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Plan for Eternal Life


In today’s morning satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (Swamiji) shares the tale of Nachiketa as a shining example of authenticity. Nachiketa was a young prince whose father was a stingy monarch. When the king made offerings to the gods he chose only shabby things to give to the sacred fire. Young Nachiketa, with the honest innocence of childhood, asked his father why the offerings were not the best quality. His father, in a rage, told the child that he could offer himself if he was not satisfied. Nachiketa agreed to save his father’s honor. Willingly he walked into the fire to meet the God of Death. When he met with Death, his first request was that his father should forgive him for his disrespect. Ultimately his sacrifice was rewarded with the gift of immortal wisdom. Nachiketa took responsibility for the faults of his father without criticizing or judging. He also felt responsible for his insubordination to his parent and his king. When human beings behave authentically, they act with energy but not with violence. Nachiketa demonstrates this beautiful conduct for humanity.


“Sadashiva samarambam, Shankaraacharya madhyamam asmadacharya paryantam vande Guru paramparam!”

I welcome you all with my love and respects! I welcome all the devotees, disciples, Samajis, Satsangis sitting with around the world at this moment in --- places through Nithyananda TV in -- places in 2 way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha in 229 cities, 26 countries around the world as per the statistics.

Cities sitting with us in 2 way Video Conferencing having Nayana Deeksha – Austin, edge water new jersey, Bangalore north, Atlanta Ujjayini, St. Louis Tirumala, New york Varanasi, Guadeloupe Rameshwaram, Ohio Prayag, St. Julian France, London Kashi is joining today. London will be called as London kashi. Tiruvannamalai Arunachala, Chennai eldams road, lawpet pondicherry, Scottsdale Arizona, Louisville Kentucky, Chicago loop honking, paris, Chennai alwarpet, oman siva Gangai. Oman Siva Gangai kashi is missing, Rishi tejomaya Vellore. North Carolina. Pittsburg. That’s it. Adayar Chennai and Alwarpet Chennai. I welcome all of you with my love and blessings. San jose madurai, Singapore singapuram, Los Angeles Arunachala, Toronto kailasam, Phoenix kanchipuram, Oklahoma Somanatham, Hyderabad Bhagyanagara, Los Angeles studio city. Blessings! My blessings I will release the soul and make the soul rest in peace. Blessings! Bhakta if those family and relatives won’t feel hurt, if you can show the camera, if you can show the body, I will release the soul and it will be very…just few seconds if you show, I will release all the karmic baggages, I will make sure no karma is left. I will make sure all the karmas are burnt. If you can. Otherwise it is okay. No problem. I already saw the photograph in face book and released the soul. Vancouver Puri, Seattle Chidambaram, Los Angeles Arunachalam also I can see now. Great. Blessings! Today Niraahaara samyama 2nd level 3rd day successfully going on. All over the world how many are doing. 98 people are doing. Wow! Blessings. 98 enrolled and they have been initiated. Today the Nithya Kriya Yoga in Tamil is happening 3rd day successfully. Yesterday they all had Kaala Bhairava’s Darshan and Akashik readings. Ma Karunananda, Pittsburg I accepted your paada puja. I will bless you during Dial the Avatar.

Let us enter into today’s satsang. I am full up and alive in a mood! I have some good news. Neither I can tell nor I can keep it inside. But I will keep it inside as on now. I will move to today morning’s subject. I am continuing on authenticity. Understand authenticity is the ultimate spiritual value. Just by the power of authenticity, Nachiketa stood beyond death! Anybody wants to conquer death, understand authenticity is the technique for you. How many of you want to live forever raise your hand. Authenticity is the technique for you. If you have not raised the hand then think what do you want in the life. I am very clear I want to live forever. I am raising my hand. Because I love being, I love being alive. I love being alive and knowing that I am alive and enjoying that knowing that I am alive! Knowing I am alive and enjoying that I am alive. Understand. I love being means “sat,” knowing that I am alive is “chit” consciousness, enjoying knowing that I am alive is “Ananda.” So I am very clear I want to be alive. That cannot happen just with this body. Understand. You can achieve the state of being alive using this body but this body itself cannot be alive in this form. Please understand. If you see the art of making a deity in 5 metal, it is a very nice symbolic art. First they make a wax model. And then they apply the mud on it, clay on it. Wax model itself cannot be kept alive forever, but, without the wax model you cannot make the deity. After they apply the clay, they pour the metal inside, the wax comes out and the all the places where the metal is poured, the metal fills the space the wax was there and it becomes a deity. Understand the wax itself cannot be kept alive eternally but without the wax model, the deity cannot be made alive. Same way, this body itself will not be alive eternally. But you have to apply the clay of authenticity and pour the metal called consciousness inside. So the body itself will go away. But the consciousness which goes and settles inside will stay as Chinmaya Vigraha. How the deities are made. First they make a wax model. Even for our Anandeshwara that is the way it is done. I went and sat personally and supervised and did it. All of it personally I did. That is why you will see lot of resemblance between my face and Anandeshwara. I have not done it purposely. But this body itself I made purposely. So naturally anything I make will be like this only. ….naturally anything I do will be like this only. So first the wax model is done. Then clay is applied. Only the Kaaveri clay is to applied no other clay can make the mould. That is why only on the Kaaveri banks this art is flourished. No where else. Being a paandya naturally I will attribute all the arts to my country paandya desa. But I have to tell the truth - this metal art only on the banks of Kaaveri. Nowhere else it happens. Small clue I gave for the good news! With nothing else it happens. This is a small clue I gave for the good news!

