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We will work on death. It is too important subject. You need not only patience, tremendous enthusiasm…. Please understand. See, now when I guide you into the process, in other meditations, if you just sit patiently till I complete, “Oh! Next half an hour anyhow,” okay but now the patience is not enough. You need enthusiasm, because you need to visualize and go through tremendous courage, tremendous courage to visualize whatever churns literally your stomach, whatever you try to avoid in your life. See, sometime you may not avoid remembering your own death but you may avoid remembering some of your near and dear one’s death. You may not be able to handle that or losing your personality, means name and fame, getting disgraced. That is the worst fear than anything else.
I can tell you, I have tasted the extreme name and fame. Why tasted, tasting also and the extreme disgrace. I have tasted both. I have seen this extreme name and fame and this extreme abusal. I can tell you, very, very important sacred secret from My own life. Just understand this one truth: people are unconscious while they are praising or abusing, that's all. This one truth remembering can liberate you from the whole calamity and chaos: people are unconscious while praising or abusing. When they praise, they do not know the meaning of the words they are uttering. When they abuse, again they do not know the meaning of the words they are uttering but unnecessarily you die to get the praising words, you die when they abuse. For both you die. To get praised, you die; when they abuse, you die. Understand, people are not conscious when they praise you. People are not conscious when they abuse you. They do not know the meaning. They do not know what they are doing. In other words I can say, remember, people are fools. When you are abused or when you are expecting the praise, both time remember, people are fools.
We are going to now work on the death engram. Dig out the engrams of your spheres. Recollect the earliest memories of your life and write down the incidents, memories, engrams you had about the fear of losing your name and fame. See, for example, your mom says, “Whole school will tell you, you are a bad boy.” Your sister will tell you, “You are a bad boy. Don't be like a bad boy, be a good boy.” That is your name and fame. Second, recollect the earliest memory and the oldest  engrams related to fear of losing your physical health, fear of accidents, losing parts of your body, losing your loved ones or fear of losing the love. Fourth, earliest memories and engrams, the engrams of fear of unknown- ghost, darkness, sometime even God, sometime even God. Describe where you normally face fear strokes in your life. For example, here I have given example. On a very silent afternoon when your doorbell suddenly rings, when suddenly your boss calls you, when you are suddenly given a negative feedback by someone. Finally fear of death. Write the earliest concepts, all your childhood memories and beliefs you received about death in your life.
You may have received ideas from your parents, teachers, relatives, church, temple, etc. Write down your own experience about the first death you directly faced or attended in your life. What was the impact on you of your first near and dear one’s death? Relive the whole incident and vividly describe that experience. Please understand, now I want you all to write answer for each question in three page. Vividly you will remember when the first death you faced in your life. What was the direction the dead body was kept? What was the smell in that room? Who all were there? What was the feeling you were going through? Who all were supporting it, encouraging it? I wanted you to not just remember, vivid remember- reliving each question.
Please write answers in three page. Please read the question again and again at least two times. Then you will remember the answers. You will be able to look in, deeply dig it. Relive vividly. When you pen down, get into minute details because these minute details only create engrams. When you get into the minute detail only you will uproot the engram completely.
Question: Swamiji, I am being reminded of all my childhood incidents.
Swamiji: Yes, what I say is, to include all of those incidents also.
Think through about each question, each incident, each engrams. Dig out because you are going to relive them, relieve them.
(10:01) to (11:15)
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We are going to work on the navel chakra, the navel center, manipuraka chakra. The thought current flow for this chakra is just unnecessary broken unidentifiable worries. Unidentifiable thought flow; suddenly just for no reason some thought flow. And I don’t know what will happen if all the paddy field gets into the water. There is no relationship between you and the paddy field getting into the water.
You can see in your life. When I give this example, you feel ‘No, no, no I never get this kind of thought flow.’ No. I am talking to you about you. If you just scan your thought flow, I can say if you, if you record connecting a software, automatic transcribing software to your thought pattern, at least sixty percent is manipuraka chakra; just for no reason it will be flowing and unidentifiable worries, unidentifiable items - No way directly relevant to your life, no way directly relevant to your day to day living, nothing. Because it is there you worry about it. I have seen people just worrying about the neighbor. Even neighbor at least you are seeing. Just like that, people worrying for no reason.
Why are you worrying? ‘Everything is going well today, who knows about tomorrow?’ Corrupt mental thinking system. You can identify this if you just sit and go on pen down whatever comes inside. Just do that now for ten minutes. First two three minutes you will not have worry. Because you will be consciously editing. ‘No, this is not right thought. This is worry.’ But more than three four minutes even you can’t edit. It will be there wildly standing in front of you and jumping. What will you do? So now try. You can try. Just within two three minute. See whatever comes inside go on writing. In two minute the whole thought trend will change.
Unidentifiable, reasonless, causeless thoughts, leading you to low mood or depression is worry. Please understand when you plan for your future, when you think about your finance, I am not calling all these things as worry at all. I am only calling just some useless, like a, no way that thought is going to improve your life. No way it is going to alter your life. Just because you are there and the problem is there you will be thinking about it.
Come on. Just go on writing without stopping. If you stop you will become conscious and aware of what you are thinking. Only if you catch yourself unaware you will find the worries. Catch it.
There are questions. [Swamiji reads out the question and answers them]
(Question): What is the difference between dream and vision?
(Answer): Dream is a moments happening in low consciousness like a sleeping state. Vision is Superconsciousness
And satori, difference between satori and glimpse? No, no, no. Write it and send it. Satori and enlightenment?
I can say satori and glimpse of enlightenment is one and the same. Please be seated.
(Question): This is in reference to attention need. During the two way session at our satsang center when Swami blesses other centers for vibhuti, kumkum coming on their Padukas. Attention need for the same to happen at the Annanagar center also. 😀
(Answer): Alright I will do, I will do something for Annanagar center also..
(Question): Often when Swami conducts process like earlier today, visualizing light, I look inside and see total blackness.
(Answer): Vaasudevan, please be seated. Nothing wrong. Nothing wrong if you see blackness, total blackness. That is the way it will happen. Suddenly one day you will see like a egg it will crack. That blackness will break and that light will happen. That is the way it will happen. It will actually, the blackness which you have will intensify more and more and burst.
(Question): My mind is so busy and running around like a lunatic.
(Answer): That is ok.
See you are not expected… your mind is not expected to settle down just like that. The technique itself, to engage your mind only. It is not that your mind will become suddenly calm, quiet. You will raise to a level where the mind is immaterial. So this initially mind running around like a lunatic, shouting, doing this that. That is ok, perfect. After all, mind is part of you. So it will not just like that settle down. Your life and body everything was like a lunatic only, it was running chaotically. Even lunatic word is a too small. Just Chaotic. So, that is ok. That is the way it will be in the initial level.
