pains. Recall each incident. Relieve it in your inner space intensely. Go back to the same situation, same emotion, same thinking pattern, same understanding, same experience. Go back to that age, bring that same emotion, bring that same experience. After reliving, write down each incident clearly as if you are writing a story. Do not sensor anything. Do not avoid any incidents. Write each and every incident. Don’t sensor. Do it really really sincerely. Go ahead. Let’s gather for next session. Thank you. Be blissful.
All your fears are patterns, not facts
==Link to Video: ==
==Link to Video: ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PpbuzdCsHQ&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/loosening-all-your-fears?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2016-playlist-2"/>
== Transcript:==
Some deeper insgihts into this fear pattern, when I utter the word the fear pattern,it means all yours fears are pattern, not facts; your fears when they over power you , look like fact, when you over power them you realize it is pattern; understand when they over power you it looks like fact, when you over power them it look likes pattern; now all we need to do, do something , so that they can never over power you, they can never make you powerless (repeat),
Listen, you have to do something, we can never become powerless. Listen to this truth, internalize, all fear is nothing but pattern making you powerless, because you become powerless the pattern looks like a fact. Its like a there is a hero, and the dupe for the hero; when the hero is dead powerless dupe look likes a hero, pattern taking over you making you powerless and makes itself look like fact, that is the worst thing can happen to you (repeated),
All fears are ultimately rooted in fear of deaths (repeated). Actually whenever you become powerless, that is the real moment about which you need to be afraid, not the death itself;  please listen, if you don’t become powerless, death is become transition, if you become powerless, collapse, death leads to such a unknown , unable to understand space.
In your life if at all you have to afraid of something, only you have to afraid of becoming powerless, nothing else; nothing else need to worried, you don’t need to worry, you don’t need to worry anything else other than feeling powerless. Feeling powerless is the only thing about which you need to be afraid of  you need to be worried of.
Are desires wrong?
'''Purify the 5 layers of your existence: Nithya Kriya [[Yoga]] (Introduction)'''
== Description: ==
In this short video, taken from the second session of Nithya Kriya Yoga on 15 August 2015, Paramahamsa Nithyananda explains about desires and clears one of the biggest misunderstandings of the spiritual field: that desires would be wrong.
Your desires are your life. it is your desires which infuse life and energy in you. Similarly, conflicts in your desires brings tiredness in you, contradiction in your desires brings boredom in you, confusion in your desires brings frustration in you. Paramahamsa Nithyananda states: 'If your desire is pure, every breathe you inhale and exhale will make that desire into reality'. On the other hand, when you carry conflict, confusion, and contradiction in your desires, every breathe brings tiredness, boredom and frustration into you.
So where does that bring us? The one and only thing we have to do in life, is not giving up desire, but removing the conflicts, confusions, and contradictions from those desires! One of the biggest mess-ups in the field of spirituality is the wrong understanding that renunciation means giving up desires.
Raga means attachment. Araga means detachment. Viraga means renouncing the conflicts, confusion, complications of desires.
You need viraga - renouncing desires is not what we want, but renouncing the conflict, the contradiction, the confusion from our desires is all we want.
Do you want to identify the conflicting, contradicting and confusing desires from your life? Follow the link fur the full session with the process for identifying and cleaning up these patterns.
==Link to Video: ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2ogh6ozA5o |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/desires?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2016-playlist-2"/>
==Transcript: ==
Your desires are your life. Your desires are your life. Listen. Its your desires which infuse life into you and its your desires which infuse energy into you. Same way, conflicts in your desires brings tiredness in you. Contradictions in your desires brings boredom in you. Confusions in your desires bring frustration in you. Please understand. Your desires are your life. Conflict in your desires bring confusion in you. Conflict in your desires bring tiredness in you. Confusions in your desires bring frustration in you. Its contradiction in your desires bring boredom in you.
Actually, if your desire is pure every breath you inhale and exhale will make that desire into reality. When your desires have conflict, confusion and contradiction every breath brings tiredness, boredom, frustration in you. Every breath is like a air blower into balloon. Your desires are the shape of the balloon. Shape of the balloon is Tom and Jerry when you blow the air you will have Tom and Jerry – conflict. Constant conflict. If the shape of the balloon is just round, when you blow the air into that balloon you will have a round balloon. The shape of the balloon is tall, when you blow air into it you will see tall balloon.
Your breath infuses energy into your desire. So, one and only thing you need to do in your life is not giving up desire but removing the conflicts, confusions, contradictions in your desires. Please understand. Renunciation is not giving up your desires, it is giving up conflicts, contradictions, confusions in your desires. One of the biggest messup happened in the field of spirituality is wrong understanding – renunciation means giving up desires. That’s the worst understanding happened or misunderstanding happened in the spiritual field. Raga means attachment, Araga means detachment. Viraga means renouncing the conflicts, confusion and complications of desires. You need viraga, vairagya. Viraga becomes vairagya. Please understand, renouncing desires is not what we want. Renouncing the complications, contradictions, confusions is all we want. Renouncing complications, confusions and contradictions. That’s all we need. That’s all we need.  
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'''Purify the 5 layers of your existence: remove [[fear]] patterns from the physical body (NKY session 1)'''
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'''Purify the 5 layers of your existence: desires and the breathing body (NKY session 2)'''
Nithyananda Times, 15th August, 2015
==Link to Video: ==
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==Link to Facebook Page:==
https://www.facebook.com/srinithyananda.swami/posts/530809800407357 <br>
'''Purify the 5 layers of your existence: pain patterns and the mental body (NKY session 3)'''
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Latest revision as of 20:10, 21 February 2021