Mother document of the ma says if you have given acharyas abhishekam to somebody, if he does not drop the acharyas abhishekam, acharyas abhishekam cannot be given to anybody else. Okay. Let us come to the subject. Once the mould is made with the kaveri clay, then the metal is poured. Then naturally the clay melts in the heat of the metal and comes out. In that whole gap that metal goes and occupies. All of you understand what I am saying? First a wax model. Then clay is covered all over the wax model. Then through a small hole the metal is poured. All the wax comes out, metal fills the gap. So the deity is ready. Without wax model you cannot make the deity. But wax model itself cannot be kept live for ever. Same way without this body you cannot learn the science of being alive forever but this body itself cannot be kept alive forever. So authenticity is the clay you have to use to mould. Authenticity is the clay you have to mould. Authenticity is the clay with which you have to mould. And pour the consciousness means responsibility. Taking responsibility for your authenticity is the consciousness you have to pour. Then you will become alive forever and ever and ever independent of this body. See the Nachiketa’s life. Just by authenticity, he has gone beyond death. Lord of death – Yama Dharma. His whole life is a beautiful expression of authenticity. In all our Gurukuls and Vidyalayas we should have the beautiful painting of Nachiketa. In Bidadi we should have deity of Nachiketa. Nachiketa, Prahalada, Dhruva, Kannappa all these child masters - Markandeya all these child masters photos should be there in all our eNvidyalayas. Deities should be kept in Bidadi Gurukul. How come no girl kids, there must be. Gooogle and see. Andaal – yes. Andaal is a child prodigy. Because by 16 she left the body. Even Meera. Meera is a child prodigy. Avayyar is a child prodigy. She left the body when she was 16, she took old body by praying to Ganesha but she lived only up to 16 years. She is a child prodigy. Any other girls? No, I am asking about girls.

Of course we should have Tiru Jnana Sambandar. In all Dhyanapeeta temples we should have Tiru Jnaana Sambandar not just in Gurukul. Jnaana Sambandar is our acharya. So in all our temples we should have Tiru Jnaana Sambandar. Even Jnaana Sambabdar story is the power of right clearance. He called the clearance of Maha Deva in him. The ash he touched became medicine. The leaf he touched became a boat going against the current of the river. Just a palm leaf he touched became a stone getting un-burnt by the fire. Even Sharada Devi is a child prodigy. Today I will work and explain the Nachiketa story. Maybe tomorrow I will speak on Jnaana Sambandar. Jnaana Sambandar is little more than authenticity. He is the living example of responsibility and enriching others life. God! What a responsibility! A fourteen year old kid going and standing in front of a king who does not believe in him. Who belongs to a different religion with 10,000 old, senior elderly highly intellectual monks of Jainism. God! What a responsibility! And his graha was not proper at that time. He was running saade shaath - shani exactly like mine. He was running saade shaath That is why Appar Tiru Jnaana Karsar says don’t go now, you are having elra don’t go. Then he sings….kolarpadikam….

God! What a commitment, responsibility not giving up on people. He sings - for Shiva’s devotees planets only support, never disturb. Alright let us come back to Nachiketa’s story. What an authenticity God! Nachiketa’s authenticity. First he can see through very clearly his father’s hypocrisy. See Nachiketa’s father is doing a ritual for longevity. The description says you have to give up all the best things you have. It is a technique. When you are really old and you give up all the best things you have, then naturally till your last moments you need to create and you are already have the pattern of having the best things. So what will you do? A tremendous energy will be unleashed to create again. When that energy is unleashed, you will feel you are wanted, your body and mind will be alive, when your body and mind is alive, you will live longer periods. Bill Gates is right when he donated all the money to charity in his old age. I tell you if Steve Jobs would have given like Bill Gates he would have been alive for more time. If Steve jobs would have followed Bill Gates of giving up he would have been alive for more days. Because he has the pattern of having the best things and that would have made him alive….he would not naturally stay in ordinary house…….

There are three apples which has changed the world. Beginning of the world – apple of Adam & eve apple, 2nd Newton’s apple, 3rd Steve Jobs apple. These 3 apples have changed the world! ☺ Adam eve’s apple created religion, Newton’s apple created science, Steve jobs apple created technology. These three is the essence of the world! Bill Gates is right in what he is doing. He is doing the right thing which Ujjaisravas should have done. Vajaisravas should have done. But unfortunately Vajaisravas could not understand the purpose of the ritual, the spirit of the ritual. So he thinks if I give all good things, what will happen to me? No I will give all useless things. Nachiketa with his authenticity is able to see through the inauthenticity of his father. If you are in the place of Nachiketa what you would have thought? Good. This fellow did not give up everything. .. he will die in few years and all that will come to me…..so if you are in the place of Nachiketa even if your father will give all the valuable things you will say stop you share is over, all this is legally mine given to me by grandfather, you give what you earned. But Nachiketa is authentic. No literally if you were in his place you would have said that only - be authentic, whatever your father earned, don’t touch that that is legally mine. ..and if your father is giving away all useless things you will think very nice, garage is cleaned…but Nachiketa is authentic. Please understand not only he is authentic, he is so authentic he is not even hurting his father by pin pointing his inauthenticity in a direct way. If you are in Nachiketa’s place, even if you are authentic you would have gone and directly told him - dad, don’t do this. Give the best things. You would have used your authenticity to hurt your dad. I have seen. Sometimes my so called daughters and sons do this. They think hurting me is their authenticity. It is not their authenticity. It is their arrogance. Of course I will tolerate. I will wait for them to evolve. Lioness will use herself as the training ground for the cub. She will stretch her own leg, hand to teach the cub how to bite. So I will allow. But that is not authenticity. Do not think you are authentic by that. A real authenticity will be like Nachiketa’s he is not even hurting his father when he sees inauthenticity. Beautiful photo show it ma.