And don’t worry as you say that ‘I ended up acquiring one after another technique but never immersing and surrendering myself to anyone.’
(Answer): No, no you can’t. I tell you. No intelligent man can do, can practice any technique more than twenty one days. Understand, any technique it is a law, by law. By the time your, you will feel that you are becoming dumb and dull by doing that technique. So don’t bother about unable to practice technique. Here also I am giving technique not for you to achieve through technique, as an engagement to your mind.
Let me give you this example in Tamil Nadu villages, there used to be a ritual called mayana surai. After every Shivaratri there used to be a program enacted in all Indian villages, Tamil Nadu villages especially. Devi will go to the cremation ground and throw puffed rice, all eatables. And then get into the cremation ground and kill the demon and come back.
The story says she was supposed to kill a demon before sunrise. But the demon had too many ghosts protecting him. When she went there, cremation ground, the war field, she saw millions of ghosts are there protecting the demon. She can’t kill all these ghosts and reach demon by tomorrow morning before sunrise.
The ghosts have the habit of picking up and eating from the ground. Even if you give in the hand they will not eat . But you throw it away, they will run after that food and pick up and eat. So she threw the eatables, puffed rice all over. All the ghosts are busy eating, picking up and eating without leaving the security job. She straight went and killed that demon and came back.
Here your ego is the demon. And all the thoughts you are having is the ghost. The technique I am giving is a puffed rice. When I throw this puffed rice - technique, your thoughts will be too busy there. I will go and destroy the demon and come out. That’s all. I just get inside, kill the ego, the demon and come out.
So technique itself is no way going to enlighten you. It is just entertainment for your thoughts and mind when I do my work. It’s diverting the attention of your security who is not allowing me inside you. So don’t bother. Techniques are just for you to struggle. Not for you to become successful. Understand the purpose of technique. Technique is for you to struggle, so that the presence can do it’s real job.
This is a very nice question.
(Question): How does one surrender to a master and not turn that into an egoistic act of surrender?
(Answer): Not even having the idea that you surrender is the real surrender. The moment you count, ‘Oh I surrender my body, I surrender my mind’, gone, your surrender is over. Just casually your body and mind will be burnt. That is the surrender. Surrender actually cannot happen from your side at all. It can happen from my side. From your side only one thing can be done. You can take care that ghosts are completely engaged with the puffed rice. That’s all.
(Question): Is a phobia a vasana?
(Answer): Yes, Phobia is usually vasana. Very rarely samskara .Usually you will not even know it is there. And when the situation comes it will come up and express itself. Rarely you will know but you will not be able to break it.
I have a very funny way of removing allergies and phobias. If somebody is allergic for the nuts or chili and all. I will give exactly that only. Just like that they will come out . Anybody allergic to anything? I challenge actually. What? Channa Dal. Tonight, Ma tell the kitchen to prepare little chana dal Ma. Get it. I will see that completely she become, becomes alright. Anybody allergic to anything tonight bring that object. That’s all. In the darshan. Yes.
All right. Actually this allergy thing, any allergies you just get it. Even if your kids are allergic to something, bring them and I will just energize the same object and give, that vasana will leave the system. I am actually, allergy specialist. Allergy, coma, all these things are our area.
Sanjai Sangani, eNGenius kid, any of your child? She says nut allergy. The evening when she comes for darshan please bring nuts. I will remove it.
(Question): Rakesh Ashok 61, he is worried about ‘Once we experience levitation could it be uncontrollable act. If you are in office setting, are we in control?’ 😀
(Answer): Don’t worry you will be able to control.  😀
People ask me, in bathroom if I start levitating, what will happen?  😀 Don’t worry It will be controlled only. Actually only when you sit and unclutch it will start happening. It is not like that switch is automatic when it wants it starts, it doesn’t stop. No. When you unclutch only its start happening.
You can see the brahmacharis. Tonight I will show. When they are levitating, don’t think they are not aware. I can give them the needle and thread, they will be able to easily put the thread into needle just in one second. Tonight I will show you. It is not that they are not aware of what is happening. Completely, they are fully aware. And the, you see the joy exploding in the system lifts the whole body. You can see in their face, the joy exuding.
Ravi, please be seated. Little attention from me is okay.
Leo, 14. Whenever you get this kind of experiences, don’t visualize there is a dark spirit. Just feel, alright, I am going with the life. Let the life decide. Life is more powerful than any dark spirit. You understand, just go with the life. Then this itself will become a near death experience or outer body experience. This will become a powerful satori.
We can enter into the process. Understand. Navel center is the center for this thought current of worrying. Causeless unidentifiable thoughts erupting leading you to low mood and depression like poison. Visualize your whole stomach is filled with poison. If you feel the stomach is filled with poison, what will you do? You will try to vomit. In that same force, in the same speed, try to create intense sounds which does not make any meaning. Talk in the language you don’t understand or you don’t know. If you know only Tamil and English. Talk in Chinese and Japanese. Just some sound but intensely with the mood of vomiting. But feel, you are vomiting the poison of worrying, the habit of worrying, the unconsciousness of worrying. This will prepare your whole system.
Sit in Vajrasana or stand. Even standing is okay. Bring all your enemies in front of you, whom you hate, with whom you carry a deep vengeance. Mostly it will be people with whom you are living. Parents, spouse. You have deep unconscious vengeance on all of them. You want to take revenge for many things they did. Throw all the anger. Just vomit all the poison, intensely without giving a break, if you give a gap, break you will start thinking consciously.
Don’t think consciously. Just throw all the unconscious tantrum out. You can literally fight with whoever you want. Only thing you can’t touch anybody who is near you. You can’t beat or touch, harm anybody who is around you. Please spread all over the hall.
You are not an Accident You are Incident
You are not an Accident You are Incident
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Ordinary powers expression always gives the fear also but you need to know the person with whom these powers are invested is deeply compassionate. It is not like power I have is political or legal, invested on Me because of My status or some outer world achievement. It has blossomed in Me because of My compassion. Please understand, a lotus can blossom only in the water. So the inner powers, spiritual powers can blossom only in the compassion water. You see, you feel I am like a judge. I may pass a judgment without listening to your argument which may be hurting you. So better not to go to him at all. That is the engram but you need to understand, I may not listen to all your arguments but the judgment I pass is based on the intense compassion. I may know the arguments which you don't even know your side has it. So, many of the arguments which you present are too silly but I know much better arguments which you can present for your side and not only that, the decision comes out of powers vested in Me because of My compassion. I always tell people, because I am tirelessly spending My time and working towards helping the society, more and more energy is expressing through this body.
Participant: Okay Swamiji, even I am afraid to ask this simple question which is...
Swamiji: See, what I am saying, when you are tirelessly working towards making money, all the things related to it will be attracted to you. So, when I am tirelessly spending My energy, sharing with others, more and more energy is coming to Me. If you are a devotee for last six-seven years, you will simply know how the whole thing is flowering. So, just only decision from My side is, whatever energy available to Me, I will share it with others. See, more and more and more is expressing. Powers and energies I have is not conquered or grabbed or taken away from somebody or given to Me as a legal or political status. You understand? In the legal or political status, somebody who is not qualified can get into that post but in the cosmic status, cosmic law, only when you are ripe, it expresses through you.