This video is the recording of the second session of Nithya Kriya Yoga (NKY), shared by Paramahamsa Nithyananda on 15 August 2015. Nithya Kriya Yoga is a weekend program for cleansing the 5 layers of our existence (in Sanskrit: koshas), doing completion with all the different kinds of patterns stored in the 5 bodies of our being. The second layer is the physical body, or pranamaya kosha.

The NKY sessions start with an introduction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoA-r...

In this session, Paramahamsa Nithyananda gives an introduction to the second layer of our existence, the breathing body, and what its possibility is. He explains that prana is the energy which your body absorbs while you are breathing. Air itself is not prana, air is the vehicle for prana. There are five movements of prana in our body. These five breathing activities which happen in you, together are called the pranic layer or breathing body.

Paramahamsa Nithyananda then continues to explain that in this breathing body, all our patterns related to desire are stored. Desires in themselves are not wrong, on the contrary, our desires are our life. But it is the conflict, the contradiction, and the confusion in our desires which create tiredness, boredom and frustration in us. This session gives the keys on how to clean, how to purify your desires, by removing the conflicting, contradicting and confusing desires. So that you can manifest your desired reality.

Next, Paramahamsa Nithyananda gives a breathing technique (pranayama kriya), for overcoming the conflict, contradiction and confusion in our desires. The viewer is guided into the technique step by step.

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Video Audio


Video-1: NKY- Introduction. 15 – 17 Aug.

Nithyanandaeshwara Samarambham Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamam | Asmadaachaya Paryantaam Vande GuruParamaparaam ||

I welcome all of you with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangis, SriMahants, Mahants, Thanedar, Kothari, visitors, viewers sitting with us all over the world. I.welcome all of you with my love and respects.

Nithya Kriya Yoga. Please understand, whatever you want in life can be expressed by you when your whole being wants it. Please understand, whatever you want to achieve in your life, you can manifest it, express it, without any other effort just by your whole being wanting it. Please understand, I am making some of the most important statements. It may look very controversial. It may look very different than your beliefs are. Some of the important sacred secrets – whatever you want can be manifested in your life the moment your entire being wants it. Not just parts of you. Part of you may want health, part of you may want to have constantly junk food, alcohol and what not. Then, you won’t manifest health. Whatever you want can be manifested just by your whole being wanting it. Nothing else is needed. Please understand, I am making a statement which means if you want wealth, just by your whole being wanting it, you will manifest it. It may look very funny or strange, weird proposal, but I tell you it works. For various strange paradoxical weird reasons, it works. Because universe is paradoxical. It’s weird, still human beings are not able to decode the universe. That’s the beauty of it.

Your whole being wanting it can manifest anything. Without having to do, need to do any other action other than wanting. Every corner we have to find, every corners where limitations can hide and clean them all. Our limitation beliefs where all it can hide and clean them all. You need to understand all dimensions of your existence. We are more than what we think we are. Unless we understand our ideas about ourselves, our body and mind, we cannot find the part of us that hidden by our body mind system. Please listen, I am making two statements. What you think you are, you are not that. That is the first statement. Second statement, what you think you are hides who you really are from you. That’s the second statement.