<Picture of lion cub biting mothers tail is projected on the screen.>

She will allow the tail to be bitten to teach the cub how to bite. I will tolerate. But don’t think you are on the right space. You are on the growing space. I don’t want to say you are on the wrong space. You are on the growing space. Nachiketa, super authentic. He goes to the dad. The way he stands, by his presence, dad feels he is inauthentic. Nachiketa does not say a single word. He goes and stands. Understand if you are authentic, your breathing space will be authentic! Your breathing space will be authentic! I still remember once few fellows came to protest against me showing black flag. The moment my car stopped in front of them and I looked at their eyes, only there were 4, 5 fellows, I could see in that 3, 4 fellows dropped the flag and did namaskar ☺ I smiled at them and said go and have proper training and come back. Your breathing space will be authentic. Nachiketa goes and stands with that authenticity. He is not even hurting his dad when he sees inauthenticity. Of course many of my so called daughters and sons try to hurt me even though there is no inauthenticity in me. But what they think as inauthenticity they try to hurt, bite. But I think okay, you need to learn how to bite for your survival I will teach you that. Biggest sacrifice a lioness does is not feeding the cub but making herself available for the cub to learn hunting. So I make myself available for you to practice authenticity. Nachiketa just goes and stands in front of the dad and looks at him. Immediately father knows this fellow is here, Oh god! I can be 100% sure the dad would have looked at the security guards and thought why did you fellows allow him here, how did this fellow sneak in herer? He must have been grinding his teeth. But the security guards would have been standing saying the princess cannot be stopped. Sorry the prince cannot be stopped. I am always confused between the gender because inside me I have no idea of gender….i am confused between bride and bridegroom..so security guards would have just stood thinking prince we cannot stop.

Father would have thought in the mind he is a prince I know but he eats my life. And see the power of his authenticity, Nachiketa is not hurting the dad in anyway. He is not telling them. He is not telling him that you are inauthentic. He takes the responsibility for even his father’s inauthenticity. Understand he takes responsibility for this father’s inauthenticity. And he asks the dad – dad, you are supposed to give all the best things of your life. To whom will you give me? Means he is taking the responsibility on his shoulder. He does not say you are doing wrong…no. he just says father whom are you going to give me? ….see he takes the responsibility for the in authenticity of his father. That is authenticity. Authenticity means you take responsibility even for others inauthenticity. I can understand the power Nachiketa would have been feeling. The power Nachiketa would have been feeling. If you are authentic and you don’t take the responsibility for your dad’s inauthenticity, you would have felt powerless. What can I do, I want to give all good things, but my dad is not doing that…he is elder and shaastras says respect elders…you would have nicely discovered some word to justify your actions. So many other things he would have done. First of all you would have been very happy that your dad is giving away all the valuable things in the palace.

Nirvikalpa, Supriya. Ishwar sit straight.

You would have been very happy he is not giving away all the valuable things in the palace. I can have it after this death or when he is alive as I am the prince. No. Or even if you are authentic, you would have felt powerless and felt no, I am after all a powerless child, he is inauthentic, what can I do, and the shaastras, scriptures say you should not disrespect elders. You will come up with so many things. You are responsible even for you feeling powerful on other’s inauthenticity. Whenever I see others inauthenticity I feel I am responsible. That is why I feel empowered to transform them. When I start any program whether ASP, NSP, Inner Awakening or anything or satsang. Before I start the program, when I close my eyes and remember all the great masters, I feel responsible for people’s ignorance, suffering and inauthenticity. So I feel empowered to transform them. The moment I feel responsible for their inauthenticity I have been given the authority to transform them and bring authenticity into their life. And the moment I am empowered, I feel powerful, I simply see they listen to my words and transform themselves. I tell you if you want to transform anybody, this is the biggest problem, biggest question I received from people always husbands say I am not able to transform my wife and wives say I am not able to transform my husband. Means you are not authentic. When you stand in front of him or her, feel authentically responsible for the other person’s inauthenticity. Feel I am responsible for her or his inauthenticity. Then you will be empowered. You will feel empowered and you will naturally automatically start enriching yourself and others. Here, Nachiketa feels very authentically responsible for his dad’s inauthenticity. Can you imagine a child feels so authentically responsible for king’s inauthenticity and surely the Ujjaisravas or Vajasravas – because two names are used for his father. Can you get the spelling? Vaajasravas surely he may not have been a very polite nice man. Because further happening shows he is highly agitated man. Otherwise no dad will tell in any agitation or peak of irritation tell his son - let you die! Vajasrava would have been highly agitated irritated man. So Nachiketa would have had lot of experiences, shoutings from him. My ashramites know I will tell disappear. There is no such thing as do or die. If you die who will do? Just do! Even when they disappear they know, I will not allow you guys to disappear. There is no death for you guys. Either you learn, transform. Otherwise if you die, you will come back. I will drag you back and train you! and till you transform nothing can be done. You have to be trained. Enlightenment is your destiny whether you want it or not. Enforcing the enlightenment. He asks the dad – dad, to whom are you going to give me? It means he takes the responsiblity on his shoulder for Vajasravas’s inauthenticity. He is ready to give up himself to bring authenticity to his dad. He is ready to go to any extreme to bring authenticity to his dad. Not giving up on people! God! Nachiketa’s story is the best story on all these great truths, tatvaas – integrity, authenticity, responsibility, not giving up on people, enriching others lives, everything all these great values just in this one story. God! He does not give up on people even though he knows he can’t do anything directly to his dad. His dad is not a loving guy who will say oh my son Nachiketa you have come, please come, do you want to tell me anything? You are having question mark and surprise in your eyes? A dad can read the question mark in the child’s face, a dad can read the surprise mark in a child’s face.