Participant: Thank you, Swamiji
Swamiji: What happened to all these power of awakening Kundalini, levitation, materialization, everything? Where were all these powers hiding? Please understand, how come suddenly all these things are expressing? It is not that they were all not there. They were there but even I did not have the will to express. I neither have the will to express even now. Nor I had at that time. Neither I had at that time nor I have now the will to express. It is just expressing. So I want you to know, you don't need to have any fear bringing it to Me about My judgements. My judgements are completely from compassion. Come on.
Participant: Hi Swamiji, I noticed that there was recording pattern of guilt in most of the things or many things that I do. For example, having a habit of doing yoga in the morning, eN Kriya meditation and if I wake up in the morning and I feel like doing something completely different like playing music or something like that, I feel  you know, I should be doing this…
Swamiji: But what I am saying, that I should be doing this will be different, different everyday.
Participant: Yeah, that's true.
Swamiji: It will not allow you to dig out, dig deep in any one thing. For example, if you are interested in practicing music everyday morning, if you are able to excel or something extraordinary in that, doing that is not wrong but two days you will do music. Third day, “I think yoga is much better,” and after two days, “I think eN Kriya is better.” After one week, “It's okay, tomorrow let me sleep.” It is just the useless whims and fantasies, fancies of the mind. You understand? A kind of a whimsical mental setup. Come on, next.
Participant: I have two examples of one in which I don't know why I think that way and other I know why I think. One is, I have a deep unknown fear for law enforcement people, immigration people, lawyers, all though I have done nothing wrong. In the US, we citizens are given… actually it is a call for jury duty, we are called to do it. I have a hard time seeing all those cops around and lawyers but the thing is...
Swamiji: You are the judge?
Participant: Even though I am the judge.
Swamiji: You are the one to pass judgment but you are afraid.
Participant: Yes, so this is one example where I don't know why I think that way. Second one, another example. Another example is like even though I do Nitya Dhyan and I am deeply into spirituality, I have a uncontrollable obsession to know about the military things. I look at the military aircrafts, military items. My twelve year old daughter asked me, “How does these two go together?” And I couldn't answer her. So that was two examples where they don't match with what I believe in but I have an example of I know the cause but I am unable to come out like I know all my major output… outer world problems are because I work for somebody. I don't want to work for somebody. I want to do something independent of my own but I don't have the courage to do it. So here is a example where I know why it is causing but I am unable to come out of it. The earlier ones were where I don't know the reasons why I am afraid of law enforcement but that is a thought pattern. Just wanted to express my... Thank you.
Swamiji: I think you coming out even knowing and opening up will take that engram out. Now you will see, the power of that engram over you will not be there suddenly. There is something called opening up. When you really open up and verbalize, you receive certain understanding in your own system. It is like a acupuncture. You see, they poke you but make you painless. That is the funny thing. If you have a back pain, go to an acupuncturist, he will put a needle there but suddenly your back pain disappears. How? Because a certain chemical under the skin gets released which can not only heal the pain of that needle, it can heal all the pain existing in the area. Same way, when you open up, something inside you gets released. Not only it heals which things you opened up, even the things which are deeper inside.
Participant: Hi, it was really interesting when I started writing I realized that I attacked problems from all different angles. I attacked problems from all different angles and they have been the same problem and that was for me to play the game or not to play the game of the outer world because I feel very detached after doing spiritual practice and it scares me because it is the scary feeling of being too disconnected and so I guess that's why I am here.
Swamiji: Okay
Participant: Swami, I have been married twenty seven years. I got married when I was seventeen years old and I blame my marriage, my elders, everybody. No matter what problem I have in my life, I blame it on my marriage and I also have fear of taking up responsibility. I know I am capable but I drop it saying I am not capable. This is the first time I have stood up for myself and I am here for this program. I have stood up against everybody and said, “No, I need to go” and I have come here. So that is the first step I have taken, Swamiji.
Swamiji: Come on.
Participant: I must confess that I don't know anything about nothing but for the last few years, I have been having some strong urges to do something but not knowing what to do. So it is reflective in my business life and my personal friendships and personal relationships making wrong decisions.
Swamiji: I can say, you see, there are some things you know. There are some things you don't know but you know you don't know. There are some things you don't know and you don't even know you don't know. There are some things which you don't know but you know you don't know but there are somethings you don't know, you don't even know you don't know. I am digging into that layer only. See, if you know, no problem, forget about it. You know. Second, you don't know but you know you don't know. That is also no problem. Third, you don't know but you don't even know you don't know. That is what is the curse given to Karna by Parashurama.
Understand, you know the story of Karna and Parashurama? Karna went and learnt some things from Parasurama without revealing his real identity, by cheating. So Parashurama curses him, “You will not remember this when you really need.” So, he doesn't even know what is going to disappear from him. Taking this as a account that he knows all these things, he gets into the war but he doesn't even know he doesn't know that, it is not going to be there with him when he needs. That is the… I can say, the worst punishment. Parashurama says, all gurudrohis will have this curse. See, Karna is not a fool. He would not have got into the war with Arjuna unless he is very sure he has a brahmastra and nagastra. Many astras he got it from Parasurama but the fool forgot it is not going to work when he really needs! The unconscious mental set up. It is like a false ceiling. You forgot it is a false ceiling and try to poke it and it gave way. Understand, many time you don't know and you don't even know you don't know. That is the big problem.
Participant: Nithyanandam. I just want to give two examples. One is that whatever I do, like going for a shopping, selecting a saree for myself, I really don't remember what color I like or what pattern I like. First immediately the thing comes is like whether my father-in- law likes it or my husband will approve it, is the price fine, all these things. I am not able to enjoy what I do and the second one is, I am not able to sleep properly. I am getting disturbed for the smallest sound. I get disturbed and I don't have a proper sleep at all.
Swamiji: I can say, again this lands into Anahata only: expecting the others’ approval. Few people have started commenting that, “Why do You wear the color dress?” I said, “I feel. I am wearing. If you are not interested in seeing, close your eyes.” That's all I said. “You have freedom to close your eyes but wearing is My freedom. My body, I am covering as I want. When did I sell My body to you? No, I sell only the words I am uttering, not My body. It is mine. Get lost!” Everybody keep quiet. So you need to claim, reclaim your boundaries without being arrogant. See, what I did is not arrogance. I am not interfering in your life and I don't talk to people or advise people unless they come and ask Me. I am very clear. That is why, even in the eN TV, I said if they want to login, let them login and see…. So, I think you need to claim, reclaim your life, your freedom in a very humble way but sharply, strongly. Come on.