Listen to this two. First, what you think you are is not you. And, what you think you are hides the real you from you. The ideas you carry about you – body, mind – you can’t find you. The part of you which is hidden by the system. For the flowering of the self you need to work on the self itself. You need to work on your body, mind, emotions. Just like body is made of various systems: nervous system, circulatory system, digestion system. Like that, you are made of five layers. In Sanskrit we call it Koshas. One of the oldest Upanishad, may be 20,000 years old Upanishad clearly describes the whole you. The sheaths or coverings, in Sanskrit – Koshas. How may koshas we have, how to clean them, complete them, heal them, make yourself as one. This five Koshas, the Upanishads gives us the understanding, you are the five koshas.

First, the physical body you are having, which is made of flesh, bones, that’s the first layer body. That’s the first layer of you. Which we can touch, feel – that’s the first layer of you. Second, your breathing – inhaling, holding, exhaling, the air spreading on your body and cleaning. All this is second layer, breathing layer. Third, mind – your thought current, your thinking trend. Fourth, your cognition about you – the ideas you carry about you, your karma pattern, the root of karma pattern. The ideas you carry about you, that’s the fourth layer, your cognition pattern. Fifth, the bliss – the self in you, the bliss nature of you. Understand, these five layers. Physical body, the first layer. Breathing, the second layer. Mental body, the third layer. The cognition you carry about you, which is not really you, but which you carry about you – that’s the fourth layer. The bliss happening in you – that’s the fifth layer. Once you complete all these five and integrate all these five, heal all these five, enlightenment starts expressing. Means ability to manifest whatever you want. The ability to manifest whatever you want.

Only these koshas, these layers need to flower, need to open, need to radiate and fall in tune. Ultimate self, starts manifesting through you once these five layers start manifesting. All five layers need to be purified so that they constantly radiate enlightenment. Understand, physical body – Annamaya Kosha, physical body – the gross body. Physical body, breathing layer, mental layer, cognition layer and bliss layer. These are the five layers you carry. Taitri Upanishad, second chapter, Aananda Valli beautifully explains this whole science.

These five layers, understand, I’ll repeat now. Physical body, breathing layer, mental layer, cognition layer, bliss layer. In this five, we carry so many incompletions, patterns. Removing all those incompletions, engrams, patterns helping every one of you to completely integrate yourself. Helping every one of you to fulfill yourself. Helping every one of you to experience yourself – the ability to manifest what you want to manifest. Helping every one of you to do that. That’s the goal of this program. Goal of this program is to remove all the incompletions and patterns. People ask so many questions.

They say how will this program help me in day-to-day life? Please understand, only after you integrate you complete you, your day-to-day life starts. Till then, your life is not day-to-day. It is time to time. Sometimes your life will be happening sometimes it will not be happening. Only when you start completing yourself, integrating yourself your life starts. Your life starts happening. People also ask me, how this program is different from Life-Bliss level 1 and Kalpataru. In Kalpataru and Life-Bliss Level-1 I give you the glimpse of that science. Now the whole science itself for you to take it and practice, live it. Next question I usually get, is there a relationship between seven chakras and koshas – yes. All the seven chakras are in the fourth kosha, fourth layer. But all the seven chakras are only one layer. People ask, if I had a bad dream in which kosha does this problem exist? That exists in the third layer – the mental layer.


Video-2 Purify the 5 layers of your existence: remove fear patterns from the physical body (NKY session 1)


This video is the recording of the first session of Nithya Kriya Yoga (NKY), shared by Paramahamsa Nithyananda on 15 August 2015. Nithya Kriya Yoga is a weekend program for cleansing the 5 layers of our existence (in Sanskrit: koshas), doing completion with all the different kinds of patterns stored in the 5 bodies of our being. The first layer is the physical body, or annamaya kosha.

In this session, Paramahamsa Nithyananda gives an introduction to the first layer of our existence, the physical body, and what its possibility is. He explains: the physical body should be a vehicle through which you can manifest anything you want.

He then gives the instruction on how to complete the patterns stored in the physical body, which are patterns related to fear.

After that instruction, Paramahamsa Nithyananda gives further insights into fear patterns. He explains that all our fears are patterns, not fact. And that the only thing in life we should be afraid of, is of being overwhelmed or overpowered, feeling powerless. Because when you become powerless, your fear looks like a fact to you instead of like a pattern.

At the end of the session, Paramahamsa Nithyananda introduces the participants into a meditation to complete with fear, the darkness meditation.