Gurukul kids either you guys sit and be attentive or you will be leaving the hall. Do you guys want to sit and listen or leave? Be authentic. Otherwise how do you think your students are going to respect you? you are a mentor. They will question you back. You don’t listen to satsang properly and you come and question me. Not only you should listen properly you should sit in such a way that you are listening properly. Because you are acharyas, you are trainers. When you are train others not only you should be doing good but you should be showing others you are good. You should be good and people should also feel you are good. Because you are now responsible for people’s anyakaara about you not only your mamakaara and ahamkaara. Ok?

Nachiketa asks to whom are you going to give me up because you have to give up all the best things you have. Vaajasravas he is not responding because it is hurting him. Even though Nachiketa does not want to hurt. Nachiketa does not hurt because he takes the responsibility even for others inauthenticity. He neither feels hurt nor hurts. Vajaisravas on the other hand even though nobody hurts him, because of his own inauthenticity, he feels hurt. Nachiketa is not hurting him, Nachiketa is only sacrificing himself. But this guy feels hurt – what do you mean by asking me to whom are you going to give me up? I can see very clearly what Vajaisravas would have gone through ego – you are trying to teach me a lesson or what. You think you can sacrifice yourself and teach me a lesson or what? Shall I see what courage you have? You challenge me? I can teach you a lesson. You think you can teach me authenticity? I will shake you to your core and show you who I am. These all must be the thoughts Vaijaisravas must be going through because inauthenticity makes you feel weak. Whenever you are weak, you want to show you are a powerful. When you are really powerfully, you will show you are energetic. Understand when you are inauthentic you feel weak. Only when you are weak, you want to show you are powerful. Only powerless people show they are powerful. Powerful people show they are energetic. They don’t show they are powerful. But they show they are energetic. Vajaisravas feels inauthentic, powerless. Nachiketa is standing as a hero. I can just visualize Nachiketa a small child with his theeka and yajnopavita. Maybe he must have been just using this yajnopavita to scratch his back and talking to his dad – dad, to whom are you going to give me up? There is a chaos of agitation in the inner space of Vajaisravas. He becomes the clearance for anger, violence, powerlessness, hurting. He is not answering. But his silence is not silence. Just because he is not answering don’t think Vaijaisravas is silent. No . He is not speaking. There are few people who think they are silent. There are many people I have seen they put up a badge – I am silent. I am in silence. Keep quiet. Say I am not speaking because I want to escape from all the responsibility and commitment and cheat, just eat and naturally what you have to do after eating? You know that. Eat, sleep, sit and…silence means there are no words inside and you are not uttering it. If there are words inside and you are not uttering it - it is not silence. His silence was like slight withdrawal that happens before a storm. Ocean withdraws slightly before a Tsunami. That was the silence of Vajaisravas. But now Nachiketa proves himself to the next level by not giving up on people. Each one of you should become like Nachiketa. You will be beyond death. Each one of you should read Katopanishad and live like Nachiketa in authenticity. So beautifully the Upanishad puts it as “shraddavivecha- possessed by authenticity.” Shraddha has entered Nachiketa as if possessed. Shrad-a-vivecha. a- vivecha – means the spirit entered as if possessed. Shraddha has entered Nachitketa as if possessed. So none of his thinking or decision making is … everything – whether his thinking, words, cognizance everything is possessed by authenticity. When you experience shraddha vivecha, you live beyond death, you go beyond death! You become great master! See a 7 year old kid’s compassion, love, authenticity, God! Hats off to Nachiketa! So beautiful. He does not give up on his Dad and Nachiketa’s authenticity he would have really felt Vajaisravas is boiling!

Andaal, Jhansi wake up!