Participant: Koti Pranam to Swamiji. I have two-three problems. One is of my family friend. I am unable to handle my teenage boys. Since I have learnt something about the Ashram, I have been with the Ashram and hear Your teachings, I wanted them to implement them so that they can be…. As a mother, I really want them to grow without all these small small teachings….
Swamiji: See, what I am saying, the percentage of parents’ contribution in the children life has reduced from ninety to ten in last fifteen years. If fifteen years, twenty years before you can contribute ninety things to your kids, now you can contribute only ten things.
Participant: Second thing I really want to take a big step and decision making is not happening. So I need Your blessings also. Third thing that You said just now if we are sharing… I mean some happiness moment and somebody comes in between our picture like mother stand there or father comes there, whenever I do some Pooja or spiritual prayer, somebody else comes there. I pray for them. I forget myself and my own problems. I don't know what... Is my mind is not…
Swamiji: Praying for others is great, okay, no problem but you need to at least remember your problem.
Participant: That goes, vanish away that minute. Second one last thing is that Guru droha. I have already taken initiation from Ramakrishna Matha.
Swamiji: That is not guru droha, don't worry. Ramakrishna himself took ten initiations. So don’t worry. Ramakrishna first took initiation from Harilal, that Ram Baba, that Jaladhari, person who gave him Ramlal and next he went to Bhairavi Brahmani. Then he went to Totapuri. Then he went to a muslim Sufi saint. Then I can say, at least ten to eleven people he took initiation. So nothing wrong. Don't worry. You are only growing further and further and further. Relax!
Participant: Second Guru is still alive. He is…
Swamiji: Nothing wrong. I am telling you all of you. If you go to some other Guru because you are growing spiritually and leave Me, nothing is wrong. I am not teaching you to abuse them. You understand? So as long as you don't abuse them, nothing is wrong. Relax. That's it.
Participant: Okay thank you very much for whatever awareness You have given in my life. Actually now I have lot of faith in You and in the Existential energy and I know that things will happen in the way it should be. So, when You actually asked us to list the problems, I thought since I realise that…
Swamiji: See, things will happen in the right way is trust but that does not mean you should not find out the problems you have.
Participant: Right
Participant: When I am in low mood, I don't know why I am in low mood. I mean when I am in good mood, I don't ask why I am in good mood.
Swamiji: Reasonless low mood is one of the… almost like a cancer. Understand, do not allow reasonless low mood, first thing. Second, don't try to find reason for that reasonless low mood. You see, when you have a reasonless low mood, when I say don't allow reasonless low mood, I am not saying find a reason for it. You will find a wrong reason. Neither try to find a reason, nor allow it. That is the worst cancer where all problem starts.
Participant: Swamiji, I have my family problems. But before that I want to say some thing. Thank you very much. You bring me back my second life because last year November, doctor said I would die. So You come and helped me. So thank You very much.
Participant: I was looking at lot of Your videos and I was reading Patanjali Yoga Sutras and very often I know that because the intelligence expresses itself as both Purusha and the Prakriti and it is just the junction where they meet there is an expression or there something that happens and we are not supposed to get involved, get caught with the expression because it is just expression whether it is negative or positive. We are supposed to recollect that we are the Purush and I try to apply it like but it worked so well and you are driving on the road and I snap again you know like going back and forth. I really just want to get to that space where there is no return to that.
Swamiji: We will do it. I will make it happen.
Participant: Nithyanandam, Swamiji. Few weeks ago I had a deep fear about coming for IA although I signed up very bravely and then somehow overtime, somehow the fear disappeared after a while. I also don't know how it disappeared. But then what is eating me over the past few years is and also the common item is the relationship that I have with my wife and also our spiritual path. I have already like mentally decided that her map and my map is different in spiritual life. Her GPS is different from my GPS and it is really eating me up because I am enrolling a lot of my friends and people out there to come into the mission but at home, I am not able to. So that is really eating…
Swamiji: That's what. You maybe philosopher all over the world but inside the house, like a Socrates. He was a great philosopher for the whole world but he can't enter into the house. Do you know, socrates lived in the out house. He lived his whole life in veranda because the moment he goes inside, he will be beaten. That's why somebody goes to Socrates. One young man asks,
“Sir, I want to… should I marry or not get married?
Socrates says, “Surely you should get married.”
This guy asks, “What? Your life is hell because of your marriage. You are asking me to marry.”
He says, “No, one possibility. If a good wife happens in your life, life will be great. If not, at least you will become a philosopher like me,” he says.
Participant: The XXX was very good but he asked me to phone up. I phoned up my boss of twenty years as I came and finally he asked me to leave. The job is no good and he didn't pay me any single sand for it. I was just gone. My twenty years of service is just gone. So I called him up. I had the courage to call him up and say, “Mr so and so, I am sorry for whatever I have asked including money, everything.” He saying, “Why you asking me this? Why you telling me this? It's okay” and he told me, “You are accomplished person,” he told me that. Then the next day he also called me because I was doing the eN Wealth, I didn't pick it up. I did not pick it up and today I felt that I have wasted my life working for them. I really felt I am pening even though he told me you are accomplished person. I felt that I really wasted my life and number three was, Swami, I am in the insurance business. So, my boss, they have certain plans to follow. So I am doing the eN Kriya everyday without fail. So, there was a… we had certain goals to meet and all these things and everyday we have to go and meet our boss. Whatever you do, you must go to fulfill certain goals and requirements and all these things. So I already met my client and spoken to this client. He is doing very well. So I almost okay ready but then he said okay he wanted to give us a second chance to meet my boss. I told my boss, “You come with me sice he wants to ask number of questions.” So wednesday was my appointment. Tuesday my boss called me, “You are not independent.” This entire thing he started giving me little, little, little problem. On wednesday, I went to the office to get some quotation for this case. So on wednesday, he hit my personality, Swami. So when he hit the personality, I went down.
Swamiji: But what I am saying, even if somebody can hit your personality, if you are that weak, without even somebody hitting, you will start hitting yourself. Being weak is sin.
Participant: I was down a few days.
Swamiji: It cannot be justified at all. Life is only for strong people. We will work on it, we will work on it. Come on.
Participant: Nithyanandam, Swamiji
Whenever I am asked to speak something like this public, open… immediately I get some kind of heart beating rises too much and I am not able to resist that actually.
Swamiji: All of you know that worst fear in the planet earth as per the surveys and studies is public speaking, not death fear. People are not afraid of death but they are more afraid of public speaking because you always wanted to retain others’ good opinion about you. You see, the moment you open your mouth, people will… see, before you open your mouth, they may suspect you are fool. If you open your mouth, you will confirm their doubt. That fear and not only that, young age in the school, teacher would have asked some question. You would have raised your hand. “Who is the Prime Minister of India?” You would have stood up and said, “Mahatma Gandhi.” Then teacher would have laughed. The whole class would have laughed. That engram gets... Then you decide, “I will not talk anymore. Why unnecessarily talk? Why unnecessarily do things? Withdraw!” The withdrawal becomes a lifestyle.