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Video Audio


00:19] Now we will first start working on physical layer. Annamaya kosha. The body we are carrying which is made of flesh bones and blood. The physical body, Annamaya kosha. Because it is strengthened or weakened by food, it is directly built by food – Anna – it is called Annamaya kosha in Sanskrit. The body can be a ultimate place for us to rest or a great bondage. The goal is to evolve the body into enlighten physiology. Please listen, how your body should be, how your body should be. The goal. The body should be a vehicle through which you can manifest anything you want. Not just your health or wealth or better relationship, anything you want you should be able to just manifest. The physical layer- Annamaya kosha is part of the material world whether it’s a rock or tree or man all have physical body. In this physical body you carry the patterns of fear. Please understand, the Samskaras of fear. See in each layer you carry different patterns. Different patterns are recorded in different layers. In each layer different patterns are recorded. The physical layer, the patterns of fear is recorded. Please understand, these patterns by and by accumulate certain power even though they cannot function independently without the power of your consciousness. Because of its long time existence they themselves accumulate, acquire certain powers.

[03:52] Like early morning cup of coffee. Once you build the habit of early morning cup of coffee, without that your life cannot move. It’s almost like a day has not started if coffee is missing. I am not saying coffee is wrong, I am not saying coffee is right. But all I am trying to tell you is compulsion is wrong. Compulsion is wrong. That stops your self-actualization. That stops your self-actualization. First the engrams, patterns, samskaras, incompletions you have in your physical layer, let’s dig out those physical layer patterns. Intranalyzing incompletions of fear. Please listen. Dig out all the fear layers. Fear patterns. Recollect earliest memories of your life. Write down all the incidents and the conversations you had about fear of losing your name, fear of losing your fame, fear of losing your identity. You have multiple layers of fears stored in the physical body. Recollect the earliest memories of your life and write down the incidents and conversations you had about fear of losing your physical health, fear of losing your mental health and/or fear of losing the body/body parts in accidents. Same way recollect and recollect the earliest memories of your life and write down all the incompletions you had about fear of losing your wealth and all your possessions.

[06:41] Recollect the earliest memories of your life and write down the incidents and conversations you had about fear of losing your loved ones. Fear of losing the love of your loved ones. Recollect the earliest memories of your life and write down the incidents and conversations you had about fear of the unknown. So start penning down as if you are talking to me. Let’s dig out the patterns and engrams you carry in the physical layer. In the physical body.

[07:22] Listen. Some deeper insights into this fear pattern. See when I utter the word fear-pattern, it means all your fears are patterns not facts. Please listen. Your fears when they overpower you look like fact. When you overpower them you realize it is pattern. Understand. When they overpower you it looks life fact. When you overpower them it looks like pattern. Now all we need to do, do something so that they can never overpower you. They can never make you powerless. They can never make you powerless. Listen. You will have to do something so that we can never become powerless.

[08:47] Listen to this truth. Internalize. All fear is nothing but pattern making you powerless because you become powerless, the pattern looks like a fact. It’s like a, there is a hero and a dup for the hero. When hero is dead powerless dup looks like a hero. Pattern taking over you making you powerless and makes itself look like fact. That is the worst thing can happen to you. Please listen. That is the worst thing that can happen to you. All fears are ultimately rooted in fear of death. All fears ultimately rooted in fear of death. Actually, whenever you become powerless that is the real moment about which you need to be afraid not the death itself. Please listen. If you don’t become powerless death is just transition. If you become powerless, collapse. Actually death leads to such an unknown, unable to understand space. In your life if at all you have to be afraid of something, only you have to be afraid of becoming powerless, nothing else. Nothing else need to be worried. You don’t need to worry, you don’t need to be afraid of anything else other than feeling powerless.

[11:28] Feeling powerless is the only thing about which you need to be afraid of. You need to be worried about. Now, I’ll lead you into a process which will strengthen your inner space so you will never fall into powerlessness. Never the pattern can take over you and make it look like a fact. Pattern taking over you makes itself look like a fact is the worst thing that can happen to you. It’s like your dup breaking your head and putting you unconscious and then taking over your place making himself look like you. So listen. This process awakens your kundalini, strengthens your powerfulness never allows you to fall into powerlessness so that patterns can never take over the place of fact.

[13:01] Anything when you know it is a pattern you will never be afraid. As long as you think it’s a fact you will be frightened. Whether it is a ghost, fear or losing name and fame or death, fear of accident everything. Only if you feel – “oh it may become fact, it is there”. Then you will be frightened, powerless. If you know it is just a pattern with which you are suffering. Suddenly the pattern lost all it’s strength and vigor.

[13:45] Now the process, I am going to lead you, very simple process. It’s from ShaivAgama. ShivanJnanopanishad. Let me read out the verse and then give you the technique.