Nachiketa is very authentic guy. When you are with authenticity, you can see very clearly what is happening inside the other body to whom you feel responsible. I tell you if you want to learn the art of mind reading, if you want to know what is happening in others mind and heart, just take responsibility for them you will simply know what is inside them. When you take responsibility for them, you will simply know what is happening inside them. Nachiketa’s authenticity, the way he feels responsible for Vajaisravas, I can be 100% sure Nachiketa can see, was seeing I can see very clearly Nachiketa was seeing a huge boiling in Vajaisravas and he knows any moment it will explode. But nachiketa takes the responsibility, he feels responsible and he is ready to face the explosion. If you are afraid of other person’s explosion you are inauthentic. Many time my ashramites, bramhacharis, bramhacharinis think if I go and tell him about this, he may explode on me. I can see when somebody leaves, they will bring all stories about that person only after he leaves not when he is there. Why? Because if brought it then I will cross verify him to find out if you are 100% sure or not. Now he is not there, so you can tell whatever you want. I always tell people if you are bringing something which I cannot cross verify, there is inauthenticity in what you are bringing, in what you are presenting. Not giving up on people, the story beautifully says he asks again. I can visualize very clearly now. Leaving the yajnopaveeta with which he was scratching his back, he would have pulled the edge of his dad’s clothe - uttariya – papa- dad, to whom are you going to give me up? With the touch of Nachiketa, it must have been the initiation of authenticity. The boiling inauthenticity explodes. Only when it explodes it can leave the system. He bursts in the anger, violence. Let you die!

The usual way inauthenticity expresses. It expresses as power but experiences as powerlessness. Inauthenticity expresses as power and experiences as powerlessness. Authenticity experiences as energy and expresses as energy. I can say, I can put it in a better way - Authenticity experiences as energy and expresses as synergy. Synergy means feeling responsible even for others inauthenticity. Don’t come back to me again ever saying, I am really authentic, my team, my department is inauthentic. Nobody is listening to me. It means you are cheating yourself and trying to cheat me. Cheating you is atma droha and trying to cheat me is Guru Droha. Even Gurukul kids don’t bring complaints to me. They know. Who lives with reasons – chandalaas. Who lives with solutions – brahmanas! If somebody gives you reason who is that he – chandaala. If you give the reason then who are you – chandaala! So when somebody gives you the reason what you should do? Give them solutions, so that you live as brahmana and make others as brahmanas.

The way in authenticity expresses is power. Understand the quality of inauthenticity is inside you will experience powerlessness, outside you will express as power. Wherever you are using your power, understand you are inauthentic. Anywhere - in your office, or in your house, in your house if you are expressing the power of being the head of the family, you are inauthentic to the space of head of family. In your team if you are expressing the power of being the head of the team, you are inauthentic to the post of being head of team. If you are responsible, you won’t express power, you will express energy. Goes on transforming people. With inauthenticity, your mamakaara will be powerless, ahamkaara will express as power, your anyakaara will be violence!

Vajaisravas says let you die - to his own son! Understand, you need to understand the psyche of Vajaisravas. Vajaisravas is a guy who wants to live long because he is performing that yajna to live long. Anybody who wants to live long will naturally have a deep affinity towards their kids because if they cant live long, they will have affinifty to their kids because through their kids they can live long. What is the reason in many communities you have affinity to your biological kids? There are many tribes who don’t get attached even to their sexual partner… but even they get attached to their biological kids. Why? Because it is the plan B of living long. You have a plan A to live long as much as you can. But when the plan A fails naturally you know you have to die. So you have a plan B. Through your kids you can fulfil your unfulfilled dreams and live for some more time. Your kids are your plan B. I tell you – you yourself can live long, go beyond death, stretch yourself beyond death. You don’t need plan B. You stretching yourself beyond death is plan E. You don’t need plan A or plan B. you need plan E. You can stretch yourself beyond death!

Jnanatma slept that is why she did not clap. She missed the punch. If I told a punch and you did not listen to strong clapping sound. Be very clear she slept!

Plan A is trying to live with your body long, plan B is trying to live through your kids long, plan C is trying to live through your wealth or the charities you do for long just building a temple and in the stone carving such and such person built the temple with your statue and name. So even if your sons are not there, through this you will live long. Plan A trying to live through the body itself for long, plan B trying to live through your kids for long, plan C – trying to live through your memorials for long, plan D – trying to live through your charities for long - people sometime make charity foundations just to be remembered and live long. All four is not going to work. Plan E only will work – living through authenticity. So drop all four plans – plan a, b, c, d – trying to live forever using this body, or through your kids, or through the memorials or the charities or intellectual memorials discoveries you find. Your intellectual discovery is also a charity. Many people do this intellectual discover to live long. So all four plan A, B, C, D won’t work. If you do all four, you are only in the level of a, b, c, d. only plan E will work. Living with authenticity, stretching yourself beyond death. So today’s essence of the message is live authentically by stretching yourself beyond death – Plan E. Plan E is the plan for eternal life – Nithya Jeevitha. This guy Vajaisravas who was having the plan A, must be surely having the plan B in his heart. Means if he is not able to be alive, at least in the last moment before dying, he will be calling his son Nachiketa and saying oh my son, I hand over everything to you. Handover means what because you cannot carry it and go. Otherwise you are not the guy who will leave it and go. Because there is no you all service, you hault. He would say oh my son, I handover everything to you, please carry on, the way i lived a dharmic life, you continue all the dharma..means what? I will continue to live through you. I know Vajaisravas would not even be this graceful…he would have told please don’t forget me. Please don’t forget the dad. Remember always the dad. Oh my son. I know that is what would have been the last word of Vajaisravas.