Latest revision as of 19:01, 13 September 2023


Working on Death || IA || 15 April 2011


Name Of The Program : Inner Awakening
Session on: Working on Death
Date : April 15 2011
Venue : Adi Kailaash, Bengaluru, India

In this video, we see The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH), JagatGuru MahaSannidhanam (JGM) Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam gives a short speech to the delegates of Inner Awakening about death and how it is perceived. Swamiji then leads them through the process of ‘digging’ up their earliest #memories, and working through them in a short exercise where they work through their past ‘#engrams’ to relieve them of old patterns.

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We will work on death. It is too important subject. You need not only patience, tremendous enthusiasm…. Please understand. See, now when I guide you into the process, in other meditations, if you just sit patiently till I complete, “Oh! Next half an hour anyhow,” okay but now the patience is not enough. You need enthusiasm, because you need to visualize and go through tremendous courage, tremendous courage to visualize whatever churns literally your stomach, whatever you try to avoid in your life. See, sometime you may not avoid remembering your own death but you may avoid remembering some of your near and dear one’s death. You may not be able to handle that or losing your personality, means name and fame, getting disgraced. That is the worst fear than anything else.


I can tell you, I have tasted the extreme name and fame. Why tasted, tasting also and the extreme disgrace. I have tasted both. I have seen this extreme name and fame and this extreme abusal. I can tell you, very, very important sacred secret from My own life. Just understand this one truth: people are unconscious while they are praising or abusing, that's all. This one truth remembering can liberate you from the whole calamity and chaos: people are unconscious while praising or abusing. When they praise, they do not know the meaning of the words they are uttering. When they abuse, again they do not know the meaning of the words they are uttering but unnecessarily you die to get the praising words, you die when they abuse. For both you die. To get praised, you die; when they abuse, you die. Understand, people are not conscious when they praise you. People are not conscious when they abuse you. They do not know the meaning. They do not know what they are doing. In other words I can say, remember, people are fools. When you are abused or when you are expecting the praise, both time remember, people are fools.


We are going to now work on the death engram. Dig out the engrams of your spheres. Recollect the earliest memories of your life and write down the incidents, memories, engrams you had about the fear of losing your name and fame. See, for example, your mom says, “Whole school will tell you, you are a bad boy.” Your sister will tell you, “You are a bad boy. Don't be like a bad boy, be a good boy.” That is your name and fame. Second, recollect the earliest memory and the oldest engrams related to fear of losing your physical health, fear of accidents, losing parts of your body, losing your loved ones or fear of losing the love. Fourth, earliest memories and engrams, the engrams of fear of unknown- ghost, darkness, sometime even God, sometime even God. Describe where you normally face fear strokes in your life. For example, here I have given example. On a very silent afternoon when your doorbell suddenly rings, when suddenly your boss calls you, when you are suddenly given a negative feedback by someone. Finally fear of death. Write the earliest concepts, all your childhood memories and beliefs you received about death in your life.


You may have received ideas from your parents, teachers, relatives, church, temple, etc. Write down your own experience about the first death you directly faced or attended in your life. What was the impact on you of your first near and dear one’s death? Relive the whole incident and vividly describe that experience. Please understand, now I want you all to write answer for each question in three page. Vividly you will remember when the first death you faced in your life. What was the direction the dead body was kept? What was the smell in that room? Who all were there? What was the feeling you were going through? Who all were supporting it, encouraging it? I wanted you to not just remember, vivid remember- reliving each question.


Please write answers in three page. Please read the question again and again at least two times. Then you will remember the answers. You will be able to look in, deeply dig it. Relive vividly. When you pen down, get into minute details because these minute details only create engrams. When you get into the minute detail only you will uproot the engram completely. Question: Swamiji, I am being reminded of all my childhood incidents. Swamiji: Yes, what I say is, to include all of those incidents also. Think through about each question, each incident, each engrams. Dig out because you are going to relive them, relieve them.

(10:01) to (11:15)




Phobia Is Vasana

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We are going to work on the navel chakra, the navel center, manipuraka chakra. The thought current flow for this chakra is just unnecessary broken unidentifiable worries. Unidentifiable thought flow; suddenly just for no reason some thought flow. And I don’t know what will happen if all the paddy field gets into the water. There is no relationship between you and the paddy field getting into the water.

You can see in your life. When I give this example, you feel ‘No, no, no I never get this kind of thought flow.’ No. I am talking to you about you. If you just scan your thought flow, I can say if you, if you record connecting a software, automatic transcribing software to your thought pattern, at least sixty percent is manipuraka chakra; just for no reason it will be flowing and unidentifiable worries, unidentifiable items - No way directly relevant to your life, no way directly relevant to your day to day living, nothing. Because it is there you worry about it. I have seen people just worrying about the neighbor. Even neighbor at least you are seeing. Just like that, people worrying for no reason.


Why are you worrying? ‘Everything is going well today, who knows about tomorrow?’ Corrupt mental thinking system. You can identify this if you just sit and go on pen down whatever comes inside. Just do that now for ten minutes. First two three minutes you will not have worry. Because you will be consciously editing. ‘No, this is not right thought. This is worry.’ But more than three four minutes even you can’t edit. It will be there wildly standing in front of you and jumping. What will you do? So now try. You can try. Just within two three minute. See whatever comes inside go on writing. In two minute the whole thought trend will change.

Unidentifiable, reasonless, causeless thoughts, leading you to low mood or depression is worry. Please understand when you plan for your future, when you think about your finance, I am not calling all these things as worry at all. I am only calling just some useless, like a, no way that thought is going to improve your life. No way it is going to alter your life. Just because you are there and the problem is there you will be thinking about it.


Come on. Just go on writing without stopping. If you stop you will become conscious and aware of what you are thinking. Only if you catch yourself unaware you will find the worries. Catch it.

There are questions. [Swamiji reads out the question and answers them] (Question): What is the difference between dream and vision?

(Answer): Dream is a moments happening in low consciousness like a sleeping state. Vision is Superconsciousness

And satori, difference between satori and glimpse? No, no, no. Write it and send it. Satori and enlightenment?

I can say satori and glimpse of enlightenment is one and the same. Please be seated.

(Question): This is in reference to attention need. During the two way session at our satsang center when Swami blesses other centers for vibhuti, kumkum coming on their Padukas. Attention need for the same to happen at the Annanagar center also. 😀

(Answer): Alright I will do, I will do something for Annanagar center also..


(Question): Often when Swami conducts process like earlier today, visualizing light, I look inside and see total blackness.

(Answer): Vaasudevan, please be seated. Nothing wrong. Nothing wrong if you see blackness, total blackness. That is the way it will happen. Suddenly one day you will see like a egg it will crack. That blackness will break and that light will happen. That is the way it will happen. It will actually, the blackness which you have will intensify more and more and burst.

(Question): My mind is so busy and running around like a lunatic.

(Answer): That is ok.

See you are not expected… your mind is not expected to settle down just like that. The technique itself, to engage your mind only. It is not that your mind will become suddenly calm, quiet. You will raise to a level where the mind is immaterial. So this initially mind running around like a lunatic, shouting, doing this that. That is ok, perfect. After all, mind is part of you. So it will not just like that settle down. Your life and body everything was like a lunatic only, it was running chaotically. Even lunatic word is a too small. Just Chaotic. So, that is ok. That is the way it will be in the initial level.