Evameva Durnishayam Krishnapakshagameshiram | Thaimiram bhavayan rupam bhairavam rupamaishyati ||

The English translation – “In the same way a dark night in the dark fortnight by contemplating for long over the circumambient darkness the yogi will attain the nature of Bhairava.”

[14:38] Please listen. I’ll give you the technique now. Meditate on intense darkness. It will actually put your mind to your natural state where your Kundalini can start spreading all over your system. Your body will start getting powerful. Please understand. Darkness is only worshiped as Kali and Kalabhairava in Hindu tradition. Don’t be afraid of darkness. It is the agitated western mind western mental setup which is afraid of darkness. But the original darkness is beyond light and darkness. It is like a beyond the frequency of the light. If you see the whole cosmos – it is darkness. Intense darkness. It is not just darkness, its energy too. Its energy too. Meditate on darkness as intensely as possible. You may even feel that you have forgotten your body. It is ok. Because when you meditate on the darkness your Kundalini shakti will be awakened. You will experience the real light. As and now whatever you know as light is not real light. Meditate of darkness you will experience the real light.


Video-3 Purify the 5 layers of your existence: desires and the breathing body (NKY session 2)


This video is the recording of the second session of Nithya Kriya Yoga (NKY), shared by Paramahamsa Nithyananda on 15 August 2015. Nithya Kriya Yoga is a weekend program for cleansing the 5 layers of our existence (in Sanskrit: koshas), doing completion with all the different kinds of patterns stored in the 5 bodies of our being. The second layer is the physical body, or pranamaya kosha.

In this session, Paramahamsa Nithyananda gives an introduction to the second layer of our existence, the breathing body, and what its possibility is. He explains that prana is the energy which your body absorbs while you are breathing. Air itself is not prana, air is the vehicle for prana. There are five movements of prana in our body. These five breathing activities which happen in you, together are called the pranic layer or breathing body.

Paramahamsa Nithyananda then continues to explain that in this breathing body, all our patterns related to desire are stored. Desires in themselves are not wrong, on the contrary, our desires are our life. But it is the conflict, the contradiction, and the confusion in our desires which create tiredness, boredom and frustration in us. This session gives the keys on how to clean, how to purify your desires, by removing the conflicting, contradicting and confusing desires. So that you can manifest your desired reality.

Next, Paramahamsa Nithyananda gives a breathing technique (pranayama kriya), for overcoming the conflict, contradiction and confusion in our desires. The viewer is guided into the technique step by step.

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Video Audio


[00:17] Please listen. The next layer we are going to work is breathing layer – Pranamaya Kosha. In Sanskrit we say Pranamaya Kosha breathing layer. See, prana is the energy which your body absorbs while you are breathing. Please understand, prana, is the energy your body absorbs while you are breathing. Air itself is not prana but the energy which comes through the air is prana. Air is like a vehicle. Air is like a vehicle. On a physiological level prana refers to your circulatory and respiratory systems. See, prana does five things inside you. Inhalation – that is called prana, vyana – means the air which goes inside and stays in you, third udana – the air which goes inside and spreads all over the body, samana – the air which leaves your body, apana – the air which does cleaning process in your body. Actually these five movements of air, air energy, inside you is totally called as pranic layer.

[02:15] Please listen. I’ll repeat once more. The five breathing activity happens in you – inhaling, holding, exhaling, spreading all over your body and cleaning. These five put together is called pranic layer and all the energy which happens during the breathing process gives life to you. So please understand, prana is one of the important source of life. In this layer, all our desires are stored. Desire related patterns, desire related engrams, desire related samskaras are stored in this layer. Please listen. Listen carefully. Your desires are your life. Your desires are your life. Listen. Its your desires which infuse life into you and its your desires which infuse energy into you. Same way, conflicts in your desires brings tiredness in you. Contradictions in your desires brings boredom in you. Confusions in your desires bring frustration in you. Please understand. Your desires are your life. Conflict in your desires bring confusion in you. Conflict in your desires bring tiredness in you. Confusions in your desires bring frustration in you. Its contradiction in your desires bring boredom in you.

[05:03] Actually, if your desire is pure every breath you inhale and exhale will make that desire into reality. When your desires have conflict, confusion and contradiction every breath brings tiredness, boredom, frustration in you. Every breath is like a air blower into balloon. Your desires are the shape of the balloon. Shape of the balloon is Tom and Jerry when you blow the air you will have Tom and Jerry – conflict. Constant conflict. If the shape of the balloon is just round, when you blow the air into that balloon you will have a round balloon. The shape of the balloon is tall, when you blow air into it you will see tall balloon.