And this guy for whom son is very important because he is plan B, says let you die! Means unconsciousness. Unconsciousness. But now Nachiketa proves he is authentic not only by the words, by action. He proves he is ready to sacrifice anything to enrich others. He just bows down to others and says I take leave of you Dad to go to the death. Will any child do? If your dad says go to death, you will touch his feet and say I am leaving……if you were there you will say, you fellow, you old bull, you die. Why should I die? I have to live. Aurangazeb should have just imprisoned Vajaisravas. If Aurangazeb was the son he would immediately say come on put him in prison, I have to live, it is time this fellow has to die! Polygamous life takes away the sacredness of life. You can see the truth of this statement in all Mughal emperor’s lives - how they get killed by their own sons, they get arrested by their own sons, they get tortured by their own sons with the help of their own wives. I tell you never be polygamous you will die as an orphan in your old age. Monogamous life is the biggest insurance you make for your old age. I have always seen polygamous people suffer a lot with the old age. Each one is thinks about somebody and laughs. I am laughing thinking of all the people all of you remembered and I am laughing ☺ each one of you remembers one person and laughing. I am remembering all people and laughing.

Nacchiketa strectehces now to his father’s anyakaara ultimate authenticity by sacrificing his life! Understand your father expects you to burn yourself so that he is going to get some benefit, are you going to do it? Not even a benefit, because he is angry with you. See even if he is not angry and does for some benefit you will think he is a nice guy let me do this for him.. but now you will think let me burn you!....angry changes the whole context. If Vajaisravas was very humble and silent - oh my son, can you go to death, it will really help me, I will have some good things from that. And if nachiketa does it, you cannot call it as authenticity. It will be called as sacrifice. Many people have done that. Just for father’s life, sons have don’t that. In Maha Bhaaraatha there are stories about it. But here father is violent, angry son knows it and he is ready to stretch to the anyakaara of his father who is inauthentic. He is ready to stretch to the anyakaara of his father who is inauthentic to extent of giving up his life! There are stories in Maha Bharatha - Yayati story his sons and grandsons gave up their life for him. Yayati was begging his sons to give their life for him…it was sacrifice there, not ..

I used to think why Yama is not giving big techniques for enlightenment. He is giving simply processes. Now I know Nachiketa was already enlightened before going to Yama. He was only giving few simple processes so Nachiketa realizes his avataric mission. Yama is doing only coronation, not creation! To the father who is angry, he is ready to sacrifice for his in authenticity. Even if father is not angry and is getting some benefit and he sacrifices his life, there is a justification. But here he knows it is said with angry. He takes responsibility and stretches for his father’s inauthenticity. He leaves to Yama. When he leaves now the father feels the powerlessness of his mamakaara…he feels oh now plan b is going away, what will happen if plan a fails? Whenever you make plan b, understand you are a clearance for failure of plan A. that is why you make plan B. Whenver ppl tell me I am thinking of making money and come to ashram Swamiji, I tell them.

And you are waiting for plan a to fail. At least to make plan b to win, you will fail plan a. I tell you if you made money and kept in the bank for security and came to ashram you are waiting for something to happen and justify oh god I have done a great thing by keeping security. That is why now I am saved! Plan B is preparation for making plan A to fail. Now Vajaisravas knows his plan B is failing. His plan B nachiketa is leaving him to die. And he knows in his mind plan A may fail anytime. That is why he was working on plan B. Now understand whenever plan B is failing even if plan A is not failing, you will feel powerless and shaken. I can see very clearly Vajaisravas was gasping for breath. I can tell you from Aakashik Records Vajaisravas was gasping for breath! Because plan B is leaving. He is shaking, shivering. He says oh my son! Don’t go, don’t go. In some mood, I gave that word. I told that word. Don’t do it. Don’t go. Unconsciousness. His ahamkaara which feels powerful says you are not needed in my life if you don’t respect my ahamkaara. His mamakaara which is powerless says no, no you are needed for my life, you are my power. I feel powerless without you. His mamakaara says I feel powerless without you, I need you in my life, his ahamkaara says /////if you don’t respect my ahamkaara. Aham is the one which said let you die. Mamakaara is the one now saying don’t do, don’t go. Oh my son I told you in agitation and irritation, don’t go. But Nachiketa is very authentic. He is not leaving because of anger. He does not have violence towards his father, he does not have anger towards his father. Do you know the first boon he asks when he meets Yama dharma raja is let my father have good feelings about me. When Yama dharma gives 3 boons, he says 1st boon – let my father have good feelings about me and live happily with me. If you would have been given 3 boons 1st boon itself you will think let me ask whatever I want. Because yama dharma may say it is over after that!

I read a one liner - somebody calls a lawyer in USA and asks Sir how much you charge. He says 100 dollars for three questions. That much? Lawyer says – yes. And he asks what is your 3rd question? ☺ First he asks how much do you charge. Lawyer says 100$ for 3 questions. This guy says that much? And the lawyer says yes and what is your 3rd question? Who knows Yama may behave like that. So better let me ask what I want first. Then maybe as a 3rd point, I will tell yama let my father have a good relationship with me, let’s have good relationship please do something. No. he is not giving up on people. Understand this whole Katopanishad is built on enriching others. When you have seen death and when you are already friends with him, why will you ask for the science of people becoming friends with him, why will you bother about people becoming friends with him. When you became close friend of Prime Minister or president why will you bother about others being friends you will say let us both stay in white house and lock the white house so that nobody else shares this. No. nachiketa stands for enriching others.