And don’t worry as you say that ‘I ended up acquiring one after another technique but never immersing and surrendering myself to anyone.’

(Answer): No, no you can’t. I tell you. No intelligent man can do, can practice any technique more than twenty one days. Understand, any technique it is a law, by law. By the time your, you will feel that you are becoming dumb and dull by doing that technique. So don’t bother about unable to practice technique. Here also I am giving technique not for you to achieve through technique, as an engagement to your mind.


Let me give you this example in Tamil Nadu villages, there used to be a ritual called mayana surai. After every Shivaratri there used to be a program enacted in all Indian villages, Tamil Nadu villages especially. Devi will go to the cremation ground and throw puffed rice, all eatables. And then get into the cremation ground and kill the demon and come back.

The story says she was supposed to kill a demon before sunrise. But the demon had too many ghosts protecting him. When she went there, cremation ground, the war field, she saw millions of ghosts are there protecting the demon. She can’t kill all these ghosts and reach demon by tomorrow morning before sunrise.

The ghosts have the habit of picking up and eating from the ground. Even if you give in the hand they will not eat . But you throw it away, they will run after that food and pick up and eat. So she threw the eatables, puffed rice all over. All the ghosts are busy eating, picking up and eating without leaving the security job. She straight went and killed that demon and came back.


Here your ego is the demon. And all the thoughts you are having is the ghost. The technique I am giving is a puffed rice. When I throw this puffed rice - technique, your thoughts will be too busy there. I will go and destroy the demon and come out. That’s all. I just get inside, kill the ego, the demon and come out.

So technique itself is no way going to enlighten you. It is just entertainment for your thoughts and mind when I do my work. It’s diverting the attention of your security who is not allowing me inside you. So don’t bother. Techniques are just for you to struggle. Not for you to become successful. Understand the purpose of technique. Technique is for you to struggle, so that the presence can do it’s real job.


This is a very nice question. (Question): How does one surrender to a master and not turn that into an egoistic act of surrender?

(Answer): Not even having the idea that you surrender is the real surrender. The moment you count, ‘Oh I surrender my body, I surrender my mind’, gone, your surrender is over. Just casually your body and mind will be burnt. That is the surrender. Surrender actually cannot happen from your side at all. It can happen from my side. From your side only one thing can be done. You can take care that ghosts are completely engaged with the puffed rice. That’s all.


(Question): Is a phobia a vasana?

(Answer): Yes, Phobia is usually vasana. Very rarely samskara .Usually you will not even know it is there. And when the situation comes it will come up and express itself. Rarely you will know but you will not be able to break it.

I have a very funny way of removing allergies and phobias. If somebody is allergic for the nuts or chili and all. I will give exactly that only. Just like that they will come out . Anybody allergic to anything? I challenge actually. What? Channa Dal. Tonight, Ma tell the kitchen to prepare little chana dal Ma. Get it. I will see that completely she become, becomes alright. Anybody allergic to anything tonight bring that object. That’s all. In the darshan. Yes.

All right. Actually this allergy thing, any allergies you just get it. Even if your kids are allergic to something, bring them and I will just energize the same object and give, that vasana will leave the system. I am actually, allergy specialist. Allergy, coma, all these things are our area.


Sanjai Sangani, eNGenius kid, any of your child? She says nut allergy. The evening when she comes for darshan please bring nuts. I will remove it.

(Question): Rakesh Ashok 61, he is worried about ‘Once we experience levitation could it be uncontrollable act. If you are in office setting, are we in control?’ 😀

(Answer): Don’t worry you will be able to control. 😀

People ask me, in bathroom if I start levitating, what will happen? 😀 Don’t worry It will be controlled only. Actually only when you sit and unclutch it will start happening. It is not like that switch is automatic when it wants it starts, it doesn’t stop. No. When you unclutch only its start happening.

You can see the brahmacharis. Tonight I will show. When they are levitating, don’t think they are not aware. I can give them the needle and thread, they will be able to easily put the thread into needle just in one second. Tonight I will show you. It is not that they are not aware of what is happening. Completely, they are fully aware. And the, you see the joy exploding in the system lifts the whole body. You can see in their face, the joy exuding.

Ravi, please be seated. Little attention from me is okay.

Leo, 14. Whenever you get this kind of experiences, don’t visualize there is a dark spirit. Just feel, alright, I am going with the life. Let the life decide. Life is more powerful than any dark spirit. You understand, just go with the life. Then this itself will become a near death experience or outer body experience. This will become a powerful satori.


We can enter into the process. Understand. Navel center is the center for this thought current of worrying. Causeless unidentifiable thoughts erupting leading you to low mood and depression like poison. Visualize your whole stomach is filled with poison. If you feel the stomach is filled with poison, what will you do? You will try to vomit. In that same force, in the same speed, try to create intense sounds which does not make any meaning. Talk in the language you don’t understand or you don’t know. If you know only Tamil and English. Talk in Chinese and Japanese. Just some sound but intensely with the mood of vomiting. But feel, you are vomiting the poison of worrying, the habit of worrying, the unconsciousness of worrying. This will prepare your whole system.


Sit in Vajrasana or stand. Even standing is okay. Bring all your enemies in front of you, whom you hate, with whom you carry a deep vengeance. Mostly it will be people with whom you are living. Parents, spouse. You have deep unconscious vengeance on all of them. You want to take revenge for many things they did. Throw all the anger. Just vomit all the poison, intensely without giving a break, if you give a gap, break you will start thinking consciously.

Don’t think consciously. Just throw all the unconscious tantrum out. You can literally fight with whoever you want. Only thing you can’t touch anybody who is near you. You can’t beat or touch, harm anybody who is around you. Please spread all over the hall.



You are not an Accident You are Incident

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Ordinary powers expression always gives the fear also but you need to know the person with whom these powers are invested is deeply compassionate. It is not like power I have is political or legal, invested on Me because of My status or some outer world achievement. It has blossomed in Me because of My compassion. Please understand, a lotus can blossom only in the water. So the inner powers, spiritual powers can blossom only in the compassion water. You see, you feel I am like a judge. I may pass a judgment without listening to your argument which may be hurting you. So better not to go to him at all. That is the engram but you need to understand, I may not listen to all your arguments but the judgment I pass is based on the intense compassion. I may know the arguments which you don't even know your side has it. So, many of the arguments which you present are too silly but I know much better arguments which you can present for your side and not only that, the decision comes out of powers vested in Me because of My compassion. I always tell people, because I am tirelessly spending My time and working towards helping the society, more and more energy is expressing through this body.