[06:08] Your breath infuses energy into your desire. So, one and only thing you need to do in your life is not giving up desire but removing the conflicts, confusions, contradictions in your desires. Please understand. Renunciation is not giving up your desires, it is giving up conflicts, contradictions, confusions in your desires. One of the biggest messup happened in the field of spirituality is wrong understanding – renunciation means giving up desires. That’s the worst understanding happened or misunderstanding happened in the spiritual field. Raga means attachment, Araga means detachment. Viraga means renouncing the conflicts, confusion and complications of desires. You need viraga, vairagya. Viraga becomes vairagya. Please understand, renouncing desires is not what we want. Renouncing the complications, contradictions, confusions is all we want. Renouncing complications, confusions and contradictions. That’s all we need. That’s all we need.

[08:21] First thing we need to do. Identify the contradicting, conflicting and complicating desires. What all the desires you have which contradicts, conflicts, complicates. First, conflicting desire means having a desire which conflicts itself. In the one statement itself you will create a conflict and wrong energy. I’ll give you an example, somebody has a headache he goes on repeating – I want to get rid of headache, I want to get rid of headache. When you repeat this again and again statement itself will keep the headache alive because every time you are remembering headache when you utter the word headache, headache becomes stronger and stronger in you. The real word you need to repeat inside is – I should become healthy, my head should become healthy. See the words you repeat inside you are equivalent to food you take everyday. Suddenly overnight nobody is going to become obese. Suddenly overnight nobody is going to become fit. Its everyday what you eat makes you one day obese. Everyday what you eat makes you one day healthy.

[10:03] Listen. The words you repeat inside makes you either frustrated or spiritually awakened. The conflicting words you go on repeating inside you takes away the possibility you have for yourself. Second, contradicting desires. Having two or more desires at the same time which contradict each other. Which you cannot fulfil at the same time. For example, you want to become a CEO and be a active life from morning till evening manager’s meetings, team meetings and people listening to your words, commands, decisions. You want to be a person who calls the shots, rolling chair and active life. One, you aspire for that. The other side you want to throw away everything, go and lie down in the beach, resting. This contradicting desires. Same way, third, complicating desires, means having a desire which gets complicated without direct understanding and clarity. This is when you don’t have intelligence to take the direct and straight steps to fulfill the desires. You go round and round and round. You want money, but you are working the direction of having name and fame. You go round and round and round. Fulfilling something else. Its like you want name and fame but you are working in the direction of having money.

[12:21] I will give you an example. You want to learn painting but first you learn stitching and then drying finally by the time you learn painting you have become too old. This complicating desires, understand that. Many time you want pleasure but you get into painful lifestyle. Its like a, the joy you enjoy when you are romancing and dating you want that permanently and you get married. That’s it. I think this example everyone understands. If you are getting married for the sake of retaining the joy you experience while you are romancing and dating. That can be a very apt example of complicating desires. What you want is different and what you do is different. End up in complication.

[13:37] Now, please sit and dig out the contradicting desires, conflicting desires and complicating desires you have. Cleansing the pranamaya kosha. And please start digging out these patterns and engrams. Now, again awakening your kundalini shakti, infusing into your pranamaya, breathing layer will make you get out of these conflicting, confusing, contradicting patterns. Please understand. Whenever you become powerless in front of a desire that becomes conflict, that becomes confusing, that becomes complicating. Listen carefully. Whenever you become powerless in front of your desires, those are the moments conflicting, contradicting, confusing knots are created in your desire pattern. So naturally those knots does not allow the fulfilment or completion of your desires. Now, one by understanding and completing, second by awakening your kundalini shakti, in both ways I’ll help you to overcome these complications, conflicts and confusions.

[15:51] This kriya, we are going to do. The process we are going to do now is a very powerful process to awaken your kundalini and your pranic layer so that you can be free from all this conflict, confusion, complications of your desires. So listen, the first step listen to the first step. Inhale as slowly as possible. Hold as long as possible. Exhale as slowly as possible. Hold your lungs empty as long as possible. Listen. Inhale as slowly as possible comfortably, hold as long as possible comfortably, exhale as slowly as possible comfortably, keep your lungs empty as long as possible comfortably. If you already have high blood pressure, any problem in the lungs, any heart disorders, any other serious illness please do not do this kriya. Others do it very sincerely as much as you are comfortable. Let’s start the process. During the process you should be standing. Please stand up, 3 feet gap between both the legs, keep your legs wide apart. Inhale and exhale as slowly as possible and as deeply as possible. Please tie the ribbon. Please close your eyes and tie the ribbon. Inhale as slowly as you can. Hold as long as you can. Exhale as slowly as you can. Hold the lungs empty as long as you can. Again start inhaling as slowly as you can. Please start.

