January 06 2024

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Kailasa's Paramashivoham Season 7 - Level 1, Level 2 & Level 3 - Day 12


Life is accumulation. You consistently accumulate something in your life, consciously or not

Life is accumulation. You consistently accumulate something in your life, consciously or not. If you are conscious, organized, and active, you accumulate wealth; otherwise, you accumulate poverty. Either you progress or lose, but accumulation is your life. Manifesting wealth is not a struggle to attract something out of reach or difficult to obtain; it is an inner state. You need to take responsibility for your desire and align your thoughts and actions in the right direction without being obsessed with the expected outcome.

If you are stuck at the level of wealth, unable to make money, don't worry, here is how to break out. You are stuck because of beliefs, thought currents that do not lead you to create wealth and keep you in a state of scarcity. With the right process and guidance, you can identify them and replace them with empowering beliefs that will allow you to create the life you want.

Begin your journey to wealth and abundance. Break free from limiting beliefs and manifest a mindset of abundance. Join Paramashivoham Level-3 for the guidance you need. Register now: https://ecitizen.info/psm

Kailasa's Hindu Voting

Over the years, THE SUPREME PONTIFF OF HINDUISM (SPH) elaborately unveiled the science of attracting wealth, revealing that we do not manifest what we desire, but what we believe and perceive as our reality. For instance, if one desires wealth but harbors a belief that wealthy people are inherently bad, this conflicting mindset will naturally act as a barrier to manifesting wealth. Our beliefs create an energy field around us, which in turn attracts people and situations that align with our inner cognitions. Wealth is a direct extension of you and a reflection of the life energy you express. Revering poverty is not spiritual, as it leads to its manifestation and is synonymous with non-creativity. On the other hand, manifesting wealth through contribution matures your being and makes you grow.

Reflect and share your thoughts:
Cast your vote! To learn more about the science of wealth creation from Hinduism, enroll at KAILASA's Nithyananda Hindu University: https://nithyanandauniversity.org

For more revelations and teachings from THE SPH on wealth consciousness and the secrets of attracting wealth, visit: https://youtube.com/playlist...

Source Video: https://www.facebook.com/srinithyananda/posts/pfbid0uQVokrfRZB741Cr3KAtjKWDhRxnmfgBBfvXKK3SagrrYhZgTGwd5UBmD7nkHRAGKl

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