Participant: Okay Swamiji, even I am afraid to ask this simple question which is... Swamiji: See, what I am saying, when you are tirelessly working towards making money, all the things related to it will be attracted to you. So, when I am tirelessly spending My energy, sharing with others, more and more energy is coming to Me. If you are a devotee for last six-seven years, you will simply know how the whole thing is flowering. So, just only decision from My side is, whatever energy available to Me, I will share it with others. See, more and more and more is expressing. Powers and energies I have is not conquered or grabbed or taken away from somebody or given to Me as a legal or political status. You understand? In the legal or political status, somebody who is not qualified can get into that post but in the cosmic status, cosmic law, only when you are ripe, it expresses through you. Participant: Thank you, Swamiji


Swamiji: What happened to all these power of awakening Kundalini, levitation, materialization, everything? Where were all these powers hiding? Please understand, how come suddenly all these things are expressing? It is not that they were all not there. They were there but even I did not have the will to express. I neither have the will to express even now. Nor I had at that time. Neither I had at that time nor I have now the will to express. It is just expressing. So I want you to know, you don't need to have any fear bringing it to Me about My judgements. My judgements are completely from compassion. Come on.


Participant: Hi Swamiji, I noticed that there was recording pattern of guilt in most of the things or many things that I do. For example, having a habit of doing yoga in the morning, eN Kriya meditation and if I wake up in the morning and I feel like doing something completely different like playing music or something like that, I feel you know, I should be doing this… Swamiji: But what I am saying, that I should be doing this will be different, different everyday. Participant: Yeah, that's true. Swamiji: It will not allow you to dig out, dig deep in any one thing. For example, if you are interested in practicing music everyday morning, if you are able to excel or something extraordinary in that, doing that is not wrong but two days you will do music. Third day, “I think yoga is much better,” and after two days, “I think eN Kriya is better.” After one week, “It's okay, tomorrow let me sleep.” It is just the useless whims and fantasies, fancies of the mind. You understand? A kind of a whimsical mental setup. Come on, next.


Participant: I have two examples of one in which I don't know why I think that way and other I know why I think. One is, I have a deep unknown fear for law enforcement people, immigration people, lawyers, all though I have done nothing wrong. In the US, we citizens are given… actually it is a call for jury duty, we are called to do it. I have a hard time seeing all those cops around and lawyers but the thing is... Swamiji: You are the judge? Participant: Even though I am the judge. Swamiji: You are the one to pass judgment but you are afraid. Participant: Yes, so this is one example where I don't know why I think that way. Second one, another example. Another example is like even though I do Nitya Dhyan and I am deeply into spirituality, I have a uncontrollable obsession to know about the military things. I look at the military aircrafts, military items. My twelve year old daughter asked me, “How does these two go together?” And I couldn't answer her. So that was two examples where they don't match with what I believe in but I have an example of I know the cause but I am unable to come out like I know all my major output… outer world problems are because I work for somebody. I don't want to work for somebody. I want to do something independent of my own but I don't have the courage to do it. So here is a example where I know why it is causing but I am unable to come out of it. The earlier ones were where I don't know the reasons why I am afraid of law enforcement but that is a thought pattern. Just wanted to express my... Thank you.


Swamiji: I think you coming out even knowing and opening up will take that engram out. Now you will see, the power of that engram over you will not be there suddenly. There is something called opening up. When you really open up and verbalize, you receive certain understanding in your own system. It is like a acupuncture. You see, they poke you but make you painless. That is the funny thing. If you have a back pain, go to an acupuncturist, he will put a needle there but suddenly your back pain disappears. How? Because a certain chemical under the skin gets released which can not only heal the pain of that needle, it can heal all the pain existing in the area. Same way, when you open up, something inside you gets released. Not only it heals which things you opened up, even the things which are deeper inside.


Participant: Hi, it was really interesting when I started writing I realized that I attacked problems from all different angles. I attacked problems from all different angles and they have been the same problem and that was for me to play the game or not to play the game of the outer world because I feel very detached after doing spiritual practice and it scares me because it is the scary feeling of being too disconnected and so I guess that's why I am here. Swamiji: Okay Participant: Swami, I have been married twenty seven years. I got married when I was seventeen years old and I blame my marriage, my elders, everybody. No matter what problem I have in my life, I blame it on my marriage and I also have fear of taking up responsibility. I know I am capable but I drop it saying I am not capable. This is the first time I have stood up for myself and I am here for this program. I have stood up against everybody and said, “No, I need to go” and I have come here. So that is the first step I have taken, Swamiji. Swamiji: Come on. Participant: I must confess that I don't know anything about nothing but for the last few years, I have been having some strong urges to do something but not knowing what to do. So it is reflective in my business life and my personal friendships and personal relationships making wrong decisions.


Swamiji: I can say, you see, there are some things you know. There are some things you don't know but you know you don't know. There are some things you don't know and you don't even know you don't know. There are some things which you don't know but you know you don't know but there are somethings you don't know, you don't even know you don't know. I am digging into that layer only. See, if you know, no problem, forget about it. You know. Second, you don't know but you know you don't know. That is also no problem. Third, you don't know but you don't even know you don't know. That is what is the curse given to Karna by Parashurama.


Understand, you know the story of Karna and Parashurama? Karna went and learnt some things from Parasurama without revealing his real identity, by cheating. So Parashurama curses him, “You will not remember this when you really need.” So, he doesn't even know what is going to disappear from him. Taking this as a account that he knows all these things, he gets into the war but he doesn't even know he doesn't know that, it is not going to be there with him when he needs. That is the… I can say, the worst punishment. Parashurama says, all gurudrohis will have this curse. See, Karna is not a fool. He would not have got into the war with Arjuna unless he is very sure he has a brahmastra and nagastra. Many astras he got it from Parasurama but the fool forgot it is not going to work when he really needs! The unconscious mental set up. It is like a false ceiling. You forgot it is a false ceiling and try to poke it and it gave way. Understand, many time you don't know and you don't even know you don't know. That is the big problem.


Participant: Nithyanandam. I just want to give two examples. One is that whatever I do, like going for a shopping, selecting a saree for myself, I really don't remember what color I like or what pattern I like. First immediately the thing comes is like whether my father-in- law likes it or my husband will approve it, is the price fine, all these things. I am not able to enjoy what I do and the second one is, I am not able to sleep properly. I am getting disturbed for the smallest sound. I get disturbed and I don't have a proper sleep at all.


Swamiji: I can say, again this lands into Anahata only: expecting the others’ approval. Few people have started commenting that, “Why do You wear the color dress?” I said, “I feel. I am wearing. If you are not interested in seeing, close your eyes.” That's all I said. “You have freedom to close your eyes but wearing is My freedom. My body, I am covering as I want. When did I sell My body to you? No, I sell only the words I am uttering, not My body. It is mine. Get lost!” Everybody keep quiet. So you need to claim, reclaim your boundaries without being arrogant. See, what I did is not arrogance. I am not interfering in your life and I don't talk to people or advise people unless they come and ask Me. I am very clear. That is why, even in the eN TV, I said if they want to login, let them login and see…. So, I think you need to claim, reclaim your life, your freedom in a very humble way but sharply, strongly. Come on.