[18:45] Continue again after few minutes of break the same breathing process. Others please continue as slowly as possible, as comfortably as possible. Relax. Please settle down wherever you are. You can have few minutes break then gather for next session. Shivoham process. The process to awaken your kundalini shakti directly. Let’s get ready for Shivoham process. Let’s gather for next session. Thank you. Be blissful.


Video-4 Purify the 5 layers of your existence: pain patterns and the mental body (NKY session 3)


This video is the recording of the third session of Nithya Kriya Yoga (NKY), shared by Paramahamsa Nithyananda on 16 August 2015. Nithya Kriya Yoga is a weekend program for cleansing the 5 layers of our existence (in Sanskrit: koshas), doing completion with all the different kinds of patterns stored in the 5 bodies of our being. The third layer is the mental body, or manomaya kosha. In this layer our pain patterns are stored.

What patterns are stored in your mental body, the manomaya kosha? The inner chattering which goes on inside you, which you are not able to switch off, which overpowers you. The strong thought currents overpowering you - this is the biggest incompletion stored in the mental layer.

In the mental layer we store all the pain patterns: physical pain, mental pain, emotional pain and spiritual pain. But in the end, all these pains are reduced to mental pains and recorded in your being as thought patterns, mental patterns. Even physical pain is the mental pain about physical pain. These four major pains get stored in your pain body, in the mental layer.

After giving the introduction about pain patterns and the mental body, Paramahamsa Nithyananda continues to give participants a powerful process to 'get you out of the mess you created for yourself'. This happens when we recall, relive all incidents. Paramahamsa Nithyananda explains to people the samskara dahana kriya - the technique of writing the pain autobiography.

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[00:09] The next layer we are going to work is mental layer. The mind – Manomaya Kosha. Please understand. The inner chattering which goes on inside you which you are not able to switch off, which takes over you, overpowers you. I can give you the example, late night you are not able to fall asleep, you are tossing rolling on your bed. One side, thinking about so many things that you need to do. Other side worrying that if you don’t sleep tonight tomorrow you will not be able to do anything. But various things which you are supposed to do in the future, which you have done wrongly in the past overpowers you. See such a strong thought currents which you are not able to control overpowering you. This layer, the mental layer, manomaya kosha, strong thought currents overpowering you is the biggest incompletions stored in manomaya kosha. The mental layer.

[02:01] Please listen. In the mental layer, the powerful strongest incompletion recorded, strongest incompletion stored is thought currents overpowering you, making you powerless. In this layer, we store all the pain patterns, we store all the pain patterns. Physical pain, mental pain, emotional pain, spiritual pain. All the pains are reduced to mental pain and recorded in your being. Please understand, physical pain also when it is recorded in your mind it becomes only mental pain. It is the mental pain about physical pain, that’s all.

[03:18] Physical pain, all of you know, if somebody hits you what happens is the physical pain. Mental pain is if you are not respected somewhere the way you expect to be respected. Emotional pain is somebody whom you really love or trust cheats you. And spiritual pain, conscious pain is pain of not achieving what you want to achieve in your life. Listen. This four major pains get stored in your pain body. In your mental layer. Mental layer is pain body. That is where all the pains are stored.

[04:39] I’ll lead you into a very powerful process to get you out of this mess you created for yourself. Each thought current overpowering you and torturing you even though you don’t want them. Now I tell you. Sit, recall each and every incident, relive them in your inner space. Write them down. I commit with you, today with this Samskara Dahana Kriya, I’ll complete all your pain patterns because they are not worthy of carrying. You have a stupid Uhaul service. Constantly your pain being transferred wherever you go. This Uhaul service does its job even if you don’t call them. That’s a problem.

[05:52] The unique process we will do now. You are literally going to write your autobiography. Understand, this process is called Samskara Dahana Kriya. Start with the earliest memories of your life. Recall all the unpleasant incidents of your life. The ones that brought you mental, physical, emotional, conscious pains. Recall each incident. Relieve it in your inner space intensely. Go back to the same situation, same emotion, same thinking pattern, same understanding, same experience. Go back to that age, bring that same emotion, bring that same experience. After reliving, write down each incident clearly as if you are writing a story. Do not sensor anything. Do not avoid any incidents. Write each and every incident. Don’t sensor. Do it really really sincerely. Go ahead. Let’s gather for next session. Thank you. Be blissful.