I tell you this four English words are the best words I have ever learnt. I have learnt 1000s of Sanskrit words which means this same four words, English words. But this four naturally because I am going to teach in English. These 4 words – integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching others and you…thanks to ma maneesha she gave these four words to me. I have to put it on record. Let this be on record. I have learnt many things from my disciples. But these words I learnt from her. I might have known these ideas, but only with Sanskrit words. I would have never been able to make this impact and enriching all of you with Sanskrit words. These four English words becomes my vedas!

Nachiketa has seen Yama. Then now what more he needs? But the first thing he asks let my dad have all the good feelings about me. Let all the ill feelings be removed. God! The fellow who is in authentic out of anger and violence tells his own son you go and die. Just imagine will you ever do this? For example, if your dad he is a drunkard, gambling, cheating you go and try to tell him not to do all that and he kicks you pours petrol on you and tries to burn you, will you bless him? And say please let you not have ill feelings towards me? Even if somebody goes and hugs you will say fool! You would have hugged the dad so that in the same fire he would also be burnt!

I have not even done 50% of the story. Still the climax has not started. I am giving you interval. Nachiketa walks towards death. The house of death lord Yama father feeling powerless that his plan B is leaving. Father does not feel his son is leaving, but his plan B is leaving. The guys like Vajaisravas who is inauthentic will not have love. Understand an n inauthentic guy will not have love. He will have dependency but will never have love. An authentic guy will have tremendous love and no dependency. When I tell people I don’t miss you they feel hurt. Understand because I am authentic I do not miss you because I don’t miss you, I have love for you. If I tell you anytime I miss you, understand it is like w a cub brings grass, a lion cub which thinks he is a sheep. Because he thinks he is a cow, he brings grass to lion also, but because the cub brings lion takes it and turns its head to spit ...and turns this side and says it is such a beautiful grass, where did you get it, I have never tasted such beautiful grass. He is just telling you in your language I care for you. Whenever in your language I tell you I miss you I am telling I care for you but authentically with integrity I don’t miss you!

Even if you don’t have authenticity , somehow get entangled with a guy who is authentic. Whether father, mother, guru or god, somehow. See the cub, he got entangled with lion which is embodiment of authenticity and became lion! See Vajaisravas. He got entangled with his son even though he is inauthentic. He got liberated because his son is authenticity and Vajaisravas is liberated. Even if you are in authentic, somehow either by hook or crook, entangle with a person who is entangled with authenticity and hang on to him, don’t leave. Whether you know it or not, whether you feel like slave or not, just hold on to him. He will liberate you. whether you are in a/c coach, 1st class, 2nd class, 3rd class, unreserved, or hanging in the conductor’s last coach, or hanging to the luggage coach, hang on. Don’t give up. You will reach the destination. Sometimes in India we even sit on top of the train. What sometimes, now you will see for Kumbamela. If a train’s capacity is 1000, it will bring at least 5000. Don’t think some protest is going on seeing this photo. People are travelling.

<pic is shown>

No. if you see this in some other country, they may think people are not allowing the train to move. No they are waiting for the train to move. Hang on. Just don’t leave. The authentic person may happen in your life as a Guru, or as a son or as a father, or as a son in some form. Hang on, hang on, hang on! You will reach the destination. For Vaijaisravas his plan B is going away. He is shivering. Feeling insecured, powerless. He says don’t go, don’t go, my son, my son! Behaving like a bison and crying my son, my son! Nachiketa goes to the lord of death Yama – yama’s house. He waits there for 2 ½ days with this power of authenticity he stretches himself beyond body and mind. What happens next, wait to know till tomorrow! With this four great maha vaakya – integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching I think I have to re-tell all the Upanishadic stories and Puranic stories! I have learnt so many beautiful things from my disciples. But this is the most beautiful thing I learnt from my disciples - these four words- Integrity, authenticity, responsibility, and enriching others and yourself. And I wanted this to be on record forever. I learnt these words from ma maneesha. I may be giving 1000s of interpretations in the future. But the basic words and definitions I have learnt from her. Let this be on record. Because I am going to use these words and give 1000s of new interpretations. Saraswathi – no outsider will know the source but always honours the source. When you express knowledge, no outsider onlooker will know where you learnt but by her own innate quality she honours the source from where she learnt. The quality of the very river Saraswathi, nobody knows from where she is bringing out, but she always honours and lives in the space from where she is bringing out. Ganga is jnana, Jamuna is bhakti, Saraswathi is enlightenment. All 3 have all qualities of these 3. Ganga – wild, breaking any peak of Himalayas, shaking Himalayas. The very source from which she is born she shakes the whole thing. Jnaana the very source from which it is born it shakes the whole thing. It may be born from your mind but it will shake your mind. Jamuna flows beautifully gently not much ups and down, very smooth goes very sweetly and merges into Ganga and just sweetly relaxes. Where Ganga has reached, Jamuna also reaches without any work. Bhakti is lazy man’s guide to enlightenment! ☺ That is why even though 1/10th of the world population lives on the banks of Ganga, please understand 1/10th of the world’s population lives on Ganga, it is a fact. See the Ganges documentary by BBC it says 1/0th of world population lives on banks of ganga. 10% of world population lives on the banks of Ganga. But even though 1/10th of the worlds pop lives on banks of Ganges, there can never be big cities on banks of Ganga like on the banks of Yamuna because she is soft, unpredictable. Only in Calcutta it is on banks of ganga because by that place she is merging into ocean. Ocean is more predictable than Ganga. Only there big settlement happens. Nowhere else you see a huge settlement even though 1/10th of the worlds’ population lives on the banks of the ganga because she is wild, even now she changes her course! I think I am in my mood! That is why every word I utter I go on expanding, expanding, expanding! I know now I cannot put any damn. But the time is a big Tehri damn it cannot stop the Ganga, but it will store the Ganga for you guys to enjoy tomorrow! With this I will move to the next segment of morning satsang - Dial the avatar. I will continue about Nachiketa’s story tomorrow in tomorrow’s satsang. I don’t know about you guys. I enjoyed! That’s all!