Participant: Koti Pranam to Swamiji. I have two-three problems. One is of my family friend. I am unable to handle my teenage boys. Since I have learnt something about the Ashram, I have been with the Ashram and hear Your teachings, I wanted them to implement them so that they can be…. As a mother, I really want them to grow without all these small small teachings…. Swamiji: See, what I am saying, the percentage of parents’ contribution in the children life has reduced from ninety to ten in last fifteen years. If fifteen years, twenty years before you can contribute ninety things to your kids, now you can contribute only ten things. Participant: Second thing I really want to take a big step and decision making is not happening. So I need Your blessings also. Third thing that You said just now if we are sharing… I mean some happiness moment and somebody comes in between our picture like mother stand there or father comes there, whenever I do some Pooja or spiritual prayer, somebody else comes there. I pray for them. I forget myself and my own problems. I don't know what... Is my mind is not…


Swamiji: Praying for others is great, okay, no problem but you need to at least remember your problem. Participant: That goes, vanish away that minute. Second one last thing is that Guru droha. I have already taken initiation from Ramakrishna Matha. Swamiji: That is not guru droha, don't worry. Ramakrishna himself took ten initiations. So don’t worry. Ramakrishna first took initiation from Harilal, that Ram Baba, that Jaladhari, person who gave him Ramlal and next he went to Bhairavi Brahmani. Then he went to Totapuri. Then he went to a muslim Sufi saint. Then I can say, at least ten to eleven people he took initiation. So nothing wrong. Don't worry. You are only growing further and further and further. Relax! Participant: Second Guru is still alive. He is…


Swamiji: Nothing wrong. I am telling you all of you. If you go to some other Guru because you are growing spiritually and leave Me, nothing is wrong. I am not teaching you to abuse them. You understand? So as long as you don't abuse them, nothing is wrong. Relax. That's it. Participant: Okay thank you very much for whatever awareness You have given in my life. Actually now I have lot of faith in You and in the Existential energy and I know that things will happen in the way it should be. So, when You actually asked us to list the problems, I thought since I realise that… Swamiji: See, things will happen in the right way is trust but that does not mean you should not find out the problems you have. Participant: Right


Participant: When I am in low mood, I don't know why I am in low mood. I mean when I am in good mood, I don't ask why I am in good mood. Swamiji: Reasonless low mood is one of the… almost like a cancer. Understand, do not allow reasonless low mood, first thing. Second, don't try to find reason for that reasonless low mood. You see, when you have a reasonless low mood, when I say don't allow reasonless low mood, I am not saying find a reason for it. You will find a wrong reason. Neither try to find a reason, nor allow it. That is the worst cancer where all problem starts. Participant: Swamiji, I have my family problems. But before that I want to say some thing. Thank you very much. You bring me back my second life because last year November, doctor said I would die. So You come and helped me. So thank You very much.


Participant: I was looking at lot of Your videos and I was reading Patanjali Yoga Sutras and very often I know that because the intelligence expresses itself as both Purusha and the Prakriti and it is just the junction where they meet there is an expression or there something that happens and we are not supposed to get involved, get caught with the expression because it is just expression whether it is negative or positive. We are supposed to recollect that we are the Purush and I try to apply it like but it worked so well and you are driving on the road and I snap again you know like going back and forth. I really just want to get to that space where there is no return to that. Swamiji: We will do it. I will make it happen.


Participant: Nithyanandam, Swamiji. Few weeks ago I had a deep fear about coming for IA although I signed up very bravely and then somehow overtime, somehow the fear disappeared after a while. I also don't know how it disappeared. But then what is eating me over the past few years is and also the common item is the relationship that I have with my wife and also our spiritual path. I have already like mentally decided that her map and my map is different in spiritual life. Her GPS is different from my GPS and it is really eating me up because I am enrolling a lot of my friends and people out there to come into the mission but at home, I am not able to. So that is really eating… Swamiji: That's what. You maybe philosopher all over the world but inside the house, like a Socrates. He was a great philosopher for the whole world but he can't enter into the house. Do you know, socrates lived in the out house. He lived his whole life in veranda because the moment he goes inside, he will be beaten. That's why somebody goes to Socrates. One young man asks, “Sir, I want to… should I marry or not get married? Socrates says, “Surely you should get married.” This guy asks, “What? Your life is hell because of your marriage. You are asking me to marry.” He says, “No, one possibility. If a good wife happens in your life, life will be great. If not, at least you will become a philosopher like me,” he says.


Participant: The XXX was very good but he asked me to phone up. I phoned up my boss of twenty years as I came and finally he asked me to leave. The job is no good and he didn't pay me any single sand for it. I was just gone. My twenty years of service is just gone. So I called him up. I had the courage to call him up and say, “Mr so and so, I am sorry for whatever I have asked including money, everything.” He saying, “Why you asking me this? Why you telling me this? It's okay” and he told me, “You are accomplished person,” he told me that. Then the next day he also called me because I was doing the eN Wealth, I didn't pick it up. I did not pick it up and today I felt that I have wasted my life working for them. I really felt I am pening even though he told me you are accomplished person. I felt that I really wasted my life and number three was, Swami, I am in the insurance business. So, my boss, they have certain plans to follow. So I am doing the eN Kriya everyday without fail. So, there was a… we had certain goals to meet and all these things and everyday we have to go and meet our boss. Whatever you do, you must go to fulfill certain goals and requirements and all these things. So I already met my client and spoken to this client. He is doing very well. So I almost okay ready but then he said okay he wanted to give us a second chance to meet my boss. I told my boss, “You come with me sice he wants to ask number of questions.” So wednesday was my appointment. Tuesday my boss called me, “You are not independent.” This entire thing he started giving me little, little, little problem. On wednesday, I went to the office to get some quotation for this case. So on wednesday, he hit my personality, Swami. So when he hit the personality, I went down. Swamiji: But what I am saying, even if somebody can hit your personality, if you are that weak, without even somebody hitting, you will start hitting yourself. Being weak is sin. Participant: I was down a few days. Swamiji: It cannot be justified at all. Life is only for strong people. We will work on it, we will work on it. Come on.


Participant: Nithyanandam, Swamiji Whenever I am asked to speak something like this public, open… immediately I get some kind of heart beating rises too much and I am not able to resist that actually. Swamiji: All of you know that worst fear in the planet earth as per the surveys and studies is public speaking, not death fear. People are not afraid of death but they are more afraid of public speaking because you always wanted to retain others’ good opinion about you. You see, the moment you open your mouth, people will… see, before you open your mouth, they may suspect you are fool. If you open your mouth, you will confirm their doubt. That fear and not only that, young age in the school, teacher would have asked some question. You would have raised your hand. “Who is the Prime Minister of India?” You would have stood up and said, “Mahatma Gandhi.” Then teacher would have laughed. The whole class would have laughed. That engram gets... Then you decide, “I will not talk anymore. Why unnecessarily talk? Why unnecessarily do things? Withdraw!” The withdrawal becomes a lifestyle.


Photos Of The Day:


Photos Of The Day:

Vilaku Puja At Annanagar Satsang Center, Chennai, India