All your fears are patterns, not facts

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Some deeper insgihts into this fear pattern, when I utter the word the fear pattern,it means all yours fears are pattern, not facts; your fears when they over power you , look like fact, when you over power them you realize it is pattern; understand when they over power you it looks like fact, when you over power them it look likes pattern; now all we need to do, do something , so that they can never over power you, they can never make you powerless (repeat),

Listen, you have to do something, we can never become powerless. Listen to this truth, internalize, all fear is nothing but pattern making you powerless, because you become powerless the pattern looks like a fact. Its like a there is a hero, and the dupe for the hero; when the hero is dead powerless dupe look likes a hero, pattern taking over you making you powerless and makes itself look like fact, that is the worst thing can happen to you (repeated),

All fears are ultimately rooted in fear of deaths (repeated). Actually whenever you become powerless, that is the real moment about which you need to be afraid, not the death itself; please listen, if you don’t become powerless, death is become transition, if you become powerless, collapse, death leads to such a unknown , unable to understand space.

In your life if at all you have to afraid of something, only you have to afraid of becoming powerless, nothing else; nothing else need to worried, you don’t need to worry, you don’t need to worry anything else other than feeling powerless. Feeling powerless is the only thing about which you need to be afraid of you need to be worried of.


Are desires wrong?


In this short video, taken from the second session of Nithya Kriya Yoga on 15 August 2015, Paramahamsa Nithyananda explains about desires and clears one of the biggest misunderstandings of the spiritual field: that desires would be wrong.

Your desires are your life. it is your desires which infuse life and energy in you. Similarly, conflicts in your desires brings tiredness in you, contradiction in your desires brings boredom in you, confusion in your desires brings frustration in you. Paramahamsa Nithyananda states: 'If your desire is pure, every breathe you inhale and exhale will make that desire into reality'. On the other hand, when you carry conflict, confusion, and contradiction in your desires, every breathe brings tiredness, boredom and frustration into you.

So where does that bring us? The one and only thing we have to do in life, is not giving up desire, but removing the conflicts, confusions, and contradictions from those desires! One of the biggest mess-ups in the field of spirituality is the wrong understanding that renunciation means giving up desires.

Raga means attachment. Araga means detachment. Viraga means renouncing the conflicts, confusion, complications of desires. You need viraga - renouncing desires is not what we want, but renouncing the conflict, the contradiction, the confusion from our desires is all we want.

Do you want to identify the conflicting, contradicting and confusing desires from your life? Follow the link fur the full session with the process for identifying and cleaning up these patterns.

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Your desires are your life. Your desires are your life. Listen. Its your desires which infuse life into you and its your desires which infuse energy into you. Same way, conflicts in your desires brings tiredness in you. Contradictions in your desires brings boredom in you. Confusions in your desires bring frustration in you. Please understand. Your desires are your life. Conflict in your desires bring confusion in you. Conflict in your desires bring tiredness in you. Confusions in your desires bring frustration in you. Its contradiction in your desires bring boredom in you.

Actually, if your desire is pure every breath you inhale and exhale will make that desire into reality. When your desires have conflict, confusion and contradiction every breath brings tiredness, boredom, frustration in you. Every breath is like a air blower into balloon. Your desires are the shape of the balloon. Shape of the balloon is Tom and Jerry when you blow the air you will have Tom and Jerry – conflict. Constant conflict. If the shape of the balloon is just round, when you blow the air into that balloon you will have a round balloon. The shape of the balloon is tall, when you blow air into it you will see tall balloon.

Your breath infuses energy into your desire. So, one and only thing you need to do in your life is not giving up desire but removing the conflicts, confusions, contradictions in your desires. Please understand. Renunciation is not giving up your desires, it is giving up conflicts, contradictions, confusions in your desires. One of the biggest messup happened in the field of spirituality is wrong understanding – renunciation means giving up desires. That’s the worst understanding happened or misunderstanding happened in the spiritual field. Raga means attachment, Araga means detachment. Viraga means renouncing the conflicts, confusion and complications of desires. You need viraga, vairagya. Viraga becomes vairagya. Please understand, renouncing desires is not what we want. Renouncing the complications, contradictions, confusions is all we want. Renouncing complications, confusions and contradictions. That’s all we need. That’s all we need.


Nithyananda Times, 15th August, 2015

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