Dial the avatar – Pittsburg (done pada puja done today) I name Pittsburg - Pittsburg Piraanmalai means the hill of lord. We will have a Vishnu temple in Pittsburg, Venkateshwara temple in Pittsburg. Maybe there is one already. But we will be having our Vedic temple very soon. We will have one more to have authentic vedic tradition and rituals. Blessings! Name the center Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam Pitts burg that’s all. Soon when we have the temple it will be Nithyananda Vedic Temple – Pittsburg.

London Kaashi – pada puja (done on 6th Jan) Blessings to the whole London Kaashi sangha. I accepted your pp. I am talking to Anders now? Yes, I read your whole note. I accept your gratitude and I am with you. You will have it. Blessings! You will have it; Atmadayaki – Blessings!; Sarvika – Blesssings….I think you guys can write to Google to remove this cult blog also. All of you write to Google to get it removed; Ananda Prema Sakhi – Blessings. Did you see my likes on your photographs? I really like them. I will see to it that you will receive my complete blessings to represent me and my message and mission. You will be my Kaala Bhairava in London Kashi; Kevin – Blessings! I am with you guys. Don’t ever think you guys are small, just handful of people. Don’t think. 5 is too big number. You guys can rock. Vibrate as one you will be equivalent to millions of billions. Even if you are two people vibrate as one, you are equal to the universe. The whole universe vibrates as one.

Understand, any center having this complex, this number problem we are less number remember - even if you are two, if you vibrate as one, you are equivalent as universe. Because universe vibrates as one. It is the frequency matters not the number. “How many people come frequently does not matter, it is the frequency which matters” - London Kaashi write this message as the message given to London sangha and to Nithyananda sangha.

Blessings! Why I gave London Kaashi you know? You will have group of temples there not just one. Blessings! When London came to India they try to disturbed Kaashi. But when Kaashi comes to London, we will enrich London because we live the enriching. Great! Blessings. So Prema Sakhi you are my Governor general. Ok. Kaala Bhairava. Blessings to the whole London Kaashi!

When you don’t know the lyrics and hum that is more tasty than singing the lyrics. Knowing the lyrics and singing is like you heard the lyrics again and again and you are singing means you are in marriage. But if you don’t know the lyrics and you are humming it is like still you are in love!

Laura Tyler Los Angeles – pada puja (done on 6th jan) – blessings. I accept your pp and I read your whole note. Blessings. I will meditate and my blessings to the whole family to be debt free to have wealth. My blessings! Yes, my blessings for the trading options and stock market and your mom completed the ns. My blessings for her also. Blessings to Stephanie and your old sister patty. Anything else you want to tell me? Blessings. I will meditate and support you and make it happen (next IA) blessings let you be successful in yoru relationship also Carlos J Ranos. Blessings. I am with you.

Rajeev Basantha – paada puja (done on 6th jan) I accepted your pada puja. My blessings for your birthday. Birthday blessings. Nov 20th was your birthday. I read your note that you are 13 yrs old, my presence will be with you and I will ensure that you live a great positive, enlightened life. Blessings. you will move happily and right direction in you teenager life. Blessings! I am with you. Dharani Maata from Dharmagiri Sai temple who is in Hyd ashram for satsang- Blessings. She relates to Puttaparthi or Shirdi – oh shirdi sai baba as her child and takes care of everything. She is relating to Swamiji like that only.

It is the 3rd day last day of Ganesha process. Todmorrow we will start the banyan tree process. Visualize you are a huge Ganesha fillign yoru body with really large quanities of food so that your body does not need any more food. You bcome niraahaaris.

“Om gam ganapathaye namaha”

Relax. You can open your eyes. I bless you all to become Niraahaarsi. Today the time for you to enter into minutesforpeace.org is 215 minutes.

I bless you all who are sitting with us at this moment around the world in 701 places through Nithyananda TV, in 29 places through 2 way Video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, in 291 cities, 31 countries around the world as per ! Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate, share and explode & enrich with eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you!


Photos Of The Day:




